ATID AT288UHF RFID READER/WRITER User Manual AT288 User Guide v1 0 Eng
ATID Co., Ltd RFID READER/WRITER AT288 User Guide v1 0 Eng
- 1. User Manual 1
- 2. User Manual 2
User Manual 1
AT288-UHF User Guide V1.0.0 Disclaiimer Reasonable measures have been taken to ensure th hat the inforrmation inclu uded in this manual is plete and accurate. How wever, ATID reserves the e right to ch hange any sp pecification at anytime comp witho out prior nottice. ATID is a registered tradema ark of ATID C Co., Ltd. ATID logo is a trademark of ATID, A All other trad demarks and d trade name es referred to t herein are The A prope erty of their respective owners. AT288 is a registtered tradem mark of ATID D Co., Ltd.,an nd of its who olly owned s subsidiaries s. osoft Window ws®, Windo ows® 2000, W Windows® C CE .NET, Windows® NT T, and Windo ows® XP are Micro registtered tradem marks of Mic crosoft Corp poration. ATID Co., Ltd. #1205, Byuksan/Gyun ngln Digital Vallley II, #481-10, Gasan-Dong, Gumch hon-Gu, Seoul, Korea Tel: +8 82-2-544-1436 Fax: +8 82-2-2113-0040 www.a betty@ njkim@ AT288-UH HF User Guide Table of contents Beforre You Begin and Users In nformation ............................................................................................. 4 Chaptter1. Caution n when using g ......................................................................................................... 5 1. How w to use the battery corre ectly ................................................................................................... 5 2. Caution when u using...................................................................................................................... 5 ons ..................................................................................................... 6 Chaptter2. Productts compositio 1. Pacckagecompo onents .................................................................................................................... 6 2. Na ame of Each h part ..................................................................................................................... 7 3.Fun nction of Each Part ................................................................................................................. 8 1. Power and Battery..................................................................................................................... 9 1.1 hing and Atta aching Batterry ..................................................................................... 9 Detach 1.2 Chargiing Battery............................................................................................................. 9 1.3 Power On and Off ......................................................................................................... 10 Low Power W Warning ................................................................................................................ 10 2. Setting produc ct operation mode .............................................................................................. 11 2.1 Switch hing the data transfer m mode ............................................................................. 11 2.2 USB M Mode setting gs and connection........................................................................... 11 2.3 Blueto ooth Mode s settings and connection .................................................................. 11 AT288-UHF User Guide Befo ore You Begin This ssection provid des you with safety inform mation, techn nical support information, and sourcess for additiona al produ uctinformation n. Who should read d this manua al? is wrritten for the e person who o is responsiible for insta alling, configu uring, and maintaining th he This manual AT288 8-UHF. This m manual proviides you with h information n about the fe eatures of the e AT288, and d how to insttall, configure e, opera ate, and main ntain it. Beforre you work w with the AT2 288-UHF, you u should be familiar with your networrk and generral networkin ng termss, such as IP address. Safetty informatio on Your safety is extrremely imporrtant. Read and follow all warnings and d cautions in n this docume ent before yo ou handle and opera ate ATID equipment. If yo ou do not follo ow the safetty warnings a and cautions,you