ATI Automation 9105WNET Wireless Multi-Axis Force/Torque Transmitter User Manual 9620 05

ATI Industrial Automation Wireless Multi-Axis Force/Torque Transmitter 9620 05

User Manual - 9620-05

Engineered Products for Robotic ProductivityPinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: info@ati-ia.comWireless Force/Torque Sensor SystemInstallation and Operation ManualDocument #: 9620-05-Wireless FT-03May 2014
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  2ForewordInformation contained in this document is the property of ATI Industrial Automation, Inc. and shall not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written approval of ATI Industrial Automation, Inc. The information herein is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment of ATI Industrial Automation, Inc. This manual is periodically revised to reect and incorporate changes made to the F/T system.ATI Industrial Automation, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this document.Copyright © by ATI Industrial Automation, Inc., Apex, North Carolina USA. All Rights Reserved. Published in the USA.In consideration that ATI Industrial Automation, Inc. (ATI) products are intended for use with robotic and/or automated machines, ATI does not recommend the use of its products for applications wherein failure or malfunction of an ATI component or system threatens life or makes injury probable. Anyone who uses or incorporates ATI components within any potentially life-threatening system must obtain ATI’s prior consent based upon assurance to ATI that a malfunction of ATI’s component does not pose direct or indirect threat of injury or death, and (even if such consent is given) shall indemnify ATI from any claim, loss, liability, and related expenses arising from any injury or death resulting from use of ATI components.All trademarks belong to their respective owners. Windows™ is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. MicroSD is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC Wi-Fi Direct is a trademark of the Wi-Fi AllianceNotePlease read the manual before calling customer service. Before calling, have the following information available:1.  Serial number (e.g., FT01234)2.  Transducer model (e.g., Nano17, Gamma, Theta, etc.)3.  Calibration (e.g., US-15-50, SI-65-6, etc.)4.  Accurate and complete description of the question or problem5.  Computer and software information. Operating system, PC type, drivers, application software, and other relevant information about your conguration.If possible, be near the F/T system when calling.How to Reach UsSale, Service and Information about ATI products:ATI Industrial Automation 1031 Goodworth Drive Apex, NC 27539 USA Tel: 919.772.0115 Fax: 919.772.8259 E-mail: info@ati-ia.comTechnical support and questions:Application Engineering Tel: 919.772.0115, Option 2, Option 2 Fax: 919.772.8259 E-mail:
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 3Table of Contents1. Safety ......................................................................................................................................... 61.1 ExplanationofNotications .........................................................................................................61.2  General Safety Guidelines ............................................................................................................61.3  Safety Precautions ........................................................................................................................62.  System Overview ...................................................................................................................... 82.1  Wireless F/T WNet-3 ......................................................................................................................92.2  Wireless F/T WNet-6 ....................................................................................................................102.3 Antenna ........................................................................................................................................ 102.4  Micro USB Conector ................................................................................................................... 112.5 MicoSD™ Card Slot ..................................................................................................................... 112.6  External Power Adapter .............................................................................................................. 112.7  USB Cable .................................................................................................................................... 112.8  Removable Belt Clip .................................................................................................................... 112.9  Removable Battery ...................................................................................................................... 112.10  Controls and Indicators .............................................................................................................. 112.10.1  Power Button .................................................................................................................... 112.10.2  Power Button Indicator ..................................................................................................... 112.10.3  Transducer Status Indicators ............................................................................................ 122.10.4  Wireless Status Indicator .................................................................................................. 122.10.5  Battery Status Indicator .................................................................................................... 122.10.6  External Power Indicator .................................................................................................. 123. Installation .............................................................................................................................. 133.1  Typical Belt Clip Installation .......................................................................................................143.2  Typical Fixed Installation ............................................................................................................143.3  External Power Adapter Installation .......................................................................................... 143.4 InitialConguration ....................................................................................................................143.5 InstallingtheWirelessF/TJavaDemoApplicationonaPC ................................................... 163.6 StartingtheWirelessF/TJavaDemoApplication ....................................................................173.7 EstablishingaConnectiontotheWirelessF/TandMonitoringData ....................................183.8  Data Collection ............................................................................................................................193.8.1  Collecting and Storing Data on a MicroSD™ Card .......................................................... 193.8.2  Collecting and Storing Data on a PC or Network File ...................................................... 194. InstallingtheTransducer ....................................................................................................... 20
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  45.  Command Interface ................................................................................................................ 215.1  Communication Interfaces .........................................................................................................215.2  UPD Interface ...............................................................................................................................215.3  UDP Command Format  .............................................................................................................. 215.4 Commands ...................................................................................................................................226. Maintenance ............................................................................................................................ 456.1  Preventive Maintenance .............................................................................................................456.2 BatteryRechargingandReplacement ......................................................................................456.2.1  Charging Battery Internally ............................................................................................... 456.2.2  Charging Battery Externally .............................................................................................. 457. Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................... 468.  Serviceable Parts ................................................................................................................... 469. Specications ......................................................................................................................... 479.1 WirelessCharacteristics .............................................................................................................479.2  Power Requirements ...................................................................................................................479.3 PhysicalCharacteristics .............................................................................................................4710. RegulatoryInformation .......................................................................................................... 4810.1  FCC Statement .............................................................................................................................4810.2  Canadian Compliance Statement ..............................................................................................4911. Drawings ................................................................................................................................. 5011.1  Wireless Net F/T for 3 Transducers ........................................................................................... 5011.2  Wireless Net F/T for 6 Transducers ........................................................................................... 5112.  Terms and Conditions of Sale ............................................................................................... 52Appendix A – UDP Command CRC Calculation ......................................................................... 53AppendixB–InitialCongurationUsingaTelnetProgam(PuTTY) ........................................ 55B.1 InitialCongurationUsing ........................................................................................................55
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 5Glossary of TermsTerms DenitionsBig-endian Indicates the most signicant byte of a value is stored rst.DHCP Dynamic Host Conguration Protocol (DHCP) is an automatic method for Ethernet equipment to obtain an IP address. The WNet system can obtain its IP address using DHCP on networks that support this protocol.Ethernet Network Switch Ethernet network switches are electronic devices that connect multiple Ethernet cables to an Ethernet network while directing the ow of trafc.F/T Force/Torque.Gateway Settings The address of the router that handles a network’s Ethernet trafc.IEEE The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer, inc.IP Address An Internet Protocol Address (IP Address) is an electronic address assigned to an Ethernet device so that it may send and receive Ethernet data. IP addresses may be either manually selected by the user or automatically assigned by the DHCP protocol.IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) is a standard used for specifying the electronic address of an Ethernet device. The Wireless F/T supports only IPv4.MAC Address Media Access Control Addresses (MAC Addresses) are the unique addresses given to every Ethernet device when it is manufactured, to be used as an electronic Ethernet serial number.Network Order The order in which data values are placed on a network. The WNet’s network order is big-endianRDT Raw Data Transfer (RDT) is a fast and simple WNet protocol for control and data transfer via UDP.Sensor System The assembly consisting of all components from the transducer to the WNet box.Subnet Mask A string of numbers used to indicate which portion of a network’s IP addresses is common to all devices on the local network.TCP Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a method of exchanging information frequently used over Ethernet.UDP User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a low-level method of transmitting data over Ethernet. While UDP is faster than TCP, unlike TCP lost UDP data is not resent.USB Universal Serial Bus (USB). The WNet’s USB port conforms to this computer peripheral cabling standard.WLAN Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). The WNet system conforms to the IEEE 802.11 WLAN standard.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  61.  SafetyThe safety section describes general safety guidelines to be followed with this product, explanation of the notication found in this manual, and safety precaution that apply to the product. More specic notication are imbedded within the sections of the manual where they apply.1.1  ExplanationofNoticationsThe notications included here are specic to the product(s) covered by this manual. It is expected that the user heed all notications from the robot manufacturer and/or the manufacturers of other components used in the installation. DANGER:  Notication of information or instructions that if not followed will result in death or serious injury. The notication provides information about the nature of the hazardous situation, the consequences of not avoiding the hazard, and the method for avoiding the situation.WARNING: Notication of information or instructions that if not followed could result in death or serious injury. The notication provides information about the nature of the hazardous situation, the consequences of not avoiding the hazard, and the method for avoiding the situation.CAUTION: Notication of information or instructions that if not followed could result in moderate injury or will cause damage to equipment. The notication provides information about the nature of the hazardous situation, the consequences of not avoiding the hazard, and the method for avoiding the situation.NOTICE: Notication of specic information or instructions about maintaining, operating, installation, or setup of the product that if not followed could result in damage to equipment. The notication can emphasize but is not limited to specic grease types, good operating practices, or maintenance tips.1.2  General Safety GuidelinesThe customer should verify that the transducer selected is rated for maximum loads and moments expected during operation. Refer to F/T Transducer Manual (9620-05-Transducer Section—Installation and Operation Manual) or contact ATI Industrial Automation for assistance. Particular attention should be paid to dynamic loads caused by robot acceleration and deceleration. These forces can be many times the value of static forces in high acceleration or deceleration situations.1.3  Safety PrecautionsCAUTION: Do not remove any fasteners or disassemble the Wireless F/T. This will cause irreparable damage to the Wireless F/T and void the warranty. Leave all fasteners in place and do not disassemble the Wireless F/T.CAUTION: Do not remove any fasteners or disassemble transducers without a removable mounting adapter plate, these include Nano, Mini, IP-rated, and some Omega transducers. This will cause irreparable damage to the transducer and void the warranty. Leave all fasteners in place and do not disassemble the transducer.CAUTION: Do not exert excessive force on the transducer. The transducer is a sensitive instrument and can be damaged by applying force exceeding the single-axis overload values of the transducer and cause irreparable damage. Small Nano and Mini transducers can easily be overloaded during installation, refer to the F/T Transducer manual (9620-05-Transducer Section) for specic transducer overload values.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 7CAUTION: When setting up the Wireless F/T system adhere to the minimum bend radius. Bending the cables tighter than the minimum will cause damage to the cable. Refer to the F/T Transducer manual (9620-05-Transducer Section) for minimum bend radii.CAUTION: Damage to the outer jacketing of the transducer cable could enable moisture or water to enter an otherwise sealed transducer. Ensure the cable jacketing is in good condition to prevent transducer damage
