User ManualMyPal A626/A686/A696
iiiTable of ContentsChapter 1  Getting Started..................................................1Introducing MyPal ..................................................................................1Installing and removing the battery........................................................5Connecting to a power source ...............................................................5Setting up GPS ......................................................................................6Additional storage ..................................................................................7Activating MyPal ....................................................................................8Basic screens on MyPal ........................................................................9Chapter 2  Basics .............................................................. 11Viewing system information  ................................................................11Entering information.............................................................................11)LQGLQJDQGRUJDQL]LQJLQIRUPDWLRQ......................................................18Using the File Explorer  .......................................................................18&XVWRPL]LQJ\RXUGHYLFH......................................................................19Using simple applications ....................................................................Chapter 3  Synchronize and Enhance .............................31Microsoft® ActiveSync®.........................................................................316\QFKURQL]LQJ\RXUGHYLFH...................................................................33Chapter 4  Microsoft® Pocket Outlook............................. 39Calendar ..............................................................................................39Contacts ..............................................................................................Tasks ...................................................................................................45Notes ..................................................................................................46Messaging ...........................................................................................48Chapter 5  Companion Programs ....................................53Word Mobile ........................................................................................53Excel Mobile  .......................................................................................56
ivPowerPoint Mobile ..............................................................................58Pocket MSN ........................................................................................60Windows Media Player for Pocket PC .................................................64Chapter 6  Internet Explorer Mobile.................................65Using Internet Explorer Mobile ............................................................65Mobile Favorites folder ........................................................................66Chapter 7  Get Connected ................................................70Connecting to the Internet ...................................................................70Connecting to Work .............................................................................71Setting up connections ........................................................................71Ending a connection  ...........................................................................73Setting up a WAP gateway ..................................................................74Using dialing rules ...............................................................................74Using Terminal Services Client ............................................................75Infrared (IR) connection .......................................................................76Chapter 8  Bluetooth®........................................................78Using Bluetooth ...................................................................................78Bluetooth settings ................................................................................79Bluetooth Manager ..............................................................................81Remote device services.......................................................................Setting up High Quality Audio setup or Hands-free/Headset setup .....88Setting up ActiveSync via Bluetooth ....................................................88Chapter 9  Wi-Fi .................................................................89Using Wi-Fi ..........................................................................................89The Wi-Fi Manager ..............................................................................Appendix  Notices .............................................................95Federal Communications Commission Statement...............................95Canadian Department of Communications Statement ........................95UL Safety Notices ................................................................................96Checklist of Regulatory Statement ......................................................97
v0\3DO$$$VSHFLÀFDWLRQVProcessorOperating systemMemoryDisplayBatteryExpansion slotBluetoothWLANAudioGPSSizeWeight$,QWHO®;6FDOH3URFHVVRU0+]A686: Intel®;6FDOH3URFHVVRU0+]A696: Intel®;6FDOH3URFHVVRU0+]Microsoft® Windows Mobile™ 5.0 (Pocket PC)$0%)ODVK5200%6'5$0$0%)ODVK5200%6'5$0$0%)ODVK5200%6'5$0LQFKEULOOLDQWWUDQVÁHFWLYH7)7/&'65,000 Full-color, 16-bit display49*$[UHVROXWLRQ7RXFK3DGSupport Anti-glare technologyP$KUHPRYDEOH/LLRQOne slot-SD card slot (SDIO/SD/MMC), at least 4GBBluetooth®Y('586%&OLHQW:/$1EJZLWK7%'VXSSRUW$only)3.5 mm stereo SiRF Star III / GPS chip with built-in GPS Antenna (A686/696 only)117 mm x 70.8 mm x 15.7 mm $JUDPVZLWKEDWWHU\A686: 165 grams (with battery)A696: 165 grams (with battery)IMPORTANT   To avoid damaging your Pocket PC and accessories, it is best to operate this unit (including the protection case)  ZLWKLQDWHPSHUDWXUHUDQJHRIoC (68-86 oF) and 50% humidity.  Anything that goes beyond or below the ideal temperature range may damage the unit, and may shorten the battery life.6SHFLÀFDWLRQVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFH
viPackage contentsYour package includes several accessories for the Pocket PC. After unpacking, check the items against the list below and make sure that they are in good condition. If any item is missing or damaged, contact your dealer or retailer immediately.Standard items $6860\3DO$$$3RFNHW3&• USB travel sync cable• AC adapter• Microsoft Companion CD: includes Microsoft® Outlook®DQG0LFURVRIW®ActiveSync® [6W\OXV• Protection case 5HPRYDEOHUHFKDUJHDEOHP$K/LLRQEDWWHU\• Manual• Quick Start GuideExtra items for A686 and A696• Car kit (car holder and gooseneck)• Car charger• Warranty cardOptional accessories• Stylus x 3 / package • AC adapter•  Battery •  Car charger•USB travel sync cable•Car kit (car holder and gooseneck)•Stereo headset with microphone•Bluetooth headset•Leather protection case (landscape orientation)
Getting Started1Chapter 1  Getting Started•Power LEDVKRZVDVWHDG\UHGOLJKWZKHQWKHEDWWHU\LVFKDUJLQJsteady  green when the battery is fully charged and the device is connected to an AC power source.•LCD touch screen - allows you to enter, read, send, receive or edit data by tapping on it. The screen lumination is increased or decreased by changing the backlight settings (Anti-glare technology supported).•Speaker - allows you to hear alarms and other sound output from the device.Introducing MyPalThe ASUS®0\3DO$$$LVWUXO\DJRRGFRPSDQLRQZKHUHYHU\RXJR3RZHUHGE\D0+]0\3DO$RU0+]0\3DO$$,QWHO®;6FDOHSURFHVVRUHTXLSSHGZLWK0%6'5$0DQG0%)ODVK5200\3DO$RU0%)ODVK5200\3DO$$DQGbundled with the Microsoft® Windows Mobile® 5.0 plus a host of useful utilities, you have everything you need in your pocket!0\3DO$$FRPHVZLWKDGGLWLRQDO:L)LIHDWXUHWKDWDOORZV\RXWRFRQQHFWWRZLUHOHVV/$1DQG,QWHUQHW0\3DO$$$KDVDVLQJOHSD card slot.SpeakerLaunch buttonLCD touch screenNotes button Calendar buttonMode/TaskSwitcher buttonContacts button4-way Navigaition button3RZHU1RWLÀFDWLRQ/('Front featuresBluetooth/Wi-Fi/GPS LED
2Chapter 1SD card slot(SD/SDIO/MMC)•4-way navigation button - functions like the four arrow keys on a keyboard. This button allows you to move through the program icons, IROGHUVRUÀOHVLQDPHQXE\VFUROOLQJXSRUGRZQOHIWRUULJKWIf ASUS® MyPal is bundled with GPS map software, you may use the EXWWRQVWR]RRPLQ]RRPRXWDQGDGMXVWWKHYROXPH•Launch button - functions like the enter/return key on a keyboard. 3UHVVRQFHWRODXQFKDVHOHFWHGSURJUDPOLVWIROGHUFRQWHQWVRURSHQDÀOH•Contacts button - opens your contacts list at any time.•Calendar button - opens the Calendar program at any time.•Mode Switcher button - allows you to switch between Today, Windows Media Player and Rotate screen. The Mode Switcher button can also function as a Task Switcher, which allows you to switch between currently running programs on your device.•Notes button - opens the Notes program at any time.•Bluetooth/GPS/Wi-Fi LED - lights up blue when the Bluetooth® feature LVRQOLJKWVXSJUHHQZKHQ*36LVRQOLJKWVXSUHGZKHQ:L)LLVRQ•Battery cover - provides protection to the battery compartment of the device.•SD card slot - accommodates an SD memory card, MMC memory FDUGRUDQ6',2LQWHUIDFHFDUGHJEJPRGHPHWF•External antenna jack  - connects to an external GPS antenna (A686/A696 only). ExternalDQWHQQDMDFNBattery coverBack features
Getting Started3Right Side features•Stylus - used for tapping or writing on the LCD touch screen. •Hold key - provides a safety measure to avoid users from accidentally tapping the screen or turning on the device. Move the switch towards the word Hold to turn off the screen and prevent it from turning back on even when you tap the screen or press a button. Move the switch towards the opposite direction to disable this feature.•Headphone port - connects to a headphone.Top features•Power button - turns the device power on or off if you press the button quickly.NOTES As a precaution, the Power button is automatically disabled when you remove the battery cover. You can only turn on the power when the battery cover is installed to the unit.The battery cover is removable, and allows you to remove or replace the main battery.Left Side features•Sync and  power cable connector - connect the Mini USB sync FDEOHGLUHFWO\WRWKLVFRQQHFWRUWRV\QFKURQL]H\RXUGHYLFHZLWK\RXUcomputer. This also charges the battery at the same time.Sync and power cable connectorPower buttonSD card slot(SD/SDIO/MMC)Hold keyStylus+HDGSKRQHMDFNScreenScreen
4Chapter 1The GPS car kit (MyPal A686/A696 only)The GPS car kit includes: •Car holder - holds the Pocket PC.•Gooseneck - securely attaches the Pocket PC to the car’s windshield.•Reset switch - allows you to perform a soft reset in case the device malfunctions, or when an application hangs. Press the tip of the stylus on this switch to reset the system. •Infrared (IR) port - allows you to copy or send data to another device with an IR port. For a successful exchange of data, the IR port of both devices must be properly aligned and facing each other within the IR communication range.Reset switchBottom featuresNOTE To shutdown the device, press the Power button for about four seconds then tap Yes$OORSHQÀOHVZLOOEHXQVDYHGNOTE To perform a clean reset, press the launch button and simultaneously pressing the stylus on the reset switch. Then a warning message appears. Press   to do clean reset, or press   to leave the operation screen.Performing a soft reset will not FKDQJHWKHGDWDLQWKHGHYLFHwhile performing a clean reset  will delete all data. Infrared (IR) PortStylus
Getting Started5Installing and removing the batteryNOTE Opening the battery cover automatically turns off the power. There is a mechanism at the upper left side of the battery compartment that switches the power off automatically when you slide out the battery cover. This is a safety measure for protecting the power circuitry, so please make sure not to lose the battery cover.13 4Connecting to a power sourceIMPORTANT You need to charge the battery before using the device for    WKHÀUVWWLPH1NOTE The battery can not be charged via PC or notebooks with 100mAh USB ports.AC adapter/ Power cable USB sync cable
6Chapter 1Setting up GPS (MyPal A696/A686 only)To use the GPS car kit:NOTE *HQWO\EHQGWKHJRRVHQHFNZKHQDGMXVWLQJWKHorientation. Do not forcibly bend the gooseneck. The device must be carefully placed into the holder to avoid damaging the mini USB connector and causing the device to breakdown. NOTE For optimal GPS signal performance, we recommend that you use the PDA aside from the window of your car in landscape mode.+RUL]RQWDORULHQWDWLRQ.52*9*134Press latch downNOTE Do not the device in the car holder when you leave the car. NOTE As soon as the power cable is connected to a power source, the battery will start charging and the power LED will show a steady red light.  See “Changing the battery power settings” LQ&KDSWHURQKRZWRGLVSOD\WKHEDWWHU\SRZHUVWDWXV
Getting Started7Additional storage0\3DO$$$FRPHVZLWKWKHVWDQGDUG6'FDUGVORW7KH6'card slot can be inserted with SD or MMC memory cards. It also supports 6',2FDUGVRIYDULRXVIXQFWLRQDOLWLHVLQFOXGLQJEJPRGHPHWFLabelInstalling and removing SD/MMC/SDIO card1.  With the label side (usually the side with the card manufacturer’s name) face up, and the barcode/serial number side face down, insert the card into the SD card slot located on top of the device. 3XVKWKHFDUGDOOWKHZD\LQWRWKHVORWXQWLOLWÀWVFRPSOHWHO\,ISURSHUO\LQVWDOOHGWKH6'or MMC card edge aligns with the top edge of the device. SDIO cards usually have an extended part that protrudes over the slot edge.3.  To remove, press the card slightly until it HMHFWVRXW<RXPD\WKHQVDIHO\UHPRYHWKHcard.NOTE $Q6'00&6',2FDUGÀWVRQO\LQRQHorientation, and slides smoothly into the slot if inserted correctly. DO NOT force the card into the slot!
8Chapter 1Power button7KH:HOFRPHVFUHHQDSSHDUVZKHQ\RXWXUQRQWKHGHYLFHIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHor after performing a clean reset. Tap anywhere on the screen to continue.3. Tap the center of the cross to perform the align screen process. You may have to do this step a few times to properly calibrate.NOTE To launch the Align Screen function at any time, tap  > Settings >Systemtab > Screen icon > AlignScreen button.4. Follow the succeeding on-screen instructions.5.   Tap anywhere on the Complete screen when you are done with the alignment and settings. You are now ready to use your device.NOTE To perform a clean reset, refer to the description on page 4.Activating MyPalYou need to properly calibrate and activate your device before using it. This process ensures accurate positioning when entering text and selecting menus.Calibrating and activating your device1.  Press the power button.NOTE The default screen display orientation is landscape.
Getting Started9Basic screens on MyPalToday screenNormally, the Today screen appears when you turn on your device for the ÀUVWWLPHHDFKGD\NOTE When the device is already on and the screen displays another program, you may return to the Today screen any time by tapping   > Today.As shown in the sample below, the Today screen lets you see at a glance the summary of the important information for the day.From the Today screen, tap any of the listed items with the stylus to GLVSOD\WKHGHWDLOV6HH´&KDSWHU%DVLFVµRQKRZWRPRGLI\WKHFXUUHQWtasks or activities, or to add new items or information.Tap to set up or change network or modem connectionsTap to open the Start menu and to choose from the available  programs7DSWRDGMXVWWKHYROXPHRUPXWHDOOVRXQGVTap to see the battery levelTap to change the date and timeYour day at a glanceTap to open ASUS Status menu where you can see common device status and settings (such as backlight setting, battery level, memory usage, and more)Tap to shift display to landscape or portrait orientationTap to display the Bluetooth® menuTap to display the Wi-Fi® menuTap to open the Calendar program  Tap to open the Contacts program
10Chapter 1NOTE The pop-up menus are also available in most other programs on your device. However, the pop-up menu items vary depending on the program or application.To access a pop-up menu, tap and hold the stylus on the item that you wish to perform action on. When the menu appears, lift the stylus, and tap the action that you want to execute. To close the pop-up menu without performing an action, tap anywhere outside the menu.Start menuPop-up menusMenu barAt the bottom of the screen of a program is the Menu bar. You can use the menus and buttons on the Menu bar to perform commands and actions. The menus and buttons vary depending on the programs you are using.From the Start menu, you can select programs, settings, and help topics. To display the Start menu, tap the   icon from the top of the screen.With the pop-up menus, you can easily choose an action for an item. For example, you can use the pop-up menu in FileExplorer to delete, copy, or beam an item. Tap and hold until the pop-up menu appearsTap the action that you wish to performTap outside the pop-up menu to close it without performing an actionTap to open a recently used programTap to open a programTap to open the Programs menuTap to open the Settings menuTap to display the Help topics
Basics11Entering informationYou can enter information in your device in any of the following ways:• Use the input panel to enter text using either the soft keyboard, the /HWWHU5HFRJQL]HUWKH%ORFN5HFRJQL]HURUWKH7UDQVFULEHU• Write directly on the screen with the stylus• Draw pictures on the screen• Speak into the device microphone to record a message• Use the Microsoft® ActiveSync®WRV\QFKURQL]HRUFRS\LQIRUPDWLRQfrom your desktop computer to your deviceEntering text using the Input PanelUse the Input Panel to enter information in any program on your device. You can either type using the soft keyboard or write using the Letter Recognizer,Block Recognizer, or Transcriber. In either case, the characters appear as typed text on the screen.To show or hide the input panel, tap  .  To see input options, tap  .To display the system information:1. Tap    > Settings > System tab > System Information icon 7RGLVSOD\WKHGHYLFHVSHFLÀFDWLRQVWDSDevice Info tab. This will display various information such as the device ID, system memory, and wireless capabilities. 3. Tap the Version tab to view other information about the device.NOTE  appears beside   only when the input panel is not hidden.Chapter 2  BasicsViewing system information<RXUGHYLFHDOORZV\RXWRHDVLO\GLVSOD\WKHEXLOWLQVSHFLÀFDWLRQVNOTE You cannot change the information you see in the system information screens.
