ALPHATRON MARINE USA JMA-610 Marine Radar User Manual Updated Part 1 of

ALPHATRON MARINE USA, INC. Marine Radar Updated Part 1 of


Updated Part 1 of user manual

 - i - PREFACE   Thank you very much for purchasing the JRC marine radar equipment, JMA-610. This equipment is a river radar equipment designed to obtain safe operation of ships. This equipment consists of a radar signal processing unit, a LCD display unit and a scanner unit as its main units.    ●  Before operating the equipment, be sure to read this instruction manual carefully for correct operation. ●  Maintain this instruction manual so that operators can refer to it at anytime.  Refer to this manual when any inconvenience or defect occurs.
 - ii - ●BEFORE OPERATION●   Pictorial Indication  Various pictorial indications are included in this manual and are shown on these equipment so that you can operate them safety and correctly and prevent any danger to you and/or to other persons and any damage to your property during operation.    Such indications and their meanings are as follows. Please understand them before you read this manual:   DANGER  This indication is shown where incorrect equipment operation due to negligence may cause death or serious injuries.  WARNING  This indication is shown where any person is supposed to be in danger of being killed or seriously injured if this indication is neglected and these equipment are not operated correctly.  CAUTION This indication is shown where any person is supposed to be injured or any property damage is supposed to occur if this indication is neglected and these equipment are not operated correctly.    Examples of Pictorial Indication    Electric ShockThe U mark represents CAUTION (including DANGER and WARNING). Detailed contents of CAUTION (“Electric Shock” in the example on the left.) is shown in the mark.      Disassembling Prohibited The  mark represents prohibition. Detailed contents of the prohibited action (“Disassembling Prohibited” in the example on the left.) is shown in the mark.       Disconnect the power plug The  mark represents instruction. Detailed contents of the instruction (“Disconnect the power plug “ in the example on the left.) is shown in the mark.    Warning Label  There is a warning label on the top cover of the equipment. Do not try to remove, break or modify the label.
 - iii - Never conduct inspection or repair work of equipment components. Inspection or repair work by uncertified personnel may result in fire hazard or electrocution. For inspection and repair work of equipment components, consult with our branch office, branch shop, sales office, or our distributor in your district. When conducting maintenance, make sure to turn the main power off. Failure to comply may result in electrocution. Turn off the main power before cleaning the equipment.   Especially when a rectifier is used, make sure to turn it off since voltage is still outputted from the rectifier even after the indicator and the radar are turned off.    Failure to comply may result in equipment failure, or death or serious injury due to electric shock. When conducting maintenance work on the antenna, make sure to turn its main power off. Failure to comply may result in electrocution or injuries. Make sure to turn off the antenna operation switch.   Failure to comply may result in injuries caused by physical contact with the rotating antenna. ●PRECAUTIONS●                                 DANGER
 - iv -                                    WARNING Never carry out internal inspection or repair work of the equipment by users. Inspection or repair work by unauthorized personnel may result in fire hazard or electric shock. Ask the nearest branch, business office or a dealer for inspection and repair. Turn off the main power before maintenance work.   Otherwise, an electric shock may result. Turn off the main power before cleaning the equipment.   Especially, make sure to turn off the indicator if a rectifier is used.    Otherwise, equipment failure, or death or serious injury due to electric shock may result, because voltage is outputted from the rectifier even when the radar is not operating. Turn off the main power if you need to be near the scanner unit for maintenance or inspection purposes.   Direct exposure to electromagnetic waves at close range in death or serious injury. Turn off the main power source before starting maintenance. Otherwise, an electric shock or injury may be caused. When conducting maintenance work, make sure to turn off the power and unplug the power line of the processor so that the power supply to the equipment is completely cut off. Some equipment components can carry electrical current even after the power switch is turned off, and conducting maintenance work without unplugging the power connector may result in electrocution, equipment failure, or accidents.
 - v - Set the safety switch for stopping the scanner unit to the OFF position. Otherwise, an accidental contact with the rotating scanner unit may cause injury. Turn off the main power source before starting maintenance. Otherwise, an electric shock or injury may be caused. Turn off the main power if you need to be near the scanner unit for maintenance or inspection purposes.   Direct exposure to electromagnetic waves at close range in death or serious injury.                                   WARNING When cleaning the screen, do not wipe it too strongly with a dry cloth.    Also, do not use gasoline or thinner to clean the screen. Otherwise the screen surface may be damaged. Never carry out internal inspection or repair work of the equipment by users. Inspection or repair work by unauthorized personnel may result in fire hazard or electric shock. Ask the nearest branch, business office or a dealer for inspection and repair. Turn off the main power before maintenance work.   Otherwise, an electric shock may result. Turn off the main power before cleaning the equipment.   Especially, make sure to turn off the indicator if a rectifier is used.    Otherwise, equipment failure, or death or serious injury due to electric shock may result, because voltage is outputted from the rectifier even when the radar is not operating.
 - vi - Set the safety switch for stopping the scanner unit to the OFF position. Otherwise, an accidental contact with the rotating scanner unit may cause injury. CAUTION When disposing of used lithium batteries, be sure to insulate the batteries by taping  ○+  and ○-  terminals. Otherwise, heat generation, explosion or a fire may occur.                                    WARNING When using the [RAIN] function, never set the suppression level too high canceling out all image noises from the rain or snow at the close range. Detection of not only echoes from the rain or snow but also targets such as other ships or dangerous objects will become inhibited. When using the [RAIN] function, make sure to choose the most appropriate image noise suppression level. A malfunction may occur if the power in the ship is instantaneously interrupted during operation of the radar.   In this case, the power should be turned on again.  When using the [SEA] function, never set the suppression level too high canceling out all image noises from the sea surface at close range. Detection of not only echoes from waves but also targets such as other ships or dangerous objects will become inhibited. When using the [SEA] function, make sure to choose the most appropriate image noise suppression level.
 - vii - Turn off the main power source before replacing parts.   Otherwise, an electric shock or trouble may be caused. Before replacing the magnetron, turn off the main power source and wait for 5 minutes or more until the high voltage circuits are discharged. Otherwise, an electric shock may be caused. Take off your wrist watch when bringing your hands close to the magnetron. Otherwise, your watch may be damaged because the magnetron is a strong magnet. Two or more persons shall replace the liquid crystal monitor. If only one person does this work, he may drop the LCD, resulting in injury. Even after the main power source is turned off, some high voltages remain for a while. Do not contact the inverter circuit in the LCD with bare hands.  Otherwise, an electric shock may be caused. The accuracy from the vectors are depending on the accuracy from the (D)GPS sensors. With longer vectors, the accuracy will be lower. The vectors are calculated with the situation at that time. When there will be some changed influence from wind, water current etc, are not shown before the vessel is influenced by this.                                             CAUTION Do not put watches, clocks, or magnetic cards close to the modulator unit since this unit holds magnetrons having strong magnetic force.    Failure or data destruction of the above devices may result.
 - viii -  ◆◆◆PRECAUTIONS BEFORE OPERATION◆◆◆   ■Cautions for high voltage High voltages from hundreds volts to tens of thousands volts are to be applied to the electronic equipment such radio and radar devices.    You do not face any danger during normal operation, but sufficient cares are required for maintenance, inspection and adjustment of their internal components. (Maintenance, check-up and adjustment of the inside of the equipment are prohibited except by maintenance specialists.) High voltages of tens of thousands volts are so dangerous as to bring an instantaneous death from electric shock, but even voltages of hundred volts may sometimes lead to a death from electric shock.  To prevent such an accident, make it a rule to turn off the power switch, discharge capacitors with a wire surely earthed on an end make sure that internal parts are no longer charged before you touch any parts inside these devices.    At the time, wearing dry cotton gloves ensures you further to prevent such danger.    It is also a necessary caution to put one of your hands in the pocket and not to use your both hands at the same time. It is also important to select a stable foothold always to prevent additional injuries once you were shocked by electricity.   If you were injured from electric shock, disinfect the burn sufficiently and get it taken care of promptly.   ■What to do in case of electric shock When finding a victim of electric shock, turn off the power source and earth the circuit immediately. If it is impossible to turn off the circuit, move the victim away promptly using insulators such as dry wood plate and cloth without touching the victim directly. In case of electric shock, breathing may stop suddenly if current flows to the respiration center in the brain.  If the shock is not so strong, artificial respiration may recover breathing.  When shocked by electricity, the victim will come to look very bad with weak pulse or without beating, resulting in unconsciousness and rigidity. In this case, it is necessary to perform an emergency measure immediately.
