orativo Lanix de C V W250 SMART PHONE User Manual

Corporativo Lanix S.A. de C.V. SMART PHONE

User manual

1  Ilium W250 User Manual
2  Content Get Started ....................................................................... 3 Insert SIM card ........................................................... 3 Insert Memory card .................................................... 3 Charge the Battery or Connect to a Computer ............... 4 Keys and Parts ................................................................... 5 Lock and Unlock the Screen ............................................... 6 Make it yours .................................................................... 7 Add more icons to Home Screen ........................................ 8 Adding icons to home screen ....................................... 8 Rearranging or removing icons on your Home screen..... 8 Enter Application screen.................................................... 9 Open and Switch Applications ...................................... 9 Switch to Recently Used Application ........................... 10 Make a Call ..................................................................... 11 Call Log ........................................................................... 12 Reject a Call by Sending a Busy Message .......................... 13 Add a Contact ................................................................. 14 Send and Receive Message(s) .......................................... 15 Browse the Web .............................................................. 18 Download Applications From Store .................................. 20 Maintenance & Safety ..................................................... 21 bluetooth ........................................................................ 22
3  Get Started Insert SIM card To insert SIM card: 1.  Switch  off  the  mobile  phone  and  remove  the  rear  cover  and battery. 2. Insert the SIM card correctly in the card slot (See figure below)   3. Finally insert the battery and replace the rear cover of the mobile phone. Insert Memory card 1.  Power  off  the  mobile  phone  and  remove  the  rear  cover  and battery. 2. Insert the Micro SD card into the slot. 3. Finally insert the battery and the rear cover of the mobile phone. Note:  After  user  inserts  the  Micro  SD  card  into  the  slot,  you  must reboot  the  mobile  phone;  otherwise  the  mobile  phone  will  not SIM Card
4 identify the Micro SD card.   Use  only  compatible  memory  cards  for  use  with  this  device. Incompatible memory cards may damage the card or the device and corrupt the data stored in the card.   Charge the Battery or Connect to a Computer You  can  charge  your  battery  using  the  charger  or  connect  the  USB cable (supplied with this phone) to the computer. Note:  Please  use  the  specific  battery,  otherwise  it  may  cause explosion.    Micro SD card
5 Keys and Parts The smart phone supports 3G Card and gives you marvelous feelings to experience on Camera, Video recorder, FM radio, Music and Sound recorder. Let you install various APPs, games, and more (supports APK format) by downloading from Store.            Front camera Headset port USB jack Back Windows key Search Volume Up/down Camera Lens Speaker LCD Receiver  Power
6 Lock and Unlock the Screen Press power  button to enter Sleep mode  and meanwhile the screen will be  locked; press power  button again to wake up  and then  from down to up sliding screen.
7 Make it yours 1) Home screen: It is your starting point to access all the features on your phone. It displays application icons.   2) Notification Bar:  At the  top of  the screen, the  Status bar  displays the time, status, and notifications. If there is a new message, missed call or something in the notification bar, you can drag it down to open notification panel and click the desired one to have a view. When you finished, you can close it by dragging the panel up or pressing “Back”. 3) Application screen: Slide left the main screen, enter the application interface, shows all of the application.                Notification Bar Home screen Application screen
8 Add more icons to Home Screen Adding icons to home screen Enter Application interface and long press and hold an application till appear  the  options  menu,  and  then  select  pin  to  start, application will appear in the main screen at the bottom. Rearranging or removing icons on your Home screen   a).  Long  press  and  hold  the  icon  you  want  to  move.  Until  the  icon bigger. Drag the icon to a new location on the screen. b). Press and hold  on  an  icon  till  the  icon  bigger,  then  click  on  the  upper  right corner of the icon, the application will removed.
9 Enter Application screen Open and Switch Applications The  Launcher holds icons  for  all  of  the applications  on  your phone, including  any application  that  you  downloaded  from  Store  or  other sources. On the Home screen, scroll left the home screen, enter the application interface.                    Press Windows icon or Back icon to close the Application screen.      Touch an application to open it. Slide  the  screen  up  or down to bring more icons into view.
10 Switch to Recently Used Application Press and hold the Back icon for a few seconds.    Touch to open the application
11 Make a Call   On the start screen choose Phone  icon and enter a complete phone number to make a call.                    Slide the screen to right  Click the icon  Make a call
12 Call Log In  call  log  options,  you  can Make  a  call,  add  new  contact  and  send message etc.          Short press this place. Touch the number to Dial out. Short press this place to add the new Contact.