12Chapter 2To use Letter Recognizer::LWKWKH/HWWHU5HFRJQL]HU\RXFDQZULWHOHWWHUVRQWKHVFUHHQZLWKWKHVW\OXVas you would on paper.1. Tap   > Letter Recognizer. :ULWHDOHWWHUZLWKLQWKHZULWLQJDUHDWhen you write a letter, it is converted to a typed text that appears on the screen. For instructions and a demonstation on using the Letter 5HFRJQL]HUWDS next to the writing area.To type with the soft keyboard:1. Tap   > Keyboard.7DSWKHNH\VRQWKHRQVFUHHQkeyboard with the stylus to enter information.Word completion featureWhen you use the Input Panel and the soft keyboard, your device anticipates the word you are typing and displays it above the Input Panel. When you tap the displayed word, it is inserted into your text at the insertion point. The more you use your device, the more words it learns to anticipate.To change options on the word completion feature:1. Tap    > Settings > Personal tab > Input > Word Completion tab. 0DNH\RXUGHVLUHGFKDQJHVWKHQWDSok.Select an input methodTap to show or hide the input panelTap to display the input method optionsTap here if this is the word you wish to use
Basics13To use Block Recognizer::LWKWKH%ORFN5HFRJQL]HU\RXFDQLQSXWFKDUDFWHUVWURNHVWKDWDUHVLPLODUto those used on other devices.1. Tap    > Block Recognizer. :ULWHDOHWWHUZLWKLQWKHZULWLQJDUHDWhen you write a letter, it is converted to a typed text that appears on the screen. For instructions and a demonstration on XVLQJWKH%ORFN5HFRJQL]HUWDSnext to the writing area.To use Transcriber:With Transcriber, you can use the stylus to write anywhere on the screen DV\RXZRXOGRQSDSHU8QOLNH/HWWHU5HFRJQL]HUDQG%ORFN5HFRJQL]HUyou can write a sentence or additional information. Pause after writing and let Transcriber convert the written characters to typed characters.1. Tap   > Transcriber. :ULWHDQ\ZKHUHRQWKHVFUHHQFor instructions and demonstration on using Transcriber, with Transcriber open, tap  at the lower right corner of the screen.To edit typed text:1. Select the text that you wish to edit using either one of the following:• drag the stylus over the text• tap twice to select a word• tap three times to select a paragraph 7DSMenu on the Menu bar and select an action, or use one of the tools in the Input Panel to enter a new text.
14Chapter 2To edit your writing:1. Tap and hold the stylus next to the text that you wish to select until the insertion point appears. ,QRUGHUWRVHOHFWDWH[WWDSMenu > Draw.  Make sure Draw has nocheck mark beside it.3. Drag the stylus across the text you want to select.If you accidentally write on the screen, tap Menu > Undo Ink and try again.4. Tap Menu on the Menu bar then select an action, or use one of the tools in the Input Panel to enter a new text.To convert writing to text:• Tap Menu > Tools > Recognize.To select a zoom level:• Tap Menu > Zoom)URPWKHOLVWWDSD]RRPSHUFHQWDJHWriting on the screenIn any program that accepts writing, such as the Notes program, and in the Notes tab in Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks, you can use the stylus to write directly on the screen. Write the way you do on paper. You can edit and format what you have written and convert the writing to text at a later time.To write on the screen:1. Tap    > Programs > Notes > New 7KHVFUHHQGLVSOD\VDEODQNVSDFHZLWKlines to help you write.3. Write your text.NOTE Some programs that accept writing may not have the Pen  button. See the documentation IRUWKDWSURJUDPWRÀQGRXWKRZto switch to writing mode.
Basics15If the conversion is incorrect, you can select different words from a list of alternates or return to the original writing.1. Tap and hold the incorrect word. :KHQWKHSRSXSPHQXDSSHDUVWDSAlternates to display a list of alternate words for the selection.3. Tap the word that you want to use, or tap the writing at the top of the menu to return to the original writing.Tips for getting good writing recognition• Write neatly.• Write on the line and draw descenders below the line. Write the cross of the “t” and apostrophes below the top line so that they are not confused with the word above. Write periods and commas above the line. )RUEHWWHUUHFRJQLWLRQWU\LQFUHDVLQJWKH]RRPOHYHOWRXVLQJWKHTools menu.• Write the letters of a word closely and leave big gaps between words so that the device can easily tell where the words begin and end.• Hyphenated words, foreign words that use special characters such as accents, and some punctuation cannot be converted.• If you add writing to a word or change it after the word has been UHFRJQL]HGWKHZULWLQJWKDW\RXDGGHGZLOOEHLQFOXGHGZKHQ\RXWU\WRUHFRJQL]HWKHZULWLQJDJDLQTap to return to your original writingOr, tap the word that you want to use
16Chapter 2Drawing on the screenYou can draw on the screen in the same way that you write on the screen. The difference between writing and drawing on the screen is how you select items and how they can be edited. For example, selected drawings FDQEHUHVL]HGZKLOHZULWLQJFDQQRWTo create a drawing:1. Use the stylus to make a stroke that extends over three lines on the screen. A drawing box appears around the stroke.NOTE If the drawing does not cross over three lines, the drawing box does not appear.NOTE To easily work on or view your drawing, change the ]RRPOHYHOE\WDSSLQJMenu > Zoom and selecting your desired ]RRPTo edit your drawing:1. Tap and hold the stylus on the drawing until the selection handle appears. To select multiple drawings, drag to select the drawings you want. 7DSDQGKROGWKHVHOHFWHGGUDZLQJWKHQWDSDQHGLWLQJFRPPDQGRQthe pop-up menu or tap a command on the Menu. 5HVL]HWKHGUDZLQJE\GUDJJLQJDVHOHFWLRQKDQGOHWR\RXUGHVLUHGVL]HThe drawing box indicates the boundaries of the drawing &RQWLQXHGUDZLQJ,I\RXUVXEVHTXHQWstrokes extend outside the box, you will notice that the drawing box expands to enclose all the strokes.
Basics17Recording a messageIn any program where you can write or draw on the screen, you can also quickly capture thoughts, reminders, and phone numbers by recording a message. In Calendar, Tasks, and Contacts, you can include a recording in the Notes tab. In the Notes program, you can either create a standalone recording or include a recording in a written note. If you want to include the UHFRUGLQJLQDQRWHRSHQWKHQRWHÀUVW,QWKH,QER[SURJUDP\RXFDQDGGa recording to an e-mail message.To create a recording:1. Tap   > Programs > Notes > Menu > View Recording Toolbar. +ROG\RXUGHYLFHZLWKWKHPLFURSKRQHQHDU\RXUPRXWKRURWKHUVRXUFHof sound.3. Tap  (red button) to begin recording. To stop recording, tap  .You will hear two beeps when you stop recording. 4. The new recording appears in the Notes list, or as an embedded icon. To play the recording, tap it from the list, or if embedded in a note, tap the Speaker icon.Speaker icon indicates an embedded recordingTap to begin recordingTap to stop recording
18Chapter 2To use the Help feature:1. Tap   > Help. 7DSDOLQNWRWKHWRSLFWKDW\RXZLVKWRdisplay.NOTE Compared to other settings, the Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) provides slightly better sound quality but takes up 50 times more storage space than Mobile Voice recordings. Finding and organizing informationThe Search and Help features on your device helps you quickly locate information.Using the Search functionTo search for information:1. Tap   > Help > Search. (QWHUWKHWH[WWKDW\RXZDQWWRÀQGselect a data type, then tap SearchWRVWDUWWKHVHDUFK7RTXLFNO\ÀQGinformation that is taking up space on your device, select Larger than 64 KB in Type.7\SHDZRUGWRÀQGTap to search for the wordTopics found containing the searched wordTo change the recording format:1. In the note list, tap Menu > Options > Global Input Options link > Options tab.  6HOHFW\RXUGHVLUHGUHFRUGLQJIRUPDWIURPWKHVoice recording format pull-down menu then tap ok when done.Using the File Explorer 7RXVHWKH)LOH([SORUHUWRÀQGDQGRUJDQL]HÀOHV• Tap   > Programs > File ExplorerLFRQWRGLVSOD\WKHÀOHVLQ\RXUdevice.
Basics19Changing the date and time To change the date and time settings:1. Tap   > Settings > System tab > Clock & Alarms icon. 8QGHUWKHTime tab, make your desired settings. NOTE Tap the More tab and select Display the clock in the title bar in all programs to display the clock on the top right corner of the screen all the time.Customizing your device<RXFDQFXVWRPL]H\RXUGHYLFHE\DGMXVWLQJWKHVHWWLQJVXVLQJWKHEXLOWLQprograms, and installing additional software.To see the available options:• Tap   > Settings > Personal or System tab.NOTE Tap and hold the slider on the right side of the screen to display other Settings icons.To change the alarm settings:1. Tap   > Settings > System tab > Clock & Alarms icon > Alarms tab. 0DNH\RXUGHVLUHGVHWWLQJV
20Chapter 2Changing the owner information To change the owner information:1. Tap   > Settings > OwnerInformation icon. .H\LQWKHGDWDWKDW\RXZLVKWRDSSHDUon the Today screen.3. Add notes to the owner information by tapping the Notes tab.4. Key-in your desired text.5. Tap the Options tab, then select the items that you wish to appear on-screen whenever you turn on the device. Tap ok when done.Changing the start menu To change the menu items:1. Tap   > Settings > Menus icon. &KHFNWKHER[RSSRVLWHWKHLWHPVWKDW\RXwish to appear on the Start Menu.3. Tap ok.NOTE Items that are not added in the Start menu can be found in the Programs.Setting a password To set a password for your device:1. Tap   > Settings > Lock icon. &KHFNWKHER[Prompt if device unused, then select the period from the available options by tapping the down arrow.
Basics213. Select the password type, Simple 4 digit or Strong alphanumeric.4. Key-in a password. If you selected the Strong alphanumeric type of password, you need to key-in the password twice.5. Tap the Hint tab to create a kind of reminder in case you forget your password.6. Tap ok when done.Changing the screen display orientationTo change the screen display orientation:1. Tap   > Settings > System tab > Screen icon. 6HOHFW\RXUGHVLUHGRULHQWDWLRQWKHQWDSok.Portrait orientationTap to change the screen display orientationLandscape orientation (Default)
22Chapter 2To enable the ClearType feature:1. Tap   > Settings > System tab > Screen icon > Clear Type tab. &KHFNWKHEnable Clear Type box, then tap ok.To change the screen text size:1. Tap   > Settings > System tab > Screen icon > Text Size tab. 0RYHWKHVOLGHUWRZDUGWKHSmallest or Largest until you attain your GHVLUHGWH[WVL]H7DSok.NOTE The slider is set on the middle by default.Changing the screen theme To specify the items to appear on the Today screen:1. Tap   > Settings > Today icon > Items tab. &KHFNWKHER[RSSRVLWH\RXUGHVLUHGLWHPV7DSok when done.Changing the button assignments To change the screen theme:1. Tap   > Settings > Today icon.6HOHFW\RXUGHVLUHGWKHPHIURPWKHDYDLODEOHRSWLRQVorCheck the box Use this picture as the background, then tap BrowseWRVHOHFWDQLPDJHIURP\RXUSLFWXUHÀOHV3. Tap ok when done.To change the button assignments:1. Tap   > Settings > Buttons icon. +LJKOLJKWDEXWWRQE\WDSSLQJRQLW3. Tap the down arrow to display the programs that you can assign to the button. 5HSHDWVWHSVWRWRFKDQJHRWKHUEXWWRQDVVLJQPHQWV5. Tap ok when done.
Basics23To customize the button setttings:1. Tap the Up/Down Control tab. 7DSWKHVOLGHUWR\RXUGHVLUHGVHWWLQJVRI8S'RZQEXWWRQUHDFWLRQWLPH3. Tap the Advance tab to set options for the key light and hold switch.4. Tap ok when done.Using Mode Switcher and Task Switcher On the rightmost group of buttons on the device (see Chapter 1), its right button functions, by default, as the Mode Switcher button which allows you to quickly toggle between the Today screen, Windows Media Player, and Rotate screen. The Mode Switcher box appears on-screen when you press this button.To customize Mode Switcher:1.   Tap   > Settings > System tab > Mode Switcher > Displaysettings tab.7KHWKUHHSURJUDPVPHQWLRQHGHDUOLHUDUHVHOHFWHGE\GHIDXOWWREHincluded in the Mode Switcher box. You may remove a program by deselecting the corresponding checkbox.3.   To change the ordering of the programs, tap   or   button.4.   Select the checkbox under    if you want to add an Exit icon to the Mode Switcher box. 5.   Tap ok when done.If you want to change the button assignment to become the Task Switcher button, follow the steps below. Task Switcher allows you to toggle between currently running programs.To enable Task Switcher:1. Tap   > Settings > System tab > Mode Switcher > Basic tab, then select Task Switcher.7DSok.NOTE In the Basic tab, you can increase the delay time for showing the Mode Switcher or Task Switcher box to give you more time to make selections.
24Chapter 2Changing the battery power settings To change the battery power settings:1. Tap   > Settings > System tab > Power icon to display the battery power status. This screen shows the detected percentages of the remaining battery power. You may not change the information on this screen. 7DSWKHAdvancedWDEWRFXVWRPL]HWKHVHWWLQJVIRUWKHEDWWHU\WRconserve power.3.   Tap the CPU Mode tab to set the processing power to use when using programs.•Maximum - allows better CPU performance. Set to this mode when playing games or playing video. However, setting to Turbo mode may reduce the battery life.•Normal - allows for a normal CPU speed and more stable SHUIRUPDQFH6HWWRWKLVPRGHZKHQOLVWHQLQJWR03DXGLRÀOHVRUfor applications  that do not require very fast CPU speed.•Power Save - sets the CPU to a lower speed. This mode has a lower CPU performance but extends the battery life. Set to this mode when using text based applications such as Word, Excel, etc.• For automatic power saving, tick the circle beside Auto. This PRGHDGMXVWVWKH&38VSHHGGHSHQGLQJRQWKHSURJUDPWKDW\RXare running.4. Tap ok when done.Setting the backlight To set the backlight:1. Tap   > Settings > System tab > Backlight icon. $GMXVWWKHGLVSOD\EULJKWQHVVE\GUDJJLQJWKHVOLGHUWRZDUGVDark or Bright until you achieve your desired screen brightness.3. Tap the AdvanceWDEDQGFXVWRPL]HWKHEDFNOLJKWVHWWLQJVZKHQXVLQJbattery power and AC power.4. Tap ok when done.
Basics25Changing the audio settings To change the Audio settings:1. Tap   > Settings > System tab > Audio icon. $GMXVWWKHYROXPHEDODQFHWUHEOHDQGEDVVDQG'VHWWLQJVE\dragging the slider to the left or to the right until you achieve your desired sound output.3. Tap ok when done.NOTE Tap the Default button to restore the default audio settings.6HOHFWLQJVRXQGVDQGQRWLÀFDWLRQVYour device can remind you of things you have to do in several ways. For example, if you have set up an appointment in Calendar, a task with a due GDWHRUDQDODUPLQ&ORFN\RXZLOOEHQRWLÀHGLQDQ\RIWKHIROORZLQJZD\V• A message box appears on the screen• A sound is played (you can select the type of sound) $OLJKWÁDVKHVRQWKHGHYLFH7RVHWVRXQGVDQGQRWLÀFDWLRQV1. Tap   > Settings > Personal tab > 6RXQGV1RWLÀFDWLRQVicon > Sounds tab then select the items that you wish to enable. 7DSWKH1RWLÀFDWLRQVWDEDQGVHWWKHHYHQWQRWLÀFDWLRQGHWDLOV3. Tap ok when done.To change the Microphone settings:1. Tap Mic tab from the audio settings screen. ,QMIC Gain ControlFKRRVHHLWKHUWRPDQXDOO\DGMXVWWKHJDLQFRQWURORUOHWWKHGHYLFHDXWRPDWLFDOO\DGMXVWWKHUHFRUGLQJYROXPH$GMXVWWKHvolume to high or low by dragging the slider to the left or to the right.NOTE Tap Default to revert to the default settings.
