ATID AT288UHF RFID READER/WRITER User Manual AT288 User Guide v1 0 Eng

ATID Co., Ltd RFID READER/WRITER AT288 User Guide v1 0 Eng


User Manual 1

AT288-UHF User Guide V1.0.0
  ReascompwithoATID The ApropeAT28Microregist    ATID #1205GasanTel: +8Fax: +8www.a betty@njkim@         AT288-UHonable meaplete and acout prior notis a registeATID logo iserty of their 8 is a registosoft Windowtered trademCo., Ltd. , Byuksan/Gyun-Dong, HF User Guidsures have curate. Howtice. red tradema a trademarrespective otered trademws®, Windomarks of Micngln Digital Vallhon-Gu, Seoul, 6 40 e been taken wever, ATID rark of ATID Ck of ATID, Aowners. mark of ATIDows® 2000, Wcrosoft Corpley II, #481-10Korea  2 Disclaito ensure threserves theCo., Ltd. All other tradD Co., Ltd.,anWindows® Cporation. , imer hat the infore right to chdemarks andnd of its whoCE .NET, Wirmation incluhange any spd trade nameolly owned sndows® NTuded in thispecification es referred tsubsidiariesT, and Windo manual is at anytime to herein ares. ows® XP are e e
 TaBeforChapt1. How2. CaChapt1. Pac2. Na3.Fun1. Po111L2. Se222    AT288-UHble of re You Begin ter1. Cautionw to use the ution when uter2. Productckagecompoame of Eachnction of Eawer and Ba.1 Detach.2 Chargi.3 Power Low Power Wtting produc2.1 Switch2.2 USB M2.3 BluetoF User Guideconteand Users Inn when usingbattery correusing ............ts compositioonents ..........h part Part .......ttery...........hing and Attaing Battery ...On and Off .Warning ........ct operation hing the datMode settingooth Mode se nts nformation ...g ..................ectly ...............................ons ..........................................................................................aching Batter.........................................................mode .........a transfer mgs and connsettings and  3............................................................................................................................................................................ry .............................................................................................mode ...........ection .........connection...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 .......... 5 .......... 5 .......... 5 .......... 6 .......... 6 .......... 7 .......... 8 .......... 9 .......... 9 .......... 9 ........ 10 ........ 10 ........ 11 ........ 11 ........ 11 ........ 11
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 ChBeforman 1. H     2. C          AT288-UHhapter1re you handlnual. How to usWhen you dfor drying. Please do If you do noAccording shortened. You have t Caution wUser carelefor this damIf you has customer sDo not use so on. Ahigh tempPlease do nor not workPlease be cIf smell odcharger anIf you haveF User Guide1. Caue and operase the badropped the  Just keep not take theot use the bto the life ofIn this caseo charging twhen usiness or produmage, so improblem, doservice centeyour where perature or hnot using othking properlycareful not tdors,  occursd off the poe any other qe ution wate your deviattery cormain body oit in natural  metal objecattery for a lf battery ande, please cothe device wng ucts repair mmportant datao not try to rer. have electrohigh humidither sharp oby. to touch the s smoke orower, then Pquestions du 5when uce, Please rerrectly or battery in temperaturect to approaong time aftd the procesntact your dwith the provmight damagea should be repair or disomagnetic wty environmebject to touc metal paper noise  dulease contacuring use, plusing ead through water, please or contactach to the teter chargingssing time odealer. vided adaptoe the storedkept separaassemble thwave or the rient will causch the screener cuttingsawuring  use prct with custolease contac and familiase do not pu with purcharminal of ba, please keef its using, tor from facto data.Manufately he product ask may occues trouble, Pn, otherwise w tooth, so aroduct,  immomer servicect the custor with the cout it on the stase place. attery ep it at room the bufferingory. facture is noarbitrarily, plur such as hoPlease note  it might be as not to getmediately  dise center mer service ontents of thitove or heatetemperatureg time can bot responsiblease contacospital, planthat. get damaget injured sconnect  thcenter  is er e. be le ct ne ed he