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  82.  System OverviewThe Wireless F/T can stream data to an existing wireless access point on the network. The Wireless F/T can stream six-axis measurements to the user’s host device for data collection, real-time motion control, or user-dened signal processing.The range and performance of the Wireless F/T device is derived from the IEEE 802.11 standard. Actual performance may vary due to conditions, wireless infrastructure, and other variables. Refer to Section 9—Specications for more details. Figure2.1—SignalPathtoaComputer,UsingaWirelessAccessPointPC HostTransducerWireless F/TWireless Infrastructure AccessThe Wireless F/T is a small signal conditioner and IEEE 802.11 wireless device for up to six ATI Multi-Axis Force/Torque transducers. The device supports TW transducers (such as Nano and Mini); transducers with integrated electronics are not supported.  The Wireless F/T can stream F/T six-axis measurements to the user’s host device for data collection, real-time motion control, or user-dened signal processing. The device is equipped with a slot for a MicroSD™ card, the card can be used to collect and store data. Transducer calibration settings can be downloaded into the Wireless F/T to allow users to easily replace transducers in the eld for new congurations. The Wireless F/T is contained in an impact, splash, and dust resistant housing.The Wireless F/T unit is certied with the antenna attached, the antenna can be pivoted 90° so the unit can be use in small conned spaces. Fixed mounting is accommodated with the four robust threaded inserts on the back plate of the housing. The unit can also be attached with a quick-removable belt clip for mobile applications. Both Wireless F/T models can be powered by an internal rechargeable battery for more mobile applications. The units can also be powered with a 5VDC external power adapter using the USB connector. The Wireless F/T has a battery charge status indicator that provides a low-battery warning. The battery can be charged internally or externally. The external power indicator is active when charging the battery internally or an external power adapter is used.Wireless F/Ts include a rechargeable battery, antenna, external battery charger and USB cable. Optional desktop battery charger and international power cords are available, refer to Section 8—Serviceable Parts for more details.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 92.1  Wireless F/T WNet-3The Wireless F/T WNet-3 model can interface with up to three ATI Multi-Axis Force/Torque transducers simultaneously. Each of the three transducer connectors has a transducer status indicator. The device has a rechargeable battery that can power the device for approximately two hours at full measurement rate with all three transducers enabled. The battery life can be extended at lower rates and/or by disabling one or more transducers.Figure2.2—Wireless F/T WNet-3External Power AdapterRemovable BatteryUSB CableTW TransducerTransducer Serial Number LabelAntennaWireless Status Indicator(3) Transducer ConnectorsPower Button with Indicator(3) Transducer Status IndicatorsExternal Power IndicatorBattery Status IndicatorMicroSD CardTransducer Serial Number Label(s)Battery Door Lock(4) Fixed MountingThreaded InsertsMicro USB ConnectorMicroSD Card SlotRemovable Belt ClipSection 2.10.3Section 2.10.2Section 2.10.6Section 2.10.5Section 2.10.4
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  102.2  Wireless F/T WNet-6The Wireless F/T WNet-6 model can interface with up to six ATI Multi-Axis Force/Torque transducers simultaneously. Each of the six transducer connectors has a transducer status indicator. The device has a rechargeable battery that can power the device for approximately one hour at full measurement rate with all six transducers enabled. The battery life can be extended at lower rates and/or by disabling one or more transducers.Figure2.3—Wireless F/T WNet-6External Power AdapterRemovable BatteryUSB CableTW TransducerTransducer Serial Number LabelAntennaWireless Status Indicator(6) Transducer ConnectorsPower Button with Indicator(6) Transducer Status IndicatorsExternal Power IndicatorBattery Status IndicatorMicroSD CardTransducer Serial Number Label(s)Battery Door Lock(4) Fixed MountingThreaded InsertsMicro USB ConnectorMicroSD Card SlotRemovable Belt ClipSection 2.10.2Section 2.10.3Section 2.10.6Section 2.10.5Section  AntennaThe Wireless F/T Unit has been certied with the antenna. The antenna can pivot 90° to allow the Wireless F/T unit to t into small conned spaces.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 112.4  Micro USB ConectorThe Wireless F/T unit has a Micro USB connector that can be used to power the unit and charge the battery using an external power adapter.2.5  MicoSD™ Card SlotThe WNet unit has a MicroSD card slot that can be used to store data on a customer supplied MircoSD card. The le system supports les sizes up to 4 G bytes. If using a MicroSD card to store data, the system will create a subdirectory \ATI and a  Fn.dat data le on the MicroSD card. If multiple sessions are saved on the MicroSD card the system will sequence the data le F1.dat, F2.dat ... etc. Refer to Section 5—Command Interface for more information.2.6  External Power AdapterThe external power adapter is a 5V 10W battery charging adapter that provides a power source to operate the unit and charge the battery. The adapter operates on 100 to 240 AC Input voltage and provides a USB Micro-A output connector. Interchagable AC clips that t over the US prongs are available for international use.2.7  USB CableThe USB cable connects the external power adapter to the Wireless F/T unit and provides USB Type A and Micro-B USB connectors.2.8  Removable Belt ClipThe Wireless F/T unit has a removable belt clip for easily mounting and removal from human or humanoid robot applications. 2.9  Removable BatteryA rechargeable lithium-polymer battery is provided with the Wireless F/T unit. The battery can be charged using the external power adapter through the micro USB connector, refer to Section 6.2—Battery Recharging and Replacement for more information.2.10  Controls and IndicatorsThe Wireless F/T has controls and integrated status indicators. The Status indicator information is periodically transmitted over the wireless network to the host device. See Figure 2.2—Wireless F/T WNet-3 or Figure 2.3— Wireless F/T WNet-6 for location of controls and indicators.2.10.1 Power ButtonThe Power Button turns power on and off to the unit. The recessed power on/off switch has an integrated system status indicator and supports auto power-off. The Power Button supports the following functionality:•  Press the button once to power the unit up. •  Press button for approximately 2 seconds to power the unit down. •  Press the button for about 10 seconds to power cycle the system.The power cycling the system will reset the DHCP, IP address, subnet mask, gateway settings, and authenticated user password to the last saved settings.2.10.2 Power Button IndicatorThis indicator is located within the recessed power switch.Table 2.1—System Status IndicatorBehavior DescriptionOff Indicates the system is either off or in charging-only mode.Steady Blue Indicates the system is on.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  122.10.3 Transducer Status IndicatorsThe Wireless F/T WNet-3 has three transducer status indicators on the front of the device, below its corresponding connector. The Wireless F/T WNet-6 has six transducer indicators, three on the front of the device and three on the back below its corresponding connector.Table 2.2—Transducer Status IndicatorsBehavior DescriptionSteady Green Indicates normal transducer operation.Steady Red Indicates a fault with the transducer.Off Indicates the transducer is off, the entire unit is off, or the unit is in charging-only mode.2.10.4 Wireless Status IndicatorThe wireless status indicator is on the front of the Wireless F/T below the antenna connector.Table 2.3—Wireless Status IndicatorBehavior DescriptionSteady Green Indicates the unit is connected to an Access Point and there have been no recent wireless errors.Flashing Green Indicates the unit is attempting to connect to an Access Point.Steady Red Indicates the unit is connected to an Access Point, and an error has been recently detected.Flashing Red Indicates the wireless subsystem is recovering from a lock-up condition. Refer to Section 7—TroubleshootingOff Indicates the unit is either off or in charging-only mode, or the WLAN is set to off.2.10.5 Battery Status IndicatorThe battery indicator is on the front of the device next to the battery compartment.Table 2.4—Battery Status IndicatorBehavior DescriptionSteady Green Indicates the battery is charged.Flashing Green Indicates the battery is charging.Flashing Red Indicates the battery charge is almost depleted.Steady Red Indicates a battery fault, such as the battery voltage is too low, or the battery is too warm, or is missing.Off Indicates the unit is off.2.10.6 External Power IndicatorThe external power indicator is on the front of the unit next to the left-side located USB connector.Table 2.5—External Power Status IndicatorBehavior DescriptionSteady Green Indicates the external power source connected to the USB port is operating normally.Steady Red Indicates the external power source connected to the USB port is not supplying proper voltage.Off Indicates there is no external power adapter connected to the USB port, or it is not functioning.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 133.  InstallationThe Wireless F/T system consist of several components: Wireless F/T unit, transducer, external power adapter, USB cable, and software CD. The Wireless F/T unit must be set up and congured before installing the transducer so that forces can be monitored during installation. The Wireless F/T has a removable belt clip that can be used for mobile application. There is also a xed mounting option that uses four threaded inserts on the rear of the housing. To set up the Wireless F/T system, perform the following steps:1.  Unpack the system components from the container. 2.  Using a at head screw driver, turn the quarter turn screw and open the battery door (Note: 90 degrees clockwise to open and 90 degrees counterclockwise to close). Insert the battery, close and secure the battery door. (Note: the battery will only t in one way with the label on the battery facing the front of the Wireless F/T Unit as shown in Figure 2.2 or Figure 2.3). If the unit is to be powered by an external power adapter refer to Section 3.3—External Power Adapter Installation.3.  Attach the antenna to the Wireless F/T Unit.4.  Ensure each Transducer and the corresponding Wireless F/T connector are labeled with the same serial number, refer to Figure 2.2 or Figure 2.3. Connect the transducer cable to the connector on the Wireless F/T unit. (Note: The cable connector has a notch that ensures the proper orientation to the connector on the Wireless F/T unit. The connector may have to be rotated until the notch lines up with the connector on the wireless unit. The connector will drop into place when they are lined up). Tighten the connector nger tight.5.  Connect the USB cable to the Wireless F/T unit and the external power adapter provided. Plug the power adapter into the wall. 6.  Wait for the battery charge Status indicator to transition from ashing to solid green indicating the battery is fully charged. This will take approximately XXX minutes with a factory-new battery.7.  Disconnect the USB cable from the power supply and plug into USB port on the computer to be used to congure the Wireless F/T unit. Refer to Figure 3.1. Note: The computer connected to the USB port does not provide sufcient source to keep the battery charged. Figure3.1—ConnecttheUSBcablefromtheWirelessunittotheComputerConnect the USB cable to the ComputerComputer Used to Configure the Wireless F/T Unit
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  148.  Momentarity press the power button, the system status indicator will turn on blue once then turn off indicating system normal.NOTICE: The system will take a moment to initialize; after initialization the Battery indicator should illuminate steady green indicating charged. The Transducer status indicator that the Transducer is connected to should illuminate steady green indicating normal condition. The Transmit Status Indicator will ash green until the Wireless F/T is congured and connected to a wireless network.9.  Install the Wireless F/T unit, refer to Section 3.1—Typical Belt Clip Installation or Section 3.2—Typical Fixed Installation.10. If using an external Power adapter, refer to Section 3.3—External Power Adapter Installation for instructions11. Congure the Wireless FT unit, refer to Section3.4—InitialConguration.CAUTION: Damage to the outer jacketing of the transducer cable could enable moisture or water to enter an otherwise sealed transducer. Ensure the cable jacketing is in good condition to prevent transducer damage.3.1  Typical Belt Clip InstallationThe location of the Wireless F/T is important, keep in mind that a unobstructed environment from the Wireless F/T to the wireless access point will improve signal strength. Attach the Wireless F/T using the belt clip to a suitable and safe location. Refer to Section 4—Installing the Transducer for installation instruction for the transducer and routing the transducer cable. If an external power adapter is being used, refer to Section 3.3—External Power Adapter Installation for information.3.2  Typical Fixed InstallationTo install the Wireless F/T in a xed location refer to Section 11—Drawings for details on the threaded insert hole pattern dimensions. The location of the Wireless F/T is important. Keep in mind that an unobstructed environment from the Wireless F/T to the wireless access point will improve signal strength. If an external power adapter is being used, refer to Section 3.3—External Power Adapter Installation for information. Refer to Section 4—Installing the Transducer for installation instruction for the transducer and routing the transducer cable.3.3  External Power Adapter InstallationThe unit does not require a battery to be present in order to be powered by an external power adapter. The external power adapter can be used after the initial conguration is complete. Plug the external power adapter.For installations that will repeatedly bend the USB cable, route the external power adapter cables so that it is not stressed, pulled, kinked, cut, or otherwise damaged throughout the full range of motion. If the desired application results in the cable rubbing, then use a loose plastic spiral wrap for protection. Connect the USB cable to the power supply and to the Wireless F/T’s USB connector. 3.4  InitialCongurationThe Wireless F/T must be congured before communicating with the device. The following procedure will help provide steps to congure the Wireless F/T.1.  Install the Virtual Communication Port Driverper the instructions found at: Select the instructions for the operating system running on the computer being used to congure the wireless F/T system. Follow the instructions to load the device driver on the computer.2.   Remove the WNet software CD from the package and insert it into the CD drive on your computer or visit our website ( and locate the WirelessFTSetup.exe le. The example in Figure 3.2 shows the Wireless F/T Setup program main screen.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 15Figure3.2—WirelessF/TSetupprogram3.   Select the COM port corresponding to your Wireless F/T. If you have more than one device connected, you can use Windows Device Manager to differentiate between them. You may need to press the “Refresh” button if your device was just connected to the PC or is still booting up. When you have selected the appropriate device, press the “Connect” button.4.   If your device is not already connected to the appropriate network, you can use the “Network (SSID)” tab to select from a list of networks the device found while powering up. If your network does not appear on the list, you can still type it in manually. If your network is password-enabled, you may enter that here as well.NOTICE: The Wireless F/T will not connect to the new network until the device is reset.Figure3.3—Network(SSID)Settings5.   Obtain the following information from your network administrator: IP Address to use for the unit, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, SSID, and whether the Wi-Fi network operates on the 2.4 or 5 gigahertz spectrum. You may not need all of this information if your device operates on DHCP.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  166.  Select the “IP Settings” tab in the setup program and enter the appropriate information from step #5, as below. Note that in this example DHCP is enabled, so editing the Device IP, Gateway, and Subnet mask settings is not necessary.Figure3.4—IPSettings7.   When you have made all the appropriate changes to the device settings, press the “OK” button to apply the changes to the connected WNet unit and close the window.NOTICE: The Changes will not take effect until AFTER the Wireless F/T has been reset. Do this by pressing the power button on the side of the device for two seconds to power off. Press it again to power up.3.5  InstallingtheWirelessF/TJavaDemoApplicationonaPCThe following steps are provided to install the Wireless F/T Java Demo application on a PC.1.  Remove the WNet software CD from the package and insert it into the CD drive on your computer or visit our website ( and locate the WirelessFTJavaDemo.jar le.2.  Copy or download the WirelessFTJavaDemo.jar le to the directory desired. NOTICE: Java version 1.7 or later must be installed on the PC, if not visit to download and install the latest version of Java.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 173.6  StartingtheWirelessF/TJavaDemoApplicationLocate the WirelessFTJavaDemo.jar le in windows explorer and double click on it. The Initial screen will appear.Figure3.5—Initial Screen
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  183.7  EstablishingaConnectiontotheWirelessF/TandMonitoringDataTo establish a connection to the Wireless F/T, enter the IP address from the Section 3.4—Initial Conguration that was designated for the Wireless F/T Unit into the “Wireless F/T Address or Name” eld. If you don’t know the IP Address, you can press the “Discover…” button to nd which devices are currently on the network. Once you have selected your Wireless F/T, press the “Connect” button. The application will immediately begin displaying streaming data from the Transducers connected to the Wireless F/T Unit. The LED status from the Wireless F/T unit will also be displayed graphically and an on screen log of the error messages is displayed at the bottom of the screen.Figure3.6—EstablishaConnectionThe data type displayed can be switched from FT Data to raw Gage data by clicking the corresponding buttons. The Bias buttons for each transducer will set the current load level as the new zero point. If the maximum overload value of a transducer is exceeded, the demo program will display red text for the transducer which exceeded its max value (i.e. became “saturated”).
