ASUSTeK Computer X014D ASUS Phone User Manual

ASUSTeK Computer Inc ASUS Phone Users Manual

Users Manual

E12014User Guide
Third Edition/ September 2016Model:ASUS_X014D (ZB452KG)Before you start, ensure that you have read all the safety information and operating instructions in this User Guide to prevent injury or damage to your device.NOTE: For the latest updates and more detailed information, please visit featuresTouch screen displayReceiverLED indicatorTouch keysSensorFront camera
Side featuresNOTE: Pry open the rear cover from the groove.Power KeyAudio jackMicro USB portGrooveMicrophoneMicrophone
Rear featuresNOTES:• Removetherearcovertodisplaythedualmicro SIM and microSD card slots.• ThemicroSIMcardslotssupport,WCDMA,and GSM/EDGE network bands. • ThemicroSDcardslotsupportsmicroSDandmicroSDHCcardformats.Rear cameraCamera ashRear coverSpeakerVolume key
Charging your ASUS PhoneTo charge your ASUS Phone:1. ConnecttheUSBconnectorintothepoweradapter’s USB port.2. ConnecttheotherendofthemicroUSBcableto your ASUS Phone. 3.   Plug the power adapter into a wall socket.NOTES:• Useonlythepoweradapterthatcamewithyour device. Using a different power adapter may damage your device.• UsingthebundledpoweradapterandASUSPhone signal cable to connect your ASUS Phone to a power outlet is the best way to charge your ASUS Phone.• TheinputvoltagerangebetweenthewalloutletandthisadapterisAC100V-240V.The output voltage of the micro USB cable is +5.2V 1A,5W.IMPORTANT!• WhenusingyourASUSPhonewhileitisplugged to a power outlet, the grounded power outlet must be near to the unit and easily accessible.• WhenchargingyourASUSPhonethroughyour computer, ensure that you plug the micro USB cable to your computer’s USB 2.0 / USB 3.0 port.• AvoidchargingyourASUSPhoneinanenvironment with ambient temperature of above 35oC(95oF).
1.  Locate the groove on the bottom-rightcornerofyour ASUS Phone.Installing a micro SIM cardTo install a micro SIM card:2.  Pry the cover loose and then pull the rear cover off. 3.  Insert the micro SIM card into one of the micro SIM card slots.Micro SIM card slot 1Micro SIM card slot 2
IMPORTANT:  Both micro SIM card slots support 3G/2GWCDMAnetworkband.ButonlyonemicroSIMcardcanconnectto3GWCDMAservice at a time.1.  Locate the groove on the bottom-rightcornerofyour ASUS Phone.Installing a microSD cardTo install a microSD card:CAUTION!• Donotusesharptoolsorsolventonyourdevice to avoid scratches on it. • UseonlyastandardmicroSIMcardonyourASUS Phone. A nano to micro SIM adapter oratrimmedSIMcardmaynotproperlytinto and may not be detected by your ASUS Phone.•  DO NOT install an empty nano to micro SIM adapter into the micro SIM card slot to avoid irreversible damage.
