shengxingwang Precision Technology TWSP10 True wireless earbuds User Manual 15 TWS P10 UserMan

Shenzhen shengxingwang Precision Technology Co., Ltd. True wireless earbuds 15 TWS P10 UserMan

15_TWS-P10 UserMan

TWS-P10  (A)使用说明书  产品示意图     佩戴示意图 选择大小合适的耳套 我们提供了大中小三种规格耳套(图a),请尝试并选择适合自己的尺寸以便获得最佳的使用体验,  打开收纳盒拿出耳机选择合适自己的耳套套上使其更舒适贴耳。  佩戴说明 耳机上有“L”及“R”标识,请将标有“L”的耳机戴在左耳,标有“R”的耳机戴在右耳。  提示:您的左右耳可能适合不同尺寸的耳塞,将已装好耳塞的耳机塞进您的耳道,然后转动耳机,定位至牢固舒服的位置(如图 b)           (图a)                           (图b) 功能操作   首次使用说明  开机首次使用(或长时间不使用)时,使用前,请务必给耳机和充电座充电。  智能快捷连接 分别将左/右耳机从充电盒内拿出,左/右耳机会自动开机互联。连接成功后主机(左耳机)将“蓝白灯”交替闪烁,同时耳机会有语音提示“已连接,左声道,进入配对模式”,副机指示灯会进入白灯慢闪,同时耳机会有语音提示“已连接,右声道”。此时只需打开手机搜索蓝牙设备“P10”连接,即可正常使用。当配对连接成功后耳机主机(左声道)会有语音提示“配对成功,第二个装置连接成功”。
   关机: 将耳机放入充电盒,耳机会自动关机并充电,若未带充电盒,可将手机断开蓝牙连接,约 5分钟后耳机会自动关机。  指示灯说明: A、白灯闪三次,开机;  蓝灯闪三次,关机。 B、灯灭,无连接。 C、蓝白交替闪烁,等待连接手机蓝牙。 D、白灯每隔 5秒闪一下,已连接上手机。    Siri 语音:   Ios 系统用户连接上耳机之后触摸主耳机或副耳机 2秒,听到语音提示“滴”一声松手,可唤醒或关闭 siri  (此功能仅支持 ios 系统用户),呼出 siri 之后可语音操作。  再次使用耳机: 分别将左/右耳机从充电盒内拿出,左右耳机会自动配对连接,主耳机也会自动连接蓝牙(最后一次连接的设备)。  单耳使用: 当单个耳机使用时,只需拿出一个耳机,耳机拿出后会立刻闪白灯,然后触摸两下,指示灯就会转成蓝白闪,耳机进入蓝牙连接状态,打开手机搜索蓝牙设备名“P10”进行连接即可。左右耳机都有独立通话功能。  提示:1)在主耳机(左耳)处于单耳连接模式下,如果想进行双耳 TWS 模式,只需要将副耳机(右耳)从充电盒中拿起,副耳机会自动和主耳机进行 TWS 配对连接。       2)在副耳机(右耳)处于单耳连接模式下,如果想进行双耳 TWS 模式,需将主耳机(左耳)从充电盒中拿起,触摸耳机表面 3秒后松手,耳机进入开机模式,然后副耳机(右耳机)会自动和主耳机(左耳机)进行 TWS配对连接。 连接成功后主耳机会有语音提示“第二个装置配对成功,左声道”,副耳机语音提示“右声道”。  功能操作: 来电提示/语音报号:在来电未接听电话时,两只耳机都会有提示音。 接听电话:来电时,触摸一下主耳机或副耳机。(通话时主耳机和副耳机都可以听到对方声音) 挂断电话:通话中,触摸一下主耳机或副耳机。 拒接来电:来电时,触摸主耳机或副耳机 2秒释放。 音乐播放:播放音乐时,触摸两下主耳机(左耳)切换上一曲;触摸两下副耳机(右耳)切换下一曲。 播放音乐时,触摸一下主耳机或副耳机可暂停或播放音乐。 音量调节:  长按主耳机(左耳)3 秒以上,  可使音量渐渐减小(-);  长按副耳机(右耳)3 秒以上,  可使音量渐渐加大(+)。  (  提示:请合理控制使用耳机的音量和时间;如果把音量调到太大,长时间听歌可能会导致听力受损)  恢复出厂设置:(左右耳配对) 如果误操作耳机,造成两只耳机没有配对或是无法连接手机蓝牙,可以按下面方法让左右耳机重新配对。  在充电的情况下,双手将(左/右)耳机“触摸区”,同时触摸 3下直到左右耳机“蓝灯”闪烁两次后,再从充电
盒中将左右耳机同时拿出,同时触摸左右耳机 5秒直到蓝白灯交替闪烁,此时左右耳机自动连接,连接成功后,主耳机(左耳机)会自动进入配对状态,然后打开手机蓝牙就可以跟主耳机连接了。  耳机充电 1.将左右耳机放入充电盒内,开启充电盒电源,盖上盖子数秒后耳机便亮灯进入充电状态。 2.充电状态时,耳机指示灯蓝灯慢闪。 3.充电完成,耳机满电后蓝灯会自动熄灭,30 秒后充电盒自动断电。  充电盒充电 1. 请使用输出电压为 DC5V/1A  的充电器对充电座充电,可使用电脑 USB 接口或其他 USB 接口的充电器给充电盒充电(必须选择正规厂家认证过的充电器)。 2. 充电盒充电期间,充电座有三个蓝色 LED 灯显示电量,蓝色 LED 灯会根据不同的电量,闪烁不同电量的蓝色 LED灯。(如:充电时第一个蓝灯闪烁,表示有 0-30%的电量;第一个蓝灯长亮,第二个蓝灯闪烁,表示有 30-60%的电量;两个蓝灯长亮,第三个蓝灯闪烁,表示有 60-99%的电量。)当充电座充满电时三个蓝色 LED 灯会长亮,这时,请将充电盒与充电设备断开连接。  注:充电器请使用 DC5V/1A 充电器或 PC 电脑的 USB;重复对耳机进行充电和放电将会随时间的推移而导致电池效能下降,这对所有可再充电电池来说都是正常的。(切勿用力挤压弹针触点以免导致不能正常使用)  移动电源功能 将充电线直接接入数据线(安卓或苹果)插口,再连接充电盒上 USB 接口,开启充电盒电源,就可以为手机充电。  (提示:需要给手机应急充电时,请先看看充电盒指示灯,只有 3个蓝灯都亮时才可以给手机充电,否则给手机充电时无法达到效果。)  基本参数: 蓝牙版本 V5.0 支持协议 A2DP/AVRCP/HFP/HSP 传输距离 10M 频率范围 2402MHz~2480MHz 喇叭  Ф6MM*2 Hi-Fi Speaker 阻抗 16Ω 电压 3.7V 待机时间 70H 通话时间 3-5 小时 音乐播放时间 2.5 小时 耳机电池容量 45MAH 耳机充电时长 ≤2小时 充电盒电池容量 3500MAH 充电盒充电时长 约2.5 小时 支持系统 IOS/Android/Windows 认证 CE/FCC/ROHS  注意事项
