shunde Md Microwave Oven E8023P-K Microwave Oven User Manual Users manual
shunde Md Microwave Oven Manufactory Co., ltd. Microwave Oven Users manual
Users manual
seNice facility for exami'lation, repair or replacement.
Do not attempt to service or repair !his appfiance.
, O. Do not cover or block any openings on the
appliance. Do not store Items on top of microwave
oven if there are louvers on top 0; oven.
". Do not store this appiiance outdoors. Do not
use this product near water-for example, near
a kitchen sink, in G wet basement. or near a.
swimming poot, and the like.
i 2. Do not immerse cord of plug in water.
i 3. Keep cord away from heated surfa~s..
14. Do not let cord hang over edge or table or counter.
15. When clearnng surfaces of door Gnd oven that
come together on closing the Ooor, use only miid,
nonabrasive soaps or detergents applied with a
sponge or soft cloth.
'6. To reduce the risk oj fire in the oven cavity:
a. Do not overcook food. espel:;ia:lly s;archy
items such as potatoes and fatty items such
as bacon. Careiully attend appfiance if paper,
plcstic. or other combustible materials are
.placed inside the oven to facilitate cooking.
b. Remove wire twist.ties from paper or pl2Stic
bag before placing bag in oven.
c. If materials inside the oven should ignite. keep
oven door closed, turn oven oH, and disconnec1
the power cord. or shut off power at the fuse or
cirC'oJit breaker pan~.
d. Do not use the cavity for storage purposes.
Do nOlleave paper produCts. cooking ulensils.
or food in the cavity when not in use.
e. Do nol put metal i~sjde the oven, e:<cepl as
spe~ificaJly descnbed In Ihe manual or
cookbook if supplied \vilh this oven.
Wh,en using electricaJ appliances, basic safety
precotIJlions should be follov/ed. including the following:
VvARNING- To reduce the ~K or bums, electrical
sh~~.firs, injury iO persons br exposure to excessive
mi~..o~V2ve energy:
;-. ;-Ap oUANC -
I Mc.. C,
2. 1 Read and follow the spe!:lfic .Precautions to avoid
: possible exposure to excessive mic:owave energy"
foUnd ~bove.
3. This ~ppliaiice mus, be grounded and properly
"'polarized. Connect only to a properly grounded and
:"_i~..-~ ,.. o+4-t ~~c - fO lllrinn Ins '~ ~. "" ~n 3~Ql1L~..vuu~\.~-- \.: _._~ \I'""'-oA.Ag ~,~e .
i ,. -
4. InSt~1I or loc~te this appliance only in ac:ordance
vlith the ins\altation instructions desc.ibed in this
s. Some produc:s such as whole eggs and sealed
, icohtainers. such as closed glass jars. mayexpjode
I and shouid not be heated in this oven.
! 6., i Vse this appliance only for its intended use as
: described in the manual. Do not use corrosive
: ]. ch~micals or vapors in ~is appliance. This type of
ov~n is specifICally designed to heat. cook. dry, or
! d~ito~t food. It is not designed for industrial,
. i,tabOra;torv, or commercial use. It is intended for
hqme use only. Do not use for drying clothes, linens,
'newspaper, or similar non-lood type items.
, 7;' Make sure that all persons using this applianc~,
:e~peciall't chiidren, are ~'osely supe.rvised ,and
properly Inztrucled on how to usa thIS appliance.
I 8.: D6 nol operate Chis appl~ance j,t it has a damaged
~rd or plug, it i: is not wboon9 propen}', or if it has
: belen oamagc-j Or orop~d.
g.~ This appliance S:1Ould b~ serviced oniy by Qualified
: :.ervic~ per:ionnel, Contact Ihe nearest authorized
A. po not attempt to ope~ate this oven with C. Do not operate the oven if it is damaged.
the door open since open-door operation It is particularly importan~that the oven door
, !can ~xposure ~o microwave close properly and thai t~ere is no damage to
lenergy. It IS Important Inot to deleat or the (1) Door (bent), (2)1 hinges and latches
itamper with the safety interlocks. (broken or loosened), (3) door s2als and
.bsealing sunaces.
8. Do not place any obJet belween
loven front face and th~ door or allow D. The oven should not qe adjusted or repaired
,soil or. cleaner residue to accumulate on by anyone except properly qualified service
,sealing suriaces. personnel.
clause contents I page
Introduction and Safety precautions
Safety Precautions
Exploded Views
Schematic Diagrams
Parts List
Heating Principle of Microwave 6
2.0 Troubleshooting Procedures 7
Common breakdown and means of repairing 12
4.0 Critical Parts Servicing 13
important things to do prior to critical parts servicing
interlock assembly replacement and adjustment
door and hinge replacement and adjustment
magnetron replace ment
5.0 Safety checks and tests after servicing 14
constructional checks
insulation resistance test
microwave leakage test
This Microwave Oven Service Manual is printed in a loose leaffonnat. Each part is
;divi<ied into sections relating to a general group of components and each section is
subdivided into various parts describing a particular component or service procedure
:The subdividing of the subject matter plus the loose leaf form will facilitate the updating
of the manual as new or revised components and service procedures are introduced.
