AGD SYSTEMS 342100 AGD342-100-xxx Speed Enforcement Ranging Radar User Manual 342PM ISS07 indd

AGD SYSTEMS LTD AGD342-100-xxx Speed Enforcement Ranging Radar 342PM ISS07 indd

User manual

ISO 14001RegisteredEnvironmentalManagement015ISO 9001RegisteredQualityManagement015PRODUCT MANUAL©AGD Systems Limited 2013 Doc. Ref. 342 PM ISS8
2INTRODUCTION   Product & technology  3   Key features  3   Typical applications  4   Product overview  4INSTALLATION    Radar mounting geometry  5 Radar mounting height  6 Selecting a suitable site  6  Radar in normal operation  6SYSTEM HARDWARE OVERVIEW   System hardware overview  7   RS422 serial interface   8   Temperature sensor   8   Power supply   9   Radar characteristics  10SOFTWARE FUNCTIONALITY   Overview   11RADAR COMMANDS     Radar Commands  12   Radar Command list   13   *TS Command & Hardware self-test  14-15   *SR Command  & the 50KHz Reference Clock  16   *IQ Port Command  16MESSAGE FORMATS     Event Start message   17   Event End message   18-19   Heart Beat message   20   Tuning Fork message  21   Event Quality message  22-23   Radar messages in normal operation  24   Explanatory notes for radar event & quality messages  25   Radar Error messages  26-27CRC8 C CODE WORKED EXAMPLE  28ANTENNA PLOTS   29TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS   Product specification  30TEST & CALIBRATION   Dedicated test equipment  31MANUFACTURING TEST PROCESS   Hyperion Test Equipment  32END OF LIFE – DISPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS (EOL)  33IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION   Safety precautions  34   Low power non-ionising radio transmission and safety  35DISCLAIMER 36  Warranty  36TABLE OF CONTENTS
3INTRODUCTIONPRODUCT & TECHNOLOGYKEY FEATURES •Radarreportsspeedandrangetoeachevent •Speedmeasurementfrom20kphto320kphacrossmultiplelanes •Targetrangemeasurementfrom2-60metres •Candiscriminatebetweenapproachingandrecedingtrafc •Customdesignedplanarantenna •Easeofintegrationtohostsystem •HighspeedRS422serialcommunicationstohostequipment •Hardwaretargetsimulationbuiltintotheradar •Continuousradarselfcheckfeatures342The 342 has been designed specifi cally to measure the speed and range of passing vehicles for enforcement purposes in multiple lanes. The radar is able to track up to eight target signals in both approaching and receding directions simultaneously.The radar offers fi xed and mobile deployment options in conjunction with a host photographic based enforcement system.342
4INTRODUCTIONTYPICAL APPLICATIONSMultiple lane control from fi xed infrastructure                        Multiple lane control from mobile systems     PRODUCT OVERVIEWTripod mounting pointFlange mounting pointsPower Low / High LEDPower/Test connectorRS422 Dataconnector
5INSTALLATIONRADAR MOUNTING GEOMETRY4976mm4006mm2747mm-3dB22º22ºThe radar is to be installed with the bore of the radar at 22˚ from the direction of travel of the targets in the lanes. It can be installed at a height in the range 1m to 5m with various considerations. When installed, especially if it is placed inside host equipment, it is important that the radar’s radome is not covered or interrupted as this will distort the radar’s beam and/or affect the sensitivity of the radar.The typical coverage of the radar is shown in the following diagram.342 Beam AnalysisMounting Height: 4mMounting Angle: 7.5˚ below horizontalTargets: vehicle refl ection assumed from a height of 1m
6INSTALLATIONRADAR MOUNTING HEIGHTThe radar can be installed at different heights but operation is best in the height range 1m to 3.5m. The radar can be mounted up to a height of 5m but it is important to understand that at these higher mounting heights the vertical cosine will affect the speed reading of the radar to progressively under-read for increasing heights for lanes that are too close to the radar.It is therefore recommended that a minimum off-set, that is, a minimum perpendicular distance from the mounting position to the nearest enforceable lane is adopted as shown in the following table.SELECTING A SUITABLE SITEWhen choosing to deploy the radar on a site the following is a non-exhaustive list of considerations which should be taken into account; •Dothelane(s)haveameasurableradiuswhichcausethevehiclestotravelonanarcaroundtheradar? •Doestheroadssurfaceslopeinadirectionexcessivelywhichmeansdeploymentisnotpossibleorneeds to be accounted for in the set-up/alignment process of the radar. •Isthenearestlanetobecoveredgreaterthanthespeciedoffsetgiventheproposeddeploymentheightfortheradar? •Arethereanylargereectingsurfacesdirectlyinfrontorbehindtheradarmountingposition?RADAR MESSAGES IN NORMAL OPERATIONWhen the radar is installed and aligned correctly it will perform to specification.Mounting Height Minimum OffsetRadar Declination Angle Comment1-2m 2m 0º3m 3m 0º4m 4m 7.5º TBC5m 6m 7.5º TBC
7SYSTEM HARDWARE OVERVIEWSYSTEM HARDWARE OVERVIEWMicrowave Transceiver ModuleI Q  Vt  M PLLTransmitter Modulation ControlCo-processorTarget SimulatorNon Volatile MemoryDigital Signal ProcessorAnalogue to Digital ConvertersTest ConnectionsI   QTemperature SensorRS422
