GuangZhou Walkera Technology MINI-CP 2.4GHz Transceiver User Manual Part 1of5

GuangZhou Walkera Technology Co., Ltd 2.4GHz Transceiver Users Manual Part 1of5

Users Manual Part 1of5

Download: GuangZhou Walkera Technology MINI-CP 2.4GHz Transceiver User Manual Part 1of5
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Document ID1673634
Application IDdw4/rEdd8TV5ovV+LHT08Q==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual Part 1of5
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize275.67kB (3445820 bits)
Date Submitted2012-04-11 00:00:00
Date Available2012-04-11 00:00:00
Creation Date2012-03-27 15:20:21
Producing SoftwareCutePDF 3.2 (
Document Lastmod2012-03-27 15:20:21
Document TitleUsers Manual Part 1of5

User Handbook
Main Rotor Dia. : 241mm Standard transmitter: DEVO—ES Servo: wk-024
Tail Rotor Dia. : 42mm Optional transmitter: DEVO-617I12 weight: 2.429
Overall Length: 220mm Receiver: RXZGSZV-D speed: 0.125ed60' (3.0~4.5V)
Gyro: Three—axis Main Brush Motor: 1220FC dimsnsioni 15.5 X 6.B><15]mm
Ali-up Weight: 459 (Battery included) Tall Brush Motor: 0615R Battery: 3,7v 240mAh LrPo
Featu res:
1) The flybarless design characterizes low power loss and great improvements in efficiency.
2) Sophisticated 3-Axis gyro flybarless stabilization system automatically adjusts the controls for stable flight ,
3)'High|y developed low voltage drive system provides a green, environmentally friendly and sale power solution.
4) Mini size helicopter for indoors. providing 5-6 minutes of flight time after a full charge.
5) Telemetry of Temperature and voltage, and program upgrading online became available when worklng
with DEVO-BS.
01. Foreword
02. Satety matters needing attention--
2.1 important Statement --
2.2 Safety matters needing attention
(1) Far away from obstacles and people-
(2) Keep away from humidity-
(3) Proper operation and maintenance
(4) Avoid flying alone
03. Servo setup and adjustment
8 1 Specification and function of servo-
8 1 1 Specification of servo -
8.1.2 Basic function of servo
8.2 Connection and adjustment 0' servos -
8.2.1 Connection at servos .
8.2.2 Adjustment at servos .-
8.2.3 Matters needing attention --
(5) Satety operation --
ns. Stops utfllght
(6) Keep away from high-speed rotating parts
(7) Protect 1mm heat 9.1 Installation of battery pack
2.3 Attention before flight 9-2 Turn on the power --
9 21 Turn on the power----
03. Definition of Helicopter Orientation
9.2.2 Matters needing attention --
04. Standard equipment
9.2.3 Trouoie shooting a flashing receiver.
05_ Tummimr “my LED after connecting the power cable
5 1 DEVO-BS(standard radio) setting .. 9 3 Adjustment before flight -
5.2 DEVO£I7I12(optional radio) settings .. 9-3-1 Adjustment cl swashplflte --
as. Smp amt. szsszv.n nc.|var-- 9 4 Adjustment of Main rotor blades-
s.1 RXZGSZV—D reoeiverteatures . 9.4.1 Color decal (tracking tape)
s 2 Function ofrgceivgr... 9 4 2 Inspection and gravity center----
adjustment of main mtnr blades
5-3 Tesmg Mme 59mg“ 9.4.3 Tracking inspection ..
6.4 Guideiine ol Receiver use 9 4 4 Adjustment 0, Made (racking
6.5 Channel connection of receiver-
10. Flight over
so Matters needing attention-
07. instruction torerns Charger-m ”pm“ 1 ' ”mm “mm
7.1 instruction for move Charger---- Appendix 2 , Fiignt practice-
1 Fiigm practice forthe beginner-
1 1 Matters needing aneniionm
1 2 steps
2 Advanced practice-u
2 1 Practicing oontroiied take 0" and landing
2 2 chticing square flight --
2 3 Frog-hopping praciic
2 4 Figure eigm practice
2 5 Aerobatic flight"-
Safety matters
Mama (at
RchleL‘anfk avdflulofl Qfi
Dear Customer:
Thank you tor purchasing a Walkera radio control aircraft product. in order to quickly and safely master the operation
of the Mini CF RC helicopter, please read the user handbook carefully and then keep it in a safe place for tuture
consultation and reterence.
Mini CP With spread spectrum technology leatures impressive power, stable fllght, immediate response and strong
anti—jamming characteristics.
2.1 Important Statement
(1) This product is not a toy. lt is a piece of complicated equipment which harmoniously integrates engrneering
materials, mechanrcs. electronics, aerodynamic and high frequency radio. Correct installation and adiustment
are necessary to avoid accidents taking place. The owner must always operate in a safe manner improper
operation may result in serious property damage, bodily lrllufy or even death
(2) We accept no liability tor damage and consequent damage arising lrom the use of these products, as we have