13 Reject a Call by Sending a Busy Message While  there is  an  incoming  call, you  are  inconvenient to accept  the call, and then you can send a busy message for rejecting the call. Click text reply, some  busy messages  will show on  the screen, short tap any of them to send out.
14 Add a Contact Tap People and then add a contact (see figure below.) Tap “ ” to add a new contact to Phone or SIM card.                Select storage location.
15 Send and Receive Message(s) Enter Messaging, and then compose new message. You touch a text field where you want to enter text, to open the keyboard.                     a. When  you  are  composing  a  new  text  message,  you  can  select text for cutting or copying. The selected text is highlighted in blue.   Tap  this  to  select desired  contact  from phonebook.  Click on the switch digital keyboard. Click on the add attachments.
16  Touch  the  text  field  or  portion  that  contains  text.  (see  the below figure)              You can select all contexts, copy and paste.  b. When  a  new  message  comes,  you  can  read  by  dragging notification panel and click the message, or entering Message to read it directly.        Tap this to copy.  Tap this to paste.
17  11..  LLoonngg  pprreessss  oonnee  ooff  tthhee  aallll  mmeessssaaggee  tthhrreeaadd,,  yyoouu  ccaann  ddeelleettee  tthhee  mmeessssaaggee  tthhrreeaadd..  22..  TToouucchh  aanndd  hhoolldd  aa  mmeessssaaggee  iinn  aa  mmeessssaaggee  ccoonnvveerrssaattiioonn  wwiinnddooww..                            3. Touch Forward in the menu that opens. 4. Add a contact. 5. Touch Send icon to send the message.
18 Browse the Web  a. Set up Internet/Data connection Enter Settings > Cellular + SIM > SIM settings, scroll down to find out edit  internet  APN,  and  then  enter  “Access  Points  Names,  choose  the desired WAP account.               b. Switch on Data connection or WiFi                   Touch it to switch on or off WiFi or Data connection
19 To browse the web, you need switch on Data connection. If there is WiFi around, you can switch on WiFi to use it browse the web. Some may need password.
20 Download Applications From Store  a. Add a Microsoft account              b. Enter Store and download apps.
21 Maintenance & Safety Please read and observe the following information for safe and proper use of your phone and to prevent damage. Also, keep the user guide in an accessible place at all the times after reading it.  1. After sales service Kindly refer to the Warranty Card provided in the sales package box.   2. Charger and Adapter Safety Charger and adapter are designed for indoor use only.   3. Battery Information and Care  oPlease use the specific battery, otherwise it will cause explosion.  oPlease dispose of your battery properly.  oDo not disassemble or short-circuit the battery.  oKeep the battery’s metal contacts clean.  oRecharge the battery after long periods of non-use to maximize battery life.  oBattery life  will vary due  to usage  patterns and environmental conditions.  oThe self-protection function of the battery cuts the power of the phone when its operation is in an abnormal status. In this case, remove the battery from the phone, reinsert it, and turn the phone on.   4. General Notice Using a damaged battery or placing a battery in your mouth may cause serious injury.  oDo not  place  items containing  magnetic  components such  as  a credit card, phone card, bank book, or subway ticket near your phone. The  magnetism  of  the  phone  may  damage  the  data  stored  in  the magnetic strip.
22  oTalking  on your phone  for long period  of  time may reduce  call quality due to heat generated during use.  oWhen the phone is not used for a long period time, store it in a safe place with the power cord unplugged.  oUsing the phone in proximity to receiving equipment (i.e. TV or Radio) may cause interference to the phone.  oDo  not  immerse  your  phone  in  water.  If  this  happens,  remove the battery and take it to an Authorized Service Center.  oDo not paint your phone.  oThe data saved in your phone might be deleted due to careless use, repair of the phone, or upgrade of the software. Please backup your important phone numbers. (Ring tones, text messages, voice messages, picture,  and  videos  could  also  be  deleted.)  The  manufacturer  is  not liable for damage due to the loss of data.  oDo  not  turn  your  phone  on  or  off  when  the  phone  is  close  to your ear.  Warning:  Company  will  not  bear  any  responsibility  for  any incompliance with the above guidelines or improper use of the  mobile phone.  Our  company  keeps  the  right  to  make  modifications  to  any  of the  content  here  in  this  user  guide  without  public  announcement  in advance. The content of this manual may vary from the actual  content displayed in the device. In such case, the latter shall govern.