Each page of this service manual will be identified in the lower right hand comer 9nd as
new or revised pages are published it will be easy to keep the manual up to date 'by
following the filing instructions on the cover letter.
This Service Manual is a valuable service tool should be taken to keep it up to
date by prompt and proper filling of subsequent pages as they are issued.
Microwave Is one kind of radio wave wllose wavelenltll is vcry soort. rrcquency is very hilh. TherefCN'e. It is called ultrabi~h
frequency electromagnetic wave. Microwave can heat f(I()(1 mainly result in the mutual affect of file f~ in the microwave ritld
and the microwave neld it5elf.
uRder the afJr.ct of microwave field. the tllCrmal errecl 11lccbani.m pnKIucw from IIIe mutual .rred or the microwaye and the
rcwxJ Includes two ..pccts ~ One is Dieleclrk I~ or pIlar molecule. the otller is ccJt1duc:tiye kJS.. or '-.
Usually. r(x)d is constitulc of fM"~anisn1( ria'" and aninlal ). 11le ofl:1nism Is rorAlcd by all kjnds of polar ~aler 111Ulecule. JXJlar
protein molecule. 8nd all sctrts of salt ion- Tile center uf ~raYlty or Ihe ~i(ive aoo ncpli,"c charIC in the moIcculc Is not coin-
cide. In normal condition. tile c1lulcculc IJi in irrq\llar ,...der due tfJ its tlJCl"mal acliun. Ihlls the ((x)d do ROC appear polarity.
(£;"16.1 - la). Under tile action or outcr clectric ficllJ. the I11l5illve end ctf the pctlar molecule trend to the negative electric
Ficid. tbe negative end or (1O18r IfKJlecult" tre~ to the positive electric lickl. and sonlcwhat arrance In order IhruusJ1 tlJe dlrec-
lim or the electric field( Fl(i. I - Ic). 1111s pheoomePflf1 usually be calied ~TORQUE PULARITY". WIJCn the outa- electric
ricJd apply Cor tbe ~~ite PfJlarily. the pular pJolccule tllen arraage .0 oppositc dircclim cll'der ac~urdinlly( FIG. 1 - 1&). If
Ille dir~tlon of tl1c outer clcctri~ field chanl~d fereatcfliy. the pular mol~c,l1e wcMlld repeatedly sway accordingly. Uuring the
swayil\l. It i5 undcrstalldllt~ tllat the pular molecule """Ild rroouce 'teat duc: to 5",newhat 511111lar rrictioo 8nlOl1& them. Wilen
FiJI - I (c)
lhe electric neJd is applicd ror ultrahigh rrcqucnl lulcruwave ncld rrom the outsldc. its direction would change tens billioo
limes per second, so do the muJ~uJe. This kind or nmlcculc ~wayinR producing 5in.ilar frictiooal heal rnlltl lhe interfermcc
and block of the aclion slrCJIc1h anlong llic m.~ecule. IInd,changed to mocrMcoplc mlcnJWave heatinl- Microwave bealing I'M"
only conccrned the nature or the nlaUcr itself. but alslI ck1$"edly COlUlCctecJ with the clcclric rickS strength aoo rrequency. Whcn
the rrequency Is Inw. thc nI(Ilecute swaying: rate and Ihe ncule de,ree or the mutual frlctkKt am~ thc nlOlccule I. low. and
would produce much heal. When tbc frcqucncy Is 100 llilth. a~ thc swln, or tbe polar n,ol«ule Is with rutaling il1crlia. It made
the swlnl do not In line wltll the dlanli", rhythm of thc elcclric field because of the frlctior-. dr.;. thus. actually lowed the po-
lar molcculc swaying speed. lObe fricljoo dragins deJltt i5 concerning atQJl the lnagnclcctrlc wave frcqucnc-y. (dar molecule
~hape, and the maUer' $ slicky degree. To diffcrcntJJlattcr' s n10tecuJc. thcre arc dlfrerent ~pccial rrcquency ZCXIe. TIIO5e aho
absorb Rlicrowave enercy rr~ tlle.~e zonc are n10st capablc to tun, micruwBvc encr~y to heat energy-
ApaI't from the above ,aid aclion. there Is another acliun whieb is electric i~ under tIle aclKln or microwave field. act nercely
ac~panjed with the acceleration of clectric field. TIIC l'OIillve 11M' transfu to Ihc ~tive pJlanl, or the neld while the nea-
ative ion do opposite. Accompaning with tile ch.I'llnJ electric neld, the etcctrlc Ion cbanJinc aca.-dingly. Durin8 the trans-
ruins, beat produced with tlK crash anKJnglhc Ion. °nU8 kind of actiCNI lake thc n.-in effect to thO8e Inlcrowawe heatina or
blab salt molecule o
No matter It is the polar molecule swayinl M the kHI transferinl. the, ooth arc turni"l the n,laowave erIUJY which lbe beat-
lna matter lOt fron, Ihe alicrownY8 field 10 beat cneC#y. l~fOIli the analRsl. of the-try. we can d..8W Suet1 . concl.8lon tb.t the
power which. unit or yolume n.-iter .~orbcd frlMn tIle Inlcrowave field L' the followial foaaula:
Pa a KE fErt~8
Pa Stand. for the PJWer the heated matter absorbal fr.MII the Inicrowave fidd-
K StaM' ror a canstant IE Sta8d fcw microwa.c field 'tI'CDph .. ,
f Stands for the microwave frequeDCJ.
