Vmware VRO Coding Design Guide V Realize Orchestrator Vrealize Cdg
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vRealize Orchestrator Coding
Design Guide
Development Guide
M A R C H 2 0 1 6
V E R S I O N 1 . 0
vRealize Orchestrator Coding Design Guide
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Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Design .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Solution Design ........................................................................................................................... 5
Bottom Up Approach ................................................................................................................... 6
Workflow Separation ................................................................................................................... 6
Individual Workflows .................................................................................................................. 7
What is the Purpose of the Workflow ..................................................................................... 7
Who Executes the Workflow................................................................................................... 7
What Steps are Necessary ....................................................................................................... 7
What Information is Required to Complete the Steps ............................................................. 7
Where is the Information ......................................................................................................... 7
Third-party Integrations ............................................................................................................... 8
Northbound Integration ........................................................................................................... 8
Southbound Integration ........................................................................................................... 8
Development .................................................................................................................................... 9
Clean Up Your Code .................................................................................................................... 9
Workflow Folders ........................................................................................................................ 9
Modules or Action Folders ........................................................................................................ 10
Naming Guidelines .................................................................................................................... 10
Workflows or Actions ........................................................................................................... 10
Scripting ................................................................................................................................ 10
Configuration Workflow ............................................................................................................ 11
Packaging .................................................................................................................................. 11
How to Clean Up the Package ............................................................................................... 12
How to Export the Read-Only Package ................................................................................. 12
Workflow Internals .................................................................................................................... 12
Readability ............................................................................................................................ 12
Attributes ............................................................................................................................... 13
Scriptable Tasks and Actions ..................................................................................................... 14
JavaScript Style ..................................................................................................................... 15
If Conditions .......................................................................................................................... 15
Loops ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Documentation .......................................................................................................................... 17
Workflow and Action Documentation .................................................................................. 17
Comments .............................................................................................................................. 18
UI Presentations ......................................................................................................................... 18
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Configuration Elements ............................................................................................................. 18
Error Handling ........................................................................................................................... 19
Input Validation ......................................................................................................................... 20
Logging...................................................................................................................................... 21
Testing ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Unit Tests .............................................................................................................................. 21
Integration Tests .................................................................................................................... 22
vRealize Orchestrator Platform Awareness ................................................................................... 23
Serialization and Resuming Workflows .................................................................................... 23
Performance Considerations ...................................................................................................... 23
vCenter Plugin Querying ....................................................................................................... 26
Calling Actions ...................................................................................................................... 27
XML .......................................................................................................................................... 27
XML Header.......................................................................................................................... 27
XML Namespaces ................................................................................................................. 28
Navigating XML ................................................................................................................... 28
JSON & JavaScript objects........................................................................................................ 28
Recommended Reading ................................................................................................................. 29
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Revision History
March 2016
Initial version.
vRealize Orchestrator Coding Design Guide
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This document describes the best practices for using vRealize Orchestrator and its design, development, and
configuration functionality. The depth of coding design presented in this document is from a macro level, which
ensures that the design fits well within the greater architecture of products used, down to the micro level that includes
JavaScript coding guidelines to be used in vRealize Orchestrator. A full life cycle of vRealize Orchestrator
development involves a multi-phased approach that includes design, development, testing, and release best practices.
A clean code development approach was applied to vRealize Orchestrator development. This approach can be applied
to any programming language or product to help create well-written code. Many of the base concepts that are discussed
in the book Clean Code by Robert C. Martin are used in this document. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself
with the content in that book. For more book recommendations, see Recommended Reading.
You should understand the different components and their interactions to design an overall solution. This section
provides guidance with different design process approaches and discusses several methods that you can consider for
the overall design as it transitions from the solution, to the subcomponents, to the individual workflow.
Solution Design
You should design the overall solution by using vRealize Orchestrator workflows as drop-in placeholders for the
necessary tasks and to use as stubs in the design process. You can use this approach to identify related tasks that can be
pulled out into separate, self-contained workflows or actions that can help you identify how much time to budget for
each high-level task. During the solution design, you should test the aggregate workflows for completion to achieve
the desired use cases from the solution. Each use case must be supported by one master workflow, which relies on
subsequent workflows to achieve the desired outcomes. Similarly, each component’s workflow, action, or resource,
contributes a specific well-defined function that supports one or more master workflows to deliver desired use cases.
During the design phase, a clear distinction is made between automation and orchestration workflows.
Automation is achieved by an individual workflow, action, or resource to accomplish a discrete task.
Orchestration is achieved by a Master Workflow that integrates and coordinates execution of such automation
components to deliver results required for a specific use case.
Master workflow design must encompass and deliver on the full lifecycle considerations, including use cases for
provisioning, reconfiguring, and retiring resources in the VMware ecosystem. Additionally, the master workflow
should be designed for availability with validation performed between each step to enable pause, rollback, or failure
This document uses many development details targeted at delivering a better solution, but a key guiding principle to the
overall design is that it should be done purposefully and with clear and expected outcomes between the different
components. This methodology is referred to as design by contract. For more information, see the Wikipedia definition
of design by contract. Although the solution for a single use case is often designed and developed by a single person, if
you considered that the various components of your solution could be developed by others, then an agreement would
be necessary between all of the developers with respect to what the expected inputs and outputs are to be, and what
type of error handling should be covered in each component. For example, if one of your actions is to provide an array
of objects to calling workflows, validating the code before sending it back can prevent the callers from validating it
themselves, such as not-null or not-empty checks, which results in precarious exceptions in the system elsewhere if the
callers did not remember to explicitly perform those checks. Additionally, you should use the Description fields of the
workflows or actions to document the behaviors of these edge cases or error conditions.
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Bottom Up Approach
To achieve the optimal design and clean code, consider how the components should be designed to work with each
other if the development is done from the bottom up, which is the recommended development approach. The design of
the solution will become clearer by constructing the fundamental building blocks for your solution, which are typically
the actions, which convert to the mid-level workflows, and finally are the main workflows that are the entry points to
your overall solution.
For example, if the goal is to integrate vCloud Director with a third-party SOAP system for a given VM life cycle
event, you should use the following guidelines:
Potentially use a separate SOAP tool to achieve some communication with the third-party system.
Create a workflow in vRealize Orchestrator that does a hard-coded SOAP call to the third-party system to validate
the communication and protocol compatibility.
Pick out elements of the hard-coded call and make them variables and inputs into the workflow, such as the SOAP
operation and the XML body.
Create a matching action which takes the same inputs and have your workflow call this action. The workflow itself
now became the basis for your Test suite, and should not be called on its own anymore now that the action is
Create the mid-level workflows or actions that provide the business logic to achieve the simple inputs requested by
your SOAP action. For example, a mid-level workflow or action can be tailored to a specific SOAP call in the
third-party system, and it can take inputs and create the appropriate XML body to paste to the generic SOAP action
already created.