 - ix - ◆◆◆FIRST-AID TREATMENTS◆◆◆  ☆First-aid treatments As far as the victim of electric shock is not in dangerous condition, do not move him and practice artificial respiration on him immediately.    Once started, it should be continued rhythmically.  (1)  Do not touch the victim confusedly as a result of the accident, but the rescuer may also get an electric shock.  (2)  Turn off the power source calmly and move the victim away quietly from the electric line.  (3)  Call a physician or ambulance immediately or ask someone to call a doctor.  (4)  Lay the victim on this back and loosen his necktie, clothes, belt, etc.  (5)  a.  Examine the victim’s pulse.   b.  Examine his heartbeat bringing your ear close to his heart.   c.  Examine his breathing bringing the back of your hand or your face close to his face.   d.  Check the size of the pupils of his eyes.  (6)  Open the victim’s mouth and take out artificial teeth, cigarette or chewing gum if any.  Keep his mouth open, stretch his tongue and insert a towel or the like in his mouth to prevent the tongue from suffocating. (If it is hard to open his mouth due to set teeth, open it with a screwdriver and insert a towel in this mouth.)  (7)  Then, wipe his mouth so that foaming mucus does not accumulate inside.
 - x - ☆When pulse is beating but breathing has stopped (Mouth-to-mouth respiration) Fig. 1  (1)  Tilt the victim’s head back as far as this face looks back. (A pillow may be inserted his neck.) (2)  Push his jaw upward to open his throat wide (to spread his airway). (3)  Pinch the victim’s nostrils and take a deep breath, block his mouth completely with yours and blow into his mouth strongly.  Take a deep breath again and blow into his mouth.  Continue this 10 to 15 times a minutes (blocking his nostrils). (4)  Carefully watch that he has recovered his natural breathing and atop practicing artificial respiration. (5)  If it is difficult to open the victim’s mouth, insert a rubber or vinyl tube into one of his nostrils and blow into it blocking the other nostril and his mouth completely. (6)  When the victim recovers consciousness, he may try to stand up suddenly, but let him lie calmly and serve him with a cup of hot coffee or tea and keep him warm and quiet. (Never give him alcoholic drinks.)   Method of mouth-to-mouth respiration by raising head  (1)  Raise the victim’s head.    Support his forehead with one of your hand and his neck with the other hand. →1   When you tilt his head backward, the victim, in most cases, opens his mouth to the air.    This makes mouth-to mouth respiration easy. (2)  Cover his mouth as widely as possible with yours and press your cheek against his nose →2    or, pinch his nostrils with your fingers to prevent air from leaking. →3 (3)  Blow into his lungs.    Continue blowing into his mouth until his breast swells.   Blow into his mouth as quickly as possible for the first 10 times.  Fig. 1    Mouth-to mouth respiration
 - xi - ☆When both pulse and breathing have stopped Perform the (Cardiac massage) Fig. 2 and (Mouth-to-mouth respiration) Fig. 1  When no pulse has come not to be felt, his pupils are open and no heartbeat is heard, cardiac arrest is supposed to have occurred and artificial respiration must be performed.  (1)  Place your both hands, one hand on the other, on the lower one third area of his breastbone and compress his breast with your elbows applying your weight on his breast so that it is dented about 2cm (Repeat compressing his breast 50 times or so a minutes). (Cardiac massage)  (2)  In case of one rescuer,   Repeat cardiac massages about 15 times and blow into his mouth 2 times quickly, and repeat this combination.   In case of two rescuers,   One person repeats cardiac massages 15 times while the other person blow into his mouth twice, and they shall repeat this combination. (Perform the cardiac massage and mouth-to-mouth respiration)  (3)  Examine his pupils and his pulse sometimes.    When the both have returned to normal, stop the artificial respiration, serve him with a cup of hot coffee or tea and keep him warm and calm while watching him carefully.    Commit the victim to a medical specialist depending on his condition. (Never give him alcoholic drinks.) To let him recover from the mental shock, it is necessary for persons concerned to understand his situations and the necessary treatment.     Fig. 2  Cardiac massage
FCCPart15.19WarningStatement‐(RequiredforallPart15devices)THISDEVICECOMPLIESWITHPART15OF THEFCCRULES.OPERATIONISSUBJECTTOTHEFOLLOWINGTWOCONDITIONS:(1)THISDEVICEMAYNOTCAUSEHARMFULINTERFERENCE,AND(2)THISDEVICEMUSTACCEPTANYINTERFERENCERECEIVED,INCLUDINGINTERFERENCETHATMAYCAUSEUNDESIREDOPERATION.FCCPart15.21WarningStatement‐NOTE:THEGRANTEEISNOTRESPONSIBLEFORANYCHANGESORMODIFICATIONSNOTEXPRESSLYAPPROVEDBYTHEPARTYRESPONSIBLEFORCOMPLIANCE.SUCHMODIFICATIONSCOULDVOIDTHEUSER’SAUTHORITYTOOPERATETHEEQUIPMENT.FCCPart15.105(b)WarningStatement‐(ONLYRequiredfor15.109‐JBPdevices)NOTE:ThisequipmenthasbeentestedandfoundtocomplywiththelimitsforaClassBdigitaldevice,pursuanttopart15oftheFCCRules.Theselimitsaredesignedtoprovidereasonableprotectionagainstharmfulinterferenceinaresidentialinstallation.Thisequipmentgenerates,usesandcanradiateradiofrequencyenergyand,ifnotinstalledandusedinaccordancewiththeinstructions,maycauseharmfulinterferencetoradiocommunications.However,thereisnoguaranteethatinterferencewillnotoccurinaparticularinstallation.Ifthisequipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferencetoradioortelevisionreception,whichcanbedeterminedbyturningtheequipmentoffandon,theuserisencouragedtotrytocorrecttheinterferencebyoneormoreofthefollowingmeasures:‐Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna.‐Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver.‐Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdifferentfromthattowhichthereceiverisconnected.‐Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnicianforhelp.ICRSS‐GEN,Sec7.1.3WarningStatement‐(Requiredforlicense‐exemptdevices)ENGLISH:ThisdevicecomplieswithIndustryCanadalicense‐exemptRSSstandard(s).Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwoconditions:(1)thisdevicemaynotcauseinterference,and(2)thisdevicemustacceptanyinterference,includinginterferencethatmaycauseundesiredoperationofthedevice.FRENCH:LeprésentappareilestconformeauxCNRd'IndustrieCanadaapplicablesauxappareilsradioexemptsdelicence.L'exploitationestautoriséeauxdeuxconditionssuivantes:(1)l'appareilnedoitpasproduiredebrouillage,et(2)l'utilisateurdel'appareildoitacceptertoutbrouillageradioélectriquesubi,mêmesilebrouillageestsusceptibled'encompromettrelefonctionnement.ICRSS‐GEN,Sec7.1.2WarningStatement‐(RequiredforTransmitters)ENGLISH:UnderIndustryCanadaregulations,thisradiotransmittermayonlyoperateusinganantennaofatypeandmaximum(orlesser)gainapprovedforthetransmitterbyIndustryCanada.Toreducepotentialradiointerferencetootherusers,theantennatypeanditsgainshouldbesochosenthattheequivalentisotropicallyradiatedpower(e.i.r.p.)isnotmorethanthatnecessaryforsuccessfulcommunication.FRENCH:Conformémentàlaréglementationd'IndustrieCanada,leprésentémetteurradiopeutfonctionneravecuneantenned'untypeetd'ungainmaximal(ouinférieur)approuvépourl'émetteurparIndustrieCanada.Danslebutderéduirelesrisquesdebrouillageradioélectriqueàl'intentiondesautresutilisateurs,ilfautchoisirletyped'antenneetsongaindesortequelapuissanceisotroperayonnéequivalente(p.i.r.e.)nedépassepasl'intensiténécessaireàl'établissementd'unecommunicationsatisfaisante.
