ASUSTeK Computer R2E Ultra Mobile PC (UMPC) User Manual R2E USerMan part2

ASUSTeK Computer Inc Ultra Mobile PC (UMPC) R2E USerMan part2


Manual Part 2

36UltraMobilePC1.  Press [WIRELESS] switch repeatedly until  Wireless LAN ON or WLAN & Bluetooth ON is shown.Windows Wireless Network ConnectionConnecting to a network (Vista)3. Right click on the WLAN icon and select Connect to a network.2.  You should see the “Not Connected” network icon.4. Select “Show Wireless” if you have many networks in your area.5.  Select the wireless network you want to connect to.6.  When connecting, you may have to enter a password.7.  After connection has been established, “Connected” will be shown.1b. Or double click the Wireless Console icon on the taskbar and select either the 1st icon to activate both Wireless & Bluetooth, or select the 2nd icon for Wireless activation only.
UltraMobilePC37Windows Wireless Network ConnectionConnecting to a network (XP)Using Windows XP wireless settings require that you select this option in the ASUS WLANControl Center.1. Press [WIRELESS] switch repeatedly until Wireless LAN ON or WLAN & Bluetooth ON is shown.2.  Double click the WLAN icon on the task-bar.3. Select Refresh network list from the left side menu and a list of available network within your area and its signal strength will show.Select your network and click on Connect.4.  When connecting, you may have to enter a password.5.  After connection has been established, “Connected”  will be shown on the right side above the signal strength indicator.1b. Or double click the Wireless Console icon on the taskbar and click on the 1st icon to activate both Wireless & Bluetooth, or select the 2nd icon for Wireless activation only.
38UltraMobilePCASUS Wireless LAN  (on selected models)Connecting to a network Using ASUS wireless settings require that you select this option in the ASUS WLANControl Center.2.  Double click the icon on the desktop or click Start | Programs | ASUS Utility | WLAN Card | ASUS WLAN Control Center.3.On the left hand side menu, click Surveyto start scanning for available networks in your area4. The list will show all available networks within your area. Select the network you want and click Connect.5.  If the selected Network has security settings, you may be required to enter a password.1. Press [WIRELESS] switch repeatedly until Wireless LAN ON or WLAN & Bluetooth ON is shown.1b. Or double click the Wireless Console icon on the taskbar and click on the 1st icon to activate both Wireless & Bluetooth, or select the 2nd icon for Wireless activation only.
UltraMobilePC39ASUS Wireless LAN  (on selected models)Connecting to a network (cont.)6. Click the Encryption WDE WR FRQÀJXUH WKHNetwork Authentication mode and Pass-word.7. The Status tab will show connection status and details.Note: Click “Save Configuration” and “Save” to remember settings for this network.
40UltraMobilePC2. Select Add a Bluetooth Device on thetaskbar men.2b. Or Launch Bluetooth Devices from theWindows Control Panel.Turning ON and Launching Bluetooth Utility (Vista)This process can be used to add most Bluetooth devices. See Appendix for complete process.Bluetooth Wireless Connection (on selected models)UltraMobilePCs with Bluetooth technology eliminates the need for cables for con-necting Bluetooth-enabled devices. Examples of Bluetooth-enabled devices may be Notebook PCs, Desktop PCs, mobile phones, and PDAs. Note: If your UltraMobilePC did not come with built-in Bluetooth, you need to connect a USB or ExpressCard Bluetooth module in order to use Bluetooth. Bluetooth-enabled mobile phonesYou can wireless connect to your mobile phone. Depending on your mobile phone’s FDSDELOLWLHV\RXFDQWUDQVIHUSKRQHERRNGDWDSKRWRVVRXQGÀOHVHWFRUXVHLWDVDmodem to connect to the Internet. You may also use it for SMS messaging. Bluetooth-enabled computers or PDAs<RXFDQZLUHOHVVFRQQHFWWRDQRWKHUFRPSXWHURU3'$DQGH[FKDQJHÀOHVVKDUHSHULSKHU-als, or share Internet or network connections. You may also make use of Bluetooth-enabled wireless keyboard or mouse.1. Press [WIRELESS] switch repeatedly untilBluetooth ON or WLAN & Bluetooth ONis shown.1b. Or double click the Wireless Console icon onthe taskbar and select either the 1st icon toactivate both Wireless & Bluetooth, or selectthe 3rd icon for Bluetooth activation only.
UltraMobilePC41Support SoftwareThis UltraMobilePC comes with a support disc that provides BIOS, drivers and applications to enable hardware features, extend functionality, help manage your UltraMobilePC, or add functionality not provided by the native operating system. If updates or replacement of the support disc is necessary, contact your dealer for web sites to download individual software drivers and utilities. The support disc contains all drivers, utilities and software for all popular operating systems including those that have been pre-installed. The support disc does not include the operating system LWVHOI7KHVXSSRUWGLVFLVQHFHVVDU\HYHQLI\RXU8OWUD0RELOH3&FDPHSUHFRQÀJXUHGLQRUGHUWRprovide additional software not included as part of the factory pre-install. A recovery disc is optional and includes an image of the original operating system installed on the hard drive at the factory. The recovery disc provides a comprehensive recovery solution that quickly restores the UltraMobilePC’s operating system to its original working state provided that your hard disk drive is in good working order. Contact your retailer if you require such a solution.Note: Some of the UltraMobilePC’s components and features may not work until the device drivers and utilities are installed.Operating System and SoftwareThis UltraMobilePC may offer (depending on territory) its customers the choice of a pre-installed Microsoft Windows operating system. The choices and languages will depend on the territory. The levels of hardware and software support may vary depending on the installed operating system. The stability and compatibility of other operating systems cannot be guaranteed.
