u blox Malmo 0926 Wireless Communication System Module User Manual Host

u-blox Malmo AB Wireless Communication System Module Users Manual Host


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connectBlueCopyright © 2010 connectBlue AB Page 1 of 21PRODUCT GUIDE - WLAN EPAThis is a draft version of the documentDocument RevisionRelease: 26 aug, 2010 08:15 Document version: 107Copyright © 2010 connectBlue AB. The contents of this document can be changed by connectBlue AB without prior notice and do notconstitute any binding undertakings from connectBlue AB. connectBlue AB is not responsible under any circumstances for direct, indirect,unexpected damage or consequent damage that is caused by this document. All rights reserved. All brand and product names aretrademarks or service marks of their respective owners.
connectBlueCopyright © 2010 connectBlue AB Page 2 of 211 AbstractThis document is a product guide defining the main use cases for the connectBlue WLAN Ethernet Port Adapter (later called WEPA) andhow to configure the specific use cases. I also contains general information about the product.2 Table of Content1 Abstract2 Table of Content3 Related Documents4 Installation4.1 Connectors4.2 Antenna alignment and range optimizations4.3 Status indicators5 General Concepts5.1 Configuration Methods5.2 Using the SMART configuration mode5.3 Using the WEB configuration5.4 Reset to factory defaults5.5 Wireless LAN Modes5.6 WEPA Modes5.7 WLAN Security6 Supported Use Cases6.1 Two WEPAs Connected as an Ethernet Bridge - Alternative 16.2 Two WEPAs Connected as an Ethernet Bridge - Alternative 26.3 Two WEPAs Connected as an Ethernet Bridge - Alternative 36.4 Two WEPAs Connected in External Wireless Mode - Alternative 16.5 Two WEPAs Connected in External Wireless Mode - Alternative 26.6 A PC wirelessly connected to a WEPA - Alternative 16.7 A PC wirelessly connected to a WEPA - Alternative 26.8 Several Ethernet devices connected in External Wireless Mode - Alternative 16.9 Several Ethernet devices connected in External Wireless Mode - Alternative 26.10 One or more WEPAs connected to a Wired Infrastructure through WLAN6.11 External WLAN client connected to a WEPA7 Currently Unsupported Use Cases7.1 External device connected to WEPA connected to a Ethernet infrastructure8 Legal and Regulatory8.1 IC and FCC compliance8.2 Declaration of Conformity8.3 Licenses3 Related DocumentsQuick Setup Guide - WLAN EPA. A quick setup guide to be able to quickly setup the WEPA for the simplest use casesout-off-the-box.AT Command Specification - WLAN EPA. Detailed specification/reference for all of the supported AT commands.
connectBlueCopyright © 2010 connectBlue AB Page 3 of 211.  2.  3.  4.  5.  1.  2.  3.  4.  4 Installation4.1 ConnectorsPower connector  Ethernet connector The power connector has both a supply power input and a digital input withseparate ground. Both the power supply input and digital input support avoltage of 9-30V. The connector is an A-coded male M12. The Ethernet interface supports 10/100 Mbps with bothMDI/MDI-X auto crossover and polarity correction. Theconnector is a D-coded female M12. Vin + (9-30V)Digital Input GroundVin GroundDigital Input + (9-30V)N/C (May be used for shield ground)Transmit +Receive +Transmit -Receive -4.2 Antenna alignment and range optimizationsFor range critical applications, the positioning of the WEPAs are very important. For best range, the EPAs should be placed in line ofsight and facing each other. For long distances or if the WEPAs are placed in bad radio environments, the range could be increased byslightly rotating the WEPAs. The best theoretical range is achived when the WEPAs are tilted 345 degrees internally, i.e one is rotated345 degrees and the other is 0 degrees or both are rotated 352.5 degrees.4.3 Status indicatorsDescription Color  Status  Meaning PWR  Green  On  Supply voltage is present and application is running PWR  Green  Off  Supply voltage is not present, or no application is running)))  Blue/Purple/Red Blue  A WLAN connection has been established )))  Blue/Purple/Red Flashing Blue WLAN data activity )))  Blue/Purple/Red Purple  Attempt to establish a connection to another WLAN device)))  Blue/Purple/Red Red  Error)))  Blue/Purple/Red Off  No WLAN activity LAN  Yellow On  Ethernet link is present