ICRSS‐GEN,Sec7.1.2WarningStatement‐(RequiredforTransmittersw/detachableantennas)ENGLISH:Thisradiotransmitter(identifythedevicebycertificationnumber,ormodelnumberifCategoryII)hasbeenapprovedbyIndustryCanadatooperatewiththeantennatypeslistedbelowwiththemaximumpermissiblegainandrequiredantennaimpedanceforeachantennatypeindicated.Antennatypesnotincludedinthislist,havingagaingreaterthanthemaximumgainindicatedforthattype,arestrictlyprohibitedforusewiththisdevice.‐ 6ftantennaNAX‐16B‐6,29.2(dBi)1.2°(horizontal)20.9°(vertical)‐ 7ftantennaNAX‐16A‐7,29.2(dBi)1.0°(horizontal)24.0°(vertical)‐ 9ftantennaNAX‐16A‐9,30.2(dBi)0.8°(horizontal)25.0°(vertical)FRENCH:Leprésentémetteurradio(identifierledispositifparsonnumérodecertificationousonnumérodemodèles'ilfaitpartiedumatérieldecatégorieI)aétéapprouvéparIndustrieCanadapourfonctionneraveclestypesd'antenneénumérésci‐dessousetayantungainadmissiblemaximaletl'impédancerequisepourchaquetyped'antenne.Lestypesd'antennenoninclusdanscetteliste,oudontlegainestsupérieuraugainmaximalindiqué,sontstrictementinterditspourl'exploitationdel'émetteur.ICRSS‐102,Sec2.6WarningStatementsENGLISH:Theapplicantisresponsibleforprovidingproperinstructionstotheuseroftheradiodevice,andanyusagerestrictions,includinglimitsofexposuredurations.Theusermanualshallprovideinstallationandoperationinstructions,aswellasanyspecialusageconditions,toensurecompliancewithSARand/orRFfieldstrengthlimits.Forinstance,compliancedistanceshallbeclearlystatedintheusermanual. Englsh:Theusermanualofdevicesintendedforcontrolleduseshallalsoincludeinformationrelatingtotheoperatingcharacteristicsofthedevice;theoperatinginstructionstoensurecompliancewithSARand/orRFfieldstrengthlimits;informationontheinstallationandoperationofaccessoriestoensurecompliancewithSARand/orRFfieldstrengthlimits;andcontactinformationwheretheusercanobtainCanadianinformationonRFexposureandcompliance.Otherrelatedinformationmayalsobeincluded.French:Lemoded'emploidesappareils destinésàl'utilisationcontrôléedoitaussiincluredesinformationssurlescaractéristiquesdefonctionnementdel'appareil;lesinstructionsdefonctionnementpourassurerlaconformitéavecSARet/ouleslimitesd'intensitédechampRF;informationssurl'installationetl'exploitationd'accessoirespourassurerlerespectdesSARet/ouleslimitesd'intensitédechampRF;etlescoordonnéesoùl'utilisateurpeutobtenirdesinformationssurl'expositioncanadiennederadiofréquencesetlaconformité.Autresrenseignementsconnexespeuventégalementêtreinclus.
 - xii - GLOSSARY    This section describes the main terms used for this equipment and general related maritime terms.   AZI MODE (Azimuth Stabilization MODE): Bearing display mode Anti-clutter rain (FTC): Rain/snow clutter suppression Anti-clutter sea (STC): Sea clutter suppression BRG: Bearing COG (Course Over Ground): Course relative to the ground. CUP (Course-Up): Own ship’s course is pointed to the top center of the radar display. EBL (Electronic Bearing Line): An electronic bearing line originated from own ship’s position. ENH (Enhance): A target can be enlarged. GND: Stabilization relative to the ground. GPS (Global Positioning System): The position of a GPS receiver can be determined by the signals from GPS satellites. HDG (Heading): Own ship’s heading bearing. The display ranges from 000 to 360 degrees as scanned clockwise. HL (Heading Line): Ship’s heading line HUP (Head-Up): Own ship’s heading line is always pointed to the top center of the radar display. IR (Interference Rejector): Radar interference rejector MRK (Mark): Reflection plot NM (Nautical Mile): 1NM=1852m NUP (North-Up): The north is always pointed to the top center of the radar display. PIN: Information set by the user (personal code) Relative Vector: A target’s movement predicted relative to own ship.  RR (Range Rings): Fixed range ring RM (Relative Motion): Relative motion presentation Own ship’s position is fixed and other targets move relative to own ship. SCANNER: Antenna SEA: Sea clutter suppression SOG (Speed Over Ground): Speed relative to the ground. TM (True Motion): True motion presentation A presentation in which own ship and any other target move depending on their individual movements. TRAILS: Function of displaying tracks of other ships. True Vector: A target’s true movement predicted as the result of entering own ship’s direction and speed. VRM: Variable Range Marker
 - xiii - CONTENTS     PREFACE................................................................................................................i  BEFORE OPERATION ........................................................................................... ii  PRECAUTIONS..................................................................................................... iii  GLOSSARY..........................................................................................................xv  1.  GENERAL AND EQUIPMENT COMPOSITION  1.1 FUNCTIONS........................................................................................... 1-1 1.1.1 FUNCTION OF THIS SYSTEM .............................................................. 1-1 1.2 FEATURES............................................................................................. 1-2 1.3 CONFIGURATION .................................................................................. 1-3 1.4 EXTERIOR DRAWINGS......................................................................... 1-4 1.5 GENERAL SYSTEM DIAGRAMS ........................................................... 1-8   2.  NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF CONTROL PANEL SWITCHES AND FUNCTIONS OF SOFTWARE BUTTONS  2.1 NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF CONTROL PANEL ................................ 2-2 2.2 MENU LIST............................................................................................. 2-6 2.3  NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF ON-SCEEN CONT.............................. 2-17  3. BASIC OPERATION  3.1 FLOW OPERATION................................................................................ 3-1 3.1.1 POWER ON AND START THE SYSTEM ............................................... 3-2 3.1.2 OBSERVE AND ADJUST VIDEO ........................................................... 3-3 3.1.3 ACQUIRE AND MEASURE DATA .......................................................... 3-3 3.1.4 END THE OPERATION AND STOP THE SYSTEM................................ 3-4 3.2 MENU COMPOSITION........................................................................... 3-5 3.3 PREPARATION....................................................................................... 3-9 3.3.1  ADJUST DISPLAY BRILLIANCE [BRILL] ............................................... 3-9 3.3.2  ADJUST OPERATION PANEL BRILLIANCE [PANEL] ........................... 3-9
  - xiv - 3.3.3 SWITCH DAY/NIGHT MODE [DAY/NIGHT] ............................................3-9 3.3.4  ADJUST BRILLIANCE OF INFORMATION ON RADAR DISPLAY   (BRILLIANCE SETTING) ......................................................................3-10 3.3.5  ADJUST SOUND VOLUME (BUZZER VOLUME).................................3-10 3.3.6 RESET ALARM BUZZER [ALARM ACK]............................................... 3-11 3.3.7 SET DISPLAY COLOR.......................................................................... 