might b be seriou usly injured, and a the equipment and data are also might be dam maged. WARN NING A warrning requires you must p pay attention n to the opera ating procedu ure, practice, condition, a and statemen nt strictlyy, or might be e injured seriiously. This d device is dessigned to mee et the require ements for RF exposure rrequirementss. CAUT TION A cau ution alerts you that yo ou must be observe strictly when you operating procedurre, practicing g, config guring, for pre eventing from m damage an nd destructio on of equipme ent, and loss of data. User Information This d device may g generate or u use radio freq quency energ gy. Changes or modificatio ons to this eq quipment ma ay cause e harmful inte erference unlless the mod difications are e expressly a approved in th he instruction n manual. Th he user ccould lose the e authority to o operate thiss equipment if an unautho orized chang ge or modifica ation is made e. equipment ha as been teste ed and found d to comply w with the limitss for a Classs B digital devvice, pursuan nt This e to Part 15 of the F FCC Rules. These limits are designed d to provide reasonable protection ag gainst harmfu ul interfe erence in a rresidential installation. Th his equipmen nt generates uses and ca an radiate ra adio frequenccy energ gy and, if not installed and d used in accordance witth the instrucctions, may cause harmfu ul interferencce to rad dio communiccations. Howe ever, there is no guarante ee that interfe erence will no ot occur in a particular insstallation. If th his equipmen nt does cause harmfful interferen nce to radio o or television reception, which can be determined by turning th he pment off and d on, the usser is encourraged to try to correct th he interferencce by one o or more of th he equip follow wing measure es: – Reo orient or reloccate the rece eiving antenn na. – Incrrease the sep paration betw ween the equ uipment and rreceiver. – Con nnect the equ uipment into an outlet on a circuit diffe erent from tha at to which th he receiver iss connected. – Con nsult the dealer or an exp perienced rad dio/TV technical for help. – Reo orient or reloccate the rece eiving antenn na. – Incrrease the sep paration betw ween the equ uipment and rreceiver. – Con nnect the equ uipment into an outlet on a circuit diffe erent from tha at to which th he receiver iss connected. – Con nsult the dealer or an exp perienced rad dio/TV technical for help. device compllies with Partt 15 of the FC CC`s Rules. O Operation is subject to the e following tw wo Conditionss: This d 1. Thiis device mayy not cause harmful interfference, and d 2. This device must acce ept any interfference receivved, including g interference e that may ca ause undesirrable operation. eclare that th his device is ccompliance w with the esse ential requirements and other relevantt provisions of We de directtive 1999/5/E EC. AT288-UH HF User Guide Ch hapter1 1. Cau ution w when u using Beforre you handle and opera ate your device, Please re ead through and familiar with the co ontents of thiis man nual. 1. H How to us se the ba attery corrrectly When you d dropped the main body or o battery in water, pleas se do not pu ut it on the sttove or heate er for drying. Just keep it in natural temperature e or contact with purcha ase place. Please do not take the metal objec ct to approa ach to the terminal of ba attery If you do no ot use the battery for a long time aftter charging, please kee ep it at room temperature e. According to the life off battery and d the proces ssing time of its using, tthe buffering g time can b be shortened. In this case e, please contact your d dealer. with the provvided adapto or from facto ory. You have to charging tthe device w 2. C Caution w when usin ng User carele ess or produ ucts repair m might damage e the stored data.Manuffacture is no ot responsiblle for this dam mage, so im mportant data a should be kept separa ately If you has problem, do o not try to rrepair or disassemble th he product a arbitrarily, please contac ct service cente er. customer s Do not use your where have electro omagnetic w wave or the risk may occu ur such as ho ospital, plan ne so on. perature or h high humiditty environme ent will causes trouble, Please note that. Ahigh temp Please do n not