26Chapter 2Changing the wakeup settings 1. Tap   > Settings > Personal tab > Wakeup Source icon. &KHFNWKHER[HVRIWKHLWHPVWRFRQWUROZKDWIXQFWLRQVFRQGLWLRQVZLOOturn on the device’s power. Pressing any one of the function buttons on the front panel wakes up the device.3. Tap ok when done.Changing the USB settings To change the USB settings:1. Tap   > Settings > Connections tab > USB Settings icon. &KRRVHD86%,QWHUIDFH•Transmission as Network InterfaceFRQÀJXUHV\RXUGHYLFHDVa network card so that you can connect it to a PC to browse the Internet, etc.•Transmission as Serial Interface - allows a serial connection between your device and PC. Select this when using ActiveSync.•Simulation as Card Reader - turns your device into a mass storage unit similar to a card reader.•Simulation as Flash Disk - turns your device into a mass storage XQLWVLPLODUWRDQH[WHUQDOÁDVKGLVN7KHLQWHUQDOÁDVKLVPRUHWKDQ800MB for map storage and more.3. Tap ok when done.To change the USB charging mode:1. Tap USB Charger tab from the USB Settings screen. &KRRVHD86%FKDUJLQJPRGH•Slow Charging - to use this mode, your PC needs to support 100mA.•Fast Charging - to use this mode, your PC needs to support 500mA.3. Tap ok when done.NOTE To avoid overcharge, charging automatically stops after 5 hours. In Fast Charging mode, the device is able to be fully charged within 5 hours, but in Slow Charging mode, it is neccessary to connect the device again to the power sourceto get it fully charged.
Basics27Changing the memory settings To check the storage card memory:1. Tap   > Settings > System tab > Memory icon > Storage Card tab to display the memory information for the selected storage card. ,I\RXZLVKWRIUHHVWRUDJHFDUGPHPRU\GHOHWHVRPHÀOHVIURPWKHVWRUDJHFDUG8VHWKH)LOH([SORUHUWRGHOHWHÀOHV6HH´8VLQJWKH)LOHExplorer” for information.To display the memory allocation:1. Tap   > Settings > System tab > Memory icon. 7DSok when done.To view the running programs:1. Tap   > Settings > System tab > Memory icon > RunningPrograms tab. ,I\RXZLVKWRIUHHVRPHV\VWHPPHPRU\FXUUHQWO\XVHGE\WKHUXQQLQJprograms, select a program then tap Stop.To stop all running programs, tap Stop All.Using simple applicationsYour device includes several simple applications that are useful in your day-to-day use of your device.NOTE 7KHPDMRUDSSOLFDWLRQVWKDWcame with the Microsoft®Windows Mobile® 5.0 are discussed in other chapters.To access the applications:1. Tap   > Programs. 7DSDQLFRQWRODXQFKDVSHFLÀFapplication program.
28Chapter 2CalculatorTap the Calculator icon to use basic calculator functions. GamesTap the Games icon to display the available games.Bubble Breaker 7KHPDLQREMHFWLYHRIWKLVJDPHLVWREXUVWDOOWKHEXEEOHV7RGRVRWDStwo or more bubbles of the same color that are connected to each other. The more bubbles you burst at a time, the higher your score.Pictures & Videos Use Pictures & Videos to view pictures and play back videos of variousformats stored in your device or in a storage card. You can then send them to your friends, view a slideshow of your pictures, play back the video or set a picture as background on the Today screen.Refer also to the online help on your device for more information on using this feature.To use Pictures:1. Tap   > Programs > Pictures & Videos icon.  7DSWKHWKXPEQDLORIWKHSLFWXUHRUYLGHRWKDW\RXZLVKWRRSHQ3. When the picture or video appears on the screen, tap MenuWR]RRP]RRPLQ]RRPRXWRUÀWWKHLPDJHWRZLQGRZSOD\VOLGHVKRZHGLWyour picture or play back the video.Solitaire7KHPDLQREMHFWLYHRIWKLVJDPHLVWRXVHDOOWKHFDUGVLQWKHGHFNWREXLOGup four suit stacks in ascending order, beginning with the aces.NOTE For details on the game rules, see the Help information on your device by tapping   > Help > Contents > PlayGames.
Basics29To use Auto Correct:• Tap Menu > Edit > Menu > Auto Correct WRDXWRPDWLFDOO\DGMXVWWKHpicture.NOTE Tap Menu > Undo to reverse the last action made. Tap Revert to Saved to reverse all actions done on the picture.4. Tap Menu > Set as Today Background... to use the picture as your wallpaper in the Today screen.orTap Menu > Beam picture... if you wish to send the picture to another  device with IR port.5.   Tap Send on the Menu bar to attach the picture to an e-mail.To rotate the picture:• Tap Menu > Edit > Rotate from the Menu bar. Each tap of Rotateturns the picture 90 degrees clockwise.To crop the picture:1. Tap Menu > Edit > Menu > Crop. 'UDJWKHVW\OXVSHQRYHUWKHVFUHHQWRselect the part of the picture you want to retain.3. Tap inside the crop box to crop the picture.4. Tap Undo to reverse the last actionmade.To save the picture:• Tap Menu > Save As in order to save the changes after editing the picture.
30Chapter 2Checking Device Status Quickly view essential device information such as storage usage and battery life by using ASUS Status. To open ASUS Status:1. Tap the ASUS Status icon at the lower right corner of the screen. $PHQXRSHQVGLVSOD\LQJJHQHUDOinformation about your device. Tap an item to access more options for that particular item.To change Asus Status settings:1. Tap the ASUS Status icon at the lower right corner of the screen then tap Setting... 0DNHWKHGHVLUHGVHOHFWLRQVIURPthe available items. You can remove items from the ASUS Status menu by clearing the box beside the items under Show Items.3. Tap ok to make the changes.NOTE If you clear the box beside the Show system status icon, the ASUS Status icon will not show on the Today screen. To make the ASUS Status icon appear again, tap   > Settings > System tab > ASUS Status icon.
Synchronize and Enhance31Chapter 3Synchronize and EnhanceMicrosoft® ActiveSync®The Microsoft® ActiveSync® is one of the important bundled programs in 0\3DO:LWK$FWLYH6\QF\RXFDQV\QFKURQL]HWKHLQIRUPDWLRQRQ\RXUGHVNWRSFRPSXWHUZLWKWKHLQIRUPDWLRQRQ\RXUGHYLFH6\QFKURQL]DWLRQcompares the data on your device with your desktop computer and updates both computers with the most recent information. To get the latest version of Microsoft® ActiveSync®, visit the website: www. windowsmobile/help/activesync/default.mspx#disclaimer.For example: .HHS3RFNHW2XWORRNGDWDXSWRGDWHE\V\QFKURQL]LQJ\RXUGHYLFHwith Microsoft Outlook data on your desktop computer. 6\QFKURQL]H0LFURVRIW:RUGDQG0LFURVRIW([FHOÀOHVEHWZHHQ\RXUGHYLFHDQGGHVNWRSFRPSXWHU<RXUÀOHVDUHDXWRPDWLFDOO\FRQYHUWHGWRthe correct format.NOTE %\GHIDXOW$FWLYH6\QFGRHVQRWDXWRPDWLFDOO\V\QFKURQL]Hall types of information. Use the ActiveSync options to turn V\QFKURQL]DWLRQRQRURIIIRUVSHFLÀFLQIRUPDWLRQW\SHVWith ActiveSync, you can also: &RS\UDWKHUWKDQV\QFKURQL]HÀOHVEHWZHHQ\RXUGHYLFHDQGGHVNWRScomputer &RQWUROZKHQV\QFKURQL]DWLRQRFFXUVE\VHOHFWLQJDV\QFKURQL]DWLRQPRGH)RUH[DPSOH\RXFDQV\QFKURQL]HFRQWLQXDOO\ZKLOHFRQQHFWHGWR\RXUGHVNWRSFRPSXWHURURQO\ZKHQ\RXFKRRVHWRV\QFKURQL]H 6HOHFWZKLFKLQIRUPDWLRQW\SHVDUHV\QFKURQL]HGDQGFRQWUROKRZPXFKGDWDLVV\QFKURQL]HG)RUH[DPSOH\RXFDQFKRRVHWRV\QFKURQL]Hyour appointments of the past two weeks only, appointments older than WZRZHHNVDUHQRWV\QFKURQL]HGFor more information about using ActiveSync:1. Start ActiveSync on your desktop computer. 2QWKH$FWLYH6\QFPHQXEDUFOLFNHelp > Microsoft ActiveSync Help.
32Chapter 3Installing ActiveSync® on your computerThe ActiveSync program is already installed on your device. To V\QFKURQL]HLQIRUPDWLRQRQ\RXUGHYLFHZLWK\RXUFRPSXWHU\RXPXVWalso install ActiveSync on your computer. Install ActiveSync from the Companion CD that came with your product package.NOTE Before starting the ActiveSync installation, make sure that you have Microsoft® Outlook® installed on your computer. If you do not have Outlook, install the Microsoft® Outlook®from the Companion CD. If you have Outlook 98 or Outlook LQVWDOOHG\RXDUHHQFRXUDJHGWRXSGDWHWRWKH2XWORRNbundled in the Companion CD.To install ActiveSync on your computer:1. Turn on your computer and monitor.IMPORTANT Do not connect your device to your computer until you KDYHÀQLVKHGLQVWDOOLQJ$FWLYH6\QF 3ODFHWKH&RPSDQLRQ&'LQWRWKHRSWLFDOGULYHRI\RXUFRPSXWHU7KHCD autoruns and displays the initial screen, then the Main Menu from which you can start the installation.3. Read the Overview before installing ActiveSync and Outlook to make sure that you perform the installation sequence correctly, and then click “Next”.4. Follow the instructions on the succeeding screens.If you have previously installed ActiveSync in your computer, the LQVWDOODWLRQZL]DUGGHWHFWVLWDQGSURPSWV\RXZLWKDPHVVDJH
Synchronize and Enhance33NOTE You may connect your Pocket PC to your computer right after installing ActiveSync. Make sure that the Transmission as Network Interface or Transmission as Serial Interfaceoption is selected in Settings > Connections tab > USBSettings.Click Next to continue installing and replace the current version.Click Cancel to quit and keep the current version.:DLWXQWLOWKHZL]DUGÀQLVKHVFRS\LQJDOOWKHQHFHVVDU\ÀOHVDQGupdates your system. Synchronizing your deviceConnecting your device to a computer1. Connect the mini USB device plug of the sync cable to the mini USB connector at the left side of your device. &RQQHFWWKHRWKHUend of the sync cable to a USB port on your computer.1Setting up a sync relationshipImmediately after you have completed the installation, the Sync Setup ZL]DUGZLOOVWDUWDXWRPDWLFDOO\WRKHOS\RXHVWDEOLVKDV\QFUHODWLRQVKLSDQGFXVWRPL]H\RXUV\QFKURQL]DWLRQVHWWLQJV$WWKLVSRLQW\RXFDQGHFLGHH[DFWO\ZKLFKW\SHVRILQIRUPDWLRQ\RXZRXOGOLNHWRV\QFKURQL]HZLWK\RXUFRPSXWHUA sync relationshipLVDÀOHWKDWDOORZV\RXWRV\QFKURQL]H\RXUGHYLFHZLWK\RXUGHVNWRSFRPSXWHU7KLVÀOHLVVWRUHGRQ\RXUGHVNWRSFRPSXWHU$QDGGLWLRQDOÀOHWKDWHQDEOHV\RXUGHVNWRSFRPSXWHUWRUHFRJQL]H\RXUGHYLFHLVVWRUHGRQ\RXUGHYLFH
34Chapter 3To set up a sync relationship: 2QWKH6\QFKURQL]DWLRQ6HWXS:L]DUGVFUHHQFOLFNNext. 6HOHFWWKHW\SHRILQIRUPDWLRQWKDW\RXZLVKWRV\QFKURQL]Hthen click Next. If you wish to FXVWRPL]HDV\QFKURQL]HGLWHPhighlight the item then click Settings. 2QWKH&DOHQGDU6\QFKURQL]DWLRQSettings window, for example, select from the options on how \RXZLVKWRV\QFKURQL]HWKHappointments on your device with your computer, then click OK.3. Click Finish to complete the sync relationship setup.Immediately after you set up a sync relationship, ActiveSync starts automatically and initiates WKHÀUVWV\QFKURQL]DWLRQEHWZHHQyour device and your computer.Refer to the succeeding sections for more details on V\QFKURQL]DWLRQ
Synchronize and Enhance35Checking synchronized information$IWHU\RXUÀUVWV\QFKURQL]DWLRQWDNHDORRNDW&DOHQGDU&RQWDFWVDQGTasks on your device. You will notice that the calendar information in Microsoft Outlook on your computer was copied to your device, and the information that you have on your device was copied to your computer.NOTE Open Microsoft Outlook on your desktop computer to see the details of copied information from your device.Manually initiating synchronization2QFH\RXKDYHVHWXS$FWLYH6\QFDQGFRPSOHWHGWKHÀUVWV\QFKURQL]DWLRQSURFHVV\RXFDQLQLWLDWHV\QFKURQL]DWLRQIURP\RXUGHYLFHDWDQ\WLPHTo manually initiate synchronization:1. Tap   > Programs > ActiveSync to display the ActiveSync screen.Connection status7DSWRVWRSVWDUWV\QFKURQL]DWLRQ 7DSWRFKDQJHV\QFKURQL]DWLRQVHWWLQJV
36Chapter 3 7RVWDUWV\QFKURQL]DWLRQFRQQHFW\RXUGHYLFHWR\RXUFRPSXWHUWKHQtap Sync. 7RHQGV\QFKURQL]DWLRQWDSStop.<RXPD\V\QFKURQL]HYLD,5LQIUDUHGSRUWRUEHIRUHFKDQJLQJV\QFKURQL]DWLRQVHWWLQJV7RGRWKLV\RXQHHGWRVWRSV\QFKURQL]DWLRQZLWK\RXUFRPSXWHUÀUVWNOTE )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQV\QFKURQL]DWLRQWDS  while in the ActiveSync screen, then tap Help. &KHFNWKHER[EHVLGHWKHLWHPWKDW\RXZLVKWRV\QFKURQL]H +LJKOLJKWDFKHFNHGLWHPWKHQFOLFNRQSettings to specify V\QFKURQL]DWLRQRSWLRQVIRUWKHLWHPFor example, highlight Calendar then click on Settings to display the Calendar Synchronization SettingsZLQGRZ&XVWRPL]HWKHDYDLODEOHsettings, then click OK when done.3. Do the same for the other checked items. Synchronization options7KH0LFURVRIW$FWLYH6\QFSURJUDPDOORZV\RXWRFXVWRPL]H\RXUV\QFKURQL]DWLRQVHWWLQJVDWDQ\WLPH<RXFDQVHOHFWWKHLWHPVWRV\QFKURQL]HVHWWKHV\QFKURQL]DWLRQVFKHGXOHDQGVSHFLI\WKHV\QFKURQL]DWLRQUXOHVTo display the synchronization options:• From the ActiveSync window on your desktop computer, click on the Options icon, or• From the menu bar, click on Tools, then Options.To select items to synchronize:4. Click OK when done.NOTE You cannot set the options for unchecked items.
