ACCO 72268 PocketMouse Laser Wireless Pro User Manual Manual
ACCO Brands, Inc. PocketMouse Laser Wireless Pro Manual
Declaration of Conformity Compliance Statement for the Kensington PilotMouse Laser Wireless Pro The Kerlsirlgtorl PockelMDuse Pm wireless laser model nomsn complies with Ran 15 orthe KC Rules Dpemtlarl lssublectmtwomrldltlurlsv (ilmisdevite may not cause harmful rnlerierente,and, 12) this devrte must accept any lnterfererlce received, ineludlrlg interference that may cause undesired operation. As defined in Sectlurt 2.909 or the FC( Rules, the responsible party for this device is Kensingtdn cdmputer Pmducts Group. 333 Twlrl Dolphin Drive. a was, use International Sta ndards and Safety: This laser device mmplles with International Standard IEC EDEIS-IJUUI-W, Class 1 laser Product and also oomplies vvitri 11 cm mum and sinus. except for deviations pursuant to laser Notice Nr. so. dated Jul 25. 2001 1. Emission are parallel hem of lrl’rared user—Imlslble light; 2. Maximum Power or no mitrowatts cw. wavelength range 832—855 nannmeters; 3. Operatingtemp between a ' c tar F) m 417" c (mr F). culTloN This device has no serviceable parts. Use otcorttrols oradjuslmentsor performance of procedures otherthsnthose specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure Safety and Usage Guidelines 1. In the absence ofpropei operation and ircustorner initiated troubleshooting is unsuccessful, svvitch off device a nd call Kensington technical support. 2. Do not disassemble product orexpose it to liquid, humidity, moisture or terri peratures outside the specified operating ranges of o” c (32‘ F) to 40‘ c (104° F). 3. if your product is exposed to out of range temperatures, switch it off and allow temperature to return totlie normal operating range. Contacting Kensington Troubleshooting information and answers to frequeritlyasked questions are available 24 hours a day on the Kerlsingtorl Web site at www.kensingtonmm. Support by Telephone Technical Support is available by telephone. Please visit wwvvlcensingtontom forhours u. and Canada sun-5354142 Mexico szlsslsm-oozu Kevlsl'rlglorl and “(Dare registered tiadernaritsordcco andsfixrporatlurl rhe Kenslrlgmn Premise is a servite mart unite Brands corporation Mnnsewnrks is a registered u s trademark MMCO Brands Corporalmn NI other registered and unregistered lradernarlrs are the property or their respective owners ©2005 xensingrbn computer Products crpvp. a division quKO stands use uc Any unauthonzed copying duplicating.brotherrepnidirttiari artheconteriis herenflspmhlbtted vvithoiri wntterl tonseritirrrni Kensmgtnrl somputer Produnscronv.nll rights reserved. t/uo inisirnroieitonavna ”or iinitta usiisntv a ree rennini suflwm wunteniirrtumtan TheKerumgmnP/am nut—155 cro- tenszngteri computer Mints croup AKfl Burdt use uc AKtv an var Dulphlrlllrlve. Redwood shores EA MEGS Designed in (almnla,uSA b/Kznslrlgkwl Assembled in thin. Miami-imam Kensington' PocketMouse Pro ereless Laser Instruction Guide Kensingtorr sol—190341 A PtxketMollse Pro Wireless Laser 5 USB Wireless Receiver C 2 AA Batteries D Instruction Guide Components E Battery cover F Battery Cover Release Latch G use storage Release Button H use Receiver Storage Getting Started Your PocketMouse Pro Wireless Laser provides unrivaled precislon and convenience. To begin using your PilotMouse Laser wireless Pro, you will need to 1. lnstallthe batteries 1. Plug the use wireless Receiver into a use port on your computer. The PucketMouse Rro Wireless laser will then be ready to use. Battery Installation Vour PocketMouse FroWileless Laser requires twcl (2) AA batteries (ineludad). 