Quark XPress Server 2017 User Guide QXPS EN

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A Guide to QuarkXPress
Server 2017

Conventions .................................................................................1
Getting started with QuarkXPress Server ...................................3
QuarkXPress Server architecture......................................................................3
Understanding QuarkXPress Server .................................................................3
Server templates and static projects.........................................................................4
The document pool and the Streaming Document Provider....................................4
Projects and layouts ..................................................................................................5
Job Jackets and resources ........................................................................................5
Caching .....................................................................................................................5
QuarkXPress Server preferences...............................................................................6
Quark License Administrator.....................................................................................6
Master-renderer environment ...................................................................................6
Changing logging levels in “log4j2.xml“..................................................................7
Understanding QuarkXPress Server XTensions software .................................8
The QuarkXPress Server XTensions API ....................................................................8
Configuring QuarkXPress Server for launch .....................................................9
Launching QuarkXPress Server.......................................................................10
Quitting QuarkXPress Server .........................................................................10

The QuarkXPress Server user interface .....................................11
Navigation pane..............................................................................................12
Administration menu.......................................................................................17
General Preferences dialog box .............................................................................18
Renderer Preferences dialog box............................................................................20
Job Jackets dialog box ...........................................................................................29
App Studio preferences ..........................................................................................29
Check Out License dialog box................................................................................29

Using QuarkXPress Server .........................................................30
Creating URL requests ....................................................................................30
Understanding URL requests ..................................................................................30
Understanding QuarkXPress Server namespaces ...................................................31
Understanding QuarkXPress Server parameters.....................................................32
Supported interfaces ......................................................................................32
The Dynamic Publishing Process (DPP) ...........................................................33


Getting started ...............................................................................................33
Getting started: HTTP and HTTPS ..........................................................................33
Getting started: Web services.................................................................................39
QXP Server Manager ..............................................................................................49
Using the Web interface .................................................................................50
Understanding rendering........................................................................................50
Understanding logging ...........................................................................................51
Understanding render types ...................................................................................52
Understanding render modifiers .............................................................................87
Using content modifiers..........................................................................................96
Using XML modify.................................................................................................104
Using XML deconstruct and construct ..................................................................120
Working with indexes............................................................................................162
Working with cross references ..............................................................................164
Creating and using hyperlinks ..............................................................................165
Using the Streaming Document Provider .............................................................166
Using administrative request handlers..................................................................167
Using the QXPSM SDK .................................................................................188
Writing a Java QXPSM client ................................................................................188
Writing a .NET QXPSM client ...............................................................................190
Writing an Objective-C client for Mac OS or iOS .................................................192
Extending QuarkXPress Server Manager ..............................................................195
Sample applications ......................................................................................201
Sample applications: QXP Server Manager ..........................................................201
Sample applications legal notice ..........................................................................202

QuarkXPress Server Features ..................................................211
Dynamic Pagination and Flow.......................................................................211
Dynamic Pagination and Flow Problem ................................................................212
Dynamic Pagination and Flow Solution ................................................................213
Landscape pagination ...................................................................................216
Automatic callout stacking............................................................................220
Automatic callout stacking example .....................................................................221
Nested anchoring..........................................................................................222
Nested anchoring examples .................................................................................222

Modifier schema (annotated) ...................................................225
Entities (Modifier DTD) .................................................................................225
ADDCELLS (Modifier schema).......................................................................226
ALIGNHORSETTINGS (Modifier schema)......................................................226
ALIGNVERSETTINGS (Modifier schema).......................................................227
ALLOWBOXOFFPAGE (Modifier schema).....................................................228
ALLOWBOXONTOPASTEBOARD (Modifier schema)....................................228
ANCHOREDBOXREF (Modifier schema).......................................................228
ARTICLE (Modifier schema)...........................................................................230

ii | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017

AUTHOR (Modifier schema) ..........................................................................230
BNSTYLE (Modifier schema) .........................................................................231
BOTTOM (Modifier schema) .........................................................................231
BOTTOMGRID (Modifier schema) .................................................................231
BOX (Modifier schema) .................................................................................233
BOXATTRIBUTE (Modifier schema) ...............................................................236
BOXREF (Modifier schema)...........................................................................238
CALLOUTANCHOR (Modifier schema)..........................................................239
CALLOUTBOXREF (Modifier schema) ...........................................................240
CELL (Modifier schema) ................................................................................240
CHILDID (Modifier schema)...........................................................................243
CLIPPING (Modifier schema).........................................................................243
COLGROUP (Modifier schema) .....................................................................246
COLSPEC (Modifier schema) .........................................................................246
COLUMN (Modifier schema) .........................................................................247
COLUMNFLOW (Modifier schema) ...............................................................249
COLUMNSPAN (Modifier schema) ................................................................250
COLUMNSPLIT (Modifier schema) ................................................................250
COMPONENT (Modifier schema)..................................................................251
COMPOSITIONZONE (Modifier schema)......................................................253
CONDITIONALMASTERPAGEREFERENCE (Modifier schema) .....................255
CONTENT (Modifier schema)........................................................................256
CONTENTPH (Modifier schema) ...................................................................258
CONTINUEDHEADER (Modifier schema)......................................................259
CONTINUEDTROWSTYLE (Modifier schema) ...............................................259
CONTOUR (Modifier schema) .......................................................................260
CONTOURS (Modifier schema) .....................................................................260
COPYFIT (Modifier schema) ..........................................................................261
COPYRIGHT (Modifier schema).....................................................................261
DATAPROVIDER (Modifier schema) ..............................................................261
DEL (Modifier schema) ..................................................................................262
DELETECELLS (Modifier schema)..................................................................262
DESCRIPTION (Modifier schema)..................................................................262
DROPCAP (Modifier schema)........................................................................263
EBOOKMETADATA (Modifier schema)..........................................................263
ENTRY (Modifier schema) .............................................................................264
EVENTCOLSTYLE (Modifier schema) ............................................................265
EVENTROWSTYLE (Modifier schema)...........................................................266
FIRSTTCOLSTYLE (Modifier schema) ............................................................266
FIT (Modifier schema) ...................................................................................267
FITTEXT (Modifier schema) ...........................................................................268
FOOTER (Modifier schema) ..........................................................................270
FOOTERTROWSTYLE (Modifier schema) ......................................................270
FORMAT (Modifier schema) ..........................................................................270

A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | iii

FRAME (Modifier schema) ............................................................................273
GEOMETRY (Modifier schema) .....................................................................275
GRID (Modifier schema) ................................................................................277
GRIDLINE (Modifier schema) ........................................................................278
GROUP (Modifier schema) ............................................................................281
GROUPCHARACTERS (Modifier schema)......................................................282
GROWACROSS (Modifier schema)................................................................283
GROWDOWN (Modifier schema)..................................................................283
HEADER (Modifier schema) ..........................................................................283
HEADTROWSTYLE (Modifier schema) ..........................................................283
HEIGHT(Modifier schema).............................................................................284
HIDDEN (Modifier schema)...........................................................................284
HYPERLINK (Modifier schema) .....................................................................286
ID (Modifier schema).....................................................................................287
INDEXTERM (Modifier schema) ....................................................................288
INLINEBOX (Modifier schema) .....................................................................289
INLINETABLE (Modifier schema)...................................................................293
INS (Modifier schema)...................................................................................294
INSET (Modifier schema)...............................................................................294
INTERACTIVITY (Modifier schema) ...............................................................295
ISBN (Modifier schema) ................................................................................295
KEEPLINESTOGETHER (Modifier schema)....................................................295
KEYWORDS (Modifier schema).....................................................................296
LASTTCOLSTYLE (Modifier schema) .............................................................296
LAYER (Modifier schema)..............................................................................297
LAYOUT (Modifier schema) ...........................................................................298
LAYOUTREF (Modifier schema).....................................................................300
LEFT (Modifier schema) ................................................................................301
LEFTCONTROLPOINT (Modifier schema) .....................................................301
LEFTGRID (Modifier schema) ........................................................................301
LINESTYLE (Modifier schema).......................................................................303
LINKEDBOX (Modifier schema) ....................................................................304
LIST (Modifier schema)..................................................................................305
LOCATION (Modifier schema).......................................................................305
LOCKTOGRID (Modifier schema) ..................................................................306
MASTERPAGESEQUENCE (Modifier schema)...............................................306
MATHEQUATION (Modifier schema) ............................................................307
MAX (Modifier schema) ................................................................................307
METADATA (Modifier schema) ......................................................................307
MIN (Modifier schema) .................................................................................308
MOVEDOWN (Modifier schema) ..................................................................308
MOVELEFT (Modifier schema) ......................................................................308
MOVERIGHT (Modifier schema)....................................................................308
MOVEUP (Modifier schema) .........................................................................308

iv | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017

NOTE (Modifier schema)...............................................................................309
ODDTROWSTYLE (Modifier schema) ............................................................309
ODDTCOLSTYLE (Modifier schema)..............................................................310
ORIGIN (Modifier schema) ............................................................................310
OVERMATTER (Modifier schema) .................................................................310
PAGE (Modifier schema) ...............................................................................311
PAGEBREAK (Modifier schema)....................................................................312
PAGEREF (Modifier schema) .........................................................................313
PAGESEQUENCE (Modifier schema) ............................................................313
PARAGRAPH (Modifier schema) ...................................................................314
PARENTTABLE (Modifier schema).................................................................316
PICTURE (Modifier schema) ..........................................................................316
PLACEHOLDER (Modifier schema) ...............................................................321
POSITION (Modifier schema) ........................................................................321
PROJECT (Modifier schema) .........................................................................321
PUBLICATION (Modifier schema)..................................................................322
PUBLICATIONCHANNEL (Modifier schema) .................................................323
PUBLISHER (Modifier schema) ......................................................................323
REFNOTE (Modifier schema) ........................................................................323
RELPOSITION (Modifier schema)..................................................................324
REPEATABLEMASTERPAGEALTERNATIVES (Modifier schema)....................324
REPEATABLEMASTERPAGEREFERENCE (Modifier Schema) ........................325
RGBCOLOR (Modifier schema) .....................................................................325
RICHTEXT (Modifier schema)........................................................................326
RIGHT (Modifier schema) ..............................................................................348
RIGHTCONTROLPOINT (Modifier schema)...................................................348
RIGHTGRID (Modifier schema)......................................................................349
ROW (Modifier schema) ................................................................................351
RUBI (Modifier schema) ................................................................................355
RUBITEXT (Modifier schema) ........................................................................356
RULE (Modifier schema)................................................................................358
RUNAROUND (Modifier schema)..................................................................360
SAVEAS (Modifier schema) ...........................................................................364
SCALETO (Modifier schema) .........................................................................365
SECTION (Modifier schema) .........................................................................366
SECTIONNUMBERFORMAT (Modifier schema) ............................................366
SHADINGSTYLE (Modifier schema) ..............................................................366
SHADOW (Modifier schema).........................................................................368
SHRINKACROSS (Modifier schema)..............................................................374
SHRINKDOWN (Modifier schema) ................................................................374
SINGLEMASTERPAGEREFERENCE (Modifier schema) .................................375
SIZE (Modifier schema) .................................................................................375
SPINEIMAGE (Modifier schema) ...................................................................375
SPLINESHAPE (Modifier schema) .................................................................376

A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | v

SPREAD (Modifier schema) ...........................................................................377
STACKINGORDER (Modifier schema) ...........................................................377
STATICCONTENT (Modifier schema).............................................................377
STORY (Modifier schema) .............................................................................377
SUPPRESSOUTPUT (Modifier schema)..........................................................379
TAB (Modifier schema) ..................................................................................379
TABLE (Modifier schema) ..............................................................................380
TABLEBREAK (Modifier schema)...................................................................383
TABLESTYLE (Modifier schema) ....................................................................383
TABSPEC (Modifier schema)..........................................................................384
TBODY (Modifier schema).............................................................................384
TCOL (Modifier schema) ...............................................................................384
TCOLSTYLE (Modifier schema) .....................................................................385
TCONTINUED (Modifier schema)..................................................................386
TEXT (Modifier schema) ................................................................................386
TEXTATTRIBUTE (Modifier schema) ..............................................................390
TEXTNODEPH (Modifier schema) .................................................................390
TEXTPH (Modifier schema) ...........................................................................391
TFOOT (Modifier schema) .............................................................................392
THEAD (Modifier schema).............................................................................392
TITLE (Modifier schema)................................................................................392
TOP (Modifier schema) .................................................................................392
TOPGRID (Modifier schema) .........................................................................393
TROW (Modifier schema) ..............................................................................394
TROWSTYLE (Modifier schema) ....................................................................395
VALUE (Modifier schema) .............................................................................396
VERTEX (Modifier schema) ...........................................................................396
VERTEXPOINT (Modifier schema).................................................................397
VERTICES (Modifier schema) ........................................................................397
WIDTH (Modifier schema) .............................................................................398
XREF (Modifier schema)................................................................................398

Using SSL..................................................................................399
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support..............................................................399
Enabling SSL .........................................................................................................399
Enabling HTTP and HTTPS ...................................................................................400
Verifying and using SSL.........................................................................................400
Keystores and SSL certificates ..............................................................................400

QuarkXPress Server XTensions software .................................401
CopyDeskArticle XTensions software ...........................................................401
Rendering articles .................................................................................................401
Exporting articles ..................................................................................................401
Adding articles to projects....................................................................................402
Creating and deleting components ......................................................................402

vi | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017

PDF Filter XTensions software......................................................................403
Modifier XTensions software ........................................................................403
Using Modifier XTensions software .......................................................................404
Creating XML for Modifier XTensions software.....................................................404
Layer XTensions software .............................................................................405
InteractiveDesigner Server XTensions software ...........................................405
App Studio XTensions software ....................................................................406

Telegraph XTensions software..................................................407
Setting Telegraph preferences......................................................................407
Specifying a server for template upload...............................................................408
Using Telegraph XTensions software ............................................................409
Identifying QuarkXPress items and groups...........................................................409
Naming items and groups ....................................................................................410
Uploading templates ............................................................................................410
Uploading missing or modified pictures...............................................................412

QuarkXPress Server Manager..................................................413
Understanding QuarkXPress Server Manager ..............................................413
Load balancing .....................................................................................................413
Request timeout interval.......................................................................................414
Determining QuarkXPress Server instance availability..........................................415
Logging with QXP Server Manager ......................................................................415
Caching .................................................................................................................415
Web services .........................................................................................................416
Working with QuarkXPress Server Manager ................................................416
Starting QuarkXPress Server Manager..................................................................416
Request handler binding.......................................................................................418
Configuring QuarkXPress Server instances...........................................................418
Managing the cache .............................................................................................422
Managing logs ......................................................................................................424
Using a proxy server..............................................................................................427
Generating automatic e-mail messages ...............................................................427
Using other global settings...................................................................................428
Saving a server configuration................................................................................430
Using custom error messages ...............................................................................430
Sending requests from a browser .........................................................................431

The XTensions Developer Kit (XDK).........................................434
Glossary ...................................................................................435
Legal notices ............................................................................436

A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | vii


Formatting conventions highlight information to help you quickly find what you

Bold type style: The names of all dialog boxes, fields, and other controls are set
in bold type. For example: “Click OK.”


References: In descriptions of features, parenthetical references guide you in
accessing those features. For example: “The Find/Change dialog box (Edit
menu) lets you find and replace text.”


Arrows: You will often see arrows (>), which map out the menu path to a feature.
For example: “Choose Edit > Style Sheets to display the Style Sheets dialog


Icons: Although many tools and buttons are referenced by name, which you can
see by displaying ToolTips, in some cases icons are shown for easy identification.
For example, “Click the


button on the Measurements palette to center text.”

Cross-platform issues: This application is quite consistent across operating
systems. However, some labels, buttons, key combinations, and other aspects of
the application must differ between Mac OS® and Windows® because of user
interface conventions or other factors. In such cases, both the Mac OS and
Windows versions are presented, separated by a slash, with the Mac OS version
presented first. For example, if the Mac OS version of a button is labeled Select,
and the Windows version is labeled Browse, you are directed to “Click
Select/Browse.” More complex cross-platform differences are mentioned in
notes or parenthetical statements.



2 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017


Getting started with QuarkXPress
QuarkXPress Server lets you render QuarkXPress projects in a variety of formats.

QuarkXPress Server architecture
The QuarkXPress Server architecture is shown in the following diagram.

QuarkXPress Server architecture diagram

Understanding QuarkXPress Server
QuarkXPress Server helps automate the generation of QuarkXPress layouts to a
variety of output formats—including JPEG, Portable Document Format (PDF), and
PostScript®—all from a centralized Web application. To send a request to
QuarkXPress Server, all you need to do is enter a URL into your Web browser’s


address field. For example, the following URL instructs the QuarkXPress Server
application named “QXPServer” to return the file “MyProject.qxp” as a PDF file:


The QuarkXPress Server application receives these requests, renders (creates) the
requested projects in the requested formats, and then returns the rendered file to
the client application—the Web browser in this case.

 The format of QuarkXPress Server URL requests is described in detail in “Creating
URL requests“ and in “Web integration.”

 You can also create custom applications that communicate with a QuarkXPress
Server application using HTTP, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), or another
protocol. For more information, see “Web integration.”
You can think of QuarkXPress Server as a special version of QuarkXPress that runs
on a server with the following main differences:

Instead of accepting input from a keyboard and mouse, QuarkXPress Server
accepts input in the form of URLs and other types of requests.


Instead of sending a project to a printer, QuarkXPress Server renders (creates)
output in a particular format and sends the rendered file to a client.

Server templates and static projects
QuarkXPress Server can open, render, and serve two types of projects:

Static projects are QuarkXPress projects that can be rendered and served as-is in a
variety of formats by the QuarkXPress Server application. For example, you
might make a product manual available as a static project and allow customers
to download that manual in a variety of formats.


Server templates are QuarkXPress projects that can be manipulated by the
QuarkXPress Server application before being rendered and served. For example,
you might make a sales piece available as a server template so that each person
who downloads it receives a personalized copy.

 QuarkXPress Server can open QuarkXPress documents, projects, and templates
created in any language edition of QuarkXPress 7.0 or later. QuarkXPress Server can
save and export projects in QuarkXPress 8.x, 9.x and 10.x format.

The document pool and the Streaming Document Provider
QuarkXPress Server has two main ways to find or receive content for rendering.

The document pool


The Streaming Document Provider

QuarkXPress Server can read templates and static projects from a directory called
the document pool. The document pool can be any directory that is available to
QuarkXPress Server through a file system or an FTP server. You can use any of the
following methods to place files in the document pool:

Drag the files to the document pool directory.

4 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017


Use the Add Files command in the Document Pool screen of the QuarkXPress
Server Web interface.


Upload the files using FTP to the document pool directory.


Use Telegraph XTensions® software to upload the files to the document pool
from within QuarkXPress. (For more information about Telegraph XTensions
software, see “Telegraph XTensions software.”)

For more information about the document pool, see “The QuarkXPress Server User

 The document pool directory cannot be an encrypted directory.
QuarkXPress Server can also receive templates, projects, and other files as part of a
multipart HTTP request. For more information, see “Using the Streaming Document
In addition, QuarkXPress Server can serve documents from a database, a content
management system, or other sources. Collectively, the document pool and any
other source of files to be served are referred to as document providers.

Projects and layouts
QuarkXPress projects can contain one or more layouts, and only one layout can be
rendered at any given time. If you do not specify a layout when you send a
rendering request, QuarkXPress Server renders the first layout in the project.

Job Jackets and resources
In QuarkXPress, resources are things such as style sheets, colors, H&Js, output styles,
and item styles. Resources are stored in a Job Jackets structure, which can be either
embedded in a project or stored in a separate Job Jackets file.
QuarkXPress Server uses a default Job Jackets file to make a default set of resources
available to all projects handled by QuarkXPress Server, regardless of whether they
are included in the projects and articles you render. You can update this file in two

Using the QuarkXPress Server Web interface. For more information, see “Job
Jackets dialog box.”


Using request handlers. For more information, see “jobjacket“ and

Once you’ve downloaded the default Job Jackets file, you can update its resources
using QuarkXPress. For more information, see “Job Jackets” in A Guide to
The location of the default Job Jackets file is stored in the QuarkXPress Server
preferences folder. For more information, see “QuarkXPress Server preferences.”

To maximize efficiency, QuarkXPress Server uses cached versions of all rendered
projects whenever possible. You can configure projects so that they are never

A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 5

cached, so that they are cached for a particular amount of time, or so that they are
rendered every time they are served.

QuarkXPress Server preferences
When you launch QuarkXPress Server, the application creates preferences files that
are functionally and structurally equivalent to the preferences files created by
QuarkXPress. These preferences files reside in the QuarkXPress Server “Preferences”
folder. QuarkXPress Server also creates a “QuarkXPress Server.prf” file in the
“Preferences” folder. This file contains preference settings that are specific to
QuarkXPress Server.
QuarkXPress Server uses these preferences the same way QuarkXPress uses them. If
an XTensions module creates a project in QuarkXPress Server, that project draws its
settings from the QuarkXPress Server preferences just as a new QuarkXPress project
draws its settings from the QuarkXPress preferences.
Preferences files are stored in the following locations:

Mac OS: [User]/Library/Preferences/Quark/QuarkXPress Server



Windows :
\QuarkXPressServer Renderer [version]

For more information about preferences, see the “Administration menu.”

Quark License Administrator
To prevent unauthorized use, launching QuarkXPress Server requires the presence of
a Quark® License Administrator (QLA) server. QuarkXPress Server follows the
configuration and control rules that are enforced by QLA. For more information
about QLA, see the QLA documentation included with QuarkXPress Server.

Master-renderer environment
Requests for project renders are stored in a connection queue. The requests in the
rendering queue can be processed by a single QuarkXPress Server application, or by
a master QuarkXPress Server application and several renderers (additional instances
of QuarkXPress Server). The master QuarkXPress Server application launches the
available number of renderers and then passes the requests in the connection queue
to those renderers as they become available. The number of renderers available for
launch is determined by the number of licenses available from the QLA server.
The master QuarkXPress Server process and all of the renderers it launches share the
following elements:

6 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017


The same application preferences (each renderer has its own preferences files,
but QuarkXPress Server keeps them synchronized)


The same document cache in memory


The same memory cache


The same server XTensions modules (a separate instance of each XTensions
module runs with each renderer)


The same server document pool (if defined in the QuarkXPress Server
preferences or if a document provider is used in place of the document pool)

If a renderer unexpectedly quits, the master QuarkXPress Server restarts the renderer
without requiring any action from you.

Changing logging levels in “log4j2.xml“
You can change the logging levels for QuarkXPress Server. Options include ERROR,


ERROR = includes messages that indicate disrupted and failed requests.


INFO = includes messages that indicate the state of services.


DEBUG = includes messages that indicate server resource usage.


WARN = includes non-critical service error messages

TRACE = includes messages according to activity related to requests.

Refer to Java documentation for more information about logging levels.
To change logging levels:

Open the “conf” folder in your QuarkXPress Server folder.


Open “log4j2.xml” in a text-editing application.


name=com.quark.qxps. The structure is as follows:



To define the logging level for QuarkXPerss Server errors, scroll to 

To define the logging level for QuarkXPress Server transactions, scroll to

To define the logging level for other activity, scroll to the . The structure
is as follows:


Save and close “log4j2.xml.”

A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 7


Understanding QuarkXPress Server XTensions software
QuarkXPress Server ships with a collection of XTensions software that adds
capabilities to QuarkXPress Server. For example, PDF Export XTensions software lets
QuarkXPress Server serve content in PDF format; Modifier XTensions software lets
you retrieve, manipulate, and reconstruct XML representations of projects; and
QuarkCopyDesk® Renderer XTensions software lets you create QuarkCopyDesk
articles. Telegraph XTensions software works with QuarkXPress to allow designers to
name boxes in template files so that those boxes can be addressed by URLs.
For more information about XTensions software included with QuarkXPress Server,
see “XTensions software“ and “Telegraph XTensions software.”

The QuarkXPress Server XTensions API
In addition to the XTensions modules included with QuarkXPress Server, developers
can create custom XTensions software that add features. The complete server
XTensions Application Programming Interface (API) documentation is available in
the QuarkXPress Server XTensions Developer’s Kit (XDK).

 As of version 8.0, the QuarkXPress Server XDK is Unicode-compliant.
The QuarkXPress Server XDK lets you create XTensions modules that provide the
following abilities:

The ability to register request handlers


The ability to register project providers


The ability to register new render formats


The ability to add items to the list of response properties, cookies, and HTTP
header items


The ability to log messages in log files


The ability to initiate a new transaction to be processed by the server


The ability to completely control how projects are processed by the server

In addition, QuarkXPress Server XTensions software can register for the following
basic callbacks:



Content loading


Layout modification




Removing slugs while running the QuarkXPress project renderer


Analyzing the server after a transaction is complete


Pre- and post-transaction callback

8 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017


Configuring QuarkXPress Server for launch
To configure QuarkXPress Server prior to launch, open the file [QuarkXPress

Server application folder]/conf/ServerApp.properties folder) and
modify it as follows:


To make the server run without loading any network interface, use the -

nonetwork option with the qxpservercore.serverRendererParameters. In

this mode, the only transactions a server can run are those passed to it by
another process.

To control whether renderers are monitored, set

qxpservercore.monitorrenderers.value to true or false.


To specify the query interval for monitoring renderers, set

qxpservercore.monitorrenderers.queryinterval.value to a value in


To specify the number of retries for monitoring renderers, set

qxpservercore.monitorrenderers.noofretries.value to an integer. If a

renderer process has been attempting to fulfill a request for the specified number
of retries (with the specified query interval in seconds between retries), the
renderer monitor recyles that process.

To control how many renderers the master process launches, specify a number

for qxpserver.subrenders. Note that the number of renderers you can launch

depends on your license.

To force the renderers to restart on a periodic basis, specify a value in hours for

qxps.render.recycle.interval. The default value is 24, or 24 hours.

Decimal values are permitted. Renderers restart serially, so one renderer doesn’t
restart until the other is finished restarting. If a renderer is busy, the master
process waits for 15 minutes, and then if the renderer is still busy, postpones the
restart until the next interval elapses. Set this value to zero to turn the automatic
restart feature off.


The request timeout at Renderer lets you specify the timeout value for rendering.
It is set to 10 minutes by default.

qxpserver.renderer.request.timeout.name = requestTimeout

qxpserver.renderer.request.timeout.value = 10

To control whether the server should collect performance metrics, set

qxpserver.CollectPerformanceMetrics=true to collect and false to not

collect metrics.

To set the number to transactions after which performance metrics data will be
flushed to file:
qxpserver.CollectPerformanceMetrics.flush.transactioncount =


To send JMX notifications when performance metrics change set:
qxpserver.CollectPerformanceMetrics.sendjmxnotifications =


Enable this flag to automatically refresh admin ui through JMX notifications
qxpserver.CollectPerformanceMetrics.adminui.autorefresh = true

A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 9


To reset metrics on every launch of qxps. If set to true, the QuarkXPress Server

will clear old metrics and start capturing fresh metrics on every launch.
= false


To accelerate the time to troubleshoot a failed rendering request, QuarkXPress
Server creates the rescue folder and collects the data for failed and timed out
transactions by default into a folder name QXPSRescuedata relative to doc
Setting this value to false means the rescue folder will not be created and no
data will be collected.


Specify the rescue folder path for failed transactions. If no value is given here,
the document pool path would be considered by default:
qxpserver.rescuefolder.path = 

Launching QuarkXPress Server
On Windows, you can install QuarkXPress Server as an application or as a service
(Quark recommends that you always run it as a service). On Mac OS, QuarkXPress
Server always runs as an application.
If you install QuarkXPress Server on Windows as an application, you can launch it
using the Start menu or by double-clicking the “ServerStartup.bat” in the
QuarkXPress Server application folder.
For information on launching QuarkXPress Server in a separate Tomcat installation,
see “Deploying QuarkXPress Server externally” in the QuarkXPress Server ReadMe.

 QuarkXPress Server offers a browser-based user interface instead of a conventional
user interface.

Quitting QuarkXPress Server
To quit QuarkXPress Server, press Control+C.

10 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017


The QuarkXPress Server user
QuarkXPress Server offers a browser-based user interface. This chapter describes how
you can use it to configure and customize your QuarkXPress Server application and
manage your server XTensions modules.
To view the QuarkXPress Server welcome page, launch a Web browser and enter the
URL http://[server]:[port] (where [server] is the IP address or domain

name of the server and [port] is the TCP/IP port on which the server is running).

The welcome screen displays.

The QuarkXPress Server welcome page
To display the administrative client, click Open Admin Client. If the server has
realm verification enabled, you will be asked to enter your user name and password.
The administrative client displays.



Navigation pane

Status Monitor screen

The navigation pane on the left side has two areas shown in the lower left. The
Server Information area lets you view server information and the transaction log,
and the Document Pool area lets you view the contents of the document pool. You
can collapse and expand this pane with the button at the right end of the
Navigation Pane header.
If you click Server Information, the Status Monitor screen displays.
This screen shows the following usage reporting metrics :
1. Server Name: Name or IP of the machine running QuarkXPress Server.
2. Server Startup time: Shows the date and time at which the QuarkXPress Server
Service was launched.
3. Active Renderers: Represents the number of renderers busy processing a
rendering job. This updates dynamically.
4. Idle Renderers: Represents the number of renderers in an idle state. This updates
5. Observation Time: The time period during which the server’s activity is
monitored to collect performance metrics.
6. Busy Time: Sum of all time periods when the server is busy processing at least
one rendering transaction.

 For Example: Busy Time = Busy Period 1 + Busy Period 2 + Busy Period 3 + … + Busy
Period n, where Tr1, Tr2, …Trn represent incoming rendering transactions.

12 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017


Busy Time : Transactions Vs. Observation Period

7. Server Utilization: The percentage of server capacity used during the
Observation Time.
Utilization (%) = (Busy Time /Observation Time) * 100.

 For Example: For an Observation Time of 50 minutes if the server is busy for 40
minutes, the Server Utilization(%) = (40 / 50) * 100 = 80%.
8. Rendering Throughput: The average number of rendering transactions
completed during Busy Time.
Rendering Throughput = total rendering transactions completed / Busy Time.

 For example, if 150 rendering transactions are completed in a busy time of 50
minutes, then the throughput would be 150/50 = 3 transactions / min.
9. Arrival Rate: The number of arrivals per unit of time.
Arrival Rate = Total transactions arrived / Observation Time

 For example for a total of 1500 rendering requests arrived, during 50 minutes
Observation Time, the Arrival Rate = 1500/50 = 30 transactions / minute.
10. Response Time for a rendering transaction: It is the total time taken to
complete a transaction from its submission to completion.
Response Time= Queue Time + Processing Time

 For example if a server running with 2 the rendering transaction Tr1 goes to
renderer1, Tr2 goes to renderer2, Tr3 waits in queue until one of the renderer
becomes free. The response time for each rendering transaction is as shown below.

A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 13


Response Time: Transactions Vs. Time

11. Average Response Time: Average amount of time taken to complete a
transaction from its submission to completion.
For Example:
Time taken to complete transaction 1 = Tr1
Time taken to complete transaction 2 = Tr2
Time taken to complete transaction n = Trn
Average Response Time = (Tr1 + Tr2 + … + Trn) / n
12. Peak Response Time: The highest response times recorded during a given
observation time.
For example, if during a given Observation Time, if response times for various
rendering transactions are as below,
Tr1 = 7 sec
Tr2 = 15 sec
Tr3 = 2 sec
Tr4 = 2 sec
Tr5 = 20 sec
Trn = 4 sec
Peak Response Time = MAX(7,15,2,2,20 …4) = 20 sec.

14 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017

13. Average Queue Time: The average time a rendering job stays in the queue
before it gets processed. The average queue time = total queue time / total rendering
transactions completed.

 For example, if the total queue time is 3 minutes (i.e. 180 seconds) and 150
transactions are completed, then the Average Queue Time = (3 * 60) /150 = 1.2
14. Peak Queue Time: The highest waiting time a rendering job stays in the queue.
For example, if during a given Observation Time, the waiting times iare:
Tr1 = 0 sec
Tr2 = 5 sec
Tr3 = 2 sec
Trn = 4 sec
Peak Queue Time = MAX(0,5,2, …4) = 5 sec.
15. Current Queue Length: The number of rendering jobs waiting in the queue to
be processed.
16. Peak Queue Length: The highest queue lengths recorded during a given
observation time.
17. Rendering Requests: The total number of transactions delegated to renderers
during a given observation time (e.g. PDF, JPG, /getprojinfo, /jobjacket,
/getrendererprefs, /setrendererprefs, etc).
18. Pages Rendered: Sum total of all pages rendered for each rendering transaction
during a busy time.
19. Images Processed: Sum total of all image files either imported or rendered as a
part of the rendering transaction during the observation time.
20. Average Rendering Time Per Page: The average time taken to render a page.
Average rendering time per page = busy time / total pages rendered.

 For example, if a total of 15000 pages are rendered when the server was busy for 50
minutes (i.e. 3000 sec), the Average Rendering Time Per Page = (50*60)/15000 = 0.2
21. Total Renditions: The number of renditions of various formats rendered by the
server during the observation time. By default, this includes PDF, JPEG, HTML5,
EPUB, KINDLE, APPSTUDIO, EPS, XML, PNG, CopyDesk Articles, QuarkXPress
22. Failed Transactions Count: The number of failed transactions.
23. Error Rate: The percentage of failed transactions during the Observation Time.

 For example if out of 500 rendering transactions, if 10 transactions failed, then the
Error Rate (%) = (10 / 500) * 100 = 2%.

A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 15

24. RESET button: Clicking on the reset button results in the following sequence of

The server usage information recorded during the Observation Time is backed up
to a backup file (Telemetry.json) within the QuarkXPress Server logs folder.


Clears all the server usage information displayed in the Status Monitor page of
Admin UI by resetting the values to zero.


Starts a fresh Observation Time under which all the usage information will be
freshly recorded again.

The icons in the area below represent the renderers that are currently running and
show which requests are being processed by each renderer in real time. This screen
also shows the number of active and idle renderers.

 The information for the Observation Time can be downloaded as a backup (step-5).
A file named “Telemetry.json” is downloaded in association with the .zip archive
downloaded using the Download Logs button under Manage Logs.
REST interface for usage data:

If you click Manage Logs, the Logs screen displays the current transaction log.

Logs screen

To download the active log including recent crash reports, click Download Logs
at the top of the Logs header.


To make the log scroll automatically as events occur, check Auto Scroll.


To clear all logs, click Clear All Logs.


To clear the current log, click Clear Log.

16 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017


To display the Log Settings dialog box, click Log Settings. In this dialog box,
you can change the maximum log file size, the maximum rolling count, and the
logging level for the general QuarkXPress Server log, the QuarkXPress Server
transaction log, and the QuarkXPress Server fatal log.


Each transaction entry in the QuarkXPress Server transaction log has some
useful information related to request URI, time taken for rendering, rendered
output size, pages generated, images processed, average time per page,
time/duration a transaction has waited in the queue before it got
processed(queue time), queue length, and the number of other transactions still
waiting in the queue at the time it was processed.


To view a particular log file, choose an option from the Select Log File dropdown menu.

If you click Show XTensions Information, the XTensions Information screen
displays, allowing you to view the status of all installed XTensions modules.
If you click Manage Fonts, a list of fonts installed on the Server machine is

Fonts screen
To search fonts, use the list search box in the top right corner.
To add fonts to the Server machine, click the Add Fonts button. This will copy the
fonts to the “privatefonts” folder in the QuarkXPress Renderer folder.

Administration menu
The administration menu lets you manage QuarkXPress Server.

A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 17

 You do not have to restart the server in GUI mode to set preferences.

General Preferences dialog box
The General Preferences dialog box (Administration > Preferences > General) lets
you set preferences that are not related to rendering. It includes the tabs described
in the following topics.

 You can also set general preferences using the setprefs request handler. For more
information, see “setprefs.”

General Preferences — Server
The Server tab (Administration > Preferences > General > Server) includes the
following controls.
Use the Document Root Folder field to specify the location of the document pool.

 Putting the document pool on a network connected drive is not recommended,
because this negatively impacts the performance of QuarkXPress Server.

Use the Allow Memory Caching check box to control whether memory is cached.
Use the Max Memory Cache Size field to specify the maximum memory size
allocated to the cache memory. Valid values are from 10MB to 1024MB.
Use the Force Served Documents Closed check box to control whether
QuarkXPress Server closes projects from the document pool after it renders them,
regardless of the Telegraph XTensions software setting. Uncheck this box to keep
such projects open on the server.
Use the Default Renderer Type drop-down menu to specify the default rendering
format for the server.

Appstudio: Returns a .zip file containing an HTML5 App Studio article.


Appstudio Upload: Exports an HTML5 App Studio article and uploads it to the
App Studio Publishing Portal.


ePUB: Returns an ePUB file.


EPS Document: Returns an Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) file.


JPEG: Returns a JPEG file.


PDF: Returns a PDF file.


PNG: Returns a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file.


PostScript: Returns a PostScript file.


QCDDOC: Returns a QuarkCopyDesk article.


QuarkXPress Document: Returns a QuarkXPress project.


Raw Custom: Returns a file in internal QuarkXPress format for use by server
XTensions software developers.


RLE Raw Custom: Returns a file in internal QuarkXPress format (compressed
using Run Length Encoding) for use by server XTensions software developers.

18 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017

Use the Scale field to specify the default scale percentage at which QuarkXPress
Server should render projects.
Use the Disable QXD Return check box to specify whether QuarkXPress Server can
return QuarkXPress projects to clients.

General Preferences — Log
The Log tab (Administration > Preferences > General > Log) includes the
following controls.
Use the Log Document Problems check box to specify whether to include problem
descriptions in transaction log files. The “Log” folder inside the QuarkXPress Server
application folder contains three log files:

QuarkXPress Server Fatal Log.log: This log lists all fatal errors.
QuarkXPress Server Log.log: The log for the Java process. This log contains
source code-level logging information that can be useful in troubleshooting.


QuarkXPress Server Transaction Log.log: This log lists all transactions and all

 Detailed application logging is enabled for these log files only if it is enabled in the
“log4j.xml” file.
To log detailed transaction timing data, check Log Timing Data.
Logged problems include the following:

Missing Fonts: If fonts are missing from a project that has been requested for
rendering, a one-line description of each missing font is added to the error log. If
QuarkXPress Server receives a request to render a project and does not have
access to the fonts required by the project, it uses the fonts specified in the Fonts
tab of the Preferences dialog box (Administration > Preferences > General). If
these fonts are also unavailable, QuarkXPress Server substitutes Helvetica (Mac
OS) or Arial (Windows). This behavior is the same as it is in QuarkXPress.


Missing Pictures


Missing SXTs: If a required server XTensions module is missing when a
rendering request is received, a one-line description of each missing module is
added to the error log. If the name of the missing module is not returnable, the
XTensions module ID number is returned.


Text Encoding/Character Set Problems: If text is sent to a text box in the
template and the system does not have access to the correct font glyph, the issue
is logged. The log data indicates the character set that the system attempted to
convert. For example, the log entry might show that a request for Japanese
characters was sent to an English project.

 Information about missing fonts and missing pictures is also recorded in the
“QuarkXPressServerRenderer.log” file. This file also contains detailed timing
information, including the transaction UID for each transaction. This log file can be
found here:

Mac OS: [drive]/Users/[user name]/Library/Logs/Quark

A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 19


Windows: [drive]:\Program Files\Quark\QuarkXPress Server

 To download all logs to a non-server computer, click Show Transaction Log in the
QuarkXPress Server Web interface, then click Download Logs on the home page.

General Preferences — Email
QuarkXPress Server can automatically notify someone by e-mail when the checkedout QLA license is about to expire. The Email tab (Administration > Preferences >
General > Email) lets you specify where such e-mail messages should be sent.
Use the Server field to specify the domain name or IP address of the e-mail server
that QuarkXPress Server should use to send messages (for example,


Use the Port field to specify the port number of the e-mail server that QuarkXPress
Server should use to send messages. Valid values are from 0 to 255.
Use the From to specify the source e-mail address the QuarkXPress Server

application should use to send messages (for example, QXPSserver1@quark.com).

Use the To to specify the e-mail address to which the QuarkXPress Server

application should send messages (for example, QXPServerAdmin@quark.com).

General Preferences — Authentication
The Authentication tab (Administration > Preferences > General >
Authentication) includes the following controls.
Check Authenticate For Admin Requests to enable the Username and Password
fields. These fields let you control access to administrative parameters and features.
You can enter up to 32 characters.

Renderer Preferences dialog box
Use the renderer Preferences dialog box (Administration > Preferences >
Renderer) to set up default preferences for use when projects are created in
QuarkXPress Server. It includes the tabs described in the following topics.

 Many of these preferences come into play only when you create a project in

QuarkXPress Server, either using a construct request or through a request handled

by a custom QuarkXPress Server XTensions module.

 You can also set renderer preferences using the setrendererprefs request
handler. For more information, see”setrendererprefs.”

Preferences — Display
The Display pane (Administration > Preferences > Renderer > Display) includes
the following controls.
Use the Color TIFFs drop-down list to specify the color depth of screen previews
created for color TIFFs when they are imported.

20 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017

Use the Gray TIFFs drop-down list to specify the resolution of screen previews
created for grayscale TIFFs when they are imported.
Choose a profile that corresponds to your monitor from the Monitor Profile dropdown menu, or choose Automatic. Profiles can be placed in the “Profiles” folder in
the QuarkXPress Server application folder.

Preferences — Input Settings
The Input Settings tab (Administration > Preferences > Renderer > Input
Settings) includes the following controls.
Check Smart Quotes to force QuarkXPress to replace feet (‘)and inches (“) marks
automatically with the specified quotation marks.
Use the Format drop-down menu to specify the default characters to be used with
the Smart Quotes feature and Convert Quotes option in the Get Text dialog box
(File > Get Text).
To change the separators used for indicating sequential ranges for output, enter a
value in the Sequential Page Range Separator. This value override the preferences
set for a project.
To change the separators used for indicating nonsequential ranges for output, enter
a value in the Non Sequential Page Range Separator. This value override the
preferences set for a project.

Preferences — Font Fallback
The Font Fallback pane (Administration > Preferences > Renderer > Font
Fallback) includes the following controls.
Check Font Fallback to activate the Font Fallback feature. When this feature is
active, if the application encounters a character it cannot display in the current
font, it attempts to find a font that can display the character.
If the application encounters a missing font when opening a project, it uses the
preferences in this pane to determine which substitute fonts to use.

 If you add characters to an exising project and the font cannot support those
characters, the application will search the system for a font that can display the
Check Search to have the application search for a suitable font that is used in the
active project. To restrict the search to a particular range, choose an option from the
Search Type drop-down menu. To search the entire story where a missing font
occurs, choose Active Story. To search a particular number of paragraphs in both
directions, choose Paragraph and enter a number in the Search Limit field.
To indicate which fallback fonts should be used when no other font can be found
(taking the Search settings into account), choose options from each of the dropdown menus in the Font List area.
To indicate which font should be used for the slug line when a layout is printed
with registration marks turned on, choose an option from the Slug Line Font dropdown menu.

A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 21


Preferences — Open and Save
The Open and Save pane (Administration > Preferences > Renderer > Open and
Save) includes the following controls.
Choose an option from the Encoding drop-down menu to indicate how the
applications should display characters in non-Unicode text.

Preferences — Fonts
The Fonts pane (Administration > Preferences > Renderer > Fonts) includes the
following controls.
To specify default replacement fonts, check Specify Default Replacement Font and
choose options from the Roman and East Asian drop-down menu.
To highlight characters that are in a Traditional Chinese encoding’s UDA/VDA (User
Defined Area/Vendor Defined Area) range so that these characters can be visually
verified, check Highlight character ranges defined by Traditional Chinese font

Preferences — EPS
The EPS pane (Administration > Preferences > Renderer > EPS) includes the
following controls.
To control whether the application should generate a preview of an EPS file or use
the preview (if any) embedded in the file, choose an option from the Preview dropdown list. The option specified in this pane is used only when the EPS preview is
being created. If you change the preference, you need to reimport the EPS file.

Preferences — PDF
Use the PDF pane of the Preferences dialog box (Administration > Preferences >
Renderer > PDF) to set preferences for rendering in PDF format.

 The PDF pane displays only if PDF Filter XTensions software is loaded. For more
information, see “PDF Filter XTensions software.“
Use this pane to specify a PDF workflow:

Click DirectPDF to generate PDF output in the browser. This is the default


Click PDFtoFolder to generate and save PDF files to a folder. Click
Select/Browse to specify a location for the folder in the Watched Folder field.


Click PS4D (PostScript File for Later Distilling) to generate a PostScript file. Click
Select/Browse to specify a location for the folder in the Watched Folder field.

Use this pane to set the desired PDF output style. Choose from the following output

Default PDF Output Style


Print - Medium Quality/Medium Resolution



22 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017




Press - High Quality/High Resolution


Print - Medium Quality/Medium Resolution


Screen - Low Quality/Low Resolution


Screen - Medium Quality/Low Resolution

Use this pane to specify the folder path for the distiller error log file. The path is
used by the PDFFilter XTension software to create the log file to log the errors that
occur during the distillation process.

 The default path to the log file is /Documents. If you choose to change the
default, the log folder specified must be a pre-existing folder on the system.

Preferences — Project General Settings
The Project General Settings pane (Administration > Preferences > Renderer >
Project General Settings) includes the following controls.
Check Use OpenType Kerning to activate the default kerning values for OpenType
fonts. When OpenType kerning is active, it overrides any kerning specified through
Kerning Table Edit (Utilities menu) for OpenType fonts.
To disable OpenType kerning for full-width characters, check Do Not Kern Full
Width Characters.

Preferences — Print Layout Settings
The Print Layout Settings pane (Administration > Preferences > Renderer > Print
Layout Settings) includes the following controls.
Use the Master Page Items drop-down menu to control what happens to master
items when master pages are applied.

Click Keep Changes if you intend modified master items on your layout pages
to remain when a new master page is applied. The items that are kept are no
longer master items.


Click Delete Changes if you want modified master items on your layout pages
to be deleted when a new master page is applied.

Use the Framing drop-down menu to specify whether frames are placed inside or
outside text and picture boxes.

When you click Inside, the distance between the text and the frame is
determined by the box’s Text Inset values (Item > Modify). When you place a
frame inside a picture box, the frame overlaps the picture.


When you click Outside, the frame is placed outside the box, increasing the
box’s width and height. The frame cannot extend beyond a constraining box or
the pasteboard.

Use the Auto Page Insertion drop-down menu (Print layouts only) to determine
whether pages are inserted automatically to contain text overflow from an
automatic text box or a chain of text boxes (on a page associated with a master page

A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 23

that contains an automatic text box). The drop-down menu also enables you to
determine where any pages will be inserted.

Preferences — Print Layout Measurements
The Print Layout Measurements pane (Administration > Preferences > Renderer
> Default Print Layout Measurements) includes the following controls.
Use the Horizontal and Vertical drop-down menus to specify the measurement
system for the rulers displayed along the top and left of the layout window.
Horizontal corresponds to the top ruler; Vertical corresponds to the left ruler.
Use the Points/Inch field to override the default value of 72 points per inch. The
application uses the value here as the basis for all point and pica measurements, as
well as for all point- and pica-to-inch conversions. The desktop publishing standard
for points per inch is 72. However, the traditional typographic standard used on
most metal typographic rulers is usually approximately 72.27 or 72.307 points per
inch (range = 60 to 80 pt, measurement system = points, smallest increment = .001).
Use the Ciceros/cm field to specify a ciceros-to-centimeter conversion value
different from the standard 2.1967 (range = 2 to 3 c, measurement system = ciceros,
smallest increment = .001).

Preferences — Paragraph
The Paragraph pane (Administration > Preferences > Renderer > Paragraph)
includes the following controls.
Use the Auto Leading feature to automatically set line spacing. Unlike paragraphs
with absolute leading (identical line spacing above every line), paragraphs with auto
leading may include lines with different leading when fonts and font sizes are
mixed in the same paragraph.
Auto leading starts with a base amount of leading, which the application calculates
by examining the ascent and descent values built into the fonts used in an autoleaded line and the line above it; however, the user-specified text size plays the
largest part in determining this base amount. Finally, a value specified by the user in
the Auto Leading field is added to the base amount to arrive at the total amount of
To specify percentage-based auto leading, enter a value from 0% to 100% in 1%
increments. This value determines the amount of leading between two lines of text
as follows: The largest font size in the line above is multiplied by the percentage
value. This outcome is added to the base amount of auto leading between the two
lines. Although the design of certain fonts complicates the process, here is a
simplified example: 10-point text styled consistently in a “standard” font with Auto
Leading set to 20% has 12 points of leading (10 pts + [20% of 10] = 12 pts).
Use the Maintain Leading check box to control the placement of a line of text that
falls immediately below an obstruction in a column or box. If Maintain Leading is
checked, the line’s baseline is placed according to its applied leading value. If
Maintain Leading is unchecked, the ascent of the line will abut the bottom of the
obstruction or any applied runaround value.
In the Lock to Grid Based On area:

24 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017


Click Ascent and Descent to lock text to grid based on the ascenders and
descenders of characters.


Click Font Size (Em Box) to lock text to grid based on the size of the em boxes
of the characters.

Preferences — Character
The Character pane (Administration > Preferences > Renderer > Character)
includes the following controls.
Use the Superscript fields to control the placement and scale (size) of superscript
characters. The Superscript Offset value determines how far below the baseline the
application places a superscript character. The Superscript Offset value is measured
as a percentage of font size. The default value is 33%. The Superscript VScale value
determines the vertical size of the character and is a percentage of font size. The
Superscript HScale value determines width and is a percentage of the normal
character width (as specified by the font designer). The default value for both scales
is 60% (range = 0 to 100%, measurement system = percentage, smallest increment =
Use the Subscript fields to control the placement and scale (size) of subscript
characters. The Subscript Offset value determines how far above the baseline the
application places a subscript character. The Subscript Offset value is measured as a
percentage of font size. The default value is 33%. The Subscript VScale value
determines the vertical size of the character and is a percentage of font size. The
Subscript HScale value determines width and is a percentage of the normal
character width (as specified by the font designer). The default value for both scales
is 100% (range = 0 to 100%, measurement system = percentage, smallest increment
= .1).
Use the Small Caps fields to control the scale of characters with the Small Caps
type style applied to them. The Small Caps VScale value determines the vertical
size of the character and is measured as a percentage of font size. The Small Caps
HScale value determines width and is measured as a percentage of the normal
character width (as specified by the font designer). The default value for both scales
is 75% (range = 0 to 100%, measurement system = percentage, smallest increment =
Use the Superior fields to control the scale of superior characters. The Superior
VScale value determines the vertical size of the character and is measured as a
percentage of font size. The Superior HScale value determines width and is
measured as a percentage of the normal character width (as specified by the font
designer). The default value for both scales is 60% (range = 0 to 100%, measurement
system = percentage, smallest increment = .1).
Use the Ligatures Break Above field to use ligatures built into a font. A ligature is a
typographic convention in which certain characters are combined into a single
glyph. Most fonts contain ligatures for the characters “f” followed by “i” and “f”
followed by “l”. The Ligatures Break Above field enables you to specify the kerning
or tracking value (measured in 1/200 em space increments) above which characters
will not be combined into ligatures. For example, a headline with a large tracking
value would probably not contain ligatures. The default value is 1 (range = 0 to 10,
measurement system = .005 [1/200] em space, smallest increment = .001). To

A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 25

prevent the second two letters in “ffi” and “ffl” (as in office and waffle) from being
combined into ligatures, check Not “ffi” or “ffl”. Three-character ligatures for these
combinations, common in traditional typesetting systems, are not standardized in
fonts designed for Mac OS, so some typographers prefer to keep all three letters
separate rather than combine only two of them. Note that many PostScript fonts do
not have “ffi” and “ffl” ligatures, but most OpenType fonts do. This option is
unchecked by default.
Check Auto Kern to specify that the application should use kerning tables, which
are built into most fonts, to control intercharacter spacing. The Auto Kern Above
field enables you to specify the point size above which automatic kerning must be
used. The Auto Kern Above feature also implements custom tracking information
specified in the Tracking Values dialog box for a selected font (Utilities > Edit
Tracking) in QuarkXPress. This option is checked by default, with a 4-point
threshold (range = 0 to 72 pt, measurement system = various [“, pt, cm, etc.],
smallest increment = .001).
Check Standard Em Space to specify an em-space equivalent to the point size of
the text (for example, 24pt text has a 24pt em space). If Standard Em Space is
unchecked, the application uses the width of the two zeros in the current font as
the em-space width. This option is checked by default. You can insert an em space
in text by pressing Option+space/Ctrl+Shift+6.
Use the Flex Space Width field to change the 50% default width of a flexible space.
To create a breaking flexible space, press Option+Shift+space/Ctrl+Shift+5; to create
a nonbreaking flexible space, press
Command+Option+Shift+space/Ctrl+Alt+Shift+5. The Flex Space Width value is
expressed as a percentage of the normal en space for a given font and font size
(range = 0 to 400%, measurement system = percentage, smallest increment = .1).
Use the Accents for All Caps check box to specify whether to include accent marks
on accented characters with the All Caps type style applied. This option is checked
by default.
Use the Space between CJK & R field to indicate how much space should be
included by default between a Chinese, Japanese, or Korean character and an
adjacent Roman character.

Preferences — Trapping
The Trapping pane (Administration > Preferences > Renderer > Trapping)
includes the following controls.
Select a Trapping Method:

Click Absolute to trap using the values in the Auto Amount and Indeterminate
fields according to the object and background colors involved. If the object color
is darker, the object is choked by the background using the Auto Amount value.
If the object color is lighter, the object is spread into the background using the
Auto Amount value.


Click Proportional to trap using the value in the Auto Amount field multiplied
by the difference between the luminance (lightness or brightness) of the object
color and the background color.

26 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017


Click Knockout All to turn off trapping and print objects with a zero trap

Check Process Trapping to trap each process separation plate individually when a
page contains overlapping process colors.
Check Ignore White to specify that an object color in front of multiple background
colors (including white) does not take white into account when trapping.
Enter a trapping value in the Auto Amount field or choose Overprint:

Enter a value in the Auto Amount field to control the amount of trapping that
QuarkXPress applies to object and background colors that have an Auto
Amount specified in the Trap Specifications dialog box (Edit > Colors > Edit
Trap), and to control the amount of trapping applied to items with an Auto
Amount (+) Trap Information or (–) specified in the Trap Information palette
(Window > Trap Information).


Choose Overprint to cause overprinting for object and background colors with
an Auto Amount specified in the Trap Specifications dialog box (Edit > Colors
> Edit Trap), as well as for items with an Auto Amount (+) or (–) specified in the
Trap Information palette (Window > Trap Information).

Enter a trapping value in the Indeterminate field or choose Overprint:

Enter a value in the Indeterminate field to control the amount of trapping that
QuarkXPress applies to object colors that are in front of indeterminate
backgrounds (multiple colors with conflicting trapping relationships).


Choose Overprint to cause an object color to overprint an indeterminate

Enter a Knockout Limit value. The knockout limit is the value (expressed as a
percentage of darkness of the object color) that enables you to control the point at
which an object color knocks out a background color.
Enter an Overprint Limit value. Overprint limit is a trapping setting that allows an
object set to overprint to trap according to the Auto Amount value if the object’s
shade is less than a particular percentage.

Preferences — Color Manager
The Color Manager pane (Administration > Preferences > Renderer > Color
Manager) includes the following controls.
To specify an engine for color transformation, choose an option from the Color
Engine drop-down menu.
To achieve the darkest possible blacks in all output methods, check Black Point
Use the Source Setup drop-down menu to specify the source color space of pictures
and colors used in the application.
To enable the Profile Information command in the Window menu and the Color
Management tab in the Import Picture dialog box, check Enable Access to
Picture Profiles. This option allows you to view information about profiles.

A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 27

To specify a default proof output setup, choose an option from the Proof Output
drop-down menu.
To specify a rendering intent for soft proofing, choose an option from the
Rendering Intent drop-down list. Perceptual scales all the colors in the source
gamut so that they all fit within the destination gamut. Relative Colorimetric
retains colors that are in both the source gamut and the destination gamut. The
only source colors that are changed are those that are not within the destination
gamut. Saturation considers the saturation of source colors and changes them to
colors with the same relative saturation in the destination gamut. Absolute
Colorimetric retains colors that are in both the source gamut and the destination
gamut. Colors that are outside the destination gamut are adjusted in relation to
how they would look when printed on white paper. Defined by Sources uses the
rendering intents defined in source setup for all colors and images.
To color manage vector content in imported EPS and PDF files, check Color
Manage Vector EPS/PDF. Note that this preference applies only to EPS and PDF
files imported after this box is checked.
To color manage vector content in EPS and PDF files that have already been
imported in the active project, check Include Existing Vector EPS/PDF in Layout.

Preferences — Layers
The Layers pane (Administration > Preferences > Renderer > Layers) has the
following controls.
To make new layers visible by default, check Visible.
To suppress the printout of new layers by default, check Suppress Output.
To make new layers locked by default, check Locked.
To maintain runaround on new layers so that text on visible layers flows around
items on hidden layers, click Keep Runaround.

Preferences — Kindle
Use the Kindle pane (Administration > Preferences > Renderer > Kindle) to
specify the location of the KindleGen tool, which is required for Kindle output.
To get a free copy of KindleGen, visit https://kdp.amazon.com/selfpublishing/help?topicId=A3IWA2TQYMZ5J6.

Preferences — Modifier
Use the Modifier pane (Administration > Preferences > Renderer > Modifier) to
control whether and where errors are displayed in rendered layouts.
To include descriptions of rendering errors in the layout itselt, check Annotate
errors in the Output Document. (For more information, see “annotateerrors.”) In
rendered QuarkXPress files, errors are displayed as notes. In rendered PDFs, errors
are displayed as comments. In XML output, errors are displayed as notes XML

28 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017

To append descriptions of rendering errors after the last page, check Append errors
into the Output Document. (For more information, see “appenderrors.”)
Descriptions of rendering errors are formatted in 10-point magenta Arial.

Job Jackets dialog box
The Job Jackets dialog box lets you edit the Job Jackets file used by QuarkXPress
Server. To edit the QuarkXPress Server Job Jackets file:

In the QuarkXPress Server Web interface, choose Administration > Job Jackets.
The Manage Job Jacket dialog box displays.


Click the Get Job Jacket for editing button and save the Job Jackets file to the


Open the downloaded Job Jackets file in QuarkXPress and make any necessary
changes to the QXPSJobTicket Job Ticket.


In the Job Jacket dialog box, click Choose File and select the modified Job
Jackets file.


Click Submit. The QuarkXPress Server Job Jackets file is replaced with the
modified version.

App Studio preferences
The AppStudio dialog box lets you specify credentials and proxy settings so that
QuarkXPress Server can upload HTML5 App Studio articles to the App Studio
Publishing Portal. Enter your App Studio Publishing Portal user name and password,
then enter the proxy settings for your proxy server (if any).

Check Out License dialog box
To check the QuarkXPress Server license out of Quark License Administrator, choose
Administration > Check Out License. To specify the number of days for checkout,
enter a value in days in the Check out for field. To be warned in advance of license
expiration, check Warn me and use the corresponding fields.

A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 29


Using QuarkXPress Server
The xml namespace deconstructs a project according to the Modifier DTD. The

construct namespace lets the server turn an XML representation of a QuarkXPress
project back into an actual project. With these namespaces, you can deconstruct a
project into an XML representation, change the XML in accordance with the
Modifier DTD, and then have the server generate an updated version of the
QuarkXPress project. You can even create new QuarkXPress projects from scratch
using XML.

In addition, you can use the construct namespace to:


Create a page based on master page


Create a project from XML, using a Job Jackets™ file as the basis for the project


Modify text font and style, including OpenType® styles


Apply style sheets and local formatting to text


Create and populate tables


Import pictures into picture boxes and specify picture attributes

The DTD used for XML construction and deconstruction is completely Unicode®compliant, making it ideal for use in international publishing. Furthermore, the use
of this DTD ensures that the schema of XML output created by Constructor does
not change when server preferences change. This DTD is provided in the
QuarkXPress Server application folder and fully documented in “Modifier DTD

 Deconstructor XTensions software and the deconstruct namespace are no longer

Creating URL requests
You can use URL requests to make QuarkXPress Server render projects in a variety of
formats, to use the features of server XTensions modules, and to control the server.
The topics below provide an overview of how to construct server requests and use
URL parameters.
This chapter also lists functions that let you control the server. For detailed
information about constructing other types of URL requests, see “Web integration.”

Understanding URL requests
QuarkXPress Server URL requests should use the following format:




server: Indicates the name or IP address of the QuarkXPress Server computer.


port: Indicates the QuarkXPress Server application’s port number. The default


namespace: Sets the render type (or indicates another server functionality to


port number is 8080.

access). For more information, see “Understanding QuarkXPress Server

path: Indicates the path to the directory where the target project file is stored.

The project to be rendered can either be located in the document pool (in which
case paths are evaluated relative to the document pool directory), or can be
streamed as part of a multipart HTTP Post request. When the project is streamed
as part of the request, the project name will correspond to the name given to the


HTTP request part which contains the project data.

projectname: Identifies the project to be rendered.

parameter=value: Optional parameters that provide more detailed control

over how the target project should be rendered. Multiple parameter/value pairs,
separated by the “&” character, can be included.

For example, the following URL asks the QuarkXPress Server application named
“QXPServer” to return the file “MyProject.qxp” as a PDF file with hyperlinks and all
fonts embedded:


Some URL parameters require Boolean arguments. For such parameters, valid values
include 1 or 0, true or false, y or n, and yes or no.

 You can also send requests to QuarkXPress Server using the HTTP GET and POST
protocols and using XML with XSLT. For more information about these approaches,
see “Web integration.”

Understanding QuarkXPress Server namespaces
QuarkXPress Server namespaces differentiate among types of requests that are
otherwise identical. For example, consider the following three URLs:




These requests are identical, except each uses a different namespace (in italic). (The
first request does not specify a namespace, but this simply means the project is to be
rendered using the server’s default render type.)
Namespaces can be used to determine the format in which a rendered project is
returned, as indicated above, but they can also be used to direct a request to
XTensions software that performs other functions. For example, if you use Modifier

XTensions software’s xml namespace, Modifier XTensions software can return an

XML representation of the project.

A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 31


Looking up a namespace
This guide lists the namespaces for every QuarkXPress Server function. There is no
single list of namespaces because some functions do not require a particular
namespace or are available in multiple namespaces. To determine which namespace
you want to use:

In this Guide, go to the page that documents the render type you want to use.
(For more information, see “Understanding render types.”)


Locate the Namespace row. If the render type or function has an associated
namespace, that namespace is listed here.

 Third-party XTensions can add their own namespaces. For information about a
third-party namespace, see the documentation for the XTensions module that adds
that namespace.

Understanding QuarkXPress Server parameters
Parameters let you control the details of how a request is executed. For example,

you can use the page parameter to create a request that returns only the third page
of a project:

You can include multiple parameters in the same request; simply separate them
with an ampersand (&). For example, here’s a new version of the above URL that
returns page three at a scale of 50%:


Looking up a parameter
This Guide lists the parameters that are available for every QuarkXPress Server
function. To determine which parameters you can use with a request:

In this Guide, go to the page that documents the the render type you want or
the function you want to use. (For more information, see “Understanding render
types“ and “Understanding render modifiers.”)


Locate the Parameters row. This row lists all available parameters, and includes
a description and a list of valid values for each parameter.

Supported interfaces
The following interfaces are available in QuarkXPress Server:

HTTP: Lets you interact with the server using URLs that contain calls or point to
XML files that contain calls. You can write client applications in any language
that supports HTTP requests. For more information, see “Getting started: HTTP“.


HTTPS: Provides secure HTTP access.


Web services: Lets you interact with the server via Web services using the
QuarkXPress Server Manager object model. You can write client applications in

32 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017

Java, .NET, or any other programming language that can consume SOAP-based
Web services. For more information, see “Getting started: Web services“.

 To develop a custom load balancer or a custom application in Java, you must have
version 1.5 or 1.6 of the JDK.

The Dynamic Publishing Process (DPP)
The Dynamic Publishing Process (DPP) has several stages. You may not need to use
all of these stages every time, but this the order in which they occur:

Pre-Processing Stage: During this stage, QuarkXPress Server performs any
necessary initial steps, such as creating style sheets, colors, and H&J rules for a
new QuarkXPress project.


Content Loading Stage: During this stage, QuarkXPress Server loads dynamic
content into boxes in the project.


Layout Modification Stage: During this stage, QuarkXPress Server modifies the
layout of the project.


Post-Processing Stage: During this stage, QuarkXPress Server examines the project
and performs maintenance tasks.

Getting started
The topics below describe how to create requests for the QuarkXPress Server Web

 For information about the options available in such requests, see “Using the Web

Getting started: HTTP and HTTPS
You can submit HTTP and HTTPS requests to QuarkXPress Server as URLs, either
manually from a browser or automatically from an HTTP client application.
QuarkXPress Server processes such requests and returns rendered content in the
HTTP or HTTP responses. Depending on the type of request, the QuarkXPress Server
preferences, and the type of content returned, the rendered content may be
downloaded by the end user, displayed in the end-user’s browser, or saved to a file
system location accessible to QuarkXPress Server.
You can write a QuarkXPress Server client application in almost any language that
can generate HTTP GET/POST requests. A QuarkXPress Server HTTP-based solution
typically consists of QuarkXPress Server (running on a server computer connected
to a network) plus a front-end application (usually Web-based) that provides a
graphical user interface (GUI) for end users. The front-end application translates end
users’ input into HTTP or HTTPS requests and sends the requests to QuarkXPress
Server or QuarkXPress Server Manager, which processes the requests and returns
rendered content.

A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 33


Dissecting a QXP Server URL
To interact with QuarkXPress Server from a Web browser, use a URL like the



[server]: The name or IP address of the computer for QuarkXPress Server or

QuarkXPress Server Manager.

[port]: The port number on which to contact QuarkXPress Server or

QuarkXPress Server Manager. The default port is 8080 for QuarkXPress Server
and 8090 for QuarkXPress Server Manager.


[namespace]: Defines what the URL action will be and any parameters and


[directory]: The path in the document pool where the project is stored,

conditions available to that namespace.

relative to the QuarkXPress Server document pool. To access the root level, no
directory path is necessary. (Note that you can also supply assets as part of a
multipart HTTP request. For more information, see “Using HTTP POST with QXP



[DocumentName]: The name of the QuarkXPress project to be processed.

[parameter]: Further defines the URL action with attributes and values allowed
for the namespace or general call. Pass parameters in the form

attribute=value, with parameters separated by the “&” character.

For QuarkXPress Server Manager, use a URL like the following:


 Prior to QuarkXPress Server 9.0, you had to use different URL constructions when
sending requests to an instance of QuarkXPress Server Manager in a QPS installation
than you did when sending requests to a free-standing instance of QuarkXPress

Server Manager. In versions 9.0 and later, both can use /qxpsm/request/ after

[port]/ .

 You can now use both absolute and relative paths when you modify a project with
SDK objects or classes. Relative paths are almost always relative to the document
pool. If you use multiple QuarkXPress Server instances, you should use a common
document pool.

Interpreting the QXP Server Manager response
When QuarkXPress Server Manager successfully processes a request through the
HTTP interface, the response is the same as QuarkXPress Server’s response unless the
user has supplied additional parameters to QuarkXPress Manager. For more
information, see “Working with QuarkXPress Server Manager” in A Guide to
QuarkXPress Server.
If an error occurs, QuarkXPress Server Manager retries the request, either on the
same QuarkXPress server instance or a different one (depending on the error and
global settings established in the QuarkXPress Server Manager client). If
QuarkXPress Server Manager cannot process the request, it returns an XML response

34 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017

describing the error, plus any header error codes returned by QuarkXPress Server.
For example:

File not

The server could not locate
the specified file.

HTTP GET and POST Requests
The topics below describe how you can use HTML to interact with QuarkXPress

 QuarkXPress Server supports both the GET and POST HTML methods. When you
use the GET method, the browser encodes form data into a URL. When you use the
POST method, form data is passed within the message body. Use the GET method
only when the form processing is idempotent. In short: GET is for retrieving data,
whereas POST can involve storing or updating data, ordering a product, or sending
an e-mail.

Using HTTP GET with QXP Server
Use HTML like the following to specify a server and port where you want to send a
request. You can specify the name of the target project, the output type, and a
scaling value. You can specify the name of a box and the path of a text or picture
files to import into that box, as long as the file’s path is on the server’s file system.
You can also use HTML like the following to specify the page number and layout
number of the project.
The form section of the HTML should begin with the following line of code:

For both GET and POST, the browser constructs a form data set and encodes it according to the ENCTYPE attribute (you can use multipart/form-data for POST and application/x-www-form-urlencoded (the default) for both POST and GET). To create fields that let the user specify the server IP address, the port, and the project name, use HTML like the following: A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 35 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER

To create a drop-down menu that lets the end user specify a render format, use HTML like the following: To create a drop-down menu that lets the end user specify a rendering scale, use HTML like the following:

To create input fields that let the end user specify a box name and the name of a file to be imported into that box, use HTML like the following: 36 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER To create fields that let the end user enter a page number a layout number, use HTML like the following:

To create a button that lets the end user submit the request, use HTML like the following: The above HTML calls a function named Submit_onclick(). You can add such a function to the section of the HTML. For example: Quark Stream The Submit_onclick() function reads the values from the formand builds a request URL using the server, port, and render type.  If the end user specifies a file name in the “File on Server” text box, he or she must add file: to the beginning of the file path (for example, file:C:\data.txt).  The code above adds @dataimport to the end of the box name to accommodate data import. The action of the form is defined by this line: document.getElementById(“form1”).action = url; This form’s method is GET. The user agent gets the value (the URL) of the action, appends a ? to it, adds the form data set, and submits the URL.  In this scenario, form data must be in ASCII. Using HTTP GET with QXP Server Manager HTTP GET with QuarkXPress Server Manager works the same way as HTTP GET with QuarkXPress Server (see “Using HTTP GET with QXP Server“), except that Quark does not recommend using GET if you are working with non-ASCII characters. The behavior of GET requests with characters is highly browser-dependent, and there is no standard that all browsers follow. Instead, use POST. Using HTTP POST with QXP Server Use HTML like the HTML in “Using HTTP GET with QXP Server“ to specify a server and port where you want to send a request. You can specify the name of the target project, the output type, and a scaling value. You can specify the name of a box and the path of a text or picture files to import into that box, as long as the file’s path is on the server’s file system. You can also use HTML like the HTML in “Using HTTP GET with QXP Server“ to specify the page number and layout number of the project. Differences between the GET method and the POST method are described below. The form section of the HTML should begin with the following line of code: The following HTML creates a input fields that let the end user specify the name of a file to be imported into a box: The action of the form is defined by this line: document.getElementById(“form1”).action = url; 38 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER The form’s method is POST. The user agent conducts an HTTP post transaction using the value of the action attribute (the URL), and a message is created according to the content type specified by the enctype attribute. When you use a multipart HTTP post request, you can include in the request any files which are required by the rendering process, including QuarkXPress templates, picture files, modifier XML, and digital publishing assets. For more information, see “Using the Streaming Document Provider.” Using HTTP POST with QXP Server Manager HTTP POST with QuarkXPress Server Manager works the same way as HTTP POST with QuarkXPress Server (see “Using HTTP POSTwith QXP Server“), except that with QuarkXPress Server Manager, you must use UTF-8. Getting started: Web services The Web services interface is a collection of request classes. You can download the SDK WSDL class definitions from http://[server]:[port]/qxpsm/services/RequestService?wsdl (replace [server] with the QuarkXPress Server Manager computer’s IP address and [port] with the QuarkXPress Server Manager port number. These classes can be chained together to form compound QuarkXPress Server requests. The sample applications (see “Sample Applications“) show how to use these classes to invoke a QuarkXPress Server command and manipulate the response. For more information, see “Functions.” In addition to the classes listed there, the Web services interface includes the following: • • RequestService processes QuarkXPress Server requests. This object’s generic processRequest() method takes a QRequestContext argument and returns a QContentData object containing the response. For more information, see the sample applications and “Functions.” QRequestContext is the argument you pass to RequestService‘s generic processRequest() method.This object contains settings which must be set once per request. Set all chained requests inside the request context. • QRequest is the base class for all request objects (such as PDFRenderRequest). • RequestParameters is a generic class for executing any request and for adding • • • Consequently, all request objects share some common data members. dynamic properties to a request. NameValueParam is a generic class for adding dynamic properties to a request. This class is specifically for requests that take a box’s name and/or ID as the parameter name and the box’s content as the value. QContentData is the response returned when a request is executed. QContentData is a hyperlink that follows the same pattern as the classes above. QException is the exception class for QuarkXPress Server Manager. Web services returns a QException object if an error occurs with any Web service method. You can use try/catch blocks to handle QException objects. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 39 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER If you’ve written a Server XTensions module, you can extend the XML interface to include any changes it makes to the Modifier DTD by simply modifying an XML file and regenerating the stubs.  To exclude empty tags in the request HTML, set the value of the appropriate variable to null.  For Javadocs, WSDL schemas, and JSP samples, see the Welcome page that displays when you launch QuarkXPress Server Manager. The following topics describe the general Web services classes. QRequestContext An argument passed to RequestService. Contains settings that must be set Description once per request. All chained requests must be set inside the request Type Web service data object context. Name Types Description File or object name on documentName String which the command will be rendered. Server name. Default is serverName String NULL. Load balancer searches for the host itself in this case. Port at which the serverPort Integer desired server is listening. userName String userPassword String Server admin username. Server admin password. Max number of times maxRetries Integer Members to try executing the command before returning failure. requestTimeout Integer Max time out in milliseconds. Indicates whether the cache should be useCache Boolean checked for an existing result or if the command should be executed again. This value indicates whether the server should send the responseAsURL Boolean response as-is (text or binary) or store the response on the server and return its location 40 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER as a URL. Because the object model works on SOAP, which can be slow when transferring large binary files, you might choose to set this value to “true” if you suspect that the response is going to be several megabytes or larger. Indicates whether file bypassFileInfo info should be fetched Boolean before executing the command. Context in which the context String command is being executed. QuarkXPress Server request request is instances of QRequest request objects chained together. com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext rc = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); rc.documentName = this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; rc.responseAsURL = Example, object model this.DocumentSettings1.responseAsURL.Checked; rc.useCache = this.DocumentSettings1.useCache.Checked; rc.bypassFileInfo = this.DocumentSettings1.bypassFileInfo.Checked; //Create the service and call it QRequestContext object RequestService svc = new RequestService(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData qc = svc.processRequest(rc); RequestService Web service called to process the QuarkXPress Server request. RequestService Description has a generic method named processRequest() that takes QRequestContext as Type Web service an argument and returns QContentData as the QuarkXPress Server response. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 41 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Processes the request context and returns the result. Parameter Type Description Argument passed to RequestService. Contains settings processRequest that must be set requestCmd QRequestContext once per request. All chained requests are set inside the request context. Creates a new session and returns a session ID. Parameter Type Description Timeout for the session in milliseconds. If no call is executed in that time, session is expired and all the open documents in that createSession timeout Long session are closed without saving. If 0 is passed as value of timeout, Methods default timeout is used. If a negative value is passed as timeout, the session never expires. Closes all open documents in the session without saving them. If the session does not exist, an error is returned. If an error occurs while closing the document, it is logged and the document is marked closed in the internal cache. closeAlldocs No error is returned. Parameter Type sessionId String Description Session whose documents are to be closed. Closes the specified document without saving it. If the session does not exist, an error is returned. If the document is not open, and error is returned. If the document is open in another session, an error is returned. If an error occurs closeDoc while closing the document, it is logged and the document is marked closed in the internal cache. No error is returned. Parameter Type Description docName String Document to be closed. 42 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER sessionId Parameter Type sessionId String Description Session to be closed. Gets all the open documents in the session. If the session does not exist, an error is returned. getOpenDocs Parameter Type sessionId String Description Session whose open documents are sought. getOpenSessions Gets all open sessions. getPreferences Gets QuarkXPress Server preferences. setPreferences Sets QuarkXPress Server preferences. getXPressDOM Creates a DOM for the specified document. Creates a new document for modification and keeps it open until further notice. The document is created with a single layout. To create a more complex document, use the processRequestEx API. If a document with the same name is already open, an error is returned. If the session does not exist, an error is returned. Parameter Type Description Document to be opened for modification. Provide the name docName String only. You can proivde a relative path when you save the document. Name of the Job newDoc Jackets file to be used. The Job Jackets file is jobJacketName String assumed to be already available on the QuarkXPress server computer. jobTicketName String Name of the Job Ticket to be used. The QuarkXPress Server instance host String that should be used for this document modification. If A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 43 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER null, this value is supplied by the load balancer. If the indicated server is not an active registered server, an error is thrown. The port for the port Integer server specified in the host parameter. Session in which sessionId String the document should be opened. Opens the specified document and keeps it open until further notice. If the document is already open, an error is returned. If the session does not exist, an error is returned. Parameter Type Description Document (along with relative path docName String if required) to be opened for modification. QuarkXPress Server instance which should be used for this document modification. If openDoc host String null, this value is supplied by the load balancer. If the indicated server is not an active registered server, an error is thrown. The port for the port Integer server specified in the host parameter. Session in which sessionId String the document should be opened. Executes the request context. If a session ID is specified, processRequestEx the document is kept open after the request is executed. If no session ID is specified, the request is executed normally without keeping the document open. If the document is 44 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER open in another session, an error is returned. If the document is marked dirty, an error is returned (a document is marked dirty when the server that opened the document has become inactive; in such a case, the document must be closed and opened again). Parameter Type reqContextObj QRequestContext Description Request to be executed. Session in which the request should be executed. This value may be null. If a session ID is provided, the sessionId String document is kept open. If no session ID is provided, the request is executed normally, as if processRequest had been called. Saves all open documents in the session. The documents are saved one by one. If error occurs while saving a document, an error is returned immediately and the rest of the documents remain unsaved. If a document is marked dirty, an error is returned (a document is marked dirty when the server that opened the document has become inactive; in such a case, the document must be closed and opened again). Parameter Type Description Relative path where open documents should be saved. If this saveAllDocs value is provided, copies of open documents with relativePath String changes made so far are saved in the new location. The open documents are not saved but have all of the changes made so far. Session in which sessionId String the document exists. saveDoc Saves the open document. If a document is marked dirty, A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 45 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER an error is returned (a document is marked dirty when the server that opened the document has become inactive; in such a case, the document must be closed and opened again). Parameter Type Description Document to be saved. Must be the same name that docName String was used when opening or creating the document. New name of the document. If null, newName String the document is saved with the old name. Relative path where the document should be saved. The relative path can also contain the new name of the document. If this relativePath String is provided, a copy of the open document with changes made so far is saved in the new location. The open document is not saved but has all of the changes made so far. Session in which sessionId String the document exists. getXPressDOMEx getXMLFromXPres sDOM getXPressDOMFro mXML Lets you create a DOM of a particular layout or portion of a layout. Creates an XML string out of the DOM. Takes a raw XML representation of a project as a string and returns an object model representing that project, with Project as the root class. QRequestContext rc = new QRequestContext(); rc.documentName = “test.qxp”; Example, object model rc.responseAsURL = false; JPEGRenderRequest jpegRequest = new JPEGRenderRequest(); rc.request = jpegRequest; RequestService svc = new RequestService(); QContextData response = svc.processRequest(rc); 46 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER QRequest Base class for all request objects (such as PDFRenderRequest). All request Description objects share some common data members, which are described below. Type Web service data object Name Types Description QuarkXPress Server request that includes Members request QRequest instances of request objects chained together. RequestParameters Generic class for executing any request and for adding dynamic properties Description to a request. Type Web service data object Name Type Description Namespace of the requestNamespace String request (for example, Members jpeg). Parameter array for the params NameValueParam[] specified request (for example, jpegquality). You can use this class to send any request for which a specific class does not exist. When this request exists in the chain, its namespace is Additional comments concatenated with the namespaces of other requests. That means the namespace provided here can be null. The parameters of this class can be used to parameterize a request being sent to the server. QRequestContext rc = new QRequestContext(); RequestParameters request = new RequestParameters(); request.setRequestNamespace(“jpeg”); Example, object model rc.setRequest = request; NameValueParam p1 = new NameValueParam(); p1.setParamName = “jpegquality”; p1.setTextValue = “4”; request.setParams(new NameValueParam[]{p1}); NameValueParam Generic class for adding dynamic properties to a request. This class is Description specifically for requests that take a box name/id as the parameter name and the box content as the parameter value. Type Web service data object Name Type Description Name of the parameter. paramName String Members In most cases this will be the name/ID of the box. Text value of the box. textValue String (You can set either textValue or A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 47 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER streamValue.) Stream value of the streamValue byte[] box. (You can set either textValue or streamValue.) contentType String The MIME content type of the parameter. QContentData Description A response to a Web Services call to QuarkXPress Server. Type Web service data object Name Types Description The type of the contentType String response. For example, “text/xml” or “text/plain.” If the response type is textData String text, this contains the text. Otherwise, this value is null. If the responseAsURL parameter was set to “true” in the request, responseURL String this contains the URL of the response. Otherwise, this value is null. If the response type is binary, this contains Members streamValue binary the byte array. Otherwise, this value is null. If the response type is text, this value encodingType String indicates the encoding of the text (for example, UTF-8 or ANSI). actualServerPortUsed String actualServerUsed String Identifies the server port. Identifies the server. If the response returned by the server is a set of headers String headers, this array contains the header response. multipartResponse 48 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 String If the response returned by the server is USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER multipart, this array contains the multipart response parts. QRequestContext context = new QRequestContext(); context.setDocumentName(“sample.qxp”); context.setResponseAsURL(true); JPEGRenderRequest request = new Example, object model JPEGRenderRequest(); request.setJPEGQuality(“4”); context.setRequest(request); RequestService requestService = new RequestServiceStub(); QContentData response = requestService.processRequest(context); System.out.println(response.getResponseURL()); QException Description Exception class for QuarkXPress Manager. Type Exception Name Types Description httpResponseCode String HTTP response code. managerErrorCode String QuarkXPress Server Manager error code. QuarkXPress Server managerErrorMessage String Manager localized error Members message. serverErrorCode String serverErrorMessage String QuarkXPress Server error code. QuarkXPress Server response message. QuarkXPress Server serverExtendedMessage String extended error message. String docName = “notexisting.qxp”; try { QRequestContext ctx = getRequestContext(docName); QRequest request = getJPEGRequest(); ctx.setRequest(ctx); QContentData response = Example, object model getService().processRequest(ctx); System.out.println(response.getResponseURL()); } catch (QException ex) { // QuarkXPress Manager threw an QException and it is not // a runtime exception. QException object will be returned. System.out.println(ex.getServerErrorCode()); } QXP Server Manager The following topics are for people who want to enhance QuarkXPress Server Manager or integrate it with other software. Please refer to http://localhost:8090/qxpsmdocs/apidocs/index.html for manager API documentation. (Note that the port number used to retrieve the API documentation is 8090 by default, but you should use whatever port number you specified when installing QuarkXPress Server Manager.) QuarkXPress Server Manager was developed using interface-based programming and uses the Spring Framework to instantiate pluggable objects. When QuarkXPress Server Manager starts up, it reads the contents of a Spring context definition file A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 49 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER named “ManagerContainerConfig.xml” and instantiates all of the beans listed in the file. QuarkXPress Server Manager then initializes by reading various configuration options from a file named “ManagerConfig.xml.” You can deploy QuarkXPress Server Manager in its own Tomcat container, in an external Tomcat container, or in a shared Spring context. For more information, see “Deploying QuarkXPress Server Manager” in the QuarkXPress Server ReadMe. Using the Web interface The topics below describe the features available via the QuarkXPress Server Web interface. The topics covered here include the following: • Render types are namespaces you can use to return a QuarkXPress project in a specified file format. • Render modifiers let you control which parts of a project are rendered and set the scale of the returned renderings. • Content modifiers let you alter the content and formatting of boxes in layouts without using the XML modify parameter. • XML modify lets you modify QuarkXPress projects using XML. • construct namespace lets you turn an XML representation of a QuarkXPress The xml namespace deconstructs a project according to the Modifier DTD. The project back into a QuarkXPress project. • Administrative request handlers let you change the behavior of QuarkXPress Server.  QuarkXPress Server uses case-sensitive XML. Understanding rendering Rendering is the process in which QuarkXPress Server opens a QuarkXPress project, transforms it into a different format (the render type), and then sends a response to the requestor. Depending on the type of rendering operation, the response may be a message or a rendered file. For information on how to submit a render request, see “Getting Started.” Cannot open this document HTTP Error #500 This alert type. Please select a displays if you try to render a QuarkXPress document or file that is not a QuarkXPress template. project. HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress File not found Alerts Server Error #–43 This alert displays if you try to render a project that does not exist. HTTP Error #500 QuarkXPress I/O error trying to read or write to disk. Server Error #–36 This alert displays if QuarkXPress Server is running on Windows and a shared network folder was 50 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER selected as the document pool, but the folder is no longer shared. What to do: In the QuarkXPress Server administration interface, choose Administration > Preferences > General and set Document Root Folder to a shared folder. HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress Server Error #–35 This alert displays if QuarkXPress Server is running on Mac OS and a shared network volume was Cannot find required volume or folder. selected as the document pool, but the volume is no longer shared. What to do: In the QuarkXPress Server administration interface, choose Administration > Preferences > General and set Document Root Folder to a shared folder. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example, GET URL http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp There are two ways to specify a render format:1. Enter the render type directly in the browser address Notes field:http://localhost:8080/pdf/project.qxp.2. In the QuarkXPress Server administration interface, choose Administration > Preferences > General and choose the default render type from the Default Renderer Type drop-down menu. Understanding logging If a request succeeds, a transaction success message is written to the QuarkXPress Server transaction log file. This message includes the transaction ID, date, time, request type, project name, response type, response size in bytes, and client IP address. For example: 07/03/2011 14:37:47 - RequestURI = /xml/sample.qxp TransactionUUID = afb6f457-80ae-4d5d-a434-ce9f3e089761 Type = text/xml Size = 4846 Client = If an alert is displayed, an error message is written to the QuarkXPress Server transaction log file. The transaction entry contains the date and time of the request, the error code, and the error message. The following is a sample of an error log transaction entry: 09/03/2011 13:54:33 - RequestURI = /sample.qcd TransactionUUID = dffc3a7e-11fd-4d97-b3fe-8f2129353d58 Client = Error #10120 - Cannot open this document type. Please select a QuarkXPress document or template. The “QuarkXPress Server Log.log” file also contains system-level log information. For example, if a request makes a renderer stop working, you can figure out which request it was using the transaction ID and the transaction log. 09/03/2011 014:00:07 ERROR A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 51 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER [com.quark.qxps.core.server.ServerRendererMonitor][pool-1-thread1] - The QuarkXPress Server Renderer with processId 2620 had quit while processing the transaction 87212dae-6ba3-4b3f-97bbea8f0c255bf9.  To download all logs to a non-server computer, click Show Transaction Log in the QuarkXPress Server Web interface, then click Download Logs on the upper right. Understanding render types Render types are namespaces you can use to return a QuarkXPress project in a specified file format. The topics covered here include the following: Function Description QuarkXPress Server Manager object model classes Returns a .zip file containing an App Studio article rendered appstudio from the App Studio layout(s) in AppStudioRenderRequest the source project. Returns a .zip file containing an ave AVE issue file and its AVERenderRequest corresponding manifest. eps Returns an EPS file. EPSRenderRequest epub Returns an ePUB file. EPubRenderRequest jpeg Returns a JPEG image. JPEGRenderRequest PDF Returns a PDF file. PDFRenderRequest png Returns a PNG image. PNGRenderRequest postscript Returns a PostScript file. PostScriptRenderRequest Returns a QuarkCopyDesk qcddoc article. Returns a QuarkXPress project qxpdoc file. Returns an RLE Raw Custom qxpr format image. Returns a project in a raw QuarkXPress internal format. Returns a low-resolution PDF screenpdf file. swf Returns a SWF file. Returns a .zip file containing html5 HTML5 output. CopyDeskDocRequest QuarkXPressRenderRequest RLERawCustomRenderRequest RawCustomRenderRequest ScreenPDFRenderRequest SWFRenderRequest HTML5RenderRequest  The default render type is JPEG.  Developers can implement additional rendering formats through server XTensions software. appstudio The appstudio render type returns a .zip file containing an App Studio article rendered from the App Studio layout(s) in the source project. It also includes mechanisms for uploading an article to the App Studio Publishing Portal, retrieving 52 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER and updating server settings, and presenting and clearing App Studio Publishing Portal credentials. Namespace appstudio Lets you generate an HTML5 article and upload it to the App Studio Publishing Portal. For upload String example:http://localhos t:8080/ appstudio/upload/temp late.qxp? organization=XXX& publication=YYY&issue =ZZZ& article=AAA Lets you generate an HTML5 article and returns it as a .zip file. html String For example:http://localhos t:8080/ appstudio/html/templa te.qxp Lets you log in to the App Studio Publishing Parameters Portal. For example:http://localhos setcredential String t:8080/ appstudio/setcredential ? username=XXX&passw ord=YYY Lets you log out of the App Studio Publishing Portal. For clearcredential String example:http://localhos t:8080/ appstudio/clearcredenti al Lets you retrieve the current publication hierarchy from the App config String Studio Publishing Portal. For example:http://qxpserv er:port/ appstudio/config Render modifier layout String Lets you specify a A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 53 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER layout by name or ID. The first layout is Layout 1. parameters Response page Integer pages String (page range) Lets you specify a page. Lets you specify a range of pages. A .zip file containing an HTML5 article. The renderer for this image type has no way HTTP Error #406 This alert displays if you submit of rendering the desired a render request with the box parameter. objects. Alerts Cannot open this document type. Please select a QuarkXPress document or template. HTTP Error #10120This alert displays if you submit an appstudio request for a QuarkCopyDesk article. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example, GET URL http://localhost:8080/appstudio/sample.qxp Request object name: AppStudioRenderRequest // STEP 1: Create the QuarkXPress Server Request // Context and set the necessary properties com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext requestCtx = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); Boolean responseAsURL = false; requestCtx.setDocumentName(docName); // STEP 2 (SPECIFIC TO REQUESTS): // Create the App Studio renderer // request and embed it in Example, object model the request context. AppstudioRenderRequest req = new AppstudioRenderRequest(); req.setAppStudioData(request.getParameter(“AppStudioData”)); requestCtx.setRequest(req); // STEP 3: Create the service and call the // processRequest() API RequestService service = new RequestServiceStub(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData data = service.processRequest(requestCtx); ave The ave render type returns a .zip file containing an AVE issue file and its corresponding manifest. Namespace AVE Lets you specify an output style. To use a named output style, use the name of that output style. For example:http://localhos Parameters outputstyle stylename t:8080/ave/ sample.qxp?outputstyle =stylename To use settings that have been captured with the Capture Settings in the QuarkXPress Export 54 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER AVE for iPad dialog box, use document. For example:http://localhos t:8080/ave/ sample.qxp?outputstyle =document Lets you specify an output format. Use format String avemag for AVE-Mag or avedoc for AVE-Doc. The default is avemag. Render modifier parameters Lets you specify a layout layout by name or ID. String The first layout is Layout 1. Response page Integer Lets you specify a page. pages String (page range) Lets you specify a range of pages. A .zip file containing an AVE issue file and its corresponding manifest. The renderer for this image type has no way HTTP Error #406 This alert displays if you submit of rendering the desired a render request with the box parameter. objects. This Output Style does This alert displays if you specify a nonexistent not exist. output style. This Output Style Alerts cannot be used with this render type. Cannot open this document type. Please select a QuarkXPress document or template. This alert displays if you specify an output style that is incompatible with this render type. HTTP Error #10120This alert displays if you submit an ave request for a QuarkCopyDesk article. AVE-Doc for an App HTTP Error #10545This alert displays if you Studio layout is not submit an ave request with format=avedoc for an supported. App Studio layout. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example, GET URL http://localhost:8080/ave/sample.qxp? format=avemag&layout=2 Request object name: AVERenderRequest //STEP1: Create the QuarkXPress Server Request //Context and set the necessary properties com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext requestCtx = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); Boolean responseAsURL = false; requestCtx.setDocumentName(docName); //STEP 2(SPECIFIC TO REQUESTS): //Create the AVE renderer //request and embed it in the Example, object model request context. AVERenderRequest avereq = new AVERenderRequest(); avereq.setAVEData(request.getParameter(“AVEData”)); avereq.setFormat(request.getParameter( “Format”)); avereq.setLayout(request.getParameter( “Layout”)); requestCtx.setRequest(avereq); //STEP3: Create the service and call the //processRequest() API RequestService service = new RequestServiceStub(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData data = A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 55 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER service.processRequest(requestCtx); Notes The default AVE output style is used. eps The eps render type returns an EPS rendering of a page or spread. Namespace EPS Lets you specify an output style. To use a named output style, use the name of that output style. For example:http://localhos t:8080/pdf/ sample.qxp?outputstyle =stylename To use outputstyle stylename settings that have been captured with the Capture Settings in the QuarkXPress Print dialog box, use document. For example:http://localhos t:8080/pdf/ sample.qxp?outputstyle =document Lets you specify an EPS Parameters epsformat color format. The default value is color. Lets you include or epspreview tiff | none omit a TIFF preview. The default value is tiff. Lets you specify a data epsdata ascii | binary | clean8bit type for the EPS file. The default value is clean8bit. Lets you specify epstransparent 1 | 0 | true | false | yes | whether the EPS can no include transparent areas. Lets you specify updateimage true | false whether to update imported pictures. Lets you specify whether to update the updateflow true | false text flow version of a project to the current version. Render modifier page 56 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Integer Lets you specify a page. USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER produceblankpages 1 | 0 | true | false | yes | no Lets you specify whether to render blank pages. Lets you specify a Float .1 to 6.92 for scale Windows .1 to 8 on Mac OS scaling percentage. The valid values are from .1 (10%) to 8 (800%) on Mac OS or 6.92 (692%) on Windows. Lets you specify a spread. The first spread spread is spread 1. In a facing- Integer page document, spread 1 consists of the first parameters page. Lets you specify a layout layout by name or ID. String The first layout is Layout 1. Lets you specify downloadlayoutFonts 1 | 0 | true | false | yes | no whether to download all fonts used in the layout and all system fonts. Lets you specify downloadImportedPdfE 1 | 0 | true | false | yes | psFonts no whether to download all fonts required by imported PDF and EPS files. Response An EPS file. The renderer for this image type has no way of rendering the desired objects. Alerts parameter. This Output Style does This alert displays if you specify a nonexistent output style. cannot be used with this render type. Example, GET URL a render request with the pages or box not exist. This Output Style Logs HTTP Error #406 This alert displays if you submit This alert displays if you specify an output style that is incompatible with this render type. See “Understanding logging.” http://localhost:8080/eps/sample.qxp?epsformat= color&epsdata=clean8bit&epspreview=tiff&epsbleed= 0&epstransparent=0 Request object name: EPSRenderRequest //STEP1: Create the QuarkXPress Server Request //Context and set the necessary properties com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext requestCtx = new Example, object model com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); Boolean responseAsURL = false; requestCtx.setDocumentName(docName); //STEP 2(SPECIFIC TO REQUESTS): //Create the EPS renderer //request and embed it in the request context. EPSRenderRequest epsreq = new EPSRenderRequest(); A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 57 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER epsreq.setEPSData(request.getParameter(“EPSData”)); epsreq.setEPSFormat(request.getParameter( “EPSFormat”)); epsreq.setEPSPreview(request.getParameter( “EPSPreview”)); requestCtx.setRequest(epsreq); //STEP3: Create the service and call the //processRequest() API RequestService service = new RequestServiceStub(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData data = service.processRequest(requestCtx); You can specify an output style and set additional local parameters of that output style. For example, if no bleed setting is specified in the output style named “mystylename”, you can specify a bleed setting with a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/eps/sample.qxp? Notes outputstyle=mystylename?bleed=symmetric You can override settings in an output style. For example, if an asymmetric bleed is specified in the output style named “mystylename,” you could override it with the same URL.If you do not specify an EPS output style, the default EPS output style is used. epub The epub render type returns an ePUB rendering of a layout. Namespace ePUB Lets you specify a layout String Render modifier layout by name or ID. The first layout is Layout 1. parameters Lets you specify an outputstyle String ePUB output style by name or ID. Response An ePUB (.epub) file. The renderer for this image type has no way of rendering the desired Alerts objects. ePub not created. There is no reflow layout in the document. HTTP Error #406 This alert displays if you submit a render request with the pages or box parameter. HTTP Error #10543This error appears if there is no reflow layout. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example, GET URL http://localhost:8080/epub/sample.qxp? outputstyle=epub1&layout=2 Request object name: EPubRenderRequest //STEP1: Create the QuarkXPress Server Request //Context and set the necessary properties com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext requestCtx = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); Boolean responseAsURL = false; requestCtx.setDocumentName(docName); //STEP 2(SPECIFIC TO Example, object model REQUESTS): //Create the ePUB renderer //request and embed it in the request context. EPubRenderRequest epubreq = new EPubRenderRequest(); epubreq.setEPubData(request.getParameter(“EPubData”)); epubreq.setCreateTOC(request.getParameter( “CreateTOC”)); epubreq.setLayout(request.getParameter( “Layout”)); requestCtx.setRequest(epubreq); //STEP3: Create the service and call the 58 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER //processRequest() API RequestService service = new RequestServiceStub(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData data = service.processRequest(requestCtx); You can only create an ePUB file from a project that includes a reflow Notes article. jpeg The jpeg render type returns a JPEG rendering of a page or spread. Namespace JPEG Lets you specify the image quality of a rendered JPEG image. The valid values are: 1 jpegquality 1|2|3|4 (highest quality), 2 (high quality), 3 (medium quality), and 4 (lowest quality). The default value is 1. Lets you specify upadateimage true | false whether to update imported pictures. Lets you specify whether to update the updateflow true | false text flow version of a project to the current version. Lets you specify whether to display Parameters pasteboard items. Works only with spread parameter. The default pasteboard true | false value is true. For example:http://localhos t:8080/jpeg/document. qxp? spread=1&pasteboard=t rue Lets you specify whether to include bounding box outlines showboxoutline true | false in the response JPEG image even if the boxes have no content.. The default value is false. Renders the images in a download true | false Zip package for download. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 59 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER pages true | false Lets you specify a range of pages for request. (58,1-3 etc.) boxes String page Integer Lets you request multiple boxes. Lets you request a single page. Lets you specify a Float .1 to 6.92 for scale Windows .1 to 8 on Mac OS) scaling percentage. The valid values are from .1 (10%) to 8 (800%) on Mac OS or 6.92 (692%) on Windows. Render modifier box parameters String Lets you request a single box. Lets you specify a spread. The first spread spread Integer is spread 1. In a facingpage document, spread 1 consists of the first page. Lets you specify a layout String layout by name or ID. The first layout is Layout 1. Response A JPEG file. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example, GET URL http://localhost:8080/jpeg/sample.qxp?jpegquality=1 Request object name: JPEGRenderRequest // STEP1: Create the QuarkXPress Server Request // Context and set the necessary properties com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext requestCtx = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); Boolean responseAsURL = false; requestCtx.setDocumentName(docName); // STEP2: Create the JPEG renderer request and attach it // to the request context. Example, object model JPEGRenderRequest jpreq = new JPEGRenderRequest(); jpreq.setJPEGQuality(request.getParameter(“jpegQuality”)); jpreq.setLayout(request.getParameter(“Layout”)); requestCtx.setRequest(jpreq); // STEP3: Create the service and // call the processRequest() API RequestService service = new RequestServiceStub(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData data = service.processRequest(requestCtx); kindle The kindle render type returns a rendering of a layout that can be viewed on Amazon Kindle readers. Namespace Render modifier parameters kindle layout 60 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 String Lets you specify a layout by name or ID. USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER The first layout is Layout 1. Lets you specify a outputstyle String Kindle output style by name or ID. Response A Kindle (.mobi) file. The renderer for this image type has no way of rendering the desired objects. Alerts HTTP Error #406 This alert displays if you submit a render request with the pages or box parameter. Kindle not created. There is no reflow HTTP Error #10543This error appears if there is layout in the no reflow layout. document. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example, GET URL http://localhost:8080/kindle/sample.qxp? outputstyle=kindle&layout=2 Request object name: KindleRenderRequest //STEP1: Create the QuarkXPress Server Request //Context and set the necessary properties com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext requestCtx = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); Boolean responseAsURL = false; requestCtx.setDocumentName(docName); //STEP 2(SPECIFIC TO REQUESTS): //Create the Kindle renderer //request and embed it in the request context. KindleRenderRequest kindlereq = new Example, object model KindleRenderRequest(); kindlereq.setKindleData(request.getParameter(“KindleData”)); kindlereq.setCreateTOC(request.getParameter( “CreateTOC”)); kindlereq.setLayout(request.getParameter( “Layout”)); requestCtx.setRequest(kindlereq); //STEP3: Create the service and call the //processRequest() API RequestService service = new RequestServiceStub(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData data = service.processRequest(requestCtx); You can only create a Kindle file from a project that includes a reflow Notes article. literal The literal render type returns the contents of a file without any attempt to process it as a template. Depending on the file’s MIME type, the requested project can be displayed within the browser (for example, if the response is a JPEG file) or saved to disk (for example, if the response is a Microsoft Word document). Namespace literal Response The requested file returned in the HTTP response. HTTP Error #401 This alert displays if you specify an Alerts Incorrect administration realm username and password. invalid administrator user name and password.What to do: Use the user name and password set in the Authentication pane of the General Preferences dialog A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 61 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER box (Administration > Preferences > General) in the QuarkXPress Server Web interface. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example, GET URL http://localhost:8080/literal/Story.doc Request object name: LiteralRequestcom.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext rc = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); if(!this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) rc.documentName = Example, object model this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; rc.request = new LiteralRequest(); //Create the service and call it with QRequestContext object RequestService svc = new RequestService(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData qc = svc.processRequest(rc); pdf The pdf render type returns a PDF rendering of a project. Namespace PDF Lets you specify an output style. To use a named output style, use the name of that output style. For example:http://localhos t:8080/pdf/ sample.qxp?outputstyle =stylename To use outputstyle stylename, document settings that have been captured with the Capture Settings in the QuarkXPress Export as PDF dialog box, use Parameters document. For example:http://localhos t:8080/pdf/ sample.qxp?outputstyle =document title String subject String author String keywords String Lets you specify the title of the PDF file. Lets you specify the subject of the PDF file. Lets you specify the author of the PDF file. Lets you specify keywords for the PDF file. 62 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Lets you specify includehyperlinks 1 | 0 | true | false | yes | whether to include no hyperlinks in the PDF file. Lets you specify whether to export lists exportlistsashyperlinks 1 | 0 | true | false | yes | no as hyperlinks. To use this parameter, you must set includehyperlinks to true. Lets you specify whether to export the exportindexesashyperli 1 | 0 | true | false | yes | nks no index as hyperlinks. To use this parameter, you must set includehyperlinks to true. Lets you specify whether to export lists exportlistsasbookmarks 1 | 0 | true | false | yes | no as bookmarks. To use this parameter, you must set includehyperlinks to true. Lets you specify mode composite or whether the PDF file is separations a composite or includes separations. Lets you specify the color space of the PDF printcolors cmyk, rgb, grayscale, file. This option is cmykandspot, asis available only when mode is set to composite. Lets you specify a separation method. plates inripseps This option is available only when mode is set to separations. Lets you specify whether to include produceblankpages 1 | 0 | true | false | yes | blank pages. This no option is available only when mode is set to composite. useopi images 1 | 0 | true | false | yes | Lets you specify no whether to use OPI. includeimages, omittiff, Lets you specify A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 63 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER whether to include TIFF omittiffandeps and EPS images from an OPI server. Lets you include, omit, registration off, centered, offcenter and configure registration marks. Lets you specify the offset 0–30 (in points) offset of registration marks. bleed pageitemsonly, Lets you specify a bleed symmetric type. Lets you specify a bleed offset to use. This offsetbleed 0–6 (in inches) option is available only when bleed is set to symmetric. spreads lowresolution 1 | 0 | true | false | yes | no Lets you specify whether to output spreads. 1 | 0 | true | false | yes | Lets you request a low- no resolution (36 dpi) PDF. Lets you specify the colorimagedownsample 9–2400 resolution of color images. grayscaleimagedownsa mple monochromeimagedow nsample Lets you specify the 9–2400 resolution of grayscale images. Lets you specify the 9–2400 resolution of monochrome images. Lets you specify whether medium- colorcompression true | false quality manual JPEG compression should be applied to color images. Lets you specify whether medium- grayscalecompression true | false quality manual JPEG compression should be applied to grayscale images. Lets you specify monochromecompressi on whether ZIP true | false compression should be applied to monochrome images. Lets you specify the pdffile String PDF name. This option is available only when 64 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER PDF to Folder is selected in QuarkXPress Server PDF preferences. Lets you specify the PostScript file name. This option is available psfile String only when PostScript for later Distilling is selected in QuarkXPress Server PDF preferences. Lets you embed a thumbnail bw | color thumbnail in the PDF file. mode composite | separations Lets you specify the PDF file’s color mode. Lets you turn font download on or off. fontdownload yes | no You cannot specify which fonts are downloaded. Lets you specify which layers layers should be String included, as a commaseparated list. Lets you use PDF/X–1a verification pdfx1a | pdfx3 or PDF/X–3 verification. Lets you specify separate yes | no whether to output each page as a separate file. Lets you specify produceblankplates yes | no whether to include blank plates. When download is true, the browser always displays a dialog box that lets the end user save the returned file, even if the browser can display it.When download 1 | 0 | true | false download is false, the browser attempts to display the returned file. If the browser cannot display the file, it lets the end user save the returned file. The default value is false. layoutstart 1 | 0 | true | false | yes | Lets you specify the A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 65 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER number of the first layout to render when you render multiple layouts as separate PDF files. PDF files are saved at the location specified in QuarkXPress Server preferences (Administration > no Preference > General > Server > Document Root Folder). The first layout in a project is layout 0. For example:http://localhos t:8080/pdf/multilayout. qxp? layoutstart=0&layouten d=3 Lets you specify the number of the last layout to render when you render multiple layouts as separate PDF files. PDF files are saved at the location specified in QuarkXPress Server preferences layoutend Integer (Administration > Preference > General > Server > Document Root Folder). The first layout in a project is layout 0. For example:http://localhos t:8080/pdf/multilayout. qxp? layoutstart=0&layouten d=3 Lets you specify updateimage true | false whether to update imported pictures. Lets you specify whether to update the updateflow true | false text flow version of a project to the current version. Render modifier parameters page Integer pages String (page range) 66 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Lets you specify a single page. Lets you specify a range USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER of pages. Lets you specify a spread. The first spread spread is spread 1. In a facing- Integer page document, spread 1 consists of the first page. Lets you specify a layout layout by name or ID. String The first layout is Layout 1. spreads Response invalid No file produced. The project requested contains only blank pages. the output use spreads. HTTP Error #500QuarkXPress Server Error #147This alert displays if you try to render an invalid page range. HTTP Error #500This alert displays if you try to render a a project that contains only blank pages. This Output Style does This alert displays if you specify a nonexistent not exist. output style. This Output Style cannot be used with this render type. Logs Lets you specify that false | yes | no A PDF file. This page range is Alerts Boolean 1 | 0 | true | This alert displays if you specify an output style that is incompatible with this render type. See “Understanding logging.” This URL renders “sample.qxp” as a PDF with a symmetric bleed: http://localhost:8080/pdf/sample.qxp? bleed=symmetric&offsetbleed=2 Example, GET URL This URL renders a PDF in which color images are downsampled to a resolution of 300 dpi and manual medium-quality JPEG compression is applied: http://localhost:8080/pdf/sample.qxp? colorimagedownsample=300&colorcompression=true Request object name: PDFRenderRequest // STEP1: Create the QuarkXPress Server Request Context // and set the nescessary properties com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext requestCtx = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); Boolean responseAsURL = false; requestCtx.setDocumentName(docName); // STEP 2(SPECIFIC TO REQUESTS): // Create the PDF renderer request // and embed it in the request context. PDFRenderRequest pdfreq = new PDFRenderRequest(); pdfreq.setAuthor(request.getParameter(“Author”)); Example, object model pdfreq.setTitle(request.getParameter(“Title”)); pdfreq.setLayout(request.getParameter(“Layout”)); pdfreq.setSpread(request.getParameter(“Spread”)); pdfreq.setPage(request.getParameter(“mPage”)); pdfreq.setPages(request.getParameter(“Pages”)); if( strLowResolution !=null && strLowResolution.equals(“True”)) pdfreq.setLowResolution(“true”); requestCtx.setRequest(pdfreq); // STEP3: Create the service and // call the processRequest() API RequestService service = new RequestServiceStub(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData data A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 67 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER = service.processRequest(requestCtx); For more information about the object model, see the samples. There are three ways to generate PDF files with QuarkXPress Server. You can generate a PDF file in QuarkXPress Server and return it to the end user, generate the PDF in QuarkXPress server and save it to a folder on the server computer, or generate a PostScript file for later distilling and save it to a folder on the server computer. To choose one of these output methods in QuarkXPress Server, choose Administration > Preferences > Renderer > PDF) and then click DirectPDF, PDFtoFolder, or PS4D (PostScript for Later Distilling). If you choose either of the last two options, click Browse and navigate to the target folder, then choose an option from the Default Name drop-down menu.You can specify an output style and set additional local parameters of that output style. For example, if no bleed setting is specified in the output style named “mystylename”, you can specify a bleed setting with a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/pdf/sample.qxp? outputstyle=mystylename&bleed=symmetric You can override settings in an output style. For example, if an asymmetric bleed is specified in the output style named “mystylename,” you could override it with the same URL. If you do not specify a PDF output style, the default PDF output style is used. The default PD output style is Screen - Low Quality/Low Notes Resolution.You can still obtain a high resolution PDF by specifying the output style. Output style names are case-sensitive and should be precise. The following will return a list of output styles from the server: http:///getserverinfo Default PDF Output Style Press - High Quality/High Resolution Print Medium Quality/Medium Resolution Screen - Medium Quality/Low Resolution Screen - Low Quality/Low Resolution PDF/X-3:2002 PDF/X-1a:2001 Default Print Output Style Default EPS Output Style Default ePub Output Style Default Kindle Output Style Default PDF For AVE Default AVE Output Style png The png render type returns a PNG rendering of a page or spread. Namespace PNG Lets you specify the Parameters pngcompression 1|2|3|4 compression of a PNG response. The valid 68 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER values are: 1 (lowest compression), 2 (medium compression), 3 (high compression), and 4 (highest compression). The default value is 1. Lets you specify transparentpng whether to generate a true | false PNG file that uses transparency. Lets you specify upadateimage true | false whether to update imported pictures. Lets you specify whether to update the updateflow true | false text flow version of a project to the current version. boxes String page Integer Lets you request multiple boxes. Lets you specify a single page. Lets you specify a Float .1 to 6.92 for scale Windows .1 to 8 on Mac OS scaling percentage. The valid values are from .1 (10%) to 8 (800%) on Mac OS or 6.92 (692%) on Windows. Render modifier parameters box Lets you request a String single box. Lets you specify a spread. The first spread spread is spread 1. In a facing- Integer page document, spread 1 consists of the first page. Lets you specify a layout layout by name or ID. String The first layout is Layout 1. Response A PNG file. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example, GET URL http://localhost:8080/png/sample.qxp?pngcompression=1 Request object name: PNGRenderRequest // STEP1: Create the QuarkXPress Server Request // Context and set the nescessary properties Example, object model com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext rc = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); Boolean responseAsURL = false; rc.setDocumentName(docName); // STEP 2(SPECIFIC TO REQUESTS):Create the PNG renderer // request and embed it in the A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 69 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER request context. PNGRenderRequest pngreq = new PNGRenderRequest(); pngreq.setPNGCompression(request.getParameter( “PNGCompression”)); pngreq.setLayout(request.getParameter(“Layout”)); pngreq.setSpread(request.getParameter(“Spread”)); pngreq.setPage(request.getParameter(“mPage”)); rc.setRequest(pngreq); // STEP3: Create the service and // call the processRequest() API RequestService service = new RequestServiceStub(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData data = service.processRequest(rc); postscript The postscript render type returns a PostScript rendering of a project. Namespace PostScript Lets you specify bleed values for a page.To specify an asymmetric bleed, use the following format:prntbleed=asym ,clip,top,bottom, left, rightThe clip value is Boolean (yes/no). The top, bottom, left, and right values are float values. For example:http://localhos t:8080/ postscript/Sample.qxp? Page | asym, clip, top, Parameters prntbleed bottom, left, right | sym, clip, amount prntbleed=asym,true,1, 2,2,1 The above example results in an asymmetric bleed of 1 on the top, 2 on the bottom, 2 on the left, and 1 on the right. To specify a symmetric bleed, use the following format:prntbleed=sym,c lip,amount The clip value is Boolean (yes/no). The amount value is a float value. For example:http://localhos t:8080/ postscript/Sample.qxp? prntbleed=sym,true,1 The above example results in a symmetric bleed of 1 on all sides. 70 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Default: prntbleed=sym,yes,0 Lets you specify an output style. To use a named output style, use the name of that output style. For example:http://localhos t:8080/ postscript/ sample.qxp?outputstyle =stylename To use outputstyle stylename, document settings that have been captured with the Capture Settings in the QuarkXPress Print dialog box, use document. For example:http://localhos t:8080/ postscript/ sample.qxp?outputstyle =document Lets you specify updateimage true | false whether to update imported pictures. Lets you specify whether to update the updateflow true | false text flow version of a project to the current version. Lets you specify a single page Integer pages String (page range) page. Lets you specify a range of pages. Lets you specify a spread. The first spread Render modifier parameters spread Integer is spread 1. In a facingpage document, spread 1 consists of the first page. Lets you specify a layout String layout by name or ID. The first layout is Layout 1. Response A PostScript file. This page range is invalid. Alerts HTTP Error #500 QuarkXPress Server Error #147 This alert displays if you try to render an invalid page range. No file produced. The HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you try to document requested render a a project that contains only blank contains only blank pages. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 71 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER pages. PostScript printer HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if the mapped to file not PostScript printer or driver is not set to Print to found File. This Output Style does This alert displays if you specify a nonexistent not exist. output style. This Output Style cannot be used with this render type. This alert displays if you specify an output style that is incompatible with this render type. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example, GET URL http://localhost:8080/postscript/Sample.qxp Request object name: PostScriptRenderRequest // STEP1: Create the QuarkXPress Server Request // Context and set the nescessary properties com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext requestCtx = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); Boolean responseAsURL = false; requestCtx.setDocumentName(docName); // STEP 2(SPECIFIC TO REQUESTS): // Create the Post Script renderer // request and embed it in the request context. PostScriptRenderRequest pscreq = new Example, object model PostScriptRenderRequest(); pscreq.setPrintBleed(request.getParameter(“PrintBleed”)); pscreq.setPrintPPD(request.getParameter(“PrintPPD”)); pscreq.setPages(request.getParameter(“Pages”)); requestCtx.setRequest(pscreq); // STEP3: Create the service and call the // processRequest() API RequestService service = new RequestServiceStub(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData data = service.processRequest(requestCtx); To create a PostScript file, you must have a PostScript driver on the server computer.You can specify an output style and set additional local parameters of that output style. For example, if no bleed setting is specified in the output style named “mystylename”, you can specify a bleed setting with a URL like the Notes following:http://localhost:8080/eps/sample.qxp? outputstyle=mystylename&bleed=symmetric You can override settings in an output style. For example, if an asymmetric bleed is specified in the output style named “mystylename,” you could override it with the same URL.If you do not specify a PostScript-compatible output style, the default PostScript-compatible output style is used. qcddoc The qcddoc render type returns a QuarkCopyDesk article. Namespace qcddoc Lets you specify which article in a project to Parameters article String render. For example:http://localhos t:8080/qcddoc/ abc.qxp?article=article1 component 72 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 String Lets you specify which USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER component in an article to render. For example:http://localhos t:8080/copydesk/ abc.qcd?component=co mp1 Lets you render an article in lightweight or full-featured format. format lightweight | For fullfeatured example:http://localhos t:8080/qcddoc/ abc.qxp?article=article1 & format=fullfeatured Lets you save a copy of an article that was created in QuarkCopyDesk as a template. The default value is true. For example:http://QXPSer ver8:8080/saveas/ saveastemplate qcddoc/article.qcd?save true | false astemplate=trueYou can also use this parameter to save a copy of a template as an article. For example:http://QXPSer ver8:8080/saveas/ qcddoc/template.qct?sa veastemplate=false Lets you include a page picture when you export an article from a QuarkXPress layout. Valid options are:picformat (embedded or separate)quality includepagepicture true | false | 1 | 0 (blackandwhite or color)picdpi (72, 144, or 200)spreadrange (all or first)For example:http://localhos t:8080/saveas/qcddoc/ 4.qxp?includepagepictu re=1& quality=blackandwhite &picdpi=144& A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 73 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER spreadrange=firsthttp:// localhost:8080/saveas/q cddoc/ PagePicture.qxp?includ epagepicture=true Lets you modify the Render modifier modify parameters XML article with XML. For more information, see “XML modify.” Response A QuarkCopyDesk article. There is no box with This alert displays if the box corresoponding to a the specified identifier. referenced component does not exist. The number of characters in the article This alert displays if an article name is longer name can’t be greater Alerts than 32 characters. than max limit. This alert displays if you create or change the The article/component name of an article or component so that it is the name is not unique. same as the name of an existing article or component. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example, GET URL http://localhost:8080/qcddoc/copydesk/sample.qcd Example, object model Request object name: CopyDeskDocRequest qxpdoc The qxpdoc render type returns a QuarkXPress project. Namespace qxpdoc Indicates the QuarkXPress version format to use. For qxpdocver 8|9 example:http://localhos t:8080/qxpdoc/ construct/project1.qxp? qxpdocver=8 Lets you specify whether to return modified pictures in the response or not. If set Parameters upadateimage true | false to false, modified pictures are not returned. If set to true, modified pictures are returned. The default value is true. Lets you save a copy of saveastemplate true | false a project as a template. The default value is true. For 74 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER example:http://localhos t:8080/saveas/ qxpdoc/project.qxp?sav eastemplate=trueYou can also use this parameter to save a copy of a template as a project. For example:http://localhos t:8080/saveas/ qxpdoc/template.qpt?sa veastemplate=false Lets you specify a Render modifier layout parameters layout by name or ID. String The first layout is Layout 1. Response A QuarkXPress project. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if Disable QuarkXPress document QXD Return is checked in the QuarkXPress return is disabled. Server administration interface (Administration > Preferences > General > Server). The renderer for this image type has no way Alerts of rendering the desired objects. HTTP Error #406 This alert displays if you submit a qxpdoc render request with the page, pages, box, or spread parameter. Cannot save a HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you QuarkXPress Project attempt to save a QuarkXPress 6.x project to an down to an earlier earlier version of QuarkXPress with the version. qxpdocver parameter. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example, GET URL http://localhost:8080/qxpdoc/sample.qxp Request object name: QuarkXPressRenderRequest // STEP1: Create the QuarkXPress Server Request // Context and set the nescessary properties com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext requestCtx = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); Boolean responseAsURL = false; requestCtx.setDocumentName(docName); // STEP 2(SPECIFIC TO REQUESTS):Create the QuarkXPress // renderer request and embed it in Example, object model the request context. QuarkXPressRenderRequest qxpreq = new QuarkXPressRenderRequest(); qxpreq.setDocumentVersion(request.getParameter( “XpressDocVersion”)); qxpreq.setLayout(request.getParameter(“Layout”)); requestCtx.setRequest(qxpreq); // STEP3: Create the service and call the processRequest() API RequestService service = new RequestServiceStub(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData data = service.processRequest(requestCtx); screenpdf The screenpdf render type returns a low-resolution PDF rendering of a project. This render type overrides the PDF Workflow setting in the QuarkXPress Server A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 75 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER administration interface (Administration > Preferences > Renderer > PDF) and always sends the PDF file to the browser. Namespace Screenpdf Lets you specify an output style. To use a named output style, use the name of that output style. For example:http://localhos t:8080/screenpdf/ sample.qxp?outputstyle =stylename To use outputstyle stylename settings that have been captured with the Capture Settings in the QuarkXPress Print dialog box, use document. For example:http://localhos t:8080/screenpdf/ sample.qxp?outputstyle =document title String subject String author String keywords String Parameters Lets you specify the title of the PDF file. Lets you specify the subject of the PDF file. Lets you specify the author of the PDF file. Lets you specify keywords of the PDF file. Lets you specify includehyperlinks 1 | 0 | true | false | yes | whether to include no hyperlinks in the PDF file. Lets you specify whether to export lists exportlistsashyperlinks 1 | 0 | true | false | yes | no as hyperlinks. To use this parameter, you must set includehyperlinks to true. Lets you specify whether to export the exportindexesashyperli 1 | 0 | true | false | yes | nks no index as hyperlinks. To use this parameter, you must set includehyperlinks to true. 76 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Lets you specify whether to export lists exportlistsasbookmarks 1 | 0 | true | false | yes | no as bookmarks. To use this parameter, you must set includehyperlinks to true. Lets you specify mode composite or whether the PDF file is separations a composite or includes separations. Lets you specify the color space of the PDF printcolors cmyk, rgb, grayscale, file. This option is cmykandspot, asis available only when mode is set to composite. Lets you specify a separation method. plates inripseps This option is available only when mode is set to separations. Lets you specify whether to include produceblankpages 1 | 0 | true | false | yes | blank pages. This no option is available only when mode is set to composite. useopi 1 | 0 | true | false | yes | no Lets you specify whether to use OPI. Lets you specify images includeimages, omittiff, whether to include TIFF omittiffandeps and EPS images from an OPI server. Lets you include, omit, registration off, centered, offcenter and configure registration marks. Lets you specify the offset 0–30 (in points) offset of registration pageitemsonly, Lets you specify a bleed marks. bleed symmetric type. Lets you specify a bleed offset to use. This offsetbleed 0–6 (in inches) option is available only when bleed is set to symmetric. spreads 1 | 0 | true | false | yes | Lets you specify no whether to output spreads. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 77 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER lowresolution 1 | 0 | true | false | yes | Lets you request a low- no resolution (36 dpi) PDF. Lets you specify the colorimagedownsample 9–2400 resolution of color images. grayscaleimagedownsa mple monochromeimagedow nsample Lets you specify the 9–2400 resolution of grayscale images. Lets you specify the 9–2400 resolution of monochrome images. Lets you specify whether medium- colorcompression true | false quality manual JPEG compression should be applied to color images. Lets you specify whether medium- grayscalecompression true | false quality manual JPEG compression should be applied to grayscale images. Lets you specify monochromecompressi on whether ZIP true | false compression should be applied to monochrome images. Lets you specify the PDF name. This option pdffile String is available only when PDF to Folder is selected in QuarkXPress Server PDF preferences. Lets you specify the PostScript file name. This option is available psfile String only when PostScript for later Distilling is selected in QuarkXPress Server PDF preferences. Lets you embed a thumbnail bw | color thumbnail in the PDF file. mode composite | separations fontdownload yes | no Lets you specify the PDF file’s color mode. Lets you turn font download on or off. You cannot specify 78 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER which fonts are downloaded. Lets you specify which layers layers should be String included, as a commaseparated list. transparencyres Integer value from 36 to 3600 Lets you specify the resolution for flattened content. Lets you use PDF/X–1a verification pdfx1a | pdfx3 or PDF/X–3 verification. Lets you specify separate yes | no whether to output each page as a separate file. Lets you specify produceblankplates yes | no whether to include blank plates. Lets you specify updateimage true | false whether to update imported pictures. Lets you specify whether to update the updateflow true | false text flow version of a project to the current version. page pages Lets you specify a single Integer page. String (page range) Lets you specify a range of pages. Lets you specify a spread. The first spread Render modifier spread is spread 1. In a facing- Integer page document, spread parameters 1 consists of the first page. Lets you specify a layout layout by name or ID. String The first layout is Layout 1. spreads Response Lets you specify that false | yes | no) the output use spreads. A screen-resolution PDF file This page range is invalid. Alerts Boolean (1 | 0 | true | No file produced. The document requested contains only blank pages. HTTP Error #500QuarkXPress Server Error #147This alert displays if you try to render an invalid page range. HTTP Error #500This alert displays if you try to render a a project that contains only blank pages. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 79 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Logs See “Understanding logging.” http://localhost:8080/screenpdf/sample.qxp? Example, GET URL colorimagedownsample=72&colorcompression=0 Request object name: ScreenPDFRenderRequest // STEP1: Create the QuarkXPress Server Request Context // and set the nescessary properties com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext requestCtx = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); String docName = request.getParameter(“documentName”) ; requestCtx.setDocumentName(docName); // STEP 2(SPECIFIC TO REQUESTS): // Create the QuarkXPress renderer // request and embed it in Example, object model the request context. ScreenPDFRenderRequest screenpdfRequest = new ScreenPDFRenderRequest(); screenpdfRequest.setColorImageDownSample( request.getParameter(“ColorImageDownSample”)); screenpdfRequest.setCompression(request.getParameter( “Compression”)); requestCtx.setRequest(screenpdfRequest); // STEP3: Create the service and // call the processRequest() API RequestService service = new RequestServiceStub(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData data = service.processRequest(requestCtx); html5 To Export as responsive HTML5 publication(Multi Device Output) : • Create/Duplicate different layouts in a QXP project where each layout corresponds to a digital device/orientation. • Optionally create an HTML5 output style. • Optionally specify a name for the section to be exported as a Table of Contents. • While exporting as HTML5 Publication, select layouts to be included in the publication and select the HTML5 output style to be applied. To Create Multiple Layouts in a QXP Project,one for each device/orientation please refer to the “HTML5 Publication output styles” section in ‘A Guide to QuarkXPress 2017’ , found here: “http://files.quark.com/download/documentation/QuarkXPress/2017/English/QXP-2017User-Guide-EN.pdf“ The html5 render type returns a .zip file containing HTML5 output. Modifier XML Markup : Use the Markup for the respective layout type ( iPad(V), iPhone5 (V), iPhone6 (V), Android (V)) as shownin the following figure: 80 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER HTML5 Modifier XML Markup The following table pertains to HTML5 publications: Namespace html5 Parameters html A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 81 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Render modifier parameters layout 82 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER page A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 83 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER pages 84 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Response A .zip file containing an HTML5 article. Alerts The renderer for this image type has no way of rendering the desired objects. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 85 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Cannot open this document type. Please select a QuarkXPress document or template. 86 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Logs See “Understanding logging.” URL Request to export as HTML5 Multi Device Output Example, object model http://:/html5/.qxp?modify=file:&layouts=iPad (V),iPad (H),iPhone5 (V),iPhone5 (H) Request object name: html5RenderRequest  If you want to use a custom HTML5 output style, then it must be specified in the URL request:http://:/html5/?modify=file:&layouts=iPad (V),iPad (H),iPhone5 (V),iPhone5 (H)&outputstyle= Understanding render modifiers Render modifiers let you control which parts of a project are rendered and set the scale of the returned renderings. The topics covered here include the following: Property Description The box render modifier lets you render a single box box. The boxes render modifier lets you render boxes multiple boxes. The layer render modifier lets you show and hide layers prior to rendering. This render modifier layer also lets you add and remove layers from a project on the server. The layout render modifier lets you render a layout particular layout. The movepages render modifier lets you move movepages pages prior to rendering. The page render modifier lets you render a single page page. The pages render modifier lets you render pages multiple pages. The scale render modifier lets you specify the scale scale at which content is rendered. The spread render modifier lets you render a spread single spread. The spreads render modifier lets you render spreads multiple spreads. Additional render-type-specific parameters are listed on each render type’s page.  In the QuarkXPress Server Manager API, render modifiers are properties of render request classes.  Render modifier names are not case-sensitive. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 87 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER annotateerrors The annotateerrors render modifier lets you include descriptions of rendering errors as notes in the layout itself. In rendered QuarkXPress files, errors are displayed as notes. In rendered PDFs, errors are displayed as comments. In XML output, errors are displayed as notes XML markup. Includes descriptions of Parameters annotateerrors String Compatible with pdf, qxpdoc, xml, postscript Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/png/sample.qxp?box=annotateerrors rendering errors as notes in the layout. Descriptions of rendering errors are formatted with the default character Notes style sheet. appenderrors The appenderrors render modifier lets you include descriptions of rendering errors after the last page in the layout. Descriptions of rendering errors are formatted in 10-point magenta Arial. Includes descriptions of Parameters appenderrors String rendering errors after the last page in the layout. Compatible with pdf, qxpdoc, xml, postscript Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/png/sample.qxp?box=appenderrors Notes Descriptions of rendering errors are formatted in 10-point magenta Arial. box The box render modifier lets you render a single box. box String Lets you specify which box to render. Lets you specify Parameters overlap String whether to show the area overlapped by the specified box. Compatible with jpeg, png, raw There is no box with HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you the specified identifier. request a box that does not exist. Cannot render box. The box must be within the Alerts page boundaries. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you request a box that is outside the page boundary. The renderer for this HTTP Error #406 This alert displays if you try to image type has no way use the box parameter with the eps, pdf, or of rendering the desired qxpdoc render types. 88 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER objects. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/png/sample.qxp?box=pictbox To render a box in a particular layout, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/png/sample.qxp? Notes layout=2&page=3&box=textboxWhen you render using the box parameter, the box ID has a higher priority than the box name. boxes The boxes render modifier lets you render multiple boxes. boxes Lets you specify which String boxes to render. Lets you specify Parameters overlap whether to show the String area overlapped by the specified boxes. Compatible with jpeg, png, raw There is no box with HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you the specified identifier. request a box that does not exist. Cannot render box. The box must be within the Alerts page boundaries. The renderer for this image type has no way of rendering the desired objects. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you request a box that is outside the page boundary. . HTTP Error #406 This alert displays if you try to use the boxes parameter with the eps, pdf, or qxpdoc render types. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example GET URL http://server:port/jpeg/doc.qxp?boxes=box1,box2 To render boxes in a particular layout, use a URL like the Notes following:http://localhost:8080/png/sample.qxp? layout=2&page=3&box=textboxWhen you render using the box parameter, the box ID has a higher priority than the box name. compositionzone The compositionzone parameter lets you return an XML representation of one or more Composition Zones items. Lets you specify which Composition Zones item to return. For compositionzone String Parameters example:http://localhos t:8080/xml/sample.qxp ? compositionzone=czbo x compositionzones String Lets you specify which Composition Zones A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 89 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER items to return. For example:http://localhos t:8080/xml/sample.qxp ? compoxitionzones=czb ox1, czbox2 Compatible with Alerts Logs xml Invalid box given in Error #10401 This alert displays if you request a Box Param. box that is not a Composition Zones item. See “Understanding logging.” layer The layer render modifier lets you show and hide layers prior to rendering. This render modifier also lets you add and remove layers from a project on the server. Lets you specify which layer String layer to render. You can specify multiple layer names in one request. Lets you add a new addlayer String layer. You can add one layer per request. Lets you delete a layer deletelayer String and the items on that layer. You can delete one layer per request. Lets you render every alllayers Boolean (1 | 0 | true | layer in the project, false | yes | no) including hidden and suppressed layers. Lets you modify the Parameters layerattribute String attributes of a layer. You can modify one layer per request. Lets you specify a new name for a layer. You name String must use this parameter in conjunction with the layerattribute parameter. Lets you make a layer visible or invisible. You can use this parameter visible Boolean (1 | 0 | true | in conjunction with the false | yes | no) addlayer and layerattribute parameters. This parameter overrides 90 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER QuarkXPress layer visibility preferences. Lets you suppress or allow the output of a layer. You can use this parameter in suppressoutput Boolean (1 | 0 | true | false | yes | no) conjunction with the addlayer and layerattribute parameters. This parameter overrides QuarkXPress suppress output preferences. Lets you lock or unlock a layer. You can use this parameter in conjunction with the locked Boolean (1 | 0 | true | addlayer and false | yes | no) layerattribute parameters. This parameter overrides QuarkXPress layer locking preferences. Lets you set or change a layer’s Keep Runaround setting. You can use this parameter in keeprunaround Boolean (1 | 0 | true | false | yes | no) conjunction with the addlayer and layerattribute parameters. This parameter overrides QuarkXPress Keep Runaround preferences. Compatible with eps, jpeg, png, postscript, qcddoc, qxpdoc, raw, pdf, screenpdf, swf, xml This layer does not HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you specify exist. Please verify the an invalid layer name with the layer, layer name. layerattribute, or deletelayer parameter. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you do not Specify a layer name. specify a layer name with the layer, layerattribute, addlayer, or deletelayer parameter. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you try to Alerts A layer with the same add a layer that already exists or change the name already exists. name of a layer to a name is already used in the project. Cannot change the name of the default layer. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you try to change the name of the default layer. Cannot delete the HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you try to default layer. delete the default layer. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 91 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you do not Invalid parameter specify additional attributes or specify attributes value. with invalid values in an addlayer or layerattribute request. This layer has been locked and cannot be modified. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you try to add or modify an item on a locked layer. See “Understanding logging.” Logs To render a single layer, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/doc.qxp?layer=layer1 To add a layer, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/qxpdoc/doc.qxp?addlayer= NewLayer&visible=yes&suppressoutput=yes&locked=no To delete a layer, use a URL like the following: Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/qxpdoc/doc.qxp?deletelayer=Layer1 To render all layers in a project, use a URL like the following: http://localhost:8080/qxpdoc/doc.qxp?alllayers=true To set layer attributes, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/qxpdoc/doc.qxp?layerattribute= Layer1&name=Layer2&visible=true&keeprunaround=true To add a new layer to a project, use code like the following:Layer layer = new Layer(); layer.name = “New Layer”; layer.operation = “CREATE”; Example, object model RGBColor rgbcolor = new RGBColor(); layer.RGBColor = rgbcolor; layout.layer = new Layer[]{layer};To edit the properties of an existing layer, use the following object hierarchy:ModifierRequest < Project < Layout < LayerTo delete a layer, set its operation attribute to “DELETE”. You cannot add, modify, or delete multiple layers in a single request.You cannot print layers whose visible and suppressoutput properties are set to false.You can render a hidden or suppressed layer by referencing it with the layer parameter. Suppressed layers are rendered for the jpeg, png, and qxpdoc render types, but not for the pdf, postscript, and eps render Notes types.You can use the deconstruct and getdocinfo request handlers to view information about the layers in a project.When you add a layer using addlayer, any unspecified attributes use the settings in the QuarkXPress Server layer preferences (Administration > Preferences > Renderer > Layers).If the visible property is set to false, the suppressoutput property is automatically set to true. layout The layout render modifier lets you render a specific layout. Lets you specify which Parameters layout String Compatible with eps, jpeg, png, postscript, raw, pdf, screenpdf layout to render. The first layout is layout 1. Alerts Logs Example GET URL The requested layout HTTP Error #500This alert displays if you supply does not exist. an invalid layout value. See “Understanding logging.” To render a layout by its layer ID, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/png/sample.qxp?layout=2 To render a 92 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER layout by its name, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/png/sample.qxp?layout=Layout 2 movepages The movepages render modifier lets you move pages prior to rendering. Lets you specify which pages to move. You can use a single page number (for example, movepages String 2) or a range of pages with the starting and ending page numbers separated by a hyphen (for example, 2–5). Parameters Lets you specify the page after which the page or pages should be moved. To move pages afterpage to the beginning of a String layout, use afterpage=start. To move pages to the end of a layout, use afterpage=end. Compatible with eps, jpeg, png, postscript, qcddoc, qxpdoc, raw, pdf, screenpdf, xml This page does not exist. Invalid page range. QuarkXPress Server Error #61 QuarkXPress Server Error #62 The specified page Alerts range cannot be moved QuarkXPress Server Error #51 there. This page range is invalid. Invalid parameter value. Logs QuarkXPress Server Error #146 QuarkXPress Server Error #10108 See “Understanding logging.” To move pages 2–3 to after page 5, use a URL like the Example GET URL following:http://localhost:8080/abc.qxp?movepages=2–3&afterpage=5 To move page 7 to the beginning of a layout, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/abc.qxp?movepages=7&afterpage= start To move pages before rendering a layout, use code like the following:// STEP1: Create the QuarkXPress Server Request Context // and set the nescessary properties com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext requestCtx = Example, object model new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); Boolean responseAsURL = false; requestCtx.setDocumentName(docName); // STEP 2(SPECIFIC TO REQUESTS):Create the PDF // renderer request and embed it in the request context. the request context. PDFRenderRequest pdfreq = new PDFRenderRequest(); pdfreq.setMovePages(“2-4”); A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 93 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER pdfreq.setAfterPage(“7”); requestCtx.setRequest(pdfreq); // STEP3: Create the service and call the // processRequest() API RequestService service = new RequestServiceStub(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData data = service.processRequest( requestCtx); The movepages operation executes only after all other modifications are Notes complete. For example, if you use movepages in a modify request, the pages are moved only after the modify request is complete. page The page render modifier lets you render a single page. Integer Lets you specify which Parameters page Compatible with eps, jpeg, png, postscript, qcddoc, raw, pdf, screenpdf page to render. The requested page HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you does not exist. attempt to render a page that does not exist. The renderer for this Alerts image type has no way HTTP Error #406 This alert displays if you use a of rendering the desired page parameter with the qxpdoc render type. objects. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/png/sample.qxp?page=2 To add a new page to an existing spread in a project, use code like the following:Spread spread = new Spread(); Page page = new Page(); page.UID Example, object model = “5”; page.operation = “CREATE”; spread.page = new Page[]{page}; To edit the properties of an existing page, use the following object hierarchy:ModifierRequest < Project < Layout < Spread < PageTo delete a page, set its operation attribute to “DELETE”. To render a page in a particular layout, use a URL like the Notes following:http://localhost:8080/png/sample.qxp?layout=2&page=3 pages The pages render modifier lets you render multiple pages. The pdf and postscript namespaces support this parameter. Parameters pages String (page range) Compatible with eps, jpeg, png, postscript, raw, pdf, screenpdf Lets you specify which pages to render. HTTP Error #500 QuarkXPress Server Error #147 Alerts This page range is This alert displays if you try to render a page invalid. range that exceeds the number of pages in the project. The renderer for this image type has no way of rendering the desired objects. HTTP Error #406 This alert displays if you use the pages parameter with the jpeg, eps, png, or qxpdoc render type. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example, GET URL http://localhost:8080/pdf/sample.qxp?pages=2–4 94 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER To render pages in a particular layout, use a URL like the Notes following:http://localhost:8080/pdf/sample.qxp?layout=2&pages=2,3 scale The scale render modifier lets you specify the scale at which content is rendered. Lets you specify a scaling percentage. The Parameters scale valid values are from .1 Float (10%) to 8 (800%) on Mac OS or 6.92 (692%) on Windows. Compatible with eps, jpeg, png, raw HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if an invalid Alerts Invalid scale parameter. scale value is provided. What to do: Enter a valid scale value. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example, GET URL http://localhost:8080/png/sample.qxp?scale=2 spread The spread render modifier lets you render a single spread. Lets you specify which spread to render. Spread numbers start with 1. Parameters spread The first spread is Integer spread 1. In a facingpage document, spread 1 consists of the first page. Compatible with Alerts eps, jpeg, png, postscript, raw, pdf, screenpdf The requested spread HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you specify does not exist. an invalid spread. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example, GET URL http://localhost:8080/png/sample.qxp?spread=2 To add a spread to a project, use code like the following:Spread spread = new Spread(); spread.UID = “5”; spread.operation = “CREATE”; Example, Object Model layout.spread = new Spread[]{spread};Spread is located at the following place in the object hierarchy:ModifierRequest < Project < Layout < SpreadTo delete a spread, set its operation attribute to “DELETE”. spreads The spreads render modifier lets you render layouts in spreads mode, so that pages in spreads are rendered side-by-side rather than as individual pages. Parameters spreads Boolean (1 | 0 | true | Lets you specify false | yes | no) whether to render A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 95 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER spreads (true) or individual pages (false). Compatible with eps, jpeg, png, postscript, raw, pdf, screenpdf Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example, GET URL http://localhost:8080/pdf/sample.qxp?spreads=true suppresserrors The suppresserrors render modifier forces QuarkXPress Server to render as much of a layout as it can, despite any errors that occur. Forces the layout to String render despite any Parameters suppresserrors Compatible with pdf, qxpdoc, xml, postscript Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/png/sample.qxp?box=suppresserrors errors that may occur. Using content modifiers Content modifiers let you alter the content and formatting of boxes in layouts without using the XML modify parameter. Inserting text This topic explains how to import text into a box. Any existing text in the box is replaced. The name of the target box.Specify the name and location of the imported file with the file: prefix. The imported file must be available to QuarkXPress Server.To import a file that is in a subfolder of the Parameters [box name] String document pool on Mac OS, use a path like the following: file:subfolder:MyFile.ext To import a file that is in a subfolder of the document pool on Windows, use a path like the following: file:subfolder\MyFile.ex t Response A preview of the project with the imported text. 96 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress Server Error #–43 Alerts File not found. This alert displays if the imported file is not available to QuarkXPress Server. If the request succeeds, a transaction success message is written to the QuarkXPress Server transaction log file. For example: 8/3/2005 11:27:42 — jpeg/sample.qxp — Type: image/jpeg — Size: 31715 — Client: Logs an alert displays, an error message is written to the QuarkXPress Server error log file. For example:8/10/2005 10:32:57 — Error — Error Code: –43 — File not found. Example, GET URL http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?Author=NewText http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?TopStory=file:TopStory.doc Request object name: RequestParameterscom.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext rc = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext();; if(!this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) rc.documentName = this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; // STEP 2 (SPECIFIC TO REQUESTS):Create the Box Param // renderer request and embed it in RequestParameters request = new RequestParameters(); Example, object model NameValueParam nameValue1 = new NameValueParam(); nameValue1.paramName = this.boxname1.Text; if(!this.boxvalue1.Text.Equals(“”)) nameValue1.textValue = this.boxvalue1.Text; request.params = new NameValueParam[]{nameValue1}; rc.request = request; // Create the service and // call it with QRequestContext object RequestService svc = new RequestService(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData qc = svc.processRequest(rc); Box names are case-sensitive.Use “&” to change the contents of multiple boxes in one request. The general URL for the multiple-box request is:http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?text1= NewText1&text2=NewText2 Notes where text1 and text2 are the names of the two different boxes.You can use “&” to change the contents of multiple boxes in one request. For example:http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp? Headline=headline.txt&Story=file:Story.docYou can import an XTags file generated by QuarkXPress. Applying a font at import This topic explains how to apply a font to a new text flow. When you use this method, QuarkXPress Server ignores the original font of the target text box and inserts the new text with the font specified by the parameter. fontname Response A preview of the project with the font applied to the imported text. Alerts String The name of the font to Parameters be applied. The specified font is This alert displays if you specify a font that is not available. unavailable. If the request succeeds, a transaction success message is written to the Logs QuarkXPress Server transaction log file. For example:12/2/2005 16:24:13 — project2.qxp — Type: image/jpeg — Size: 11380 — Client: an error occurs, the error message is written to the QuarkXPress Server A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 97 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Error Log. The transaction entry in the error log contains the date and time of the request, the error code, and the error message. The following is a sample of an error transaction log entry:12/2/2005 16:16:26 — Error — Error Code: –43 — File not found. To apply Comic Sans MS to text in the box named “HeadBox,” use a URL Example, GET URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/png/sample.qxp?HeadBox=Headline&font name=Comic Sans MS Request object name: RequestParameterscom.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext rc = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); if(!this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) rc.documentName = this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; // STEP 2(SPECIFIC TO REQUESTS):Create the fontname // renderer request and embed it in RequestParameters request = new RequestParameters(); Example, object model NameValueParam nameValue1 = new NameValueParam(); nameValue1.paramName = this.boxname.Text; if(!this.boxvalue1.Text.Equals(“”)) nameValue1.textValue = this.fontname.Text; request.params = new NameValueParam[]{nameValue1}; rc.request = request; // Create the service and // call it with QRequestContext object RequestService svc = new RequestService(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData qc = svc.processRequest(rc); Inserting a picture This topic explains how to import a picture into an empty box or replace an existing picture with a new one. The name of the target box.Specify the name and location of the imported file with the file: prefix. The imported file must be available to QuarkXPress Server.To import a file that is in a subfolder of the Parameters [box name[ String document pool on Mac OS, use a path like the following: file:subfolder:MyFile.ext To import a file that is in a subfolder of the document pool on Windows, use a path like the following: file:subfolder\MyFile.ex t 98 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Response A preview of the project with the imported picture. HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress Server Error #–43 File not found. This alert displays if the imported file is not available to QuarkXPress Server. Alerts The specified file failed to load in the picture box. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you attempt to import an invalid picture file. If the request succeeds, a transaction success message is written to the QuarkXPress Server transaction log file. For example:8/3/2005 11:27:42 — jpeg/sample.qxp — Type: image/jpeg — Size: 31715 — Client: Logs an alert is displayed, an error message is written to the QuarkXPress Server error log. The following is a sample of the error log entry:8/10/2005 10:39:07 — Error — Error Code: 10339 — The specified file failed to load in the picture box. Example, GET URL http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp? PictureBox=file:FrenchOpen.pdf Request object name: RequestParameterscom.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext rc = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); if(!this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) rc.documentName = this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; //STEP 2(SPECIFIC TO REQUESTS):Create the Box Param //renderer request and embed it in RequestParameters request = new RequestParameters(); Example, object model NameValueParam nameValue1 = new NameValueParam(); nameValue1.paramName = this.boxname1.Text; if(!this.boxvalue1.Text.Equals(“”)) nameValue1.textValue = this.boxvalue1.Text; request.params = new NameValueParam[]{nameValue1}; rc.request = request; //Create the service and call it with QRequestContext object RequestService svc = new RequestService(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData qc = svc.processRequest(rc); Box names are case-sensitive.You can use “&” to change the contents of Notes multiple boxes in one request. For example:http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp? Logo=file:logo.jpeg&TopPicture=file:TopPicture.eps Saving a projects with a new name The saveas content modifier lets you save modified QuarkXPress projects in any supported format to the document pool or to any network location accessible to QuarkXPress Server. If you send a saveas request to QuarkXPress Server Manager using HTTP or the Web services interface while the common doc pool switch is set to off in the QuarkXPress Server Manager client, the file is saved to all registered QuarkXPress Server instances. If the common doc pool is enabled, the file can be saved to any one registered QuarkXPress server instance. newname String path String Parameters Lets you specify a name for the saved-as project. Lets you specify a A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 99 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER location for the savedas project (other than the document pool). Lets you specify whether the project should be saved to the document pool.The default value for this paramter is true. However, if you specify savetopool true | false a path value, the default value changes to false, which means if you want the project saved to the document pool, you must explicitly set savetopool to true. Lets you specify whether the saved replace true | false project should replace a project with the same name. The default value is true. Response The message “Document successfully saved.” HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress Server Error #–43 File not found. This alert displays if you supply an incorrect file name or the file is not available to QuarkXPress Server. HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress Server Error #–43 Alerts Bad filename/ This alert displays if you supply an incorrect file pathname. name or the file is not available to QuarkXPress Server. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you supply The file path is invalid. an invalid path parameter. What to do: Specify the correct file path with the path parameter. The specified folder is HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you try to Read-Only. save a project to a folder with read-only access. If the request succeeds, a transaction success message is written to the QuarkXPress Server transaction log file. For example: 11/16/2005 15:41:42 Logs — saveas/5mb.qxp — Type: — Size: 28 — Client: an alert displays, an error message is written to the QuarkXPress Server error log file. For example:11/16/2005 15:42:12 — Error — Error Code: 10371 — The file path is invalid. To save a PDF file named “Customer1.pdf” in the folder HDD:temp and also in the document pool, use a URL like the following. Note that this Example, GET URL URL will cause the saved-as file to replace any existing file with the same name.http://localhost:8080/saveas/pdf/sample.qxp? newname=Customer1&path=HDD:temp&savetopool=true Example, object model Request object name: SaveAsRequestcom.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext 100 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER rc = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); if(!this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) rc.documentName = this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; // STEP 2 (SPECIFIC TO REQUESTS): // Create the Save as request and chain it to the document context SaveAsRequest saveasreq = new SaveAsRequest(); saveasreq.newName = this.newname.Text; if((this.path.Text != null) && (!this.path.Text.Equals(“”))) saveasreq.newFilePath = this.path.Text; saveasreq.replaceFile = this.replace.Checked.ToString(); saveasreq.saveToPool = this.savetopool.Checked.ToString(); rc.request = saveasreq; // Create the service and call it with QRequestContext object RequestService svc = new RequestService(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData qc = svc.processRequest(rc); Importing XML with placeholders This topic explains how to import XML data into boxes using QuarkXPress placeholders. To use this feature, you must have a QuarkXPress project that has been set up with placeholders that correspond to the element types in a source XML file. For more information, see A Guide to XML Import. Lets you specify the XML file containing the data to import. The thexmldoc XML path can be absolute or relative to the location of the XML file. You can also supply XML as a string. Lets you specify which layout to render. The layout String first layout is layout 1. You can also specify a layout by name. Parameters Lets you specify the XML file containing the data to import. The paginate parameter reates enough pages in the target layout to paginate XML accommodate the records in the XML.This parameter works only with the pdf, postscript, and qxp render types. If you use it with any other render type, the server returns A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 101 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER only the first page of the paginated layout.If you do not supply an XML string or file (for example: http://localhost:8080/p df/Sample.qxp?paginat e), QuarkXPress Server attempts to use the XML file that was associated with the layout in QuarkXPress. Response The layout with the imported XML. Alerts Invalid XML String HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you supply an invalid XML string in the thexmldoc parameter. If the project is successfully rendered, a transaction success message is written to the QuarkXPress Server transaction log file. The transaction entry consists of the date and time of the request, the render type, the project name, the type of response produced by the server, the size of the Logs response returned in bytes, and the client IP address. The following is a sample of a transaction entry: 8/5/2005 18:11:54 — sample.qxp — Type: image/jpeg — Size: 65982 — Client: an alert displays, an error message is written to the QuarkXPress Server error log file. For example:8/9/2005 12:38:42 — Error — Error Code: 10396 — Invalid XML String. When QuarkXPress Server is running on Windows, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/Sample.qxp?thexmldoc= C:\Autumn.jpg Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie When QuarkXPress Server is running on Mac OS, Example, GET URL use a URL like the following: http://localhost:8080/Sample.qxp?thexmldoc= /Volumes/MacHD/Pictures/abc.tiff</ Title> <Author> Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie</Author> </Book></BookReview>Alternatively, you can specify a path to a file containing the XML: http://localhost:8080/Sample.qxp?paginate= file:MacHD:Sample.xml Request object names: XMLImportRequestcom.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext rc = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); if(!this.DocumentSettings1. documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) rc.documentName = this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; // STEP 2 (SPECIFIC TO Example, object model REQUESTS): Create the XML Import request XMLImportRequest xmlimportreq = new XMLImportRequest(); xmlimportreq.XMLDocument = this.thexmldoc.Text; rc.request = xmlimportreq; // STEP 3(SPECIFIC TO REQUESTS): Create the JPEG renderer request JPEGRenderRequest jpreq = new JPEGRenderRequest(); xmlimportreq.request = jpreq; // Create the service and call it with QRequestContext object RequestService svc = new RequestService(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData qc = 102 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER svc.processRequest(rc); Updating article geometry and content This topic explains how to update the geometry and contents of a QuarkCopyDesk article using another article file or an article in a QuarkXPress project. If you use this parameter with updatefromfile, this lets you specify the file in which you want to update the geometry. If updategeometry String you use this parameter with updatetofile, this lets you specify the Parameter QuarkXPress project with which you want to update the geometry of an article. Lets you specify the file in which you want to updatecontent String update the content. Can be used only with updatefromfile. Response WHAT DOES THIS RETURN? Alerts WHAT ERRORS APPLY? If the project is successfully rendered, a transaction success message is written to the QuarkXPress Server transaction log file. The transaction entry consists of the date and time of the request, the render type, the project name, the type of response produced by the server, the size of the Logs response returned in bytes, and the client IP address. The following is a sample of a transaction entry: 8/5/2005 18:11:54 — sample.qxp — Type: image/jpeg — Size: 65982 — Client: an alert displays, an error message is written to the QuarkXPress Server error log file. For example:8/9/2005 12:38:42 — Error — Error Code: 10396 — Invalid XML String. To update the geometry of an article using the geometry of another article, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/updategeometry/destination.qcd?updatefr omfile=source.qcd To update the geometry of an article in a QuarkXPress file using the geometry of a QuarkCopyDesk article file, use a URL like the Example, GET URL following:http://localhost:8080/updatecontent/destination.qxp?updatefro mfile=source.qcd&articleid=1 To update the geometry of a QuarkCopyDesk article file using the geometry of an article in a QuarkXPress project, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/updategeometry/source.qxp?updatetofile= destination.qcd&articleid=1 Example, object model CAN YOU DO THIS WITH QXPSM? IF SO, HOW?Request object names: XMLImportRequestcom.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext rc = new A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 103 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); if(!this.DocumentSettings1. documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) rc.documentName = this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; // STEP 2 (SPECIFIC TO REQUESTS): Create the XML Import request XMLImportRequest xmlimportreq = new XMLImportRequest(); xmlimportreq.XMLDocument = this.thexmldoc.Text; rc.request = xmlimportreq; // STEP 3(SPECIFIC TO REQUESTS): Create the JPEG renderer request JPEGRenderRequest jpreq = new JPEGRenderRequest(); xmlimportreq.request = jpreq; // Create the service and call it with QRequestContext object RequestService svc = new RequestService(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData qc = svc.processRequest(rc); Highlighting text in rendered output To apply highlighting to text in rendered output, use XML like the following. <RICHTEXT BACKGROUNDCOLOR=”Yellow”>This text is highlighted.</RICHTEXT>  Highlighting is applied only to rendered output. It is not retained in the QuarkXPress project. Using XML modify The modify parameter lets you modify a QuarkXPress project using XML.  This topic covers the modify parameter when it is used without the construct namespace. You can also use the modify parameter to specify an XML file to use when constructing a project; for more information, see “Constructing a project“. The xml namespace takes two arguments: the name of the project to be modified, and a modify parameter with the string or the path of the XML file that describes how to create the project: http://QXPServer8:8080/project1.qxp?modify= file:path to XML file on server http://QXPServer8 :8080/ project1.qxp?modify=XML string You can also modify QuarkCopyDesk articles. To modify a QuarkCopyDesk article: DTD http://localhost:8080/copydesk/abc.qcd?modify= file:XMLfile.xml Modifier DTD Lets you specify an XML file or string that describes how to create a project. The path can be absolute or a relative path in the document Parameters modify String pool. Use the file: indicator to specify the path.Note that you can also include an XML file as part of a multipart HTTP request. 104 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Example GET URL http://QXPServer8:8080/project1.qxp?modify=file:sample.xml This XML deletes page 2 of a QuarkXPress layout: <PROJECT> <LAYOUT> Example XML <ID NAME=”Layout 1” /> <PAGE OPERATION=”DELETE”> <SPREAD> <ID UID=”2” /> <ID UID=”1” /> </PAGE> </SPREAD> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT> Response The updated QuarkXPress project. If the request succeeds, a transaction success message is written to the QuarkXPress Server transaction log file. For example:8/3/2005 11:27:42 — jpeg/sample.qxp — Type: image/jpeg — Size: 31715 — Client: Logs an alert is displayed, an error message is written to the QuarkXPress Server error log. The following is a sample of the error log entry:8/10/2005 10:39:07 — Error — Error Code: 10339 — The specified file failed to load in the picture box. Modifying box properties and content To modify box properties and content, use the following parameters in the Modifier DTD: • “BOX“ • “ID“ • “TEXT“ • “PICTURE“ • “GEOMETRY“ • “CONTENT“ • “SHADOW“ • “FRAME“ • “PLACEHOLDER“ • “METADATA“ The following XML shows how some of these parameters work. <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?> <PROJECT> <LAYOUT> <ID NAME=”Layout 1”/> <SPREAD> <ID UID=”1”/> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT”> <ID NAME=”SERVICES”/> <GEOMETRY> <MOVEUP>50</MOVEUP> <MOVELEFT>30</MOVELEFT> <ALLOWBOXONTOPASTEBOARD>true</ALLOWBOXONTOPASTEBOARD> </GEOMETRY> <CONTENT CONVERTQUOTES=”true”> HD:QuarkXPress:DocPool:Services.txt</CONTENT> </BOX> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT”> <ID NAME=”FAMILY”/> <GEOMETRY> <MOVERIGHT>20</MOVERIGHT> A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 105 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER <MOVEDOWN>30</MOVEDOWN> <ALLOWBOXONTOPASTEBOARD>true</ALLOWBOXONTOPASTEBOARD> <ALLOWBOXOFFPAGE>true</ALLOWBOXOFFPAGE> </GEOMETRY> </BOX> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT”> <ID NAME=”PRODUCTS”/> <GEOMETRY> <GROWACROSS>44</GROWACROSS> <GROWDOWN>30</GROWDOWN> <ALLOWBOXONTOPASTEBOARD>false</ALLOWBOXONTOPASTEBOARD> </GEOMETRY> </BOX> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT”> <ID NAME=”MAP”/> <GEOMETRY> <SHRINKACROSS>30</SHRINKACROSS> <SHRINKDOWN>30</SHRINKDOWN> </GEOMETRY> </BOX> <BOX COLOR=”Blue” BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT”> <ID NAME=”CONTACT”/> <GEOMETRY> <STACKINGORDER>BRINGTOFRONT</STACKINGORDER> <RUNAROUND TYPE=”ITEM” TOP=”4” RIGHT=”4” LEFT=”4” BOTTOM=”4”/> <ALLOWBOXOFFPAGE>false</ALLOWBOXOFFPAGE> </GEOMETRY> </BOX> </SPREAD> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT> If you know the UID attribute of a <CONTENT> element, you can insert content into that <CONTENT> element without having to specify where it is. For example: <PROJECT> <CONTENT UID=”0”>NewPicture.jpg</CONTENT> </PROJECT> You can also use a <CONTENT> element to insert additional text between two <RICHTEXT> elements, like so: <PROJECT> <STORY> <ID UID=”0”/> <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”Normal”> <RICHTEXT>Text before external file</RICHTEXT> <CONTENT>file:NewText.doc<CONTENT> <RICHTEXT>Text after external file</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> </STORY> </PROJECT> Response A preview of the QuarkXPress project with a new box created in the specified position. HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress Server Error #–43 File not found. This alert displays if you specify an invalid XML file or request a document that is not available to QuarkXPress Server. Alerts Bad filename/pathname. The XML document is 106 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress Server Error #–37 This alert displays if you specify an invalid file name or path. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if the XML USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER not valid or well you supply is not well-formed or does not adhere formed. to the Modifier DTD. The XML document contains an invalid tag value. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you supply an invalid value in the XML. If the request succeeds, a transaction success message is written to the QuarkXPress Server transaction log file. For example: 8/3/2005 11:27:42 — Logs jpeg/sample.qxp — Type: image/jpeg — Size: 31715 — Client: an alert displays, an error message is written to the QuarkXPress Server error log file. For example: When QuarkXPress Server is running on Windows, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?modify= file:C:\updateBox.xml When QuarkXPress Server is running on Mac OS, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?modify= file:MacHD:xml:updateBox.xml You can also supply a string that consists Example GET URL of valid XML commands. For example:http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?modify= <PROJECT><LAYOUT><ID UID=”Layout1”/><SPREAD><ID UID=”1”/> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT” COLOR=”Blue” SHADE=”50” OPACITY=”50”> <ID NAME=”MOUNTAINS”/><CONTENT> file:Services.eps</CONTENT> </BOX></SPREAD></LAYOUT></PROJECT> Request object names:ModifierRequest ModifierRequestContents Layout ID Box Geometry Runaround ModifierFileRequestFor ModifierFileRequest, the member contents are used to set the file path or send the XML itself. com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext rc = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); if(!this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) rc.documentName = this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; //STEP 2(SPECIFIC TO REQUESTS): //Create the BOX modifier renderer request and //embed it in request context ModifierRequest request = new ModifierRequest(); Project contents = new Project(); Geometry geo = new Example 1, object model Geometry(); geo.moveUp = this.moveup.Text; geo.color = this.color.Text; geo.growDown = this.growdown.Text; geo.shrinkAcross = this.shrinkacross.Text; Box box = new Box(); box.UID = this.Boxid.Text; box.geometry = geo; Layout layout1 = new Layout(); layout1.name = this.layout.Text; layout1.boxes = new Box[]{box}; if(this.runaround.Checked == true) { Runaround runaround = new Runaround(); runaround.type = this.runaroundtype.Text; runaround.top = this.top.Text; runaround.left = this.left.Text; runaround.right = this.right.Text; geo.runaround = runaround; } contents.layouts = new Layout[]{layout1}; request.project = contents; rc.request = request; //Create the service and call it with QRequestContext object RequestService svc = new RequestService(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData qc = svc.processRequest(rc); To edit the geometrical properties of an existing box in a QuarkXPress project, use the following object hierarchy:ModifierRequest < Project < Example 2, object Layout < Spread < Box < Geometry The Geometry object has the following model properties:allowBoxOffPage allowBoxOnToPasteBoard angle growAcross growDown layer linestyle (of type ‘Linestyle’) moveDown moveLeft moveRight moveUp page position (of type ‘Position’) runaround (of type A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 107 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER ‘Runaround’) shape shrinkAcross shrinkDown stackingOrder suppressOutput The Runaround object has the following properties:bottom edited invert left noise outset outsideOnly pathName restrictToBox right smoothness threshold top type Creating boxes To create a new box, use the following parameters in the Modifier DTD: • “BOX“ • “ID“ • “TEXT“ • “PICTURE“ • “GEOMETRY“ • “CONTENT“ • “SHADOW“ • “FRAME“ The following XML shows how some of these parameters work. <PROJECT> <LAYOUT> <ID UID=”layout 1”/> <SPREAD> <ID UID=”1”/> <ID/> <BOX OPERATION=”CREATE” BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT”> <ID NAME=”PRODUCTS”/> <GEOMETRY PAGE=”2” SHAPE=”SH_RECT”> <POSITION> <TOP>5</TOP> <LEFT>5</LEFT> <BOTTOM>10</BOTTOM> <RIGHT>10</RIGHT> </POSITION> </GEOMETRY> </BOX> </SPREAD> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT> Response A preview of the QuarkXPress project with new box created in specified position. HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress Server Error #–43 This alert File not found. displays if you specify an invalid XML file or request a document that is not available Alerts to QuarkXPress Server. HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress Bad filename/ pathname. Server Error #–37 This alert displays if you specify an invalid file name or path. 108 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER HTTP Error #500This alert The XML document is not valid displays if the XML you supply or well formed. is not well-formed or does not adhere to the Modifier DTD. The XML document contains an invalid tag value. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you supply an invalid value in the XML. If the request succeeds, a transaction success message is written to the QuarkXPress Server transaction log file. For example:The following is a sample of a transaction entry: 8/3/2005 11:27:42 — jpeg/sample.qxp — Type: image/jpeg — Size: 31715 — Client: Logs an alert displays, an error message is written to the QuarkXPress Server error log file. For example: 4/12/2007 14:51:50 — Error — Error Code: 10207 — The XML document is not valid or well formed. Project: /table.qxp When QuarkXPress Server is running on Windows, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?modify= file:C:\createBox.xml When QuarkXPress Server is running on Mac OS, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?modify= file:MacHD:xml:createBox.xml You can also supply a string that consists of valid XML commands. For Example, GET URL example:http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?modify=<PROJECT><L AYOUT> <ID UID=”layout 1”/><SPREAD><ID UID=”1”/><ID/> <BOX OPERATION=”CREATE” BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT”><ID NAME=”PRODUCTS”/> <GEOMETRY PAGE=”2” SHAPE=”SH_RECT”><POSITION><TOP>5</TOP> <LEFT>5</LEFT><BOTTOM>10</BOTTOM><RIGHT>10</RIGHT> </POSITION> </GEOMETRY></BOX></SPREAD></LAYOUT></PROJECT> To create a new box, use code like the following:Spread spread = new Spread(); Box box = new Box(); box.name = “textbox1”; Geometry geometry = new Geometry(); Position position = new Position(); position.top = “110”; position.left = “89”; position.bottom = “220”; position.right = “300”; Example, object model geometry.position = position; geometry.shape = “SH_RECT”; geometry.page = “1”; geometry.layer = “Default”; box.geometry = geometry; box.boxType = “CT_TEXT”; box.operation = “CREATE”; spread.box = new Box[]{box}; Use the following object hierarchy:ModifierRequest < Project < Layout < Spread < Box < Geometry Deleting boxes To delete a box, use the following parameters in the Modifier DTD: • “BOX“ • “ID“ The following XML shows how these parameters work. <PROJECT> A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 109 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Response <LAYOUT> <ID UID=”Layout 1”/> <SPREAD> <ID UID=”1”/> <BOX OPERATION=”DELETE”> <ID NAME=”SERVICES”/> </BOX> </SPREAD> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT> A preview of the QuarkXPress project with the box deleted. HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress Server Error #–43 File not found. This alert displays if you specify an invalid XML file or request a document that is not available to QuarkXPress Server. Bad filename/ pathname. Alerts HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress Server Error #–37 This alert displays if you specify an invalid file name or path. The XML document is HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if the XML not valid or well you supply is not well-formed or does not adhere formed. to the Modifier DTD. The XML document contains an invalid tag value. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you supply an invalid value in the XML. If the request succeeds, a transaction success message is written to the QuarkXPress Server transaction log file. For example: 8/3/2005 11:27:42 — Logs jpeg/sample.qxp — Type: image/jpeg — Size: 31715 — Client: an alert displays, an error message is written to the QuarkXPress Server error log file. For example: When QuarkXPress Server is running on Windows, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?modify= file:C:\deleteBox.xml When QuarkXPress Server is running on Mac OS, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?modify= Example GET URL file:MacHD:xml:deleteBox.xml You can also supply a string that consists of valid XML commands. For example: http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?modify= <PROJECT><LAYOUT><ID UID=”Layout1”/><SPREAD> <ID UID=”1”/><BOX OPERATION=”DELETE”> <ID NAME=”HISTORY”/></BOX></SPREAD> </LAYOUT></PROJECT> You can use the xml namespace or Telegraph XTensions software to Notes determine the ID or name of the box you want to delete. Grouping and ungrouping items To group boxes using XML modify, use XML like the following: <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT” COLOR=”White”> <ID NAME=”MainStoryText” UID=”217”/> </BOX> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT”> <ID NAME=”MainStoryPhoto” UID=”218”/> </BOX> <GROUP> 110 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER <ID NAME=”MainStoryGroup” UID=”300” OPERATION=”CREATE” /> <BOXREF NAME=”MainStoryText” UID=”217”/> <BOXREF NAME=”MainStoryPhoto” UID=”218”/> </GROUP> To add a box to an existing group, use XML like the following: <GROUP> <ID NAME=”MainStoryGroup” UID=”300”/> <BOXREF NAME=”MainStoryText” UID=”217”/> <BOXREF NAME=”MainStoryPhoto” UID=”218” OPERATION=”CREATE” /> </GROUP> To remove a box from an existing group, use XML like the following: <GROUP> <ID NAME=”MainStoryGroup” UID=”300”/> <BOXREF NAME=”MainStoryHead” UID=”216”/> <BOXREF NAME=”MainStoryText” UID=”217”/> <BOXREF NAME=”MainStoryPhoto” UID=”218” OPERATION=”DELETE” /> </GROUP> To ungroup an existing group, use XML like the following: <GROUP> <ID NAME=”MainStoryGroup” UID=”300” OPERATION=”DELETE” /> </GROUP> To proportionally scale all of the items in a group, add a <GEOMETRY> element that indicates the new size of the group, like so: <GROUP> <ID NAME=”MainStoryGroup” UID=”300”/> <GEOMETRY> <POSITION> <TOP>10.0</TOP> <LEFT>10.0</LEFT> <BOTTOM>50.0</BOTTOM> <RIGHT>70.0</RIGHT> </POSITION> </GEOMETRY> </GROUP>  The order of the <BOXREF> elements in a <GROUP> indicates the order in which the boxes were selected prior to grouping. The z-order of boxes in the layout is determined by the order of the <BOX> elements in the XML, from rearmost to frontmost.  XML representations of groups created by versions of QuarkXPress Server prior to 8.1 are ignored during construct and modify calls, as they were in earlier versions of QuarkXPress Server. Modifying text attributes You can use the modify parameter to change the attributes of text in a QuarkXPress project. All modifications are done on a text box basis. To modify text properties, use the following parameters in the Modifier DTD: • “BOX“ • “ID“ • “TEXT“ • “STORY“ A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 111 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER • “PARAGRAPH“ • “FORMAT“ • “SHADINGSTYLE (Modifier schema)“ • “DROPCAP“ • “TABSPEC“ • “TAB“ • “RULE“ • “RICHTEXT“ The following XML shows how some of these parameters work. <PROJECT> <LAYOUT> <ID UID=”Layout 1”/> <SPREAD> <ID UID=”1”/> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT”> <ID NAME=”ABOUT”/> <TEXT> <STORY CLEAROLDTEXT=”true” FITTEXTTOBOX=”true” CONVERTQUOTES=”true”> <RICHTEXT FONT=”Castellar” PLAIN=”true”/> </STORY> </TEXT> </BOX> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT”> <ID NAME=”HISTORY”/> <TEXT> <STORY> <PARAGRAPH> <FORMAT ALIGNMENT=”RIGHT”> <SHADINGSTYLE COLOR=”Yellow” SHADE=”30%” OPACITY=”20%” LENGTH=”COLUMN” CLIPTOBOX=”true” RIGHTPADDING=”4pt” BOTTOMPADDING=”2pt” LEFTPADDING=”2pt” TOPPADDING=”1pt”/> </FORMAT> <RICHTEXT SIZE=”12”>This text is 12pt and right justified.</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> </STORY> </TEXT> </BOX> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT”> <ID NAME=”PRODUCTS”/> <TEXT> <STORY> <RICHTEXT BOLD=”true”>This is bold text.</RICHTEXT> <RICHTEXT BOLD=”true” COLOR=”Red” ITALIC=”true” SIZE=”20”>This text is bold, red, italic, and 20pt. </RICHTEXT> </STORY> </TEXT> </BOX> </SPREAD> </LAYOUT> 112 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER </PROJECT> Response A preview of a QuarkXPress project with the values in the ModifierXT tags applied on text boxes. HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress Server Error #–43 File not found. This alert displays if you specify an invalid XML file or request a document that is not available to QuarkXPress Server. Bad filename/ pathname. This alert displays if you specify an invalid file name or path. The XML document is HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if the XML not valid or well you supply is not well-formed or does not adhere formed. to the Modifier DTD. There is no box with the specified identifier. Alerts HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress Server Error #–37 The text size value is outside the valid range. The specified color is not available to the document The specified font is not available The XML document contains an invalid tag value. The specified box cannot be modified. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if the box specified by the child text node of an <ID> element does not exist. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if the value specified in a <SIZE> element is invalid. What to do: Specify a value between 2 and 720 points. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if the value specified in a <COLOR> element is invalid. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if the value specified in a <FONT> element is invalid or the specified font is not present on the server. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you supply an invalid value in the XML. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you try to modify text properties on a box that is not a text box. If the request succeeds, a transaction success message is written to the QuarkXPress Server transaction log file. For example: 8/3/2005 11:27:42 — Logs jpeg/sample.qxp — Type: image/jpeg — Size: 31715 — Client: an alert displays, an error message is written to the QuarkXPress Server error log file. For example:8/5/2005 13:32:10 — Error — Error Code: 10006 — There is no box with the specified identifier. When QuarkXPress Server is running on Windows, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?modify= file:C:\modifier.xml When QuarkXPress Server is running on Mac OS, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?modify= file:MacHD:xml:modifier.xml You can also supply a string that consists of Example GET URL valid XML commands. For example: http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?modify= <PROJECT><LAYOUT><ID UID=”1”/><SPREAD><ID UID=”1”/> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT”><ID NAME=”BACKGROUND”/> <TEXT><STORY><RICHTEXT FONT=”Castella” PLAIN=”true”> This is text.</RICHTEXT></STORY></TEXT></BOX> </SPREAD></LAYOUT></PROJECT> Example 1, object Request object names: ModifierRequest ModifierStreamRequest Project A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 113 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER RichText Text ID Box Layout ModifierFileRequestFor ModifierFileRequest, model the member contents are used to set the file path or send the XML itself. com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext rc = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); if(!this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) rc.documentName = this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; // STEP 2 (SPECIFIC TO REQUESTS):Create the Text Modifier // renderer request and embed it in request context ModifierRequest textReq = new ModifierRequest(); Project contents = new Project(); RichText richText1 = new RichText(); richText1.value = this.text1.Text; richText1.color = this.color1.Text; Text boxText1 = new Text(); Story story = new Story(); story.richText = new RichText[]{richText1}; boxText1.story = story; if(this.fittextbox1.Checked) boxText1.fitTextToBox = “true”; if(this.clearoldtext1.Checked) boxText1.clearOldText = “true”; Box box1 = new Box(); box1.UID = txtBox1; box1.text = boxText1; Layout layout1 = new Layout(); layout1.name = layoutText; layout1.boxes = new Box[]{box1}; contents.layouts = new Layout[]{layout1}; textReq.contents = contents; rc.request = textReq; // Create the service and call it with QRequestContext object RequestService svc = new RequestService(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData qc = svc.processRequest(rc); To edit the properties of an existing text box in a QuarkXPress project, use the following object hierarchy:ModifierRequest < Project < Layout < Example 2, object Spread < Box < Text < Story < Paragraph < RichText For a list of the model RichText object’s properties, see the JavaDoc installed with QuarkXPress Manager. The Story object also contains some text-related properties: fitTextToBox, includeStylesheets, convertQuotes, and clearOldText. The <FITTEXTTOBOX> attribute depends on two preferences: Allow Text to Grow and Font Size. To set these preferences in QuarkXPress Server, Notes choose QuarkXPress > Server > Preferences and then click Modifier in the list on the left. Modifying picture properties You can modify the properties (such as origin, scale, angle, skew, and orientation) of pictures in a QuarkXPress project with XML. To modify picture properties, use the following parameters in the Modifier DTD: • “BOX“ • “ID“ • “PICTURE“ The following XML shows how some of these parameters work. <PROJECT> <LAYOUT> <ID UID=”1”/> <SPREAD> <ID UID=”1”/> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT”> <ID NAME=”PEOPLE”/> <PICTURE SCALEACROSS=”50” SCALEDOWN=”50” OFFSETACROSS=”20” OFFSETDOWN=”20”/> 114 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER </BOX> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT”> <ID NAME=”MOUNTAINS”/> <PICTURE FIT=”CENTERPICTURE” ANGLE=”30” SKEW=”30” FLIPHORIZONTAL=”false”/> </BOX> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT”> <ID NAME=”OFFICES”/> <PICTURE FIT=”FITPICTURETOBOX” ANGLE=”30” SKEW=”30” FLIPHORIZONTAL=”false”/> </BOX> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT”> <ID NAME=”PRODUCTS”/> <PICTURE FIT=”FITPICTURETOBOX” ANGLE=”30” SKEW=”30” FLIPHORIZONTAL=”false”/> </BOX> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT”> <ID NAME=”SERVICES”/> <PICTURE FIT=”FITPICTURETOBOXPRO”/> </BOX> </SPREAD> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT> Response A preview of the QuarkXPress project with image modifier tags applied to the picture boxes. HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress Server Error #–43 File not found. This alert displays if you specify an invalid XML file or request a document that is not available to QuarkXPress Server. Bad filename/ pathname. This alert displays if you specify an invalid file name or path. The XML document is HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if the XML not valid or well you supply is not well-formed or does not adhere formed. There is no box with the specified identifier. The value of Scale Alerts HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress Server Error #–37 Across should be between 10% and 1000%. The Value of Scale Down should be between 10% and 1000%. to the Modifier DTD. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if the box specified by the child text node of the <ID> element does not exist. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if the value of the child text node of a <SCALEACROSS> element is invalid. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if the value of the child text node of a <SCALEDOWN> element is invalid. The value of Offset HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if the value Across is in invalid of the child text node of the <OFFSETACROSS> range. element is invalid. The value of Offset HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if the value Down is in invalid of the child text node of the <OFFSETDOWN> range element is invalid. The value of Picture HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if the value Angle must be between of the child text node of the <ANGLE> element A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 115 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER –360 and 360 degrees. is invalid. The value of Picture HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if the value Skew must be between of the child text node of the <SKEW> element is –75 and 75 degrees. invalid. The XML document contains an invalid tag value. The specified box cannot be modified. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you supply an invalid value in the XML. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you try to modify picture properties on a box that is not a picture box. If the request succeeds, a transaction success message is written to the QuarkXPress Server transaction log file. For example: 8/3/2005 11:27:42 — Logs jpeg/sample.qxp — Type: image/jpeg — Size: 31715 — Client: an alert displays, an error message is written to the QuarkXPress Server error log file. For example:8/10/2005 10:39:07 — Error — Error Code: 10339 — The specified file failed to load in the picture box. When QuarkXPress Server is running on Windows, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?modify= file:C:\imageProperties.xml When QuarkXPress Server is running on Mac OS, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?modify= Example GET URL file:MacHD:xml:imageProperties.xml You can also supply a string that consists of valid XML commands. For example: http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?modify= <PROJECT><LAYOUT><ID UID=”1”/><SPREAD> <ID UID=”1”/><BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT”> <ID NAME=”EVEREST”/> <PICTURE SCALEACROSS=”50” OFFSETDOWN=”20” ANGLE=”30” FIT=”CENTERPICTURE” SKEW=”30” FLIPHORIZONTAL=”false”/></BOX></SPREAD> </LAYOUT></PROJECT> Request object names:ModifierRequest ModifierStreamRequest Project Box Picture Layout ModifierFileRequestFor ModifierFileRequest, the member contents are used to set the file path or send the XML itself. com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext rc = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); if(!this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) rc.documentName = this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; // STEP 2(SPECIFIC TO REQUESTS):Create the Image // Modifier renderer request and embed it in ModifierRequest imgReq = new ModifierRequest(); Example 1, object model Project contents = new Project(); Picture picture1 = new Picture(); picture1.scaleAcross = this.scaleacross1.Text; picture1.scaleDown = this.scaledown1.Text; if(this.fitpicturebox1.Checked == true) picture1.fitPictureToBox = “true”; if(this.flipvertical1.Checked == true) picture1.flipVertical = “true”; if(this.fliphorizontal1.Checked == true) picture1.flipHorizontal = “true”; Box box1 = new Box(); box1.UID = txtBox1; box1.picture = picture1; Layout layout1 = new Layout(); layout1.name = layoutText; imgReq.contents = contents; contents.layouts = new Layout[]{layout1}; layout1.boxes = new Box[]{box1}; rc.request = imgReq; // Create the service and call it with QRequestContext object RequestService svc = new RequestService(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData qc = svc.processRequest(rc); Example 2, object To edit the properties of an existing text box in a QuarkXPress project, use 116 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER the following object hierarchy:ModifierRequest < Project < Layout < model Spread < Box < Picture For a list of the Picture object’s properties, see the JavaDoc installed with QuarkXPress Manager. You cannot replace an image with the Modifier XTensions software.If you specify <FITPICTURETOBOX>, <FITBOXTOPICTURE>, and Notes <FITPICTURETOBOXPRO> for a picture, only the first of these elements will be applied. Importing data Imports text or image data into a project. You can use import any text or picture file format supported by QuarkXPress, including XPress Tags files.  You can import .doc, .docx, .dot, .dotx, and .docm files. To import text or image data into a project, use the following parameters in the Modifier DTD: • “BOX “ • “ID“ • “PICTURE“ (this is not a required element when importing data) • “TEXT“ • “STORY“ • “CONTENT“ The following XML shows how some of these parameters work. <PROJECT> <ID NAME=”Layout 1”/> <SPREAD> <ID UID=”1”/> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT”> <ID NAME=”ABOUT”/> <PICTURE/> <CONTENT>C:\docs\file1.jpg</CONTENT> </BOX> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT”> <ID NAME=”PRODUCTS”/> <CONTENT>file:C:\docs\file2.txt</CONTENT> </BOX> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT”> <ID NAME=”SERVICES”/> <TEXT> <STORY FILE=”file:C:\docs\file3.doc” CONVERTQUOTES=”true” INCLUDESTYLESHEETS=”true”/> </TEXT> </BOX> </SPREAD> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT> Response Alerts A preview of a QuarkXPress project with a value in the data import XML tags applied to the text boxes. File not found. HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress Server Error #–43 This alert A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 117 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER displays if you specify an invalid XML file or request a document that is not available to QuarkXPress Server. HTTP Error #500 This alert The XML document is not valid displays if the XML you supply or well formed. is not well-formed or does not adhere to the Modifier DTD. HTTP Error #500 This alert There is no box with the displays if the box specified by specified identifier. the child text node of the <ID> element does not exist. HTTP Error #500 This alert The specified box is not a displays if you request a box picture or text box. that is not a text box or a picture box. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you request data A locked layer cannot be manipulated. from a box on a locked layer. What to do: Open the project in QuarkXPress, display the Layers palette, and unlock the box’s layer. HTTP Error #500 QuarkXPress Unable to read picture (#106) Server Error #–109 This alert displays if you try to import a text file into a picture box. HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress Server Error #–37 This alert Bad filename/ pathname displays if you try to import an invalid or nonexistent file into a box. If the request succeeds, a transaction success message is written to the QuarkXPress Server transaction log file. For example: 8/5/2005 18:11:54 — sample.qxp — Type: image/jpeg — Size: Logs 65982 — Client: an alert displays, an error message is written to the QuarkXPress Server error log file. For example:8/5/2005 18:01:59 — Error — Error Code: 10343 — A locked Layer cannot be manipulated. When QuarkXPress Server is running on Windows, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/Sample.qxp?modify= file:c:\file.xml When QuarkXPress Server is running on Mac OS, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/Sample.qxp?modify= Example GET URL file:HDD:file.xml You can also supply a string that consists of valid XML commands. For example: http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?modify= <PROJECT><LAYOUT><ID UID=”Layout1”/><SPREAD><ID UID=”1”/> <BOXBOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT”><ID NAME=”TREES”/> <CONTENT>C:\docs\file1.jpg</CONTENT> 118 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER </BOX></SPREAD></LAYOUT></PROJECT> When specifying a path, use URLs like the following: http://localhost:8080/Sample.qxp? textboxname@dataimport=file:c:\file.txt http://localhost:8080/Sample.qxp? pictureboxname@dataimport=c:\file.jpg You can import text directly into a box from the URL string. For example: http://localhost:8080/Sample.qxp? textboxname@dataimport=Newdata When you import a file that uses style sheets, you can control how those style sheets are handled. For example: http://localhost:8080/Documentname? textboxname@dataimport=file:c:\file.doc& textboxnameincludestylesheets@dataimport=yes You can control how quotation marks are handled at import. For example: http://localhost:8080/Documentname? textboxname@dataimport=file:c:\file.doc& textboxnameconvertquotes@dataimport=yes Request object names: ModifierRequest ModifierStreamRequest Project RichText Text ID Box Layout ModifierFileRequestFor ModifierFileRequest, the member contents are used to set the file path or send the XML itself. com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext rc = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); if(!this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) rc.documentName = this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; // STEP 2 (SPECIFIC TO REQUESTS):Create the data import // request and embed it in request context ModifierRequest request = new ModifierRequest(); Project requestContents = new Project(); Content boxContent1 = new Content(); Box box1 = new Box(); box1.UID = txtBox1; box1.content = boxContent1; Layout layout1 = new Layout(); layout1.name = layoutText; Example, object model if(!this.content1.Text.Equals(“”)) { boxContent1.value = this.content1.Text; Text text1 = new Text(); text1.font = this.fontname1.Text; box1.text = text1; if(this.includestylesheets1.Checked == false) boxContent1.includeStylesheets = “false”; if(this.convertquotes1.Checked == false) boxContent1.convertQuotes = “false”; } else if (null != uplTheFile.PostedFile) { Stream theStream = uplTheFile.PostedFile.InputStream; StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(theStream); boxContent1.value = reader.ReadToEnd(); } layout1.boxes = new Box[]{box1}; requestContents.layouts = new Layout[]{layout1}; request.contents = requestContents; rc.request = request; // Create the service and call it with QRequestContext object RequestService svc = new RequestService(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData qc = svc.processRequest(rc); BoxParam XTensions software lets you import only files in the Notes document pool. Modifier XTensions software, however, lets you import files that are located anywhere on the server computer, at A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 119 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER any accessible network location, or supplied as part of a multipart HTTP request. Exporting Job Jackets files during deconstruction While using the xml namespace to deconstruct a QuarkXPress project, you can specify the jjname parameter in the same request to output the Job Jackets file to the document pool. For example: http://localhost:8080/xml/project.qxp?jjname=jjfilename.xml You can then use the construct namespace to create new QuarkXPress projects that are based on that Job Jackets file’s resources and layout specifications.  The jjname parameter exports QuarkXPress project resources and layout specifications to a Job Ticket. Resources defined at the Job Jackets level are not exported to the Job Ticket. Using XML deconstruct and construct The xml namespace deconstructs a project according to the Modifier DTD. The construct namespace lets you turn an XML representation of a QuarkXPress project back into a QuarkXPress project. This means you can deconstruct a project into an XML representation, change the XML in accordance with the Modifier DTD, and then have the server generate an updated version of the QuarkXPress project. You can even create new QuarkXPress projects from scratch using XML. In addition, you can use the construct namespace to: • Create a page based on a master page • Create a project from XML, using a Job Jackets file as the basis for the project • Modify text font and style, including OpenType styles • Apply style sheets and local formatting to text • Create and populate tables • Import pictures into picture boxes and specify picture attributes The DTD used for XML construction and deconstruction is completely Unicodecompliant, making it ideal for use in international publishing. Furthermore, the use of this DTD ensures that the schema of XML output created by Constructor does not change when server preferences change. For more information, see “Modifier DTD (annotated).”  Some minor QuarkXPress features are not available through the Modifier DTD. However, this DTD represents the majority of all user-editable aspects of a QuarkXPress project.  The deconstruct namespace/request no longer exists. If you try to use it in this version of QuarkXPress Server, an error is returned. 120 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Deconstructing a project The xml namespace returns an XML representation of the target project. To use this namespace, use a URL like the following: http://QXPServer8:8080/xml/project1.qxp When you use the xml namespace, QuarkXPress Server returns an XML file that represents the deconstructed project. This XML file adheres to the Modifier DTD (see “Modifier DTD (annotated)“). An XML file that represents a deconstructed project does not contain all of the information necessary to reconstruct the project. The definitions of the project’s resources (such as style sheets, colors, and master page definitions) are stored in a Job Jackets file. For example, you can apply a style sheet to a paragraph by indicating the style sheet’s name, like so: <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”BodyText”> <RICHTEXT>The sun has risen.</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> The above information is included in the deconstructed project’s XML file. The definition of the “BodyText” style sheet, however, is stored in the Job Jackets file. The URL of a deconstructed Job Jackets file is indicated by the PROJECT@JOBJACKET attribute. If you need access to new colors, style sheets, master pages, or other resources, add them to the Job Jackets file indicated by this URL.  Projects can also refer to resources defined with the QuarkXPress Server Document Controls submenu (Server/QuarkXPress Server menu). QuarkXPress Server looks for resources first in the Job Jackets file and then in the server-defined resources. XML Creates an XML file from a QuarkXPress project. The XML is returned in a fixed format that adheres to the Modifier DTD. You can use the returned XML to create or modify a QuarkXPress document using the construct namespace or modify parameter. Namespace xml DTD Modifier DTD box Returns XML only for the box with the given ID or name. Returns XML only for the boxes boxes with the IDs or names supplied as a comma -separated list. Specifies the path of an XSL file Parameters XSL for transforming the returned XML. Use the file: indicator to specify the path. Specifies the name or number of the layout containing the box layout to render. The first layout is layout 1. Note that this parameter works only with the box parameter. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 121 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Tells the xml namespace to describe <GEOMETRY> elements using <RELPOSITION> rather than <POSITION>. This relativegeometry allows an item’s position to be defined either in relation to the page or in relation to the entire spread. Use only with the relativegeometry parameter. Tells the xml namespace to describe <GEOMETRY> relativetopage elements using <RELPOSITION> elements in which ORIGIN@RELATIVETO=”page” (as opposed to “spread”). QuarkXPress Server returns copyfitting information for QuarkCopyDesk articles by default. To retrieve copyfitting information when deconstructing a QuarkXPress copyfitinfo project, include copyfitinfo=true in the xml request. For example:http://localhost:8080/x ml/sample.qxp? copyfitinfo=true Refer to the Modifier DTD Sample response:<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8” standalone=”no”?> <PROJECT JOBJACKET=”Macintosh HD:QuarkXPress DocPool: default job jackets:New Job Jacket.xml” JOBTICKET=”Default Job Ticket” PROJECTNAME=”project1.qxp”> <LAYOUT MEDIATYPE=”PRINT”> <ID NAME=”Layout 1” UID=”1”/> <LAYER KEEPRUNAROUND=”false” LOCKED=”false” SUPPRESS=”false” VISIBLE=”true”> UID=”-1”/> RED=”231”/> Response <ID NAME=”Default” <RGBCOLOR BLUE=”231” GREEN=”231” </LAYER> <SPREAD> <ID UID=”1”/> <PAGE MASTER=”3” POSITION=”RIGHTOFSPINE” FORMATTEDNAME=”1”> <ID UID=”1”/> </PAGE> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT” COLOR=”None” OPACITY=”100%” SHADE=”100%”> <ID NAME=”Introduction” UID=”5”/> <GEOMETRY LAYER=”Default” PAGE=”1” SHAPE=”SH_RECT”> <POSITION> <TOP>39.064</TOP> <LEFT>39.026</LEFT> <BOTTOM>63.951</BOTTOM> <RIGHT>214.611</RIGHT> </POSITION> <SUPPRESSOUTPUT>false</SUPPRESSOUTPUT> <RUNAROUND TYPE=”NONE”/> </GEOMETRY>pre <FRAME GAPCOLOR=”White” GAPOPACITY=”100%” 122 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER GAPSHADE=”100%”OPACITY=”100%” SHADE=”100%” STYLE=”Solid” WIDTH=”0 pt”/> <TEXT> <STORY> <COPYFIT FITAMOUNT=”0.033”“ NUMBEROFCHARACTERS=”6” NUMBEROFLINES=”1” NUMBEROFWORDS=”1” STATE=”underFit”/> <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”launch”> <RICHTEXT CHARSTYLE=”launch”>LAUNCH</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> </STORY> </TEXT> </BOX> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT” COLOR=”None” OPACITY=”100%” SHADE=”100%”> <ID NAME=”Sunrise” UID=”6”/> <PICTURE SCALEACROSS=”100%” SCALEDOWN=”100%”/> <CONTENT> Macintosh HD:QuarkXPress Server Documents:sunrise.tif </CONTENT> <GEOMETRY LAYER=”Default” PAGE=”1” SHAPE=”SH_RECT”> <POSITION> <TOP>0</TOP> <BOTTOM>800</BOTTOM> <LEFT>0</LEFT> <RIGHT>600</RIGHT> </POSITION> <SUPPRESSOUTPUT>false</SUPPRESSOUTPUT> <RUNAROUND BOTTOM=”0” LEFT=”0” RIGHT=”0” TOP=”0” TYPE=”ITEM”/> </GEOMETRY> <FRAME GAPCOLOR=”White” GAPOPACITY=”100%” GAPSHADE=”100%” OPACITY=”100%” SHADE=”100%” STYLE=”Solid” WIDTH=”0”/> <PICTURE/> </BOX> </SPREAD> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT> If the request succeeds, a transaction success message is written to the QuarkXPress Server transaction log file. For example: Logs 8/3/2004 17:16:11 — xml/sample.qxp — Type: text/xml — Size: 2364 — Client: http://localhost:8080/xml/sample.qxp You can also deconstruct Example GET URL QuarkCopyDesk articles. To deconstruct a QuarkCopyDesk article, use the following: http://localhost:8080/xml/copydesk/abc.qcd Request object name: XMLRequestXMLRequest xmlRequest = new XMLRequest(); QRequestContext context = new QRequestContext(); Example, Object Model context.setDocumentName(“SAMPLE_DOCUMENT.qxp”); context.setResponseAsURL(false); context.setRequest(xmlRequest); QContentData response = new RequestServiceStub().processRequest(context); System.out.println(response.getTextData()); Constructing a project The construct namespace takes two arguments: The name of the project to be created, and a modify parameter that points to the XML file or string that describes how to create the project. For example: http://QXPServer8:8080/construct/project1.qxp? modify=file:path to XML file on server or: http://QXPServer8:8080/construct/project1.qxp?modify=XML string  There is a length limitation of 4096 characters on URLs, so you will probably want to use an XML file rather than an XML string. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 123 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER  If you are using QuarkXPress Server Manager, you can send a similar command with a QuarkXPress Server Manager URL or through Web services. Every project created with the construct namespace must be based on a Job Ticket in a Job Jackets file. Using construct to create a project is roughly equivalent to using the File > New > Project from Ticket command in QuarkXPress. When you create a project using the construct namespace, you must supply the path to the Job Jackets file that will supply the project’s resources. To do so, indicate the URL of the Job Jackets file in the PROJECT@JOBJACKET attribute and the name of the Job Ticket in the PROJECT@JOBTICKET attribute. (<PROJECT> is the root element of the Modifier DTD. For more information, see “Modifier DTD (annotated).”) For example, to create a project from a Job Ticket named “Tall US Brochure Ticket” in a Job Jackets file named “BrochureJJ.xml,” use XML like the following: <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8” standalone=”no” ?> <PROJECT JOBJACKET=”MacintoshHD:brochures:BrochureJJ.xml” JOBTICKET=”Tall US Brochure Ticket” PROJECTNAME=”project1.qxp”> Construct The construct namespace lets you create a QuarkXPress project using XML. Namespace construct DTD Modifier DTD The string or the path of the XML file that modify describes how to create String the project. Use the file: indicator to specify the path. Parameters Indicates the QuarkXPress version format to use. For qxpdocver 8|9 example:http://QXPSer ver8:8080/construct/ qxpdoc/project1.qxp?q xpdocver=8 Example GET URL http://QXPServer8:8080/construct/ project1.qxp?modify=file:sample.xml <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?> <PROJECT JOBJACKET=”C:\XML\New Job Jacket 3.xml” Example XML Job Ticket” NAME=”Layout 1”/> <ID UID=”1”/> Response JOBTICKET=”Default PROJECTNAME=”project1.qxp”> <LAYOUT> <SPREAD> </PAGE> <ID UID=”1”/> <ID <PAGE> </SPREAD> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT> A new QuarkXPress project. HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress Server Error #–43 This alert displays if you specify an invalid XML Alerts File not found. file or request a document that is not available to QuarkXPress Server. For example, this error can occur if an image or text file file mentioned in a <CONTENT> element is invalid or missing. 124 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Bad filename/pathname. HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress Server Error #–37 This alert displays if you specify an invalid file name or path. The XML document is HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if the XML not valid or well you supply is not well-formed or do not adhere formed. to the Modifier DTD. The XML document contains an invalid tag value. HTTP Error #500 This alert displays if you supply an invalid value in the XML. If the request succeeds, a transaction success message is written to the QuarkXPress Server transaction log file. For example:8/3/2005 11:27:42 — jpeg/construct/table.qxp — Type: image/jpeg — Size: 31715 — Client: Logs an alert is displayed, an error message is written to the QuarkXPress Server error log. The following is a sample of the error log entry:8/10/2005 10:39:07 — Error — Error Code: 10339 — The specified file failed to load in the picture box. Request Object Names:XMLRequest ConstructRequest ConstructFileRequest ConstructStreamRequest To construct a new QuarkXPress project by editing an existing document, first deconstruct a QuarkXPress project using code like the following:XMLRequest dcnstrq = new XMLRequest(); rc.request = dcnstrq; Next, alter the project by manipulating the XML. When you’re done, pass the modified XML document to ConstructStreamRequest to create a new QuarkXPress project. For example:ConstructStreamRequest cnstrq = new ConstructStreamRequest(); cnstrq.modify = Buffer; // Byte[] for the Example, object model modified XML rc.request = cnstrq; QuarkXPressRenderRequest qxprq = new QuarkXPressRenderRequest(); cnstrq.request = qxprq; Alternatively, you can deconstruct a QuarkXPress project using code like the following:RequestServiceService svc = new RequestServiceService() Project proj = svc.getDOM(“document.qxp”); Next, alter the project by manipulating the XML. When you’re done, pass the modified Project instance to ConstructRequest to create a new QuarkXPress project. For example:ConstructRequest cnstrq = new ConstructRequest(); cnstrq.project = proj; QRequestContext rc = new QRequestContext(); rc.request = cnstrq; QuarkXPressRenderRequest qxprq = new QuarkXPressRenderRequest(); cnstrq.request = qxprq; The construct namespace takes two arguments: The name of the project to be created and a modify parameter with the string or the path of the XML file that describes how to create the project: Notes http://localhost:8080/qxpdoc/construct/project1.qxp? modify=file:path to XML file on server http://localhost:8080/qxpdoc/construct/project1.qxp? modify=<xml-string> Construct and modify The modify parameter lets you modify existing projects. For example: http://QXPServer8:8080/project1.qxp? modify=file:path to XML file on server or: http://QXPServer8:8080/project1.qxp?modify=XML string A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 125 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER It’s important to understand that although the construct namespace uses the same DTD that you use when you modify an existing project, the construct namespace uses it differently. When you use the construct namespace, the XML you pass simply contains a description of everything in the document you want to create — much as an HTML file describes a page you want to display in a browser. There is no need to use a command and create elements such as ADDCELLS, OPERATION, and MOVERIGHT; you simply describe each item in the layout with elements such as <BOX> and <TABLE>, and specify each item’s position with the <POSITION> element type. When you use the modify attribute without the construct namespace, however, the XML you pass must contain commands that show how you want QuarkXPress Server to modify the project. For more information, see “Modifier DTD (annotated).” Working with pages and spreads The root element of a deconstructed QuarkXPress project is <PROJECT>. Within each <PROJECT> element are one or more <LAYOUT> elements. Each layout contains one or more <SPREAD> elements, and each <SPREAD> contains one or more <PAGE> elements. Each layout, spread, and page has a unique name, indicated by its <ID> element. Each layout can have a unique name, indicated by its <ID> element’s NAME attribute. You can use a layout’s name when referring to that layout in a non- construct call that uses the MODIFY attribute. The ID@NAME attribute is ignored for <SPREAD> and <PAGE> elements, but you can refer to them numerically with their <ID> element’s UID attribute, with “1” being the first, “2” being the second, and so forth.  With most element types, it is best to assign an ID@NAME value to an element and use that to refer to the element, because ID@UID values are defined by QuarkXPress Server and thus ignored for construct calls. <PAGE> and <SPREAD> are exceptions to this rule. <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8” standalone=”no” ?> <PROJECT JOBJACKET=” MacintoshHD:brochures:BrochureJJ.xml” JOBTICKET=”Tall US Brochure Ticket” PROJECTNAME=”project1.qxp”> <LAYOUT> <ID NAME=”Layout 1” /> <SPREAD> <ID UID=”1” /> <PAGE POSITION=”RIGHTOFSPINE” MASTER=”3”> <ID UID=”2” /> </PAGE> ... Each page has a POSITION attribute that indicates which side of the spine it is on. (In single-sided layouts, every page is given a POSITION of RIGHTOFSPINE). You can assign items to a page using the GEOMETRY element, which is a child of the BOX and TABLE elements. For example: <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT” COLOR=”White”> <ID NAME=”Title Box” /> <GEOMETRY LAYER=”Default” PAGE=”1” SHAPE=”SH_RECT”> <POSITION> 126 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER <TOP>90</TOP> <LEFT>95</LEFT> <BOTTOM>190</BOTTOM> <RIGHT>195</RIGHT> </POSITION> </GEOMETRY> </BOX> Master pages are stored in a deconstructed project’s Job Jackets file. To create a page from this master page, insert a MASTER attribute into the PAGE element and indicate the number of the target master page. Master page numbering is as follows: 1 = blank single page 2 = blank facing-page 3 = the first user-defined master page in the Job Jackets file (by default, the master page named “A-Master A”) For example, to create a master page based on the first user-defined master page in the Job Jackets file, you could use XML like the following: <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8” standalone=”no” ?> <PROJECT JOBJACKET=” file://brochures/BrochureJJ.xml” JOBTICKET=”Tall US Brochure Ticket” PROJECTNAME=”project1.qxp”> <LAYOUT> <ID NAME=”Layout 1”/> <SPREAD> <ID UID=”1” /> <PAGE MASTER=”3” POSITION=”LEFTOFSPINE”> <ID UID=”2” /> </PAGE> ... Note that each page has a POSITION attribute that indicates where that page falls with regard to the spine. Working with layouts QuarkXPress Server lets you create layouts from scratch in several ways: • You can create a layout using the default layout properties, as specified in the server Job Jackets file. • You can create a layout using a layout specification in a template’s Job Jackets structure. • You can create a layout using a specific height and width. To create a layout using the server Job Jackets file’s default settings, use XML like the following: <PROJECT> <LAYOUT OPERATION=”CREATE”> <ID NAME=”New Layout”/> <SPREAD> <ID UID=”1”/> <BOX> <ID NAME=”Box5”/> <TEXT> <STORY> <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”Normal”> <RICHTEXT>Scrollable Layout</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 127 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER </STORY> </TEXT> </BOX> </SPREAD> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT> To create a layout using a layout specification in the template’s Job Jackets structure, use XML like the following: <PROJECT> <LAYOUT OPERATION=”CREATE” LAYOUTSPECIFICATION=”NewLayoutSpec” > <ID NAME=”New Layout”/> <SPREAD> <ID UID=”1”/> <BOX> <ID NAME=”Box5”/> <TEXT> <STORY> <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”Normal”> <RICHTEXT>Scrollable Layout</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> </STORY> </TEXT> </BOX> </SPREAD> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT> To create a layout using a specific height and width, use XML like the following: <PROJECT> <LAYOUT OPERATION=”CREATE” HEIGHT=”900” WIDTH=”500” > <ID NAME=”New Layout”/> <SPREAD> <ID UID=”1”/> <BOX> <ID NAME=”Box5”/> <TEXT> <STORY> <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”Normal”> <RICHTEXT>Scrollable Layout</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> </STORY> </TEXT> </BOX> </SPREAD> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT> To create a layout and flow content into it in one go, without a spread/page context, use XML like the following: <PROJECT> <LAYOUT OPERATION=”CREATE” HEIGHT=”900” WIDTH=”500”> <ID NAME=”New Layout”/> <!—Create a TOC—> <BOX> <ID NAME=”Flow”></ID> <TEXT> <STORY> <LIST LISTSTYLE=”TOC” OPERATION=”CREATE”> ... 128 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER </LIST> <!— Insert a page break —> <PAGEBREAK></PAGEBREAK> </STORY> </TEXT> </BOX> <!— Add a heading —> <INLINEBOX> <RICHTEXT>This is the Heading</RICHTEXT> </INLINEBOX> <!— Add text —> <INLINEBOX> <PARAGRAPH INDENTLEVEL=”2” PARASTYLE=”MyStyle”> <RICHTEXT>This is the text</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> </INLINEBOX> <!— Import a picture —> <INLINEBOX> <CONTENT>file:MyFile.jpg</CONTENT> </INLINEBOX> <!— Add a table —> <INLINETABLE> <TBODY> <TROW> <ENTRY>Column1</ENTRY> <ENTRY>Column2</ENTRY> </TROW> </TBODY> </INLINETABLE> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT> When QuarkXPress Server creates a new layout this way, it adds an automatic text box. If you want to flow content into this automatic text box, address it by any name you like, and QuarkXPress Server will assign that name to the automatic text box on the first page. Working with layers To create a layer in XML, use the LAYER element. For example: <LAYER KEEPRUNAROUND=”true” LOCKED=”false” SUPPRESS=”false” VISIBLE=”true”> <ID NAME=”Layer 1” /> </LAYER> The RGBCOLOR element defines the layer’s color as displayed in the Layers palette. You can assign items to a layer using the GEOMETRY element, which is a child of the BOX and TABLE elements. For example: BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT” COLOR=”White”> <ID NAME=”Main Layer” /> <GEOMETRY LAYER=”Default” PAGE=”1” SHAPE=”SH_RECT”> <POSITION> <TOP>90</TOP> <LEFT>95</LEFT> A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 129 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER <BOTTOM>190</BOTTOM> <RIGHT>195</RIGHT> </POSITION> </GEOMETRY> </BOX> Working with boxes To add text and pictures to a project, you must add text boxes and picture boxes to the project’s <SPREAD> element. Both are represented by <BOX> elements, but text boxes have a BOXTYPE attribute of CT_TEXT, and picture boxes have a BOXTYPE attribute of CT_PICT. You can read about how <BOX> elements are put together in the Modifier DTD, but for purposes of illustration, the sample XML below describes a spread that contains a text box and a picture box. <SPREAD> <ID UID=”1” /> <!— TEXT BOX —> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT” COLOR=”White”> <ID NAME=”Headline Box” /> <GEOMETRY LAYER=”Default” PAGE=”1” SHAPE=”SH_RECT”> <POSITION> <TOP>200</TOP> <LEFT>80</LEFT> <BOTTOM>450</BOTTOM> <RIGHT>475</RIGHT> </POSITION> </GEOMETRY> <TEXT> <STORY> <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”Normal”> <RICHTEXT>This is text in a box.</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> </STORY> </TEXT> </BOX> <!— PICTURE BOX —> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT”> <ID NAME=”Main Story Photo” /> <GEOMETRY LAYER=”Default” PAGE=”1” SHAPE=”SH_RECT”> <POSITION> <TOP>90</TOP> <LEFT>95</LEFT> <BOTTOM>190</BOTTOM> <RIGHT>195</RIGHT> </POSITION> </GEOMETRY> <PICTURE ANGLE=”0°” FLIPHORIZONTAL=”false” FLIPVERTICAL=”false” FULLRES=”false” MASK=”None” OFFSETACROSS=”0 OFFSETDOWN=”0” OPACITY=”100%” SCALEACROSS=”100%” SCALEDOWN=”100%” SHADE=”100%” SKEW=”0°” SUPRESSPICT=”false”/> <CONTENT>Macintosh HD:DocPool:flower1.jpg</CONTENT> </BOX> </SPREAD> This example will work for a construct request. For a modify request, add the attribute value OPERATION=”CREATE” in the BOX element. All BOX elements can contain a GEOMETRY element that indicates the position and size of the box, a FRAME element that describes the box’s frame (if any), and a 130 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER SHADOW element that describes the box’s drop shadow. Additional BOX elements are described in the following sections.  The z-order (stacking order) of boxes in the layout is determined by the order of the <BOX> elements in the XML, from rearmost to frontmost. Fitting a box to text or a picture The <FIT> element type lets you automatically adjust the size of a box to fit the text or picture in that box. The default behaivior is to not fix a box to its content. To use this feature, you must supply <MAX> and <MIN> elements. Each <MAX> or <MIN> element lets you specify a maximum or minimum size for the box, a maximum or minimum location for the resized box, or a maximum or minimum scale percentage for the box. Note that you can use different types of <MAX> and <MIN> elements in a <FIT> element, but you can use only one <MAX> element and one <MIN> element per <FIT> element. The FIT@POINT attribute lets you indicate the direction in which the box should grow or shrink. The available options are TOPLEFT, BOTTOMLEFT, TOPRIGHT, and BOTTOMRIGHT. The FIT@AVOIDBOXESBY attribute lets you specify the distance between the POINT side or corner of a resized box and any other items around it. A box will expand only until it is this distance from an adjacent item. The FIT@PROPORTIONAL attribute lets you specify whether the resized box should have the same aspect ratio as the original box. For example: <BOX> <ID UID=”5”/> <GEOMETRY> <POSITION> <TOP>224.001</TOP> <LEFT>110.003</LEFT> <BOTTOM>381</BOTTOM> <RIGHT>253.253</RIGHT> </POSITION> <FIT POINT=”BOTTOMLEFT” PROPORTIONAL=”true”> <MAX> <LOCATION X=”320” Y=”560”/> </MAX> <MIN> <SIZE HEIGHT=”100” WIDTH=”10”/> </MIN> </FIT> </GEOMETRY> <BOX/>  To use this feature, you must have FitBoxToContent XTensions software loaded.  For pictures, <FIT> is equivalent to PICTURE@FIT=”FITBOXTOPICTURE”. <MAX> and <MIN> have no effect. Using inline boxes The Inline Boxes feature makes it easy to create an anchored box. Rather than having to describe every aspect of a box and then reference that box from an <ANCHOREDBOXREF> or <CALLOUTANCHOR> element, you can simply specify the content for a box inline, like so: A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 131 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER <PROJECT> <LAYOUT> <ID UID=”123”/> <BOX COLOR=”Cyan” OPACITY=”50”> <ID UID=”456”/> <TEXT> <STORY> <RICHTEXT>Test before an anchored text box.</RICHTEXT> <INLINEBOX> <TEXTATTRIBUTE COLUMNS=”2” GUTTERWIDTH=”10”> <INSET ALLEDGES=”5”/> </TEXTATTRIBUTE> <CONTENT>file:example.docx</CONTENT> </INLINEBOX> <RICHTEXT>Test between anchored text boxes.</RICHTEXT> <INLINEBOX> <CONTENT> <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”Normal”> <RICHTEXT>Text in the second anchored box.</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> <RICHTEXT>More text in the second anchored box.</RICHTEXT> </CONTENT> </INLINEBOX> <RICHTEXT>Test between anchored boxes.</RICHTEXT> <INLINEBOX WIDTH=”50” SCALEUP=”false”> <SHADOW ANGLE=”166” BLUR=”6” COLOR=”Yellow” DISTANCE=”6” INHERITOPACITY=”true” MULTIPLYSHADOW=”true” OPACITY=”40%” SCALE=”100% “SHADE=”62%” SKEW=”0”/> <CONTENT>file:example.jpg</CONTENT> </INLINEBOX> <RICHTEXT>Text after an anchored picture box.</RICHTEXT> </STORY> </TEXT> </BOX> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT> Because an <INLINEBOX> element’s content comes in the form of a <CONTENT> element, you can fill such an anchored box with Modifier-formatted text, with text from a text file, or with a picture from a picture file. If the volume of text (represented by PARAGRAPH) is potentially large, the INLINEBOX automatically continues to flow the remaining text across pages. 132 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Automatic text flow example The INLINEBOX element allows to have autommatic column balanced sections. This allows you to have the text flow and bottom-align across multiple columns on a page automatically. Automatic column balancing The INLINEBOX@WIDTH attribute lets you specify the width of the anchored box as a percentage of its parent column or box. If you fill an anchored box with so much text that it expands to the height of its parent box, the text is adjusted to fit in the box. The INLINEBOX@SCALEUP attribute lets you control sizing for picture boxes. The childSHADOW element lets you specify drop shadow effects. A child BOXATTRIBUTE element lets you control the formatting of the boxes. If you’re creating an inline text box, a child TEXTATTRIBUTE element lets you control the formatting of the boxes. A child INTERACTIVITY element facilitates the application of interactivity on boxes. This allows for the deconstruct and modifiability of App Studio Interactivities, as shown below: <PROJECT> <LAYOUT> A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 133 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER <ID NAME=”Layout 1”/> <PAGESEQUENCE MASTERREFERENCE=”A-Master-A”> <STORY BOXNAME=”Flow”> <INLINEBOX> <!—Preview image—> <CONTENT>file:Images/2pdf.PNG</CONTENT> <INTERACTIVITY AUTHORXTID=”1131430225” NAME=”Button 1” OWNERXTID=”1129333841” TYPE=”Button”> <Settings InitiallyHidden=”False”> <settings> <actions> <action> <type>openfile</type> <name/> <sourcesettings> <sourcetype>1</sourcetype> <sourcepath>PDF/EconomicResearch.pdf</sourcepath> </sourcesettings> </action> <actions> </settings> </Settings> <DATAPROVIDER DATAPROVIDERXTID=”1131430225”/> </INTERACTIVITY> </INLINEBOX> </STORY> </PAGESEQUENCE> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT> This applies button interactivity and associates an Open File action. The generated App Studio issue, when previewed on a device, would display the “EconomicResearch.pdf”. The Open File action can open media files as well. The child BOXATTRIBUTE lets you specify an angle of rotation of the box through the use of the <ANGLE> element, like so: <INLINEBOX> <BOXATTRIBUTE ANGLE=”30”/> <CONTENT>file:tmp.bmp</CONTENT> ... This would rotate the box by 30 degrees. For more information, see “INLINEBOX (Modifier DTD),” BOXATTRIBUTE (Modifier DTD),” and “TEXTATTRIBUTE (Modifier DTD).”  If you deconstruct an anchored box that was created with an <INLINEBOX> element, the resulting XML describes the box as a <BOX> element, not an <INLINEBOX> element. Working with groups To add boxes to a group, create a <GROUP> element and then insert <BOXREF> elements that refer to the boxes you want in the group. For example, the group described below includes the two boxes described above it: <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT” COLOR=”White”> <ID NAME=”MainStoryText” UID=”217”/> </BOX> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT”> <ID NAME=”MainStoryPhoto” UID=”218”/> </BOX> 134 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER <GROUP> <ID NAME=”MainStoryGroup” UID=”300”/> <BOXREF NAME=”MainStoryText” UID=”217”/> <BOXREF NAME=”MainStoryPhoto” UID=”218”/> </GROUP> You can nest one group within another by adding a <BOXREF> that refers to the child group, like so: <GROUP> <ID NAME=”MainStoryGroup” UID=”300”/> <BOXREF NAME=”MainStoryText” UID=”217”/> <BOXREF NAME=”MainStoryPhoto” UID=”218”/> </GROUP> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT”> <ID NAME=”Masthead” UID=”001”/> </BOX> <GROUP> <ID NAME=”MainStoryPage” UID=”218”/> <BOXREF NAME=”Masthead” UID=”001”/> <BOXREF NAME=”MainStoryGroup” UID=”300”/> </GROUP> To anchor a group in a text box, use XML like the following. Note that you must set BOX@ANCHOREDGROUPMEMBER=”true” for all boxes in the group, and set GROUP@ANCHOREDIN for the anchored group. <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT” COLOR=”White” ANCHOREDGROUPMEMBER=”true” > <ID NAME=”MainStoryText” UID=”217”/> </BOX> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT” ANCHOREDGROUPMEMBER=”true” > <ID NAME=”MainStoryPhoto” UID=”218”/> </BOX> <GROUP ANCHOREDIN=”MainStoryText” > <ID NAME=”MainStoryGroup” UID=”300”/> <BOXREF NAME=”MainStoryText” UID=”217”/> <BOXREF NAME=”MainStoryPhoto” UID=”218”/> </GROUP> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT” COLOR=”White”> <ID NAME=”MainStoryText” UID=”217”/> <TEXT> <STORY> <PARAGRAPH> <ANCHOREDBOXREF OFFSET=”0”>MainStoryGroup </ANCHOREDBOXREF> </PARAGRAPH> </STORY> </TEXT> </BOX> A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 135 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER  The order of the <BOXREF> elements in a <GROUP> indicates the order in which the boxes were selected prior to grouping. The z-order of boxes in the layout is determined by the order of the <BOX> elements in the XML, from rearmost to frontmost. Working with pictures The <PICTURE> element supports a variety of features, including the ability to specify runaround, opacity, and drop shadow characteristics. For more information, see the Modifier schema. <PROJECT> <LAYOUT> <ID NAME=”Layout 1”/> <SPREAD> <ID UID=”1”/> <BOX COLOR=”Magenta” SHADE=”50%” OPACITY=”100%”> <ID NAME=”pict1”/> <PICTURE MASK=”Test Alpha1”/> <FRAME STYLE=”Triple” WIDTH =”5” COLOR=”Cyan” SHADE=”100%” OPACITY=”100%” GAPCOLOR=”Yellow” GAPSHADE=”80%” GAPOPACITY=”100%”/> <CONTENT UID=”0”>image.jpg</CONTENT> </BOX> <BOX> <ID NAME=”pict2”/> <PICTURE SUPRESSPICT=”true” FULLRES=”true” PICCOLOR=”Cyan” SHADE=”90” OPACITY=”90”/> <SHADOW COLOR=”Cyan” SHADE=”90” ANGLE=”130” OPACITY=”100” DISTANCE=”5” SKEW=”10” SCALE=”90” BLUR=”3”/> <CONTENT UID=”0”>image.jpg</CONTENT> </BOX> <BOX> <ID NAME=”pict3”/> <GEOMETRY> <RUNAROUND TYPE=”NONWHITEAREAS” OUTSET=”10” NOISE=”5” SMOOTHNESS=”5” THRESHOLD=”10” INVERT=”true” OUTSIDEONLY=”true” RESTRICTTOBOX=”true”/> </GEOMETRY> </BOX> <BOX> <ID NAME=”pict4”/> <PICTURE FIT=”FITPICTURETOBOX” SCALEACROSS=”40” SCALEDOWN=”50” FLIPVERTICAL=”true” FLIPHORIZONTAL=”false” ANGLE=”40” SKEW=”20”/> <CONTENT UID=”0”>image.jpg</CONTENT> </BOX> </SPREAD> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT> If you know the UID attribute of a box, you can insert a picture into that box without having to specify where the <BOX> element is. For example: <PROJECT> <CONTENT UID=”0”>ChangedPict.jpg</CONTENT> </PROJECT>  Content IDs are unique across layouts. 136 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Working with text Every <BOX> element for text contains a <TEXT> element, and every <TEXT> element contains a <STORY> element. A <STORY> element can contain <PARAGRAPH> elements, each of which contains <RICHTEXT> elements. A <STORY> element can also simply contain <RICHTEXT> elements. A text <BOX> element can also contain a <CONTENT> element that indicates the origin of the text in that box. A text <BOX> element in a deconstructed project can also contain <PLACEHOLDER> elements, which allow XML Import XTensions software to insert text from a different XML source.  <PLACEHOLDER> elements are ignored by the construct namespace and the modify parameter; placeholders must be inserted in QuarkXPress using XML Import XTensions software. If you know the UID attribute of a box or story, you can insert text into that box or story without having to specify where the <BOX> or <STORY> element is. For example: <PROJECT> <BOX> <ID UID=”4”/> <STORY> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false” FONT=”20”>New text</RICHTEXT> </STORY> </BOX> </PROJECT> <PROJECT> <STORY UID=”0”> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false” FONT=”20”>New text</RICHTEXT> </STORY> </PROJECT>  Story IDs are unique across layouts. Applying style sheets Like other resources, style sheets are defined in a deconstructed project’s Job Jackets file. To apply a paragraph style sheet to text, use the PARASTYLE attribute of the <PARAGRAPH> element. For example, to apply the paragraph style sheet named “BodyText” to a paragraph, use XML like the following: <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”BodyText”> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”true”>The sun has risen.</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> To apply a character style sheet to text, use the CHARSTYLE attribute of the <RICHTEXT> element. For example, to apply the character style sheet named “Emphasis” to a word, use XML like the following: <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”BodyText”> <RICHTEXT>The </RICHTEXT> <RICHTEXT CHARSTYLE=”Emphasis”>sun</RICHTEXT> <RICHTEXT> has risen.</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 137 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Applying local formatting To apply local formatting to text, use the attributes of the <RICHTEXT> element. For example: <PARAGRAPH> <RICHTEXT SIZE=”10” COLOR=”Magenta” BOLD=”true” OPACITY=”50%” >The sun has risen.</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> To apply paragraph formatting, use a <FORMAT> element. For example: <PARAGRAPH> <FORMAT SPACEBEFORE=”6” SPACEAFTER=”2” LEADING=”24” ALIGNMENT=”LEFT” KEEPWITHNEXT=”true”> <RICHTEXT>The sun has risen.<RICHTEXT> </FORMAT> </PARAGRAPH> The MERGE attribute lets you control whether formatting from one <RICHTEXT> or <PARAGRAPH> element is carried forward to the next. For example, the following XML would result in “has risen” being italicized: <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”BodyText”> <RICHTEXT SIZE=”10”>The </RICHTEXT> <RICHTEXT SIZE=”12”ITALIC=”TRUE”>sun</RICHTEXT> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”true” SIZE=”10”> has risen.</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> However, this XML would result in “has risen” being plain: <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”BodyText”> <RICHTEXT SIZE=”10”>The </RICHTEXT> <RICHTEXT SIZE=”12” ITALIC=”TRUE”>sun</RICHTEXT> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false” SIZE=”10”> has risen.</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> The default value for <MERGE> is “false.” To combine local formatting with style sheets, simply add attributes to the <RICHTEXT> elements within a <PARAGRAPH> element. For example: <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”BodyText”> <RICHTEXT COLOR=”Red”>The </RICHTEXT> <RICHTEXT COLOR=”Yellow” CHARSTYLE=”Emphasis”>sun</RICHTEXT> <RICHTEXT COLOR=”Red”> has risen.</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> Applying paragraph/text shading  To learn more about shading (paragraph, text) functionality, refer to the “Working with text shading” section of the QuarkXPress 2017 User Guide found here: http://files.quark.com/download/documentation/QuarkXPress/2017/English/QXP-2017User-Guide-EN.pdf. The newly introduced Modifier XML markup maps/corresponds to the QuarkXPress 2017 functionality. There are several ways to apply paragraph/text shading in QuarkXPress Server: • Referencing a pre-defined text shading style in a paragraph/character style sheet. For example, the “BodyText” paragraph style references the pre-defined “BodyTextVariations” text shading style: <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”BodyText”> ... 138 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER • • </PARAGRAPH> Specify a pre-defined text shading style using the SHADINGSTYLENAME attribute of the <RICHTEXT> element. <PARAGRAPH> <RICHTEXT SHADINGSTYLENAME=”BodyTextVariations”</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> Specify a pre-defined text shading style using the NAME attribute of the <SHADINGSTYLE> element, within the PARAGRAPH/FORMAT nodes. <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”BodyText”> <FORMAT> <SHADINGSTYLE NAME=”BodyTextVariations”/> </FORMAT> <RICHTEXT>BODY TEXT AND BODY TEXT VARIATIONS</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> • Specify attributes in the <SHADINGSTYLE> element within the PARAGRAPH/FORMAT element for adhoc styling. • <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”BodyText”> <FORMAT> <SHADINGSTYLE COLOR=”Yellow” Shade=”30%” OPACITY=”20%” LENGTH=”COLUMN” CLIPTOBOX=”true” RIGHTPADDING=”4pt” BOTTOMPADDING=”2pt” LEFTPADDING=”2pt” TOPPADDING=”1pt” </FORMAT> <RICHTEXT>BODY TEXT AND BODY TEXT VARIATIONS</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> Formatting across paragraph boundaries You can use two methods to describe a run of formatting that crosses a paragraph boundary. The first is to simply close the first <PARAGRAPH> element and then open a new one. For example: <PARAGRAPH> <RICHTEXT SIZE=”10”>The sun has risen.</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> <PARAGRAPH> <RICHTEXT SIZE=”10”>The sun has set.</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> The second is to use a entity to create the paragraph break. For example: <PARAGRAPH> A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 139 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER <RICHTEXT SIZE=”10” >The sun has risen. The sun has set.</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> Retrieving copyfitting information In deconstructed projects, a <BOX> element can contain a <LINKEDBOX> element. The <LINKEDBOX> element indicates the point where text has overflowed the current box and identifies the box where the text continues. The <LINKEDBOX> element also contains attributes that indicate where in the text the break occurs. In a <STORY> element, the <OVERMATTER> element indicates where the current box overflows when there is no subsequent box for text to flow into. A <STORY> element also contains a <COPYFIT> element indicating how many words, characters, and lines should be allowed to fit in that box and whether the text currently fits in the box, is too short, or is too long. This information can be useful for on-the-fly copyfitting.  The elements described in this section occur only in deconstructed project XML generated by the xml namespace. Do not use these elements when using the construct namespace.  QuarkXPress Server returns copyfitting information for QuarkCopyDesk articles by default. To retrieve copyfitting information when deconstructing a QuarkXPress project, include copyfitinfo=true in the xml request. Working with tables To construct tables in XML, use a structure like the following: <TABLE COLUMNS=”2” ROWS=”2”> <ID NAME=”MyTable”/> <GEOMETRY PAGE=”1”> <POSITION> <TOP>100</TOP> <LEFT>100</LEFT> <BOTTOM>600</BOTTOM> <RIGHT>400</RIGHT> </POSITION> </GEOMETRY> <COLSPEC> <COLUMN AUTOFIT=”false” COLUMNCOUNT=”1” COLUMNWIDTH=”134.667”> <GRIDLINE COLOR=”Black” GAPCOLOR=”none” OPACITY=”100%” SHADE=”100%” STYLE=”Solid” TYPE=”LEFT” WIDTH=”1”/> <GRIDLINE COLOR=”Black” GAPCOLOR=”none” OPACITY=”100%” SHADE=”100%” STYLE=”Solid” TYPE=”RIGHT” WIDTH=”1”/> </COLUMN> <COLUMN AUTOFIT=”false” COLUMNCOUNT=”2” COLUMNWIDTH=”134.667”> <GRIDLINE COLOR=”Black” GAPCOLOR=”none” OPACITY=”100%” SHADE=”100%” STYLE=”Solid” WIDTH=”1”/> </COLUMN> <COLUMN AUTOFIT=”false” COLUMNCOUNT=”3” COLUMNWIDTH=”134.667”> <GRIDLINE COLOR=”Black” GAPCOLOR=”none” OPACITY=”100%” SHADE=”100%” STYLE=”Solid” WIDTH=”1”/> </COLUMN> </COLSPEC> <ROW ROWCOUNT=”1”> 140 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER <CELL COLUMNCOUNT =”1”> ... </CELL> <CELL COLUMNCOUNT =”2”> ... </CELL> </ROW> </TABLE> Note that the position of each row and column within the table is indicated by the ROWCOUNT and COLUMNCOUNT attributes, respectively. <CELL> elements can describe text cells or picture cells; see the following sections for details. To specify horizontal and vertical lines in a table, use XML like the following: <TABLE> <GRID TYPE=”ALLGRID”> <LINE COLOR=”Black” GAPCOLOR=”none” OPACITY=”100%” SHADE=”100%” STYLE=”Solid” WIDTH=”0”/> </GRID> ... </TABLE> Creating tables To create a new table, use the following parameters in the Modifier DTD: • “SPREAD“ • “TABLE“ • “COLSPEC“ • “COLUMN“ • “ROW“ • “CELL“ The following XML shows how some of these parameters work. <PROJECT> <LAYOUT> <ID UID=”Layout 1”/> <SPREAD> <ID UID=”1”/> <TABLE OPERATION=”CREATE” ROWS=”5” COLUMNS=”3”> <ID NAME=”STATS”/> <GEOMETRY PAGE=”1”/> <POSITION> <TOP>5</TOP> <LEFT>5</LEFT> <BOTTOM>30</BOTTOM> <RIGHT>30</RIGHT> </POSITION> </GEOMETRY> <FRAME WIDTH=”1” COLOR=”Gray”/> </TABLE> </SPREAD> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT>  Rather than creating tables manually, you can use the Inline Tables feature, which is much easier to use. For more information see “Using inline tables.” A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 141 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER A preview of the QuarkXPress project with new Response table created in the specified position. If the request succeeds, a transaction success message is written to the QuarkXPress Server Logs transaction log file. For example: 4/10/2007 17:54:37 — tab.qxp — Type: image/jpeg — Size: 9049 — Client: When QuarkXPress Server is running on Windows, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?mod ify= file:C:\createTable.xml When QuarkXPress Server is running on Mac OS, use a URL like the following:http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?mod ify= file:MacHD:xml:createTable.xml You can also supply a string that consists of valid XML commands. For example: Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/sample.qxp?modify= <LAYOUT><ID UID=”Layout1”/><SPREAD><ID UID=”1”/> <TABLE OPERATION=”CREATE” ROWS=”5” COLUMNS=”3”> <ID NAME=”STATS”/><GEOMETRY PAGE=”1”/><POSITION> <TOP>5</TOP><LEFT>5</LEFT><BOTTOM>30</ BOTTOM> <RIGHT>30</RIGHT></POSITION></GEOMETR Y> </TABLE>SPREAD></LAYOUT></PROJECT> To add a new table to an existing spread, use code like the following:Spread spread = new Spread(); Table table = new Table(); table.name = “textbox1”; Geometry geometry = new Geometry(); Position position = new Position(); position.top = “110”; position.left = “89”; position.bottom = “220”; position.right = “300”; geometry.position = position; geometry.shape = Example, object model “SH_RECT”; geometry.page = “1”; geometry.layer = “Default”; table.geometry = geometry; table.rows = “2”; table.columns = “4”; table.maintainGeometry = “true”; table.operation = “CREATE”; spread.tables = new Table []{table};Use the following object hierarchy:ModifierRequest < Project < Layout < Spread < TableTo delete a table, provide the table’s name or ID and set the operation attribute to “DELETE”. Adding text and picture cells to tables To add a text cell, use XML like the following: <CELL BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT” COLUMNCOUNT =”1”> <TEXT> 142 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER <STORY> <RICHTEXT>Text goes here.</RICHTEXT> </STORY> </TEXT> </CELL> Note that the <TEXT> element must always contain a <STORY> element. A <STORY> element can contain <PARAGRAPH> elements or simply <RICHTEXT> elements. To add a picture cell, use XML like the following: <CELL BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT” COLUMNCOUNT =”1”> <CONTENT>MacintoshHD:DocPool:flower1.jpg</CONTENT> <PICTURE FIT=”CENTERPICTURE” /> </CELL> Merging and splitting table cells To merge table cells, use XML like the following: <TABLE> <ID NAME=”table1”/> <ROW ROWCOUNT=”1” MERGEROWSPAN=”1” > <CELL COLCOUNT=”1”><TEXT>...</TEXT></CELL> <CELL COLCOUNT=”2”><TEXT>...</TEXT></CELL> </ROW> <ROW ROWCOUNT=”2”> <CELL COLCOUNT=”1”><TEXT>...</TEXT></CELL> <CELL COLCOUNT=”2”><TEXT>...</TEXT></CELL> </ROW> <ROW ROWCOUNT=”3”> <CELL COLCOUNT=”1”><TEXT>...</TEXT></CELL> <CELL COLCOUNT=”2”><TEXT>...</TEXT></CELL> </ROW> </TABLE> To split table cells, use XML like the following: <TABLE> <ID NAME=”table1”/> <ROW AUTOFIT=”false” ROWCOUNT=”5” ROWHEIGHT=”60.9”> <CELL BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT” COLUMNCOUNT=”2” SPLIT=”true”/> </ROW> </TABLE> Breaking a table across pages To break a table across pages, use XML like the following: <SPREAD> <ID UID=”1”/> <PAGE MASTER=”A-Master A” POSITION=”RIGHTOFSPINE”> <ID UID=”1”/> </PAGE> <TABLE COLOR=”none” COLUMNS=”2” MAINTAINGEOMETRY=”false” ROWS=”3” AUTOFIT=”rows”> <ID NAME=”Table1”/> <TABLEBREAK BREAKHEIGHT=”140.251” MAINTAINLINK=”true”> <HEADER> <ROW ROWCOUNT=”1” ROWHEIGHT=”68.625”> ... </ROW> </HEADER> </TABLEBREAK> <ROW ROWCOUNT=”1” ROWHEIGHT=”68.625”> ... </ROW> A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 143 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER <ROW ROWCOUNT=”2” ROWHEIGHT=”68.625”> ... </ROW> <FRAME .../> <GEOMETRY LAYER=”Default” PAGE=”1” SHAPE=”SH_RECT”> ... </GEOMETRY> <COLSPEC> ... </COLSPEC> </TABLE> </SPREAD> Using inline tables The Inline Tables feature makes it easy to create an anchored table. Rather than having to specify every attribute of a table, you can simply specify the content for a table as a series of <TROW> and <ENTRY> elements in an <INLINETABLE> element, like so: <STORY> <INLINETABLE> <THEAD> <TROW> <ENTRY>Year</ENTRY> <ENTRY>2012</ENTRY> <ENTRY>2013</ENTRY> <ENTRY>2014</ENTRY> <ENTRY>2015</ENTRY> </TROW> </THEAD> <TBODY> <TROW> <ENTRY>Revenue</ENTRY> <ENTRY>000</ENTRY> <ENTRY>100</ENTRY> <ENTRY>200</ENTRY> <ENTRY>300</ENTRY> </TROW> <TROW> <ENTRY>Liabilities</ENTRY> <ENTRY>000</ENTRY> <ENTRY>100</ENTRY> <ENTRY>200</ENTRY> <ENTRY>300</ENTRY> </TROW> </TBODY> </INLINETABLE> ... </STORY> The number of rows in such a table is determined by the number of <TROW> elements. The number of columns is determined by the maximum number of <ENTRY> elements in a <TROW>. In the <TBODY> element, each <TROW> contains one or more <ENTRY> elements. If you don’t style the text in an <ENTRY> element, it uses the default styling, which can be defined in a <TROWSTYLE> or <TCOLSTYLE> element (see below). The <THEAD> element lets you create a repeating header for the table. The <TCONTINUED> element lets you create a “continued” row for the table. If you don’t supply either of these elements, you must create the header row manually as a <TROW> in the <TBODY>. 144 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER For each row and column, you can specify the following things: • • • COLOR: Cell background color. SHADE: Cell background shade. STORYDIRECTION: Story direction. You can automatically adjust and position pictures in table cells. The VALIGN@ENTRY and ALIGNMENT@ENTRY attributes lets you specify the alignment of a cell, including picture cells. The child attribute ORIENTATION lets you specify the orientation of the table, like so: <INLINETABLE> ORIENTATION=”LANDSCAPE”> ... On a portrait page, this would effectively rotate the table in a clock wise direction, while the page itself is not rotated. The childPICTUREATTRIBUTES element lets you specify several picture attributes, including flip horizontal, flip vertical, angle, background and color, on picture cells of the table.  This does not create a breakable table. The table will be confined to a single page.  If the number of rows is greater than the available rectangular size of the parent box, an error is returned stating the table cannot be fit into the available size.  If you deconstruct a table that was created with an <INLINETABLE> element, the resulting XML describes the table as a <TABLE> element, not an <INLINETABLE> element. Column Attributes An <INLINETABLE> can also include optional <COLGROUP> elements, which allow you to specify column attrbutes in the form of <TCOL> elements, like so: <INLINETABLE> <COLGROUP> <TCOL COLINDEX=”1” WIDTH=”250”/> <TCOL COLINDEX=”2” MINWIDTH =”30pt” MAXWIDTH = “90pt”/> <TCOL COLINDEX=”3” MINWIDTH =”20%” MAXWIDTH = “50%”/> </COLGROUP> ... • • • The COLINDEX value indicates the column number. You can specify the WIDTH of a column in points by omitting a unit indicator, or as a percentage of the table width by including a % after the number. You can specify the MINWIDTH and MAXWIDTH of a column in points by omitting a unit indicator, or as a percentage of the table width by including a % after the number. If no width is indicated, the column widths will be automatically computed depending on the length of the text in a cell or image in a cell. The sum total width of all columns would remain within the bounds of the parent box column width (typically the Automatic text box into which the table is laid out). A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 145 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Table Span An <INLINETABLE> can include an optional SPAN attribute. Values for SPAN can be: • PAGEWIDTH - the table will span the width of the page. • ALLCOLUMNS - the table will span all columns on the page. • the number of columns to span. <INLINETABLE SPAN=”PAGEWIDTH”> .... .... </INLINETABLE> Using table styles Table styles make it easy to style inline tables. Rather than applying formatting directly, you can define a table style, then apply the table style to inline tables like so: <INLINETABLE TABLESTYLEREF=”TableStyle1”> For example, assume you want to create a table where alternating rows are shaded, the grid is a particular color, the insets are a particular amount, and so forth. Instead of specifying the formatting for such a table manually for every row, you can define the table’s qualities in a table style, like so: <PROJECT> <TABLESTYLE WIDTH=”95”> <ID NAME=”tableStyle10”/> <TROWSTYLE INSET=”2”> <TOPGRID COLOR=”none”/> <BOTTOMGRID COLOR=”none”/> </TROWSTYLE> <HEADTROWSTYLE COLOR=”red” SHADE=”30”> <TOPGRID COLOR=”red” WIDTH=”1”/> <BOTTOMGRID COLOR=”black” WIDTH=”1”/> </HEADTROWSTYLE> <ODDTROWSTYLE COLOR=”black” SHADE=”20”> <TOPGRID COLOR=”none”/> <BOTTOMGRID COLOR=”none”/> </ODDTROWSTYLE> <EVENTROWSTYLE COLOR=”magenta” SHADE=”60”> <TOPGRID COLOR=”none”/> <BOTTOMGRID COLOR=”none”/> </EVENTROWSTYLE> <TCOLSTYLE> <LEFTGRID COLOR=”none”/> <RIGHTGRID COLOR=”none”/> </TCOLSTYLE> <FIRSTTCOLSTYLE COLOR=”Cyan” SHADE=”90”/> <LASTTCOLSTYLE COLOR=”Cyan” SHADE=”50”/> </TABLESTYLE> ... </PROJECT> A <TABLESTYLE> lets you specify the following things: • <TROWSTYLE>: A row style to be applied to every row in the table. One of the two mandatory elements of <TABLESTYLE>. Includes the INSET attribute, which lets you specify the inset to apply on all four sides. 146 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER • <HEADTROWSTYLE>: A row style to be applied only to the header row. • <ODDTROWSTYLE> and <EVENTROWSTYLE>: Row styles that let you format odd • <TCOLSTYLE>: A column style. One of the two mandatory elements of and even rows differently. <TABLESTYLE>. Note that when the table is created, column styles override row styles. • <FIRSTTCOLSTYLE> and <LASTTCOLSTYLE>: Column styles that let you style • <TOPGRID> and <BOTTOMGRID>: A grid line at the top or bottom of a row’s cells. • the first and last column of a table differently. <LEFTGRID> and <RIGHTGRID>: A grid line at the left or right edge of a column’s cells. To apply a table style to an inline table, add a TABLESTYLEREF attribute to the <INLINETABLE> element, like so: <INLINETABLE TABLESTYLEREF=”tableStyle10”> You can also override <TABLESTYLE> attributes by specifying them as part of the table, like so: <TROW> <TOPGRID COLOR=”black” WIDTH=”1”/> <BOTTOMGRID COLOR=”red” WIDTH=”1”/> <ENTRY COLSPAN=”5”>Statements</ENTRY> </TROW> Here, we’ve created a cell that spans five columns by supplying only one <ENTRY>, and we’ve specified a black, one-point top line and a red, one-point bottom line for that row only. Working with sections The Section feature lets you change the numbering system for a layout or a range of pages in a layout. To use this feature, you create a section start on a particular page. In that section start, you can specify a number format, a starting page number, and an optional prefix. For example: <PAGE FORMATTEDNAME=”A1” MASTER=”A-Master A” POSITION=”RIGHTOFSPINE”> <ID UID=”1”/> <SECTION FORMAT=”ROMAN” NUMBER=”1” PREFIX=”A” OPERATION=”CREATE”/> </PAGE> Once you have inserted a <SECTION> element, QuarkXPress Server will apply section-specific numbering and formatting to automatic page numbers. To insert automatic page numbers, use the RICHTEXT@PAGENUMBERCHAR attribute: <TEXT> <STORY STORYDIRECTION=”HORIZONTAL”> <PARAGRAPH MERGE=”false” PARASTYLE=”Normal”> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false”>This is page </RICHTEXT> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false” PAGENUMBERCHAR=”CURRENTPAGE”/> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false”>. The story continues on page </RICHTEXT> A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 147 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false” PAGENUMBERCHAR=”NEXTPAGE”/> from page <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false”>. This story is continued </RICHTEXT> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false” PAGENUMBERCHAR=”PREVIOUSPAGE”/> </PARAGRAPH> </STORY> </TEXT> To remove a section break, use XML like the following: <PAGE FORMATTEDNAME=”A1” MASTER=”A-Master A” POSITION=”RIGHTOFSPINE”> <ID UID=”1”/> <SECTION OPERATION=”DELETE”/> </PAGE> Working with Composition Zones A Composition Zones item in a deconstructed project is represented in XML by a <COMPOSITIONZONE> element. Like the <BOX> element type, this element type supports the <GEOMETRY>, <SHADOW>, and <FRAME> elements. The content of each Composition Zones item is provided by a layout called the composition layout, which can be internal or external. Each <COMPOSITIONZONE> element includes a TYPE attribute that indicates whether its composition layout is internal or external. • For internal Composition Zones items, each Composition Zones item is represented as an additional <LAYOUT> element within the <PROJECT> element. The LAYOUTREF element within the <COMPOSITIONZONE> element indicates the name of the <LAYOUT> that corresponds to that particular Composition Zones item. • For external Composition Zones items, the PATH attribute indicates the location of the project containing the associated composition layout. However, a copy of the layout is also stored within the project as an additional <LAYOUT> element. Composition Zones items must be created in QuarkXPress. <COMPOSITIONZONE> elements are ignored by the construct namespace and the modify parameter. <PROJECT> <LAYOUT> <ID UID=”Layout 1”/> <SPREAD> <ID/> <COMPOSITIONZONE BLENDSTYLE=”SOLID” BOXTYPE=”CT_USER” COLOR=”none” LAYOUTREF=”Layout 2” PATH=”/projects/ExternalZone1.qxp” TYPE=”EXTERNAL”> <ID NAME=”Box9” UID=”9”/> ... </COMPOSITIONZONE> </SPREAD> </LAYOUT> <LAYOUT SHAREDSTATUS=”ALLPROJECTS”> <ID NAME=”Layout 2” UID=”2”/> 148 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER <SPREAD>...</SPREAD> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT> You can create a shared layout for use in a Composition Zones item like so: <PROJECT> <LAYOUT OPERATION=”CREATE” SHAREDSTATUS=”THISPROJECT”> <ID NAME=”ScrollableLayout”/> <SPREAD> <ID UID=”1”/> ... </SPREAD> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT> If you are creating App Studio issues, you can use this technique to create scrollable layouts on the fly. When doing so, use the HORIZONTALBINDING and VERTICALBINDING attributes to indicate which direction the layout should scroll. You can modify the following aspects of an existing <COMPOSITIONZONE>: • HORIZONTALBINDING and VERTICALBINDING • LAYOUTOPACITY • PREVIEWPAGE • LAYOUTREF For example: <COMPOSITIONZONE HORIZONTALBINDING=”false” LAYOUTOPACITY=”100%” LAYOUTREF=”Layout 6” PREVIEWPAGE=”3” VERTICALBINDING=”true”> <PAGEREF ANGLE=”0” NUMBER=”1” OFFSETACROSS=”0” OFFSETDOWN=”0” SCALE=”100%”/> </COMPOSITIONZONE> Using XSL transformation You can use an XSLT file to transform the XML returned by the xml namespace into other formats. You might find this feature useful if you want the xml namespace to return an XML representation that uses a different schema or a subset of the returned data. To use this feature, use the XSL parameter in the request URL. If the XSL parameter specifies the absolute path to an XSLT file on the server, QuarkXPress Server uses that XSLT file to transform the response to that call. For example: http://QXPServer8:8080/xml/project1.qxp?XSL= path to XSLT file on server  When you use this feature, “XSL” must be in all caps. To make the returned XML use the Modifier DTD, uncheck Use default XSLT and do not use the XSL parameter in your calls to the construct namespace.  QuarkXPress Server currently supports only XML output from XSL transformation. Working with lists The <LISTS> element allows you to construct and deconstruct QuarkXPress lists. Lists allow a user to automatically create a table of contents (TOC) or list of figures. For more information, see the Modifier DTD . A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 149 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8” standalone=”no”?> <PROJECT JOBJACKET=”Project2 Job Jacket” JOBTICKET=”Default Job Ticket 1:Project2” PROJECTNAME=”lis1.qxp” XMLVERSION=”8.0”> <LAYOUT POINTSPERINCH=”72”> <ID NAME=”Layout 1”/> <LAYER> <ID NAME=”Default”/> <RGBCOLOR BLUE=”90” GREEN=”90” RED=”90”/> </LAYER> <SPREAD> <ID UID=”1”/> <PAGE MASTER=”A-Master A” POSITION=”RIGHTOFSPINE”> <ID UID=”1”/> </PAGE> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT” COLOR=”none”> <ID NAME=”Box5”/> <GEOMETRY> <POSITION> <TOP>56</TOP> <LEFT>56</LEFT> <BOTTOM>200</BOTTOM> <RIGHT>300</RIGHT> </POSITION> </GEOMETRY> <TEXT> <STORY> <LIST LISTSTYLE=”New List” OPERATION=”CREATE”> </LIST> </STORY> </TEXT> </BOX> </SPREAD> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT> LIST is a child of the STORY element. The value of LISTSTYLE will be the name of the list that had been created in QuarkXPress. When a project containing a list is deconstructed in XML, the XML will contain the text of the list, as well as a reference back to the LIST. Working with anchored boxes To create an anchored box within a text box, use a structure like the following: <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8” standalone=”no”?> <PROJECT JOBJACKET=”Macintosh HD:Server:Project1 Job Jacket” JOBTICKET=”Default Job Ticket 1:Project2” PROJECTNAME=”anchor.qxp” XMLVERSION=”8.0”> <LAYOUT POINTSPERINCH=”72”> <ID NAME=”Layout 1”></ID> <LAYER> <ID NAME=”Default”/> <RGBCOLOR BLUE=”90” GREEN=”90” RED=”90”/> </LAYER> <SPREAD> <ID UID=”1”/> <PAGE MASTER=”A-Master A” POSITION=”RIGHTOFSPINE”> <ID UID=”1”/> </PAGE> <BOX BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT” COLOR=”none”> <ID NAME=”Box5”/> <GEOMETRY LAYER=”Default” PAGE=”1”> <POSITION> <TOP>36</TOP> 150 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER <LEFT>36</LEFT> <BOTTOM>112</BOTTOM> <RIGHT>210</RIGHT> </POSITION> </GEOMETRY> <TEXT> <STORY> <PARAGRAPH MERGE=”false” PARASTYLE=”Normal”> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false”>Hello </RICHTEXT> <ANCHOREDBOXREF ALIGNWITHTEXT=”BASELINE” OFFSET=”0”>Box7</ANCHOREDBOXREF> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false”>, world</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> </STORY> </TEXT> </BOX> <BOX ANCHOREDIN=”Box5” BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT” COLOR=”none”> <ID NAME=”Box7” UID=”7”/> <GEOMETRY PAGE=”1” SHAPE=”SH_RECT”> <POSITION> <TOP>0</TOP> <LEFT>0</LEFT> <BOTTOM>50</BOTTOM> <RIGHT>75</RIGHT> </POSITION> </GEOMETRY> <TEXT> <STORY> <PARAGRAPH MERGE=”false” PARASTYLE=”Normal”> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false”>anchored box </RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> </STORY> </TEXT> </BOX> </SPREAD> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT> Note that there are two BOX elements. One is the parent box that has the element ANCHOREDBOXREF, which points to the name of the anchored box. The anchored box itself has the attribute ANCHOREDIN, which points to the name of the parent box. Working with placeholders Placeholders allow a region of text in a QuarkXPress project to hold non-printing metadata. You can use placeholders to store information from other systems, or to provide information to third-party XTensions software or other tools that operate on QuarkXPress projects. Placeholders are used by technologies within QuarkXPress, such as XML import. Modifier XT allows placeholder data to be added to a QuarkXPress project from your application, and the placeholder data can be read from a project using the xml namespace. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 151 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER  Unless a third-party XTensions software module for QuarkXPress is created to manage the placeholders inserted by your application using Modifier XML, a user is not prohibited from deleting placeholders from within the QuarkXPress user interface. In fact, users are not alerted to the presence of placeholders through the QuarkXPress user interface. You can use APIs in the QuarkXPress Server XTensions Software XDK to allow a suitable user interface for managing the placeholders inserted by your application. Contact QuarkAlliance for details about the XTensions software developer program. There are two types of placeholders supported in Modifier XML: Text placeholders and Text Node placeholders. Text placeholders can be placed around a run of text to identify particular metadata with that text content. <PROJECT> <LAYOUT> <ID UID=”1”/> <SPREAD> <ID UID=”1”/> <BOX> <ID NAME=”name”/> <TEXT> <STORY CLEAROLDTEXT=”true”> <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”Normal”/> <RICHTEXT>This is text that</RICHTEXT> <TEXTPH NAME=”SOURCE_UID” OWNER=”1347639377”> <RICHTEXT>has a placeholder</RICHTEXT> </TEXTPH> </STORY> </TEXT> </BOX> </SPREAD> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT> When a Text placeholder spans multiple paragraphs, the PARAGRAPH and RICHTEXT hierarchy is flattened. A new paragraph can be started using an empty PARAGRAPH element. Text Node placeholders can represent a hierarchical structure of meta-tagging around text. This can allow more complex meta-tagging of data placed into a QuarkXPress project. Also, it allows some structure to be preserved within the QuarkXPress project format. <PROJECT> <LAYOUT> <ID UID=”1”/> <SPREAD> <ID UID=”1”/> <BOX> <ID NAME=”name”/> <TEXT> <STORY CLEAROLDTEXT=”true”> <PARAGRAPH PARACHAR=”HARDRETURN”/> <TEXTNODEPH NAME=”ARTICLE” OWNER=”1347639377”> <TEXTPH NAME=”HEADLINE”> <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”Headline”/> <RICHTEXT>Text</RICHTEXT> </TEXTPH> <TEXTPH NAME=”STANDFIRST”> 152 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER PARACHAR=”HARDRETURN” PARACHAR=”HARDRETURN” <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”1st para”/> <RICHTEXT>Text</RICHTEXT> </TEXTPH> <TEXTPH NAME=”BODY”> <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”Body”/> <RICHTEXT>Text</RICHTEXT> </TEXTPH> <METADATA> <VALUE KEY=”ARTICLE_ID”>1145</VALUE> <VALUE KEY=”ARTICLE_TYPE”>Press Release </VALUE> <VALUE KEY=”AUTHOR”>M.Gutherie</VALUE> </METADATA> </TEXTNODEPH> </STORY> </TEXT> </BOX> </SPREAD> </LAYOUT> </PROJECT>  To avoid hierarchy conflicts between the placeholder hierarchy and the paragraph hierarchy, the paragraph structure is flattened, which means that PARAGRAPH and RICHTEXT elements become siblings. In this case, the PARACHAR attribute is not applied, and the Modifier XML should include the  entity to represent paragraph break characters.  The OWNER attribute of the TEXTPH and TEXTNODEPH elements refers to the ID of the XTensions software that is responsible for the placeholder. The xml namespace returns all placeholders from all XTensions software. The default value for placeholders is “1347639377” (this is the XTension ID of PlaceholderSXT XT). If you want to create placeholders for your own XTensions software, use that XTensions software ID here. Working with metadata You can attach box-level metadata to a QuarkXPress project created from XML using the Modifier DTD. For example, if you import a picture from a content management system into a box, you can store the unique ID of that picture (and other information, such as the last-modified date) with the box containing that picture. When you deconstruct the project, you can read the metadata (for example, to track the usage of licensed pictures). You can attach metadata to picture boxes, text boxes, tables, lines, and text paths. QuarkXPress Server metadata takes the form of key/value pairs. For more information, see the Modifier DTD. To create a new box with metadata, use XML like the following. In this example, QuarkXPress Server creates a box named “box1” and asssociates Asset, Date, and Password key-value pairs with it. <BOX OPERATION=”CREATE” BOXTYPE=”CT_TEXT”> <ID NAME=”box1”/> A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 153 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER <METADATA> <VALUE KEY=”Asset” ><![CDATA[1234567890]]> </VALUE> <VALUE KEY=”Date” ><![CDATA[08.06.07]]> </VALUE> <VALUE KEY=”Password” ><![CDATA[Hello World]]> </VALUE> </METADATA> <GEOMETRY SHAPE=”SH_RECT” PAGE=”1”> <POSITION> <TOP>5</TOP> <LEFT>5</LEFT> <BOTTOM>10</BOTTOM> <RIGHT>10</RIGHT> </POSITION> </GEOMETRY> </BOX> To delete metadata that is associated with a box, use XML like the following: <BOX> <ID NAME=”BoxWithMetadata”/> <METADATA> <VALUE KEY=”Asset”></VALUE> </METADATA> </BOX> Working with hidden text In QuarkXPress, hidden text is used by features which need to include information within the flow of text without that information being visible in its raw form, either on screen or at output. XTensions modules for QuarkXPress and QuarkXPress Server can use the data area in hidden text to store their custom data without changing the surrounding text. The custom data in the hidden text is simply invisible when opened in a copy of QuarkXPress that does not have the corresponding XTensions module. You can use hidden text in Modifier XML to interpret information added by a custom QuarkXPress XTension or to send instructions to a QuarkXPress Server XTensions during a modify or construct request. Each piece of hidden text is identified by an opcode. An opcode is a four-digit hexadecimal number which specifies: • The developer ID of the developer who created the XTensions module. • The unique identifier of the hidden text type, as defined by the XTensions developer. • The type of hidden text entry (OPENPAREN, CLOSEPAREN, NONPAREN, or IGNORED) An opcode is constructed as follows: 154 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER The structure of a hidden text marker In Modifier XML, hidden text is represented by the HIDDEN element. By default, hidden text is not output from the xml namespace. To output hidden text, specify the opcode= parameter in your request, like so: http://server:port/xml/projectname.qxp?opcode=51434450  This example URL outputs all of the hidden text inserted by the XTensions software with this ID. To avoid byte order issues when cross-platform rendering is enabled, the XTID is represented decimally, rather than with the usual char[4] representation. If you specify opcode=*, QuarkXPress Server returns all hidden text in the XML output. If you want only specific opcodes for a particular developer ID, you must pass the developer ID + the unique ID (more often than not, 1) + the sum of types of paren you wish to see (for example, to see OPENPAREN and CLOSEPAREN, you would calculate 0x20 + 0x40 = 0x60). For example, if you wanted to get only hidden text from the Custom Underline XTensions module, you would pass the request with the additional request parameter opcode=51526B61. The data you receive in the deconstructed hidden text is a base64 encoded version of the binary data which is stored in the hidden text. To interpret this, you must know the data structure which the XTension uses. Similarly, when you pass data back to an XTensions module through a modify or construct request, the data passed in the <HIDDEN> element must be base-64 encoded, and must be a valid structure in the format which the XTensions module is expecting. You can use hidden text in different ways by using different hidden text types. For example, the Notes XTensions module uses the OPENPAREN and CLOSEPAREN hidden text type. This XTensions module lets users embed user comments at particular locations in text and view these comments can in a “sticky note” window. To accomplish this, the XTensions module embeds two hidden text markers in the text, and the text of the note goes between them. The piece of hidden text at the start of the note has the type OPENPAREN, and the piece at the end has the type CLOSEPAREN. <PARAGRAPH MERGE=”false” PARACHAR=”HARDRETURN” PARASTYLE=”001-TEXT”> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false”> The population of Iceland is 500,000,000. </RICHTEXT> <HIDDEN DATALEN=”100” OPCODE=”51434450” OWNER=”514344” TYPE=”CHARACTERTYPE”> <RICHTEXT LANGUAGE=”USEnglish” MERGE=”false”> A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 155 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgdGV4dCBvZiBhIENvcHlEZXNrIG5vdGU= </RICHTEXT> </HIDDEN> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false”> Iceland is located north of the Equator. </RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> The example XML extract above shows the output from the xml namespace of text that contains a note inserted by the Notes XT XTensions software. The note contains “This is the text of a CopyDesk note,” which is represented as VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgdGV4dCBvZiBhIENvcHlEZXNrIG5vdGU=. If this text is passed back to QuarkXPress Server in a modify or construct request, the hidden text inserted by the Notes XT XTensions software is preserved and can be read by the Notes XT XTensions software if the project is opened in QuarkXPress. The Custom Underline XTensions module feature also uses this approach, but also stores the custom underline definitions in a binary data structure within the data of the CLOSEPAREN hidden text entry: <PARAGRAPH MERGE=”false” PARASTYLE=”Normal”> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false”> The population of Iceland is 500,000,000. </RICHTEXT MERGE=”false”>regular text</RICHTEXT> <HIDDEN DATALEN=”0” OPCODE=”51526B41” OWNER=”51526B” TYPE=”OPENPAREN”> </RICHTEXT MERGE=”false”>text with custom underline</RICHTEXT> <HIDDEN DATALEN=”20” OPCODE=”51526B21” OWNER=”51526B” TYPE=”CLOSEPAREN”> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false”>/////wACAAAAAKj2AAIAAABqAAU=</RICHTEXT> </HIDDEN> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false”>regular text</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> The data within the RICHTEXT element inside a HIDDEN element is a Base 64encoded representation of the raw data that is stored within the hidden text. Considering that hidden text in QuarkXPress can contain any type of data, and the structure of that data is specified by the XTensions software that creates it, this method ensures that the data can be safely represented in XML. Also, this data can be converted back into the same raw data structure so that it can be read by the destination XTensions software. If the content is edited, the destination XTensions software may not be able to interpret it. Only XTensions software developers should attempt to interpret data from their own XTensions software. Using interactivity The <INTERACTIVITY> element describes an asset used as an interactive element for a format such as App Studio and ePUB. The specific schema for an interactive element is determined by the XTensions module that owns that element, so such schemas are not defined here. The best way to create or modify an <INTERACTIVITY> element is to deconstruct it and then use the deconstructed XML as a template. Below are some examples of App Studio interactivity. 156 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Button interactivity Below is an example of App Studio Button interactivity. <ID UID=”8”/> <BOX BLENDSTYLE=”SOLID” BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT” COLOR=”none”> <ID NAME=”Button 2” UID=”36”/> <INTERACTIVITY AUTHORXTID=”1131430225” OWNERXTID=”1129333841” TYPE=”Button”> <Settings> <settings> <actions> <action> <type>gotofirstpage</type> <name/> </action> </actions> </settings> </Settings> <DATAPROVIDER DATAPROVIDERXTID=”1131430225”/> </INTERACTIVITY> </BOX> Scroll Zone interactivity Below is an example of App Studio Scroll Zone interactivity. <COMPOSITIONZONE LAYOUTREF=”Scroll” OPERATION=”CREATE”> <ID NAME=”ScrollZone 1” UID=”58”/> <GEOMETRY CORNERRADIUS=”0” CORNERSTYLE=”RECTANGLE” LAYER=”Default” PAGE=”7” SHAPE=”SH_RECT” SKEW=”0”> <POSITION LOCKPROPORTIONS=”false”> <TOP>216</TOP> <LEFT>149</LEFT> <BOTTOM>668</BOTTOM> <RIGHT>630</RIGHT> </POSITION> <SUPPRESSOUTPUT>false</SUPPRESSOUTPUT> <RUNAROUND TYPE=”NONE”/> </GEOMETRY> <FRAME COLOR=”Black” GAPCOLOR=”none” OPACITY=”100%” SHADE=”100%” STYLE=”Solid” WIDTH=”0”/> <PAGEREF ANGLE=”0” NUMBER=”1” OFFSETACROSS=”0” OFFSETDOWN=”0” SCALE=”100%”/> <INTERACTIVITY AUTHORXTID=”1131430225” OWNERXTID=”1129333841” TYPE=”Scrollable Content”> <Settings> <scrollzonesettings> <defaultposition>1</defaultposition> <fadeatends>true<fadedistance>60</fadedistance> </fadeatends> <showscrollbar>true</showscrollbar> <automaticarrows>false</automaticarrows> <loop>false</loop> <docuid>4</docuid> <scrolldirection>1</scrolldirection> </scrollzonesettings> </Settings> <DATAPROVIDER DATAPROVIDERXTID=”1131430225”/> </INTERACTIVITY> </COMPOSITIONZONE>  <scrolldirection>1</scrolldirection> Applies the Horizontal Scrolling  <scrolldirection>2</scrolldirection> Applies the Vertical Scrolling A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 157 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Slideshow interactivity Below is an example of App Studio Slideshow interactivity. <BOX BLENDSTYLE=”SOLID” BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT” COLOR=”none”> <ID NAME=”Slideshow 1” UID=”18”/> <PICTURE ANGLE=”0” DPI=”144” FLIPHORIZONTAL=”false” FLIPVERTICAL=”false” FULLRES=”false” MASK=”Composite” OFFSETACROSS=”0” OFFSETDOWN=”0” OPACITY=”100%” SCALEACROSS=”100%” SCALEDOWN=”100%” SKEW=”0” SUPRESSPICT=”false”> <CLIPPING TYPE=”ITEM”/> </PICTURE> <CONTENT PICTURECONTENTLOCK=”true” UID=”9”>Images\Slideshow01.jpg</CONTENT> <INTERACTIVITY AUTHORXTID=”1131430225” OWNERXTID=”1129333841” TYPE=”Slideshow”> <Settings> <slideshowsettings> <allowfullscreen>true</allowfullscreen> <allowinteraction>true</allowinteraction> <uncroppedinfullscreen>false</uncroppedinfullscreen> <autoplay>false</autoplay> <sourcesettings> <sourcetype>1</sourcetype> </sourcesettings> <animate>true<animationduration>6.000000</animationduration> </animate> <slides> <slide slidetype=”imagetype”> <imagepath>Images\slideshow1.jpg</imagepath> <animatesettings> <startcrop angle=”0” xoffset=”0” xscale=”65536” yoffset=”0” yscale=”65536”/> <endcrop angle=”0” xoffset=”0” xscale=”65536” yoffset=”0” yscale=”65536”/> </animatesettings> <actions/> </slide> <slide slidetype=”imagetype”> <imagepath>Images\slideshow2.jpg</imagepath> <animatesettings> <startcrop angle=”0” xoffset=”0” xscale=”65536” yoffset=”0” yscale=”65536”/> <endcrop angle=”0” xoffset=”0” xscale=”65536” yoffset=”0” yscale=”65536”/> </animatesettings> <actions/> </slide> <slide slidetype=”imagetype”> <imagepath>Images\slideshow3.jpg</imagepath> <animatesettings> <startcrop angle=”0” xoffset=”0” xscale=”65536” yoffset=”0” yscale=”65536”/> <endcrop angle=”0” xoffset=”0” xscale=”65536” yoffset=”0” yscale=”65536”/> </animatesettings> <actions/> </slide> </slides> </slideshowsettings> </Settings> <DATAPROVIDER DATAPROVIDERXTID=”1131430225”/> </INTERACTIVITY> </BOX> 158 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Video interactivity Below is an example of App Studio Video interactivity. <BOX BLENDSTYLE=”SOLID” BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT” COLOR=”none”> <ID NAME=”Video 1” UID=”21”/> <PICTURE/> <INTERACTIVITY AUTHORXTID=”1131430225” OWNERXTID=”1129333841” TYPE=”Video”> <Settings> <videosettings> <autoplay>false</autoplay> <fullscreenonly>false</fullscreenonly> <loop>false</loop> <hidecontroller>false</hidecontroller> <sourcesettings> <sourcetype>1</sourcetype> <sourcepath>Video\abc.mp4</sourcepath> </sourcesettings> <usevideoframe>false</usevideoframe> <useofflineimage>false</useofflineimage> </videosettings> </Settings> <DATAPROVIDER DATAPROVIDERXTID=”1131430225”/> </INTERACTIVITY> </BOX> Audio interactivity Below is an example of App Studio Audio interactivity. <BOX BLENDSTYLE=”SOLID” BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT” COLOR=”none”> <ID NAME=”Audio 1” UID=”24”/> <PICTURE/> <INTERACTIVITY AUTHORXTID=”1131430225” OWNERXTID=”1129333841” TYPE=”Audio”> <Settings> <audiosettings> <autoplay>false</autoplay> <loop>false</loop> <hidecontroller>false</hidecontroller> <stopatpageturn>true</stopatpageturn> <stopatarticleend>true</stopatarticleend> <sourcesettings> <sourcetype>1</sourcetype> <sourcepath>Audio\abc.mp3</sourcepath> </sourcesettings> <useofflineimage>false</useofflineimage> </audiosettings> </Settings> <DATAPROVIDER DATAPROVIDERXTID=”1131430225”/> </INTERACTIVITY> </BOX> Go to URL interactivity Below is an example of App Studio Go to URL interactivity. <BOX BLENDSTYLE=”SOLID” BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT” COLOR=”none”> <ID NAME=”Button 1” UID=”6”/> <PICTURE/> <INTERACTIVITY AUTHORXTID=”1131430225” OWNERXTID=”1129333841” TYPE=”Button”> <Settings> <settings> <actions> A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 159 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER <action> <type>gotourl</type> <name/> <gotourl>http://www.google.com</gotourl> <switchtobrowser>false</switchtobrowser> </action> </actions> </settings> </Settings> <DATAPROVIDER DATAPROVIDERXTID=”1131430225”/> </INTERACTIVITY> </BOX> Web View interactivity Below is an example of App Studio Web View interactivity. <BOX BLENDSTYLE=”SOLID” BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT” COLOR=”none”> <ID NAME=”WebView 1” UID=”27”/> <INTERACTIVITY AUTHORXTID=”1131430225” OWNERXTID=”1129333841” TYPE=”Embedded HTML”> <Settings> <webviewsettings> <allowuserinteraction>true</allowuserinteraction> <scrollable>false</scrollable> <allowzoom>false</allowzoom> <sourcesettings> <sourcetype>2</sourcetype> <sourcepath>http://www.gsmarena.com</sourcepath> </sourcesettings> <useofflineimage>true<offlineimagepath/> </useofflineimage> </webviewsettings> </Settings> <DATAPROVIDER DATAPROVIDERXTID=”1131430225”/> </INTERACTIVITY> </BOX> Picture Zoom interactivity Below is an example of App Studio Picture Zoom interactivity. <BOX BLENDSTYLE=”SOLID” BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT” COLOR=”none”> <ID NAME=”InteractivePicture 1” UID=”39”/> <PICTURE ANGLE=”0” DPI=”144” FLIPHORIZONTAL=”false” FLIPVERTICAL=”false” FULLRES=”false” MASK=”Composite” OFFSETACROSS=”0” OFFSETDOWN=”27.233” OPACITY=”100%” SCALEACROSS=”83.2%” SCALEDOWN=”83.2%” SKEW=”0” SUPRESSPICT=”false”> <CLIPPING TYPE=”ITEM”/> </PICTURE> <CONTENT PICTURECONTENTLOCK=”true” UID=”9”>Images\Slideshow01.jpg</CONTENT> <INTERACTIVITY AUTHORXTID=”1131430225” OWNERXTID=”1129333841” TYPE=”Full-screen Image”> <Settings> <picturezoomsettings> <allowfullscreen>true</allowfullscreen> <allowpinchzoom>false</allowpinchzoom> <allowpanning>true</allowpanning> <animatepanandzoom>false</animatepanandzoom> <zoomsetting>0</zoomsetting> </picturezoomsettings> </Settings> <DATAPROVIDER DATAPROVIDERXTID=”1131430225”/> 160 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER </INTERACTIVITY> </BOX> 360 degree interactivity Below is an example of App Studio 360 degree interactivity. <ID UID=”8”/> <BOX BLENDSTYLE=”SOLID” BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT” COLOR=”none”> <ID NAME=”360Degree 1” UID=”31”/> <PICTURE/> <INTERACTIVITY AUTHORXTID=”1131430225” NAME=”360° Image 1” OWNERXTID=”1129333841” TYPE=”360 degree Image”> <SettingsInitiallyHidden=”False”> <image360settings> <autoplay>true<spincount>2</spincount></autoplay> <allowinteraction>true</allowinteraction> <frames/> </image360settings> </Settings> <DATAPROVIDER DATAPROVIDERXTID=”1131430225”/> </INTERACTIVITY> </BOX> Animation interactivity Below is an example of App Studio Animation interactivity. <ID UID=”8”/> <BOX BLENDSTYLE=”SOLID” BOXTYPE=”CT_PICT” COLOR=”none”> <ID NAME=”animation 1” UID=”32”/> <PICTURE/> <INTERACTIVITY AUTHORXTID=”1131430225” NAME=”Animation 1” OWNERXTID=”1129333841” TYPE=”Animation”> <Settings InitiallyHidden=”False”> <animationsettings> <animationtype>11</animationtype> <autoplay>true</autoplay> <allowinteraction>true</allowinteraction> <initiallyhidden>false</initiallyhidden> <loop>false<loopcount>1</loopcount></loop> <duration>5</duration> <delay>0</delay> <timingfunc> <functype>0</functype> <func/> </timingfunc> <pathname/> <direction>0</direction> <endsettings> <hidden>false</hidden> <opacity>65536</opacity> <angle>0</angle> <xscale>65536</xscale> <yscale>65536</yscale> <scaleproportionally>true</scaleproportionally> </endsettings> </animationsettings> </Settings> <DATAPROVIDER DATAPROVIDERXTID=”1131430225”/> </INTERACTIVITY> </BOX> A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 161 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Specifying colors When specifying colors, you can use named Web colors such as “Silver” and “MediumSlateBlue” by name. You can also use RGB colors by specifying their hexadecimal values. For example: <RICHTEXT COLOR=”Teal” MERGE=”false” BOLD=”true”>This text is teal.</RICHTEXT> <FRAME COLOR=”#006699” GAPCOLOR=”#996600” WIDTH=”7”/> Working with indexes Indexes are a list of words or phrases (‘Index Terms’) and associated pointers to where useful material relating to that index term can be found in a document or on a page. Index terms can be nested up to four levels and each level can have a separate style applied. The scope of the index term can also be set. Preferences for indexes can be defined, including setting the index marker color, the index term separator, the page range separator and the page list separator. Marking and rendering indexes Marking: The INDEXTERM tag is used to mark indexes within the flow. <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”Sub-Section Title”> <RICHTEXT>Text containing the term</RICHTEXT> <INDEXTERM>the term to be marked for the index</INDEXTERM> </PARAGRAPH> The RANGE element is used to mark the beginning and end of the scope of the occurrence of the index within the flow. <INDEXTERM ID=”Unique ID” RANGE=”START”>Menu</INDEXTERM> <PARAGRAPH> <RICHTEXT>....</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> <INDEXTERM ID=”Unique ID” RANGE=”END”/> Use the RANGE element with a value of UNTILPARASTYLE to specify that a range should end at a particular style sheet. <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”Sub-Section Title”> <RICHTEXT>File Menu</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> <INDEXTERM RANGE=”UNTILPARASTYLE” VALUE=”Sub-Section Title”>File</INDEXTERM> <PARAGRAPH> <RICHTEXT>....</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> < PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”Sub-Section Title”> < RICHTEXT>Edit Menu</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> Use the RANGE element with a value of NUMBEROFPARAGRAPHS to specify that a range should end after a specified number of paragraphs. <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”Sub-Section Title”> <RICHTEXT>File Menu</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> <INDEXTERM RANGE=”NUMBEROFPARAGRAPHS” VALUE=”12”>File</INDEXTERM> 162 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER <PARAGRAPH> <RICHTEXT>....</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> <PARAGRAPH> <RICHTEXT>Edit Menu</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> Use the RANGE element with a value of ENDOFSTORY to specify that a range should end at the end of the story. <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”Sub-Section Title”> <RICHTEXT>File Menu</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> <INDEXTERM RANGE=”ENDOFSTORY”>File</INDEXTERM> <PARAGRAPH> <RICHTEXT>....</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> <PARAGRAPH> <RICHTEXT>Edit Menu</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> Use the ADDALL element to indicate that all instances of the index term in the document should be added to the index. <INDEXTERM ID=”Unique ID” RANGE=”START” ADDALL=”TRUE”>Menu</INDEXTERM> <RICHTEXT>Term</RICHTEXT> <INDEXTERM ID=”UniqueID” RANGE=”END”/> Use the MAINTERM, SUBTERM1, SUBTERM2, and SUBTERM3, elements to specify the level of the index term. <RICHTEXT>Menus of QXP</RICHTEXT> <INDEXTERM> <MAINTERM>Menus</MAINTERM> <SUBTERM1>Sub menu</SUBTERM1> <SUBTERM2>Utilities menu</SUBTERM1> <SUBTERM3>Insert Placeholder Text</SUBTERM1> </INDEXTERM> The previous XML snippet will produce the following results in the index: Menus Sub menu Utilities menu Insert Placeholder Text 1 Use the CROSSREFERENCETOINDEX element to create cross references between index terms. (Valid PREFIX values: see, see also, see herein) <PARAGRAPH> <INDEXTERM> <MAINTERM>Menu</MAINTERM> <CROSSREFERENCETOINDEX PREFIX=”see also”>Palettes</CROSSREFERENCETOINDEX> </INDEXTERM> <RICHTEXT>Term</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> Use the INDEXSPECIFICATIONS tag to define the index preferences, including setting the style and the index term separators. <INDEXSPECIFICATIONS> <INDEXSTYLE NAME =”IndexStyle”> <SEPARATORS BETWEEN-PAGE-NUMBERS=”“ BETWEEN-PAGE-RANGE=”“ FOLLOWING-ENTRIES=”“ BEFORE-CROSS-REFERENCE=”“ CROSS-REFERENCE-STYLE=”“ LEVELFORMAT=”NESTED”/> <LEVELSTYLE FIRSTLEVEL =”Style1” A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 163 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER SECONDLEVEL =”Style2” THIRDLEVEL =”Style3” FOURTHLEVEL =” Style4” LETTERHEADSTYLE =”Style5”/> </INDEXSTYLE> </INDEXSPECIFICATIONS> Rendering: The INDEX OPERATION element is used to render indexes. <PARAGRAPH> <INDEX OPERATION=”CREATE” Style=”IndexStyle”/>/> </PARAGRAPH> Working with cross references The cross references feature makes it easy to create cross references. There are three types of cross references that can be created in QuarkXPress: • Footnotes • Endnotes • Numbered Items Use the <XREF> elements in a <REFNOTE> element, to specify cross references. To create a numbered item cross reference: <PAGESEQUENCE MASTERREFERENCE=”B-Body”> <STORY> <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”Normal”> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false”>Paragraph text (see Section </RICHTEXT> <XREF HREF=”#d83c7191-fbb9-4565-8364-4de14c77c44a” CHARSTYLE=”CrossRef” INCLUDEABOVEBELOW=”true” HYPERLINK=”FALSE” SEPARATOR=”->” /> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false”>and Appendix A) Paragraph text continues.</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> . . . <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”Heading1”> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false”>Support</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”Heading2” XREFLABEL=”d83c7191-fbb94565-8364-4de14c77c44a”> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false”>Loss History</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> </STORY> </PAGESEQUENCE> • Use the CHARSTYLE element to identify a character style sheet to be applied to the cross reference. • • • Use the HYPERLINK element to enable/disable the hyperlink in the PDF output. Use the XREFSTYLE element to specify the type of cross reference. Use the SEPARATOR element to specify the separator text. You can show custom text as the cross reference: <PAGESEQUENCE MASTERREFERENCE=”B-Body”> <STORY> 164 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”Normal”> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false”>Paragraph text (see Section </RICHTEXT> <XREF HREF=”#d83c7191-fbb9-4565-8364-4de14c77c44a” CHARSTYLE=”CrossRef/>CUSTOM TEXT</XREF> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false”>and Appendix A) Paragraph text continues.</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> . . . <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”Heading1”> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false”>Support</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> <PARAGRAPH PARASTYLE=”Heading2” XREFLABEL=”d83c7191-fbb94565-8364-4de14c77c44a”> <RICHTEXT MERGE=”false”>Loss History</RICHTEXT> </PARAGRAPH> </STORY> </PAGESEQUENCE> Creating and using hyperlinks There are three types of hyperlink: • • • Web (WWWURL). Anchor (ANCHOR). You must define Anchor hyperlinks at the <LAYOUT> level. Page (PAGE). You must define Anchor hyperlinks at the <LAYOUT> level. Web hyperlinks You must define Web hyperlinks at the <PROJECT> level. For example, to create a Web hyperlink named Quark-dot-com, you could add the following as a child of the <PROJECT> element: <HYPERLINK HLTYPE=”WWWURL” NAME=”Quark-dot-com” TARGET=”http://www.quark.com”/> To add a Web hyperlink to a layout, add HYERLINKREF and HLTYPE attributes to a <BOX> or <RICHTEXT> element. For example, to use the Quark-dot-com hyperlink defined above, you could do something like this: <RICHTEXT>this is a hyperlink to </RICHTEXT> <RICHTEXT COLOR=”Cyan” UNDERLINE=”true” HYPERLINKREF=”Quark-dot-com” HLTYPE=”WWWURL” >quark.com</RICHTEXT>  You can use a Web hyperlink without creating it at the <PROJECT> level, but this is not the preferred method. Anchor hyperlinks To indicate the target of an Anchor hyperlink, use a <RICHTEXT> element like this: <RICHTEXT HLANCHORREF=”MyAnchor” /> To make sure the Anchor hyperlink works correctly, add something like this to the <LAYOUT> element: <HYPERLINK HLTYPE=”ANCHOR” TARGET=”#somewhere” /> To link to this Anchor hyperlink, use something like this: <RICHTEXT HLTYPE=”ANCHOR” HYPERLINKREF=”#somewhere”>link</RICHTEXT> A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 165 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER  You can use an Anchor hyperlink without creating it at the <PROJECT> level, but this is not the preferred method. Page hyperlinks To make sure a Page hyperlink works correctly, add something like this to the <LAYOUT> element: <HYPERLINK HLTYPE=”PAGE” NAME=”Page 2” TARGET=”2” /> To link to this Page hyperlink, use something like this: <RICHTEXT HLTYPE=”PAGE” HYPERLINKREF=”Page 2” >Page2</RICHTEXT>  You can use a Page hyperlink without creating it at the <PROJECT> level, but this is not the preferred method. Using the Streaming Document Provider The Streaming Document Provider feature allows all of the assets required for a transaction to be provided as part of a multi-part HTTP request. Assets that can be streamed include: • QuarkXPress templates. • Picture files used in the template. • Modifier XML. • Picture and text files used in the Modifier XML. • Assets used by digital publishing enrichments.  The Streaming Document Provider feature also supports keepdocopen requests. QuarkXPress Server searches for assets used in a call in the following order: 1. In the HTTP request. 2. At the supplied file path (if specified). 3. In the document pool. If QuarkXPress Server does not find the required assets at any of these locations: • If the image is being changed by the request, a “File not found” error occurs. • If the image is not being changed by the request, it renders at preview resolution. To use this feature, include a part in the HTTP request that has the same name as the asset to be streamed. For example: <html> <body> <form enctype=”multipart/form-data” action=”http://localhost:8082/pdf/pic.qxp” method=”post”> <input type=”file” name=”picture.jpg”/><br/> <input type=”file” name=”pic.qxp”/><br/> <input type=”hidden” name=”modify” value=”<PROJECT><LAYOUT> <ID UID=111/><BOX><ID NAME=’picbox’/><CONTENT>picture.jpg </CONTENT></BOX></LAYOUT></ PROJECT>”/> <input type=”submit”/> 166 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER </form> </body> </html> Using administrative request handlers Administrative request handlers let you change the behavior of QuarkXPress Server. The built-in administrative request handlers are described in the topics below  You can add your own request handlers. During the DDSSETUPCBCODE callback, QuarkXPress Server XTensions software registers itself as a request handler via AddCustomRequestHandler, using the QuarkXPress Server XTensions API. The first parameter of this API is a pointer to a request handler function implemented in QuarkXPress Server XTensions software. The second parameter is a namespace string that identifies the request. When a user submits a request that has the same namespace string as a suffix to the request URL, QuarkXPress Server calls the request handler function with all the user-specified parameters in the ServerRequest structure. The request handler function then processes the request and submits the reply in a ServerReply structure, which QuarkXPress Server communicates back to the user agent. Addfile Use the addfile request handler to put a document or image file in the document pool. An addfile request is always a POST request because it uses binary content. If you send an addfile request to QuarkXPress Server Manager using HTTP or the Web services interface while the common doc pool switch is set to off in the QuarkXPress Server Manager client, the file is uploaded to all registered QuarkXPress Server instances. If the common doc pool is enabled, the file can be uploaded to any one registered QuarkXPress server instance. Namespace addfile Contains the actual binary content of the file to be uploaded. Parameters uploadfile Binary file or MIMEtype file This can be a QuarkXPress file, a Word file, a text file, or a file with a MIME-type such as EPS, JPEG, PNG, or PICT. Response The message “File upload completed.” HTTP Error #404This alert displays if you The file system attempt to upload a document when the file document pool is not system document pool is not enabled. What to enabled. do: Check Enable File System Document Pool in the Server Configuration dialog box. Alerts Incorrect HTTP Error #401This alert displays if you specify administration realm an invalid administrator user name and user name and password.What to do: Use the user name and password. password set in theQuarkXPress Server Manager A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 167 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER client Server Configuration dialog box. HTTP Error #500QuarkXPress Server Error #120This alert displays if you attempt to upload a document that is in a subfolder that does not Cannot find required exist in the document pool while Generate volume or folder Hierarchy on Document Upload is unchecked in the Server Configuration dialog box. What to do: Check Generate Hierarchy on Document Upload in the Server Configuration dialog box. Logs See “Understanding logging.” To post a binary file in the root Example GET URL folder:http://localhost:8080/addfile/abc.qxpTo post a binary file in a subfolder:http://localhost:8080/addfile/sub1/abc.qxp Request object name: AddFileRequest // STEP 1 (COMMON FOR ALL REQUESTS): com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext rc = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); if(!this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) rc.documentName = this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; Stream theStream = uplTheFile.PostedFile.InputStream; long length = theStream.Length; Byte[] Buffer = new Byte[length]; const int BUFFER_SIZE = 10000; int nBytesRead = 0,iCount = 0; long remainingBytes = length — BUFFER_SIZE; if(remainingBytes > BUFFER_SIZE) { nBytesRead = theStream.Read( Buffer,iCount * BUFFER_SIZE,BUFFER_SIZE); while(0 != nBytesRead) { remainingBytes = length — (iCount * BUFFER_SIZE); > BUFFER_SIZE) nBytesRead = theStream.Read( Buffer,iCount * BUFFER_SIZE,BUFFER_SIZE); Example, object model iCount++; if(remainingBytes else { nBytesRead = theStream.Read( Buffer,iCount * BUFFER_SIZE,(int)remainingBytes); break; } } } else nBytesRead = theStream.Read( Buffer,iCount * BUFFER_SIZE,(int)remainingBytes); AddFileRequest addfilereq = new AddFileRequest(); addfilereq.fileData = Buffer; rc.request = addfilereq; // Create the service and call it with QRequestContext object RequestService svc = new RequestService(); QContentData qc = svc.processRequest(rc); The object model uses SOAP to transfer data, and SOAP encoding is not the most efficient way to transfer binary data. If you have to add a file using QuarkXPress Server Manager, the best way is to use a POST request in a QuarkXPress Server Manager URL. You might use QuarkXPress Manager to add a file if you wanted to add the file to all registered QuarkXPress Server instances at one time (assuming the instances are not sharing a single document pool).For more information, see the “AddFileRequest” .NET, Java, and Objective-C samples in the QuarkXPress Server Manager SDK samples. The following is a sample of a POST request HTML form.<HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>Test Addfile File will always be uploaded with name new.qxp upload: Please select the file you want to