 ChThis ptop uused  1. PAfter                                *If there     AT288-UHhapter2product is 90nits via Blueextensively Packagecopening thee is missing or d1. AT288 B4. USB SynHF User Guid2. Prod00Mhz’s RFItooth.Its varin many fielcomponee product padefective producBody nc Cable e ducts ID Reader/Wrious functiods. ents ackaging boxcts on the above 2. Adap56 compWriter, which n applied to x, check thee, please contacptor and AC 5. Necklace Spositiois recognizeIndustry, Ene items listedct the customer Cable   Strap ns ed Tag’s datnterprise, Lod as below: support center o3ta and it is trgistics and sor your place of 3. Battery paCradle(opransmitting tso on, can bpurchase. ack tion)  to be
 2. N                                            ChaPower K6C/6B KAT288-UHName of EScarge LED Key   6C/6BKEY F User GuideEach parcan Button CradlB LED e rt  le ConnectoRF PowerBuzzer 7r r windowStraSync / PoScp Hole ower Jackcan LED RFBMutiF Power conMuti/Once KBT/USB LEBT/USB Ei/Once LEDntrol Key  Key ED EY
 3.Fu     ChargeCradle Sync /Strap HPower Scan BRF PowRF PowChargeScan LMuti/OMuti/OBT/USBT/US6C/6B 6C/6B  AT288-UHunction oPart eLED  Connector  Power Jack Hole Key Button wer Control Keywer window e LED LED Once Key Once LED B key B LED KEY LED HF User Guidof Each PPowercompEnableWhen ConcuEnableneed tIt is foIt is foy RFID SCurrenIt showPress SwitchDisplaSwitchDisplaSwitchDisplae Part  r LED will be Reletely. e you to conneyou connect tourrently. When e you to attachto use the devior device’s powor reading data Scan the strengntly set to indicws when it is cthe Scan buttoh Tag access May the Tag Acceh the data transays the current h the UHF Tag’ays the UHF Ta8 ed when the baect to PC or chao PC with Syncyou connect thh a hand strap oice for a long pwer on or off. Tfrom RFID TAGgth of the RF dcate the strengtcharged compleon, it shows AcModel   ess Model sfer mode. data transfer m’s 6B, 6C Modeg’s 6B, 6C MoDescriptionattery is charginarging the battec Cable, the Pc he AC-DC adapor necklace strperiod time.. There has two pG, it is front anduring the launcth of the RF. (3etely. ccess conditionmode   e de. n ng, or will be gery while usingsync Mode anptor, the batteryap for the convpower key, frond left/right sidech (the century)30dBm is strongn of RFID Tag  reen when it is cradle. d battery chargy starts to charvenience of usit and left side e of product   ) to adjust. ger toward the   charged ge will runrge ing, while   output.)
 Ch 1. P Main    1.1 D   D Slide comp    A Put thinto t   1.2 CThis pvia a   AT288-UHhapter3Power andBattery: 3.7Detaching aDetaching Bthe battery partment aloAttaching Bahe top part ohe battery cCharging Bproduct condedicated AF User Guide3. Basicd Battery7V 2,000mA and AttachBattery latch to the ng both sideattery of battery intcompartmentBattery  nects to youAC-DC Adape c Funcy  Lithium - iohing Batteryright (UNLOes of grooveto the upwat, slide batteur PC and Syptor is availa9ctionsn y OCK side), ae.   rd groove, aery latch to tync Cable foable. nd then lift tand then prethe left (LOCor charging, othe main batess down theCK side) to aor the produttery out of te bottom of attach batteruct included the  battery   ry firmly  in the charg ge
 You h“Pow.   C 123    1.3 P There  전Pressfor th If the  LFrontcardle  NBA  AT288-UHhave to charwer LED” is RConnecting A. Plug the 2. Connect3. “Power LPower On ae are two pow전원  켜기 s the power bhe working. device stopLow Power of the device for charginNOTE: Battery life isA 2200mA b CaYou musdevice mPowHF User Guidrge the batteRed while chAdapter adapter cabt adapter DCLED” is Redand Off wer key as bbutton, thenps working tr Warning   ce’s Batteryng     s largely affeattery is usuaution: st to charge thmight get damer Key   e ery via dedicharging or isble to 220V C cable to th while chargbelow, Pleas window andhen press th LED is flashected from tually needs 4he battery by mage. 10cated adapte Green whesocket. he “Power coging e use the mod around thehe button onhing in RED,the user usin4 ~ 12 hoursusing dedicater, which pron charged connecting jaore comforta e LED will bene second, t, stop usingng method as to get chaed adapter, wovided fromcompletely.ack” of the mable key, depe ON and supthe power w and connecand surroundarged complwhich provided the factorymain body. pending on ypply the powwill be off   ct the AC-Dding environetely. d from factory.  your situatiower, it is readDC adapter onments.   y, or your  on   dy or