using oth her sharp ob bject to touc ch the screen n, otherwise it might be get damage ed or not workking properlyy. Please be careful not tto touch the metal pape er cuttingsaw w tooth, so a as not to gett injured If smell od dors, occurs s smoke orr noise du uring use prroduct, imm mediately dis sconnect th he charger and off the po ower, then Please contac ct with custo omer service e center If you have e any other q questions du uring use, pllease contac ct the customer service center AT288-UHF User Guide Ch hapter2 2. Prod ducts comp positions This p product is 90 00Mhz’s RFIID Reader/W Writer, which is recognize ed Tag’s datta and it is trransmitting tto top units via Bluetooth.Its varrious function applied to Industry, En nterprise, Logistics and s so on, can b be used extensively in many fields. 1. P Packagec compone ents After opening the e product pa ackaging boxx, check the e items listed d as below: 1. AT288 B Body 4. USB Syn nc Cable 2. Adap ptor and AC Cable 5. Necklace S Strap 3. Battery pa ack Cradle(option) *If there e is missing or d defective produccts on the above e, please contacct the customer support center or o your place of purchase. AT288-UH HF User Guide 2. N Name of E Each parrt Sc can LED RF Powerr window Mutii/Once LED 6C/6B B LED BT/USB LE ED Cha arge LED Power K Key BT/USB EY Muti/Once K Key 6C/6B KEY Sc can Button RF F Power con ntrol Key Buzzer Strap Hole Sync / Po ower Jack Cradlle Connector AT288-UHF User Guide 3.Fu unction o of Each P Part Part Description Charge eLED Powerr LED will be Re ed when the ba attery is chargin ng, or will be green when it is charged completely. Cradle Connector Enable e you to conne ect to PC or cha arging the batte ery while using cradle. Sync / Power Jack Strap H Hole When you connect to o PC with Sync c Cable, the Pc sync Mode and battery charg ge will run urrently. When you connect th he AC-DC adap ptor, the batteryy starts to charrge Concu Enable e you to attach h a hand strap or o necklace strap for the convvenience of usiing, while need tto use the deviice for a long period time.. Power Key It is fo or device’s pow wer on or off. T There has two power key, front and left side Scan B Button It is fo or reading data from RFID TAG G, it is front and left/right side e of product RF Pow wer Control Keyy RFID Scan the streng gth of the RF d during the launc ch (the century)) to adjust. RF Pow wer window Curren ntly set to indic cate the strengtth of the RF. (3 30dBm is strong ger toward the output.) Charge e LED It show ws when it is c charged comple etely. Scan L LED Press the Scan butto on, it shows Ac ccess condition n of RFID Tag Muti/O Once Key Switch h Tag access Model Muti/O Once LED Displa ay the Tag Acce ess Model BT/USB key Switch h the data trans sfer mode. BT/USB LED Displa ays the current data transfer m mode 6C/6B KEY Switch h the UHF Tag’’s 6B, 6C Mode 6C/6B LED Displa ays the UHF Tag’s 6B, 6C Mode. AT288-UH HF User Guide Ch hapter3 3. Basicc Funcctions 1. P Power and d Batteryy Main Battery: 3.7 7V 2,000mA Lithium - ion 1.1 D Detaching a and Attach hing Battery Detaching B Battery D Slide the battery latch to the right (UNLO OCK side), and then lift tthe main batttery out of the comp partment along both side es of groove e. A Attaching Ba attery he top part o of battery intto the upward groove, and then pre ess down the e bottom of battery Put th into the battery c compartmentt, slide batte ery latch to tthe left (LOC CK side) to a attach batterry firmly 1.2 C Charging B Battery This p product connects to you ur PC and Syync Cable fo or charging, o or the produ uct included in the charg ge via a dedicated A AC-DC Adap ptor is availa able. AT288-UHF User Guide You h have to charrge the batte ery via dedic cated adapte er, which pro ovided from the factory. “Pow wer LED” is Red while ch harging or is Green when charged c completely. C Connecting A Adapter 1. 2. 