,.); ~'_ft". ,- 1_- AAAIA IA_-ft' ftl IL. ,-..,-.1 __II.. °.~
¥~ bauJillla mkrowa" MCA. 1M lbouJd J &bc ~D aDd tbe ca... ~cctl,. tbea JOU can rcpaJr II wlcJI
~~ wa,.. Tbe o..haull", DlUlI be i--OC-: la "r. any ballY c:ooclUilon II Dol r~aldable. 0Cbcrw1le OYer-
~.. ~ " when The mlcrowa.e OYea --y ~ C«o1PCK1ad breakdow. due to al""" ... different
~. I... -bea OYerbaui. Cbey aU .~Id " tab Into ~ldcratloa. :ipccJa1 aUCAtJoa mUit be ...en to the -lavw..e
ib.!... ... the electric laaulatl- _beD eDlDlae becaule they may do harlr.lul to the repalrlnl .talr.
I .
i I 80 aam1ae I _crow.., Of.. _lib kukdowa1 A better mUOl _bleb dClDODltrated In prlctlcal.,lu,. 8ft ~
I~Int and II.tenlna. Oa the bull or larae .mountt or perceptual kJMJWledlC. yw caD Judp and 8aalJlJI Ibc kak.
n: quickly and cwrectl.
. t. lup&'Ctloa. . .
l ~pect whether the oven Ihape II disordered and where II the dllordered poIlllon, araDY. It II la'mallf the cabinet
d~'wdcred a little, but abnorlRallr the OyeD. the door dllOrdered, the dCQ' hC»k broten. the dCXM' crooked. .. then are
~ much ICXII~I betweco the dCXK .nd the oven .ner the door II closed.
. Wtenlns.
ILUtCftlnl to the yWcc or tbe o.en operatlq.nd the noise or the ran .ner It conducted. MIami' Mwca .ca- Qcllq
I MU"- nolle and -lhllbl- _lIe lhouid be CODIlder al normal. But it II .bnormallr the rollowl. .1. occund:
(Sb Sound .wen wen" ._e. .
(1) t I lllUC -Ihl_hl. nolH. I
, ..,
, (3~ Strike Yoke Uke plP8 rip. .
I . ~Inc the mlcrowa.. Inlulatlq resiliance.
I MCaiure thc InauJatlnl railiance with a avOlllCter or a mepuhmnleter tbe value _hould ROC 101 tban 2 18C~~_. Oth-
i ; rille. part eamlnatlon Ihcxlid be taken at once. Such al cbeckinl whether the motor. the thermal cutout. the tr.nI-
I I former or the capacitor are electricity lecklns.
a. EUDll~tJon ol the mlltarICe yalue or the mlcrowaYe o.en.
I I cioIc the dc-.r. _ct the lime (the oven I- at o~ratlnl condition but the power plul havn't been piu&acd In), ..cuure
.. Itbc two feet (L - N) or tbe power pluS with R x I or a a.ometer. the re81ltance value lhould be .bout 2.5 ohm.
I Ir open circuit ~ured. tJlen you must check wllcCher the SA fuse II broken. the primary wind Ins or the transformer II
i' open circuit. tlac thermal cutO4Jt I. open circuit or not. Jou must check whether the Interl~k deylce 11 put thrqh or
.Utbe plup ar. CWlnectcd wcll. If lhort circuit ~rcd or thc r6l1t&nce 101 than 1.5 ohm. y~ Ib~1d elaeek whether
I: the primary wlDdlna of tlM power tranlrormer II lhort - circuited or part Ihort - circuited.
r. BD8Ilnatlon of mlcrowaye labae.