connectBlueCopyright © 2010 connectBlue AB Page 4 of 211.  2.  3.  4.  LAN  Yellow  Flashing  Ethernet data activity LAN  Yellow  Off  No Ethernet connection5 General Concepts5.1 Configuration MethodsThe WEPA supports four main conceps for setting and configuring the WEPA:SMART mode. Use the buttons and LEDs on the WEPA to setup the most common use cases automatically.Web interface. A online WEB interface with the most common manual settings for the WEPA.AT commands. Connect to the WEPA over Ethernet using TCP or direct on Layer 2 and use a terminal like Hyperterminal toissue AT commands. This method is mainly for more advanced settings and use cases and will not be used in this document. Allyou can do in the Web interface and much more is supported using the AT commands.The SNMP protocol. This will not be used and described in this document.5.2 Using the SMART configuration modeIf the mode button is pressed within the 5 seconds from power up, the WEPA will enter the SMART configuration mode. The LEDs abovethe button (marked A, B, C and D) will show which mode is selected. When the preferred mode is selected it must be confirmed byholding the SMART button for two seconds. This will cause the LEDs to start flashing during the operation of the selected mode.There are currently 12 different modes:Mode Description  LEDs  A  B  C  D 1  Enable DHCP server  A      2  Reset to factory defaults. This will reset the configuration tofactory defaultsB      3  Reset IP settings to factory defaults. This will only reset the IPsettings to factory defaults A + B     4  Wait for Automatic configuration, Ad-Hoc mode  C      5  Initiate Automatic configuration, Ad-Hoc mode  A + C     6  Wait for Automatic configuration with Profinet optimizations,Ad-Hoc modeB + C     7  Initiate Automatic configuration with Profinet optimizations,Ad-Hoc modeA + B + C  8  Wait for Automatic configuration, Managed mode D      9  Initiate Automatic configuration, Managed mode A + D
connectBlueCopyright © 2010 connectBlue AB Page 5 of 2110  Initiate Automatic configuration, Managed mode, wired B + D     11  Configure external wireless A + B + D  12  Initiate Automatic configuration, Ad-Hoc mode, multipoint C + D     13  Reserved for future use  A + C + D  14  Reservedfor future use  B + C + D  15  Reservedfor future use  A + B + C+ D The "Enable DHCP server" can be used to easily access the WEPA if the PC is using DHCP without having to change the PC IP settings.This mode should only be used when the PC is directly connected to the WEPA and not if the WEPA is connected to a network wherethere already exists a DHCP server. Enable this mode, then connect the Ethernet cable to the computer. The DHCP server will beenabled until a reboot of the WEPA and in version 1.2.1 the LEDs will not blink during the operation of this mode!Later we will describe how to use the other different modes for a specific use case.5.3 Using the WEB configurationBy default the WEPA has static IP settings which are; IP address:, subnet mask: and default gateway: To access the WEPA by the Web  based configuration interface the computer must be set up in the same network, e.g. IPaddress: and subnet mask: a web browser and enter   in the address bar. Here you'll find the most common configuration parametershttp:// to setup a connection. If the device is in factory default, you will not need to login before configuring the unit.Below is an example of the WEB interface shown.