 1.请勿以任何理由拆除或改装耳机,否则可能导致耳机故障及烧毁,这些都不在保修范围。 2.请勿将设备接触腐蚀性液体,否则会造成设备的严重损坏,由此造成的损坏,制造商将不予以保修。 3.请勿将设备置于温度过高或过低(0度以下或 45 度以上)的环境下。 4.请避免靠近儿童或动物的眼睛使用设备灯。 5.请勿在雷暴天气下使用设备,雷暴可能导致设备工作不正常,并增加触电的危险。  警告! 此产品含内置锂电池,请勿将此产品暴露在强烈的日照下,火烤或扔入火中,以免爆炸。  常见问题 Q:充电盒充不进电? A:  可更换一条数据线尝试一下,或接口没有接好。 Q:  耳机信号不稳定或耳机没声音? A:请按上述佩戴方式佩戴好耳机,户外使用时请将手机放置在前口袋。 Q:搜索蓝牙出现两个“P10”设备名? A:需将两个设备名删掉,再按(蓝牙配对)操作即可。 Q:接电话声音小或不清晰? A:尽量把耳机音量调大或是将手机音量调大,并且手机不要离耳机太远。 Q:  如何单个耳机连接两部手机? A:  先连接第一部手机蓝牙后,  再将其关闭蓝牙,  然后再连接第二部手机,  最后再将第一部手机蓝牙开启后再手动连接,  即可实现一拖二功能. Q:  左耳跟右耳之间的传输距离有多远? A:  正常无障碍的情况下为 3米以内.  为了获得更好的音乐体验,建议使用 IOS8.0 & Android4.3 以上操作系统
  TWS-P10  (A)  Instruction Manual Product Indication  Wearing sketches Choose the suitable ear-pad from three sizes (small, medium, large) to make you more comfortable.  Wearing instructions Please wear the earphone marked "L" on the left ear and the one marked "R" on the right ear.  Tip: Insert earphones with your ear-pads into your ear canal, then turn the earphones to a firm and comfortable position. (see figure b)  Functional operation First use instructions: When using it for the first time (or not using it for a long time), please make sure to charge the earphones and charging box before use.  Get quick started: 1) Take  the L/R earphones  out from  the  charging  box  and the L/R  earphones  will power  on and connect to each other automatically.   2) After successful connection, the blue & white light of the master earphone (left earphone) will blink alternately and it voices “connected, left channel, pairing” as well. While the right earphone will be white light blinking slowly and it voices “connected, right channel”.   3) Turn on the mobile phone search bluetooth device “P10”, then click connect and it voices “ second device connected” in the master earphone (left earphone).  P10
Power off: There are two ways to power off the earphones -- 1) Put the earphones into the charging box , they will power off automatically and enter into charging mode.   2) Disconnect the bluetooth  connection  between  your  mobile phone and  the earphones,  the  earphones will  power off automatically after about 5 minutes.  Indicator light status: A. White indicator flashes three times-Power on;Blue indicator flashes three times-Power off.   