2.  Pry the cover loose and then pull the rear cover off. 3.  Insert the microSD card into the microSD card slot.MicroSD card slot CAUTION!Changesormodicationsnotexpresslyapproved by the part responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Thisdevicecomplieswithpart15oftheFCCRules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to complywiththelimitsforaClassBdigitaldevice,pursuanttopart15oftheFCCRules.Theselimitsare designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna.• Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipment and receiver.• Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnician for help.Federal Communications Commission (FCC) StatementCAUTION!Changesormodicationsnotexpresslyapproved by the part responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
RF Exposure Information (SAR)This device has been tested and meets applicable limitsforRadioFrequency(RF)exposure.SpecicAbsorptionRate(SAR)referstotherateatwhichthebodyabsorbsRFenergy.SARlimitsare1.6Wattsperkilogram(overavolumecontaininga mass of 1 gram of tissue) in countries that follow theUnitedStatesFCClimitand2.0W/kg(averagedover 10 grams of tissue) in countries that follow the CounciloftheEuropeanUnionlimit.TestsforSARare conducted using standard operating positions withthedevicetransmittingatitshighestcertiedpower level in all tested frequency bands. ToreduceexposuretoRFenergy,useahands-freeaccessory or other similar option to keep this device awayfromyourheadandbody.Carrythisdeviceat least 15 mm away from your body to ensure exposurelevelsremainatorbelowtheas-testedlevels.Choosethebeltclips,holsters,orothersimilarbody-wornaccessorieswhichdonotcontainmetallic components to support operation in this manner.CaseswithmetalpartsmaychangetheRFperformance of the device, including its compliance withRFexposureguidelines,inamannerthathasnotbeentestedorcertied,andusesuchaccessories should be avoided.ThehighestFCCSARvaluesforthedeviceareasfollows: • 0.476W/Kg(Head)• 0.989W/Kg(Body)TheFCChasgrantedanEquipmentAuthorizationforthisdevicewithallreportedSARlevelsevaluatedasincompliancewiththeFCCRFexposureguidelines.SARinformationonthisdeviceisonlewiththeFCCandcanbefoundundertheDisplayGrant section of after searchingonFCCID:MSQX014D
CE RF Exposure ComplianceThisdevicemeetstheEUrequirements(1999/519/EC)onthelimitationofexposureofthegeneralpublictoelectromagneticeldsbywayofhealthprotection.Forbody-wornoperation,thisdevicehasbeentestedandmeetstheICNIRPguidelinesandtheEuropeanStandardEN62209-2,forusewithdedicatedaccessories.SARismeasuredwiththisdeviceataseparation of 1.5 cm to the body, while transmitting at thehighestcertiedoutputpowerlevelinallfrequencybands of this device. Use of other accessories which containmetalsmaynotensurecompliancewithICNIRPexposureguidelines.CE Mark Warning56CE marking for devices with wireless LAN/ BluetoothThis equipment complies with the requirements of Directive1999/5/ECoftheEuropeanParliamentandCommissionfrom9March,1999governingRadioandTelecommunications Equipment and mutual recognition ofconformity.ThehighestCESARvaluesforthedeviceare as follows:• 0.266W/Kg(Head)• 0.214W/Kg(Body)Using GPS (Global Positioning System) on your ASUS PhoneTo use the GPS positioning feature on your ASUS Phone:• Ensure that your device is connected to the InternetbeforeusingGoogleMaporanyGPS-enabled apps.
• Forrst-timeuseofaGPS-enabledapponyour device, ensure that you are outdoors to get the best positioning data.• WhenusingaGPS-enabledapponyour device inside a vehicle, the metallic component of the car window and other electronic devices might affect the GPS performance.Prevention of Hearing LossTo prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume levels for long periods. For France, headphones/earphones for this device are compliant with the sound pressure level requirement laiddownintheapplicableEN50332-1:2013and/orEN50332-2:2013standardrequiredbyFrenchArticleL.5232-1.Safety informationASUS Phone care• Use your ASUS Phone in an environment with ambienttemperaturesbetween0°C(32°F)and35°C(95°F).The batteryYour ASUS Phone is equipped with a high performance detachableLi-Ionbattery.Observethemaintenanceguidelines for a longer battery life.
