ACR Electronics ACR-RLB35 GlobalFix 406 User Manual Y1 03 0157A

ACR Electronics, Inc. GlobalFix 406 Y1 03 0157A

Product Manual

1Y1-03-0157  Rev. T1PRODUCTSUPPORTMANUALY1-03-0157Rev. T1GlobalFixTMTM 406Emergency PositionIndicating Radio BeaconFCC Type AcceptedProduct No. 2742 Cat. IProduct No. 2744 Cat. II  Owner  Vessel  Radio CallSignACR Electronics, Inc.5757 Ravenswood RoadFort Lauderdale, Fl 33312+1(954) 981-3333 • Fax +1 (954) 983-5087http://www.acrelectronics.comEmail:
2Y1-03-0157  Rev. T1* * *    WARNING   * * *THIS TRANSMITTER IS AUTHORIZED FOR USEONLY DURING SITUATIONS OF GRAVEAND IMMINENT DANGERDELIBERATE MISUSE MAYINCUR A SEVERE PENALTYAdvice to owners of Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs)                                                                                                                          Registration of 406 MHz satellite EPIRB with the EPIRB Registration Section ofthe national authority* is mandatory because of the global alerting nature of thesystem.The information provided in the Registration Card is used only for rescue pur-poses.Fill in the owner registration card immediately upon completion of the salestransaction. Mail the Registration Card immediately.If the beacon is to enter service immediately, complete the Registration Card andfax the information to the national authority. The original card must still be mailedto the national authority* for hard-copy reference and filing.If  the current owner is transferring the beacon to a new owner, the current owneris required to inform the national authority* by letter, facsimile or telephone, of thename and address of the new owner.The subsequent owner of the beacon is required to provide the national authority*with the information as shown on the owner Registration Card.This obligation transfers to all subsequent owners.*National AuthorityThe term “national authority” appears throughout this manual. Wherever thesewords appear, reference is made to the government body responsible for EPIRBregistration for the country in which the vessel            is registered. The addresses forvarious national authorities can be found on the Registration Card appropriate foryour vessel.The national authority in the U.S.A. is NOAA.  The NOAA registration telephoneno. is 1-888-212-7283 (toll free).Note:      In the U.S.A. please use the enclosed FCC FORM 506 to modify yourradio station license if necessary.  For information on whether you need aradiostation license, call 1-888-CALLFCC (toll free)SECTION 1 - THE SYSTEM23 Y1-03-0157  Rev. T1
22 Y1-03-0157  Rev. T1 3Y1-03-0157  Rev. T11.1 GENERAL1.1.1 This manual provides installation, operation and maintenance in-structions for the GlobalFix™ 406 Emergency Position IndicatingRadio Beacon, hereinafter referred to as the Beacon. This sectiondescribes the characteristics and details of the Beacon System. TheFCC authorizes the use of 406 MHz Radio Beacons by any ship thatis also equipped with a VHF Ship Station. This will make the 406MHz Radio Beacon available for use on most U.S. ships and boats.EPIRB carriage requirements are contained in USCG regulations.1.2  PURPOSE1.2.1 The GlobalFix™ 406 Beacon provides distress alerting via radiotransmission on 406 MHz to satellites of the COSPAS-SARSATnetwork and to the GEOSAR network that includes GPS latitude andlongitude coordinates.1.2.2 The message transmitted by the GlobalFix™ 406 is unique for eachEPIRB, which provides identification of the transmitter throughcomputer access of registration files maintained by the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration or other national authority.It is the user’s responsibility to fill out and mail the enclosedregistration form to the appropriate agency of the country underwhich the vessel is registered.  US flagged vessels send the en-closed NOAA/NESDIS form to NOAA in the stamped envelopeprovided. For vessels registered in other countries, the GlobalFix™406 must be reprogrammed by an ACR authorized programmingfacility for the registered country. Remember, if your EPIRB is notregistered, SAR Authorities do not know who you are, what type ofvessel, your homeport, or where to contact anyone who might knowanything about your situation.1.2.3 Once the GlobalFix™ 406 signal (406 MHz) is relayed through theCOSPAS-SARSAT and/or GEOSAR network alert, Search and Res-cue (SAR) forces, they can converge on the GPS navigation position.When the GlobalFix™ 406 is used,  SAR authorities can know yourprecise location immediately and speed up reaction time. The Glob-alFix™ 406 on board radio beacon transmitter (121.5 MHz) andhigh intensity xenon strobe light aid intermediate and short-rangelocation.1.2.4 Product number 2742 GlobalFix™ 406 may be deployed and acti-vated automatically by the built-in hydrostatic float free release.
