Aastra 6865I Users Manual IP Phone

6865i 782aea00-797a-4793-b138-d13145f485ab Aastra Telecom IP Phone 6865i User Guide |


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Aastra Model 6865i SIP IP Phone
User Guide
Release 3.3.1 SP3
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
ii 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Software License Agreement
Aastra, hereinafter known as "Seller", grants to Customer a personal, worldwide, non-transferable, non-sublicenseable
and non-exclusive, restricted use license to use Software in object form solely with the Equipment for which the Soft-
ware was intended. This Product may integrate programs, licensed to Aastra by third party Suppliers, for distribution
under the terms of this agreement. These programs are confidential and proprietary, and are protected as such by copy-
right law as unpublished works and by international treaties to the fullest extent under the applicable law of the jurisdic-
tion of the Customer. In addition, these confidential and proprietary programs are works conforming to the require-
ments of Section 401 of title 17 of the United States Code. Customer shall not disclose to any third party such confiden-
tial and proprietary programs and information and shall not export licensed Software to any country except in accord-
ance with United States Export laws and restrictions.
Customer agrees to not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or display Software furnished in object code form.
Customer shall not modify, copy, reproduce, distribute, transcribe, translate or reduce to electronic medium or machine
readable form or language, derive source code without the express written consent of the Seller and its Suppliers, or dis-
seminate or otherwise disclose the Software to third parties. All Software furnished hereunder (whether or not part of
firmware), including all copies thereof, are and shall remain the property of Seller and its Suppliers and are subject to the
terms and conditions of this agreement. All rights reserved.
Customer's use of this software shall be deemed to reflect Customer's agreement to abide by the terms and conditions
contained herein. Removal or modification of trademarks, copyright notices, logos, etc., or the use of Software on any
Equipment other than that for which it is intended, or any other material breach of this Agreement, shall automatically
terminate this license. If this Agreement is terminated for breach, Customer shall immediately discontinue use and
destroy or return to Seller all licensed software and other confidential or proprietary information of Seller. In no event
shall Seller or its suppliers or licensors be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation, damages for
loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, other pecuniary loss, or consequential dam-
ages) arising out of the use of or inability to use the software, even if Seller has been advised of the possibility of such
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 iii
Software License Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ii
Welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
About This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Phone Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Installation and Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
IP Phone Keys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Key Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Key Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Keypad Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Getting Started. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Plugging in and Starting the Phone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Idle Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Incomplete Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
No Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Methods for Customizing Your Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Phone Options via the IP Phone UI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Phone Options via the Aastra Web UI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Phone Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Phone Status via IP Phone UI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Phone Status via the Aastra Web UI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Customizing Your Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Ring Tones and Tone Sets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Live Dialpad*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Set Audio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Time and Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
User Password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Resetting a User Password. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
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Restarting Your Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Phone Lock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Emergency Dial Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Line Keys and Programmable Keys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Multiple Line and Call Appearance Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Programmable Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Line Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Creating a Speed Dial Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
Editing Speed Dial Keys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Do Not Disturb (DND) Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Busy Lamp Field (BLF) Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
BLF/List Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Key (for Sylantro Call Managers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
XML Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
Flash Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
Sprecode Key. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
Park/Pickup Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Last Call Return Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
Call Forward Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
BLF/Xfer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Speeddial/Xfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
Speeddial/Conf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Directory Key. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
Callers List Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
Redial Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79
Conference Key. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81
Transfer Key. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83
Intercom Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85
Services Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87
Phone Lock Key. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
Paging Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90
Save Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92
Delete Key. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94
None Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 v
Making Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97
Dialing a Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97
Using Handsfree Speakerphone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98
Using a Headset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98
Redial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99
Mute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Receiving Calls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Answering an Incoming Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Sending an Incoming Call to Voicemail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Handling Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Placing a Call on Hold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Transferring Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Conferencing Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Ending Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Managing Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Callers List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
DND and Call Forward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Additional Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Display DTMF Digits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Play Call Waiting Tone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Stuttered Dial Tone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
XML Beep Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Status Scroll Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Switch UI Focus to Ringing Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Call Hold Reminder During Active Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Call Hold Reminder (on single hold) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Call Waiting Tone Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Preferred Line and Preferred Line Timeout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Goodbye Key Cancels Incoming Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Message Waiting Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Incoming Intercom Call Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Group RTP Paging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
vi 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Star Codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Other Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Model M680i Expansion Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Using the Expansion Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Troubleshooting Solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Limited Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warranty-1
Exclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warranty-1
Warranty Repair Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warranty-1
After Warranty Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warranty-1
Limited Warranty (Australia Only). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warranty-2
Repair Notice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warranty-2
Exclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warranty-2
Warranty Repair Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warranty-3
After Warranty Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warranty-3
Appendix A - Time Zone Codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index-1
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 1
The Aastra 6865i offers exceptional flexibility in a true enterprise grade SIP desktop phone that can support up to
9 lines, has Dual Gigabit Ethernet ports, and features a large 3.4" 128x48 pixel LCD display. Its soft white
backlighting and large fonts making the screen easy to read in any lighting conditions. With its 8 programmable
keys, XML capabilities, native DHSG/EHS headset support, a true HD handset and a speakerphone that delivers
remarkable wideband HD audio quality, the Aastra 6865i SIP phone is ideally suited for the small to large business
market that needs Gigabit throughput for PC connectivity.
About This Guide
This guide explains how to use your new 6865i phone. Not all features listed are available by default. Contact your System
Administrator to find out which features and services are available on your system. Your System Administrator also has the
ability to customize some features on this phone. For information on more advanced settings and configurations,
administrators should refer to the Aastra SIP IP Phones Administrator Guide.
Aastra 6865i SIP IP Phone Installation Guide – Contains installation and set-up instructions, general features and func-
tions, and a basic list of configuration options. The Installation Guide can be downloaded from http://www.aastra.com.
Aastra 6865i SIP IP Phone User Guide – Describes the most commonly used features and functions for an end user. The
User Guide can be downloaded from http://www.aastra.com.
Aastra SIP IP Phones Administrator Guide – Describes how to set up the Aastra SIP IP phones on the network and con-
tains advanced configuration instructions. The Administrator Guide is intended for the System Administrator and can
be downloaded from http://www.aastra.com.
Phone Features
LCD screen with backlight
Built-in-two-port, 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet switch - lets you share a connection with your computer
8 programmable top keys
Press-and-hold speeddial key configuration feature
Supports up to 9 call lines with LEDs
Wideband handset
Wideband, full-duplex speakerphone for handsfree calls
Headset mode support
AC power adapter (sold separately)
Enhanced busy lamp fields*
Set paging*
*Availability of feature dependant on your phone system or service provider.
241-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
SIP-based IP PBX system or network installed and running with a SIP account created for the 6865i phone.
Access to a Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server,
or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) (HTTPS).
Ethernet/Fast Ethernet LAN (10/100 Mbps) (Gigabit Ethernet LAN [1000 Mbps] recommended).
Category 5/5e straight-through cabling (Category 6 straight-through cabling required for optimum Gigabit Ethernet
Power source:
For Ethernet networks that supply inline power to the phone (IEEE 802.3af) use an Ethernet cable to connect from
the phone directly to the network for power (no 48V AC power adapter required if using Power-over-Ethernet
For Ethernet networks that DO NOT supply power to the phone:
Use only the GlobTek Inc. Limited Power Source [LPS] adapter model no. GT-41080-1848 (sold separately) to con-
nect from the DC power port on the phone to a power source
Use a PoE power injector or a PoE switch.
Installation and Setup
If your System Administrator has not already setup your 6865i phone, please refer to the Aastra 6865i Installation Guide
for basic installation and physical setup. For more advanced administration and configuration information, System
Administrators should refer to the Aastra SIP IP Phones Administrator Guide.
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 3
IP Phone Keys
Key Panel
The following sections describe the various 6865i phone key functions and how they help you make and manage your
calls and caller information. Images of the symbol keys and the symbol hardware platform are used throughout this
6865i Handset Volume Control
High Quality Speakerphone Mute Key
Message Waiting Lamp Keypad
Goodbye Key Callers List Key
Hold Key Redial Key
Navigation/Select Keys Line/Call Appearance Keys
Transfer Key Speaker/Headset Key
Conference Key LCD Screen
Options Key -Programmable Keys
IP Phone Keys
441-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Key Description
The following table identifies the keys on the key panel of your 6865i IP phone that you can use for handling calls.
Key Description
Goodbye Key - Ends an active call. The Goodbye key also exits an open list, such as the Options List, without saving changes.
Hold Key - Places an active call on hold. To retrieve a held call, press the call appearance button beside the light that is flashing.
Navigation/Select Keys - Pressing the UP and DOWN keys lets you view different status and text messages on the LCD display
(if there is more than 1 line of status/text messages). These buttons also let you scroll through menu selections, such as the
Options List.
Pressing the LEFT and RIGHT keys lets you view the different line/call appearances. While in the Options List, these keys allow
you to exit or enter the current option. When you are editing entries on the display, pressing the LEFT key erases the character
on the left; pressing the RIGHT key sets the option. Alternatively, pressing the center Select key sets the option as well on spe-
cific screens.
Transfer Key - Transfers the active call to another number.
Conference Key - Begins a conference call with the active call.
Options Key - Accesses services and options to customize your phone. Your System Administrator may have already custom-
ized some of your settings. Check with your System Administrator before changing the administrator-only options.
Volume Controls - Adjusts the volume for the handset, ringer, and handsfree speaker.
Mute Key - Mutes the microphone so that your caller cannot hear you (the light indicator flashes when the microphone is on
Callers List Key - Accesses a list of the last 200 calls received.
Redial Key - Accesses a list of the last 100 previously dialed numbers. Pressing the Redial key twice redials the last dialed
Line/Call Appearance Keys - Connects you to a line or call. The Aastra 6865i IP phone supports two line keys, each with LED
indicator lights.
IP Phone Keys
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 5
Speaker/Headset Key - Transfers the active call to the speaker or headset, allowing handsfree use of the phone.
Programmable Keys - When programmed, allows you to easily perform up to 8 specific functions (e.g. Services, Directory,
Callers List, Intercom, etc...) and access enhanced services provided by third parties (e.g. XML applications).
Key Description
IP Phone Keys
641-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Keypad Keys
The 6865i has a keypad with digits from 0 through 9, a * key, and a # key. Keys 2 through 9 contain the letters of the
alphabet. The 6865i phone keypad includes the following:
The * is called the star key. The # is called the number sign, pound key, or hash key, depending on one's nationality or
personal preference. These can be used for special functions such as accessing voicemail. The star key and pound key
functions are dependant on your countrys feature availability. Contact your System Administrator for more information
about available functions using these keys.
These keypad keys can be used for any of the following on the phone:
Dialing a phone number to make a call (see “Dialing a Number on page 97).
Entering digits or letters in the IP phone user interface.
Programming a speed dial number (see “Creating a Speed Dial Key on page 46).
Pressing a speed dial key (see “Creating a Speed Dial Key on page 46).
Pressing the keys associated with a called Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system.
Keypad Key Description
0Dials 0
Dials the Operator on a registered phone
1Dials 1
2 ABC Dials 2
When entering text, this key enters A with one press, B with two presses, and C with three presses
3 DEF Dials 3
When entering text, this key enters D with one press, E with two presses, and F with three presses
4 GHI Dials 4
When entering text, this key enters G with one press, H with two presses, and I with three presses
5 JKL Dials 5
When entering text, this key enters J with one press, K with two presses, and L with three presses
6 MNO Dials 6
When entering text, this key enters M with one press, N with two presses, and O with three presses
7 P QRS Dials 7
When entering text, this key enters P with one press, Q with two presses, R with three presses, and S with four presses.
8 TUV Dials 8
When entering text, this key enters T with one press, U with two presses, and V with three presses
9 WXYZ Dials 9
When entering text, this key enters W with one press, X with two presses, Y with three presses, and Z with four presses.
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 7
Getting Started
The 6865i must be set up and configured prior to its first use. This section describes phone behavior and start up screens
you may see when the phone is first plugged in, or when it is restarted.
Plugging in and Starting the Phone
The 6865i automatically begins the start up sequence as soon as it is connected. The phone goes through this process the
first time you plug in your phone and every time you restart your phone.
The phone displays the following startup screens:
During the first start up, the 6865i phone attempts to contact the Redirection and Configuration Server (rcs.aastra.com)
for current server information. No personal information is transmitted from the phone during this process.
The 6865i phone may also look for configuration servers on your local network (press 4Skip to continue without check-
ing for servers).
Some start up screens only appear the first time you connect your phone, or if your phone has been factory defaulted.
Aastra 6865i
Aastra 6865i
Aastra 6865i
Auto Discovery
Getting Started
841-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
If appropriate servers are found they are listed for you to select from by scrolling down to view the complete list. (Press
3Skip to continue without selecting a server.).
The 6865i phone then checks settings and looks for new configuration and firmware updates from a server. If a new
update is found, the phone displays the message Updating Configuration. This may take a few moments while the
phone downloads the latest updates.
If language packs were loaded to your phone by your System Administrator, the following screen displays during startup.
When the configuration update is complete, the phone displays the following screens:
New updates to your phone can be automatically scheduled from the server. This is set up on the phone system by your
System Administrator and should be scheduled during non-business hours or slow call periods.
Do not unplug or remove power to the phone while it is checking or installing firmware and configuration information.
1 Choose Server
<Server Name>
Skip Select
Checking for new
Language Packs
Getting Started
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 9
Idle Screens
When the phone has successfully updated the configuration and connected to the network, the phone displays the Idle
State screen:
The Idle State screen lists your name (SIP screen name), extension (or phone number), and the date and time. This screen
is shown whenever your phone is not in use. The L1 in the upper corner in the above example indicates the idle screen for
the first line appearance. You can use the left and right arrow keys to scroll through the idle screens for both line appear-
ances on the 6865i.
The second display line shows the following temporary messages if the event occurs:
No Service
DHCP Failed
New IP Obtained
Network Disconnected/Connected
The second line can also display the following status messages, listed in order of display priority:
Call Forward status
DND (Do Not Disturb) On
Number of missed calls
When more than one status message displays, the 2 is shown after the message to indicate that you can use the 2 and 5
navigation keys to scroll through the remaining messages.
Since Network Disconnected/Connected displays on two lines, the date and time does not show if this event displays.
John Smith
Tue Aug 20 2:55pm
Getting Started
10 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Incomplete Configuration
If your phone displays an Incomplete Config message without any extension or user name at the end of the start up
sequence instead of an Idle state screen, this indicates the phone configuration that was downloaded from the configu-
ration server is not complete or correct. Contact your System Administrator for assistance.
No Service
When the phone is not properly connected to the network, or the account has not been configured by the Network
Administrator, the No Service or Network Disconnected prompt appears on the display and the telephone status light
turns ON. Check that the cables are tightly connected to the phone and to the wall jack. The phone should automatically
detect when the connection is reconnected and display the Network Connected prompt temporarily.
If changes have been made to your phone settings, you may need to restart your phone. For more information on
restarting your phone, see “Restarting Your Phone” on page 39.
For more information about connecting your phone, refer to the Aastra 6865i Installation Guide or check with your Sys-
tem Administrator for assistance.
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 11
Methods for Customizing Your Phone
There are two ways to customize specific options on your phone:
Using the Options key on the IP phone.
Using the Aastra Web UI in an Internet browser window from your PC.
Phone Options via the IP Phone UI
You can customize your phone by pressing the key and accessing the IP phone UI. These options allow you to cus-
tomize the following phone settings.
Option Number Option
1Call Forward
1. All
2. Busy
3. No Answer
4. All Off
5. All On
The menus that display for Call Forward are dependant on the Call Forward Mode set on the phone. Default is Account mode.
1. Tones
Ring Tone
Tone Set
2. Display
Contrast Level
3. Speed Dial Edit
4. Live Dialpad
5. Set Audio
Audio Mode
Headset Mic Vol
6. Time and Date
Time Format
Daylight Savings
Date Format
Time Zone
Time Server 1
Time Server 2
Time Server 3
Set Time
Set Date
7. Language
Screen Language
Input Language
3 Phone Status
1. IP&MAC Addresses
2. LAN Port
3. PC Port
4. Firmware Info
5. Error Messages
6. Copyright
5 Admin Menu (Password Protected)*
6Restart Phone
7 Phone Lock
Methods for Customizing Your Phone
12 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Simplified Options List
Your System Administrator may configure a simplified Options List for your phone. The following table indicates the
options that may appear on your phone if the simplified Options List is applied:
Using the IP Phone UI
*The Administrator Menu options are Administrator-level functions only, and are not accessible by the user. These
options should only be set up and changed by your System Administrator.
Option Number Option
1Call Forward
1. All
2. Busy
3. No Ans
4. All Off
5. All On
The menus that display for Call Forward are dependent on the Call Forward Mode set on the phone. Default is Account mode.