Create a workflow that takes a set of key-value pairs (as a Properties object) and calls your mid-level workflows.
This workflow should still not mention vCloud Director.
Create a workflow which is specific to vCloud Director that takes on vCloud Director objects and converts them to
simpler objects that can call the main system-agnostic workflow that you created.
Workflow Separation
Separate workflows into sets of smaller workflows and actions, preferably so that each one can be run standalone. This
prevents global variables, attributes or inputs, of a workflow from being intertwined with most workflow elements,
which makes it harder to read, debug issues, and perform testing.
Separating workflows also provides readers the ability to read your code more efficiently and be able to quickly locate
a particular use case, knowing that no other aspects are having an impact since it relies on a sub workflow or action.
Additionally, readers can take passes at your code so that someone who understands 40 percent of it can still
understand the entire functionality, while someone who understands 90 percent of it understands it in depth. If the
workflows are not separated into sub workflows or actions, then someone who has read 40 percent of your code
sequentially will only understand 40 percent of the functionality, and would need to read nearly 100 percent of the code
before understanding most of the functionality.
The structure of vRealize Orchestrator workflows or actions, and even code itself, is analogous to the structure of a
reference book. A book has a table of contents, where you can very quickly see what the book contains, and it has
chapters, headings, sub-headings, and finally the words. Each of these components provides a particular level of detail
when looked at holistically.
Actions can return only one item, while workflows can return multiple items, which might also influence your design.
However, avoid returning more than just a couple of items for workflows and consider breaking out the workflow into
separate workflows or actions, or combining the result into a logical object held in a Properties or JavaScript (Any)
object if multiple items are to be returned.
Sever the connection between products or interfaces as soon as possible, and only pass around vRealize Orchestrator
simple objects where possible. For example, workflows initiated by vRealize Automation tend to interact heavily with
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vRealize Automation custom properties. Pull in these key values at the start of the workflow and pass around the
attributes into other workflow elements, workflows, or actions, so that any of those can be used separately for another
parent orchestrating product, such as vCloud Director or another external system calling into vRealize Orchestrator's
REST interface. This also simplifies unit testing, because the inputs to workflows can be easily mocked up.
Individual Workflows
For a single workflow, you should answer the questions presented in this section. Your answers will provide you with
an understanding of what the workflow looks like and what attributes you need. Determining what steps are necessary,
what information is needed for these steps, and where the information comes from is usually iterative, so you should
start with a high-level design that uses the required steps, then determine what information is not available directly, and
add another step before that.
What is the Purpose of the Workflow
Specify the tasks the workflow automates, the expected changes the workflow makes in the environment, and the
expected output. Also specify the expected circumstances. Your answer to this question becomes a candidate for the
Description field of the workflow.
Who Executes the Workflow
Workflows can be executed by human users such as in the vRealize Orchestrator client, vSphere Web Client, vRealize
Automation Advanced Service Designer. They can also be executed by a custom portal and the workflow scheduler,
policies, external systems by using the API such as vRealize Automation IaaS callouts, or other workflows such as
Library workflows.
Depending on your answer to this question, the workflow would have different input parameters and presentation. For
example, a workflow designed for human consumption should be as easy to use as possible, so fewer input parameters,
and a lot of presentation logic to support the user is desired. To allow flexible reuse in different situations, a library
workflow that is being called by other workflows has a lot of input and output parameters and no presentation logic
because this is not applied when calling the workflow from other workflows.
What Steps are Necessary
Specify the different steps needed to achieve what the workflow should do. Steps that might be helpful in another
context are good candidates to be modularized.
What Information is Required to Complete the Steps
The answer to this question provides an understanding about what attributes are needed for the workflow.
Where is the Information
Information can be hard-coded in workflow attributes or a script (not recommended), read from configuration
elements, passed to the workflow as an input parameter, or calculated dynamically by an additional logic step earlier in
the workflow.
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Third-party Integrations
When designing integrations for third-party systems, it is important to understand the proper integration direction, and
the limitations of the external systems will dictate your development as well. For example, scalability limitations of
the system vRealize Orchestrator integrating with running many concurrent workflows within vRealize Orchestrator is
not a problem but does the third-party system support concurrent requests?
Northbound Integration
An external system calls vRealize Automation or vRealize Orchestrator, and likely controls the outcome of the
workflow. Example use cases:
External portal, like Service Now, or an existing customer portal calls vRealize Automation
Based on certain tickets in a helpdesk system, vRealize Orchestrator workflows should be executed
vCloud Director blocks tasks executing vRealize Orchestrator workflows
Monitoring system or vRealize Operations Manager calls vRealize Orchestrator workflows for automatic
To resume vRealize Orchestrator workflow after calling out to the external system, southbound integration
To implement such integrations, different strategies are possible:
Using the northbound REST API of vRealize Orchestrator or vRealize Automation, the external system has to
support making REST calls
Using cloud client, the external system has to support running CLI commands
Using vRealize Orchestrator plug-ins that provide trigger in combination with policies, SNMP, AMQP, and
vCenter plug-ins provide triggers
"Passive" integration: Implement a polling strategy into the external system to pick up work using vRealize
Orchestrator workflows, for instance using the workflow scheduler.
Southbound Integration
In this case vRealize Orchestrator workflows call out the external systems to automate tasks within those
systems. Example use cases:
As part of vRealize Automation lifecycle: Get an IP address from IPAM system, make some changes in Active
Directory, setup load balancer and firewall rules, create backup jobs, CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) entries
in a CMDB (Change Management Database), include system in a monitoring solution, and so on.
Automation of hardware components like storage, network, for non-VM lifecycle related tasks. Very often in
combination with exposing these workflows to vRealize Automation portal by using Advanced Service Designer
Automation of day to day tasks in vSphere administration: Reporting, Snapshot handling, migrations
Using vRealize Orchestrator to “abstract” legacy systems and provide automation capabilities for them. One real
world example included a very old CMDB created in-house that did not provide proper “modern” web service API
via REST or SOAP, but only a limited command line interface in terms of scalability and reliability. Building a set
of vRealize Orchestrator workflows for common CMDB automation tasks allowed to use input validation, load
limitation and error handling within the workflows, so that other external systems can now use the vRealize
Orchestrator REST API to call this specific set of CMDB workflows.
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You should use the guidelines in this section as you develop your code.
Clean Up Your Code
You should strive to clean up your code as you develop, rather than waiting until the end, for the following reasons:
Waiting until the end to clean up your code is dangerous to the overall functionality that you worked hard to
Five days of developing clean code and workflows produces much cleaner results than 4.5 days of coding plus 0.5
days of cleanup.