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connectBlueCopyright © 2010 connectBlue AB Page 7 of 211.  2.  3.  1.  2.  1.  2.  5.4 Reset to factory defaultsIt is possible to reset to factory settings in 3 different ways.Enter and confirm SMART mode 2.Issue AT&F.Holding the mode button while the WEPA is starting. Note! Make sure that the Ethernet cable is disconnected or that anyfirmware update program is stopped.5.5 Wireless LAN ModesA Wireless LAN network can be set up in two main connection modes:AD-Hoc Mode. This is typically used when two WLAN devices is connected to each without going through a WLAN AccessPoint. In Ad-Hoc Mode is only 802.11b transmission speeds used. This means a maximum of 11 Mbit/s. The only encryptionmethod that can be used is WEP encryption.Managed (or Infrastucture Mode). This is typically used when a group of devices is connected through a common WLANAccess Point. In this mode, all available transmission speeds can be used up to a maximun of 54 Mbit/s. This also allows foruser selection of which encryption and authentication methods to use.This means that use cases that supports Managed mode has normally a higher througput.5.6 WEPA ModesThere are two main "WEPA modes" supported by the WEPA and they will be referred to in all the use cases described later in thisdocument.Ethernet Bridge Mode. This mode is supported between two WEPAs only. In this mode the Ethernet packages is encapsulatedinto UDP packages and transferred transparently between the two WEPAs. Devices on both sides off the wireless link iscompletely unaware of the wireless connection.External Wireless Mode. In this mode the WEPA is acting as a wireless extension of the wired Ethernet device it is connectedto. The WEPA is configured to take over (clone!)the MAC address of the connected device. This means that   EthernetONEdevice can only be connected to each WEPA, not a Ethernet network with several devices connected through a Ethernet switchor hub.Ethernet Bridged Mode will introduce an extra overhead (because of the encapsulation) and will have a significant lower throughput thanExternal Wireless Mode.5.7 WLAN SecurityThe WEPA supports different authentication and encryption methods. The following authentication methods are supported:Open connectionShared secretWPA and WPA2 Pre-shared keyLEAPPEAPThe Following encryption methods are supported:No encryptionWEP64WEP128TKIPAES/CCMPThe following table shows valid combinations of authentication and encryption methods (x means valid configuration):  Open connection Shared secret WPA/WPA2 PSK LEAP PEAPNo encryption x         WEP 64  x  x    x   WEP 128  x  x    x   TKIP      x (WPA)  x  x AES/CCMP      x (WPA2)  x  x There are a few important considerations that need to be addressed as well. If you choose WPA/WPA2 PSK and TKIP, this is considered
connectBlueCopyright © 2010 connectBlue AB Page 8 of 211.  2.  3.  4.  a WPA connection. If you choose WPA/WPA2 PSK and AES/CCMP, a WPA2 connection is assumed. It is not possible to have WPA withAES/CCMP encryption.If you wish to use LEAP or PEAP as the authentication algorithm, make sure that your access point supports it. Not all access pointssupport LEAP/PEAP. Neither LEAP, PEAP nor WPA/WPA2 PSK will work in ad-hoc mode.Note: Some access points have support for a combination of WPA and WPA2 as well as AES/CCMP and TKIP. These options are notsupported by the WEPA!5.7.1 Key managementFor WEP64 and WEP128 shared keys can be entered into all four possible slots made available by the AT*AGFPWI WriteEncryption/Authentication Key (with Index) command. However, for LEAP, PEAP and WPA/WPA2 PSK the password or PSK must beentered into key slot with index 1 (one). This key must also be the one currently set active by the AT*AGAFP ActiveEncryption/Authentication Key command.If you are using LEAP or PEAP, the username for the Radius server should be entered with the command AT*AGUN Username and thedomain with command AT*AGDN. For PEAP, the certificate must also be considered. When receiving the certificate from the Radiusserver, the SHA-1 fingerprint is calculated and stored in the WEPA for future comparisons. If the certificate changes, or you want to use adifferent Radius server, the new fingerprint must be entered or the old must be cleared with the command AT*AGCFP.If you are using WPA/WPA2 PSK you can enter either the pre-shared key (i.e. the hexadecimal string) or the password (plain-text),commonly referred to as “WPA-PSK” and “WPA-PWD”. If you choose to enter a password (not a hexadecimal string) the WEPA will takea few seconds longer during the next connection after this change, in order to deduce the real key from the password. While the WEPA iscalculating the real key it will be unresponsive.By default, the key is entered as ASCII string. To enter a hexadecimal key, the bytes needs to be escaped with a '\' character, e.g. toenter the string "12345" as hexadecimal, "\31\32\33\34\35" should be entered.6 Supported Use Cases6.1 Two WEPAs Connected as an Ethernet Bridge - Alternative 16.1.1 OverviewThis use case is using two WEPAs connected in Ethernet Bridge Mode. This use case support several Ethernet devices on each side ofthe WEPA. The Ethernet data is bridged through an UDP tunnel and can be used both in Ad-Hoc mode only.6.1.2 How to setup this use case?This use case can be set up by using the SMART button:Power on the first device and enter SMART configuration mode 4Power on the second device and enter SMART configuration mode 5Wait for the devices to connect and restart.Now, the first device will have IP address and the second and the devices will operate in AdHocmode.