1. Tones
Ring Tone
Tone Set
2. Display
Contrast Level
3. Set Audio
Audio Mode
Headset Mic Vol
3 Phone Status
1. IP&MAC Addresses
2. LAN Port
3. PC Port
4. Firmware Info
5. Error Messages
6. Restart Phone
7. Copyright
4 Phone Lock
IP Phone UI
1. Press the key on the phone to enter the Options List.
2. Press the 5 and 2 keys to view the different options.
3. Press the key, the 4 Enter key, or press the number of the corresponding option to select an option.
4. Change the selected option if required.
5. Press the key or the 4Set, or 4Done key to save the change.
6. Press the key, the 3 navigation key, or the key at any time to exit without saving changes.
For more information about customizing your phone using the available options from the IP phone UI, see the section
“Customizing Your Phone” on page 19. For more information about Administrator options, contact your System
Methods for Customizing Your Phone
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 13
Phone Options via the Aastra Web UI
In addition to the IP phone UI options, you can customize additional options on the IP phone using the Aastra Web UI. In
order to access your phone using the Aastra Web UI, you need to know your phone’s IP address. To find your phone’s IP
address, see “Finding Your Phone’s IP Address” on page 16.
Using the Aastra Web UI
Aastra Web UI
1. Open your web browser, enter the phone’s IP address or host name into the address field and press Enter.
The following logon screen displays:
2. At the prompt, enter your username and password and click OK.
The Status window displays for the IP phone you are accessing.
For a user, the default username is user and the password field is left blank.
3. You can logout of the Aastra Web UI at any time by clicking Log Off.
Methods for Customizing Your Phone
14 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
The following categories display in the side menu of the Aastra Web UI: Status, Operation, and Basic Settings.
Headings Descriptions
Status The Status section displays the network status and the MAC address of the IP phone. It also displays hardware and firmware informa-
tion regarding the IP phone, and information about the SIP account(s) currently configured on the phone. The information in the Sta-
tus window is read-only.
Operation User Password - Allows you to change the user password.
Phone Lock - Allows you to assign an emergency dial plan to the phone, lock the phone to prevent any changes to the phone and to
prevent use of the phone, as well as reset the user password.
Programmable Keys - Allows you to configure up to 8 programmable keys with functions identified in the list below.
Keypad Speed Dial - Allows you to assign a speed dial number to a specific digit on the phone’s keypad/dialpad for speed dialing pur-
Expansion Module - Allows you to configure an additional 16 softkeys with a M680i Expansion Module if it is attached to the phone.
This option displays on the side menu of the Aastra Web UI only if an Expansion Module is attached. Not all functions in the table above
apply to the expansion modules.
Directory - Allows you to copy the Callers List and Directory from your IP phone to your PC.
Reset - Allows you to restart the IP phone when required.
Basic Settings Preferences - Allows you to enable/disable the following:
Display DTMF Digits
Play Call Waiting Tone
Stuttered Dial Tone
XML Beep Support
Status Scroll Delay (seconds)
Switch UI Focus to Ringing Line
Call Hold Reminder During Active Calls
Call Hold Reminder
Call Waiting Tone Period
Preferred Line
Preferred Line Timeout (seconds)
Goodbye Key Cancels Incoming Call
Message Waiting Indicator Line
DND Key Mode
Call Forward Key Mode
This category also allows you to configure:
Incoming Intercom Call Settings
Group Paging RTP Settings
Ring Tones (global and per-line basis)
Time and Date Settings
Language Settings
Account Configuration - Allows you to configure DND and Call Forward by account. You can have multiple accounts on the 6865i.
None BLF/Xfer
Line Speeddial/Xfer
Speeddial Speeddial/Conf
Do Not Disturb (DND) Directory
BLF (Busy Lamp Field) Callers List
BLF/List Redial
Auto Call Distribution (ACD) Conference
XML (Extensible Markup Language) Transfer
Flash Icom (Intercom)
Sprecode Services
Park Phone Lock
Pickup Paging
Last Call Return (LCR) Save
Call Fwd (Call Forward) Delete
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 15
Phone Status
You can view the status of your phone using the IP phone UI or the Aastra Web UI.
Phone Status via IP Phone UI
The Phone Status option on the IP phone displays the status of your phone to the LCD display.
This option allows you to view your phones:
Network status including your phones IP and MAC addresses
Local Area Network (LAN) port information
PC Port information (if PC link exists)
Firmware information
Error messages from the last reboot or startup
Copyright information
IP Phone UI
1. Press on the phone to enter the Options List.
2. Select Phone Status.
3. Select the option you want to view:
IP&MAC Address
LAN Port
PC Port
Firmware Info
Error Messages
The option you select displays to the screen. Use the 2 and 5 keys to scroll the through the content displayed on
Phone Status
16 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Finding Your Phones IP Address
If you want to access your phone’s options using an Internet browser, you need to enter the IP address of the phone in
the browser to open the Aastra Web UI. Use the following procedure to find your phone’s IP address.
IP Phone UI
1. Press the key on the phone to enter the Option List.
2. Select Phone Status and press the key or 4 Enter key.
3. Select IP&MAC Addresses and press the key or 4 Enter key.
The IP address of your 6865i IP phone displays in the IP Address field.
Phone Status
Next Enter
IP&MAC Addresses
Next Enter
IP Address
Next Enter
Phone Status
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 17
Phone Status via the Aastra Web UI
Use the following procedure to view the phone status via the Aastra Web UI.
Aastra Web UI
1. Open your web browser, enter the phone’s IP address or host name into the address field and press Enter.
2. In the Username/Password window, enter your username and password and click OK.
The Status window displays for the IP phone you are accessing.
The default username is user and the password field is left blank.
This Status window displays the status of your phone, which includes the following information:
Network Status
Hardware Information
Firmware Information
SIP Status
Phone Status
18 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
SIP Account Status
The IP phones show the SIP registration status on the IP phone’s Status screen in the Aastra Web UI.
The following table describes the status conditions that can display for the account.
Status Condition Description
Registered Displays this status on accounts that HAVE been registered with the SIP proxy server.
Line SIP Account Status Backup Registrar Used?
1 650@proxy.com:5060 Registered Yes
Account Number is 1
SIP Account is 650@proxy.com on port 5060
Status is Registered
Backup registrar is used (Yes)
SIP Error Number Displays on accounts when registration fails with the SIP proxy server.
Line SIP Account Status Backup Registrar Used?
4 653@proxy.com:5060 401 No
Account Number is 4
SIP Account is 653@proxy.com on port 5060
Status is 401 - Unregistered if SIP registration fails
Backup registrar is used (No)
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 19
Customizing Your Phone
The following paragraphs describe the options available from either the IP phone UI, the Aastra Web UI, or both, and pro-
vide procedures applicable to the option.
Ring Tones and Tone Sets
You can configure ring tones and ring tone sets on the IP phone.
Ring Tones
There are several distinct ring tones a user can select from to set on the IP phones. You can enable/disable these ring tones
on a global or per-line basis.
The following table identifies the valid settings and default values for each type of configuration method:
Ring Tones
Configuration Method Valid Values Default Value
IP Phone UI Global
Tone 1
Tone 2
Tone 3
Tone 4
Tone 5
Global Setting:
Tone 1
Aastra Web UI Global:
Tone 1
Tone 2
Tone 3
Tone 4
Tone 5
Global Setting:
Tone 1
Lines 1 through 9 Per-Line Setting:
Tone 1
Tone 2
Tone 3
Tone 4
Tone 5
Per-Line Setting:
Customizing Your Phone
20 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Ring Tone Sets
In addition to ring tones, you can configure ring tone sets on a global-basis on the IP phone. Ring tone sets consist of
tones customized for a specific country. The ring tone sets you can configure on the IP phones are:
Europe (generic tones)
US (Default - also used in Canada)
When you configure the country's tone set, the country-specific tone is heard on the phone for the following:
Dial tone
Secondary dial tone
Ring tone
Busy tone
Congestion tones
Call waiting tone
Ring cadence pattern
You configure global ring tones and tone sets using the Aastra Web UI and the IP phone UI.
Configuring Ring Tones and Tone Sets
Global configuration only
IP Phone UI
1. Press on the phone to enter the Options List.
2. Select Preferences.
3. Select Tones.
4. Select Ring Tone.
5. Select the type of ring tone (Tone 1 through Tone 5, or Silent).
6. Press the key or select 4Set .
7. Select Tone Set.
Customizing Your Phone
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 21
8. Select the country for which you want to apply the tone set. Valid values are:
US (default)
9. Press the key or select 4Set.
The ring tone and tone set you select is immediately applied to the IP phone.
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Basic Settings > Preferences > Ring Tones.
For global configuration
2. In the Ring Tones section, select a country from the Tone Set field. Valid values are:
US (default)
Customizing Your Phone
22 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
The 6865i IP phone allows you to configure display settings pertaining to the LCD contrast level and backlight.
Contrast Level
The Contrast Level option on the IP phone allows you to set the amount of contrast on the LCD display. You can set the
contrast level using the IP phone UI only.
Setting the Contrast Level
The Backlight option on the IP phone allows you to set the backlight status on the LCD display to the following:
Off: Backlight is always off.
Auto (default): Automatically turns on the backlight when the phone is in use, and then automatically turns off the
backlight when the phone is idle after a specified length of time.
3. Select a value from the Global Ring Tone field.
See the “Ring Tones” on page 19 for valid values.
For per-line configuration
4. In the Ring Tone section, select a line for which you want to set ring tone.
5. Select a value from the LineN field.
See the “Ring Tones” on page 19 for valid values.
6. Click Save Settings.
IP Phone UI
1. Press on the phone to enter the Options List.
2. Select Preferences.
3. Select Display.
4. Select Contrast Level.
5. Use the 3 and 4 navigation keys to increase or decrease the amount of contrast on the screen.
6. Press the key or 4Select to save your selection.
Customizing Your Phone
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 23
Configuring Backlight Options
Live Dialpad*
The Live Dialpad option on the IP phone turns the live dialpad mode on or off. With the live dialpad feature enabled, the
6865i IP phone automatically dials out and turns on handsfree mode as soon as a dialpad/keypad key or programmable
key is pressed. With live dialpad disabled, if you dial a number while the phone is on-hook, lifting the receiver or pressing
the initiates a call to that number.
You can enable/disable the live dialpad using the IP phone UI only.
Enabling/Disabling Live Dialpad
IP Phone UI
1. Press on the phone to enter the Options List.
2. Select Preferences.
3. Select Display.
4. Select Backlight.
5. Use the 5 or 2 navigation keys to navigate to Off or Auto.
6. Press the key or select 4Set to save your selection.
Availability of this feature is dependant on your phone system or service provider.
IP Phone UI
1. Press on the phone to enter the Options List.
2. Select Preferences.
3. Select Live Dialpad.
4. Use the 5 and 2 navigation keys to navigate to ON or OFF.
5. Press the key or select 4Set to save your selection.
Customizing Your Phone
24 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Set Audio
The Set Audio option on the IP phone allows you to set the audio mode for your IP phone. It also allows you to set the
volume level of the headset microphone and enable/disable DHSG. You can configure audio options on your IP phone
using the IP phone UI only.
Audio Mode
The 6865i allows you to use a handset, a headset, or handsfree mode to handle incoming and outgoing calls. The Audio
Mode option provides different combinations of these three methods to provide maximum flexibility in handling calls.
There are four audio mode options you can set:
Setting Audio Mode
Audio Mode Option Description
Speaker This is the default setting. Calls can be made or received using the handset or handsfree speakerphone. In handset
audio mode, pressing the button on the phone switches to handsfree speakerphone. In Speaker audio
mode, lift the handset to switch to the handset.
Headset Choose this setting if you want to make or receive all calls using a handset or headset. Calls can be switched from the
handset to headset by pressing the button on the phone. To switch from the headset to the handset, lift the
Speaker/Headset Incoming calls are sent to the handsfree speakerphone first when the button is pressed. By pressing the
button again, you can switch back and forth between the handsfree speakerphone and the headset. At anytime, lift-
ing the handset switches back to the handset from either the handsfree speakerphone or the headset.
Headset/Speaker Incoming calls are sent to the headset first when the button is pressed. By pressing the button again, you
can switch back and forth between the headset and the handsfree speakerphone. At anytime, lifting the handset
switches back to the handset from either the headset or the handsfree speakerphone.
IP Phone UI
1. Press on the phone to enter the Options List.
2. Select Preferences.
3. Select Set Audio.
4. Select Audio Mode.
5. Select the audio mode you want to use on your phone. Valid values are:
Speaker (Default)
6. Press the key or select 4Set to save your selection.
Customizing Your Phone
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 25
Headset Mic Volume
The Headset Mic Volume option allows you to set the volume level for the headset microphone.
Setting Headset Mic Volume
The DHSG option allows you to enable or disable DHSG headset support.
Enabling/Disabling DHSG
IP Phone UI
1. Press on the phone to enter the Options List.
2. Select Preferences.
3. Select Set Audio.
4. Select Headset Mic Volume.
5. Select the Low, Medium, or High volume level. Default is Medium.
6. Press the key or select 4Set to save your selection.
A DHSG headset and an expansion module cannot be used concurrently as they both share the same headset port.
IP Phone UI
1. Press on the phone to enter the Options List.
2. Select Preferences.
3. Select Set Audio.
4. Select DHSG.
5. Select the DHSG is OFF or DHSG is ON option. Default is DHSG is OFF.
6. Press the key or select 4Set to save your selection.
Customizing Your Phone
26 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Time and Date
On the IP phones, you can configure the following:
Time and date
Time and date format
Time zone
Daylight savings time
Time servers
Configuring Time and Time Format
Only the time and date formats and time servers can be set using the Aastra Web UI
IP Phone UI
1. Press on the phone to enter the Options List.
2. Select Preferences.
3. Select Time and Date.
4. Select Set Time.
5. Using the keys on the keypad, enter a time to set on the IP phone. Use the * key to set either AM or PM.
6. Press the key or select 2Done to save the time setting.
7. Select Time Format.
8. Using the 5 and 2 navigation keys, set the Time Format to either a 12 hour format or a 24 hour format. Default
is 12 Hour.
9. Press the key or select 4Set to save the Time Format you selected.
Customizing Your Phone
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 27
Configuring Date and Date Format
Configuring the Time Zone
IP Phone UI
1. Press on the phone to enter the Options List.
2. Select Preferences.
3. Select Time and Date.
4. Select Set Date.
5. Using the keys on the keypad, enter a date to set on the IP phone.
6. Press the key or select 2 Done to save the date setting.
7. Select Date Format.
8. Select a date format from the list of options. Valid values are:
WWW MMM DD (default)
9. Press the key or select 4Set to save the Date Format setting.
IP Phone UI
1. Press on the phone to enter the Options List.
2. Select Preferences.
3. Select Time and Date.
4. Select Time Zone.
A list of Time Zones display for different areas of the world.
5. Select a Time Zone that applies to your area by using the navigation keys.
The default Time Zone is US-Eastern.
For a list of the Time Zone values available on the IP phone, see Appendix A - Time Zone Codes.
6. Press the key or select 4Set to save the Time Zone setting.
Customizing Your Phone
28 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Configuring Daylight Savings Time
Configuring Time Servers
With a valid time server enabled your IP phone will synchronize the time displayed with the specified configuration
server. The phone will use the time from Time Server 1 unless it is not configured or unavailable, in which case it will
move on to Time Server 2, and if necessary Time Server 3.
IP Phone UI
1. Press on the phone to enter the Options List.
2. Select Preferences.
3. Select Time and Date.
4. Select Daylight Savings.
5. Select a Daylight Savings time from the list of options.
Valid values are:
30 min summertime
1 h summertime
Automatic (Default)
6. Press the key or select 4Set to save the Daylight Savings setting.
IP Phone UI
1. Press on the phone to enter the Options List.
2. Select Preferences.
3. Select Time and Date.
4. Select from Time Server 1, Time Server 2, or Time Server 3.
5. Enter an IP address or domain name for the time server.
Time Servers are enabled by default. The Time Servers can be Enabled or Disabled only from the Aastra Web UI.
6. Press the key or select 4Set to save the time server setting.
Customizing Your Phone
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 29
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Basic Settings > Preferences > Time and Date Setting
2. In the Time Format field, select the time format you want to use on your phone. Valid values are:
12h (12 hour format) (default)
24h (24 hour format)
The time and time format you configure display on the phone’s idle screen.
3. In the Date Format field, select the date format you want to use on your phone. Valid values are:
WWW MMM DD (default)
The date and date format you configure display on the phones idle screen.
4. In the NTP Time Servers field, enable by checking the checkbox or disable by unchecking the box (default is enabled).
5. In the Time Server 1, Time Server 2, and Time Server 3 fields, enter IP addresses or qualified domain names for the
primary, secondary, and tertiary time servers.
Time Servers can only be entered if NTP Time Servers is enabled.
6. Click Save Settings.
Customizing Your Phone
30 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
The IP phones support several different languages. You can have the IP phone UI and the Aastra Web UI display in a spe-
cific language as required. When you set the language to use, all of the display screens (menus, services, options, config-
uration parameters, etc.) display in that language. The IP phones support the following languages:
Mexican Spanish
Canadian French
Dutch (Netherlands)
Portuguese Brazilian
You can also configure the language to use when inputting values in the Aastra Web UI and the IP phone UI.