Microsoft® Pocket Outlook37Chapter 4 Microsoft® Pocket OutlookMicrosoft® Pocket Outlook includes Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, Notes, and Messaging. You can use these programs individually or together. For example, you can use an e-mail address stored in Contacts to address e-mail messages in Messaging.Using ActiveSync®\RXFDQV\QFKURQL]HLQIRUPDWLRQLQ0LFURVRIW2XWORRNor Microsoft Exchange on your desktop computer with your device. You FDQDOVRV\QFKURQL]HWKLVLQIRUPDWLRQGLUHFWO\ZLWKD0LFURVRIW([FKDQJHVHUYHU(DFKWLPH\RXV\QFKURQL]H$FWLYH6\QFFRPSDUHVWKHFKDQJHV\RXmade on your device and desktop computer or server and updates both computers with the latest information. For information on using ActiveSync, see ActiveSync Help on your desktop computer.You can switch to any of the Pocket Outlook programs by tapping  .CalendarUse Calendar to schedule appointments, including meetings and other events. You can check your appointments in one of several views (Agenda, Day, Week, Month, and Year) and easily switch views using the View menu.NOTE <RXFDQFXVWRPL]HWKH&DOHQGDUGLVSOD\VXFKDVFKDQJLQJWKHÀUVWGD\RIWKHZHHNE\WDSSLQJMenu > Options.Tap to display or edit the appointment detailsTap to create a new appointmentTap to change the calendar display by Day, Week, Month, Year or Agenda
38Chapter 4Creating appointmentsTo create an appointment:1. If you are in Day or Week view, tap your desired date for the appointment, 7DSMenu > New Appointment.3. Using the input panel, enter a description and a location. Tap to select WKHÀHOG4. If needed, tap the date and time to change them.5. Enter other desired information. You will need to hide the input panel to VHHDOODYDLODEOHÀHOGV6. To add notes, tap the Notes tab. You can enter text, draw, or create a recording. For more information on creating notes, see the section “Notes” later in this chapter.7. When done, tap ok to return to Calendar.7DSWRVHOHFWIURPDSUHGHÀQHGWH[WTap to select from previously entered locationsTap to specify the time of appointmentTap to specify the date of appointmentTap to add notes to the appointmentNOTE Tap Menu > Options... > Appointments tab to set the device to remind you of all your new appointments.  Your device will remind you according to the options set in  ,Settings,Personal tab, 6RXQGV1RWLÀFDWLRQV.
Microsoft® Pocket Outlook39Using the summary screenWhen you tap an appointment in Calendar, a summary screen appears. To change the appointment, tap Edit.Creating meeting requestsYou can set up meetings with users of Outlook and Pocket Outlook. The meeting request will be created automatically and sent either when you V\QFKURQL]H,QER[RUZKHQ\RXFRQQHFWWR\RXUHPDLOVHUYHUTo create a meeting request:1. Tap Menu > Options > Appointments tab to indicate how you want meeting requests sent. ,I\RXVHQGDQGUHFHLYHHPDLOPHVVDJHVWKURXJK$FWLYH6\QFVHOHFWActiveSync.To schedule a meeting:1. Create an appointment. ,QWKHDSSRLQWPHQWGHWDLOVKLGHWKHLQSXWSDQHOWKHQWDSAttendees.3. From the list of e-mail addresses you have entered in Contacts, select the meeting attendees. Tap Add to select more contacts.  Tap ok when done.The meeting notice is created automatically and placed in the Outbox folder.  For more information on sending and receiving meeting requests, see Calendar and Messaging online help on the device.Appointment detailsNotes/additional information on the appointmentTap to change details of the appointmentTap to show beam, delete and send via bluetooth options for an appointment
40Chapter 4ContactsContacts maintains a list of your friends and colleagues so that you can HDVLO\ÀQGWKHLQIRUPDWLRQ\RXORRNIRUZKHWKHU\RXDUHDWKRPHRURQWKHroad. Using the Bluetooth or the infrared port (IR) on the device, you can quickly share Contacts information with other device users.NOTE To change the way information is displayed in the list, tap Menu > Options.Tap and enter part of a name WRTXLFNO\ÀQGLWRQWKHOLVWTap to select the category of contacts you want to displayTap to display or edit the contact detailsTap to create a new contactCreating contactsTo create a contact:1. Tap   > Contacts > New. 8VLQJWKHLQSXWSDQHOHQWHUDQDPHDQGother contact information. You will need WRVFUROOGRZQWRVHHDOODYDLODEOHÀHOGV3. To assign the contact a category, scroll to and tap Categories, then select a category from the list. On the contact list, you can display the contacts by category.Tap to copy, delete, or share the contact selected
Microsoft® Pocket Outlook41Using the summary screenTapping a contact on the contact list displays a summary screen. To change the contact information, tap Edit.Contact detailsTap to display notesTap to change contact information4. To add notes, tap the Notes tab. You can enter text, draw, or create a recording.For more information on creating notes, see the section  “Notes” later in this chapter.5. Tap ok to return to the contact list when done.
42Chapter 4Finding a contact7KHUHDUHIRXUZD\VWRÀQGDFRQWDFW1. In the contact list, enter a contact name in the box under the navigation bar. To show all contacts again, clear text from the box or tap the Undo button to the right of the box. 7DSMenu > Filter and then select the type of contact that you wish to display. To show all contacts again, select All Contacts. To view a contact not assigned to a category, select No Categories.3. To view the names of companies your contacts work for, in the contact list, tap Menu > View By > By Company. The number of contacts that work for that company will be displayed to the right of the company name.4. Tap   > Programs > Search. Enter the contact name, select Contacts for the type, and tap Search.
Microsoft® Pocket Outlook43Tasks Use Tasks to keep track of what you have to do.  Tap Menu > Sort by orFilter WRVRUWRUÀOWHUGLVSOD\HGWDVNVUHVSHFWLYHO\Creating tasksTo create a task:1. Tap   > Programs >Tasks > Menu >New Task to display a blank task form. 8VLQJWKHLQSXWSDQHOHQWHUDdescription.3. Enter a start date and due date, or enter RWKHULQIRUPDWLRQE\WDSSLQJWKHÀHOGÀUVW,IWKHLQSXWSDQHOLVRSHQ\RXZLOOQHHGWRKLGHLWWRVHHDOODYDLODEOHÀHOGV4. To assign the task to a category, tap Categories and select a category from the list. On the task list, you can display tasks by category.Indicates high priorityTap and hold to display a pop-up menu of actions and then tap the action you wish to performTap to display or edit the task detailsTap here to create and enter a new task
44Chapter 4NotesQuickly capture thoughts, reminders, ideas, and phone numbers with Notes. You can create a written note or a recording. You can also include a recording in a note. If a note is open when you create the recording, it will be included in the note as an icon. If the note is displayed, it will be created as a standalone recording.You may change the default Notes options including the writing mode, WHPSODWHÀOHVWRUDJHDQGUHFRUGEXWWRQDFWLRQ5. To add notes, tap the Notes tab. You can enter text, draw, or create a recording. For more information on creating notes, see the section“Notes” later in this chapter.6. Tap ok to return to the task list when done.Using the summary screenTapping a task on the task list displays a summary screen. To change the task details, tap Edit.Task detailsTap to show or hide the task detailsNotes/additional information on the taskTap to change the task details
Microsoft® Pocket Outlook45To set the default input mode for entering note text:1. Tap   > Programs > Notes > Menu > Options. ,QWKH'HIDXOWPRGHER[VHOHFWRQHRIWKHIROORZLQJ•Writing if you want to draw or enter handwritten text in a note.•Typing if you want to create a typed note.3. Tap ok.Tap to create a new note or recordingNOTE On the Options screen, tap   > Help to know more about the other settings.Creating notesTo create a note:1. Tap   > Notes >New.&UHDWH\RXUQRWHE\ZULWLQJGUDZLQJtyping, or recording. For more information about using the input panel, writing and drawing on the screen, and FUHDWLQJUHFRUGLQJVVHH&KDSWHU3. Tap ok to save the note and  return to the Notes list.NOTE Tap Menu >View Recording Toolbar to display recording tools and make a recording.Tap to change the sort order of the listTap to open a note or play a recordingTap and hold to display a pop-up menu of actionsTap an action for the item
46Chapter 4Connecting directly to an e-mail server,QDGGLWLRQWRV\QFKURQL]LQJHPDLOPHVVDJHVZLWK\RXUGHVNWRSFRPSXWHUyou can send and receive e-mail messages by connecting to an e-mail server using a modem or network card connected to your device. You need to set up a remote connection to a network or an ISP, and a connection to your e-mail server. For more information, see Chapter 7.When you connect to the e-mail server, new messages are downloaded to the device Inbox folder, messages in the device Outbox folders are sent, MessagingUse Messaging to send and receive e-mail messages in one of these ways: 6\QFKURQL]HHPDLOPHVVDJHVZLWK0LFURVRIW([FKDQJHRU0LFURVRIWOutlook on your desktop computer• Send and receive e-mail messages by connecting directly to an e-mail server through an Internet service provider (ISP) or a networkSynchronizing e-mail messages<RXFDQHPDLOPHVVDJHVDVSDUWRIWKHJHQHUDOV\QFKURQL]DWLRQSURFHVV<RXZLOOQHHGWRHQDEOHPDLOV\QFKURQL]DWLRQLQ$FWLYH6\QF)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQHQDEOLQJPDLOV\QFKURQL]DWLRQVHHWKH$FWLYH6\QFRQOLQHhelp on your desktop computer.During synchronization:• Messages are copied from the mail folders of Exchange or Outlook on your desktop computer to the ActiveSync folder in Inbox on your GHYLFH%\GHIDXOW\RXZLOOUHFHLYHPHVVDJHVIURPWKHSDVWÀYHGD\VRQO\DQGWKHÀUVWOLQHVRIHDFKPHVVDJH• E-mail messages in the Outbox folder on your device are transferred to Exchange or Outlook, then send from those programs.• E-mail messages in subfolder must be selected in ActiveSync on your desktop computer in order to be transferred.NOTE <RXFDQDOVRV\QFKURQL]HHPDLOPHVVDJHVZLWK\RXUGHVNWRScomputer from a remote location. For more information on connecting your device, see Chapter 7.
Microsoft® Pocket Outlook47and messages that have been deleted on the e-mail server are removed from the device Inbox folder.Messages that you receive directly from an e-mail server are linked to your e-mail server rather than your desktop computer. When you delete a message on your device, it is also deleted from the e-mail server the next time you connect, based on the settings you selected in ActiveSync.<RXFDQZRUNRQOLQHRURIÁLQH:KHQZRUNLQJRQOLQH\RXUHDGDQGrespond to messages while connected to the e-mail server. Messages are sent as soon as you tap Send, which saves space in your device.:KHQZRUNLQJRIÁLQHRQFH\RXKDYHGRZQORDGHGQHZPHVVDJHKHDGHUVor partial messages, you can disconnect from the e-mail server and decide which messages to download completely. The next time you connect, Inbox downloads the complete messages you have marked for retrieval and sends the messages you have composed.:KHQ\RXFRQQHFWWR\RXUHPDLOVHUYHURUV\QFKURQL]HZLWK\RXUGHVNWRScomputer, by default, you will receive messages from the last three days RQO\DQGWKHPDLOLVOHVVWKDQ.%LQVL]H,IWKHPDLOVL]HLVODUJHUWKDQ0.5KB, you need to download it through hyperlink. The original messages remain on the e-mail server or your desktop computer.You can mark the messages that you want to retrieve in full during your QH[WV\QFKURQL]DWLRQRUHPDLOVHUYHUFRQQHFWLRQ,QWKHPHVVDJHOLVWWDSand hold the message that you want to retrieve. On the pop-up menu, tap Download Message. The icons in the Inbox message list give you visual indications of message status.You can specify your downloading preferences when you set up the VHUYLFHRUVHOHFW\RXUV\QFKURQL]DWLRQRSWLRQV<RXFDQFKDQJHWKHPDWany time. &KDQJHRSWLRQVIRU,QER[V\QFKURQL]DWLRQXVLQJ$FWLYH6\QFRSWLRQVFor more information, see ActiveSync Help on your desktop computer.• Change options for direct e-mail server connections in Inbox on your device. Tap Menu > Tools > Options. On the Accounts tab, tap the account that you wish to change. Tap and hold the account and select Delete to remove an account.
48Chapter 4Reading messages in InboxThe messages you receive appear in your Inbox folder. By default, the most recently received messages appear on top of the list. Unread messages appear in boldface.Tap an e-mail message from your Inbox to display it.Tap to select the sort order for the messagesTap and hold to display a pop-up menu of actionsTap Menu > Send/Receive to send/receive e-mailTap to select email account, and the folder that you wish to displayTap to return to the message listTap Menu to see a list of actions you can do with an e-mailTap to reply to this messageTap to delete the message
Microsoft® Pocket Outlook49Composing messagesTo compose a message:1. Tap New to display a blank e-mail screen.Tap and move the scroll bar up/down to show or hide the complete message headerTap to send the messageEnter the e-mail address hereType your text here ,QWKHToÀHOGHQWHUWKHHPDLODGGUHVVRI\RXUUHFLSLHQW<RXPD\either type the e-mail address or select a name from the Contacts list by tapping “To”.If you wish to send a copy of your e-mail to other recipients, use the stylus pen to scroll up to display the Cc: and Bcc: lines in the message header. The addresses in the To: and Cc: can be viewed by all recipients.The addresses in the Bcc: are hidden from the recipients.To address your e-mail to several recipients, type the e-mail addresses separated by a semicolon. A semicolon is automatically added between e-mail addresses if you select from your Contacts list.All the names in the Contacts list with e-mail addresses appear in the e-mail address book. (QWHUDVXEMHFWDQGFRPSRVH\RXUPHVVDJH4. Tap Send.
50Chapter 4Managing e-mail messages and foldersThe behavior of the folders you create depends on whether you are using ActiveSync, SMS, POP3, or IMAP4.• If you use ActiveSync, e-mail messages in the Inbox folder in Outlook ZLOODXWRPDWLFDOO\EHV\QFKURQL]HGZLWK\RXUGHYLFH7KHIROGHUV\RXcreate and the messages you move will then be mirrored on the server.• If you use SMS, messages are stored in the Inbox folder.• If you use POP3 and you move e-mail messages to a folder you created, the link is broken between the messages on the device and their copies on the mail server. The next time you connect, the mail server will see that the messages are missing from the device Inbox and delete them from the server. This prevents you from having duplicate copies of a message, but it also means that you will no longer have access to messages that you move to folders created from anywhere except the device.• If you use IMAP4, the folders you create and the e-mail messages you move are mirrored on the server. Therefore, messages are available to you anytime you connect to your mail server, whether it is from your GHYLFHRUGHVNWRSFRPSXWHU7KLVV\QFKURQL]DWLRQRIIROGHUVRFFXUVwhenever you connect to your mail server, create new folders, or rename/delete folders when connected.To save composed messages:,I\RXDUHZRUNLQJRIÁLQHWKHPHVVDJHLVPRYHGWRWKHOutbox folder and will be sent the next time you connect.If you do not wish to send the message immediately, tap ok after composing the message to save it to the Drafts folder.When you are ready to send the message, open the Drafts folder and tap the message. Tap Send to send the message.NOTE To enter preset or frequently used messages, tap Menu > MyText and select your desired message.To create or edit a preset message before adding it to the message body, tap Menu > My Text > Edit My Text Messages, select a message to change or select a blank line at the bottom of the list, then enter your text and tap ok.
Companion Programs51NOTE If you tap Menu > Options and choose a template, that template appears with the appropriate text and formatting already provided.Chapter 5Companion ProgramsThe companion programs consist of Microsoft® Word Mobile, Microsoft®Excel Mobile, Microsoft® PowerPoint Mobile, Pocket MSN, and Windows Media™ Player for Pocket PC.To switch to a companion program on your device, tap Programs on the  menu, then tap the program that you wish to open.Word Mobile Word Mobile works with Microsoft Word on your desktop computer to give you easy access to copies of your documents. You can create new documents on your device, or you can copy documents from your desktop FRPSXWHUWR\RXUGHYLFH6\QFKURQL]HGRFXPHQWVEHWZHHQ\RXUGHVNWRScomputer and your device so that you have the most up-to-date content in both locations.Use Word Mobile to create documents, such as letters, meeting minutes, or trip reports.Creating Word Mobile documentsTo create a new Word document:1. Tap   > Programs >Word Mobile to launch the application.If you have existing Microsoft Word or Word Mobile documents in your device, a list of the documents appears. 7DSNew on the Menu bar to display a blank document.3. Use any of the tools in the input panel to type your text.