3-11 3.4 BASIC OPERATIONS ...........................................................................3-12 3.4.1 START TRANSMISSION [TX] ...............................................................3-12 3.4.2 STOP TRANSMISSION [STBY] ............................................................3-12 3.4.3  CHANGE RANGE (OBSERVATION RANGE SCALE) [+RANGE-] .......3-13 3.4.4 TUNE ....................................................................................................3-13 3.4.5 CONTROL SENSITIVITY [GAIN] ..........................................................3-14 3.4.6 SUPPRESS SEA CLUTTER [SEA] .......................................................3-14 3.4.7 SUPPRESS RAIN/SNOW CLUTTER [RAIN] ........................................3-15 3.4.8  REJECT RADAR INTERFERENCE [IR]................................................3-16 3.4.9 HIDE/DISPLAY RANGE RINGS (RINGS) .............................................3-16 3.4.10  HIDE SHIP’S HEADING LINE (HL OFF) ...............................................3-17 3.5 GENERAL OPERATIONS .....................................................................3-18 3.5.1  MOVE CROSS CURSOR MARK BY TRACKBALL...............................3-18 3.5.2  USE EBLS (ELECTRONIC BEARING LINES) [EBL1/EBL2].................3-18 3.5.3  USE VRMS (VARIABLE RANGE MARKERS) [VRM1/VRM2]...............3-20 3.5.4  USE P-LINES (PARALLEL INDEX LINES) [P-LINE] .............................3-22 3.5.5  MOVE OWN SHIP’S DISPLAY POSITION [OFF CENT].......................3-23 3.5.6 DISPLAY OTHER SHIPS’ TRAILS [TRAILS].........................................3-23 3.5.7 DISPLAY OWN VECTOR [OWN VECT]................................................3-25 3.5.8 EDITING OWN MARK...........................................................................3-26 3.5.9 TIME ZONE SETTING ..........................................................................3-34 3.5.10 LOCAL TIME SETTING.........................................................................3-35 3.5.11  CHANGE THE UNIT OF RATE OF TURN.............................................3-36 3.5.12 DISPLAY AIS LABEL.............................................................................3-37 3.5.13 ECHO EXPANSION SWITCH ...............................................................3-37 3.6 DISAPLAY USER MAP .........................................................................3-38 3.6.1 EDIT USER MAP ..................................................................................3-38 3.6.2  CORRECT POSITION ON USER MAP (SHIFT ). .................................3-41 3.6.3  CORRECT POSITION ON USER MAP (SHIFT CLEAR). .....................3-41 3.6.4  SET USER MAP DISPLAY (MARK DISPLAY SETTING) ......................3-42 3.6.5  OPERATE USER MAP FILE (FILE OPERATIONS) ..............................3-52 3.7 SCREEN CAPTURE .............................................................................3-63 3.7.1 SCREEN CAPTURE SETTING (SELECT CARD SLOT). .....................3-63
 - xv - 3.7.2 SCREEN CAPTURE SETTING (SAVE FILE). ...................................... 3-65 3.7.3 SCREEN CAPTURE SETTING (ERASE FILE). ................................... 3-66 3.7.4 SCREEN CAPTURE SETTING (AUTO CAPTURE). ............................ 3-67 3.7.5 SCREEN CAPTURE SETTING (AUTO CAPTURE MODE). ................ 3-68 3.7.6 SCREEN CAPTURE SETTING (AUTO CAPTURE INTERVAL)........... 3-69 3.7.7 SCREEN CAPTURE SETTING (AUTO FILE ERASE). ........................ 3-70 3.7.8 SCREEN CAPTURE SETTING (MANUAL CAPTURE). ....................... 3-71 3.8 USER SETTING ................................................................................... 3-72 3.8.1  USER SETTING (LOAD USER SETTING)........................................... 3-72 3.8.2  USER SETTING (SAVE USER SETTING). .......................................... 3-73 3.8.3  USER SETTING (ERASE USER SETTING). ....................................... 3-74 3.9 FORMAT CARD.................................................................................... 3-75 3.9.1 FORMAT CARD (SELECT CARD SLOT). ............................................ 3-75 3.10 AIS FUNCTION .................................................................................... 3-76 3.10.1 VESSEL NAME LIST ............................................................................ 3-76 3.10.2 VESSEL INFORMATION ...................................................................... 3-76 3.10.3  DISPLAY THE VESSEL NAMES ON THE SCREEN ............................ 3-77 3.10.4 AIS SETTING MENU............................................................................ 3-77 3.10.5 AIS SYMBOL ........................................................................................ 3-78   4.  MEASUREMENT OF RANGE AND BEARING  4.1 MEASUREMENT BY TRACKBALL ........................................................ 4-1 4.2 MESAUREMENT BY RANE RINGS ....................................................... 4-2 4.3 MESAUREMENT BY EBLS AND VRMS ................................................ 4-3   5.  TRUE AND FALSE ECHOES ON DISPLAY  5.1 RADAR WAVE WITH THE HORIZON .................................................... 5-2 5.2 STRENGTH OF REFLECTION FROM THE TARGET............................ 5-4 5.3 SEA CLUTTERS..................................................................................... 5-5 5.4 FALSE ECHOES .................................................................................... 5-6 5.5 DISPLAY OF RADAR TRANSPONDER (SART) .................................... 5-9
  - xvi - 6. MAINTENANCE  6.1 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE .....................................................................6-1 6.2 MAINTENANCE ON EACH UNIT............................................................6-2   7. TROUBLE SHOOTING   7.1 FAULT FINDING......................................................................................7-3 7.2 TROUBLE SHOOTING ...........................................................................7-4 7.3 REPLACEMENT OF MAJOR PARTS .....................................................7-7   8. AFTER-SALES SERVICE  9. DISPOSAL 9.1 DISPOSAL OF THE UNIT .......................................................................9-1 9.2 DISPOSAL OF USED BATTERIES .........................................................9-2 9.3 DISPOSAL OF USED MAGNETRON .....................................................9-3   10. SPECIFICATIONS 10.1 JAM-610 TYPE RADAR ........................................................................10-1 10.2 SCANNER (NKE-316)...........................................................................10-2 10.3 CONTROL UNIT (NDC-1486) ...............................................................10-3 10.4 INPUT SIGNAL .....................................................................................10-4 10.5 OUTPUT SIGNAL .................................................................................10-5 10.6 STANDARD EQUIPMENT COMPOSITION ..........................................10-5 10.7 DISTANCE BETWEEN UNITS ..............................................................10-5   APPENDIX   FIG.1  BLOCK DIAGRAM OF JMA-610   FIG.2  TERMINAL DIAGRAM OF JMA-610     FIG.3    PRIMARY POWER SUPPLY BLOCK OF JMA-610   FIG.4  INTERNAL CONNECTION DIAGRAM OF SCANNER UNIT NKE-316   FIG.5  INTERNAL CONNECTION DIAGRAM OF CONTROL UNIT NCM-883
  SECTION 1 GENERAL AND EQUIPMENT COMPOSITION                                                1.1 Functions............................................... 1-1 1.1.1 Function of This System...................... 1-1 1.2 Features................................................. 1-2 1.3 Configuration ........................................ 1-3 1.4 Exterior Drawings ................................. 1-4 1.5 General System Diagrams ................... 1-8
   1-11.1 FUNCTIONS  This equipment is a high-performance radar equipment consisting of a scanner unit, a transmitter-receiver unit and a high resolution color LCD display unit.    1.1.1  Function of This System  The JMA-610 series is a color radar system. The main functions include: • sensitivity adjustment • sea clutter and rain/snow clutter suppression • interference reflector • bearing and range measurement using a cursor, fixed/variable range markers, and electronic bearing line • own track display
  1-21.2  FEATURES y11.2 FEATURES   Realization of Large, Easy-to-see Screen with High Resolution  The 19-inch color LCD with high resolution of 1280 × 1024 pixels can display radar images of 270 mm or more in diameter.    Even short-range targets can also be displayed as high-resolution images.    Target Detection by Latest Signal Processing Technology  The system employs the latest digital signal processing technology to eliminate undesired clutter from the radar video signals that are obtained from the receiver with a wide dynamic range, thus improving the target detection.    Easy Operation with GUI  All the radar functions can be easily controlled by simply using the trackball and two switches to operate the buttons shown on the radar display.    Improved Day/Night Mode  Two types of background colors are available in each Day/Night mode (total 4 background colors). Each background color can be reproduced to be suited for the user’s operating environment by simple key operation.    The radar echoes and a variety of graphics can also be represented in different colors, ensuring easy-to-see displays.    Compact Design and Low Power Consumption  Since an LCD has been implemented as the display device, the weight of the display is greatly reduced and the power consumption is lowered in comparison with the conventional radar equipment.