Specifying the Language to Use
Once the language pack(s) are available on your phone from your System Administrator, you can specify which language
to use on the phone and/or the Aastra Web UI.
All languages may not be available for selection. The available languages are dependant on the language packs cur-
rently loaded to the IP phone.
Customizing Your Phone
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 31
IP Phone UI
1. Press on the phone to enter Options List.
2. Select Preferences.
3. Select Language.
4. Select Screen Language.
The language setting displays a check mark indicating this is the current language on the IP phone.
5. Using the 2 and 5 keys, scroll through the languages.
All languages may not be available for selection. The available languages are dependant on the language packs
currently loaded to the IP phone. English is the default language and cannot be changed or removed. For more
information about loading language packs, see your System Administrator.
6. Press the key or select 4Set to set the language on the phone.
The change is dynamic. When you exit the Options List, the phone displays all menu items in the language you
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Basic Settings > Preferences > Language Settings.
2. In the Webpage Language field, select a language to apply to the Aastra Web UI.
All languages may not be available for selection. The available languages are dependant on the language packs cur-
rently loaded to the IP phone by your System Administrator. English is the default language and cannot be changed
or removed.
3. Click Save Settings. The change is dynamic. The Aastra Web UI displays all screens in the language you selected.
You must have the language pack(s) already loaded to your phone in order to use them. For more information about
loading language packs, see your System Administrator.
Customizing Your Phone
32 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Input Language
The 6865i supports text and character inputs in various languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese,
Russian, and Nordic). Inputting textual or character information into the IP phone UI can be done using the keypad on
the phone. You can configure the Input Language feature using the Aastra Web UI or the IP phone UI.
The following tables identify the language characters that you can use to enter text and characters on the 6865i.
Keypad Input Alphabet Tables
English (default)
Key Uppercase Characters Lowercase Characters
00 0
11;=_,-'&() 1.:;=_,-'&()
2ABC2 abc2
3DEF3 def3
4GHI4 ghi4
5JKL5 jkl5
6MNO6 mno6
7PQRS7 pqrs7
8TUV8 tuv8
9WXYZ9 wxyz9
* * <SPACE> * <SPACE>
##/\@ #/\@
Key Uppercase Characters Lowercase Characters
00 0
11.:;=_,-'&() 1.:;=_,-'&()
2 ABC2ÀÂÇÁÅÆ abc2àâçáåæ
3DEF3ÉÈÊË def3éèêë
4 GHI4ÎÏ ghi4îï
5JKL5 jkl5
6 MNO6ÑÓÒÔÖ mno6ñóòôö
7PQRS7 pqrs7
8 TUV8 tuv8úùûü
9WXYZ9 wxyz9
* * <SPACE> * <SPACE>
##/\@ #/\@
Customizing Your Phone
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 33
Key Uppercase Characters Lowercase Characters
00 0
11.:;=_,-'&() 1.:;=_,-'&()
2 ABC2ÁÀÇ abc2áàç
3DEF3ÉÈ def3éè
4GHI4ÏÍ ghi4ïí
5JKL5 jkl5
6 MNO6ÑÓÒ mno6ñóò
7PQRS7 pqrs7
8TUV8ÚÜ tuv8úü
9WXYZ9 wxyz9
* * <SPACE> * <SPACE>
##/\@ #/\@
Key Uppercase Characters Lowercase Characters
00 0
11.:;=_,-'&() 1.:;=_,-'&()
2 ABC2ÄÀ abc2äà
3DEF3É def3é
4GHI4 ghi4
5JKL5 jkl5
6MNO6Ö mno6ö
7PQRS7ß pqrs7ß
8TUV8Ü tuv8ü
9WXYZ9 wxyz9
* * <SPACE> * <SPACE>
##/\@ #/\@
Key Uppercase Characters Lowercase Characters
00 0
11.:;=_,-'&() 1.:;=_,-'&()
2 ABC2ÀCÇ abc2àcç
3DEF3ÉÈË def3éèë
4GHI4 ghi4
5JKL5 jkl5
6 MNO6ÓÒ mno6óò
7PQRS7 pqrs7
8TUV8Ù tuv8ù
9WXYZ9 wxyz9
* * <SPACE> * <SPACE>
##/\@ #/\@
Customizing Your Phone
34 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Key Uppercase Characters Lowercase Characters
00 0
11.:;=_,-'&() 1.:;=_,-'&()
2 ABC2ÁÀÂÃÇ abc2áàâãç
3DEF3ÉÊ def3éê
4 GHI4Í ghi4í
5JKL5 jkl5
6 MNO6ÓÔÕ mno6óôõ
7PQRS7 pqrs7
8TUV8ÚÜ tuv8úü
9WXYZ9 wxyz9
* * <SPACE> * <SPACE>
##/\@ #/\@
Key Uppercase Characters Lowercase Characters
00 0
11.:;=_,-'&() 1.:;=_,-'&()
БВГ2ABC aбвг2abc
3ДЕЁЖЭ3DEF Дeëжз3def
ЙКЛ4GHI ийкл4ghi
5МНОП5JKL мноп5jkl
СТУ6MNO рсту6mno
7ФХЦЧ7PQRS7 фхЧч7pqrs
ЩЪЫ8TUV шщъы8tuv
9ЬЗЮЯ9WXYZ ьзюя9wxyz
* * <SPACE> * <SPACE>
##/\@ #/\@
Key Uppercase Characters Lowercase Characters
00 0
11.:;=_,-'&() 1.:;=_,-'&()
2 ABC2ÅÄÆÀ abc2åäæà
3DEF3É def3é
4GHI4 ghi4
5JKL5 jkl5
6 MNO6ÖØ mno6öø
7PQRS7ß pqrs7ß
8TUV8Ü tuv8ü
9WXYZ9 wxyz9
* * <SPACE> * <SPACE>
##/\@ #/\@
Customizing Your Phone
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 35
Configuring Language Input Using the IP Phone UI
You can configure the language you use for inputting on the phone by setting the Input Language option. The default
input language setting is English.
IP Phone UI
1. Press on the phone to enter the Options List.
2. Select Preferences.
3. Select Language.
4. Select Input Language.
Select the language you want to use when inputting text and characters into the IP phone UI. Valid values are:
English (default)
Français (French)
Español (Spanish)
Deutsch (German)
Italiano (Italian)
Português (Portuguese)
Русский (Russian)
Available input languages are dependent on the configuration enabled by your System Administrator.
5. Press the key or select 4Set to set an input language.
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Basic Settings > Preferences > Language Settings.
2. Select a language from the Input Language field. Setting this field allows you to specify the language to use when
entering text and characters in the Aastra Web UI and IP phone UI. Valid values are:
English (default)
Français (French)
Español (Spanish)
Deutsch (German)
Italiano (Italian)
Português (Portuguese)
Русский (Russian)
All languages may not be available for selection. The available input languages are dependant on the configuration
enabled by your System Administrator.
3. Click Save Settings. The change is dynamic. The Aastra Web UI and IP phone UI allow you to enter text and characters
in the language you selected
Customizing Your Phone
36 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Latin 2 Character Set
The 6865i includes support for ISO 8859-2 (Latin2) of multi-national languages when displaying and inputting in the IP
phone UI and the Aastra Web UI. UTF-8 is also compatible with XML encoding on the IP phones.
The following table illustrates the Latin 2 character set used on the 6865i IP phone.
Customizing Your Phone
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 37
User Password
This category allows you to change the user password for your phone. Changing your password ensures that only you can
alter your phone settings, and helps keep your system secure. You can change your user password using the IP phone UI or
the Aastra Web UI.
Setting a User Password
Valid values when creating or changing a password are 0 to 4294967295 (integers only; symbols and alpha characters are
not allowed). The default password is an empty string (i.e. leave the field blank).
IP Phone UI
1. Press on the phone to enter the Options List.
2. Select Password .
3. At the Current Password prompt, enter the current user password and press the key or select 2Done.
4. At the New Password prompt, enter the new user password and press the key or select 2Done.
5. At the Enter Again prompt, re-enter the new user password and press the key or select 2Done.
A message, Password Changed displays on the screen.
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > User Password.
2. In the Current Password field, enter the current user password.
By default, the user name is user (all lowercase) and the password field is left blank.
3. In the New Password field, enter the new user password.
4. In the Password Confirm field, enter the new user password again.
5. Click Save Settings.
Customizing Your Phone
38 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Resetting a User Password
If you forget your password, you can reset it and enter a new password. The reset user password feature resets the pass-
word to the factory default which is blank (no password). You can reset a user password using the Aastra Web UI only.
Valid values when creating or changing a password are 0 to 4294967295 (integers only; symbols and alpha characters
are not allowed). The defaultt password is an empty string (i.e. leave the field blank).
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Phone Lock.
2. CIick on the Reset User Password field, click Reset.
The following screen displays
3. In the Current Password field, leave this blank.
4. In the New Password field, enter a new password.
5. In the Password Confirm field, re-enter your new user password.
6. Click Save Settings.
Customizing Your Phone
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 39
Restarting Your Phone
You may want to restart your phone to check for updates on the server or you may occasionally need to restart your phone
for configuration changes to your phone or network settings to take effect. You may also need to restart your phone if you
have been asked to do so by your System Administrator or should you experience any unexpected behavior.
Phone Lock
You can lock your phone to prevent the phone from being used or configured. You can lock the phone using any of the fol-
At the path Options > Phone Lock on the IP phone UI.
At the path Operations > Phone Lock on the Aastra Web UI.
At a configured key on the phone. For more information about configuring a Lock/Unlock key on your phone, see
“Phone Lock Key on page 89.
In the Aastra Web UI, the Operation > Phone Lock path also allows you to perform the following:
Reset a user password. Clicking on the Reset key in the Reset User Password field displays a screen that allows you to
enter and save a new user password.
Set an emergency dial plan. An emergency dial plan can be 911, 999, 112, 110 or all of the above. The default emer-
gency dial plan is 911|999|112|110.
The following procedures describe locking the phone, setting an emergency dial plan, and resetting the user password.
IP Phone UI
1. Press the key on the phone to enter the Options List.
2. Select Restart Phone.
3. Press # Confirm to confirm the restart of the phone. If you do not wish to restart your phone, press the 3 Cancel
key to cancel.
Your phone is out of service temporarily during the restart and downloading process.
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Reset.
2. Click Restart.
3. Click OK at the confirmation prompt.
Customizing Your Phone
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Locking/Unlocking a Phone
Use the following procedures to lock an IP phone and prevent it from being used or configured.
Locking the Phone
Unlocking the Phone
IP Phone UI
1. Press on the phone to enter the Options List.
2. Select Phone Lock.
3. At the Lock the phone? prompt select 4Yes.
The message Phone is locked displays.
Alternatively, if configured, you can lock the phone by simply pressing a Lock programmable key.
1. Press on the phone to enter the Options List (or press a configured Lock programmable key).
2. At the prompt Password:, enter your user password and press the key or select 4Enter.
The phone unlocks.
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Phone Lock.
Locking the Phone
2. In the Lock the Phone? field, click Lock.
The phone locks dynamically and displays the following message:
Phone is locked.
Unlocking the Phone
1. Click on Operation > Phone Lock.
2. In the Unlock the Phone? field, click Unlock.
The phone unlocks dynamically and displays the following message:
Phone is unlocked.
Customizing Your Phone
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Emergency Dial Plan
Public telephone networks in countries around the world have a single emergency telephone number (emergency serv-
ices number), that allows a caller to contact local emergency services for assistance when required. The emergency tele-
phone number may differ from country to country. It is typically a three-digit number so that it can be easily remembered
and dialed quickly. Some countries have a different emergency number for each of the different emergency services.
You can specify the digits to dial on the IP phone for contacting emergency services. Once you specify the emergency
number(s) on the phone, you can dial those numbers directly on the keypad when required and the phone automatically
dials to those emergency services.
You can set the emergency dial plan using the Aastra Web UI only.
The following table describes the default emergency numbers on the IP phones.
Defining an Emergency Dial Plan
Contact your local phone service provider for available emergency numbers in your area.
Emergency Number Description
911 A United States emergency number.
999 A United Kingdom emergency number.
112 An international emergency telephone number for GSM mobile phone networks.
In all European Union countries it is also the emergency telephone number for both mobile and fixed-line telephones.
110 A police and/or fire emergency number in Asia, Europe, Middle East, and South America.
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Phone Lock.
2. In the Emergency Dial Plan field, enter the 3-digit number used in your local area to contact emergency services.
For multiple numbers, enter a | between each emergency number. For example:
Default for this field is 911|999|112|110.
3. Click Save Settings to save the emergency dial plan to your phone.
42 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
This section describes the Multiple Line/Call Appearance Keys (L1 and L2) and the customizable programmable keys
located above the phones LCD screen.
Multiple Line and Call Appearance Keys
The 6865i has 2 hard line/call appearance keys each with a corresponding status light. These line/call appearance keys
and lights can represent physical lines, calls for your extension or calls from a group that your extension is part of. By
pressing a line/call appearance key, you connect to the line or a call it represents. The line/call appearance light indicates
the status of that line or call. When the phone is taken off-hook, the phone automatically selects a line for you.
When you have more than one call, you can use the left and right navigation keys 3 and 4 to scroll left and right to the
different call screens. The display shows which line the call information is referring to (L1 to L9), the Caller ID information
(name and number, if available), the call status and the timer specific to that call.
Line/Call Appearance LED Behavior Line/Call Appearance Status
Off Idle line or no call activity
Light flashes quickly Ringing
Light is solid Connected
Light flashes slowly Hold
Line/Call Appearances
Programmable Keys
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
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Programmable Keys
There are 8 multi-functional keys on the 6865i phone that are programmable.
You can only use the Aastra Web UI to configure key functions. The following table lists the functions you can set on the
programmable keys and provides a description for each function:
If M680i Expansion Modules are attached to the phone, you can configure up to an additional 16 keys on each M680i
Expansion Module. The 6865i IP phone allows up to 3 expansion modules on each phone. For more information about
expansion modules, see “Model M680i Expansion Module” on page 155.
Key Function Description
None Indicates the key has no functiona assigned.
Line Indicates the key is configured for line use.
Speeddial Indicates the key is configured for speeddial use.
Do Not Disturb Indicates the key is configured for Do Not Disturb (DND) functionality.
BLF Indicates the key is configured for Busy Lamp Field (BLF) functionality.
BLF/List Indicates the key is configured for BLF/List functionality.
Auto Call Distribution (ACD) (For Sylantro Call Managers)
Indicates the key is configured to allow the Sylantro call managers to distribute calls from a queue to registered IP
phone users (agents).
XML Indicates the key is configured to accept an XML application for accessing customized XML services.
Flash Indicates the key is set to generate a flash event when it is pressed. The IP phone generates flash events only when a
call is connected and there is an active RTP stream (for example, when the call is not on hold).
Sprecode Indicates the key is configured to automatically activate specific services offered by the server. For example, if the
sprecode value of *82 is configured, then by pressing the Sprecode key, *82 automatically activates a service pro-
vided by the call mangager.
Park Indicates the key is configured to park incoming calls when pressed.
Pickup Indicates the key is configured to pick up parked calls when pressed.
Last Call Return Indicates the key is configured for Last Call Return functionality when pressed.
Call Fwd Indicates the key is configured as a Call Forward key. When pressed, the IP phone UI displays the Call Forward menus.
BLF/Xfer Indicates the key is configured as a simplified BLF key and a Transfer key. You can use this key to perform the BLF func-
tion as well as use it as a transfer key to transfer calls.
Speeddial/Xfer Indicates the key is configured as a simplified speed dial key and a transfer key. You can use this key to perform speed
dial functions as well as use it as a transfer key to transfer calls.
Speeddial/Conf Indicates the key is configured as a speed dial key and a conference key. You can use this key to speed dial from within
a conference call and add the new call directly to the conference.
(Key 7 by Default)
Indicates the key is configured to access the Directory.
Callers List Indicates the key is configured to access the Callers List.
Redial Indicates the key is configured to access the Redial List.
Conference Indicates the key is configured to initiate a conference call.
Transfer Indicates the key is configured to initiate a call transfer.
Icom Indicates the key is configured to be used for intercom calls.
(Key 7 by Default)
Indicates the key is set to access Services, such as, Directory, Callers List, Voicemail, or any other XML applications set
up by your System Administrator.
Phone Lock Indicates the key is configured as a phone lock key, allowing you to press this key to lock/unlock the phone.
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Paging Indicates the key is configured as a Paging key. When pressed, the phone can send Real Time Transport Protocol (RTP)
streams from a pre-configured multicast address without involving SIP signalling.
(Key 5 by Default)
Indicates the key is configured as a dedicated Save key.
(Key 6 by Default)
Indicates the key is configured as a dedicated Delete key.
Keys can also be set up to quickly to access features such as call return (*69) or voicemail. Quick access features like call
return and voicemail must first be configured on your PBX in order to work on your phone. See your System Adminis-
trator for more information.
Key Function Description
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
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Line Key
You can set a programmable key to act as a line/call appearance key on the 6865i. This key acts as a line that behaves the
same as a hard line key (L1 and L2). For more information about the behavior of Line keys, see “Multiple Line and Call
Appearance Keys” on page 42.