connectBlueCopyright © 2010 connectBlue AB Page 9 of 211.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9.  10.  11.  12.  13.  14.  15.  1.  2.  3.  4.  In case of the predefined IP addresses are already in use on your network it might be necessary to configure the setup manually:Power on the first WEPA and enter the WEB configuration, see "Using the WEB configuration".Enter desired IP Address ( ), Netmask and Default Gateway, press "Set IP".   The IP address must be selectedIP_ADDR1 NOTE:to avoid IP conflicts.Choose Operational mode "Ad-Hoc" and select a channel you want to use based on your regional domain settings, press "SetGeneral".Select encryption; "None", "WEP64" or "WEP128" are currently possible to use in Ad-Hoc.Select Authentication; "Open" and "Shared" is currently possible to use in Ad-Hoc.Enter a key to use for the security. User Name can be left blank, press "Set Security".Enter SSID for your network and press "Set".Under local peer, UDP receiver SHALL be set to on and a port must be selected, if you don't have any specific requirements,enter 7 and press "Set".Under Remote peer, enter the address and port you intend to use on the second WEPA ( ). Make sure they are in theIP_ADDR2same subnet. Device name can be left blank. Press "Set" and reboot the WEPAPower on the second WEPA and enter the WEB configuration.Enter desired IP address ( ). This SHALL be the same as entered under Remote peer above. Enter Netmask andIP_ADDR2Default Gateway. Press Set IP.Choose Operational mode "Ad-Hoc" and select the same channel as chosen above. Press "Set General".Repeat 4, 5, 6 and 7 above. These values SHALL be identical as entered in the previous WEPA.Under local peer, UDP receiver SHALL be set to on and the port must be the same as was entered under 9 above, press "Set"Under Remote peer, enter the IP address of the first WEPA (  and the port selected under 8 above. Press "Set" andIP_ADDR1)reboot the WEPA.Now, all Ethernet packets will be tunneled between the two Ethernet segments.6.2 Two WEPAs Connected as an Ethernet Bridge - Alternative 26.2.1 OverviewThis use case is using two WEPAs connected in Ethernet Bridge Mode. This use case support several Ethernet devices on each side ofthe WEPA. The Ethernet data is bridged through an UDP tunnel and can be used both in Managed (Infrastructure) mode.6.2.2 How to setup this use case?This use case can be set up by using the SMART button:To use the Automatic configuration in Managed mode, the SSID and security parameters (Encryption, Authentication, User Name andKey) must be configured manually (using the Web interface or AT commands), unless you want to use the default values. For moreinformation on the Web interface see section " ".Using the WEB configurationPower on the first device and enter SMART configuration mode 8Power on the second device and enter SMART configuration mode 9Wait for the devices to connect and restart.Now, the first device will have IP address and the second and the devices will operate in Managedmode.
