ATrack Technology ATVT1304 UMTS GPS VEHICLE TRACKER User Manual


User Manual

        AK7 User Manual  Revision: 05 Revision Date: 2012/06/25           ATrack Technology Inc. 3F., No. 88, Sec. 1, Neihu Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 11493, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Tel: +886-2-27975852 Fax: +886-2-27974030
        Confidential Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                      Page 2 of 16 Contents 1.Notification .............................................................................................................................. 31.1.Disclaimer .................................................................................................................................... 31.2.Copyright ...................................................................................................................................... 31.3.Warning ........................................................................................................................................ 32.Hardware ................................................................................................................................. 42.1.Package Content ......................................................................................................................... 42.2.SIM Card Installation .................................................................................................................... 42.3.Power I/O Connector ................................................................................................................... 52.4.Serial Port Connector ................................................................................................................... 62.5.GPS Antenna ............................................................................................................................... 72.6.LED Indicators ............................................................................................................................. 83.Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 93.1.Connect device to HyperTerminal ................................................................................................ 93.2.Connect the device to the remote server ...................................................................................  134.Firmware Upgrade ............................................................................................................... 145.Appendix ................................................................................................................................ 155.1.Hardware Specification .............................................................................................................. 155.2.FCC Regulations: ....................................................................................................................... 16
        Confidential Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                      Page 3 of 16 11..  NNoottiiffiiccaattiioonn  11..11..  DDiissccllaaiimmeerr  This document, and all other related products, such as device, firmware, and software, is developed by ATrack Technology Inc. thoroughly. At the time of release, it is most compatible with specified firmware version. Due to the functionalities of the devices are being developed and improved from time to time, the change in the protocol, specification, and firmware functions are subjects to change without notice. ATrack Technology Inc. is obligated to modify all the documentation without the limitation of time frame. A change notice shall be released to ATrack Technology Inc. customers upon the completion of document modification.  ATrack Technology Inc. products are not intended to be used as life support or rescue equipments. ATrack Technology Inc. is not liable for any loss or injury caused by using or referencing to any products. Any possible means of using or integrating ATrack Technology Inc. products shall be avoided. 11..22..  CCooppyyrriigghhtt  ATrack Technology Inc. holds all parts of intellectual rights applicable in the copyright laws in all the countries. Any or all parts of this document shall not be exposed to non-authorized party without any form of approval from ATrack Technology Inc. Any forms, including but not limited to oral, copy, or internet sharing, of releasing or exposing information to an unauthorized party shall be prohibited. ATrack Technology Inc. reserves the rights of litigation in the violation of such copyright laws. 11..33..  WWaarrnniinngg  Connecting the wire inputs can be hazardous to both the installer and your vehicle’s electrical system if not done by an experienced installer. This document assumes you are aware of the inherent dangers of working in and around a vehicle and have a working understanding of electricity.
        Confidential Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                      Page 4 of 16 22..  HHaarrddwwaarree  22..11..  PPaacckkaaggee  CCoonntteenntt  Each package contains the following device/accessories:    Device * 1 (one of the devices below)                     AK7       GPS Antenna * 1 for AT1EONLY     Serial Cable * 1        Power/IO Cable * 1  22..22..  SSIIMM  CCaarrdd  IInnssttaallllaattiioonn  The AK7 supported 1.8V/3V universal SIM card which provided by worldwide GSM operators. Unscrew the SIM cover on the button of the AK7 device for SIM card installation.
        Confidential Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                      Page 5 of 16  22..33..  PPoowweerr  II//OO  CCoonnnneeccttoorr  The following figure shows power I/O connector and its pin number of AK7     The following table shows its function of power I/O connector Power I/O Connector Pin#  Function  Color  Designation  Note 1  Main power input  Red  PWR  DC 9V~40V input 2 Power ground  Black GND   3  ACC Input  Yellow  ACC  Ignition status positive trigger input 4  General Input1  Green  IN1  Negative trigger input 5 General Output1  Brown O1  Open collector output (Max.300mA) 6  General Output2  Gray  O2  Open collector output (Max.300mA) Positive Inputs: ACC (Triggered when connects to V+ range from 3.7 ~ 40V) Negative Inputs: IN1 (Triggered when connects to ground range from 0.8 ~ 0V) All outputs are open collector type (grounded when enabled) with max. sink current of 300mA. Power I/O
        Confidential Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                      Page 6 of 16  22..44..  SSeerriiaall  PPoorrtt  CCoonnnneeccttoorr  The following figure shows serial port connector and its pin number of AK7     The following table shows its function of serial port connector Serial Port Connector Pin#  Function  Color  Designation  Note 1 Power Ground  Black GND   2  RS232 Transmit data output  White  TX   3  RS232 Receive data input  Green  RX   4*  +5V Output for external accessories  Red  +5V  DC5V Max.300mA Output   * Note that the +5V output pin cannot connect to the other power source or short circuit to power ground. If the connected accessory requires more power, please use external power source instead.  The following figure shows the wire diagram of serial cable.  Serial Port