8SYSTEM HARDWARE OVERVIEWRS422 SERIAL INTERFACEA UART interface is provided that uses RS422 voltage levels on the communications connector. The default baud rate for this interface is 115200. This however maybe changed using the *BAUD command to speeds of up to 926000. The *BAUD command must be followed by a *PUS command to store the new value to non-volatile memory. This new value will be used next time the radar reboots. The serial interface default setup during normal operation is shown in table below.The RS422 provides the primary output of the radar in the form of ASCII messages.  The communications connector is a Bulgin PXO412/08P connector, mating type PX0410/08S/6065.  The pin out of the connector is shown in the table below.  TEMPERATURE SENSORA temperature sensor has been installed in the radar. The temperature of the radar may be requested using the *TEMP command.default uart settings  Parameter  Value  Baud rate  115200  Data bits  8  Parity bits  odd  Stop bits  1  Flow control  Noners422 ConneCtor ConneCtions  Pin No  Signal  Description1 A(RX+) RS422Signals2 B(RX-)3 Z(TX+)4 Y(TX-) 5  Not connected  6  Not connected  7  GND  Ground or 0V 8  Not connected
9SYSTEM HARDWARE OVERVIEWPOWER SUPPLYThe radar is powered using a DC voltage in the range of 10 to 16 Volts. This is supplied on the power and test connector. This connector is a Bulgin PXO412/06P mating type PX0410/06S/4550.Reverse polarity protection is included in the design. The radar can take a large current during power up that is of the order of amps which only lasts for ~1ms and as such should not affect most applications.A thermal fuse with a 750mA rating has been installed to protect against electrical short circuit fault conditions.Power-Up SequenceUpon initialisation from power-up or *REBOOT the radar will respond with the following sequence of messages;AGD SYSTEMS LTD AGD342 RANGING ENFORCEMENT RADARFirmware Version MI-146-2-P2Firmware Compile Time 10:21:21 Dec  5 2012Co-Processor Firmware MI-147-1,Nov 12 2012........HB,00000000*FDWhilst the radar is carrying out its self-test functions a series of decimal points will appear. When finished the radarwillreportaHeartbeat(HB)messagetoindicatetheradarhassuccessfullyinitialisedandisnormallyoperating. The host system should not send the radar any messages whilst it is initialising. Messages should be sent to the radar after the HB is received. The radar will always send an initial HB message after initialising following power-up even when the HB message is turned off.Power Supply ToleranceThe radar power supply is specified between 10 and 16Vdc. These are the limits applied on test and calibration. The radar will operate outside this range but its operation is not specified. At 12V dc the current is 250mA.When VSUPPLY<10Vdc(butenoughtopowertheradar)theLEDwillpermanentlyIlluminated.When VSUPPLY>16Vdc(butbelowfuselimit)theLEDwillash.power / test ConneCtor ConneCtions  Pin No Signal Description1REF Reference frequency  RS422 voltage levels2REF3 I Do not connect.I and Q port connections for directly measuring received signal or for  simulated signal injection4 Q5VIN Supply voltage 10 to 16Vdc6GND Supply ground
1010IMPORTANTSYSTEM HARDWARE OVERVIEWRADAR CHARACTERISTICSThe radar has been designed to have a specific set of functional characteristics which make it suitable for speed measurements for enforcement applications.Radar AntennaThe antenna design is a planar patch array with the following performance;Operating Frequency Band and PowerThetransmitterisaPhaseLockedLoop(PLL)controlledMMICbasedoscillator.Thedesigncondencemeansthat the nominal centre frequency of the transmission shall remain within a 10MHz window for the required  7 years for a radar functioning normally.The change in frequency with temperature is measured to be ≤ ±1.21MHz over the operating temperature  range-20ºCto+60ºC.The radar frequency and power is as follows;Parameter Specified NotesHorizontal Beam-width 4.5˚ -3dB(HPBW)Vertical Beam-width 15˚ -3dB(HPBW)Side-lobe Suppression >15dBE-Field Horizontal Plane PolarisedParameter Specified NotesOperating Frequency Band 24.075 – 24.125 GHzFrequencyModulation(FM) 9.4MHzPower  <100mW eirpField Strength Typically 450mV/m At 3mITU Code 9M4FXN
11SOFTWARE FUNCTIONALITYOVERVIEWThe 342 radar uses a real time operating system that continuously samples the input. The radar is continuously performing a number of tasks simultaneously using a time multiplexing method. The main data capture and processing task flow diagram is shown below.StartData CapturePerform FFTsFind Range of TargetsDetect Possible Targets  in FFT DataRemove Poor  Quality TargetsAdd Accurate Speed MeasurementAssociate Detections  to TracksTuning Fork TestProcess Track Information (PTI)
12RADAR COMMANDSRADAR COMMAND OVERVIEWCommands are used to control the operation of the radar. These are sent over the RS422 UART link.Commands are immediately followed by an operator that indicates the required action. Not all operators are supported for all commands. Where an operator is used and it is not supported the radar will respond with a warning message. The table shows the operators that are used by the radar.Operator Operation=  Set something to a value e.g. *LS=50<CR> sets low speed threshold to 50?  Respond with value or values^  Set default value for parameter$  Provide help on the command!  Do something e.g. *REBOOT! Reboots the radarCommand OperatorsWhere a command is used to enquire or set a radar parameter the radar will respond in a set way. The radar will respond with a hash, #, followed by the command name, operator used and then the value of parameter or parameters.For example  *LS=50<CR>    Radar responds with #LS=50km/Hr<CR> *LS?<CR>  Radarrespondswith#LS?50km/Hr<CR> *FSN?<CR>  Radarrespondswith#FSN?11111111,22222222,3333333,4444444<CR>Where a function requires to provide more feed back than can fit on a single line the radar will prefix each line with a # followed by the command name. An example of this is the MOTOROLA-FLASH command.Communications Command Interpreter Error messageIf the user enters incorrect syntax or tries to set a parameter out of range this will be reported as an error.  The radar will return #ERROR followed by a description of the error.