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 193.8  Data CollectionThere are two ways data can be stored, data can be collected and stored on a le on a PC or network directory or it can be collected and stored on the customers MicroSD™ card plugged into the Wireless F/T unit.3.8.1  CollectingandStoringDataonaMicroSD™ CardTo collect and store data on a MicroSD™ card ..........Figure3.7—Sample F.dat Data File3.8.2  CollectingandStoringDataonaPCorNetworkFileTo collect data to a le, enter the path and le name or click the “…” button to the left of the eld and select an existing le (or enter the name of a new le). Click the “Collect Data” button to begin collecting data. Once you have the desired amount of data, click the “Stop” button to stop collecting data. The measurement data is stored in comma-separated value format (CSV) so it can be read by spreadsheets and data-analysis programs. Name your le with a .CSV extension. If you are planning on collecting large amounts of data, it is a good idea to understand any limitations your spreadsheet or data analysis program may have on the number of rows it can work with.Figure3.8—Sample CSV Data File Opened in MS Excel
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  204.  InstallingtheTransducerInformation on the environment, mounting the transducer, interface plate design, and routing the transducer cable can be found in the F/T Transducer Installation and Operation manual (9620-Transducer Section). The transducer must be monitored during installation for gage saturation errors. Refer Section 3.7—Establishing a Connection to the Wireless F/T and Monitoring Data to monitor the transducer during installation.CAUTION: Do not exceed the single-axis overload value of the transducer. Smaller transducers can easily be irreparably damaged by apply small loads using tools (moment arm increases applied loads) when mounting the transducer. Always monitor the transducer using the demo application for Gage saturation errors during installation. Stop applying force to the transducer and wait until the error clears to continue installation. If error does not clear, it may indicate loss of power or the overload value has been exceeded.Mounting Fasteners (Supplied by User)Robot or other Device with User designed interface plate attachedMini or NanoTransducerToolMounting fasteners (Supplied by User)Computer Running Demo Application
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 215.  Command InterfaceThe WNet unit must be installed, setup and congured  prior to using any command interfaces. Refer to Section 3—Installation for Installation, setup, and conguration of the WNet unit. 5.1  Communication InterfacesThe Wireless F/T can be setup and congured using a text-based command prompt console interface.The Console Interface can be accessed two ways:•  Commands can be sent over the USB Connection over the wireless connector as a virtual serial port•  Telnet server listening on TCP Port 235.2  UPD InterfaceThe WNET unit listens on UDP port 49152 for commands. Any streaming UDP packets are sent to the current Destination IP address until a UDP command is received. When the WNET unit receives a UDP command from any IP address, the UDP packets are sent to whichever port the request came from.The UDP server uses binary format for commands and responses.  All multi-byte values use big-endian, which is the same as network order. 5.3  UDP Command Format All UDP commands to the WNET unit have the following format:Table 5.1—UDP Command FormatField Name Format Length(bytes) Commentslength unsigned short 2 Total length of this message, including CRCsequence unsigned char 1 Sequence number. Used to identify missing messages.command unsigned char 1 Command numberpayload unsigned char(s) length - 6 Command operands (if any)crc unsigned short 2 See Appendix A – UDP Command CRC Calculation, for details  This format can be rendered into C as:struct udp_RecvFrame_S{   unsigned short length;        // Total length of this message   unsigned char  sequence;      // sequence number of this message   unsigned char  command;       // command number   unsigned char  parameters[0]; // command operands } __attribute__ ((__packed__));These commands are currently implemented:Table 5.2—Current Command ImplementationNumber Name Comments1 Start streaming Start streaming for either a xed or unlimited number of packets2 Stop streaming Stops streaming3 Set packet transmission rate Sets packet transmission rate. All transducers use the same rate.4 Ping Sends a no-payload Pong response back to the sender.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  225.4  CommandsThese commands are available to any user, including commands to enter authenticated user and technician user modes.  All users can read any information about the system, including values that only authenticated or technician users can write to.H, HELP, or “?” These commands print a summary of the Console commands supported by the WNet unit.A [S] => ADC Single read (Analog Board) This command reads the ADC converters from the Analog Board one time, and prints the results. For example:Tr Ch ADC-Raw -- -- -------  1  0 -12976  1  1 -25950  1  2 -31035  1  3      0  1  4      0  1  5      0  2  0 -12971  2  1 -25940  2  2 -31024  2  3      0  2  4      0  2  5      0  3  0 -12961  3  1 -25920  3  2 -31020  3  3      0  3  4      0  3  5      0AD => read all processor analog inputs This command reads the processor analog inputs (Digital Board) and prints the results. For example:Pin Voltage --- ------- PD7 2.037 PE2 2.407 PE3 2.409 PE4 2.237 PE5 2.233 PE6 2.141 Temperature 33*CADCBW [FULL | 1/4] => set ADC bandwidth This command selects the bandwidth for low-pass lter to either FULL or 1/4. Refer to the Selectable Low-Pass Filter section in the ADC data sheet for details. For ADC testing only.1/4  →  1/4 of bandwidth, uses an additional series resistor to further bandwidth limit the noise. Maximum throughput must also be reduced to ¼. FULL →  full bandwidth
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 23ADCDEL [1 -> 2000] => set minimum ADC conversion time in 12.5 nS units This command sets the conversion delay time for the ADCs on the Analog Board when samples are being read from the same physical ADC. Each count = 1 / 80,000,000 second = 12.5 nS. If the delay is too short, the analog measurements will have additional noise. If the delay is too long, time is wasted. Because sampling from multiple transducers is interleaved, this value usually matters only if you reading samples from a single Transducer. For ADC testing only.ADCINCC [0 -> 7] => set the ADC Input Channel CongurationThis command controls the input channel conguration, which consists of the selection of pseudo bipolar, pseudo differential, pairs, single-ended, or temperature sensor. Refer to the Input Congurations section of the ADC data sheet for details. Note that the rmware will automatically convert unipolar to bipolar as needed after each sample is read.0.  Bipolar  differential pairs; INx− referenced to       VREF/2 ± 0.1 V. 1. “ 2.  Bipolar;                     INx  referenced to COM = VREF/2 ± 0.1 V. 3.  Temperature sensor. 4.  Unipolar differential pairs; INx− referenced to       GND    ± 0.1 V. 5. “ 6.  Unipolar,                    INx  referenced to COM = GND    ± 0.1 V. 7.  Unipolar,                    INx  referenced to       GND.ADCREF [0 -> 7] => set the ADC referenceThis command controls the selection of internal, external, external buffered, and enabling of the ADC on-chip temperature sensor. Refer to the Voltage Reference Output/Input section of the ADC data sheet for details. For ADC testing only.0.  Internal reference, REF = 2.5   V output, temperature enabled. 1.  Internal reference, REF = 4.096 V output, temperature enabled. 2.  External reference,                       temperature enabled. 3.  External reference, internal buffer,      temperature enabled. 4.  Undened 5.  Undened 6.  External reference,                       temperature disabled. 7.  External reference, internal buffer,      temperature disabled. ANALOG [ON | OFF] => Turns Analog power (ANALOG_SHDN) on or offThis command controls the ANALOG_SHDN bit to the Analog Board.ANTENNA [INT | EXT] => select internal or external antennaThis command selects whether the WLAN Module uses its internal antenna or an external antenna.AUTOZ   => Auto Zero the Active Transducer/CalibrationThis command auto zeros the offset settings for the active Transducer and Calibration. BAND [2.4 | 5] => select 2.4 or 5 GHz BandThis command selects whether the WLAN Module uses the 2.4 GHz or the 5 GHz band.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  24BAT [ON | OFF | seconds] => Battery log on, off, toggle, or number of secondsThis command turns a battery status log on and off. This log is used for testing the operation of the battery, the Battery Charger, and the Gas Gage. A log entry is generated once per second. The log records the following data items:a.  day and time since last system restartb.  charging voltage, as measured by the processor (at VPROG = PE3)c.  battery voltage, as measured by the Gas Gauge (at SENSE-)d.  Gas Gage Accumulated Charge Register (Ah)e.  USB power present ag (yes or no)f.  USB Battery Charger Detect (yes or no)g.  generated battery level (0 to 10)h.  Basis of the battery charge estimate method, voltage or currenti.  Battery Charger status messagej.  USB current limit USBILIM (mA)k.  battery temperature (°C)l.  CPU temperature (°C)m.  Gas Gauge temperature (°C)n.  ADC temperature for each powered Transducer (°C). Day-Time    VPROG GGVolt Charge:Ah USBPwr USBBCD BatLvl Based BatteryChargerStatus    USBILIM Batt*C  CPU*C   GG*C   T4*C   T5*C   T6*C --------    ----- ------ --------- ------ ------ ------ ----- --------------------    ------- ------  -----   ----   ----   ----   ----  0-18:42:43 0.000  3.806     1.443     No     No      6 Volt  ChargerOff              100      -19.0   39.8   37.5   25.0   24.8   27.2  0-18:42:44 0.000  3.806     1.443     No     No      6 Volt  ChargerOff              100      -19.0   39.8   37.5   25.1   24.7   27.2  0-18:42:45 0.000  3.806     1.443     No     No      6 Volt  ChargerOff              100      -19.0   39.9   37.5   25.1   24.7   27.2  0-18:42:46 0.000  3.806     1.443     No     No      6 Volt  ChargerOff              100      -19.0   39.9   37.5   24.9   24.7   27.2  0-18:42:47 0.000  3.802     1.443     No     No      6 Volt  ChargerOff              100      -19.0   39.9   37.5   25.0   24.7   27.2  0-18:42:48 0.000  3.802     1.443     No     No      6 Volt  ChargerOff              100      -19.0   39.9   37.5   24.9   24.7   27.2
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 25BC => print all Battery Charger registersThis command prints all Battery Charger registers in a decoded format. For example:BC: 0 = 60 DISABLE_INPUT_UVCL = Enabled            EN_BAT_CONDITIONER = Enabled > 60*C            LOCKOUT_ID_PIN     = Autonomous Start-up Disabled            USBILIM            = 100 mA max BC: 1 = 20 PRIORITY           = Wall Input Prioritized            TIMER              = 8 Hr or C/x indication            WALLILIM           = 100 mA max BC: 2 = fe ICHARGE            = 100 % => 2238 mA with RPROG = 536 Ohms            CXSET              =   2 % =>   44 mA            VFLOAT             = 4.20 V BC: 3 = 03 CHARGER_STATUS     = Charger Off            ID_PIN_DETECT      = No Detection: We are USB OTG-B peripheral            OTG_ENABLED        = Step-Up Switching Regulator Inactive            NTCSTAT            = too cold:  <  0*C            LOWBAT             = not meaningful BC: 4 = 00 EXT_PWR_GOOD       = Battery Power Only            USBSNS_GOOD        = Voltage Invalid            WALLSNS_GOOD       = Voltage Invalid            AT_INPUT_ILIM      = Input Current Limit Inactive            INPUT_UVCL_ACTIVE  = Input UVCL Inactive            OVP_ACTIVE         = No Fault            OTG_FAULT          = No Fault            BAD_CELL           = No Fault BC: 5 = ff NTCVAL Temperature = 127 => -19*C            NTC_WARNING        = Too Warm or Too Cold to Charge BC: 6 = 00 ENABLE_CHARGER_INT = Disabled            ENABLE_FAULT_INT   = Disabled            ENABLE_EXTPWR_INT  = Disabled            ENABLE_OTG_INT     = Disabled            ENABLE_AT_ILIM_INT = Disabled            ENABLE_INPUT_UVCL_INT= Disabled            REQUEST_OTG        = Step-Up Voltage Regulator Automatic or DisabledBC [reg 0 -> 7] [hex byte] => write a Battery Charger registerThis command allows you to modify any writable Battery Charger register.BIAS [* | Transducer 1 -> 6] [OFF] => Set Bias on selected TransducerThis command allows you to set (or turn off) the bias on any or all Transducers.BRIGHT [0 -> 100%] => Set Analog Board LED brightnessThis command sets the brightness level of all LEDs on the Analog Board as a group. Brightness ranges from 0% to 100%.C => Exit Continuous ModeThe continuous mode commands are provided as a test mode for the Analog Board. This command exits the continuous mode.C [A] [channels 012345678 any combination ordered list]This command will cause the ADC input from the selected channels (for the Active Transducer) to be printed continuously as fast as possible in the order requested.C [D] [DAC 0 -> 7]This command causes the selected DAC (for the Active Transducer) to be written continuously.