42UltraMobilePCFingerprint Registration (on selected models)7KH ÀQJHUSULQW VFDQQHU FDQ EH XVHG IRU LQVWDQW DQG VHFXUH XVHU DXWKHQ-WLFDWLRQ 7KHVH LQVWUXFWLRQV ZLOO VKRZ \RX KRZ WR VHWXS WKH ÀQJHUSULQWregistration.1.  This wizard will automatically start when TPM is enabled in BIOS after setting security passwords. Click Next to continue.2.  Select “Fingerprints” and click Next. 6HOHFWDÀQJHURQWKHGLDJUDP6ZLSHWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJÀQJHURQWKHVFDQQHUVORZO\<RXPXVWVZLSH\RXUÀQJHUPXOWLSOHWLPHVIRUYHULÀFDWLRQ <RX PXVW UHJLVWHU DW OHDVW WZR ÀQJHUV WRdecrease the chance of problems.1.3MPIXELS
UltraMobilePC43 6HOHFWDÀQJHURQWKHGLDJUDPDQGVZLSHWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJÀQJHURQWKHVFDQQHUVORZO\<RXPXVWVZLSH\RXUÀQJHUPXOWLSOHWLPHVIRUYHULÀFDWLRQ<RXPXVWUHJLVWHUDWOHDVWWZRÀQJHUVWRGHFUHDVHWKHFKDQFHof any problems.6. Click Finish when done.Fingerprint Registration (on selected models) cont.7.  Right-click the icon on the taskbar and select “Settings and Options”.8.  Select “General Options” and “Single Sign 2QµDQGFRQÀJXUH\RXUSUHIHUHQFHV
44UltraMobilePCChoose Tools | *36_&RQÀJXUH*365HFHLYHU, select COM2, and click OK.Select Tools | GPS | Start GPS Tracking.7KH*366HQVRUZLOODFTXLUHLQIRUPDWLRQIRUWKHVHÀHOGVRQFHDVDWHOOLWHÀ[LVDFTXLUHGGPS Software (USA & Europe only)The included software may be used with the built-in GPS system.
UltraMobilePC453G Watcher Software (on selected models)The 3G(1) Watcher software application will allow your UltraMobilePC to connect to 3G wire-less networks normally used by 3G mobile phones. When connected, your UltraMobilePC can connect to the Internet just like using a wireless network. A shortcut to the 3G Watcher application will be placed on your desktop. Double-click it to launch the 3G Watcher soft-ware application.Launch the 3G Watcher application and your SIM card password (PIN1) will be asked if you have set one. 2QFH\RXU3,1KDVEHHQYHULÀHGVHDUFKLQJIRUD*QHWZRUNZLOOEHJLQ 2QFHD*QHWZRUNKDVEHHQGLVFRYHUHGFOLFNConnect to make a wireless network connection. 2QFHFRQQHFWHGWKH&RQQHFWEXWWRQZLOOVKRZ'LVFRQQHFWinstead. 2QFHFRQQHFWHGDPHVVDJHZLOODSSHDUZLWKWKHQHWZRUNname.When you are in an area that prohibits wireless WUDQVPLVVLRQVVXFKDVRQDQDLUSODQH\RXFDQVHOHFWTurn Radio Off from the “Tools” pull down menu.2QFHWKHUDGLRLVWXUQHG2))DQ´[µZLOODSSHDURYHUWKHVLJQDOVWUHQJWKLQGLFDWRU(1)6HHHQGRI6HFWLRQIRUGHÀQLWLRQ
46UltraMobilePCWatcher window Icons and indicators on the main windowThe main Watcher window provides status information and allows you to initiate and monitor data con-nections or make and receive phone calls (if voice is supported by your 3G modem and your service provider). The main window uses these indicators:Device status. If an icon of the 3G modem with an “X” is displayed, Watcher is unable to detect the 3G modem. This indicates that the 3G modem is not fully inserted into the PC Card slot (in the case of non-embedded modems) or it is powered down. You may be able to resolve this problem by: • Ejecting the 3G modem and re-inserting it • Turning the WWAN switch on your PC off and on Signal strength and service status. The number of bars beside the antenna increases as signal VWUHQJWKLQFUHDVHVWRDPD[LPXPRI ÀYHEDUV7KH7RRO7LSWKDWGLVSOD\V ZKHQ\RXSRVLWLRQthe mouse pointer over this indicator shows the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) in dBm.An antenna with a line through it indicates no service is available (Not in Service). You are outside RIWKHFRYHUDJHDUHDRUKDYHLQVXIÀFLHQWVLJQDOVWUHQJWKWRPDLQWDLQD*60GDWDFRQQHFWLRQCoverage. The icon shows the fastest service available: • GPRS icon - GPRS is the fastest service available in your current coverage area. • EDGE icon - EDGE is the fastest service available in your current coverage area. (supported on EDGE 3G modems) • 3G icon - UMTS is the fastest service available in your current coverage area. (supported on UMTS 3G modems) +6LFRQ+6'3$LVWKHIDVWHVWVHUYLFHDYDLODEOHLQ\RXUFXUUHQWFRYHUDJHDUHDVXSSRUWHGRQ+6'3$*PRGHPVWhen only the letters are displayed, (for example        ), you are within the coverage area, but have not yet acquired the service. When the indicator has an outline (       ), you have acquired service and are able to establish a data connection.:KHQWKHLQGLFDWRULVÀOOHG\RXKDYHDGDWDFRQQHFWLRQRQWKHZLUHOHVVVHUYLFH3G Watcher Software (on selected models) cont.(continued on next page)