1, Unlott battery cover release latch (r) on the bottom ofthe mouse. z. The eoverwlll pop open slightly as it unlocks 3. Withfirm grip, pullthe batteryeover upward and outward (e). A InstalltheincludedAAbatterles(C). Average battery life for yourwlreless mouse is He months, depending on usage. Making a Connection Vour usa ‘Mreless Reteiver is stored in the side ofthe mouse. 1. To open the storage compartment, pressfilmlyorl the use storage release button (0). 2, rheside doorvvill open, 2, Remove the usa wireless Reteiver from the storage compartment. 4. Plugthe use Wireless Retelver into anyavailable usa port on your tomputer. Vour mouseshould now be readytouse. TMPORIANT: rhis wireless devlce '< sImIIarto an FM radlo. the position ofyour ronrputer and surrounding objects lespecially metal objects) may ertert your wireless reception and range leverage range Is approximately 10 meters or anleeti, Nor unliheolderoptlralrnlce,at ermousedoes note Vour new rnousewitl op~ te correctly . en ttvou do not see a lig Programming Your Mouse Vou may program your mouse buttons by downloading the latest version of MouseWorks' software available at www.saftwareslrensinglon,(om, The install is optional; your mousewlll function without installing the software, Common Troubleshooting Steps 1, Unplugand rarplugthe receiver, Establish a new Wirelesseonneetion, 2, Install a fresh set of batteries in the mouse, 3. Test the device on another Usa port or computer A, Some surfaces may “trick"the laser sensor, such as reflective surfaces like glass or mirrors.The laser sensor should perform well on almost all otherstrrfaces. s. Ifyou would like to program buttons, have advanced arteleration eontrol or set a rest reminder, please visit www,saflware.kensington.wm to down load the latest MouseWcrks soflware Be sure to install the correetversiorl roryour mouse. Important: Computer User Health Information in reeentyears, medical attention on ooeupational iniuries has identified normal,seemingly harmless activities as a potential cause ofa Wide range of problems collectiwa known as Repetitive stress lnluries (RSI) or cumulative Trauma Disorders (ETD). it is now recognized that any repetitive motion may oohtributetothese health problemsAsa tomputeruser, you might also beat risk. By paying attention to thewayyou perform yourwoik, use your tomput- er and phone, playsports, and work around the house, you (arr ldentlfytlle behaviorsthat may be putting you at risla lfyou experience pain,swel|ingi numbness or weakness in yourwristsor hands (especially duringsleep), see yourphysiclan immediatelyrhesesymptoms could mean thatyou are developing a repetitive stress injury that requires prompt medical attention, For more detailed information, consult your doctor. Technical Support rethnioal support lsavailabletoall registered usersofxensington products. Thereis noclrargefortechnicalstrpportexceptthe cost ofthe phone rail, and longdlstance chargeswhere applicablerechnisal Support contact informa- tion can befound at the end ofthis instruction guide. Technical SupportTips - You mayfind the answerto your problem in the FrequentlyAslted Questions (FAQ) section ofthe Support area on the Kensington Website: gtonmm. . call fmm a phone where you have accessto your tomputer . Be prepared to providethe following information: - Name,address,andtelephone number The name ofthe Kensington product Make and modelofyourmmputer Vour system software and version symptoms ofthe problem and what led tothem 1-Vear Limited Warranty KENSlNOTUN COMPUTER PRODUCTS GROUP [“KEN5lNGTON'Jwarrantsthis product against dated; in mattrlaland workmanshlpundernwrnalust and serviretoronryearrmmthroriginaldate utpurchase KENSTNGTDN,at