connectBlueCopyright © 2010 connectBlue AB Page 10 of 211.  2.  3.  4.  6.3 Two WEPAs Connected as an Ethernet Bridge - Alternative 36.3.1 OverviewThis use case is using two WEPAs connected in Ethernet Bridge Mode. In this case is one of the WEPAs connected to a wired networkand does NOT use the wireless connection. This case is only possible to use in Managed (Infrastructure) mode.6.3.2 How to setup this use case?This use case can be set up by the SMART button:To use the Automatic configuration in Managed mode, the SSID and security parameters (Encryption, Authentication, User Name andKey) must be configured manually (using the Web interface or AT commands), unless you want to use the default values. For moreinformation on the Web interface see section " ".Using the WEB configurationPower on the first device and enter SMART configuration mode 8Power on the second device (the one on the wired network) and enter SMART configuration mode 10Wait for the devices to connect and restart.Now, the first device will have IP address and the second and the devices will operate in Managedmode.6.4 Two WEPAs Connected in External Wireless Mode - Alternative 16.4.1 OverviewThis use case is using two WEPAs connected in External Wireless Mode. This use case supports one Ethernet device only connected toeach of the WEPAs. This use case will have higher performance than using the Ethernet Bridging case (no encapsulation of the Ethernetpackages are required).
connectBlueCopyright © 2010 connectBlue AB Page 11 of 211.  2.  3.  4.  1.  2.  6.4.2 How to setup this use case?This use case can be set up by using the SMART button and will support Ad-Hoc mode only:Power on the first device and enter SMART configuration mode 4Power on the second device and enter SMART configuration mode 5Wait for the devices to connect and restart.Use SMART mode 11 on each on the devices to learn the MAC address of the connected device (External Wireless Mode).NOTE! For this mode to operate it is required that the device spontaneously is sending Ethernet data on the Ethernet link.If this not is possible, use the Web interface, see section "  to set up the MAC address manually.Using the WEB configuration,6.5 Two WEPAs Connected in External Wireless Mode - Alternative 26.5.1 OverviewThis use case is using two WEPAs connected in External Wireless Mode. This use case supports one Ethernet device only connected toeach of the WEPAs. The WEPA is connected to a WLAN Access Point that allow us to use Managed (Infrastructure) Mode with higherperformance as a result.6.5.2 How to setup this use case?Both WEPAs must operate in External Wireless Mode in this use case.Connect a PC to the WEPA. See section   for more information on how to connect to a WEPA.Using the WEB configurationDefine the WLAN connection parameters. The following parameters are required:Parameter RequiredValueCommentOperationalModeManaged   WLAN Channel   Select the one used by the the Access Point.WLAN DataRate  This is the maximum used data rate.Link Adaption Yes or No  Encryption   Choose the one required by the Access Point.Autenthication   Choose the one required by the Access Point.User Name andKey  Choose the one required by the Access Point.SSID   Choose the SSID of the Access Point.WLAN Address   Enter the MAC address of the device the WEPA is connected to or use SMART to assign the MACaddress (see next bullet).
connectBlueCopyright © 2010 connectBlue AB Page 12 of 211.  1.  2.  1.  UDP Receiver Off  As an alternative to enter the MAC address manually, SMART mode 11 may be used.NOTE! For this mode to operate it is required that the device spontaneously is sending Ethernet data on the Ethernet link.6.6 A PC wirelessly connected to a WEPA - Alternative 16.6.1 OverviewIn this use case    Ethernet device is connected to the WEPA. The PC is used to access the Ethernet device using anyONEEthernet-based protocol e.g. a built-in Web interface or using a Ethernet-based communication protocol e.g. Modbus/TCP.6.6.2 How to setup this use case?The WEPA must operate in External Wireless Mode in this use case.Connect a PC to the WEPA. See section " " for more information on how to connect to the WEPA.Using the WEB configurationDefine the WLAN connection parameters. The following parameters are required:Parameter RequiredValueCommentOperationalModeAd-Hoc This is the only supported mode in this use case.WLANChannel  Choose one of your own choice.WLAN DataRate  This is the maximum used. As this always is using Ad-Hoc mode is up to 11 MBit/s supported. If higherrate is chosen it will default to a maximum of 11 MBit/s.Link Adaption No Link adaption is not supported in Ad-Hoc mode. If Yes is chosen the setting will have no effect.Encryption WEP WEP is the only supported encryption in Ad-Hoc mod.Autenthication Open  Key   Choose a WEP key of your own choice. SSID   Choose a SSID of your own choice. This is the ID shown to the PC when searching for the WEP.WLANAddress  Enter the MAC address of the device the WEPA is connected to or use SMART to assign the MACaddress (see next bullet).UDP Receiver Off  As an alternative to enter the MAC address manually, SMART mode 11 may be used.NOTE! For this mode to operate it is required that the device spontaneously is sending Ethernet data on the Ethernet link.How to setup the PC is dependent on the Wireless LAN solution supported for the PC. Use the WLAN GUI to search for an Ad-Hocnetwork with the same SSID as the one set for the WEPA. Select WEP as encryption and select the same WEP key that you enteredduring the WEPA configuration.