You often will not have time for cleanup if that is the only item remaining. If you spent 4.5 days developing clean
code, you still have 0.5 days of development time that could be used towards an actual portion of the use case so
that it cannot be ignored.
You cannot provide reusable unit tests since your code is unlikely to be cleaned up to a modular format.
You cannot valuably engage someone in a code review at the very end of your development as there is too much
risk to the overall functionality if any larger changes are proposed, and you might be hesitant or defensive about
making those changes because of how daunting the task is when it occurs at the end.
Similar to the way that nothing compares to coding because it can be challenging and it is fun to overcome the
challenges, developing clean code provides another opportunity to choose the paths that are more ideal than others. The
results are innumerable, yet the journey is very gratifying.
Workflow Folders
Organize workflows into a customer-specific folder for all work done for the customer, and a common folder for work
that can be reused without any changes. Create wrappers around library workflows or actions, if you want them to fit
your needs better and avoid copying them.
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Contains all development related to the customer.
Contains all workflows related to vCAC / vRA (and is actually called
by vCAC / vRA).
ASD Workflows
Contains all workflows launched in vCAC / vRA by using ASD.
Lifecycle Workflows
Contains one folder per state. Each workflow that is launched at one
state is store in its state folder. If a workflow is launched at multiple
states, it is stored in a StateMultiple folder.
Scheduled Workflows
Contains all workflows that are scheduled.
External Services
Contains all workflows related to external systems that are used by
workflows in Lifecycle Workflows, Scheduled Workflows, ASD
Workflows, and so on.
Place sub-workflows into a Helpers folder.
These workflows are not to be executed by users.
These workflows might not even be executable on their own, for
example, if they have a Properties input.
Potentially separate sub-workflows into additional folders.
Modules or Action Folders
You should keep your actions organized so that they are easy to spot. Create different sets of modules that are
partitioned by the common functions, rather than by a customer or a project phase. Common functions can include all
sets of communication with an external system.
Naming Guidelines
You should create and follow naming guidelines in order to understand the purpose and use of the workflows and
actions by just looking at the name.
Workflows or Actions
Avoid odd characters, use Latin.
Names should clearly indicate the use of the workflow, for example DoubleRam.
Spaces can be used to increase readability for workflows.
Avoid camelCase for Workflow names.
Do not name two workflows the same name, even if they are in different folders. They can be differentiated by
their unique ID and method signature (parameters), although searching for them and differentiating them simply by
the name might become complicated.
Use JavaScript conventions for naming. To view a quick set of naming and other JS conventions,
see http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_conventions.asp.
camelCase variables and functions.
Do not use underscores.
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Do not prefix the name to indicate the type, for example, do not use "iCount" to indicate it is an integer.
Avoid numbers on variables and clearly name them, for example, do not use vm1 and vm2, but use something
similar to vmIn and vmOut.
Configuration Workflow
Provide a configuration workflow to minimize the manual work necessary by the user. For example:
For vRealize Automation integrations, create Build Profiles programmatically.
For REST integrations, create a REST host object with all the REST operations already attached. Do the same for
SOAP hosts and operations.
Using configuration workflows to initialize or read the vRealize Orchestrator attributes for external systems, including
URL for database, Service Accounts, and passwords stored in secure strings. Occasionally, orchestration workflow
failures originate from the difference in Service Accounts used by vRealize Orchestrator for external systems through
configurations, and when the password resets in the external system on a scheduled basis, for example, 45 days on AD.
When this occurs, you need to update the configuration attribute in vRealize Orchestrator to restore the orchestration to
operational status.
Provide packages based on use cases rather than delivery timeline, such as customer.ipam.package and
customer.cmdb.package, instead of customer.phase1.package. This results in multiple packages, but it also makes it
easier to update the packages in future phases, with less of a chance of changes to previously released use cases. Be
careful, however, with any shared items among the packages and consider having a common package.
Update versions in changed workflows or actions so that reimports on another system happen automatically.
Make use of the vRealize Orchestrator plug-in workflows or actions and do not copy out any of its code. With this
method, if a vRealize Orchestrator plug-in changes then your code can reap the benefits such as bug fixes, changes to
the design, and so on, and you can open a service request or bug if there is an issue with any of the code used. For
example, with the vSphere plug-in there is an action that checks if a device is a network card
(com.vmware.library.vc.vm.network.isSupportedNic), with newer versions of vSphere, newer device types have been
Do not export workflows or actions that are included in the built-in vRealize Orchestrator library or a prerequisite to
the package solution, such as a plug-in being installed as it is unnecessary bulk. Check and clean up the package before
you export it, as additions of a workflow or workflow folder can cause vRealize Orchestrator to add all used items to
the package, even if the source of the item is delivered by vRealize Orchestrator.
Actions are usually named Server.getModule("action.package").action(param1). In Orchestrator versions which are not
the latest, the action might not be automatically discovered when adding a wrapper workflow or action to a package, so
these actions need to be added manually to a package. When actions are called differently than the method shown
above, they are not automatically discovered and should be added manually to the package.
Include two sets of packages, an editable one and one that is read-only to be used by the client in production.
Provide a separate package for your unit tests. For more information, see the Unit Tests section.
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How to Clean Up the Package
Order by Folder name.
Remove all workflows under Library.
How to Export the Read-Only Package
Workflow Internals
Reduce the complexity of your workflows by considering the following set of guidelines.
Use the following guidelines to provide clear regions, sections, and steps in your workflows and try to keep these very
small and have them call separate workflows or actions.
Use Workflow Notes to enclose regions.
This helps differentiate the workflow regions by providing different shading background for each region, and make
reading the workflow easier.
Keep workflows to a max of 10-15 workflow elements.
Overcrowding of the schema of a workflow is a clear sign for moving some of the functionality into sub-
workflows or actions such that the overall orchestration of the workflow is clean and clear to understand.
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Try to achieve modularity with the workflow separation, but consider the complexity of the overall solution.
Sometimes you may need to sacrifice some modularity to improve readability. Do not try too many tricks just to
ensure modularity, as it is difficult for the average vRealize Orchestrator developer or support staff to understand.
Rename the workflow elements. If you cannot figure out a name that clearly captures everything very succinctly,
you likely have too many things happening in a single element. Try to use the workflow element for an action so
that it is clear when an action is used rather than having it in a Scriptable Task.
Limit having multiple actions in a Scriptable Task as it is not obvious, and vRealize Orchestrator cannot resume
the Scriptable Task in a very clean checkpoint. For more information, see Scriptable Tasks and Actions.