UltraMobilePC47Roaming. You are connected to a network other than your local service provider’s. There may be a surcharge for roaming service. (This service may not be available.) New SMS message. Click the icon to open the SMS Express window and read your messages. :KHQ \RXU 6,0 EHFRPHV IXOO WKLV LFRQ ÁDVKHV DQG WXUQV UHG 6XSSRUWHG RQO\ RQ VHOHFWHGdevices.)Data transmission. When the modem is connected to the network, the main Watcher window shows the amount of data received and sent. If your service provider ask you to enter a GSM command (otherwise called a code or procedure), type the command from the main window. System Tray IconsAnytime Watcher is running, the Watcher icon appears in the system tray, indicating the connection status:Watcher cannot detect the 3G modem. Ensure that the 3G modem is powered on. You do not have an active high-speed connection. You have an active high-speed connection. You have new (unread) SMS messages.3G (or 3-G) (on selected models)Short for third-generation technology. It is used in the context of mobile phone standards. The services associated with 3G provide the ability to transfer simultaneously both voice data (a telephone call) and non-voice data (such as downloading information, exchanging email, and instant messaging). In marketing 3G services, video telephony has often been used as the main-stream application for 3G. Selected models integrate a SIM card slot for insertion of a 3G SIM card which is required to use 3G applications. 3G Watcher Software (on selected models) cont.
UltraMobilePC49AppendixOptional AccessoriesOptional ConnectionsGlossaryDeclarations and Safety StatementsUltraMobilePC InformationNOTE: Photos and icons in this manual are used for artistic purposes only and do not show what is actually used in the product itself.
50UltraMobilePCOptional AccessoriesThese items, if desired, come as optional items to complement your UltraMobilePC.Foldable USB KeyboardSlide latch on the top to lock the keyboard in the open position.Extend: Pull the USB connectors apart (not fully) to extend the mini-USB cable.(Note: If you pull too much, it will retract.)Retract: Pull the USB connectors fully apart and allow the internal spring to automatically retract the mini-USB cable.Connect the mini-USB cable to the foldable USB keyboard (left side) and the mini-USB port on the UltraMobilePC (left side).Slide latch to open.Mini-USB PortPgUpPgDnPrtSc BreakPauseSysRqF1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7F7 F8F8 F9F9F10F10F11F1F1F12HomeEndLOCK UNLOCK
UltraMobilePC511 2 3 4PortBar2314Notes: (1) AC power adapter must be used. Cannot be used when UltraMobilePC is in battery mode. (2) Recommend using two AC power adapters (one on the UltraMo-bilePC and one on the PortBar) when using all ports on UltraMobilePC and PortBar. (3) Disables UltraMobilePC’s LAN port when connected. LAN Port (disabled when using PortBar)The RJ-45 LAN port with eight pins is larger than the RJ-11 modem port and supports a standard Ethernet cable for connection to a local network. The built-in connector allows convenient use without addi-tional adapters.Display (Monitor) Output (with provided adapter)The provided VGA adapter for the expansion port will provide a 15-pin D-sub analog output to support a standard VGA-compatible device such as a monitor or projector to allow displaying on a larger external monitor.SPDIF Output Jack (SPDIF Output)This jack provides connection to SPDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface) compliant devices for digital audio output. Use this feature to turn the 8OWUD0RELOH3&LQWRDKLÀKRPHHQWHUWDLQPHQWV\VWHP2.0USB Port (2.0/1.1)The USB (Universal Serial Bus) port is compatible with USB 2.0 or USB 1.1 devices such as keyboards, pointing devices, cameras, hard disk drives, printers, and scanners connected in a series up to 12Mbits/sec (USB 1.1) and 480Mbits/sec (USB 2.0). USB allows many devices to run simultaneously on a single computer, with some peripherals acting as additional plug-in sites or hubs. USB supports hot-swapping of devices so that most peripherals can be connected or disconnected without restarting the computer.
52UltraMobilePCPortBar (Cont.)Plug the PortBar to the expansion port. Keep the PortBar connector in the keeper when not in use to protect the contacts.Plug the UltraMobilePC’s power adapter into this power port so that you can easily free the UltraMobilePC from all your peripherals with just one connector.WARNING! You must plug the power adapter into the UltraMobilePC or PortBar when you use PortBar. The PortBar must not be used when the UltraMobilePC is operating in battery mode.