23 Bluetooth  1. Set  the  Bluetooth on.    First  select  the  “settings”,then  select  the “bluetooth”,and then select the “on”.
24  2. Select  the  pair  phone  you  need.When  the  note  change  to “connected”,the two phone have become a pair.   3. transmit   For  an  example,I  transmit a  photo  ,I  select  the  photo  I  need,and  then touch the “share” button.
25 .  4. In the “share”, select the “Bluetooth”
26  5. Choose the Bluetooth device   6. the  photo  transmit  to  meitu  phone,and  the  meitu  phone  will receive a message,
27   7. when  the  photo  transmit  succeed,the  note  change  to  “ransfer complete”.
28   8. receive I  use  the  meitu  phone  transmit  a  photo  to  W6108-AOE  phone, the AOE phone receive a message.
29  9. I  select  the  “accept”,the  meitu  phone  will  transfer,and  the  AOE phone  will  receive.When  the  AOE  phone’s  note  is  change  to “done and saved,tap to view”,it is succeed,you can press this note to see the photo or go to the “photos” to see it .
31 FCC Regulations: This mobile phone complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject  to  the  following two conditions:  (1) This  device may  not cause  harmful  interference,  and  (2)  this  device  must  accept  any interference  received,  including  interference  that  may  cause undesired operation. This  mobile  phone  has  been  tested  and  found  to  comply  with  the limits  for  a  Class  B  digital  device,  pursuant  to  Part  15  of  the  FCC Rules.  These  limits  are  designed  to  provide  reasonable  protection against  harmful  interference  in  a  residential  installation.  This equipment generates, uses and can radiated radio frequency energy and,  if  not  installed  and  used  in  accordance  with  the  instructions, may cause  harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation  If  this  equipment  does  cause  harmful  interference  to radio  or  television  reception,  which  can  be  determined  by  turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  FCC Note: Caution:  Changes  or  modifications  not  expressly  approved  by  the party  responsible for  compliance  could  void the  user‘s  authority  to operate the equipment.
32 RF Exposure Information (SAR) This phone is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the United States.    During  SAR  testing,  this  device  was  set  to  transmit  at  its  highest certified  power  level  in  all  tested  frequency  bands,  and  placed  in positions  that simulate  RF exposure  in usage  against the  head  with no  separation,  and  near  the  body  with  the  separation  of  10  mm. Although the SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR level of the device while operating can be well below the  maximum  value.   This  is  because  the  phone  is  designed  to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the power required to  reach  the  network.   In  general,  the  closer  you  are  to  a  wireless base station antenna, the lower the power output.  The  exposure  standard  for  wireless  devices  employing  a  unit  of measurement is known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR.  The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6W/kg.   This  device  is  complied  with  SAR  for  general  population /uncontrolled  exposure  limits  in  ANSI/IEEE  C95.1-1992  and  had been  tested  in  accordance  with  the  measurement  methods  and procedures specified  in  IEEE1528.  This  device  has  been  tested and meets  the  FCC RF exposure  guidelines when  tested with  the  device directly contacted to the body.    The  FCC  has  granted  an  Equipment  Authorization  for  this  model phone with all  reported SAR  levels evaluated as in compliance with the  FCC  RF  exposure  guidelines. SAR  information  on  this  model
33 phone  is  on  file  with  the  FCC  and  can  be  found  under  the  Display Grant section of www.fcc.gov/oet/ea/fccid after searching on FCC ID: ZC4W250.  For this device, the highest reported SAR value for usage against the head is 1.13 W/kg, for usage near the body is 1.08 W/kg.  While  there  may  be  differences  between  the  SAR  levels  of  various phones  and  at  various  positions,  they  all  meet  the  government requirements.  SAR  compliance  for  body-worn  operation  is  based  on  a  separation distance of 10 mm between the unit and the human body. Carry this device at  least 10  mm away from your body to ensure  RF  exposure level compliant or lower to the reported level. To support body-worn operation,  choose  the  belt  clips  or  holsters, which  do  not contain metallic  components,  to  maintain  a  separation  of  10 mm between this device and your body.   RF exposure  compliance  with  any  body-worn  accessory,  which contains metal, was not tested and certified, and use such body-worn accessory should be avoided.

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