        Confidential Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                      Page 7 of 16  22..55..  GGPPSS  AAnntteennnnaa  The AK7 determines its position by communicating with the Global Positioning Satellites through GPS antenna. The location where the AK7 is installed will have great effect in the overall performance of the GPS receiver. The AK7 device has an internal GPS antenna but it is not a water proof design. Therefore, it shall not be installed outside of cabin or with the possibility of being splashed by water or rain . Ideally the label of AK7 should facing up (towards the sky) after the installation, such that the top of the device has a clear view of the sky. Mounting in this orientation provides optimum GPS signal reception.     Please note that the following interior conditions may cause bad GPS reception of AK7:   Your vehicle has metallic window tint   Your vehicle has a windshield mounted radio antenna   Your vehicle has a solar reflective window This face towards the sky
        Confidential Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                      Page 8 of 16  22..66..  LLEEDD  IInnddiiccaattoorrss  The following figure shows the location of the device LEDs.     LED  Indication  Description PWR (Green) Solid On  In full operation mode 1 blink (0.1 sec.) in every 10 sec.  In sleep mode 1 sec. On, 1 sec. Off  GPS module off, External power lost, running on backup battery GPS (Red)  0.7 sec. On, 0.7 sec. Off  Searching GPS signal Solid On  Position get fixed GSM (Red) Off  GSM module off 0.7 sec. On, 0.7 sec. Off  Searching GSM signal 0.2 sec. On, 2 sec. Off  Registered to GSM network 2 blinks in every 2 sec.  Connected to GPRS network Continuous blinking  SIM PIN Error Note: In the case of SIM PIN Error, the device will check the AT$SPIN every 10 minutes and try to access the SIM again. If the PIN is not corrected within 3 times of checking, including the first inserting time, the SIM card will be locked. Once the SIM is locked, you need to contact your GSM carrier for the PUK to unlock the SIM card on a cellular phone. PWR  GPS  GSM
        Confidential Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                      Page 9 of 16  33..  CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn  The device can be configured its parameters and behaviors by using AT commands. Please refer to ATrack Protocol Document for details. The device AT commands can be sent through RS232 port, SMS or GPRS TCP/UDP. 33..11..  CCoonnnneecctt  ddeevviiccee  ttoo  HHyyppeerrTTeerrmmiinnaall  The HyperTerminal is one of the most popular RS232 Terminal Emulator in Windows Platform. The other similar RS232 terminal emulator software can perform the same result. The following example shows how to connect the device to the HyperTerminal. (1)  Run HyperTerminal program and choose COM port and click [Configure…] button.
        Confidential Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                      Page 10 of 16 (2) Choose 57600,8,N,1 None flow control properties and click [OK] button.  (3) Click [File][Properties]
        Confidential Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                      Page 11 of 16 (4) Click [Settings] tab and [ASCII Setup…] button  (5) Checked the following options and click [OK] button
        Confidential Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                      Page 12 of 16 (6) Power ON the device. The startup message will show on the screen. The device AT command can be sent through the terminal after device startup.
        Confidential Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                      Page 13 of 16  33..22..  CCoonnnneecctt  tthhee  ddeevviiccee  ttoo  tthhee  rreemmoottee  sseerrvveerr  The GPRS connection shall be enabled and configured by AT$GPRS command. The ATrack ServerTool is a Windows-based software for GPRS connection testing. Once the GPRS has been enabled on the AK7device, the ServerTool will get connect to the AK7device.
        Confidential Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                      Page 14 of 16  44..  FFiirrmmwwaarree  UUppggrraaddee  The AK7device firmware can be upgraded by using RS232 serial port communication or GPRS FTP protocol. The following is an example for how to upgrade firmware by serial port.  (1)  Run ATFWUpload program and select COM port and firmware file properly. Press [Open] button.  (2)  Power On the AK7device. The process will be started.  (3)  After the firmware has uploaded and verified successfully, the green completed message will be shown.
        Confidential Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                      Page 15 of 16  55..  AAppppeennddiixx  55..11..  HHaarrddwwaarree  SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonn  AK7 Physical Characteristics Dimension    80 * 48 * 26 mm UMTS Module  Quad band GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz  Frequency Bands Tri‐bandUMTS850/1900/2100MHzGPS Module  High Sensitivity (65 Channel) GPS Antennas (for AT1E)  SMA Connector Type Shock Sensor  Built-In Real-Time Clock  Built-In Memory Capacity  2MB Casing High Heat Grade ABS Electrical Characteristics Power Source  8-40 VDC Power Consumption  Operational 100 mA @ 12VDC   Sleep 20 mA @ 12VDC   Deep Sleep 8 mA @ 12VDC I/O Characteristics Device I/O Ports  Positive Input 1    (Triggering voltage: 3.7 ~ 40V)   Negative Input 1    (Triggering voltage: 0 ~ 0.8V)   Negative Outputs 2  (Open Collector Type @ 300mAMAX) Serial Configurable 1   Baud rates 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 bps Environmental Characteristics Operation  Temperature -30 ~ +70°C (Note: Temp. up to +85°C with extreme condition) Storage Temperature -40 ~ +85°C   Relative Humidity 5 ~ 95%
        Confidential Document  © ATrack Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                      Page 16 of 16 55..22..  FFCCCC  RReegguullaattiioonnss::   This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.   This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiated radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.  RF Exposure Information  This device meets the government’s requirements for exposure to radio waves. This device is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Government.   This device complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. In order to avoid the possibility of exceeding the FCC radio frequency exposure limits, human proximity to the antenna shall not be less than 20cm (8 inches) during normal operation.

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