4Y1-03-0157  Rev. T1Once free from the release bracket, the GlobalFix™ 406 willautomatically turn on if the water sensors are wet.1.2.5 Alternately, the GlobalFix™ 406 can be manually activated bylifting the thumb switch to a vertical position, sliding it towardthe antenna and pushing back down to the opposite side of theEPIRB.  Activating the beacon in this manner breaks off the"Activation Indicator Plastic Pin" and allows the switch toproperly seat, showing the " z " symbol (ON).1.2.6 Self contained long life batteries with a five-year recommendedreplacement cycle provide power. See Factory Authorized Ser-vice Center for replacement (Section 4.0 – Maintenance).1.2.7 Self-test is initiated by momentarily lifting the thumb switch toa vertical position and holding it in this position for at least twoseconds and at most 4 seconds.  A beep and the simultaneouslighting of the red LED indicate the initiation of the test.  Thebuzzer will beep an additional four times as the red LED lightssimultaneously.  The green LED will then light, followed by aflash of the strobe, indicating a successful test.  During self-test,an actual satellite message is transmitted while certain keyperformance parameters are measured and recorded. The self-test message is modified to prevent the satellite from forwardingan alert message during self-test. Warning                :  The following test should never be performedmore than once during the five-year life of the battery pack!1.2.8 If the thumb switch is held in the vertical position after theSelf-test has finished, the buzzer will beep and the red LED willlight simultaneously.  This beep and simultaneous red LEDindicates that the GPS has been turned ON and a live test of theinternal GPS has begun.  At this point the thumb switch shouldbe allowed to return to its normal OFF position.  The GPS willremain ON until good navigation data has been obtained or until10 minutes has elapsed.  If good navigation data has beenobtained, the GPS will be turned OFF and the green LED willlight for 2 to 3 seconds.  This navigation data is not       saved foruse when the beacon is turned ON.  A green LED indication isproof that the GPS is functioning properly and that the beacon isin a location or environment where it can receive the necessary21 Y1-03-0157  Rev. T1Universal Sea ShelterFigure 6
20 Y1-03-0157  Rev. T1ACR GlobalFix™ 406Figure 55Y1-03-0157  Rev. T1signals from satellites.  IF the GPS never gets good navigationdata, the GPS will turn OFF after 10 minutes and there will beno successful green LED indication.  This test should never beperformed more than once during the five-year life of thebattery pack to prevent excessive current drain!1.2.9 If the thumb switch is accidentally or inadvertently put in thevertical position (not in the OFF or ON position), the beaconwould still be turned ON and would drain the battery.  That thisshould happen accidentally or inadvertently is very unlikely.However, if this should occur, the beacon will sound a beeponce per second and will alternately flash the red and greenLED’s at a rate of one per second until the beacon is turnedOFF.  It is important that the beacon be turned OFF immediately(lowering the thumb switch to the OFF position, thumb switch atrest in the front position) if this alert is ever obtained.1.3 SATELLITE DETECTION1.3.1 The GlobalFix™ 406 transmits an encoded phase modulatedradio signal to the satellite portion of the COSPAS-SARSATSystem. The system was developed and implemented by theCOSPAS-SARSAT Partners (Russian Federation, Canada,France and the United States).1.3.2 COSPAS-SARSAT is an international system that uses RussianFederation and United States low altitude, near-polar orbitingsatellites that assist in detecting and locating activated121.5/243 MHz EPIRBs and 406 MHz Satellite EPIRBs. TheRussian Federation provides aboard COSMOS navigationspacecraft COSPAS payloads that are inter-operable with theSARSAT System. In addition to weather and environmentalsensors, SARSAT payloads, provided by Canada and France,are carried aboard the United States National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration’s (NOAA’s) Advanced TIROS en-vironmental satellites. (See Figure 1: Satellite Detection)1.3.3 COSPAS and SARSAT satellites receive distress signals fromsatellite EPIRBs transmitting on the frequency of 406.025 or406.028 MHz. The COSPAS-SARSAT 406 MHz satelliteEPIRB signal consists of a transmission of non-modulatedcarrier followed by a digital message format that providesidentification data. The 406 MHz system uses spacecraft-borne