13RADAR COMMANDSRADAR COMMAND LISTCommand Function Units, Resolution or Values*BAUD           Used to enquire/set baud rate of radar*BAUD=115200<CR> *BAUD?<CR> Programmed baud rate is used the next time the radarisrebooted(Default115200)Range: 115200 - 921600*CRC32          Reports the CRC for the currently installed program in the Flash*CRC?<CR>*DEFAULTS        Sets the default values for the radar *DEFAULTS!<CR>*DIR             Used to enquire/set radar direction detection mode*DIR=A<CR>(Default=R)A=advance                                                         R = recede                                                         D = dual direction*ESD             Used to enquire/set the event start distance. This is the distance a target has to travel before an event start message is sent, in metres.*ESD=1.0<CR> *ESD?<CR>(Default2.0m)Range:1-5m*FSN             Reports the security serial numbers of the radar's flash memories*FSN?<CR>Enquire Flash serial number values*HBP             Enquire/set the heart beat period that is measured in frames. Setting this to zero turns off the heart beat*HBP?<CR>Enquirevalue(Default60) *HBP=5<CR> Set heart beat period to 5 secondsRange: 0 - 86400 seconds*IQPORT Enquire/set the IQ port configuration as input or output.Not Implemented*IQPORT=ø<CE>settooutput(default)*IQPORT = I<CE> set to input*LS              Used to enquire/set the low speed threshold speed*LS?<CR>Enquirewhatthresholdspeedis*LS=50<CR>   Set threshold to 50 of current                             speed units    (Default20kph)Range:20kph-160kph*PUS             Program current user parameters into flash memory *PUS!<CR>*REBOOT          Used to force a hardware reset of the radar *REBOOT!<CR>*SN              Normally used to enquire about radar serial number *SN?<CR>Enquireaboutradar’sserialnumber*SR              Used to enquire the radars measured sample rate      *SR?<CR>*SU              Used to enquire / set the speed units type*SU=K<CR>     Set speed units to Kph *SU=M<CR>    Set speed units to Mph *SU?<CR>Enquirewhatspeedunits arebeingused(DefaultM)*TEMP     Reports the temperature measured inside the radar *TEMP?<CR>*TS              Self-Test; used to simulate a target *TS=1,A<CR>*VS This command is used to enquire about the radars power supplies voltage levels *VS?<CR>AGD              Provides radar software version AGD<CR>LIST This command lists the available commands LIST!<CR>HELP Lists all commands along with command help information HELP<CR>MOTOROLA_FLASH    Used to reprogram the radars firmware The new program is in motorola hex format*EEDUsed to enquire/set the event exit distance. This is the distance, in metres, a target has to travel after its last detection before a event exit message is sent.*EED=2<CR>   Set EED distance to 2m(Default1.2m)Range:1-5m*VER This command is used to enquire the versions of the firmware of the main and co-processors *VER?<CR>*TFM This command is used to enable or disable tuning fork messages*TFM=1<CR>  Enable tuning fork messages*TFM=0<CR>  Disable tuning fork messages(Default0)STATUS Used to enquire radar configuration and status STATUS!<CR>
14RADAR COMMANDS*TS COMMAND & HARDWARE SELF-TESTThe radar has a built in hardware based target simulator. This command is used to perform a self-test using this built in target simulation hardware. There are twelve targets that maybe simulated in either receding or approaching directionsThe format of the command is:  *TS=<Target Number>,<Direction><CR>The target parameters for each target are shown in the table below.For example *TS=1,A<CR>Radar Response; <STX>ES,000018F7,00000003,X,050.0,M,016.0*16<ETX><CR> #TS:COMPLETE<CR> <STX>EE,000019CD,00000003,X,050.0,M,016.0,025.2,022.0*DA<ETX><CR> <STX>QM,000019CD,00000003,X,050.0,00.00,M,104.4,100,100*7A<ETX><CR>Target Number Speed(MPH) Range (Metres) Distance Travelled in  Beam (Metres)150 16 25280 16 103120 16 104190 16 10550 32 25680 32 107120 32 108190 32 10950 64 2510 80 64 1011 120 64 1012 190 64 10
15RADAR COMMANDS*TS COMMAND & HARDWARE SELF-TEST (CONTINUED)It is recommended that the system uses the following pass/fail criteria for acceptance to specification for a radar self-test. It is also recommended that after power-up of the radar, the host system calls the radar self-test function to simulate at least one approaching and one receding target. When in Bi-Directional mode the radar will report both advancing and receding simulated targets. When in Advance Mode the radar will only accept and report simulated targets that are advancing. If a recede simulated target is requested the radar processing will reject the target as ‘wrong direction’ and only #TS:COMPLETE<CR>message will be sent as confirmation that the simulation has been completed. When in Recede mode vice versa. The hardware target simulator is fully independent