   1-31.3 CONFIGURATION   Scanners and Transmitted Output Powers  SCANNER TYPE  TRANSMITTED OUTPUT POWER  BAND JMA-610-7  7 FT SLOT ANTENNA 6 KW  X   Radar Configuration and Ship’s Mains  RADAR MODEL SCANNER UNIT  CONTROL UNIT  SHIP’S MAINS JMA-610-7 NKE-316  NCM-883  24 VDC    Notes: 1.  An optional rectifier is necessary for using Ship's Mains 100/110/115/200/220/230 VAC. 2.  The control unit NCM-883 has a separate structure consisting of the following: Processor   NDC-1486 Operation panel    NCE-7882A
  1-41.4  EXTERIOR DRAWING y11.4 EXTERIOR DRAWINGS  Fig. 1.1    Exterior Drawing of Scanner Unit, Type NKE-316  Fig. 1.2    Exterior Drawing of Processing Unit, Type NDC-1486  Fig. 1.3    Exterior Drawing of Operating Unit, Type NCE-7882A  Fig. 1.4    General System Diagram of Radar, Type JMA-610-7
   1-5      Fig. 1.1    Exterior Drawing of Scanner Unit, Type NKE-316 Unit mm
  1-61.4  EXTERIOR DRAWING y1      Fig. 1.2    Exterior Drawing of Processing Unit, Type NDC-1486  Unit mm
   1-7      Fig. 1.3    Exterior Drawing of Operating Unit, Type NCE-7882A Unit mm
  1-81.5  GENERAL SYSTEM DIAGRAM y11.5  GENERAL SYSTEM DIAGRAMS                                                                FIG. 1.4  GENERAL SYSTEM DIAGRAM OF RADAR, TYPE JMA-610-7   Note:  Eliminating the interference on frequencies used for marine communications and navigation due to operation of the radar.   All cables of the radar are to be run away from the cables of radio equipment.   (Ex. Radiotelephone.    Communications receiver and direction finder, etc. )   Especially inter-wiring cables between scanner unit and display unit of the radar should not be run parallel with the cables of radio equipment. SHIP’S  MAIN24VALPHATRON SUPPLYPROCESSING UNITNDC-1486CONTROL UNITNCM-883JRC SUPPLY7mOPERATING UNITNCE-7882A19inchCOLOR LCD(SXGA)RGBALPHATRON SUPPLYDC100VALPHATRON SUPPLYDISPLAY UNITALPHATRON SUPPLYSCANNER UNITNKE-316RADIATOR NAX-16A-7Alpha chartGPSx2NMEA (Input)HDG /Depth /Temperature /ROT /Rudder /Autopilot /Time /TripNMEA (output)Cursor or own ship’s dataPS/2Analog (input)ROT/ Rudder/ AutopilotAIS
  SECTION 2 NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF CONTROL PANEL SWITCHES AND FUNCTIONS OF SOFTWARE BUTTONS                                        2.1    NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF CONTROL PANEL.....2-2 2.2    MENU LIST...................................................................2-6 2.3    NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF ON-SCEEN CONT ...2-17
  2-1           120150180240210330000060090270300812.3m030300 200 100 100 200 300090 60 30 0 30 60 90         Fig 2.1  DISPLAY & READOUTS    Rate of Turn Indicator   Auto Pilot Indicator     Rudder Indicator       Depth or SOG Display             Depth or SOG Numeric Display                   AIS Information (while push) Range Marker Interval   Range Scale     Sea Volume Position       Rain Volume Position         Gain Volume Position           Tune Indicator              Auto Tuning                  Transmit/Standby Indicator                       TX Pulse Width   Center Position Select     Bearing Mode Indicator        Trail Display Time     Radar Trails mode        Screen Brilliance       Interference Rejector Switch      Display Color Mode     Target Expansion Level           (strong) True or RelativeEBL1/2 Bearing Menu              Own Ship’s Data   Menu Select Cursor Position     (Azimuth, Range)     VRM 1/2 Range P-LINE 1/2 Range ALARM The alarm window appears over the P-LINE data. Screen Capture Mode   Screen Capture     Heading Line Off       (while push)        Range Ring ON/OFF       Menu Select       GPS        Own Ship’s Data
   2-22 yy2.1 NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF CONTROL PANEL SWITCHES   2.1    NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF CONTROL  PANEL SWITCHES   Names and Functions of Control Panel Switches                                  The following page describe name of buttons.  The Sections and page numbers on the above indicate pages where operation procedures and detailed descriptions are provided.  Fig 2.2  CONTROL PANEL 1  →See section 3.4.2 on page 3-12 2  →See section 3.4.1 on page 3-12 3  →See section 3.5.2 on page 3-18 4  →See section 3.3.6on page 3-11 5  →See section 3.5.5 on page 3-23 6  →See section 3.4.5 on page 3-14 7  →See section 3.5.4 on page 3-229  →See section 3.4.7on page 3-15 10  →See section 3.3.3 on page 3-9 11  →See section 3.4.6 on page 3-14 12  →See section 3.4.10 on page 3-17 13  →See section 3.4.4 on page 3-13 14  →See section 3.2 on page 3-5 16  →See section 3.5.3 on      page 3-20 17  18  19  →See section 3.5.6 on page      3-24 20  →See section 3.5.8 on page        3-26 21  →See section 3.5.7 on page        3-25 8  →See section 3.3.1on   page 3-9 15  →See section 3.2 on page      3-5 22  →See section 3.5.1on   page 3-18 23  →See section 3.4.3 on   page 3-13 24  →See section 3.4.9 on   page 3-16 25  →See section 3.3.2 on   page 3-9
  2-3 ①   [STBY](standby) Switch Use this switch to change the power-off state to the power-on state, or the transmission state to the standby state. To turn off the power, press the [STBY] switch and [TX] switch together.   -> See section 3.4.2 on page 3-12.  ② [TX](Transmit) Switch PREHEAT  at the upper left of the radar display changes to  STANDBY  about 90 seconds  after the power is turned on. Then, press this switch to start transmission. -> See section 3.4.1 on page 3-12.  ③  [EBL1/EBL2] (Electric Bearing Line 1/2) Switch Use this switch to display and select EBL1/2. -> See section 3.5.2 on page 3-18.  ④  [ALARM ACK] (Alarm Acknowledgement) Switch Use this switch to acknowledge a failure, target’s approach, or collision alarm. Press the switch to stop an audible alarm. If more than one alarm has occurred, the switch needs to be pressed the number of times equivalent to the number of alarms. -> See section 3.3.6 on page 3-11.  ⑤  [OFF CENT] (Off Center) Switch Shifts the own ship’s position . -> See section 3.5.5 on page 3-23.  ⑥  [GAIN] (Receiving Sensitivity) Control Controls the radar’s receiving sensitivity. To get higher sensitivity, turn the control clockwise. Suppresses the clutter echo from the sea surface. To heighten a suppressing effect, turn the control clockwise. The clutter suppression mode switches back and forth between  MANUAL  and  AUTO  each time the control is pressed. -> See section 3.4.5 on page 3-14.  ⑦  [P-LINE] (Parallel Index Line) Switch Use this switch to display and select EBL1/2. -> See section 3.5.4 on page 3-22.  ⑧  [BRILL] (Operation LCD Brilliance) Switch Controls the brilliance of the special LCD monitor. -> See section 3.3.1 on page 3-9.  ⑨  [RAIN] (RAIN/SNOW Clutter Suppression) Control Suppresses the clutter echo from rain or snow. To heighten a suppressing effect, turn the control clockwise. To control this suppressing effect using Trackball, press the control. -> See section 3.4.7 on page 3-15.  ⑩  [DAY/NIGHT] (DAY/NIGHT MODE) Switch Switches the screen color and brilliance according to each setting. -> See section 3.3.3 on page 3-9.