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  26C [E] [EEPOT 0 -> 5]This command causes the selected EEPOT output (for the Active Transducer) to be written continuously.CAL => View Active Transducer/CalibrationThis command allows you to view the Calibration Matrix for the Active Transducer and Calibration. This includes all of its associated parameters. For example, in a test system this command printed the following report:Tr Cal   Gain Offset Row           G0        G1        G2        G3        G4        G5  Properties -- ---   ---- ------ ---           --        --        --        --        --        --  ----------  1   0      0  32768   0 Fx         1         0         0         0         0         0  Serial: Serial-1  1   0      0  32768   1 Fy         0         1         0         0         0         0  Date:   1970/01/01  1   0      0  32768   2 Fz         0         0         1         0         0         0  Part:   Part-1  1   0      0  32768   3 Tx         0         0         0         1         0         0  Force:  12 counts/N  1   0      0  32768   4 Ty         0         0         0         0         1         0  Torque: 34 counts/N  1   0      0  32768   5 Tz         0         0         0         0         0         1  Mult:   OFF  1                 0 MaxRatings:  1                 0                0         0         0         0         0         0CAL [MATRIX] [Row: 0 -> 5] [Gage: 0 -> 5] [oat-values] => Change Active Matrix element(s)This command allows you to modify a multiple elements of the active calibration matrix. You can initialize an entire matrix by typing CAL MAT 0 0 followed by 36 values. Array overow is checked so that you cannot exceed the limits of the matrix.CAL [GAIN  ] [* | Row: 0 -> 5] [0 ->  1023] => Change Active gainThis command allows you to set the gain for any or all of the 6 strain gages. This command operates on the Active Transducer and Active Calibration.CAL [OFFSET] [* | Row: 0 -> 7] [0 -> 65535] => Change Active offsetThis command allows you to set the offset for any or all of the 6 strain gages, and also the two unused channels 6 and 7. This command operates on the Active Transducer and Active Calibration.CAL [MAX] [Row: 0 -> 5] [oat-value] => Set Max Rating valueThis command allows you to set any of the 6 oating-point Max Rating values.CAL [SERIAL] [10-character string] => Change Active serial numberThis command allows you to set the serial number associated with the active calibration.CAL [DATE] [12-character string] => Change Active dateThis command allows you to set the date associated with the active calibration.CAL [PART] [32-character string] => Change Active part numberThis command allows you to set the part number associated with the active calibration.CAL [FORCE] [integer-value] [10-byte string] => Set Force  Counts & UnitsThis command allows you to set the Force Counts and Force Units associated with the active calibration.CAL [TORQUE] [integer-value] [20-byte string] => Set Torque Counts & UnitsThis command allows you to set the Torque Counts and Torque Units associated with the active calibration.CAL [MULT] [*] [ON | OFF] => Matrix Multiply on/offThis command allows you to turn matrix multiplication on and off for the Active (or all) Transducers. This command applies only to the active calibration of each Transducer.CPLD [ON | OFF] => Turns CPLD Chip Select on or offThis command allows you to set the CPLD JTAG Chip Select bit PD7. This command is for board test purposes only. If this bit is left on, no other SSI0 communications will work.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 27TRANS [Transducer 1 -> 6] => Set Active TransducerThis command allows you to change the active Transducer. It will also show you the Active Calibration for each Transducer, and which Transducer is currently active.Tr Active-Calibrations -- -------------------  1  0 <-- Active Transducer  2  0  3  0CALIB [Calibration 0 -> 2] => Set Active CalibrationThis command allows you to change the active Calibration. It will also show you the Active Calibration for each Transducer, and which Transducer is currently active.Tr Active-Calibrations -- -------------------  1  0 <-- Active Transducer  2  0  3  0G [* | channel 0 -> 5] [gain 0 -> 1023] => Change Active GainThis command allows you to change the gain for any or all of the 6 strain gages. This command is a shorthand version of CAL GAIN. This command operates on the Active Transducer and Active Calibration.O [* | channel 0 -> 7] [offset 0 -> 65535] => Change Active OffsetThis command allows you to change the offset for any or all of the 6 strain gages, and also the two unused channels 6 and 7. This command is a shorthand version of CAL OFFSET. This command operates on the Active Transducer and Active Calibration.D [ON | OFF] => Dump packet on, off, or toggleThis command turns the dumping of outgoing UDP data packets to the console on and off.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  28DEVICES => print device listThis command prints a list of all devices that communicate with the processor through I2C or SPI busses. The list includes the device, the status, the bus, the bus address (when applicable), the Transducer associated with the device (if any), and the device temperature (if available). For example, the DEVICES command was issued in a system with only Analog Board 1, no Transducers connected, and the battery temperature sensor disconnected. It produced the following report:Device          State Bus  Ad Tr Temperature Voltage Current ------          ----- ---  -- -- ----------- ------- ------- Processor       Good               49.5 *C SDCARD          Good  SSI0 Serial Flash    Good  SSI0 Battery         NTC               -19.0 *C Battery Charger Good  I2C0 64 Gas Gage        Good  I2C0 09      39.8 *C   3540 mV WLAN Module     Good  SSI1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analog Board 1: CPLD v.02       Good  SSI0 3c EEPROM          Good  SSI0 3bADC             Good  SSI0 20  4   27.4 *C   4936 mV    5 mA DAC             Good  SSI0 24  4 EEPOT0          Good  SSI0 25  4 EEPOT1          Good  SSI0 26  4 EEPOT2          Good  SSI0 27  4ADC             Good  SSI0 28  5   27.2 *C   4884 mV    0 mA DAC             Good  SSI0 2c  5 EEPOT0          Good  SSI0 2d  5 EEPOT1          Good  SSI0 2e  5 EEPOT2          Good  SSI0 2f  5ADC             Good  SSI0 30  6   30.1 *C   4888 mV    0 mA DAC             Good  SSI0 34  6 EEPOT0          Good  SSI0 35  6 EEPOT1          Good  SSI0 36  6 EEPOT2          Good  SSI0 37  6DESTIP [n.n.n.n] => Set Destination IPThis command sets the destination IP address for outgoing UDP data packets. Note that this IP address will only stay in effect until modied, either by this command again, or by the receipt of a UDP command to send packets to some other IP address.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 29EEPOT => print resistance-tolerance & end-to-end resistance of all EEPOTsThis command prints the resistance tolerance and end-to-end resistance of all powered EEPOTs on the Analog Board. For example:>eepot Tr Chip  Raw Tolerance(%) Resistance(K-Ohms) -- ----  --- ------------ ------------------  1   0  810b     1.042      25.260  1   1  8582     5.507      26.376  1   2  8522     5.132      26.283  2   0  809e     0.617      25.154  2   1  8507     5.027      26.256  2   2  80d6     0.835      25.208  3   0  806f     0.433      25.108  3   1  854f     5.308      26.327  3   2  82ed     2.925      25.731EEPOT TEST [Transducer 1 -> 6] [Chip 0 -> 2] [24-bit command] => Send command to selected EEPOT & see the responseThis command allows you to send any arbitrary command to an EEPOT and see the response. For possible commands please consult the ADN2850 data sheet, under “Theory of Operation”. For example, to read the EEMEM content from Transducer 1, Chip 0, memory location 15:>eepot test 1 0 0x9f0000 Tr=1 Chip=0 Tx=9f0000 Rx=9f810bEEPOT DUMP => Dump the memory of all EEPOTsThis command allows you to dump the memory of all EEPOTs in a system. This includes both RDACs and the 16 EEMEM locations. For example:>eepot dump Tr Ch  DAC0 DAC1    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15 -- --  ---- ----    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -   --   --   --   --   --   --  1  0  0000 0005 0200 0200 0007 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 810b  1  1  0003 0004 0200 0200 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 8582  1  2  0002 0001 0200 0200 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 8522  2  0  0000 0000 0200 0200 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 809e  2  1  0000 0000 0200 0200 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 8507  2  2  0000 0000 0200 0200 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 80d6  3  0  0000 0000 0200 0200 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 806f  3  1  0000 0000 0200 0200 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 854f  3  2  0000 0000 0200 0200 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 82edFACTORY => Restore all calibrations and IP settings to factory defaultsThis command restores all parameters, calibrations, and IP settings to the factory defaults. Use with caution, as this command also erases the parameters in serial ash.FCLOSE => Close all lesThis command closes all les in the serial ash le system. The le system is saved to serial ash, and can now survive a processor reset.FDEL   [lename] => File deleteThis command deletes the specied le in the serial ash le system. The le system is saved to serial ash, and can now survive a processor reset.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  30FDIR   => File System directoryThis command prints the directory of the serial ash le system. For example:>fdir File-name                         Length Attr Cluster CRC ---------                         ------ ---- ------- --- abc                                   52 fffb       7 963d 123                                   20 fffb       8 3444 abcdef                                26 fffb       9 44fe 3 File(s)  98 bytes  2,056,192 bytes freeFDUMP  [lename] => File dumpThis command prints the contents of the specied le in hex and characters. For example:>fdump abc 000000 6162 6364 6566 6768 696a 6b6c 6d6e 6f70 abcdefghijklmnop 000010 7172 7374 7576 7778 797a 4142 4344 4546 qrstuvwxyzABCDEF 000020 4748 494a 4b4c 4d4e 4f50 5152 5354 5556 GHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV 000030 5758 595a                               WXYZFHEX   [lename][hexdata] => File WriteThis command allows you to enter data into a le as hex characters. Hex characters should be entered as whole bytes only (i.e. only enter pairs of hex characters). New data is appended onto the end of existing les. To write a brand-new le you must rst delete any existing le. After you are nished writing a le use FCLOSE to make sure that everything is saved. This command is intended to be used for downloading Processor and WLAN Module les to be used for upgrading the Wireless F/T unit. For example, this series of commands:>fhex abcdef abcdef >fhex abcdef 0123456789 >fhex abcdef 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeffcreates the le:>fdump abcdef 000000 abcd ef01 2345 6789 0011 0011 2233 4455 ....#Eg.....”3DU 000010 6677 8899 aabb ccdd eeff                fw........FWRITE [lename][data] => File Write.This command allows you to enter data into a le as a text string. New data is appended onto the end of existing les. This command is for testing the le system, as it is impossible to use it to enter binary images.GATEIP [n.n.n.n] => Set the Gateway IPThis command sets the gateway IP address.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 31GG => print all Gas Gage registersThis command prints all sixteen Gas Gage registers in a decoded format. For example:GG: A = 0c Chip=LTC2942            Charge Alert High            Charge Alert Low GG: B = fc Mode=auto PrescalerM=7 AL/CCpin=alert Shutdown=off GG: C = 00 GG: D = 2b Charge      accumulated    =    43 => 0.009 Ah GG: E = 29 GG: F = 8b Charge      threshold high = 10635 => 2.259 Ah GG: G = 04 GG: H = 27 Charge      threshold low  =  1063 => 0.225 Ah GG: I = 89 GG: J = 04 Voltage     at SENSE-      = 35076 => 3.211 V GG: K = ea Voltage     threshold high = 59904 => 5.484 V GG: L = 73 Voltage     threshold low  = 29440 => 2.695 V GG: M = 87 GG: N = c0 Temperature at Gas Gage    = 34752 =>    45 *C GG: O = 98 Temperature threshold high =   152 =>    83 *C GG: P = 63 Temperature threshold low  =    99 =>   -41 *CGG [reg A -> P] [hex byte] => write a Gas Gage registerThis command allows you to modify any writable Gas Gage register.IP => Display IP parametersThis command prints the communication parameters in a decoded format. For example:>ip Parameter       Active          Default         MAC ---------       ------          -------         --- SSID            ATI_WIFI        ATI_WIFI DESTIP GATEIP     00-20-a6-b4-5a-34 DEVIP      00-23-a7-0c-01-03 NET MASK ANTENNA         External BAND            2.4 GHz NET CHANNEL     1 NET DHCP        On NET MODE        Normal CLIENT Mode NET UDPACT      BUFFER TXPWR           2 Firmware        Version 2.1.0 - Mar 17 2014 16:46:05 WLAN Module     Version WLAN: 18:50:35 Network parameters: WLAN Connected  Yes Channel number  1 Network type    Infra Security level  WEP Open sockets    4 Sock Type   MyPort RemPort  RemIP ---- ----   ------ -------  -----    1 UDPout  49152   49152    2 UDPin   49152       0    3 TCPin      23       0    4 UDPin   51000       0