Mealure the mlcrowav. leakap willa a mlcrowaye leakale mealure. Place a Ifadate of 175m1 water at the middle of
tbe liul tray of the OYcD (FIG. 5 - I). CIOIe tlM door, ~wer let hlah. tJme Ht to 3 mlnuta. preu the llartlna buttoa
, to: operate the oven. After recltJOcd the microwave leakase mealure. measure around the door th08e hole poll-
i t" of the window and the air ycnt at f.r lides of the OYCJJ with the probe of the measure. When meaaure. the movlns
I i IPclcCI of tbe probe should not exceed 15mm per lecond. and the menurlna dlrectkJn Ih.ld be the lame with the ouilns
III dkeclloa or tbe microwave lakaF (FIG. 5 -1).
~ mcuurlR8. tile ultimate value or microwave leakage of all the anealured (IOIltloo lhould not exceed I mliliwatt!
aaJ, or Ib~1d be ccxuldered AI abn«mal.
.. &amIne when the ove.. at opcratJoa, but the food Can't be heated.
II (I) fixamlne when the lamp 11 on, the llall tray II c1cllna. the ran operating In normal:
I ' orr the cabinet, lt8rtJna the Men, measure the plUI or the transrormer with a .Yometer to ace whether It II e-
I: DCMIab to 120v. tr It I- eDCMIsh to 120v. then the Iccondar, high voltage of the transformer ahould be e.amlned al
FIG.5 - 3.
Measure It with the 2.S00V alt~rnatlDl &fade of m<Miel 500 avometer. One rod of the avometer connect the Iroo core
of tbe transformer. the other rod connect the secondary high vol~gc plug (FIG. S - 4). The avometer rudinl
sbwld be aoout 2100V (when measure. be carerul wllb the high voltage) .If no voltale at all. II indicates that the
trapsrormer has broken. and sbould be replaced by a new one. If II Is enough to 2100V. then cheek tbe filament
voltale of the transrormer with allernatlnllOV grade of a avometer. the value sbould be aoout 3.4V (FIG.S - S).
~s-Id8ry wlndlftl
Trana(onnct f-
-:;:0:\1 ~
Pri_ry w."".
Fis. 5 - 4
fiS.5 - 3
~/~~ ~
Fig. 5 - 5 Fig.5 - 6 - v
If there is no yoltage at all. it indicates the transformer has broken. and should be replaced by a new one. If it i.
enough to 3. 4V. check the filament resistance of the magnetron. measure the filament plug with the R x I grade
of a avometer (FIG. 5 - 6). If it is open - circuited. it indicates the magnetron has broken. and should be replaced
by a new one. It is normal if the resistance ;aiue is very small. Then check whether the magnetron .teel ha.
brocken. if broken. replace with a new magnetron.
If there Is no problem with the magnetron. check the high voltage diode then. Measure the dkMIe with R x 10K
grade of a avometer. the" + .. rod end of the avometer connect the cathode of the diode. the. - to rod end of the
avometer connect the anode of the diode (FIG. 5 - 7). The avometer reading sb-ould be about 150 thousand ohm.
Then change the rod to different electrode. the radinl should be M = ". If the reading is very small. and near to
short circuit. it indicates the high voltage diode has been punctured. and should be replaced by a new one.
FIR. 5 - 7
FII.5 - 9
FI..S - 8
lr the luSh voltage dlcxJe II OK. .then check the rorwardJna plUI 0{ the tranlronncr 10 Ice whether It I. cnoulh to
120v. lr It II not CD<JClgh. check'the mlcro- switch or the time and power distributer. Connect the two nxI 01 the
.vumeter to the 1.2 place of the timer with R x I K Is normal If the rudiOll1 MO"when II cui orf condl.
tlon.' If the read 101 Is .. m". il Indicates the micro switch h.s broken. and the timer .hoold be repl.ced by a new all the alM>vc. e~amlnatl(JC1 .hows normal. then ~he~k whether the terminal paul or the m8anetroa and the ~a.
pacltor have It II loosed. 1)lnclt it tightly wltb a pllerl.
5. ExamJoe the .t.rUng and the
: Pull!MIt the power pluS. take off the cabinet. diKharJe Ihe capacitor. me.sure lbe resulalKe ,alue of the primary
wlndina and the .ecunda" wlodln. or the tran.rormer with a a.ometer (FIG. 5 - 10 and FIG. 5 - 9). The rallt8nce
value of the primary winding should be about 2.2 ohm. the secondary wlndlna sh!MIld be about 130 ohm. otherwise. It
Indicates the transrormer has brok~n. and should be replaced by a new one. - ~
FI,.S 12 Fla.S -10
Fla. 5 - 11
If the transformer is normal. then the hlah voltage capacitor should be checked, Pun out tbe connectln. plul of the ca.
pacltor. and measure It with R x 1 Ifade of a avometer. the two rod of the avometer coonect the twopoiarlty of the ca.
pacltor, When they just connected. the readinl of the avom~ter .hould be zero. then enlarae to nine mepohm slowly.