Depending on how the phone has been configured, the maximum number of total line/call appearances that can be con-
figured is 9 (2 line/call appearance hard keys plus 7 programmable keys). If all line/call appearances have been set up
between two different numbers, a total of 8 lines can be configured. This means that when all line/call appearances are in
use, 1 call is connected while the rest are on hold. No further outgoing or incoming calls can be made until one of the
line/call appearances becomes available.
Configuring a Line Key Using the Aastra Web UI
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Line to apply to the key.
4. In the Line field, select a line to apply to this key.
Valid values are 3 through 9.
Expansion Module Keys
5. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
6. In the Line field, select a line to apply to this key.
Valid values are 3 through 9.
7. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
46 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Creating a Speed Dial Key
The normal function of the speed dial option allows you to dial a number quickly by pressing a key configured for speed
dialing. You can program the keys on the 6865i to speed dial outside numbers, dial directly to another persons line or
extension, or set it up to quickly access features such as Caller ID (*69) and voicemail.
The speed dial function can be set using the IP phone UI or the Aastra Web UI.
You can create speed dial keys using any of the following methods:
Using the Aastra Web UI at the paths:
Operation > Programmable Keys
Operation > Keypad Speed Dial
By pressing and holding a programmable key or keypad key
Using the IP phone UI at the path:
Options > Preferences > Speed Dial Edit
Speed Dial Prefix
The speed dial feature also allows you to specify a preset string of numbers followed by a + that the phone dials auto-
matically after pressing the speed dial key. You can use this feature for numbers that contain long prefixes.
For example, if you had the following speed dial configuration in the Aastra Web UI:
Key 1
Type: Speeddial
Value: 1234567+
Line: 2
Then, after you press key 1 on the phone, the prefix number displays on the phone screen. The phone proceeds to dial
the prefix number automatically and pauses for you to enter the remaining phone number using the keypad on the
Use the following procedures to set speed dial on the 6865i IP phone.
You can use a speed dial key while on an active call by placing the active call on hold first, and then pressing the speed
dial key.
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Press-and-Hold to Create a Speed Dial (applicable to programmable keys and keypad keys)
Pressing and holding down a programmable key or keypad key on the phone initiates a speed dial feature.
When creating a speed dial for a key on the IP phone, you must select a key that has no preassigned function (key must
be set to None).
IP Phone UI
1. Press a programmable key or a number key on the keypad for three seconds. A screen displays with the prompt, Enter
2. Enter a phone number or extension to assign to that speed dial key.
The following example illustrates the screen display:
3. Press 4Save to save the number as a speed dial key.
By default, the phone automatically assigns the speed dial key to line 1 if available. To select a different line, use the
2 and 5 navigation keys.
4. Press 4Save to save the speed dial key to the line specified.
Enter Number>
Cancel Save
Cancel Save
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
48 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Creating a Speed Dial Using the Speed Dial Edit Option
You can use the IP phone UI at the path, Options > Preferences > Speed Dial Edit, to create a speed dial key.
IP Phone UI
1. Press on the phone to enter the Options List.
2. Select Preferences.
3. Select Speed Dial Edit.
The following prompt displays:
Press SD button
If you select a key that is currently set as a speed dial key, the speed dial information displays for you to edit. See
4. Press an unconfigured programmable key or keypad key.
5. Enter a phone number or extension to assign to that speed dial key.
The following example illustrates the screen display:
6. Press 4Save to save the number as a speed dial key.
By default, the phone automatically assigns the speed dial key to line 1 if available. To select a different line, use the
2 and 5 navigation keys.
7. Press 4Save to save the speed dial key to the line specified.
Enter Number>
Cancel Save
Cancel Save
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
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Creating a Speed Dial Using a Programmable Key in the Aastra Web UI
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Speeddial to apply to the key.
4. In the Value field, enter the phone number, extension, or speed dial prefix to apply to this hard key. If you enter a
speed dial prefix, you must enter the + character at the end of the prefix number (for example, 123456+).
5. In the Line field, select a line for which to apply the speed dial to. Valid values are 1 through 9.
6. Click Save Settings.
Expansion Module Keys
7. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
8. In the Type field, select Speeddial to apply to the key.
9. In the Value field, enter the phone number, extension, or speed dial prefix to apply to this key. If you enter a speed
dial prefix, you must enter the + character at the end of the prefix number (for example, 123456+).
10. In the Line field, select a line to apply to this key. Valid values are 1 through 9.
11. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
50 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Creating Speed Dial Key Using Keypad Speed Dial in the Aastra Web UI
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Keypad Speed Dial.
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 9.
3. In the input box, enter the phone number, extension, or speed dial prefix to apply to this Digit key. If you enter a speed
dial prefix, you must enter the + character at the end of the prefix number (for example, 123456+).
4. In the Line field, select a line for which to apply the speed dial to. Valid values are 1 through 9.
5. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
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Editing Speed Dial Keys
On the 6865i, you can edit a speed dial key using any of the following methods:
Using the Aastra Web UI at the path:
Operation > Programmable Keys
Operation > Keypad Speed Dial
Using the IP phone UI at the path:
Options > Preferences > Speed Dial Edit.
A speed dial key must be already configured on the phone to edit the key.
IP Phone UI
1. Press on the phone to enter the Options List.
2. Select Preferences.
3. Select Speed Dial Edit.
4. Press a speed dial key you want to edit.
The speed dial edit screen displays.
If a number on the keypad is setup as a speed dial key, pressing the applicable number in the speed dial editing
process also displays the speed dial edit screen. The edit screen allows you to change the Speed Dial Number
and Line setting.
If you press a key that is NOT setup as a speed dial key, the phone displays an Invalid Key message. However, if
you press an empty keypad key or programmable key that is set to None, it initiates the Add a Speed Dial Key
process allowing you to setup a new speed dial key.
5. Edit the speed dial information as applicable and press 4Save.
You can cancel out of the speed dial editing process at any time without saving, by pressing the key.
On the 6865i, you can remove the speed dial key by erasing the speed dial number digits (leaving the speed dial
value blank) and then pressing 4Save. Use the 3 key to delete the digits.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
52 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Editing a Speed Dial on a Programmable Key
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
2. Select the key configured for speed dial.
3. In the Value field, edit the phone number, extension, or speed dial prefix to apply to this hard key. If you enter a speed
dial prefix, you must enter the + character at the end of the prefix number (for example, 123456+).
4. If required in the Line field, select a line for which to apply the speed dial to. Valid values are 1 through 9.
5. Click Save Settings.
You can delete a speed dial key by changing the Type field to None.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 53
Editing a Speed Dial Using Keypad Speed Dial in the Aastra Web UI
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Keypad Speed Dial.
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 9.
3. In the input box, edit the phone number, extension, or speed dial prefix for this Digit key. If you enter a speed dial
prefix, you must enter the + character at the end of the prefix number (for example, 123456+).
4. In the Line field, select a line for which to apply the speed dial to. Valid values are 1 through 9.
5. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
54 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Do Not Disturb (DND) Key
The IP phones have a feature you can enable called Do Not Disturb (DND). Configuring a DND key allows you to quickly
turn the DND feature on or off.
f DND is enabled, callers calling into the phone hear a busy signal or a message, depending on how your System Admin-
istrator set up the configuration server. The second line on the screen of the IP phone shows when DND is set.
If the phone shares a line with other phones, only the phone that has DND configured is affected.
For more information about DND and DND modes, see “DND Configuration on page 119.
Configuring a DND Key
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Do Not Disturb.
4. Click Save Settings to save the DND key setting.
Expansion Module Keys
5. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
6. In the Type field, select Do Not Disturb to apply to the key.
7. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
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Busy Lamp Field (BLF) Key
The BLF feature on the IP phones allows a specific extension to be monitored for state changes. BLF monitors the status
(busy or idle) of extensions on the IP phone.
For example, a Supervisor configures BLFs on his phone for monitoring the status of a co-workers phone use (busy or idle).
If the co-workers phone is in an idle state, the BLF keys LED on the Supervisors phone is off. If the co-worker is on a call or
when the co-worker picks up his phone to make a call, the BLF keys LED on the Supervisors phone turns on and is solid,
indicating that the worker’s phone is in use and busy.
Configuring a BLF Key Using the Aastra Web UI
BLF feature availability is dependant on your call manager. Contact your System Administrator for more information.
You can also use a BLF-configured key to automatically dial the BLF-monitored extension. Contact your System Admin-
istrator for more information.
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select BLF to apply to the key.
4. In the Value field, enter the phone number or extension you want to monitor.
5. In the Line field, select a line for which to apply this key. Valid values are:
1 through 9
Expansion Module Keys
6. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
7. In the Value field, enter the phone number or extension you want to monitor.
8. In the Line field, select a line for which to apply this key. Valid values are:
1 through 9
9. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
56 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
BLF/List Key
The BLF/List feature on the IP phones is specifically designed to support the BroadSoft BroadWorks Release 13 Busy
Lamp Field feature.
This feature allows the IP phone to subscribe to a list of monitored users defined through the BroadWorks web portal.
In addition to monitoring the idle and busy state, the BLF/List feature also supports the ringing state. When the moni-
tored user is idle, the corresponding key’s LED is off. When the monitored users phone is ringing, the corresponding
keys LED flashes. Finally, when the monitored user on an active call or is attempting to make a call, the corresponding
keys LED turns solid.
Configuring a BLF/List Key Using the Aastra Web UI
If you set a key to use BLF/List, you must also enter a BLF List URI at Operation > Programmable Keys > Services. The BLF
List URI is the name of the BLF list defined on the BroadSoft BroadWorks Busy Lamp field page for your particular user.
For example, sip:9@ The value of the BLF List URI parameter must match the list name configured. Oth-
erwise, no values display on the 6865i screen and the feature is disabled.
For use with the BroadSoft BroadWorks Release 13 or higher platform only. Your System Administrator must have
BLF/List enabled on the BroadWorks call manager. Contact your System Administrator for more information.
You can use a BLF/List-configured key to automatically dial out to the configured extension.
The BroadWorks BLF feature is not the same as the BroadWorks Shared Call Appearance (SCA) feature and does not
permit call control over the monitored extension.
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select BLF/List (BroadSoft BroadWorks).
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 57
4. In the Line field, select a line number that is actively registered to the appropriate SIP proxy you are using. Valid
values are:
1 through 9
The Label and Value field are not required. The BroadWorks BLF/List name is configured in the BLF List URI field
5. In the BLF List URI field, enter the name of the BLF list defined on the BroadSoft BroadWorks Busy Lamp field page
for your particular user. For example, sip:9@
Contact your System Administrator for the BLF List URI.
Expansion Module Keys
6. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
7. In the Line field, select a line for which to apply this key. Valid values are:
1 through 9
The Value field is not required. The BroadWorks BLF/List name is configured in the BLF List URI field instead.
8. In the BLF List URI field, enter the name of the BLF list defined on the BroadSoft BroadWorks Busy Lamp field page
for your particular user. For example, sip:9@
Contact your System Administrator for the BLF List URI.
9. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
58 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Key (for Sylantro Call Managers)
The 6865i supports Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) for Sylantro call managers. The ACD feature allows the Sylantro call
manager to distribute calls from a queue to registered IP phone users (agents).
To use the ACD feature on an IP phone, you must first configure an ACD key. When you want to subscribe to a queue (in
order to receive incoming calls), you press the ACD key and the IP phone UI prompts you to log in. An Avail key displays
allowing you to make your phone available to accept these calls.
When you are on an active call, or you miss a call, the server automatically changes the phone’s status to unavailable. The
server updates its database with this new information and no longer distributes calls to the phone. The phone remains in
this unavailable state until:
You make yourself available again by pressing the Avail key
An ACD timer expires (set by your System Administrator).
You can also choose to manually change the phone status to unavailable by pressing the Unavail key on the phone.
The ACD key LED changes when you log into the phone queue and are available to take calls. The LED changes again
when you are busy with an active call. The table below shows the status of the LED as they may appear on your IP phone.
Configuring an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Key Using the Aastra Web UI
Status: Logged In and Available Status: Unavailable Logged Out
Solid Red LED Blinking Red LED No LED
It is recommended you configure no more than a single ACD key or programmable key per IP phone.
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Auto call distribution.
4. In the Line field, select a line to apply Automatic call distribution. Valid values are 1 through 9.
Expansion Module Keys
5. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
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Using the ACD Key
Use the following procedure to log into a phone queue from your IP phone:
6. In the Line field, select a line to apply Automatic call distribution. Valid values are 1 through 9.
7. Click Save Settings.
IP Phone UI
1. Check with your Administrator to verify the queue linked to your ACD key.
2. Press the ACD Key on your IP phone.
3. Press 4 Login to login to the queue.
4. To allow your phone to be available in the queue, press 2 Avail.
If your IP phone status is set to Available then the server begins to distribute phone calls from this queue to your IP
phone. You must manually change the state to Available in order to start receiving calls.
5. To temporarily stop receiving calls, press the press 2 Unavail.
If you are on a call (or miss a call that has been distributed to your phone), your phone status automatically changes
to Unavailable. Your phone remains in the Unavailable state until one of the following occurs:
You use the IP Phone UI to manually switch the IP phone state back to available.
The availability timer for your IP phone expires. This only occurs if your Administrator has configured an auto-
availability timer on your IP phone. Contact your System Administrator for more information.
6. To logout of the queue, press 4 Logout.
The server no longer distributes phone calls to your IP phone.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
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The 6865i IP phone has a feature you can enable called XML (Extensible Markup Language). XML is a markup language
much like HTML. Your System Administrator can create customized XML applications and load them to your IP phone.
These services include things like weather and traffic reports, contact information, company info, stock quotes, or cus-
tom call scripts. You can configure XML using the Aastra Web UI only.
Using the Aastra Web UI, you can configure a key to access XML applications. Under Operations > Programmable Keys you
can assign a key the type XML.
After an XML key is configured, you can use the IP phone UI to access the XML applications.
You can also specify an XML URI and a Services title using the following XML fields:
XML Application URI
XML Application Title
The XML Application URI is the URI loaded by your phone when accessing XML services through the Services menu.
Contact your System Administrator for the applicable XML URI to enter in the XML Application URI field.
If you use the Services key to access the XML features, the XML Application Title is the title that displays on the Services
Menu in the IP phone UI.
The XML services must be set up by your System Administrator before you can use the key. Contact your System
Administrator for more information.
Contact your System Administrator for the applicable URI to enter in this field.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 61
Configuring an XML Key
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select XML to apply to the key.
4. In the Value field, enter a URI(s) to apply to this key.
Contact your System Administrator for the appropriate value to enter in the Value field.
If you specify multiple URIs in the Value field, a list of XML applications appears for selection after pressing the
XML key.
5. To access XML services through the Services menu, in the XML Application URI field, enter the XML application URI
provided by your System Administrator.
6. In the XML Application Title field, enter the XML application title that you want to display as the Services menu title
on your phone.
7. Click Save Settings.
Expansion Module Keys
8. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
9. In the Type field, select XML to apply to the key.
10.In the Value field, enter a URI(s) to apply to this key.
Contact your System Administrator for the appropriate value to enter in the Value field.
If you specify multiple URIs in the Value field, a list of XML applications appears for selection after pressing the
XML key.
11. Click Save Settings.
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62 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Accessing the XMLApplication
After XML applications have been saved to your IP phone, and after a key has been configured to access the XML applica-
tion(s), the customized service is ready for you to use.
IP Phone UI
1. Press the key configured for XML on the 6865i phone.
2. Use the 5 and 2 to scroll through the XML applications.
3. For menu and directory services, select a service to display the information for that customized service. Message
services display to the screen after pressing the key. For user input services, follow the prompts as appropriate.
4. To exit from the XML screen, press the key.
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Flash Key
You can set a programmable key to generate a flash event when it is pressed on the 6865i. You do this by setting the key to
Flash. The IP phone generates flash events only when a call is connected and there is an active RTP stream (for example,
when the call is not on hold).
Configuring a Flash Key
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Flash.
4. Click Save Settings.
Expansion Module Keys
5. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
6. In the Type field, select Flash.
7. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
64 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Sprecode Key
You can set a programmable key to automatically activate specific services offered by the server. For example, if the spre-
code value of *82 is configured, then by pressing the Sprecode key, *82 automatically activates a service provided by the
server. Contact your System Administrator for information about available services.
Configuring a Sprecode Key
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Sprecode.
4. In the Value field, enter the appropriate value for accessing specific services from the server.
For values to enter in this field, contact your System Administrator.
5. Click Save Settings.
Expansion Module Keys
6. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
7. In the Type field, select Sprecode.
8. In the Value field, enter the appropriate value for accessing specific services from the server.
For values to enter in this field, contact your System Administrator.
9. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 65
Park/Pickup Keys
The 6865i phone has a park and pickup call feature that allows you to park a call and pickup a call when required. The IP
phones support the Park/Pickup feature on the Asterisk, BroadWorks, Sylantro, and ININ call managers.