52Chapter 5To specify save options:1. With the document open, tap Menu > File >Save As to open the SaveAs screen. 7\SHDÀOHQDPHLQWKH NameÀHOG3. Tap the down arrow in the FolderÀHOGWKHQVHOHFWDIROGHUZKHUH\RXZDQWWRVDYHWKHÀOH4. Tap the down arrow in the TypeÀHOGWRVHOHFWDÀOHIRUPDW5. Tap the down arrow in the LocationÀHOGWRLQGLFDWHWKHORFDWLRQRI\RXUVDYHGÀOHHLWKHULQWKHPDLQPHPRU\RI\RXUGHYLFHRULQDstorage card, if available.6. Tap Save.Saving Word Mobile documentsTo save a Word Mobile document::KHQ\RXKDYHÀQLVKHGHGLWLQJ\RXUGRFXPHQWWDS ok.%\GHIDXOWWKHGRFXPHQWLVVDYHGXVLQJWKHÀUVWOLQHDVWKHÀOHQDPH)RUH[DPSOHLI\RXUÀUVWOLQHLQWKHGRFXPHQWKDVWKHZRUGVThings to do,WKHVHZRUGVDSSHDUDVWKHÀOHQDPHLQ\RXU:RUGGRFXPHQWVOLVWType your text hereTap  to select an input methodTap to show or hide the input panelTap to save and close your documentFormatting toolbar
Companion Programs53NOTE ,I\RXRSHQHGDQH[LVWLQJ:RUGÀOHWDSMenu > File > Rename/Move... WRFKDQJHWKHÀOHQDPHIROGHUDQGVWRUDJHORFDWLRQWRXVHIRUVDYLQJWKHÀOHYou can open only one Word Mobile document at a time. When you open a second document, you will be asked to VDYHWKHFXUUHQWGRFXPHQWÀUVWOpening an existing Word Mobile document:RUG0RELOHFRQWDLQVDOLVWRIWKHÀOHVVWRUHGRQ\RXUGHYLFH7DSDÀOHLQWKHOLVWWRRSHQ7RGHOHWHPDNHFRSLHVRIDQGVHQGÀOHVWDSDQGKROGDÀOHLQWKHOLVWWKHQVHOHFWWKHDSSURSULDWHDFWLRQRQWKHSRSXSPHQXTap to select the folder you want to displayTap to change the sort order of the listTap a document to open itTap to create a new documentViewing documentsIf you are opening a Word document created on a desktop computer, tap View > Wrap to Window to see the entire document.<RXFDQDOVRDGMXVWWKHYLHZLQJVL]HRIDGRFXPHQWE\]RRPLQJTo zoom in or out of a document:Tap View > Zoom, then select your desired percentage.
54Chapter 5Excel Mobile Excel Mobile provides fundamental spreadsheet tools, such as formulas, IXQFWLRQVVRUWLQJDQGÀOWHULQJ7RGLVSOD\WKHWRROEDUWDSView >Toolbar.NOTE <RXFDQRSHQRQO\RQH([FHO0RELOHGRFXPHQWDWDWLPHwhen you open a second document, you will be asked to VDYHWKHÀUVWCell contents appear here as you type, or when you select the cellTap to access view options Tap to open a menu of Excel functionsCreating an Excel Mobile document1. Tap   > Programs > Excel Mobile. 7DS1HZWRGLVSOD\DEODQNZRUNVKHHWNOTE If you tap Menu >OptionsLQWKHÀOHOLVWDQGFKRRVHDtemplate, that template appears with the appropriate text and formatting already provided when you create a new worksheet.Opening an existing Excel Mobile document1. Tap   > Programs > Excel Mobile to display a list of Excel Mobile ÀOHV 7DSWKHÀOHWKDW\RXZLVKWRRSHQ
Companion Programs55Saving an Excel Mobile documentTo save an Excel Mobile document::KHQ\RXKDYHÀQLVKHGHGLWLQJ\RXUGRFXPHQWWDSok.By default, your document is saved as Book1DVWKHÀOHQDPH<RXFDQFKDQJHWKHÀOHQDPHWRRQHWKDWLVPRUHGHVFULSWLYHRI\RXUGRFXPHQWSee the procedure below for saving options.To specify save options:1. With the document open, tap Menu >File >Save As... to display the Save As screen. &KDQJHWKHÀOHQDPHE\VLPSO\W\SLQJDQHZRQHLQWKHNameÀHOG3. Tap the down arrow in the FolderÀHOGWRVHOHFWDIROGHUZKHUH\RXZLVKWRSODFHWKHÀOH4. Tap the down arrow in the Type ÀHOGWRVHOHFWDÀOHIRUPDW5. Tap the down arrow in the Location ÀHOGWRLQGLFDWHWKHORFDWLRQRI\RXUVDYHGÀOHHJPDLQPHPRU\ÁDVKGLVNRUVWRUDJHFDUGLIavailable.6. Tap Save.7RUHQDPHPRYHDÀOH1. With the document open, tap Menu >File > Rename/Move... todisplay the Rename/Move screen. &KDQJHWKHÀOHQDPHLQWKHNameÀHOG3. Tap the down arrow in the FolderÀHOGWRVHOHFWDIROGHUZKHUH\RXZLVKWRPRYHWKHÀOH4. Tap the down arrow in the Location box to select the folder location.5. Tap ok when done.Tips for working in Excel MobileTake note of the following when working on large worksheets in Pocket Excel:•View in full-screen mode to see as much of your worksheet as possible. Tap View >Full Screen. To exit full-screen mode, tap Restore.
56Chapter 5PowerPoint Mobile PowerPoint Mobile works with Microsoft PowerPoint on your computer to give you easy access to copies of your PowerPoint presentations. Copy 3RZHU3RLQWSUHVHQWDWLRQÀOHVIURP\RXUFRPSXWHUWR\RXUGHYLFHDQGYLHZWKHPRQWKHJR6\QFKURQL]HSUHVHQWDWLRQÀOHVLQ\RXUFRPSXWHUDQG\RXUdevice so that you have the most up-to-date contents in both locations.NOTE <RXFDQRQO\YLHZ3RZHU3RLQWSUHVHQWDWLRQÀOHVLQPowerPoint Mobile.2SHQLQJD3RZHU3RLQWSUHVHQWDWLRQÀOH,I\RXKDYHSUHYLRXVO\FRSLHG3RZHU3RLQW0RELOHSUHVHQWDWLRQÀOHVLQWRWKHdevice, a list of the documents appear after you tap the PowerPoint Mobile icon.7RRSHQD3RZHU3RLQW0RELOHÀOH1. Tap   > Programs > PowerPoint Mobile to display a list of 3RZHU3RLQWÀOHV 7DSWKHÀOH\RXZLVKWRRSHQ•Show and hide window elements. Tap View > Show.•Freeze and unfreeze panes on a worksheet. First select the cell ZKHUH\RXZDQWWRIUHH]HSDQHV7DSView >Freeze Panes. You might ZDQWWRIUHH]HWKHWRSDQGOHIWPRVWSDQHVLQDZRUNVKHHWWRNHHSthe row and column labels visible as you scroll through a sheet. To XQIUHH]HSDQHVWDSView > Unfreeze Panes.•Split panes to view different areas of a large worksheet. Tap View >Split. Drag the split bar to where you want it. To remove the split, tap View >Remove Split.•Show and hide rows and columns. To hide a row or column, select a cell in the row or column that you want to hide. Tap Menu > Format > Row or Column > Hide. To show a hidden row or column, tap Menu > Edit > Go To, and type a reference that is in the hidden row or column. Tap Menu >Format >Row or Column > Unhide.For more information on using Excel Mobile, tap   > Help.
Companion Programs579LHZLQJD3RZHU3RLQW0RELOHÀOHTo go to the previous or next slide: :KLOHYLHZLQJD3RZHU3RLQWÀOHWDSWKHDUURZRQWKHORZHUOHIWVLGHRIthe screen to open the menu. ,QWKHPHQXWDSNext or Previous to go forward or go back in your 3RZHU3RLQW0RELOHÀOH7DSGo to SlideWRLPPHGLDWHO\JRWRDVSHFLÀFslide in your presentation.NOTE  :KLOHYLHZLQJD3RZHU3RLQWÀOH\RXFDQDOVRWDSWKHVFUHHQto go to the next slide.To zoom in on a slide: :KLOHYLHZLQJD3RZHU3RLQWÀOHWDSWKHDUURZRQWKHORZHUOHIWVLGHRIthe screen to open the menu. ,QWKHPHQXWDSZoom In. In the lower-right side of the screen, drag WKHUHGER[ZLWKWKHVW\OXVSHQWRJRWRDVSHFLÀFDUHDRQWKHVOLGH 7DSWKHPDJQLI\LQJJODVVHVWR]RRPLQRU]RRPRXWRIWKHVOLGH7DSFitto ScreenWRÀWWKHVOLGHWRWKHZKROHVFUHHQNOTE When you are in a view other than Fit to Screen, the menu is not available.Viewing a Custom Show (slideshow) :KLOHYLHZLQJD3RZHU3RLQWÀOHWDSWKHDUURZRQWKHORZHUOHIWVLGHRIthe screen to open the menu. 7DSCustom Show then select the custom show you want to view.Setting show options :KLOHYLHZLQJD3RZHU3RLQWÀOHWDSWKHDUURZRQWKHORZHUOHIWVLGHRIthe screen to open the menu. 7DSShow Options. In the Orientation tab, select the slideshow orientation you want to use.3. Tap the Playback tab. Tap 2YHUULGHSOD\EDFNRSWLRQVIRUDOOÀOHVif\RXGRQRWZDQWWRXVHWKHHPEHGGHGVHWWLQJVRID3RZHU3RLQWÀOHWKDWyou created in your desktop computer.
58Chapter 5Pocket MSN Pocket MSN on your device is an instant messaging program that allows you to:• See who among your contacts is online and chat with them by sending and receiving instant messages. • Access your hotmail account, if you have one, and send and receive e-mails.To use Pocket MSN:You must have a Microsoft Passport™ account or a Microsoft Exchange e-mail account. You must have a Passport to use the MSN Messenger Service. If you have a Hotmail® or MSN account, you already have a Passport. Once you have obtained either a Microsoft Passport or Microsoft Exchange account, you are ready to set up your account.Sign up for a Microsoft Passport account at a free Microsoft Hotmail e-mail address at open MSN Messenger:1. Tap Pocket MSN on the Today screen then tap MSN Messenger.ORTap   > Programs >Pocket MSN > MSN Messenger.4. Select your desired options. When done, tap ok.Signing up in MSN MessengerTo sign in to MSN Messenger service:1. Tap the Tap here to sign in link.ORTap  Sign In or Menu > Sign In. 2QWKH0616LJQ,QVFUHHQHQWHU\RXUHPDLODGGUHVVDQGSDVVZRUGThen tap Sign In.
Companion Programs59NOTE If you already use MSN Messenger on your computer, your contacts will show up on your device.MSN Messenger contactsThe MSN Messenger screen shows all of your messenger contacts at a glance, divided into Online and Not Online categories. From this view, while connected, you can chat, send an e-mail, block the contact from chatting with you, or delete contacts from your list using the pop-up menu.To see others online without being seen, tap Menu >Block.,I\RXEORFNDFRQWDFW\RXZLOODSSHDURIÁLQHEXWZLOOUHPDLQRQWKHEORFNHGcontact’s list. To unblock a contact, tap and hold the contact, then tap Unblock on the pop-up menu.Tap a contact to start a chatTap and hold a contact to display a pop-up menu where you can choose to send e-mail to the contact, block the contact, etc.
60Chapter 5Chatting with contactsTap a contact name to open a chat window. Enter your message in the text entry area at the bottom of the screen, or tap My Text to enter a preset message, then tap Send. To invite another contact to a multi-user chat, tap Menu >Invite, then tap the contact that you want to invite.Using MSN HotmailWith MSN Hotmail, you can access your hotmail mailbox on your Pocket PC and send and receive e-mails.To open MSN Hotmail:1. Tap Pocket MSN on the Today screen then tap MSN Hotmail. ORTap   > Programs >Pocket MSN > MSN Hotmail.Entermessage hereTap to send messageView full chatTap to switch between chat windowsTap to change your MSN statusTap to switch back to the  contacts list without closing a chatTap to add a new contactTap to choose a preset messageTap to enter your own MSN statusTap to invite more contacts to your chat Tap to block a contact from seeing your status Tap to display the current contacts you are chatting withTap to change your display name DQGFXVWRPL]HRWKHUVHWWLQJVNOTE On the MSN Messenger screen, tap   > Help for more information.
Companion Programs61Tap a message to open itTap to create a new e-mailAfter selecting a message, choose what you want to do with the e-mail from the menu.Tap to open the menuEnter the recipient’s e-mail address(QWHUDVXEMHFWEnter the messageTap to add a recipient from Outlook Contacts7DSWRDWWDFKDQLPDJHYRLFHQRWHRUÀOHTap to choose a preset messageTap to do a spelling checkTap to save the message to the Drafts folder for later editingTap to cancel the message without sending itTap to set the priority, language encoding, and more for the messageTap to send the e-mailTap to display the message foldersTap to sort the messages by  order of message type, sender name, etc.NOTE On the MSN Hotmail screen, tap  > Help for more information.Windows Media Player for Pocket PCUse Microsoft® Windows Media Player for Pocket PC to play digital audio DQGYLGHRÀOHVWKDWDUHVWRUHGRQ\RXUGHYLFHRURQDQHWZRUN7RVZLWFKWRWindows Media Player for Pocket PC, tap   > Windows Media.Use Microsoft Windows Media Player on your desktop computer to copy digital audio and video to your Pocket PC. You can play Windows Media DQG03ÀOHVRQ\RXU3RFNHW3&
62Chapter 5Tap to view the playlistTap to play/pauseTap to view in full screenTap to skip to the beginning of the FXUUHQWÀOHRUWRWKHSUHYLRXVÀOHTap to skip to the next ÀOHTap to decrease/increase volumeTap to mute or enable audioNOTE For more information on using Windows Media Player for Pocket PC, tap   > Help.ASUS Hands-Free ASUS Hands-Free allows you to connect your Pocket PC to a cell phone via Bluetooth, making your device become a hand-free cell phone. When a call comes, the Pocket PC can pop up a ring screen, allowing you to anwser or refuse the call without picking up the Pocket PC. Using Hands-FreeWith ASUS Hands-Free, you can answer and refuse an incoming call via your Pocket PC.To connect your Pocket PC to your mobllie phone:1. Tap   > Programs >ASUS Hand-Free to launch the application.The Pocket PC then automatically scans for all available bluetooth-enabled devices.Tap to view the favorites
Companion Programs63 6HOHFWWKHSKRQHWKDW\RXZDQWWRconnect to, and input the pairing number if required. After successful connection with the cell phone, you can begin to use the Hands-free function via Bluetooth.Remote PresenterThe Remote Presenter allows you to wirelessly control your presentation. With the remote presenter, you can select certain page, slide the pages, record the duration of the presentation, and easily switch the screen from edit mode to full screen. Before use the Remote Presenter, activate Bluetooth in your PC/notebook,  and lauch Remote Presenter propram in your PC/notebook. Using Remote PresenterTo connect your Pocket PC to your PC/notebook:1. Tap   > Programs >RemotePresenter to launch the application.A reminding message appears, then tap Next.The Pocket PC then automatically scans for all available bluetooth-enabled devices. 6HOHFWWKH3&RUQRWHERRN\RXwant to connect to, then tap Next.