of the radar measurement system. This is used to verify the operation of the radars measurement circuitry. The self-test does NOT operate automatically on power-up of the radar. During simulation the microwave front end is disconnected from the ADC to avoid any possible interference with the simulation.The radar self-test function can be called at any time using the *TS command.The *TS command calls a pre-loaded simulated test target condition. There is a selection of pre-loaded test target conditions as set out.As the test targets are a true simulation of a real target the respective event messages from the radar will occur at differing times dependant on the simulation called. i.e the time between the Event Start Message and the Event End Message will be significantly longer if  a simulation is for a slow long target than if a simulation for a fast short target is selected.To distinguish real targets from simulated targets the radar inserts an X or a Y in the direction fields of all related messages produced.Parameter Criteria For Event Start MessageCriteria For Event End MessageCriteria For Quality MessageSpeed ≤±0.2(mphorKm/h) ≤±0.2(mphorKm/h) N/ADistance ≤ ± 0.5 m ≤ ± 0.5 m N/AEvent Length N/A ≤ ± 0.5 m N/ADirection 100% correct 100% correct N/AChecksum 100% correct 100% correct 100% correctPeakPowerSpeed(PPS) N/A N/A ±0.5 of simulated speedPPS Standard Deviation N/A N/A <TBDPeak Power N/A N/A >TBD% Speed readings N/A N/A >95%% Range Readings N/A N/A >95%
16RADAR COMMANDS*SR COMMAND  & THE 50KHZ REFERENCE CLOCKThe *SR command is used to enquire about the radars measured sample rate. This is an additional self-test feature to confirm correct operation of the radar to specification.For example   *SR?<CR>Radar Response #SR?50002.21<CR>There is no pass/fail criteria for the host system for this response as the radar periodically performs this test against pre-set criteria.The radar uses an analogue to digital converter, ADC, to digitise the received signals. The ADC clock source is derived from a crystal on the digitiser board. The crystal used has a frequency of 12.0MHz. This clock is divided down by 240 to give a reference clock frequency of 50.0KHz.The reference clock is provided on balanced line outputs compatible with RS422 signal levels.The radar constantly monitors the sampling frequency by comparing how long the radar takes to collect data samples by using the processors crystal as a reference, which is independent from the ADC clock source. Measurements are compared approximately every five seconds and if measurements show a large enough error then the radar will send an error message 06. The last measurement of the ADC clock frequency can be accessed at any time by using the *SR command.*IQ PORT COMMANDThis command is used to enquire or set the IQ port configuration as input or output. The IQ port is default  set to an output.For example  *IQPORT?<cr>Radar response #IQPORT?0The IQ port provides connections that may be used to observe or inject IQ signals for independent test house measurement performance verification. When the IQ port is configured as an input the radar will disconnect from the microwave module and connect its baseband circuitry to the IQ port pins. The radar will measure injected events in the normal way and the radar will mark detected targets with a direction field of X or Y depending on the direction of the target indicating the test condition.It should also be noted that the IQ Port can be configured as an input.
17MESSAGE FORMATSRADAR EVENT MESSAGESEvent Start messageThis message is sent after the radar has established that a vehicle has entered the radar’s beam. The numbers above the boxes in the diagram below indicate how many bytes are used for each field. Event Start message formatName Size / Bytes Value NotesSTX 1 2 Start of message byteMT 2‘ES’ = Event Start Message type, 1 ‘,’ CommaFrame Number 8XXXXXXXX Frame number in hexadecimal format, 1 ‘,’ CommaTarget Number 8XXXXXXXX Target identification number in hexadecimal format, 1 ‘,’ CommaDirection 1‘A’ = Approaching Target ‘R’ = Receding Target ‘X’ = Simulated approaching target ‘Y’ = Simulated receding targetDirection the target is travelling. , 1 ‘,’ CommaSpeed 5‘DDD.D’ Target speed to one decimal place in decimal format, 1 ‘,’Speed Units 1‘M’=MPH‘K’=km/hrThe speed units used for the measurement, 1 ‘,’ CommaTarget Range 5‘DDD.D’ Target range in metres* 1 ‘*’ AsteriskCheck Sum 2‘XX’ Check sum in hexadecimal formatETX 1 3 End of message byteMT ,S T X, , ,D U, , * E T XFrame  Number Target  Number SpeedSpeed UnitsDirection A, R, X or YMessage TypeESTarget Range Check Sum2 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 18 8 5 5 2