   2-42 yy2.1 NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF CONTROL PANEL SWITCHES   ⑪  [SEA] (Sea clutter Suppression) Control Suppresses the clutter echo from the sea surface. To heighten a suppressing effect, turn the control clockwise. To control this suppressing effect using Trackball, press the control. -> See section 3.4.6 on page 3-14.  ⑫  [HL OFF] (Heading Line Off) Switch Clears the Ship’s heading line while this key is being pressed. -> See section 3.4.10 on page 3-17.  ⑬  [TUNE/AUTO] (Tune Control/Automatic) Control Tunes the receiver of the radar. Controls the target on the screen to be seen most clearly. To change to automatic mode, press the control. -> See section 3.4.4 on page 3-13.  ⑭  [ENT] (Enter) Switch Use this switch to determine menu selection or value input. Pressing the switch has the same effect as left-clicking the trackball. -> See section 3.2 on page 3-5.  ⑮  [MENU] (Menu) Switch Opens the menu. -> See section 3.2 on page 3-5.  ⑯  [VRM1/VRM2] (Variable Range Marker 1/2) Switch Use this switch to display and select EBL1/2. -> See section 3.5.3 on page 3-20.  ⑰  Jog Dial Use this dial to change the bearing of EBL1/2, the range of VRM1/2 and P-Line 1/2 .  ⑱  [CAMERA] (Screen Capture) Switch Radar screen images is downloaded to memory card.    ⑲  [EXP] (Echo expansion) Switch Expand the radar echo. -> See section 3.5.6 on page 3-24.  ⑳  [AIS LABEL] Switch Display the AIS information. -> See section 3.5.8 on page 3-26.    [OWN VECT] (Own Ship’s Vector) Switch Use this switch to display the own ship’s vector. -> See section 3.5.7 on page 3-25.   Trackball Use this trackball to move the cursor mark to an arbitrary point. The trackball can be used for setting in each mode. -> For setting cursor, see section 3.5.1 on page 3-18.    [+RANGE-] (Range Scale) Switch Expands or shrinks the observation range scale. -> See section 3.4.3 on page 3-13.  212223
  2-5   [RR] (Fixed Range Marker) Switch Use this switch to display the fixed range marker. -> See section 3.4.9 on page 3-16.    [PANEL] (Operation Panel Brilliance) Switch Controls the brilliance for the controls and switches on the operation panel. The brilliance changes cyclically each time the switch is pressed. -> See section 3.3.2 on page 3-9.  242535
   2-62 yy 2.2 MENU LIST 2.2    MENU LIST This radar has 2 kinds of menu as following. Main Menu   : This menu is for all users.  Service Menu : This menu is for initial setting of JMA-610 at installation    Main Menu0.Exit→0.Previous1.SHM 1/2/3/42.Range Rings 1/2/3/43.VRM 1/2/3/44.EBL/P-Line 1/2/3/45.Bearing Sale 0/1/2/3/46.Character 1/2/3/47.AIS/Vector 1/2/3/48.Next 1/2/3/4↓Next0.Previous1.Own Mark 1/2/3/42.RADAR Video/Trails 1/2/3/43.Mark/Line 1/2/3/4→0.Previous1.Echo Yellow/Green/Amber/White2.Trails Green/White/Br_Blue/Yellow/Amber3.Echo Back Ground Black/Blue/Dark_Grey4.Data Back Ground Black/Grey/Dark_Grey/Br_Blue5.Others Green/Amber/White/Yellow6.Own Mark Cyan/Grey/Magenta/Green/White7.AIS/Vector White/Magenta/Cyan/Br_Blue8.VRM Cyan/Green3.Setting   > → 0.Previous1.Buzzer Level Off/1/2/32.Rate Of Turn 30-0-30/90-0-90/300-0-3003.Expansion Off/Fair/Strong0.Previous1.AIS Function Off/On2.AIS Symbol Display Off/On3.Vector Off/On4.Special AIS Symbols Off/On5.Date/TimeSetting  >→0.Previous1.Time Zone Setting2.Local Date3.Local Time1.Brilliance  >2.Color      > 4.AIS   Settings >
  2-76.Own Mark    > → 0.Previous1.Filled Off/On2.Radar Targets On Top Off/On3.Profile                   > → 0.Previous1.Own Ship Off/Rectangle/Pentagon2.2nd Ship Off/Rectangle/Pentagon3.3rd Ship → 1. Profile Off/Rectangle/Pentagon2. Dimension LengthBeam3. Position ab4.4th Ship → 1. Profile Off/Rectangle/Pentagon2. Dimension LengthBeam3. Position ab5.5th Ship → 1. Profile Off/Rectangle/Pentagon2. Dimension LengthBeam3. Position ab6.6th Ship → 1. Profile Off/Rectangle/Pentagon2. Dimension LengthBeam3. Position ab7.7th Ship → 1. Profile Off/Rectangle/Pentagon2. Dimension LengthBeam3. Position ab8.Next↓Next0.Previous1.8th Ship → 1. Profile Off/Rectangle/Pentagon2. Dimension LengthBeam3. Position ab2.9th Ship → 1. Profile Off/Rectangle/Pentagon2. Dimension LengthBeam3. Position ab3.10th Ship → 1. Profile Off/Rectangle/Pentagon2. Dimension LengthBeam3. Position ab7.Ship Config Off/Situation 1/Situation2/Situation 3/Situation 4/Situation8.Next >
   2-82 yy 2.2 MENU LIST ↓8.next1.Screen CapureSetting >→ 0.Previous1.Select Card Slot Slot1/Slot22.Save File3.Erase File4.AUTO Capture Off/On5.AUTO Capture Mode Auto-1/Auto-26.AUTO Capture Interval 1~999min(Auto-1)10~999sec(Auto-2)7.AUTO File Erase Off/On8.Manual Capture Off/On2.User Setting > → 0.Previous1.Load User Setting2.Save User Setting3.Erase User Setting3.Format Card >→ 0.Previous1.Select Card Slot Slot1/Slot22.Format4.NAV INFOR- MATION  >→ 0.Previious1.Edit User Map → 0.Previious1.Make with Cursor → 0.Previious1.Type (Mark/Line)2.Color White/Cyan/Blue/Green/Yellow/Pink/Red2.Make with L/L → 0.Previious1.Type (Mark/Line)2.Color White/Cyan/Blue/Green/Yellow/Pink/Red3.L/L4.Enter5.New Line Input ⇔ New Mark Input3.Move4.Delete5.Insert/Move Vertex6.Delete Vertex7.DEL by Type/Color Type:ALL/ExceptAllColor:ALL/White/Cyan/Blue/Green/Yellow/Pink/Red8.Remeain Point2.Shift3.Shift Clear
  2-9→ 0.Previious→ 0.Previious1.All Individual/Off/On2.○ Off/On3.△ Off/On4.▽ Off/On5.□ Off/On6.◇ Off/On7.沈船 Off/On8.Next↓8.NEXT0.Previious1.△△ Off/On2.▽▽ Off/On3.△▽ Off/On4.▽△ Off/On5.+ Off/On6.× Off/On7.Y Off/On8.Next↓8.NEXT0.Previious1.鼓 Off/On2.灯台 Off/On3.台形(中抜き) Off/On4.台形(塗りつぶし) Off/On5.帽子 Off/On6.●● Off/On7.● Off/On8.Next↓8.NEXT0.Previious Off/On1.三角塗りつぶし Off/On2.! Off/On3.錨 Off/On4.錨/ Off/On5.丸点線 Off/On6.川- Off/On7.◎ Off/On8.Next↓8.NEXT0.Previious1.□・/ Off/On2.・ Off/On3.破線 Off/On4.実線 Off/On5.一点鎖線 Off/On→ 0.Previious1.All Individual/Off/On2.White Off/On3.Cyan Off/On4.Blue Off/On5.Green Off/On6.Yellow Off/On7.Pink Off/On8.Red Off/On3.Mark Size Normal/Small4.Mark Display Setting >1.Display Mark Type >2.Display Mark Color >
   2-102 yy 2.2 MENU LIST 5.File Operations > → 0.Previious1.Select Card Slot Slot1/Slot2/Intern2.Load Mode Add/Overwrite3.Load4.Unload5.Save6.Erase7.File Mark Display6,Next >↓6.Next0.Previious1.Own Ship Position2.Geodetic WGS84