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  32LED [RED | GREEN] [ON | OFF | AUTO] => Controls indicated Digital Board LEDThis command allows you to manually control the Red and Green LEDs on the Digital Board for testing, and then return the LEDs to automatic control.LED1 [board: 0 | 1] [byte | AUTO] => Write byte to LED1 on the selected Analog BoardThis command allows you to manually control the LEDs on LED Port 1 of the selected Analog Board for testing, and then return the LEDs to automatic control. For example:>LED1 0 0x51 Board Port Value Mode ----- ---- ----- ----     0 LED1 51    TEST-output     0 LED2 22    AUTO-output     0 PWR  3f    AUTO-outputLED2 [board: 0 | 1] [byte | AUTO] => Write byte to LED2 on the selected Analog BoardThis command allows you to manually control the LEDs on LED Port 2 of the selected Analog Board for testing, and then return the LEDs to automatic control. For example:>LED2 0 0x51 Board Port Value Mode ----- ---- ----- ----     0 LED1 aa    AUTO-output     0 LED2 51    TEST-output     0 PWR  3f    AUTO-outputPWR Port [board: 0 | 1] [byte | AUTO] => Write byte to PWR on the selected Analog BoardThis command allows you to manually control either Analog Board PWR port for testing, and then return it to automatic control. PWR with no operands gives you a report on the status of the power ports:>pwr 0 0x0f Board Port Value Mode ----- ---- ----- ----     0 LED1 aa    AUTO-output     0 LED2 22    AUTO-output     0 PWR  0f    TEST-output
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 33FILTER [* | Transducer 1 -> 6] [MEAN | MEDIAN | IIR] [taps | tc] => Set lter type & number of taps or time constantThis command allows you to set the lter type and the number of taps in the lter that the ADC inputs pass through for any or all Transducers. The default is 1 (no ltering). MEAN is a simple running mean, which is a form of low-pass lter. MEDIAN is a simple running median, which is another form of low-pass lter. Note that a 31-tap MEAN lter running in all 6 Transducers executes in about 65 µS, while a 31-tap MEDIAN lter in all 6 Transducers executes in about 480 µS, on average. This means that the maximum possible packet rate (RATE) is lower if you use a MEDIAN lter as compared to a MEAN lter of the same size. If a number of taps is not given, the number of taps is not changed. For IIR lters only, the time constant of the lter is the “number of taps” samples. Taps range from 1 to 32. Time Constants range from 1 to 32767. This command will also give you a report of the current lter settings:Tr Filter Taps    TC -- ------ ----    --  1 MEAN     32  2 MEDIAN   31  3 MEDIAN   15  4 IIR            32  5 IIR            64  6 IIR           128            FILTER SThis command displays statistics on how long it is taking to generate packets. This includes the time that ltering takes. For example:>lter s TimeConstant = 2048 Packet generation time mean = 37.163 uS stdev = 0.197 uSLPF [* | Transducer 1 -> 6] [taps 1 -> 32] => Set MEAN low-pass ltering & number of tapsThis command allows you to enable a running-mean low-pass lter, along with its number of taps. This is the lter that the ADC inputs pass through for any or all Transducers. The default is 1 (no ltering). This command will also give you a report of the current lter settings. If a number of taps is not given, the number of taps is not changed. This command is the equivalent of issuing:FILTER [* | Transducer 1 -> 6] MEAN [taps 1 -> 32]MYIP [n.n.n.n] => Set My IPThis command sets the IP address of this WNET unit.NET AP => Display Access Points found in the last scanThis command displays any Access Points that were found during the last Scan. For example :>net ap # Ch  Secur RSSI  SNR NType        MAC        SSID - --  ----- ----  --- -----        ---        ---- 1   1 WPA2   -39  -39 Infra 00-21-a7-a4-49-ff ATI_WIFI 2   6 WPA2   -69  -13 Infra 00-22-a8-c4-3a-34 ATI_WIFINET CHANNEL [1 -> 13 | 149 | 153 | 157 | 161 | 165] => Channel to use if AP or GOThis command selects the channel number that the unit will use if it becomes an Access Point (AP) or a WiFi Direct™ Group Owner (GO).NET DHCP [ON | OFF] => DHCP on or offThis command turns DHCP support on and off.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  34NET DNS [up to 90 characters] => Get IP address(es) of given URLThis command allows you to nd the IP address(es) associated with a given URL. It tells you if network that you are connected to has connectivity to the wider internet. For example:>net dns WLAN: 03:16:39 ## IP-Address -- ----------  1  2 KEY [up to 64 characters] => Set encryption keyThis command sets the network key (sometimes called PSK) that is used with WEP, WPA, and WPA2 encryption. For WEP it must be exactly 5 or 13 characters (direct WEP entry in hex is not supported). For WPA and WPA2 it must be no more than 64 characters.NET MASK [n.n.n.n] => Set Subnet MaskThis command sets the subnet mask. A subnet mask is a 32-bit mask that is used to determine what subnet an IP address belongs to. If you AND a packet’s IP address with the subnet mask and the result is the same as the original IP address, the IP address is in the local subnet. If the result is different from the original IP address, the IP address is in some other subnet, so the packet must be sent to the gateway device for further routing.NET MODE [CLIENT | DIRECT] => Set Client or Direct operating modeThis command selects either client mode (connect to an existing WiFi™ access point) or WiFi Direct™ mode.NET UDPACT [BUFFER | DROP] => Packet action during ow controlThis command controls the action that the unit takes while the WLAN Module has told it to stop sending packets.a.  BUFFER means that the unit will buffer data packets during the ow control period, and then send them when it is possible to do so. Data will only be lost if the ow control period lasts longer than available storage for the buffer. This mode minimizes missing data, and is preferred for data logging applications.b.  DROP means that the unit will drop all data packets generated during the ow control period. Packet transmission will resume at the end of the ow control event. This mode minimizes latency, and is preferred for robotic control applications.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 35PORTS => print list of all GPIO portsThis command prints a list of all GPIO ports of the processor. Each entry of the list contains the port, the bit on that port (0 through 7), the purpose of the bit, the current value of the bit (either 0 or 1), the GPIOPCTL setting for the bit (either GPIO or some peripheral device number), the direction of the port if it is GPIO (either in or out), the strength of the port in mA, the pin-type, and any interrupts triggered from the pin. For example:Bit V Purpose  GPIOPCTL Dir Strength Pin-Type                   GPIO-Interrupt --- - -------  -------- --- -------- --------                   -------------- PA0 1 UART0_RX        1     2 mA     Push-pull, weak pull-up PA1 1 UART0_TX        1     2 mA     Push-pull PA2 0 SPI0_CLK        1     8 mA     Push-pull PA3 1 SD_CS           1 Out 2 mA     Push-pull PA4 1 SPI0_MISO       1     2 mA     Push-pull, weak pull-up PA5 1 SPI0_MOSI       1     8 mA     Push-pull PA6 0 WLAN_RDY     GPIO In  2 mA     Push-pull, weak pull-up PA7 0 PWM_Sync     GPIO In  2 mA     Push-pullPB0 0 JTAG_ENA     GPIO Out 2 mA     Push-pull PB1 0 LED_SYS      GPIO Out 2 mA     Push-pull PB2 1 I2C0_CLK        1     2 mA     Open-drain, weak pull-up PB3 1 I2C0_SDA        1     2 mA     Open-drain, weak pull-up PB4 1 MODE_SEL0    GPIO Out 2 mA     Push-pull PB5 0              GPIO In  2 mA     Analog comparator PB6 0 BUTTON       GPIO In  2 mA     Push-pull, weak pull-down PB7 0              GPIO In  2 mA     Analog comparator. . .RATEADC [rate: 5 -> 4000 Hz] => Set ADC read rateThis command allows you to set the rate at which the ADCs are read. The default is 2500 Hz, or one ADC read every 0.4 mS = 400 µS. Reading the ADCs more often results in more accurate ADC reads if smoothing is in use, at the cost of using more compute time.RATE [rate: 1 -> 2500 ADC reads] => Set packet transmit rateThis command allows you to set the rate at which UDP packets are sent to the destination IP address. The rate is set in terms of multiples of the ADC read rate (see below). The default is to send one UDP packet every 250 ADC reads. At this default rate, and at the 2500 Hz default ADC read rate one UDP packet is sent every 100 mS (10 Hz).The fastest packet rate that is useful in an application depends on:a.  The ADC read rate RATEADC.b.  The number of Transducers in the system.c.  Filter type and number of taps.d.  Matrix Multiply on or off.e.  If using UDP, any other wireless radio trafc and radio interference in your environment.f.  If using UDP, whether you are in BUFFER mode (minimizing dropouts) or DROP mode (minimizing latency).g.  If using MicroSD™, the hardware characteristics of the particular MicroSD™ card that you are using, especially its maximum write latency.h.  Your application’s tolerance for dropped packets.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  36REDPINE => Switch to RedPine Console Mode. Exit with +++This is a special mode that allows you to communicate with the RedPine Console. This is used during radio frequency acceptance testing.RESET => Reset processorThis command resets the processor. Use with caution, especially if you are accessing the console through Telnet.RESTIP  => Restore all IP settings to factory defaultsThis command restores all IP settings to the factory defaults. Any changes take effect with the next Join to an Access Point.RSSI => display RSSI from APThis command displays the RSSI value (in dBm) for the signal from the device that the Module is connected to, as measured by the Module. RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) is a measurement of the power present in a received radio signal. For example:>RSSI WLAN: 00:19:59 RSSI from ATI_WIFI using External antenna: -45 dBmSAVEALL => Save all calibrations & IP settings to Serial FlashThis command saves all calibrations and IP settings to Serial Flash, so that they will survive a processor reset.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 37SD => print SDCARD device infoWith no operands, this command prints a multitude of technical information  about the SDCARD card. For example:SD: Card in SD: Card type = V2 SD: CSD register:  CSD_STRUCTURE          1  SPEC_VERS              0  TAAC                   1.0 mS  NSAC (clocks)          0  TRAN_SPEED             25.0 Mbit/s  CCC                    5b5: CMD6 enabled  READ_BL_LEN (bytes)    512  READ_BL_LEN_PARTIAL    0  WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN     0  READ_BLK_MISALIGN      0  DSR_IMP                0  ERASE_BLK_EN           1  ERASE_SECTOR_SIZE      128  WP_GRP_SIZE            1  WP_GRP_ENABLE          0  DEFAULT_ECC            0  R2W_FACTOR             4  WRITE_BL_LEN (bytes)   512  WRITE_BL_PARTIAL       0  CONTENT_PROT_APP       0  FILE_FORMAT_GRP        0  COPY                   1  PERM_WRITE_PROTECT     0  TMP_WRITE_PROTECT      0  FILE_FORMAT            0  ECC                    0  C_SIZE                 60,872  Sectors                62,333,952  Capacity (bytes)       31,914,983,424SD: SD Status register:  DAT_BUS_WIDTH          1 bit  SECURED_MODE           No  SD_CARD_TYPE           Regular SD RD/WR Card  SIZE_OF_PROTECTED_AREA 0  SPEED_CLASS            Class 4  PERFORMANCE_MOVE       2M bytes/second  AU_SIZE                4M bytes  ERASE_SIZE             11 AU  ERASE_TIMEOUT          1 seconds  ERASE_OFFSET           1 seconds  UHS_SPEED_GRADE        < 10M bytes/second  UHS_AU_SIZE            0SD: CMD6: Switch Functions: Field       Bits Select -----       ---- ------ Max Current 100 mA Group 1     8001 0 Group 2     c001 0 Group 3     8001 0 Group 4     8001 0 Group 5     8001 0 Group 6     8001 0 Version     0 Misc        0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000SD: OCR register: Ready CCS=1=SDHC Vdd: 2.7V to 3.6VSD: CID register:  MID  03   = SanDisk  OID  5344 = SD  PNM  SU32G  Rev  80  PSN  73bb8e  Date  6/2013
