

19Chapter 3: Conguring the clients                      RT-N123Conguring the  network clientsAccessing the wireless routerSetting an IP address for wired or wireless clientsTo access the ASUS Wireless Router, you must have the correct TCP/IP settings on your wired or wireless clients. Ensure that the clients’ IP addresses are within the same subnet as the ASUS Wireless Router.By default, the ASUS Wireless Router integrates the DHCP server function, which automatically assigns IP addresses to the clients in your network.But in some instances, you may want to manually assign static IP addresses on some of the clients or computers in your network rather than automatically getting IP addresses from your wireless router.Follow the instructions below that correspond to the operating system installed on your client or computer.Note: In the Router mode, if you want to manually assign an IP address to your client, we recommend that you use the following settings:    •  IP address: (xxx can be any number between 2 and 254. Ensure that the IP      address is not used by another device)    •  Subnet Mask: (same as the ASUS Wireless Router)    •  Gateway: (IP address of the ASUS Wireless Router)    •  DNS: (ASUS Wireless Router) or assign a known DNS server in your network
20 RT-N12                      Chapter 3: Conguring the clientsWindows® 9x/ME1.  Click Start > Control Panel > Network to display the Network setup window.2.  Select TCP/IP then click Properties.3.  If you want your computer to automatically obtain an IP address, click Obtain an IP address automatically then click OK. Otherwise, click Specify an IP address, then key in the IP address and Subnet Mask.
21Chapter 3: Conguring the clients                      RT-N124.  Select the Gateway tab, and key in New gateway then click Add.5.  Select the DNS conguration tab and click Enable DNS. Key in Host, Domain, and DNS Server Search Order, then click Add.6.  Click OK.
22 RT-N12                      Chapter 3: Conguring the clientsWindows® NT4.01.  Go to Control Panel > Network to display the Network setup window then select the Protocols tab.2.  Select TCP/IP Protocol from the Network Protocols list then click Properties.3.  From the IP Address tab of the Microsoft TCP/IP Properties window, you can:  •  Select the type of network    adapter installed in your    system.  •  Set the router to assign IP    address automatically.  •  Manually set up the IP address,    subnet mask, and default    gateway.
23Chapter 3: Conguring the clients                      RT-N124.  Select the DNS tab then click Add under the DNS Service Search Order and key in DNS.Windows® 20001.  Click Start > Control Panel > Network and Dial-up Connection. Right-click Local Area Connection then click Properties.
24 RT-N12                      Chapter 3: Conguring the clients2.  Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), then click Properties.3.  Select Obtain an IP address automatically if you want the IP settings to be assigned automatically. Otherwise, select Use the following IP address: and key in IP address, Subnet mask, and Default gateway.4.  Select Obtain DNS server address automatically if you want the DNS server settings to be assigned automatically. Otherwise, select Use the following DNS server addresses: and key in the Preferred and Alternate DNS server.5.  Click OK when done.
25Chapter 3: Conguring the clients                      RT-N122.  Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), then click Properties.3.  Select Obtain an IP address automatically if you want the IP settings to be assigned automatically. Otherwise, select Use the following IP address: and key in IP address, Subnet mask, and Default gateway.4.  Select Obtain DNS server address automatically if you want the DNS server settings to be assigned automatically. Otherwise, select Use the following DNS server addresses: and key in the Preferred and Alternate DNS server.5.  Click OK when done.Windows® XP1.  Click Start > Control Panel > Network Connection. Right-click Local Area Connection then select Properties.
26 RT-N12                      Chapter 3: Conguring the clientsWindows® Vista1.  Go to Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center. Click View status > Properties > Continue.2.  Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), then click Properties.3.  Select Obtain an IP address automatically if you want the IP settings to be assigned automatically. Otherwise, select Use the following IP address: and key in IP address and Subnet mask.4.  Select Obtain DNS server address automatically if you want the DNS server settings to be assigned automatically. Otherwise, select Use the following DNS server addresses: and key in the Preferred and Alternate DNS server.5.  Click OK when done.