UltraMobilePC53More Optional AccessoriesThese items, if desired, come as optional items to complement your UltraMobilePC.USB Flash Memory Disk$86%ÁDVKPHPRU\GLVNLVDQRSWLRQDOLWHPWKDWFDQUHSODFHWKH0%ÁRSS\GLVN DQG SURYLGH VWRUDJHXSWR VHYHUDO KXQGUHG PHJDE\WHVKLJKHUtransfer speeds, and greater durability. When used in current operating systems, no drivers are necessary. USB Floppy Disk Drive$QRSWLRQDO86%LQWHUIDFHÁRSS\GLVNGULYHFDQDFFHSWDVWDQGDUG0%RU.%LQFKÁRSS\GLVNHWWHWARNING! To prevent system failures, use Windows “Safely Remove Hardware” on the taskbar before disconnecting the USB ÁRSS\ GLVN GULYH (MHFW WKH ÁRSS\ GLVN EHIRUH WUDQVSRUWLQJ WKHUltraMobilePC to prevent damage from shock.Vehicle Power Adapter The vehicle power adapter provides a source of power for using the Ultra-MobilePC and/or charging the UltraMobilePC’s battery pack while in transit when no AC power is available. This product is an essential tool for today’s mobile professional. Your purchase will enhance the power, performance, and versatility of your portable computer while traveling on the road or on the sea. The Vehicle Power Adapter can be used in vehicles or boats using a standard cigarette lighter socket. The Vehicle Power Adapter accepts input ranges from 10.8VDC (Volts - Direct Current) to 16VDC and provides 19VDC up to 120W (Watts).USB Hub (Optional)Attaching an optional USB hub will increase your USB ports and allow you to quickly connect or disconnect many USB peripherals through a single cable.
54UltraMobilePCOptional ConnectionsThese items, if desired, may be purchased from third-parties.Printer Connection One or more USB printers can be simultaneously used on any USB port or USB hub.
UltraMobilePC55RESETOFF ON3.  Prepare the Bluetooth mouse.• Install two “AA” batteries.• Turn ON the power switch on the bottom of the mouse. The bottom sensor should glow red.• Push the “RESET” button on the bottom of the Bluetooth mouse.Bluetooth Mouse Setup (optional)This process can be used to add most Bluetooth devices in Windows operating system.2. Select Add a Bluetooth Deviceon the taskbar menu.2c.  If launched from the Control Pan-el, click Add from this screen.2b. Or Launch Bluetooth Devices from the Windows Control Panel.1.  Press [WIRELESS] switch repeatedly until Bluetooth ON or WLAN & Bluetooth ONis shown.1b. Or double click the Wireless Console icon on the taskbar and select either the 1st icon to activate both Wireless & Bluetooth, or select the 3rd icon for Bluetooth activation only.
56UltraMobilePCNote: “RESET” may be necessary after changing batteries. Repeat steps if necessary.4. Click Next when the Bluetooth mouse is ready.5.  A list of nearby Bluetooth devices will be shown. Select the Blue-tooth mouse and click Next.6.  Select “Don’t use a passkey” and click Next.8. Click Finish when adding is complete. 9.  You will see your device in the win-dow. You can also add or remove Bluetooth devices here.7.  Wait while the Bluetooth mouse is being added.Bluetooth Mouse Setup (optional) cont.
UltraMobilePC57Glossary$&3,$GYDQFHG&RQÀJXUDWLRQDQG3RZHU0DQDJHPHQW,QWHUIDFHModern standard for reducing power usage in computers.APM (Advanced Power Management)Modern standard for reducing power usage in computers.AWG (American Wire Gauge)NOTE: This table is for general reference only and should not be used as a source of the American Wire Gauge standard as this table may not be current or complete.BIOS (Basic Input/Output System)BIOS is a set of routines that affect how the computer transfers data between computer compo-nents, such as memory, disks, and the display adapter. The BIOS instructions are built into the FRPSXWHU·VUHDGRQO\PHPRU\%,26SDUDPHWHUVFDQEHFRQÀJXUHGE\WKHXVHUWKURXJKWKH%,266HWXSSURJUDP7KH%,26FDQEHXSGDWHGXVLQJWKHSURYLGHGXWLOLW\WRFRS\DQHZ%,26ÀOHLQWRthe EEPROM.Bit (Binary Digit)Represents the smallest unit of data used by the computer. A bit can have one of two values: 0 or 1.BootBoot means to start the computer operating system by loading it into system memory. When the manual instructs you to “boot” your system (or computer), it means to turn ON your computer. “Reboot” means to restart your computer. When using Windows 95 or later, selecting “Restart” from “Start | Shut Down...” will reboot your computer.Bluetooth (on selected models)Bluetooth is a short-range wireless technology that lets you connect computers, mobile phones, and handheld devices to each other and to the Internet. Bluetooth technology eliminates the ned for the cables that connect devices together. Bluetooth-enabled devices connect wirelessly within a 10 m range.Gauge Diam Area R I@3A/mm2AWG (mm) (mm2) (ohm/km) (mA)33 0.18 0.026 676 750.19 0.028 605 8532 0.20 0.031 547 9330 0.25 0.049 351 14729 0.30 0.071 243 21227 0.35 0.096 178 28826 0.40 0.13 137 37825 0.45 0.16 108 477Gauge Diam Area R I@3A/mm2AWG (mm) (mm2) (ohm/km) (mA)24 0.50 0.20 87.5 5880.55 0.24 72.3 7150.60 0.28 60.7 85022 0.65 0.33 51.7 1.0 A0.70 0.39 44.6 1.16 A0.75 0.44 38.9 1.32 A20 0.80 0.50 34.1 1.51 A0.85 0.57 30.2 1.70 A
