Elpas Solutions 5-WTD41101-0 QUAD TECHNOLOGY WRIST TAG User Manual


User Manual

Elpas Personal Safety Bracelet P/Ns: 5-WTD40100-0, 5-WTD40101-0, 5-WTD41100-0 and 5-WTD41101-0 User Guide   www.elpas.com Page 1 of 3 V2/Sept 2012  Introduction The Personal Safety Bracelet is a wrist worn Active RFID Tag that provides around-the-clock  monitoring  of  medical  patients  and  assisted  living  care  residents  who require added safety. The bracelet bundles triple-tech Real-Time Location System (RTLS) technologies to deliver precise real-time positioning data so that a host RTLS safety application or an integrated  physical  security  platform  can  track  the  whereabouts  of  the  individual anywhere within the facility. The  bracelet  features  a  large  duress  call  button  designed  especially  for  senior citizens. Pressing the button causes the tag to transmit positioning data that identifies the  person  requiring  assistance  and  the  precise  building  location  of  the  involving medical or safety incident for speedier and more effective response efforts. The bracelet also enables immediate near-exit location awareness for administering patient/staff escort procedures and for preventing unauthorized transfers into or out of protected building areas.  It is important that you understand, and follow the instructions in this document.  Should you have any questions, please contact your Elpas support representative before proceeding with the installation, operation or maintenance of these products.           Product Specifications Transmission Rates in LF Zones Moving Bracelet LF  Response  Time:  Onboard  LF  receiver polls every 0.6 sec to check if the bracelet is in a LF zone. Transmission  Rate:  Bursts  of  6  IR/RF supervision  transmissions  (each transmission about 2ms in duration), 400ms apart. If the bracelet stays in a LF zone, then repeated at 2 seconds intervals. Transmitted  Message  Type:  IR/RF  Data Message  includes  ID  code  of  LF  Exciter. Motion bit, M=1. Motionless Bracelet LF  Response  Time:  Onboard  LF  receiver polls every 15 seconds to check if the badge is in a LF zone. Transmission  Rate:  6  IR/RF  supervision transmissions (each transmission about 2ms in duration), 0.4 seconds apart: If the bracelet stays  in  a  LF  zone,  then  repeated  at  15 second intervals. Transmitted  Message  Type:  IR/RF  Data Message  includes  ID  code  of  LF  Exciter. Motion bit, M=0 Signaling Technologies RF (433MHz)     IR (800nm)     LF (125KHz) RF (Motion/Stationary) Supervision messages every 10 seconds / 60 seconds IR (Motion/Stationary) Supervision messages every 10 seconds / 60 seconds RF Under LF 6 IR/RF transmissions (each @ 2ms in duration), 0.5secs apart; every 2 secs after 10 mins returns to 10 secs when in motion Supervised Events Button Press/Release Motion/Stationary Low Battery 3 RF/IR transmissions (each @2ms in duration), 400ms apart Power Source 3.0V/560mAH lithium battery, CR 2450 Battery Life 12-36 months depending upon usage LED Indicator Low Battery, Button Press, LF Field Badge ID Factory-Programmed ID Housing IP65, Nylon Plastic Weight 35 grams (1.23 ounces) Dimensions (H x W x D) 46.9 x 41.0 x18.9mm  (1.84 x 1.61 x 0.74 inches) Operating Environment Temp: 0°C to 50° (0°F to 122°F) Humidity: 100% non-condensing Management Software Eiris 4.6 (or higher)/Eiris Configurator 4.8 (or higher) ELC Programmer V2.0 Standards IC, FCC & CE compliant Warranty 1 year limited warranty (excluding battery) Product offerings and specifications are subject to change without notice. Not all products include all features. Compatible Accessories Part Number Description 5-PBA90003 3.0V/560mAH lithium battery, CR 2450 (20 pcs) 5-WTD09001 Standard Wristband (set of 5) 5-WTD09003 Hospital Band Adapters (set of 5) *5-PB063011 Disposable Clincher Wristband (set of 50) *5-WTA90007 Reusable Medical Grade Wristband with Lock Pin (5 pcs) 5-500130 Lock Pin Removal Magnet *Requires Hospital Band Adapters for use with Bracelet P/Ns 5-WTD40000-0 & 5-WTD41000-0.