18MESSAGE FORMATSRADAR EVENT MESSAGESEvent End MessageThis message is sent once a target has been detected for a significant amount of time. This message can be used by a host system to trigger a camera to capture images for a receding target enforcement system.MT ,S T X,*,E T X,D U, , , ,Frame  NumberMARadar Mounting AngleTarget  NumberCheck SumSpeedSpeed UnitsDirection A, R, X or YMessage TypeEETarget Range Distance Travelled in Beam2 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 18 8 5 5 51 12 2
19MESSAGE FORMATSName Size / Bytes Value NotesSTX 1 2 Start of message byteMT 2‘EE’ = Event End Message type, 1 ‘,’ CommaFrame Number 8XXXXXXXX Frame number in hexadecimal format, 1 ‘,’ CommaTarget Number 8XXXXXXXX Target identification number in hexadecimal format, 1 ‘,’ CommaDirection 1‘A’ = Approaching Target ‘R’ = Receding Target ‘X’ = Simulated approaching target ‘Y’ = Simulated receding targetDirection the target is travelling. , 1 ‘,’ CommaSpeed 5‘DDD.D’ Target speed to one decimal place in decimal format, 1 ‘,’Speed Units 1‘M’=MPH‘K’=km/hrThe speed units used for the measurement, 1 ‘,’ CommaTarget Range 5‘DDD.D’ Target range in metres, 1 ‘,’ CommaDistance Travelled in beam5‘DDD.D’ The distance a target has travelled while in the beam of the radar., 1 ‘,’MA 2‘DD’ Radar mounting angle in degrees. This is the angle the radar uses to calculate the speed of a target* 1 ‘*’ AsteriskCheck Sum 2‘XX’ Check sum in hexadecimal formatETX 1 3 End of message byteRADAR EVENT MESSAGESEvent End message format
20MESSAGE FORMATSRADAR EVENT MESSAGESHeart Beat messageThis message is sent each time the heart period expires. The heart beat message period is controlled using the *HBP command. The heart beat period is measured in frames.Heart Beat message formatNotes to Heart Beat MessageThe heartbeat period is set in seconds using the *HBP command. Setting the hearbeat period to 0 secs will turn the hearbeat off. The maximum setting for the heartbeat period is 86400 secs.A heartbeat message will always be produced after the radar initialises even if the heartbeat is turned off.  The host system should not send messages to the radar after power-up until this initial heartbeat message is received.Name Size / Bytes Value NotesSTX 1 2 Start of message byteMT 2‘HB’ = Heart Beat Message type, 1 ‘,’ CommaFrame Number 8XXXXXXXX Frame number in hexadecimal format* 1 ‘*’ AsteriskCheck Sum 2‘XX’ Check sum in hexadecimal formatETX 1 3 End of message byteMT ,S T X*E T XFrame  Number Check Sum2 11 1 18 2Message TypeHB
21MESSAGE FORMATSRADAR EVENT MESSAGESTuning Fork messageThis message is sent when a tuning fork target has been detected. This message is sent after a event end message is sent. Tuning Fork message formatName Size / Bytes Value NotesSTX 1 2 Start of message byteMT 2‘TF’ = Tuning Fork Message type, 1 ‘,’ CommaFrame Number 8XXXXXXXX Frame number in hexadecimal format, 1 ‘,’ CommaTarget Number 8XXXXXXXX Target number in hexadecimal format, 1 ‘,’ CommaSpeed 5‘DDD.D’, 1 ‘,’ CommaSpeed Units 1‘M’=MPH‘K’=km/hrThe speed units used for the measurement, 1 ‘,’ CommaTarget Range 5‘DDD.D’ Target range in metres* 1 ‘*’ AsteriskCheck Sum 2‘XX’ Check sum in hexadecimal formatETX 1 3 End of message byteMT ,S T X, , , U , * E T XFrame  Number Target  Number SpeedSpeed UnitsMessage TypeTFTarget Range Check Sum2 11 1 1 11 1 1 18 8 5 5 2
22MESSAGE FORMATSRADAR EVENT MESSAGESEvent Quality messageOnce an event end message is sent, the measurements relating to the event are analysed. These various elements of the event are reported in the Event Quality Message.MT ,S T X, , , ,UD, ,,,Frame  Number Target  NumberSpeed UnitsDirection A, R, X or YMessage TypeQMPeak Power  SpeedPercentage Speed ReadingsEvent Peak PowerPeak Power Speed Standard DeviationPercentage Range Readings2 11 1 1 11 11 18 8 5 5 1*E T XCheck Sum1 13 25 1 13
23MESSAGE FORMATSRADAR EVENT MESSAGESEvent Quality message formatName Size / Bytes Value NotesSTX 1 2 Start of message byteMT 2‘QM’ = Quality Message Message type, 1 ‘,’ CommaFrame Number 8XXXXXXXX Frame number in hexadecimal format, 1 ‘,’ CommaTarget Number 8XXXXXXXX Target number in hexadecimal format, 1 ‘,’ CommaDirection 1‘A’ = Approaching Target ‘R’ = Receding Target ‘X’ = Simulated approaching target ‘Y’ = Simulated receding targetDirection the target is travelling. Peak Power Speed 5‘DDD.D’, 1 ‘,’ CommaPeak Power Speed Standard Deviation5‘DDD.D’, 1 ‘,’ CommaSpeed Units 1‘M’=MPH‘K’=km/hrThe speed units used for the measurement, 1 ‘,’ CommaEvent Peak Power  5‘DDD.D’, 1 ‘,’ CommaPercentage Speed Readings3‘DDD’ The value of actual speed readings taken as a function of the total possible expressed as a percentage, 1 ‘,’ CommaPercentage Range Readings3‘DDD’ The value of actual range readings taken as a function of the total possible expressed as a percentage * 1 ‘*’ AsteriskCheck Sum 2‘XX’ Check sum in hexadecimal formatETX 1 3 End of message byte