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  38SD [sector-1] [sector-n] => dump MicroSD sectorsIf sector numbers are given (in hex) this command will dump the contents of the specied sectors on the MicroSD This command is provided for MicroSD rmware testing only. For example, to dump the contents of sector 0x300 (which appears to be part of a directory):>sd 300 SD: Card in SD: Card type = V2 SD: CSD:  Capacity (bytes)     1,015,808,000  Sectors              1,984,000  000000 2e20 2020 2020 2020 2020 2010 000b 238b .          ...#. 000010 0a37 0a37 0000 238b 0a37 0200 0000 0000 .7.7..#..7...... 000020 2e2e 2020 2020 2020 2020 2010 000b 238b ..         ...#. 000030 0a37 0a37 0000 238b 0a37 0000 0000 0000 .7.7..#..7...... 000040 4172 0069 006e 0067 0074 000f 0015 6f00 Ar.i.n.g.t....o. 000050 6e00 6500 7300 0000 ffff 0000 ffff ffff n.e.s........... 000060 5249 4e47 544f 7e31 2020 2010 000c 238b RINGTO~1   ...#. 000070 0a37 0a37 0000 238b 0a37 0300 0000 0000 .7.7..#..7...... 000080 4170 0069 0063 0074 0075 000f 00c8 7200 Ap.i.c.t.u....r. 000090 6500 7300 0000 ffff ffff 0000 ffff ffff e.s............. 0000a0 5049 4354 5552 7e31 2020 2010 000e 238b PICTUR~1   ...#. 0000b0 0a37 0a37 0000 238b 0a37 0400 0000 0000 .7.7..#..7...... 0000c0 416d 0075 0073 0069 0063 000f 009f 0000 Am.u.s.i.c...... 0000d0 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff 0000 ffff ffff ................ 0000e0 4d55 5349 4330 7e31 2020 2010 000f 238b MUSIC0~1   ...#. 0000f0 0a37 0a37 0000 238b 0a37 0500 0000 0000 .7.7..#..7...... 000100 4176 0069 0064 0065 006f 000f 000e 7300 Av.i.d.e.o....s. 000110 0000 ffff ffff ffff ffff 0000 ffff ffff ................ 000120 5649 4445 4f53 7e31 2020 2010 0000 248b VIDEOS~1   ...$. 000130 0a37 0a37 0000 248b 0a37 0600 0000 0000 .7.7..$..7...... 000140 4173 0079 0073 0074 0065 000f 0072 6d00 As.y.s.t.e...rm. 000150 0000 ffff ffff ffff ffff 0000 ffff ffff ................ 000160 5359 5354 454d 7e31 2020 2012 0002 248b SYSTEM~1   ...$. 000170 0a37 0a37 0000 248b 0a37 0700 0000 0000 .7.7..$..7...... 000180 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................ 000190 => 0001ff same as aboveSD [FORMAT] => Format MicroSDThis command allows you to format the MicroSD™ card. All existing data on the MicroSD™ card will be lost. The command will ask you to verify that you want to format the disk before it actually deletes any data. Any data streaming over the WLAN will be interrupted while the format is taking place.SD [ON | OFF] => Control MicroSD powerThis command allows you to control power to the MicroSD™ card. Issuing other MicroSD™ card commands will also turn the MicroSD power back on. This command is provided for MicroSD rmware testing only.SDW [start] [data] => write MicroSD sectorThis command writes the given data to the specied MicroSD sector. This command is provided for MicroSD rmware testing only.SCD [directory] => Similar to the standard CD commandThis command allows you to display and change the path on the MicroSD.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 39SDEL => [lename] => delete le(s), wild cards * and ? may be usedThis command deletes the selected les in the current directory on the MicroSD. For example:>sdel f2.dat F2.DAT deleted Files deleted: 1SDIR => Print DirectoryThis command prints a directory of all les in the current path on the MicroSD. For example:Directory of 0:/ATI  2010/01/01 00:06 <DIR>              .  2010/01/01 00:06 <DIR>              ..  2010/01/01 00:56              4     ATI.ini  2010/01/01 00:49     66,446,898     F2.dat  2010/01/01 01:21     20,995,230     F3.dat  2010/01/01 00:07     56,057,184     F4.dat  2010/01/01 00:08      6,677,154     F5.dat  2010/01/01 00:09      4,886,082     F6.dat  2010/01/01 00:09      3,938,868     F7.dat  2010/01/01 00:05            756     F8.dat  2010/01/01 00:05         68,586     F9.dat  2010/01/01 00:05         79,338     F10.dat  2010/01/01 00:05         61,530     F11.dat  2010/01/01 00:05         66,570     F12.dat  2010/01/01 00:02  1,188,993,882     F13.dat  2010/01/01 00:23     11,860,926     F14.dat  2010/01/01 00:14     66,858,426     F15.dat  2010/01/01 16:02  4,294,967,220     F16.dat          16 File(s)  5,721,958,654 bytes           2 Dir(s)
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  40SDREC [ON | OFF] => Stream packets to MicroSD: on, off, or toggleThis command streams data (in the standard packet format, which is also used for UDP packets) to the MicroSD™ card. All data is placed in the \ATI subdirectory, which is created if it is not already present. The le ati.ini is also created within this subdirectory if it is not already present. Each time that the SDREC ON command is issued, a new le Fn.dat le is created. Note that n is the next sequential le number.Note that the le system only supports le sizes up to 4 G bytes.The data can be read by placing the MicroSD™ card into a computer that supports the FAT le system. A Micro SD to USB adapter may be required. When viewed with the HxD  utility, data for a single transducer may look like:Figure5.1—Fn.datleformat Note that if an interruption occurs while this data is being written (such as the removal of the MicroSD™ card or the battery) the open le will generally lose any data written within the last two seconds. The interruption may also cause lost le system clusters, which will reduce the storage capacity of the card. As the WNET unit does not contain a le system repair utility, lost clusters may be repaired either by formatting the card (using the SD FORMAT command, which will cause the loss of all data on the card), or by putting the card into a computer and running the Scandisk utility. On Windows 7 machines this can be done by opening Windows Explorer, right-clicking on the drive letter of the MicroSD™ card and selecting Properties, clicking the Tools tab, pressing the Check Now… button, and the pressing Start.SDUMP[lename] => File dumpThis command prints a hex dump of the specied le on the MicroSD.SF => print Serial Flash device infoThis command prints information about the Serial Flash device. This command is provided for serial ash rmware testing. For example:SF: Maker  = Silicon Storage Technology SF: Device = SST25VF010A => 128K bytes SF: Status = 00 BlockProtect = NoneSFR [address] [length] => print Serial Flash memory of length givenThis command prints Serial Flash memory starting at the given address for the given length. This command is provided for serial ash rmware testing. For example, here we dump the rst calibration area for a unit that has no calibrations saved:>sfr 1000 2000 SF: 001000 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ................ SF: 001010 => 002fff same as aboveSFW [address] [byte] => write byte to Serial Flash address givenThis command allows you to write a single byte to the Serial Flash. This command is provided for serial ash rmware testing.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 41SS [A] [012345678 any combination or order] => read specied ADC channels onceThis command reads the specied ADC channels once.SS => repeats last SS commandThis command repeats the last SS command, without the need to retype the whole thing.SSI [ADC | DAC | EEPOT | PORTS | SDCARD | SF | WLAN] [bit rate: bits/second] => Set selected SSI bit rateThis command allows you to view information about and set the bit rate for all devices that communicate over an SSI port (SSI is the Stellaris name for SPI). Any new rate takes effect immediately. For example:Device Rate(Hz) Pol Pha Format ------ -------- --- --- ------ ADC    10000000  0   0  Freescale CPLD   10000000  0   0  Freescale DAC     1000000  0   0  Freescale EEPOT   1000000  0   0  Freescale EEPROM 10000000  0   0  Freescale PORTS  10000000  0   0  Freescale SDCARD 10000000  0   0  Freescale SF     10000000  0   0  Freescale WLAN   10000000  0   0  FreescaleWith an 80 MHz clock, the highest bit rates that are supported by the processor hardware are:1.  40,000,000 Hz (no SPI peripherals work at this speed) 2.  20,000,000 Hz 3.  13,333,333 Hz 4.  10,000,000 Hz 5.   8,000,000 HzSSID [case-sensitive string] => Set SSIDThis command allows you to view and set the SSID. The new SSID will be effective after the next Join to an Access Point. An SSID is the name of a wireless local area network. SSIDs are case sensitive text strings. The SSID is a sequence of alphanumeric characters (letters or numbers). SSIDs have a maximum length of 32 characters.STACK => Print stack available messageThis command allows you to view how much of the processor stack is free. Whenever a new low in stack bytes free occurs that is less than 1024 bytes this message will also appear without the command being typed. For example:>stack STACK: 1184 of 4096 bytes freeSTATS => Print packet statistics, [0] to clearThis command prints how many total packets, dropped packets, the maximum length of event that have occurred since power up or the last STATS 0 command in MicroSD writing (due to write latency) and UDP packet transmitting (due to ow control), and the average length of event. For UDP packets this command also prints the average ow control event duration, how many ow control events occurred, and how many times the WLAN Module locked-up and had to be reset. For example:>stats00:03:54 CARD Packets: Generated= 200,678 Dropped= 0 Write Latency: Max=  92 mS Mean=  1.406 mS00:03:54 WLAN Packets: Generated= 200,678 Dropped= 0 Flow Control:  Max=  92 mS Mean= 11.178 mS Events= 2,278 Module: Lock-Ups= 0
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  42T [ON | OFF] => Transmit packet on, off, or toggleThis command turns the transmission of outgoing UDP data packets to the WLAN Module on and off.TEST [* | Transducer 1 -> 6] [OFF | ZERO | DAC] => Set Self-Test mode on selected Transducer(s)This command sets the self test mode for the selected Transducers:TESTSetting ADCInputforthisTransducerconnectedto:OFF Normal sensor inputZERO Zero signal (2.5V = 0x8000)DAC DAC Channel 6 for this TransducerSet DAC channel 6 output procedure for one Transducer:a.  Set active Transducer:   TRANS [1  6]b.  Set DAC Channel 6 output:  O 6 [value: 0  65535 or 0xFFFF]This command generates a report of the self-test status of the unit:>TEST 5 ZERO Tr Self-test-mode -- --------------  1 OFF  2 OFF  3 OFF  4 OFF  5 ZERO  6 OFFTXPWR [0 | 1 | 2] => Set transmit power after next JoinThis command allows you to set the WLAN Module’s transmit power. The power level change takes place after the next Join to an Access Point.Band 0 = low 1 = medium 2=highGHz dBm +/- 1 mW dBm +/- 1 mW dBm +/- 2 mW2.4 7 5 10 10 15 325 5 3 7 5 12 16
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 43USBILIM [value in mA] => set USB current limitThis command sets the USB Input Current Limit (USBILIM) value in Battery Charger Register 0. You must enter an exact value from the following table:ValuemA Meaning Notes 100 Max (USB Low Power) Default setting CLPROG1 and CLPROG2 shorted. Refer to the Input Current Regulation section for information when this register is modied by the LTC4155.500 Max (USB High Power)  600 Max  700 Max  800 Max  900 Max (USB 3.0)  1000 Typical  1250 Typical  1500 Typical  1750 Typical  2000 Typical  2250 Typical  2500 Typical  2750 Typical  3000 Typical  22.5 mA Max (USB Suspend)  0  Select CLPROG1 Default setting two CLPROG resistors. Refer to the Input Current Regulation section for information when this register is modied by the LTC4155.USER => Switch to User ModeThis command switches the Console to User Mode. WLAN [ON | OFF] => Turns WLAN Module power (WIFI_PWREN) on or offThis command controls the WIFI_PWREN bit to the WLAN Module on the Digital Board. The WLAN OFF command also turns off transmission of the regular UDP data packet.WFLOAD => Load WLAN Module, 2-le methodThis command allows you to load the WLAN Module with new rmware using the shorter 2-le method. This is the method that is normally used. This command takes about 5 minutes to execute. Before committing to the WLAN Module update, this command checks to make sure that the necessary les (WiSe_Con and WiSe_WLA) are present in the Serial Flash, have a termination record (so they are probably complete), and have no checksum errors.WFLOAD4 => Load WLAN Module, 4-le methodThis command allows you to load the WLAN Module with new rmware using the longer 4-le method. This longer method is necessary for WLAN Modules that have had the RF Test rmware loaded into them. This command takes about 8 minutes to execute. Before committing to the WLAN Module update, this command checks to make sure that the necessary les (WFU_Cont, WLAN_CON, WiSe_WLA, and WiSe_Con) are present in the Serial Flash, have a termination record (so they are probably complete), and have no checksum errors.