• Avoidcharginginextremelyhighorlowtemperature. The battery performs optimally in an ambienttemperatureof+5°Cto+35°C.• UseonlyASUSbattery.Usingadifferentbatterymay cause physical harm/injury and may damage your device.• Donotremoveandsoakthebatteryinwateroranyother liquid.• Nevertrytoopenthebatteryasitcontainssubstances that might be harmful if swallowed or allowed to come into contact with unprotected skin.• Donotremoveandshort-circuitthebattery,asitmayoverheatandcauseare.Keepitawayfromjewelry or metal objects.• Donotremoveanddisposeofthebatteryinre.Itcouldexplodeandreleaseharmfulsubstancesintothe environment.• Donotremoveanddisposeofthebatterywithyourregularhouseholdwaste.Takeittoahazardousmaterial collection point.• Donottouchthebatteryterminals.• Toavoidreorburns,donotdisassemble,bend,crush, or puncture the battery.NOTES:• Riskofexplosionifbatteryisreplacedbyanincorrect type.• Disposeofusedbatteryaccordingtotheinstructions.The charger• UseonlythechargersuppliedwithyourASUSPhone.• Neverpullthechargercordtodisconnectitfromthe power socket. Pull the charger itself.CautionYour ASUS Phone is a high quality piece of equipment. Before operating, read all instructions and cautionary markingsonthe(1)ACAdapter.
• DonotusetheASUSPhoneinanextremeenvironment where high temperature or high humidityexists.TheASUSPhoneperformsoptimallyinanambienttemperaturebetween0°C(32°F)and35°C(95°F).• DonotdisassembletheASUSPhoneoritsaccessories. If service or repair is required, return theunittoanauthorizedservicecenter.Iftheunitisdisassembled,ariskofelectricshockorremayresult.• Donotshort-circuitthebatteryterminalswithmetalitems.Operator access with a toolIf a TOOL is necessary to gain access to an OPERATORACCESSAREA,eitherallothercompartmentswithinthatareacontainingahazardshallbeinaccessibletotheOPERATORbytheuseofthesame TOOL, or such compartments shall be marked to discourageOPERATORaccess.ASUS Recycling/Takeback Services ASUS recycling and takeback programs come from our commitment to the highest standards for protecting our environment.Webelieveinprovidingsolutionsforyouto be able to responsibly recycle our products, batteries, other components as well as the packaging materials. Please go to for detailed recycling information in different regions.Regional notice for SingaporeThis ASUS Phone complies with IDA Standards.
Proper disposalRisk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions.DONOTthrowthebatteryinmunicipalwaste. The symbol of the crossed out wheeled bin indicates that the battery should not be placed in municipal waste.DONOTthrowthisproductinmunicipalwaste. This product has been designed to enable proper reuse of parts and recycling. The symbol of the crossed out wheeled bin indicates that the product (electrical, electronicequipmentandmercury-containing button cell battery) should not beplacedinmunicipalwaste.Checklocal regulations for disposal of electronic products.DONOTthrowthisproductinre.DONOTshortcircuitthecontacts.DONOTdisassemble this product.