24MESSAGE FORMATSRADAR MESSAGES IN NORMAL OPERATIONExample data from radar set in Bi-Directional Mode and the Heartbeat set to 5 seconds.HB,00003560*68HB,00003930*40ES,00003B15,00000014,R,029.3,M,017.1*2AEE,00003B87,00000014,R,029.5,M,023.2,009.5,022.0*DEQM,00003B87,00000014,R,029.5,00.93,M,095.1,081,081*84HB,00003D00*31HB,000040D0*BEHB,000044A0*26HB,00004870*D4ES,00004988,00000015,R,029.1,M,017.4*46EE,00004A0A,00000015,R,029.7,M,022.2,010.7,022.0*78QM,00004A0A,00000015,R,029.7,00.67,M,092.8,087,083*7EES,00004AE6,00000016,R,031.0,M,018.1*20EE,00004B4D,00000016,R,031.5,M,021.7,009.5,022.0*9CQM,00004B4D,00000016,R,031.5,00.52,M,093.4,086,085*E2ES,00004B55,00000017,A,030.1,M,030.5*F4EE,00004BAA,00000017,A,029.2,M,029.0,006.8,022.0*86QM,00004BAA,00000017,A,029.2,00.82,M,080.3,070,065*9CHB,00004C40*D1ES,00004D86,00000018,A,033.1,M,030.2*CEEE,00004DCE,00000018,A,032.9,M,027.9,006.7,022.0*7CQM,00004DCE,00000018,A,032.9,00.63,M,084.4,073,071*75ES,00004F7D,00000019,A,040.1,M,032.2*9DEE,00004FC9,00000019,A,039.7,M,030.2,007.8,022.0*6AQM,00004FC9,00000019,A,039.7,00.64,M,085.9,085,081*25HB,00005010*7BHB,000053E0*8D
25MESSAGE FORMATSEXPLANATORY NOTES FOR RADAR EVENT & QUALITY MESSAGES TheEventStart(ES)messagecontainsbothinitialtargetspeedandrangeinformation.Theradarwillhavetracked the vehicle for a short distance before this message is sent. As only a relatively small amount of target information is available to the radar at this stage, the range and speed of the target are not fully evaluated by the radar and are provided for the system to make some initial decisions about whether to be interested  in the target. The initial speed and range readings in the ES message will have been qualified by the radar against a series of checks to ensure that the event information is of sufficient quality to proceed with a target track. The physical position on the road of the target corresponding to the sending of the ES message can be moved by alteringtheEventStartDistance(*ESD).AlongerESDwillimprovethequalityoftheESspeedanddistancemeasurement and make the ES message occur later. Reducing the ESD will have the opposite effect. Making the ESD too small may lead to premature ES messages.WhenthevehiclecannolongerbetrackedbytheradaranEventEnd(EE)messageisgenerated.Thismessagecontains the speed of the vehicle which should be used for the Event as all possible speeds would have been processed during the event. The range of the target in the EE message will generally be different from that of the ES message because the target will have moved along the carriageway during the event. Generally, the ES range will be less than the EE range for receding target and vice versa. The distance the target travels after the trackislosttowhentheEEmessageissentissetbytheEventEndDistance(*EED)message.MakingtheEEDtoo small may result in multiple events being generated for a single target.IntheEventEndmessage,thedistancetravelledinthebeambythetarget(EventLength)isreportedinmetres.This measurement is directly proportional to the length of the target in the event. Depending on the range this measurement will be approximately 8m for a saloon car and approximately 20m for a truck. Generally, a larger event length can result in a larger difference in the range measurements reported in the ES and EE messages.TheQualityMessage(QM)alwaysimmediatelyfollowstheEEmessage.ThereportedPeakPowerSpeedinthe QM is the same as that used in EE speed reading. The radar processes 195 readings per second and the standard deviation of all those readings for the associated event are reported as a standard deviation in the QM. The peak power reading is the maximum signal strength seen for the event. The peak power for a given target will be reduced at increasing range.  Generally, for a given range, cars produce a lower peak power reading than for trucks.Whilst the radar processes 195 range and speed readings per second not all these readings pass the radars qualitycheckforagivenreading.Say,100speedreadingsarecollectedforanevent(that’saneventwhichlastsapprox.513mS)buttheradarrejects12ofthereadings,theQMeldPercentageSpeedReadingswillreport088. That is, 88 good readings from the possible 100 taken is reported as 88%.Firstly, the speed reading is assessed and then the corresponding range reading for that speed is then assessed. If a speed reading is rejected, the corresponding range reading is automatically rejected. Continuing with the example, there will be 88 ranges corresponding to the accepted speeds. Each range is then quality checked to a given tolerance and rejected or passed. If they all pass the range quality check the Percentage Range Readings will report 088. The Percentage Range Readings field is always less than or equal to the Percentage Speed Readings. Finally, if the radar had rejected 14 of the available range measurements the reported Percentage Range Reading would be 074.