tsoptinn,shallrepairorreplaoethedelectiva unit covered bythlswarlanty Please retain thedatedsalesreteiptasevidenoeotthedate btpurthase Vouwlllneed it toraiiywanahtyservite lnmder to heepthis warlarny in streams product must have been handled and used as pressnbed inthe instrut— tionsaooompanyingthiswarontyThiswarontydoesnot mveranydarnagediletoaozldent,rnlsuse,al7dse or negligent! Thlswamntyisvalld onlyifihe pmdud is used withthe equipment speaiied an the product box Pleasecheckpmdud bnxfordetailsorcall KENfilNGTONtechnical support DISl'eLMMEROF WARRANTY EXCEPT FORTHE WARRANTY PROVlDED HERElN,TOTHE EXTENT PERMlTTED RV LAW, KENSlNUTON DiSCLAlMSALLWARPANTlES, [XPIZESSOR lMPLlED, lNCLUDlNCAttWARRANTlES OEMERCHANTABlLlTV AND/ORElTNESS FORAPflRTlClJLAR PURPOSE TOTHE EXTENTTHATANV lMPLlED WARRflNTlES MM NDNETHETESS EXTST IN OPERATlON OF tAW,ANYSLlLH MRRANTlES ARE thlTED TDTHE ONE VEAR DuRATlON OETHlS WARPANTV SOME STATES/PROM NC E5 DO NOTALLOW LlMlTATlONS ON HOW LONG AN lMPLlEDWARRANTY LA5T5,SO THE ABOVE LlMlTATlONS MAV NOTAPF‘LY TO VOU LIMITATION OF IIABIIITV REPATROR REPLACEMENTOFTHTS RRoDucTAs PROVTDED HtRElN. lstouitExctusli/E RtMEDv KENSTNOTON SHALLNOTBEUABLE FQRANVSPEETAL, lNClDENTAtORCONSEQUENTTALDAMAGES, lthuDlNo,suTNoT tiMlTEDTo, tosT REvENuEs, tosT RRorlTs,tossor usE orsorTWARE, toss uRREcoerv or DATA, RENTAl or REPLACEMENT EqulPMtNT, DOWNTTME, DAMAGETO PROPERTRANDTHlRD PARW CLATMSARTSTNG OUTOFANY THEORYOF REcovth. TNCLUDTNG WARRANTV, co NTRAcTsTATuTon oRToRT NoTWlTH— sTRNDlNoTHETERM OEANVLTMTTED WARRANTtortAval/ARRANTleRtltD BVLAWORTNTHEEVENT THATANY tluiTEDWARRANTv rAllsor iTs EssENTiAtRuRmsE, iN NO EVENTWiltRENslNoToN’s ENTlRE LlABlLlTV EXCEED THE vuRcHAsE PRTCEOF THls PRODUCT soMEsTATEs/PlaolecEs D0 NOTALLOWTHE ExctusloN OR llMlTATloN or lNClDENTAtORCONSEQUENTTAL DAMAGES, SOTHEABDVE thlTATloN on EXCiLlSlON MAY NOTAPMVTO vou THls WARRANTV GTVES vou sREclrlc tEnAtRchTsAND vouuAv A50 HAvE oTHER RchTs THATVARV rROlvt s TATE TosTATE AND PROVTNCE TO RRol/lNcE RF Technical Specifications single channeer Frequency 2 402 GHz Federal Communications Commission Ila Interference Statement Notes The Kmstrlgturl Roshowlouse Pru ‘Mteless laser has been tetcd and round to romply with the limitsrora ClassB digital t m, pursuarrtto Part 15 orthe rccRulesThese limitsare destgnedba provide reasonable protection ag st harmful intortorenra in areldmtial installation This equipment generates. uses and can radiate radio tmdueno/ eneigy and, rrmt installed and used in areordanee with the instructions, may muse harmttd interrerenoe to radio tornmurr'rations However, there is noguarantee that interferenee will not Dan in a partrorlar installation. lrthis equipmmtmuses harmful imrfcrencetn ra ortelovisionrroeptiorw carrbe determined llyttlnirlg the odijprnottofrand on the user is enmuragedtotryto oarreot the imarterenoe by one or more ofthe rollowrng measures: . Raoriantorroloratetheroosivingantema. ~ lnoeaoe the separation between the equipment and moover, ~ termed the equipment into an outlet on a ormt ditrerenl tronr that towhrdi the reenter ls mnnected. . consult the dealer ov an experienced radio/w tednnidan tor help MDHFTCMTDNS: Modinraitions not errpressly approved by Rendngton may void the user‘s authority moporate the devioe under rcc rcgulations and must not be made IMPORTANT Nore rec Radiation exposure Stateroom rho oouiomonr oonioliot wrih Fcc radiatron expofiua rimns set torth to an mntrdled onnronniont End users must follow the soeoiho operating instruotions tor salistyino or exposure mmnltance rnis trlmmtthv mun not be ao-toorhad or operating in wnlunmmn win any other ant-mu or banrnnuor Frequency
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