Loop through objects using workflow elements and counters, so that vRealize Orchestrator can resume from the
correct point if there is a failure. For example, if you have a list of 10 VMs and you processed 4 but vRealize
Orchestrator shut down during the processing of the 5th, then it restarts at the 5th instead of at the beginning.
Use the following guidelines to ensure that you make the best use of attributes in a workflow.
Lock attributes that are being used as constants (checkmark in the Lock column).
Attributes should never need to be updated or changed by a user. Either make them an Input, or link them to a
configuration element that is a more natural item for a user to update as part of the installation of the workflows.
If you have a lot of attributes and inputs in a workflow, you might have an issue with your code and workflow
structure, which might be caused due to the following reasons:
You are doing too many things in one workflow. The use case of the workflow should not be "do it all"
and it should be split into sub workflows to handle the different steps, each with clearer inputs and
You are not working with objects where you should be. Create Properties for attributes where you do
not need inputs from the user or CompositeType objects for properties objects used for user input. This
is especially important if you have arrays of attributes which are very much linked together, for
example, systemHostname[], systemUsername[], systemPassword[]… and you end up matching up the
various indexes. You can also use JavaScript objects and pass them around as Any objects, but the
structure is more expected when it is a properties object rather than a standalone Javascript object.
o Example of a change to objects: blueCatHostname, blueCatPort, blueCatUsername,
blueCatPassword, and so on -> blueCat.Hostname, blueCat.Port, blueCat.Username,
blueCat.Password, and so on. This reduces attributes from 4 to 1 and makes everything a lot
CompositeTypes can be consumed by vRealize Automation 6.1 with Advanced Service Designer in a
grid view which is convenient.
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Scriptable Tasks and Actions
Most scriptable tasks and actions are called from workflows that use them for accomplishing discreet functionality.
You can think of scriptable tasks and actions as functions that are called from an Object Oriented perspective. Due to
their discreet nature, separate scriptable tasks or actions so that they have a clear single responsibility rather than
overloaded with multiple objectives. For more information about single responsibility, see the Wikipedia definition for
single responsibility principle.
Create actions when the scriptable task would or could be reused. Try to encapsulate all communication with an
external system through one base action that can provide the basic error handling, such as the error message retrieval,
and other actions can build off this to provide the particular system functionality. For example:
1. a base action can be used to handle communication with a REST system, taking as input the operation,
inputs, and body. This action would make the calls and retrieve the result set, parse the results into JSON
format, retrieve the error messages from a JSON format, and it could throw a well formatted exception
2. Another action calls the base one with the parameters specific to its use case, dealing with any exceptions
thrown, if necessary.
Keep every block of code between 5-10 lines, though the overall script / action would have more. In order to achieve
this think about layers of detail in the development and separate out each layer into a different set of JavaScript
functions. With this method, the top 5-10 lines would be all that is necessary for someone to read in a 100+ line
script/action and would provide the reader a sort of Table-of-Contents to the rest of the code. If the reader cared for any
detail they can jump to the first-level function, like jumping to a chapter in a book, where there may be very little code
other than the call of lower-level functions. This format is analogous to skipping around in the book based on the
chapter's headings and sub-headings, until you finally reach the block of text which has the details. With this method,
you do not force developers to have to read all the detail in order to understand the overall functionality. One way to
clearly identify that you are providing very readable code to others is by providing an initial set of lines before a
commented-out divider – readers can then understand that reading below the line simply provides more details to the
overall functionality shown in those first few lines.
Single block of code which constantly shifts focus from high-level objective to low-level detail. Particular
issues in the following block:
inconsistent and/or duplicate checks for value-set conditions (ex: apiVersion, vmName, DNSSuffix)
difficult to tell which variables are important and which are transient (ex: apiVersion only used
var apiVersion = "";
apiVersion = "VirtualMachinePropertiesIn.get("External.IPAM.Version");
if (apiVersion != "" && apiVersion != null){
infobloxAPIVersion = apiVersion
} else {
infobloxAPIVersion = "v1.0";
System.log("Infoblox REST API Version: " + infobloxAPIVersion);
var vm = JSPN.parse(VirtualMachine, null);
vmName = vm.virtualMachineName;
if (vmName == "" || vmName == null) {
throw ("Virtual Machine name cannot be empty");
System.log("Virtual machine name: " + vmName);
var DNSSuffix =
if (DNSSuffix == "" || DNSSuffix == null) {
throw "property VirtualMachine.Network0.DNSSuffix is not defined";
if(DNSSuffix.indexOf(".") != 0) {
DNSSuffix = "." + DNSSuffix;
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high level functions called at top; details below
short functions 5-10 lines
function names help document without comments
vmName = retrieveVirualMachineName(virtualMachineJSON);
networkDetails = retrieveNetworkDetails(vmProperties);
///////////////// Functions - further detail ////////////////
function retrieveVirtualMachineName(virtualMachineJSON) {
var vm = JSON.parse(virtualMachineJSON, null);
vmName = vm.virtualMachineName;
if (!valueSet(vmName)) {
throw "Virtual Machine name cannot be empty”;
System.log("Virtual machine name: " + vmName);
return vmName;
function retrieveNetworkDetails(vmProperties) {
var portGroupName = getPortGroupName();
var networkToUse = findNetworkInMappings(portGroupName);
return getNetworkDetails(networkToUse);
function getPortGroupName() {
var portGroupName =
return portGroupName;
JavaScript Style
vRealize Orchestrator workflows are scripted using JavaScript. Developing appropriate skill in JavaScript and knowing
the conventions for the language will greatly aid in workflow development. For more information on JavaScript coding
conventions, see http://javascript.crockford.com/code.html.
If Conditions
Avoid big If blocks and many connected If conditions. The following are potential ways to avoid big If blocks:
Check related items in a particular If or Switch block. Do not mix with other logical groupings.
Potentially use switch statements for 3+ conditions.
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Do not have an Else condition for the last portion of a function.
function getValue(input, expectedValue) {
if (input != null && input != "") {
return input;
} else {
return "N/A";
function getValue(input, expectedValue) {
if (input != null && input != "") {
return input;
return "N/A";
Use functions when a variable is to be set depending on several conditions. The function block has a name, the function
name, so it is clear what is being extracted / set:
var infobloxAPIVersion;
var apiVersion = vmProperties.get("External.IPAM.Version");
if (apiVersion != "" && apiVersion != null){
infobloxAPIVersion = apiVersion;
} else {
infobloxAPIVersion = "v1.0";
var infobloxAPIVersion = getInfobloxApiVersion(vmProperties);
/////////// Functions ////////////
function getInfobloxApiVersion(vmProperties) {
var apiVersion = vmProperties.get("External.IPAM.Version");
if (apiVersion != "" && apiVersion != null) {
return apiVersion;
return "v1.0";
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Functions can also be used to improve readability of the If clauses. Extract the condition into a function and name the
function properly, so that the meaning of the If clause is understandable without requiring research into the condition
failedWorkflowToken = new Array();
var allWorkflowToken = Server.findAllForType("WorkflowToken");
now = new Date(System.getCurrentTime());
for each (var currentToken in allWorkflowToken) {
if (isToProcess(currentToken) && isFailedToken(currentToken)) {
function isFailedToken(token) {
return (token.state == "failed") || (token.state == "canceled");
function isToProcess(token) {
var endDate = token.endDateAsDate;
if (endDate == null) return false;
return (endDate.getTime() > onlyCheckTokenNewerAs.getTime());
Avoid big loop blocks
Indicate the exit condition at the top if possible. A boolean of 'keepRunning' as a while loop's condition is unclear.