B. Indicator light off - Not connected. C. Blue and White indicator flashes alternately- Two earphones connected and waiting connection with mobile phone. D. White indicator flashes slowly every 5 seconds- Connected with mobile phone.   IOS/siri Active: long touch the either of earphone for 2 seconds to activate Siri, Siri will be ready to take commands after a sound “Siri” played through. (This function is only supported for IOS system devices). Use earphones again: Take  the  L/R  earphones  out  of  the  charging  box  and  the  L/R  earphones  will  power  on  and  connect  to  each  other automatically. Then they will connect the bluetooth device automatically. (The last connected bluetooth device.) Use a single earphone: Only take out any one earphone, the White light of this one will flash soon. Then double click it, the indicator is changed to blue & white light flickering. While turn on the cellphone, search the bluetooth “P10” and connect. Left and right earphone can be used separately.  Tips: 1) If the master earphone (left earphone) is being used as single earphone and want to change TWS mode, you only need to pick up the other earphone from the charging box. These two earphone will connect each other automatically. 2) If the slave earphone(right earphone) is being used as single earphone and want to change TWS mode, you need pick up the other earphone, touch it for 3 seconds and then release. This earphone will power on and will automatically connect with the master (left earphone).    After  the  connection  is  successful,  the  master  earphone  will  have  the  voice  prompt  “second  device  connected,  left channel” and the slave earphone voice prompt “right channel”. Functional operation: Phone ring tone and sound can be heard from Both earphones. Answer the phone: when calls come in, single-click either of earphones. (Sounds can be heard from both earphones.) Hang up the phone: during the call, single-click either of earphones. Reject a call: when calls come in, long touch the either of earphones for 2 seconds. Music play: In playing music, double-click the master earphone (left earphone) for previous track; double-click the slave   earphone (right earphone) for next track; single-click the either of earphones for pause or play music. Decrease  the  volume(-):  Long  touch  the  master  earphone  (left  earphone)  over  3  seconds  to  turn  the volume down. Increase the volume(+): Long touch the slave earphone (right earphone) over 3 seconds to turn the volume up.