Elpas High-Risk Security Bracelet – User Guide    www.elpas.com Page 2 of 3 V2/Sept 2012  Initial Activation The bracelet is shipped from the factory in Sleep Mode to conserve battery power during shipping. To  activate  the  bracelet  from  sleep  mode  both  of  the following described methods can be used: Button Press  Orient  the  tag  front-cover side  up.  Next  press  &  hold down  the  call  button  for  at least 5 seconds.  Tamper Band Method  Touch  the  two  ends  of  the tamper wrist band together.  Pin Shorting  Place  the  bracelet  back cover side up. Using the tips of  a  metal  tweezers,  touch the  two  metal  contacts simultaneously  If the wake-up process is successful the LED Indicator on the front of the bracelet will illuminate for 3 seconds.  Battery Replacement Change  the  bracelet’s  status  in  the host RTLS application to ‘Inactive’. Place  the  bracelet  back  cover  side up. Then Unscrew the 4 screws and remove the back cover.   Slide  the  battery  out  from  under the  battery  holder.  Dispose  of used  battery  in  accordance  with local regulations. Replace  the  battery  ensuring  that the positive (+) side of the battery faces up.  Close  the  back  cover  such  that  the  screw  holes  are correctly aligned. Tighten the 4 screws snugly into place. Do not over-tighten as this may strip the case threads. Change the bracelet’s status in the host RTLS application back to ‘Active’. Attaching the Hospital Band Adapters Place  the  bracelet  back  cover  side up. Then Unscrew the 4 screws and remove the back cover. Position the bracelet front cover side down.  Next  insert  the  two  hospital band adapters into the grooved slots which  are  located  on  either  side  of the front cover. Close  the  back  cover  such  that  the  screw  holes  are correctly aligned. Tighten the 4 screws snugly into place. Do not over-tighten as this may strip the case threads  Cleaning & Disinfection Procedures Use  an  appropriate  antibacterial  disinfectant  such  as  Dispatch®  Hospital  Cleaner  Disinfectant  with  Bleach  from  Caltech Industries, Inc (http://www.caltechind.com) to clean the High-Risk Security Bracelet. Since  ‘Cleaning  Procedures’  may  vary  according  to  facility guidelines, thus  the  procedures given below  are  for  illustrative purposes only: Option 1 – Using Dispatch Disinfectant Spray 1. Lightly wet a disposable towel with Dispatch spray 2. Do not saturate the towel 3. Wipe the outer surfaces of the sensor 4. Next wipe the sensor with a dry disposable towel 5. Allow the sensor to air dry 6. Return the clean sensor to inventory or usage 7. Dispose of used towels per facility policies Option 2 – Using Dispatch Disinfectant Towels 1. Open a new Dispatch pre-moistened towel 2. Wipe the outer surfaces of the sensor 3. Next wipe the sensor with a dry disposable towel 4. Allow the sensor to air dry 5. Return the clean sensor to inventory or usage 6. Dispose of used towels per facility policies
Elpas High-Risk Security Bracelet – User Guide   Page 3 of 3 V2/Sept 2012  W.E.E.E. Product Recycling Declaration For  information regarding the recycling  of this product  you must contact the  company from which you orignially purchased it. If you are discarding this product and not returning it for repair then you must ensure that it is returned as identified by your supplier.  This product is not to be thrown away with everyday waste - Directive 2002/96/EC Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.    Standards Compliance This  device complies  with Part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules  and  RSS -210  of  Industry  and  Science  Canada.  Operation  is  subject  to the  following  two  conditions:  (1)  This  device  may  not  cause harmful  interference,  and  (2)  this  device  must  accept  any interference  received,  including  i nterference  that  may  cause undesired operation.  This  device  complies  with  Industry  Canada  license -exempt RSS  standard(s).  