Make your loop code as clean as possible for the reader to understand.
If the exit condition is not exceptionally clear, encapsulate it in a function named appropriately.
If searching through a loop to find an element, break to exit the loop after it is found.
Use arr.indexOf to find simple objects such as strings and numbers instead of looping through them.
Use foreach to loop through objects rather than for (var index in objs).
Consider the scale of the iteration for the loop designed, especially if it will impact overall orchestration if the
volume of iterations increases in magnitude. For example, it is often times much more efficient to loop through 2
large arrays sequentially than it is to loop through a smaller array and for each object loop through another array,
thereby repeatedly looping through the other array.
Provide a separate document for all of this content, such as a technical guide. At the very least, a detailed functional
design specification can help.
Workflow and Action Documentation
Document the workflows and the workflow elements, actions, inputs, outputs, and so on. Use the Description field for
most of those elements to provide a clear set of expectations. For inputs, outputs, and attributes which contain a very
open ended type like a String, provide examples of acceptable values. For Scriptable tasks, also use the Description
field to indicate the task’s purpose instead of placing a comment block as the header for the script.
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Use the Generate Documentation workflow helper by right-clicking on the workflow or any folder, including the top
level folder, to generate a full PDF with documentation.
Provide comments to indicate some design decision or odd external system behavior and how you needed to
compensate for it. Comment WHY you are doing something, rather than WHAT you are doing. The code should
clearly explain the WHAT.
Do not comment to make up for confusing code. These types of comments go out of sync with actual code, and cause
confusion themselves. Your code can be very clear through the use of multiple, small 5-10 line functions, each of
which is well named. The use of well named functions is a form of documentation that does not go out of sync as it is
still code and would get changed in the future to reflect its small function or utility.
UI Presentations
Use of actions for presentations should be nearly real time, especially when used by vRealize Automation Advanced
Service Designer. There are items that can impede the ability to render the presentation to be real time, including
loading of large lists of complex objects in the UI. It is better to pass a smaller object such as an array of VM names
and IDs rather than a fully loaded VM object or a list of them in Advanced Service Designer.
Be aware that not all clients, such as vSphere Web Client or vRealize Automation Advanced Service Designer, fully
support all properties of the very powerful input presentation capabilities of vRealize Orchestrator. So, be careful when
you put mandatory business logic into input presentation logic. Sometimes you must use workarounds, such as data-
binding to hidden input parameters, to overcome shortcomings of the calling system.
Configuration Elements
Do not write in Properties objects into configuration elements, dynamically.
If a user has to open and save the configuration element, the Properties object is set to null.
Possibly use a CompositeType, or if it is really meant for internal use then you can save the Properties
object as a Resource Element. Still be careful to Lock if this is something accessed by multiple
Separate between configuration elements that are "general settings / default settings", such as timeout values or
polling rates of your solution and elements that contain environment specific details, like hostnames and
credentials of external systems being called, inventory folders used for placement.
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Be aware about challenges with concurrency when dynamically reading or writing configuration elements from
within workflows. Use Resource Elements as a means of programmatic storage.
Error Handling
During the Design phase of the orchestration cycle, Error or Exception handling is a checklist item that is critical to
perform. How you handle errors has an impact on the stability, performance, and perception of the entire orchestration
and automation system. Use the following guidelines to develop a well-designed error handling design and
Do not think of only the “happy path” for the orchestration and automation. Imagine where orchestration might
break due to user, system, or third-party integration errors. The error handling implementation is your insurance for
when such events occur, and allows you to recover gracefully and restore service in an SLA.
Unit test incorrect inputs for workflows, scriptable tasks, and actions.
Ensure that the error messages of the other system are well formatted in vRealize Orchestrator, or back up to
vRealize Automation or the calling system. Wrap the exception messages to clearly indicate where the issues
happened. For example, “An error occurred while trying to xxxx. YYYY cannot complete. Underlying exception
from ZZZZ was: AAAAAAAA”
Connectivity between calling system and vRealize Orchestrator may not always be stable so consider that in all of
your calls. When such timeouts occur, be sure to raise the issue to the end user or inject the error in API response,
such that the administrators are made aware of the situation. If the system fails silently you will have a large task of
trying to debug the cause of strange symptoms.
External systems might return results, but could still be invalid. Null or empty result sets are returned, or simply
incorrect data for your use case, so validation of the results might be necessary.
Throw exceptions in Library elements, such as sub-workflow or actions. Catch and react in frontend workflows.
Avoid passing null when asked to return a list of objects, return an empty array instead as the consumers are likely
to loop through the list of objects and an empty array will not trigger exceptions.
Avoid passing null as a means of communicating an exceptional condition. For example, if asked to get a property
of object in an external system, do not pass null to indicate the object no longer exists.
Translate error messages from library elements to user-friendly messages from frontend workflows, as in a typical
Java stack trace.
Exception binding only allows to transfer a plain string, typed exceptions are not available. Consider introducing
artificial error codes in that string in larger workflow solutions, so that you can correlate these specific error codes
to conditions you planned for.
Rollback changes you made, if the workflow is to throw an exception. This must be done across all workflows,
including the provisioning, reconfigure, and retire Master Workflows. If this is not done, clearly indicate that in the
solution or design documents provided with the workflows.
Close external connections if necessary, such as with raw JDBC connections to a database. If developing in
JavaScript, close the connection with a ‘finally’ block of a try-catch statement. If it is for a connection that spans
multiple workflow elements, ensure all paths close out the connection and even all error scenarios close out the
connection which can be done by adding a default error handler.
Similarly, ensure Locks that are obtained are always unlocked in all conditions. Use the default error handler to
ensure the Lock is released in all scenarios.
If failing during a loop, potentially continue the loop to the next element and log via error or warn level with the
failed elements. This should be a clear design decision and documented behavior.
Do not use exceptions for expected paths in logic.
Possibly reschedule the workflow with same inputs so that it can "Try again later" when the issue might not be
present, such as from communication exceptions.