no control over the way they are maintained, used and operated
(3) This product is suitable for experienced RC Helicopter pilots aged 1A years of more All minors must be
accompanied by a responsible adult when flying
(A) The flight field should be legally approved by the local government We accept no liability tor any safety duties
or fines arising from operation, usage or mis-control alter the sale otthe products
(5) We consign our distributors to ofter technical support and service after sale Please contact the local distributors
for problem resolution caused by usage, operation maintenance, etc
2.2 Safety matters needing attention
RC helicopterflight is a high risk hobby, whose flight should be kept lar away from other people Mrs-assembled
or broken main trame, defective electronic equipment, and/or problematic radio system will lead to untoreseen
accidents such as bodily injury or property damage. The pilot MUST pay attention to the flight safety and
UNDERSTAND his responsibility for accidents caused by his carelessness.
ti) Far away lrorri obstacles and people
An RC helicopter in flight has risk ofunoenain flight speed and direction which
is potentially dangerous. When llying, please keep your RC helicopter far
away trom people, high buildings, highstenslon lines. etc, and avoid operating
in rain, storms, thunder and lightening.
(2) Keep away from humidity
RC helicopter should be kept away lrom humidity and vapor because its
complex,precise electronic components and mechanical parts may be damaged
(3) Proper operation and maintenance
Please use Walkera original spare parts to upgrade, modify or maintain your
helicopter in order to ensure its safety Please operate your helrcopterwrthin
the range aflunctions permitted it is forbidden to use it outside of the safety
laws or regulations
(4) Avoid flying alone
At the beginning of learning about radiocontrolled tlight there are some difficulties
to overcome. Please avoid flying alone. lnvite experienced pilots to guide you
(two of the most efiective methods to practice are via a PC flight simulatorandfor
under the supervrsion of a skilled pilot)
v'ta v D (T)
(5) Sale operation ?
Please fly your helicopter according to your physical status and flight as”)
skills. Fatigue. listlessness and mis-operation wlII increase the
possibilities otaccidental hazard. lg! Z
(5) Keep away trom high-speed rotating parts
Please keep the spinning blades oi both main rotor and tail rotor away
from the pilot, people and other obieots.
(7) Protect trom heat
An RC helicopter is made trom metal. fiber. plastic and electronic
components. etc. Please keep away from heat and sunshine in order
to avoid distortion, even damage. caused by high temperatures
2.3 Attention before flight
(1) Ensure the battery packs of both transmitter and receiver are tully charged (saturated).
(2) Ensure both the throttle stick and the throttle trim ot your transmitter stay at the lowest positions betore
(3) Please strictly obey the order ot turn-on and turn-oft before operation When starting yourtlight. please turn
on your transmitter first. and connect the power cable ot your helicopter last.
When finishing yourtlight, please disconnect the power cable ot your helicopter first. and turn otfyour transmitter
(4) Art incorrect order of connection may cause your helicopterto loose control Please cultivate the correct habit
ot tum-on and turn-oft.
(5) Ensure the directions and actions in which servos execute transmitter commands are correct and smooth
with respect to inputs. Never operate the helicopter With a broken servo as it will result in turther damage to
the product or people.
(6) Check there are no missing or loose screws and nuts. no incorrectly assembled or damaged parts Caretully
check the main blades have no detects, especially the position close to the main blade connector Broken
or mis-assembled parts WI|| have a negative effect on the flight performance, and WIN cause untoreseen
potential dangers
(7) Check all the connections between ball linkages and balls Loose linkages and balls should be replaced
Lucse connections between linkages and balls will have a negative effect on the fllght pertormance possibly
resulting in a loss ot control.
(B) Make sure the connections between the power cables of the battery pack and motors are solid Continuous
vibration and drastic so actions may loosen the batteries or cables in flight. possibly resulting in a loss ot
Safety matters
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