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  44WFLOADRF => Load WLAN Module, for RF testingThis command allows you to load the WLAN Module with new rmware for RF testing. This command takes about 2 minutes to execute. Before committing to the WLAN Module update, this command checks to make sure that the necessary les (WiSe_Con.t and WiSe_WLA.t) are present in the Serial Flash, have a termination record (so they are probably complete), and have no checksum errors. These two les must be loaded into the WNET unit, and then renamed by added the .t sufx to each le name before using this command.XPWR [* | Transducer: 1 -> 6] [ON | OFF| BRIDGE | AFE] => Transducer power controlThis command allows you to control the Analog Board power settings for each of the Transducers. The choice for each Transducer is:1.  ON. The Analog Front End (AFE) for this Transducer (on the Analog Board) and the external Transducer (BRIDGE) are fully powered.2.  OFF. The AFE and the external Transducer are off.3.  BRIDGE power only. The AFE is off and the external Transducer is on.4.  AFE power only. The AFE is on and the external Transducer is off.The WNET reduces power surges by turning power on gradually. When you issue this command for a Transducer:1.  If Transducer ON or BRIDGE-only was selected, and the Analog Power (ANALOG_SHDN bit PF0) was off, Analog Power is turned on, and there is a 0.5 second delay.2.  If Transducer OFF was selected, and all Transducers are now off, Analog Power is turned off.3.  If Transducer ON was selected, power to the Transducer’s BRIDGE and AFE is turned on. 4.  If Transducer OFF was selected, power to the Transducer’s BRIDGE and AFE is turned off.5.  If Transducer BRIDGE was selected, power to the Transducer’s BRIDGE is turned on and AFE is turned off.6.  If the Transducer’s BRIDGE or AFE state changed to on, there is now a 0.5 second delay.7.  If the Transducer’s AFE state changed to on, the Transducer’s DAC and EEPOTs are now written with their calibration values.8.   If the Transducer’s BRIDGE or AFE state changed to on, a Current Limit Reset is now performed.This command will also generate a report of the current Transducer power status. The Auto column is what the software is commanding, based on the XPWR command. The Now column is what is actually going out to the power port. If the columns are different, it is because direct test outputs to the Analog Board ports are in use (see the LED1, LED2, and PWR commands). Tr Auto   Now -- ----   ---  1 ON     ON  2 ON     ON  3 ON     ON  4 ON     ON  5 ON     ON  6 ON     ON Analog power ON
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 456.  MaintenanceUnder normal conditions, no special maintenance is necessary, however it is recommended that periodic inspections be performed to assure long-lasting performance and to assure that unexpected damage has not occurred. Refer to Section 6.1—Preventive Maintenance for a schedule and items that should be visually inspected at regular intervals. Wireless F/T devices operating on battery power should be monitored periodically for battery status.Spare parts are available from ATI Industrial Automation. Please call for recommendations.6.1  Preventive MaintenanceThe Wireless F/T is designed to provide a long life with regular maintenance. A visual inspection and preventive maintenance schedule is provided in the Table 6.1. Assembly details are provided in Section 11—Drawings.Table 6.1—PreventativeMaintenanceChecklistRepetitive motion Frequency InspectionScheduleMore than 1 per minute WeeklyLess than 1 per minute MonthlyCabling□  Visually inspect the power supply and transducer cabling for wear or damage. If wear or damage is visible, replace cabling and adjust routing or protect cabling with a loose plastic spiral wrap.□  Visually inspect cable connection for looseness, tighten connection or replace cable as needed MountingFasteners□  Inspect mounting fasteners, verify they are tight and have the proper torque.6.2  BatteryRechargingandReplacementThe batteries can be charged internally using the USB port above the battery compartment or externally in a battery charger.6.2.1  ChargingBatteryInternallyThe battery can be charged internally with the external power adapter included. A USB cable that connects the external power adapter to the Wireless F/T. Note: The computer connected to the USB port does not provide sufcient source to keep the battery charged.6.2.2  ChargingBatteryExternallyThe battery can be charged externally and swapped out while a second battery is charging. It will result in a brief power-down condition.1.  Loosen the quarter-turn fastener on the battery compartment and open the door.2.  Slide the battery out and replace it with a fully charged battery.3.  Close the door and tighten the quarter-turn fastener.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  467.  TroubleshootingThe system contains few components and provides trouble-free operation once properly installed. The following table is provided to assist with troubleshooting the system.Table 7.1—TroubleshootingSymptom Possible Cause CorrectionNonexistent or intermittent communicationLow battery power Charge battery, (if battery does not retain a charge replace battery). Worn or damaged cabling Inspect and test power supply and transducer cabling and replace as needed.External power adapter failing or not functioningReplace external power adapterObstruction between Wireless F/T and wireless access point Remove obstruction or reposition Wireless F/T, or the wireless access point to obtain an unobstructed environmentWireless network component failing or not functioningTest components and replace as neededWireless F/T failing or not functioningTest Wireless F/T and replace as neededTransducer not functioning Refer to the F/T Installation and Operation manual for troubleshooting information.Wireless status indicator is ashing redThis typically happens when trying to transmit to a UDP address that does not exist8.  Serviceable PartsDescription Part NumberWireless F/T WNet-3 9105-WNET3Wireless F/T WNet-6 9105-WNET6Battery 5515-3.70000-01External Battery Charger 9105-WNETEBCAntenna 9105-WNETANTWireless F/T Power Supply, Wall Adapter Type 9105-WNETPSUSB A Male to USB B Male cable, 0.9m 9105-C-USAA-MINIB-0.9
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 479.  SpecicationsThe specications section covers characteristic of the Wireless F/T device, other components such as transducer, cabling may be found in the specic product manual on our website. Drawings may also be found in the product catalog and on our website. 2-D and 3-D models are also available on our website. Contact ATI for specic information and drawings regarding your installation. We encourage you to use our applications department to review your designs and answer your questions.9.1  WirelessCharacteristicsWireless Local Area Network (WLAN)  IEEE 802.11 b/g/n 2.4 GHz / 5.0 GHzTypical Range (Antenna attached)Ofce Type Environment  30 m (98 ft)unobstructed environment  100 m (328 ft)Note: Only certied with the antenna attached.9.2  Power RequirementsBattery PowerInternal battery   3.7V Lithium-polymer rechargeableTypical battery life (Max, streaming rate and transducers used)  WNet-3  2 hrsWNet-6  1 hrPower consumption  2A at 5 VDCExternal power adapter  5VDC9.3  PhysicalCharacteristicsSizeWireless WNet-3 (Excluding Antenna & mating connectors)  156 mm x 82 mm x 19.7 mm  (6.15 in x 3.23 in x 0.775 in)Wireless WNet-6 (Excluding Antenna & mating connectors)  156 mm x 82 mm x 33 mm  (6.15 in x 3.22 in x 1.3 in)Antenna  100 mm (3.9 in)WeightWireless WNet-3  0.6 lbs (0.27 kg)Wireless WNet-6  0.6 lbs (0.27 kg)Mounting  See Section 13—DrawingsOperating ambient Temperature (Non-Charging)  0°C to +50°C (Note: battery runtime may decrease above 35°C ambient).Battery charging ambient temperature  0°C to +35°CStorage ambient temperature  -20°C to 45°CHumidity  85% maximum, non-condensing
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  4810. RegulatoryInformation10.1  FCC StatementDeclarationofConformitywithFCCRulesforElectromagneticCompatibilityWe, ATI Industrial Automation of 1031 Goodworth Drive, Apex, NC 27539, declare under our sole responsibility that the Wireless Multi-Axis Force/Torque Transmitter models, WNET-NA-x, FTWN-NA-x, comply with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  IMPORTANT NOTICE:Federal Communications Commission NoticeThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at their own expense.FCC Radiation Exposure StatementThe SAR limit for North America is 1.6 W/kg averaged over one gram of tissue. This product (FCC ID: 2ACKB-9105WNET) has also been tested against this SAR limit. The highest SAR value reported under this standard during product certication for use when properly worn on the body is 1.04 W/kg. This device was tested for typical body-worn operations with the back of the device kept 0mm from the body. To maintain compliance with IC RF exposure requirements, use accessories that do not contain metallic components in its assembly. The use of accessories that do not satisfy these requirements may not comply with IC RF exposure requirements, and should be avoided.ModicationsChanges or modications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 4910.2  Canadian Compliance StatementThis device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.This device has been designed to operate with the antenna listed below, and having a maximum gain of 2 dBi. Antennas not included in this list or having a gain greater than 2 dBi are strictly prohibited for use with this device. The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.•  Pulse Electronics wireless external dual band antenna part number W1043Cet appareil a été désigné pour opérer avec l’antenne listée ci-dessous, et ayant un gain maximal de 2 dBi. Les antennes qui ne sont pas incluses dans cette liste ou qui ont un gain plus de 2 dBi sont strictement interdites d’être utilisées avec cet appareil. L’impédance de l’antenne requise est de 50 ohms.•  Antenne externe bi-bande sans l, de la compagnie ‘Pulse Electronics’, numéro de pièce W1043.IMPORTANT NOTICE:IC Radiation Exposure StatementThe SAR limit for North America is 1.6 W/kg averaged over one gram of tissue. This product (IC ID: 12098A-9105WNET) has also been tested against this SAR limit. The highest SAR value reported under this standard during product certication for use when properly worn on the body is 1.04 W/kg. This device was tested for typical body-worn operations with the back of the device kept 0mm from the body. To maintain compliance with IC RF exposure requirements, use accessories that do not contain metallic components in its assembly. The use of accessories that do not satisfy these requirements may not comply with IC RF exposure requirements, and should be avoided.La limite SAR pour l’Amérique du Nord est de 1,6 W/kg en moyenne par gramme de tissu. Ce produit (ID IC: 12098A-9105WNET) a également été testé contre cette limite SAR. La valeur SAR la plus élevée signalée sous cette norme lors de la certication du produit pour utilisation quand porté correctement sur le corps est de 1,04 W/kg. Cet appareil a été testé pour des opérations portables typiques avec l’arrière de l’appareil maintenu à 0 mm du corps. Pour respecter les normes d’exposition RF IC, veuillez utiliser des accessoires qui ne contiennent pas de composants métalliques. L’utilisation d’accessoires ne satisfaisant pas à ces exigences peut ne pas se conformer aux exigences d’exposition RF IC et devrait être évitée.IC StatementThis Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à  la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  5011. Drawings11.1  Wireless Net F/T for 3 Transducers3rd ANGLE PROJECTION 82  150 4X M3X0.5  5Customer Interface 2X 52.3  31   20  2X 68.6  26   30  310.9 13.7Typ. 40.9  3X 156.3 Removable Antenna 19.7 MicroUSB PortBattery Door1/4-Turn Door LatchOptional Belt ClipMicroSD Card SlotPower button3X Transducer ConnectorHiroseHR25-7TR-8SA(73)Rev.DescriptionInitiatorDate03Changed antenna. Updated dimensions. Changed to MicroUSB port from MiniUSB port. Updated description.LCS3/13/2014B1:21 1REVISIONNOTES:  UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED.DO NOT SCALE DRAWING.  ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS.DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:L. Strahler 5/16/13A. Strotzer 06/12/13TITLESCALESIZEDRAWING NUMBERPROJECT #SHEET       OF 9230-05-1445111020-103PROPERTY OF ATI INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION, INC. NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN ANY MANNER EXCEPT ON ORDER OR WITH PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF ATI.1031 Goodworth Drive, Apex, NC 27539, USATel: +1.919.772.0115      Email: info@ati-ia.comFax: +1.919.772.8259      www.ati-ia.comISO 9001 Registered Company Wireless Net F/T for 1-3 Transducers