64Chapter 53. A pop up window appears, reminding you to check the pairing information in your PC or notebook. 4. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up the connection.To use the Remote Presenter7RXVHWKH5HPRWH3UHVHQWHUVHOHFWWKHÀOH\RXZLVKWRRSHQ$PDLQmenu of Remote Resenter appears: Tap to slide forwardTap to slide backwardTap to open the menuTap to view the noteTap to switch to full screen Tap to switch to edit modeTap to view the pages
Internet Explorer Mobile63Use Microsoft Internet Explorer Mobile to view Web or WAP pages in any of these ways. 'XULQJV\QFKURQL]DWLRQZLWK\RXUGHVNWRSFRPSXWHUGRZQORDGyour favorite links and mobile favorites that are stored in the Mobile Favorites sub-folder in the Internet Explorer on the desktop computer.• Connect to an Internet service provider (ISP) or network and browse WKH:HE7RGRWKLV\RXQHHGWRFUHDWHWKHFRQQHFWLRQÀUVW6HHChapter 7 for information on creating a connection.:KHQFRQQHFWHGWRDQ,63RUQHWZRUN\RXFDQDOVRGRZQORDGÀOHVDQGprograms from the Internet or intranet.Using Internet Explorer MobileYou can use Internet Explorer Mobile to browse mobile favorites and channels that have been downloaded to your device without connecting to the Internet. You can also connect to the Internet through an ISP or a network connection to browse the Web.To launch Internet Explorer Mobile:1. Tap   > Internet Explorer to display the Mobile Services from MSN. 7DSMenu > Home to display the Internet Explorer Mobile with links to some useful Web sites.  7DSDQ\RIWKH:HEVLWHEXWWRQVWRJRWRDVSHFLÀFVLWHChapter 6Internet Explorer MobileChanging View settingsTo change View settings:1. Tap Menu > View then select view options. Tap Full Screen, for example, to set explorer window to full-screen mode. To disable full-screen mode, tap and hold anywhere on the explorer, then select FullScreen again.
64Chapter 6Mobile Favorites folderOnly the items stored in the Mobile Favorites sub-folder on your desktop FRPSXWHUZLOOEHV\QFKURQL]HGZLWK\RXUGHYLFH7KLVIROGHUZDVFUHDWHGautomatically when you installed ActiveSync.Favorite links'XULQJV\QFKURQL]DWLRQWKHOLVWRIIDYRULWHOLQNVLQWKH0RELOH)DYRULWHVIROGHURQ\RXUGHVNWRSFRPSXWHULVV\QFKURQL]HGZLWK,QWHUQHW([SORUHU0RELOHRQyour device. Both computers are updated with changes made to either list HDFKWLPH\RXV\QFKURQL]H8QOHVV\RXPDUNWKHIDYRULWHOLQNDVDPRELOHfavorite, only the link will be downloaded to your device, and you will need to connect to your ISP or network to view the content. For more information on V\QFKURQL]DWLRQVHH$FWLYH6\QF+HOSRQWKHGHVNWRSFRPSXWHUBrowsing the InternetTo browse the Internet:1. Set up a connection to your ISP or corporate network using Connections.See Chapter 7 for details. 7DSZoom to see another pop-up IRUVHOHFWLQJ\RXUGHVLUHGWH[WVL]Hdisplay. 'RRQHRIWKHIROORZLQJWRFRQQHFWDQGVWDUWEURZVLQJ• Tap Favorites on the Menu Bar, then tap the favorite that you wish to view.• Enter the Web address in the Address Bar that you want to visit then tap Go.
Internet Explorer Mobile65To create a mobile favorite:1. In Internet Explorer on your desktop computer, click Tools > Create Mobile Favorite. 7RFKDQJHWKHOLQNQDPHHQWHUDnew name in the Name box.3. Click OK. Internet Explorer downloads the latest version of the page to your desktop computer.Mobile FavoritesIf you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or later on your desktop computer, you can download mobile favorites to your device. 6\QFKURQL]LQJPRELOHIDYRULWHVGRZQORDGV:HEFRQWHQWWR\RXUGHYLFHVRthat you can view pages while you are disconnected from your ISP and desktop computer.Use the Internet Explorer plug-in installed with ActiveSync to create mobile favorites quickly.4. If you want to download the pages that are linked to WKHPRELOHIDYRULWH\RXMXVWcreated, in Internet Explorer on the desktop computer, click Favorites >Mobile Favorites,WKHQULJKWFOLFNDVSHFLÀFmobile favorite item, then click Properties. In the Download tab, specify the number of links deep you want to download. To conserve device memory, go only one level deep. 6\QFKURQL]H\RXUGHYLFHDQGyour desktop computer. Mobile favorites that are stored in the Mobile Favorites folder in Internet Explorer are downloaded to your device.
66Chapter 6Viewing mobile favorites and channelsTo view mobile favorites and channels:1. Tap Menu > Favorites to display your list of favorites. 7DSD)DYRULWHVSDJHWKDW\RXZLVKWRYLHZYou will see the page that was downloaded the last time you V\QFKURQL]HGZLWK\RXUGHVNWRSFRPSXWHU,IWKHSDJHLVQRWRQ\RXUGHYLFHWKHIDYRULWHLVGLPPHG<RXQHHGWRV\QFKURQL]HZLWK\RXUdesktop computer again to download the page to your device, or connect to the Internet to view the page.Saving device memory0RELOHIDYRULWHVWDNHXSVWRUDJHPHPRU\RQ\RXUGHYLFH7RPLQLPL]HWKHamount of memory used:• In the settings for the Favorites information type in ActiveSync options, turn off pictures and sounds, or stop some mobile favorites from being downloaded to the device. For more information, see ActiveSync Help.• Limit the number of downloaded linked pages. In Interner Explorer on your desktop computer, click Favorites >Mobile Favorites, then ULJKWFOLFNDVSHFLÀFPRELOHIDYRULWHLWHP\RXZDQWWRFKDQJHWKHQFOLFNProperties. In the Download tab, specify 0 or 1 for the number of linked pages you want to download.NOTE You will need to manually download content or set a schedule to keep the information updated on your desktop computer and device. %HIRUHV\QFKURQL]LQJZLWK\RXUGHYLFHLQ,QWHUQHW([SORUHUon your desktop computer, click Tools > Synchronize. You will see the last time content was downloaded to the desktop computer, and you can manually download content if needed or set a schedule to automatically update contents. To set a VFKHGXOHWRXSGDWHDVSHFLÀFPRELOHIDYRULWHVHOHFWDVSHFLÀFmobile favorite from the list then click Properties button. On the Schedule tab, you can set the mobile favorite to use a VSHFLÀFVFKHGXOHWRXSGDWHLWVFRQWHQWYou can add a button to the Internet Explorer toolbar for creating mobile favorites. In Internet Explorer on your desktopcomputer, click View > Toolbars > Customize.
Internet Explorer Mobile67Tap the favorite that you wish to viewTap to add or delete a folder or favorite linkAdding/Deleting mobile favorites and foldersTo add a favorite:1. Tap Menu > Favorites > Add/Delete tab. 7DSWKHAdd button to show the Add Favorite screen.3. Type a name for the favorite that you wish to add in the NameÀHOG4. Type in the URL address in the Address (URL)ÀHOG5. Choose a folder where to place the favorite from the Create inselection box.6. Tap Add to return to the Favorites screen, which now shows the favorite that you added.NOTE To delete a favorite, tap the favorite you want to delete then then tap Delete button.To add a folder:1. Tap Menu > Favorites > Add/Delete tab. 7DSWKHNew Folder button.3. Type a name for the folder that you wish to create.4. Tap Add to return to the Favorites screen, which now shows the folder that you added.NOTE To delete a folder, tap  the folder you want to delete then tap Delete button.
68Chapter 7Chapter 7  Get ConnectedYou can set up connections to the Internet and corporate network at work  to do such activities as browse the Internet or intranet, send and receive e-PDLODQGLQVWDQWPHVVDJHVDQGV\QFKURQL]HLQIRUPDWLRQXVLQJ$FWLYH6\QFConnections can be made using a modem,wireless network, or network (Ethernet) card. A modem connection can be used to set up connections with an external modem, or through your mobile phone network using a cellular line.Your device has two groups of connection settings: My ISP and My Work Network. My ISP settings are used to connect to the Internet, and My Work Network settings can be used to connect to any private network, VXFKDVDFRUSRUDWHQHWZRUN\RXXVHDWZRUN6LPSO\ÀOOLQWKHVHWWLQJVand get ready to start connecting. For more information, see the sections “Connect to the Internet” or “Connect to Work.”You may also establish connection to another device with infrared (IR) or Bluetooth features. For more information, see the section “Infrared (IR) connection” later in this chapter, or “Chapter 8 Bluetooth® connection.”Connecting to the InternetTo connect to the Internet:1. Obtain the following information from your ISP:  ISP server phone number,user name, and password. 7DS  > Settings > Connections tab > Connections.3. Under My Network, tap Add a new modem connection.4. Create a modem connection. For more information, see section “Set up modem connections.”5. To start the connection, begin using the desired program. For example, switch to Pocket Internet Explorer and browse a Web page. Your device automatically connects.NOTE To set up a network card or wireless network connection to your ISP, add a new connection under My Work Network.
Get Connected69Connecting to Work1. Obtain the following information from your network administrator: server phone number,user name, and password. 7DS  > Settings > Connections tab > Connections.3. Under My Work Network, set up either a modem, network card, wireless network, or VPN server connection. Refer to the section “Set up connections” for the procedure.4. To start the connection, start using a desired program. For example, switch to Pocket Internet Explorer and browse to a Web page. Your device automatically starts connecting.Setting up connectionsModem connectionsTo set up a modem connection:Obtain the following information from your ISP or network administrator: telephone number, user name, password, domain name, and TCP/IP settings.If your device does not have access to a mobile phone network, insert a modem card.1. Tap    > Settings > Connections tab > Connections. 7RFUHDWHDQHZFRQQHFWLRQLQHLWKHUMy ISP or My Work Network,tap Add a new modem connection, then follow the instructions in the 1HZ&RQQHFWLRQZL]DUG 7RYLHZDGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQIRUDQ\VFUHHQLQWKHZL]DUGRUZKLOHchanging settings, tap  .NOTE To change modem connection settings in either My ISP or My Work Network, tap Manage existing connections > Modem tab. Select the desired modem connection, tap Edit,and follow the instructions on the screen.
70Chapter 7VPN server connectionsA VPN connection helps you to securely connect to servers, such as a corporate network, via the Internet. Ask your network administrator for your user name, password, domain name, TCP/IP settings, and host name or IP address of the VPN server.To set up a VPN server connection:1. Tap    > Settings > Connections tab > Connections. 7RFUHDWHDQHZ931VHUYHUFRQQHFWLRQLQ0\:RUN1HWZRUNWDSAdda new VPN server connection, then follow the screen instructions. 7RYLHZDGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQIRUDQ\VFUHHQLQWKHZL]DUGRUZKLOHchanging settings, tap  .NOTE To change existing settings, in My Work Network, tap Manage existing connections > VPN tab. Select your desired VPN connection under the VPN tab, tap Edit, then follow the instructions on the screen.Proxy server settings,I\RXDUHFRQQHFWHGWR\RXU,63RUSULYDWHQHWZRUNGXULQJV\QFKURQL]DWLRQyour mobile device should download the proper proxy settings from your PC. If these settings are not on your PC or need to be changed, ask your ISP or network administrator for the proxy server name, server type, port, type of Socks protocol used, and your user name and password.To change proxy server settings:1. Tap    > Settings > Connections tab > Connections icon. 8QGHU My Work Network category, tap Setup my proxy server.3. Check the boxes beside This network connects to the Internet andThis network uses a proxy server to connect to the Internet.4. In the Proxy server box, enter the proxy server name.5. To change the server and port settings for HTTP, WAP, Secure WAP, and Socks, tap Advanced.6. Tap ok when done.
Get Connected71Network card connectionsUse a network (Ethernet) card to connect directly to a network. Once connected, you can view the Internet or intranet, or download e-mail. You do not need to create a new connection on your device. For more information, see your network administrator. Make sure to purchase and FRQÀJXUHDQHWZRUNFDUGWKDWLVFRPSDWLEOHZLWK\RXUGHYLFHTo set up a network card:1. Obtain the following information from your network administrator: username,password, and domain name. ,QVHUWWKHQHWZRUNFDUGLQWR\RXUGHYLFH 7KHÀUVWWLPH\RXLQVHUWWKHFDUG1HWZRUN6HWWLQJVDSSHDUVDXWRPDWLFDOO\VRWKDW\RXFDQFRQÀJXUHWKHQHWZRUNFDUG,ILWGRHVQRWappear, or to change settings later, tap    > Settings > Connectionstab > Network Cards. ,I\RXQHHGWRHQWHUVSHFLÀFVHUYHULQIRUPDWLRQWDSWKHDSSURSULDWHadapter, and then tap Properties. Most networks use DHCP, so you should not have to change these settings unless your network administrator instructs you to do so.5. If necessary, connect the network card to the network by using a network cable. For information, refer to the documentation that came with your network card.6. To start a connection, insert the network card, and begin using a desired program. For example, switch to Pocket Internet Explorerand browse a Web page. Your device automatically starts connecting.If you use your network card with two networks, such as a private network at work and one at home for the Internet, you need to change the network to which the network card connects.NOTE You may need proxy server and VPN connection settings. For more information, see your network administrator.Ending a connection • When connected via modem or VPN, tap   on the navigation bar, then tap Disconnect. • When connected via cable or cradle, detach your device from the cable or cradle.
72Chapter 7• When connected via Infrared, move the device away from the other computer or device. • When connected via a network (Ethernet) card, remove the card from your device. • When connected via a wireless network, switch off the connection.Setting up a WAP gateway7RDFFHVV:$3VLWHVWKURXJK3RFNHW,QWHUQHW([SORUHUFRQÀJXUH\RXUdevice to use a WAP gateway. Use the following steps to create a new set of connections to the Internet with WAP gateway settings.NOTE Some device models do not support the WAP sites viewing feature.1. Get the following information from your ISP: ISP server phone number,user name, and password. Also, contact your mobile phone service provider and ask for your WAP gateway server name and port number. 7DS  > Settings > Connections tab > Connections.3. Tap Edit my proxy server. If a proxy server has not been set up, tap Set up my proxy server.4. In Programs that automatically connect to the Internet should connect using, tap New and enter a name for the ISP connection.5. On the Proxy Settings tab, select This network connects to the Internet and This network uses a proxy server to connect to the Internet.6. If necessary, in the Proxy server box, enter the proxy server name.7. Tap Advanced > WAP.8. In the Server box, enter the WAP gateway server name. Under Port,HQWHUWKHSRUWQXPEHU7KHPRVWFRPPRQ:$3SRUWQXPEHULV9.  Enter any logon credentials required by the WAP gateway server.Using dialing rulesAdditional numbers may need to be dialed depending on your given location when connecting. For example, if you want to dial from work, a 9 SUHÀ[PXVWRIWHQEHGLDOHGRUDQDUHDFRGHLVQHHGHG
Get Connected731. Tap    > Settings > Connections tab > Connections > Advancedtab > Dialing Rules... button. 7DSWKHER[EHVLGHUse dialing rules.3. Select a location.•Home'LDOVWKHQXPEHUDVDORFDOFDOOZLWKRXWWKHSUHÀ[•Work'LDOVWKHQXPEHUDVORFDOFDOOZLWKWKHSUHÀ[4. Tap Edit... button and make your desired changes.5. Tap ok when done.NOTE To create a new location, tap New and follow the directions on the screen. To view additional information, tap  .Using Terminal Services ClientUse Terminal Services Client to log onto a computer and use all of the programs available on that computer from your Pocket PC. For example, instead of running Word Mobile, you can run the desktop computer version RI:RUGDQGDFFHVVDOORIWKHGRFÀOHVRQWKDWFRPSXWHUIURP\RXUGHYLFHTo have remote access to a computer, it must be running the Terminal 6HUYLFHVRU5HPRWH'HVNWRSSURJUDPLQ:LQGRZVRU;3To connect and have remote access to a computer:1. On your Pocket PC, tap   > Programs > Terminal Services Client. 6SHFLI\WKHVHUYHUQDPHWKDWLVXVHGE\WKH7HUPLQDO6HUYLFHVRURemote Desktop program in the computer.You can also select the server name from the Recent servers list if you have previously connected to a computer. 7RUXQDSURJUDPIURPWKHFRPSXWHUWKDWDUHVSHFLÀFDOO\VL]HGIRUXVHwith your Pocket PC, you can select the Limit size of server desktop WRÀWRQWKLVVFUHHQRSWLRQWREHWWHUÀWWKHSURJUDPRQWKHGHYLFHscreen.4. Tap Connect.To avoid creating a new modem connection for each situation, set dialing rules for the locations from which you often connect to. Three dialing locations, Home, Mobile, and Work, have been created for you, and you can create more. If a connection cannot be made, your device gives you an opportunity to change the dialing location.
