Schlage Electronic Security PROXIF Door Lock User Manual 51005 D

Schlage Electronic Security Door Lock 51005 D


5100 Manual

Form 51005 Rev. D 12-02-20022CM5100 COMPUTER MANAGED CYLINDRICAL LOCKINSTALLATION MANUAL1. PREP DOOR AND FRAME:A. Determine door hand and correct backset.B. Mark the horizontal and vertical centerlines for the lockset, latch and strike.C. Place template on inside of door (opposite the side that the keypad/reader will be on). Line up the correct reference lineson the template with the edge of the door. The centerline on the door should line up with the vertical centerline of the tem-plate.D. Drill holes as described by template.BEFORE YOU BEGIN:Standard units are shipped from the factory to fit 1-3/4” doors. Verify that the door thickness. If the door is not 1-3/4” thick,verify that the door thickness option was ordered or consult factory.DOOR EDGE (LATCH) FRAME (STRIKE)DOOR FACE (LAY OUT ON INSIDE)
Form 51005 Rev. D 12-02-20023CM5100 COMPUTER MANAGED CYLINDRICAL LOCKINSTALLATION MANUAL2. INSTALL CYLINDER (IF NOT ALREADY DONE), GASKET AND STANDOFFS:A. Install cam onto cylinder (if not already done.) Cam must be a straight, 11/16” design. See below for recommendedcams.B. Insert mortise cylinder into outside escutcheon from front (keypad/reader) side with keyway down.C. Slide lock washer onto cylinder (tab on top facing out, as shown below.)D. Using nut tool (provided) tighten nut onto cylinder.E. Line up nearest notch on nut with tab on lock washer and bend tab using nut tool so nut is secure. F. Install exterior gasket (if used).G. Install standoffs.TEST KEY OPERATION NOW: Turning key clockwise until it stops (about 1/2 turn) should allow the lever to turn retractor.CYLINDERRECOMMENDED CAMS:SCHLAGE EVEREST: P/N B502-948SCHLAGE CLASSIC: P/N B502-191NUT TOOLRETRACTOR ASSEMBLYLOCK WASHERNUTSTANDOFFSEXTERIOR GASKETTABNOTE:BLOCKING RING REQUIRED FOR CYLINDERLENGTH GREATER THAN 1-1/8”.THICKNESS = CYLINDER LENGTH  - 1 1/8”
Form 51005 Rev. D 12-02-20024CM5100 COMPUTER MANAGED CYLINDRICAL LOCKINSTALLATION MANUAL3. CHANGE HAND (IF NECESSARY):NOTE: The locks are shipped handed as ordered from factory. If it is necessary to change the hand of the lock, follow thesteps below:A. Remove retractor by loosening two 9/64” socket cap screws which attach it to the outside escutcheon.B. Remove outside spindle.C. Loosen 5/32” socket cap screw which secures handle to escutcheon.D. Remove, rotate and re-install handle (NOTE: some handle designs have an adapter.)E. Re-install outside spindle, making sure that the round end faces the handle, and the spindle is positioned with its edgesvertical and horizontal as shown in detail below. Note that the cam (inside the escutcheon assembly) must be positionedsuch that the dot on it faces the 6 O’Clock position (see detail below).F. Rotate retractor and re-install it.G. Change the hand of the handle on the inside escutcheon (not show) the same way. Note that the inside escutcheon hasno retractor.OUTSIDE ESCUTCHEONOUTSIDE SPINDLE(ROUND SIDE TOWARD LEVER)9/64” SOCKET CAPSCREW5/32” SOCKET CAPSCREWRETRACTOROUTSIDE HANDLEDOT - FACESDOWNOUTSIDESPINDLEPOSITIONCAMDETAILADAPTERLEVERNOTE: Some lever designsrequire an adapter.
Form 51005 Rev. D 12-02-20025CM5100 COMPUTER MANAGED CYLINDRICAL LOCKINSTALLATION MANUALSPACER (FOR DOORS LESS THAN 1-3/4”)OUTSIDE ESCUTCHEONLATCH(INSTALL FIRST)LATCH GUARD(INSTALL LAST)WIRING HARNESS4. INSTALL STRIKE BOX AND STRIKE:5. INSTALL LATCH AND OUTSIDE ESCUTCHEON:A. Install latch into edge of door. Be sure to install it with the beveled edge facing door jamb.B. If the door is less than 1-3/4 thick, slide spacer over standoffs and retractor on outside escutcheon.C. Carefully install the outside escutcheon onto the door, passing the wiring harness through the 1” hole. Be sure that theprongs on the latch engage with the retractor as shown in detail below.D. Install latch guard from inside of door. (Do not install latch guard first or retractor will not clear the latch.)DETAILProngs must engagewith retractor.