6Y1-03-0157  Rev. T1equipment to measure and store the Doppler-shifted frequencyalong with the satellite EPIRB digital data message and time ofmeasurement. This information is transmitted in real time to anearth station called the Local User Terminal (LUT), which maybe within the view of the satellite, as well as being stored forlater transmission to other LUTs. In the real-time mode, thesignal detection is limited to a mutual EPIRB-satellite-LUTcircular visibility area of about 2500 km radius that moves withthe satellite along its track. However, because of the stored-mode capability at 406 MHz, the need for this mutual EPIRB-satellite-LUT visibility is not essential, and the system is fullyfunctional worldwide.1.3.4 The LUT processes the Doppler-shifted signal and determinesthe location of the satellite EPIRB; then the LUT relays theposition of the distress to a Mission Control Center (MCC)where the distress alert and location information is immediatelyforwarded to an appropriate maritime Rescue CoordinationCenter (RCC). The RCC dispatches Search and Rescue (SAR)forces.1.3.5 The COSPAS-SARSAT System includes 36 LEOSAR LUTstations, 6 GEOSAR LUT stations and 19 Mission ControlCenters that provide real-time as well as global-mode coveragefor the Northern Hemisphere, while the Southern Hemisphere ispresently served primarily by the global mode. Additional LUTsand MCCs are planned for installation in the near future both inthe northern and southern hemispheres.The addition of the GEOSAR Satellite system greatly improvesthe reaction time for a SAR event.  This satellite system has noDoppler capabilities at 406 but will relay the distress alert to anyof the LUT stations.  When there is GPS data included in thedistress message, SAR authorities instantly know where you arelocated.  This speeds up the reaction time by not having to waitfor one of the LEOSAR satellite's to come around.GEOSAR SATELLITE COVERAGEFigure 1SAR SATELLITE ORBITS19 Y1-03-0157  Rev. T1***  WARNING  ***THIS TRANSMITTER IS AUTHORIZED FOR USEONLY DURING SITUATIONS OF GRAVEAND IMMINENT DANGERFIGURE 4
18 Y1-03-0157  Rev. T1number or code which is broadcast on 406 MHz. Registrationprovides the Search and Rescue people with important informa-tion which will speed up the rescue operation and minimizefalse alarms.5.2 To register this EPIRB with NOAA (USA registration only),simply fill out and mail the provided form in the enclosedpre-addressed envelope to NOAA or fax the completed form toNOAA at (301) 457-5406.5.3 NOAA will supply a Beacon Registration decal which is to beaffixed to the GlobalFix™ 406. The recommended mountinglocation is on the front of bottom case above the instructionlabel.6.0 FALSE ALARMS6.1 Should there be, for any reason, an inadvertent activation orfalse alarm, it must be reported to the nearest search and rescueauthorities. The information that should be reported includes thesatellite EPIRB Unique Identifier Number                                            (UIN); date, time,duration, and cause of activation; and the location at the time ofactivation.6.2 Contact the following to report false alarms (US):Atlantic Ocean/Gulf of Mexico—USCG Atlantic Area Command CenterTel:  (212) 668-7055Pacific Ocean Area—USCG Pacific Area Command CenterTel: (510) 437-3700From any location—USCG HQ Command CenterTel: (800) 323-72337Y1-03-0157  Rev. T1Figure 21.3.6 Because most of the search and rescue forces presently are notequipped to home on the 406 MHz Satellite EPIRB signal,homing must be accomplished at 121.5 MHz.1.3.7 The GlobalFix™ 406 EPIRB is available in two combinations.The following product codes define the options available tomeet specific operational requirements:
8Y1-03-0157  Rev. T1te:  All models above conform to Class 1 Requirements(operations: –40°C to 55° C storage: -50°C to 70°C)1.4 AUTHORIZATIONS1.4.1 The GlobalFix™ 406 EPIRB meets the requirements of FederalCommunications Commission (FCC) Part 80 (Product No. 2742,2744) and GMDSS (Product No. 2742)1.5 CHARACTERISTICS1.5.1 The GlobalFix™ 406 EPIRB is a floatable, battery operated unit.The beacon case, with its external antenna, is waterproof. Thesemiconductor circuits are mounted within the case assembly thatalso contains the battery power supply. A “Test/On” switch isinstalled on top of the beacon, along with a strobe light. Thebeacon must be stored in its special mount, free of obstructionsaboard a vessel for automatic float-off. The unit is self-buoyant andno external floatation devices are required.1.6 TECHNICAL DATA - GlobalFix™ 4061.6.1 Applicable DocumentsRTCM Standard for 406 MHz Satellite EPIRBsCOSPAS-SARSAT Document C/S T.001 Oct. 