connectBlueCopyright © 2010 connectBlue AB Page 13 of 211.  2.  1.  6.7 A PC wirelessly connected to a WEPA - Alternative 26.7.1 OverviewIn this use case one Ethernet device is connected to the WEPA. The PC is used to access the Ethernet device using any Ethernet-basedprotocol e.g. a built-in Web interface or using a Ethernet-based communication protocol e.g. Modbus/TCP. In this case is the WEPA andthe PC connected to each other via a WLAN Access Point that allow us to use Managed (Infrastructure) Mode with higher performanceas a result.6.7.2 How to setup this use case?The WEPA must operate in External Wireless Mode in this use case.Connect a PC to the WEPA. See section   for more information on how to connect to a WEPA.Using the WEB configurationDefine the WLAN connection parameters. The following parameters are required:Parameter RequiredValueCommentOperationalModeManaged   WLAN Channel   Select the one used by the the Access Point.WLAN DataRate  This is the maximum used data rate.Link Adaption Yes or No  Encryption   Choose the one required by the Access Point.Autenthication   Choose the one required by the Access Point.User Name andKey  Choose the one required by the Access Point.SSID   Choose the SSID of the Access Point.WLAN Address   Enter the MAC address of the device the WEPA is connected to or use SMART to assign the MACaddress (see next bullet).UDP Receiver Off  As an alternative to enter the MAC address manually, SMART mode 11 may be used.NOTE! For this mode to operate it is required that the device spontaneously is sending Ethernet data on the Ethernet link.How to setup the PC is dependent on the Wireless LAN solution supported for the PC. Use the WLAN GUI to search for Managed(Infrastructure) network with the same SSID as  the access point. Select the sane security parameters as defined for the access point.
connectBlueCopyright © 2010 connectBlue AB Page 14 of 211.  2.  1.  6.8 Several Ethernet devices connected in External Wireless Mode - Alternative 16.8.1 OverviewThree or more WEPAs connected in a Ad-Hoc network. This use case requires External Wireless Mode.6.8.2 How to setup this use case?All WEPAs must operate in External Wireless Mode in this use case.Connect a PC to each of WEPAs. See section   for more information on how to connect to a WEPA.Using the WEB configurationDefine the WLAN connection parameters. The following parameters are required:Parameter RequiredValueCommentOperationalModeAd-Hoc This is the only supported mode in this use case.WLANChannel  Choose one of your own choice. Select the same on all WEPA.WLAN DataRate  This is the maximum used. As this always is using Ad-Hoc mode is up to 11 MBit/s supported. It isrecommended to have the same settings on all WEPAs. If higher rate is chosen it will default to amaximum of 11 MBit/.Link Adaption No Link adaption is not supported in Ad-Hoc mode. If yes is chosen this setting will have no effect.Encryption WEP WEP is the only supported encryption in Ad-Hoc mod.Autenthication Open  Key   Choose a WEP key of your own choice.SSID   Choose a SSID of your own choice. Use the same SSID on all WEPAs.WLANAddress  Enter the MAC address of the device the WEPA is connected to or use SMART to assign the MACaddress (see next bullet).UDP Receiver Off  As an alternative to enter the MAC address manually, SMART mode 11 may be used.NOTE! For this mode to operate it is required that the device spontaneously is sending Ethernet data on the Ethernet link.