EU Declaration of Conformity  We, the undersigned, Manufacturer: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. Address: 4F, No. 150, LI-TE Rd., PEITOU, TAIPEI 112, TAIWAN  Authorized representative in Europe: ASUS COMPUTER GmbH Address, City: HARKORT STR. 21-23, 40880 RATINGEN Country: GERMANY declare the following apparatus: Product name : ASUS Phone Model name : ASUS_X014D The object of the declaration described above is in conformity with the relevant Union harmonisation legislation:  EMC – Directive 2004/108/EC (until April 19th, 2016) and Directive 2014/30/EU (from April 20th, 2016)  EN 55022:2010+AC:2011  EN 61000-3-2:2014  EN 55013: 2013  EN 55024:2010  EN 61000-3-3:2013  EN 55020: 2007+A11:2011   R&TTE – Directive 1999/5/EC  EN 300 328 V1.9.1(2015-02)  EN 300 440-1 V1.6.1(2010-08)  EN 300 440-2 V1.4.1(2010-08)   EN 301 511 V9.0.2(2003-03)   EN 301 908-1 V7.1.1   EN 301 908-2 V6.2.1(2014-07)   EN 301 908-13 V6.2.1(2014-07)   EN 301 893 V1.8.1(2015-03)   EN 302 544-2 V1.1.1(2009-01)   EN 302 623 V1.1.1(2009-01)  EN 50360:2001/A1:2012   EN 62479:2010   EN 62209-1:2006  EN 62209-2:2010  EN 301 489-1 V1.9.2(2011-09)   EN 301 489-3 V1.6.1(2013-)   EN 301 489-4 V1.4.1(2009-05)   EN 301 489-7 V1.3.1(2005-11)   EN 301 489-9 V1.4.1(2007-11)   EN 301 489-17 V2.2.1(2012-09)   EN 301 489-24 V1.5.1(2010-09)   EN 302 326-2 V1.2.2(2007-06)   EN 302 326-3 V1.3.1(2007-09)   EN 301 357-2 V1.4.1(2008-11)  EN 302 291-1 V1.1.1(2005-07)  EN 302 291-2 V1.1.1(2005-07)  EN 50566:2013/AC:2014   EN 62311:2008  LVD – Dir ective 2006/95/EC (until April 19th, 2016) and Directive 2014/35/EU (from April 20th, 2016)  EN 60950-1: 2006 / A12: 2011  EN 60950-1: 2006 / A2: 2013  EN 60065:2002 / A12: 2011  Ecodesign – Directive 2009/125/EC   Regulation (EC) No. 1275/2008   Regulation (EC) No. 642/2009   Regulation (EC) No. 278/2009   Regulation (EU) No. 617/2013  RoHS – Directive 2011/65/EU                                                                                 Ver. 160217  CE marking    Equipment Class 1  Signature  Jerry Shen Printed Name  CEO Position   Taipei, Taiwan Place of issue  30/11/2015 Original Declaration Date  7/3/2016 Corrected Declaration Date  2016 Year to begin affixing CE marking   (EU conformity marking)  Declaração CE de Conformidade  Nós, os abaixo-assinados, Fabricante: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. Endereço:   4F, No. 150, LI-TE Rd., PEITOU, TAIPEI 112, TAIWAN Representante autorizado na Europa: ASUS COMPUTER GmbH Endereço, cidade: HARKORT STR. 21-23, 40880 RATINGEN País: GERMANY declaramos o seguinte aparelho: Nome do produto: ASUS Phone Nome do modelo: ASUS_X014D O objeto da declaração acima descrito está em conformidade com a legislação de harmonização da União aplicável:  EMC Diretiva 2004/108/CE (até 19 de abril de 2016) e Diretiva 2014/30/UE (a partir de 20 de abril de 2016)  EN 55022:2010+AC:2011  EN 61000-3-2:2014  EN 55013: 2013  EN 55024:2010   EN 61000-3-3:2013  EN 55020: 2007+A11:2011   R&TTE – Diretiva 1999/5/CE  EN 300 328 V1.9.1(2015-02)  EN 300 440-1 V1.6.1(2010-08)  EN 300 440-2 V1.4.1(2010-08)   EN 301 511 V9.0.2(2003-03)   EN 301 908-1 V7.1.1   EN 301 908-2 V6.2.1(2014-07)   