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Do not perform error handling on errors that the other system handles anyway, just propagate the error message up
cleanly. This ensures that your code allows for the external system to behave differently in the future. For example,
if a system does not support specifying a CPU value greater than eight, yet in the future the system provides
support for a value of 16 then your code should not have had a check for a max of eight as any change to the
external system would then also require a change in your code.
Use "Resume from failed behavior" on a Workflow to have vRealize Orchestrator provide a User Interaction when
the workflow fails. For more information, see the VMware vSphere 6.0 Documentation Center. This allows you
the opportunity to diagnose the issue better and even allows the user to correct the issue and continue.
Possibly send notifications of the exceptions, perhaps through email or SNMP.
Do not bind all exception paths to a "Throw exception" element. This is the default behavior.
If the desired behavior is to have a default exception handler which perhaps always unlocks a lock and emails a
notification, use the new Default Error Handler workflow element:
Input Validation
Provide some initial input parameter restrictions by using the Presentation tab. Whether the input is mandatory, the
required ranges for numbers, and so on. These are used for the User Interaction only.
Entries in the Presentation tab guides the user who is interactively running it, however do not rely on the Presentation
tab to do your validation. Provide a validation scriptable element for each top-level workflow to cover the inputs and
any attributes that are linked to configuration elements, as a workflow run can skip the restrictions on the Presentation
tab and have invalid inputs in the following scenarios:
Another workflow calling into this workflow.
An external system executing the workflow via vRealize Orchestrator API.
A user scheduling a Workflow who picks all the correct inputs, but when the workflow runs the inputs are no
longer valid. An example would be if you pick an object which gets deleted by the time the workflow runs.
A user updating a configuration element linked to your attribute.
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Logging that is clear to understand and provide depth of detail to debug issues is critical in a well-integrated
Orchestration workflow. There are a multitude of logs generated by vRealize Orchestrator, below is a listing of the
most important logs to monitor and the source of their data.
Server.log: This is the main log of vRealize Orchestrator server. It contains the same information as other logs
from the internal application server, in addition to more data. Everything that happens on the vRealize Orchestrator
server is seen here. This should be the first log file that you can start debugging with.
Scripts-log.log: Contains the thread from all the executions of workflows and actions. It lets you isolate these
executions from normal vRealize Orchestrator operations.
Vso.log: This is the client log. It contains connection issues with the server and events on the client side.
The log files above capture information from the vRealize Orchestrator server, workflows, scriptable tasks, and actions.
Guidelines for logging within these elements include:
Use debug-level logging liberally. There is a performance overhead with logging, but most vRealize Orchestrator
servers are configured to save only the info level logging so debug level logging is only visible while you work in
the client or if the server is set up to retain debug logs.
Depending on the client / environment, the logging level might not be changed in a production system
so you might have to log some debug-level logs to the info level but be considerate of the performance
Tip: Placing the server to record debug level logging automatically shows the inputs and outputs of
every workflow / action. Similarly, it displays the name of the executing action in the logs.
When logging object states, be sure to include something that identifies the object and the state.
Custom decision blocks can be used to log the paths of decisions.
vRealize Orchestrator displays the action name in the logs so there is no need to log entry into the action.
Introduce a context-ID when calling asynchronous workflows in order to track the overall workflow.
Consider creating an action to provide consistent logging.
Potentially write a reduced set of logs to third-party systems via an action, which can support retries.
Avoid Server.log() or use it very sparingly, as it writes the logs to the vRealize Orchestrator database forever,
which can have storage and performance implications.
Testing is a critical part of the overall Orchestration lifecycle, it is only in this phase of the process that validation
between software and use cases occurs. Results of this phase can feed valuable input into other portions of the cycle,
and thus we recommend testing be done early and often.
Sub workflows or actions should be designed to be tested on their own. Make sure they can be executed individually,
that is, Properties as inputs can be an issue and may be avoided for your testable workflows.
Unit Tests
vRealize Orchestrator is a system intended to integrate with other products which results in most testing being
performed as integrated testing. It can be very valuable to write Unit Tests to test out the sub-workflows or actions free
from interactions with other systems. There is no unit testing framework in vRealize Orchestrator yet, so you must
write tests on your own.
Another reason why splitting up workflows into sub workflows and actions is desirable. Create simple workflows
which can be executed standalone with a simple set of inputs.
Unit tests document your code in a manner of speaking, and can be used by others to see expected behaviors.
Check the results in your unit tests so that they can be used for automated testing.
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Keep unit tests in a separate package which is checked into the source code control system.
Avoid setting ‘test’ flags within your workflows which result in a different path being taken. This is not a clear
test of the overall workflow.
Sample Use Case
Provide a workflow to migrate all VMs from a smaller datastore to a larger datastore. After completion, rename the
source datastore by appending “–DECOM” to the name, denoting to the IT team that it can be decommissioned. A
vSphere datastore can be 42 characters only, which brings up scenarios where names might clash. The approach should
then truncate the name to fit within 42 characters while having the suffix -DECOM. If the new name still would clash,
truncate the name further and append a number to the truncated portion before adding the -DECOM so that it still fits
into 42 characters. Repeat the clash algorithm until the name is unique.
With this use case there are many scenarios to test: happy path, name exists without truncation, name exists with
truncation, name exists with truncation and after number has been added, name exists with truncation and after number
has been added, name exists with truncation and after number has been added multiple times (over 10, so that name
had to be truncated multiple characters to fit), and so on. To test all of these scenarios it would require an environment
with many configured datastores, and the tests would be very tedious to setup, so it is unlikely all the scenarios would
be tested. However, in reality the use case really only cares about the previous name and the new name of a datastore,
given a list of all datastores in the system, and it does not need to test the tried-and-true rename function of datastores
from within vRealize Orchestrator.
Therefore, create a workflow with inputs of (1) current datastore name and (2) a list of existing datastore names, and as
an output just provide the target datastore name. The workflow has now severed its connection with vSphere both
inbound and outbound and is relying on the parent workflow to do the setup such as getting the list of datastore names
from vSphere, and it is relying on the parent workflow to simply perform the rename given the new name. This allows
for unit testing of the interesting functionality of the use case by passing in different combinations. This can be
accomplished by having a separate workflow which goes through all the scenarios so that there are repeatable tests.
The tests can even check the results and throw exceptions if the results do not match expectations.
Avoiding External Communication
With a well-designed solution, there will likely be a set of building-block actions and workflows which perform the
actual communication with a particular external system. If all of these can be converted to actions within a particular
module (action folder), then it can be possible to pass in a mock module into your parent workflows which has all the
same actions defined but does not perform the communication with the external system. This allows for the testing of
the interesting business-logic layer without having to change the parent workflows to place them into a test mode.