 2. S WhenAnd y 2.1 SThis dProce Everythe cHowe NPleas 2.2 UYou nPleas   U○1○2○3○4○5fo2.3 BIn ordseparPleasOthermanu  CAT288-UHSetting prn you use onyou can get Switching thdevice has tess) y time when urrent transfever, MemorNOTE: se check theUSB Mode need to use se contact thUSB Connec○ Please set ○2 Press the B○3Please connAnd the opp○4If the PC is r○5After runningor performing Bluetooth Mder to use Brate Bluetoose contact thr Mobile Devual for detailConnecting t① If the then ② If theperfo③ Pleas④ After (Devi⑤ Devic⑥ If you⑦ The P ⑧ ParingF User Guideroduct opnly this prodonly tag’s Uhe data tranhree differenyou press thfer mode is ry transfer me SDK manuasettings anadditional phe customerction   up the AT288BT/USB KEY tect the Sync posite one shrecognized USg a dedicatedthe task   Mode settingluetooth Mooth-enabled he customervice (PDA or s   the BluetootPC does noset up the d PC can suporming well   se power on running the ce Search) ce Discoveryu find the ATPin code, Pag is completee peration muct, it will beUID data   nsfer modent type of dahe BT/USB Kindicated bymode commaal and Demond connectiprogram andr support ce8’s USB driverhen set up thcable to synchould connecSB; please ch PC Demo prgs and conode as a sepAndroid, Wir support cesmartphoneh in the PC(ot support thdriver.   pport the Bluand press tBluetooth pwill proceedy (Device SeT288, proceeassword is ‘0d on a PC Blu11mode   e working sie  ata operationKEY, the USBy an LED   and by a sepo program, ion   d device drivnter or your r after set up e USB MODEc/Power connt PC’s USB check the COMogram, and snnection   parate, dedicindows Basenter or your e) associatedWindows ) e Bluetooth,uetooth, pleathe BT/USB programin thd  earch) will pred the Parin0000” uetooth, Pleaimply, unabln mode USBB and Bluetoparate set isif you have qver for using place of puthe ‘USB to sE  nector which onnector   M Port by equset up the COcated Prograe, the Devicplace of pud with the us, please conase check tokey for set he Windows roceed. g   ase check the e to take of B, Bluetooth,ooth operatisavailable question whUSB MODEurchase. serial driver.exis bottom on ipment operaM port, pleasam and Bluee is requiredurchase.   se of a Bluetnnect the Bluo set up welup the BluetControl panAT28’s Com the data,   , Memory Traon mode is ich is relatinE xe’ in PC   the device   ator. se press the Cetooth Dongld ooth; pleaseuetooth Dongll or the devtooth Mode nel, Device dport in the dansfer (batcchanged anng CommandConnect buttole for PC or e see the usegle to PC firsice is  discovery evice manage ch d d  on a er st er
  C T   NF    AT288-UHor Blu ⑨ After Conn  Connecting tThe Mobile d① Set u② Pleas③ After ④ If you⑤ The P⑥ Click ⑦ WhenNOTE: For more deHF User Guiduetooth devicerunning a dnect button fthe Bluetootdevice is basp the Androse power on starting the u find the ATPin code, Pathe ‘Connecn the connectailed, please e managemenedicated PCfor performinhin the Mobsed on Android- only demand press tdemo progT288, precedassword is ‘0ct a device”ction is comse see the a12nt program C Demo progng the task.ile device roid Smart pmo programthe BT/USB ram, acceptde the Parin0000” ” in Demo prpleted, checdditional SDgram, and sephone or tab in the Smakey for set t to use the g with AT28rogram, try tck the devicDK manual aet up the COblet PC   rt phone   up the BluetBluetooth fu88 to contact we’s performnd Demo prOM port, pleatooth Mode unction with AT288 ing in the Derogram’s maase press th emo programanual    he m

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