74Chapter 7Navigating within Terminal Services Client7KHFRQWHQWVRIWKHZLQGRZRQWKHFRPSXWHUPD\EHWRRZLGHWRÀWWKHscreen of your Pocket PC. You may see two sets of scroll bars on your device: one for scrolling the computer window contents, and one for scrolling your device’s Terminal Services Client screen. To scroll the FRPSXWHUZLQGRZFRQWHQWVXVHWKHÀYHGLUHFWLRQDOEXWWRQVDWWKHERWWRPof the Terminal Services Client screen.Logging off or disconnecting from the remote computerTo log off without disconnecting from the computer:1. On the computer window, tap Start > Shut Down.The Shut Down Windows dialog box appears.  7DSLog off <username>, and tap ok.To disconnect and end the remote session with the computer:1. On the computer window, tap Start > Shut Down.The Shut Down Windows dialog box appears. 7DSShut down, and tap ok.Infrared (IR) connectionSetting beam optionsTo set the beam options:1. Tap   > Settings > Connections tab. 7DSBeam icon to display the Settings screen.3. By default, your device detects incoming infrared (IR) beams and prompts you to accept them. If you do not want your device to detect or receive beans, clear the Receive all incoming beams check box on the Settings screen.
Get Connected75Receiving infrared beams7RUHFHLYHDÀOHYLDLQIUDUHGEHDP1. When another infrared device within UDQJHEHDPVÀOHRUGDWDWR\RX\RXUGHYLFHUHFHLYHVWKHÀOHRUGDWDDQGprompts a receiving data status. NOTE Make sure to align the IR ports so that they are unobstructed DQGZLWKLQWKHUHTXLUHGUDQJH5HFHLYHGÀOHVDUHDXWRPDWLFDOO\saved in the My Documents folder. $IWHUGDWDWUDQVPLVVLRQWDSYes to accept or NoWRUHMHFWSending infrared beams7RVHQGDÀOHYLDLQIUDUHGEHDP 7DSDQGKROGDÀOHWREHDPWKHQWDSBeam File... from the pop-up menu. $OLJQWKH,5SRUWVRIWKHGHYLFHVVRthat they are unobstructed and within a close range. If the ports are not aligned, a message appears asking you to do so.When an IR port is found, a screen message appears indicating the sending process.The message Done appears when the ÀOHWUDQVIHULVFRPSOHWH
76Chapter 8Chapter 8  Bluetooth®Bluetooth is a short-range wireless communications technology. Devices with Bluetooth capabilities can exchange information without requiring a physical connection. Unlike infrared, you do not need to line up devices to exchange information through Bluetooth. The devices only need to be within a range of about 10 meters (30 feet) in an open space environment. You can even beam information to a device in a different room, as long as LWLVZLWKLQWKHVSHFLÀHGUDQJHBluetooth allows your Pocket PC to:• Locate other Bluetooth devices within the vicinity• Discover the services that those devices offer• Connect to, use, and disconnect from those services• Enable or disable individual services 8VHVHFXULW\IHDWXUHVLQFOXGLQJDXWKHQWLFDWLRQDXWKRUL]DWLRQDQGencryptionNOTE If you experience problems using Bluetooth® in a landscapedisplay orientation, revert to portrait.Using BluetoothThe Bluetooth icon is located on the lower right corner of the Today screen.When Bluetooth is enabled (turned ON), the icon is blue   , and the Bluetooth LED   blinks blue.When Bluetooth is disabled (turned OFF), the icon is grayed with a red X on its lower right corner  .Tapping the icon displays a menu that allows you to:• Turn Bluetooth on or off.• Open the Bluetooth Manager. &XVWRPL]H%OXHWRRWK6HWWLQJVBluetooth icon
Bluetooth®77Bluetooth settings7RFRQÀJXUH%OXHWRRWKVHWWLQJV1. Tap   > Bluetooth Settings. 7DSRQHRIWKHWDEVDWWKHERWWRPRIWKHSettings screen to access and modify various settings.GeneralAllows you to:• Select or create a user SURÀOH• Check the Bluetooth status (ON/OFF).• Turn Bluetooth ON or OFF.• Tap a link to the Bluetooth Manager.AccessibilityAllows you to: 6SHFLI\DQDPHWKDWLGHQWLÀHVyour Pocket PC as a Bluetooth device.• Check the Bluetooth Device Address (BDA).• Specify whether to allow all other Bluetooth devices or only paired devices to connect to your Pocket PC.• Specify whether to allow remote devices to detect your device.ServicesUnder Bluetooth Services, you may enable/disable services such as File Transfer, Information Exchange, Serial Port, Personal Network server and Audio Gateway. Tap a service from the list, then choose whether to enable and share the selected service to other devices and whether to UHTXLUHDXWKRUL]DWLRQDVZHOODVSDVVNH\DXWKHQWLFDWLRQEHWZHHQ%OXHWRRWKdevices.•File TransferDOORZVRWKHU%OXHWRRWKGHYLFHVWRKDYHDFFHVVWRÀOHVRQ\RXU3RFNHW3&DQGWRSHUIRUPÀOHUHODWHGRSHUDWLRQVVXFKDVWRJHWÀOHVGHOHWHÀOHVHWF7DSAdvanced to set a target directory on your device that remote devices can access.See the section “Remote device services” for more information.•Information Exchange - allows you to specify a contact to be sent to Bluetooth devices when they request for your business card. Tap Advanced, then tap to choose a contact as your default business card.
78Chapter 8Bluetooth Connection Wizard7KH%OXHWRRWK&RQQHFWLRQ:L]DUGKHOSV\RXVHWXSFRQQHFWLRQVZLWKremote Bluetooth devices.Bluetooth Manager7KH%OXHWRRWK0DQDJHUDOORZV\RXWRSUHFRQÀJXUHPDQDJHDQGXVHvarious types of Bluetooth connections to connect to remote devices.To open the Bluetooth Manager:• Tap   > Bluetooth Manager.There are two tabs in the Bluetooth Manager:•My Shortcuts GLVSOD\VDOLVWRISUHFRQÀJXUHGFRQQHFWLRQVLIDQ\Tap New to make a new connection with other devices via Bluetooth. Tap and hold a connection icon to open a pop-up menu containing options for connecting to devices, disconnecting, checking connection status, and more.•Active Connections - displays active incoming and outgoing connections. Tap New to make a new connection. Tap and hold a connection icon to open a pop-up menu containing options for disconnecting from devices and for checking connection status.•Serial Port - indicates the serial port address assignments. Tap Advanced to check the current serial port addresses.  These cannot be changed.  See the section “Remote device services” for details.•Personal Network Server - allows hosting of a Bluetooth-based personal area network. See the section“Remote device services” for details.•Audio Gateway - allows your Pocket PC to connect to a remote headset or other audio device.
Bluetooth®79NOTE Refer to the device online help for more information on Bluetooth.To launch the Bluetooth Connection Wizard:1. Tap New from the Bluetooth Manager Menu bar. The %OXHWRRWK&RQQHFWLRQ:L]DUGscreen appears. 6HOHFWDW\SHRIFRQQHFWLRQWKDWyou want to set up. Tap Next.3. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up the connection.Business Card ExchangeThe Business Card Exchange feature allows you to send or receive a business card to or from a remote device, or exchange business cards with multiple remote devices.To access Business Card Exchange:1. Tap Menu > Business Card Exchange from the Menu bar. 6HOHFWWKHDFWLRQWKDW\RXZLVKWRPDNHNOTE On this screen, tap the link Select the business card to go to the Information Exchange settings.
80Chapter 8Dial-up networkingThe Dial-up Networking feature allows you to connect your Pocket PC to another Bluetooth-enabled device which can access internet through a phone line. Once connected, you can browse the Internet, check/read emails, etc. on your Pocket PC.The Bluetooth device that will provide the Dial-up Networking service to your Pocket PC should have access to a telephone system, either a hard-wired or a cellular connection, and capable of answering a call.  Such device can be a Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone, Bluetooth-enabled desktop computer attached to a telephone system, or Bluetooth modem.To set up Dial-up Networking:1. Tap   > Bluetooth Manager. &UHDWHDFRQQHFWLRQWRWKHGHYLFHWKDWZLOOSURYLGHWHOHSKRQHDFFHVV6HHWKHVHFWLRQ´%OXHWRRWK&RQQHFWLRQ:L]DUGµ3. On the My Shortcuts screen, tap and hold the newly created shortcut, then select Connect from the pop-up menu. 2QWKHÀUVW%OXHWRRWKFRQQHFWLRQVFUHHQGRXEOHWDSNewConnection...Remote device servicesWireless serial portUsing a Bluetooth serial port is equivalent to using a physical serial cable connection between two devices. As with a physical connection, you have WRFRQÀJXUHWKHDSSOLFDWLRQWKDWZLOOXVHWKHVHULDOSRUW7RFRQÀJXUHWKH%OXHWRRWK6HULDO3RUW1. Tap   > Bluetooth Settings > Services tab. )URPWKH6HUYLFHVOLVWVHOHFWSerial Port.3. Tap Advanced. Note the assigned Outbound COM Port  (port 8).NOTE Refer to the application’s documentation for more information DERXWFRQÀJXULQJ\RXUDSSOLFDWLRQҋV2XWERXQG&20SRUW
Bluetooth®81Bluetooth File Explorer7KH%OXHWRRWK)LOH([SORUHUDSSHDUVDXWRPDWLFDOO\DIWHUDÀOHWUDQVIHUconnection is established. This feature allows you to do the following:• Navigate the directory structure of the remote device. 9LHZWKHÀOHVDQGIROGHUVRQWKHUHPRWHGHYLFH• Create new folders on the remote device. 6HQGÀOHVWRDQGFRS\RUJHWÀOHVIURPWKHUHPRWHGHYLFH 'HOHWHÀOHVIURPWKHUHPRWHGHYLFHNOTE 7KHÀOHRSHUDWLRQVRQWKHUHPRWHGHYLFHDUHOLPLWHGWRWKHFRQÀJXUHG)73URRWGLUHFWRU\DQGVXEGLUHFWRULHVRIWKHremote device.5. On the second Bluetooth connection screen, enter a name for the connection, dial-up phone number, and the other prompted information. Then tap ok.6. Enter the required information on the succeeding screens.The Bluetooth File Explorer also allows you to set a folder in your device IRUUHFHLYLQJLQERXQGÀOHV<RXPD\FRQÀJXUHWKLVIROGHUIRUHDFKRI\RXUconnection shortcuts. See the section “To set a local folder”.Bluetooth File Explorer menusFile Send a File...    Create a Folder  Get  DeleteTools Set Local Folder  Refresh
82Chapter 8To change the remote device folder:1. To move down in the directory structure of the remote device, tap the New Folder from the main window of Bluetooth File Explorer. 7RPRYHup in the directory structure of the remote device, tap the down-arrow to the right of the currently selected folder and select the New Folder from the drop-down list.To create a folder on the remote device:1. Select the folder in which you wish to place the new folder. )URPWKH)LOHPHQXWDSCreate a Folder.3. Enter a name for the new folder while the default name New Folder is highlighted.7RVHQGDÀOHWRWKHUHPRWHGHYLFH1. From the File menu, tap Send a File... to display the Open screen.The Open screen includes the following: FolderWDSWKHGRZQDUURZDQGVHOHFWWKHIROGHUWKDWFRQWDLQVWKHÀOHyou wish to send.Type - default and only option is “All Files (*.*).$OLVWRIÀOHVLQWKHVHOHFWHGIROGHUWDSDÀOHWKDW\RXZLVKWRVHQGCancel button - abort the Send a File... operation. 7DS\RXUGHVLUHGRSHUDWLRQ 7KHÀOHWKDW\RXVHOHFWHGLVDXWRPDWLFDOO\VHQWZKHQWDSSHGDIWHUwhich the Bluetooth File Explorer re-appears.
84Chapter 8Dial via BluetoothThe Dial via Bluetooth option allows you to select a contact from the contacts list, and have your paired cell phone dial the contact’s phone number. If a contact has more than one phone number, select the number that you wish to dial.To dial via Bluetooth:1. On the Contacts screen, tap and hold a contact and select Dial via Bluetooth. ,I\RXUGHYLFHLVSDLUHGZLWKPRUHWKDQRQHFHOOSKRQHRULIDSKRQHis not yet selected, tap the phone icon next to Select a phone, and choose the phone that you wish to use.3. Select the number that you wish to dial, then tap Dial Number.After the number is sent to the cell phone, the connection on the device is closed.After the cell phone completes the dialing process, you can use the phone the normal way.Send via BluetoothYou can conveniently send your Outlook contacts, calendar items, and tasks individually or collectively to the remote device via Bluetooth.To send data via Bluetooth:1. Tap    , then open either Contacts, Calendar, or Tasks. 7DSDQGKROGWKHLWHP\RXZLVKWRVHQGto the remote device, then tap Send via Bluetooth from the pop-up menu.ORTap Menu >Send via Bluetooth.3. On the Select a Bluetooth Device screen, tap the name of the destination, then tap ok.
Bluetooth®85Bluetooth Personal Area NetworkA Bluetooth personal area network is a private, temporary, ad-hoc network of up to eight (8) devices. A Bluetooth personal area network allows you to easily exchange information that normally requires a TCP/IP network. Most chat utilities, multi-player games, etc. are fully functional in a Bluetooth personal area network environment.%OXHWRRWKSULYDWHDUHDQHWZRUNVDUHVXEMHFWWRWKHVDPHVHFXULW\VHWWLQJVVHUYLFHDYDLODELOLW\DXWKRUL]DWLRQDXWKHQWLFDWLRQDQGHQFU\SWLRQWKDWgovern other Bluetooth communications.One Bluetooth device must be the host of the personal area network. 2WKHU%OXHWRRWKGHYLFHVMRLQWKHQHWZRUNDVFOLHQWV7KHKRVWFDQDFFHSWDQGUHMHFWFOLHQWVRQDQLQGLYLGXDOEDVLVTo set up a Bluetooth personal area network:1. In the Bluetooth Manager, tap New > Join a personal network. 2QWKHZL]DUGVFUHHQVHOHFWHost a personal network, then tap Next.3. Add remote devices to the Bluetooth personal network, if desired.a. Tap the Add button and select the device that you wish to add.b. Add other devices, if desired. There can be up to eight devices, including the host.4. After adding devices, tap ok to FRPSOHWHWKHVHWXSDQGFORVHWKHZL]DUGNOTE Adding devices is optional. You do not have to add devices to WKHSHUVRQDOQHWZRUNZKLOHFRQÀJXULQJWKHKRVW<RXFDQOHWRWKHUGHYLFHVMRLQWKHSHUVRQDOQHWZRUNODWHU
86Chapter 8Setting up High Quality Audio setup or Hands-free/Headset setup1. Tap   icon > Bluetooth Manager. 7DSNew > High Quality Audio setup or Hands-free/ Headset setup > Next.3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.NOTE Please ensure the Hands-free device you are trying to connect to is ready to receive incoming connection requests. Please refer to the device’s manual for more information.To join a personal network:1. In the Bluetooth Manager, tap New > Join a personal network. 2QWKHZL]DUGVFUHHQVHOHFWJoin a personal network, then tap Next.3. Select the host of the personal network, then tap Next to establish a connection to the personal area network.If you are asked to enter the IP network settings, select Use server-assigned IP address, then tap ok.Setting up ActiveSync via Bluetooth1. Tap   icon > Bluetooth Manager. 7DSNew > ActiveSync via Bluetooth > Next.3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup. Please make sure the COM Port number that is set on the ActiveSync program on the computer is the same as the COM Port setting on MyPal. 2QWKH%OXHWRRWK&RQQHFWLRQ:L]DUGVFUHHQVHOHFWWKHQDPHRIWKHFRPSXWHUWRV\QFKURQL]H0\3DOZLWKWKHQWDSNext.5. Select the COM Port setting used by the computer and tap Next.6. Tap Finish.