EN 301 908-13 V6.2.1(2014-07)   EN 301 893 V1.8.1(2015-03)   EN 302 544-2 V1.1.1(2009-01)   EN 302 623 V1.1.1(2009-01)  EN 50360:2001/A1:2012   EN 62479:2010   EN 62209-1:2006  EN 62209-2:2010  EN 301 489-1 V1.9.2(2011-09)   EN 301 489-3 V1.6.1(2013-)   EN 301 489-4 V1.4.1(2009-05)   EN 301 489-7 V1.3.1(2005-11)   EN 301 489-9 V1.4.1(2007-11)   EN 301 489-17 V2.2.1(2012-09)   EN 301 489-24 V1.5.1(2010-09)   EN 302 326-2 V1.2.2(2007-06)   EN 302 326-3 V1.3.1(2007-09)   EN 301 357-2 V1.4.1(2008-11)  EN 302 291-1 V1.1.1(2005-07)  EN 302 291-2 V1.1.1(2005-07)  EN 50566:2013/AC:2014   EN 62311:2008  LVD Diretiv a 2006/95/CE (até 19 de abril de 2016) and Diretiva 2014/35/UE (a partir de 20 de abril de 2016)  EN 60950-1: 2006 / A12: 2011  EN 60950-1: 2006 / A2: 2013  EN 60065:2002 / A12: 2011  EcoEcodesign – Diretiva 2009/125/CE   Regulation (EC) No. 1275/2008   Regulation (EC) No. 642/2009   Regulation (EC) No. 278/2009   Regulation (EU) No. 617/2013  RoHS – Diretiva 2011/65/UE                                                                                  Ver. 160217  Marcação CE  Classe de equipamento 1  Assinatura  Jerry Shen Nome impresso  CEO Posição   Taipei, Taiwan Local de emissão  30/11/2015 Data de Declaração original  7/3/2016 Data de Declaração corrigida  2016 Ano para começar   a aposição da marcação CE   (Marcação CE de conformidade)
 Declaraţie de conformitate UE  Subsemnatul, Producător : ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. Adresă: 4F, No. 150, LI-TE Rd., PEITOU, TAIPEI 112, TAIWAN   Reprezentant autorizat în Europa: ASUS COMPUTER GmbH Adresă, Oraş: HARKORT STR. 21-23, 40880 RATINGEN Ţară: GERMANIA declară următorul aparat: Nume produs : ASUS Phone Nume Model : ASUS_X014D Obiectul declarației descris mai sus este în conformitate cu legislația relevantă de armonizare a Uniunii :  CEM – Directiva 2004/108/CE (până în 19 Aprilie 2016) şi Directiva 2014/30/ UE (până în 20 Aprilie 2016)  EN 55022:2010+AC:2011  EN 61000-3-2:2014  EN 55013: 2013  EN 55024:2010  EN 61000-3-3:2013   EN 55020: 2007+A11:2011   R&TTE – Directiva 1999/5/CE  EN 300 328 V1.9.1(2015-02)  EN 300 440-1 V1.6.1(2010-08)  EN 300 440-2 V1.4.1(2010-08)   EN 301 511 V9.0.2(2003-03)   EN 301 908-1 V7.1.1   EN 301 908-2 V6.2.1(2014-07)   EN 301 908-13 V6.2.1(2014-07)   EN 301 893 V1.8.1(2015-03)   EN 302 544-2 V1.1.1(2009-01)   EN 302 623 V1.1.1(2009-01)  EN 50360:2001/A1:2012   EN 62479:2010   EN 62209-1:2006  EN 62209-2:2010  EN 301 489-1 V1.9.2(2011-09)   EN 301 489-3 V1.6.1(2013-)   EN 301 489-4 V1.4.1(2009-05)   EN 301 489-7 V1.3.1(2005-11)   EN 301 489-9 V1.4.1(2007-11)   EN 301 489-17 V2.2.1(2012-09)   EN 301 489-24 V1.5.1(2010-09)   EN 302 326-2 V1.2.2(2007-06)   EN 302 326-3 V1.3.1(2007-09)   EN 301 357-2 V1.4.1(2008-11)  EN 302 291-1 V1.1.1(2005-07)  EN 302 291-2 V1.1.1(2005-07)  EN 50566:2013/AC:2014   EN 62311:2008  LVD – Directiva 2006/95/CE (până în 19 Aprilie 2016) şi Directiva 2014/35/UE (până în 20  Aprilie 2016)  EN 60950-1: 2006 / A12: 2011  EN 60950-1: 2006 / A2: 2013  EN 60065:2002 / A12: 2011  Ecodesign – Directiva 2009/125/CE   