168 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER The following example demonstrates how to use an HTML form to create a POST request that uses the addfile request handler. The form looks like this: To use this form: 1. Enter the name or IP address of the computer on which QuarkXPress Server is running. 2. Enter the port number in the port number field. 3. Enter the file name along with the extension in the file field. Click Browse if you need to find the file on your computer. The file will be uploaded with this name. 4. Click Submit. The file uploads to the document pool of the specified server. After the file is successfully uploaded, the “File upload completed.” alert is displayed. For example, assume you want to upload a file named “Faces.pdf” (located at the root of the C drive) to an instance of QuarkXPress Server running at IP address and port 8080, and that you want the name of the uploaded file on the server to be “NewFaces.pdf.” Here’s how you would accomplish this in the HTML form: The HTML code to generate the above sample file is as follows: Test Addfile
Please enter the name or IP of machine where QuarkXPress Server is running:

Please enter the port number on which QuarkXPress Server is running:

Please enter the new name (along with extension) with which file will be uploaded:

Please select the file you want to upload:

The information entered in the form is created with the following tags:
Please enter the name or IP of machine where QuarkXPress Server is running:

Please enter the port number on which QuarkXPress Server is running:

Please enter the new name (along with extension) with which file will be uploaded:

Please select the file you want to upload:

The FORM tag specifies that the method of the request is POST. This request is a “Multipart/form-data” request. When you submit the form, the UploadDocument() function is called. Use the INPUT tag to create the text box and the Browse button. • When you click Submit, the UploadDocument() function is called. This function is defined inside a script tag. It combines the information that has been entered in the form to create a URL for the addfile request, then sends this URL to QuarkXPress Server for processing. The code for the UploadDocument() function is as follows: Delete The delete request handler removes a specified document or folder from the document pool. If you send a delete request to QuarkXPress Server Manager using HTTP or the Web services interface while the common doc pool switch is set to off in the QuarkXPress Server Manager client, the file or folder is uploaded to all registered QuarkXPress Server instances. If the common doc pool is enabled, the file or folder can be deleted from any one registered QuarkXPress server instance. Namespace delete Response The message “File deleted successfully.” HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress Server Error #–43 This alert File not found displays if you try to delete a file that does not exist in the document pool. HTTP Error #405 This alert displays if you try to delete a Folder cannot be deleted. It may still contain files. folder that is not empty. What to do: First, delete all the files in the folder, and then resubmit the delete request to delete the folder. Alerts HTTP Error #500 QuarkXPress I/O error trying to read or write Server Error #–36 This alert to disk. displays if you try to delete an open file. HTTP Error #401 This alert displays if you specify an invalid administrator user name Incorrect administration realm and password.What to do: Use user name and password. the user name and password set in theQuarkXPress Server Manager client Server Configuration dialog box. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/delete/sample.qxp Request object name: DeleteRequestcom.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext rc = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); if(!this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) Example, object model rc.documentName = this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; rc.request = new DeleteRequest(); // Create the service and call it with QRequestContext object RequestService svc = new RequestService(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData qc = A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 171 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER svc.processRequest(rc); Evaluate The evaluate request handler evaluates the document you specify using a rule set in the Job Jackets file you specify, and returns the results as an XML stream. By default, this request handler evaluates the following rules: • Platform mismatch • Missing fonts • Missing pictures These rules are defined in the “Default Job Jacket.xml” file, which is generated by QuarkXPress Server in the preferences folder. You can specify multiple rule sets in a comma-separated list. To specify which layouts to evaluate, use the layout parameter. To evaluate using an external Job Jackets file, use the jobjacket parameter. For example: jobjacket=customjj.xml Namespace evaluate Response The default Job Jackets file. HTTP Error #401 This alert displays if you specify an invalid administrator user name Alerts Incorrect administration realm and password. What to do: Use user name and password. the user name and password set in the QuarkXPress Server Manager client Server Configuration dialog box. Logs Example GET URL See “Understanding logging.” http://localhost:8080/evaluate/MyProject.qxp?ruleset=”MyRuleSe t” Request object name: EvaluateRequestcom.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext rc = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); if(!this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) Example, object model rc.documentName = this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; rc.request = new EvaluateRequest(); //Create the service and call it with QRequestContext object RequestService svc = new RequestService(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData qc = svc.processRequest(rc); If a user name and password have been set in the Server Notes Configuration dialog box, the browser requests that user name and password when you submit a getdocinfo parameter request. 172 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Exportprefsasjj The exportprefsasjj request handler returns the default Job Jackets file as an XML stream. If you add ?download=true. the Job Jackets file is downloaded to the Web browser’s default download location as an XML file. Namespace exportprefsasjj Response The default Job Jackets file. HTTP Error #401 This alert displays if you specify an invalid administrator user name Alerts Incorrect administration realm and password. What to do: Use user name and password. the user name and password set in the QuarkXPress Server Manager client Server Configuration dialog box. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/exportprefsasjj If a user name and password have been set in the Server Notes Configuration dialog box, the browser requests that user name and password when you submit a getdocinfo parameter request. Fileinfo The fileinfo request handler returns XML that contains the creation date, modification date, and file size of a document. Namespace fileinfo Lets you retrieve the creation date of a file in UTC format. For example:http://localhost:8080/fi action=get leinfo/sample.qxd? action=get&creationdate Lets you set the creation and modification dates of a file in Parameters UTC format. For example:http://localhost:8080/fi action=set leinfo/sample.qxp? action=set&creationdate=10-062007 12:12:37 UTC& modificationdate=10-06-2007 12:12:37 UTC The following XML code displays the creation date, modification date, and size of the document. 08-012004 06:14:07 UTC 08-01-2004 11:56:56 UTC 1519616 Alerts Incorrect administration realm user name and password. HTTP Error #401 This alert displays if you specify an invalid administrator user name A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 173 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER and password.What to do: Use the user name and password set in the QuarkXPress Server Manager client Server Configuration dialog box. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/fileinfo/sample.qxp Request object name: FileInfoRequestcom.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext rc = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); if(!this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) Example, object model rc.documentName = this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; rc.request = new FileInfoRequest(); //Create the service and call it with QRequestContext object RequestService svc = new RequestService(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData qc = svc.processRequest(rc); If a user name and password have been set in the Server Notes Configuration dialog box, the browser requests that user name and password when you submit a fileinfo parameter request. Flush The flush request handler flushes a document from the cache. Namespace flush Response The message “CACHE FLUSH COMPLETED.” HTTP Error #401 This alert displays if you specify an invalid administrator user name Alerts Incorrect administration realm and password.What to do: Use user name and password. the user name and password set in the QuarkXPress Server Manager client Server Configuration dialog box. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/flush/sample.qxp Request object name: FlushRequestsdk.QRequestContext rc = new sdk.QRequestContext(); if(!this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) rc.documentName = Example, object model this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; rc.request = new FlushRequest(); //Create the service and call it with QRequestContext object RequestServiceService svc = new RequestServiceService(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData qc = svc.processRequest(rc); If a user name and password have been set in the Server Notes Configuration dialog box, the browser requests that user name and password when you submit a flush parameter request. 174 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Flushall Flushes all documents from the cache. When this request is sent to Server Manager using either HTTP or Web services, the cache of all registered QuarkXPress servers is flushed. Namespace flushall Response The message “CACHE FLUSH COMPLETED.” HTTP Error #401 This alert displays if you specify an invalid administrator user name Alerts Incorrect administration realm and password. What to do: Use user name and password. the user name and password set in the QuarkXPress Server Manager client Server Configuration dialog box. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/flushall Request object name: FlushAllRequestsdk.QRequestContext rc = new sdk.QRequestContext(); if(!this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) rc.documentName = Example, object model this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; rc.request = new FlushAllRequest(); //Create the service and call it with QRequestContext object RequestServiceService svc = new RequestServiceService(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData qc = svc.processRequest(rc); If a user name and password have been set in the Server Configuration dialog box, the browser requests that user name Notes and password when you submit a flushall parameter request.When you issue a flushall request, the memory usage value in the status monitor becomes zero. Getdocinfo The getdocinfo request handler returns XML information about a QuarkXPress project that is in the document pool or has been supplied as part of a multipart HTTP request. The returned information includes the project version, the platform on which it was saved, the number of layers, page properties, the length and width of the page in points, the number of pages, the names of imported picture files, the names of any required fonts, the names and IDs of any relevant XTensions modules, and (for documents saved in QuarkXPress 6.0 or later) information about synchronized content. Namespace getdocinfo The XML response looks like the following: Response WINDOWS 7.0 Sample.qxp ArialMT A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 175 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Layout 1 4 Print 432 756 Default E:\pics\Jpeg\Autumn.jpg HTTP Error #401 This alert displays if you specify an invalid administrator user name Alerts Incorrect administration realm and password. What to do: Use user name and password. the user name and password set in the QuarkXPress Server Manager client Server Configuration dialog box. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/getdocinfo/sample.qxp Request object name: GetDocInfoRequestsdk.QRequestContext rc = new sdk.QRequestContext(); if(!this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) rc.documentName = Example, object model this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; rc.request = new GetDocInfoRequest(); //Create the service and call it with QRequestContext object RequestServiceService svc = new RequestServiceService(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData qc = svc.processRequest(rc); If a user name and password have been set in the Server Notes Configuration dialog box, the browser requests that user name and password when you submit a getdocinfo parameter request. Getdocpoollist The getdocpoollist request handler returns an XML description of all files and folders in the local document pool, including name, size, type, modification date and time, and absolute and relative path. Namespace getdocpoollist Response XML description of files and folders in the local document pool. Use this parameter to get information about a particular Parameters directory directory in the document pool. For example: http://server:port/getdocpoollist ?directory=images Alerts Incorrect administration realm user name and password. 176 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 HTTP Error #401 This alert displays if you specify an invalid administrator user name USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER and password. What to do: Use the user name and password set in the QuarkXPress Server Manager client Server Configuration dialog box. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/getdocpoollist Example, object model Request object name: GetDocPoolListRequest If a user name and password have been set in the Server Notes Configuration dialog box, the browser requests that user name and password when you submit a fileinfo parameter request. Getlogs The getlogs request handler returns the current preference settings for QuarkXPress Server in XML format. If you add ?download=true, the logs are returned in a .zip file. Namespace getlogs Response The QuarkXPress Server transaction log. HTTP Error #401 This alert displays if you specify an invalid administrator user name Alerts Incorrect administration realm and password. What to do: Use user name and password. the user name and password set in the QuarkXPress Server Manager client Server Configuration dialog box. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/getlogs If a user name and password have been set in the Server Notes Configuration dialog box, the browser requests that user name and password when you submit a getprefs parameter request. Getprefs The getprefs request handler returns the current preference settings for QuarkXPress Server in XML format. Namespace getprefs Response An XML description of QuarkXPress Server preference settings. HTTP Error #401 This alert displays if you specify an invalid administrator user name Alerts Incorrect administration realm and password. What to do: Use user name and password. the user name and password set in the QuarkXPress Server Manager client Server Configuration dialog box. Logs See “Understanding logging.” A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 177 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/getprefs // Create the service and call getPreferences method Example, object model RequestService requestService = new RequestServiceStub(); Preferences preferences= requestService.getPreferences(“[host]”, [port], “[username]”, “[port]”); The getprefs request handler returns preference settings for server configuration and Status Monitor. It does not return other preference settings, such as the settings for Deconstruct and PDF Notes workflow.If a user name and password have been set in the Server Configuration dialog box, the browser requests that user name and password when you submit a getprefs parameter request. Getprocessid The getprocessid request handler returns the process IDs of the master QuarkXPress Server instance and of all subrender processes running on the computer. Namespace getprocessid An XML description of the process IDs of the master QuarkXPress Server instance and of all subrender processes running on the computer. For example: 3936 Response BUSY 1736 BUSY Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/getprocessid Getprojinfo The getprojinfo request handler returns XML information about a QuarkXPress project that is in the document pool or has been supplied as part of a multipart HTTP request. The returned information identifies the operating system, the version of QuarkXPress in which the project was created, the size of the project, the page properties for the project’s layouts, and information about named boxes and synchronized text. Namespace getprojinfo The XML response looks like the following: WINDOWS 6.0 Sample.qxp 1519616 Bytes Response Layout 1 4 Print 432 756 box2 box1 Alerts The getprojinfo command can HTTP Error #500 This alert only be used for QuarkXPress 6 displays if you specify a 178 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER QuarkXPress 4.0 or 5.0 documents and later. document. HTTP Error #401 This alert displays if you specify an invalid administrator user name Incorrect administration realm and password. What to do: Use user name and password. the user name and password set in the QuarkXPress Server Manager client Server Configuration dialog box. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/getprojinfo/sample.qxp Request object name: GetProjectInfoRequestsdk.QRequestContext rc = new sdk.QRequestContext(); if(!this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) rc.documentName = Example, object model this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; rc.request = new GetProjectInfoRequest(); //Create the service and call it with QRequestContext object RequestServiceService svc = new RequestServiceService(); QContentData qc = svc.processRequest(rc); The getprojinfo parameter only works with projects saved in QuarkXPress 6.0 and later.If a user name and password have been Notes set in the Server Configuration dialog box, the browser requests that user name and password when you submit a getprojinfo parameter request. Getrendererprefs The getrendererprefs request handler returns the current preference settings for QuarkXPress Server in XML format. Namespace Response getrendererprefs An XML description of QuarkXPress Server renderer preference settings. HTTP Error #401 This alert displays if you specify an invalid administrator user name Alerts Incorrect administration realm and password. What to do: Use user name and password. the user name and password set in the QuarkXPress Server Manager client Server Configuration dialog box. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/getrendererprefs The schema for the returned XML stream can be found at webapps/ROOT/QuarkXPress Server Notes Renderer/QXPSRendererPreferences.xsd.If a user name and password have been set in the Server Configuration dialog box, the browser requests that user name and password when you A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 179 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER submit a getrendererprefs parameter request. Getserverinfo The getserverinfo request handler returns XML information about QuarkXPress Server. The returned information includes the platform on which QuarkXPress Server is running, the version of QuarkXPress Server, a list of installed fonts and server XTensions modules, the relevant XTensions server XTensions module IDs, the startup parameters, and the output styles with which the server is running. Disabled server XTensions modules are not listed in the response. Namespace getserverinfo XML containing information about this QuarkXPress server Response instance. HTTP Error #401 This alert displays if you specify an invalid administrator user name Alerts Incorrect administration realm and password. What to do: Use user name and password. the user name and password set in the QuarkXPress Server Manager client Server Configuration dialog box. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/getserverinfo Request object name: GetServerInfoRequestcom.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext rc = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); if(!this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) Example, object model rc.documentName = this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; rc.request = new GetServerInfoRequest(); //Create the service and call it with QRequestContext object RequestService svc = new RequestService(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData qc = svc.processRequest(rc); If a user name and password have been set in the Server Configuration dialog box, the browser requests that user name Notes and password when you submit a getserverinfo parameter request. Jobjacket The jobjacket request handler returns a Job Jackets file containing copies of all of the resources in the specified project. This is similar to what happens when you use jjname= in a modifier XML request, but it returns the Job Jackets file directly, rather than writing it to the document pool. Namespace Response Alerts jobjacket A Job Jackets file containing copies of all of the resources in the specified project. Incorrect administration realm 180 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 HTTP Error #401 This alert USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER displays if you specify an user name and password. invalid administrator user name and password. What to do: Use the user name and password set in the QuarkXPress Server Manager client Server Configuration dialog box. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/jobjacket/myproject.qxp Request object name: JobJacketRequestcom.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext rc = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); if(!this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) rc.documentName = Example, object model this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; rc.request = new JobJacketRequest(); //Create the service and call it with QRequestContext object RequestService svc = new RequestService(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData qc = svc.processRequest(rc); If a user name and password have been set in the Server Configuration dialog box, the browser requests that user name Notes and password when you submit a getrendererprefs parameter request. Preflight Use the preflight request handler to check a project for missing fonts and missing pictures prior to output. You can also use this request handler to determine if the platform on which a project was created is different from the platform on which QuarkXPress Server is running.  The preflight request handler has been deprecated. Use the evaluate request handler instead. For more information, see “Evaulate.” Namespace preflight The XML response looks like the following: Response TRUE MidashiGoPro-MB31 /QuarkXPress Server Documents/images/illus_eps.eps HTTP Error #404 QuarkXPress Server Error #–43 Alerts File not found This alert displays if you try to delete a file that is not available to QuarkXPress Server. Logs See “Understanding logging.” To preflight a project in the root Example GET URL folder:http://localhost:8080/preflight/abc.qxpTo preflight a binary file in a subfolder:http://localhost:8080/preflight/sub1/abc.qxp Request object name: PreflightRequest Example, object model com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext rc = new com.quark.qxpsm.QRequestContext(); A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 181 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER if(!this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text.Equals(“”)) rc.documentName = this.DocumentSettings1.documentName.Text; rc.request = new PreflightRequest(); //Create the service and call it with QRequestContext object RequestService svc = new RequestService(); com.quark.qxpsm.QContentData qc = svc.processRequest(rc); Setprefs The setprefs request handler lets you set server preferences. To use this request handler, issue a getprefs request, determine the name of the tag that needs to be modified, and then submit a setprefs request with the using the name of this tag. For example, to turn off memory caching, you would first submit a getprefs request to the server. In the resulting XML, you would note that the name of the tag for memory caching tag is AllowMemoryCaching. Finally, you would submit a setprefs request to the server, like so: http://localhost:8080/setprefs?AllowMemoryCaching=false  For a full list of preferences, see “General preferences“ and “Renderer preferences.” Namespace setprefs Response The message “Preferences successfully set.” HTTP Error #401 This alert displays if you specify an invalid administrator user name Alerts Incorrect administration realm and password. What to do: Use user name and password. the user name and password set in the QuarkXPress Server Manager client Server Configuration dialog box. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/setprefs?CacheSize=200 EMailPreferences emailPrefs = new EMailPreferences(); emailPrefs.emailFrom = “from@email.com”; emailPrefs.emailTo = “to@email.com”; emailPrefs.smtpPort = “25”; Example, object model emailPrefs.smtpServerIP = “SMTPServerIP”; Preferences prefs = new Preferences(); prefs.setEmailPreferences(emailPrefs); // Create the service and call setPreferences method RequestService svc = new RequestService(); svc.setPreferences(“ServerName”, “ServerPort”, “Username”, “Password”, prefs); If a user name and password have been set in the Server Notes Configuration dialog box, the browser requests that user name and password when you submit a setprefs parameter request. General preferences The /getprefs handler lets clients remotely retrieve an XML representation of the current QuarkXPress Server preferences, as described below. The /setprefs handler lets clients remotely control QuarkXPress Server preferences. For example, http://:/setprefs?AddConnectionFilter=action=al 182 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER low;ipaddr=;mask=;pos=0 permits connection filters and specifies the IP address and the subnet mask of the connection. Attribute Type CacheSize integer DocumentRootFolder Description Specifies the memory cache size from 1MB to 1024MB. Specifies the document root string directory. Specifies whether to include LogTiming timing information (such as Boolean processing time and opening time) in the transaction log. Causes QuarkXPress Server to ForceServedDocumentsClosed close projects that are loaded Boolean into cache from the document pool after rendering them. Specifies whether to store disk- AllowMemoryCaching Boolean based projects in a memory-resident cache. Sets the default. Valid values DefaultRenderType string include PNG, PDF, EPS, PSCR, QXPD, RAW, RLER, and JPEG. LogDocProblems Specifies whether to log any Boolean project problems. Setrendererprefs The setrendererprefs request handler lets you set rendering preferences. To use this request handler, issue a getrendererprefs request, determine the name of the tag that needs to be modified, and then submit a setrendererprefs request with the using the name of this tag. For example, set color TIFF and gray TIFF display preferences, you would first submit a getrendererprefs request to the server, then update these settings and submit a setrendererprefs request to the server, like so: http://server:port/setrendererprefs?modify= 8-bit16 levels  This request handler sets the preferences for all renderers. Namespace setrendererprefs Response The message “Preferences successfully set.” HTTP Error #401 This alert displays if you specify an invalid administrator user name Alerts Incorrect administration realm and password. What to do: Use user name and password. the user name and password set in the QuarkXPress Server Manager client Server Configuration dialog box. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 183 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Logs See “Understanding logging.” http://localhost:8080/setrendererprefs?modify= Example GET URL 8bit 16 levels The schema for the returned XML stream can be found at webapps/ROOT/QuarkXPress Server Renderer/QXPSRendererPreferences.xsd.If a user name and Notes password have been set in the Server Configuration dialog box, the browser requests that user name and password when you submit a setrendererprefs parameter request. Renderer preferences The /getrendererprefs handler lets clients remotely retrieve an XML representation of the current QuarkXPress Server renderer preferences, as described below. For a detailed description of each preference, see “General Preferences dialog box” in A Guide to QuarkXPress Server. The /setrendererprefs handler lets clients remotely control QuarkXPress Server renderer preferences. For more information, see “Setrendererprefs.” Attribute Type Description ColorTIFFs string Set to 8-bit or 24-bit. GrayTIFFs string Set to 16 levels or 256 levels. MonitorProfile string MonitorProfileList collection DISPLAY Set to one of the options under MonitorProfileList. Includes one element for each available monitor profile. INPUTSETTINGS SmartQuotes Boolean Set to true or false. Set to the zero-based index of the desired format. For the list of available formats, see the SmartQuoteFormat integer Input Settings pane of the Preferences dialog box in the QuarkXPress Server administrative interface. SequentialPageRangeSeparator string Set to one character only. string Set to one character only. ApplyFontFallback Boolean Set to true or false. Search Boolean Set to true or false. SearchType Boolean Set to Paragraph or Active Story. SearchLimit integer Set to search limit number. PreferredFont string NonSequentialPageRangeSepara tor FONTFALLBACK Includes a element with each of the following 184 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Attribute Type Description attributes:ScriptOrLanguage=”C yrillic” ScriptOrLanguage=”Greek” ScriptOrLanguage=”Latin” ScriptOrLanguage=”Japanese” ScriptOrLanguage=”Korean” ScriptOrLanguage=”Simplified Chinese” ScriptOrLanguage=”Traditional Chinese” SlugLineFont string Set to the name of the slug line font. OPENANDSAVE Set to Roman, Central European, Greek, Cyrillic, OpenSaveNonUnicodeEncoding string Turkish, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, or Traditional Chinese. FONTS SpecifyDefaultFontReplacement Boolean Set to true or false. Set to the Roman replacement ReplacementFontRoman string ReplacementFontEastAsian string HighlightCharacterChanges Boolean Set to true or false. string Set to Embedded or Generate. font. Set to the East Asian replacement font. EPS EPSPreview PDF PDFWorkflow string WatchedFolder string Set to PS4D, PDFtoFolder, or DirectPDF. Set to the path of the watched folder. DEFAULTPRINTLAYOUGENERAL MasterPageItems string Framing string AutoPageInsertionMode string Set to Keep Changes or Delete Changes. Set to inside or outside. Set to Off, End of Story, End of Section, or End of Document. DEFAULTPRINTLAYOUTMEASUREMENTS Set to Inches, Inches Decimal, HorizontalUnits string Picas, Points, Millimeters, Centimeters, Ciceros, Agates, or Q. Set to Inches, Inches Decimal, VerticalUnits string Picas, Points, Millimeters, Centimeters, Ciceros, Agates, or Q. PointsPerInch float Set to the number of points per inch. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 185 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Attribute Type CicerosPerCM float Description Set to the number of ciceros per centimeter. PARAGRAPH AutoLeading float MaintainLeading Boolean LockToGridOption string Set to the percentage to use for auto leading. Set to true or false. Set to Ascent and Descent or Font Size (Em Box). CHARACTER SuperScriptOffset SuperScriptHScale SuperScriptVScale SubScriptOffset SubScriptHScale SubScriptVScale string string string string string string SmallCapsHScale string SmallCapsVScale string SuperiorHScale string SuperiorVScale string Set to the superscript offset percentage. Set to the superscript horizontal scale percentage. Set to the superscript vertical scale percentage. Set to the subscript offset percentage. Set to the subscript horizontal scale percentage. Set to the subscript vertical scale percentage. Set to the small caps horizontal scale percentage. Set to the small caps vertical scale percentage. Set to the superior horizontal scale percentage. Set to the superior vertical scale percentage. Set to the ligature-break-above LigatureBreakAbove string NotffiORffl Boolean Set to true or false. AutoKern Boolean Set to true or false. AutoKernAbove integer StandardEmSpace Boolean FlexSpaceWidth string AccentsForAllCaps Boolean value. Set to the auto-kern-above value. Set to true or false. Set to the flex space width percentage. Set to true or false. Set to the amount of space SpaceCJKandR float between East Asian and Roman letters. TRAPPING Set to Absolute, Proportional, or TrappingMethod string ProcessTrapping Boolean Set to true or false. IgnoreWhite Boolean Set to true or false. AutoAmount float 186 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Knockout All. Set to the auto trapping amount value. USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Attribute Type Description Indeterminate float KnockoutLimit float Set to the knockout limit value. OverPrintLimit float Set to the overprint limit value. Set to the indeterminate trapping value. COLORMANAGER ColorEngine string BlackPointCompensation Boolean SourceSetup string EnableAccessToPictureProfiles Boolean ProofOutPut string Set to Automatic, ColorSync, Kodak, or LogoSync. Set to true or false. Set to the name of the default color source setup. Set to true or false. Set to the name of the default proofing color output setup. Set to Perceptual, Relative Colorimentric, Saturation, RenderingIntent string ColorManageVectorEPSPDF Boolean Set to true or false. IncludeExistingVectorEPSPDF Boolean Set to true or false. Visible Boolean Set to true or false. SuppressOutput Boolean Set to true or false. Locked Boolean Set to true or false. KeepRunaround Boolean Set to true or false. Absolute Colorimetric, or Defined by Sources. LAYERS FULLRESPREVIEW MaxCacheFolderSize Set to the maximum full res integer preview cache folder size in MB. DisableFullResPreviewsOnOpen Boolean Set to true or false. INSTALLEDFONTS Include a element FontName string for each font loaded on the server. updateprefsfromjj The updateprefsfromjj request handler lets you update the rendering preferences for QuarkXPress Server using a file named “QuarkXPressServerJobJacket.xml” that is in the document pool or has been supplied as part of a multipart HTTP request. To modify QuarkXPress Server renderer preferences, first upload a modified Job Jackets file named “QuarkXPressServerJobJacket.xml” to the document pool using addfile, then call this request handler.  This request handler sets the preferences for all renderers. Namespace updateprefsfromjj Response The message “Preferences successfully set.” Alerts Incorrect administration realm HTTP Error #401 This alert user name and password. displays if you specify an A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 187 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER invalid administrator user name and password. What to do: Use the user name and password set in the QuarkXPress Server Manager client Server Configuration dialog box. Logs See “Understanding logging.” Example GET URL http://localhost:8080/updateprefsfromjj If a user name and password have been set in the Server Configuration dialog box, the browser requests that user name Notes and password when you submit a setrendererprefs parameter request. Using the QXPSM SDK The QXPSM (QuarkXPress Server Manager) SDK lets you create applications that communicate with QuarkXPress Server Manager in a variety of languages, including the following: • .NET • Java • Objective-C The QXPSM SDK includes the following folders: • Documentation: Includes Javadoc for the classes in the Java SDK. • Extensibility: Includes the Extensibility tool, for extending QuarkXPress Server Manager. For more information, see “Extending QuarkXPress Manager.” • Samples: Includes sample applications in ASP.NET, C#, Java, JSP, and ObjectiveC. • WebServiceStubs: Includes remoting stubs for .NET (C#), Java, and Objective-C.  To use the QXPSM SDK in ASP.NET/Visual C#, you must have the .NET 3.5/4.0 framework and development environment (Visual Studio). Writing a Java QXPSM client To write a QuarkXPress Server Manager client in Java: 1. Include the QXPSM stub jar file in the project classpath. This jar file can be found at the following location: [QXPSM_Home]/XDK/WebServiceStubs/java/qxpsmwebservicestubs.jar 2. Include all client-side third-party-dependent jar files in the project classpath. These can be found at the following location: [QXPSM_Home]/XDK/WebServiceStubs/java/dependencies 3. Get a reference to the RequestService: RequestService requestService = new RequestServiceStub( “http://[server]:[port]/qxpsm/services/RequestService”); 188 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER 4. Get a reference to the AdminService: 5. Use these two services to make requests. AdminService adminService = new AdminServiceStub( “http://[server]:[port]/qxpsm/services/AdminService”); For sample code, see the following topics.  If QuarkXPress Server Manager is running over SSL,the client-side application must also use SSL. Invoke NoValidationTrustProvider.install(), where install() is the static method of the Java class NoValidationTrustProvider (provided with the Java samples). Java sample: Deconstructing a project QRequestContext qRequestContext = new QRequestContext(); qRequestContext.setDocumentName(“MyDoc.qxp”); // Create XML Request XMLRequest xmlRequest = new XMLRequest(); qRequestContext.setRequest(xmlRequest); // Get reference to RequestService RequestService service = new RequestServiceStub( “http://:/qxpsm/services/RequestService”); //Process Request using request service QContentData data = service.processRequest(qRequestContext); String deconstructXml = data.getTextData(); Java sample: Rendering a PDF QRequestContext qRequestContext = new QRequestContext(); qRequestContext.setDocumentName(“MyDoc.qxp”); // Setting responseAsURL to true generates the response as a URL qRequestContext.setResponseAsURL(true); // Create the PDFRenderRequest PDFRenderRequest pdfRenderRequest = new PDFRenderRequest(); qRequestContext.setRequest(pdfRenderRequest); // Get reference to RequestService RequestService service = new RequestServiceStub( “http://:/qxpsm/services/RequestService”); // Process request using RequestService QContentData data = service.processRequest(qRequestContext); // Get URL from which resulting PDF can be fetched String pdfUrl = data.getResponseURL(); Java sample: Chained request QRequestContext qRequestContext = new QRequestContext(); qRequestContext.setDocumentName(“Project.qxp”); // QXP doc render request QuarkXPressRenderRequest qxpreq = new QuarkXPressRenderRequest(); // Save as request that saves the file SaveAsRequest saveAsRequest= new SaveAsRequest(); A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 189 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER saveAsRequest.setNewName(“NewDoc.qxp”); qxpreq.setRequest(saveAsRequest); qRequestContext.setRequest(qxpreq); // Get reference to RequestService RequestService service = new RequestServiceStub( “http://[server]:[port]/qxpsm/services/RequestService”); //Process the request service.processRequest(qRequestContext); If made from QuarkXPress Server, this request would look like this: http://[server]:[port]/saveas/qxpdoc/Project.qxp?newname=”NewDoc. qxp” Java sample: AddFile request This code snippet shows how to upload a file using a QuarkXPess Server Manager servlet request that uses the Apache HTTPClient 3.1 library. File file = new File(“C:/FileToUpload.qxp”); // Create a post method to add file through QXPSM servlet request PostMethod method = new PostMethod( “http://[server]:[port]/qxpsm/request/addfile/“+ file.getName()); try { // File stream passed as ‘uploadFile’ parameter to QXPSM FilePart part = new FilePart(“uploadFile”, file); part.setContentType(“multipart/form-data”); Part[] parts = { part }; method.setRequestEntity(new MultipartRequestEntity(parts, method.getParams())); HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); int status = client.executeMethod(method); if (status == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { System.err.println(“Upload complete..”); } else { System.err.println(“Upload failed, response=” + HttpStatus.getStatusText(status)); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println(“Error: “ + ex.getMessage()); } finally { method.releaseConnection(); } Writing a .NET QXPSM client To write a QuarkXPress Server Manager client in .NET: 1. Add a reference to the QuarkXPress Server Mananger .NET Web service stubs. The “QXPSMWebServiceStubs.dll” file can be found at the following location: [QXPSM_Home]/XDK/WebServiceStubs/dotnet/QXPSMWebServiceStubs.d ll 2. Add a reference to Microsoft’s System.Web.Services library. 190 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Add Reference dialog box 3. Get a reference to the RequestService: 4. Get a reference to the AdminService: 5. Use these two services to make requests. RequestService requestService = new RequestService(); requestService.Url = “http://:/qxpsm/services/RequestService”; AdminService adminService = new AdminService(); adminService.Url = “http://:/qxpsm/services/AdminService”; For sample code, see the following topics.  If QuarkXPress Server Manager is running over SSL,the client-side application must also use SSL. Define a server certificate validation callback during application initialization using code like the following: Imports System.Net Imports System.Net.Security Imports System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates ... ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += delegate( object senders, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) { return true; } .NET sample: Deconstructing a project QRequestContext qRequestContext = new QRequestContext(); qRequestContext.documentName = “MyDoc.qxp”; // Create XML Request XMLRequest xmlRequest = new XMLRequest(); qRequestContext.request = xmlRequest; // Get reference to RequestService A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 191 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER RequestService service = new RequestService(); service.Url = “http://[server]:[port]/qxpsm/services/RequestService”; // Process request using RequestService QContentData data = service.processRequest(qRequestContext); String deconstructXml = data.textData; .NET sample: Rendering a PDF QRequestContext qRequestContext = new QRequestContext(); qRequestContext.documentName = “MyDoc.qxp”; // Setting responseAsURL to true generates the response as a URL qRequestContext.responseAsURL = true; // Create the PDFRenderRequest PDFRenderRequest pdfRenderRequest = new PDFRenderRequest(); qRequestContext.request = pdfRenderRequest; // Get reference to RequestService RequestService service = new RequestService(); service.Url = “http://[server]:[port]/qxpsm/services/RequestService”; // Process request using RequestService QContentData data = service.processRequest(qRequestContext); // URL from which resulting PDF can be fetched String pdfUrl = data.responseURL; .NET sample: Chained request QRequestContext qRequestContext = new QRequestContext(); qRequestContext.documentName = “Project.qxp”; // QXP doc render request QuarkXPressRenderRequest qxpreq = new QuarkXPressRenderRequest(); // Save as request that saves the file SaveAsRequest saveAsRequest= new SaveAsRequest(); saveAsRequest.newName = “NewDoc.qxp”; qxpreq.request = saveAsRequest; qRequestContext.request = qxpreq; // Get reference to RequestService RequestService service = new RequestService(); service.Url = “http://[server]:[port]/qxpsm/services/RequestService”; // Process the request service.processRequest(qRequestContext); If made from QuarkXPress Server, this request would look like this: http://[server]:[port]/saveas/qxpdoc/Project.qxp?newname=”NewDoc. qxp” Writing an Objective-C client for Mac OS or iOS To write a QuarkXPress Server Manager client in objective C for Mac OS or iOS: 192 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER 1. Include the QuarkXPress Server Manager stub header files path in the header search paths. These files can be found at the following location: [QXPSM_Home]/XDK/WebServiceStubs/objective-c/include 2. Include the Axis2c header files path in the header search paths. These header files can be found at the following location: • • 3. Mac OS: [QXPSM_Home]/XDK/WebServiceStubs/objectivec/lib/i86_64/axis2c/include iOS: [QXPSM_Home]/XDK/WebServiceStubs/objectivec/lib/arm/axis2c/include Include the QuarkXPress Server Manager stub libraries in the library search paths. These libraries can be found at the following locations: Mac OS: [QXPSM_Home]/XDK/WebServiceStubs/objective-c/lib/i86_64/ c/libQXPSMSoapCBindings.a cpp/libQXPSMSoapCppBindings.a objc/libQXPSMSoapObjCBindings.a iOS: 4. [QXPSM_Home]/XDK/WebServiceStubs/objective-c/lib/i86_64/ c/libQXPSMSoapCBindings.a cpp/libQXPSMSoapCppBindings.a objc/libQXPSMSoapObjCBindings.a Create an instance of QXPSMServiceManager. (QXPSMServiceManager is an Axis2c-based factory for QXPSM Web services stubs. It maintains shared instances of stubs corresponding to different QXPSM Web services.) Initialise QXPSMServiceManager using setupForHost, with the required parameters: • Host: Host name of QXPSM server. • port: Web port configured at the server for HTTP (or HTTPS) • logFilePath: Location where Axis2 can generate a log file. • communication. logLevel: Number specifying log level for Web service communication (0 = critical, 1 = error, 2 = warning, 3 = info, 4 = debug, 5 = user-level debug message, 6 = trace). • axis2Home: Client side Axis2 home folder location. • connection, this argument is ignored. • useHttps: Set to true for secure API communication with QXPSM server serverCertificatePath: Certificate file path . For a non-secured For example: [[QXPSMServiceManager sharedInstance] setupForHost:server port:port logFilePath:axisLogFile logLevel:axisLogLevel axis2Path:axis2Home useHttps:usehttps serverCertificatePath:certFilePath]; A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 193 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER 5. Initialise QXPSMServiceManager using setupForHostWithProxy, with the required parameters: • Host: Host name of QXPSM server. • port: Web port configured at server for HTTP (or HTTPS) communication. • logLevel: Number specifying log level for Web service communication. • • • • • • • • logFilePath: Location where Axis2 can generate a log file. axis2Home: Client side Axis2 home folder location. useHttps: Set to true for secure API communication with QXPSM server. serverCertificatePath: Certificate file path. For a non-secured connection, this argument is ignored. proxyHost: Host name of HTTP proxy. If null, proxy is not used. proxyPort: HTTP proxy port number. username: User name for proxy authentication. If null, no authentication is performed. password: Password for HTTP proxy authentication. For example: [[QXPSMServiceManager sharedInstance] setupForHost:server port:port logFilePath:axisLogFile logLevel:axisLogLevel axis2Path:axis2Home useHttps:usehttps serverCertificatePath:certFilePath proxyHost:proxyHost proxyPort:proxyPort username:proxyUserName password:proxyPassword]; 6. Get a reference to the RequestService using QXPSMServiceManager and perform the required API invocations on the referenced RequestService. For example: 7. [[QXPSMServiceManager requestService] getXPressDomForDocumentName:documentName]; To invoke a QXPSM service, get a reference to the AdminService using QXPSMServiceManager and perform the required API invocations on the referenced AdminService. For example: [[QXPSMServiceManager requestService] getXPressDomForDocumentName:documentName]; For sample code, see the following topics. Objective-C sample: Deconstructing a project QXPSMQRequestContext *qRequestContext = [[[QXPSMQRequestContext alloc] init] autorelease]; [qRequestContext setDocumentName:@”MyDoc.qxp”]; // Create XML Request QXPSMXMLRequest *xmlRequest = [[[QXPSMXMLRequest alloc] init] autorelease]; [qRequestContext setRequest:xmlRequest]; 194 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER // Get reference to RequestService and process request QXPSMQContentData *data = [[QXPSMServiceManager requestService] processRequestForRequestCmd:qRequestContext]; NSString *deconstructXml = [data getTextData]; Objective-C sample: Rendering a PDF QXPSMQRequestContext *qRequestContext = [[[QXPSMQRequestContext alloc] init] autorelease]; [qRequestContext setDocumentName:@”MyDoc.qxp”]; // Setting responseAsURL to true generates the response as a URL [qRequestContext setResponseAsURL:YES]; // Create the PDFRenderRequest QXPSMPDFRenderRequest *pdfRenderRequest = [[[QXPSMPDFRenderRequest alloc] init] autorelease]; [qRequestContext setRequest:pdfRenderRequest]; // Get reference to RequestService and process request QXPSMQContentData *data = [[QXPSMServiceManager requestService] processRequestForRequestCmd:qRequestContext]; // URL from which resulting PDF can be fetched NSString *pdfUrl = [data getResponseURL]; Objective-C sample: Chained request QXPSMQRequestContext *qRequestContext = [[[QXPSMQRequestContext alloc] init] autorelease]; [qRequestContext setDocumentName:@”MyDoc.qxp”]; //QXP doc render request QXPSMQuarkXPressRenderRequest *qxpReq = [[[QXPSMQuarkXPressRenderRequest alloc] init] autorelease]; //Save as request that saves the file. QXPSMSaveAsRequest *saveAsRequest = [[[QXPSMSaveAsRequest alloc] init] autorelease]; [saveAsRequest setNewname:@”NewDoc.qxp”]; [qxpReq setRequest:saveAsRequest]; [qRequestContext setRequest:qxpReq]; //Get reference to RequestService and process request [[QXPSMServiceManager requestService] processRequestForRequestCmd:qRequestContext]; If made from QuarkXPress Server, this request would look like this: http://[server>]:[port]/saveas/qxpdoc/MyDoc.qxp?newname=”NewDoc.q xp” Extending QuarkXPress Server Manager Custom XTensions written for XPressServer can be used in the QuarkXPress Server Manager Web service interface in two ways: • Using the Extensibility tool in the QXPSM SDK. With this tool, you can easily update QXPSM Web service objects to include objects corresponding to custom request handlers and their parameters. • Using the RequestParameters class. This is a generic request class that can be used in lieu of any class, existing or otherwise. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 195 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER The prerequisites for using the Extensibility tool are as follows: • JDK 1.6 • Apache ANT 1.6.5 or later • Perl 5.8.4 or later with the XML::DOM module • folder]\Server\dependencies) Third-party libraries (available at [QXPSM application • QXPSM libraries (avaiable at [QXPSM application folder]\Server\lib • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or later (required only for generating .NET stubs) The Extensibility tool is located in the XDK/Extensibility folder. For instructions on how to use it, see the following topics. Writing special request handlers If you need to perform custom actions on specific flags, you need to define special flags and write handlers for them. These flags can then be passed as GET parameters to the servlet, as additional QParam parameters in QCommand (executed using QManagerSvc.executeCommand), or as additional NameValueParam parameters in a derived class of QRequest using RequestService.processRequest. The servlet will automatically create parameters out of these flags and set these in the command before sending it for execution. To handle these special flags, you can write your request handler derived from the class QRequestHandler. You can then insert this new handler class anywhere in the chain of responsibility pattern, starting with QDocProviderImpl and ending with QHostRequestHandler.  Try not to change end points. In your handler implementation, handle your special flags, then either return a response after handling or pass the control to the successor for further handling. Implementing a custom load balancer To implement a custom load balancer, first implement the com.quark.manager.lb.QLoadBalancer interface. To use this interface, add a reference to “managerengine.jar” to your project. This interface method contains the following methods: getLoadBalancerAlgorithm Signature public String getLoadBalancerAlgorithm(); Returns the name of the algorithm that is Description mapped to the current load balancer while loading the server. Returns The algorithm name used to load-balance the list of hosts. getLoadBalancerDescription Signature Description 196 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 public String getLoadBalancerDescription(); Gets the description of the load-balancing algorithm so it can be displayed in the USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER QuarkXPress Server Manager client. Returns Description of the load balancer. useFileInfo Signature public Boolean useFileInfo(); Gets a flag that indicates whether the load Description balancer uses file information to decide on which host to use. True if the fileinfo command should be fired Returns before rendering, otherwise false. getAvailableHost public QHostProxy Signature getAvailableHost(QHostProxy[] hosts, QCommand command); Gets an available host out of the provided list of Description hosts to execute the specified command. hosts: List of hosts that should be scanned for Parameters the most eligible host.command: Command for Returns Available host. Can be used for next request. which host is being searched. Next: 1. Make a jar for the load balancer. 2. Deploy the jar to the following folder: [QXPSM_HOME]/dependencies 3. To configure “ManagerContainerConfig.xml” for bean mapping, first navigate 4. Open the “ManagerContainerConfig.xml” file and look for the XML tag bean 5. Within that tag find the property name availableLoadBalancers. 6. 7. to [QXPSM_HOME]/conf . whose id has the value ConfigurationManager. In the tag, add the following: Above this ConfigureManager tag, define the bean ID as your new bean ID: 8. Restart the Tomcat server. 9. Log on with the QuarkXPress Server Manager client and choose Global Setting > Load Balancer Method > Choose Load Balancer. 10. Locate your new load balancer method, then click Save. Keep document open (sessions) In early versions of QuarkXPress Server Manager, the software opened a QuarkXPress project, performed a function, and then closed the project. To avoid the delays involved in repeatedly opening and closing a QuarkXPress project, QuarkXPress Server Manager can now keep QuarkXPress projects open until they need to be closed. To keep projects open for a set period of time, create a session and then open one or more projects in that session. You can specify a timeout interval while creating the A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 197 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER session. If the session is not used during the interval, all open projects in that session are closed. An open project can be modified and saved at any time during the process. An open project can even be saved at another location relative to the QuarkXPress Server document pool. You can also create a new project and keep it open. Using the Extensibility tool To compile and generate artifacts of custom objects: 1. Update the file [QXPSM- XDK]/Extensibility/rogenerator/ManagerSDK.xml by adding the definitions of any custom objects being created by QuarkXPress Server. Make sure you do not use existing class names. 2. Open the file “Generate.command”/”Generate.bat” in a text editor and make the following changes: • • Set the value of QXPSM_LIB_DIR to the path of the QXPSM libraries. For example: @set QXPSM_LIB_DIR=”C:\Quark\QuarkXPressServer Manager\Server\lib” Set the value of QXPSM_DEPENDENCIES_DIR to the path of the third-party libraries. For example: @set QXPSM_DEPENDENCIES_DIR=”C:\Quark\QuarkXPressServer Manager\Server\dependencies“ • • 3. Set the value of VS_COMMON_TOOLS to the path of the Visual Studio common tools. For example: @set VS_COMMON_TOOLS=”C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\Tools\” Set the value of QXPSM_OUTPUT_DIR to the output location. For example: QXPSM_OUTPUT_DIR= “c:\output” Execute the file “Generate.command”/”Generate.bat”. The resulting output uses the following structure. 4. To use the generated artifacts: • Copy the contents of [output location]/_server/conf to [QXPSM • Copy the contents of [output location]/_server/lib to [QXPSM application folder]/Server/conf. application folder]/Server/lib. 198 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER • Restart QuarkXPress Server Manager. Compatible client side web-service stubs, for both Java and .NET can be found at [output location]/_client/stubs Understanding ManagerSDK.xml “ManagerSDK.xml” is used to generate client SDK classes for QuarkXPress Server requests. Each element in “ManagerSDK.xml” corresponds to a request handler, a render type, or an element in the DTD. A client SDK class is generated for each element in the XML. Each property in the DTD and each parameter of the request handler or render type also corresponds to a unique element in the XML. A Class variable is generated for each property, as follows. • : One element for each SDK class generated. The class generated is derived from QRequest. Attributes are: • name: The name of the generated class. • namespace: The namespace recognized by QuarkXPress Server when this • description: A description of the class. Unless this value is null, the • • request class is translated into a QuarkXPress Server request. description forms the header of the generated class and is included in the generated API docs. alias: The alias to be used as an element name if this request class is serialized to XML. For example, when the Project class is serialized to XML, the element used is Project. serializeAs: Determines how the class is serialized. The valid values are: • • nameValue indicates that all members of the class should be handled as name-value pairs in the request to QuarkXPress Server. (This is the default option in JPEGRenderRequest and ModifierStreamRequest.) xml indicates that the class should be serialized as XML with the class name or alias as the element value. All of the fields of the class are serialized as child elements. If the field is a subclass of QRequest, it is processed recursively. If the field is an array, it must be an array of • QRequest-derived classes. mixed indicates that the class should be serialized as XML with the class name or alias as the element. All the primitive fields of the class are serialized as attributes. If the field is a subclass of QRequest, it is serialized as a child element and processed recursively. If the field is an • array, it must be an array of QRequest-derived classes. attribute indicates that the class should be serialized as XML with the class name or alias as the element. The class must be primitive. All such fields must be serialized as attributes of the element. Also, “value” fields must be serialized as values of the element. Valid only if the parent class has a serializeAs value of “xml” or “mixed.” A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 199 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER • : One element for each class field. • • name: The name of the generated class variable. accessor: The name of the accessor that gets the property. If this value is null, the default accessor name is used. The default name is “get” + CamelCase(name) (for example, if the name of the property is “quality,” the • default accessor method is getQuality). mutator: The name of the accessor that sets the property. If this value is null, the default mutator name is used. The default name is “set” + CamelCase(name) (for example, if the name of the property is “quality,” the • • default mutator method is setQuality). description: A description of the attribute. Unless this value is null, the description is included in variable headers and accessor and mutator headers and is included in generated API docs. type: The type of the class variable. If this value is null, the default type (string) is used. If this is not a primitive data type, it should be defined as a separate Class element. If this attribute has a value of “reference,” it means the class defined by name is a reference that will be used by a reference attribute in the same Class element. Before serialization, the referring • values are set in this instance. reference: Unless this attribute has a null value, during serialization the value of the field should be set in the reference class provided. Note that the reference class should be declared using “type=reference” as explained above. • readonly: If this value is true, this field is for read-only purposes and • hidden: If this value is true, this field should be generated as a private • • • should be ignored during serialization. variable. As such, it would not be included in WSDL. deprecated: If this value is true, this field has been deprecated, should not be used, is not supported, and will be removed in a future version of QuarkXPress Server. cdata: If this value is true, the value of this field is to be wrapped in a cdata section before being sent to QuarkXPress Server. This is valid only if the field is “value”, that is value of the element in modifier XML. : If any other attributes are defined, a class field with the name as _ is created, and you can write your own implementation for it. Using the RequestParameters class RequestParameters is a generic request class that can be used in lieu of any class, existing or otherwise. RequestParameters has a namespace property, which can be used to send any request. For example: RequestParameters requestParameters = new RequestParameters(); requestParameters.setRequestNamespace(“jpeg”); 200 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER It also has an array of dynamic parameters, which can be used to parameterize the request. For example: NameValueParam param = new NameValueParam(); param.setParamName(“scale”); param.setTextValue(“1”); requestParameters.setParams(new NameValueParam[]{param }); It can also be executed using the QuarkXPress Server Manager Web service API. For example: QRequestContext qRequestContext = new QRequestContext(); qRequestContext.setRequest(requestParameters); Sample applications The topics below describe the sample applications distributed with QuarkXPress Server. Sample applications: QXP Server Manager These sample applications are available in the QuarkXPress Server installation package. ASP.NET samples This sample application consists of Web pages that demonstrate different ways the object model can be used to post QuarkXPress Server requests for various operations. To use this application: 1. 2. Create a virtual directory (for example, “ClientSDKSamplesSite”) in IIS. Copy the sample from [QuarkXPress Server Manager application folder]\XDK\samples\asp.net\clientsdksamples and set the home path of the Web demo to the virtual directory. 3. Set the endpoint address for Web services calls in the “web.config” file like so: configuration - >appSettings - >add key=”com.quark.qxpsm.RequestService” value= “End Point Address” 4. 5. Restart IIS. In a browser, enter the following URL: http://:/ClientSDKSamplesSite/Index.htm C# samples These samples show how to use C# to take advantage of bullets and numbering, callouts, and conditional styles with QuarkXPress Server requests transmitted via the QuarkXPress Server Manager Web services interface. They use .NET Web service stubs provided by the QuarkXPress Server Manager SDK.  The “AddFileRequest” sample shows how to make servlet requests to QuarkXPress Server Manager, instead of using QuarkXPress Server Manager Web service stubs. Web services use SOAP to pass data, and SOAP is not designed to transfer large A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 201 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER amounts of data, so Quark recommends using the servlet interface to upload and download files in a production environment. Java samples These samples show how to use Java to take advantage of bullets and numbering, callouts, and conditional styles with QuarkXPress Server requests transmitted via the QuarkXPress Server Manager Web services interface. They use Java Web service stubs provided by the QuarkXPress Server Manager SDK.  The “AddFileRequest” sample shows how to use the Apache HttpClient library to make servlet requests to QuarkXPress Server Manager, instead of using QuarkXPress Server Manager Web service stubs. Web services use SOAP to pass data, and SOAP is not designed to transfer large amounts of data, so Quark recommends using the servlet interface to upload and download files in a production environment. JSP samples These samples have been developed using JSP, for deployment in the same Web server as that of QuarkXPress Server Manager. They show how to make local calls to QuarkXPress Server Manager’s RequestService to perform various tasks. By default, these samples are deployed as a separate webapp named “clientsdksamples”. You can access this webapp from the QuarkXPress Server Manager home page. Objective-C samples These samples show how to use Objective-C to make QuarkXPress Server requests via the Web services interface provided by QuarkXPress Server Manager. They demonstrate document rendering and modifcation under both Mac OS and iOS.  The “AddFileRequest” sample shows how to make servlet requests to QuarkXPress Server Manager, instead of using QuarkXPress Server Manager Web service stubs. Web services use SOAP to pass data, and SOAP is not designed to transfer large amounts of data, so Quark recommends using the servlet interface to upload and download files in a production environment. Sample applications legal notice ©2012 Quark Software Inc. as to the content and arrangement of this material. All rights reserved. ©1986–2012 Quark Software Inc. and its licensors as to the technology. All rights reserved. Protected by one or more of U.S. Patent Nos. 5,541,991, 5,907,704, 6,005,560, 6,052,514, 6,081,262, 6,947,959 B1, 6,940,518 B2, 7,116,843 and other patents pending. Quark Products and materials are subject to the copyright and other intellectual property protection of the United States and foreign countries. Unauthorized use or reproduction without Quark’s written consent is prohibited. 202 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER QUARK IS NOT THE MANUFACTURER OF THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE OR OTHER THIRD PARTY HARDWARE (HEREINAFTER “THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS”) AND SUCH THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS HAVE NOT BEEN CREATED, REVIEWED, OR TESTED BY QUARK, THE QUARK AFFILIATED COMPANIES OR THEIR LICENSORS. (QUARK AFFILIATED COMPANIES SHALL MEAN ANY PERSON, BRANCH, OR ENTITY CONTROLLING, CONTROLLED BY OR UNDER COMMON CONTROL WITH QUARK OR ITS PARENT OR A MAJORITY OF THE QUARK SHAREHOLDERS, WHETHER NOW EXISTING OR FORMED IN THE FUTURE, TOGETHER WITH ANY PERSON, BRANCH, OR ENTITY WHICH MAY ACQUIRE SUCH STATUS IN THE FUTURE.)QUARK, THE QUARK AFFILIATED COMPANIES AND/OR THEIR LICENSORS MAKE NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE QUARK PRODUCTS/SERVICES AND/OR THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS/SERVICES, THEIR MERCHANTABILITY, OR THEIR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. QUARK, THE QUARK AFFILIATED COMPANIES AND THEIR LICENSORS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES RELATING TO THE QUARK PRODUCTS/SERVICES AND ANY THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS/SERVICES. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR COLLATERAL, AND WHETHER OR NOT, MADE BY DISTRIBUTORS, RETAILERS, XTENSIONS DEVELOPERS OR OTHER THIRD PARTIES ARE DISCLAIMED BY QUARK, THE QUARK AFFILIATED COMPANIES AND THEIR LICENSORS, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, COMPATIBILITY, OR THAT THE SOFTWARE IS ERROR-FREE OR THAT ERRORS CAN OR WILL BE CORRECTED. THIRD PARTIES MAY PROVIDE LIMITED WARRANTIES AS TO THEIR OWN PRODUCTS AND/OR SERVICES, AND USERS MUST LOOK TO SAID THIRD PARTIES FOR SUCH WARRANTIES, IF ANY. SOME JURISDICTIONS, STATES OR PROVINCES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO PARTICULAR USERS.IN NO EVENT SHALL QUARK, THE QUARK AFFILIATED COMPANIES, AND/OR THEIR LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST TIME, LOST SAVINGS, LOST DATA, LOST FEES, OR EXPENSES OF ANY KIND ARISING FROM INSTALLATION OR USE OF THE QUARK PRODUCTS/SERVICES, IN ANY MANNER, HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY. IF, NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING, QUARK, THE QUARK AFFILIATED COMPANIES AND/OR THEIR LICENSORS ARE FOUND TO HAVE LIABILITY RELATING TO THE QUARK PRODUCTS/SERVICES OR THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS/SERVICES, SUCH LIABILITY SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT PAID BY THE USER TO QUARK FOR THE SOFTWARE/SERVICES AT ISSUE (EXCLUDING THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS/SERVICES), IF ANY, OR THE LOWEST AMOUNT UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, WHICHEVER IS LESS. THESE LIMITATIONS WILL APPLY EVEN IF QUARK, THE QUARK AFFILIATED COMPANIES, THEIR LICENSORS AND/OR THEIR AGENTS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF SUCH POSSIBLE DAMAGES. SOME JURISDICTIONS, STATES OR PROVINCES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THIS LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY. ALL OTHER LIMITATIONS PROVIDED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, INCLUDING STATUTES OF LIMITATION, SHALL CONTINUE TO APPLY.IN THE EVENT ANY OF THESE PROVISIONS ARE OR BECOME UNENFORCEABLE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, SUCH PROVISION SHALL BE MODIFIED OR LIMITED IN ITS EFFECT TO THE EXTENT NECESSARY TO CAUSE IT TO BE ENFORCEABLE.USE OF THE QUARK A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 203 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER PRODUCTS IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS OF THE END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT OR OTHER APPLICABLE AGREEMENTS FOR SUCH PRODUCT/SERVICE. IN THE EVENT OF A CONFLICT BETWEEN SUCH AGREEMENTS AND THESE PROVISIONS THE RELEVANT AGREEMENTS SHALL CONTROL. Quark, the Quark logo, QuarkXPress, XTensions, QuarkCopyDesk, Job Jackets and Composition Zones, QuarkAlliance and QPS are trademarks or registered trademarks of Quark Software Inc. and its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. OpenType, Visual C#, Visual Studio, Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Mac OS is a trademark of Apple, Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries. Adobe, PostScript and Acrobat are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Java and all Java based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Unicode is a trademark of Unicode, Inc. MySQL is a registered trademark of MySQL AB. PANTONE® Colors displayed in the software application or in the user documentation may not match PANTONE-identified standards. Consult current PANTONE Color Publications for accurate color. PANTONE® and other Pantone, Inc. trademarks are the property of Pantone, Inc. ©Pantone, Inc., 2008. Color Data is produced under license from Dainippon Ink and Chemicals, Inc. FOCOLTONE and FOCOLTONE Colour System are registered trademarks of FOCOLTONE. The concept, structure, and form of FOCOLTONE material and intellectual property are protected by patent and copyright law. Any reproduction in any form, in whole or in part, for private use or for sale, is strictly forbidden. Contact FOCOLTONE, Ltd. for specific patent information. Toyo Ink Mfg. Co., Ltd. is the copyright owner of TOYO INK COLOR FINDER™ SYSTEM AND SOFTWARE which is licensed to Quark Software Inc. to distribute for use only in connection with QuarkXPress. TOYO INK COLOR FINDER™ SYSTEM AND SOFTWARE shall not be copied onto another diskette or into memory unless as part of the execution of QuarkXPress. TOYO INK COLOR FINDER™ SYSTEM AND SOFTWARE © TOYO INK MFG. CO., LTD., 1991. COLOR FINDER is in the process of registration as the registered trademark of Toyo Ink Mfg. Co., Ltd. COLOR FINDER™ computer video simulation used in the product may not match the COLOR FINDER™ book, and additionally some printer color used in the product may also not match. Please use the COLOR FINDER™ book to obtain the accurate color.” TRUMATCH, TRUMATCH Swatching System, and TRUMATCH System are trademarks of TRUMATCH, Inc. As to tt2pt1 technology, Copyright ©1997–2003 by the AUTHORS: Andrew Weeks Frank M. Siegert Mark Heath Thomas Henlich Sergey Babkin , Turgut Uyar Rihardas Hepas Szalay Tamas 204 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Johan Vromans Petr Titera Lei Wang Chen Xiangyang Zvezdan Petkovic Rigel All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: This product includes software developed by the TTF2PT1 Project and its contributors. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS’’ AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. For the approximate list of the AUTHORS’ responsibilities see the project history. Other contributions to the project are: Turgut Uyar The Unicode translation table for the Turkish language. Rihardas Hepas The Unicode translation table for the Baltic languages. Szalay Tamas The Unicode translation table for the Central European languages. Johan Vromans The RPM file. Petr Titera The Unicode map format with names, the forced Unicode option. Frank M. Siegert Port to Windows Lei Wang Chen Xiangyang Translation maps for Chinese fonts. Zvezdan Petkovic The Unicode translation tables for the Cyrillic alphabet. Rigel Generation of the dvips encoding files, modification to the Chinese maps. I. Lee Hetherington The Type1 assembler (from the package ‘t1utils’), its full copyright notice: Copyright ©1992 by I. Lee Hetherington, all rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to use, modify, and distribute this program for any purpose provided this copyright notice and the one below remain intact. As to Apache technology, copyright ©1999–2008 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. Any Apache software which is distributed with this software is developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/). Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use these files except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE–2.0. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 205 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER As to MoreFiles software, ©1992–2002 by Apple, Inc., all rights reserved. Portions of this product include technology used under license from Global Graphics. As to ICU4J technology, ICU4J license — ICU4J 1.3.1 and later, COPYRIGHT AND PERMISSION NOTICE, Copyright ©1995–2001 International Business Machines Corporation and others. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of the Software and that both the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR HOLDERS INCLUDED IN THIS NOTICE BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization of the copyright holder. This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. As to Microsoft technology, ©1988–2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. As to Nodeka software, ©1999–2002 Justin Gottschlich. All rights reserved. As to STLport technology, Copyright 1999,2000 Boris Fomitchev. This material is provided “as is”, with absolutely no warranty expressed or implied. Any use is at your own risk. Permission to use or copy this sofware for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all cpies. Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted, provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was modified is included with the above copyright notice. The Licensee may distribute binaries compiled with STLport (whether original or modified) without any royalties or restrictions. The Licensee may distribute original or modified STLport sources, provided that: The conditions indicated in the above permission notice are met; The following copyright notices are retained when present, and conditions provided in accompanying permission notices are met: Copyright 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company. Copyright 1996,97 Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc. Copyright 1997 Moscow Center for SPARC Technology. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard 206 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Company makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided “as is” without express or implied warranty.Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. Silicon Graphics makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided “as is” without express or implied warranty.Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. Moscow Center for SPARC Technology makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided “as is” without express or implied warranty. As to Dr. Brian Gladman software, Copyright ©2001, Dr. Brian Gladman , Worcester, UK. All rights reserved. LICENSE TERMS The free distribution and use of this software in both source and binary form is allowed (with or without changes) provided that: 1. distributions of this source code include the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; 2. distributions in binary form include the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other associated materials; 3. the copyright holder’s name is not used to endorse products built using this software without specific written permission. DISCLAIMER This software is provided ‘as is’ with no explicit or implied warranties in respect of any properties, including, but not limited to, correctness and fitness for purpose. As to cascading menus based on menu.js. by Gary Smith, July 1997, Copyright ©1997–1999 Netscape Communication Corp. Netscape grants you a royalty free license to use or modify the cascading menus software provided that this copyright notice appears on all copies. This software is provided “AS IS,” without a warranty of any kind. Portions of this software is based on the work of Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler and is ©1995–1998 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler [ZIP library] As to Sun technology, Copyright 2003–2006, Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. As to Apple technology, ©2002–2004 Apple, Inc. All rights reserved. This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple, Inc. (“Apple”) in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple’s copyrights in this original Apple software (the “Apple Software”), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 207 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an “AS IS” basis. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE APPLE SOFTWARE OR ITS USE AND OPERATION ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH YOUR PRODUCTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE APPLE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF APPLE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. As to HTML Parsing code technology, Copyright ©1998 World Wide Web Consortium (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. Contributing Author(s): Dave Raggett The contributing author(s) would like to thank all those who helped with testing, bug fixes, and patience. This wouldn’t have been possible without all of you. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This software and documentation is provided “as is,” and the copyright holders and contributing author(s) make no representations or warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to, warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose or that the use of the software or documentation will not infringe any third party patents, copyrights, trademarks or other rights. The copyright holders and contributing author(s) will not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages arising out of any use of the software or documentation, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this source code, or portions hereof, documentation and executables, for any purpose, without fee, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented. 2. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such and must not be misrepresented as being the original source. 3. This Copyright notice may not be removed or altered from any source or altered source distribution. The copyright holders and contributing author(s) specifically permit, without fee, and encourage the use of this source code as a component for supporting the Hypertext Markup Language in commercial products. If you use this source code in a product, acknowledgment is not required but would be appreciated. As to DOM4J software, Redistribution and use of this software and associated documentation (“Software”), with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain copyright statements and notices. Redistributions must also contain a copy of this document. 208 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. The name “DOM4J” must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this Software without prior written permission of MetaStuff, Ltd. For written permission, please contact dom4j-info@metastuff.com. Products derived from this Software may not be called “DOM4J” nor may “DOM4J” appear in their names without prior written permission of MetaStuff, Ltd. DOM4J is a registered trademark of MetaStuff, Ltd. Due credit should be given to the DOM4J Project — http://www.dom4j.org THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY METASTUFF, LTD. AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS’’ AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL METASTUFF, LTD. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Copyright 2001–2005 (C) MetaStuff, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. As to Jaxen technology: Copyright 2003–2006 The Werken Company. All Rights Reserved. License Text $Id: LICENSE.txt,v 1.5 2006/02/05 21:49:04 elharo Exp $ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the ‘Jaxen’ nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ‘AS IS’ AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 209 USING QUARKXPRESS SERVER TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. 210 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 QUARKXPRESS SERVER FEATURES QuarkXPress Server Features Dynamic Pagination and Flow  The Evolved Mechanics sample, demonstrating the flow automation constructs, can be downloaded from the QXPS Administration home page, using the Download SDK and Samples link. There are three main division in the structure of any document: 1. the front page content 2. the body content 3. the back page content The Dynamic Pagination and Flow feature gives you the ability to define multiple page layouts in a single flow. The Page Sequences can be a logical section or a chapter comprised of a single flow. Different pages of a Page Sequence can be based on different master pages. Pages will be organized while adhering to defined constraints. The following is a list of customer use cases that can be fullfilled using the new modifier XML markup: • The ability to specify running headers and running footers. • The ability to pre-define the sequence of the application of the available master pages on the various pages being created dynamically. • The ability to express/segment the flow content into logical sections. • Bulleted text, Section numbering, Text Styling, colors etc • Components that are re-usable across multiple document types. For example, disclaimers and copy right notices. • The ability to impose constraints on the page count (odd or even) per section, enabling you to automatically insert blank pages for print versions of documentation. • The ability to specify the desired page numbering formats for various sections (for example, index or glossary pages having roman numerals). • The ability to have repeatable interactivy aspects. • The ability to present tablular content in various ways: • inline A GUIDE TO QUARKXPRESS SERVER 2017 | 211 QUARKXPRESS SERVER FEATURES • spanned across columns • full width spanned • full page - rotated / un-rotated. • The ability to format tables in the following various ways: • horizontal and vertical • gridlines • grouping headers • shading rows and columns • the inclusion of table notes with the table • The ability to break content across pages along with headers. • The ability to specify the placement of images and charts in the following scenarios: • inline • spanned across columns • full page • The ability to specify a different Table of Contents for digital and print issues. Example User Pagination Requirement Dynamic Pagination and Flow Problem Consider the following pagination requirement. The template has 5 master pages: • Cover - a master page for the cover page • Introduction - a master page for introduction page(s) 212 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 QUARKXPRESS SERVER FEATURES • Section First Page - a master page for the first page of each section (a section’s cover page) • Section Content - a master page to be used for each page that has body content • Back Page - a master page for the back page (a back cover) The pagination requirement is: 1. Cover 2. Introduction 3. Multiple sections 4. • Section First Page • Section Content Back Page Example User Pagination Requirement Previously, when a desktop user created this document, he accomplished this manually by dragging and dropping the desired master pages onto each page. The user was not able to achieve the desired pagination using the automated dynamic publishing workflows (XML—> PDF or XML—>iPad). Dynamic Pagination and Flow Solution The Dynamic Pagination and Flow feature introduced in the 9.5.1 release of QuarkXPress Server, solves this problem. New Parts of the ModifierXML: 1. The MASTERPAGESEQUENCE element gives you the ability to describe the use and application of master pages by the QuarkXPress Server Modifier XML processor and further by its layout engine. It also allows the user to define the pagination pattern with a name. 2. The PAGESEQUENCE element contains the actual flow content with reference to the MASTERPAGESEQAUENCE via a @MASTERPAGESEQUENEREF and a @MASTERPAGEREF respectively. Each PAGESEQUENCE element will have a certain non-variable static content segment (represented by STATICCONTENT) A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 213 QUARKXPRESS SERVER FEATURES containing the content that is intended to be repeated across multiple flow pages. Each PAGESEQUENCE has a child object STORY which acts as a container for the flow content containing multiple PARAGRAPH elements. Each PARAGRAPH object holds RICHTEXT giving you the ability to apply a wide variety of styling. 3. The SINGLEMASTERPAGEREFERENCE element defines a sequence in which a particular master page will be applied to a singles page in a page sequence. It contains the name of the master page in the QuarkXPress template to be used. The given master page is applied to one page of a page sequence. This is useful for front matter, back matter and section start pages. The following is an example of the use of the SINGLEMASTERPAGEREFERENCE This applies the A-MasterAmaster page to the first page, B-MasterB master page to the second page, and the C-MasterC master page to the third page and onwards. 4. The REPEATABLEMASTERPAGEREFERENCE element defines a sequence in which a master page will be applied to multiple pages in a page sequence. It contains the name of the master page in the QuarkXPress template to be used. This is useful for constructing runs of identical pages and causes a bounded or unbounded sequence of pages to be generated using the same master page. This element is a super set of the SINGLEMASTERPAGEREFERENCE element. It allows an application of a particular master page upto n number of pages using the MAXREPEATS attribute. The following is an example of the use of the REPEATABLEMASTERPAGEREFERENCE. This applies the B-MasterB master page to the first 5 pages. From the sixth page onward, the C-MasterC master page will be applied. 5. The REPEATABLEMASTERPAGEALTERNATIVES element defines a master page along with conditions that must be satisfied to apply the given master page on a page. It contains one or more CONDITIONALMASTERPAGEREFERENCE elements that define the conditions. This is a super set of the first two master page sequences. It allows an application of a particular master page on even pages, a different master page on odd pages and a different master page on first and last pages. 214 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 QUARKXPRESS SERVER FEATURES The following is an example of the use of the REPEATABLEMASTERPAGEALTERNATIVES. This applies the D-MasterD master page to the first page, the A-MasterA master page to all even numbered pages, the C-MasterC master page to all odd numbered pages, and the B-MasterB master page to the last page. 6. The CONDITIONALMASTERPAGEREFERENCE element gives you the ability to specify the master page along with the conditions that must be satisfied to apply the given master page on a page. The following conditions may be specified: • a page’s position within a sequence • the odd or even page number property • whether or not a particular page is blank contains the actual flow content with reference to the MASTERPAGESEQAUENCE via a @MASTERPAGESEQUENEREF and a @MASTERPAGEREF respectively. Each PAGESEQUENCE element will have a certain non-variable static content segment (represented by STATICCONTENT) containing the content that is intended to be repeated across multiple flow pages. 7. The STATICCONTENT element gives you the ability to specify content chunks that are intended to be repeated across multiple flow pages. For example, running headers or footers. 8. The SECTIONNUMBERFORMAT element gives you the ability to specify the page number format. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 215 QUARKXPRESS SERVER FEATURES Article Sub heading goes here Automation System Landscape pagination The support for mixed orientation in the PDF output gives you the ability to define different page orientations in a single flow. This can be accomplished by using the PAGESEQUENCE element of the ModifierXML. The PAGESEQUENCE element contains a new attribute ORIENTATION which allows you to specifiy a page orientation for each page in the flow. Setting the value of ORIENTATION to Landscape would cause the contents of the STORY element of the page sequence to flow into a Landscape layout made available in the template. The following steps allow you to achieve mixed orientation pages in the PDF output: 1. Add a landscape layout in the template, giving the page width and height as: • Page Height = The width of a page in portrait mode • Page Width = The height of a page in portrait mode 216 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 QUARKXPRESS SERVER FEATURES 2. Landscape. 3. Use this new layout to create pages with the Landscape orientation. Designate the new layout as the Landscape layout by giving it the name Creating pages with the Landscape layout The following is an example of the MASTERPAGESEQUENCE to be used for Landscape mode. The following is an example of the PARAGRAPH element with the PARASTYLE attribute set to flow. This cause the landscape flow content under the PAGESEQUENCE that has ORIENTATION set to LANDSCAPE to be flown into the flow boxes in the layout with the name Landscape. Text here A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 217 QUARKXPRESS SERVER FEATURES The following is an example of a nested PAGESEQUENCE depicting Landscape mode. The landscape flow content under the PAGESEQUENCE that has ORIENTATION set to LANDSCAPE is flown into the flow boxes in the layout with the name Landscape. Deliver the Benefits of Automation Text Here Text Here Text Here Text here 218 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 QUARKXPRESS SERVER FEATURES Flowing content onto pages created with the Landscape layout The following is an example of a PROJECT element. The landscape flow content under the PAGESEQUENCE that has ORIENTATION set to LANDSCAPE is flown into the flow boxes in the layout with the name Landscape. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 219 QUARKXPRESS SERVER FEATURES The landscape flow content under the PAGESEQUENCE that has ORIENTATION = LANDSCAPE is flown into the flow boxes in the layout with the name Landscape. The following is the resultant PDF from the above example: A PDF with a mixed orientation. Automatic callout stacking Automatic callout stacking allows for the tiling of multiple callouts. You use the CALLOUTANCHOR element to automate your layout design. The CALLOUTANCHOR@CALLOUTSTYLE requires a callout style to be created in the template. The callout style defines the placement of the graphics object. 220 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 QUARKXPRESS SERVER FEATURES Edit Callout Style dialog box Automatic callout stacking example In the following example the 2 graphic objects on the right side are related to the sub-sections on the left side. Example Automatic Callout Stacking A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 221 QUARKXPRESS SERVER FEATURES The callout anchors applied with the same callout style will be stacked automatically. Result Automatic Callout Stacking Nested anchoring Nested anchoring allows you to anchor an item within another anchored item. This allows for nesting of INLINEBOX and INLINETABLE elements. Nested anchoring examples Nesting an INLINEBOX within an INLINEBOX Nesting an INLINEBOX within an ENTRY of an INLINETABLE An INLINEBOX within an ENTRY of anINLINETABLE 222 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 QUARKXPRESS SERVER FEATURES Nesting an INLINETABLE within an INLINETABLE An INLINETABLE within an INLINETABLE An INLINETABLE within an INLINETABLE A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 223 QUARKXPRESS SERVER FEATURES Nesting an INLINETABLE within an INLINEBOX An INLINETABLE within an INLINEBOX 224 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 QUARKXPRESS SERVER FEATURES Modifier schema (annotated) The topics below provide an annotated version of the Modifier schema, which is available both as a DTD and in XML Schema format. Details are provided for how to form XML code that uses the construct namespace, modify parameter, and xml namespace. The XML sent to or from these functions is case-sensitive and validated by the Modifier schema, thereby providing well-formed XML code that is compatible between each function. In the following topics: • construct namespace. The “Construct” column refers to constructing a QuarkXPress project using the • modify parameter. • The “Deconstruct” column refers to deconstructing a QuarkXPress project using The “Modify” column refers to modifying a QuarkXPress project using the the xml namespace. To conserve space, the notation used in the following topics is DTD notation. See the “Modifier.xsd” file for XML Schema definitionss.  Measurement values do not require units. For example, “25pt” should be submitted as “25”. Entities (Modifier DTD) Constru Element type ct Modify Decons truct Unicode Unicod Unicod ® differe Quark the e e specifica specific specific tion. ation. ation. ADDCELLS (Modifier schema) Deco Element type Construct Modify nstru ct ADDCELLS ADDCELLS (empty) element typeNot applicable. Adds cells to an existing table.Note: If you add a Not column, you must also define every ROW and appli CELL element in that column. cable. Attributes TYPE (ROW | COLUMN | HEADER | Not applicable. FOOTER) #REQUIRED BASEINDEX CDATA #REQUIRED INSERTCOUNT CDATA #REQUIRED | false) “false” appli cable. Specifies the index number of the cell before or Not appli the INSERTPOSITION attribute. cable. Not Not applicable. Specifies how many cells to add. appli cable. Specifies whether to add the new cells before or Not applicable. after the cell indicated in the BASEINDEX “AFTER” KEEPATTRIBUTE (true or footers. Not Not applicable. after which the new cells should be inserted. See INSERTPOSITION (AFTER | BEFORE) Specifies whether to add rows, columns, headers, Not appli attribute. cable. Specifies whether an inserted row or column Not Not applicable. should adopt the same attributes as the BASEINDEX cell. appli cable. ALIGNHORSETTINGS (Modifier schema) Element type Construct ALIGNHORSETTINGS (empty) ALIGNHORSETTING Specifies 226 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Modify Deconstruct Specifies MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct S element horizontal horizontal typeSpecifies alignment alignment horizontal settings for settings for alignment settings a callout. a callout. Indicates Indicates what a what a callout callout should be should be aligned aligned relative to. relative to. Indicates Indicates for a callout. Attributes ALIGNRELATIVETO (ANCHOR | PARAGRAPH | BOXCELL | PAGE | SPREAD) #IMPLIED ALIGNCALLOUTS (CENTER | LEFTEDGE | RIGHTEDGE | INSIDEEDGE | OUTSIDEEDGE) #IMPLIED Indicates what a callout should be aligned relative to. Indicates which part which part which part of a callout to align. of a callout of a callout ALIGNWITH (ANCHORPOSITION | LEFTEDGE | to align. to align. Indicates Indicates RIGHTEDGE | INSIDEEDGE | OUTSIDEEDGE | Indicates how a how a how a CENTER | CENTERMARGIN | LEFTMARGIN | callout should be callout callout RIGHTMARGIN | INSIDEMARGIN | aligned. should be should be aligned. aligned. Indicates a Indicates a Indicates a callout’s callout’s callout’s horizontal offset. horizontal horizontal offset. offset. OUTSIDEMARGIN) #IMPLIED OFFSET CDATA #IMPLIED ALIGNVERSETTINGS (Modifier schema) Element type Construct ALIGNVERSETTIN GS element ALIGNVERSETTINGS (empty) typeSpecifies vertical alignment settings for a callout. Modify Deconstruct Specifies Specifies vertical vertical alignment alignment settings for settings for a callout. a callout. Indicates Indicates what a what a callout callout should be should be aligned aligned relative to. relative to. Indicates Indicates which part which part of a callout of a callout to align. to align. Attributes ALIGNRELATIVETO (ANCHOR | PARAGRAPH | BOXCELL | PAGE | SPREAD) #IMPLIED ALIGNCALLOUTS (CENTER | TOPEDGE | BOTTOMEDGE) #IMPLIED Indicates what a callout should be aligned relative to. Indicates which part of a callout to align. ALIGNWITH (ANCHORPOSITION | CENTER | Indicates how a Indicates Indicates TOPEDGE | BOTTOMEDGE | CENTERMARGIN | callout should be how a how a A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 227 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct TOPMARGIN | BOTTOMMARGIN | TOP | BOTTOM | TEXTASCENT | TEXTBASELINE | EMBOXTOP | aligned. EMBOXBOTTOM) #IMPLIED Indicates a OFFSET CDATA #IMPLIED callout’s vertical offset. Modify Deconstruct callout callout should be should be aligned. aligned. Indicates a Indicates a callout’s callout’s vertical vertical offset. offset. ALLOWBOXOFFPAGE (Modifier schema) Element type Dec Construct Modify onst ruct ALLOWB OXOFFPA GE (#PCDATA ) ALLOWBOXOF Specifies whether a box is allowed to be moved completely off Not FPAGE element of a page and onto the pasteboard by, for example, a appl typeNot MOVERIGHT element.Only accepts true or false values; default icab applicable. value is true. le. ALLOWBOXONTOPASTEBOARD (Modifier schema) Dec ons Element type Construct Modify ALLOWBOX ALLOWBOXONT Specifies whether a box is allowed to be moved partially off Not truc t ONTOPASTE OPASTEBOARD of a page and onto the pasteboard by, for example, a app BOARD element typeNot MOVERIGHT element.Only accepts true or false values; lica (#PCDATA) applicable. default value is true. ble. ANCHOREDBOXREF (Modifier schema) Ele men t Construct Modify Deconstruct type ANC HOR EDB ANCHOREDBOXREF OXR element typeSpecifies id EF of anchored box that is Specifies id of anchored box that is part of the story. (#PC part of the story. Specifies id of anchored box that is part of the story. DAT A) Attributes ALI Determines whether the Determines whether the top of the 228 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Determines whether the MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Ele men t Construct Modify Deconstruct top of the anchored box anchored box will align with the top of top of the anchored box type GN WIT will align with the top of the text (ascent) or the bottom of the HTE the text (ascent) or the text (baseline).Note that if you want to the text (ascent) or the will align with the top of XT bottom of the text anchor the table and have it continue bottom of the text (AS (baseline).Note that if in the next box or column, this value (baseline).Note that if CEN you want to anchor the must be set to BASELINE.The you want to anchor the T| table and have it alignwithtext attribute should be set to table and have it BAS continue in the next box baseline when the breakwhenanchored continue in the next box ELI or column, this value attribute is set to true for an anchored NE) must be set to BASELINE. table. must be set to BASELINE. Determines the offset Determines the offset or column, this value “BA SELI NE” OFF SET CDA TA #IM PLIE when ALIGNWITHTEXT is set to BASELINE. Default is 0. Determines the offset when ALIGNWITHTEXT is set to BASELINE. Default is 0. when ALIGNWITHTEXT is set to BASELINE. Default is 0. D BAS ELI NES HIF T CDA TA #IM PLIE Shifts the anchored box up or down without Shifts the anchored box up or down affecting paragraph line without affecting paragraph line The baseline shift value spacing. A positive value spacing. A positive value raises the applied to the anchored raises the anchored box, anchored box, and a negative value box. and a negative value lowers it. lowers it. D TRA CKA MO Adjusts the amount of UNT space between the Adjusts the amount of space between CDA anchored box and the anchored box and surrounding TA surrounding characters characters and words. The tracking value applied to the anchored box and surrounding characters and words. #IM and words. PLIE D SEN A character spacing DIN attribute used in East G A character spacing A character spacing attribute used in Asian typography. Similar East Asian typography. Similar to attribute used in East Asian typography. Similar CDA to kerning, but applicable kerning, but applicable as a fixed value to kerning, but applicable TA as a fixed value over a #IM range of text containing PLIE the anchored box. over a range of text containing the as a fixed value over a anchored box. range of text containing the anchored box. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 229 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Ele men Construct t Modify Deconstruct type D BOX UID CDA TA #IM The ID of the anchored box. The ID of the anchored The ID of the anchored box. box. PLIE D ARTICLE (Modifier schema) Element type Construct ARTICLE element typeDescribes an article (a series of one or more COMPONENT elements).New articles ARTICLE (ID, should not be created in a QuarkXPress RGBCOLOR?, project in systems working directly COMPONENT+) with QPS. Instead, create an article only within a QuarkCopyDesk® file. To assign an article in QPS®, use the QPS SDK. Modify Deconstruct Describe s an article (a series Describes an article (a of one series of one or more or more COMPONENT COMPO elements). NENT element s). Attributes OPERATION (CREATE | Describes the type of DELETE) Article. #IMPLIEDDOCFORMAT “LIGHTWEIGHT” and (LIGHTWEIGHT | FULLFEATURED) “LIGHTWEIGHT”EXPOR Not Describes the type of Article. applicab le. TARTICLE (true | false) “FULLFEATURED” articles are forms of QuarkCopyDesk articles that can be “false”ARTICLETEMPLA constructed/modified TENAME CDATA through QuarkXPress #IMPLIED Server. AUTHOR (Modifier schema) Element type AUTHOR Construct Modify AUTHOR element Part of the element. (#PCDATA) typeNot applicable. Specifies the author of an e-book. 230 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Deconstruct Specifies the author of an ebook. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) BNSTYLE (Modifier schema) Element type BNSTYLE (empty) Construct Modify Deconstruct BNSTYLE element BNSTYLE element BNSTYLE element typeDescribes a bullet, typeDescribes a bullet, typeDescribes a bullet, numbering, or outline numbering, or outline numbering, or outline style style style Attributes TYPE (BULLET | NUMBERING | OUTLINE) #IMPLIED NAME CDATA #IMPLIED MINDISTFROMT EXT CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies whether this is a Specifies whether this is a bullet, numbering, or bullet, numbering, or outline style. outline style. Specifies the name of the Specifies the name of the Specifies whether LOCKTOGRID is enabled. Specifies the name of the style. style. style. Specifies the minimum Specifies the minimum Specifies the minimum distance between the distance between the distance between the bullet or number and the bullet or number and the bullet or number and the text. text. text. Specifies whether Specifies whether Specifies whether RING (true | false) renumbering should renumbering should renumbering should #IMPLIED restart with this style. restart with this style. restart with this style. STARTAT CDATA Specifies the first number Specifies the first number Specifies the first number #IMPLIED for numbering. RESTARTNUMBE for numbering. for numbering. BOTTOM (Modifier schema) Elem ent Construct Modify Deconstruct BOTTOM element typeThe The distance between the The distance between the distance between the box or line’s box or line’s bottom edge box or line’s bottom edge bottom edge and the bottom of and the bottom of the and the bottom of the the page, in points. page, in points. page, in points. type BOTT OM (#PC DATA ) BOTTOMGRID (Modifier schema) D ec Elemen t type o Construct Modify ns tr uc t BOTTO BOTTOMGRID element typeDescribes a MGRID grid line on the bottom edge of a row in (empty) an . N Describes a grid line on the bottom edge ot of a row in an . ap pli A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 231 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) D ec Elemen t type o Construct Modify ns tr uc t ca bl e. Attributes TYPE N (TOP | ot LEFT | BOTTO M| ap Specifies the location of the grid line. Specifies the location of the grid line. ca RIGHT) bl #IMPLI e. ED Identifies the that styles STYLE pli Identifies the that styles this grid line. If you specify this value, you this grid line. If you specify this value, you CDATA do not have to specify the remaining do not have to specify the remaining #IMPLI attributes. If you specify the remaining attributes. If you specify the remaining ED attributes, those attribute values override attributes, those attribute values override the corresponding values. the corresponding values. N ot ap pli ca bl e. N ot WIDTH CDATA Specifies the width of the grid line in Specifies the width of the grid line in #IMPLI points. points. ED ap pli ca bl e. N ot COLOR CDATA #IMPLI ap Specifies the color of the grid line. Specifies the color of the grid line. pli ca ED bl e. N ot SHADE CDATA #IMPLI ap Specifies the shade of the grid line. Specifies the shade of the grid line. pli ca ED bl e. OPACIT Y N Specifies the opacity of the grid line. CDATA 232 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Specifies the opacity of the grid line. ot ap MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) D ec Elemen t type o Construct Modify ns tr uc t pli #IMPLI ca ED bl e. N GAPCO ot Specifies the color of the gap (if any) ap CDATA between the lines that make up the grid Specifies the color of the gap (if any) between the lines that make up the grid pli #IMPLI line. line. ca LOR ED bl e. N GAPSH ot Specifies the shade of the gap (if any) Specifies the shade of the gap (if any) ap CDATA between the lines that make up the grid between the lines that make up the grid pli #IMPLI line. line. ca ADE ED bl e. N GAPOP ot Specifies the opacity of the gap (if any) ap CDATA between the lines that make up the grid between the lines that make up the grid pli #IMPLI line. line. ca ACITY Specifies the opacity of the gap (if any) ED bl e. BOX (Modifier schema) Element type Construct BOX (ID, Modify Deconstruct BOX element Describes a text box or METADATA?, typeDescribes a text box (TEXT | or picture box.Note: On PICTURE | construct, you must GEOMETRY | provide a box name in CONTENT | the ID@NAME attribute; SHADOW | QuarkXPress Server FRAME | assigns an ID@UID to PLACEHOLD each BOX you ER | create.Note: When a box CONTENTP is created, its page H| number is inferred from STATICCON the GEOMETRY@PAGE Identifies a text box or picture box to be modified. You can use either the ID@UID or ID@NAME value to identify the box.Note: Named boxes can be easily identified by an XPath search for //BOX[@NAME]). picture box.If a NAME value exists, the NAME displays in the content of the ID element: Name of boxIf a NAME value does not exist, the UID displays in the content of the ID element: 457 A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 233 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct TENT)*, INTERACTIV attribute. ITY?) Attributes OPERATION (CREATE | DELETE) Not applicable. Specifies whether to create or delete the indicated box. Not applicable. #IMPLIED BOXTYPE The box type:CT_NONE (CT_NONE | = No box type CT_TEXT | specified.CT_TEXT = CT_PICT) Text boxCT_PICT = #IMPLIED Picture box Identifies the background color of a box.Note: Only the name of a color is COLOR CDATA #IMPLIED included in this attribute. The definition of the color is stored in the project’s Job Jackets file or defined using the Document Controls submenu in QuarkXPress Server. SHADE CDATA #IMPLIED OPACITY CDATA #IMPLIED The box type:CT_NONE = The box type:CT_NONE = No box type No box type specified.CT_TEXT = Text specified.CT_TEXT = Text boxCT_PICT = Picture box boxCT_PICT = Picture box Identifies the background Identifies the background color of a box.Note: Only color of a box.Note: Only the name of a color is the name of a color is included in this attribute. included in this attribute. The definition of the color is The definition of the color is stored in the project’s Job stored in the project’s Job Jackets file or defined using Jackets file or defined using the Document Controls the Document Controls submenu in QuarkXPress submenu in QuarkXPress Server. The color definition Server. The color definition can also be based on an can also be based on an existing color created and existing color created and saved in the project. saved in the project. Specifies the shade of a Specifies the shade of a box’s Specifies the shade of a box’s box’s background color, background color, specified background color, specified specified as a float value as an integer percentage as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. from 0 to 100. from 0 to 100. Specifies the opacity of a Specifies the opacity of a Indicates the opacity of a box’s background color, box’s background color, box’s background color, specified as a float value specified as an integer specified as an integer from 0 to 100. percentage from 0 to 100. percentage from 0 to 100. Specifies the type of blend Specifies the type of blend applied to this box (linear, applied to this box (linear, circular, rectangular, etc.). circular, rectangular, etc.). BLENDSTYLE (SOLID | LINEAR | MIDLINEAR | RECTANGUL AR | DIAMOND | CIRCULAR | Specifies the type of blend applied to this box (linear, circular, rectangular, etc.). FULLCIRCUL AR | none) “none” BLENDANGL E CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the angle of the Specifies the angle of the blend. BLENDCOLO Specifies the second 234 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 blend. Specifies the angle of the blend. Specifies the second color of Specifies the second color of MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct R CDATA color of the blend. The the blend. The first color of the blend. The first color of #IMPLIED first color of the blend is the blend is the color the blend is the color the color applied to the applied to the box. applied to the box. Specifies the shade applied Specifies the shade applied to the second color of the to the second color of the box. Specifies the shade applied to the second BLENDSHAD color of the blend. The E CDATA shade of the first color of #IMPLIED the blend is the shade of the color applied to the box. Specifies the opacity applied to the second BLENDOPAC color of the blend. The ITY CDATA opacity of the first color #IMPLIED of the blend is the opacity of the color applied to the box. blend. The shade of the first blend. The shade of the first color of the blend is the the box. the box. Specifies the opacity applied Specifies the opacity applied to the second color of the to the second color of the blend. The opacity of the blend. The opacity of the first color of the blend is the first color of the blend is the opacity of the color applied opacity of the color applied to the box. to the box. ANCHOREDI N CDATA Not applicable. Indicates an anchored box Not applicable. and identifies its parent box. #IMPLIED ANCHORED Specifies that this box is GROUPMEM a member of the BER CDATA indicated anchored #IMPLIED group. Specifies that this box is a Specifies that this box is a member of the indicated member of the indicated anchored group. anchored group. HYPERLINKR EF CDATA color of the blend is the shade of the color applied to shade of the color applied to Specifies that this box is a Not applicable. Not applicable. hyperlink by referring to a #IMPLIED HYPERLINK. Specifies the type of hyperlink this box hyperlinks to. Options HLTYPE include WWWURL (a URL (WWWURL | PAGE | on the Web), PAGE (the top Not applicable. Not applicable. of a page in the same ANCHOR) layout), and ANCHOR (an #IMPLIED anchor).WWWURL is global to all layouts in the project and is specified directly under the project node. If this box is a hyperlink of HLANCHOR REF CDATA Not applicable. the HLTYPE ANCHOR, this Not applicable. attribute identifies the #IMPLIED anchor by name. If true, adds this box to the ADDTOREFL OW (true | false) project’s reflow article. Not applicable. Not applicable. Publishing > Add to Reflow #IMPLIED ARTICLENA Equivalent to the Digital command in QuarkXPress. Not applicable. Specifies the name of the Not applicable. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 235 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct ME CDATA project’s reflow article (to #IMPLIED which this box is being added as a component). If no reflow article exists and you do not include this attribute, the default reflow article name is used. BOXATTRIBUTE (Modifier schema) D ec o Element type Construct Modify ns tr uc t N BOXATTRIBUTE element BOXATTRIBUTE typeSpecifies the attributes of a box (empty) created with the INLINEBOX element type. ot Specifies the attributes of a box ap created with the INLINEBOX pli element type. ca bl e. Attributes Identifies the background color of a Identifies the background color of a box.Note: Only the name of a color box.Note: Only the name of a color is included in this attribute. The is included in this attribute. The COLOR CDATA definition of the color is stored in definition of the color is stored in #IMPLIED the project’s Job Jackets file or the project’s Job Jackets file or defined using the Document defined using the Document Controls submenu in QuarkXPress Controls submenu in QuarkXPress Server. Server. N ot ap pli ca bl e. N ot SHADE CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the shade of a box’s Specifies the shade of a box’s ap background color, specified as a float background color, specified as a float pli value from 0 to 100. value from 0 to 100. ca bl e. N ot OPACITY CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the opacity of a box’s Specifies the opacity of a box’s ap background color, specified as a float background color, specified as a float pli value from 0 to 100. value from 0 to 100. ca bl e. BLENDSTYLE Specifies the type of blend applied to Specifies the type of blend applied to N 236 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) D ec o Element type Construct Modify ns tr uc t (SOLID | LINEAR | this box (linear, circular, rectangular, this box (linear, circular, rectangular, ot MIDLINEAR | etc.). etc.). ap RECTANGULAR | pli DIAMOND | ca CIRCULAR | bl FULLCIRCULAR | e. none) “none” N ot BLENDANGLE CDATA #IMPLIED ap Specifies the angle of the blend. Specifies the angle of the blend. pli ca bl e. N ot BLENDCOLOR CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the second color of the Specifies the second color of the ap blend. The first color of the blend is blend. The first color of the blend is pli the color applied to the box. the color applied to the box. ca bl e. N Specifies the shade applied to the BLENDSHADE CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the shade applied to the ot second color of the blend. The shade second color of the blend. The shade ap of the first color of the blend is the of the first color of the blend is the pli shade of the color applied to the shade of the color applied to the ca box. box. bl e. N BLENDOPACITY CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the opacity applied to the Specifies the opacity applied to the ot second color of the blend. The second color of the blend. The ap opacity of the first color of the blend opacity of the first color of the blend pli is the opacity of the color applied to is the opacity of the color applied to ca the box. the box. bl e. N ot CORNERRADIUS Specifies the radius of the corner CDATA #IMPLIED style of the box. Specifies the radius of the corner style of the box. ap pli ca bl e. CORNERSTYLE Specifies the style of the corners of Specifies the style of the corners of N A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 237 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) D ec o Element type Construct Modify ns tr uc t (ROUNDED | the box. ot the box. CONCAVE | ap RECTANGLE | pli BEVELED) ca #IMPLIED bl e. N ot ANGLE CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies a rotation angle for a box as Specifies a rotation angle for a box as ap a floating-point value between -360 a floating-point value between -360 pli degrees and 360 degrees. degrees and 360 degrees. ca bl e. BOXREF (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruc t Identifies a BOXREF BOXREF element typeIdentifies a box Identifies a box that is a member of a (empty) that is a member of a . . box that is a member of a . Attributes The UID CDATA The ID@UID of a that is part The ID@UID of a that is part #IMPLIE of a group. of a group. D ID@UID of a that is part of a group. The NAME CDATA The ID@NAME of a that is The ID@NAME of a that is #IMPLIE part of a group. part of a group. D ID@NAME of a that is part of a group. OPERATI ON Creates or deletes the link that makes Creates or deletes the link that makes (CREATE the target box part of a group. Note the target box part of a group. Note | that deleting a does not that deleting a does not DELETE) remove the corresponding box from remove the corresponding box from #IMPLIE the layout. the layout. D 238 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Not applicable. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) CALLOUTANCHOR (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct Identifies a callout anchor. Identifies a callout anchor. CALLOU TANCHO R ((CALLO UTBOXR EF? | INLINET ABLE? | INLINEB OX?), CALLOUTANCHOR element typeIdentifies a callout anchor. ALIGNH ORSETTI NGS?, ALIGNVE RSETTIN GS?) Attributes UID CDATA Unique identifier for a Unique identifier for a Unique identifier for a #IMPLIE callout anchor. callout anchor. callout anchor. D CALLOU TSTYLE Identifies the callout style to Identifies the callout style to Identifies the callout style CDATA be associated with a callout be associated with a callout associated with a callout #IMPLIE anchor. anchor. anchor. Lets you release a callout Lets you release a callout anchor’s callout or delete anchor’s callout or delete the callout anchor. the callout anchor. D OPERATI ON (RELEASE | DELETE) #IMPLIE Not applicable. D ALLOW MANUAL Indicates whether the Indicates whether the Indicates whether the POS (true callout associated with this callout associated with this callout associated with this | false) callout anchor can be callout anchor can be callout anchor can be #IMPLIE manually repositioned. manually repositioned. manually repositioned. D KEEPWIT HINMAR Indicates whether the Indicates whether the Indicates whether the GINS callout associated with this callout associated with this callout associated with this (true | callout anchor can be callout anchor can be callout anchor can be false) positioned outside the positioned outside the positioned outside the #IMPLIE margin. margin. margin. If TILINGDIRECTION = If TILINGDIRECTION = D VERTICA If TILINGDIRECTION = A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 239 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element Modify Deconstruct LPADDIN VERTICAL, the vertical VERTICAL, the vertical VERTICAL, the vertical G padding specified signifies padding specified signifies padding specified signifies the spacing to be the spacing to be the spacing to be maintained between two maintained between two maintained between two callout boxes. This value callout boxes. This value callout boxes. This value type Construct will be used during the time will be used during the time will be used during the time HORIZO NTALPAD DING of automatic stacking of of automatic stacking of of automatic stacking of callouts in the event when callouts in the event when callouts in the event when they attempt to overlap they attempt to overlap they attempt to overlap upon each other as a result upon each other as a result upon each other as a result of application of same of application of same of application of same callout style on them. callout style on them. callout style on them. If TILINGDIRECTION = If TILINGDIRECTION = If TILINGDIRECTION = HORIZONTAL, the HORIZONTAL, the HORIZONTAL, the horizontal padding value horizontal padding value horizontal padding value specified signifies the specified signifies the specified signifies the spacing to be maintained spacing to be maintained spacing to be maintained between two the callout between two the callout between two the callout boxes. This value will be boxes. This value will be boxes. This value will be used during the time of used during the time of used during the time of automatic stacking of automatic stacking of automatic stacking of callouts in the event when callouts in the event when callouts in the event when they attempt to overlap they attempt to overlap they attempt to overlap upon each other as a result upon each other as a result upon each other as a result of application of same of application of same of application of same callout style on them. callout style on them. callout style on them. CALLOUTBOXREF (Modifier schema) Element type Construct CALLOUTBOXREF element CALLOUTBO XREF (empty) typeIdentifies an item or group as a callout. Modify Deconstruct Identifies an item or Identifies an item or group as a callout. group as a callout. Attributes UID CDATA Unique identifier for a callout box Unique identifier for a Unique identifier for a #IMPLIED reference. callout box reference. callout box reference. Name for a callout Name for a callout box reference. box reference. NAME CDATA Name for a callout box reference. #IMPLIED CELL (Modifier schema) Element type CELL (ID? Construct CELL element (CONTENT| typeDescribes a table 240 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Modify Deconstruct Describes a table cell. Describes a table cell. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct Specifies the column index Specifies the column index position of a cell, with the position of a cell, with the first cell being cell 1. first cell being cell 1. Specifies a cells Specifies a cells CONTENTP H | TEXT | cell. PICTURE | PLACEHOL DER)*) Attributes COLUMNC Specifies the column OUNT index position of a cell, CDATA with the first cell being #REQUIRED cell 1. BOXTYPE Specifies a cells (CT_NONE | type:CT_NONE = NoCT_TEXT | content cellCT_TEXT = CT_PICT) Text cellCT_PICT = #IMPLIED Picture cell Identifies the color of a cell.Note: Only the name of a color is included in this COLOR CDATA #IMPLIED attribute. The definition of the color is stored in the projects Job Jackets file or defined using the Document Controls submenu in QuarkXPress Server. Specifies the shade of SHADE the color applied to a CDATA cell, as an integer #IMPLIED percentage from 0 to 100. Specifies the opacity of OPACITY the color applied to a CDATA cell, specified as an #IMPLIED integer percentage from 0 to 100. type:CT_NONE = No-content type:CT_NONE = No-content cellCT_TEXT = Text cellCT_TEXT = Text cellCT_PICT = Picture cell cellCT_PICT = Picture cell Identifies the color of a Identifies the color of a cell.Note: Only the name of a cell.Note: Only the name of a color is included in this color is included in this attribute. The definition of attribute. The definition of the color is stored in the the color is stored in the projects Job Jackets file or projects Job Jackets file or defined using the Document defined using the Document Controls submenu in Controls submenu in QuarkXPress Server, or an QuarkXPress Server, or an existing color created and existing color created and saved in the project. saved in the project. Specifies the shade of the Specifies the shade of the color applied to a cell, as an color applied to a cell, as an integer percentage from 0 to integer percentage from 0 to 100. 100. Specifies the opacity of the Specifies the opacity of the color applied to a cell, color applied to a cell, specified as an integer specified as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. percentage from 0 to 100. Specifies the type of blend Specifies the type of blend applied to this cell (linear, applied to this cell (linear, circular, rectangular, etc.). circular, rectangular, etc.). BLENDSTYL E (SOLID | LINEAR | MIDLINEAR | RECTANGU LAR | DIAMOND | Specifies the type of blend applied to this cell (linear, circular, rectangular, etc.). CIRCULAR | FULLCIRCU LAR | none) A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 241 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct Specifies the angle of Specifies the angle of the Specifies the angle of the the blend. blend. blend. color of the blend. The Specifies the second color of Specifies the second color of first color of the blend the blend. The first color of the blend. The first color of is the color applied to the blend is the color applied the blend is the color applied the cell, as in to the cell, as in QuarkXPress. to the cell, as in QuarkXPress. “none” BLENDANG LE CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the second BLENDCOL OR CDATA #IMPLIED QuarkXPress. Specifies the shade applied to the second BLENDSHA color of the blend. The DE CDATA shade of the first color #IMPLIED of the blend is the shade of the color applied to the cell. Specifies the opacity BLENDOPA CITY CDATA #IMPLIED applied to the second color of the blend. The opacity of the first color of the blend is the opacity of the color applied to the cell. Specifies the shade applied to Specifies the shade applied to the second color of the the second color of the blend. The shade of the first blend. The shade of the first color of the blend is the color of the blend is the shade of the color applied to shade of the color applied to the cell. the cell. Specifies the opacity applied Specifies the opacity applied to the second color of the to the second color of the blend. The opacity of the first blend. The opacity of the first color of the blend is the color of the blend is the opacity of the color applied opacity of the color applied to the cell. to the cell. MERGERO If a table includes merged WSPAN Attribute used for CDATA merging cells and rows. cells and rows. Attribute used for merging #IMPLIED MERGECOL SPAN CDATA #IMPLIED MERGECOLSPAN value is shown in the xml output. Attribute used for merging cells and columns. SPLIT (true | false) cells, then the Not applicable. #IMPLIED Attribute used for merging cells and columns. Attribute used for splitting rows and columns. Not applicable. Not applicable. If true, adds the contents of ADDTOREF LOW (true | false) this cell to the project’s Not applicable. reflow article. Equivalent to the Digital Publishing > Add Not applicable. to Reflow command in #IMPLIED QuarkXPress. Specifies the name of the project’s reflow article (to ARTICLENA ME CDATA which the contents of this Not applicable. #IMPLIED cell is being added as a component). If no reflow article exists and you do not include this attribute, the 242 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Not applicable. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element Construct type Modify Deconstruct default reflow article name is used. CHILDID (Modifier schema) Element type Construct CHILDI CHILDID element D typeSpecifies a child of a (empty) parent TABLE element. Modify Deconstruct Specifies a child of a parent Specifies a child of a parent TABLE element. TABLE element. Attributes NAME Indicates the user- CDATA assigned name of the #IMPLI CHILD element of the ED parent table. Indicates the user-assigned Not applicable. name of the CHILD element of the parent table. UID Indicates the ID of the CHILD Indicates the ID of the CHILD CDATA element of the parent table element of the parent table assigned from QuarkXPress assigned from QuarkXPress Server. Server. #IMPLI Not applicable. ED CLIPPING (Modifier schema) Elem Modify Deconstruct Describes a clipping path. Describes a clipping path. TYPE Specifies the type of clipping Specifies the type of clipping Specifies the type of clipping (ITE applied to a picture applied to a picture applied to a picture M| item:ITEM = Runs along the ent Construct type CLIP PING CLIPPING element (emp typeDescribes a clipping path. ty) Attributes item:ITEM = Runs along the item:ITEM = Runs along the EMB edges of the edges of the edges of the EDD item.EMBEDDEDPATH = item.EMBEDDEDPATH = item.EMBEDDEDPATH = EDPA Runs along a path embedded Runs along a path embedded Runs along a path embedded TH | in the picture in the picture in the picture ALP file.ALPHACHANNEL = Runs file.ALPHACHANNEL = Runs file.ALPHACHANNEL = Runs HAC along an alpha channel along an alpha channel along an alpha channel HAN embedded in the picture embedded in the picture embedded in the picture NEL | file.NONWHITEAREAS = Runs file.NONWHITEAREAS = Runs file.NONWHITEAREAS = Runs NON along a path based on the along a path based on the along a path based on the WHI dark and light areas of the dark and light areas of the dark and light areas of the TEAR picture file. See the picture file. See the picture file. See the EAS | THRESHOLD THRESHOLD THRESHOLD PICT attribute.PICTUREBOUNDS = attribute.PICTUREBOUNDS = attribute.PICTUREBOUNDS = A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 243 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Elem ent Construct Modify Deconstruct Runs along the rectangular Runs along the rectangular Runs along the rectangular canvas area of the picture, canvas area of the picture, canvas area of the picture, regardless of the size and regardless of the size and regardless of the size and shape of the picture box. shape of the picture box. shape of the picture box. Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE type URE BOU NDS) “ITE M” TOP = ITEM or PICTUREBOUNDS. = ITEM or PICTUREBOUNDS. = ITEM or PICTUREBOUNDS. CDA Moves the top edge of the TA Moves the top edge of the Moves the top edge of the clipping path by the specified clipping path by the specified clipping path by the specified #IMP number of points number of points number of points LIED (positive=up, (positive=up, (positive=up, negative=down). negative=down). Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE negative=down). RIGH Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE T = ITEM or PICTUREBOUNDS. = ITEM or PICTUREBOUNDS. = ITEM or PICTUREBOUNDS. CDA Moves the right edge of the TA Moves the right edge of the Moves the right edge of the clipping path by the specified clipping path by the specified clipping path by the specified #IMP number of points number of points number of points LIED (positive=right, negative=left). (positive=right, negative=left). (positive=right, negative=left). LEFT CDA TA #IMP LIED BOT TOM CDA TA #IMP LIED Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE = ITEM or PICTUREBOUNDS. = ITEM or PICTUREBOUNDS. = ITEM or PICTUREBOUNDS. Moves the left edge of the Moves the left edge of the Moves the left edge of the clipping path by the specified clipping path by the specified clipping path by the specified number of points number of points number of points (positive=left, negative=right). (positive=left, negative=right). (positive=left, negative=right). Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE = ITEM or PICTUREBOUNDS. = ITEM or PICTUREBOUNDS. = ITEM or PICTUREBOUNDS. Moves the bottom edge of the Moves the bottom edge of the Moves the bottom edge of the clipping path by the specified clipping path by the specified clipping path by the specified number of points number of points number of points (positive=down, (positive=down, (positive=down, negative=up). negative=up). negative=up). PATH NAM E Identifies a path embedded in Identifies a path embedded in Identifies a path embedded in CDA a picture for use as the a picture for use as the a picture for use as the TA clipping path. clipping path. clipping path. Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE = EMBEDDEDPATH, = EMBEDDEDPATH, = EMBEDDEDPATH, ALPHACHANNEL, or ALPHACHANNEL, or ALPHACHANNEL, or NONWHITEAREAS. Specifies NONWHITEAREAS. Specifies NONWHITEAREAS. Specifies #IMP LIED OUT SET CDA TA #IMP a single outset or inset integer a single outset or inset integer a single outset or inset integer value in points to be used on value in points to be used on value in points to be used on all sides. all sides. all sides. NOIS Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE E = ALPHACHANNEL or = ALPHACHANNEL or LIED = ALPHACHANNEL or 244 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Elem Modify Deconstruct CDA NONWHITEAREAS. Specifies NONWHITEAREAS. Specifies NONWHITEAREAS. Specifies TA that areas smaller than this that areas smaller than this #IMP number of points should be number of points should be number of points should be LIED ignored when creating a ignored when creating a ignored when creating a ent Construct type THR ESH OLD that areas smaller than this clipping path. clipping path. clipping path. Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE = ALPHACHANNEL or = ALPHACHANNEL or = ALPHACHANNEL or NONWHITEAREAS. Specifies NONWHITEAREAS. Specifies NONWHITEAREAS. Specifies the maximum integer the maximum integer the maximum integer percentage of darkness that percentage of darkness that percentage of darkness that should be considered white should be considered white should be considered white when creating a clipping when creating a clipping when creating a clipping path. path. path. Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE = ALPHACHANNEL or = ALPHACHANNEL or = ALPHACHANNEL or NONWHITEAREAS. Specifies NONWHITEAREAS. Specifies NONWHITEAREAS. Specifies the smoothness, in points, of the smoothness, in points, of the smoothness, in points, of an automatically created an automatically created an automatically created clipping path. clipping path. clipping path. Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE = EMBEDDEDPATH, = EMBEDDEDPATH, = EMBEDDEDPATH, ALPHACHANNEL, or ALPHACHANNEL, or ALPHACHANNEL, or NONWHITEAREAS. Indicates NONWHITEAREAS. Indicates NONWHITEAREAS. Indicates that only the outer edges of that only the outer edges of that only the outer edges of the clipping path should be the clipping path should be the clipping path should be used. used. used. Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE = EMBEDDEDPATH, = EMBEDDEDPATH, = EMBEDDEDPATH, ALPHACHANNEL, or ALPHACHANNEL, or ALPHACHANNEL, or NONWHITEAREAS. Indicates NONWHITEAREAS. Indicates NONWHITEAREAS. Indicates whether the clipping path is whether the clipping path is whether the clipping path is restricted to the inside of the restricted to the inside of the restricted to the inside of the box. box. box. INVE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE Valid when CLIPPING@TYPE RT = EMBEDDEDPATH, = EMBEDDEDPATH, = EMBEDDEDPATH, (true ALPHACHANNEL, or ALPHACHANNEL, or ALPHACHANNEL, or CDA TA #IMP LIED SMO OTH NESS CDA TA #IMP LIED OUT SIDE ONL Y (true | false | none ) “non e” REST RICT TOB OX (true | false | none ) “non e” A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 245 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Elem Construct Modify Deconstruct | NONWHITEAREAS. Reverses NONWHITEAREAS. Reverses NONWHITEAREAS. Reverses false the shape of the clipping the shape of the clipping the shape of the clipping | path. path. path. ent type none ) “non e” EDIT ED (true Indicates whether the | false Not applicable. | clipping path has been Not applicable. manually edited in QuarkXPress. none ) “non e” COLGROUP (Modifier schema) Element Construct Modify COLGROU COLGROUP element typeIdentifies a group Identifies a group of columns P (TCOL+) of columns in an . in an . type Deconst ruct Not applicab le. COLSPEC (Modifier schema) Ele Deco me nt Construct Modify nstru ct typ e CO LSP EC (C OL UM N+) COLSPEC element typeDescribes the Describes the columns in a table.Note: If columns in a table.Note: If the COLSPEC the COLSPEC element is missing for a element is missing for a table, then the table new table, then the table is created using is created using columns of equal width, columns of equal width, based on the based on the number of columns in the row number of columns in the row with the with the most columns. most columns. 246 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Descr ibes the colu mns in a table. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) COLUMN (Modifier schema) Ele me nt Construct Modify Deconstruct ty pe C OL U M N (LI COLUMN element typeDescribes a column in Describes a column in a table. Describes a column in a table. a table. NE *) Attributes C OL U M N C O U NT C DA TA #R EQ Specifies the index position of a column Specifies the index position of a beginning from the left. column beginning from the left. column beginning from the left. Specifies the index position of a For example, For example, COLUMNCOUNT For example, COLUMNCOUNT COLUMNCOUNT = 1 = 1 indicates the first column = 1 indicates the first column indicates the first column from the left, and from the left, and from the left, and COLUMNCOUNT = 2 indicates COLUMNCOUNT = 2 indicates COLUMNCOUNT = 2 the second column from the the second column from the indicates the second left. left. column from the left. UI RE D C OL U M N WI DT H C Specifies the width of a column. Specifies the width of a column. Specifies the width of a column. DA TA #I M PLI ED C Identifies the color of a OL column. Overrides the Identifies the color of a column. Identifies the color of a column. Overrides the TABLE@COLOR Overrides the TABLE@COLOR A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 247 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Ele me Modify Deconstruct OR TABLE@COLOR attribute.Note: Only the name attribute.Note: Only the name C of a color is included in this of a color is included in this nt Construct ty pe attribute.Note: Only the DA name of a color is included attribute. The definition of the attribute. The definition of the TA in this attribute. The color is stored in the projects color is stored in the projects #I definition of the color is Job Jackets file or defined using Job Jackets file or defined using M stored in the projects Job the Document Controls the Document Controls PLI Jackets file or defined using submenu in QuarkXPress Server, submenu in QuarkXPress Server, ED the Document Controls submenu in QuarkXPress or an existing color created and or an existing color created and saved in the project. saved in the project. Specifies the shade of the color Specifies the shade of the color Server. SH AD E C Specifies the shade of the DA color applied to a column, applied to a column, as an applied to a column, as an TA as an integer percentage integer percentage from 0 to integer percentage from 0 to 100. 100. #I from 0 to 100. M PLI ED OP AC IT Y C DA TA #I Specifies the opacity of the Specifies the opacity of the color Specifies the opacity of the color color applied to a column, applied to a column, specified as applied to a column, specified as specified as an integer an integer percentage from 0 to an integer percentage from 0 to percentage from 0 to 100. 100. 100. M PLI ED M ER GE C OL SP AN Attribute used for merging Attribute used for merging cells, C cells, rows, and columns. rows, and columns. DA TA #I M PLI ED 248 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 If a table includes merged cells, then the MERGECOLSPAN value is shown in the xml output. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Ele me nt Construct Modify Deconstruct ty pe SP LI T (tr ue | fal Not applicable. Attribute used for splitting merged cells. Not applicable. se) #I M PLI ED AU TO FIT (tr ue Specifies whether the rows Specifies whether the rows or Indicates whether the rows or fal or columns will adjust size columns will adjust size to fit columns will adjust size to fit se | to fit the content. the content. the content. Max limit for autofit. Max limit for autofit. | no ne) “n on e” AU TO FIT M AX LI MI T Max limit for autofit. C DA TA #I M PLI ED COLUMNFLOW (Modifier schema)  To learn more about column flow (split & span) functionality in QuarkXPress 2017, refer to the “Controlling column flow” and “Column flow examples” sections of the A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 249 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) QuarkXPress 2017 User Guide found here: http://files.quark.com/download/documentation/QuarkXPress/2017/English/QXP-2017User-Guide-EN.pdf. The newly introduced Modifier XML markup maps/corresponds to the QuarkXPress 2017 functionality. Element type COLUMNFLOW (COLUMNSPAN | COLUMNSPLIT) Construct Modify Deconstruct The COLUMNFLOW The COLUMNFLOW The COLUMNFLOW element is used to element is used to element is used to specify how text flows specify how text flows specify how text flows in relation to columns. in relation to columns. in relation to columns. Specifies the column Specifies the column Specifies the column flow order. Allowed flow order. Allowed flow order. Allowed options are options are CONTINUOUS to leave Attributes FLOWORDER options are CONTINUOUS to leave the paragraph in its CONTINUOUS to leave the paragraph in its the paragraph in its original column or RESTART to move the original column or paragraph to the start RESTART to move the original column or paragraph to the start paragraph to the start of the column block. of the column block. of the column block. RESTART to move the COLUMNSPAN (Modifier schema) Element type COLUMNSPAN Construct Modify Deconstruct The COLUMNSPAN The COLUMNSPAN The COLUMNSPAN element is used to element is used to element is used to specify how a specify how a paragraph specify how a paragraph paragraph spans over spans over multiple spans over multiple multiple columns. columns. columns. Specifies the number of Specifies the number of columns you want the columns you want the paragraph to span. You paragraph to span. You Attributes Specifies the number of columns you want COLUMNCOUNT the paragraph to span. You can choose All number from 2 to 30. can choose All or a number from 2 to 30. Specifies the space Specifies the space after Specifies the space after after the paragraphs. the paragraphs. the paragraphs. Specifies the space Specifies the space before Specifies the space before or a number from 2 to 30. SPACEAFTER SPACEBEFORE before the paragraphs. the paragraphs. can choose All or a the paragraphs. COLUMNSPLIT (Modifier schema)  To learn more about column flow (split & span) functionality in QuarkXPress 2017, refer to the “Controlling column flow” and “Column flow examples” sections of the QuarkXPress 2017 User Guide found here: http://files.quark.com/download/documentation/QuarkXPress/2017/English/QXP-2017- 250 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) User-Guide-EN.pdf. The newly introduced Modifier XML markup maps/corresponds to the QuarkXPress 2017 functionality. Element type COLUMNSPLIT Construct Modify The COLUMNSPLIT The COLUMNSPLIT Deconstruct element is used to element is used to specify how a specify how a paragraph is split paragraph is split between multiple between multiple columns. columns. The COLUMNSPLIT element is used to specify how a paragraph is split between multiple columns. Attributes Specifies the number of columns you want the COLUMNCOUNT paragraph to be split among. You can choose a number from 2 to 30. SPACEAFTER SPACEBEFORE COLUMNGAP Specifies the number of columns you want the paragraph to be split among. You can choose a number from 2 to 30. columns you want the paragraph to be split among. You can choose a number from 2 to 30. Specifies the space after Specifies the space Specifies the space after the paragraphs. after the paragraphs. the paragraphs. Specifies the space Specifies the space Specifies the space before before the paragraphs. before the paragraphs. the paragraphs. Specifies the gutter Specifies the gutter width for split width for split columns. columns. Indicate that you want Indicate that you want COLUMNRULEENABL to apply a separator to apply a separator ED (true | false) line between line between coloumns. coloumns. Specifies the style of Specifies the style of COLUMNRULESTYLE Specifies the number of Specifies the gutter width for split columns. Indicate that you want to apply a separator line between coloumns. Specifies the style of the the column rule. the column rule. column rule. COLUMNRULEWIDT Specifies the width of Specifies the width of Specifies the width of the H the column rule. the column rule. column rule. COLUMNRULECOLO Specifies the color of Specifies the color of Specifies the color of the the column rule. the column rule. column rule. Specifies the shade of Specifies the shade of R COLUMNRULESHADE the color of the column rule. COLUMNRULEOPACI TY the color of the column rule. Specifies the opacity of Specifies the opacity Specifies the shade of the color of the column rule. Specifies the opacity of the color of the of the color of the the color of the column column rule. column rule. rule. COMPONENT (Modifier schema) Element type COMPO NENT (empty) Construct COMPONEN T element typeThe component(s Modify The component(s) that make up an article. Required for ARTICLE element. Deconstruct The component(s) that make up an article. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 251 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct ) that make up an article. Required for ARTICLE element. Attributes OPERAT ION (CREAT E| DELETE) Not applicable. Specifies whether to create or delete the specified component from the Not applicable. ARTICLE. #IMPLIE D The name given to a NAME CDATA #IMPLIE D specific component The name given to a specific in an component in an ARTICLE. ARTICLE. Required for COMPONENT. Specifies the name of the component in the ARTICLE. Required for COMPONEN T. QuarkXPress UID Server CDATA automaticall The unique ID of the COMPONENT Specified the unique ID of the to be modified. COMPONENT to be modified. ME user-assigned Specifies the name of the user- Specifies the name of the user- CDATA box to which assigned box to which the assigned box to which the #IMPLIE y assigns a D unique ID to components. Specifies the BOXNA name of the COMPONENT belongs. COMPONENT belongs. Specifies the ID of the QuarkXPress Specifies the ID of the QuarkXPress Server-assigned box to which the Server-assigned box to which the COMPONENT belongs. COMPONENT belongs. component Describes whether the component Describes whether the component resides in a resides in a text box, picture box, or resides in a text box, picture box, or text box, group. group. #IMPLIE the D COMPONEN T belongs. BOXUI D CDATA #IMPLIE Not applicable. D COMPO NENTC LASS (CT_TE XT | CT_PIC T| CT_GR Describes whether the picture box, or group. 252 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct Indicates the label applied to a Indicates the label applied to a component. Valid only for reflow component. Valid only for reflow OUP) “CT_TE XT” COMPO articles and QuarkCopyDesk articles. articles and QuarkCopyDesk articles. NENTTY PE Not Valid values include: Body Byline CDATA applicable. FigureCaption FigureCredit Headline FigureCaption FigureCredit Headline Valid values include: Body Byline #IMPLIE Headline2 IndentedParagraph D Pullquote SectionChapterName Title Pullquote SectionChapterName Title Headline2 IndentedParagraph Title2 OrderedList UnorderedList Title2 OrderedList UnorderedList If the component resides in a Table If the component resides in a Table cell, the value will describe the row cell, the value will describe the row number. number. If the component resides in a Table If the component resides in a Table cell, the value will describe the cell, the value will describe the column number. column number. COMPO Specifies the index (position) of this Specifies the index (position) of this NENTIN component in the project’s reflow component in the project’s reflow If the ROWNU M CDATA #IMPLIE D component resides in a Table cell, the value will describe the row number. If the COLNU M CDATA #IMPLIE D component resides in a Table cell, the value will describe the column number. DEX Not article. The first component has a article. The first component has a CDATA applicable. value of zero. If you specify an value of zero. If you specify an #IMPLIE invalid value, the component is invalid value, the component is D placed at the end. placed at the end. COMPOSITIONZONE (Modifier schema) Element type COMPOSITIONZONE (ID, (FRAME | GEOMETRY | SHADOW | PAGEREF)*, INTERACTIVITY?) Constru ct Modify Deconstruct COMPO SITIONZ ONE Not element applicab typeNot le. Describes a Composition Zones item. (Applies only to the xml namespace.) applicab le. Attributes LAYOUTREF CDATA Not Not Identifies the layout referenced by this Composition A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 253 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type #IMPLIED Constru ct Modify applicab applicab Zones item. le. le. BOXTYPE (CT_TEXT | Not Not CT_PICT | CT_USER) applicab applicab #IMPLIED le. le. TYPE (INTERNAL | Not Not EXTERNAL) applicab applicab #IMPLIED le. le. Not Not PATH CDATA #IMPLIED Deconstruct applicab applicab le. le. Indicates CT_USER as the box type for a Composition Zones item. Indicates the Composition Zones items type.INTERNAL = A Composition Zones item that uses a layout within the same project.EXTERNAL = A Composition Zones item that uses a layout in a different project. Indicates the absolute path to an external composition layout. Identifies a color applied to a Composition Zones COLOR CDATA #IMPLIED Not Not applicab applicab le. le. Not Not item.Note: Only the name of a color is included in this attribute. The definition of the color is stored in the projects Job Jackets file or defined using the Document Controls submenu in QuarkXPress Server, or an existing color created and saved in the project. SHADE CDATA #IMPLIED OPACITY CDATA #IMPLIED ANCHOREDIN CDATA #IMPLIED applicab applicab le. le. Not Not applicab applicab le. le. Not Not applicab applicab le. le. Not Not Specifies the shade of a color applied to a Composition Zones object, as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. Specifies the opacity of a color applied to a Composition Zones item, as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. Indicates an anchored Composition Zones and identifies its parent Composition Zones. BLENDSTYLE (SOLID | LINEAR | MIDLINEAR | RECTANGULAR | DIAMOND | CIRCULAR | applicab applicab le. le. Not Not Specifies the type of blend applied to this box (linear, circular, rectangular, etc.). FULLCIRCULAR | none) “none” BLENDANGLE CDATA #IMPLIED BLENDCOLOR CDATA #IMPLIED BLENDSHADE CDATA #IMPLIED BLENDOPACITY CDATA #IMPLIED applicab applicab Specifies the angle of the blend. le. le. Not Not applicab applicab le. le. Not Not applicab applicab le. le. Not Not Specifies the second color of the blend. The first color of the blend is the color applied to the box. Specifies the shade applied to the second color of the blend, as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. The shade of the first color of the blend is the shade of the color applied to the box. Specifies the opacity applied to the second color of the applicab applicab blend, as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. The le. le. 254 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 opacity of the first color of the blend is the opacity of MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Constru ct Modify Deconstruct the color applied to the box. HORIZONTALBINDI Not NG (true | false) applicab applicab constrained only horizontally to the size of its Not If true, specifies that the Composition Zones item is #IMPLIED le. le. composition layout. VERTICALBINDING Not Not If true, specifies that the Composition Zones item is (true | false) applicab applicab constrained only vertically to the size of its composition #IMPLIED le. le. Not Not LAYOUTOPACITY CDATA #IMPLIED applicab applicab le. le. SUPPRESSOUTPUT Not Not (true | false) applicab applicab #IMPLIED le. le. Not Not PREVIEWPAGE CDATA #IMPLIED layout. Specifies the opacity of a Composition Zones item, as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. If true, specifies that this Composition Zones item should not be included in output. applicab applicab Identifies the page shown by default in the layout. le. le. Lets you Lets you create or create or OPERATION (CREATE | DELETE) #IMPLIED delete a delete a Compos Compos Not applicable. ition ition Zones Zones item. item. CONDITIONALMASTERPAGEREFERENCE (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct CONDITIONALMASTE RPAGEREFERENCE element typeLets you CONDITIONALMASTE RPAGEREFERENCE () specify the master page Not applicable. along with the Not applicable. conditions that must be satisfied to apply the given master page on a page. Attributes Specifies the name of NAME Not applicable. the master page in QuarkXPress template Not applicable. to be used. Specifies the position of the page to which this POSITION Not applicable. master page will be Not applicable. applied. FIRST, LAST, REST, ANY ODDOREVEN Not applicable. Not applicable. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 255 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct Specifies if the master page to be applied on BLANKORNOTBLANK Not applicable. Not applicable. the page should be blank or not blank. BLANKORNOTBLANK CONTENT (Modifier schema) Elem ent Construct Modify Deconstruct type CONTENT element CON typeSpecifies the path of an TENT image or text file that you (#PC want to associate with the DATA parent box. The CONTENT ) element also supports relative paths for images or text files. Specifies the path of an image or text file that you want to import into the parent Specifies the path of the box.Note: If you use the image or text file (if any) CONTENT element to import associated with the parent text, the imported text is box. appended to the end of any existing text in the box. Attributes PICT UREC ONT ENTL OCK (true | Specifies whether picture Specifies whether picture Specifies whether picture content is locked. content is locked. content is locked. false) “true ” CON VERT If true, straight quotation If true, straight quotation QUO marks in an imported text file marks in an imported text file are converted to typesetter’s are converted to typesetter’s (true | quotation marks and double quotation marks and double TES Not applicable. false) hyphens are converted to em hyphens are converted to em “true dashes. dashes. ” INCL UDES TYLE SHEE If true, any style sheets in an TS imported text file are added (true | to the QuarkXPress project. false) If true, any style sheets in an imported text file or document are added to the Not applicable. QuarkXPress project. “true ” FONT Specifies a font to apply to Specifies a font to apply to NAM imported text. imported text. 256 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Not applicable. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Elem ent Construct Modify Deconstruct type E CDAT A #IMP LIED PAGE TOIM PORT CDAT A Indicates the page number of Indicates the page number of Indicates the page number of an imported PDF. an imported PDF. an imported PDF. Identifies the bounding box Identifies the bounding box #IMP LIED BOU NDIN Identifies the bounding box GBO type for an imported PDF. type for an imported PDF. type for an imported PDF. X MEDIABOX includes the full MEDIABOX includes the full MEDIABOX includes the full (MED imageable area. CROPBOX is imageable area. CROPBOX is imageable area. CROPBOX is IABO the portion of the page that the portion of the page that the portion of the page that should be visible (not should be visible (not CROP typically used for prepress). typically used for prepress). typically used for prepress). BOX | BLEEDBOX is the area X| should be visible (not BLEEDBOX is the area BLEEDBOX is the area BLEE defined by the crop marks, defined by the crop marks, defined by the crop marks, DBO plus 3-5 additional plus 3-5 additional plus 3-5 additional X| millimeters. TRIMBOX is the millimeters. TRIMBOX is the millimeters. TRIMBOX is the TRIM area defined by the crop area defined by the crop area defined by the crop BOX) marks (in other words, the marks (in other words, the marks (in other words, the #IMP finshed page size). finshed page size). finshed page size). LIED MAIN TAIN PICT UREA TTRI If true, maintains the picture BUTE Not applicable. attributes when importing a S new picture. Not applicable. (true | false) #IMP LIED MAIN If true, maintains the TAIN runaround and clipping CLIP applied to a picture when PING AND Not applicable. reimporting the picture. Not applicable. Default value is false. RUN Clipping and runaround are ARO not maintained if you do not UND specify this attribute in the A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 257 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Elem Construct ent Modify Deconstruct type (true | false) CONTENT element. #IMP LIED CON DITI ONA LSTY LE CDAT A Identifies the conditional Identifies the conditional style (if any) to be associated style (if any) to be associated with the content specified in with the content specified in the CONTENT node. the CONTENT node. Not applicable. #IMP LIED CONTENTPH (Modifier schema) Ele men t Construct Modify Deconstr uct type Placehol CO der that NTE will NTP H ((CO NTE NT), contain CONTENTPH element typePlaceholder that will contain either text or picture data from a linked file. Placeholder that will contain either text or picture data from a linked file. either text or picture data MET from a ADA linked TA?) file. Attributes The NA name of ME CDA TA #RE the The name of the content placeholder The name of the content placeholder content (CONTENTPH). (CONTENTPH). placehol der QUI (CONTE RED OW NTPH). The XTensions ID of the XTensions that The XTensions ID of the XTensions that The NER created this placeholder. The default XT created this placeholder. The default XT XTensio (134 ID is PlaceHolderSXT ID (1347639377). ID is PlaceHolderSXT ID (1347639377). ns ID of 7639 All placeholders created through All placeholders created through the 377) Modifier should use this ID. This ID is Modifier should use this ID. This ID is XTensio “134 assigned by default by the DTD, so there assigned by default by the DTD, so there ns that 258 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Ele men t Construct Deconstr Modify uct type created 7639 is no need to specify this manually. DTD is no need to specify this manually. DTD this 377” validation will add this attribute. validation will add this attribute. placehol der. CONTINUEDHEADER (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct CONTINUEDHEADE CONTINUEDHEADER (ROW*) R element typeIdentifies a continued table Identifies a continued table header. Identifies a continued table header. header. Attributes APPLIEDTO (NOHEADERROW | FIRSTHEADERROW | ALLHEADERROWS) #IMPLIED Specifies which Specifies whether only the first Specifies which header rows are header row or all header rows header rows are continued header should be considered a continued rows. continued header. header rows. CONTINUEDTROWSTYLE (Modifier schema) Deco Element type Construct Modify nstru ct CONTINUEDTROWSTYLE CONTINUEDTROWSTYLE element Defines a style for Not (TOPGRID?, typeDefines a style for “continued” “continued” rows in appli BOTTOMGRID?) rows in an . an . cable. Identifies the Not paragraph style sheet appli for the row style. cable. Identifies the Not Attributes PARASTYLE CDATA Identifies the paragraph style sheet for #IMPLIED the row style. ALIGNMENT (LEFT | RIGHT | CENTER | JUSTIFIED | FORCED) #IMPLIED ANGLE CDATA #IMPLIED Identifies the paragraph alignment for the row style. appli for the row style. cable. Identifies the text angle for the row Identifies the text style. angle for the row style. VALIGN (TOP | CENTER | Specifies the vertical alignment of the BOTTOM) #IMPLIED row style. COLOR CDATA #IMPLIED paragraph alignment Specifies the background color of the row style. Specifies the vertical Not appli cable. Not alignment of the row appli style. cable. Specifies the Not background color of appli the row style. cable. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 259 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Deco Element type Construct Modify nstru ct SHADE CDATA #IMPLIED INSET CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the background shade of the row style. Specifies the Not background shade of appli the row style. cable. Specifies the text inset of the row Specifies the text inset style. of the row style. Not appli cable. CONTOUR (Modifier schema) Element type Construct CONTOUR element typeA CONTOUR single contour within a (VERTICES) spline shape. Modify Deconstruct A single contour within a A single contour within a spline shape. spline shape. Attributes CURVEDEDGE Specifies whether there are Specifies whether there are Specifies whether there are S (true | false) any curved edges in the any curved edges in the any curved edges in the “false” contour. contour. contour. Specifies whether this Specifies whether this Specifies whether this contour is rectangular. contour is rectangular. contour is rectangular. Specifies whether the Specifies whether the Specifies whether the points describe a hole points describe a hole points describe a hole instead of an outside instead of an outside instead of an outside contour. contour. contour. TOPLEVEL Specifies whether the Specifies whether the Specifies whether the (true | false) contour has no containing contour has no containing contour has no containing “false” contours. contours. contours. Specifies whether the Specifies whether the Specifies whether the contour intersects itself. contour intersects itself. contour intersects itself. POLYCONTO Specifies whether this is a Specifies whether this is a Specifies whether this is a UR (true | polycontour (as opposed polycontour (as opposed polycontour (as opposed to a spline contour). to a spline contour). RECTCONTO UR (true | false) “false” INVERTEDCO NTOUR (true | false) “false” SELFINTERSEC TED (true | false) “false” false) “false” to a spline contour). VERTEXTAGE Specifies whether there are Specifies whether there are Specifies whether there are XISTS (true | vertex tags associated with vertex tags associated with vertex tags associated with false) “false” the contour. the contour. the contour. CONTOURS (Modifier schema) Element type CONTOU RS (CONTOU R+) Construct Modify Deconstruct CONTOURS element typeA group A group of contours A group of contours of contours which, combined, which, combined, make which, combined, make make a spline shape. a spline shape. 260 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 a spline shape. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) COPYFIT (Modifier schema) Element type Modif Construct y COPYFIT COPYFIT (empty) Not element typeNot applic applicable. able. Deconstruct Indicates whether the copy in this text box or chain fits the available space. Attributes STATE (fit | overFit | underFit) “fit” FITAMOUNT CDATA #IMPLIED Not Not applicable. able. Not Not applicable. Not Not applicable. #IMPLIED applic able. NUMBEROFWORDS CDATA #IMPLIED NUMBEROFLINES CDATA #IMPLIED FITLINEAMOUNT CDATA #IMPLIED Not Not applicable. applic able. (fit), is too long (overFit), or is too short (underFit). Indicates the vertical distance in points by which STATE element. Indicates how many characters are included in the story. Indicates how many words are included in the story. Not Not applicable. applic Indicates how many lines are included in the story. able. Not Not applicable. applic able. STORYDEPTHAMO Indicates how many lines the text is overfit or underfit. Not Not applicable. UNT CDATA Indicates whether the text currently fits in the box applic text in a text box is overFit or underFit. See the able. NUMBEROFCHARA CTERS CDATA applic #IMPLIED applic Not applicable. able. COPYRIGHT (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct COPYRIGH COPYRIGHT Part of the element. Specifies copyright T Specifies copyright information for an e- information for an e- book. book. element typeNot (#PCDATA) applicable. DATAPROVIDER (Modifier schema) Element type Construct DATAPROVI DATAPRO DER VIDER element (empty) typeNot applicable. Mo dify Deconstruct Not app Provides information about the XTensions module through which lica interactivity is applied to a box. ble. Attributes A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 261 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct DATAPRO dify Deconstruct Not Provides information about the XTensions module through which VIDERXTI Not D CDATA Mo app interactivity is applied to a box. For example, if interactivity is applicable. #IMPLIED lica provided through a built-in QuarkXPress XTensions module, this ble. value is QDPC (Quark Digital Publishing Core). DEL (Modifier schema) Element type DEL (#PCDATA) Construct Modify Deconstruct DEL element typeDescribes a Describes a tracked Describes a tracked tracked deletion in text. deletion in text. deletion in text. Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. Attributes CREATEDBY CDATA #IMPLIED CREATEDON CDATA #IMPLIED The username of the deleter. The deletion date. DELETECELLS (Modifier schema) Element type Construct DELETECELLS (empty) Deconst Modify ruct DELETECELLS element Deletes cells from an existing typeNot applicable. table. Not applica ble. Specifies a N element typeNot element. Specifies a description for an e- description for an (#PCDATA) applicable. book. e-book. 262 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) DROPCAP (Modifier schema) Elem Construct ent Modify Deconstruct Describes a drop-capital Describes a drop-capital effect at the beginning of a effect at the beginning of a paragraph, which is when paragraph, which is when type DROPCAP element DRO PCA typeDescribes a drop-capital effect at the beginning of a paragraph, which is when initial P characters display at a large size (em and hang two or more lines pty) below the first line of a paragraph. initial characters display at a initial characters display at a large size and hang two or large size and hang two or more lines below the first more lines below the first line of a paragraph. line of a paragraph. Attributes CHA RCO UNT CDA TA should be included in a drop-cap effect. #RE Specifies how many Specifies how many characters Specifies how many characters should be included in a drop-cap effect. characters are included in a drop-cap effect. QUI RED LINE COU NT CDA TA #RE Specifies the number of lines a Specifies the number of lines Specifies the number of lines drop-caps should hang in the a drop-caps should hang in drop-caps hang in the paragraph. the paragraph. paragraph. QUI RED EBOOKMETADATA (Modifier schema) Element type Construct EBOOKMETADATA (TITLE | AUTHOR EBOOKMETA Modify Deconstruct Defines a variety of Defines a variety of | PUBLISHER | COPYRIGHT | ISBN | DATA element metadata for a layout metadata for a layout DESCRIPTION | KEYWORDS | typeNot to be exported as an to be exported as an SPINEIMAGE)* applicable. e-book. e-book. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 263 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) ENTRY (Modifier schema) D ec o Element type Construct Modify ns tr uc t N ENTRY ot (#PCDATA | RICHTEXT | ENTRY element typeDescribes a cell in PARAGRAPH an . ap Describes a cell in an . pli ca | CONTENT | bl PICTURE)* e. Attributes Specifies the width of the cell, either as Specifies the width of the cell, either as WIDTH CDATA #IMPLIED an absolute measurement or as a an absolute measurement or as a percentage of the table width. To percentage of the table width. To specify a percentage, use %. If you do specify a percentage, use %. If you do not specify a width, cell widths are not specify a width, cell widths are distributed evenly. distributed evenly. N ot ap pli ca bl e. N ot COLOR CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the background color of the Specifies the background color of the cell. cell. ap pli ca bl e. N ot SHADE CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the background shade of the Specifies the background shade of the cell. cell. ap pli ca bl e. N COLSPAN CDATA #IMPLIED If specified, indicates that this cell is If specified, indicates that this cell is merged with the following number of merged with the following number of cells. For example, COLSPAN=”2” cells. For example, COLSPAN=”2” merges this cell with the next one. merges this cell with the next one. ot ap pli ca bl e. ROWSPAN CDATA #IMPLIED If specified, indicates that this cell is If specified, indicates that this cell is merged with the following number of merged with the following number of cells. For example, ROWSPAN=”2” cells. For example, ROWSPAN=”2” merges this cell with the one below it. merges this cell with the one below it. 264 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 N ot ap pli ca MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) D ec o Element type Construct Modify ns tr uc t bl e. N ot ap ANGLE Specifies the angle of the cell. Specifies the angle of the cell. pli ca bl e. N ot VALIGN Specifies the vertical alignment of the Specifies the vertical alignment of the cell. cell. ap pli ca bl e. N ot ap ALIGNMENT Specifies the alignment of the cell. Specifies the alignment of the cell. pli ca bl e. EVENTCOLSTYLE (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Decon struct EVENTCOLSTYLE EVENTCOLSTYLE element typeDefines a Defines a style for even (LEFTGRID?, style for even columns in an columns in an Not applica RIGHTGRID?) . . ble. Attributes WIDTH CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the width of the column style. Specifies the width of the column style. COLOR CDATA Specifies the background color of the Specifies the background #IMPLIED column style. color of the column style. SHADE CDATA Specifies the background shade of the #IMPLIED column style. Not applica ble. Not applica ble. Specifies the background Not shade of the column applica style. ble. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 265 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) EVENTROWSTYLE (Modifier schema) Element type EVENTROWSTYLE (TOPGRID?, BOTTOMGRID?) Construct Modify EVENTROWSTYLE element Defines a style for Decon struct Not typeDefines a style for even rows in even rows in an applic an . able. Identifies the Not paragraph style sheet applic for the row style. able. Identifies the Not paragraph alignment applic Attributes PARASTYLE CDATA #IMPLIED ALIGNMENT (LEFT | RIGHT | CENTER | JUSTIFIED | Identifies the paragraph style sheet for the row style. Identifies the paragraph alignment for the row style. FORCED) #IMPLIED ANGLE CDATA #IMPLIED Identifies the text angle for the row style. VALIGN (TOP | CENTER | Specifies the vertical alignment of BOTTOM) #IMPLIED the row style. COLOR CDATA #IMPLIED SHADE CDATA #IMPLIED INSET CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the background color of the row style. Specifies the background shade of the row style. for the row style. able. Identifies the text Not angle for the row applic style. able. Specifies the vertical Not alignment of the row applic style. able. Specifies the Not background color of applic the row style. able. Specifies the Not background shade of applic the row style. able. Specifies the text inset of the row Specifies the text inset style. of the row style. Not applic able. FIRSTTCOLSTYLE (Modifier schema) Modify Decon Element type Construct FIRSTTCOLSTYLE FIRSTTCOLSTYLE element typeDefines a Defines a style for the first Not (LEFTGRID?, style for the first column in an column in an applic RIGHTGRID?) . . able. struct Attributes WIDTH CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the width of the column style. Specifies the width of the column style. COLOR CDATA Specifies the background color of the Specifies the background #IMPLIED column style. color of the column style. SHADE CDATA Specifies the background shade of the Specifies the background #IMPLIED column style. shade of the column style. 266 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Not applic able. Not applic able. Not applic able. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) FIT (Modifier schema) D ec o Element type Construct Modify ns tr uc t FIT element typeLets you resize a box to fit its text or picture, within the FIT (MAX, MIN) limitations specified by the and elements. A box will expand or shrink only until it reaches the or size. Lets you resize a box to fit its text N or picture, within the limitations ot specified by the and ap elements. A box will pli expand or shrink only until it ca reaches the or bl size. e. Attributes POINT (TOPLEFT | N TOP | TOPRIGHT | RIGHT | Lets you specify the direction in Lets you specify the direction in BOTTOMRIGHT | which the box should be resized. To which the box should be resized. BOTTOM | resize the box from the center, use To resize the box from the center, BOTTOMLEFT | LEFT “CENTER”. use “CENTER”. | CENTER) ot ap pli ca bl e. #REQUIRED Lets you specify the distance Lets you specify the distance between the POINT side or corner of between the POINT side or corner AVOIDBOXESBY a resized box and any other items of a resized box and any other CDATA #IMPLIED around it. A box will expand only items around it. A box will until it is this distance from an expand only until it is this adjacent item. distance from an adjacent item. N ot ap pli ca bl e. N ot PROPORTIONAL (true | false) “false” Lets you specify whether the resized Lets you specify whether the ap box should have the same aspect resized box should have the same pli ratio as the original box. aspect ratio as the original box. ca bl e. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 267 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) FITTEXT (Modifier schema) D ec Ele men t o Construct Modify ns tr type uc t FITTEXT element type Lets you control FITTEXT element type Lets you control FITT text-fitting options at the story level, rather text-fitting options at the story level, rather EXT than using application-level text-fitting than using application-level text-fitting (EM options. Note: The FITTEXTTOBOX options. Note: The FITTEXTTOBOX PTY) attribute fits text to a box with the attribute fits text to a box with the application-level text fitting defaults. application-level text fitting defaults. N ot ap pli ca bl e. Attributes ALL OW TEX N TTO GRO W (true | ot If true, text will grow if the box is underfit If true, text will grow if the box is underfit ap and shrink if the box is overfit. If false, text and shrink if the box is overfit. If false, text pli can shrink but cannot grow. can shrink but cannot grow. ca bl false e. ) “fals e” SCA N LIN GIN CRE ME NT CDA Indicates the percentage by which text size, Indicates the percentage by which text size, baseline shift, tracking, and so forth will be baseline shift, tracking, and so forth will be incremented or decremented until the text incremented or decremented until the text fits. fits. ot ap pli ca bl e. TA “5” MA N XFO NTSI ZE CDA TA #IM Indicates the maximum font size that can Indicates the maximum font size that can be used for text fitting. The default value is be used for text fitting. The default value is the maximum text size allowed by the maximum text size allowed by QuarkXPress (3184 pt). QuarkXPress (3184 pt). ot ap pli ca bl e. PLIE D MIN Indicates the minimum font size that can Indicates the minimum font size that can N FON be used for text fitting. The default value is be used for text fitting. The default value is ot TSIZ the minimum text size allowed by the minimum text size allowed by ap 268 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) D ec Ele men t o Construct Modify ns tr type uc t E CDA TA pli QuarkXPress (2 pt). QuarkXPress (2 pt). ca bl e. #IM PLIE D SCA LET RAC N KIN ot G If true, tracking can be changed during text If true, tracking can be changed during text ap (true fitting operations. If false, tracking cannot fitting operations. If false, tracking cannot pli be changed during text fitting operations. be changed during text fitting operations. ca | false bl ) e. “fals e” SCA LEB ASE N LIN ESHI If true, baseline shift can be changed during If true, baseline shift can be changed during FT text fitting operations. If false, baseline shift text fitting operations. If false, baseline shift (true cannot be changed during text fitting | operations. cannot be changed during text fitting operations. ot ap pli ca bl false e. ) “fals e” SCA LET EXT SCA LIN G (true | false ) “fals If true, horizontal/vertical scale can be If true, horizontal/vertical scale can be changed during text fitting operations. If changed during text fitting operations. If N false, horizontal/vertical scale cannot be false, horizontal/vertical scale cannot be ot changed during text fitting operations. If changed during text fitting operations. If ap horizontal scaling has been applied to text, horizontal scaling has been applied to text, pli only horizontal scaling will be changed. only horizontal scaling will be changed. ca The same is true for vertical scaling. The same is true for vertical scaling. bl Horizontal and vertical scaling cannot be Horizontal and vertical scaling cannot be e. adjusted simultaneously. adjusted simultaneously. e” A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 269 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) FOOTER (Modifier schema) Element type FOOTER (ROW*) Construct Modify Deconstruct FOOTER element typeSpecifies if Specifies if the row is Indicates if the row is the row is to be a footer row. to be a footer row. to be a footer row. Specifies number of Specifies number of footer row. footer row. Attributes FOOTERROWS CDATA Specifies number of footer row. #IMPLIED FOOTERTROWSTYLE (Modifier schema) Deco Element type Construct Modify nstruc t FOOTERTROWSTYLE (TOPGRID?, BOTTOMGRID?) FOOTERTROWSTYLE element Defines a style for Not typeDefines a style for footer rows in footer rows in an applic an . . able. Identifies the Not paragraph style sheet applic for the row style. able. Identifies the Not Attributes PARASTYLE CDATA #IMPLIED ALIGNMENT (LEFT | RIGHT | CENTER | JUSTIFIED | FORCED) #IMPLIED ANGLE CDATA #IMPLIED Identifies the paragraph style sheet for the row style. Identifies the paragraph alignment for the row style. Identifies the text angle for the row style. VALIGN (TOP | CENTER | Specifies the vertical alignment of BOTTOM) #IMPLIED the row style. COLOR CDATA #IMPLIED SHADE CDATA #IMPLIED INSET CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the background color of the row style. Specifies the background shade of the row style. paragraph alignment applic for the row style. able. Identifies the text Not angle for the row applic style. able. Specifies the vertical Not alignment of the row applic style. able. Specifies the Not background color of applic the row style. able. Specifies the Not background shade of applic the row style. able. Specifies the text inset of the row Specifies the text inset style. of the row style. Not applic able. FORMAT (Modifier schema) Element type Construct FORMAT (KEEPLINEST OGETHER?, DROPCAP?, FORMAT element typeDescribes formatting for a PARAGRAPH element. 270 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Modify Deconstruct Describes formatting for a Describes formatting for a PARAGRAPH element. PARAGRAPH element. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct Describes the amount of Describes the amount of Describes the amount of space before a paragraph. space before a paragraph. space before a paragraph. Describes the amount of Describes the amount of Describes the amount of space after a paragraph. space after a paragraph. space after a paragraph. LEFTINDENT Describes the amount of Describes the amount of Describes the amount of CDATA space in a paragraphs left space in a paragraphs left space in a paragraphs left LOCKTOGRI D?, BNSTYLE?, SHADINGST YLE?) Attributes SPACEBEFOR E CDATA #IMPLIED SPACEAFTER CDATA #IMPLIED #IMPLIED indent. indent. indent. RIGHTINDE Describes the amount of Describes the amount of Describes the amount of NT CDATA space in a paragraphs right space in a paragraphs right space in a paragraphs right #IMPLIED indent. indent. indent. FIRSTLINE Describes the amount of Describes the amount of Describes the amount of CDATA space in a paragraphs first- space in a paragraphs first- space in a paragraphs first- #IMPLIED line indent. line indent. line indent. LEADING CDATA #IMPLIED Describes a paragraphs line Describes a paragraphs line Describes a paragraphs line spacing. spacing. spacing. Indicates whether a Indicates whether a Indicates whether a paragraph should be left- paragraph should be left- paragraph is left-aligned, aligned, right-aligned, right-aligned, centered, ALIGNMENT aligned, right-aligned, (LEFT | centered, justified, or force- centered, justified, or force- justified, or force- RIGHT | justified.Note: JUSTIFIED justified.Note: JUSTIFIED justified.Note: JUSTIFIED CENTERED | aligns the text in a aligns the text in a aligns the text in a JUSTIFIED | paragraph to the left and paragraph to the left and paragraph to the left and FORCED) right indentations, except right indentations, except right indentations, except “LEFT” for the last line. FORCED for the last line. FORCED for the last line. FORCED justifies every line, justifies every line, justifies every line, HANDJ CDATA #IMPLIED including the last line. including the last line. including the last line. Identifies a hyphenation Identifies a hyphenation Identifies the hyphenation and justification and justification and justification specification to be applied specification to be applied specification applied to a to a paragraph.Note: Only to a paragraph.Note: Only paragraph.Note: Only the the name of an H&J the name of an H&J name of an H&J specification is included in specification is included in specification is included in this attribute. The this attribute. The this attribute. The definition of the H&J definition of the H&J definition of the H&J specification is stored in specification is stored in specification is stored in the projects Job Jackets file the projects Job Jackets file the projects Job Jackets file or defined using the or defined using the or defined using the Document Controls Document Controls Document Controls submenu in QuarkXPress submenu in QuarkXPress submenu in QuarkXPress Server. Server. Server. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 271 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify KEEPWITHN Specifies whether the last Specifies whether the last EXT (true | lines of a paragraph should lines of a paragraph should false | none) always appear on the same “none” page as the next paragraph. page as the next paragraph. HANGINGC HARACTERS CDATA #IMPLIED CHARACTER ALIGNMENT (ROMANBAS ELINE | EMBOXTOP | EMBOXCEN TER | EMBOXBOT TOM | ICFBOXTOP | ICFBOXBOT TOM) “ROMANBAS ELINE” always appear on the same always appear on the same page as the next paragraph. Describes the hanging Describes the hanging character set used by this character set used by this paragraph. paragraph. paragraph. Defines the character Defines the character Defines the character alignment used by this alignment used by this alignment used by this paragraph.For a story with paragraph.For a story with paragraph.For a story with horizontal direction, horizontal direction, horizontal direction, EMBOXTOP, EMBOXTOP, EMBOXTOP, EMBOXBOTTOM, EMBOXBOTTOM, EMBOXBOTTOM, ICFBOXTOP, ICFBOXTOP, ICFBOXTOP, ICFBOXBOTTOM are ICFBOXBOTTOM are ICFBOXBOTTOM are applicable.For a story with applicable.For a story with applicable.For a story with vertical direction, vertical direction, vertical direction, EMBOXRIGHT, EMBOXRIGHT, EMBOXRIGHT, EMBOXLEFT, EMBOXLEFT, EMBOXLEFT, ICFBOXRIGHT, ICFBOXRIGHT, ICFBOXRIGHT, ICFBOXLEFT are ICFBOXLEFT are ICFBOXLEFT are applicable. applicable. applicable. (if any) applied to this #IMPLIED paragraph. Specifies a background Identifies the mojigumi set applied to this paragraph. color to be inserted behind color to be inserted behind NDCOLOR the text. This color displays the text. This color displays CDATA only in rendered output, only in rendered output, #IMPLIED and is not saved with the and is not saved with the project file. project file. Specifies the opacity of a Specifies the opacity of a background color to be background color to be inserted behind the text. inserted behind the text. This color displays only in This color displays only in rendered output, and is not rendered output, and is not saved with the project file. 272 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Identifies the mojigumi set (if any) applied to this paragraph. Specifies a background BACKGROU #IMPLIED lines of a paragraph should character set used by this ET CDATA CDATA Specifies whether the last Describes the hanging MOJIGUMIS Identifies the mojigumi set OPACITY Deconstruct saved with the project file. Not applicable. Not applicable. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) FRAME (Modifier schema) Ele m en t Construct Modify Deconstruct Describes a box frame. Describes a box frame. ty pe FR A M E FRAME element (e typeDescribes a box frame. m pt y) Attributes ST YL E C D AT Specifies a Dashes & A Stripes style for a frame. Specifies a Dashes & Stripes style Specifies a Dashes & Stripes style for a frame. for a frame. #I M PL IE D W ID T H C D Specifies the thickness of a Specifies the thickness of a frame Specifies the thickness of a AT frame in points as a A in points as a floating point frame in points as a floating floating point value. value. point value. Identifies the color of a #I M PL IE D C Identifies the color of a Identifies the color of a OL frame.Note: Only the frame.Note: Only the name of a frame.Note: Only the name of a O name of a color is color is included in this color is included in this R included in this attribute. attribute. The definition of the attribute. The definition of the C The definition of the color color is stored in the projects Job color is stored in the projects D is stored in the projects Jackets file or defined using the Job Jackets file or defined using AT Job Jackets file or defined Document Controls submenu in the Document Controls A QuarkXPress Server, or an using the Document submenu in QuarkXPress Server, A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 273 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Ele m en t Construct Modify Deconstruct Controls submenu in existing color created and saved or an existing color created and QuarkXPress Server. in the project. saved in the project. Specifies the shade of the color Specifies the shade of the color applied to a frame, as an integer applied to a frame, as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. percentage from 0 to 100. Specifies the opacity of a frame, Specifies the opacity of a frame, ty pe #I M PL IE D SH A DE C D Specifies the shade of the AT color applied to a frame, as A an integer percentage from #I 0 to 100. M PL IE D OP A CI TY C D AT A #I Specifies the opacity of a frame, specified as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. specified as an integer percentage specified as an integer from 0 to 100. percentage from 0 to 100. M PL IE D G AP C Identifies the color of a Identifies the color of a frame gap.Note: Only the name of a Identifies the color of a frame O name of a color is color is included in this gap.Note: Only the name of a R included in this attribute. attribute. The definition of the color is included in this C The definition of the color color is stored in the projects Job attribute. The definition of the D is stored in the projects OL frame gap.Note: Only the AT Job Jackets file or defined Jackets file or defined using the color is stored in the projects Document Controls submenu in Job Jackets file or defined using A using the Document QuarkXPress Server, or an the Document Controls #I Controls submenu in existing color created and saved submenu in QuarkXPress Server. M QuarkXPress Server. in the project. PL IE 274 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Ele m en t Construct Modify Deconstruct ty pe D G AP SH A DE C Specifies the shade of the D color applied to a frame AT gap, as an integer A percentage from 0 to 100. Specifies the shade of the color applied to a frame gap, as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. Specifies the shade of the color applied to a frame gap, as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. #I M PL IE D G AP OP A CI TY C D AT A Specifies the opacity of the gap color of a frame, specified as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. Specifies the opacity of the gap color of a frame, specified as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. Specifies the opacity of the gap color of a frame, specified as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. #I M PL IE D GEOMETRY (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct GEOMETRY ((POSITION | RELPOSITIO N)? | MOVEUP | MOVEDOWN | MOVELEFT | GEOMETRY element typeDescribes the geometric characteristics of a box or line. Describes the geometric characteristics of a box or Describes the geometric line, and allows you to characteristics of a box or change its position and line. size. MOVERIGHT | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 275 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct Describes the shape of a Describes the shape of a Describes the shape of a box or line.SH_RECT = box or line.SH_RECT = box or line.SH_RECT = Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular boxSH_CONVEXRRECT = boxSH_CONVEXRRECT = boxSH_CONVEXRRECT = Box with convex Box with convex Box with convex GROWACRO SS | GROWDOW N| SHRINKACR OSS | SHRINKDOW N| ALLOWBOX ONTOPASTEB OARD | ALLOWBOX OFFPAGE | STACKINGOR DER | SUPPRESSOU TPUT | RUNAROUN D| LINESTYLE | SPLINESHAPE | FIT)*) Attributes SHAPE (SH_RECT | SH_CONVEX RRECT | SH_CONCAV ERRECT | SH_STRAIGH TRRECT | SH_OVAL | SH_LINE | SH_ORTHLIN E| SH_SPLINEB OX | SH_NONE | SH_ORTHPO LYLINE | SH_SPLINELI NE | SH_ORTHPO LYBOX | SH_USER) “SH_RECT” cornersSH_CONCAVERREC cornersSH_CONCAVERREC cornersSH_CONCAVERRE T = Box with concave T = Box with concave CT = Box with concave cornersSH_STRAIGHTRREC cornersSH_STRAIGHTRREC cornersSH_STRAIGHTRRE T = Box with beveled T = Box with beveled CT = Box with beveled cornersSH_OVAL = cornersSH_OVAL = cornersSH_OVAL = Elliptical boxSH_LINE = Elliptical boxSH_LINE = Elliptical boxSH_LINE = LineSH_ORTHLINE = LineSH_ORTHLINE = LineSH_ORTHLINE = Orthogonal line (restricted Orthogonal line (restricted Orthogonal line to 45-degree to 45-degree (restricted to 90-degree angles)SH_SPLINEBOX = angles)SH_SPLINEBOX = angles)SH_SPLINEBOX = Freehand shapeSH_NONE = Freehand shapeSH_NONE = Freehand Available to define in XDK Available to define in XDK shapeSH_NONE = APISH_ORTHPOLYLINE = APISH_ORTHPOLYLINE = Available to define in Can be defined in Can be defined in XDK XDKSH_SPLINELINE = XDKSH_SPLINELINE = APISH_ORTHPOLYLINE = Freehand Freehand Can be defined in lineSH_ORTHPOLYBOX = lineSH_ORTHPOLYBOX = XDKSH_SPLINELINE = Available to define in XDK Available to define in XDK Freehand APINote: You cannot APINote: You cannot lineSH_ORTHPOLYBOX = specify PICTURE content specify PICTURE content Available to define in for a box if its SHAPE for a box if its SHAPE XDK APISH_USER = 276 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct attribute is set to SH_LINE. Specifies the number of the page where the upper left corner of this box or line should be created. If the page number is followed by *, the box origin is on the PAGE CDATA #IMPLIED left pasteboard. If the page number is followed by **, the box origin is on the right pasteboard.Note: This attribute determines where to create a box or line, regardless of which PAGE element the box or line occurs within. Modify Deconstruct attribute is set to SH_LINE. Available to define in XDK API Specifies the number of Specifies the number of the the page where the upper page where the upper left left corner of this box or corner of this box or line is line is located. If the page located. If the page number number is followed by *, is followed by *, the box the box origin is on the origin is on the left left pasteboard. If the pasteboard. If the page page number is followed number is followed by **, by **, the box origin is the box origin is on the on the right right pasteboard.Note: This pasteboard.Note: This attribute determines where attribute determines a box or line is, regardless where a box or line is, of which PAGE element the regardless of which PAGE box or line occurs within. element the box or line occurs within. Specifies a rotation angle Specifies a rotation angle Specifies a rotation angle ANGLE for a box or line as a for a box or line as a for a box or line as a CDATA floating-point value floating-point value floating-point value #IMPLIED between –360 degrees and between –360 degrees and between –360 degrees 360 degrees. 360 degrees. and 360 degrees. Identifies the layer that a box resides on.Note: Boxes on non-displayed LAYER Identifies the layer where a CDATA box or line should be #IMPLIED created. Identifies the layer where a box or line is located. layers are not included. This means you can use the LAYER URL parameter as a filter when a layout contains multiple layers. CORNERSTYL E (ROUNDED | CONCAVE | Identifies the corner style (if Identifies the corner style (if RECTANGLE | any) applied to this box. any) applied to this box. BEVELED) Identifies the corner style (if any) applied to this box. #IMPLIED SKEW CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies a skew value for Specifies a skew value for Specifies a skew value for the contents of this box or the contents of this box or the contents of this box line as a floating-point line as a floating-point or line as a floating-point value between –75 degrees value between –75 degrees value between –75 and 75 degrees. and 75 degrees. degrees and 75 degrees. GRID (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct GRID (GRIDLINE) GRID element typeElement Element used for specifying Element used for A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 277 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct used for specifying a grid in a grid in a table. a table. specifying a grid in a table. Attributes TYPE (HGRID | Attribute used for selecting VGRID | ALLGRID) Not applicable. a horizontal or vertical grid #IMPLIED (or both). Not applicable. GRIDLINE (Modifier schema) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct Element used to define line Element used to define line attributes. attributes. Identifies a Dashes & Stripes Identifies a Dashes & Stripes Identifies a Dashes & Stripes style (LINESTYLE) for a style (LINESTYLE) for a style (LINESTYLE) for a rule.Note: Only the name of a rule.Note: Only the name of a rule.Note: Only the name of a Dashes & Stripes style is Dashes & Stripes style is Dashes & Stripes style is included in this attribute. The included in this attribute. The included in this attribute. The definition of the Dashes & definition of the Dashes & definition of the Dashes & Stripes style is stored in the Stripes style is stored in the Stripes style is stored in the projects Job Jackets file or projects Job Jackets file or projects Job Jackets file or defined using the Document defined using the Document defined using the Document Controls submenu in Controls submenu in Controls submenu in QuarkXPress Server. QuarkXPress Server. QuarkXPress Server. t ty pe G RI D LI N E (e GRIDLINE element typeElement used to define line attributes. m pt y) Attributes ST YL E C D AT A #I M PL IE D W ID T H Specifies the thickness of a line Specifies the thickness of a line Specifies the thickness of a line C as a floating point value as a floating point value as a floating point value D (measured in points). (measured in points). (measured in points). AT A #I 278 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct Identifies the color of a line. Identifies the color of a line. t ty pe M PL IE D C O L O R C D AT Identifies the color of a line. A #I M PL IE D S H A D E C D Specifies the shade of the color Specifies the shade of the color Specifies the shade of the color applied to a line, as an integer applied to a line, as an integer applied to a line, as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. percentage from 0 to 100. percentage from 0 to 100. C Specifies the opacity of a line, Specifies the opacity of a line, Specifies the opacity of a line, D specified as an integer specified as an integer specified as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. percentage from 0 to 100. AT A #I M PL IE D O PA CI TY AT percentage from 0 to 100. A #I M PL A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 279 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct t ty pe IE D G AP C O L O R C Identifies the color of a line Identifies the color of a line Identifies the color of a line D gap. gap. gap. AT A #I M PL IE D G AP S H A D E Specifies the shade of the color Specifies the shade of the color Specifies the shade of the color C applied to a line gap, as an applied to a line gap, as an applied to a line gap, as an D integer percentage from 0 to integer percentage from 0 to integer percentage from 0 to 100. 100. AT 100. A #I M PL IE D G AP O PA CI TY C Specifies the opacity of the gap Specifies the opacity of the gap Specifies the opacity of the gap color of a line, specified as an color of a line, specified as an color of a line, specified as an integer percentage from 0 to integer percentage from 0 to integer percentage from 0 to 100. 100. 100. D AT 280 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct t ty pe A #I M PL IE D GROUP (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct GROUP (ID, BOXREF*,G GROUP element EOMETRY? typeNot , Describes a Not applicable. group of items. applicable. SHADOW? ) Attributes OPERATIO Creates or N (CREATE deletes the | DELETE) group in the #IMPLIED layout. Creates or deletes the group in the layout. Indicates an ANCHORE DIN CDATA Not applicable. anchored box in Not applicable. Not applicable. a text box and identifies its #IMPLIED parent box. ANCHORE Specifies that DGROUPM this group is a EMBER member of the CDATA indicated Specifies that Specifies that this group is a member of the indicated anchored group. this group is a member of the indicated #IMPLIED anchored group. anchored group. GROUPOP Specifies the Specifies the ACITY opacity of the CDATA group as a #IMPLIED whole. ADDTOREF LOW (true | false) opacity of the group as a whole. If true, adds this group (of text and/or picture Not applicable. #IMPLIED ARTICLEN Specifies the opacity of the group as a whole. boxes) to the project’s reflow article. Equivalent to the Digital Publishing > Add to Reflow command Not applicable. in QuarkXPress. Not applicable. Specifies the name of the project’s reflow article Not applicable. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 281 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct AME Modify Deconstruct (to which this group is being added as a CDATA component). If no reflow article exists and you do #IMPLIED not include this attribute, the default reflow article name is used. GROUPCHARACTERS (Modifier schema) Element type GROUPC HARACTE RS ((RICHTE Construct Modify Deconstruct Combines a series of Combines a series of Combines a series of characters into a unit always characters into a unit always characters into a unit always runs horizontally even if the runs horizontally even if the runs horizontally even if the story direction is vertical. story direction is vertical. story direction is vertical. Grouped characters do not Grouped characters do not Grouped characters do not break at the end of a line. break at the end of a line. break at the end of a line. Specifies the direction in Specifies the direction in which text is scaled. Works which text is scaled. Works VERTICA only when the story only when the story only when the story direction is vertical. direction is vertical. direction is vertical. Specifies the scaling Specifies the scaling Specifies the scaling percentage. Works only percentage. Works only percentage. Works only when the story direction is when the story direction is when the story direction is vertical. vertical. vertical. Specifies the sending Specifies the sending Specifies the sending amount. (Sending is similar amount. (Sending is similar amount. (Sending is similar XT | HIDDEN) +) Attributes SCALEDI RECTION (HORIZO Specifies the direction in NTAL | L) which text is scaled. Works #IMPLIE D SCALEAM OUNT CDATA #IMPLIE D SENDING CDATA #IMPLIE D to kerning, but applicable as to kerning, but applicable as to kerning, but applicable as a fixed value over a range of a fixed value over a range of a fixed value over a range of text.) text.) text.) MOUNT Specifies the amount of Specifies the amount of Specifies the amount of CDATA tracking applied to text, in tracking applied to text, in tracking applied to text, in #IMPLIE 1/200ths of an em space. 1/200ths of an em space. 1/200ths of an em space. TRACKA D 282 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) GROWACROSS (Modifier schema) Element type Deco Construct Modify nstru ct GROWAC ROSS (#PCDATA ) GROWACROSS Expands a box horizontally to the right by the specified element typeNot number of points.Note: A box can be expanded on the same applicable. page or on other spreads and pages. Not appli cable . GROWDOWN (Modifier schema) Element type Deco Construct Modify nstru ct GROWD GROWDOWN OWN element appli specified number of points.Note: A box can be expanded on the (#PCDAT typeNot A) Not Expands a box vertically toward the bottom of the page by the cable same page or on other spreads and pages. applicable. . HEADER (Modifier schema) Element type HEADER (ROW*, CONTINUEDHEADE R) Construct Modify Deconstruct HEADER element typeSpecifies Specifies if the row is Indicates if the row if the row is to be a header row. to be a header row. is to be a header row. Specifies number of Specifies number of header row. header row. Attributes HEADERROWS CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies number of header row. HEADTROWSTYLE (Modifier schema) Deco Element type Construct Modify nstruc t HEADTROWSTYLE (TOPGRID?, BOTTOMGRID?) HEADTROWSTYLE element Defines a style for Not typeDefines a style for header rows header rows in an applic in an . . able. Identifies the Not paragraph style sheet applic for the row style. able. Identifies the Not paragraph alignment applic for the row style. able. Identifies the text angle for the row Identifies the text Not style. angle for the row applic Attributes PARASTYLE CDATA #IMPLIED ALIGNMENT (LEFT | RIGHT | CENTER | JUSTIFIED | FORCED) #IMPLIED ANGLE CDATA #IMPLIED Identifies the paragraph style sheet for the row style. Identifies the paragraph alignment for the row style. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 283 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Deco Element type Construct Modify nstruc t VALIGN (TOP | CENTER | Specifies the vertical alignment of BOTTOM) #IMPLIED the row style. COLOR CDATA #IMPLIED SHADE CDATA #IMPLIED INSET CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the background color of the row style. Specifies the background shade of the row style. style. able. Specifies the vertical Not alignment of the row applic style. able. Specifies the Not background color of applic the row style. able. Specifies the Not background shade of applic the row style. able. Specifies the text inset of the row Specifies the text inset style. of the row style. Not applic able. HEIGHT(Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct HEIGHT HEIGHT element typeIndicates the Indicates the height Indicates the height (#PCDATA) height of an item. of an item. of an item. HIDDEN (Modifier schema)  For more information, see “Working with hidden text.” Ele me nt Construct Modify Deconstruct typ e HI DD EN (RI CH TE XT) HIDDEN element typeGiven the OPCODE and OWNER, this will specify hidden text within the project. Given the OPCODE and OWNER, this will specify hidden text within the project. Given the OPCODE and OWNER, this will specify hidden text within the project. * Attributes DA Number of characters the hidden TAL text spans.Note that if the DATALEN EN attribute does not match the length CD Not applicable. Not applicable. of the hidden data provided as a ATA RICHTEXT child of HIDDEN, then #IM the text in subsequent RICHTEXT PLI elements will be included within the 284 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Ele me nt Construct Modify Deconstruct typ e hidden text created in QuarkXPress, up to the length specified for DATALEN. This can result in data intended for the page being included ED in the hidden text data, and therefore being hidden from view in QuarkXPress and in output. It is critical to ensure that the length of data intended as hidden text matches the value of the DATALEN attribute to avoid data loss. OP CO DE CD ATA #RE QU IRE D Hidden text opcode is a Hidden text opcode is a four-byte field that four-byte field that contains ownerId, contains ownerId, opcodeId,and opcodeId,and hiddenTextType. The hiddenTextType. The Hidden text opcode is Hidden text opcode is usually the originating usually the originating XTensions ID of the XTensions ID of the XTensions that owns this XTensions that owns this hidden text. Note that you hidden text. Note that you MUST be certain that the MUST be certain that the handling XTensions will handling XTensions will correctly understand the correctly understand the data being passed, and data being passed, and handle any errors. handle any errors. XTensions that are not XTensions that are not designed to handle designed to handle inappropriate data may inappropriate data may cause QuarkXPress Server cause QuarkXPress Server to unexpectedly quit. to unexpectedly quit. Represents the XTensions Represents the XTensions Hidden text opcode is a four-byte field that contains ownerId, opcodeId,and hiddenTextType. The Hidden text opcode is usually the originating XTensions ID of the XTensions that owns this hidden text. OW NE R CD ID of the XTensions ID of the XTensions ATA software that owns this software that owns this #IM hidden text. hidden text. PLI ED TYP E (OP The type of hidden text, as The type of hidden text, as The type of hidden text, as described EN described in the XDK. described in the XDK. in the XDK. PAR EN | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 285 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Ele me nt Construct Modify Deconstruct typ e CL OSE PAR EN | NO NP ARE N| CH AR AC TER TYP E) #IM PLI ED HYPERLINK (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modi fy HYPERLINK Not HYPERLINK element appli (empty) typeNot cable applicable. . Deconstruct Defines a hyperlink. Attributes Not NAME CDATA Not appli #IMPLIED applicable. cable The name of the hyperlink. . Not TARGET CDATA Not appli #REQUIRED applicable. cable The name of the hyperlink target. . HLTYPE Not (WWWURL | Not appli PAGE | ANCHOR) applicable. cable #REQUIRED 286 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 . Specifies the type of hyperlink. Options include WWWURL (a URL on the Web), PAGE (the top of a page in the same layout), and ANCHOR (an anchor). MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) ID (Modifier schema) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct t ty pe Identifies an ID (e m pt y) object by its Identifies an object by its unique ID UID or and by its name (if any).If a NAME NAME.Note: value exists, the NAME displays in the ID element typeLets you specify a QuarkXPress content of the ID element: Name of LINKEDBOX, TABLE, GROUP, or the ID element boxIf a NAME value does not COMPOSITIONZONE.Lets you for a NAME exist, the UID displays in the content of specify a unique ID for a SPREAD or value first and the ID element: 457Note: If a NAME second. If a value does not exist for a box, the word NAME is found, Box and the box UID are concatenated the UID is and display in the XML. ignored. Attributes N The name of the parent element. A The NAME is assigned to M QuarkXPress elements during E document construction. For The name of C example, NAME=”BOX1” would be the LAYOUT, D assigned to a box after it has been LAYER, A constructed.Required for LAYOUT, SPREAD, BOX, T LAYER, BOX, TABLE, GROUP, and TABLE, GROUP, A COMPOSITIONZONE elements. or element to #I QuarkXPress Server automatically The name of the parent element. be modified. M assigns a UID to such PL elements.Ignored for spreads and IE pages. D UI D C D Required for PAGE and SPREAD The unique ID A elements. Ignored for all other of the element T element types. to be modified. Specifies the unique ID of an element in the QuarkXPress project. A #I M PL A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 287 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct t ty pe IE D INDEXTERM (Modifier schema) Dec Element type Construct Modify onst ruct INDEXTERM element typeLets INDEXTERM (RICHTEXT) you mark indexes within the flow. Not Lets you mark indexes within appli the flow. cabl e. Attributes RANGE (UNTILPARASTYLE | NUMBEROFPARAGRAPHS | ENDOFSTORY | START) Specifies the beginning and Specifies the beginning and Not end of the scope of the end of the scope of the appli occurrence of the index within occurrence of the index within cabl the flow. the flow. e. Specifies that all instances of Specifies that all instances of Not ADDALL (true | false) the index term in the the index term in the appli #IMPLIED document should be added to document should be added to cabl the index. the index. e. Not MAINTERM CDATA Specifies the level of the index Specifies the level of the index appli #IMPLIED term. term. cabl e. Not SUBTERM1 CDATA Specifies the level of the index Specifies the level of the index appli #IMPLIED term. term. cabl e. Not SUBTERM2 CDATA Specifies the level of the index Specifies the level of the index appli #IMPLIED term. term. cabl e. Not SUBTERM3 CDATA Specifies the level of the index Specifies the level of the index appli #IMPLIED term. term. cabl e. Not CROSSREFERENCETOINDE Creates a cross references Creates a cross references appli X CDATA #IMPLIED between index terms. cabl between index terms. e. 288 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) INLINEBOX (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconst ruct INLINEBOX (BOXATTRIB Lets UTE?, you FRAME?, create RUNAROUN an D?, anchore SHADOW?, TEXTATTRIB UTE?, PICTURE?, d text INLINEBOX element typeLets you create an anchored text or or picture box inline rather than referencing it. picture box (CONTENT? | Not applica ble. inline (PARAGRAPH rather | than RICHTEXT)*) referenc , ing it. INTERACTIV ITY?) Attributes Specifie s the width of the box as a percent age of the width Specifies the width of the box as a percentage of the width of the parent column or text box, in all supported measurement units. The default WIDTH value is 100%.The default height for a picture WIDTH box is the height of the picture it contains at a scale of 100% (or CDATA after SCALEUP is applied, if specified). The default width is the #IMPLIED width of the picture at that scale. If SCALEUP=”false” and the picture is too big to fit the WIDTH value, the picture is scaled down until it fits. The height of a text box is determined by the amount of content it contains after text-fitting (if any). of the parent column or text box, in all support Not applica ble. ed measur ement units. The default WIDTH value is 100%.T he default height A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 289 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify for a picture box is the height of the picture it contain s at a scale of 100% (or after SCALE UP is applied, if specifie d). The default width is the width of the picture at that scale. If SCALE UP=”fal se” and the picture is too big to fit the WIDTH value, the picture is scaled down until it fits. The height of a text box is determi 290 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Deconst ruct MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconst ruct ned by the amount of content it contain s after textfitting (if any). Applica ble only if you are insertin ga picture into the box, and only if the picture is narrowe Applicable only if you are inserting a picture into the box, and SCALEUP only if the picture is narrower in width than the box. If CDATA (true SCALEUP=”true”, the picture is sized up to fill the full width of | false) the box. If SCALEUP=”false”, the picture is not resized. In both #IMPLIED cases, the height of the box is adjusted to match the height of the picture. r in width than Not the applica box. If ble. SCALE UP=”tru e”, the picture is sized up to fill the full width of the box. If SCALE UP=”fal se”, the picture is not resized. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 291 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconst ruct In both cases, the height of the box is adjuste d to match the height of the picture. Specifie s whethe r the anchore d box is ALIGNWITH TEXT (ASCENT | BASELINE) aligned Specifies whether the anchored box is aligned with the ascent or the baseline of the line in which it occurs. “BASELINE” with Not the applica ascent ble. or the baseline of the line in which it occurs. Specifie s the offset of the OFFSET CDATA #IMPLIED anchore Specifies the offset of the anchored box from the ascent or d box baseline. from the Not applica ble. ascent or baseline . ITEMSTYLE Specifies the pre-defined item style to be applied to the inline Specifie box. s the  To learn more about Item Style functionality in QuarkXPress 2017, refer to the “Item Styles” predefined section of the QuarkXPress 2017 User Guide found item style to here: 292 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Not applica ble. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconst ruct http://files.quark.com/download/documentation/Qua be rkXPress/2017/English/QXP-2017-User-Guide- applied EN.pdf. The newly introduced Modifier XML to the markup maps/corresponds to the QuarkXPress inline 2017 functionality. box. INLINETABLE (Modifier schema) De co Element type Construct Modify nst ruc t INLINETABLE (FRAME?, COLGROUP?, THEAD?, TBODY,TFOOT?,SHAD No INLINETABLE element typeDescribes a table that is anchored in a text box. t Describes a table that is anchored ap in a text box. pli cab OW RUNAROUND) le. Attributes No Specifies the width of the table, in Specifies the width of the table, in t WIDTH CDATA all supported measurement units. #IMPLIED Can be specified as a percentage of Can be specified as a percentage of pli the width of the parent text box. all supported measurement units. the width of the parent text box. ap cab le. No Specifies how much of the page Specifies how much of the page t SPAN CDATA the table will span. (PAGEWIDTH, the table will span. (PAGEWIDTH, ap #IMPLIED ALLCOLUMNS, or any number of ALLCOLUMNS, or any number of pli columns.). columns.). cab le. No t TABLESTYLEREF Identifies the that Identifies the that ap CDATA #IMPLIED should be used to style the table. should be used to style the table. pli cab le. No ORIENTATION (LANDSCAPE | PORTRAIT) #IMPLIED t Specifies the orientation of the Specifies the orientation of the ap table. table. pli cab le. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 293 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) INS (Modifier schema) Element type INS (empty) Construct Modify Deconstruct INS element typeDescribes Describes the beginning or Describes the beginning or the beginning or end of a end of a tracked insertion in end of a tracked insertion in tracked insertion in text. text. text. Attributes CREATED BY CDATA Not applicable. Not applicable. #IMPLIED The username of the creator of the insertion. CREATED ON The creation date of the Not applicable. Not applicable. STATUS If BEGIN, this is the If BEGIN, this is the (BEGIN | beginning of an insertion. If beginning of an insertion. If beginning of an insertion. If END) END, this is the end of an CDATA insertion. #IMPLIED #IMPLIED insertion. If BEGIN, this is the END, this is the end of an END, this is the end of an insertion. insertion. INSET (Modifier schema) Element type Construct INSET element typeSpecifies INSET the distance between the (empty) inside border of a text box and the text. Modify Deconstruct Specifies the distance Indicates the distance between the inside border between the inside border of a text box and the text. of a text box and the text. Attributes MULTIPLEIN SETS (true | Specifies multiple insets. Specifies multiple insets. Indicates multiple insets. Specifies the distance Specifies the distance Indicates the distance TOP CDATA between the top inside between the top inside between the top inside #IMPLIED border of a text box and the border of a text box and border of a text box and false | none) “none” BOTTOM CDATA #IMPLIED RIGHT CDATA #IMPLIED text. the text. the text. Specifies the distance Specifies the distance Indicates the distance between the bottom inside between the bottom between the bottom border of a text box and the inside border of a text box inside border of a text box text. and the text. and the text. Specifies the distance Specifies the distance Indicates the distance between the right inside between the right inside between the right inside border of a text box and the border of a text box and border of a text box and text. the text. the text. Specifies the distance Specifies the distance Indicates the distance LEFT CDATA between the right inside between the right inside between the right inside #IMPLIED border of a text box and the border of a text box and border of a text box and text. the text. the text. Specifies the distance Specifies the distance Indicates the distance ALLEDGES 294 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct CDATA between the inside border of between the inside border between the inside border #IMPLIED all sides of a text box and the of all sides of a text box of all sides of a text box text. and the text. and the text. INTERACTIVITY (Modifier schema) Note that the content of an element is defined by the XTensions module that owns it. Consequently, no schema for that content is presented here. Element Construct Modify Deconstruct INTERACTI INTERACTIVITY element Describes AVE Describes AVE VITY typeDescribes AVE interactivity interactivity added to an interactivity added to an (DATAPRO added to an App Studio layout or App Studio layout or App Studio layout or VIDER?) Print layout. Print layout. Print layout. type Attributes OWNERXT Identifies the XTensions module Identifies the XTensions Identifies the XTensions ID CDATA that enables this type of module that enables #IMPLIED interactivity. this type of interactivity. this type of interactivity. TYPE Identifies the type of interactivity. CDATA #IMPLIED module that enables Identifies the type of Identifies the type of interactivity. interactivity. ISBN (Modifier schema) Element Construct type ISBN ISBN element (#PCDAT typeNot A) applicable. Modify Deconstruct Part of the element. Specifies the ISBN Specifies the ISBN code of an e-book. code of an e-book. KEEPLINESTOGETHER (Modifier schema) Elemen t type KEEPLI NESTO GETHE R (empty) Construct Modify Deconstruct KEEPLINESTOGETHER element The Keep Lines Together The Keep Lines Together typeThe Keep Lines Together feature specifies whether feature specifies whether feature specifies whether lines in lines in paragraphs flow lines in paragraphs flow paragraphs flow together or are together or are separated together or are separated separated when they reach the when they reach the when they reach the bottoms of columns. bottoms of columns. bottoms of columns. Attributes ENABL ED Specifies whether or not this Specifies whether or not Specifies whether or not (true | feature is enabled. this feature is enabled. this feature is enabled. false | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 295 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Elemen t type Construct Modify Deconstruct Specifies whether this is Specifies whether this is for all lines in the for all lines in the none) “none” ALLLIN ESINPA RA Specifies whether this is for all (true | lines in the paragraph or has a false | specific start and end. paragraph or has a specific paragraph or has a specific start and end. start and end. Specifies the number of lines at Specifies the number of Specifies the number of the beginning of a paragraph lines at the beginning of a lines at the beginning of a none) “none” STARTL INE CDATA #IMPLI ED ENDLI NE CDATA #IMPLI ED before wrapping text to keep lines paragraph before wrapping paragraph before wrapping together. text to keep lines together. text to keep lines together. Specifies the number of lines at Specifies the number of Specifies the number of the end of a paragraph before lines at the end of a lines at the end of a wrapping text to keep lines paragraph before wrapping paragraph before wrapping together. text to keep lines together. text to keep lines together. KEYWORDS (Modifier schema) Element type KEYWOR DS (#PCDATA ) Construct Modify Deconstruct KEYWORDS Part of the element. Specifies a list of element typeNot Specifies a comma-separated list of keywords keywords for an e- applicable. for an e-book. book. LASTTCOLSTYLE (Modifier schema) Element type Decon Construct Modify LASTTCOLSTYLE LASTTCOLSTYLE element typeDefines a Defines a style for the last Not (LEFTGRID?, style for the last column in an column in an applic RIGHTGRID?) . . able. struct Attributes WIDTH CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the width of the column style. Specifies the width of the column style. COLOR CDATA Specifies the background color of the Specifies the background #IMPLIED column style. color of the column style. SHADE CDATA Specifies the background shade of the Specifies the background #IMPLIED column style. shade of the column style. 296 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Not applic able. Not applic able. Not applic able. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) LAYER (Modifier schema) Elem ent Construct Modify Deconstruct Describes a layer. Describes a layer. type LAYE R (ID, LAYER element typeDescribes RGB a layer. COL OR) Attributes OPER ATIO N Specifies whether to create or (CRE delete the indicated layer. ATE | Not applicable. Note that when you delete a DELE layer, all items on the layer TE) are deleted. Not applicable. #IMP LIED VISIB LE Specifies whether a layer is Specifies whether a layer is Specifies whether a layer (true visible.Note: In QuarkXPress, visible.Note: In QuarkXPress, should be visible.Note: In | false this parameter overrides the this parameter overrides the QuarkXPress, this parameter Visible setting in the Layers Visible setting in the Layers overrides the Visible setting | none pane of the Preferences dialog pane of the Preferences dialog in the Layers pane of the ) box (QuarkXPress/Edit “non menu). box (QuarkXPress/Edit Preferences dialog box menu). (QuarkXPress/Edit menu). Specifies whether text on Specifies whether text on e” KEEP RUN Specifies whether text on ARO visible layers runs around text visible layers runs around text visible layers runs around text UND on hidden layers.Note: In (true QuarkXPress, this parameter | false overrides the Keep | Runaround setting in the on hidden layers.Note: In on hidden layers.Note: In QuarkXPress, this parameter QuarkXPress, this parameter overrides the Keep overrides the Keep Runaround setting in the Runaround setting in the none Layers pane of the Preferences Layers pane of the Preferences Layers pane of the Preferences ) dialog box (QuarkXPress/Edit dialog box (QuarkXPress/Edit dialog box (QuarkXPress/Edit “non menu). menu). menu). Specifies whether a layer is Specifies whether a layer is e” LOC KED Specifies whether a layer is (true locked.Note: In QuarkXPress, locked.Note: In QuarkXPress, locked.Note: In QuarkXPress, | false this parameter overrides the this parameter overrides the this parameter overrides the Locked setting in the Layers Locked setting in the Layers Locked setting in the Layers | none pane of the Preferences dialog pane of the Preferences dialog pane of the Preferences dialog ) box (QuarkXPress/Edit “non menu). box (QuarkXPress/Edit box (QuarkXPress/Edit menu). menu). e” A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 297 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Elem Construct Modify Deconstruct RESS Specifies whether output of a Specifies whether output of a Specifies whether output of a (true layer is suppressed.Note: In layer is suppressed.Note: In layer is suppressed.Note: In QuarkXPress, this parameter QuarkXPress, this parameter ent type SUPP | false QuarkXPress, this parameter overrides the Suppress Output overrides the Suppress Output overrides the Suppress Output | none setting in the Layers pane of setting in the Layers pane of setting in the Layers pane of the Preferences dialog box the Preferences dialog box the Preferences dialog box “non (QuarkXPress/Edit menu). (QuarkXPress/Edit menu). (QuarkXPress/Edit menu). ) e” LAYOUT (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct LAYOUT (ID, ARTICLE*, Identifies a layout to be modified. LAYER*, Use the ID@NAME or ID@UID EBOOKMETA attribute to indicate the target DATA?, HYPERLINK*, (SPREAD | BOX | TABLE | INLINETABLE | INLINEBOX | LAYOUT element typeDescribes a layout in a project. layout. Layout numbers start with 1; layout=1 refers to the first layout Specifies the layout number in the project.If you want to modify in the ID@UID element and existing boxes, regardless of where the layout name in the the boxes appear in the project, ID@NAME element. boxes to modify can be specified as MASTERPAGE direct children of the LAYOUT SEQUENCE | element, rather than being enclosed PAGESEQUEN within a specific SPREAD. CE)*) Attributes POINTSPERIN CH CDATA #IMPLIED Not applicable. Specifies how many points to Not applicable. use per inch for measurements. Identifies the MATHSUPERS XPressMath ET CDATA superset (if #IMPLIED any) used by Identifies the XPressMath superset (if any) used by this project. Identifies the XPressMath superset (if any) used by this project. this project. MEDIATYPE (PRINT | Not DIGITAL) applicable. Specifies whether the layout Not applicable. layout. #IMPLIED SHAREDSTAT Specifies the sharing status of US (LAYOUT | ALLPROJECTS Not | is a Print or App Studio applicable. the layout, as specified in the Not applicable. THISPROJECT) #IMPLIED 298 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Layout > Advanced Layout Properties dialog box in QuarkXPress. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct REFLOWVIEW Specifies the UID of the Print LAYOUTUID Not CDATA applicable. layout for this Reflow layout. Not applicable. This attribute is valid only for #IMPLIED reflow views for Print layouts. LAYOUTHIDD EN (true | Not false) applicable. If true, the layout is hidden. Not applicable. If false, the layout is visible. #IMPLIED REFLOWVIEW LAYOUT (true Not | false) applicable. If true, this layout is a Reflow Not applicable. layout. If false, this layout is not a Reflow layout. #IMPLIED Specifies the internal layout UID value for the layout. This value does not change when the project gets modified — unlike the UID value, which LAYOUT_ID CDATA #IMPLIED Not applicable. is reset when, for example, an Not applicable. intermediate layout is deleted. Note that the LAYOUT/ID@UID attribute represents the index of the layout, rather than the internal UID used by QuarkXPress. OPERATION Allows you to (CREATE | create or Allows you to create or delete a DELETE) delete a layout. #IMPLIED layout. Not applicable. Lets you specify a LAYOUTSPECI FICATION CDATA #IMPLIED specification to be used Lets you specify a specification to when you be used when you create a layout Not applicable. create a layout with the OPERATION attribute. with the OPERATION attribute. Valid only when you are creating a layout with Valid only when you are creating a WIDTH the layout with the OPERATION CDATA OPERATION attribute and you are not using a #IMPLIED attribute and layout specification. Lets you you are not specify the width of the layout. Not applicable. using a layout specification. Lets you A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 299 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct specify the width of the layout. Valid only when you are creating a layout with the HEIGHT CDATA #IMPLIED OPERATION attribute and you are not using a layout specification. Valid only when you are creating a layout with the OPERATION attribute and you are not using a Not applicable. layout specification. Lets you specify the height of the layout. Lets you specify the height of the layout. Creates a duplicate of the layout with this Creates a duplicate of the layout name. For DUPLICATEFR OMLAYOUT CDATA #IMPLIED example: OMLAYOUT= “Layout 1”> LAYOUTREF (Modifier schema) Element type LAYOUTREF (ID) Construct Modify Deconstruct LAYOUTREF Not element typeNot applica layout family (a applicable. ble. Identifies a layout that is a member of a PUBLICATIONCHANNEL). Attributes ORIENTATION (HORIZONTAL | Not Not applicable. VERTICAL) #IMPLIED 300 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 applica Identifies the orientation of the layout. ble. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) LEFT (Modifier schema) Ele men Construct Modify Deconstruct The distance between the The distance between the (#PC between the box or lines left edge box or lines left edge and box or lines left edge and DAT and the left edge of the page, in the left edge of the page, in the left edge of the page, in A) points. points. t type LEFT LEFT element typeThe distance points. LEFTCONTROLPOINT (Modifier schema) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct t ty pe LE FT C O N T R O LP OI N T (e m pt y) LEFTCONTROLPOINT element Each point on a curve is Each point on a curve is typeEach point on a curve is described by three geometric described by three geometric described by three geometric positions: the x,y coordinate positions: the x,y coordinate positions: the x,y coordinate of of the vertex point (this of the vertex point (this the vertex point (this coordinate coordinate is relative to the coordinate is relative to the is relative to the bounding bounding geometry of the bounding geometry of the geometry of the shape, not the shape, not the page), and the shape, not the page), and the page), and the left and right left and right control left and right control control handles–as you would handles–as you would see handles–as you would see see onscreen in the QuarkXPress onscreen in the QuarkXPress onscreen in the QuarkXPress user environment. For more user environment. For more user environment. For more information on drawing and information on drawing and information on drawing and manipulating bezier curves, manipulating bezier curves, manipulating bezier curves, please see A Guide to please see A Guide to please see A Guide to QuarkXPress. QuarkXPress. QuarkXPress. LEFTGRID (Modifier schema) D ec Elemen t type o Construct Modify ns tr uc t LEFTGR LEFTGRID element typeDescribes a grid Describes a grid line on the left edge of a N ID cell in an . ot line on the left edge of a cell in an A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 301 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) D ec Elemen t type o Construct Modify ns tr uc t ap (empty) . pli ca bl e. Attributes TYPE N (TOP | ot LEFT | BOTTO M| ap Specifies the location of the grid line. Specifies the location of the grid line. ca RIGHT) bl #IMPLI e. ED Identifies the that styles STYLE pli Identifies the that styles this grid line. If you specify this value, you this grid line. If you specify this value, you CDATA do not have to specify the remaining do not have to specify the remaining #IMPLI attributes. If you specify the remaining attributes. If you specify the remaining ED attributes, those attribute values override attributes, those attribute values override the corresponding values. the corresponding values. N ot ap pli ca bl e. N ot WIDTH CDATA Specifies the width of the grid line in Specifies the width of the grid line in #IMPLI points. points ED ap pli ca bl e. N ot COLOR CDATA #IMPLI ap Specifies the color of the grid line. Specifies the color of the grid line. pli ca ED bl e. N ot SHADE CDATA #IMPLI ap Specifies the shade of the grid line. Specifies the shade of the grid line. pli ca ED bl e. OPACIT Specifies the opacity of the grid line. 302 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Specifies the opacity of the grid line. N MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) D ec Elemen t type o Construct Modify ns tr uc t Y ot CDATA ap #IMPLI pli ED ca bl e. N GAPCO ot Specifies the color of the gap (if any) ap CDATA between the lines that make up the grid Specifies the color of the gap (if any) between the lines that make up the grid pli #IMPLI line. line. ca LOR ED bl e. N GAPSH ot Specifies the shade of the gap (if any) Specifies the shade of the gap (if any) ap CDATA between the lines that make up the grid between the lines that make up the grid pli #IMPLI line. line. ca ADE ED bl e. N GAPOP ot Specifies the opacity of the gap (if any) ap CDATA between the lines that make up the grid between the lines that make up the grid pli #IMPLI line. line. ca ACITY Specifies the opacity of the gap (if any) ED bl e. LINESTYLE (Modifier schema) Element type Construct LINESTYLE element LINESTYL typeDescribes a Dashes & Modify Deconstruct Describes a Dashes & Stripes Describes a Dashes & style that can be applied to Stripes style that can be lines or frames. applied to lines or frames. ARROWH Specifies whether a line Specifies whether a line Specifies whether a line has EADS should have arrows on its should have arrows on its arrows on its (PLAINLI ends:PLAINLINE = No ends:PLAINLINE = No ends:PLAINLINE = No NE | arrows LEFTARROW = Arrow arrows LEFTARROW = Arrow arrowsLEFTARROW = LEFTARR head on left E (empty) Stripes style that can be applied to lines or frames. Attributes head on left Arrow head on left A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 303 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element Construct Modify Deconstruct endRIGHTARROW = Arrow endRIGHTARROW = Arrow endRIGHTARROW = Arrow RIGHTAR head on right head on right head on right ROW | endLEFTFARROW = Arrow endLEFTFARROW = Arrow head on left end, arrow tail head on left end, arrow tail type OW | endLEFTFARROW = Arrow LEFTFARR head on left end, arrow tail OW | on right endRIGHTFARROW on right endRIGHTFARROW on right RIGHTFA = Arrow head on right end, = Arrow head on right end, endRIGHTFARROW = RROW | arrow tail on left arrow tail on left Arrow head on right end, DOUBLE endDOUBLEARROW = endDOUBLEARROW = arrow tail on left ARROW) Arrow heads on both ends Arrow heads on both ends endDOUBLEARROW = “PLAINLI Arrow heads on both ends NE” LINKEDBOX (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct Identifies the point where the text has overflowed the current box and identifies the box or table cell where the text continues. Example: LINKEDBOX element typeRepresents a box or table cell into which text flows from the parent box. The child ID element identifies LINKEDBOX (ID) the box or table.To force text to run into the next box or cell in a chain, insert the boxbreak character entity where you want the text to break. text flows from the the box or table.To the next box or cell in a chain, insert the the text to break. Text is here. 304 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct Attributes STARTOFFSET CDATA #IMPLIED ENDOFFSET CDATA #IMPLIED ROWCOUNT CDATA #IMPLIED COLUMNCOUNT CDATA #IMPLIED Offset of the first Not applicable. Not applicable. character in the next box or cell in the chain. Offset of the last Not applicable. Not applicable. character in the next boxor cell in the chain. If a LINKEDBOX is a If a LINKEDBOX is a If a LINKEDBOX is a table cell, this attribute table cell, this attribute table cell, this attribute identifies the row of the identifies the row of the identifies the row of the cell. Otherwise, not cell. Otherwise, not cell. Otherwise, not applicable. applicable. applicable. If a LINKEDBOX is a If a LINKEDBOX is a If a LINKEDBOX is a table cell, this attribute table cell, this attribute table cell, this attribute identifies the column of identifies the column of identifies the column of the cell. Otherwise, not the cell. Otherwise, not the cell. Otherwise, not applicable. applicable. applicable. LIST (Modifier schema) Element type Construct LIST ((PARAGRAPH | LIST element typeSpecifies a RICHTEXT)*,OVERMAT List in a QuarkXPress TER?) project. Modify Deconstruct Specifies a List in a QuarkXPress project. Identifies a List in a QuarkXPress project. Attributes OPERATION (CREATE | DELETE) #IMPLIED Specifies whether to Not applicable. create a list or delete a Not applicable. list. LISTSTYLE CDATA Name of the List as defined #REQUIRED in QuarkXPress. Name of the List as Name of the List as defined in defined in QuarkXPress. QuarkXPress. LOCATION (Modifier schema) Dec Eleme nt Construct ons Modify truc type t LOCA LOCATION element typeLets you specify the Lets you specify the maximum or Not TION minimum location on the page of a app maximum or minimum location on the page (empt of a box’s upper-left corner for a fit-box-to- box’s upper-left corner for a fit-box-to- lica y) content operation. ble. The largest or smallest allowable Not coordinate for the left side of the app resized box. lica content operation. Attributes X CDAT A The largest or smallest allowable coordinate for the left side of the resized box. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 305 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Dec Eleme Construct nt ons Modify truc type t #REQ ble. UIRE D Y CDAT A The largest or smallest allowable coordinate #REQ for the top side of the resized box. UIRE The largest or smallest allowable coordinate for the top side of the resized box. Not app lica ble. D LOCKTOGRID (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct LOCKTOGRID element Specifies whether this Specifies whether this typeSpecifies whether this paragraph is locked to paragraph is locked to LOCKTOGRID paragraph is locked to the the baseline grid. You the baseline grid. You (empty) baseline grid. You can can choose to lock to can choose to lock to choose to lock to the page the page grid or the the page grid or the grid or the text box grid. text box grid. text box grid. Specifies whether Specifies whether LOCKTOGRID is LOCKTOGRID is enabled. enabled. Attributes ENABLED (true | false | none) “none” Specifies whether LOCKTOGRID is enabled. GRIDLEVEL (PAGE Specifies whether GRID Specifies whether GRID Specifies whether GRID | TEXTBOX) applies on page level or text applies on page level or applies on page level or “PAGE” box level. text box level. text box level. GRIDTYPE (TOPLINE | BOTTOMLINE | LEFTLINE | RIGHTLINE | CENTERLINE | Specifies grid type applied on Specifies grid type Specifies grid type page level or text box level applied on page level applied on page level grid. or text box level grid. or text box level grid. BASELINE) “BASELINE” MASTERPAGESEQUENCE (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify MASTERPAGESEQUEN MASTERPAGESEQUEN CE (NAME CE element (SINGLEMASTERPAGER EFERENCE | Not applicable. typeEnables you to define the application REPEATABLEMASTERPA of master pages during GEREFERENCE | the pagination process. 306 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Deconstruct Not applicable. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct It is identified by a unique name and can REPEATABLEMASTERPA be referenced by name GEALTERNATIVES ) as many times as needed. The children of MASTERPAGESEQUEN CE are termed subsequences. Attributes Specifies the unique name of the Not applicable. NAME MASTERPAGESEQUEN Not applicable. CE MATHEQUATION (Modifier schema) Element type Construct MATHEQ MATHEQUATION element UATION typeContains an XPressMath (#PCDAT equation in XPressMath ASCII A) language format. Modify Deconstruct Contains an XPressMath Contains an XPressMath equation in XPressMath equation in XPressMath ASCII language format. ASCII language format. MAX (Modifier schema) Element type Deco Construct Modify nstr uct MAX (LOCATION | SIZE | SCALETO) MAX element typeLets you specify the Lets you specify the maximum maximum location, size, or scale of a box location, size, or scale of a box for for a fit-box-to-content operation. a fit-box-to-content operation. Not appli cabl e. METADATA (Modifier schema) Eleme Modify Deconstruct META METADATA element typeSpecifies if the Specifies if the box will have Describes the DATA box will have metadata associated with metadata associated with it. metadata (VALU it. Metadata takes the form of key/value Metadata takes the form of associated with E+) key/value pairs. the box. nt Construct type pairs. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 307 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) MIN (Modifier schema) Element type Deco Construct Modify nstr uct MIN (LOCATION | SIZE | SCALETO) Not MIN element typeLets you specify the Lets you specify the minimum minimum location, size, or scale of a box location, size, or scale of a box for a for a fit-box-to-content operation. fit-box-to-content operation. appli cable . MOVEDOWN (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Decon struct MOVEDOW MOVEDOWN Moves a box down by the specified number of Not N element typeNot points.Note: You can move a box or line onto another applica (#PCDATA) applicable. page. ble. MOVELEFT (Modifier schema) Element type Construct MOVELEFT MOVELEFT element (#PCDATA) typeNot applicable. Modify Decons truct Moves a box to the left by the specified number of Not points.Note: You can move a box or line onto another applica page. ble. MOVERIGHT (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Decon struct MOVERIGH MOVERIGHT Moves a box to the right by the specified number of Not T points.Note: You can move a box or line onto another applic page. able. element typeNot (#PCDATA) applicable. MOVEUP (Modifier schema) Element type MOVEUP (#PCDATA ) Construct Modify MOVEUP element Moves a box up by the specified number of points.Note: typeNot applicable. You can move a box or line onto another page. 308 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Decons truct Not applica ble. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) NOTE (Modifier schema) Element type Construct NOTE element NOTE (#PCDATA) typeDescribes a note in text. Modify Deconstruct Describes a note in text. Describes a note in text. Attributes CREATEDBY CDATA The username of the Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. BACKGROUNDCOLOR The background color of The background The background color of CDATA #IMPLIED the note. color of the note. the note. #IMPLIED CREATEDON CDATA #IMPLIED creator of the note. The creation date of the note. ODDTROWSTYLE (Modifier schema) Element type ODDTROWSTYLE (TOPGRID?, BOTTOMGRID?) Decon Construct Modify ODDTROWSTYLE element Defines a style for odd Not typeDefines a style for odd rows in rows in an applic an . able. Identifies the Not struct Attributes PARASTYLE CDATA #IMPLIED ALIGNMENT (LEFT | RIGHT | CENTER | JUSTIFIED | FORCED) #IMPLIED ANGLE CDATA #IMPLIED Identifies the paragraph style sheet for the row style. Identifies the paragraph alignment for the row style. Identifies the text angle for the row style. VALIGN (TOP | CENTER | Specifies the vertical alignment of BOTTOM) #IMPLIED the row style. COLOR CDATA #IMPLIED SHADE CDATA #IMPLIED INSET CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the background color of the row style. Specifies the background shade of the row style. paragraph style sheet applic for the row style. able. Identifies the Not paragraph alignment applic for the row style. able. Identifies the text Not angle for the row applic style. able. Specifies the vertical Not alignment of the row applic style. able. Specifies the Not background color of applic the row style. able. Specifies the Not background shade of applic the row style. able. Specifies the text inset of the row Specifies the text inset style. of the row style. Not applic able. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 309 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) ODDTCOLSTYLE (Modifier schema) Decon Element type Construct Modify ODDTCOLSTYLE ODDTCOLSTYLE element typeDefines a Defines a style for odd Not (LEFTGRID?, style for odd columns in an columns in an applica RIGHTGRID?) . . ble. struct Attributes WIDTH CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the width of the column style. Specifies the width of the column style. COLOR CDATA Specifies the background color of the Specifies the background #IMPLIED column style. color of the column style. SHADE CDATA Specifies the background shade of the #IMPLIED column style. Not applica ble. Not applica ble. Specifies the background Not shade of the column applica style. ble. ORIGIN (Modifier schema) Element Construct Modify Deconstruct ORIGIN element typeSpecifies Specifies an item’s size Specifies an item’s size ORIGIN an item’s size and its position and its position relative and its position relative (empty) relative to the upper left corner to the upper left corner of to the upper left corner of of its page or spread. its page or spread. type its page or spread. Attributes X CDATA The distance between the left #REQUIRE side of the item and the left D edge of the page or spread. Y CDATA The distance between the top #REQUIRE side of the item and the top D edge of the page or spread. RELATIVE TO (PAGE | SPREAD) “SPREAD” Indicates whether the item’s position is relative to the page or to the spread. The distance between the The distance between the left side of the item and left side of the item and the left edge of the page the left edge of the page or spread. or spread. The distance between the The distance between the top side of the item and top side of the item and the top edge of the page the top edge of the page or spread. or spread. Indicates whether the Indicates whether the item’s position is relative item’s position is relative to the page or to the to the page or to the spread. spread. OVERMATTER (Modifier schema) Mo Element type Construct OVERMATTER (PARAGRAPH | RICHTEXT | OVERMATT Not Identifies where the current ANCHOREDBOXREF | GROUPCHARACTERS | ER element app box overflows when there is HIDDEN | RUBI | CALLOUTANCHOR | typeNot lica no subsequence box for text INLINEBOX | MATHEQUATION)* applicable. ble. to flow into. 310 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 dify Deconstruct MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) PAGE (Modifier schema) Elemen t type Construct Modify Deconstruct The page to be created or deleted.Note: To PAGE locate a page, for Indicates a page’s absolute page (ID, PAGE element typeA page to be example, for number (in the ID@UID SECTI created. creating a box, you element)Note: Page names are ON?) not returned. use the GEOMETRY@PAGE attribute in the BOX element. Attributes OPERA TION (CREA TE | DELET Specifies whether Not applicable. to create or delete Not applicable. the indicated page. E) #IMPLI ED Identifies the master page from which to create a page. This value MASTE should be specified as a number, R with 3 indicating the first master CDATA page.Note: Only the number of a #IMPLI master page is included in this ED attribute. The definition of the master page is stored in the project’s Job Jackets file. Identifies the master page that is Identifies the master page from which to create a page. This value should be specified as a number, with 3 indicating the first master page. applied to a page. Specified as a number, with “1” indicating the first master page.Note: Only the number of a master page is included in this attribute. The definition of the master page is stored in the project’s Job Jackets file. POSITI ON (LEFTO FSPINE | RIGHT OFSPI Specifies whether a Specifies whether a page should be page should be on Specifies whether a page is on the left or right of the spine. on the left or right side of the spine. the left or right side of the spine. NE) “RIGH TOFSPI NE” FORM The string that displays in ATTED automatically created page NAME CDATA Not applicable. Not applicable. numbers. A combination of the PREFIX, FORMAT, and NUMBER #IMPLI for this page’s
ED element. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 311 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) PAGEBREAK (Modifier schema) De co Elemen t type Construct Modify ns tr uc t N Allows you to change the master page ot PAGEBR change the master page applied to the next PAGEBREAK element typeAllows you to applied to the next page. You can also ap EAK control whether the next page is on the pli page. You can also control whether the next (empty) page is on the left or right, and specify a master page to be inserted if necessary. left or right, and specify a master page ca to be inserted if necessary. bl e. Attributes NEXTP N AGE (RECTO | VERSO) ot Specifies whether the next page should be right-facing (recto) or left-facing (verso). Specifies whether the next page should ap be right-facing (recto) or left-facing pli (verso). ca “RECT bl O” e. N BLANK PAGE (YES | NO) “NO” Indicates whether to insert a blank page between this page and the next page. Applicable only if this page and the next page are both recto or both verso. Indicates whether to insert a blank ot page between this page and the next ap page. Applicable only if this page and pli the next page are both recto or both ca verso. bl e. N BLANK ot MASTE R Specifies the name of the master page to be CDATA applied to the inserted blank page (if any). #IMPLI Specifies the name of the master page ap to be applied to the inserted blank page pli (if any). ca bl ED e. N NEXTM ASTER CDATA #IMPLI ot Specifies the name of the master page to be Specifies the name of the master page applied to the next page. to be applied to the next page. ED ap pli ca bl e. 312 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) PAGEREF (Modifier schema) Element type Construct PAGEREF PAGEREF element (empty) typeNot applicable. Modif y Not applic able. Deconstruct Identifies a page within the layout corresponding to a multi-page Composition Zones item. Attributes NUMBER Not Specifies the number of the page currently displayed. You Not applicable. applic can set this value using the COMPOSITIONZONE element’s CDATA #IMPLIED able. ANGLE Not PREVIEWPAGE attribute. Not applicable. applic Specifies the angle applied to the Composition Zones item. CDATA #IMPLIED able. OFFSETACRO Not Not applicable. applic SS CDATA #IMPLIED able. OFFSETDOW Not Not applicable. applic N CDATA #IMPLIED able. SCALE Specifies the horizontal offset applied to the Composition Zones item. Specifies the vertical offset applied to the Composition Zones item. Not Not applicable. applic Specifies the scale applied to the Composition Zones item. CDATA #IMPLIED able. PAGESEQUENCE (Modifier schema) D C ec o Element type ns tr o Modify ns tr uc uc t t PAGESEQUE NCE (MASTERREF ERENCE*, FORCEPAGE COUNT* (SECTIONN UMBERFOR MAT | STATICCON N N ot ot ap PAGESEQUENCE element typeEnables you to define a sequence of pages ap pli which can be a logical section, chapter, article etc. @MASTERREFERENCE pli ca allows you to refer to MASTERPAGESEQUENCE or a master page in template. ca bl bl e. e. TENT | STORY )) Attributes MASTERREF N ERENCE ot Unique name of the MASTERPAGESEQUENCE. N ot A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 313 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) D C ec o Element type ns tr o Modify ns tr uc uc t t ap ap pli pli ca ca bl bl e. e. Imposes a condition on the number of pages in a PAGESEQUENCE. In the N ot FORCEPAGE COUNT ap pli ca bl e. event that this constraint is not satisfied, an additiional blank page will be added to the end of the sequence. Valid values include:AUTO (Default) The action taken depends on the existance of a succeeding PAGESEQUENCE and the value of the INITIALPAGENUMBER property specified within the SECTIONNUMBERFORMAT element.Even Forces an even page count for teh page sequenceOdd Forces an odd page count for the page sequenceENDONEVEN Forces the last page to have an even page numberENDONODD forces the laspage to have an odd page N ot ap pli ca bl e. numberNOFORCE Does not force any page count N ot ORIENTATIO N ap pli ca bl e. Specifies the page orientation. The value can be set to LANDSCAPE or PORTRAIT. If the value is set to LANDSCAPE, the project template must already contain a layout with the name Landscape, because the content of the page sequence will flow into a landscape layout made available in the template.If the value is set to LANDSCAPE, this would result in a mixed mode PDF output. Construct Modify Deconstruct Describes a paragraph. Describes a paragraph. PARAGRAPH ((TABSPEC | REFNOTE | RULE | FORMAT | RICHTEXT | COLUMNFLOW | ANCHOREDBOXREF | HIDDEN | PARAGRAPH element GROUPCHARACTERS | typeDescribes a RUBI | paragraph. CALLOUTANCHOR | CONTENT | INLINEBOX | XREF | NOTE | INS | DEL | PAGEBREAK | MATHEQUATION)*) Attributes 314 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 ot ap pli ca bl e. PARAGRAPH (Modifier schema) Element type N MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type PARASTYLE CDATA #IMPLIED Construct Modify Deconstruct Applies a paragraph Applies a paragraph Identifies the paragraph style sheet to style sheet to text.Note: style sheet applied to a text.Note: Only the Only the name of a paragraph.Note: Only name of a paragraph paragraph style sheet is the name of a paragraph style sheet is included included in this style sheet is included in in this attribute. The attribute. The definition this attribute. The definition of the style of the style sheet is definition of the style sheet is stored in the stored in the projects sheet is stored in the projects Job Jackets file Job Jackets file or projects Job Jackets file or defined using the defined using the or defined using the Document Controls Document Controls Document Controls submenu in submenu in submenu in QuarkXPress Server. QuarkXPress Server. QuarkXPress Server. XREFLABEL CDATA Defines a label (name) Defines a label (name) Defines a label (name) #IMPLIED for a cross reference. for a cross reference. for a cross reference. Defines a breaking Defines a breaking Defines a breaking character for a character for a character for a paragraph. paragraph. paragraph. Specifies whether Specifies whether formatting from a formatting from a MERGE (true | false) previous PARAGRAPH previous PARAGRAPH “false” or RICHTEXT element or RICHTEXT element should be carried over should be carried over to the next. to the next. PARACHAR (HARDRETURN | VTAB | BOXBREAK) “HARDRETURN” Indicates whether formatting from a previous PARAGRAPH or RICHTEXT element is carried over to the next. Indicates whether a paragraph contains a FAUXSTYLE (BOLD | faux type style (such as a ITALIC | BOLDITALIC | Not applicable. Not applicable. NONE) #IMPLIED bold face that is constructed by software, as opposed to a bold font). Identifies the CONDITIONALSTYLE Applies a conditional Applies a conditional CDATA #IMPLIED style to this paragraph. style to this paragraph. conditional style (if any) associated with this paragraph. INDENTLEVEL CDATA Sets the indent level Sets the indent level for Indicates the indent #IMPLIED this paragraph. level of this paragraph. Indicates the label Indicates the label applied to a paragraph. applied to a paragraph. Valid only for reflow Valid only for reflow articles and articles and QuarkCoypDesk QuarkCopyDesk articles. articles. Valid values Valid values include: TEXTTAGTYPE CDATA #IMPLIED for this paragraph. Not applicable. include: Body Byline Body Byline FigureCaption FigureCaption FigureCredit Headline FigureCredit Headline Headline2 Headline2 IndentedParagraph IndentedParagraph A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 315 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct Pullquote Pullquote SectionChapterName SectionChapterName Title Title2 OrderedList Title Title2 OrderedList UnorderedList UnorderedList PARENTTABLE (Modifier schema) Element type PARENTT ABLE (empty) Construct PARENTTABLE element typeIdentifies the originating table when a table has been broken. Modify Deconstruct Identifies the originating Identifies the originating table when a table has table when a table has been broken. been broken. Attributes NAME CDATA Specifies the name of the parent Specifies the name of the Specifies the name of the #IMPLIE table. parent table. parent table. Specifies the ID of the Specifies the ID of the parent table assigned parent table assigned D UID CDATA #IMPLIE Not applicable. D from QuarkXPress Server. from QuarkXPress Server. PICTURE (Modifier schema) Elem ent Construct Modify PICTURE element typeDescribes the Describes the properties of a picture Deconstruct type PICT URE (emp properties of a picture box. box. ty) Describes the properties of a picture box. Attributes FIT Specifies how a picture should fit Specifies how a picture should fit (CEN within a picture within a picture TERP box.CENTERPICTURE = Shifts a box.CENTERPICTURE = Shifts a ICTU picture to the center of the picture picture to the center of the picture RE | box without changing the pictures box without changing the pictures FITPI scale.FITPICTURETOBOX = Scales a scale.FITPICTURETOBOX = Scales a CTU picture to fit in its box exactly. The picture to fit in its box exactly. The RET picture cannot be reduced to a size picture cannot be reduced to a size OBO smaller than 10% or increased to a smaller than 10% or increased to a X| size larger than 1000%, both size larger than 1000%, both FITB horizontally and horizontally and OXT vertically.FITBOXTOPICTURE = vertically.FITBOXTOPICTURE = OPIC Resizes a box to fit its Resizes a box to fit its TUR picture.FITPICTURETOBOXPRO = picture.FITPICTURETOBOXPRO = 316 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Not applicable. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Elem ent Construct Modify Deconstruct type E| FITPI CTU Scales a picture in a picture box in RET such a way that the x scale and y Scales a picture in a picture box in such a way that the x scale and y OBO scale of a picture remain the same. scale of a picture remain the same. XPR The picture cannot be reduced to a The picture cannot be reduced to a O| size smaller than 10% or increased to size smaller than 10% or increased to NON a size larger than 1000%, both E) horizontally and vertically. a size larger than 1000%, both horizontally and vertically. “NO NE” SCAL Specifies the EAC ROSS Specifies the horizontal scale of a Specifies the horizontal scale of a CDA picture as an integer percentage from picture as an integer percentage from TA 10 to 1000. 10 to 1000. an integer 10 to 1000. LIED SCAL Specifies the EDO Specifies the vertical scale of a Specifies the vertical scale of a CDA picture as an integer percentage from picture as an integer percentage from TA of a picture as percentage from #IMP WN horizontal scale 10 to 1000. 10 to 1000. vertical scale of a picture as an integer percentage from #IMP 10 to 1000. LIED OFFS ETA Specifies a CRO SS Specifies a horizontal offset for the CDA content of a picture box. Specifies a horizontal offset for the content of a picture box. TA horizontal offset for the content of a picture box. #IMP LIED OFFS ETD Specifies a OW N Specifies a vertical offset for the CDA content of a picture box. Specifies a vertical offset for the vertical offset content of a picture box. for the content of a picture box. TA #IMP LIED ANG LE Specifies a Specifies a rotation angle for a CDA picture as a floating-point value TA between –360 degrees and 360 #IMP degrees. LIED Specifies a rotation angle for a rotation angle picture as a floating-point value for a picture as between –360 degrees and 360 a floating-point degrees. value between – 360 degrees and A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 317 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Elem ent Construct Modify Deconstruct type 360 degrees. Specifies a skew SKE W CDA TA #IMP angle for a Specifies a skew angle for a picture as Specifies a skew angle for a picture as picture as a a floating-point value from –75 a floating-point value from –75 floating-point degrees to 75 degrees. degrees to 75 degrees. value from –75 degrees to 75 LIED degrees. Identifies a color applied to a grayscale picture.Note: Only the name of a color is included in this PICC OLO R CDA TA #IMP LIED Identifies a color to be applied to a grayscale picture.Note: Only the name of a color is included in this attribute. The definition of the color is stored in the projects Job Jackets file or defined using the Document Controls submenu in QuarkXPress Server. Identifies a color to be applied to a attribute. The grayscale picture.Note: Only the definition of name of a color is included in this the color is attribute. The definition of the color stored in the is stored in the projects Job Jackets projects Job file or defined using the Document Jackets file or Controls submenu in QuarkXPress defined using Server, or an existing color created the Document and saved in the project. Controls submenu in QuarkXPress Server, or an existing color created and saved in the project. Specifies the SHA DE CDA TA #IMP shade of the Specifies the shade of the color Specifies the shade of the color applied to a grayscale picture, as an applied to a grayscale picture, as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. integer percentage from 0 to 100. color applied to a grayscale picture, as an integer LIED percentage from OPA Specifies the 0 to 100. opacity of a CITY CDA Specifies the opacity of a picture, as TA Specifies the opacity of a picture, as picture, as an an integer percentage from 0 to 100. an integer percentage from 0 to 100. integer #IMP percentage from LIED 0 to 100. PICB Identifies the background color Identifies the background color Identifies the ACK applied to a grayscale picture. background applied to a grayscale picture. 318 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Elem ent Construct Modify Deconstruct type GRO color applied to UND a grayscale COL picture. OR CDA TA #IMP LIED PICB Specifies the ACK shade of the GRO UND Specifies the shade of the Specifies the shade of the SHA background color applied to a background color applied to a DE grayscale picture, as an integer grayscale picture, as an integer CDA percentage from 0 to 100. percentage from 0 to 100. TA color applied to a grayscale picture, as an integer percentage from #IMP 0 to 100. LIED PICB Specifies the ACK opacity of the GRO UND Specifies the opacity of the Specifies the opacity of the background color applied to a background color applied to a CITY grayscale picture, as an integer grayscale picture, as an integer CDA percentage from 0 to 100. percentage from 0 to 100. OPA background TA background color applied to a grayscale picture, as an integer percentage from #IMP 0 to 100. LIED FLIP VERT ICAL Indicates (true Flips a picture vertically. If a picture | false Flips a picture vertically. flips the picture back. | whether a is already flipped vertically, then this picture has been flipped vertically. none ) “non e” FLIP HOR Flips a picture horizontally. If a IZO NTA L (true | Flips a picture horizontally. picture is already flipped horizontally, then this flips the picture back. Indicates whether a picture has been flipped horizontally. false A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 319 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Elem ent Construct Modify Deconstruct type | none ) “non e” SUPR ESSPI Prevents a CT (true Prevents a picture from being | included in output. Prevents a picture from being picture from included in output. being included in output. false) “fals e” FULL RES Causes (true imported | false | none Causes imported pictures to display Causes imported pictures to display at full resolution in QuarkXPress if at full resolution in QuarkXPress if the picture files are available. the picture files are available. pictures to display at full resolution in QuarkXPress if ) the picture files “non are available. e” MAS K CDA TA #IMP Identifies an Identifies an alpha channel in the Identifies an alpha channel in the picture file to be used to mask the picture file to be used to mask the picture file. picture file. LIED alpha channel in the picture file that is being used to mask the picture file. CLE ARPI CTU RE (true Not applicable. | Removes the picture (if any) from the box. Not applicable. false) “fals e” DPI Indicates the CDA picture TA Not applicable. Not applicable. resolution in #IMP dots per inch LIED (DPI). 320 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) PLACEHOLDER (Modifier schema) Elemen t type Construct PLACE PLACEHOL HOLDE DER R element (#PCD typeNot ATA) applicable. Mo dify Deconstruct Not Describes a placeholder inserted in QuarkXPress for use with XML app Import XTensions software.Note: To replace placeholders with XML lica content, use XML Import XTensions software with QuarkXPress, or ble. refer to the thexmldoc and paginate parameters. Attributes OWNE R CDATA #REQU Not Not app The name of the element in the XML or DTD that created the applicable. lica Placeholder. ble. IRED POSITION (Modifier schema)  Rather than using the POSITION element type, you can use the RELPOSITION element type to describe the position of elements relative to the page or to the spread. To return item positions as RELPOSITION elements, use the relativegeometry parameter when deconstructing. For more information, see “XML.” Elemen t type POSITI ON (TOP, LEFT, BOTTO M, RIGHT) Construct Modify Deconstruct POSITION element typeSpecifies Specifies the absolute Specifies the absolute the absolute position of a box or position of a box or line on position of a box or line on line on the page, using the page, using coordinates the page, using coordinates coordinates measured in points measured in points from measured in points from from the upper-left corner of the the upper-left corner of the the upper-left corner of the page. page. page. Specifies whether Specifies whether proportions are locked for proportions are locked for an item. an item. Attributes LOCKP ROPOR TIONS Specifies whether proportions (true | are locked for an item. false) “false” PROJECT (Modifier schema) Element type PROJECT (SAVEAS? | PUBLICATI ON* | Construct PROJECT element typeDescribes the QuarkXPress project using one or more LAYOUT elements and allows you to save a copy of the project. Modify Identifies the QuarkXPr ess project Deconstruct Identifies the QuarkXPress project being deconstructed. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 321 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify HYPERLIN being K* | modified TABLESTYL and allows E* | you to LAYOUT* | save a STORY* | copy of CONTENT* that )* project. Deconstruct Attributes PROJECTN AME CDATA Specifies the name of the file to construct. Not applicable. #IMPLIED Identifies the QuarkXPress project being deconstructed. The name and absolute path (on the server computer) of the Job Jackets file to use during construct.If the Job Jackets file cannot be located, JOBJACKET cannot be read, or contains invalid XML, an error CDATA is returned.Note: You cannot create or modify Job #IMPLIED Jackets files using the construct namespace and The name and path of Not the Job Jackets file applicable. associated with the deconstructed project. the modify attribute. To create or modify Job Jackets files, use the Job Jackets Manager dialog box (Utilities menu) in QuarkXPress. JOBTICKET The name of the Job Ticket that contains the CDATA resources for this project.Note: All resources in #IMPLIED the Job Ticket will be added to the project. The name of the Job Not Ticket associated with applicable. the deconstructed project. Identifies the version of QuarkXPress Server from which the XML is XMLVERSI Not ON CDATA Not applicable. applicable. #IMPLIED being returned. Ensures compatibility with future versions of the DTD. For example, the value 8.0 is returned for QuarkXPress Server 8.0. PUBLICATION (Modifier schema) Element type Mo Construct dif Deconstruct y PUBLICATI PUBLICATI No ON (ID, ON t PUBLICATI element app ONCHANN typeNot lica EL*) applicable. ble. Identifies a set of one or more related layout families (PUBLICATIONCHANNEL elements). For example, a PUBLICATION may contain a PUBLICATIONCHANNEL for iPad and another PUBLICATIONCHANNEL for a different target device. 322 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) PUBLICATIONCHANNEL (Modifier schema) Element type PUBLICATIONCHANN EL (ID, LAYOUTREF*) Construct Modify Deconstruct PUBLICATIONCHANNEL Not element typeNot applica applicable. ble. Defines a layout family — that is, a set of related layouts (LAYOUTREFs). Attributes Not HEIGHT CDATA Not applicable. #IMPLIED applica ble. Not WIDTH CDATA Not applicable. #IMPLIED applica ble. Specifies the height of the screen for layout family’s target device. Specifies the width of the screen for layout family’s target device. PUBLISHER (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct PUBLISHER PUBLISHER element Specifies the publisher of Specifies the publisher of (#PCDATA)> typeNot applicable. an e-book. an e-book. REFNOTE (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct REFNOTE element typeLets Lets you insert a reference Lets you insert a reference REFNOTE you insert a reference note of note of type footnote or note of type footnote or type footnote or endnote. endnote. endnote. Specifies the name of the Specifies the name of the Specifies the name of the footnote style to be applied. footnote style to be applied. footnote style to be applied. Attributes STYLE RESTART NUMBERI Allows you to restart the NGVALU Allows you to restart the Allows you to restart the footnote numbering. footnote numbering. footnote numbering. Comprised of Comprised of Comprised of E REFNOTE PARAGRAPH(S) that form the PARAGRAPH(S) that form PARAGRAPH(S) that form the body of either footnote the body of either footnote or endnote. or endnote. or endnote. Allows you to pass a custom Allows you to pass a custom Allows you to pass a custom BODY body of either the footnote REFEREN CEDTEXT marker corresponding to marker corresponding to marker corresponding to MARKER reference superscript. reference superscript. reference superscript. REFNOTE Allows you to pass a custom Allows you to pass a custom Allows you to pass a custom BODYMA marker corresponding to a marker corresponding to a RKER reference body. XREFLAB Allows you to specify a label EL (name) for the reference. marker corresponding to a reference body. reference body. Allows you to specify a Allows you to specify a label (name) for the label (name) for the reference. reference. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 323 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) RELPOSITION (Modifier schema)  To return item positions as RELPOSITION elements, use the relativegeometry parameter when deconstructing. For more information, see “XML.” Element type RELPOSI TION (ORIGIN , WIDTH, HEIGHT ) Construct Modify Deconstruct RELPOSITION element Specifies the position of a Specifies the position of a typeSpecifies the position of a box or line, using box or line, using box or line, using coordinates coordinates measured in coordinates measured in measured in points from the points from the upper-left points from the upper-left upper-left corner of the page or corner of the page or corner of the page or spread. spread. spread. REPEATABLEMASTERPAGEALTERNATIVES (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct REPEATABLEMASTERPA GEALTERNATIVES element typeThis subsequence is useful for the conditional application of master pages. The children of the REPEATABLEMASTERPA REPEATABLEMASTERPA GEALTERNATIVES GEALTERNATIVES (MAXREPEATS Not applicable. (CONDITIONALMASTE element are known as alternatives. Each Not applicable. alternative is RPAGEREFERENCE )*) represented by a CONDITIONALMASTE RPAGEREFERENCE element. The REPEATABLEMASTERPA GEALTERNATIVES element may contain one or more alternatives. Attributes Can be used to set an upper limit on the number of pages that MAXREPEATS Not applicable. may be generated using Not applicable. each of the CONDITIONALMASTE RPAGEREFERENCE 324 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) REPEATABLEMASTERPAGEREFERENCE (Modifier Schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct REPEATABLEMASTERPA GEREFERENCE element typeThis sub-sequence is useful for constructing runs of identical pages. It allows you to define a REPEATABLEMASTERPA GEREFERENCE (NAME*, sequence in which a master page is applied Not applicable. to multiple pages in the MAXREPEATS*) Not applicable. page sequence. Causes a bounded or unbounded sequence of pages to be generated using the same master page. (*Unbounded = Default is hardcoded to 50000) Attributes The name of the master NAME page in the Not applicable. QuarkXPress template Not applicable. to be used. Used to set an upper limit on the number of MAXREPEATS Not applicable. pages that may be Not applicable. generated using this specifier. RGBCOLOR (Modifier schema) Eleme nt Construct Modify Deconstruct RGBCOLOR element Describes an RGB color Describes an RGB color typeDescribes an RGB color that that can be associated with that can be associated with type RGBC OLOR (empt y) can be associated with a layer, as a layer, as displayed in the a layer, as displayed in the displayed in the Layers palette in Layers palette in Layers palette in QuarkXPress. QuarkXPress. QuarkXPress. An integer from 0 to 255, An integer from 0 to 255, indicating the red indicating the red component of an RGB component of an RGB color. color. An integer from 0 to 255, An integer from 0 to 255, Attributes RED CDAT An integer from 0 to 255, A indicating the red component of #IMP an RGB color. LIED GREE An integer from 0 to 255, A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 325 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Eleme nt Construct Modify Deconstruct indicating the green component type N indicating the green indicating the green CDAT of an RGB color. component of an RGB component of an RGB A color. color. An integer from 0 to 255, An integer from 0 to 255, indicating the blue indicating the blue component of an RGB component of an RGB color. color. #IMP LIED BLUE CDAT An integer from 0 to 255, A indicating the blue component of #IMP an RGB color. LIED RICHTEXT (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstr uct Describes formattin g for text. Use this element to apply additiona l RICHTEXT (#PCDATA) RICHTEXT element formattin typeDescribes formatting g besides for text. Use this element formattin to apply additional g applied formatting besides with a formatting applied with a paragraph paragraph or style or style sheet.Note: The RICHTEXT sheet.Not element replaces the TYPE e: The element in QuarkXPress RICHTEX Server 7.2 and later. T element replaces the TYPE element in QuarkXPr ess Server Describes formattin g for text, other than formattin g applied with a paragraph or style sheet.Not e: The RICHTEX T element replaces the TYPE element in QuarkXPr ess Server 7.2 and later. 7.2 and later. Attributes CHARSTYLE CDATA #IMPLIED 326 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Identifies a character style Identifies Identifies sheet to be applied to a the text.Note: Only the name character character MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Deconstr Construct Modify of an H&J specification is style style included in this attribute. sheet to sheet The definition of the H&J be applied to specification is stored in applied to text.Note: the projects Job Jackets file text. uct Only the or defined using the name of Document Controls an H&J submenu in QuarkXPress specificati Server. on is included in this attribute. The definition of the H&J specificati on is stored in the projects Job Jackets file or defined using the Documen t Controls submenu in QuarkXPr ess Server. Identifies Identifies SHADINGSTYLENAME Identifies a text shading style to be applied to text. a text a text shading shading style to style to be be applied to applied to Removes existing PLAIN (true | false | none) “none” formatting and renders text as plain text. MERGE (true | false) “false” Specifies whether the text. text. Removes Removes existing existing formattin formattin g and g and renders renders text as text as plain plain text. text. Specifies Specifies A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 327 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Deconstr Construct Modify formatting from the whether whether previous RICHTEXT tag the the should be carried into this formattin formattin RICHTEXT tag. g from g from the the previous previous uct RICHTEX RICHTEX T tag T tag should be should be carried carried into this into this RICHTEX RICHTEX T tag. Applies BOLD (true | false | none) “none” Applies the bold type style the bold to text. type style to text. Applies ITALIC (true | false | none) “none” Applies the italic type style the italic to text. type style to text. Identifies FONT CDATA #IMPLIED Identifies a font to be applied to text. a font to be applied to text. MISSINGFONT (true | false) “false” T tag. Identifies the bold type style applied to text. Identifies the italic type style applied to text. Identifies a font applied to text. If the font is missing on If the If the rendering, then this font is font is attribute is set to true. This missing missing allows you to identify on on when rendering a portion rendering rendering of text that the original , then , then font is missing on the this this machine where the attribute attribute rendering is taking place, is set to is set to and allows your application true. This true. This to substitute the font allows allows (overriding the inbuilt font you to you to mapping functionality in identify identify QuarkXPress Server). If the when when font specified in the XML is rendering rendering 328 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 missing and if the a portion a portion MISSINGFONT attribute is of text of text present then this becomes that the that the the basis for applying font original original fallback on the particular font is font is MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstr uct missing missing on the on the machine machine where the where the rendering rendering is taking is taking place, place, and text run if the FontFallBack allows preference is enabled. your and allows your Otherwise this would cause applicatio applicatio an error because the n to n to required font is missing. substitute substitute the font the font (overridin (overridin g the g the inbuilt inbuilt font font mapping mapping functiona functiona lity in lity in QuarkXPr QuarkXPr ess ess Server). Server). Some Some fonts fonts have have different different postscript postscript Some fonts have different postscript and menu display names. The FONTNAME attribute PSFONTNAME CDATA #IMPLIED describes the menu name of the font, and PSFONTNAME describes the internal postscript name of the font family. and and menu menu display display names. names. The The FONTNA FONTNA ME ME attribute attribute describes describes the menu the menu name of name of the font, the font, and and PSFONTN PSFONTN AME AME describes describes the the internal internal postscript postscript A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 329 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Specifies a size for text, from 2 to 720 points. uct name of name of the font the font family. family. Specifies a SIZE CDATA #IMPLIED Deconstr size for text, from 2 to 720 points. Identifies the size of the text, from 2 to 720 points. Identifies a font set that has been applied to FONTSET CDATA #IMPLIED Identifies a font set that text. Note Identifies has been applied to text. that you Note that you can apply can apply that has font sets during a font sets been Construct operation, but during a applied to you cannot create them. Modify text. a font set operation , but you cannot create them. Specifies Specifies the size of the size of Specifies the size of the font set that has been FONTSETSIZE CDATA #IMPLIED applied to text. (The base size of text can be different from its font set size.) COLOR CDATA #IMPLIED 330 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 the font the font set that set that has been has been applied to applied to text. (The text. (The base size base size of text of text can be can be different different from its from its font set font set size.) size.) Identifies the color for Identifies Identifies text.Note: Only the name the color the color for of a color is included in for this attribute. The text.Note: text.Note: definition of the color is Only the stored in the projects Job name of a name of a Only the Jackets file or defined using color is color is the Document Controls included included submenu in QuarkXPress in this in this MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstr uct attribute. attribute. The The definition definition Server. of the of the color is color is stored in stored in the the projects projects Job Job Jackets Jackets file or file or defined defined using the using the Documen Documen t Controls t Controls submenu submenu in in QuarkXPr QuarkXPr ess Server, ess Server, or an or an existing existing color color created created and saved and saved in the in the project. project. Specifies Identifies the shade the shade Specifies the shade of text SHADE CDATA #IMPLIED color, as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. of text of text color, as color, as an integer an integer percentag percentag e from 0 e from 0 to 100. to 100. Specifies Identifies the the opacity of opacity of Specifies the opacity of OPACITY CDATA #IMPLIED text, specified as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. text, text, specified specified as an as an integer integer percentag percentag NONBREAKING (true | false | none) “none” e from 0 e from 0 to 100. to 100. Specifies if the text will be Specifies Specifies nonbreaking or not. Used if the text if the text for special character (e.g., will be for a hyphen: - not. not. Used ) Used for for special special characters characters (e.g., for a (e.g., for a thinspace thinspace : true”> ) Applies UNDERLINE (true | false | none) “none” Applies the underline type style to text. the underline type style to text. Applies WORDUNDERLINE (true | false | none) “none” Applies the word underline type style to text. the word underline type style to text. Applies SMALLCAPS (true | false | none) “none” Applies small caps to text. small caps to text. Applies ALLCAPS (true | false | none) “none” Applies all caps to text. all caps to text. Applies the SUPERSCRIPT (true | false | none) “none” Applies the superscript type superscrip style to text. t type style to text. Applies SUBSCRIPT (true | false | none) “none” Applies the subscript type style to text. the subscript type style to text. 332 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 XT>) Identifies the underline type style applied to text. Identifies the word underline type style applied to text. Identifies small caps applied to text. Identifies all caps applied to text. Identifies the superscrip t type style applied to text. Identifies the subscript type style applied to text. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Applies SUPERIOR (true | false | none) “none” Applies the superior type style to text. the superior type style to text. Applies OUTLINE (true | false | none) “none” Applies the outline type style to text. the outline type style to text. Applies SHADOW (true | false | none) “none” Applies the shadow type style to text. the shadow type style to text. Applies STRIKETHRU (true | false | none) “none” Applies the strikethru type style to text. the strikethru type style to text. Deconstr uct Identifies the superior type style applied to text. Identifies the outline type style applied to text. Identifies the shadow type style applied to text. Identifies the strikethru type style applied to text. Allows an Allows an EMPHASISMARK (NONE | DOT | BLACKCIRCLE | WHITECIRCLE | WHITESQUARE | FISHEYE | COMMA | BLACKSESAME | WHITESESAME | BLACKTRIANGLE) “NONE” emphasis emphasis Allows an emphasis mark mark to to be placed on this be placed be placed RICHTEXT. on this on this RICHTEX RICHTEX T. Shifts text up or down without affecting Shifts text up or down without affecting BASELINESHIFT CDATA #IMPLIED mark to paragraph line spacing. A positive value raises text; a negative value lowers text. paragraph line spacing. A positive value raises text; a negative value lowers text. T. Identifies a shift of text up or down without affecting paragraph line spacing. A positive value raises text; a negative value lowers text. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 333 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstr uct Identifies Applies a a horizonta horizonta Applies a horizontal scale HORIZONTALSCALE CDATA #IMPLIED to text, which makes characters narrower or wider. l scale to l scale text, applied to which text, makes which characters makes narrower characters or wider. narrower or wider. Applies a vertical scale to text, which VERTICALSCALE CDATA #IMPLIED Applies a vertical scale to makes text, which makes characters characters taller or shorter. taller or Specified as an integer shorter. percentage from 25 to 400. Specified as an integer percentag e from 25 to 400. Identifies a vertical scale applied to text, which makes characters taller or shorter. Specified as an integer percentag e from 25 to 400. Identifies Adjusts the Adjusts the amount of TRACKAMOUNT CDATA #IMPLIED space between characters and words. amount of space between characters and words. an amount of adjusted space applied between characters and words. Identifies Adjusts the amount of KERNAMOUNT CDATA #IMPLIED space between two characters. Adjusts an the amount amount of of space adjusted between space two applied characters between . two characters 334 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstr uct . LIGATURES (true | false | none) “none” Indicates Indicates whether whether Indicates whether standard standard standard ligatures should be applied. ligatures ligatures should be are applied. Applies the OT_STANDARD_LIGATURES (true | false | none) “none” Applies the OpenType standard ligatures type style to text. OpenTyp e standard ligatures type style to text. Applies the OT_DISCRETIONARY_LIGATURES (true | false | none) “none” Applies the OpenType discretionary type style to text. OpenTyp e discretion ary type style to text. Applies the OT_ORDINALS (true | false | none) “none” Applies the OpenType OpenTyp ordinals type style to text. e ordinals type style to text. Applies the OT_TITLING_ALTERNATES (true | false | none) “none” Applies the OpenType OpenTyp titling alternates type style e titling to text. alternates type style to text. Applies the OT_ALL_SMALL_CAPS (true | false | none) “none” Applies the OpenType all OpenTyp small caps type style to e all small text. caps type style to text. applied. Identifies the OpenTyp e standard ligatures type style applied to text. Identifies the OpenTyp e discretion ary type style applied to text. Identifies the OpenTyp e ordinals type style applied to text. Identifies the OpenTyp e titling alternates type style applied to text. Identifies the OpenTyp e all small caps type style applied to text. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 335 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Applies the OT_FRACTIONS (true | false | none) “none” Applies the OpenType fractions type style to text. OpenTyp e fractions type style to text. Applies the OT_SWASHES (true | false | none) “none” Applies the OpenType OpenTyp swashes type style to text. e swashes type style to text. Applies the OT_SMALL_CAPS (true | false | none) “none” Applies the OpenType OpenTyp small caps type style to e small text. caps type style to text. Applies the OpenTyp OT_CONTEXTUAL_ALTERNATIVES (true | false | none) “none” Applies the OpenType e contextual alternates type contextua style to text. l alternates type style to text. Applies the OT_TABULAR_FIGURES (true | false | none) “none” Applies the OpenType OpenTyp tabular figures type style to e tabular text. figures type style to text. OT_PROPORTIONAL_FIGURES (true | false | none) “none” 336 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Deconstr uct Identifies the OpenTyp e fractions type style applied to text. Identifies the OpenTyp e swashes type style applied o text. Identifies the OpenTyp e small caps type style applied to text. Identifies the OpenTyp e contextua l alternates type style applied to text. Identifies the OpenTyp e tabular figures type style applied to text. Applies Identifies the the Applies the OpenType OpenTyp OpenTyp proportional figures type e style to text. proportio proportio e nal nal figures figures MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify type style to text. Applies the OT_LINING_FIGURES (true | false | none) “none” Applies the OpenType OpenTyp lining figures type style to e lining text. figures type style to text. Deconstr uct type style applied to text. Identifies the OpenTyp e lining figures type style applied to text. Indicates Removes OpenTyp OT_NONE (true | false | none) “none” Removes OpenType e formatting from text. formattin g from text. the OpenTyp e formattin g has been removed from text. Applies the Applies the OpenType OT_SUPERSCRIPT (true | false | none) “none” superscript type style to text. OpenTyp e superscrip t type style to text. Applies the OT_SUBSCRIPT (true | false | none) “none” Applies the OpenType subscript type style to text. OpenTyp e subscript type style to text. Applies the Applies the OpenType OT_NUMERATOR (true | false | none) “none” numerator type style to text. OpenTyp e numerato r type style to text. Identifies the OpenTyp e superscrip t type style applied to text. Identifies the OpenTyp e subscript type style applied to text. Identifies the OpenTyp e numerato r type style applied to text. OT_DENOMINATOR (true | false | none) Applies the OpenType Applies Identifies “none” denominator type style to the the A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 337 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstr uct OpenTyp OpenTyp text. e e denomin denomin ator type ator type style to style text. applied to text. Applies the OT_OLDSTYLE_FIGURES (true | false | none) “none” Applies the OpenType old OpenTyp style figures type style to e old style text. figures type style to text. Replaces lining or old style OT_SCIENTIFIC_INFERIOR_FEATURE (true | false | none) “none” Identifies the OpenTyp e old style figures type style applied to text. Replaces Replaces lining or lining or old style old style figures figures with with inferior inferior figures figures (smaller (smaller glyphs glyphs which sit which sit lower lower figures with inferior figures than the than the (smaller glyphs which sit standard standard lower than the standard baseline, baseline, baseline, primarily for primarily primarily chemical or mathematical for for notation). May also replace chemical chemical lowercase characters with or or alphabetic inferiors. mathema mathema tical tical notation). notation). May also May also replace replace lowercase lowercase characters characters with with alphabeti alphabeti c c inferiors. inferiors. Some Some OT_ITALICS_FEATURE (true | false | none) Adobe® Pro Japanese fonts) fonts fonts “none” have both Roman and (such as (such as Italic forms of some Adobe Adobe Some fonts (such as 338 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Deconstr Construct Modify characters in a single font. Pro Pro This feature replaces the Japanese Japanese Roman glyphs with the fonts) fonts) corresponding Italic have both have both glyphs. Roman uct Roman and Italic and Italic forms of forms of some some characters characters in a in a single single font. This font. This feature feature replaces replaces the the Roman Roman glyphs glyphs with the with the correspon correspon ding Italic ding Italic glyphs. glyphs. Apply Apply specially specially designed designed horizonta horizonta OT_HVKANA_ALTERNATES (true | false | none) “none” l or l or vertical vertical Apply specially designed Kana Kana horizontal or vertical Kana forms forms forms that correspond with that that the story direction (vertical correspon correspon or horizontal). d with d with the story the story direction direction (vertical (vertical or or horizonta horizonta l). l). Japanese typesetting often Japanese Japanese uses smaller kana glyphs, typesettin typesettin generally in superscripted g often g often form, to clarify the uses uses OT_RUBINOTATION_FORMS (true | false | meaning of kanji which smaller smaller none) “none” may be unfamiliar to the kana kana reader. These are called glyphs, glyphs, ruby, from the old generally generally typesetting term for four- in in point-sized type. This superscrip superscrip A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 339 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstr uct ted form, ted form, to clarify to clarify the the feature identifies glyphs in meaning meaning the font which have been of kanji of kanji designed for this use, which which substituting them for the may be may be default designs. unfamilia unfamilia r to the r to the reader. reader. These are These are called called ruby, ruby, from the from the old old typesettin typesettin g term for g term for four- four- point-size point-size d type. d type. This This feature feature identifies identifies glyphs in glyphs in the font the font which which have have been been designed designed for this for this use, use, substituti substituti OT_LOCALIZED_FORMS (true | false | none) “none” ng them for the for the default default designs. designs. Replace Replace default default Replace default forms of forms of forms of glyphs with localized glyphs glyphs forms. with with localized localized forms. forms. Apply Apply alternate alternate widths widths for for heights heights Apply alternate widths for OT_ALTERNATE_WIDTHS_NONE (true | false | heights based on story none) “none” direction (vertical or horizontal). 340 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 ng them MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstr uct based on based on story story direction direction (vertical (vertical or or horizonta horizonta l). l). Replace Replace glyphs set glyphs set Replace glyphs set on other OT_FULL_WIDTHS (true | false | none) “none” em widths with glyphs set on full-em widths. on other on other em em widths widths with with glyphs set glyphs set on full- on full- em em widths. widths. Replace Replace glyphs set glyphs set Replace glyphs set on other OT_HALF_WIDTHS (true | false | none) “none” em widths with half-em width glyphs. on other on other em em widths widths with half- with halfem width em width glyphs. glyphs. Replace Replace glyphs set glyphs set OT_THIRD_WIDTHS (true | false | none) “none” Replace glyphs set on other em widths with glyphs set on third-em widths. on other on other em em widths widths with with glyphs set glyphs set on third- on third- em em widths. widths. Replace Replace glyphs set glyphs set OT_QUARTER_WIDTHS (true | false | none) “none” on other on other em em Replace glyphs set on other widths widths em widths with glyphs set with with on quarter-em widths. glyphs set glyphs set on on quarter- quarter- em em widths. widths. OT_PROPORTIONAL_WIDTHS (true | false | Fit glyphs to individual, Fit glyphs Fit glyphs none) “none” proportional widths. to to A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 341 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstr uct individua individua l, l, proportio proportio OT_ALTVERTMETRICS (true | false | none) Center glyphs inside a full- “none” em height. nal nal widths. widths. Center Center glyphs glyphs inside a inside a full-em full-em height. height. Fit glyphs Fit glyphs to OT_PROPORTIONAL_ALTVERTMETRICS (true | Fit glyphs to individual, false | none) “none” proportional heights. l, nal nal heights. heights. Fit full- Fit full- em em Fit full-em height glyphs to height none) “none” half-em heights. none) “none”OT_JIS78FORMS (true | false | Alternate glyph forms, such none) “none”OT_JIS83FORMS (true | false | as JIS2004, JIS78, JIS90, none) “none”OT_JIS90FORMS (true | false | Simplified, and Traditional. none) “none”OT_JIS04FORMS (true | false | These glyph forms are none) “none”OT_SIMPLIFIED_FORMS (true | specially designed for some false | none) “none”OT_TRADITIONAL_FORMS Japanese OpenType fonts. (true | false | none) “none” l, proportio proportio OT_ALTERNATE_HALF_METRICS (true | false | OT_ALTERNATE_FORMS_NONE (true | false | to individua individua height glyphs to glyphs to half-em half-em heights. heights. Alternate Alternate glyph glyph forms, forms, such as such as JIS2004, JIS2004, JIS78, JIS78, JIS90, JIS90, Simplified Simplified , and , and Tradition Tradition al. These al. These glyph glyph forms are forms are specially specially designed designed for some for some Japanese Japanese OpenTyp OpenTyp LANGUAGE (SwissGerman | SwissGermanReformed | BrazilianPortuguese | Bulgarian | Croatian | Czech | Dutch | Danish | Finnish | French | German | ReformedGerman | Hungarian | Greek | Italian | BokmalNorwegian | Portuguese | Polish | Slovak | Russian | 342 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Specifies the dictionary preference used for hyphenation. e fonts. e fonts. Specifies Identifies the the dictionar dictionar y y preferenc preferenc e used for e used for MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstr uct Romanian | Swedish | Turkish | Spanish | USEnglish | Catalan | Estonian | Lithuanian | Latvian | Icelandic | Slovenian | hyphenat hyphenat InternationalEnglish | SimplifiedChinese | ion. ion. Sending Sending is a is a character character spacing spacing attribute attribute used used TraditionalChinese | Japanese | Korean | Ukrainian | NynorskNorwegian | None | none) “none” Sending is a character spacing attribute used particularly in East Asian SENDING CDATA #IMPLIED typography, similar to kerning, but applicable as a fixed value over a range of text. particular particular ly in East ly in East Asian Asian typograp typograp hy, hy, similar to similar to kerning, kerning, but but applicable applicable as a fixed as a fixed value value over a over a range of range of text. text. Describes Describes whether whether sending sending should be should be applied to applied to Describes whether sending should be applied to both APPLYSENDINGTONONCJK (true | false | none) “none” Roman and Chinese/Japanese/Korean glyphs (true) or just to Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Glyphs (false). both both Roman Roman and and Chinese/J Chinese/J apanese/ apanese/ Korean Korean glyphs glyphs (true) or (true) or just to just to Chinese, Chinese, Japanese, Japanese, UEGGLYPHID CDATA #IMPLIED Unencoded Glyphs and and Korean Korean Glyphs Glyphs (false). (false). Some Some A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 343 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Deconstr Construct Modify (UEG)Some glyphs, glyphs, especially in legacy Korean especially especially uct glyphs, documents, are not covered in legacy in legacy by the Unicode Korean Korean specification. These are documen documen referred to as UEG or ts, are not ts, are not Unencoded Glyphs. This covered covered attribute represents the by the by the font glyph ID for such Unicode Unicode characters that cannot be specificati specificati represented. Note that this on. These on. These is an empty element, as the are are glyph cannot be referred referred represented as text. to as UEG to as UEG or or Unencod Unencod ed ed Glyphs. Glyphs. This This attribute attribute represents represents the font the font glyph ID glyph ID for such for such characters characters that that cannot be cannot be represent represent ed. Note ed. Note that this that this is an is an empty empty element, element, as the as the glyph glyph cannot be cannot be represent represent ed as text. ed as text. Specifies Specifies which which variant to variant to OTVARIANT CDATA #IMPLIED 344 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Specifies which variant to use from use from use from among the among among multiple match found (if the the any). multiple multiple match match found (if found (if any). any). MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Contains Deconstr uct Contains the value the value of the of the OpenTyp OpenTyp Contains the value of the OpenType feature applied OTFEATURE CDATA #IMPLIED on text like AlternateFractions (afrc), AlternateAnnotations, etc. e feature e feature applied applied on text on text like like Alternate Alternate Fractions Fractions (afrc), (afrc), Alternate Alternate Annotati Annotati ons, etc. ons, etc. Represent Represent s the s the script script Represents the script system system SCRIPT (Hira | Hani | Hrkt | Hang | Yiii | Kana system used by this used by used by |Bopo | none) “none” element’s this this content. XT> element’s element’s content. content. Specifies Specifies whether whether this this character character should be should be Specifies whether this character should be HALFWIDTHUPRIGHT (true | false | none) “none” presented upright in a vertical story. This is specifically applicable to Roman characters within a vertical story. presented presented upright in upright in a vertical a vertical story. story. This is This is specificall specificall y y applicable applicable to Roman to Roman characters characters within a within a vertical vertical story. story. Indicates FAUXSTYLE (BOLD | ITALIC | BOLDITALIC | NONE) #IMPLIED Not Not applicable. applicable . whether the text contains a faux type style A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 345 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstr uct (such as a bold face that is construct ed by software, as opposed to a bold font). Represent s an automatic page number character. If a RICHTEX T element Represents an automatic with this page number character. If a attribute Represent RICHTEXT element with occurs in this attribute occurs in a a section, s an PAGENUMBERCHAR (CURRENTPAGE | section, section-specific section- NEXTPAGE | PREVIOUSPAGE) #IMPLIED numbering and formatting specific automatic page is applied to the page numberin number number. For more g and information, see “Working formattin with sections.” g is character. applied to the page number. For more informati on, see “Working with sections.” Specifies that this element is a hyperlink by referring to a 346 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstr uct HYPERLI NK. Specifies the type of hyperlink this element hyperlink s to. Options HLTYPE (WWWURL | PAGE | ANCHOR) #IMPLIED Not Not applicable. applicable . include WWWUR L (a URL on the Web), PAGE (the top of a page in the same layout), and ANCHOR (an anchor). If this element is a hyperlink Not HLANCHORREF CDATA #IMPLIED Not applicable. of the applicable HLTYPE . ANCHOR , this attribute identifies the anchor by name. Specifies a background Specifies a color to be inserted behind backgrou BACKGROUNDCOLOR CDATA #IMPLIED Not the text. This color displays nd color applicable only in rendered output, to be . and is not saved with the inserted A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 347 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstr uct behind the text. project file. This color displays only in rendered output, and is not saved with the project file. RIGHT (Modifier schema) Elem ent Construct Modify Deconstruct RIGHT element typeThe distance The distance between the The distance between the between the box or lines right box or lines right edge and box or lines right edge and edge and the right edge of the the right edge of the page, the right edge of the page, page, in points. in points. in points. type RIG HT (#PC DAT A) RIGHTCONTROLPOINT (Modifier schema) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct t ty pe RI RIGHTCONTROLPOINT element Each point on a curve is Each point on a curve is G typeEach point on a curve is described by three geometric described by three geometric H described by three geometric positions: the x,y coordinate positions: the x,y coordinate T positions: the x,y coordinate of of the vertex point (this of the vertex point (this C the vertex point (this coordinate coordinate is relative to the coordinate is relative to the bounding geometry of the O is relative to the bounding bounding geometry of the N geometry of the shape, not the shape, not the page), and the shape, not the page), and the T page), and the left and right left and right control left and right control R control handles–as you would handles–as you would see handles–as you would see O see onscreen in the QuarkXPress onscreen in the QuarkXPress onscreen in the QuarkXPress LP user environment. For more user environment. For more user environment. For more OI information on drawing and information on drawing and information on drawing and N manipulating bezier curves, manipulating bezier curves, manipulating bezier curves, 348 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct please see A Guide to please see A Guide to please see A Guide to QuarkXPress. QuarkXPress. QuarkXPress. X coordinate of X coordinate of X coordinate of RIGHTCONTROLPOINT. RIGHTCONTROLPOINT. RIGHTCONTROLPOINT. Y coordinate of Y coordinate of Y coordinate of RIGHTCONTROLPOINT. RIGHTCONTROLPOINT. RIGHTCONTROLPOINT. t ty pe T (e m pt y) Attributes X C D A T A #I M PL IE D Y C D A T A #I M PL IE D RIGHTGRID (Modifier schema) D ec Elemen t type o Construct Modify ns tr uc t RIGHT RIGHTGRID element typeDescribes a grid GRID line on the right edge of a cell in an (empty) . N Describes a grid line on the right edge of a ot cell in an . ap pli A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 349 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) D ec Elemen t type o Construct Modify ns tr uc t ca bl e. Attributes TYPE N (TOP | ot LEFT | BOTTO M| ap Specifies the location of the grid line. Specifies the location of the grid line. ca RIGHT) bl #IMPLI e. ED Identifies the that styles STYLE pli Identifies the that styles this grid line. If you specify this value, you this grid line. If you specify this value, you CDATA do not have to specify the remaining do not have to specify the remaining #IMPLI attributes. If you specify the remaining attributes. If you specify the remaining ED attributes, those attribute values override attributes, those attribute values override the corresponding values. the corresponding values. N ot ap pli ca bl e. N ot WIDTH CDATA Specifies the width of the grid line in Specifies the width of the grid line in #IMPLI points. points. ED ap pli ca bl e. N ot COLOR CDATA #IMPLI ap Specifies the color of the grid line. Specifies the color of the grid line. pli ca ED bl e. N ot SHADE CDATA #IMPLI ap Specifies the shade of the grid line. Specifies the shade of the grid line. pli ca ED bl e. OPACIT Y N Specifies the opacity of the grid line. CDATA 350 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Specifies the opacity of the grid line. ot ap MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) D ec Elemen t type o Construct Modify ns tr uc t pli #IMPLI ca ED bl e. N GAPCO ot Specifies the color of the gap (if any) ap CDATA between the lines that make up the grid Specifies the color of the gap (if any) between the lines that make up the grid pli #IMPLI line. line. ca LOR ED bl e. N GAPSH ot Specifies the shade of the gap (if any) Specifies the shade of the gap (if any) ap CDATA between the lines that make up the grid between the lines that make up the grid pli #IMPLI line. line. ca ADE ED bl e. N GAPOP ot Specifies the opacity of the gap (if any) ap CDATA between the lines that make up the grid between the lines that make up the grid pli #IMPLI line. line. ca ACITY Specifies the opacity of the gap (if any) ED bl e. ROW (Modifier schema) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct Describes a row in a table. Describes a row in a table. t ty pe R O W (( C ROW element typeDescribes a row in a table. EL L| A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 351 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct t ty pe G RI D LI N E) *) Attributes R O W C O U N Specifies the index position of a Specifies the index position of a T row from top to bottom. For row from top to bottom. For C example, ROWCOUNT = 1 example, ROWCOUNT = 1 D indicates the first row from the indicates the first column from A top, and ROWCOUNT = 2 the top, and ROWCOUNT = 2 T indicates the second row from indicates the second row from A the top. the top. Specifies the height of a Specifies the height of a row.Note: If this attribute is row.Note: If this attribute is empty, the row is resized to fit empty, the row is resized to fit #R Specifies the index position of a row from top to bottom. For example, ROWCOUNT = 1 indicates the first column from the top, and ROWCOUNT = 2 indicates the second column from the top. E Q UI RE D R O W H EI G H T C D A T A #I M its contents, unless RICHTEXT@ its contents, unless RICHTEXT@ MAINTAINGEOMETRY is set to MAINTAINGEOMETRY is set to true, in which case any row that true, in which case any row that does not have a ROWHEIGHT does not have a ROWHEIGHT attribute will be sized equally attribute will be sized equally using the amount of space using the amount of space remaining after all the specified remaining after all the specified ROWHEIGHT attributes have ROWHEIGHT attributes have been subtracted from the total been subtracted from the total height of the box. height of the box. PL 352 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Specifies the height a row. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct t ty pe IE D C Identifies the color of a O L Identifies the color of a row. O Identifies the color of a row. Overrides the TABLE@COLOR R Overrides the TABLE@COLOR attribute.Note: Only the name C attribute.Note: Only the name of a color is included in this D of a color is included in this attribute. The definition of the A attribute. The definition of the color is stored in the projects Job T color is stored in the projects Jackets file or defined using the A Job Jackets file or defined using Document Controls submenu in #I the Document Controls QuarkXPress Server, or an M submenu in QuarkXPress Server. existing color created and saved in the project. PL row. Overrides the TABLE@COLOR attribute.Note: Only the name of a color is included in this attribute. The definition of the color is stored in the projects Job Jackets file or defined using the Document Controls submenu in QuarkXPress Server, or an existing color created and saved in the IE project. D S H A D E C D Specifies the shade of the color Specifies the shade of the color A applied to a row, as an integer applied to a row, as an integer T percentage from 0 to 100. percentage from 0 to 100. A Specifies the shade of the color applied to a row, as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. #I M PL IE D O PA CI T Y C D A Specifies the opacity of the color Specifies the opacity of the color Specifies the opacity of the applied to a row, specified as an applied to a row, specified as an color applied to a row, integer percentage from 0 to integer percentage from 0 to specified as an integer 100. 100. percentage from 0 to 100. T A #I A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 353 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct t ty pe M PL IE D M ER G ER O W SP A N C D If a table includes merged Attribute used for merging cells Attribute used for merging cells cells, then the and rows. and rows. MERGECOLSPAN value is shown in the xml output. A T A #I M PL IE D SP LI T (tr ue | fal se Not applicable. Attribute used for splitting rows and columns. Not applicable. ) #I M PL IE D A U T O FI Specifies whether the rows or Specifies whether the rows or Specifies whether the rows columns will adjust size to fit columns will adjust size to fit or columns will adjust size the content. the content. to fit the content. T 354 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct Max limit for autofit. Max limit for autofit. t ty pe (tr ue | fal se | n o ne ) “n o ne ” A U T O FI T M A X LI M IT Max limit for autofit. C D A T A #I M PL IE D RUBI (Modifier schema) Element type RUBI Construct Modify Deconstruct RUBI element typeSpecifies a Specifies a region of base Specifies a region of base A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 355 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct (RUBITEX region of base text and the T, Modify Deconstruct text and the rubi text to text and the rubi text to rubi text to include with that include with that text. include with that text. (RICHTEX text. Note the second and Note the second and Note the second and T| subsequent children of the subsequent children of the subsequent children of the ANCHORE RUBI element (RICHTEXT | RUBI element (RICHTEXT | RUBI element (RICHTEXT | DBOXREF ANCHOREDBOX | HIDDEN | ANCHOREDBOX | HIDDEN ANCHOREDBOX | HIDDEN | HIDDEN CALLOUTANCHOR | | CALLOUTANCHOR | | CALLOUTANCHOR | | INLINEBOX | INLINEBOX | INLINEBOX | CALLOUT MATHEQUATION)+ declare MATHEQUATION)+ declare MATHEQUATION)+ declare ANCHOR | the base text to which the the base text to which the the base text to which the INLINEBO rubi text is to be applied. rubi text is to be applied. rubi text is to be applied. X| MATHEQ UATION)+ ) RUBITEXT (Modifier schema) Element type Construct RUBITEXT element typeSpecifies the rubi text to be applied to the specified base text.The RUBITEXT RUBITEXT element is a container for a (RICHTEXT) RICHTEXT element. All the usual character formatting attributes can be applied to Modify Deconstruct Specifies the rubi text to Specifies the rubi text to be applied to the be applied to the specified base text. The specified base text. The RUBITEXT element is a RUBITEXT element is a container for a container for a RICHTEXT element. All RICHTEXT element. All the usual character the usual character formatting attributes can formatting attributes can be applied to the rubi be applied to the rubi text through this text through this RICHTEXT element. RICHTEXT element. Controls how non- Controls how non- overhanging rubi text overhanging rubi text aligns with the base text. aligns with the base text. For more information, For more information, see “Rubi alignment see “Rubi alignment options” in the options” in the QuarkXPress QuarkXPress documentation. documentation. OVERHANGAL Defines how far the rubi Defines how far the rubi Defines how far the rubi IGNMENT text can overhang base text text can overhang base text can overhang base (none | LEFT | that is unrelated to the rubi text that is unrelated to text that is unrelated to TOP | text. For more information, the rubi text. For more the rubi text. For more the rubi text through this RICHTEXT element. Attributes ALIGNMENT (LEFT | TOP | CENTERED | RIGHT | BOTTOM | JUSTIFIED | FORCED | ONETOONE | EQUALSPACE | ONERUBISPAC Controls how nonoverhanging rubi text aligns with the base text. For more information, see “Rubi alignment options” in the QuarkXPress documentation. E) “CENTERED” 356 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct RIGHT | see “Rubi overhang information, see “Rubi information, see “Rubi BOTTOM | options.” overhang options.” overhang options.” This attribute specifies This attribute specifies whether rubi text whether rubi text displays above or below displays above or below the base text (in a the base text (in a horizontal story) or to horizontal story) or to the left of or right of the the left of or right of the base text (in a vertical base text (in a vertical story). story). Defines the size of the rubi Defines the size of the Defines the size of the text compared to the base rubi text compared to the rubi text compared to the CENTERED | JUSTIFIED | FORCED | ONETOONE | EQUALSPACE) “none” This attribute specifies PLACEMENT whether rubi text displays (ABOVE | above or below the base text BELOW | (in a horizontal story) or to RIGHT | LEFT) the left of or right of the “ABOVE” base text (in a vertical story). RELATIVESIZE CDATA “50” OFFSET CDATA “0” text. Use this attribute to control how far the rubi text is offset from the base text. base text. base text. Use this attribute to Use this attribute to control how far the rubi control how far the rubi text is offset from the text is offset from the base text. base text. OVERHANG (none | Defines how far the rubi Defines how far the rubi Defines how far the rubi UNRESTRICTE text can overhang base text text can overhang base text can overhang base D | HALFRUBI | that is unrelated to the rubi text that is unrelated to text that is unrelated to FULLRUBI | text. For more information, the rubi text. For more the rubi text. For more HALFBASE | see “Rubi overhang information, see “Rubi information, see “Rubi FULLBASE) options.” overhang options.” overhang options.” Automatically aligns rubi Automatically aligns rubi Automatically aligns rubi AUTOALIGNA text with the border of a text with the border of a text with the border of a TLINEEDGES text box when the rubi text text box when the rubi text box when the rubi (true | false) overhangs the base text and text overhangs the base text overhangs the base “true” touches the edge of the text text and touches the edge text and touches the edge “HALFRUBI” box. of the text box. of the text box. Applicable for OT fonts Applicable for OT fonts Applicable for OT fonts ANNONATION applied to rubi. If the font applied to rubi. If the applied to rubi. If the S (true | false) supports annotations, then font supports font supports that is applied on the rubi annotations, then that is annotations, then that is text. applied on the rubi text. applied on the rubi text. “true” A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 357 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) RULE (Modifier schema) Ele men t Construct Modify Deconstruct Describes a rule above or Describes a rule above or below a paragraph. below a paragraph. type RUL E (em pty) RULE element typeDescribes a rule above or below a paragraph. Attributes ENA BLE D (tru e| false | Specifies whether to add a rule Specifies whether to add a rule Specifies whether a rule is to a paragraph or not. to a paragraph or not. applied to a paragraph or not. Specifies whether a rule Specifies whether a rule should be above or below a should be above or below a paragraph. paragraph. Specifies the length of a Specifies the length of a Specifies the length of a rule.TEXT = Rule is the same rule.TEXT = Rule is the same rule.TEXT = Rule is the same length as the first line of text length as the first line of text length as the first line of text in the paragraph (for rule in the paragraph (for rule in the paragraph (for rule above) or the last line of text above) or the last line of text above) or the last line of text in the paragraph (for rule in the paragraph (for rule in the paragraph (for rule below).COLUMN = Rule below).COLUMN = Rule below).COLUMN = Rule non e) “no ne” POS ITI ON (AB OV E| BEL OW Specifies whether a rule is above or below a paragraph. ) “BE LO W” LEN GT H (TE XT | CO LU MN | IND ENT S) “IN DE extends to edges of parent box extends to edges of parent box extends to edges of parent box or column.INDENTS = Rule or column.INDENTS = Rule or column.INDENTS = Rule extends from the paragraph’s extends from the paragraph’s extends from the paragraph’s left indent to its right indent. left indent to its right indent. left indent to its right indent. NTS ” 358 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Ele men t Construct Modify Deconstruct Specifies a distance to indent Specifies a distance to indent Specifies a distance a rule is a rule farther from the left. A a rule farther from the left. A indented farther from the left. positive number moves the positive number moves the A positive number moves the end-point to the right; a end-point to the right; a end-point to the right; a negative number moves the negative number moves the negative number moves the end-point to the left. end-point to the left. end-point to the left. Specifies a distance to indent Specifies a distance to indent Specifies a distance a rule is type LEF T CD ATA #IM PLIE D RIG HT CD ATA #IM PLIE D a rule farther from the right. A a rule farther from the right. A indented farther from the positive number moves the positive number moves the right. A positive number end-point to the left; a end-point to the left; a moves the end-point to the negative number moves the negative number moves the left; a negative number moves end-point to the right. end-point to the right. the end-point to the right. Specifies the amount of space Specifies the amount of space Specifies the amount of space between a rule and the between a rule and the between a rule and the paragraph to which it is paragraph to which it is paragraph to which it is attached. attached. attached. Specifies the thickness of a Specifies the thickness of a Specifies the thickness of a rule. rule. Identifies the color for a Identifies the color for a OFF SET CD ATA #IM PLIE D WI DT H CD ATA rule. #IM PLIE D Identifies the color for a CO rule.Note: Only the name of a rule.Note: Only the name of a rule.Note: Only the name of a color is included in this color is included in this LOR color is included in this attribute. The definition of attribute. The definition of CD the color is stored in the the color is stored in the ATA the color is stored in the projects Job Jackets file or projects Job Jackets file or #IM projects Job Jackets file or defined using the Document defined using the Document PLIE defined using the Document Controls submenu in Controls submenu in D Controls submenu in QuarkXPress Server, or an QuarkXPress Server, or an QuarkXPress Server. existing color created and existing color created and saved in the project. saved in the project. Specifies the shade of a rules Specifies the shade of a rules attribute. The definition of SHA DE CD ATA #IM Specifies the shade of a rules color, as an integer percentage color, as an integer percentage color, as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. from 0 to 100. from 0 to 100. PLIE A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 359 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Ele men Construct t Modify Deconstruct type D OPA CIT Y Specifies the opacity of a rules Specifies the opacity of a rules Specifies the opacity of a rules CD ATA #IM color, specified as an integer color, specified as an integer color, specified as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. percentage from 0 to 100. percentage from 0 to 100. Identifies a Dashes & Stripes Identifies a Dashes & Stripes Identifies a Dashes & Stripes style (LINESTYLE) for a style (LINESTYLE) for a style (LINESTYLE) for a PLIE D STY rule.Note: Only the name of a rule.Note: Only the name of a rule.Note: Only the name of a LE Dashes & Stripes style is CD included in this attribute. The included in this attribute. The included in this attribute. The Dashes & Stripes style is Dashes & Stripes style is ATA definition of the Dashes & definition of the Dashes & definition of the Dashes & #IM Stripes style is stored in the Stripes style is stored in the Stripes style is stored in the PLIE projects Job Jackets file or projects Job Jackets file or projects Job Jackets file or D defined using the Document defined using the Document defined using the Document Controls submenu in Controls submenu in Controls submenu in QuarkXPress Server. QuarkXPress Server. QuarkXPress Server. RUNAROUND (Modifier schema) Elem ent Construct Modify Deconstruct Describes a runaround Describes a runaround applied to a box or line. applied to a box or line. Specifies the type of Specifies the type of type RUN ARO RUNAROUND element UND typeDescribes a runaround (emp applied to a box or line. ty) Attributes TYPE Specifies the type of (NO runaround applied to a box or runaround applied to a box or runaround applied to a box or NE | line:NONE = Text runs behind line:NONE = Text runs behind line:NONE = Text runs behind ITEM the box or line.ITEM = Text the box or line.ITEM = Text the box or line.ITEM = Text | runs around the edges of the runs around the edges of the runs around the edges of the EMB box or line.EMBEDDEDPATH box or line.EMBEDDEDPATH box or line.EMBEDDEDPATH EDD = Text runs around a path = Text runs around a path = Text runs around a path EDP embedded in the picture embedded in the picture embedded in the picture ATH file.ALPHACHANNEL = Text file.ALPHACHANNEL = Text file.ALPHACHANNEL = Text | runs around an alpha channel runs around an alpha channel runs around an alpha channel ALP embedded in the picture embedded in the picture embedded in the picture HAC file.NONWHITEAREAS = Text file.NONWHITEAREAS = Text file.NONWHITEAREAS = Text HAN runs around a path based on 360 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 runs around a path based on runs around a path based on MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Elem ent Construct Modify Deconstruct type NEL | the dark and light areas of the the dark and light areas of the the dark and light areas of the NON picture file. See the picture file. See the picture file. See the WHI THRESHOLD THRESHOLD THRESHOLD TEAR attribute.PICTUREBOUNDS = attribute.PICTUREBOUNDS = attribute.PICTUREBOUNDS = EAS | Text runs around the Text runs around the Text runs around the PICT rectangular canvas area of the rectangular canvas area of the rectangular canvas area of the URE picture, regardless of the size BOU and shape of the picture picture, regardless of the size picture, regardless of the size and shape of the picture and shape of the picture NDS box.SAMEASCLIPPING = Text box.SAMEASCLIPPING = Text box.SAMEASCLIPPING = Text | runs around the pictures runs around the pictures runs around the pictures SAM clipping path, if clipping path, if clipping path, if EASC any.AUTOIMAGE = Text runs any.AUTOIMAGE = Text runs any.AUTOIMAGE = Text runs LIPPI around a clipping path around a clipping path around a clipping path NG | created based on the dark and created based on the dark and created based on the dark and AUT light areas in the picture file. light areas in the picture file. light areas in the picture file. OIM See the THRESHOLD See the THRESHOLD See the THRESHOLD AGE attribute. attribute. attribute. Valid when Valid when Valid when RUNAROUND@TYPE = ITEM RUNAROUND@TYPE = ITEM RUNAROUND@TYPE = ITEM or PICTUREBOUNDS. Moves or PICTUREBOUNDS. Moves or PICTUREBOUNDS. Moves the top edge of the the top edge of the the top edge of the | MAN UAL) “NO NE” TOP CDA TA #IMP LIED RIG HT CDA TA #IMP LIED runaround by the specified runaround by the specified runaround by the specified number of points number of points number of points (positive=up, (positive=up, (positive=up, negative=down). negative=down). negative=down). Valid when Valid when Valid when RUNAROUND@TYPE = ITEM RUNAROUND@TYPE = ITEM RUNAROUND@TYPE = ITEM or PICTUREBOUNDS. Moves or PICTUREBOUNDS. Moves or PICTUREBOUNDS. Moves the right edge of the the right edge of the the right edge of the runaround by the specified runaround by the specified runaround by the specified number of points number of points number of points (positive=right, negative=left). (positive=right, negative=left). (positive=right, negative=left). Valid when Valid when Valid when LEFT RUNAROUND@TYPE = ITEM RUNAROUND@TYPE = ITEM RUNAROUND@TYPE = ITEM CDA or PICTUREBOUNDS. Moves or PICTUREBOUNDS. Moves or PICTUREBOUNDS. Moves TA the left edge of the runaround the left edge of the runaround the left edge of the runaround #IMP by the specified number of by the specified number of by the specified number of LIED points (positive=left, BOT points (positive=left, points (positive=left, negative=right). negative=right). negative=right). Valid when Valid when Valid when TOM RUNAROUND@TYPE = ITEM RUNAROUND@TYPE = ITEM RUNAROUND@TYPE = ITEM CDA or PICTUREBOUNDS. Moves or PICTUREBOUNDS. Moves or PICTUREBOUNDS. Moves A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 361 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Elem ent Construct Modify Deconstruct the bottom edge of the the bottom edge of the the bottom edge of the runaround by the specified runaround by the specified type TA #IMP runaround by the specified LIED number of points number of points number of points (positive=down, (positive=down, (positive=down, negative=up). negative=up). negative=up). Identifies a clipping path Identifies a clipping path Identifies a clipping path PAT HNA ME CDA embedded in a picture for use embedded in a picture for use embedded in a picture for use as the runaround path. as the runaround path. as the runaround path. Valid when Valid when Valid when RUNAROUND@TYPE = RUNAROUND@TYPE = RUNAROUND@TYPE = OUT AUTOIMAGE, AUTOIMAGE, AUTOIMAGE, SET EMBEDDEDPATH, EMBEDDEDPATH, EMBEDDEDPATH, CDA ALPHACHANNEL, ALPHACHANNEL, ALPHACHANNEL, TA NONWHITEAREAS, or NONWHITEAREAS, or TA #IMP LIED NONWHITEAREAS, or #IMP SAMEASCLIPPING. Specifies a SAMEASCLIPPING. Specifies a SAMEASCLIPPING. Specifies a LIED single outset or inset integer NOIS E CDA TA #IMP LIED THR ESH OLD CDA single outset or inset integer single outset or inset integer value in points to be used on value in points to be used on value in points to be used on all sides. all sides. all sides. Valid when Valid when Valid when RUNAROUND@TYPE = RUNAROUND@TYPE = RUNAROUND@TYPE = AUTOIMAGE, AUTOIMAGE, AUTOIMAGE, ALPHACHANNEL, or ALPHACHANNEL, or ALPHACHANNEL, or NONWHITEAREAS. Specifies NONWHITEAREAS. Specifies NONWHITEAREAS. Specifies that areas smaller than this that areas smaller than this that areas smaller than this number of points should be number of points should be number of points should be ignored when creating a ignored when creating a ignored when creating a runaround path. runaround path. runaround path. Valid when Valid when Valid when RUNAROUND@TYPE = RUNAROUND@TYPE = RUNAROUND@TYPE = AUTOIMAGE, AUTOIMAGE, AUTOIMAGE, ALPHACHANNEL, or ALPHACHANNEL, or ALPHACHANNEL, or NONWHITEAREAS. Specifies NONWHITEAREAS. Specifies NONWHITEAREAS. Specifies the maximum integer the maximum integer the maximum integer percentage of darkness that percentage of darkness that percentage of darkness that should be considered white should be considered white should be considered white when creating a runaround when creating a runaround when creating a runaround path. path. path. SMO Valid when Valid when Valid when OTH RUNAROUND@TYPE = RUNAROUND@TYPE = RUNAROUND@TYPE = NESS AUTOIMAGE, AUTOIMAGE, AUTOIMAGE, CDA ALPHACHANNEL, or ALPHACHANNEL, or ALPHACHANNEL, or TA NONWHITEAREAS. Specifies NONWHITEAREAS. Specifies NONWHITEAREAS. Specifies #IMP the smoothness, in points, of the smoothness, in points, of the smoothness, in points, of TA #IMP LIED 362 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Elem ent Construct Modify Deconstruct an automatically created an automatically created an automatically created runaround path. runaround path. runaround path. Valid when Valid when RUNAROUND@TYPE = RUNAROUND@TYPE = AUTOIMAGE, AUTOIMAGE, EMBEDDEDPATH, EMBEDDEDPATH, ALPHACHANNEL, or ALPHACHANNEL, or NONWHITEAREAS. Indicates NONWHITEAREAS. Indicates that only the outer edges of that only the outer edges of type LIED OUT SIDE ONL Y (true | false | none ) “non Valid when RUNAROUND@TYPE = AUTOIMAGE, EMBEDDEDPATH, the runaround path should be the runaround path should be ALPHACHANNEL, or NONWHITEAREAS. Indicates that only the outer edges of the runaround path is used. used. used. Valid when Valid when Valid when RUNAROUND@TYPE = RUNAROUND@TYPE = RUNAROUND@TYPE = AUTOIMAGE, AUTOIMAGE, AUTOIMAGE, EMBEDDEDPATH, EMBEDDEDPATH, EMBEDDEDPATH, ALPHACHANNEL, or ALPHACHANNEL, or ALPHACHANNEL, or NONWHITEAREAS. Indicates NONWHITEAREAS. Indicates NONWHITEAREAS. Indicates whether the runaround path whether the runaround path whether the runaround path is restricted to the inside of is restricted to the inside of is restricted to the inside of the box. the box. the box. Valid when Valid when Valid when RUNAROUND@TYPE = RUNAROUND@TYPE = RUNAROUND@TYPE = EMBEDDEDPATH, EMBEDDEDPATH, EMBEDDEDPATH, ALPHACHANNEL, or ALPHACHANNEL, or ALPHACHANNEL, or NONWHITEAREAS. Reverses NONWHITEAREAS. Reverses NONWHITEAREAS. Reverses the shape of the runaround the shape of the runaround the shape of the runaround path. path. path. e” REST RICT TOB OX (true | false | none ) “non e” INVE RT (true | false | none ) “non e” EDIT ED (true Indicates whether the | false | none Not applicable. Not applicable. runaround path has been manually edited in QuarkXPress. ) “non e” A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 363 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) SAVEAS (Modifier schema) El D e ec m o en Construct Modify ns t tr ty uc pe t SA N VE SAVEAS element typeLets you save a AS constructed QuarkXPress project to a specific (e location on the server computer. Roughly m equivalent to choosing File > Save As in pt QuarkXPress. Lets you save a modified QuarkXPress project to a specific location on the server computer. Roughly equivalent to choosing File > Save As in QuarkXPress. y) ot ap pli ca bl e. Attributes N E W N A N M ot E C D Specifies a name for the project being saved. Specifies a name for the project being saved. Can be a relative path to the document pool. AT ap pli ca bl A e. #I M PL IE D PA T H N C ot D AT The absolute path on the server computer A for saving the project. The absolute path on the server computer for saving the project. #I ap pli ca bl M e. PL IE D SA VE T O P Specifies whether the project should be saved Specifies whether the project should be to the document pool, in addition to saving saved to the document pool, in addition to it in the location specified in the PATH saving it in the location specified in the attribute. PATH attribute. 364 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 N ot ap pli ca MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) El D e ec m o en Construct Modify ns t tr ty uc pe t O O L bl (tr e. ue | fal se) “tr ue ” RE PL Indicates whether the saved project should A Indicates whether the saved project should replace any existing file with the same name replace any existing file with the same name CE in the specified location.An index number in the specified location.An index number ot (tr gets appended to the file name if this value is gets appended to the file name if this value ap ue set to false and a file with the supplied name is set to false and a file with the supplied | exists at the specification location.For fal example, if NEWNAME = file.qxp and the N name exists at the specification location.For example, if NEWNAME = file.qxp and the se) REPLACE value is set to false, the file is saved REPLACE value is set to false, the file is saved “tr as file1.qxp when a file with the same name as file1.qxp when a file with the same name ue exists at the specified location. exists at the specified location. pli ca bl e. ” SCALETO (Modifier schema) Element type Deco Construct nstru ct SCALET SCALETO element typeLets you specify the O Modify Lets you specify the maximum or Not maximum or minimum size of a box for a fit- minimum size of a box for a fit-box- appli (empty) box-to-content operation. to-content operation. cable. The largest or smallest allowable Not width for the resized box, as an appli integer percentage. cable. The largest or smallest allowable Not height for the resized box, as an appli integer percentage. cable. Attributes X CDATA The largest or smallest allowable width for #REQUI the resized box, as an integer percentage. RED Y CDATA The largest or smallest allowable height for #REQUI the resized box, as an integer percentage. RED A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 365 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) SECTION (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct typeDescribes a Describes a section Specifies a section in a section break in a break in a layout. QuarkXPress layout. SECTION element SECTION (empty) layout. Attributes The prefix to be added The prefix to be added The prefix to be added PREFIX CDATA #IMPLIED before each automatic before each automatic before each automatic page number inserted page number inserted page number inserted in this section. in this section. in this section. Specifies whether to OPERATION (CREATE | Not applicable. DELETE) #IMPLIED create or delete the Not applicable. indicated section. FORMAT (NUMERIC | ROMAN | SMALLROMAN | ALPHA | SMALLALPHA | ASIANNUMBERS) #IMPLIED The format of each The format of each The format of each automatic page automatic page automatic page number inserted in number inserted in number inserted in this section. this section. this section. The starting page The starting page The starting page number for this number for this section. section. NUMBER CDATA #IMPLIED number for this section. SECTIONNUMBERFORMAT (Modifier schema) Const Element type ruct Not SECTIONNUMBERFORMAT (empty) applic able. Decon Modify struct Allows you to specify the page number format. Not applic able. Attributes FORMAT (NUMERIC | ROMAN | Not SMALLROMAN | ALPHA | SMALLALPHA | applic ASIANNUMBERS) #IMPLIED able. Not PREFIX CDATA #IMPLIED INITIALPAGENUMBER The format of each automatic page number inserted in this section. The prefix to be added before each Not applic able. Not applic automatic page number inserted in applic able. this section. able. Not Fixes the page number for the first Not applic page of the PAGESEQUENCE to applic able. able. which it applies. SHADINGSTYLE (Modifier schema) Element type SHADINGSTYLE Construct Modify Allows you to specify Allows you to specify the Allows you to specify the the shading style shading style applied to shading style applied to applied to the text. the text. the text. 366 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Deconstruct MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct Specifies the name of Specifies the name of the Specifies the name of the the pre-defined text pre-defined text shading pre-defined text shading shading style to be style to be applied to the style to be applied to the Attributes NAME COLOR SHADE applied to the text. text. Specifies the color of Specifies the color of the Specifies the color of the text shading to be text shading to be the text shading to be applied to the text. applied to the text. applied to the text. Specifies the shade of Specifies the shade of Specifies the shade of the text shading color. the text shading color. the text shading color. Specifies the opacity OPACITY text. Specifies the opacity of Specifies the opacity of the text shading color. the text shading color. Specifies the length Specifies the length of Specifies the length of of the text shading to the text shading to be the text shading to be of the text shading color. be applied to the text. applied to the text. Allowed options are: Allowed options are: LENGTH applied to the text. Allowed options are: INDENTS = text shading will be INDENTS = text shading will be applied to the INDENTS = text shading applied to the entire entire line between the entire line between the line between the defined indents. defined indents. defined indents. TEXT = text shading will be applied to the TEXT = text shading will TEXT = text shading will be applied only the be applied only the will be applied only length of the text in length of the text in the length of the text each line. each line. in each line. COlUMN = text shading will be COlUMN = text shading will be applied to the COlUMN = text shading will be applied to the entire length of the box. entire length of the box. applied to the entire length of the box. CLIPTOBOX (true | false) RIGHTPADDING BOTTOMPADDING LEFTPADDING TOPPADDING BORDERWIDTH Confines the text Confines the text shading to the shading to the bounding shading to the bounding bounding box. box. Specifies the right offset. Confines the text box. Specifies the right offset. Specifies the right offset. Specifies the bottom Specifies the bottom Specifies the bottom offset. offset. offset. Specifies the left offset. Specifies the left offset. Specifies the top offset. Specifies the top offset. Specifies the width of Specifies the width of Specifies the left offset. Specifies the top offset. Specifies the width of A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 367 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type BORDERSTYLE BORDERCOLOR BORDERSHADE BORDEROPACITY Construct Modify Deconstruct the frame. the frame. the frame. Specifies the frame style. Specifies the color of the frame. frame. Specifies the shade of the Specifies the shade of the the frame color. frame color. frame color. Specifies the opacity of Specifies the opacity of of the frame color. the frame color. the frame color. Indicate that you want Indicate that you want the frame to appear on the frame to appear on the left of the text. the left of the text. Indicate that you want Indicate that you want the frame to appear on the frame to appear on the right of the text. the right of the text. Indicate that you Indicate that you want Indicate that you want want the frame to the frame to appear the frame to appear want the frame to false) appear on the left of the text. Indicate that you RIGHTBORDER (true | want the frame to false) appear on the right of the text. BOTTOMBORDER (true | false) frame. Specifies the opacity LEFTBORDER (true | false) Specifies the color of the Specifies the color of the Specifies the shade of Indicate that you TOPBORDER (true | .Specifies the frame style. Specifies the frame style. appear above the text. above the text. above the text. Indicate that you Indicate that you want Indicate that you want want the frame to the frame to appear the frame to appear appear below the text. below the text. below the text. BORDERRIGHTPADDI Specifies the frames Specifies the frames right NG right offset. offset. BORDERBOTTOMPAD Specifies the frames Specifies the frames Specifies the frames DING bottom offset. bottom offset. bottom offset. BORDERLEFTPADDIN Specifies the frames Specifies the frames left Specifies the frames left G BORDERTOPPADDING left offset. offset. offset. Specifies the frames Specifies the frames top Specifies the frames top top offset. offset. offset. SHADOW (Modifier schema) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct Describes an automatic drop Describes an automatic shadow. drop shadow. t ty pe S H A SHADOW element D typeDescribes an automatic drop O shadow. W (e 368 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct t ty pe m pt y) Attributes C O Identifies the color of a L O Identifies the color of a drop drop shadow.Note: Only R Identifies the color of a drop shadow.Note: Only the name of the name of a color is C shadow.Note: Only the name of a color is included in this included in this attribute. D a color is included in this attribute. The definition of the The definition of the color A attribute. The definition of the color is stored in the projects is stored in the projects Job T color is stored in the projects Job Jackets file, defined using Jackets file or defined using A Job Jackets file or defined using the Document Controls the Document Controls #R the Document Controls E submenu in QuarkXPress Server, submenu in QuarkXPress submenu in QuarkXPress Server. or an existing color created and saved in the project. Q Server, or an existing color created and saved in the project. UI RE D S H A D E C D Specifies the shade of the color Specifies the shade of the color Specifies the shade of the A applied to a drop shadow, as an applied to a drop shadow, as an color applied to a drop T integer percentage from 0 to integer percentage from 0 to shadow, as an integer A 100. 100. percentage from 0 to 100. #R E Q UI RE D O PA CI Specifies the opacity of a drop Specifies the opacity of a drop T shadow, specified as an integer shadow, specified as an integer Y percentage from 0 to 100. percentage from 0 to 100. C Specifies the opacity of a drop shadow, specified as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. D A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 369 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct t ty pe A T A #R E Q UI RE D A N G LE C D A T A #R Specifies an angle in degrees for Specifies an angle in degrees for a drop shadow. Should be a a drop shadow. Should be a floating point value between – floating point value between – 180 and 180. 