3. Plug the adapter cab ble to 220V socket. Connectt adapter DC C cable to th he “Power co onnecting ja ack” of the m main body. “Power L LED” is Red while charg ging Ca aution: You mus st to charge th he battery by using dedicated adapter, w which provided d from factoryy, or your device m might get dam mage. 1.3 P Power On a and Off There e are two pow wer key as b below, Please use the mo ore comforta able key, dep pending on yyour situatio on Power Key 전원 켜기 전 Press s the power b button, then window and d around the e LED will be e ON and sup pply the pow wer, it is read dy for th he working. ps working then press th he button on ne second, tthe power w will be off If the device stop Low Powerr Warning Front of the devic ce’s Battery LED is flash hing in RED,, stop using and connec ct the AC-D DC adapter o or cardle e for chargin ng NOTE: Battery life is s largely affe ected from tthe user usin ng method and surround ding environ nments. A 2200mA battery is usu ually needs 4 ~ 12 hours s to get cha arged completely. 10 AT288-UH HF User Guide 2. S Setting prroduct op peration m mode When n you use on nly this product, it will be e working siimply, unable to take of the data, And yyou can get only tag’s U UID data 2.1 S Switching th he data tran nsfer mode This d device has three differen nt type of da ata operation n mode USB B, Bluetooth,, Memory Tra ansfer (batc ch Proce ess) Everyy time when you press th he BT/USB KEY, the USB B and Blueto ooth operation mode is changed and the current transffer mode is indicated byy an LED Howe ever, Memorry transfer m mode comma and by a sep parate set is savailable NOTE: Pleas se check the e SDK manua al and Demo o program, iif you have q question which is relatin ng Command 2.2 U USB Mode settings an nd connection You n need to use additional p program and d device drivver for using USB MODE Pleas se contact th he customerr support center or your place of pu urchase. USB Connec ction U 1 Please set up the AT288 ○ 8’s USB driverr after set up the ‘USB to s serial driver.exxe’ in PC 2 Press the B ○ BT/USB KEY then set up the USB MODE 3 Please connect the Sync cable to sync ○ c/Power conn nector which is bottom on the device hould connect PC’s USB connector And the opp posite one sh 4 If the PC is rrecognized US ○ SB; please ch heck the COM M Port by equipment opera ator. 5 After running ○ g a dedicated PC Demo program, and s set up the COM port, pleas se press the C Connect butto on fo or performing the task 2.3 B Bluetooth Mode setting gs and con nnection In ord der to use Bluetooth Mo ode as a sep parate, dedic cated Progra am and Blue etooth Donglle for PC or a separrate Bluetoo oth-enabled Android, Wiindows Base e, the Device is required Pleas se contact th he customerr support center or your place of pu urchase. Otherr Mobile Devvice (PDA or smartphone e) associated d with the us se of a Bluetooth; please e see the use er manu ual for details C Connecting tthe Bluetooth in the PC(Windows ) ① If the PC does no ot support the Bluetooth,, please con nnect the Blu uetooth Dong gle to PC firs st then set up the d driver. ② If the PC can sup pport the Blu uetooth, plea ase check to o set up welll or the device is perfo orming well ③ Pleas se power on and press tthe BT/USB key for set up the Bluettooth Mode ④ After running the Bluetooth p programin th he Windows Control pan nel, Device d discovery (Device Search) will proceed ⑤ Devic ce Discoveryy (Device Se earch) will prroceed. ⑥ If you u find the AT T288, procee ed the Paring ⑦ The Pin P code, Pa assword is ‘0 0000” ⑧ Paring g is completed on a PC Blu uetooth, Plea ase check the AT28’s Com port in the device manage er 11 AT288-UHF User Guide or Blu uetooth device e managemen nt program ⑨ After running a dedicated PC C Demo prog gram, and se et up the CO OM port, plea ase press th he nect button ffor performin ng the task. Conn C Connecting tthe Bluetoothin the Mobile device T The Mobile d device is bas sed on Andrroid Smart p phone or tab blet PC ① Set up the Andro oid- only dem mo program in the Smart phone ② Pleas se power on and press tthe BT/USB key for set up the Bluettooth Mode ③ After starting the demo program, acceptt to use the Bluetooth fu unction ④ If you u find the AT T288, preced de the Paring with AT28 88 ⑤ The Pin P code, Pa assword is ‘0 0000” ⑥ Click the ‘Connec ct a device”” in Demo prrogram, try tto contact with w AT288 ⑦ When n the connec ction is completed, chec ck the device’s performing in the De emo program NOTE: For more detailed, pleas se see the additional SD DK manual and Demo prrogram’s ma anual 12 AT288-UH HF User Guide
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