Regulation (EC) No. 1275/2008   Regulation (EC) No. 642/2009   Regulation (EC) No. 278/2009   Regulation (EU) No. 617/2013  RoHS – Directiva 2011/65/UE                                                                                Ver. 160217  Marcajul CE    Echipament Clasa 1  Semnătură  Jerry Shen Nume  CEO Funcţie   Taipei, Taiwan Locul emiterii  30/11/2015 Data Declaraţiei Originale  7/3/2016 Data Declaraţiei Corectate  2016 Anul începând din care marcajul   CE va fi aplicat   (Marcaj de conformitate UE )     EU Uygunluk Beyanı  Biz, bu imza altındakiler Üretici: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. Adres: 4F, No. 150, LI-TE Rd., PEITOU, TAIPEI 112, TAIWAN  Avrupa’daki Yetkili: ASUS COMPUTER GmbH Adres, Şehir: HARKORT STR. 21-23, 40880 RATINGEN Ülke: ALMANYA Aşağıdaki ürünleri beyan ediyoruz : Ürün adı : ASUS Phone Model adı :  ASUS_X014D Yukarıda belirtilen beyanın konusu birlik yasalarına göre uygundur:  EMC – Direktif 2004/108/EC 19 Nisan 2016’ya kadar ve Direktif 2014/30/EU 20 Nisan 20 16  EN 55022:2010+AC:2011  EN 61000-3-2:2014  EN 55013: 2013  EN 55024:2010  EN 61000-3-3:2013  EN 55020: 2007+A11:2011   R&TTE – Direktifi 1999/5/EC  EN 300 328 V1.9.1(2015-02)  EN 300 440-1 V1.6.1(2010-08)  EN 300 440-2 V1.4.1(2010-08)   EN 301 511 V9.0.2(2003-03)   EN 301 908-1 V7.1.1   EN 301 908-2 V6.2.1(2014-07)   EN 301 908-13 V6.2.1(2014-07)   EN 301 893 V1.8.1(2015-03)   EN 302 544-2 V1.1.1(2009-01)   EN 302 623 V1.1.1(2009-01)  EN 50360:2001/A1:2012   EN 62479:2010   EN 62209-1:2006  EN 62209-2:2010  EN 301 489-1 V1.9.2(2011-09)   EN 301 489-3 V1.6.1(2013-)   EN 301 489-4 V1.4.1(2009-05)   EN 301 489-7 V1.3.1(2005-11)   EN 301 489-9 V1.4.1(2007-11)   EN 301 489-17 V2.2.1(2012-09)   EN 301 489-24 V1.5.1(2010-09)   EN 302 326-2 V1.2.2(2007-06)   EN 302 326-3 V1.3.1(2007-09)   EN 301 357-2 V1.4.1(2008-11)  EN 302 291-1 V1.1.1(2005-07)  EN 302 291-2 V1.1.1(2005-07)  EN 50566:2013/AC:2014   EN 62311:2008  LVD  – Direktifi 2006/95/19 Nisan 2016’ya kadar ve Direktif 2014/35/EU 20 Nisan 2016  EN 60950-1: 2006 / A12: 2011  EN 60950-1: 2006 / A2: 2013  EN 60065:2002 / A12: 2011  Ecodesign – Direktif 2009/125/EC   Regulation (EC) No. 1275/2008   Regulation (EC) No. 642/2009   Regulation (EC) No. 278/2009   Regulation (EU) No. 617/2013  RoHS – Direktifi 2011/65/EU                                                                                  Ver. 160217  CE işareti    Ekipman Sınıfı 1   İmza  Jerry Shen Basılı Ad  CEO Pozisyonu  Taipei, Taiwan Sürüm yeri  30/11/2015 Orjinal Deklerasyon Tarihi  7/3/2016 Düzeltilmiş Deklerasyon Tarihi  2016 CE İşaretinin Eklendiği Yıl   (EU uygunluk işareti)