The park/pickup feature performs as follows:
When a call comes in and you pickup the handset, you can press the applicable Park key to park the call
After the call is parked, you can press the Pickup key, followed by the applicable value to pickup the call
Administrators can configure the Park and Pickup keys for any line using the configuration files or the Aastra Web UI.
Configuring Park/Pickup Keys
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Park.
The Value field should be configured by the Administrator.
4. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
5. In the Type field, select Pickup.
The Value field should be configured by the Administrator.
6. Click Save Settings.
7. Click on Reset, then click Restart to restart the IP phone and apply the changes.
Expansion Module Keys
8. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
9. In the Type field, select Park.
10. In the Value field, enter the appropriate value for accessing specific services from the server.
The Value and Line fields are configured by the Administrator.
11. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
12. In the Type field, select Pickup.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
66 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Using the Park Call/Pickup Parked Call Feature
Use the following procedure on the IP phone to park a call and pick up a parked call.
Parking a Call
If the call is parked successfully, the response is either a greeting voice confirming that the call was parked, or a hang up occurs. The
parked call party hears music on hold.
Picking Up a Parked Call
13. In the Value field, enter the appropriate value for accessing specific services from the server.
The Value and Line fields are configured by the Administrator.
14. Click Save Settings.
15. Click on Reset, then click Restart to restart the IP phone and apply the changes.
1. While on a live call, press the Park key.
2. Perform the following for your specific server:
Server announces the extension number where the call has been parked. Once the call is parked, press the key to complete parking.
After you hear the greeting from the CallPark server, enter the extension where you want to park the call.
Enter the extension number where you want to park the call, followed by # key.
Enter the extension number where you want to park the call, followed by # key.
3. If the call fails, you can pick up the call (using the next procedure) and press the Park key again to retry Step 2.
1. Pick up the handset on the phone.
2. Enter the extension number where the call was parked.
3. Press the Pickup key.
If the call pick up is successful, you are connected with the parked call.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 67
Last Call Return Key
Using the Aastra Web UI, you can configure the Last Call Return function on a key. If you configure Last Call Return on a
key, and a call comes into your phone, after you are finished with the call and hang up, you can press the key configured
for Last Call Return and the phone dials the last call you received. When the Sylantro call manager detects an Last Call
Return request, it translates this request and routes the call to the last caller.
Configuring a Last Call Return Key
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Last Call Return.
4. In the Line field, select the line to apply this feature.
Valid values are 1 through 9.
5. Click Save Settings.
Expansion Module Keys
6. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
7. In the Type field, select Last Call Return.
8. In the Line field, select the line you want to apply to this key.
Valid values are 1 through 9.
9. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
68 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Call Forward Key
Using the Aastra Web UI, you can configure the Call Forward function on a programmable key. Use call forwarding when
you want a specific account on your phone to be forwarded to another number when your phone is in the busy state or
the no answer state, or both. Pressing the Call Fwd key on the phone accesses the Call Forward menus. The menus that
display are dependant on the Call Forward mode (Account [default], Phone, or Custom) configured for the phone.
For more information about call forwarding and call forwarding modes, see “Call Forward Configuration” on page 124.
Configuring a Call Forward
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Call Fwd.
4. Click Save Settings.
Expansion Module Keys
5. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
6. In the Type field, select Call Fwd.
7. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 69
The BLF key allows one or more extensions to be monitored, and once there is any state change with those extensions, the
key shows the status of the monitored lines. The Transfer key allows a call to be transferred to other recipients blindly or
consultatively. The BLF/Xfer key combines the BLF and Transfer keys' functionality together allowing the user to transfer
calls or use BLF with one key.
BLF/Xfer Key Requirements and Functionality
BLF/Xfer and BLF: A BLF/Xfer key can be configured for subscribing to an extension and monitor the status of the
extension, similar to the BLF key functionality. Changes of the state of the monitored extension are indicated by the
key’s LED.
BLF/Xfer and Blind Transfer Calls: When the focused line is in the connected state, pressing the BLF/Xfer key transfers
the call to the extension unconditionally, disregarding the status of the monitored extension.
If transferring a call to an extension fails, a message Transfer Failed displays on the phone, and you can reconnect the
call (get the call back) by pressing the line key again.
BLF/Xfer and Call Forward: When the focused line is in the ringing state, pressing the BLF/Xfer key forwards the call to
the extension unconditionally, disregarding the status of the monitored extension.
BLF/Xfer and Speed Dial: When the focused line and the monitored extension are idle, pressing the BLF/Xfer key causes
the phone to go offhook and dial the number of the extension.
It is recommended that you enable the Switch UI Focus to Ringing Line parameter when using the BLF/Xfer feature. For
more information about this parameter, see “Switch UI Focus to Ringing Line on page 142.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
70 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Configuring a BLF/Xfer Key Using the Aastra Web UI
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select BLF/Xfer.
4. In the Value field, enter the monitored extension or the extension to transfer calls to (for example, 3500).
5. In the Line field, select the line for which you want to use the key functionality.
Valid values are:
1 through 9
Expansion Module Keys
6. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
7. In the Type field, select BLF/Xfer.
8. In the Value field, enter the monitored extension or the extension to transfer calls to (for example, 3500).
9. In the Line field, select the line for which you want to use the key functionality.
Valid values are:
1 through 9
10. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 71
The Speeddial key allows a number to be dialed quickly by pressing one key configured for speed dialing. The Transfer
key allows a call to be transferred to other recipients blindly or consultatively. The Speeddial/Xfer key combines the
Speed dial and Transfer key's functionality together allowing the user to transfer calls or use speed dial with one key.
Speeddial/Xfer Key Requirements and Functionality
The Speed Dial/Xfer key has the following capabilities:
Speed Dial/Xfer and Speed Dial: When the phone is in the idle state, pressing the Speed Dial/Xfer key causes the
phone to go offhook and dial the predefined extension.
Speed Dial/Xfer and Blind Transfer: When the phone is connected to a call, pressing the Speed Dial/Xfer key blind
transfers the call to the predefined target.
If transferring a call fails, a message Transfer Failed displays, and you can reconnect the call (get the call back) by press-
ing the line key again.
Speed Dial/Xfer and Call Forward: When the phone is in the ringing state, pressing the Speed Dial/Xfer key forwards
the call to the predefined extension.
It is recommended that you enable the Switch UI Focus to Ringing Line parameter when using the Speeddial/Xfer fea-
ture. For more information about this parameter, see “Switch UI Focus to Ringing Line on page 142.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
72 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Configuring a Speeddial/Xfer Key
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Speeddial/Xfer.
4. In the Value field, enter the speed dial extension or the extension to transfer calls to (for example, 5551212).
5. In the Line field, select the line for which you want to use the key functionality.
6. Click Save Settings.
Expansion Module Keys
7. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
8. In the Type field, select Speed Dial/Xfer.
9. In the Value field, enter the speed dial extension or the extension to transfer calls to (for example, 3600).
10. In the Line field, select the line for which you want to use the key functionality.
Valid values are:
11. 1 through 9
12. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 73
The 6865i allows you to configure a programmable key to be used as a speed dial conference key (Speeddial/Conf key)
while remaining in the current call. This key allows a user on a call to conference another party at a predefined number
while remaining in the call.
For example, while on an active call, a user can use the Speeddial/Conf key to dial a recording service and have the result-
ing conference recorded.
If you configure a programmable key as a Speeddial/Conf key and you press this key while on an active call, the focused
line changes to the dialing line. The active call is not put on hold when the speed dial number is dialed.
If currently in a conference, the Speeddial/Conf key is disabled on the active call.
This feature is not compatible with centralized conferencing.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
74 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Configuring a Speeddial/Conf Key
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Speeddial/Conf.
4. In the Value field, enter the number or the extension to add to the conference (for example, 5551212).
5. In the Line field, select the line for which you want to use the key functionality.
6. Click Save Settings.
Expansion Module Keys
7. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
8. In the Type field, select Speed Dial/Conf.
9. In the Value field, enter the speed dial extension or the extension to add to the conference (for example, 5551212).
10. In the Line field, select the line for which you want to use the key functionality.
Valid values are:
1 through 9
11. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 75
Directory Key
The Directory feature allows you to store frequently used names and numbers on the phone. You can also dial directly
from a directory entry. You can use the Directory key to access the Directory which contains a customized list of names
with phone numbers and labels.
By default, the Directory key is programmed on Key 7. However, using the Aastra Web UI, you can assign the Directory
function to any programmable key.
For more information about the Directory, see “Directory on page 109.
Default Directory Key
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
76 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Configuring a Directory Key
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Directory.
4. Click Save Settings.
Expansion Module Keys
5. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
6. In the Type field, select Directory.
7. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 77
Callers List Key
By default, the 6865i has a dedicated Callers List key. However, using the Aastra Web UI, you can assign the Callers List
function to any programmable key.
The Callers List is a stored log of your incoming calls. You can use the Callers List key to access a list of callers that called
your phone.
For more information about the Callers List, see “Callers List on page 115.
Callers List Key
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
78 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Configuring a Callers List Key
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Callers List.
4. Click Save Settings.
Expansion Module Keys
5. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
6. In the Type field, select Callers List.
7. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 79
Redial Key
By default, the 6865i has a dedicated Redial List key. However, using the Aastra Web UI, you can assign the Redial List
function to any programmable key.
The Redial List is a stored log of your outgoing calls. You can use the Redial key to access a list of the most recent calls you
For more information about the Redial functionality, see “Redial” on page 99.
Redial List Key
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
80 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Configuring a Redial Key
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Redial.
4. Click Save Settings.
Expansion Module Keys
5. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
6. In the Type field, select Redial.
7. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 81
Conference Key
By default, the 6865i has a dedicated Conference key. However, using the Aastra Web UI, you can assign the Conference
function to any programmable key.
For more information with regards to creating conference calls, see Conferencing Calls on page 105.
Conference Key
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
82 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Configuring a Conference Key
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Conference.
4. Click Save Settings.
Expansion Module Keys
5. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
6. In the Type field, select Conference.
7. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 83
Transfer Key
By default, the 6865i has a dedicated Transfer key. However, using the Aastra Web UI, you can assign the Transfer function
to any programmable key.
For more information about transferring calls, see Transferring Calls” on page 103.
Transfer Key
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
84 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Configuring a Transfer Key
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Transfer.
4. Click Save Settings.
Expansion Module Keys
5. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
6. In the Type field, select Transfer.
7. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 85
Intercom Key
By default, the IP phone allows incoming intercom calls to be automatically answered without having to set up an Icom
key on your phone.
Your System Administrator can enable outgoing intercom calls on your phone. If enabled, you must configure an Icom key
on your phone to use for outgoing intercom calls. You must configure a programmable key with the function, Icom.
Configuring an Intercom Key
For more information about changing the behavior of incoming Intercom calls, see the section “Incoming Intercom Call
Features” on page 150.
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Icom.
4. Click Save Settings.
Expansion Module Keys
5. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
6. In the Type field, select Icom.
7. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
86 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Using the Icom Key
IP Phone UI
1. Press the Icom key.
2. Enter the extension number of the person you want to intercom.
3. After a beep tone, your phone automatically connects with the remote extension and you can speak through its
4. To cancel intercom, press or hang up the handset.
5. When you are finished speaking, hang up the phone by placing the handset back on-hook or by pressing .
When you hang up, the remote phone also hangs up.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 87
Services Key
The 6865i allows you to configure a Services key that, when pressed displays the Services Menu. The Services key can also
access any XML applications setup by your System Administrator.
By default, the Services key is programmed on Key 8. However, using the Aastra Web UI, you can assign the Services func-
tion to any programmable key.
Default Services Key
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
88 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Configuring a Services Key
Using the Services Key
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Services.
4. Click Save Settings.
Expansion Module Keys
5. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
6. In the Type field, select Services.
7. Click Save Settings.
IP Phone UI
1. Press the Services key.
Additional options may display in the Services Menu if setup by your System Administrator. Contact your Adminis-
trator for more information.
2. Select an option from the Services Menu.
3. To cancel a Service, press .
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 89
Phone Lock Key
You can configure a programmable key on the phone to use as a lock/unlock key. You assign the function of the key as
Phone Lock.
Configuring a Phone Lock Key
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Phone Lock.
4. Click Save Settings.
Expansion Module Keys
5. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
6. In the Type field, select Phone Lock from the list of options.
7. Click Save Settings.
You can lock/unlock the phone using the new key you just configured, using the Aastra Web UI at the path Operation >
PhoneLock, or using the Phone Lock option on the IP phone UI at the path Options > Phone Lock. For more information
about using the lock/unlock feature, see “Locking/Unlocking a Phone” on page 40.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
90 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Paging Key
You can configure a Paging key on the phone that allows you to send a Real Time Transport Protocol (RTP) stream to pre-
configured multicast address(es) without involving SIP signalling. You enter a multicast IP address(es) and a port number
for the Paging key, that when pressed, initiates an outgoing multicast RTP session. This is called Group Paging on the IP
You can also specify group paging RTP addresses that the phone listens for when receiving RTP streams. You can specify
up to 5 listening multicast addresses at the path, Basic Settings > Preferences > Group Paging RTP Settings.
For more information about Group Paging and how it works, and to specify multicast addresses, see “Group RTP Paging”
on page 152.
Configuring a Paging Key
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Paging.
4. In the Value field, enter a multicast IP address and a port number for the Paging key. When you press this key, the
phone initiates an outgoing multicast RTP session to the specified address using the specified port (e.g.
The Value field allows for one multicast address entry only.
5. To receive RTP steams for Group Paging, you must also configure the Paging Listen Addresses parameter at the path,
Basic Settings > Preferences > Group Paging RTP Settings. For more information about setting this parameter, see “Group
RTP Paging on page 152.
6. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 91
Using the Paging Key
The following procedure describes the use of the Paging key on the IP phone. The procedure assumes you have already
configured the Paging key using the Aastra Web UI.
Expansion Module Keys
7. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
8. In the Type field, select Paging.
9. In the Value field, enter a multicast IP address and a port number for the Paging key. When you press this key, the
phone initiates an outgoing multicast RTP session to the specified address using the specified port. (For example,
1. When you select Paging for the Type field, the Line field is disabled.
2. The Value field allows for one multicast address entry only.
10.To receive RTP steams for Group Paging, you must also configure the Paging Listen Addresses parameter at the
path, Basic Settings > Preferences > Group Paging RTP Settings. For more information about setting this parameter, see
“Group RTP Paging on page 152.
11. Click Save Settings to save your changes
The recipient of a Paging call can set a global Do Not Disturb (DND) to ignore any incoming pages.
For incoming Paging, the phone uses the Intercom configuration settings. The incoming Page is dependant on the
Allow Barge In parameter setting and the Idling/On Call state.
IP Phone UI
1. On the IP phone, press the key you configured for Paging.
The phone opens a multicast RTP session and an outgoing OR incoming phone screen displays.
2. Press the Drop key to end the multicast RTP session and return to the idle screen.
If you enable global DND on the phone, the incoming multicast RTP session is dropped.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
92 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Save Key
The Save key allows you to save items to the 6865i IP phone’s Directory.
By default, the Save key is programmed on Key 5. However, using the Aastra Web UI, you can assign the Save function to
any programmable key.
Key 5 is locked to Save functionality. To unlock the key so it can be reprogrammed, contact your System Administrator.
Default Save Key
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 93
Configuring a Save Key
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Save.
4. Click Save Settings.
Expansion Module Keys
5. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
6. In the Type field, select Save.
7. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
94 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Delete Key
The Delete key allows you to delete items in Directory, Callers List and Redial List.
By default, the Delete key is programmed on Key 6. However, using the Aastra Web UI, you can assign the Delete func-
tion to any programmable key.
Key 6is locked to Delete functionality. To unlock the key so it can be reprogrammed, contact your System Administra-
Default Delete Key
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 95
Configuring a Delete Key
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
Programmable Keys
2. Select from Key 1 through Key 8.
3. In the Type field, select Delete.
4. Click Save Settings.
Expansion Module Keys
5. Select from Key 1 through Key 16.
6. In the Type field, select Delete.
7. Click Save Settings.
Line Keys and Programmable Keys
96 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
None Key
Use the following procedure to delete a keys functionality on the 6865i IP phone
Setting a None Key
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Programmable Keys.
Click on Operation > Expansion Module <N>.
2. Select the respective key.
3. In the Type field, select None.
4. Click Save Settings.
The key function is deleted from the IP phone memory.
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 97
Making Calls
This section describes ways to make calls on your 6865i phone, using your handset, speakerphone or headset.
Dialing a Number
First, take the phone off-hook by:
Lifting the handset
Pressing or
Pressing a line/call appearance key.
At the dial tone, enter the number you wish to call.
If you are unable to make calls within certain area codes, check with your System Administrator for any toll restrictions
placed on your extension that may restrict your access to long distance area codes or dialing prefixes.
When your party picks up, a timer appears on your display that records the length of your call.
If the Live Dialpad option is on, as soon as you press the first digit on the keypad the phone automatically selects the next
available line, go off-hook and dial as digits are pressed.