(Tips:Please make reasonable volume and time, it will damage your hearing if it is continuous long time and high volume.)  Reset: (right / left earphones pair) If  two  earphones  cannot  be  connected  each  other  or  they  cannot  connect  to  the  mobile  phone  bluetooth  due  to mis-operation, you can reset the earphones as the following method. Put the earphones into the charging box and enter into the charging mode, triple-click the earphone touch control at the same  time,  until  the  blue  lights  flash  twice.  (You  can  do  this  one  by  one.  )  Then  take  the  both  earphones  out  of  the charging box and long touch the earphones for 5 seconds at the same time, until the earphones “Blue and white light” flashes alternative then release. They will enter into paring mode automatically. After successfully connection, turn on the mobile phone bluetooth and connect. Earphone charging: 1. Put two earphones into the charging box, cover the lid and the they will enter into charging mode after several seconds. 2. blue indicators will flash slowly in charging mode. 3. Charging is completed: after the earphones are full power, the blue light will go out automatically, and the charging box will automatically cut off after 30 seconds.  Charging box battery charging 1. Please power the charging case by DC5V/1A adapter, PC USB port of PC or other DC5V is OK.   2. In the charging mode, three blue LED indicator lights on the case show the battery capacity.    Battery capacity indicator A. One blue indicator flashes is 0%-30%   B. One indicator stays blue and one blue indicator flashes is 30%-60%   C. Three indicators stay blue is 60%-100%.   Please disconnect charging devices from the charging case once fully charged.  Note:  please  charge  for  the  case  with  DC5V/1A  charger  or  Computer  USB;  As  the  charging  and  discharging  of  the earphones increases, the battery performance will decrease, which is normal for all rechargeable batteries. (Don’t press the contact of the spring pin hard to avoid improper use.)  Power bank function:   The charging box can be as power bank for your mobile phone. Charge your Android or IOS device by connecting the Micro USB cable to the charge port of your device and the standard USB connector of the charging box.    (Tips:Please check the indicator of the charging box before charge to the mobile phone. When all 3 indicators are lighting, the charging box can be better charged for the mobile phone. )  Specification: Bluetooth version V5.0 Support profile A2DP/AVRCP/HFP/HSP
Transmission distance   10M Frequency range 2402MHz~2480MHz Driver  Ф6MM*2 Hi-Fi Speaker Impedance 16Ω Voltage 3.7V Standby time 70H Talking time 3-5H Playing time 2.5H Earphone battery 45MAH Earphone charging time ≤2H Charging box battery 3500MAH Charging box charging time About 2.5H Support system IOS/Android/Windows Certification CE/FCC/ROHS Attention: 1. Do not remove or refit earphones for any reason, otherwise it will lead to headset damaged and burn. These are not covered by warranty. 2.  Do  not  touch  the  earphones  in  corrosive  liquid,  otherwise  it  will  cause  serious  damage.  The  manufacturer  will  not guarantee the damage caused under this situation. 3. Do not put the equipment under too high or too low temperature( Below 0°C or above 40°C). 4. Please avoid approaching the eyes of children or animals when using equipment lights. 5.  Do  not  use  equipment in the thunderstorm  weather. Thunderstorms  may  cause  abnormal equipment operation and increase the risk of electric shock.  Warning:   This product contains a built-in lithium battery. Please do not expose this product to strong sunlight, roasting or throwing it into the fire, as they may explode FAQ Q: Charging case can not charge? A: Ensure that the charging cable is properly connected to the charging port or replace charging cable。 Q: Signal is not stable or left earphone is out of voice? A: Try to wear the earphones well, and put the mobile on front pocket when used in outdoor. Q: When search the bluetooth, display two connection names of “P10”? A: Forget the two bluetooth name of “P10”, turn off the bluetooth and connect as above “get quick start”. Q: The sound volume is down or not clear when making calls? A: Try to turn the earphone volume up or turn the mobile phone volume up, and move phone closer to the earphones.     Q: How to connect two cellphones to an earphone? A: Connect your first mobile phone to bluetooth and then turn off bluetooth , then connect second mobile phone. Finally, turn on the first mobile phone bluetooth and connect it again. Q: How far is the distance between the left earphone and the right one? A: 3M in the normal environment without barrier.    For better sound quality experience, suggest use IOS 8.0/ Android 4.3 or above operation system.
 NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a   Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are   designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a   residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio   frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,   may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no   guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this   equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which   can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to   try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:   - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.   - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.   -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the   receiver is connected.   -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help   Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance   could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.   This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:   (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and   (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may   cause undesired operation.

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