Integration Tests
Testing integrations in vRealize Orchestrator workflows and to external systems is essential. Integration testing must
Single end-to-end workflow mimicking test input to exercise all of the integrations between workflows, actions,
and scriptable tasks.
External system service account validation, as external systems often rotate service account credentials, and any
integrations you perform are invalidated unless the service account used by vRealize Orchestrator is also rotated to
the new credentials.
Integrations with email and database systems that often have exceptions that are thrown specific to space or
domain requirements. Integration tests must be able to catch the predicted exceptions, and allow for predictable
behavior for the Orchestration to recover gracefully and remain functional in an SLA.
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vRealize Orchestrator Platform Awareness
Serialization and Resuming Workflows
vRealize Orchestrator serializes the inputs and outputs of each workflow element to the database so that if the server
goes down the workflow can be resumed from the serialized state. Normally, the deserialization is skipped in order to
minimize performance and memory impact, however portions of your workflows may have issues which are not clear
unless deserialization is exercised, therefore:
Do not try tricky JavaScript that might cache variables and objects between workflow elements in a non-obvious
way. That is, stick to inputs and attributes, do not try to pass around JavaScript objects with functions that cannot
be serialized or anything similarly creative.
Ensure you explicitly provide outputs from sub workflows, as they will not update the parent workflow objects. It
does not work like other programming languages where you can change in-memory objects.
If in doubt about sub, nested, or external workflows, call them asynchronously for a quick test. This forces
vRealize Orchestrator to serialize the inputs from your workflow and deserialize them in the other workflow.
Look at any workflow element and consider a scenario where the element may have been cut off mid run and if it
can be rerun from the start safely. For example, are there any big implications with re-adding values into an
external system - do they overwrite values, do they add duplicates, is there a session object created in the external
system at the beginning of the workflow which would need to be re-created, and so on.
Loop through smaller sets of objects by using the looping mechanism at the workflow level, which will ensure the
workflow processes one item at a time:
Performance Considerations
Best practice for time optimization is to first engineer for the longest automation task within the orchestration cycle.
Once this automation task is optimized, the overall orchestration cycle sees a subsequent improvement in performance.
The longest automation task is the Long Pole in your orchestration process. Do not prematurely optimize for
performance and try to make readable, clean code first, then apply performance tweaks. Also, consider if your
workflow performance matters for the use case. For example, making your workflow 3 seconds faster is not valuable if
it kicks off a task that runs for 15 minutes, or it is scheduled to execute in the middle of the night.
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Performance of the combined Automation and Orchestration system is dependent on multiple drivers, including:
Third-party integration time. Any system integrated with vRealize Orchestrator, for example, IPAM, will have
inherent time required to complete its tasks before returning to vRealize Orchestrator with the results. Performance
design for vRealize Orchestrator workflows must take this integration time, as well as return states into account.
Timeout defaults in the vRealize Orchestrator, vRealize Automation, and vSphere platforms.
Timeout values in database of your implementation.
End user dependent workflows including approvals.
Codify the timeout for each external system as a configuration item in vRealize Orchestrator.
Have a global configurable max timeout to wait for an external system. If the external systems do not support a
timeout during the requests, consider making the calls with an asynchronous workflow so that the parent workflow
can have a timeout as it waits for the results of the asynchronous workflow.
Fail workflows when first the system-specific timeout fails, followed by the larger global-configured timeout.
If external systems require a timeout of more than 3600 seconds, edit the vRealize Orchestrator default timeout in
configurations to encompass this value.
Workflows that require pausing or sleeping:
For short sleeps, you only need to do a System.sleep to avoid serializing and deserializing the
workflow inputs, attributes, and so on.
Sleeping for an extended period of time should be done with a Workflow sleep, by using a Waiting
Timer versus a sleep within a scriptable task.
Finding elements:
Do a bulk query where possible and keep the objects cached, rather than looping and querying
individual items. This applies for many external systems, such as REST, vSphere, Database.
Find by ID or try to find another faster method of finding an object. Some plug-ins accept a query that
runs on the server side for the query service, examples of which are shown in the posts for vRealize
Automation Cafe, vRealize Automation IaaS, vCloud Director, and vCenter.
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Consider using Properties to do easy lookups. For example, finding a set of unique datastores for a
given set of VMs using Properties:
var datastoreIdToDatastore = new Properties();
for each (var vm in vms) {
for each (var datastore in vm.datastore) {
datastoreIdToDatastore.put(datastore.id, datastore);
return getUniqueDatastores(datastoreIdToDatastore);
function getUniqueDatastores(datastoreIdToDatastore) {
var datastores = new Array();
for each (var datastoreId in datastoreIdToDatastore.keys) {
return datastores;
Looping through all objects retrieved is performance prohibitive to resolve the issue.
o Break from a loop, if you find the item you are searching for, such that you do not incur a
performance penalty for the remainder of the loop.
o Look for a different approach, such as the find-by-ID methods discussed above.
Have an understanding of how the plug-in works, especially as it relates to caching of objects. It can be
a bit hard to find out, so ask in the communities or look for any posts related to the plugin’s caching.
o vSphere has a cache in vRealize Orchestrator.
o vRealize Automation does not have a cache of the Entity objects so it does a lookup every
time. Passing around the objects can cause a lot of performance issues.
Looping through big arrays.
Loop through big arrays in Scriptable Tasks, if you are not doing any writes, such as finding an
element or a set of elements.
Consider restructuring some data structures using a Properties to do lookups as shown in the example
O(n) vs O(n^2) - looping through a loop multiple times is not as big of a deal as nesting loops.
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Since vRealize Orchestrator 5.5.1, there is a cache that you can use to put something into cache or retrieve from
cache, this improves performance at an incremental scale.
Methods that can be used to access cache, putInCache / getFromCache.
Good to use for Presentation.
This cache is not shared among vRealize Orchestrator systems, events of failover will not replicate the
cache to another vRealize Orchestrator server, careful use of the cache is advised. Best practices for
cache failures are to do the lookup as advised above.
Should take precautions when something is not in the cache, do the lookup. This can happen, if
vRealize Orchestrator needs to resume your workflow. The cache will not be there anymore.
vCenter Plugin Querying
Use the vCSearchIndex provided by the plugin to query where possible, as mentioned above. If those are not sufficient
then often the vCenter plugin’s 'getAll...(...)' methods are used. Each of these methods accepts an optional array of
Strings specifying additional properties to retrieve when querying for the objects, and an optional query by using an
xpath definition. For example, getAllVirtualMachines([additionalPropertyFilters], query).