180 and 180. Specifies the distance in points Specifies the distance in points from the edge of an item to the from the edge of an item to the edge of the items drop shadow edge of the items drop shadow as a floating point value. as a floating point value. Specifies an angle in degrees for a drop shadow. Should be a floating point value between –180 and 180. E Q UI RE D DI ST A N C E C D A T A Specifies the distance in points from the edge of an item to the edge of the items drop shadow as a floating point value. #R E Q UI RE D SK Specifies a skew angle for a drop Specifies a skew angle for a drop Specifies a skew angle for a E shadow as a floating-point value shadow as a floating-point value drop shadow as a floating- 370 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct t ty pe W from –75 degrees to 75 degrees from –75 degrees to 75 degrees D Specifies the size of an items Specifies the size of an items A drop shadow as an integer drop shadow as an integer T percentage of the size of the percentage of the size of the A item. The valid values are from item. The valid values are from C point value from –75 degrees to 75 degrees D A T A #R E Q UI RE D S C A LE C #R 10 to 1000 percent. 10 to 1000 percent. Specifies the size of an items drop shadow as an integer percentage of the size of the item. The valid values are from 10 to 1000 percent. E Q UI RE D BL U R C D A Specifies the blur distance for a Specifies the blur distance for a T drop shadow, from 0 to 144 drop shadow, from 0 to 144 A points, with higher values points, with higher values #R creating blurrier edges. creating blurrier edges. Specifies the blur distance for a drop shadow, from 0 to 144 points, with higher values creating blurrier edges. E Q UI RE D K Specifies whether a shadow N displays through semi-opaque Specifies whether a shadow Specifies whether a shadow displays through semi-opaque displays through semi- A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 371 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct areas of its item. opaque areas of its item. t ty pe O C areas of its item. K O U TS H A D O W (tr ue | fal se ) “f als e” SY N C H R O NI ZE A N G Specifies whether to synchronize Specifies whether to synchronize the angle of a drop shadow with the angle of a drop shadow with Specifies whether to synchronize the angle of a drop shadow with the the angles of other drop the angles of other drop shadows in the layout. shadows in the layout. R Specifies whether to include a Specifies whether to include a Specifies whether to U drop shadow with the text drop shadow with the text include a drop shadow LE (tr angles of other drop shadows in the layout. ue | fal se ) “f als e” 372 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct t ty pe N runaround specified in the runaround specified in the with the text runaround A RUNAROUND element.Note: RUNAROUND element.Note: specified in the R The OUTSET attribute of the The OUTSET attribute of the RUNAROUND RUNAROUND element is element.Note: The OUTSET measured from the edges of the attribute of the drop shadow. For example, if RUNAROUND element is O RUNAROUND element is U measured from the edges of the N drop shadow. For example, if D text is wrapping around a text is wrapping around a measured from the edges of S rectangular pull-out quote with rectangular pull-out quote with the drop shadow. For H a drop shadow, text will not a drop shadow, text will not example, if text is overlap the drop shadow if wrapping around a A overlap the drop shadow if D RUNAROUNDSHADOW is set to RUNAROUNDSHADOW is set to rectangular pull-out quote O true. true. with a drop shadow, text W will not overlap the drop (tr shadow if ue RUNAROUNDSHADOW is | set to true. fal se ) “f als e” M U LT Specifies how a drop shadow is Specifies how a drop shadow is Specifies how a drop IP combined with its combined with its shadow is combined with LY background.When true, the background.When true, the its background.When true, shadow color is combined with the shadow color is S shadow color is combined with H the background color or colors the background color or colors combined with the A using a “multiply” blending using a “multiply” blending background color or colors D mode, producing a darker result mode, producing a darker result using a “multiply” O (similar to an overprint).When (similar to an overprint).When blending mode, producing W false, the color of the false, the color of the a darker result (similar to (tr background is combined with background is combined with an overprint).When false, ue the color of the shadow to the color of the shadow to the color of the | create the intermediate shades background is combined create the intermediate shades fal you see on screen.In general, set you see on screen.In general, set with the color of the se to true if the shadow is a lighter to true if the shadow is a lighter shadow to create the ) color, and set to false if the intermediate shades you shadow is black. see on screen. Specifies whether the drop Specifies whether the drop color, and set to false if the “t shadow is black. ru e” IN Specifies whether the drop A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 373 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct H shadow reflects the opacity or shadow reflects the opacity or shadow reflects the opacity ER opacities of the item, such as opacities of the item, such as or opacities of the item, IT differences in opacity between differences in opacity between such as differences in O the box background and frame. the box background and frame. opacity between the box t ty pe background and frame. PA CI T Y (tr ue | fal se ) “f als e” SHRINKACROSS (Modifier schema) Element type Deco Construct Modify nstru ct SHRINKAC SHRINKACROSS Shrinks a box horizontally to the left by the specified Not ROSS number of points.Note: A box can shrink on the same page appli or on other spreads and pages. cable. element typeNot (#PCDATA) applicable. SHRINKDOWN (Modifier schema) Element type SHRINKD OWN (#PCDAT A) Deco Construct Modify nstru ct SHRINKDOWN Shrinks a box vertically toward the top of the page by the element typeNot specified number of points.Note: A box can shrink on the applicable. same page or on other spreads and pages. 374 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Not appli cable . MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) SINGLEMASTERPAGEREFERENCE (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct SINGLEMASTERPAGER EFERENCE element typeDefines a sequence in which a single SINGLEMASTERPAGER EFERENCE (NAME*) Not applicable. master page will be applied to pages in a Not applicable. page sequence. The given master page is applied to one page of the page sequence. Attributes Specifies the name of NAME Not applicable. the master page in the QuarkXPress template Not applicable. to be used. SIZE (Modifier schema) Element type Deco Construct Modify SIZE element typeLets you specify the Lets you specify the maximum or Not maximum or minimum size of a box for a minimum size of a box for a fit- appli fit-box-to-content operation. box-to-content operation. cable. nstru ct SIZE (empty) Attributes WIDTH CDATA The largest or smallest allowable width for The largest or smallest allowable #REQUIRE the resized box. width for the resized box. D HEIGHT CDATA The largest or smallest allowable height for The largest or smallest allowable #REQUIRE the resized box. height for the resized box. D Not appli cable. Not appli cable. SPINEIMAGE (Modifier schema) Element type SPINEIMAGE (#PCDATA) Construct Modify SPINEIMAGE Part of the Deconstruct element typeNot element. Specifies the path of the applicable. spine image (if any). Specifies the path of the spine image (if any). Attributes INCLUDE (true | false) #REQUIRED Not applicable. If true, a spine image is included with Blio eBook output. If true, a spine image is included with Blio eBook output. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 375 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) SPLINESHAPE (Modifier schema) Element type SPLINESHAPE (CONTOURS) Construct Modify Deconstruct SPLINESHAPE element Specifies a complex Specifies a complex typeSpecifies a complex spline spline shape in spline shape in shape in QuarkXPress (i.e., the QuarkXPress (i.e., the QuarkXPress (i.e., the curve of a Bezier box or Bezier curve of a Bezier box or curve of a Bezier box or text path). Bezier text path). Bezier text path). Specifies whether the Specifies whether the shape is a pure shape is a pure Attributes RECTSHAPE (true | false) “false” Specifies whether the shape is a pure rectangle. rectangle. rectangle. Specifies whether the Specifies whether the shape encodes the shape encodes the inverse of its area inverse of its area (“inside out”). (“inside out”). INVERTEDSH Specifies whether the shape APE (true | encodes the inverse of its area false) “false” (“inside out”). HASSPLINES Specifies whether any of the Specifies whether any of Specifies whether any of (true | false) contours in the shape contains the contours in the the contours in the “false” a spline. shape contains a spline. shape contains a spline. HASHOLES (true | false) “false” Specifies whether any of the contours is inside another. Specifies whether any of Specifies whether any of the contours is inside another. NEWFORMAT Specifies whether incompatible Specifies whether the contours is inside another. Specifies whether (true | false) with “old” (3.31 and below) incompatible with “old” incompatible with “old” “false” shapes. (3.31 and below) shapes. (3.31 and below) shapes. MORETHANO Specifies whether there Specifies whether there is more than one top- is more than one top- level contour. level contour. CLOSEDSHAP Specifies whether all its Specifies whether all its Specifies whether all its E (true | false) contours are closed. (Polylines contours are closed. contours are closed. “false” might not be.) (Polylines might not be.) (Polylines might not be.) WELLFORME Specifies whether the shape NETOPLEVEL CONTOUR (true | false) Specifies whether there is more than one top-level contour. “false” D (true | false) does not intersect itself other “false” TAGSALLOCA TED (true | than at the vertex. Specifies whether the vertex tags are set correctly. Specifies whether the Specifies whether the shape does not intersect shape does not intersect itself other than at the itself other than at the vertex. vertex. Specifies whether the Specifies whether the vertex tags are set vertex tags are set correctly. correctly. INCOMPLETE Specifies whether shape is Specifies whether shape Specifies whether shape (true | false) associated with UNFINISHED is associated with is associated with “false” box. UNFINISHED box. UNFINISHED box. Specifies whether one or more Specifies whether one or Specifies whether one or verts are selected. more verts are selected. false) “false” VERTSELECTE D (true | false) “false” 376 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 more verts are selected. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) SPREAD (Modifier schema) Element type Construct SPREAD (ID, PAGE*, (BOX | TABLE | Modify SPREAD element typeDescribes a spread (a series of one or GROUP | COMPOSITIONZONE )*) more PAGE elements, divided by a SPINE) Identifies the spread to be modified. Deconstruct Describes a spread (a series of one or more PAGE elements, divided by a SPINE). Attributes Specifies whether OPERATION (CREATE | DELETE) to create or Not applicable. delete the #IMPLIED Not applicable. indicated spread. STACKINGORDER (Modifier schema) De co Eleme Construct nt ns Modify tr type uc t STAC N KING STACKINGORDER element typeLets you Lets you control whether a box or line ot ORDE control whether a box or line is in front of or is in front of or behind other items on ap R behind other items on the page.Only accepts the page.Only accepts pli (#PC SENDBACKWARD, SENDTOBACK, SENDBACKWARD, SENDTOBACK, ca BRINGFORWARD, BRINGTOFRONOT. bl DATA BRINGFORWARD, BRINGTOFRONOT. ) e. STATICCONTENT (Modifier schema) Element Const type ruct Deco Modify nstruc t STATICCO Not STATICCONTENT element typeEnables you to specify content chunks Not NTENT Appli that are intended to be repeated across multiple flow page (i.e. running Appli (BOX*) cable. headers and footers). cable. STORY (Modifier schema) Element type STORY (COPYFIT?, FITTEXT?,(PARAGRAPH | RICHTEXT | ANCHOREDBOXREF | LINKEDBOX | Construct STORY element typeDescribes a text story in a text box or a chain of text boxes. Modify Deconstruct Describes a text story in Describes a text story in a text box or a chain of a text box or a chain of text boxes. text boxes. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 377 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct TEXTNODEPH | TEXTPH | HIDDEN | LIST | RUBI | CALLOUTANCHOR | INLINETABLE | INLINEBOX | PAGEBREAK | MATHEQUATION)*, OVERMATTER?) Attributes CLEAROLDTEXT (true | false) “true” Not applicable. Increases or decreases Clears any existing text from the box. Not applicable. Increases or decreases the size of the text to fit the size of the text to fit FITTEXTTOBOX (true | false) “false” FILE CDATA #IMPLIED into the text box or into the text box or text chain.Note: Text text chain.Note: Text size increases only if size increases only if Allow Text to Grow is Allow Text to Grow is checked in Text checked in Text Modifier preferences Modifier preferences (QuarkXPress (QuarkXPress Server/Edit > Server/Edit > Preferences) in Preferences) in QuarkXPress QuarkXPress Server.Note: To control Server.Note: To control how text fits to a box how text fits to a box on a story-by-story on a story-by-story basis, use the basis, use the element element type (for more type (for more information, see information, see “FITTEXT (Modifier “FITTEXT (Modifier schema)”). schema)”). The absolute path (on The absolute path (on the server computer) to the server computer) to import a text document import a text document from. from. Converts straight Converts straight quotation marks to quotation marks to CONVERTQUOTES typesetter’s quotation typesetter’s quotation (true | false) “true” marks and double marks and double hyphens to em dashes hyphens to em dashes Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. in an imported text file. in an imported text file. Adds any style sheets in Adds any style sheets in INCLUDESTYLESHEETS an imported text file or an imported text file or Not applicable. document to the document to the QuarkXPress project. QuarkXPress project. STORYDIRECTION Specified direction of Specified direction of Specified direction of (HORIZONTAL | this story. this story. this story. (true | false) “true” 378 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct Unique identifier of Unique identifier of Unique identifier of VERTICAL) #IMPLIED UID CDATA #IMPLIED this story. this story. this story. TEXTOVERFLOW Specifies how to Specifies how to Specifies how to (ELLIPSIS | CLIP | represent over flow represent over flow represent over flow CUSTOM STRING) text. text. text. SUPPRESSOUTPUT (Modifier schema) Eleme nt Construct Modify Deconstruct SUPPRESSOUTPUT element Specifies whether a box is Specifies whether a box is typeSpecifies whether a box is included in output.A true included in output.A true included in output.A true value value does not include the value does not include the does not include the box; a false box; a false value includes box; a false value includes value includes the box. the box. the box. type SUPPR ESSO UTPU T (#PCD ATA) TAB (Modifier schema) Eleme Modify Deconstruct Describes a single tab stop. Describes a single tab stop. Specifies the position of a tab Specifies the position of a tab Specifies the position of a tab stop. stop. stop. Identifies one or two Identifies one or two Identifies one or two characters to repeat in order characters to repeat in order characters that repeat in to fill the space between text to fill the space between text order to fill the space and a tab stop. and a tab stop. between text and a tab stop. ALIG Indicates how a tab stop Indicates how a tab stop Indicates how a tab stop is NME should be aligned.LEFT = should be aligned.LEFT = aligned.LEFT = Aligns text NT Aligns text flush left on the Aligns text flush left on the flush left on the tab (LEFT tab stop.RIGHT = Aligns text tab stop.RIGHT = Aligns text stop.RIGHT = Aligns text | flush right on the tab flush right on the tab RIGH stop.CENTER = Aligns text stop.CENTER = Aligns text stop.CENTER = Aligns text T| centrally on the tab centrally on the tab nt Construct type TAB (empt y) TAB element typeDescribes a single tab stop. Attributes POSIT ION CDAT A #REQ UIRE D FILL CDAT A #IMP LIED flush right on the tab centrally on the tab A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 379 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Eleme Construct Modify Deconstruct CENT stop.DECIMAL = Aligns text ER | on a decimal point stop.DECIMAL = Aligns text stop.DECIMAL = Aligns text on a decimal point on a decimal point COM (period).COMMA = Aligns MA | text on a first comma.ALIGN (period).COMMA = Aligns (period).COMMA = Aligns text on a first comma.ALIGN text on a first comma.ALIGN DECI ON = Aligns text on any ON = Aligns text on any character you specify in the character you specify in the ALIGNON attribute. ALIGNON attribute. Specifies a specific character Specifies a specific character to align a tab stop on. a tab stop is aligned on. nt type ON = Aligns text on any MAL | character you specify in the ALIG ALIGNON attribute. NON) “LEFT ” ALIG NON CDAT Specifies a specific character to align a tab stop on. A #IMP LIED> ENAB LED (true | false) “true” TABLE (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct Describes a table.Note: The Describes a table.Note: The size and position of a table size and position of a table TABLE (ID, METADATA?, (PARENTTABL E| TABLE element TABLEBREAK | typeDescribes a ADDCELLS | table.Note: The size DELETECELLS and position of a table are defined using the are defined using the GEOMETRY element. GEOMETRY element. | COLSPEC | are defined using the ROW | FRAME GEOMETRY element. | GEOMETRY | SHADOW | GRID)*) Attributes OPERATION (CREATE | DELETE) Not applicable. Specifies whether to create or delete the indicated table. Not applicable. #IMPLIED ROWS CDATA #IMPLIED COLUMNS Specifies the number Specifies the number of rows Specifies the number of rows of rows in a table, in a table, including the in a table, including the including the header. header. header. Specifies the number Specifies the number of Specifies the number of 380 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct CDATA of columns in a table. columns in a table. columns in a table. inserted rows or Controls whether inserted Controls whether inserted columns affect the rows or columns affect the rows or columns affect the entire table’s width entire table’s width and entire table’s width and #IMPLIED Controls whether MAINTAINGE OMETRY (true | false | none) “none” and height.true = Table height.true = Table height height.true = Table height height and width and width remain the and width remain the remain the same.false same.false = Table height same.false = Table height = Table height and and width change to and width change to width change to accommodate new rows and accommodate new rows and accommodate new columns. columns. Identifies the color of a Identifies the color of a table.Note: Only the name table.Note: Only the name of a color is included in this of a color is included in this attribute. The definition of attribute. The definition of the color is stored in the the color is stored in the projects Job Jackets file or projects Job Jackets file or rows and columns. Identifies the color of a table.Note: Only the name of a color is included in this COLOR CDATA #IMPLIED attribute. The definition of the color is stored in the projects Job Jackets file or defined using the Document Controls submenu in QuarkXPress Server. Specifies the shade of SHADE the color applied to a CDATA table, as an integer #IMPLIED percentage from 0 to 100. Specifies the opacity of OPACITY the color applied to a CDATA table, specified as an #IMPLIED integer percentage from 0 to 100. defined using the Document defined using the Document Controls submenu in Controls submenu in QuarkXPress Server, or an QuarkXPress Server, or an existing color created and existing color created and saved in the project. saved in the project. Specifies the shade of the Specifies the shade of the color applied to a table, as color applied to a table, as an integer percentage from 0 an integer percentage from 0 to 100. to 100. Specifies the opacity of the Specifies the opacity of the color applied to a table, color applied to a table, specified as an integer specified as an integer percentage from 0 to 100. percentage from 0 to 100. Specifies the type of blend Specifies the type of blend BLENDSTYLE (SOLID | LINEAR | MIDLINEAR | Specifies the type of RECTANGULA blend applied to this R | DIAMOND table (linear, circular, | CIRCULAR | applied to this table (linear, applied to this table (linear, circular, rectangular, etc.). circular, rectangular, etc.). Specifies the angle of Specifies the angle of the Specifies the angle of the the blend. blend. blend. Specifies the second Specifies the second color of Specifies the second color of rectangular, etc.). FULLCIRCUL AR | none) “none” BLENDANGLE CDATA #IMPLIED BLENDCOLO A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 381 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct R CDATA color of the blend. The the blend. The first color of the blend. The first color of #IMPLIED first color of the blend the blend is the color the blend is the color is the color applied to applied to the table, as in applied to the table, as in the table, as in QuarkXPress. QuarkXPress. Specifies the shade applied Specifies the shade applied to the second color of the to the second color of the blend. The shade of the first blend. The shade of the first color of the blend is the color of the blend is the QuarkXPress. Specifies the shade applied to the second BLENDSHADE color of the blend. The CDATA shade of the first color #IMPLIED of the blend is the shade of the color applied to the table. shade of the color applied to shade of the color applied to the table. the table. Specifies the opacity applied to the second BLENDOPACI TY CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the opacity applied Specifies the opacity applied color of the blend. The to the second color of the to the second color of the opacity of the first blend. The opacity of the blend. The opacity of the color of the blend is first color of the blend is the first color of the blend is the the opacity of the opacity of the color applied opacity of the color applied color applied to the to the table. to the table. table. ANCHOREDI N CDATA Not applicable. Not applicable. #IMPLIED AUTOFIT Specifies whether the (rows | rows or columns will columns | all | adjust size to fit the none) “none” AUTOFITMAX LIMIT CDATA #IMPLIED content. Max limit for AUTOFIT. ANCHOREDG Specifies that this table ROUPMEMBE is a member of the R CDATA indicated anchored #IMPLIED group. Indicates an anchored box and identifies its parent box. Specifies whether the rows Specifies whether the rows or columns will adjust size or columns will adjust size to fit the content. to fit the content. Max limit for AUTOFIT. Max limit for AUTOFIT. Specifies that this table is a Specifies that this table is a member of the indicated member of the indicated anchored group. anchored group. If true, adds this table to the ADDTOREFLO project’s reflow article. W (true | false) Not applicable. Equivalent to the Digital #IMPLIED Publishing > Add to Reflow Not applicable. command in QuarkXPress. Specifies the name of the project’s reflow article (to which this table is being ARTICLENAM E CDATA Not applicable. #IMPLIED added as a component). If no reflow article exists and you do not include this attribute, the default reflow article name is used. 382 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 Not applicable. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) TABLEBREAK (Modifier schema) Element type TABLEBREAK (CHILDID | HEADER | FOOTER)* Construct Modify Deconstruct TABLEBREAK element Sets a table break for a Sets a table break for a typeSets a table break for a HEADER or FOOTER or HEADER or FOOTER or HEADER or FOOTER or both. both. both. Attributes BREAKHEIGHT CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the height at which a table is set to break. MAINTAINLINK Specifies whether a child (true | false) table will maintain a link to “true” its parent. BREAKWHENAN Specifies whether the table Specifies the height at Indicates the height at which a table is set to which a table is set to break. break. Specifies whether a Specifies whether a child table will child table will maintain a link to its maintain a link to its parent. parent. Specifies whether the Specifies whether the CHORED (true | will break when anchored in table will break when table will break when false) #IMPLIED a text flow. anchored in a text flow. anchored in a text flow. TABLESTYLE (Modifier schema) D ec o Element type Construct Modify ns tr uc t TABLESTYLE ((ID, FRAME?, TROWSTYLE, HEADTROWSTYLE?, N CONTINUEDTROWSTYLE?, FOOTERTROWSTYLE?, TABLESTYLE element ODDTROWSTYLE?, typeDescribes a style that EVENTROWSTYLE?, TCOLSTYLE, can be applied to an FIRSTTCOLSTYLE?, . ot Describes a style that can be ap applied to an pli . ca bl LASTTCOLSTYLE?, e. ODDTCOLSTYLE?, EVENTCOLSTYLE?)) Attributes WIDTH CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the default width Specifies the default width of the , of the , expressed as a percentage of expressed as a percentage of the width of the parent the width of the parent column or as an absolute column or as an absolute measurement. To specify a measurement. To specify a percentage, use a number percentage, use a number without a unit indicator. without a unit indicator. N ot ap pli ca bl e. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 383 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) TABSPEC (Modifier schema) Element Construct Modify Deconstruct TABSPEC TABSPEC element typeDescribes a Describes a group of Describes a group of (TAB)+ group of tab stops. tab stops. tab stops. type TBODY (Modifier schema) Element Construct Modify TBODY TBODY element typeIdentifies the body Identifies the body portion of (TROW+) portion of an . an . type Deconstr uct Not applicabl e. TCOL (Modifier schema) D ec Element type o Construct Modify ns tr uc t N TCOL (LEFTGRI D?, RIGHTGRI ot TCOL element typeDescribes a column Describes a column in an in an . . D?) ap pli ca bl e. Attributes N ot COLINDE X CDATA Identifies the position of the column, #REQUIRE with the first column being column 1. Identifies the position of the column, with the first column being column 1. D ap pli ca bl e. Specifies the width of the column, either Specifies the width of the column, either WIDTH CDATA #IMPLIED as an absolute measurement or as a as an absolute measurement or as a percentage of the table width. To specify percentage of the table width. To specify a percentage, use %. If you do not a percentage, use %. If you do not specify a width, column widths are specify a width, column widths are distributed evenly. distributed evenly. N ot ap pli ca bl e. MINWIDT Specifies the minimum width of the Specifies the minimum width of the N H CDATA column, either as an absolute ot column, either as an absolute 384 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) D ec Element type o Construct Modify ns tr uc t measurement or as a percentage of the #IMPLIED table width. To specify a percentage, use %. measurement or as a percentage of the ap table width. To specify a percentage, use pli %. ca bl e. N Specifies the maximum width of the Specifies the maximum width of the ot column, either as an absolute column, either as an absolute ap TH CDATA measurement or as a percentage of the measurement or as a percentage of the pli #IMPLIED table width. To specify a percentage, use table width. To specify a percentage, use ca %. bl MAXWID %. e. N ot COLOR CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the background color of the Specifies the background color of the column. column. ap pli ca bl e. N ot SHADE CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the background shade of the Specifies the background shade of the column. column. ap pli ca bl e. STORYDIR N ECTION ot (HORIZO NTAL | VERTICAL Specifies the default story direction of Specifies the default story direction of the column. the column. ap pli ca ) bl #IMPLIED e. TCOLSTYLE (Modifier schema) Element type TCOLSTYLE (LEFTGRID?, RIGHTGRID?) Construct TCOLSTYLE element typeDefines a style for a column in an . Modify Decons truct Defines a style for a Not column in an applica . ble. Attributes A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 385 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type WIDTH CDATA #IMPLIED Construct Modify Specifies the width of the column style. Specifies the width of the column style. COLOR CDATA Specifies the background color of the Specifies the background #IMPLIED column style. color of the column style. SHADE CDATA Specifies the background shade of the Specifies the background #IMPLIED column style. shade of the column style. Decons truct Not applica ble. Not applica ble. Not applica ble. TCONTINUED (Modifier schema) Element type Deco Construct Modify nstruc t TCONTIN TCONTINUED element typeIdentifies a Identifies a continued” indicator Not UED continued” indicator row in the header of an row in the header of an applic (TROW+) . able. . TEXT (Modifier schema) Elem ent Construct Modify Deconstruct Container for an INSET and Container for an INSET and STORY element. STORY element. type TEXT ((INS TEXT element typeContainer ET)*, for an INSET and STORY STOR element. Y) Attributes ANG LE Specifies a rotation angle for Specifies a rotation angle for Indicates a rotation angle for CDA text as a floating-point value text as a floating-point value text as a floating-point value TA between –360 degrees and between –360 degrees and between –360 degrees and 360 degrees. 360 degrees. #IMP 360 degrees. LIED SKE W CDA TA #IMP Specifies a skew angle for text Specifies a skew angle for text Indicates a skew angle for text as a floating-point value from as a floating-point value from as a floating-point value from –75 degrees to 75 degrees. –75 degrees to 75 degrees. –75 degrees to 75 degrees. Specifies the number of Indicates a number of columns in a text box. columns in a text box. LIED COL UMN Specifies the number of S columns in a text box. CDA 386 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Elem Construct Modify Deconstruct Specifies the width of the Specifies the width of the Specifies the width of the gutter(s) in a multi-column gutter(s) in a multi-column gutter(s) in a multi-column text box. text box. text box. (true | Flips the text vertically in a Flips the text vertically in a Indicates the text is flipped false | text box. text box. vertically in a text box. Flips the text horizontally in Flips the text horizontally in Indicates the text is flipped a text box. a text box. horizontally in a text box. Vertically aligns the text. Vertically aligns the text. ent type TA #IMP LIED GUT TER WID TH CDA TA #IMP LIED FLIPV ERTI CAL none) “non e” FLIP HORI ZON TAL (true | false | none) “non e” VERT ICAL ALIG NME NT (TOP | CENT ERED | Indicates the vertical alignment of text. BOTT OM | JUSTI FIED | none) “non e” INTE Specifies the space between Specifies the space between Specifies the space between A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 387 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Elem ent Construct Modify Deconstruct two consecutive paragraphs two consecutive paragraphs Specifies the minimum Specifies the minimum Indicates the minimum distance between the top distance between the top distance between the top edge of a text box and the edge of a text box and the edge of a text box and the baseline of the first line of baseline of the first line of baseline of the first line of text.ASCENT = Specifies the text.ASCENT = Specifies the text.ASCENT = Specifies the distance based on the space distance based on the space distance based on the space type RPAR two consecutive paragraphs AGR APH MAX CDA TA #IMP LIED FIRST BASE LINE MIN (ASC ENT | CAP HEIG HT | CAPA CCE NT | needed for the accent mark of needed for the accent mark of needed for the accent mark of the tallest the tallest the tallest character.CAPHEIGHT= character.CAPHEIGHT= character.CAPHEIGHT= Specifies the distance based Specifies the distance based Specifies the distance based on the cap height of the on the cap height of the on the cap height of the tallest character.CAPACCENT tallest character.CAPACCENT tallest character.CAPACCENT = Specifies the distance based = Specifies the distance based = Specifies the distance based on the cap height of the on the cap height of the on the cap height of the tallest character plus the tallest character plus the tallest character plus the space required for an accent space required for an accent space required for an accent mark over an uppercase mark over an uppercase mark over an uppercase character. character. character. ET Specifies the distance Specifies the distance Indicates the distance CDA between the first text baseline between the first text baseline between the first text baseline TA in the text box and the top in the text box and the top in the text box and the top #IMP inside edge of the text box. inside edge of the text box. inside edge of the text box. Indicates text runaround on Indicates text runaround on Indicates text runaround on all sides of an item. all sides of an item. all sides of an item. none) “non e” OFFS LIED RUN TEXT ARO UND ALLSI DES (true | false | none) “non e” TEXT ORIE Specifies how the text should Specifies how the text should Indicates how the text is NTAT be attached to a line. ION 388 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 be attached to a line. attached to a line. MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Elem ent Construct Modify Deconstruct Specifies the part of a font to Specifies the part of a font to Indicates the part of a font type (ROT ATE | SKE W| ROTA TEAN DSKE W| NOR OTAT EAN DSKE W| none) “non e” TEXT ALIG N (ASC ENT | CENT ER | BASE use for positioning characters use for positioning characters being used for positioning on a line. on a line. characters on a line. Specifies how to align text to Specifies how to align text to Indicates text is aligned to a a line. line. FLIPT Flips the characters Flips the characters Indicates characters are EXT horizontally on a line. horizontally flipped on a line. LINE | DESC ENT | none) “non e” TEXT ALIG NWI THLI NE (TOP | CENT a line. ER | BOTT OM | none) “non e” horizontally on a line. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 389 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Elem ent Construct Modify Deconstruct Identifies the grid style Identifies the grid style Identifies the grid style applied to the text. applied to the text. applied to the text. type (true | false | none) “non e” GRID STYL E CDA TA #IMP LIED TEXTATTRIBUTE (Modifier schema) Deco Element type Construct Modify nstru ct TEXTATTRIB UTE (INSET) TEXTATTRIBUTE element typeSpecifies the Specifies the text-related text-related attributes of a box created with attributes of a box created with the INLINEBOX element type. the INLINEBOX element type. Not appli cable . Attributes Not COLUMNS NMTOKEN #IMPLIED Specifies the number of columns in a text Specifies the number of appli box. columns in a text box. cable . GUTTERWID TH Specifies the width of the gutter(s) in a NMTOKEN multi-column text box. Specifies the width of the gutter(s) in a multi-column text box. #IMPLIED Not appli cable . TEXTNODEPH (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify TEXTNOD EPH A text node TEXTNODEPH element typeA ((TEXTNO text node placeholder allows DEPH | Deconstruct metadata to be defined PARAGRA hierarchically on a region of text, PH | and can contain further text node RICHTEX placeholders and text T| placeholders. OVERMAT 390 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 A text node placeholder allows metadata to be defined hierarchically on a region of text, and can contain further text node placeholders and text placeholders. placeholder allows metadata to be defined hierarchically on a region of text, and can contain further text node placeholders and MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element Construct type Modify Deconstruct TER | TEXTPH)*, text METADAT placeholders. A?) Attributes The name of the text node NAME The name of the text node The name of the text node CDATA placeholder. A placeholder name placeholder. A placeholder name #REQUIRE may not be Unique within the may not be Unique within the D Box or XML Hierarchy. Box or XML Hierarchy. placeholder. A placeholder name may not be Unique within the Box or XML Hierarchy. OWNER (13476393 77) “1347639 377” The XTensions ID of the The XTensions ID of the XTensions that created this XTensions that created this placeholder. The default XT ID is placeholder. The default XT ID is PlaceHolderSXT ID (1347639377). PlaceHolderSXT ID (1347639377). All placeholders created through All placeholders created through Modifier should use this ID. This Modifier should use this ID. This ID is assigned by default by the ID is assigned by default by the DTD, so there is no need to DTD, so there is no need to specify this manually. DTD specify this manually. DTD validation will add this attribute. validation will add this attribute). The XTensions ID of the XTensions that created this placeholder. TEXTPH (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Deconst Modify ruct TEXTP H A text ((PARA placeho GRAPH lder | RICHTE XT | OVERM TEXTPH element typeA text placeholder allows metadata to be defined on a region of text. allows A text placeholder allows metadata to metadat be defined on a region of text. a to be defined ATTER)* on a , region METAD of text. ATA?) Attributes NAME CDATA #REQUI RED The name of The name of the text node placeholder. The name of the text node placeholder. the text node placeho A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 391 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type Construct Deconst Modify ruct lder. The XTensions ID of the XTensions The XTensions ID of the XTensions that created this placeholder. The that created this placeholder. The OWNER default XT ID is PlaceHolderSXT ID default XT ID is PlaceHolderSXT ID (134763 (1347639377). All placeholders created (1347639377). All placeholders created 9377) through Modifier should use this ID. through Modifier should use this ID. “13476 This ID is assigned by default by the This ID is assigned by default by the 39377” DTD, so there is no need to specify this DTD, so there is no need to specify this manually. DTD validation will add this manually. DTD validation will add this attribute. attribute. The XTensio ns ID of the XTensio ns that created this placeho lder. TFOOT (Modifier schema) Element Deconstr Construct Modify TFOOT TFOOT element typeIdentifies the footer Identifies the footer portion of (TROW+) portion of an . an . type uct Not applicabl e. THEAD (Modifier schema) Deconstr Element type Construct Modify THEAD (TROW+, THEAD element typeIdentifies a header Identifies a header in an TCONTINUED?) in an . uct . Not applicabl e. TITLE (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct TITLE TITLE element typeNot Specifies the title of an e- Specifies the title of an e- (#PCDATA) applicable. book. book. TOP (Modifier schema) Elem ent Construct Modify Deconstruct The distance between the The distance between the box or lines top edge and box or lines top edge and the top of the page, in the top of the page, in points. points. type TOP (#PC DAT A) TOP element typeThe distance between the box or lines top edge and the top of the page, in points. 392 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) TOPGRID (Modifier schema) D ec Elemen t type o Construct Modify ns tr uc t N ot TOPGRI TOPGRID element typeDescribes a grid D line on the top edge of a cell in an (empty) . Describes a grid line on the top edge of a cell in an . ap pli ca bl e. Attributes TYPE N (TOP | ot LEFT | BOTTO M| ap Specifies the location of the grid line. Specifies the location of the grid line. ca RIGHT) bl #IMPLI e. ED Identifies the that styles STYLE pli Identifies the that styles this grid line. If you specify this value, you this grid line. If you specify this value, you CDATA do not have to specify the remaining do not have to specify the remaining #IMPLI attributes. If you specify the remaining attributes. If you specify the remaining ED attributes, those attribute values override attributes, those attribute values override the corresponding values. the corresponding values. N ot ap pli ca bl e. N ot WIDTH CDATA Specifies the width of the grid line in Specifies the width of the grid line in #IMPLI points. points. ap pli ca ED bl e. N ot COLOR CDATA #IMPLI ap Specifies the color of the grid line. Specifies the color of the grid line. pli ca ED bl e. SHADE CDATA #IMPLI ED N Specifies the shade of the grid line. Specifies the shade of the grid line. ot ap pli A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 393 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) D ec Elemen t type o Construct Modify ns tr uc t ca bl e. N OPACIT ot Y ap CDATA Specifies the opacity of the grid line. Specifies the opacity of the grid line. pli #IMPLI ca ED bl e. N GAPCO ot Specifies the color of the gap (if any) ap CDATA between the lines that make up the grid Specifies the color of the gap (if any) between the lines that make up the grid pli #IMPLI line. line. ca LOR ED bl e. N GAPSH ot Specifies the shade of the gap (if any) Specifies the shade of the gap (if any) ap CDATA between the lines that make up the grid between the lines that make up the grid pli #IMPLI line. line. ca ADE ED bl e. N GAPOP ot Specifies the opacity of the gap (if any) ap CDATA between the lines that make up the grid between the lines that make up the grid pli #IMPLI line. line. ca ACITY Specifies the opacity of the gap (if any) ED bl e. TROW (Modifier schema) Modify Decons Element type Construct TROW (TOPGRID?, TROW element typeDescribes Describes a row in an BOTTOMGRID?, ENTRY*) a row in an . . Identifies the background Identifies the background Not color of the cells in the color of the cells in the applica truct Not applica ble. Attributes COLOR CDATA #IMPLIED 394 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type SHADE CDATA #IMPLIED STORYDIRECTION (HORIZONTAL | VERTICAL) #IMPLIED Decons Construct Modify . . ble. Identifies the background Identifies the background Not shade of the cells in the shade of the cells in the applica . . ble. Specifies the story direction Specifies the story direction of the cells in the . of the cells in the . truct Not applica ble. Not ANGLE Specifies the angle of the row Specifies the angle of the row applica ble. VALIGN ALIGNMENT ROWHEIGHT Specifies the vertical Specifies the vertical alignement of the row alignement of the row Specifies the alignment of the Specifies the alignment of the row row Specifies the height of the Specifies the height of the row row Not applica ble. Not applica ble. Not applica ble. TROWSTYLE (Modifier schema) Deco Element type Construct Modify nstruc t TROWSTYLE (TOPGRID?, BOTTOMGRID?) TROWSTYLE element typeDefines a style for rows in an . Defines a style for rows in an . Not applic able. Attributes Identifies the paragraph style Identifies the paragraph sheet for the row style. style sheet for the row style. Identifies the paragraph Identifies the paragraph alignment for the row style. alignment for the row style. Identifies the text angle for Identifies the text angle for the row style. the row style. VALIGN (TOP | CENTER | Specifies the vertical Specifies the vertical BOTTOM) #IMPLIED alignment of the row style. alignment of the row style. PARASTYLE CDATA #IMPLIED ALIGNMENT (LEFT | RIGHT | CENTER | JUSTIFIED | FORCED) #IMPLIED ANGLE CDATA #IMPLIED COLOR CDATA #IMPLIED SHADE CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the background color Specifies the background of the row style. color of the row style. Specifies the background Specifies the background shade of the row style. shade of the row style. Not applic able. Not applic able. Not applic able. Not applic able. Not applic able. Not applic able. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 395 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Deco Element type Construct Modify nstruc t INSET CDATA #IMPLIED Specifies the text inset for all Specifies the text inset for Not four sides of cells that use the all four sides of cells that applic row style. use the row style. able. VALUE (Modifier schema) Ele me nt Construct Modify Deconstruct ty pe VA VALUE element typeSpecifies the Specifies the VALUE of the Specifies the VALUE of the LU VALUE of the key/value pair. The key/value pair. The value can key/value pair. The value can E value can be given in CDATA be given in CDATA form be given in CDATA form (# form only, such only, such only, such PC as: KEY=”myKey”> KEY=”myKey”> AT ]> ]> Attributes KE Y C Specifies the KEY attribute of D AT A #R the key/value pair. Metadata Specifies the KEY attribute of the that contains a value for KEY Specifies the KEY attribute of but no value for VALUE will key/value pair. the key/value pair. delete any metadata EQ matching the value for KEY. UI RE D VERTEX (Modifier schema) Element type Modify Deconstruct A single vertext (i.e. A single vertext (i.e. Line segment) in a Line segment) in a bezier curve. bezier curve. Specifies whether the Specifies whether the SMOOTHVERTEX (true given vertex is given vertex is given vertex is | false) “false” “straight” — i.e. C1 “straight” — i.e. C1 “straight” — i.e. C1 continuous. continuous. continuous. VERTEX (LEFTCONTROLPOINT ?, VERTEXPOINT, RIGHTCONTROLPOIN T?) Construct VERTEX element typeA single vertext (i.e. Line segment) in a bezier curve. Attributes Specifies whether the 396 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type STRAIGHTEDGE (true | false) “false” Construct Modify Deconstruct Specifies whether the Specifies whether the Specifies whether the following edge is following edge is following edge is “straight”. “straight”. “straight”. Specifies whether the Specifies whether the Specifies whether the SYMMVERTEX (true | given vertex is also given vertex is also given vertex is also false) “false” symmetrical — i.e., C2 symmetrical — i.e., C2 symmetrical — i.e., C2 CUSPVERTEX (true | false) “false” TWISTED (true | false) “false” continuous. continuous. continuous. Specifies whether the Specifies whether the Specifies whether the vertex is not smooth or vertex is not smooth or vertex is not smooth or symmetric. symmetric. symmetric. Specifies whether the Specifies whether the Specifies whether the following (splined) following (splined) following (splined) edge intersects itself. edge intersects itself. edge intersects itself. VERTEXSELECTED Specifies whether the Specifies whether the Specifies whether the (true | false) “false” given vertex is selected. given vertex is selected. given vertex is selected. VERTEXPOINT (Modifier schema) El e m en Construct Modify Deconstruct VERTEXPOINT element Each point on a curve is Each point on a curve is typeEach point on a curve is described by three geometric described by three geometric described by three geometric positions: the x,y coordinate positions: the x,y coordinate positions: the x,y coordinate of of the vertex point (this of the vertex point (this t ty pe V ER TE X P OI N T (e m pt y) the vertex point (this coordinate coordinate is relative to the coordinate is relative to the is relative to the bounding bounding geometry of the bounding geometry of the geometry of the shape, not the shape, not the page), and the shape, not the page), and the page), and the left and right left and right control left and right control control handles–as you would handles–as you would see handles–as you would see see onscreen in the QuarkXPress onscreen in the QuarkXPress onscreen in the QuarkXPress user environment. For more user environment. For more user environment. For more information on drawing and information on drawing and information on drawing and manipulating bezier curves, manipulating bezier curves, manipulating bezier curves, please see A Guide to please see A Guide to please see A Guide to QuarkXPress. QuarkXPress. QuarkXPress. VERTICES (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify Deconstruct VERTIC VERTICES element typeA collection A collection of vertexes ES of vertexes which, combined, make which, combined, make A collection of vertexes which, combined, make A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 397 MODIFIER SCHEMA (ANNOTATED) Element type (VERTE X+) Construct Modify Deconstruct up a contour. up a contour. up a contour. WIDTH (Modifier schema) Element type Construct Modify WIDTH WIDTH element typeIndicates the Indicates the width of Indicates the width of Deconstruct (#PCDATA) width of an item. an item. an item. XREF (Modifier schema) Element type XREF (#PCDATA) Construct Modify Deconstruct XREF element XREF element XREF element typeThe XREF typeThe XREF typeThe XREF element is used to element is used to element is used to describe cross describe cross describe cross references. references. references. Attributes XREFSTYLE (REFNOTENUMBER | PAGENUMBER | FORMATTEDREFNOTENUMBER | PARANUMBERWITHOUTCONTE XT | Specifies the type of Specifies the type of Specifies the type of cross reference. cross reference. cross reference. Indicates whether Indicates whether Indicates whether PARANUMBERWITHCONTEXT | BODYTEXT ) HREF CDATA #IMPLIED HYPERLINK (true | false) “true” or not the hyperlink or not the hyperlink or not the hyperlink is enabled/disabled is enabled/disabled is enabled/disabled in the PDF output. in the PDF output. in the PDF output. Indicates whether Indicates whether Indicates whether the text above and the text above and the text above and INCLUDEABOVEBELOW (true | below the text below the text below the text false) “false” should be included should be included should be included in the cross in the cross in the cross reference scope. reference scope. reference scope. Identifies the text to Identifies the text to Identifies the text to SEPARATOR CDATA #IMPLIED CHARSTYLE CDATA #IMPLIED be used as the be used as the be used as the separator. separator. separator. Identifies a Identifies a Identifies a character style sheet character style sheet character style sheet to be applied to the to be applied to the to be applied to the cross reference. 398 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 cross reference. cross reference. USING SSL Using SSL You can configure QuarkXPress Server with different security options. In addition to your own network security specifications, you can specify Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol for client applications. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support You can configure Tomcat (and therefore all QuarkXPress Server clients) to run in secure mode with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. This section explains the configuration process.  It is also possible to run QuarkXPress Server without embedding Tomcat in the JVM. For more information, see the QuarkXPress Server ReadMe file. To manage Web applications in the QuarkXPress Server environment, QuarkXPress Server embeds an instance of Apache Tomcat 6.18 in its JVM. When you enable SSL, it applies to all QuarkXPress Server client applications. Enabling SSL The instructions below address two scenarios. The “server.xml” file you edit contains XML tags for both scenarios, which you need to enable or disable by “commenting” and “uncommenting” specific tags. To enable SSL for secure HTTP for all QuarkXPress Server applications: 1. Open the “conf” folder in your QuarkXPress Server folder. 2. Open “server.xml” in a text-editing application. 3. HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 —>) and comment it out. 4. Locate the following tag (preceded by the comment Locate the following tag (preceded by the comment ) and uncomment it. A GUIDE TO QUARKXPRESS SERVER 2017 | 399 USING SSL 5. Replace 61399 with 61400 (or any port on which Tomcat will be listening for secure connections). 6. Save and close “server.xml.” 7. Open the “ServerApp.properties” file (in the “conf” folder) and enter the port number from step 5 for qxpswebserver.port.  This change means QuarkXPress Server client applications can use HTTPS. For example, the URL for a QuarkXPress Server user would be as follows: https://[server name]:[port]/. Enabling HTTP and HTTPS To enable HTTP and HTTPS: 1. Open the “conf” folder in your QuarkXPress Server folder. 2. Open “server.xml” in a text-editing application. 3. Uncomment the following tag: 4. Save and close “server.xml.”  This feature allows QuarkXPress Server application users to access QuarkXPress Server with HTTPS or HTTP. Verifying and using SSL To verify and use SSL: 1. Start the QuarkXPress Server 2. Test QuarkXPress Server access by navigating to the QuarkXPress Server Web interface HTTPS. For example: https://[server]:[port]/qxpsadmin Keystores and SSL certificates A certificate is a file on a Web server that is used in encryption and confirmation between two endpoints to establish a secure connection. A keystore is essentially a database of digital certificates on the Web server. You can obtain an SSL certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). Import the certificate into the keystore used by QuarkXPress Server’s JVM. For more information about the importance of keystores, use the following URL: http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/ssl-howto.html. 400 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 QUARKXPRESS SERVER XTENSIONS SOFTWARE QuarkXPress Server XTensions software Just as XTensions software provides additional functionality to QuarkXPress, XTensions software enables QuarkXPress Server to do things it can’t do by default. The XTensions modules included with QuarkXPress Server allow clients to render projects as PDF files, apply QuarkVista picture effects to pictures, dynamically update pictures in picture boxes and text in text boxes (as well as boxes themselves), import data on the fly, manipulate layers in projects, and more. CopyDeskArticle XTensions software CopyDeskArticle XTensions software allows QuarkXPress Server to do the following things: • Render QuarkCopyDesk articles • Export QuarkCopyDesk articles from a QuarkXPress project • Add a QuarkCopyDesk article to an existing QuarkXPress project • Create and delete components in a QuarkCopyDesk article within a QuarkXPress project Rendering articles To render QuarkCopyDesk articles, use the copydesk namespace, as follows: http://[server]:[port]/[render type]/copydesk/[articlename] For example, to render “Article.qcd” as a PDF file, you could use a URL like the following: http://QXPServer.8080/pdf/copydesk/Article.qcd Exporting articles To export an article from a QuarkXPress project, use the QCDDOC namespace, as follows: http://[server]:[port]/qcddoc/[project name]?article=[article name or ID] For example, to export the article named “Article1” from the project named “Project1.qxp,” you could use a URL like the following: A GUIDE TO QUARKXPRESS SERVER 2017 | 401 QUARKXPRESS SERVER XTENSIONS SOFTWARE http://QXPServer.8080/qcddoc/Project1.qxp?article=Article1  You cannot export an article from a QuarkXPress project unless the article has been created and named in QuarkXPress using CopyDeskArticleXT XTensions software. To export an article in a particular format, use the format parameter. • • To export a standard article, use format=fullfeatured. To export an article in lightweight mode, use format=lightweight.This format can be useful in situations where file size is an issue. The lightweight file format includes only those items that a QuarkCopyDesk user is supposed to work on. For example: http://QXPServer.8080/qcddoc/Project1.qxp?article=Article1?format =lightweight  You cannot export page pictures in lightweight mode. Adding articles to projects You can use Modifier XTensions software to create a QuarkCopyDesk article within an existing QuarkXPress project. For example, to add an article named “New Article” to the project named “Project1.qxp,” you could use XML like the following:
For more information, see “Web integration.” Creating and deleting components You can use Modifier XTensions software to create and delete components in QuarkCopyDesk articles. For example, to add a component named “New Component” to the article named “Article 1” in the project named “Project1.qxp,” you could use XML like the following:
To delete the component named “New Component” from the article named “Article1.qcd,” you could use XML like the following: 402 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 QUARKXPRESS SERVER XTENSIONS SOFTWARE
For more information, see “Web integration.” PDF Filter XTensions software PDF Filter XTensions software allows QuarkXPress Server to render a QuarkXPress project as a PDF file. To render QuarkXPress projects as PDF files when PDF is not the QuarkXPress Server default render type, use the PDF namespace, as follows: http://[server]:[port]/pdf/[projectname] For information about PDF preferences, see “Preferences — PDF.” To take advantage of more detailed preferences, create a PDF output style and use that output style when rendering projects as PDF files. For information about the parameters for exporting in this format, see “Web integration.” Modifier XTensions software Modifier XTensions software lets clients perform all of the following tasks using XML: • Modify the properties of pictures in a QuarkXPress project • Modify the text in text boxes within a QuarkXPress project • Modify the properties of text boxes and picture boxes in a QuarkXPress project • Create and delete picture boxes and text boxes in a QuarkXPress project • Import text or text strings into text boxes within a QuarkXPress project • Import pictures into picture boxes within a QuarkXPress project • Save modified QuarkXPress projects in any supported format to any location on the network (and also in the QuarkXPress Server document pool) • Create and delete pages • Create and delete layers • Move items within layers • Create and delete tables • Modify tables and their contents • Create QuarkCopyDesk articles and components A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 403 QUARKXPRESS SERVER XTENSIONS SOFTWARE • Create lines, anchored boxes, and Bézier boxes • Create lists • Group and ungroup boxes • Divide layouts into sections To use Modifier XTensions software, a client creates an XML file indicating the actions to be taken and sends that XML file to the QuarkXPress Server application, where Modifier XTensions software reads the XML and makes the requested changes. Clients can use a single XML file or string to manipulate multiple documents and boxes. For more specific information about Modifier XTensions software, and for the Modifier DTD, see “Web integration.”  Modifier XTensions software supports both GET and POST functionality.  Modifier XTensions software supports XML containing code that uses Unicode UTF8 and UTF-16 encodings. Use the encoding attribute of the XML declaration to specify an encoding, as you would with any other XML file. Using Modifier XTensions software To use Modifier XTensions software: 1. Create a QuarkXPress project. Note the IDs or names of any text and picture boxes you want to manipulate. 2. 3. Upload the project to the QuarkXPress Server document pool. Create XML that describes the changes you want, as described in “Creating XML for Modifier XTensions software.” 4. Send the XML to the server in one of the following ways: • Put the XML in a file on the server and then use a URL to point to the file, as follows: http://server:port/namespace/path/projectname?modify=file:[abs olute path to XML file on server or relative path to XML file on server relative to the document pool] • Put the XML in the URL, as follows: http://[server]:[port]/[namespace]/path/projectname?modify=[XM L string]  Clients can also send XML in the form of a POST request. Creating XML for Modifier XTensions software All XML used with Modifier XTensions software uses the Modifier DTD. This DTD is documented in full in “Modifier DTD (annotated).” In general, the structure for addressing items in a particular layout is as follows: < [Item being addressed] > < [Parameters of item] > For more information, see “Web integration.” Layer XTensions software You can use QuarkXPress Server Layer XTensions software to control the visibility of specific layers in a rendered QuarkXPress project. You can also add layers, delete layers, edit layer attributes, and control whether layers are rendered.  When you use the getdocinfo namespace, QuarkXPress Server returns information about items on all of the layers in the QuarkXPress project, including layers that are not visible. Clients can use the layer parameter to specify a layer (even a hidden layer) to be rendered. For example, the URL http://QXPServer:8080/doc.qxp?layer=layer1 renders only the layer named “layer1” in the project named “doc.qxp.” Clients can specify more than one layer in a single URL. For example, the URL http://QXPServer:8080/doc.qxp?layer=layer1,layer2 renders the layers named “layer1” and “layer2.” For information about layer preferences, see “Preferences — Layers.”  If Suppress Output is selected for a layer, QuarkXPress Server does not render that layer when producing PDF, EPS, or PostScript files. InteractiveDesigner Server XTensions software InteractiveDesigner XTensions software allows QuarkXPress Server to render both Print and Interactive layouts in QuarkXPress projects as SWF (Flash) files. If you render a Print layout as an SWF file, you can use the right and left arrow keys to navigate between pages in the SWF file. To render an Interactive layout in a QuarkXPress project as a SWF file when SWF is not the QuarkXPress Server default render type, use the SWF namespace, as follows: http://[server]:[port]/swf/[projectname]?layout=”[layoutname]”  For information about the parameters for exporting in this format, see “Web integration.” A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 405 QUARKXPRESS SERVER XTENSIONS SOFTWARE App Studio XTensions software The App Studio XTensions modules allow QuarkXPress Server to render Print and App Studio layouts in QuarkXPress projects as AVE issue files. In QuarkXPress, an option was added to allow the App Studio output to convert sections to page stacks. A new URL parameter convertsectionstopagestacks has been added to provide this ability. The XML example below demonstrates how to apply sections using the ModifierXML: SECTIONNUMBERFORMAT FORMAT=”NUMERIC” INITIALPAGENUMBER=”1”/> The element SECTIONNUMBERFORMAT creates a section start which applied to all pages in the page sequence. Each PAGESEQUENCE could have its own SECTIONNUMBERFORMAT. If the modify request is sent to the server and each PAGESEQUENCE in the ModifyXML has its own SECTIONNUMBERFORMAT, creating sections, and the URL parameter contains convertsectionstopagestacks=true, the digital issue navigation would be as follows: If the URL parameter contains convertsectionstopagestacks=false, the digital issue navigation would be as follows:  By default, convertsectionstopagestacks is false. 406 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 TELEGRAPH XTENSIONS SOFTWARE Telegraph XTensions software Unlike the other XTensions software described in this guide, Telegraph XTensions software works with QuarkXPress, rather than with QuarkXPress Server. You can use Telegraph XTensions software to create QuarkXPress projects that can serve as templates in QuarkXPress Server. Using Telegraph XTensions software, you can assign unique names to individual items, define server caching parameters, and upload the template directly to a QuarkXPress Server computer.  These topics explain how to use Telegraph XTensions software. It is assumed that you are already familiar with the functionality and user interface of QuarkXPress. Setting Telegraph preferences Telegraph XTensions software adds the QuarkXPress Server pane to the QuarkXPress Preferences dialog box (QuarkXPress/Edit menu). You can use this pane to configure settings for QuarkXPress Server templates, specify where to store your projects on the server, and control how projects are cached. QuarkXPress Server pane of Preferences dialog box (QuarkXPress/Edit menu) For information on adding a server, see “Adding a server.” To edit the properties of a server in the Server list, select the server name and then click Edit. A GUIDE TO QUARKXPRESS SERVER 2017 | 407 TELEGRAPH XTENSIONS SOFTWARE To remove a server from the Server Setup list, select the server and then click Remove. To allow projects checked in from this copy of QuarkXPress to remain open on the server after it has been served, check Allow Document to Stay Open. To load projects checked in from this copy of QuarkXPress into the server memory cache, check Allow Document in Memory Cache. Specifying a server for template upload Before you can upload a template to a server with Telegraph XTensions software, you must add that server to the QuarkXPress preferences. To do so: 1. Choose QuarkXPress/Edit > Preferences. The Preferences dialog box displays. 2. Click QuarkXPress Server in the list on the left. The QuarkXPress Server pane displays. QuarkXPress Server pane of Preferences dialog box 3. Click Add. The Add Server dialog box displays. Add Server dialog box 4. Enter a human-readable name for the server in the Server Name field. 5. Enter the server’s name or IP address in the Address field. 6. Enter the server’s port number in the Port field. The default port number is 8080. Valid values are from 1 to 65535. 408 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 TELEGRAPH XTENSIONS SOFTWARE 7. In the Document Pool Path field, enter the path to the document pool directory on the server, or to a subdirectory within the document pool. If you leave this field blank, the path defaults to the document pool directory path specified in the QuarkXPress Server Document Root field (QuarkXPress Server > Server Configuration > Server tab).  If you enter a folder path that does not exist, QuarkXPress Server can create the folders in the path when you upload the template to a QuarkXPress Server. To create folders when you upload, check Generate Hierarchy On Document Upload in the Server tab of the QuarkXPress Server Server Configuration dialog box (QuarkXPress Server > Server Configuration) before you upload the template to the server. 8. Click OK, then close the Preferences dialog box. Using Telegraph XTensions software Once you have configured preferences for Telegraph QuarkXTensions software, you can begin creating QuarkXPress Server templates. After you complete a template, Telegraph XTensions software can upload the file to a QuarkXPress Server computer. Identifying QuarkXPress items and groups The Box Identifiers palette lets you associate names with items and groups. To display this palette, choose Window > Box Identifiers. Box Identifiers palette To edit the name of an item or group, select its name in the Box Identifiers palette and then click Edit Box Name . To scroll to the location of a named item or group, double-click the target item or group’s name in the Box Identifiers palette. Alternatively, you can select the name and click Go To . To delete an item’s or group’s name (without deleting the item or group itself), select the name in the Box Identifiers palette and then click Delete . To make sure that all named boxes display in the Box Identifiers palette, click Populate Named Boxes . Each QuarkXPress item also has an identification number that you can use when you want to render individual project items in QuarkXPress Server. The number displays in the Box ID field in the upper right corner of the palette. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 409 TELEGRAPH XTENSIONS SOFTWARE  In a chain of text boxes, all boxes use the same Box Name. However, each box has a unique Box ID number. Naming items and groups To specify a name for an item or group: 1. Using the Item tool, select the target item or group. 2. In the Box Identifiers palette, click New Box Name . The New Box Name dialog box displays. New Box Name dialog box 3. Enter a name for the item or group in the Box Name field. 4. Click OK. The name of the item or group displays on the Box Identifiers palette, next to the item’s item ID and page number.  In addition to items on layout pages, you can also name items on master pages. Items on layout pages that are based on items on master pages have a default name of “” Uploading templates Telegraph QuarkXTensions software can upload a project to the QuarkXPress Server computer in one simple step. You can also upload any required pictures and fonts, if you choose to collect the fonts and pictures during the upload.  QuarkXPress Server automatically generates any file hierarchy necesary when you upload content to the document pool from Telegraph XTensions software.  You must have Telegraph XTensions software 10.0 or later to upload templates to QuarkXPress Server 9.0 or later. (You can use previous versions of Telegraph with previous versions of QuarkXPress, but if you do so you must upload projects to the server using the document pool upload capability in the QuarkXPress Server Web interface.)  This feature does not upload assets that are used in App Studio AVE interactivity. You must upload such assets manually. To upload the active project: 1. Choose Utilities > Upload Template. The Upload Template dialog box displays.  If you have edited the project since you last saved it, QuarkXPress prompts you to save the project. 410 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 TELEGRAPH XTENSIONS SOFTWARE Upload Template dialog box 2. Choose a server from the Server drop-down menu. This drop-down menu includes the servers listed in the QuarkXPress Server pane of the Preferences dialog box (QuarkXPress/Edit menu). 3. If you specified a directory path for the server, that path automatically displays in the Directory Path field. If you did not specify a directory path in the preferences, this field remains blank. This path defaults to the document pool directory specified in QuarkXPress Server. 4. If you are uploading to QuarkXPress Server, and you have configured that server to require authentication, enter a valid user name and password in the User Name and Password fields. (If the QuarkXPress Server application does not require authentication, leave these fields empty.)  To specify authentication information for a QuarkXPress Server application, choose Administration > Preferences > General in the QuarkXPress Server Web interface, check Authenticate for Admin Requests box and enter a user name and password. 5. To indicate which protocol to use for uploading, click HTTP or HTTPS. 6. Enter the port for QuarkXPress Server in the Port field. 7. To collect and upload fonts used by the project, check Fonts. 8. To collect and upload pictures used by the project, check Pictures. This will upload high- or low-resolution pictures that are linked to or embedded in the project.  If picture files are missing or have been modified since they were imported into the project, an alert displays. For more information about missing or modified picture files, see “Uploading Missing or Modified Pictures.” 9. Click OK.  If you check Fonts, an alert reminds you of possible restrictions regarding copying font software. Click OK to continue uploading the project with the fonts, click Do Not Collect Fonts to upload the project without the fonts, or click Cancel to stop the upload. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 411 TELEGRAPH XTENSIONS SOFTWARE The Upload Status window displays a progress bar that displays the status of the upload. When the upload is complete, a message notifies you whether the project uploaded successfully. Uploading missing or modified pictures If the picture files linked to the project are missing or have been modified since they were imported into the project, an alert displays at upload. Choose from among the following options: • To continue the upload with low-resolution versions of the pictures, click OK. • To stop the upload, click Cancel. • To locate missing pictures or update modified pictures, click List Pictures. If you click List Pictures, the Missing/Modified Pictures dialog box displays: • To view a picture in the project, select the picture’s name in the list and click Show. • To locate a missing picture file, select it and click Update. The Find dialog box displays. Locate and choose the appropriate file, and then click Open. • To update a modified picture file, click Update. Every instance of the modified picture in the project is updated. • When OK displays in the Status column for each picture, click Collect. If the status of any picture is still Missing or Modified when you click Collect, that picture file will not be uploaded, but a low-resolution preview will remain in the project. • To stop the upload and return to the project window, click Cancel. 412 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 QUARKXPRESS SERVER MANAGER QuarkXPress Server Manager QuarkXPress Server Manager is a server application that efficiently routes rendering requests in an environment that uses one or more QuarkXPress Server applications. QuarkXPress Server Manager uses load-balancing methods to determine which server in the QuarkXPress Server pool can best process a document request, and uses caching to improve speed and efficiency. QuarkXPress Server Manager also provides failsafe capability by reliably resubmitting failed requests, either to the same QuarkXPress Server instance or to a different one (depending on the error message returned by the server instance). QuarkXPress Server does not require QuarkXPress Server Manager, but a QuarkXPress Server Manager server can coordinate multiple QuarkXPress Server applications so that they work together with maximum speed, reliability, and availability. QuarkXPress Server Manager also provides a Web services interface that allows developers to use QuarkXPress Server features without having to use the HTTP interface. To configure a QuarkXPress Server Manager server application, you must use the QuarkXPress Server Manager Web client. The topics below explain how the QuarkXPress Server Manager Web client works and provide examples for using it. Understanding QuarkXPress Server Manager Before you begin, take time to review the topics below so that you understand how this chapter is structured and how you can get the most out of it. Load balancing Load balancing ensures that each rendering request is sent to a server that is likely to be able to handle it quickly. QuarkXPress Server Manager lets you use choose from three load-balancing settings: • Dynamic Load Balancer: The QuarkXPress Server Manager server considers file size and throughput requirements for each request. For example, assume the following series of requests is sent to QuarkXPress Server Manager in an environment that uses two QuarkXPress Server instances: Request Size 1 8MB 2 1MB 3 2MB A GUIDE TO QUARKXPRESS SERVER 2017 | 413 QUARKXPRESS SERVER MANAGER • Random Load Balancer: Each rendering request is sent to a random server. • Round-robin Load Balancer: Requests are sent to servers in a set order. For example, if you have three QuarkXPress Server instances and QuarkXPress Server Manager receives ten rendering requests, the requests are distributed as follows: Request QuarkXPress Server instance used 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 1 5 2 6 3 7 1 The first request is assigned to server #1, and the second request is assigned to server #2. When the third request arrives, QuarkXPress Server Manager checks the loads that the two servers are already handling and assigns the task to the server with the smallest load — in this case, server #2. If a request fails because a server stops responding or because of a “File Not Found” error, QuarkXPress Server Manager does not resubmit that request to that server.  The Dynamic setting is typically the most efficient setting for environments with more than one QuarkXPress Server instance. For information about choosing a load-balancing setting, see “Controlling load balancing.” Developers can implement their own load-balancing systems; for more information, see “Web integration.” Request timeout interval QuarkXPress Server Manager attempts to send each request to a QuarkXPress Server instance that can promptly handle that request. However, in some situations a QuarkXPress Server instance might be unable to process a request in a reasonable amount of time (for example, if the server is working on a large rendering job, or if the server computer has stopped functioning). If you specify a certain period of time as the request timeout interval, QuarkXPress Server Manager will wait for the response until that period of time elapses, and then send the request to a different QuarkXPress Server instance. This ensures that a request does not get “lost” if its assigned QuarkXPress Server instance does not become available promptly. For information about setting a request timeout interval, see “Using other global settings.”  If a client request fails despite being sent to multiple QuarkXPress Server instances, QuarkXPress Server sends the end user a customizable error message or exception so that the end user can appropriately handle the failure. A QuarkXPress Server Manager server can also automatically send e-mail to an administrator in the event of a problem; for more information, see “Generating automatic e-mail messages.” 414 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 QUARKXPRESS SERVER MANAGER Determining QuarkXPress Server instance availability QuarkXPress Server Manager uses two methods to determine the availability of a QuarkXPress Server instance: ping and ping document. Ping QuarkXPress Server Manager periodically sends a ping request to all of its QuarkXPress Server instances to determine whether they are available. Ping requests use the following format: http://[Server]:[Port]/getprocessid Ping document QuarkXPress Server Manager periodically sends a render request to all of its QuarkXPress Server instances to determine whether they can render a document. Ping document requests use the following format: http://[Server]:[Port]/[PingDocumentName.qxp] You can specify the document to be used for this render request. To avoid long ping document rendering times, use a simple document. You can specify the interval between pings and ping documents in the Other Settings pane in the Global Settings pane of the QuarkXPress Server Manager window (see “Using other global settings“). Logging with QXP Server Manager QuarkXPress Server Manager logs all interactions with QuarkXPress Server instances. QuarkXPress Server Manager log files contain the following information: • Render requests • QuarkXPress Server responses • Information about events (such as alerts) that occur during the render-request process • Details about requests that were sent to a different QuarkXPress Server instance after the first assigned QuarkXPress Server instance was unable to process the request Within the logs, each QuarkXPress Server instance is identified by its IP address and port number. You can export log files in XML (Extensible Markup Language) or comma-separated values (CSV) format. For more information, see “Exporting log files.“ Caching To increase speed and efficiency, QuarkXPress Server Manager caches information in memory. If the response to a render request, URL request, or file request is included in the QuarkXPress Server Manager memory cache, QuarkXPress Server Manager A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 415 QUARKXPRESS SERVER MANAGER returns the response from the disk cache instead of sending the request to a QuarkXPress Server instance. For more information, see “Managing the cache.“  Requests that contain a binary parameter and multipart responses are not cached, regardless of whether global caching or command-specific caching is enabled.  When the QuarkXPress Server Manager server application receives response data from a QuarkXPress Server instance, QuarkXPress Server Manager can return that response directly or write it as a file and return the file’s URL. The second approach maximizes efficiency for SOAP-based clients, because SOAP transfers binary data very slowly. Cached response files have names that begin with “TMP_”, and they are removed when they reach the age specified in the cache settings (see “Managing the cache“). QuarkXPress Server Manager uses the cache file this way regardless of whether caching is turned on or off; however, you can override this behavior by setting the responseasurl parameter to false for every request. Web services QuarkXPress Server Manager provides a Web services interface that makes it easy for developers to create applications that use QuarkXPress Server. This Web services interface provides the same functionality that is available through the QuarkXPress Server HTTP interface. For more information about the Web services interface, see “Web integration.” Working with QuarkXPress Server Manager The general process for using QuarkXPress Server Manager is as follows: 1. Install QuarkXPress Server Manager software. 2. Launch one or more QuarkXPress Server instances on your network. 3. Launch the QuarkXPress Server Manager Console server application (see Starting the Manager server application“). 4. Launch the QuarkXPress Server Manager Web client (see Starting the Manager client application“). 5. Use the Manage Servers pane to add QuarkXPress Server instances, specify information about those servers (see “Configuring QuarkXPress Server instances“), and choose a load-balancing method (see “Controlling load balancing“). 6. Configure proxy server settings, automatic e-mail settings, and various other settings in the Global Settings pane (see “Using a proxy server,” “Generating automatic e-mail messages,” and “Using other global settings“). 7. As necessary, delete cache items and clear the QuarkXPress Server Manager server cache using the Manage Cache pane (see “Managing the cache“). Starting QuarkXPress Server Manager Each QuarkXPress Server Manager server can handle multiple QuarkXPress Server instances. 416 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 QUARKXPRESS SERVER MANAGER QuarkXPress Server Manager diagram Starting the Manager server application To launch the QuarkXPress Server Manager server application: • Mac OS: Open the QuarkXPress Server Manager/Server folder inside the applications folder and double-click “QXPSMServerStart.command.” • Windows (if you have not installed QuarkXPress Server Manager as a service): Choose Start > Programs > QuarkXPress Server Manager 9 > Start QuarkXPress Server Manager. Alternatively, open the “Server” folder in the QuarkXPress Server Manager application folder and double-click the “QXPSMServerStart.bat” file as an admnistrator. You can access API documentation in HTML format by navigating to http://[server]:[port], where [server] identifies the computer on which QuarkXPress Server Manager is running and [port] identifies the port it is running on. Starting the Manager Web client To launch the QuarkXPress Server Manager Web application, click Open Admin Client on the QuarkXPress Server Manager home page. The QuarkXPress Server Manager administration Web client displays. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 417 QUARKXPRESS SERVER MANAGER The QuarkXPress Server Manager Web client Request handler binding When you add a QuarkXPress Server instance to QuarkXPress Server Manager, you can choose to bind that server instance to particular rendering type or request type. When QuarkXPress Server Manager receives a matching request, it will send the request to only those server instances that are bound to that rendering type or request type. If multiple server instances are bound to a particular rendering type or request type, QuarkXPress Server Manager balances the load of such requests between the server instances. An instance of QuarkXPress Server Manager that is not bound to any specific type of request is called a generic server. If a request is not bound to a particular server instance, QuarkXPress Server Manager sends that request to a generic server. If more than one generic server is available, QuarkXPress Server Manager balances the load of such requests between them. You can bind a server to more than one rendering type or request type. Configuring QuarkXPress Server instances The Manage Servers pane lists the QuarkXPress Server instances the QuarkXPress Server Manager server is handling. You can use this pane to add QuarkXPress Server instances, edit the description of existing QuarkXPress Server instances, delete QuarkXPress Server instances, and choose a load balancing method. 418 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 QUARKXPRESS SERVER MANAGER Manage Servers pane  To configure an individual QuarkXPress Server instance, click Manage under the icon for that instance. The QuarkXPress Server Web interface for that instance displays. Adding and enabling a QuarkXPress Server instance When you add and enable a QuarkXPress Server instance in the Manage Servers pane of the QuarkXPress Server Manager interface, the QuarkXPress Server Manager server begins routing rendering requests to that QuarkXPress Server instance.  If you add and enable a QuarkXPress Server instance in this pane, be sure that clients are no longer sending rendering requests directly to that QuarkXPress Server instance; otherwise, the server will be handling both direct requests and routed requests, and the server might become overly busy. Note also that requests sent directy to such a QuarkXPress Server instance do not benefit from QuarkXPress Server Manager features such as load balancing, caching, and logging. To add and enable a QuarkXPress Server instance: 1. Display the Manage Servers pane of the QuarkXPress Server Manager interface. 2. Click Add Server. The Add QuarkXPress Server dialog box displays. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 419 QUARKXPRESS SERVER MANAGER Add QuarkXPress Server dialog box 3. Enter the QuarkXPress Server instance’s DNS name or IP address in the Name/IP Address field. 4. Enter the QuarkXPress Server instance’s port number in the Port Number field. 5. If the QuarkXPress Server instance is running with the HTTPS protocol, check HTTPS. 6. To specify an alternate name for the server, enter a value in the Alias field. The Alias value displays in the Manage Servers pane of the QuarkXPress Server Manager interface. 7. If you choose to use a particular ping document for this server (see “Ping document“), make sure the project file is in the QuarkXPress Server instance’s document pool and then enter the project’s file name in the Ping Document field. The ping document is used only if the global Ping Type is set to Ping Document (see “Using other global settings“). Note that if you do not set a ping document here, and no global ping document is set (see “Using other global settings“), an error message might display to indicate that the server is registered but inactive. 8. Enter the QuarkXPress Server instance user name and password in the Admin User and Admin Password fields. 9. To specify that QuarkXPress Server Manager should begin sending rendering requests to this QuarkXPress Server instance, check Enable. 10. To restrict this server to one or more particular types of rendering, check the appropriate boxes in the Request Binding area. To add additional render types (for example, render types provided by QuarkXPress Server XTensions software), 420 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 QUARKXPRESS SERVER MANAGER check Other and enter the appropriate namespaces in the corresponding field as a comma-separated list. For more information, see “Request handler binding.” 11. Click OK. Editing a QuarkXPress Server instance To edit the description of a QuarkXPress Server instance, display the Manage Servers pane of the QuarkXPress Server Manager interface, select the server in the list, and then click Edit Server. You can also display the Edit QuarkXPress Server dialog box by hovering the mouse cursor over the server and then clicking the Edit Server button on the upper left. The options in the Edit QuarkXPress Server dialog box are the same as the options in the Add QuarkXPress Server dialog box (see “Adding and enabling a QuarkXPress Server instance“). Enabling and disabling routing to QuarkXPress Server instances The Status field for each server in the Manage Servers pane of the QuarkXPress Server Manager interface shows the status of each QuarkXPress Server instance.  The status fields are not updated automatically. To update the Status field for all servers, click Refresh. To enable or disable routing to a QuarkXPress Server instance, select the server, click Edit Server to display the Edit QuarkXPress Server dialog box, check or uncheck Enable, and then click OK. You can also enable or disable a QuarkXPress Server instance by hovering the mouse cursor over the server and then clicking the Enable the Server button or Disable the Server button on the upper left. Manage Servers pane Controlling load balancing Load balancing ensures that each rendering request is sent to a QuarkXPress Server instance that is most likely to be able to handle it quickly. To define a loadbalancing setting for the QuarkXPress Server Manager server, display the Manage Servers pane of the QuarkXPress Server Manager interface and click Load A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 421 QUARKXPRESS SERVER MANAGER Balancer Method Settings. The Load Balancer Method Settings dialog box displays. Load Balancer Method Settings dialog box QuarkXPress Server Manager lets you use choose from three load-balancing settings: • Dynamic Load Balancer: Sends requests to servers based on file size • Random Load Balancer: Sends each rendering request to a random server • Round-robin Load Balancer: Sends requests to servers in a set order For more information about these load-balancing settings, see “Load balancing.“ Deleting a QuarkXPress Server instance To delete a QuarkXPress Server instance from the list of available servers in the QuarkXPress Server Manager interface, display the Manage Servers pane, select the server name or IP address, and then click Delete. You can also delete a server by hovering the mouse cursor over the server and then clicking the Delete the Server button on the upper left.  Deleting a QuarkXPress Server instance from this dialog box does not shut down the QuarkXPress Server instance, but it does prevent the QuarkXPress Server Manager server from routing rendering requests to the QuarkXPress Server instance. Managing the cache Each QuarkXPress Server Manager server has an in-memory cache (in which it stores the keys to recently accessed items) and a disk-based cache (in which the items themselves are stored). If a request for a recently used item arrives, and a QuarkXPress Server Manager server has that request in its memory cache, the server can simply return the response from its disk cache instead of having to send the request to a QuarkXPress Server instance. To manage the QuarkXPress Server Manager cache, display the Manage Cache pane of the QuarkXPress Server Manager interface. 422 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 QUARKXPRESS SERVER MANAGER Manage Cache pane  Requests are stored in the cache only if the cache is turned on. For more information, see “Configuring cache options.”  The cache stores only the results of requests that do not deliberately bypass the cache. Viewing a QuarkXPress Server Manager server cache To view QuarkXPress Server Manager cache information, display the Manage Cache pane of the QuarkXPress Server Manager interface. For each file in the cache, this pane lists the command, URL, size, and time and date it was generated. To view a cache file, double-click the file name in the list. Deleting files from the cache There is usually no need to manually delete files from a QuarkXPress Server Manager server’s cache. When the cache reaches 95% of its capacity, QuarkXPress Server Manager automatically begins deleting the least recently used files in the cache to make room for new files. However, you can also manually clear files from the cache. To manually delete cache files: 1. If you want to delete specific files, select those files in the list. 2. Click Clear Selected Cache. The Clear Cache alert displays. 3. Click OK. Configuring cache options To configure cache options, display the Manage Cache pane in the QuarkXPress Server Manager interface, then click Cache Settings. The Cache Settings dialog box displays. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 423 QUARKXPRESS SERVER MANAGER Manage Cache pane • To set the maximum number of files allowed in the cache, enter a value in the Cache Count field. When the number of files in the cache reaches the number you set here, QuarkXPress Server Manager begins deleting the least recently used files to make room in the cache. • To set the maximum disk cache size, enter a value in the Cache Disk Size field. When the disk cache reaches this size, QuarkXPress Server Manager begins deleting the least recently used files to make room in the cache. • To specify an interval after which the cache should be periodically cleared, enter a value in the Cache Cleanup Interval field. • To specify where cache files for the QuarkXPress Server Manager server should be stored, enter a path in the Cache Folder field. • The Cache radio buttons let you control caching for the QuarkXPress Server Manager server. To turn caching on, click On. To turn caching off, click Off. Managing logs A QuarkXPress Server Manager server maintains logs of all of the requests it receives, the responses from the QuarkXPress Server instances, information about events (such as alerts) that occur during the render-request process, dates and times, and details about each request that was sent to a different QuarkXPress Server instance after its first assigned QuarkXPress Server instance was unable to process the request.  To control what information is stored in the logs, use the Manage Logs pane of the QuarkXPress Server Manager interface. For more information, see “Configuring logging options.” 424 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 QUARKXPRESS SERVER MANAGER Manage Logs pane Viewing log file details To view information about a specific log file, display the Manage Logs pane of the QuarkXPress Server Manager interface, then choose the log file name from the Select Log File drop-down menu. Deleting log files To delete a log file: 1. Display the Manage Logs pane of the QuarkXPress Server Manager interface. 2. Choose the target log file from the Select Log File drop-down menu. 3. Click Clear Log.  To clear all log files, click Clear All Logs. Configuring logging options To configure logging options, click Log Settings pane in the Manage Logs pane of the QuarkXPress Server Manager interface. The Log Settings dialog box displays. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 425 QUARKXPRESS SERVER MANAGER Log Settings dialog box To set the maximum log file size, enter a value in the Max Log FileSize field. When a log file reaches this size, the current log file is closed and a new log file is created. To specify the maximum number of log files to keep, enter a value in the Max Rolling Count field. When the number of log files reaches this limit, QuarkXPress Server Manager deletes the oldest log file each time a new log file is created. To specify the root name of the log file for the QuarkXPress Server Manager server, enter that name in the Log File field. To place the log file in a particular directory, precede the file name with an absolute path. QuarkXPress Server Manager appends numbers to this name to create consecutively named log files. To control how much information is stored in the log files, check a box in the Logging Level area: • Debug: Stores information such as the commands executed and the servers where those commands are executed. Also stores all of the information that is stored when Information, Warning, and Error are checked. • Information: Stores informational messages such as startup messages and command-retry messages. Also stores all of the information that is stored when Warning and Error are checked. • Warning: Stores warning messages. Also stores all of the information that is stored when Error is checked. • Error: Stores error messages and stack traces for exceptions.  The Debug and Information settings produce large logs that grow rapidly, so you might want to use these settings for troubleshooting only. 426 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 QUARKXPRESS SERVER MANAGER Using a proxy server Some networks route network traffic through a proxy server for reasons of efficiency or security. To use a proxy server for all requests and responses between QuarkXPress Server Manager and QuarkXPress Server: 1. Display the Proxy Server Settings tab of the Global Settings pane of the QuarkXPress Server Manager interface. Proxy Server Settings tab 2. Check Use a Proxy Server for LAN. 3. Enter the proxy server’s DNS name or IP address in the Address field. 4. Enter the proxy server’s port number in the Port Number field. 5. Enter the proxy server’s user name in the User Name field. 6. Enter the proxy server’s password in the Password field. Generating automatic e-mail messages You can configure a QuarkXPress Server Manager server to automatically generate and send e-mail messages if particular events occur. To configure the QuarkXPress Server Manager server to automatically send e-mail messages: 1. Display the SMTP Settings tab of the Global Settings pane of the QuarkXPress Server Manager interface. 2. Enter a valid SMTP server name or IP address in the SMTP Server field and then enter the corresponding port number in the Port Number field. 3. Enter the e-mail address to which messages should be sent in the Admin Email ID field. 4. If this SMTP server requires validation, enter a valid user name in the User Name field and a valid password in the Password field. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 427 QUARKXPRESS SERVER MANAGER SMTP Settings pane Two events can cause QuarkXPress Server Manager to generate an e-mail message: • If Inactive Host E-mail Notification is checked (see “Using other global settings“), a message is sent when a QuarkXPress Server instance goes from the active state to the inactive state. • If you have set up custom error messages (as described in “Using custom error messages“), certain QuarkXPress Server errors result in e-mail messages. Using other global settings To configure other global settings, display the Other Settings tab of the Global Settings pane of the QuarkXPress Server Manager user interface. Other Settings tab of Global Settings page • Max Retries: To specify the maximum number of times the QuarkXPress Server Manager server should submit a request to the QuarkXPress Server instances, enter a value in this field. When QuarkXPress Manager has unsucessfully submitted a request this many times, the application returns an error message. 428 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 QUARKXPRESS SERVER MANAGER • Request Timeout: To specify the maximum number of minutes the QuarkXPress Server Manager server should wait for a response from a QuarkXPress Server instance, enter a value in this field. When this time has elapsed, the QuarkXPress Server Manager server retries the request (unless the Max Retries value has been reached). • Connection Timeout: To specify the maximum number of seconds the QuarkXPress Server Manager server should spend attempting to establish a connection with a particular QuarkXPress Server instance, enter a value in this field. • Max Connections Per Host: To specify the maximum number of connections the QuarkXPress Server Manager server should open for a particular QuarkXPress Server instance before it begins queuing requests, enter a value in this field. • Max Total Connections: To specify the maximum number of connections the QuarkXPress Server Manager server should open for all hosts before it begins queuing requests, enter a value in this field. • Ping Interval: To set the amount of time the QuarkXPress Server Manager server should wait between ping attempts (see “Determining QuarkXPress Server instance availability“), enter a value in this field. • Ping Type: To indicate whether QuarkXPress Server Manager should use a simple ping or a ping document to test a QuarkXPress Server instance, choose an option from this drop-down menu. • Ping Document: To indicate which QuarkXPress project the QuarkXPress Server Manager server should use for ping document requests, enter the project file name in this field. Make sure a copy of the project file is in each QuarkXPress Server instance’s document pool. Note that individual QuarkXPress Server instances can override this this value by providing another document name. Note also that a ping document is used only if Ping Type is set to Ping Document. • Common Document Pool Usage: Check this box if all managed QuarkXPress Server instances are using the same document pool. If this box is checked, then upload, delete, and saveas requests are sent to one of the available servers. If this box is unchecked, then upload, delete, and saveas requests are sent to all managed servers. Note that you must manually set each server to point at the common document pool. • Platform-specific Rendering: A QuarkXPress Server Manager server can send requests that involve Mac OS project files to a Mac OS-based QuarkXPress Server instance, and send requests that involve Windows project files to a Windowsbased QuarkXPress Server instance. Setting up the server in this manner can be desirable if the project files involved use fonts that are available on only one platform or the other. To enable platform-specific rendering for the QuarkXPress Server Manager server, check this box. • Inactive Host E-mail Notification: To automatically generate an e-mail message when a QuarkXPress Server instance becomes inactive, check this box. The email message is sent to the address specified in the SMTP Settings pane. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 429 QUARKXPRESS SERVER MANAGER Saving a server configuration Changes that you make to a server configuration in the QuarkXPress Server Manager client are not made to the QuarkXPress Server Manager server until you click Save All Settings in the Global Settings pane of the QuarkXPress Server Manager interface. To discard any changes you have made since logging on to the QuarkXPress Server Manager server, click Refresh. The configuration of the QuarkXPress Server Manager server remains as it was.  Disabling or enabling a QuarkXPress Server instance from the QuarkXPress Server Manager client is not considered a configuration change. Using custom error messages You can control which errors cause the QuarkXPress Server Manager server application to send e-mail messages to the address specified in the SMTP Settings pane (see “Generating automatic e-mail messages“). You can also define which messages are sent when such errors occur. The first step is to create a custom error code that corresponds to a QuarkXPress Server error code. After you set up this custom error code, you can specify whether that code generates an e-mail message and then create custom error messages. Creating a custom error code To create a custom error code: 1. On the computer where the QuarkXPress Server Manager server application is running, open the following file in a text-editing application: 2. [application folder]\server\conf\Manager_Server_ErrorCodeMapping.properties Create a new line containing a QuarkXPress Server specific error code for which you want to generate automatic e-mail messages (with or without a custom text message). Follow the error code with an equals sign, a unique custom error code, and a return. 3. Save and close the file.  This change will not take effect until you quit and restart the QuarkXPress Server Manager server application. Flagging an error code to generate an e-mail message To specify that a custom error code should cause an e-mail message to be generated: 1. Create a unique custom error code for the target QuarkXPress Server error. For more information, see “Creating a custom error code“). 2. On the computer where the QuarkXPress Server Manager server application is running, open the following file in a text-editing application: [application folder]\server\conf\ManagerErrorCodeMailOption.properties 430 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 QUARKXPRESS SERVER MANAGER 3. Create a new line containing the unique custom error code you defined in step 2. Follow the custom error code with a tab, enter a 1 (to send the message) or a 0 (to suppress the message), and then press Return. 4. Save and close the file.  This change will not take effect until you quit and restart the QuarkXPress Server Manager server application. Creating custom error text To define the text that should be sent in an e-mail message when an error occurs: 1. Create a unique custom error code for the target QuarkXPress Server error (as described in “Creating a custom error code“). 2. On the computer where the QuarkXPress Server Manager server application is running, open the following file in a text-editing application: 3. [application folder]\server\conf\ManagerErrorCodeMessage.properties Create a new line containing the unique custom error code you defined in step 2. Follow the custom error code with a tab and then enter the custom text to be returned for that error. 4. Save and close the file.  This change will not take effect until you quit and restart the QuarkXPress Server Manager server application. Sending requests from a browser Like QuarkXPress Server, QuarkXPress Server Manager lets you send requests from a Web browser. This capability helps to ensure that you need to make only minimal changes when you update an application so that it sends requests to a QuarkXPress Server Manager server instead of a QuarkXPress Server instance. Assume that a QuarkXPress Server instance expects requests in the following format: http://[QXPServer]:[port]/[request]?[request_parameters] If this is the case, a QuarkXPress Server Manager server will expect requests in the following format: http://[QXPSManagerServer]:[port]/qxpsm/request/[request]?[reques t_parameters] In other words, a QuarkXPress Server Manager server accepts requests in a format that is similar to the request format used with a QuarkXPress Server instance. That means you can get the benefits of QuarkXPress Server Manager without having to completely rewrite your applications. Additional parameters In addition to request-specific parameters, QuarkXPress Server Manager accepts the following request parameters. These parameters can be submitted in the standard A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 431 QUARKXPRESS SERVER MANAGER QuarkXPress Server GET format joined by an ampersand (&) with the other parameters in the body of the request. • qxpsm_bypassfileinfo: When QuarkXPress Server Manager receives a request, it executes a fileinfo request on the document to get the document’s size and last-modified date and time. These values are used for load balancing and for determining whether to serve the document from the cache. If the value of this parameter is set to true, the fileinfo request is not made, file size is considered to be zero for load-balancing purposes, and the document in the cache is • • • • considered to have changed. qxpsm_context: Set this value if you need to use it in a custom load balancer. qxpsm_maxtries: This parameter lets you specify a maximum number of retries for a specific request. If this parameter is absent or set to 0, the global maximum retries value is used. To disable maximum retries for a request, use the value –1. qxpsm_password: The value of this parameter, if supplied, is used as the “Admin Password” value when the request is forwarded to a QuarkXPress Server instance. qxpsm_responseasurl: By default, QuarkXPress Server Manager writes responses as temporary files in the cache folder and returns a URL to the client. This approach prevents the performance degradation that can result from sending binary data using SOAP. However, you might want QuarkXPress Server Manager to return the response directly if you are creating an application that processes that response (simple or multipart) with its own logic. To make QuarkXPress Server Manager send a response to the browser rather than the URL of the temporary files in the cache, set this value to false. (Note that setting this • value to false might result in decreased performance.) qxpsm_responseredirect: If you use servlet methodology to send a request to QuarkXPress Server Manager with qxpsm_responseasurl=true, QuarkXPress Server Manager returns a frameset page with one or more frames. If the response is not multipart, the frameset contains a single page with a URL pointing to a response file in the temporary cache. This can be problematic if, for example, you want to use the returned URL as an image link in an HTML page. In such situations, submit the request with both qxpsm_responseredirect=true and qxpsm_responseasurl=true. If you do this, QuarkXPress Server Manager returns the URL of the rendered file in the temporary cache instead of returning a frameset page. Note, however, that if the request results in a multipart response (such as the response returned by the boxes parameter), QuarkXPress Server Manager ignores the qxpsm_responseredirect=true parameter and returns • the frameset page. qxpsm_servername: By default, the target QuarkXPress Server instance for each request is determined by the QuarkXPress Server Manager server’s load-balancing system. To send a request to a specific QuarkXPress Server instance, set this parameter to the name or IP address of that QuarkXPress Server instance. Note that if you use this parameter with an IP address, you must also submit the port • number using the qxpsm_serverport parameter. qxpsm_serverport: If you use the qxpsm_servername parameter with an IP address, supply the corresponding port number as this parameter’s value. 432 | A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 QUARKXPRESS SERVER MANAGER • • • • qxpsm_timeout: This parameter lets you specify a timeout (in milliseconds) for a specific request. If this parameter is absent or set to 0, the global timeout value is used. To disable timeout for a request, use the value –1. qxpsm_usecache: If you set this value to false, the request will be rendered regardless of whether it is cached and regardless of whether caching is enabled at the global level. qxpsm_username: The value of this parameter, if supplied, is used as the “Admin User” value when the request is forwarded to a QuarkXPress Server instance. qxpsm_userpassword: The value of this parameter, if supplied, is used as the “Admin User” password when the request is forwarded to a QuarkXPress Server instance. Default value is null, which means no password information. If this is not null, you must also provide qxpsm_username. A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 2017 | 433 THE XTENSIONS DEVELOPER KIT (XDK) The XTensions Developer Kit (XDK) The QuarkXPress Server XDK lets software developers implement features that are not available in QuarkXPress Server, such as server-side processing and applicationspecific services.  The QuarkXPress Server XDK requires knowledge of C or C++. 434 | A GUIDE TO QUARKXPRESS SERVER 2017 GLOSSARY Glossary Document pool: The document pool contains the projects that are available for rendering. By default, the document pool is a collection of discrete files or folders in a specific, identified folder located on the local server or on a connected network drive. When some type of external document provider (such as a content management system or database) is used, projects are not stored in the local document pool. Document provider: The document provider is the source for projects that QuarkXPress Server renders. The most basic document provider is the local document pool. Other document providers can be enabled through the creation of Server XTensions software, which establish a virtual file system. Server XTensions software can register for control of a specified range of the QuarkXPress Server namespace. When a project is requested from this range, server XTensions software retrieves the file from the specified source and hands it to the server. Examples of document providers include content management systems such as a standard database,or a live data feed from an HTTP agent. Layout: A layout is a sequence of same-sized pages in a QuarkXPress project. A project can contain one or more layouts. A layout is functionally equivalent to a QuarkXPress document in QuarkXPress 5 and earlier. Project: A QuarkXPress project is a file created by QuarkXPress. A project can contain one or more layouts. Rendering: Rendering is the process of generating a file in a particular format (such as JPEG, EPS, or PDF) from a QuarkXPress layout. Rendering type: The rendering type is the format in which QuarkXPress Server can render QuarkXPress layouts. Some rendering types, such as JPEG and PNG, can be displayed in a Web browser, while others must be saved to the hard drive. Server XTensions Software (SXT): Server XTensions software is XTensions software written specifically for QuarkXPress Server. For more information, see the QuarkXPress Server XTensions Developer’s Kit. Renderer: A renderer is a process launched by QuarkXPress Server to help process rendering requests. Renderers reside on the same server as QuarkXPress Server and share the same memory and preferences. When renderers are launched, QuarkXPress Server becomes a load-balancing “master server,” passing incoming requests to renderers for faster response times. A GUIDE TO QUARKXPRESS SERVER 2017 | 435 LEGAL NOTICES Legal notices ©2017 Quark Software Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved. Protected by the following United States Patents: 5,541,991; 5,907,704; 6,005,560; 6,052,514; 6,081,262; 6,633,666 B2; 6,947,959 B1; 6,940,518 B2; 7,116,843; 7,463,793; and other patents pending. Quark, the Quark logo, and QuarkXPress are trademarks or registered trademarks of Quark Software Inc. and its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. 436 | A GUIDE TO QUARKXPRESS SERVER 2017

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