connectBlueCopyright © 2010 connectBlue AB Page 15 of 211.  2.  6.9 Several Ethernet devices connected in External Wireless Mode - Alternative 26.9.1 OverviewThree or more WEPAs connected through a WLAN Access Point. This use case requires External Wireless Mode. In this case are  theWEPAs connected to each other via a WLAN Access Point that allow us to use Managed (Infrastructure) Mode with higher performanceas a result.6.9.2 How to setup this use case?Both WEPAs must operate in External Wireless Mode in this use case.Connect a PC to each of the WEPAs. See section   for more information on how to connect to aUsing the WEB configurationWEPA.Define the WLAN connection parameters. The following parameters are required:Parameter RequiredValueCommentOperationalModeManaged   WLAN Channel   Select the one used by the the Access Point.WLAN DataRate  This is the maximum used data rate.Link Adaption Yes or No  Encryption   Choose the one required by the Access Point.Autenthication   Choose the one required by the Access Point.User Name andKey  Choose the one required by the Access Point.SSID   Choose the SSID of the Access Point.WLAN Address   Enter the MAC address of the device the WEPA is connected to or use SMART to assign the MACaddress (see next bullet).
connectBlueCopyright © 2010 connectBlue AB Page 16 of 211.  1.  2.  1.  UDP Receiver Off  As an alternative to enter the MAC address manually, SMART mode 11 may be used.NOTE! For this mode to operate it is required that the device spontaneously is sending Ethernet data on the Ethernet link.6.10 One or more WEPAs connected to a Wired Infrastructure through WLAN6.10.1 OverviewIn this use case the WEPAs are used to connect to a wired Ethernet infrastructure using a standard WLAN access point. Other WLANdevices can of course be connected to the same access point assuming the share the same networking parameters as the WEPAs.6.10.2 How to setup this use case?All WEPAs must operate in External Wireless Mode in this use case.Connect a PC to the WEPA. See section   for more information on how to connect to a WEPA.Using the WEB configurationDefine the WLAN connection parameters. The following parameters are required:Parameter RequiredValueCommentOperationalModeManaged   WLAN Channel   Select the one used by the the Access Point.WLAN DataRate  This is the maximum used data rate.Link Adaption Yes or No  Encryption   Choose the one required by the Access Point.Autenthication   Choose the one required by the Access Point.User Name andKey  Choose the one required by the Access Point.SSID   Choose the SSID of the Access Point.WLAN Address   Enter the MAC address of the device the WEPA is connected to or use SMART to assign the MACaddress (see next bullet).UDP Receiver Off
connectBlueCopyright © 2010 connectBlue AB Page 17 of 211.  1.  2.  1.  As an alternative to enter the MAC address manually, SMART mode 11 may be used.NOTE! For this mode to operate it is required that the device spontaneously is sending Ethernet data on the Ethernet link.6.11 External WLAN client connected to a WEPA6.11.1 OverviewIn this use case some other WLAN client is connected to a WEPA that is connected to an Ethernet device.6.11.2 How to setup this use case?The WEPAs must operate in External Wireless Mode in this use case.Connect a PC to the WEPA. See section " " for more information on how to connect to the WEPA.Using the WEB configurationDefine the WLAN connection parameters. The following parameters are required:Parameter RequiredValueCommentOperationalModeAd-Hoc This is the only supported mode in this use case.WLANChannel  Choose the same channel as the external device.WLAN DataRate  This is the maximum rate used. As this always is using Ad-Hoc mode up to 11 MBit/s supported. If higherrate is chosen it will default to a maximum of 11 MBit/s.Link Adaption No Link adaption is not supported in Ad-Hoc mode. If yes is chosen this setting will have no effec.Encryption WEP WEP is the only supported encryption in Ad-Hoc mode.Autenthication Open  Key   Choose the same  WEP key as the external device. SSID   Choose the same SSID as the external device.WLANAddress  Enter the MAC address of the device the WEPA is connected to or use SMART to assign the MACaddress (see next bullet).UDP Receiver Off  As an alternative to enter the MAC address manually, SMART mode 11 may be used.NOTE! For this mode to operate it is required that the device spontaneously is sending Ethernet data on the Ethernet link.The external device must be configured to support Ad-Hoc mode and with same WEP key and SSID as the WEPA.7 Currently Unsupported Use CasesThis section shows important but currently unsupported use cases,