26MESSAGE FORMATSRADAR ERROR MESSAGESOperational Error messageThe operational error message is an unsolicited message used to report degrees of variance of the radar from normal operation.Operational Error message formatName Size / Bytes Value NotesSTX 1 2 Start of message byteMT 2‘ER’ = Error Message Message type, 1 ‘,’ CommaError Number 2DD Error number in decimal format - see table on next page for details, 1 ‘,’ CommaReference Number5DDDDD Reference number used to help isolate error source. This can change between software versions and should not be used by the host system.,1‘*’ AsteriskCheck Sum 2‘XX’ Check sum in hexadecimal formatETX 1 3 End of message byteMT ,S T X, * E T XError Number Reference Number Check Sum2 11 1 12 5Message TypeER2 1
27MESSAGE FORMATSRADAR ERROR MESSAGESError Number tableError Number Description Response Actions01 Corruption of User Configuration DataRadar will attempt to restore Factory Default Data configuration setUser will need to reset individual configuration variances from default set02 Corruption of Factory Default Data Configuration setRadar operation will automatically shut down as operation to specification cannot be assuredReturn radar to AGD for repair and/or recalibration03 Corruption of Critical Configuration Data Radar operation will automatically shut down as operation to specification is not possibleReturn radar to AGD for repair and/or recalibration04 Internal communication error. Communication between radar processors has failed.Radar operation will automatically shut downReturn radar to AGD for repair and/or calibration05 General error Radar has internal code tags to indicate  resource usage and levels of processing loadUser should ignore if infrequent. Repeated occurrence suggests radar nearing specification limits and should be shut down by the user. It should be noted that repeated occurrence of this message may be owing to the specific site at which it is deployed and or the associated targets making the radar work close to its operational processing limits.06 Sampling Frequency ErrorThe radar will continue to operate.If the sampling Frequency Error is persistent ie more than one message every 10 secs, then the radar operation to specification cannot be assured and should be shut down by the host system. The radar should be returned to AGD for repair and/or recalibration
28CRC8 C CODE WORKED EXAMPLECRC8 C CODECRC8 checksums are used on the standard radar messages. The checksum calculation is performed on all bytes, up to and including the asterisk character.  These checksums are calculated using the following C code.//Lookup table for CRC8 calculation//Needs to be initialised with InitCRC8U8 crc8_table[256];/********************************MemCRC8*******************************This function calculates the CRC8 of a data array pointed to by dataand of length length.Usespolynomialx^8+x^2+x+1.Lookuptableusedbyfunctionisinitialisedby the InitCRC8 function.*/unsignedcharMemCRC8(void*data,unsignedintlength){unsigned char crc8;unsigned char i;unsigned char *dptr; dptr=(unsignedchar*)data;  crc8 = 0;   //Start with a value of 0 for(i=0;i<length;i++) {    crc8 = crc8_table[crc8 ^ *dptr];  ++dptr; }  return crc8;}#deneGP0x107/*x^8+x^2+x+1*/#define DI  0x07/****************************InitCRC8******************************Initialises the lookup table for the MemCRC8 functionUsespolynomialx^8+x^2+x+1*/voidInitCRC8(void){int i,j;unsigned char crc;  for(i=0;i<256;i++)     {    crc = i; for(j=0;j<8;j++)        {   crc=(crc<<1)^((crc&0x80)?DI:0);   }      crc8_table[i] = crc & 0xFF;      }}
29ANTENNA PLOTSANTENNA PLOTSHorizontal Beam PatternVertical Beam Pattern3dB LevelAngle(Degrees)Power(dB)-200 -180 -160 -140 -120 -100  -80  -60  -40  -20  0  20  40  60  80  100  120  140  160 180  2000-10-20-30-40-50
30TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSspeCifiCations Technology   FMCW Radar  Radiated Power   <100mW EIRP  Transmit Frequency   In the band 24.075 to 24.125GHz Transmit Bandwidth 9.4MHz Range   2 to 60m Mounting   Flange fixings or tripod mount  Mounting Height 1 - 3.5m nominal  Speed Range   20 to 320kph Weight   0.8 Kg nominal  Housing Material Polycarbonate(UL94V-2)  Housing Finish   Self coated black Sealing  IP66  Operating Temperature -20°Cto+60°C Power  2.9 - 3.3W  Power Supply   10-16Vdc  Radar Output   RS422  EMC Specification   ETSI EN 301 489 and BS EN 50293    Radio Specification  ETSI 300.440, FCC CFR47 Part 15.245 Owing to the Company’s policy of continuous improvement, AGD Systems Limited reserves the right to change their specification or design without notice.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)Thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference,and(2)thisdevicemustacceptanyinterferencereceived,includinginterference,thatmaycauseundesiredoperation.See 47 CFR Sec. 15. 19A separation distance of at least 20 centimetres should normally be maintained between this product and the body of users or nearby persons.Changes or modifications to this equipment, not expressly approved by AGD Systems Ltd, may void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.112mm50mm50mm288mm
31TEST & CALIBRATIONDEDICATED TEST EQUIPMENTThe key test functions performed  by Hyperion to Certify the premium performance of the 342 are: • Truerangesimulationoftarget • Targetspeedanddirectionsimulationatagivenrange • Radartargetprocessingoptimisation • Transmittedradarfrequencymodulationmeasurement • Vericationofinterfaceandcommunicationprotocols • Testcycletimeof9minutes
LIFETIME PRODUCT TRACEABILITY There are clearly defined pass and fail criteria at all stages within the Hyperion test process. The test results in association with the product build revision are recorded on a product serial number basis. The full suite of test measurements is instantly sent to the dedicated product database within the AGD secure server facility, providing full traceability during the product lifetime.The AGD Certified symbol is your mark of assured performance.TEST EQUIPMENT: TEST FUNCTION: PRODUCT TEST: HYPERION was designed and developed by AGD SystemsHYPERIONINTELLIGENT DETECTION SYSTEMS315|316|317|335|336|342• True range simulation of target• Test cycle time 9 minutes• Radar target processing optimisation • Verification of communication protocolsTMFULL  RANGEHYPERION is dedicated to the testing of the AGD portfolio of ‘ranging’ FMCW vehicle radars. It provides true range simulation and both target speed and direction simulation at a given rangeHyperion™ is a bespoke set of test equipment designed and developed by AGD Systems. It is dedicated to the testing of the AGD portfolio of ‘ranging’ FMCW vehicle radars. 