Using the xpath querying is the preferred approach as it applies the filtering on the vCenter servers before constructing
a set of objects and returning them. For example:
var vmName = "vcova";
// XPath expression for VM name exactly matching the given string
// var xpath = "xpath:name='" + vmName + "'";
// XPath expression for VM name starting with the given string
// var xpath = "xpath://name[starts-with(.,'" + vmName +"')]";
// XPath expression for VM name containing the given string as a substring
var xpath = "xpath:name[contains(.,'" + vmName +"')]";
var vms = VcPlugin.getAllVirtualMachines(null, xpath);
if (vms == null) {
System.log("No VMs found");
} else {
for each (var vm in vms) {
System.log("Found VM: " + vm.name);
For performance reasons, the returned objects are not fully populated with all of the properties but a pre-defined set of
properties. The initial set can be determined by looking at the plugin inventory – all properties displayed in the
inventory are in the initial properties set. If additional properties are needed, specify them during the getAll...(...) call
so that the request from the vCenters can get a combined set of properties upfront. If this is not done and extra
properties are referenced by the workflow or action then a remote call is made each time to vCenter to create a vCenter
filter for the tuple <vm, property name>, which wastes resources both for remote execution and for filter management
on vCenter side.
As these are customized objects that are returned by the call, they do not match with what is exactly in the inventory,
storing them as workflow attributes, inputs or outputs would serialize them throughout the workflow. If the returned set
is large it can have an effect on the system performance. One approach might be to store them in a shared resource like
a vRealize Orchestrator configuration element or resource element and then just reference the location where they are
saved to minimize serialization and deserialization. Be aware that the objects may not exist if you process them at a
later stage.
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Calling Actions
Actions are usually called with the following code:
var result = Server.getModule("action.package").action(param1, param2);
This is perfectly fine if this action is called once. But, if you call this action in a loop there will be a performance issue,
because for every call to Server.getModule(...) requires vRealize Orchestrator to make a call to database to retrieve
content of that module. In these cases, a better approach would be to retrieve the module once:
var module = Server.getModule("action.package");
var result = module.action(param1,param2);
Note: As noted above, certain non-standard ways of calling actions may mean the action might not be picked up, if the
calling workflow or action is added to the package, so ensure you capture these actions manually.
Two XML parsers are available in vRealize Orchestrator: DOM (legacy) and E4X (dot notation). However, it is
strongly recommended to use only E4X.
Note: This parser is now deprecated by Mozilla foundation, but as the Rhino engine version used by vRealize
Orchestrator is not the latest version, it is safe to use it.
E4X introduces a new type, "XML", which holds an XML element.
It is possible to create literal XML values by writing XML directly:
var xmlObj = <root>
<child1 attr1="value1" attr2="value2">
<grandchild1>my value 1</grandchild1>
<grandchild1>my value 2</grandchild1>
To parse a string representing an XML object, the constructor XML can be used.
var xmlObj = new XML(xmlString)
As XML type is not automatically serialized by vRealize Orchestrator between workflows or actions, it must be
converted to string before being used as output of a workflow.
var xmlString = xmlObj.toXMLString()
JavaScript variable can be easily added in the XML object during the construction using {} notation.
var myvalue = "my value 1";
var xmlObj = <root>
<child1 attr1="value1" attr2="value2">
<grandchild1>my value 2</grandchild1>
XML Header
E4X removes the xml header when a string representing an XML object is parsed. When the XML object is converted
back to a string the xml header disappears.
Some APIs refuse an xml object if the header <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> is not
present, in that case, it must be added manually.
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XML Namespaces
Declaring namespace is really important, because most of the XML files contain a default namespace, without this
namespace declared in the code, E4X parser does not return any results. If there is only one namespace declared on the
root node, the following code can be used before any XML operations.
default xml namespace = xmlObj.namespace();
Otherwise a namespace can also be declared manually:
ovf = new Namespace("http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1");
vcloud = new Namespace("http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5");
xsi = new Namespace("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance");
Navigating XML
Once the XML object is created, it is possible to access its name and namespace, children, attributes, and text content
using the familiar Javascript dot operator.
Note that the type of object returned is not a string/number, to get a value it is safer to add "toString()" and eventually
parse it for number, when it is used as an output attribute.
Getting node value
return "my value 1" (without quotes)
Getting attribute value
return "value1" (without quotes)
Getting node with explicit namespace
Getting element part of a list
return "my value 2" (without quotes)
More details in the following tutorial: E4X Quick Start Guide.
JSON & JavaScript objects
JavaScript objects can be used between workflow elements by passing around Any object. You can use the JavaScript
Object Literal notation to declare objects and new properties in the object:
ex1: var obj = { key1: value}
ex2: obj.newProperty = value;
vRealize Orchestrator can serialize and deserialize nested and complex objects; however since vRealize Orchestrator is
running on Java, using Mozilla's JavaScript engine, the serialized versions of the objects get serialized into Java objects
and do not deserialize back into JavaScript objects. The implication to this is that nested or complex JavaScript objects
cannot be transformed into JSON, so if the intent is to have a complex JavaScript object passed along to an external
system as JSON, you will have to serialize the JavaScript object into a String and deserialize it between workflow
elements, by using JSON.stringify and JSON.parse respectively.
Tip: Use Properties objects for simple Key-value pairs instead of JavaScript objects because the contents can be
viewed in the workflow execution's Variables table by clicking the small icon
Create or use JavaScript objects and then use JSON.stringify to make it into a JSON. Do not construct JSON manually
through the use of string concatenation, which can get exceptionally difficult to read.
var jsonTxt = "{ key1: " + value1 + ", key2: " + value2
+ ", key3obj: { subkey1: " + subValue1 + " }}";
var jsonObj = eval(jsonTxt);
vRealize Orchestrator Coding Design Guide
T E C H N I C A L W H I T E P A P E R / 29
var jsonObj = {
key1: value1,
key2: value2
// shown for example - could have been part of initial jsonObj:
jsonObj.key3obj= {
subkey1: subValue1
var jsonTxt = JSON.stringify(jsonObj);
Recommended Reading
There are a lot of programming, software design, and JavaScript books out there. The following list of books is highly
recommended for workflow developers.
VMware vRealize Orchestrator Cookbook, Daniel Langenhan, Packt Publishing - ebooks
Eloquent Javascript, Marijn Haverbeke, No Starch Press, 2nd edition (December 14, 2014)
The Pragmatic Programmer, Andrew Hunt, David Thomas, Addison-Wesley Professional, 1st edition (October 30,
Code Complete, Steve McConnell, Microsoft Press, 2nd edition (June 19, 2004)
Clean Code, Robert C. Martin, Prentice Hall, 1st edition (August 11, 2008)
The Secrets of Consulting, Gerald M. Weinberg, Dorset House Publishing, 1st edition (January 1986)
vRealize Orchestrator Coding Design Guide
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