Cbanae the rod to different polarity. the reading repeat from zero to nine mepohm (FIG. S - II). it meant the capacJ.
tor Is normal. If the Indicator of the avometer can' t. point out from zero to nine mepohm. Jt IndJcatei the blah voltage
capacitor bas broken, and should be replaced by a new one.
If It I. normal between the two pole of the capacitor. then the Insulation between the capacitor pole and the cabinet
.hould be measured with R x IOK Ifade or a a vometer. The re.I.t.ance value .bouJd be M -" (FIG. 5 - 12). Ir It II
.hort circuited or have a number readlnl. It Indicates that the capacJtor ha. been punctured or electricity leeked. and
.hould be replaced by a .ame model. same capacity one,
If tbe reslst.nce value of the capacitor'. two pole are --", the capacitor II normal. Thea cbeck the earth of the mal-
netron' s two mament to lee whether they are lhort - circuited (FIG. S - 13). If they .re .hCM1 - circuited and tbe fila-
ment strikes the .bell of the maanetron. It Indicates the magnetroo has broken, and should be replaced by a new.
model one.
II the malnetroo II also normal. then telt the pilot .wltch. Pull out the two plup of the .witcb. Ma.ure It wltb the R
. x I Irade of . .vometer. the two roo coonect the plUS of the switch. the reslst8nce value .bould be .. ~"( FIG. 5 - 8) ,
Then press down the pilot switch with a screwdriver. If the readlns of the avometer pointed to zero. It Indicates the pl.
lot switch baa broken. and should replace It with a new. model one.
I. Repair .hen lhere ~curcd larJe amount. micro.aye leakale. Thel'e are many racton wbJcb may C8U1e mkrowayc
Iccklng. Followlq menlJoned may be the main cause or microwave leaule:
( 1) The door deformed. Ihc hlnsc loosed or damaBed thai caused the door can not close 11111117.
(2) The door pres.Jol cover or Ihe embed piece damaled or come olr.
(3) ObYloul damale or uneyen of the oven.
(4) There arc fIIlh between the df»r and Ihe oven.
(5) The door and the oven are serious loosed arter the door closed. cfi
FII.S - 13
(6) The Ct'ack or the dfXW shleldinl net coyer.
Berore repairing. check whether the above listed point are existed. ir not. can you start the microwave oven. PI.«
a grad.te or about 175ml w.ter at the middle of the glass tray. close the door. time set at " minutes. IMJwer.t
high. M8ke the oven oper.tlng in normal. Recltlry the lcakase measure. measure the .mount of the
microwave leakage .round the oven with Its probe. Ir there are places which the lcaka,e exceed the st8ndard re-
quirement. then re"pair them accordingly. If the Ie8kasc amount exceed 1 milliwatt/ cmJ at the left door
then pull out the power plug. take down the cabinet. adjust the screwes or the hinge( up .nd low) .s figureS - 14
to less the gap between the door and the oven. Then measure apln. the leakale amount should less th.n 1 milll- Generally. it should be controled below 0.75 with some allow.nce.
IV.~-=.- ~I
FiI.5- 15
FiB.S -14
If the lablc ~curcd at tbc rilbt door crack. acijust the screw" wblcb fix the Interlock bolder and the~. If
the lcable II on tbe larger Iide at the right - above of tbe oyen. then adjust the upper Icrew ., FIG. 5 - 15.
Loosen out the Icrew, push the door close to the oyen to hook the dOOl' hook with the plutic .-rh. tben tllbten the
Screw .pin. If the laDle II laflu at tbe rllbt - below. then adjust the lower Icrew al FIG. 5 - 15. Loosen the
IcreW, push tbe door close to tbe oyen to JMX)k tbe door hook with the Iwitch bolder ti&btly. thai tlihtcn tbe screw
a.ain, and open and close the door repeatedly to check whether the dOOl' can opeI'ate flexibly- whether the hcxtk
and the Iwlteh are in tllClr DOI'ID8I PQ8ltlon. If it il not In pO8ltlon. then adjuat the door IIOCJk and tbe 8wltch hoId-
re~tcdl1 to ~ke tbcln to the norm.1 PJlltloo. to put tbl'oup the Interlocu. to cut orf the pilot Iwlteh. to la.
the I~e between tbe door aDd the o.~n. then mcuure tbe leaule with mluowaye leakaae mcuure apin.