Wi-Fi®87Chapter 9  Wi-Fi (A696 only) 0\3DO$$FRPHVZLWKDEXLOWLQ:LUHOHVV)LGHOLW\:L)L®) feature that allows you to connect to wireless local area networks and the ,QWHUQHW8VLQJWKH,(((EJVWDQGDUGIRUZLUHOHVV/$10\3DO$$FDQFRQQHFWDWVSHHGVRIXSWR0ESVWRDQDFFHVVSRLQW(Infrastructure mode) or to another wireless device (Ad-hoc mode).Using Wi-FiThe Wi-Fi icon on the Today screen gives you easy access to the Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) feature on your device. Tapping the icon displays a menu that allows you to:• Turn Wi-Fi on or off. &RQÀJXUH:L)LVHWWLQJVNOTE You can use the Bluetooth® and Wi-Fi features simultaneously.Turning on Wi-FiTo turn on Wi-Fi:1. Tap   > Enable Wi-Fi.The Pocket PC then automatically scans for all available wireless networks within the Wi-Fi range. )URPWKHOLVWRIGHWHFWHGZLUHOHVVnetworks, select a wireless network that you want to connect the device to.3. Select whether the wireless network connects to The Internet or Work network.4. Tap Connect. The device then connects to the selected network.Wi-Fi icon
88Chapter 97RFRQÀJXUHDQHWZRUNDGDSWHU1. Tap the Network Adapters tab. 0DNH\RXUGHVLUHGFKDQJHVWRWKHDYDLODEOHDGDSWHUVRQWKHOLVW3. Tap ok when done.4. After changing the network adapter settings, a message appears instructing you to remove then re-install the network card to have your changes take effect. Tap ok to close the window.Adding a wireless networkIf the device fails to automatically detect the wireless network you want to connect to, you can add the network provided you know the wireless network settings. Ask for the wireless network settings from your network administrator.To add a wireless network: 1. Open the &RQÀJXUH:LUHOHVV1HWZRUNV window by:• Tapping on Settings in the Multiple Networks Detected callout.OR&RQÀJXULQJZLUHOHVVQHWZRUNV7RFRQÀJXUHDZLUHOHVVQHWZRUN1. After selecting a wireless network to connect your device to, tap Settings.The Settings screen then appears. 7DSNetwork Cards > Wireless tab. 2QWKH&RQÀJXUH:LUHOHVV1HWZRUNVVFUHHQWDSRQDQDYDLODEOHwireless LAN, then make your desired changes as necessary.If the wireless LAN you want to connect to is not on the list, tap AddNew... Refer to the suceeding sections for details on how to add new wireless LANs.4. Tap ok when done.
Wi-Fi®89• Tapping   > Settings > Connections tab > Network Cards. ,QWKH:LUHOHVVWDERIWKH&RQÀJXUH:LUHOHVV1HWZRUNVVFUHHQWDSAdd New. ,QWKH*HQHUDOWDERIWKH&RQÀJXUH:LUHOHVV1HWZRUNVFUHHQHQWHUWKHNetwork name by using the input panel.Then choose whether the wireless network connects to The Internet or Work network.If you want to connect to another wireless device (Ad-hoc mode), select the option, This is a device-to-device (ad-hoc) connection.Otherwise, tap the Network KeyWDEWRFRQÀJXUHWKHZLUHOHVV/$1ҋVnetwork security settings.4. In the Network Key tab, select the Authentication and DataEncryption settings of the wireless LAN you want to add.NOTE Inquire the network security settings from the network administrator.5. Tap the 802.1xWDEWRFRQÀJXUHRWKHUQHWZRUNVHFXULW\VHWWLQJV6. Tap ok to add the wireless network.The new wireless network is then added to the list under the Wireless tab.7. Tap and hold the stylus on the new wireless network in the list, then tap Connect in the pop-up menu to connect your device to that network.
90Chapter 9The Wi-Fi ManagerThe Wi-Fi Manager shows connection status and information on a wireless network, and allows you to manually scan your area for available wireless networks.To open Wi-Fi Manager:• Tap   > WLAN Setting. Or,• Tap  > Settings > Connections tab > Wi-Fi Manager.There are four tabs in the Wi-Fi Manager:Wi-Fi StatusThis tab indicates whether Wi-Fi is currently connected, and showsLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKHZLUHOHVVFRQQHFWLRQ6SHFLÀFDOO\WKHIROORZLQJinformation are displayed:Status - shows the Wi-Fi connection status.•Connected - the station is associated with one wireless LAN device. This status also indicates the MAC address of the device.•Disconnected - a previous link existed but no beacon was received. The connection to the adapter is terminated.ESSIDVKRZVWKH([WHQGHG6HUYLFH6HW,QGHQÀHU(66,'WRZKLFKWKHZLUHOHVVGHYLFHLVFRQQHFWHG7KHWH[WRQWKLVÀHOGLVXVXDOO\DQunreadable alphanumeric string.BSSID - shows the Basic Service Set ID (BSSID) to which the wireless device is connected. In ESS mode, this is the MAC address of the access point to which your device is connected.BSS Mode - tells you whether the device is connected to an access point (Infrastructure mode) or to another wireless device (Ad-hoc mode).Channel - shows the channel used by the wireless device.IP Address - shows the IP address of the wireless device.Signal Strength - shows the signal strength level between the Wi-Fi device and the access point (or another wireless device) to which it is currently connected.
Wi-Fi®91IP InfoThis tab displays the device’s Internet Protocol (IP) information including the host name, domain, DNS server, IP address, etc.In this tab, you can renew the IP address when the wireless network uses WKH'\QDPLF+RVW&RQÀJXUDWLRQ3URWRFRO'+&37DSSLQJWKHRenewbutton forces the device to refresh its server-assigned IP address. The process may take several seconds while the system updates the IP information.You can also try to detect if the wireless device is currently connected to the wireless network by tapping the Ping button.Site SurveyThis tab allows you to search for available wireless networks within your location. Tap the Re-scan button to scan all available wireless networks and display the results on the screen.Each wireless network is preceded by an LFRQIRUHDV\LGHQWLÀFDWLRQ7KHQHWZRUNchannel, RSSI, and BSSID are also displayed in columns.NOTE We recommend to set the Power Save to  Enable.7KLVWDEDOORZV\RXWRGHÀQHVHWWLQJVIRUestablishing a device-to-device wireless connection as well as power saving settings.Setting
92Chapter 9ESSIDVKRZVWKH([WHQGHG6HUYLFH6HW,QGHQÀHU(66,'RIWKHZLUHOHVVnetwork found in the search.CH - shows the channel used by a wireless device.RSSI - shows the Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) transmitted by each wireless network. This information is helpful in determining which network you wish to associate your device. This signal  is normally represented by a dBmvalue.NOTE The icon may be green or orange. The green icon indicates WKHVLJQDOUHFHLYHGIURP,(((EGHYLFHZKLOHWKHRUDQJHLFRQLQGLFDWHVWKHVLJQDOUHFHLYHGIURP,(((Jdevice.BSSID - shows the Media Access Control (MAC) address of the access point, or the Basic Service Set ID (BSSID) in an ad-hoc mode.Table of icon indications:Refer to the table of icon indications and column descriptions below.Icon Indicates that the wireless network isan Access Point with disabled Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) encryptionan Access Point with enabled WEP encryptionan Access Point with disabled WEP encryption and MyPal is currentlyconnected to this networkan Access Point with enabled WEP encryption and MyPal is currentlyconnected to this networka wireless device with disabled WEP encryptiona wireless device with enabled WEP encryptiona wireless device with disabled WEP encryption and MyPal is currentlyconnected to this networka wireless device with enabled WEP encryption and MyPal is currentlyconnected to this networkIcon Link QualityExcellentGoodFairPoor
Notices93Appendix  NoticesFederal Communications Commission Statement7KLVGHYLFHFRPSOLHVZLWK3DUWRIWKH)&&5XOHV2SHUDWLRQLVVXEMHFWWRWKHIROORZLQJWZRconditions:1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and 7KLVGHYLFHPXVWDFFHSWDQ\LQWHUIHUHQFHUHFHLYHGLQFOXGLQJLQWHUIHUHQFHWKDWPD\FDXVHundesired operation.7KLVGHYLFHDQGLWVDQWHQQDPXVWQRWEHFRORFDWHGRURSHUDWLQJLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKDQ\RWKHUantenna or transmitter.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Canadian Department of Communications StatementThis digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.This class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.WARNING! The use of shielded cables for connection of the monitor to the graphics card is required to assure compliance with FCC regulations. &KDQJHVRUPRGLÀFDWLRQVWRWKLVXQLWQRWH[SUHVVO\DSSURYHGE\WKHparty responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
94AppendixUL Safety NoticesRequired for UL 1459 covering telecommunications (telephone) equipment intended to be electrically connected to a telecommunication network that has an operating voltage to JURXQGWKDWGRHVQRWH[FHHG9SHDN9SHDNWRSHDNDQG9UPVDQGLQVWDOOHGRUused in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70).When using the Pocket PC, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk RIÀUHHOHFWULFVKRFNDQGLQMXU\WRSHUVRQVLQFOXGLQJWKHIROORZLQJ•  Do not use the Pocket PC near water, for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink or laundry tub, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool. •Do not use the Pocket PC during an electrical storm. There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.•Do not use the Pocket PC in the vicinity of a gas leak.5HTXLUHGIRU8/FRYHULQJSULPDU\QRQUHFKDUJHDEOHDQGVHFRQGDU\UHFKDUJHDEOHOLWKLXPbatteries for use as power sources in products. These batteries contain metallic lithium, or a lithium alloy, or a lithium ion, and may consist of a single electrochemical cell or two or more cells connected in series, parallel, or both, that convert chemical energy into electrical energy by an irreversible or reversible chemical reaction. •Do notGLVSRVHWKH3RFNHW3&EDWWHU\SDFNLQDÀUHDVWKH\PD\H[SORGH&KHFNZLWKORFDOFRGHVIRUSRVVLEOHVSHFLDOGLVSRVDOLQVWUXFWLRQVWRUHGXFHWKHULVNRILQMXU\WRSHUVRQVGXHWRÀUHRUH[SORVLRQ•Do notXVHSRZHUDGDSWHUVRUEDWWHULHVIURPRWKHUGHYLFHVWRUHGXFHWKHULVNRILQMXU\WRSHUVRQVGXHWRÀUHRUH[SORVLRQ8VHRQO\8/FHUWLÀHGSRZHUDGDSWHUVRUEDWWHULHVVXSSOLHGE\WKHPDQXIDFWXUHURUDXWKRUL]HGUHWDLOHUVReplaceable batteriesIf an equipment is provided with a replaceable battery and if replacement by an incorrect type could result in an explosion (e.g. with some lithium batteries), the following applies:– if the battery is placed in an OPERATOR ACCESS AREA, there shall be a marking close WRWKHEDWWHU\RUDVWDWHPHQWLQERWKWKHRSHUDWLQJDQGWKHVHUYLFLQJLQVWUXFWLRQV– if the battery is placed elsewhere in the equipmen, there shall be a marking close to the battery or a statement in the servicing instructions.The marking or statement shall include the following or similar text:CAUTIONRISK OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERY IS REPLACEDBY AN INCORRECT TYPE.DISPOSE OF USED BATTERIES ACCORDINGTHE INSTRUCTIONSCompliance is checked by inspection.Operator access with a toolIf a TOOL is necessary to gain access to an OPERATOR ACCESS AREA, either all other FRPSDUWPHQWVZLWKLQWKDWDUHDFRQWDLQLQJDKD]DUGVKDOOEHLQDFFHVVLEOHWRWKH23(5$725E\the use of the same TOOL, or such compartments shall be marked to discourage OPERATOR access.$QDFFHSWDEOHPDUNLQJIRUDQHOHFWULFVKRFNKD]DUGLV,621REquipment for restricted access locationsFor equipment intended only for installation in a RESTRICTED ACCESS LOCATION, the installation instructions shall contain a statement to this effect.
Notices95Checklist of Regulatory Statement  15.21<RXDUHFDXWLRQHGWKDWDQ\FKDQJHVRUPRGLÀFDWLRQVQRWH[SUHVVO\DSSURYHGLQWKLVPDQXDOFRXOGYRLG\RXUDXWKRUL]DWLRQWRXVHWKHGHYLFH&$87,21$Q\FKDQJHVRUPRGLÀFDWLRQVQRWH[SUHVVO\DSSURYHGE\WKHSDUW\UHVSRQVLEOHfor compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Prohibition of co-location7KLVGHYLFHPXVWQRWEHFRORFDWHGRURSHUDWLQJLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKDQ\RWKHUDQWHQQDRUtransmitter15.105 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Requirements, Part 15This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Regulatory information / DisclaimersInstallation and use of this Wireless LAN device must be in strict accordance with the instructions included in the user documentation provided with the product. Any changes or PRGLÀFDWLRQVLQFOXGLQJWKHDQWHQQDVPDGHWRWKLVGHYLFHWKDWDUHQRWH[SUHVVO\DSSURYHGE\the manufacturer may void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. The manufacturer LVQRWUHVSRQVLEOHIRUDQ\UDGLRRUWHOHYLVLRQLQWHUIHUHQFHFDXVHGE\XQDXWKRUL]HGPRGLÀFDWLRQRIWKLVGHYLFHRUWKHVXEVWLWXWLRQRIWKHFRQQHFWLQJFDEOHVDQGHTXLSPHQWRWKHUWKDQPDQXIDFWXUHUVSHFLÀHG,WLVWKHUHVSRQVLELOLW\RIWKHXVHUWRFRUUHFWDQ\LQWHUIHUHQFHFDXVHGE\VXFKXQDXWKRUL]HGPRGLÀFDWLRQVXEVWLWXWLRQRUDWWDFKPHQW0DQXIDFWXUHUDQGLWVDXWKRUL]HGUHVHOOHUVRUGLVWULEXWRUVZLOODVVXPHQROLDELOLW\IRUDQ\GDPDJHRUYLRODWLRQRIgovernment regulations arising from failing to comply with these guidelines.CAUTION: To maintain compliance with FCC’s RF exposure guidelines, this equipment VKRXOGEHLQVWDOOHGDQGRSHUDWHGZLWKPLQLPXPGLVWDQFHFPEHWZHHQWKHUDGLDWRUDQG\RXUERG\8VHRQWKHVXSSOLHGDQWHQQD8QDXWKRUL]HGDQWHQQDPRGLÀFDWLRQRUDWWDFKPHQWVcould damage the transmitter and may violate FCC regulations.MPE Statement (Safety Information)Your device contains a low power transmitter. When device is transmitted it sends out Radio Frequency (RF) signal.
96AppendixSafety InformationIn order to maintain compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines, this equipment should EHLQVWDOOHGDQGRSHUDWHGZLWKPLQLPXPGLVWDQFHFPEHWZHHQWKHUDGLDWRUDQG\RXUERG\8VHRQO\ZLWKVXSSOLHGDQWHQQD8QDXWKRUL]HGDQWHQQDPRGLÀFDWLRQRUDWWDFKPHQWVFRXOGdamage the transmitter and may violate FCC regulations.Caution Statement of the FCC Radio Frequency ExposureFCC RF exposure requirements:  Use in portable RF exposure conditions is limited to the specific product and antenna configurations evaluated in the filing under FCCID: MSQA696.The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter within this host device, except as described in this filing.

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