58UltraMobilePCByte (Binary Term)One byte is a group of eight contiguous bits. A byte is used to represent a single alphanumeric character, punctuation mark, or other symbol.Clock ThrottlingChipset function which allows the processor’s clock to be stopped and started at a known duty cycle. Clock throttling is used for power savings, thermal management, and reducing processing speed.CPU (Central Processing Unit)The CPU, sometimes called “Processor,” actually functions as the “brain” of the computer. It interprets and executes program commands and processes data stored in memory. DriverA device driver is a special set of software instructions that allows the computer’s operating system to communicate with hardware devices such as VGA, audio, Ethernet, printer, or modem. Usually a driver is supplied with the corresponding hardware device.DVD (Digital Versatile Disk)DVD is essentially a bigger, faster CD that can hold video as well as audio and computer data with the same physical dimension. With these capacities and access rates, DVD discs can provide you with dramatically-enhanced high-color, full-motion videos, better graphics, sharper pictures, and digital audio for a theater-like experience. DVD aims to encompass home entertainment, computers, and business information with a single digital format, eventually replacing audio CD, videotape, laserdisc, CD-ROM, and video game cartridges. To view DVD, a DVD drive is required.Hardware+DUGZDUHLVDJHQHUDOWHUPUHIHUULQJWRWKHSK\VLFDOFRPSRQHQWVRIDFRPSXWHUV\VWHPLQFOXGLQJperipherals such as printers, modems, and pointing devices.Hibernation ModeA power mode that saves all data in memory to the hard disk and turns the CPU and hard disk RII:KHQFDQFHOLQJ+LEHUQDWLRQ0RGHDOODSSOLFDWLRQSURJUDPVWKDWZHUHUXQQLQJDUHUHVWRUHGto their last state.IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics)IDE devices integrate the drive control circuitry directly on the drive itself, eliminating the need for a separate adapter card (in the case for SCSI devices). UltraDMA/66 or 100 IDE devices can achieve up to 33MB/Sec transfer.POST (Power On Self Test):KHQ\RXWXUQRQWKHFRPSXWHULWZLOOÀUVWUXQWKURXJKWKH3267DVHULHVRIVRIWZDUHFRQWUROOHGdiagnostic tests. The POST checks system memory, the motherboard circuitry, the display, the keyboard, the diskette drive, and other I/O devices.
UltraMobilePC59RAM (Random Access Memory)RAM (usually just called memory) is the place in a computer where the operating system, applica-tion programs, and data in current use are temporarily kept so that they can be quickly reached by the computer’s processor instead of having to read from and write to slower storage such as the hard disk or optical disc.Standby ModeA power mode that enables a computer to save power consumption while not in use. When a computer is in Standby Mode, the data on the computer memory is not saved onto the hard disk. If the power is tuned off, the data in memory will be lost.Suspend ModeIn Save-to-RAM (STR) and Save-to-Disk (STD), the CPU clock is stopped and most of the UltraMobilePC devices are put in their lowest active state. The UltraMobilePC enters Suspend ZKHQWKHV\VWHPUHPDLQVLGOHIRUDVSHFLÀHGDPRXQWRIWLPHRUPDQXDOO\XVLQJWKHIXQFWLRQNH\V7KHWLPHRXWVHWWLQJRIERWK+DUG'LVNDQG9LGHRFDQEHVHWE\WKH%,266HWXS7KH3RZHU/('blinks when the UltraMobilePC is in STR mode. In STD mode, the UltraMobilePC will appear to be powered OFF.System Disk$V\VWHPGLVNFRQWDLQVWKHFRUHÀOHRIDQRSHUDWLQJV\VWHPDQGLVXVHGWRERRWXSWKHRSHUDW-ing system.  Twisted-Pair Cable7KHFDEOHXVHGWRFRQQHFWWKH(WKHUQHWFDUGWRDKRVWJHQHUDOO\D+XERU6ZLWFKLVFDOOHGDVWUDLJKWthrough Twisted Pair Ethernet (TPE). The end connectors are called RJ-45 connectors, which are not compatible with RJ-11 telephone connectors. If connecting two computers together without a hub in between, a crossover twisted-pair is required. UltraDMA/66 or 1008OWUD'0$RUDUHQHZVSHFLÀFDWLRQVWRLPSURYH,'(WUDQVIHUUDWHV8QOLNHWUDGLWLRQDO3,2mode, which only uses the rising edge of IDE command signal to transfer data, UltraDMA/66 or 100 uses both rising edge and falling edge.USB (Universal Serial Bus)A new 4-pin serial peripheral bus that allows plug and play computer peripherals such as keyboard, PRXVHMR\VWLFNVFDQQHUSULQWHUDQGPRGHP,6'1WREHDXWRPDWLFDOO\FRQÀJXUHGZKHQWKH\DUHattached physically without having to install drivers or reboot. With USB, the traditional complex cables from back panel of your computer can be eliminated.WindowsThe name of the operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation and used on this com-puter.