27Chapter 4: Conguring via the web GUI                  RT-N124Conguring via  the web GUIConguring via the web GUIThe router’s web graphics user interface (web GUI) allows you to congure these features: Network Map and EZQoS Bandwidth Management.To access the web GUI:1.  Launch a web browser, then key in the router’s IP address. The login page of the router’s web GUI appears.2.  On the login page, key in the default user name (admin) and password (admin).Note:•  In the Router mode, the router’s IP address is•  In the Repeater and AP modes, use Device Discovery included in the support CD to nd the    router’s IP address.
28 RT-N12                    Chapter 4: Conguring via the web GUI3.  From the main page, click the navigation menu or links to congure the various features of the ASUS Wireless Router.
29Chapter 4: Conguring via the web GUI                  RT-N12Using the Network MapNetwork Map allows you to view the status and congure the connection settings of the Internet, system, and clients in your network. It enables you to quickly set up your Wide Area Network (WAN) using the Quick Internet Setup (QIS) feature, or to quickly set up your Local Area Network (LAN) using the WPS Wizard.Note: For more details on the WPS Wizard, refer to the section WPS Wizard in Chapter 5 of this user manual.To view the status or congure the settings, click any of these icons displayed on the main page:Icon DescriptionInternet statusClick this icon to display information on the Internet connection status, WAN IP address, DNS, connection type, and gateway address. From the Internet status screen, use the Quick Internet Setup (QIS) feature to quickly set up your network.System statusClick this icon to display information on the SSID, authentication and encryption methods, LAN IP, MAC address, or turn the wireless radio on/off. Enable the WPS mode from the System status screen.Client statusClick this icon to display information about the clients or computers in the network, and allows you to block/unblock a client.
30 RT-N12                    Chapter 4: Conguring via the web GUICreating multiple SSID prolesThe wireless router allows you to create multiple SSID proles that meet various working scenarios.To create an SSID prole:1.  Under System status, click Add.2.  Congure the prole settings, then click Add.
31Chapter 4: Conguring via the web GUI                  RT-N12Managing bandwidth with EzQoSEzQoS Bandwidth Management enables you to set the bandwidth priority and manage the network trafc.To set up the bandwidth priority:1.  Click EzQoS Bandwidth Management from the navigation menu at the left side of your screen.2.  Click each of these four applications to set the bandwidth priority:Icon DescriptionGaming BlasterThe router handles gaming trafc at rst priority.Internet ApplicationThe router handles the e-mail, web browsing and other Internet applications trafc at rst priority.FTPThe router handles at rst priority the trafc of downloading/uploading data to/from the FTP server.Voip/Video Streaming The router handles the audio/video trafc at rst priority.3.  Click Save to save the conguration settings.
32 RT-N12                    Chapter 4: Conguring via the web GUIUpgrading the rmwareNote: Download the latest rmware from the ASUS website at upgrade the rmware:1.  Click Advanced Setting from the navigation menu at the left side of your screen. 2.  Under the Administration menu, click Firmware Upgrade.3.  In the New Firmware File eld, click Browse to locate the new rmware on your computer.4.  Click Upload. The uploading process takes about three minutes.Note: If the upgrade process fails, use the Firmware Restoration utility to restore the system. For details on this utility, refer to the section Firmware Restoration in Chapter 5 of this user manual.
33Chapter 4: Conguring via the web GUI                  RT-N12Restoring/Saving/Uploading settingsTo restore/save/upload the settings:1.  Click Advanced Setting from the navigation menu at the left side of your screen. 2.  Under the Administration menu, click Restore/Save/Upload Setting.3.  Select the tasks that you want to do:  •  To restore to the default factory settings, click Restore, and click OK in the      conrmation message.  •  To save the current system settings, click Save, and click Save in the le      download window to save the system le in your preferred path.  •  To restore previous system settings, click Browse to locate the system le that    you want to restore, then click Upload.

Navigation menu