99FCC Part 80 (Model No. RLB-35) and GMDSS (Product No. 2742)Prod. No. Model No. Cat. I Cat. II2742 RLB-35 X2744 RLB-35 X17 Y1-03-0157  Rev. T14.3 The hydrostatic release unit (HRU) must be replaced by the dateindicated on the float free mounting bracket. The hydrostaticrelease can be replaced by removing the Beacon from thebracket, then sliding the hydrostatic release assembly out of thekeyed opening on the spring and mounting bracket. Insert thenew hydrostatic release assembly, in place by engaging it to theopening of the ejection spring and case. When servicing theHRU, ACR strongly recommends replacing the entire hydro-static assembly, including hydrostatic release, release rod andall hardware (P/N 9367). Always use original ACR replacementparts. Use of unauthorized replacement parts may void yourwarranty. Place beacon into the mounting bracket, and replacecover, securing in place with hitch pin going through the hydro-static release rod.4.4 The battery (P/N 1096) must be replaced by the date indicatedon the beacon. At each inspection, check the time remaininguntil replacement is required.NOTE: There are no user serviceable items inside the EPIRB.DO NOT OPEN THE EPIRB UNLESS TO DISABLE INCASE OF FAULTY ACTIVATION.Refer all long life battery replacement and other internal EPIRBservice to a factory authorized service center.For the nearest location of a factory authorized service center,call 1-800-432-0227 Ext. 112 (toll free).4.5 The GlobalFix™ 406 contain lithium batteries which are notsubject to the requirements of the DOT Subchapter C, Haz-ardous Materials Regulations, because they meet the UnitedNations Classification of LiS02 Batteries for Shipment of "Non– Dangerous".5.0 REGISTRATION5.1 It is imperative that this EPIRB be registered with NOAA(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) in the USAor with your own national authority.The EPIRB has been programmed with a unique identification
16 Y1-03-0157  Rev. T13.7 INTERNAL GPS3.7.1 The GlobalFix™ 406 is fitted with an internal Global Position-ing System receiver that will determine the navigational coordi-nates, latitude and longitude, of its position on the globe to betransmitted to the emergency system.  When the GlobalFix™406 is turned ON, the GPS is immediately turned ON and itimmediately begins acquiring data.  Initially the red LED, LightEmitting Diode, flashes once per second to indicate the Global-Fix™ 406 is turned ON and operating.  As soon as the GPSreceiver acquires good navigational data the red LED stopsblinking and the green LED flashes once per second to indicatethat the internal GPS receiver has acquired good navigationaldata.  Once good navigational data has been obtained the GPSreceiver waits for 20 minutes before looking for new naviga-tional data again.  If for any reason a time period of 4 hourspasses without the GPS receiver being able to update the lastgood set of navigational data, the message transmitted by theGlobalFix™ 406 will revert back to default data.  At this pointthe green LED will stop blinking and the red LED will flashonce per second.  If at any time after this, good navigationaldata is obtained, this data will be transmitted, the red LED willstop blinking and the green LED will flash once per second.4.0 MAINTENANCE (Check antenna for tightness)4.1 At least every ninety days, the float free mounting bracket andGlobalFix™ 406  EPIRB should be inspected for deteriorationand/or buildup that may affect the function of the beacon orautomatic release.Also carefully inspect the EPIRB case for any visible cracks.Cracks may admit moisture, which could falsely activate thebeacon or otherwise cause a malfunction.  Any cracking ob-served should be immediately referred to ACR for evaluation,(1-800-432-0227 Ext. 112)4.2 Clean the beacon and the mounting bracket to remove residuebuildups. It is recommended that the mounting bracket bewaxed with a high quality marine wax.9Y1-03-0157  Rev. T11.6.2 Specifications406 MHz Transmitter                                   Frequency 406.025 MHzFrequency Stability ±2 parts per billion/100msOutput Power 5 wattsDigital MessageFormat Serialized1Duration 520 ms Rate 400 bpsEncoding Biphase LModulation ±1.1  radians peak1 Leaves ACR with Serialized U.S. code but can be reprogrammed at aService center to Maritime MMSI.121.5 MHz Transmitter                                      Frequency  121.5 MHzFrequency Tolerance ±50 ppmOutput Power 25 mW PEPModulationType AM (3K20A3X)Sweep Range 400 to 1200 HzSweep Rate 3 HzDuty Cycle 37.5%Antenna              Frequency 406.025 & 121.500 MHzPolarization VerticalVSWR Less than 1.5/1Xenon Strobe                      Light Color WhiteOutput Power 0.75 effective candelaFlash Rate 20—30 per minuteGeneral/Environmental                                      Battery LifeOperating 48 hours minimumReplacement Interval 5 yearsSizeEPIRB less Antenna 9.0" (22.86 cm)Antenna 7.5" (19.05 cm)