60UltraMobilePC&HUWLÀFDWLRQVFederal Communications Commission Statement This device complies with FCC Rules Part 15. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:• This device may not cause harmful interference, and• This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio FRPPXQLFDWLRQV+RZHYHUWKHUHLVQRJXDUDQWHHWKDWLQWHUIHUHQFHZLOOQRWRFFXULQDSDUWLFXODUinstallation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.(Reprinted from the Code of Federal Regulations #47, part 15.193, 1993. Washington DC: Of-ÀFHRIWKH)HGHUDO5HJLVWHU1DWLRQDO$UFKLYHVDQG5HFRUGV$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ86*RYHUQPHQW3ULQWLQJ2IÀFHWARNING!  The use of a shielded-type power cord is required in order to meet FCC emission limits and to prevent interference to the nearby radio and television recep-tion.  It is essential that only the supplied power cord be used. Use only shielded cables to connect I/O devices to this equipment. You are cautioned that changes RUPRGLÀFDWLRQVQRWH[SUHVVO\DSSURYHGE\WKHSDUW\UHVSRQVLEOHIRUFRPSOLDQFHcould void your authority to operate the equipment.
UltraMobilePC61FCC Radio Frequency Interference Requirements 7KLVGHYLFHLVUHVWULFWHGWR,1'22586(GXHWRLWVRSHUDWLRQLQWKHWR*+]IUH-quency range. FCC requires this product to be used indoors for the frequency range 5.15 WR*+]WRUHGXFHWKHSRWHQWLDOIRU KDUPIXOLQWHUIHUHQFH WRFRFKDQQHO RIWKH0RELOHSatellite Systems.+LJKSRZHUUDGDUVDUHDOORFDWHGDVSULPDU\XVHURIWKHWR*+]DQGWR*+]bands. These radar stations can cause interference with and / or damage this device.)&&&DXWLRQ$Q\FKDQJHVRUPRGLÀFDWLRQVQRWH[SUHVVO\DSSURYHGE\WKHSDUW\responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment. “The manufacture declares that this device is limited to Channels 1 through 11 in the *+]IUHTXHQF\E\VSHFLÀHGÀUPZDUHFRQWUROOHGLQWKH86$µFCC Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Caution StatementThis equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, please avoid direct contact to the transmitting antenna during transmitting. End users must IROORZWKHVSHFLÀFRSHUDWLQJLQVWUXFWLRQVIRUVDWLVI\LQJ5)H[SRVXUHFRPSOLDQFH)RU RSHUDWLRQ ZLWKLQ *+] DQG *+] IUHTXHQF\ UDQJHV LW LV UHVWULFWHG WR LQGRRUenvironment, and the antenna of this device must be integral.IMPORTANT: This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.FCC RF Exposure Guidelines (Wireless Clients)This device has been tested for compliance with FCC RF Exposure (SAR) limits in typical SRUWDEOHFRQÀJXUDWLRQV,QRUGHUWRFRPSO\ZLWK6$5OLPLWVHVWDEOLVKHGLQWKH$16,&standards, it is recommended when using a wireless LAN adapter that the integrated antenna is positioned more than [20cm] from your body or nearby persons during extended periods of operation. If the antenna is positioned less than [20cm] from the user, it is recommended that the user limit the exposure time.
62UltraMobilePCDeclaration of Conformity (R&TTE directive 1999/5/EC)7KHIROORZLQJLWHPVZHUHFRPSOHWHGDQGDUHFRQVLGHUHGUHOHYDQWDQGVXIÀFLHQW• Essential requirements as in [Article 3]• Protection requirements for health and safety as in [Article 3.1a]• Testing for electric safety according to [EN 60950]• Protection requirements for electromagnetic compatibility in [Article 3.1b]• Testing for electromagnetic compatibility in [EN 301 489-1] & [EN 301]• Testing according to [489-17]• Effective use of the radio spectrum as in [Article 3.2]• Radio test suites according to [EN 300 328-2]CE Mark WarningThis is a Class B product, in a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interfer-ence, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.IC Radiation Exposure Statement for CanadaThis equipment complies with IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled en-vironment. To maintain compliance with IC RF exposure compliance requirements, please avoid direct contact to the transmitting antenna during transmitting. End users must follow WKHVSHFLÀFRSHUDWLQJLQVWUXFWLRQVIRUVDWLVI\LQJ5)H[SRVXUHFRPSOLDQFHOperation is subject to the following two conditions: • This device may not cause interference and • This device must accept any interference, including interference that  may cause undesired operation of the device.To prevent radio interference to the licensed service (i.e. co-channel Mobile Satellite sys-tems) this device is intended to be operated indoors and away from windows to provide maximum shielding. Equipment (or its transmit antenna) that is installed outdoors is subject to licensing. Because high power radars are allocated as primary users (meaning they have priority) in 0+] WKHVHUDGDUV FRXOGFDXVHLQWHUIHUHQFH DQGRUGDPDJH WROLFHQVHH[HPSWLAN devices.