Operation  is  subject  to  the  following  two conditions: (1) this device may  not  cause interference, and  (2) this  device  must  accept  any  interference,  including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Le  présent  appareil est conforme  aux  CNR d'Industrie  Canada applicables  aux  appareils  radio  exempts  de  licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil  ne  doit  pas produire de  brouillage, et  (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit  accepter tout brouillage  radioélectrique  subi, même  si  le  brouillage  est  susceptible  d'en  compromettre  l e fonctionnement. Warning! Visoni c  Technologies  is  not  responsible  for  any  radio  or  TV interference  caused  by  unauthorized  modifications  to  this equi pme nt.  S uc h   m o d ifi c ati ons  co ul d  voi d   t he  user ’s  a ut h o ri t y  to operate the equipment. Product Warranty Visoni c T ec h n o log i e s   Lt d.   (V T   o r   th e   Co m p a n y ),   an d   i t s   af f i l i a t es ,   wa r ra n t s   it s   pro d u c t s  ( h e re i n a f t e r   re f e r r e d   t o   as   "th e   Pr o d u c t ” )   to   be  fre e  of   defects  in materia ls  and  work mansh ip  under  no rmal  operating  cond ition s  and  use  for  a  perio d  of  o ne  year  fro m  the   d a t e   o f   s h ip m e n t  b y   V T.  T h e   C o m p a n y’ s  obligat ions  shal l  be  lim ited  wit hin  the  warranty  per iod,  at  its  optio n,  to  rep air  or  to  rep lace  the   def ective   Produ ct  or  any  def ective  component  or part th ereof . To e xerc ise  this  warranty,  the product must be  retu r ned  to th e ma nuf acturer freigh t p repaid and  insured .  This  warran ty  does  n ot  a pply  to  repairs  or  rep lace ment  caused   by  improper  installat ion,  Prod uct  m isuse,  f ailure  to  follo w  in s ta llation  or  ope rating  instru ction s,  alte rat ion,  abuse,  accident,  tampe ring,   repa ir  by  anyone  other  th an  VT,  external  causes,   and   fa ilure  to  perform  requ ired  preven tive  mainten ance.  Th is  wa rran ty  a lso  d oes  no t  a pply  to  any  pro ducts,  accessories,  or  attachmen ts  u sed  in  conjunctio n  with  th e  Prod uct,  includ ing batte rie s,  which  shal l b e co vered so lely b y thei r own warrantie s,  if a ny. VT  shall not  be  liable fo r any  damag e o r loss  wh atsoever, wh ethe r di rectly ,  indire ctly,  incidenta lly,  co nsequ ent ially   o r  o therw ise,  resu lting  from  a  ma lfunction  of   the  Produ ct  due  to  products,  accesso r ies,  or  atta chmen ts  of others,  inc luding  batterie s, use d in  conj unction with  the P rodu ct.  VT  MAKE S  NO  EXPRESS  W ARRANT IE S  EXCEPT  THOSE  STA TED  IN  THIS  STATE ME NT.  VT  DISCLA IMS  ALL  OTHER  WARRANTIES ,  EX PRESS  OR  IMPL IED,  INCL UDING   W ITH OUT  L IMITA TION  IMPL IED  W ARRA NTIE S  OF  MERCHA NTAB IL ITY  AND  FITNESS  FO R  A  PART ICULA R  PURPOSE.  VT’S   S O L E   R E SP O N S IB I L IT Y  F O R   W AR R A N T Y   CL A I MS   I S   L I M I T E D   T O   REP A IR O R   T O   R E P LA C E   A S  S E T FO R T H  I N  TH I S   S T A T E MEN T .  VT  shall  ha ve  no  liability  f or  an y  death,  persona l  inju ry,  p rope rty  damage,  o r  othe r  lo ss  whether  direct,  indire ct,  incidental,  consequential,  or otherw ise,  based  on a claim  that  the P roduct failed  to  f unctio n. Ho weve r,  if  VT  is held  liable,  whether  dire ctl y or  indirectl y,  f or  any  loss  or  da mage arising   under  this  limited  wa rranty or  ot her wise,  reg ardle ss  of   cause  o r  origin,  V T's  maximum  l iabi lity  sha ll  be  lim ited  to  the   purchase  pri ce  of   the Product, which sh all b e fixed as  liquidat ed d amages and not as a penalty, and sha ll be th e complete and exc lusive liab ilit y o f VT.  VT  sha ll  not,  und er  an y  cir cumsta nces   whatsoeve r,  be  liable  for  any  inaccu ra cy,  erro r  of   judg ment,  de fau lt,  or  neg ligence  of   VT,  its  emp loyees, officers,  agen ts,  or   a ny  other   party ,  or  of   th e  purchaser  or  user,  ar ising  f rom  any  assistan ce  or  communica tion   of   a ny  kind  r ega rding  t he conf iguratio n,  desig n,  in stalla tion ,  or  cre ation  o f  security  syste m  invo lving  the  Prod uct,  that  being  the  responsib ility  o f  t he  purchaser  or  use r.  f  VT is  u n ab l e   to   ma k e   su c h   re p a i r   o r  re p l a c e m e nt ,   VT ’ s   e n t ire  l i a b i l it y   s h a ll  b e   l i mi t e d  t o   t h e   c o s t   of  a  rea sonab le  substi tu te  p roduct.  