10 Y1-03-0157  Rev. T1Material, EPIRB High impact and UV resistant plasticColor YellowWeight 2.1 lbs.Temperature RangeOperating Class I -40°C to +55°C Stowage Class I -50°C to +70°CMounting Case (Product No. 2742)                                                         Construction        White High Impact and UV resistant plastic Size 6.5" x 17.1"  (16.51 cm x 43.4 cm)Release System Hydrostatic with manual overrideHydrostatic Release Kits                                        No. 9367 GlobalFix™ 406Optional Mounting Brackets are available for Product No. 2742.                                                                                                       Construction White High Impact and UV resistant plasticSize 5.3" x 6.9"  (13.5 cm x 17.5 cm)EPIRB BLOCK DIAGRAMFIGURE 3USER /PROGRAMMINGINTERFACEMCP406 / 121.5 MHz RFAMPLIFIER15 Y1-03-0157  Rev. T11) Returning the thumb switch to the original OFF position.If automatically activated:1) Removing the beacon from the water. The beacon normally takesup to 12 seconds to deactivate, or2) Placing the beacon back into the release bracket.3.5.2 If the beacon continues to operate after it has been deactivated,remove the four screws holding the unit together and unplug thebattery to disable the unit.  Return it to a service center for repair.3.6 TEST3.6.1 The GlobalFix™ 406 can be tested in or out of the release bracket.A Self Test is initiated by lifting the thumb switch to a verticalposition and holding it in this position for at least two seconds.  Theinitiation of the test is indicated by a beep and the simultaneouslighting of the red LED.The sequence of tests is:1.  Check Data Integrity...................Beep and lights up red LED if passed.....................................................Stop if failed2.  Check 406 MHz Synthesizer ......Beep and lights up red LED if passed.....................................................Stop if failed3.  Check RF Power/Battery............Beep and lights up red LED if passed.....................................................Stop if failed4.  Check internal GPS ....................Beep and lights up red LED if passed.....................................................Stop if failed5.  Turn on green LED to indicate Successful Test.6.  Flash Strobe Light to test Strobe.If all of the above occurs, the test has been successful.NOTE: The homing beacon at 121.5 MHz is inhibited during self test.3.6.2 It is strongly recommended to test the GlobalFix™ 406 on a Monthlybasis.
14 Y1-03-0157  Rev. T13.2 AUTOMATIC DEPLOYMENT & DEACTIVATION(Product No. 2742 only)3.2.1 Automatic deployment and activation occurs when the vesselsinks and a hydrostatic release device frees the beacon from thebracket allowing it to float to the surface. Built-in sensors detectthat the beacon is no longer in its bracket and is in water. Thiscondition will automatically activate the beacon.Note:  Transmissions of the 121.5 MHz and 406 MHz signalwill not occur until 50 seconds after activation.3.3 MANUAL DEPLOYMENT & ACTIVATION3.3.1 The GlobalFix™ 406  can be manually deployed by removingthe retaining pin, removing the cover, then removing the beaconfrom the bracket. Once removed, the beacon can be activated bybeing placed in water or by lifting the thumb switch towards theantenna and placing the thumb switch back down on the oppo-site side of the EPIRB.  Activating the beacon in this mannerbreaks off the Activation Indicator Plastic Pin and exposes the"ON" symbol  " z " on the thumb switch indicating that thebeacon is turned "ON".Note:  Some countries fine vessel owners for causing falsealarms. The permanent breakage of the Activation IndicatorPlastic Pin is a positive indication of a manual activation.3.4 MANUAL ACTIVATION WITHOUT DEPLOYMENT3.4.1 The GlobalFix™ 406 can be activated while still in its bracketby placing the thumb switch in the ON position. Activation bythis method overrides all sensors and turns the beacon “ON”.The caution note above still applies.3.5 DEACTIVATION3.5.1 The GlobalFix™ 406 can be deactivated by:If manually activated:11 Y1-03-0157  Rev. T1SECTION 2 - INSTALLATION  (Attach antenna tightly onto unit)2.1 MOUNTING LOCATION (Product No 2742)2.1.1 The GlobalFix™ 406 float-off mounting bracket should bemounted securely to a vertical or horizontal surface (the mounthas predrilled