UltraMobilePC63France Restricted Wireless Frequency BandsSome areas of France have a restricted frequency band. The worst case maximum authorized power indoors are:  P:IRUWKHHQWLUH*+]EDQG0+]²0+] P:IRUIUHTXHQFLHVEHWZHHQ0+]DQG0+]Wireless Operation Channel for Different Domains1$PHULFD  *+]  &KWKURXJK&+-DSDQ   *+]  &KWKURXJK&K(XURSH(76,  *+]  &KWKURXJK&KNOTE: Your WLAN Card transmits less than 100mW, but more than 10mW.There are few possibilities for outdoor use: On private property or on the private property of public persons, use is subject to a preliminary authorization procedure by the Ministry RI'HIHQVHZLWKPD[LPXPDXWKRUL]HGSRZHURIP:LQWKH²0+]EDQGUse outdoors on public property is not permitted. ,QWKHGHSDUWPHQWVOLVWHGEHORZIRUWKHHQWLUH*+]EDQG• Maximum authorized power indoors is 100mW • Maximum authorized power outdoors is 10mW 'HSDUWPHQWVLQZKLFKWKHXVHRIWKH²0+]EDQGLVSHUPLWWHGZLWKDQ(,53RIless than 100mW indoors and less than 10mW outdoors: $LQ2ULHQWDOHV  $LVQH  $OOLHU  +DXWHV$OSHV08  Ardennes      09  Ariège    11  Aude      12  Aveyron   16  Charente      24  Dordogne    25  Doubs    26  Drôme   32  Gers        36  Indre      37  Indre et Loire 41  Loir et Cher45  Loiret        50  Manche    55  Meuse    58  Nièvre59  Nord        60  Oise      61  Orne      63  Puy du Dôme 3\UpQpHV$WODQWLTXH 3\UpQpHV  %DV5KLQ  +DXW5KLQ +DXWH6D{QH  6D{QHHW/RLUH 3DULV   7DUQHW*DURQQH84  Vaucluse      88  Vosges    89  Yonne    90  Territoire de Belfort94  Val de Marne      This requirement is likely to change over time, allowing you to use your wireless LAN card in more areas within France. Please check with ART for the latest information ( Channels 10 through 13 inclusive operate in the band 2446.6 MHz to 2483.5 MHz.
64UltraMobilePCUL Safety Notices Required for UL 1459 covering telecommunications (telephone) equipment intended to be electrically connected to a telecommunication network that has an operating voltage to ground that does not exceed 200V peak, 300V peak-to-peak, and 105V rms, and installed or used in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70).When using the UltraMobilePC modem, basic safety precautions should always be followed WRUHGXFHWKHULVNRIÀUHHOHFWULFVKRFNDQGLQMXU\WRSHUVRQVLQFOXGLQJWKHIROORZLQJ•Do not use the UltraMobilePC near water, for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink or laundry tub, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool. • Do not use the UltraMobilePC during an electrical storm. There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.•Do not use the UltraMobilePC in the vicinity of a gas leak.Required for UL 1642 covering primary (non-rechargeable) and secondary (rechargeable) lithium batteries for use as power sources in products. These batteries contain metallic lithium, or a lithium alloy, or a lithium ion, and may consist of a single electrochemical cell or two or more cells connected in series, parallel, or both, that convert chemical energy into electrical energy by an irreversible or reversible chemical reaction. •Do not GLVSRVHWKH8OWUD0RELOH3&EDWWHU\SDFNLQDÀUHDVWKH\PD\H[SORGH&KHFNwith local codes for possible special disposal instructions to reduce the risk of injury to SHUVRQVGXHWRÀUHRUH[SORVLRQ•Do not use power adapters or batteries from other devices to reduce the risk of injury WRSHUVRQVGXHWRÀUHRUH[SORVLRQ8VHRQO\8/FHUWLÀHGSRZHUDGDSWHUVRUEDWWHULHVsupplied by the manufacturer or authorized retailers.Power Safety Requirement Products with electrical current ratings up to 6A and weighing more than 3Kg must use DSSURYHGSRZHUFRUGVJUHDWHUWKDQRUHTXDOWR+99)*PP2RU+99)*0.75mm2.