After dialing the number, the phone has a short delay before sending the call. To send the call immediately, you can press
the 4 Dial key immediately after dialing the number. The phone sends the call without delay.
Making Calls
98 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Using Handsfree Speakerphone
The handsfree feature allows you to speak to someone without using the handset or headset. Your phone must be in
either the Speaker or Speaker/Headset audio mode. For more information about setting the audio mode on your
phone, see “Audio Mode” on page 24.
To dial using handsfree, first press and enter a number at the dial tone.
To answer a call on your phone using handsfree, press or the line/call appearance button.
If you are in Speaker audio mode, lift the handset and press to switch between handsfree and handset.
If you are in Speaker/Headset audio mode, press to switch between handsfree and headset.
When the handset is on hook, press to disconnect the call.
Using a Headset
The 6865i accepts headsets through the modular RJ22 jack on the back of the phone. Contact your telephone equip-
ment retailer or distributor to purchase a compatible headset.
Volume Controls for the Headset Microphone
On the 6865i, there are three options for the headset microphone volume: Low, Medium, and High. For information
about configuring the headset microphone volume, see “Headset Mic Volume” on page 25.
Making and Receiving Calls Using a Headset
IP Phone UI
When handsfree is on, the speaker light turns on.
The headset port is for headset use only. Plugging any other devices into this port may cause damage to the phone
andwill void your warranty.
Customers should read and observe all safety recommendations contained in headset operating guides when using
any headset.
IP Phone UI
1. Ensure that you have selected a headset audio mode (see Audio Mode” on page 24.
2. Turn the phone over and locate the headset jack marked f.
If you have a headset with an RJ9/RJ22 4-pin connector, insert the headset cord into the jack until it clicks into place.
If you have a DHSG/EHS headset with an RJ45 6-pin or 8-pin connector, remove the plastic headset jack adapter and
then insert the cord into the jack until it clicks into place.
See the Aastra 6865i SIP IP Phone Installation Guide for more information.
3. Press the key to obtain a dial tone or to answer an incoming call. Depending on the audio mode selected
from the Options List, a dial tone or an incoming call is received on either the headset or the handsfree speakerphone.
4. Press the key to end the call.
Making Calls
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 99
The Redial List stores information for up to the last 100 numbers you called. Your phone logs the name/number of the
called party, when you called, and the line used. You can view, scroll, and delete line items in the Redial List from the IP
phone UI as wells as copy selected entries to the Directory. You can also dial out directly using a displayed entry in the
Redial List.
On the 6865i, you access the Redial List by the key.
Accessing the Redial List
IP Phone UI
1. Press the key to access the Redial List.
The information for your most recent call is displayed.
To redial the last called number, press the Redial key again.
2. Use 2 and 5 to scroll through the list to view the other numbers.
3. To dial the displayed number press , or lift the handset, or press any line keys.
4. Press the key to cancel.
Redial List Key
Making Calls
100 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Deleting An Item from the Redial List
Delete All Items from the Redial List
You can use the key to mute the handset, headset, or speakerphone. When you use the key on your phone,
you cannot be heard on an active call or on a conference. For muted calls, the handsfree LED flashes and the key
LED is on. To switch mute on or off, press .
IP Phone UI
1. Press the key.
2. Press 2 and 5 to find the item you want to delete.
3. Press the configured Delete Key.
4. Press the Delete Key again at the prompt to erase the item.
IP Phone UI
1. Press the key.
2. Press the configured Delete key.
3. Press the 4 Delete All key at the prompt to erase all items.
If you place a muted call on hold, the phone automatically takes the call off mute when you reconnect to the call.
DELETE again to
erase this item
Delete All
Item is erased
DELETE again to
erase this item
Delete All
Redial List is
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 101
Receiving Calls
When a call is ringing at your extension, you see the inbound call screen. The line/call appearance LED flashes quickly for
the incoming call.
Answering an Incoming Call
If the phone is already connected to a call, pressing the line/call appearance key for the new incoming call automatically
places the connected call on hold and answers the new call. To reconnect to a party, press the line/call appearance key for
that call.
If you cannot answer the call, the caller goes to voicemail (if configured for your extension).
Sending an Incoming Call to Voicemail
You can send an incoming call directly to voicemail without answering the call. To do this, press without picking up
the handset. If you are already on the phone your incoming call should go directly to voicemail. Your phone screen dis-
plays a voicemail icon ( ) along with the number of waiting messages, if you have unheard messages
(example: x4).
IP Phone UI
1. For handsfree operation, press or the line/call appearance key for the incoming call.
Press for headset operation.
Lift the handset for handset operation.
The audio mode setting you have selected in Options List > Headset Settings on the IP phone UI determines if the call goes
to handsfree or headset operation. For more information, see the section “Audio Mode on page 24.
The key can be used to cancel the call pickup procedure.
Martha Gold
102 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Handling Calls
When you are connected to a call, you can use the hard keys to place a call on hold, and programmable keys to transfer
calls or create conference calls.
Placing a Call on Hold
You can place an active call on hold by pressing the key. When you place a call on hold, only your phone can
retrieve the call.
When a call is on hold, the icon displays on-hook as follows.
For on-hold calls, the timer displays as running and the Line and Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) LEDs flash.
The line/call appearance light begins to flash slowly and after a short time the phone beeps softly to remind you that
you still have a call on hold. The screen displays Call held with the line number the call is held at the phone.
When on Hold
To let your caller know that they are still on hold, music plays softly (if this has been set up for your system). The call/line
appearance light for the line you are on flashes to indicate that you are still connected.
Automatic Hold
When juggling between calls, you do not have to press the key to go from one call to the next. The phone auto-
matically puts your current call on hold as soon as you press a new line/call appearance key. If you have more than one
call on hold, you can reconnect to a held call by pressing the line/call appearance key where that call is being held. Press
to disconnect the call.
Retrieving a Held Call
If you have more than 1 call on hold, you can scroll through the held call information by pressing 3 and 4 navigation
keys. To reconnect to a call press the line/call appearance key where that call is being held. If you press the call/line
appearance key again, you disconnect from the call.
IP Phone UI
1. Connect to the call (if not already connected).
2. Press the key.
If you are connected to another call, the phone does not beep to remind you that you still have a call on hold.
Call held
Martha Gold
Handling Calls
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 103
Transferring Calls
The 6865i IP phone has a dedicated Transfer key. You can use this hard key to transfer calls.
Blind Transfer
A blind transfer is when you transfer a call directly to another extension without consulting with the person receiving the
call. To do this, simply complete the transfer immediately after you have entered the number. The call goes directly to the
extension or outside line you transferred to. If the party you are transferring the call to does not answer, the transferred call
rings back to your extension.
Consultive Transfer
You also have the option to consult with the person you are transferring the call to, before you complete the transfer. To do
this, remain on the line until the receiving party answers the call. After consulting with the receiving party, you can either
complete the transfer or cancel the transfer to go back to the original call.
Direct Transfer
The 6865i IP phone provides a convenient direct method of transferring an existing call to another existing call. If you have
the transfer recipient on hold on another line, you can simply navigate to the recipient and press the Transfer key and the
direct transfer will be performed.
Transfer Key
Handling Calls
104 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Transferring Calls
Use the following procedure to transfer a call to another extension.
Transferring an Existing Call to Another Existing Call
Completing a Transfer to a Contact in Phone Directory
Users can complete a blind transfer to a contact in their local directory. If a user is in a call and initiates a transfer, they can
navigate to the Directory screen and press the Transfer key again to trigger a blind transfer. There is no change to start a
consultative call.
To Transfer a Call to a Contact in the Phone Directory:
Indication of Transferred Calls
When you transfer an active call, the near-end phone displays a Call Transferred screen when a call is transferred and the
far-end call is dropped. The following is the Call Transferred screen on the 6865i phone:
IP Phone UI
1. Connect to Party 1 (if not already connected). Party 1 is the party you want to transfer.
2. Press the key.
3. Enter the extension number (or the outside number) to Party 2. This is the Party for which you want to transfer Party 1.
To cancel the transfer press the key, or hangup the handset.
Users are able to edit the destination number by pressing the 3 navigation key, which acts as a Backspace key.
4. Complete either a blind or consultative transfer:
a) To complete a blind transfer, press the key again before the receiving end answers.
b) To complete a consultative transfer, press 4Dial to dial out and remain on the line to speak with the Party 2, before
either pressing the key or key, or hanging up the handset to transfer Party 1 to Party 2.
1. Ensure you are on an active call with the party you wish to transfer (the transfer recipient should be placed on hold)
2. Press the 3 or 4 navigation keys to scroll to the party to whom you wish to transfer the active call.
3. Press the key.
The active call will be transferred.
1. Connect to Party 1 (if not already connected). Party 1 is the party you want to transfer.
2. Press the key.
3. Press the programmed Directory key and select a contact.
4. To complete a blind transfer, press the key again before the receiving end answers.
To complete a consultative transfer, press 4Dial to call the contact. Remain on the line to speak with Party 2 before
pressing the key again to transfer Party 1 to Party 2.
To cancel the transfer, press the key.
Call Transferred
Handling Calls
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 105
Conferencing Calls
The 6865i IP phone has a dedicated Conference key. You can use this hard key to create conference calls.
The 6865i IP phone offers two methods of conferencing:
Local conferencing (default method).
Centralized conferencing (for Sylantro and BroadSoft call managers - Administrator must enable this method).
Local Conferencing
The 6865i phone supports up to 3 parties (including yourself) in a conference call. This is called Local Conferencing and is
the default method of conferencing on the 6865i.
The following screen illustrates a connected local conference screen:
In a local conference call, you use the up and down arrow keys to scroll to a party on the list, the 4Drop key to drop a
selected party and the 3 Leave key to leave the conference.
Using Local Conferencing
Use the following procedure to create a conference call using local conferencing.
Your System Administrator can set your Conference key to speed dial a specific number. Contact your System Adminis-
trator for more information.
IP Phone UI
1. When you begin a conference, you are the first party in the conference (Party 1). Pickup the handset or press the
key. A line opens up.
2. Call Party 2 by dialing their number (or answer an incoming call of a Party).
3. Wait for Party 2 to answer. When Party 2 answers, you can consult with them before adding them to the conference.
Conference Key
1. Martha Gold
2. François Dupont
Leave Drop
Handling Calls
106 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Creating a Conference Call by Joining Two Existing Calls
Centralized Conferencing (for Sylantro and BroadSoft Call Managers)
The 6865i allows you to create multiple conferences with unlimited participants (depending on your server limitations)
when your Administrator enables Centralized Conferencing.
If your Administrator does not enable Centralized Conferencing, then the 6865i uses Local Conferencing by default.
Your Administrator can configure Centralized Conferencing globally on all lines or on specific lines. Although, for the glo-
bal setting to work, you must configure the lines with the applicable phone number.
4. Press the key.
5. Enter the phone number of Party 3.
Users are able to edit the destination number by pressing the 3 navigation key, which acts as a Backspace key.
6. Wait for Party 3 to answer. When Party 3 answers, you can consult with them before adding them to the conference.
7. Press the key again to add Party 3 to the conference. Party 1 (which is yourself), Party 2, and Party 3 are all
connected to a single conference.
8. To drop a party from the conference, use the 5 or 2 navigation key to select the party and press the 4Drop key.
IP Phone UI
1. Ensure you are on an active call with one of the parties with whom you wish to create a conference (the other party
should be placed on hold).
2. Press the 3 or 4 navigation keys to scroll to the party you wish to conference in.
3. Press the key.
The two parties will connect with you to form a conference call.
1. Martha Gold
1. Martha Gold
2. François Dupont
1. Martha Gold
2. François Dupont
Leave Drop
Handling Calls
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 107
Using Centralized Conferencing
Use the following procedure to create a conference call using centralized conferencing.
Setting Up a Conference and Adding Multiple Parties (for Sylantro and BroadSoft Call Managers)
If any party in the conference hangs up (including the party that began the conference), all other parties in the conference
are still connected.
IP Phone UI
When Centralized Conferencing is enabled on your phone, local conferencing (or three-way conferencing) works as indi-
cated in the previous section, “Using Local Conferencing.Joining two active calls in a conference also works as indicated
in the previous section, “Creating a Conference Call by Joining Two Existing Calls.
You can have an unlimited number of parties in a conference (dependent on the limitations of the server.
1. When you begin a conference, you are the first party in the conference (Party 1). Pickup the handset or press the
2. Call Party 2 by dialing their number (or answer an incoming call of a Party).
3. Wait for Party 2 to answer. When Party 2 answers, you can consult with them before adding them to Conference 1.
4. Press the key.
5. Enter the phone number of Party 3.
6. Wait for Party 3 to answer. When Party 3 answers, you can consult with them before adding them to the Conference 1.
7. Press the key again to add Party 3 to Conference 1. Party 1 (which is yourself), Party 2, and Party 3 are all
connected to Conference 1.
8. Press an available Line key (or answer an incoming call on an available line). If calling out, call Party 4.
9. Wait for Party 4 to answer. When Party 4 answers, you can consult with them before adding them to the conference.
10. Press the key to add Party 4 to Conference 1.
11. Press the Line key that has Conference 1.
12. Press the key to join all parties (Parties 1 through 4) on Conference 1.
13. To add more parties, repeat steps 8 through 12.
Handling Calls
108 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Setting Up Multiple Conferences (for Sylantro Call Manager only)
If any party in a conference hangs up (including the party that began the conference), all other parties in the conference
are still connected.
Joining Additional Parties to Active Conferences
In centralized conferencing, you can join multiple incoming or outgoing calls to active conferences. Before following this
procedure, at least one active conference must exist on your phone.
Ending a Conference and Transferring Remaining Parties
The 6865i allows a host to drop from a 3-way conference and let the other two parties remain connected. If you are the
host of a conference and want to leave that conferencepress the 3 Leave key on the phone. Your phone leaves the 3-
way conference but the remaining parties are still connected to the conference.
Ending Calls
To end a call, you first need to connect or reconnect to the call if not already connected (for example, if your caller is on hold).
Press to end the call. If connected through the handset, you can also place the handset back on hook to end the
The 6865i is limited to 9 conferences (a single conference each on lines 1 through 9).
1. Start Conference 1 using the procedures in the previous section, “Setting Up a Conference and Adding Multiple Parties
(for Sylantro and BroadSoft Call Managers)”.
2. When you are finished adding all required parties to Conference 1, press an available Line key to start Conference 2.
You are Party 1 on Conference 2. Call Party 2.
3. When Party 2 answers, press the key.
4. Press an available Line key.
5. Call Party 3 for Conference 2.
6. When Party 3 answers, press the key to join Parties 1 (which is yourself), Party 2, and Party 3 on Conference 2.
You now have two active conferences on two different lines.
When you are connected to multiple conference calls, and you put a conference on hold, the conference may be on
hold for a limited period of time before it is disconnected. Contact your System Administrator for more information.
1. As Party 1, pickup the handset or press the key.
2. Call Party 2 by dialing their number (or answer an incoming call of a Party).
3. Wait for Party 2 to answer. When Party 2 answers, you can consult with them before adding them to the conference.
4. Press the key.
5. Press the Line key that has the active conference.
6. Press the key again to join the parties to the active conference.
The Caller ID of the dropped host still displays on the remaining parties’ phones.
IP Phone UI
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 109
Managing Calls
The 6865i has several features that make it easier to manage calls, and to keep track of your caller history as well as your
business and personal contacts.
These features include:
Callers List
DND and Call Forward
The Directory is your personal phone book, conveniently stored within your phone. You can enter up to 200 entries into
the 6865i Directory by adding them manually or by saving the number and name from other lists stored on your phone.
You can also dial directly from a Directory entry. Each entry can contain a maximum of 16 letters and numbers.
Default Directory Key
Managing Calls
110 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Accessing Your Directory
Managing the Directory
From the Directory in the IP phone UI, you can perform the following:
Add new entries to the Directory
Edit entries in the Directory
Delete entries from the Directory
Copy entries to the Directory
IP Phone UI
1. Press the programmed Directory key. The Directory displays the number of entries in your list. If the Directory is
empty, Directory Empty Use Save to add is displayed.
2. You can access entries by pressing 2 and 5 to scroll through the list.
3. To search for an entry by name, press the keypad number corresponding to the first letter of the name (for example,
press 7 for the letter P). Continue to press the keypad number to access other letters on the same key (for example,
press 7 three times for R). If there are multiple entries under the same letter, you can use 2 and 5 to scroll through
the list, or continue to press the next letters of the name to find a better match.
4. To dial the displayed number press or just lift the handset or press any Line key.
5. Press the programmed Directory key or key to cancel.
Directory Empty
Use Save to add
Managing Calls
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 111
Adding a New Entry to the Directory
Editing an Entry in the Directory
IP Phone UI
1. Press the programmed Directory key.
2. Press the programmed Save key.
The Enter Number prompt displays.
3. Enter a phone number using the numbers on the keypad and press 4Save. To backspace and erase a mistake, press 3.
The Press 1st letter to enter name prompt displays.
4. Enter a name to associate with the phone number you just entered, and press 4Save. Use the keypad to select the
letters. Continue to press the number key to access the next letter for that key (for example, press 2 three times to access
C). To insert a space between letters, press the * key twice. To backspace and erase a mistake, press 3 .