If tbe leakale 8till exceed Itandard rcqulrement, then Inspect wbcther the rlaht oyen fa pen 01'.-. If not, lalCXJth
II. Then adjust Ihe door and th~ oven to eliminate their loose 10 the ultimate.
If there stili exist microwave lea.talc, mealure near the malJlCtron with the probe or the mlaowavc Jeaulc mea.
lure. If the Jeable II laraer, the oyen 1~1d be turned off and check whether the four screws which fla the mal-
nctrom have been loosed. If loosed, twist them tightly with locket wrench. If the four IcreWI .re flaedly, then the
m.petron shoold be take down to check the copper rn.ment weaved walher of the ID8getron has been p&.ced well
or whether the wave guide bOU8lna cooplinl hal been oxidized or have lacquer on It. U do have, the oxl.
dlzed I.yer or the lacquer off. when fla the mapetron. the copper filament weaved washer mot be pl.ced well,
the Icrews must be twllt tllhtly. Then turn on the oven and measure apin until It ~ply with the requirement.
If the microwave leakale Is laraer .t those hole position or the window iK)ard. the oven should be turned off to In-
lpect whether there are crack amons them (fll. 5 - 17). If leveral holes formed a crack. It woold enlafle the mJ-
crowave leakage. If that Is tM calC. it Indicates the dCMX' .. brcJken, alN! .bould be replaced with a new dUIr.
2. Mean. of repair wh~n the oven can heat. but the t'JrntabJe sial' can't move
Flratly, check whether the turnt.ble holder Is placed correctly. If It is correct, then .run out the power plUI and take
down the turntable combination. measure the resiltance valu-: of the turntable motor with R X I K lr8de of a avomder.
If It Is open - circuited, It Indicates the turntable motor hall broken. and should be replaced by a new, same model
one. If the resistance value is between IS - 22K, It Indlcatel the turntable motor Is normal. tben check the conncctJnl
Ihaft weave. If the plastics which the shaft Insert In has broken. a new shaft weave should replace It. .
3. Repair when the oven can heat, but the lamp Is not on.
Pull out the pluS. take down the cabinet and dlscll8rle the capacitor.
Pull oot the two terminal plup of the lamp. measure tile two plup of the lamp with UIc R X 100 of a avometer.
If It II open - circuited. It indicates the lamp has broken, and lhould be replaced by . model one.
Fia.5-16 FII'S - 17
4. Means of repair when the o¥en Itop WOl"kJoa arrer leveral minutes operatioa
The phcoomc~ Indlcatel the thermal cut~t II playloa Itl protective role. and you lhould check whether the ran Is
work ins In normal. Turn orr the oven. pull out the power plUS. take down the cabinet. dllCha,.e the capacitor. then
turn the ran with hand to see whether It II moving flexibly. If not. It indicates that tbe 011 bcarlDi of tbe f.n motOl" UI
run off the 011. .nd should take down the r.n comblD8tiom to repair the motor. Loosen the two IcreWS which n. the
bearlnB out the ,haft and the bearing. and rlnle them with kcr~ene (ATTENTION: The bearl,. caD only be wiped
with. silk which moiatened with kerosene rather th8n be washed in the kerosene bccaUIC tba'e .re felt 00 It. If th~ felt
ue Ioaked with kerosene. then the cnllne 011 can not be lucked up. ). After the bcarlnl belnl cleaned. the fclt Ih~ld
be reruled fully with engine 011 (rot when the oven is operatlna. the enline wi empty into thC wi beariQ slowly). Fix
the bearins cover with tWI) screWI. turn the ran .roond till It can moye flexibly. Then install them to tbe o¥en. and
pluS In the two terminal plup.
If the ran can moye flexibly. then the winding of the ran motor .hould be examined. Measure the wlodlDl with R x 100
&lade or. .yometer. Ir it II open - circuited. it Indicates tbe wlndina of the fan motCM' baa brc*ea. a'" should be re.
placed by a new. lame model one.
Th~ loI10\V;n, insa1J~ians ar~ CRITICAl. 10 th~ O\Y11C"S gl(~ . Be $\tre 10 l'oilO\v ~t me insnciaas. ConIAC: the
~~c:urc or di.1tnoutor u' you ~vc ~~ qUdUon.
Jr the 0\'= is opcti\'C prior 10 ~cin;. ~ Mic:o\VDVC 19b!( T ~ (;'~ Mi~YC =mOD
ChC'"-k) shouid be pc:'1'OnDed prior to SC'vic.=on, me OVe:1o R.:!"c:o fa ~.ioa ;.3. MiC'awaye '..eJbIc Test. (or
tj,c dc-..ailcd c.ic:k ~urc:.