UE Declaración de Conformidad  Nosotros, los abajo firmantes, Fabricante: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. Dirección: 4F, No. 150, LI-TE Rd., PEITOU, TAIPEI 112, TAIWAN   Representante autorizado en Europa: ASUS COMPUTER GmbH Dirección, Ciudad: HARKORT STR. 21-23, 40880 RATINGEN País: GERMANY Declaramos el siguiente producto: Nombre del aparato :  ASUS Phone Nombre del modelo : ASUS_X014D El objeto de la declaración descrita anteriormente es conforme con la legislación de armonización pertinente de la Unión:  EMC Directiva 2004/108/CE (hasta el 19 de abril, 2016) y Directiva 2014/30/UE (desde el 20 de abril , 2016)  EN 55022:2010+AC:2011  EN 61000-3-2:2014  EN 55013: 2013   EN 55024:2010  EN 61000-3-3:2013  EN 55020: 2007+A11:2011   R&TTE – Directiva 1999/5/CE  EN 300 328 V1.9.1(2015-02)  EN 300 440-1 V1.6.1(2010-08)  EN 300 440-2 V1.4.1(2010-08)   EN 301 511 V9.0.2(2003-03)   EN 301 908-1 V7.1.1   EN 301 908-2 V6.2.1(2014-07)   EN 301 908-13 V6.2.1(2014-07)   EN 301 893 V1.8.1(2015-03)   EN 302 544-2 V1.1.1(2009-01)   EN 302 623 V1.1.1(2009-01)  EN 50360:2001/A1:2012   EN 62479:2010   EN 62209-1:2006  EN 62209-2:2010  EN 301 489-1 V1.9.2(2011-09)   EN 301 489-3 V1.6.1(2013-)   EN 301 489-4 V1.4.1(2009-05)   EN 301 489-7 V1.3.1(2005-11)   EN 301 489-9 V1.4.1(2007-11)   EN 301 489-17 V2.2.1(2012-09)   EN 301 489-24 V1.5.1(2010-09)   EN 302 326-2 V1.2.2(2007-06)   EN 302 326-3 V1.3.1(2007-09)   EN 301 357-2 V1.4.1(2008-11)  EN 302 291-1 V1.1.1(2005-07)  EN 302 291-2 V1.1.1(2005-07)  EN 50566:2013/AC:2014   EN 62311:2008  LVD Dire ctiva 2006/95/CE (hasta el 19 de abril, 2016) y Directiva 2014/35/UE (desde el 20 de abril, 2016)  EN 60950-1: 2006 / A12: 2011  EN 60950-1: 2006 / A2: 2013  EN 60065:2002 / A12: 2011  Diseño Ecológico – Directiva 2009/125/CE   Regulation (EC) No. 1275/2008   Regulation (EC) No. 642/2009   Regulation (EC) No. 278/2009   Regulation (EU) No. 617/2013  RoHS – Directiva 2011/65/UE                                                                                V er. 160217  Marcado CE    Clase de equipo 1  Firma  Jerry Shen Nombre impreso  CEO Posición   Taipei, Taiwan Lugar de emisión  30/11/2015 Fecha original de Declaración  7/3/2016 Fecha correcta de Declaración  2016 Año del cual se comienza   la colocación del marcado CE  (marcado CE de conformidad)
Copyright©2016ASUSTeKCOMPUTERINC.AllRightsReserved.You acknowledge that all rights of this Manual remain with ASUS. Any and all rights, including without limitation, in the Manual or website,andshallremaintheexclusivepropertyofASUSand/oritslicensors.NothinginthisManualintendstotransferanysuchrights,or to vest any such rights to you.ASUSPROVIDESTHISMANUAL“ASIS”WITHOUTWARRANTYOFANYKIND.SPECIFICATIONSANDINFORMATIONCONTAINEDINTHISMANUALAREFURNISHEDFORINFORMATIONALUSEONLY,ANDARESUBJECTTOCHANGEATANYTIMEWITHOUTNOTICE,ANDSHOULDNOTBECONSTRUEDASACOMMITMENTBYASUS.ASUSAddress: 4F, No.150 Li-Te Rd., Peitou, Taipei, TaiwanTel: 886228943447Fax: 886228907698DeclarationWedeclarethattheIMEIcodesforthisproduct,ASUS Phone, are unique to each unit and only assigned to this model. The IMEI of each unit is factory set and cannot be altered by the user and that it complies with the relevant IMEI integrity related requirements expressedintheGSMstandards.Should you have any questions or comments regarding this matter, please contact us.Sincerely yours,ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.Tel:886228943447Fax:886228907698Support: Fans Forum (

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