The Line prompt displays. The default is Line 1.
5. If you want to save the new Directory entry to use Line 1, press 4Save to save the new entry to the Directory.
If you want the new entry to use a different line, use the 2Change key to select a different Line and press 4Save.
The new entry you added is saved to the Directory.
IP Phone UI
1. Press the programmed Directory key.
2. Access the entry you want to edit by pressing the first letter of the name on the keypad, or use 2 and 5 to scroll
through the list to find the name.
3. To begin editing, press 3. Edit the number, name, and line as required (press 4Save to continue to the next editable
field). Press 3 to erase the numbers or letters to the left or use the keypad to enter additional digits or characters.
4. Press the 4Save key to save your changes.
Saved: Directory
Martha Gold
Martha Gold
to edit L1
Managing Calls
112 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Deleting an Entry in the Directory
Delete All Entries in the Directory
Saving Entries to the Directory
You can save entries (names and numbers) from other sources to your Directory using any of the following methods:
Saving from the Caller List
Saving from the Redial List
IP Phone UI
1. Press the programmed Directory key.
2. Press 2 and 5 to find the entry you want to delete.
3. Press the programmed Delete key.
The DELETE again to erase this item prompt displays.
4. Press the programmed Delete key again at the prompt to erase the entry.
IP Phone UI
1. Press the programmed Directory key.
2. Press the programmed Delete Key.
The DELETE again to erase all items prompt displays.
3. Press the programmed Delete key again to erase all entries from the Directory.
The Directory Empty prompt displays.
DELETE again to
erase this item
DELETE again to
erase all items
Directory Empty
Use Save to add
Managing Calls
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 113
Saving from the Callers List
Saving from the Redial List
Downloading the Directory to Your PC
You can download the Directory to your PC via the Aastra Web UI. The phone stores the directorylist.csv file to your PC in
comma-separated value (CSV) format.
You can use any spreadsheet application to open the file for viewing. The following is an example of a directorylist.csv file
in a spreadsheet application.
The file displays the name, phone number, and line number for each Directory entry.
IP Phone UI
1. Press the key.
2. From the Callers List, scroll through the list to find the name and number that you want to save to your Directory.
3. Press the programmed Save key.
4. Press the programmed Directory key to save the number you selected to the Directory. If the name is displayed with
the number, both are saved to the Directory. If no name is displayed, you can enter the name using the keypad.
IP Phone UI
1. Press the key.
2. From the Redial List, scroll through the list to find the name and number that you want to save to your directory.
3. Press the programmed Save key.
4. Press the programmed Directory key to save the number you selected to the Directory. If the name is displayed with
the number, both are saved to the Directory. If no name is displayed, you can enter the name using the keypad.
Your System Administrator can populate your IP phone Directory with server directory files. Contact your System Admin-
istrator for more details.
Managing Calls
114 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Downloading the Directory
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Directory.
2. In the Directory field, click on Save As.
A download window displays.
3. Click OK.
4. Enter the location on your computer where you want to download the Directory and click Save.
The directorylist.csv file downloads to your computer.
5. Use a spreadsheet application to open and view the directorylist.csv file.
Managing Calls
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 115
Callers List
The Callers List is a stored log of your incoming calls. The 6865i IP phone stores information for up to 200 incoming calls in
the Callers List. Your phone logs the number and name (if available) of the caller, when they last called, and the number of
times they tried to reach you.
You can view, scroll, and delete line items in the Callers List from the IP phone UI. You can also directly dial from a displayed
line item in the Callers List
On the 6865i, you access the Callers List by the key.
The following table identifies and describes the icons displayed in the Callers List.
Accessing the Callers List
When the Callers List is full, the oldest call records are deleted to accommodate the information of new callers.
If the telephone number of an incoming or outgoing call matches a number that you have programmed with a name
in the Directory, the Callers List display the same name and number.
Icon Description
Indicates an unanswered call in the Callers list.
Indicates an answered call in the Callers list.
IP Phone UI
1. Press the key. Press 2 and 5 to move through the Callers List. Press 2 to see the most
recent call, or 5 to see the oldest call on your list.
2. To dial the displayed number just press , lift the handset, or press any Line keys.
3. Press the key to cancel.
Callers List Key
Managing Calls
116 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Editing Entries in the Callers List
In the Callers List, if a keypad key is pressed when a number and/or a name is displayed, the cursor automatically adds
the digit at the left side of the number to enable the entry of the prefix.
Deleting An Entry in the Callers List
Deleting All Entries in the Callers List
The Caller List does not save changes. Editing in the Callers List is generally used if you plan to call the number and need
to add a prefix.
IP Phone UI
1. Press the key.
2. Press 2 and 5 to find the entry you want to edit. Press 2 to view the most recent call, or 5 to see the oldest call on your list.
3. Press any key on the keypad to begin editing.
4. To move the cursor one digit to the right, press 4. To erase one digit to the left of the cursor, press 3.
5. To dial the displayed number press , lift the handset, or press any Line keys.
IP Phone UI
1. Press the key.
2. Press 2 and 5 to find the item you want to delete.
3. Press the programmed Delete key.
4. Press the programmed Delete key again at the prompt to erase the item.
IP Phone UI
1. Press the key.
2. Press the programmed Delete key.
3. Press the programmed Delete key again at the prompt to erase all items.
DELETE again to
erase this item
DELETE again to
erase all items
Callers List is
Managing Calls
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 117
Missed Calls Indicator
The IP phone has a missed calls indicator that increments the number of missed calls to the phone. This feature is accessi-
ble from the IP phone UI only.
The number of calls that have not been answered increment on the phone’s idle screen as # Missed Calls. As the number
of unanswered calls increment, the phone numbers associated with the calls are stored in the Callers List. The user can
access the Callers List and clear the call from the list. Once the user accesses the Callers List, the # Missed Calls on the idle
screen is cleared.
Accessing and Clearing Missed Calls
Downloading the Callers List to Your PC
You can download the Callers List to your PC for viewing using the Aastra Web UI. When you download the Callers List, the
phone stores the callerlist.csv file to your computer in comma-separated value (CSV) format.
You can use any spreadsheet application to open the file for viewing. The following is an example of a callerlist.csv file in a
spreadsheet application. This file displays the name, phone number, and the line that the call came in on.
IP Phone UI
1. Press programmed Callers List key on the phone.
2. Use the 2 and 5 keys to scroll through the line items in the Callers List. The icon indicates a missed call.
3. To clear a line item from the Callers List, select the line item you want to delete and press the programmed Delete
key twice. The line item is deleted from the Callers List.
Managing Calls
118 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Download the Callers List
Use the following procedure to download the Callers List to your PC using the Aastra Web UI.
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Operation > Directory.
2. In the Callers List field, click on Save As.
A download window displays.
3. Click OK.
4. Enter the location on your computer where you want to download the Callers List and click Save.
The callerslist.csv file downloads to your computer.
5. Use a spreadsheet application to open and view the Callers List.
Managing Calls
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 119
DND and Call Forward
The 6865i has a feature that allows you to configure Do Not Disurb (DND) and Call Forward (CFWD) for multiple accounts
on the phone. You can set specific modes for the way you want the phone to handle DND and CFWD. The three modes you
can set on the phone for these features are:
The following paragraphs describe account-based DND and CFWD:
DND Configuration
Call Forward Configuration
DND Configuration
Do Not Disturb (DND) is a feature on the phone that prevents the phone from ringing and receiving incoming calls. When
DND is enabled with CFWD, any incoming calls can be call forwarded to voicemail or another number. See Call Forward
Configuration on page 124 for more information about call forwarding to other numbers.
On the 6865i, you can set DND on the phone-side for a specific account or for all accounts on the phone. You can set three
modes for DND using the Aastra Web UI at the path, Basic Settings > Preferences > General > DND Key Mode: Account, Phone
(default), and Custom. DND performs according to the mode you set.
You can then configure a DND key for the phone using the Aastra Web UI at the path, Operation > Programmable Keys. You
can enable and disable DND by toggling the key or by setting DND for a specific account at the path,
Basic Settings > Account Configuration. Once you enable DND, DND On displays on the LCD for the applicable account.
The following describes the key behavior for each DND mode.
Account: The DND key toggles the account in focus on the IP phone UI, to ON or OFF if DND enabled for that account.
Phone (default): The DND key toggles all accounts on the phone to ON or OFF.
Custom: The DND key displays custom screens on the IP phone UI. User can select whether to enable/disable DND per
account, enable DND on all accounts, or disable DND on all accounts.
If there is only one account configured on the phone, then the mode setting is ignored and the phone behaves as if the
mode was set to Phone.
If you make changes to the configuration for DND via the IP phone UI, you must refresh the Aastra Web UI screen to see
the changes.
If DND is enabled for an account, the Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) LED will turn on when the DND-enabled
account is in focus.
John Smith
Tue Aug 20 2:55pm
Managing Calls
120 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Configuring a DND Key
To configure a DND key, see the section, “Do Not Disturb (DND) Key” on page 54.
Configuring DND Using the Aastra Web UI
If there is no DND key configured or if it is removed, DND is disabled on the IP phone.
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Basic Settings > Preferences > General.
2. In the DND Key Mode field, select a DND mode to use on the phone. Valid values are: Account, Phone (default),
Custom. Default is Phone.
Account: Sets DND for a specific account. DND key toggles the account in focus on the phone to on or off.
Phone (default): Sets DND on for all accounts on the phone. DND key toggles all accounts on the phone to on or off.
Custom: Sets the phone to display custom screens after pressing the DND key that list the account(s) on the phone.
The user can select a specific account for DND, turn DND on for all accounts, or turn DND off for all accounts.
If there is only one account configured on the phone, then the mode setting is ignored and the phone behaves
as if the mode was set to Phone.
Using the Aastra Web UI, if you change the DND Key Mode to Phone, all accounts synchronize to the current
setting of Account 1.
3. Click Save Settings.
The changes takes affect immediately without a reboot.
Managing Calls
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 121
4. Click on Basic Settings > Account Configuration.
5. For each account, enable DND by placing a check mark in the box. Disable DND by unchecking the box.
If you selected Account or Custom mode in Step 2, you can enable/disable each account or all accounts as appli-
cable. If you selected Phone mode, the first account allows you to change the DND status for all accounts.
Number and name of accounts that display to this screen are dependant on the number and name of accounts
configured on the phone. Only your Administrator can create accounts for your phone. Contact your Administrator
for more information.
6. Click Save Settings.
The changes takes affect immediately without a reboot.
Managing Calls
122 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Using DND Modes via the IP Phone UI
After you add a DND key to your phone, you can toggle the DND state using this key on the phone. Use the following
procedure to enable/disable DND on the IP phone.
The following procedures assume you have already configured a DND key AND assumes there are two accounts config-
ured on the phone.
DND in Account Mode
In the above example, two accounts are configured on the phone. Only account 1 has DND enabled while account 2 has
DND disabled.
DND in Phone Mode (Default)
In the above example, enabling DND for account 1 also enables DND for account 2.
If there is no DND key configured or if it is removed, DND is disabled on the IP phone.
If there is only one account configured on the phone, then the mode setting is ignored and the phone behaves as if
the mode was set to Phone.
Using the Aastra Web UI, if you change the DND key mode to Phone, all accounts synchronize to the current setting
of Account 1.
IP Phone UI
1. Use the 3 and 4 navigation keys to scroll through each account.
2. With the account in focus on the IP phone UI, press the DND key to turn on/off DND for the account.
IP Phone UI
1. Press the DND key to turn on/off DND for all accounts on the phone.
2. Use the 3 and 4 navigation keys to scroll through each account.
John Smith
Tue Aug 20 2:55pm
L1 J. Smith
Tue Aug 20 2:55pm
John Smith
Tue Aug 20 2:55pm
L1 J. Smith
Tue Aug 20 2:55pm
Managing Calls
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 123
DND in Custom Mode
IP Phone UI
1. Press the DND key on the phone. The screen displays a list of the accounts on the phone and allows you to enable/disable
a specific account or all accounts.
2. Use the 2 and 5 navigation keys to scroll through the accounts.
In the above example, account 1 has DND enabled as indicated by a check mark (). Account 2 has DND disabled as
indicated by an X. Items 3 and 4 allow you to disable or enable DND on all accounts, respectively.
3. Use the 4 Change key to enable or disable DND for a specific account or to enable/disable DND for all accounts.
After making the change, press 3 Done and then # Confirm to save the change. Pressing 0 Cancel cancels the
attempted change.
John Smith
Done Change
J. Smith X
Done Change
All Off
Done Change
All On
Done Change
Apply Changes
Managing Calls
124 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Call Forward Configuration
Call Forward (CFWD) on the IP phone allows incoming calls to be forwarded to another destination.
On the 6865i, you can set CFWD on the phone-side for a specific account or for all accounts on the phone. You can set
three modes for CFWD using the Aastra Web UI at the path, Basic Settings > Preferences > General > Call Forward Key Mode:
Account (default), Phone, and Custom. Call Forward behaves according to the mode you set.
You can configure CFWD using the Aastra Web UI at the path, Basic Settings > Account Configuration, oryou can configure
CFWD using the IP phone UI at the path, Options > Call Forward.
Using the Aastra Web UI at the path, Operation > Programmable Keys, you can also configure a CFWD key on the phone to
use as a shortcut for accessing the CFWD menu on the phone.
The following describes the behavior for each CFWD mode:
Account (default): The account mode allows you to configure CFWD on a per account basis. Pressing a configured
CFWD key applies to the account in focus.
Phone: The Phone mode allows you to set the same CFWD configuration for all accounts (All, Busy, and/or No Answer).
When you configure the initial account, the phone applies the configuration to all other accounts. (In the Aastra Web
UI, only the account you configured is enabled. All other accounts are grayed out but set to the same configuration.)
Using the Aastra Web UI, if you make changes to that initial account, the changes apply to all accounts on the phone.
Custom: The Custom mode allows you to configure CFWD for a specific account or all accounts. You can configure a
specific mode (All, Busy, and/or No Answer) for each account independently or all accounts. On the 6865i, you can set
all accounts to All On or All Off.
You can enable different CFWD rules/modes independently (for example, you can set different phone numbers for Busy,
All, and No Answer modes and then turn them on/off individually).
If there is only one account configured on the phone, then the mode setting is ignored and the phone behaves as if the
mode was set to Phone.
If you make changes to the configuration for CFWD via the IP phone UI, you must refresh the Aastra Web UI screen
to see the changes.
If CFWD is enabled for an account, the Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) LED will turn on when the CFWD-enabled
account is in focus.
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41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 125
Configuring CFWD Using the Aastra Web UI
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Basic Settings > Preferences > General.
2. In the Call Forward Key Mode field, select a call forward mode to use on the phone.
Account (default): The Account mode allows you to configure CFWD on a per account basis. Pressing a configured
CFWD key applies to the account in focus.
Phone: The Phone mode allows you to set the same CFWD configuration for all accounts (All, Busy, and/or No
Answer). When you configure the initial account, the phone applies the configuration to all other accounts. (In the
Aastra Web UI, only the account you configured is enabled. All other accounts are grayed out but set to the same
configuration.) Using the Aastra Web UI, if you make changes to that initial account, the changes apply to all accounts
on the phone.
Custom: The Custom mode allows you to configure CFWD for a specific account or all accounts. You can configure
a specific state (All, Busy, and/or No Answer) for each account independently or all accounts. On the 6865i, you can
set all accounts to All On or All Off.
If there is only one account configured on the phone, then the mode setting is ignored and the phone behaves as if the
mode was set to Phone.
3. Click Save Settings.
The changes takes affect immediately without a reboot.
Managing Calls
126 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
4. Click on Basic Settings > Account Configuration
The illustration above shows 2 accounts configured on the phone. Accounts must be set up by your System Admin-
5. For each account, enable the CFWD state by placing a check mark in one or more of the following State fields:
No Answer
The All option forwards all incoming calls for this account to the specified phone number regardless of the state of
the phone. The phone can be in the Busy or No Answer states, or can be in the idle state. The phone still forwards
all calls to the specified number.
The Busy option call forwards incoming calls only if the account is in the busy state. The calls are forwarded to the
specified phone number.
The No Answer option call forwards incoming calls only if the account rings but is not answered in the defined
number of rings. The call gets forwarded to the specified number.
You can use the Busy and No Answer states together using different forwarding phone numbers. If these states are
enabled for an account (the All state is disabled), and the phone is in the busy state when a call comes in, the phone
can forward the call to the specified phone number (e.g. voicemail). If there is no answer on the phone after the
specified number of rings, the phone can forward the call to a different specified number, such as a cell phone
6. For each account, in the Value field, enter the phone number for which you want the incoming calls to forward to
if the phone is in the specified state.
If using the Account mode or Custom mode, you can enter different phone numbers for each account.
If you selected Account mode in Step 2, you can enable/disable each account or all accounts as applicable. You
can enter different phone number for each enabled state.
If you selected Custom mode, you can enable/disable each account or all accounts as applicable. You can enter
different phone numbers for each enabled state.