holes for attachment to a flat surface) where thereare no overhead obstructions. Location aboard a vessel must bechosen to allow the EPIRB to float free of sinking craft and ashigh as possible especially on small vessels. This will helpensure operation of the hydrostatic release unit in the event thevessel capsizes without sinking.2.1.2 The location selected must be sufficiently rigid to support theweight of the total installation and at the same time considervibration, exposure to the elements, exposure to surroundinghazards such as equipment movement, doors being opened,accidental covering, personnel traffic, etc., and yet be readilyaccessible at all times for the emergency use for which thebeacon is intended.2.1.3 Also to be considered in selecting a location for installation isthe harmful effect that certain corrosive vapors might have onthe beacon. Under no circumstances should a location be se-lected for installation where the beacon would be jeopardizedby any foreign articles being temporarily or permanently posi-tioned during “at sea” or “in port” activities.CAUTION:                      Care must be taken to prevent any lanyard, line, orother emergency equipment that may be attached to the beaconfrom becoming entangled or fouled which could prevent thebeacon from being removed in an emergency.2.1.4 The GlobalFix™ 406 float-off mounting bracket should besecurely attached to the vessel. The use of #10 stainless steelhardware is recommended.2.1.5 Do not mount the GlobalFix™ 406 in the vicinity (2 meters) ofstrong magnetic (such as loud speakers) or electric (such asradar or high power radio transmitter) fields.
12 Y1-03-0157  Rev. T12.1.6 Consideration should be given to mounting the GlobalFix™406 in a vertical (antenna upward position). In certain circum-stances, such as medical emergencies or disabled vessels, man-ual activation of the EPIRB for location and homing purposes issometimes requested. Mounting in this orientation provides thebest homing signal.2.2 VISUAL INSPECTION2.2.1 Visually inspect the area surrounding the mounting bracketinstallation site for hidden hazards, obstacles, etc., that mayhave been overlooked during selection. If there is any doubt asto the ready accessibility to the beacon at all times or if anycondition may appear to be questionable, make complete andthorough investigation before making final approval of theinstallation.2.3 HYDROSTATIC RELEASE DATING INSTRUCTION2.3.1 The label on the hydrostatic release mechanism inside of thebracket and the replacement date label on the outside of thebracket MUST be dated with the date of expiration at time ofinstallation according to coastal marine authority regulations.To record the expiration date on the hydrostatic release mecha-nism, remove the perforated dates of the label to indicate themonth and year two years from date of installation.  Write thedate of expiration with an indelible marker on the label appear-ing on the outside cover.SECTION 3 - OPERATION3.1 GENERAL3.1.1 The GlobalFix™ 406 Beacon Model 2742 is designed to beautomatically deployed and activated. The GlobalFix™ 406may also be hand held on the deck of vessels, or floated in waterand attached to a raft or life vest with the lanyard provided. TheGlobalFix™ 406 is designed to operate best while floating inwater. Hand held operation should be avoided when possible.13 Y1-03-0157  Rev. T1Do not operate inside liferaft or under any similar cover orcanopy.3.1.2 The GlobalFix™ 406 Beacon can be deployed and activatedmanually.3.1.3 Because many users failed to properly place earlier generationbeacons in the “ARMED” or “READY” positions when in-stalling them in their brackets, U.S. and International specifica-tions require the elimination of the “OFF” switch position andthe inclusion of sensors to automatically activate the beaconunder specific conditions.The GlobalFix™ 406 is equipped with sensors to detect whenit is no longer in its bracket (a deployment condition) and othersensors to determine if it's in water.Two conditions must be satisfied for the GlobalFix™ 406 toautomatically activate:1) It must be out of its bracket,2) It must be in the water,Note: Either condition by itself will not activate the beacon.3.1.4 The GlobalFix™ 406 is designed to allow the user to performperiodic testing while EPIRB is in the release bracket to assurea functioning beacon.3.1.5 Place the GlobalFix™ 406 Product No. 2742 into the releasebracket with the coiled lanyard inward. The beacon should nowbe firmly held in the release bracket and ready for automaticdeployment.

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