I..! in the CVc:\t tho1t.1DV miC:'O\V&vc ovc round to have mic:'O\\~\"e c:ni.uiou lcve! m ~ o( ~ mW/C12,. The
fo11ow;n: prgc:d~ should be Co"O\vcc:
~ lntonu me dimfOUJOr. impot1c:'. or ma~ &he finciinJ. R.~rd it in the lolboak. as wc..'1.
b. RC;J:1ir the ~it ~L DO cost to the O\\11e'.
c.. t&lv=i:O-tc !lie O\'d =d ~ !lie cuse of !he c:t:ss1\"t 1~=-
d. Hold th~ O\'Q in ~'OW ~lit'f =t! ~t: :.he O\vne: ;1ot to use :he 'JDil until. me 0\'= w
~ brou;.itt intO comp[i=c:.
1..3 In thc C"tC\t Wt ~ o~ opc::t= \\;th me door opc. ute lollo\Y\n! ~~ should 'Dc roUow=:
a. T cn the USC' ~Ot 10 opc:te t.bc ave:-.
b. Hold die O"C in ~'OID" gc-:lity unui it is ay~p1ed YJ1d ~
Co CODQC me =nUl~ ~ C:>RH (FDA) immcdiAte!:.'
~Inte:-locr. Assc:nbly RqIXCJC1t =d Adjus-anct
~1.. If ~'Ou suspc:: de:~ci\~ ;Jrimary. se:=d:JrI or monitor tnte.-iock SW;&C.\~. use ~ur ohmmc:=- (Qi~taJ or
1=101 r:--pe11O Qe;k me c:::id continuity.
':.2 Make S\D'C die ~ cord is puned OUt o1Dd the hip-woit.1-!e ~lOr is disc~ bc!~ the c!c:ui(:1{
CQQr.inuity ~~
2.~ Sc the obmmc: ~ '"Low R=s=cc~ aD!C aDd tOMeo-.: bod\ !cds Callip.r«c1ips) to Ibe swi=
~.41 OpC me door and.noti= me me:= rcdiD:. Toc primDI:v or s~~!Uialy iDtCioa swi~ should show =.
"iDIiDiIC- ~ \vUe the door is 0pC:1. Re"J)iDCe it wnc:: it is dc!~ve. The D\oniEar iDldock should
sho\v ~ "zcv or DC' ICU - rcsist=c= wbc: the door is Ope:1. W11= Ihe ~r is c1oscd. mc :ca'ft~. W\11 be
tJ..~ If the 0YCl1= be= rcQC'=d iD~uYC duc to \11c ~ii~ or' We :nonitotci mfe:y (~ md/or
sc:ond:Irf) iludod;t I). you should CCt'tac: ~ or U\c monitO~ Sa1e~y intC'ioek switch~ =d the monitOr
Rctc 10 O\DP\C .1. Scdions I =d :< lor ho\y \0 ~ove ~nd ~Ic the ~\c:'iock ~ IDOGicor 5'viIChcs
.2.~ Al\\~~'1 ~'c to SC:lion U.': (or ~~~C \Wing diD~,n. Monitor inle:lock must ~I'~ be ~~£Cd.
R~ SIc., o.1..l 10 ~ c!c::ncl conLinuity.
,:.3 PC:1'onn Jr.!,un.-U d",~b ~d '=tS ~ ,~oC"J in Ch:spt.::--; h\::"ore rc:~in, &hc OVC:1 co ~c ownc:'.
Door ~\d H"UI;'= Rq~ o1n&l.~.iusa1='t
Pull d1C po\\'C: cord ,~ die autl(... C1,~k dI( ~r lor ~ « ~'cd ~ Occk die hiDI= t'or
brok'::l or ""onl ~i. ~ odic :r.::s iUc.~ ~ QC.,.~ 1"rant pm. brokC\ door IalciICS. wom/ c:ckd
vic,vinl ~ - ~c.
A1\c: GC-.c:111inin, thc door ~bly $i\ould be fC?lxc. c!\c:k \be F'S list (or me COQ"d pan n\Dnbc:. A11
OY.::\ door tomponC11S must bc ordc:C"J dircoJ~ irom me ~11~ or its ~lhorizd disuioucar.
. ,
R~!e to Cl~ptc: J. S~.ions L!L.11.I m tor bD\.. to diS3Ssc:1iOlc. mcnblc =d ~just the door ~or
Pcrtonu n:qWrd c.~b :DC ICSIS a ~C'oC La ClgplC:' ; bc:"ore ~~c::siDI the 0"= to the 0'Wne'.
Rc!"C" to ~p~~. SdM IV rat :cowq ad rqi~.D! Ih~ =IDCOII.. Oe:k for the prccc: oCthc
,vire :n= psket bc:"orc inswlnuon.
P=.-'iorm rCoUird chc:ks ~d les"..s :s .JcC'ocd in C~ptc:'; bc:ore:'Cic:sin, the OYQ CD cbc OWUC'.