100% of the 342 units manufactured at AGD are Certified by Hyperion.The key testfunctions performed by Hyperion to Certify the premium performance of your Intelligent Detection System are:• Truerangesimulationoftarget• Targetspeedanddirectionsimulationat a given range• Radartargetprocessingoptimisation• Transmittedradarfrequencymodulation measurement• Verificationofinterfaceandcommunication protocols• Testcycletimeof9minutesThe radar test sequences performed by Hyperion on the radar under test provides a thorough examination of the performance of the 342 radar and specifically the ranging measurement capability provided by the FMCW technology deployed. This gives full control of simulated targets’ signal size, speed, direction and range.Optimisation of frequency signals on Hyperion ensures full compatibility with country requirements within the 24GHz radar operating band.MANUFACTURING TEST PROCESS32
3333IMPORTANTEND OF LIFE – DISPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS (EOL)Item Qty Material1 1 PCB Assembly2 1 Zinc Alloy5 2 ABS6 1 Mixed Metal & PVC7 1 Polycarbonate9 1 PC, Brass13 1PCB AssemblyItem Qty Material14 1PCB Assembly15 1Nickel Silver16 4Steel17 2Mixed Metal & PVC18 6Steel19 8Steel20 10 Steel• Reuse / Recycle• Separate & Recycle• Downcycle• Hazardous Recovery• Non- RecyclableThis document serves as a guideline only for EOL procedures and further guidance may need to be sought from the appropriate authority or agency.AGD342 RADAR TRAFFIC DETECTOR
34IMPORTANTSAFETY PRECAUTIONSAll work must be performed in accordance with company working practices, in-line with adequate risk assessments. Only skilled and instructed persons should carry out work with the product. Experience and safety procedures in the following areas may be relevant: • Workingwithmainspower • Workingwithmodernelectronic/electricalequipment • Workingatheight • Workingattheroadsideorhighways1. ThisproductiscomplianttotheRestrictionofHazardousSubstances(RoHS-EuropeanUniondirective2002/95/EG).2.   Should the product feature user-accessible switches, an access port will be provided. Only the specified access port should be used to access switches. Only non-conductive tools are to be used when operating switches.3.   The product must be correctly connected to the specified power supply. All connections must be made whilst the power supply is off or suitably isolated. Safety must take always take precedence and power must only be applied when deemed safe to do so.4.   No user-maintainable parts are contained within the product. Removing or opening the outer casing is deemed dangerous and will void all warranties.5.   Under no circumstances should a product suspected of damage be powered on. Internal damage may be suggested by unusual behaviour, an unusual odour or damage to the outer casing. Please contact AGD for further advice.!
35IMPORTANTIMPORTANT INFORMATIONLow Power Non-Ionising Radio Transmission and SafetyConcern has been expressed in some quarters that low power radio frequency transmission may constitute  a health hazard. The transmission characteristics of low power radio devices is a highly regulated environment  for the assurance of safe use. There are strict limits on continuous emission power levels and these are reflected in the testing specifications that the products are approved to. These type approval limits are reflected in the product specifications required foratypicalgeographicareasuchasthosefortheEU(ETS300:440),fortheUSA(FCCpart15c)andforAustralia/NewZealand(AS/NZS4268).Thelimitsadoptedinthesespecicationsaretypicallyreplicatedinmanyotherlocalized specifications.The level of safe human exposure to radio transmission is given by the generally accepted guidelines issued by theInternationalCommissiononNon-IonizingRadiationProtection(ICNIRP).Thisbodyhasissuedguidanceforlimitingexposuretotime-varyingelectric,magneticandelectromagneticelds(upto300GHz)whicharequoted below. Note 1  Values are calculated conversions for comparison purposes.Note 2   Other equivalent limits include; Medical Research Council Limit of 10mW/cm2, IACP limit of 5mW/cm2 (at 5cm) and UK CAST limit of 5mW/cm2Note 3   Calculation is made on the assumption antenna is a point source therefore the actual value is likely to be significantly less than that quoted. Note that a theoretical max level at a 5cm distance (which gives 0.318mW/cm2) is at a point in the field where the radar beam is not properly formed.Note 4  Comparison for product model 342 operating in the band typically 24.050GHz to 24.250GHzFrom the table it can be seen that it is extremely unlikely that a potentially hazardous situation could occur owing to the use of such low power devices.It is considered to be good practice not to subject humans to radiation levels higher than is necessary. In a works environment where multiple equipment on soak test are to be encountered then it is considered good practice to contain the equipment in an appropriate enclosure lined with radar absorbing material.Radar and ICNIRP limit comparison Typical Informative Limits for Radar Transmission ApprovalRadar Transmitted Level(Note4)ICNIRP Limit (Table6)Exposure Margin ETS300:440  FCC(part15c) AS/NZS 4268Power  (mWEIRP)<100mW (<20dBm)N/A N/A 100mW (20dBm)1875mW (Note1)100mW (20dBm)Max Power  Density  (mW/cm2)3.18µW/cm2 at 50cm (Note3)<50W/m2 (5mW/cm2) (Note2) 0.064% N/A N/A N/AField Strength  (V/m)at3m<0.58V/m (5.8mV/cm) (Note1)<137V/m (1370mV/cm) 0.42%0.58V/m (5.8mV/cm) (Note1)2500mV/m (25mV/cm)0.58V/m (5.8mV/cm)(Note1)
DISCLAIMERWhilewe(AGDSystems)endeavourtokeeptheinformationinthismanualcorrectatthetimeofprint,wemakenorepresentations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the information, products, services, or related graphics contained herein for any purpose.  Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this manual. WARRANTY All 342 radars are supplied with a 12 month return to factory warranty. Products falling outside this period may be returned to AGD Systems for evaluation, chargeable repair or re-calibration.AGD Systems LimitedWhite Lion House  T:  +44(0)1452854212Gloucester Road,  F:  +44(0)1452854213Staverton, Cheltenham  E:  sales@agd-systems.comGloucestershire, GL51 0TF, UK W:    ISO 14001RegisteredEnvironmentalManagement015ISO 9001RegisteredQualityManagement015©AGD Systems Limited 2013 Doc. Ref. 342 PM ISS8

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