  2-11[Service Menu]  Keep press “MENU” key 5 second or more, and code input “0”,”enter”   Then [Service Menu] will be open as follows.    Service Menu0.Exit1.Equipment  Setup  >→0.Previous1.Heading Mode SEL Off/On2.Stern Marker Off/0° H-Up On/90° H-Up On3.Language Select English/Dutch/German/French4.Anttena Speed Normal/HS/Composit5.PRF High/Low/JammiNG6.Unit Of Range Km/nm/sm7.Unit Of Speed m/s, km/h, kts8.Next      > → 0.Previous1.Kind Of Vessel2.True Trail FUNC.3.RTH-Up4.GSFT Soft Key2.Maintenance  Menu >→0.Previous1.Safety Switch Tx-Off/Standby/Tx-On/IGNORE2.Partial Master  ResetYes or No3.All Master Reset Yes or No4.Alarm Setting > → 0.Previous1.Alarm Function Off/On/NMEA Off2.AIS Alarm Off/On3.MAX Target Alarm Off/On5.BRILL ADJ → 0.Previous1.BRILL MIN 0-632.BRILL MAX 0-636.Clear Total Hour Yes or No7.Clear Running Hour Yes or No0.Previous3.SP INITSetup        >→ 0.Previous 1.Main 0-2551.Noise Level               > → 2.Setting Mode Off/On0.Previous1.MBS Level 0-2552.MBS                           > → 2.MBS Area 0-2550.Previous1.Bearing ADJ 0.0-359.94.Initial  Setting     >→ 2.Range ADJ 0-9993.Tune ADJ 0-1274.Tune Indicator ADJ 0-1275.Anntena Height -5/5-10/10-20/20-m6.GPS Setting               > → 0.Previous1.GPS1 Process  Setting >→ 0.Previous1.Position2.Geodetic 00-473.Send Data Yes or No4.Next      >↓4.Next0.Previous1.Exclusion 00-322.Antenna Height 0-8147m3.Fix Mode 2D/3D/AUTO4.DOP Level Up to 4/Up to 10/Up to 205.Position Average LoNG/Standard/None0-9991-9996.Master Reset Off/On7.Send Data Yes or No2.GPS1 DGPS Setting  >→ 0.Previous1.Mode AUTO/Manual2.Frequency 275.0-335.0kHz3.Baud Rate 50/100/200bps4.DGPS Mode Off/On5.Send Data Yes or No
   2-122 yy 2.2 MENU LIST 3.GPS1 WAAS  Settings >→0.Previous1.Mode Beacon/WAAS/AUTO2.Ranging Off/On3.NG WAAS   Use/Not Use4.WAAS Select Mode Manual/AUTO5.WAAS No. 120-1386.Send Data Yes or No4.GPS2 Process Setting >→0.Previous1.Position2.Geodetic 00-473.Send Data Yes or No4.Next      >↓4.Next0.Previous1.Exclusion 00-322.Antenna Height 0-8147m3.Fix Mode 2D/3D/AUTO4.DOP Level Up to 4/Up to 10/Up to 205.Position Average LoNG/Standard/None0-9991-9996.Master Reset Off/On7.Send Data Yes or No5.GPS2 DGPS Setting  >→0.Previous1.Mode AUTO/Manual2.Frequency 275.0-335.0kHz3.Baud Rate 50/100/200bps4.DGPS Mode Off/On5.Send Data Yes or No6.GPS2 WAAS Setting >→0.Previous1.Mode Beacon/WAAS/AUTO2.Ranging Off/On3.NG WAAS Use/Not Use4.WAAS Select Mode Manual/AUTO5.WAAS No. 120-1386.Send Data Yes or No7.Sector Blank           > → 0.Previous1.Set Off/On2.Make3.Ent8.Next↓8.Next0.Previous1.TNI Blank → 0.Previous1.Set Off/On2.Make3.Ent2.Network → 1.Network Function Off/On2.IP Address Echo Delivery > → 0.Previous1.Echo Delivery Function Off/On2.Multicast Address Form Quadrant/Octant4.Data Format Normal/Compressed3.AIS Limit 5km Off/On (On=5km、Off=60km)5.Sensor  Setting   >→0.Previous1.ROT     > → 0.Previous1.Zero Set     Set Set2.Gain 0-1273.Display Off/On2.Rudder  > → 0.Previous1.Zero Set     Set Set2.Gain 0-1273.Display Off/On3.Autopilot > → 0.Previous1.Display Off/On
  2-134.Others  > → 0.Previous1.GPS(LL/COG/SOG)  > → 0.Previous1.GGA Off/On2.RMC Off/On3.RMA Off/On4.GNS Off/On5.GLL Off/On6.VTG Off/On2.GPS(TIME)       > → 0.Previous1.ZDA Off/On3.Depth                 > → 0.Previous1.DPT Off/On2.DBK Off/On3.DBT Off/On4.DBS Off/On4.Gyro                  > → 0.Previous1.HDT Off/On2.(D)GPS Off/On5.AUTOpilot Off/APB6.ROT Off/ROT7.Rudder Off/RSA6.SystemInformation >7.Test Menu > → 0.Previous1.Self Test                   > → 0.Previous1.Scanner Status  > → 0.Previous*Safety Switch OK/NG/***AZI Pulse OK/NG/***HL Puluse OK/NG/***MH Current OK/NG/***Trigger OK/NG/***Video OK/NG/**2.Processor  Status               >→0.Previous*Interrupt           OK OK/NG/***Video                  OK OK/NG/***Trigger               OK OK/NG/***AZI                      OK OK/NG/***HL                       OK OK/NG/***Reverse              OK OK/NG/**3.Supply Voltage >2.Monitor Test            > → 0.Previous1.Pattern 12.Pattern 23.Pattern 34.Pattern 45.Pattern 56.Pattern 67.Pattern 78.Pattern 83.Panel Test                > → 0.Previous1.Key Test             > (PANEL)2.Buzzer Test3.Light Test4.Line Monitor >5.System Alarm Log >    MAGI8.Next↓Next0.Previous1.Ship Dimension  > → 1. Own Ship                 > → Dimension Length 0.0~600.0m             Beam 0.0~400.0mRadar Position Off/On   a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mGPS1 Posiotion Off/On   a 0.0~600.0m   b -200.0~+200.0mGPS2 Position Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0m
   2-142 yy 2.2 MENU LIST 2. 2nd Ship                 > → Dimension 0.0~600.0m0.0~400.0mRadar Position Off/On   a 0.0~600.0m   b -200.0~+200.0mGPS1 Posiotion Off/On   a 0.0~600.0m   b -200.0~+200.0mGPS2 Position Off/On   a 0.0~600.0m   b -200.0~+200.0mShip Position  a -600.0~600.0m                   b -200.0~+200.0m2.Ship Config > → 0.Previous1.Select Situation Off/On2.Situation 1  > → 0.Previous1.Bearing ADJ 0.0-359.92.Range ADJ 0-9993.Gain Preset 0-2554.Noise Level 0-2555.MBS Level 0-2556.MBS Area 0-2557.Dimension        > → 1. Own Ship                 > → Dimension Length 0.0~600.0m              Beam 0.0~400.0mRadar Position Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mGPS1 Posiotion Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mGPS2 Position Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0m2. 2nd Ship                 > → Dimension 0.0~600.0m0.0~400.0mRadar Position Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mGPS1 Posiotion Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mGPS2 Position Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mShip Position  a -600.0~600.0m                   b -200.0~+200.0m8.Situation Name3.Situation 2  > → 0.Previous1.Bearing ADJ 0.0-359.92.Range ADJ 0-9993.Gain Preset 0-2554.Noise Level 0-2555.MBS Level 0-2556.MBS Area 0-2557.Dimension        > → 1. Own Ship                 > → Dimension Length 0.0~600.0m              Beam 0.0~400.0mRadar Position Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mGPS1 Posiotion Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mGPS2 Position Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0m2. 2nd Ship                 > → Dimension 0.0~600.0m0.0~400.0mRadar Position Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mGPS1 Posiotion Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mGPS2 Position Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mShip Position  a -600.0~600.0m                   b -200.0~+200.0m8.Situation Name