connectBlueCopyright © 2010 connectBlue AB Page 18 of 217.1 External device connected to WEPA connected to a Ethernet infrastructure
connectBlueCopyright © 2010 connectBlue AB Page 19 of 211.  2.  8 Legal and Regulatory8.1 IC and FCC complianceIC ComplianceOperation is subject to the following two conditions:this device may not cause harmful interference,this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.The installer of this radio equipment must ensure that the antenna is located or pointed such that it does not emit RF field in excess ofHealth Canada limits for the general population; consult Safety Code 6, obtainable from Health Canada's website .http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/rpb8.1.1 FCC statementThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not causeharmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesiredoperation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residentialinstallation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference toradio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged totry to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antennaIncrease the separation between the equipment and receiverConnect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connectedConsult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. CautionAny changes or modifications NOT explicitly APPROVED by connectBlue AB could cause the module to cease tocomply with FCC rules part 15, and thus void the user's authority to operate the equipment.Within the 5180 to 5240 MHz band (5 GHz radio channels 34 to 48) the product are restricted to indoor operations.§15.407 statement; in case of absence of information to transmit or operational failure the product will automaticallydiscontinue transmission. Ad-hoc frequenciesWhen operating under the definition of a client in 47 CFR §15.202 is preconfigured to use the most restrictive regulatory domain. For thisreason the available operating frequency range is limited to channel 1 - 11 (2412 - 2462 MHz) for IEEE802.11b/g. For IEEE802.11a theavailable operating frequency range is limited to channels 36 - 48 (5180 - 5240 MHz). RF-exposure statementThis modular transmitter MUST have a separation distance of at least 20 cm between the antenna and the body of the user or nearbypersons. Any notification to the end user of installation or removal instructions about the integrated radio module is NOT allowed.
connectBlueCopyright © 2010 connectBlue AB Page 20 of 218.2 Declaration of Conformity We,  , of connectBlue AB Norra Vallgatan 64 3V, SE-211 22 Malmö, Swedendeclare under our sole responsibility that our product:cB-RWEPAgi-02meets the essential requirements according to article of the following EC-Directive(s):1999/5/EG Directive 1999/5/EC of the European Parliament and the council of March 1999 relating to radio and telecommunicationterminal equipment, including the mutual recognition of their conformity.and the following harmonized standards has been applied:ETSI EN 300 328 V1.7.1 (2006-10) (2005)EN 61000-6-2 (2002) for the health requirements. EN 5037115/04/2010 Malmö, SwedenCTO of connectBlue AB8.3 LicensesThis product contains software under the following licenses:/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Swedish Institute of Computer Science. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation *    and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products *    derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT * SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT * OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This file is part of the lwIP TCP/IP stack. * * Author: Adam Dunkels <adam@sics.se> * */
connectBlueCopyright © 2010 connectBlue AB Page 21 of 21Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Christophe Devine.All rights reserved.Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or withoutmodification, are permitted provided that the following conditionsare met:  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.  * Neither the name of XySSL nor the names of its contributors may be    used to endorse or promote products derived from this software    without specific prior written permission.THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOTLIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHTOWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITEDTO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, ORPROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OFLIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDINGNEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THISSOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.

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