UltraMobilePC65Nordic Lithium Cautions (for lithium-ion batteries) CAUTION!  Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries ac-cording to the manufacturer’s instructions. (English) ATTENZIONE! Rischio di esplosione della batteria se sostituita in modo errato. Sostituire la batteria con un una di tipo uguale o equivalente consigliata dalla fabbrica. Non disperdere le batterie nell’ambiente. (Italian) VORSICHT! Explosionsgetahr bei unsachgemäßen Austausch der Batterie. Ersatz nur durch GHQVHOEHQRGHUHLQHPYRP+HUVWHOOHUHPSIRKOHQHPlKQOLFKHQ7\S(QWVRUJXQJJHEUDXFKWHU%DWWHULHQQDFK$QJDEHQGHV+HUVWHOOHUV*HUPDQADVARSELI! Lithiumbatteri - Eksplosionsfare ved fejlagtig håndtering. Udskiftning må kun ske med batteri af samme fabrikat og type. Levér det brugte batteri tilbage til leverandøren. (Danish)VARNING! Explosionsfara vid felaktigt batteribyte. Använd samma batterityp eller en ekviva-lent typ som rekommenderas av apparattillverkaren. Kassera använt batteri enligt fabrikantens instruktion. (Swedish) VAROITUS! Paristo voi räjähtää, jos se on virheellisesti asennettu. Vaihda paristo ainoastaan ODLWHYDOPLVWDMDQVRXVLWWHOHPDDQW\\SSLLQ+lYLWlNl\WHWW\SDULVWRYDOPLVWDJDQRKMHLGHQPXNDLVHVWL(Finnish) ATTENTION!  Il y a danger d’explosion s’il y a remplacement incorrect de la batterie. Remplacer uniquement avec une batterie du mêre type ou d’un type équivalent recommandé par le constructeur. Mettre au rebut les batteries usagées conformément aux instructions du fabricant. (French) ADVARSEL! Eksplosjonsfare ved feilaktig skifte av batteri. Benytt samme batteritype eller en tilsvarende type anbefalt av apparatfabrikanten. Brukte batterier kasseres i henhold til fabrikantens instruksjoner. (Norwegian) (Japanese)
66UltraMobilePCCopyright InformationNo part of this manual, including the products and software described in it, may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any means, except documentation kept by the purchaser for backup purposes, without the express written permission of ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. (“ASUS”).$6863529,'(67+,60$18$/´$6,6µ:,7+287:$55$17<2)$1<.,1'(,7+(5(;35(6625,03/,(',1&/8',1*%87127/,0,7('727+(,03/,(':$55$1-7,(6 25 &21',7,216 2) 0(5&+$17$%,/,7< 25 ),71(66 )25$ 3$57,&8/$5385326(,112(9(176+$//$686,76',5(&72562)),&(56(03/2<((625AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUEN-TIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSINESS, /2662)86(25'$7$,17(55837,212)%86,1(66$1'7+(/,.((9(1,)$686+$6%((1$'9,6('2)7+(3266,%,/,7<2)68&+'$0$*(6$5,6,1*)520$1<'()(&725(5525,17+,60$18$/25352'8&7Products and corporate names appearing in this manual may or may not be registered trademarks RUFRS\ULJKWVRIWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHFRPSDQLHVDQGDUHXVHGRQO\IRULGHQWLÀFDWLRQRUH[SODQDWLRQDQGWRWKHRZQHUV·EHQHÀWZLWKRXWLQWHQWWRLQIULQJH63(&,),&$7,216$1' ,1)250$7,21 &217$,1(' ,1 7+,6 0$18$/$5( )85-1,6+(')25,1)250$7,21$/86(21/<$1'$5(68%-(&772&+$1*($7$1<7,0(:,7+287127,&($1'6+28/'127%(&216758('$6$&200,70(17BY ASUS. ASUS ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY FOR ANY ERRORS OR ,1$&&85$&,(67+$70$<$33($5,17+,60$18$/,1&/8',1*7+(352'8&76AND SOFTWARE DESCRIBED IN IT.Copyright © 2007 ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. All Rights Reserved.Limitation of LiabilityCircumstances may arise where because of a default on ASUS’ part or other liability, you are en-titled to recover damages from ASUS. In each such instance, regardless of the basis on which you are entitled to claim damages from ASUS, ASUS is liable for no more than damages for bodily injury (including death) and damage to real property and tangible personal property; or any other actual and direct damages resulted from omission or failure of performing legal duties under this Warranty Statement, up to the listed contract price of each product.ASUS will only be responsible for or indemnify you for loss, damages or claims based in contract, tort or infringement under this Warranty Statement.  This limit also applies to ASUS’ suppliers and its reseller. It is the maximum for which ASUS, its suppliers, and your reseller are collectively responsible.81'(512&,5&8067$1&(6,6$686/,$%/()25$1<2)7+()2//2:,1*7+,5'3$57<&/$,06$*$,167<28)25'$0$*(6/2662)25'$0$*(72YOUR RECORDS OR DATA; OR (3) SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OR FOR ANY ECONOMIC CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS OR SAVINGS), EVEN IF ASUS, ITS SUPPLIERS OR YOUR RESELLER IS INFORMED OF 7+(,53266,%,/,7<Service and SupportVisit our multi-language web site at
FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION INTERFERENCE STATEMENT This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:–Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. –Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. –Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. –Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. CAUTION:Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. RF exposure warning  ·         This equipment must be installed and operated in accordance with provided instructions and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. End-users and installers must be provide with antenna installation instructions and transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. SAR Value: 802.11b: 0.592 W/kg            802.11g: 0.349 W/kg

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