Conciuc.: .,. Mico"~yc !..~!c T cst I Rc:.~ 10 ~:Jon i .~) :.t Ihc. ~t."J'On ~= prior \0 iDs~ mc top
(4\'c:' .
. ')
ConsD11ction.11 Chc=i.:i
U mc:~cl or dc--.:nal (c!c-;tronic) pAnS jg\"~ bc= ~~~ ~ ~ to l'ollo\v IJ\~ l'oIJO\v\a1 SIcps:
I. Ci1.::k (or corre.."t \\inn;. ~d~UQ~ :n~QI Se=Jre:nc~ o,' pans. .md firm conn«:.on.
1..2 Chcc~ for ~=~ ~roW1din1-
1.3 C11c-"-k dtc lolla\~ items bc.fore tamiDl mc OYa ON.
1) Prop::- door cJosiD!. Sc:11/ d.okt a{x:s. and hiD!cs.
2) No cbiDC'. ~e.
~) P:up.:' mldock :nO monitor ~ons. rR~"c: 10 ScC?s 6..2..1 co 6.2.4.)
InsuIQuon Rcsist.1nc: T CSt
If the lo\v volt.1-!~ po\\'C' supply b:1s bc:1 re;air~ use ~ SOO V M~hmme~ co m~ the :oesis=c: Oc:wc= the
prim:1ry (Linc =d ~) oi tI\e r-o\Yc:' pi~ :nd o~r ~ibl~ :n~ pans. The ~ mould be :10 l=s
than.1 Me3a Ohms. RC?11r Ihe avo ~ W'nc:\ De=-~~ry.
M$AwaY~ Lck=o!~ i' ~
In ~Cje'/Q1 thzt =Inc='Ol\. door. or hinJ'= = ~ ~ac:: or rccijust=. ~ mic::o\y;.yC ".est AS follows mUSt "be
p~f~~ i .
~Tat ~e:\a rcui~
~C'O\\'I\"e s~: Mc.'.::, Eolad.1y Moci:!. rJ.lil0 or ~ui\,;Ic::
600 ml Jiass bc:J;r:
. Twu the po\¥C" olT (or =piq thc O\-=.) imm==.v it the O\'c:1 ra1ls this tat.
~Pluc the O\'C, PO'VC' COM "mIO me PO'WC' ~tDc!c..
3~4 Turn OIl the t.'ficv\\-ave Le:i:1!~ Mc'.C' and WDm1 up tor ~t idSt 10 mmwes. ~ the me:: :=poDSe C61te:'
sc!~.iou) ~t -F AS&.
3~5 fill the :lnss bckc:- \vim liS (+1- 15) all at' eoid I.1p \'VOlt: = p~ the bckc: ill the ~t~ of ~e
t\U'nQble p3SS pb(Co
~6 C~ose. the. O\'Cl1 dOOC'. Sct mc blnC' ~l-S miDw=
", Sc tJ\c Po'Vc:'L~c! At -HIGh- or-100 %.IDd~thc
HollJ (by "JlC !~)ljlc ~f\l011) U\c;Jn3ik (cone~) ~~141r to d1C ~ undc:- t=t for ~ c:mSIians
Moye UlC ~ro~ ~t ~ :.1>C'="-i oj no (~t.: ~ I inth pc:' ~II~ 11\C ==s Wldifi (CSt ~
Tilc Qmunl"c:=cc or Ihc IJoodQvity ~l
TtIC ~re 01' L1,c door SC'='-
I&\C ~rc or" 1:000'01 p3nc!.
j]1( =-c n~ line ~
""II ~t 0pc:tiDp.
All Qbil'c~ $CInS.
O\hc: $tLSF'."=1 ¥Cot.
~.~ Al sev~lloctions in dtC ",~.nicy 01 c:c.'-1 hi~ Icb;C poinL. bold the prubc ~tion:ry UDal ; ac;;dy swe
~uc is =~:,ei on thc Sur.'CO! Me...C:'. ~"C the m.1.'Cimwn IcblC ~ c~ lcc;aoa.
$.9j Sc!lhe Mc:r: R=POt~ to -SLOW- .. ~~ Ihc IQb~~ ~~ \hc pomt oi ~"cim\un I~c I~ iD
StC? 7 oJ.! ~bovc. rcord Ihc ~uc ~ (DQuon oi ~ mA.-cimIDD lck.1!c mCSWCDat wilh the met=-
respousc on -SLOW-.
,.1p 'T1tc :n.1.'timum R.r c:nissioa ncb,~\ should be .&.0 mW/c:D1 or iC1. IrDOt. invesaptc =d f'C?Air the OVCl
a;~n \U1ul il. ~ I.Jtc tc1...