  2-154.Situation 3  > → 0.Previous1.Bearing ADJ 0.0-359.92.Range ADJ 0-9993.Gain Preset 0-2554.Noise Level 0-2555.MBS Level 0-2556.MBS Area 0-2557.Dimension        > → 1. Own Ship                 > → Dimension Length 0.0~600.0m              Beam 0.0~400.0mRadar Position Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mGPS1 Posiotion Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mGPS2 Position Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0m2. 2nd Ship                 > → Dimension 0.0~600.0m0.0~400.0mRadar Position Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mGPS1 Posiotion Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mGPS2 Position Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mShip Position  a -600.0~600.0m                   b -200.0~+200.0m8.Situation Name5.Situation 4  > → 0.Previous1.Bearing ADJ 0.0-359.92.Range ADJ 0-9993.Gain Preset 0-2554.Noise Level 0-2555.MBS Level 0-2556.MBS Area 0-2557.Dimension        > → 1. Own Ship                 > → Dimension Length 0.0~600.0m              Beam 0.0~400.0mRadar Position Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mGPS1 Posiotion Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mGPS2 Position Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0m2. 2nd Ship                 > → Dimension 0.0~600.0m0.0~400.0mRadar Position Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mGPS1 Posiotion Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mGPS2 Position Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mShip Position  a -600.0~600.0m                   b -200.0~+200.0m8.Situation Name
   2-162 yy 2.2 MENU LIST 6.Situation 5  > → 0.Previous1.Bearing ADJ 0.0-359.92.Range ADJ 0-9993.Gain Preset 0-2554.Noise Level 0-2555.MBS Level 0-2556.MBS Area 0-2557.Dimension        > → 1. Own Ship                 > → Dimension Length 0.0~600.0m              Beam 0.0~400.0mRadar Position Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mGPS1 Posiotion Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mGPS2 Position Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0m2. 2nd Ship                 > → Dimension 0.0~600.0m0.0~400.0mRadar Position Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mGPS1 Posiotion Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mGPS2 Position Off/On    a 0.0~600.0m    b -200.0~+200.0mShip Position  a -600.0~600.0m                   b -200.0~+200.0m8.Situation Name
  2-172.3    NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF           ON-SCREEN CONTROLS              Fig 2.3  On-screen controls   1 2 3 4 6   5  24  25   26   27                             11 29  30   7  8  9  10  28                     20  18  19  21  22  23          12  13    14     15 16 17
   2-182 yy2.3 NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF ON-SCREEN CONTROLS  1  【RANGE】   A click on “+” will increment the RANGE SCALE.   A click on “-“ will decrement the RANGE SCALE.  2  【AUTO TUNE】   A click on the box will select either Manual tune, “M” or Auto tune, ”A”.  3  【TX/STBY】   A click on the box will select either TRANSMIT or STANDBY.  4  【PULSE LENGTH】   A click on the box will cycle through the available pulse lengths.  5  【OFF-CENTER】   A click on the box will cycle the center mode as follows.  CENTER1 OFFCENTER3 CENTER2   6  【LENGTH OF TRAILS】   A click on the box will cycle the length of trails as follows.      Clicking and holding down the box over 2 seconds will set the trails to OFF.  7  【MODE OF THE TRAILS】   A click on the box will select TRUE TRAILS,”T”, or RELATIVE TRAILS,”R”.  8  【BRILLIANCE】   A click on the box will enable brilliance adjustment.   The brilliance can be change by [JOG DIAL] or [TRACK-BALL] and  [ENTER] key.  9  【INTERFERENCE REJECTION】   A click on the box will cycle IR mode as follows.     10  【DAY/NIGHT】   A click on the box will cycle the display mode as follows.  DAY1 DAY4DAY3DAY2NIGHT1 NIGHT4NIGHT3NIGHT2
  2-19 11  【DOCKING/AIS/GPS】   Select informations from Docking / GPS / AIS / OWN SHIP / OFF.  12 13  【EBL】   Refer to Section 3.5.2.  16 17  【VRM】   Refer to Section 3.5.3.  18  【HL OFF】   With the cursor positioned on the box, pressing and holding the [ENTER] key will remove the HEADING LINE from the display.   When the key is released, the line is showed again.  19  【RANGE RINGS】   A click on the box selects between RANGE RINGS ON and OFF.  20  【SCREEN CAPTURE】   Click icon ,the screen image is downloaded to memory card.  21  【OWN SHIP INFORMATION】   Select informations from Docking / GPS / AIS / OWN SHIP / OFF.  22  【VECTORS】   A click on the box will cycle the vector time as follows.      Pressing and holding down the [ENTER] key on the box over 2 seconds will set the VECTOR OFF.  23  【TRIP COUNTER】   Pressing and holding down the [ENTR] key on the box will clear the TRIP COUNTER.  24  【TUNE】   Pressing the [ENTER] key on the box, you can adjust TUNE with [TRACK BALL]. If you want to adjust TUNE with [TUNE] knob, press [TUNE] knob on keyboard.  25  【GAIN LEVEL】   Pressing the [ENTER] key on the box, you can adjust GAIN with [TRACK BALL]. If you want to adjust GAIN with [GAIN] knob, press [GAIN] knob on keyboard.
   2-202 yy2.3 NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF ON-SCREEN CONTROLS   26  【RAIN CLUTTER SUPPRESSION LVEL】   Pressing the [ENTER] key on the box, you can adjust RAIN with [TRACK BALL]. If you want to adjust RAIN with [RAIN] knob, press [RAIN] knob on keyboard.  27  【SEA CLUTTER SUPPRESION LVEL】   Pressing the [ENTER] key on the box, you can adjust SEA CLUTTER SUPPRESION LEVEL with [TRACK BALL]. If you want to adjust SEA CLUTTER SUPPRESION LEVEL with [SEA] knob, press [SEA] knob on keyboard.  28  【TARGET EXPANSION LEVEL.】   A click on the box will cycle the target expansion level.  OFF/FAIR/STRONG

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