VT  shall  not  be responsible for a ny d ismantling,  installa tion, reinstal lation,  pu rchasin g, sh ippin g, in surance, o r any si milar  charge s.  VT  shall  ha ve  no  liab ility  for  a ny  damages,  inclu ding  without  limita tion,  a ny  direc t ,  ind ire ct,  incid ental ,  spec ial,  or  con seque ntia l  damages,  expen ses,  cost s,  p rof its,  lost  sa ving s  or  e arnin gs,  or  othe r  damage s  aris ing   ou t  of   the  use  of   th e  Product  or   the   remo val,   in stal lation , reinst allation, re pair  or  replace ment   of  the  Prod uct  o r  any  relat ed  eve nts.  In  th e  e vent  th at  the re  is  any liabi lity  again st  VT,   such  liabilit y  sha ll  be limite d to the purcha se pr ice of  the Prod uct whi ch amo unt  shal l be f ixed as liquidated d amages.  The  purchaser  an d  user  un derstan d  tha t  this  Prod uct  may  be   co mpro mi sed  or  cir cumvented   by  intent ional  a cts;  tha t  the  Prod uct  wi ll  not  in  a ll cases  p revent   d eath,  p ersonal  inju ry,  p ropert y  damag e,  or  other  lo ss  resul ting   from  burg lary,  robbery,  fire  o r  othe r  causes;  and  that   the  Pro duct will  not   in   all  case s  prov ide  adequa te  warn ing  or  pro tect ion.  The  pu rchaser  and  user  also  unders tand  that  a  properly  in stal led  and   ma intain ed alarm  may  reduce  the  risk  of   events  su ch  as  burg lar y,  robb ery,  and   f ire  witho ut  warn ing,  but  it  is  not  insuran ce  or  a  gua rant ee  that  su ch  events  will no t occur o r tha t the re w ill be  no deat h, personal  inju ry, p ropert y da mage,  or other  loss as a  resu lt of  such e vents .  By  purchasing  the  Produc t,  the  purchaser  and  user  shall  defend,  indemnif y  an d  hold  VT,  it s  off icers,  dire ctor s,  affiliate s,  s ub sidiaries,  a gents, servant s,  emp loye es,  and  authorized  repre senta tive s  harmless  fro m  and   against  any  and  all   claims,  suits,  cos ts,  damages,  an d  judg ments  incurre d,  cla imed ,  or  su staine d  whe the r  f or  dea th,   persona l  inju ry,   prope rty  da mage,  o r  othe rwise,   beca use  of   or  in   any  wa y  related  t o  the  conf iguratio n,  design,  installat ion,  or  creation  of   a  security  syste m  involv ing  the  Product,  and  the  use,  sale,  dist rib utio n,   and   insta llat ion  of  the Pro d u c t,  i n c l u d i n g  p a y me n t   of   an y   a n d   a l l   a tto r n e y ’ s   f e e s, c o s ts,   a n d  e x p e n s e s   i ncu rred a s a  result  of any su ch e vents .  The  purch ase r  o r  user  shou ld  fo llow  th e  Product  insta llat ion  and   o pera tion   in struc tions  and  te st  the  Pro duct  and  the   enti re  s ystem  at  lea st  on ce each  week.  For  va rious  reasons,  including  b ut  not  l imited  to   chang es  in   environ mental  cond itions,  ele ctric ,  e lectro nic,   o r  elect romag neti c disrup tions,   and  tampe ring,   the  Pro duct  ma y  not  pe rform  a s  expe cted.  The  purcha ser  and  user  are  adv ised  to  take  all  necessa ry   p recaut ions  f or the p rotect ion and saf ety of persons  and prope rty.  This s tate ment  provides cer tain  leg al r igh ts. Other  rights  may  vary  by  stat e o r country. Under  certa in  circu mstan ces,  some st ates o r cou ntrie s  may not  allo w exclusion  o r limita tion of  inciden tal  or  con seque ntia l damage s  or  im plied  wa rrant ies,  so  th e  a bove  exclusions  ma y  not  ap ply  und er  those  circum stance s and  in those  state s or countries.  VT  reserves  th e  right  to  modify  this  statement  at  an y  time,  i n  its  sole  di screti on  without  noti ce  to  any  p urch aser  or  u ser.  H owev er,  this state ment  shall not  be  modifi ed  or  v aried except  by  VT  in  writing,  and  VT does  not authorize  any single individual to act  on its behalf  to mo dify or vary this statement.                                                              Any questions about this statement sh ould be dire cted to  VT.   3/0

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