Form 51005 Rev. D 12-02-20026CM5100 COMPUTER MANAGED CYLINDRICAL LOCKINSTALLATION MANUAL6. INSTALL BASE PLATE ASSEMBLY:Install base plate assembly onto inside of door. (If the door is less than 1-3/4” thick, install spacer between the base plateand the door.) Use socket cap screws with washers on upper standoffs and phillips head screws on lower (retractor assem-bly) standoffs.  CAUTION!If any fasteners such, as washers, fallbehind the PC board, remove them prior toinstalling batteries.SPACER(FOR DOORS LESS THAN 1-3/4”)SOCKET CAPSCREW, WASHERSPHILLIPS HEADSCREWSMake sure standoffsinsert into these holesbefore tightening.
Form 51005 Rev. D 12-02-20027CM5100 COMPUTER MANAGED CYLINDRICAL LOCKINSTALLATION MANUALINSIDE SPINDLE(FLAT SIDE FACES TOWARD LEVER)INSIDE ESCUTCHEONPHILLIPS SCREWS (STANDARD) ORNO.6 SPANNER SCREWS(HSS OPTION - NOT SHOWN)WIRE HARNESSRETAINING CLIP7. INSTALL INSIDE SPINDLE, BATTERIES, AND INSIDE ESCUTCHEON:NOTE: The lock is shipped with four AA alkaline batteries. Always use new, high quality alkaline batteries.A. Plug wiring harness into PC board.B. Tuck wiring harness under retaining clip as shown in detail.C. Install four AA batteries as shown, note polarity indication on battery holders.D. Insert inside spindle with flat side showing.E. Install inside escutcheon with four screws, making sure that the inside spindle engages the lever cam.F. Test operation of inside lever to make sure that latch retracts fully.INSIDE IBUTTONREADERWIRE HARNESS(CM5198 ONLY)
Form 51005 Rev. D 12-02-20028CM5100 COMPUTER MANAGED CYLINDRICAL LOCKINSTALLATION MANUALOPERATIONAL TEST:1. Push down and up on inside lever: latch shouldretract.2. Push down and up on outside lever. Lever shouldbe disengaged from retractor and door should notunlock.3. Insert mechanical key into cylinder and turn coun-terclockwise until it stops. Push down and up on theoutside lever. The door should unlock. (On units withATK option  you should see the green LED flash onthe keypad/reader when the key is turned.)4. If the unit has a keypad, enter the factory defaultaccess code:1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9as soon as “9” is pressed you should hear a quiet“whir” and the green LED should flash green for about10 seconds. During this time, push the handle  down -the lock should unlock. After the green LED stopsflashing you should hear another quiet “whir” and thelock should relock. Test the handle again to verify thatit is locked.Note: Refer to the Programming Guide for informationon entering iButton keys or cards to test them. Notethat some literature may refer to iButtons as “TEKs”or “TouchEntry Keys”.TROUBLE SHOOTING:PROBLEM: POSSIBLE CAUSE:Inside lever doesn’tretract latch: Inside spindle not installedMechanical key notworking: Wrong cam installed orcam installed in wrongposition. Outside spindlenot installed properly.Cylinder upside down.No response from key-pad/reader: Wiring harness not pluggedin/Batteries not installedproperly. Electronics prob-lem (consult tech. support)PROGRAMMING:Please refer to the programming guide, shipped withthe product, for instructions on manual programmingand creating master programming credentials. If com-puter programming is required, please refer to thedocumentation and help files included with the soft-ware for more information.OVERALL DIMENSIONS:This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device maynot cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including any interference that maycause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance couldvoid the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

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