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 5111.2  Wireless Net F/T for 6 Transducers3rd ANGLE PROJECTION 31   20  82  26   30  2X 13.1  2X 35.9  150  6X 156.3  310.9  2X 40.8  13.7 Typ Removable AntennaM3X0.5  5Customer Interface 33 MicroUSB PortBattery Door1/4-Turn Door LatchOptional Belt ClipMicroSD Card SlotPower Button6X Transducer ConnectorHiroseHR25-7TR-8SA(73)Rev.DescriptionInitiatorDate02Updated DescriptionRKC7/14/2014B1:21 1REVISIONNOTES:  UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED.DO NOT SCALE DRAWING.  ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS.DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:R. Chambers 3/14/14J. Walser 3/14/14TITLESCALESIZEDRAWING NUMBERPROJECT #SHEET       OF 9230-05-1465111020-102PROPERTY OF ATI INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION, INC. NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN ANY MANNER EXCEPT ON ORDER OR WITH PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF ATI.1031 Goodworth Drive, Apex, NC 27539, USATel: +1.919.772.0115      Email: info@ati-ia.comFax: +1.919.772.8259      www.ati-ia.comISO 9001 Registered Company Wireless Net F/T for 4-6 Transducers
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  5212. Terms and Conditions of SaleThe following Terms and Conditions are a supplement to and include a portion of ATI’s Standard Terms and Conditions, which are on le at ATI and available upon request.ATI warrants to Purchaser that force torque sensor products purchased hereunder will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use for a period of one year from the date of shipment. This warranty does not cover components subject to wear and tear under normal usage or those requiring periodic replacement. ATI will have no liability under this warranty unless: (a) ATI is given written notice of the claimed defect and a description thereof with thirty (30) days after Purchaser discovers the defect and in any event, not later than the last day of the warranty period and (b) the defective item is received by ATI not later than (10) days after the last day of the warranty period. ATI’s entire liability and Purchaser’s sole remedy under this warranty is limited to repair or replacement, at ATI’s election, of the defective part or item or, at ATI’s election, refund of the price paid for the item. The foregoing warranty does not apply to any defect or failure resulting from improper installation, operation, maintenance, or repair by anyone other than ATI.ATI will in no event be liable for incidental, consequential, or special damages of any kind, even if TI has been advised of the possibility of such damages. ATI’s aggregate liability will in no event exceed the amount paid by the purchaser for the item which is the subject of claim or dispute. ATI will have no liability of any kind for failure of any equipment or other items not supplied by ATI.No action against ATI, regardless of form, arising out of or in any way connected with products or services supplied hereunder, may be brought more than one year after the cause of action accrued.No representation or agreement varying or extending the warranty and limitation of remedy provisions contained herein is authorized by ATI, and may not be relied upon as having been authorized by ATI, unless in writing and signed by an executive ofcer of ATI.Unless otherwise agreed in writing by ATI, all designs, drawings, data, inventions, software, and other technology made or developed by ATI in the course of providing products and services hereunder, and all rights therein under any patent, copyright, or other law protecting intellectual property, shall be and remain ATI’s property. The sale of products or services hereunder does not convey any expressed or implied license under any patent, copyright, or other intellectual property right owned or controlled by ATI, whether relating to the products sold or any other matter, except for the license expressly granted below.In the course of supplying products and services hereunder, ATI may provide or disclose to Purchaser condential and proprietary information of ATI relating to the design, operation, or other aspects of ATI’s products. As between ATI and Purchaser, ownership of such information, including without limitation any computer software provided to Purchaser by ATI, shall remain in ATI and such information is licensed to Purchaser only for Purchaser’s use in operating the products supplied by ATI hereunder in Purchaser’s internal business operations.Without ATI’s prior written permission, Purchaser will not use such information for any other purpose of provide or otherwise make such information available to any third party. Purchaser agrees to take all reasonable precautions to prevent any unauthorized use or disclosure of such information.Purchaser will not be liable hereunder with respect to disclosure or use of information which: (a) is in the public domain when received from ATI, (b) is thereafter published or otherwise enters the public domain through no fault of Purchaser, (c) is in Purchaser’s possession prior to receipt from ATI, (d) is lawfully obtained by Purchaser from a third party entitled to disclose it, or (f) is required to be disclosed by judicial order or other governmental authority, provided that, with respect to such to maintain the condentiality of such information.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 53Appendix A – UDP Command CRC CalculationAll UDP commands sent to the Wireless F/T must include a two-byte CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) value. This value is used for error checking the command request and is based on the data in the command structure to be sent.The following C code performs the calculation of the CRC value. To calculate the value, pass a pointer to the command structure along with the command length in bytes minus two to the function crcBuf().// If FAST is dened, then the CRC is determined using a lookup table instead of calculations  #dene FAST 1 // Both versions use the CRC-16-CCITT polynomial: x^16 + x^12 + x^5 + 1 = 0x11021#if FAST unsigned short crcByte(unsigned short crc, unsigned char ch) // lookup table version (bigger & faster) {       static const unsigned short ccitt_crc16_table[256] =        {              0x0000, 0x1021, 0x2042, 0x3063, 0x4084, 0x50a5, 0x60c6, 0x70e7,               0x8108, 0x9129, 0xa14a, 0xb16b, 0xc18c, 0xd1ad, 0xe1ce, 0xf1ef,               0x1231, 0x0210, 0x3273, 0x2252, 0x52b5, 0x4294, 0x72f7, 0x62d6,               0x9339, 0x8318, 0xb37b, 0xa35a, 0xd3bd, 0xc39c, 0xf3ff, 0xe3de,               0x2462, 0x3443, 0x0420, 0x1401, 0x64e6, 0x74c7, 0x44a4, 0x5485,               0xa56a, 0xb54b, 0x8528, 0x9509, 0xe5ee, 0xf5cf, 0xc5ac, 0xd58d,               0x3653, 0x2672, 0x1611, 0x0630, 0x76d7, 0x66f6, 0x5695, 0x46b4,               0xb75b, 0xa77a, 0x9719, 0x8738, 0xf7df, 0xe7fe, 0xd79d, 0xc7bc,               0x48c4, 0x58e5, 0x6886, 0x78a7, 0x0840, 0x1861, 0x2802, 0x3823,               0xc9cc, 0xd9ed, 0xe98e, 0xf9af, 0x8948, 0x9969, 0xa90a, 0xb92b,               0x5af5, 0x4ad4, 0x7ab7, 0x6a96, 0x1a71, 0x0a50, 0x3a33, 0x2a12,               0xdbfd, 0xcbdc, 0xfbbf, 0xeb9e, 0x9b79, 0x8b58, 0xbb3b, 0xab1a,               0x6ca6, 0x7c87, 0x4ce4, 0x5cc5, 0x2c22, 0x3c03, 0x0c60, 0x1c41,               0xedae, 0xfd8f, 0xcdec, 0xddcd, 0xad2a, 0xbd0b, 0x8d68, 0x9d49,               0x7e97, 0x6eb6, 0x5ed5, 0x4ef4, 0x3e13, 0x2e32, 0x1e51, 0x0e70,               0xff9f, 0xefbe, 0xdfdd, 0xcffc, 0xbf1b, 0xaf3a, 0x9f59, 0x8f78,               0x9188, 0x81a9, 0xb1ca, 0xa1eb, 0xd10c, 0xc12d, 0xf14e, 0xe16f,               0x1080, 0x00a1, 0x30c2, 0x20e3, 0x5004, 0x4025, 0x7046, 0x6067,               0x83b9, 0x9398, 0xa3fb, 0xb3da, 0xc33d, 0xd31c, 0xe37f, 0xf35e,               0x02b1, 0x1290, 0x22f3, 0x32d2, 0x4235, 0x5214, 0x6277, 0x7256,               0xb5ea, 0xa5cb, 0x95a8, 0x8589, 0xf56e, 0xe54f, 0xd52c, 0xc50d,               0x34e2, 0x24c3, 0x14a0, 0x0481, 0x7466, 0x6447, 0x5424, 0x4405,               0xa7db, 0xb7fa, 0x8799, 0x97b8, 0xe75f, 0xf77e, 0xc71d, 0xd73c,               0x26d3, 0x36f2, 0x0691, 0x16b0, 0x6657, 0x7676, 0x4615, 0x5634,               0xd94c, 0xc96d, 0xf90e, 0xe92f, 0x99c8, 0x89e9, 0xb98a, 0xa9ab,               0x5844, 0x4865, 0x7806, 0x6827, 0x18c0, 0x08e1, 0x3882, 0x28a3,               0xcb7d, 0xdb5c, 0xeb3f, 0xfb1e, 0x8bf9, 0x9bd8, 0xabbb, 0xbb9a,               0x4a75, 0x5a54, 0x6a37, 0x7a16, 0x0af1, 0x1ad0, 0x2ab3, 0x3a92,               0xfd2e, 0xed0f, 0xdd6c, 0xcd4d, 0xbdaa, 0xad8b, 0x9de8, 0x8dc9,               0x7c26, 0x6c07, 0x5c64, 0x4c45, 0x3ca2, 0x2c83, 0x1ce0, 0x0cc1,               0xef1f, 0xff3e, 0xcf5d, 0xdf7c, 0xaf9b, 0xbfba, 0x8fd9, 0x9ff8,               0x6e17, 0x7e36, 0x4e55, 0x5e74, 0x2e93, 0x3eb2, 0x0ed1, 0x1ef0       };    return ccitt_crc16_table[((crc >> 8) ^ ch) & 0xff] ^ (crc << 8); }
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  54#else unsigned short crcByte(unsigned short crc, unsigned char ch) // direct calculation version (smaller & slower) {       unsigned short crc_new = (unsigned char)(crc >> 8) | (crc << 8);        crc_new ^= ch;        crc_new ^= (unsigned char)(crc_new & 0xff) >> 4;        crc_new ^=  crc_new         << 12;        crc_new ^= (crc_new & 0xff) <<  5;        return crc_new; } #endif#dene CRC_INIT 0x1234 // this is the seed value used for along with the buffer’s rst byte unsigned short crcBuf(const void * buff, unsigned long len) {       unsigned long  i;        unsigned short crc = CRC_INIT;        const char * buf = buff;       for(i = 0; i < len; i++)        {              crc = crcByte(crc, buf[i]);        }       return crc; }
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 55Appendix B–InitialCongurationUsingaTelnetProgam(PuTTY)B.1  InitialCongurationUsingThe Wireless F/T must be congured before communicating with the device. The following procedure will help provide steps to congure the Wireless F/T.1.  Install Virtual Communication Port Driver from the following website: Select the instructions for the operating system running on the computer being used to congure the wireless F/T system. Follow the instructions to load the device driver on the computer.2.  Find the serial port number used by the Wireless unit by opening Device Manager (you can get to it by typing “Device Manager” in the Windows 7® Start Menu search bar), expanding the “Ports (COM & LPT)” section, and nding a connection labeled “USB Serial Port (COMx)” If there’s more than one serial port, you may have to disconnect the USB cable and see which COM port is removed in the device manager, then reconnect the USB cable. The example in Figure 5.2 shows Wireless F/T is connected to COM5.Figure11.1—Windows 7® DeviceManager3.  Install a telnet terminal program like PuTTY. Visit to download the executable le (putty.exe) for the PuTTY program.4.  Open (PuTTY) terminal program by clicking on the (putty) icon and selecting Run from the pop up window.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  565.  In the Category pane click on Connection > Serial and ll in the following elds:•  Serial line to connect to COM5 (Enter the Com port the Wireless unit is using)•  Speed (baud) 115200•  Data bits 8•  Stop bits 1•  Parity None•  Flow control NoneFigure11.2—PuTTyTerminalProgram6.  In the Category pane click on Session, The Serial Line should now be the COM port  and Speed should be the values entered in the previous step. In the Saved Sessions eld enter Wireless FT COM5 and select save. This will allow you to use this conguration at another time.Figure11.3—PuTTYConguration
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539  USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email: 577.  Connect to the console, e.g. by pressing “Open” in PuTTy. Information will appear as the unit attempts to connect to a wireless network.8.  In the COMx – PuTTY Window type “d” and press Enter key.9.  In the COMx – PuTTY Window type “t” and press Enter key. (Turns off the wireless connection on the unit).10. Test that the unit is working by entering “IP” followed by the Enter key.  This is the IP command, and will present the current IP settings. Refer to the following example screen.Figure11.4—TesttheConnection11. Obtain the following information from your network administrator: IP Address to use for the unit, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, SSID, whether the Wi-Fi network operates on 2.4 or 5 gigahertz spectrum, IP address of the computer you’re using to communicate with the unit.
Wireless F/T Installation and Operation ManualDocument #9620-05-Wireless FT-03Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 USA • Tel: +1.919.772.0115 • Fax: +1.919.772.8259 • • Email:  5812. Enter these commands in any order: (Commands are not case sensitive except where indicated)c.  “MYIP <unitip>”, e.g. “MYIP”d.  “NETMASK <subnetmask>”e.  “GATEIP <defaultgateway>”f.  “SSID <ssid>” Network<ssid> (Is case sensitive)g.  “BAND <x>” where x is “2.4” for 2.4 gigahertz or “5” for 5 gigahertz.h.  “DESTIP <yourcomputersip>”Figure11.5—TesttheConnection13. Enter the “SAVEALL” command followed by the “RESET” command for the new settings to take effect.14. Close the terminal program.15. Press the On/Off switch for two seconds to power down. Then press again to power up. After initialization the unit will connect to the wireless network and begin streaming data.16. Disconnect the USB cable from the Wireless F/T unit and the computer.

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