If you selected Phone mode, all accounts are set to the same CFWD configuration (All, Busy, and/or No Answer)
as Account 1 on the phone. (In the Aastra Web UI, only Account 1 is enabled. All other accounts are grayed out
but use the same configuration as Account 1).
Using the Aastra Web UI, if you make changes to Account 1, the changes apply to all accounts on the phone.
Using the IP phone UI, if you make changes to any other account other then Account 1, the changes also apply
to all accounts on the phone. When enabling a CFWD state, you must specify a phone number for the phone to
CFWD to. The number you specify applies to all accounts of the same mode.
Number and name of accounts that display to this screen are dependant on the number and name of accounts
configured on the phone. The name for the account is specified by your System Administrator. Contact your
System Administrator for more information.
Managing Calls
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 127
Using CFWD via the IP Phone UI
Once CFWD is enabled on your phone, you can access and change the configuration using the IP phone UI or the Aastra
Web UI. You can access the CFWD menus by pressing a pre-configured CFWD key, or by selecting Options > Call Forward
from the IP phone UI.
7. For the No Answer state, in the No. Rings field, enter the number of times that the account rings before forwarding
the call to the specified number. Valid values are 1 through 20. Default is 3.
When using the Account mode or Custom mode, you can enter a different number of rings for each account. If you
use the Aastra Web UI to change the Call Forward Key Mode to Phone, all accounts synchronize to Account 1.
8. Click Save Settings.
The changes takes affect immediately without a reboot.
If there is no CFWD key configured on the phone or it is removed, you can still enable CFWD via the IP phone UI at the
path Options > Call Forward.
If there is only one account configured on the phone, then the mode setting is ignored and the phone behaves as if the
mode was set to Phone.
Using the Aastra Web UI, if you change the CFWD mode to Phone, all accounts synchronize to the current setting of
Account 1.
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128 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
CFWD in Account Mode
IP Phone UI
1. Use the 3 and 4 navigation keys to scroll through each account.
In the above example, account 1 has CFWD All enabled and account 2 has CFWD Busy enabled.
2. Press the programmed Call Forward key. The Call Forward Mode screen displays. Use the 2 and 5 navigation keys
to scroll through each state type.
In the above example, CFWD All is enabled as indicated by a check mark (), CFWD Busy is enabled but no call
forward phone number configured as indicated by a !, and CFWD No Answer is disabled, as indicated by an X.
3. Select a state for the account(s) in focus using the 2 and 5 navigation keys.
You can enable/disable any or all of the following states for an account:
All: Forwards all incoming calls for the respective account to the specified number.
Busy: Forwards incoming calls to a specified number if DND has been enabled for that account OR if the account
is currently engaged in another call.
No Answer: Forwards incoming calls to a specified number if the call has not been answered for the specified
number of rings.
If CFWD All, CFWD Busy, and CFWD No Answer are all enabled (and/or if the account has DND enabled), the CFWD
All settings take precedence over CFWD Busy and CFWD No Answer.
You can also use the following keys if required:
All Off: Disables all CFWD states for the current account in focus
All On: Enables all CFWD states for the current account in focus
John Smith
Tue Aug 20 2:55pm
L1 J. Smith
Tue Aug 20 2:55pm
Cfwd Mode
1. All
Done Change
Cfwd Mode
2. Busy !
Done Change
Cfwd Mode
3. No Answer X
Done Change
Cfwd Mode
4. All Off
Done Change
Cfwd Mode
5. All On
Done Change
CFWD Enabled
CFWD Disabled
phone number
Managing Calls
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 129
4. Press the 4 Change navigation key for the state you selected in Step 3. Scroll to the CFWD State screen. This displays
the current state of the mode you selected. In the following example, the CFWD All state is ON.
5. Press the 4Change navigation key in the CFWD State screen. Press 2 to toggle the state of the CFWD mode ON or
OFF. In the example in Step 4, you press 2 to change the option to OFF.
6. Press 4Set to save the change.
7. In the CFWD State screen, press the 2 navigation keys to scroll to the CFWD Number screen and press 4Change.
8. Enter a phone number to apply to the current state in focus. When the phone is in the state you specified, and a call
comes into the phone, it forwards the call to the number you specify.
9. Press 4Set to save the change.
CFWD State Screen
Cfwd All
Use to view
Cfwd State
Done Change
Cfwd State
Next Set
Cfwd State
Next Set
CFWD Number Screen
Cfwd All
Use to view
Cfwd State
Done Change
Cfwd Number
Cancel Set
Cfwd Number
Done Change
Managing Calls
130 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
10. For the CFWD No Answer state, In the CFWD Number screen, press the 2 navigation key to scroll to the CFWD No.
Rings screen and press 4Change.
11. Press 2Next to select the number of rings to apply to the phone for call forwarding incoming calls. Valid values are
1 to 20. Default is 3.
When the phone receives an incoming call, and call forward is configured on the phone, the phone rings the number
of times you specify in the No. Rings screen, and then forwards the call if there is no answer.
12. Press 4Set to save the change.
13. Press 3Done to save all your changes.
Each time you press 3 Done, the following screen displays.
14. Press # Confirm to confirm the change(s) each time the Apply Changes screen displays. All changes are saved to
the phone.
CFWD No. Rings Screen
Cfwd NoAnswer
Use to view
Cfwd State
Done Change
Cfwd Number
Done Change
No. Rings
Next Set
No. Rings
Done Change
Apply Changes
Managing Calls
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 131
CFWD in Phone Mode
IP Phone UI
1. Use the 3 and 4 navigation keys to scroll through each account.
In the above example, account 1 and account 2 are the accounts configured on the phone. Both accounts have
CFWD enabled as indicated by the CFWD All message.
In Phone mode, when you change the call forward configuration for an account, the change applies to all accounts.
2. Press the Call Forward key. The Call Forward menu displays. Use the 2 and 5 navigation keys to scroll through each
state type.
In the above example, CFWD All is enabled as indicated by a check mark (), CFWD Busy is enabled but no call
forward phone number configured as indicated by a !, and CFWD No Answer is disabled, as indicated by an X.
3. Select a state using the 2 and 5 navigation keys.
You can enable/disable a specific account on the phone with any or all of the following states. However, the config-
uration you set will apply to all accounts on the phone.
All: Forwards all incoming calls for the respective account to the specified number.
Busy: Forwards incoming calls to a specified number if DND has been enabled for that account OR if the account
is currently engaged in another call.
No Answer: Forwards incoming calls to a specified number if the call has not been answered for the specified
number of rings.
If CFWD All, CFWD Busy, and CFWD No Answer are all enabled (and/or if the account has DND enabled), the CFWD
All settings take precedence over CFWD Busy and CFWD No Answer.
You can also use the following keys if required:
All Off: Disables all CFWD states for the current account in focus
All On: Enables all CFWD states for the current account in focus
In Phone mode, the initial configuration you set for an account applies to all the accounts on the phone.
John Smith
Tue Aug 20 2:55pm
L1 J. Smith
Tue Aug 20 2:55pm
Cfwd Mode
1. All
Done Change
Cfwd Mode
2. Busy !
Done Change
Cfwd Mode
3. No Answer X
Done Change
Cfwd Mode
4. All Off
Done Change
Cfwd Mode
5. All On
Done Change
CFWD Enabled
CFWD Disabled
phone number
Managing Calls
132 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
4. Press the 4Change key for the mode you selected in Step 2. Scroll to the CFWD State screen. This screen displays
the current state of the mode you selected. In the following example, the CFWD All state is ON.
5. Press the 4Change key in the CFWD State screen. Press 2Next to toggle the state of the CFWD state ON or OFF. In
the example in Step 4, you press 2Next to change the option to Off.
6. Press the 4Set key to save the change.
7. In the CFWD State screen, press the 2 navigation key to scroll to the CFWD Number screen and press 4Change.
8. Enter a phone number to apply to the current state in focus. When the phone is in the state you specified, and a call
comes into the phone, it forwards the call to the number you specify.
9. Press 4Set to save the change.
CFWD State Screen
Cfwd All
Use to view
Cfwd State
Done Change
Cfwd State
Next Set
Cfwd State
Next Set
CFWD Number Screen
Cfwd All
Use to view
Cfwd State
Done Change
Cfwd Number
Cancel Set
Cfwd Number
Done Change
Managing Calls
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 133
10. For the CFWD No Answer state, in the CFWD Number screen, press the 2 navigation key to scroll to the CFWD No.
Rings screen and press 4Change.
11. Press the 2Next key to select the number of rings to apply to the phone for call forwarding incoming calls. Valid
values are 1 to 20. Default is 3.
When the phone receives an incoming call, and call forward is configured on the phone, the phone rings the number
of times you specify in the No. Rings screen, and then forwards the call.
12. Press 4Set to save the change.
13. Press 3Done to save all your changes.
Each time you press 3Done, the following screen displays.
14. Press # Confirm to confirm the change(s) each time the Apply Changes screen displays.
All the same changes are saved to all accounts on the phone.
CFWD No. Rings Screen
Cfwd NoAnswer
Use to view
Cfwd State
Done Change
Cfwd Number
Done Change
No. Rings
Next Set
No. Rings
Done Change
Apply Changes
Managing Calls
134 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
CFWD in Custom Mode
IP Phone UI
1. Use the 3 and 4 navigation keys to scroll through each account.
In the above example, account 1 has CFWD All enabled and account 2 has CFWD Busy enabled.
2. Press the Call Forward key. The Call Forward menu displays. Use the 2 and 5 navigation keys to scroll through each
state type.
In the above example, CFWD All is enabled as indicated by a check mark (), CFWD Busy is enabled but no call
forward phone number configured as indicated by a !, and CFWD No Answer is disabled, as indicated by an X.
3. Select a state for the account(s) in focus using the 2 and 5 navigation keys.
You can enable/disable any or all of the following states for a specific account or for all accounts (with individual
All: Forwards all incoming calls for the respective account to the specified number.
Busy: Forwards incoming calls to a specified number if DND has been enabled for that account OR if the account
is currently engaged in another call.
No Answer: Forwards incoming calls to a specified number if the call has not been answered for the specified
number of rings.
If CFWD All, CFWD Busy, and CFWD No Answer are all enabled (and/or if the account has DND enabled), the CFWD
All settings take precedence over CFWD Busy and CFWD No Answer.
You can also use the following keys if required:
All Off: Disables all CFWD states for the current account in focus
All On: Enables all CFWD states for the current account in focus
John Smith
Tue Aug 20 2:55pm
L1 J. Smith
Tue Aug 20 2:55pm
Cfwd Mode
1. All
Done Change
Cfwd Mode
2. Busy !
Done Change
Cfwd Mode
3. No Answer X
Done Change
Cfwd Mode
4. All Off
Done Change
Cfwd Mode
5. All On
Done Change
CFWD Enabled
CFWD Disabled
phone number
Managing Calls
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 135
4. Press the 4Change key for the mode you selected in step 2. Scroll to the CFWD State screen. This displays the current
state of the mode you selected. In the following example, the CFWD All state is ON.
5. Press the 4Change key in the CFWD State screen. Press 2Next to toggle the state of the CFWD state ON or OFF. In
the example in Step 4, you press 2Next to change the option to Off.
6. Press the 4Set key to save the change.
7. In the CFWD State screen, press the 2 navigation key to scroll to the CFWD Number screen and press 4Change.
8. Enter a phone number to apply to the current state in focus. When the phone is in the state you specified, and a call
comes into the phone, it forwards the call to the number you specify.
9. Press 4Set to save the change.
CFWD State Screen
Cfwd All
Use to view
Cfwd State
Done Change
Cfwd State
Next Set
Cfwd State
Next Set
CFWD Number Screen
Cfwd All
Use to view
Cfwd State
Done Change
Cfwd Number
Cancel Set
Cfwd Number
Done Change
Managing Calls
136 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
10. For the CFWD No Answer state, in the CFWD Number screen, press the 2 navigation key to scroll to the CFWD No.
Rings screen and press 4Change.
11. Press the 2Next key to select the number of rings to apply to the phone for call forwarding incoming calls. Valid
values are 1 to 20. Default is 3.
When the phone receives an incoming call, and call forward is configured on the phone, the phone rings the number
of times you specify in the No. Rings screen, and then forwards the call.
12. Press 4Set to save the change.
13. Press 3Done to save all your changes.
Each time you press3 Done, the following screen displays.
14. Press # Confirm to confirm the change(s) each time the Apply Changes screen displays.
All changes are saved to the phone for all accounts.
CFWD No. Rings Screen
Cfwd NoAnswer
Use to view
Cfwd State
Done Change
Cfwd Number
Done Change
No. Rings
Next Set
No. Rings
Done Change
Apply Changes
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 137
Additional Features
This section describes additional features you can use on the 6865i phone.
Display DTMF Digits
A feature on the IP phones allows users to enable or disable DTMF (dual-tone multi-frequency) digits to display to the IP
phone when using the keypad to dial, or when dialing from a programmed key.
DTMF is the signal sent from the phone to the network that you generate when you press the phones touch keys. This is
also known as touch-tone dialing. Each key you press on your phone generates two tones of specific frequencies. One
tone is generated from a high-frequency group of tones and the other from a low frequency group.
If you enable the Display DTMF Digits parameter, the digits you are dialing from the keypad or from a programmable key
display to the IP phones LCD display. This parameter is disabled by default (no digits display when dialing).
You can enable the Display DTMF Digits parameter using the Aastra Web UI.
Configuring Display of DTMF Digits
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Basic Settings > Preferences > General.
2. Enable the Display DTMF Digits field by checking the check box.
Disable this field by unchecking the box). Default is disabled.
3. Click Save Settings.
Additional Features
138 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Play Call Waiting Tone
You can enable or disable the playing of a call waiting tone when you are on an active call and a new call comes into the
You can configure this feature using the Aastra Web UI.
Configuring Call Waiting Tone
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Basic Settings > Preferences > General.
2. A call waiting tone is enabled by default. If required, disable the Play Call Waiting Tone field by unchecking the check
3. Click Save Settings.
Additional Features
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 139
Stuttered Dial Tone
You can enable or disable the playing of a stuttered dial tone when there is a message waiting on the IP phone.
You can configure this feature using the Aastra Web UI.
Configuring Stuttered Dial Tone
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Basic Settings > Preferences > General.
2. Stuttered dial tone is enabled by default. If required, disable the Stuttered Dial Tone field by unchecking the check
3. Click Save Settings.
Additional Features
140 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
XML Beep Support
Using the Aastra Web UI, you can enable or disable a beep to be audible when the phone receives an XML application
using the XML Beep Support field at the path Basic Settings > Preferences > General. If you disable this feature, then no
beep is heard when the XML application arrives to the phone.
If your System Administrator has set a value for this feature in a custom XML application or in the configuration files, the
value you set in the Aastra Web UI overrides the Administrators setting. Setting and saving the value in the Aastra Web
UI applies to the phone immediately.
Configuring XML Beep Support
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Basic Settings > Preferences > General.
2. XML Beep Support is enabled by default. If required, disable the XML Beep Support field by unchecking the check box.
3. Click Save Settings.
Additional Features
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 141
Status Scroll Delay
Using the Aastra Web UI, you can specify a scroll delay option that allows you to set the time delay, in seconds, between
the scrolling of each status message on the phone. You can specify this setting in the Status Scroll Delay (seconds) field
at the path Basic Settings > Preferences > General. The default time is 5 seconds for each message to display before scrolling
to the next message. You can increase or decrease this time as required. Setting and saving the value in the Aastra Web UI
applies to the phone immediately.
Configuring Status Scroll Delay
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Basic Settings > Preferences > General.
2. Enter a value in the Status Scroll Delay (seconds) field. Valid values are: 1 to 25 seconds. Default is 5.
3. Click Save Settings.
Additional Features
142 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Switch UI Focus to Ringing Line
You can configure a feature on the 6865i that controls the behavior of the phone when it receives an incoming call when
it is already in a connected call. When a call comes into the phone, and the phone is already on a connected call, the
phone switches focus to the ringing line to enable the user to see who is calling them. You can turn off this functionality
so that the phone stays focused on the connected call. You can do this using the Switch Focus to Ringing Line parame-
ter in the Aastra Web UI.
Configuring Switch Focus to Ringing Line Using the Aastra Web UI
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Basic Settings > Preferences > General.
2. The Switch Focus to Ringing Line field is enabled by default. To disable this field, uncheck the box.
3. Click Save Settings.
Additional Features
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 143
Call Hold Reminder During Active Calls
The IP phones allow you to enable or disable the ability for the phone to initiate a continuous reminder tone on the active
call when another call is on hold. For example, when this feature is enabled, and the call on Line 1 is on hold, and then the
you answer a call on Line 2 and stay on that line, a reminder tone is played in the active audio path on Line 2 to remind you
that there is still a call on hold on Line 1.
When this feature is disabled, a ring splash is heard when the active call hangs up and there is still a call on hold.
You can enable or disable this feature using the Call Hold Reminder During Active Calls parameter in the Aastra Web UI.
Configuring Call Hold Reminder During Active Calls
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Basic Settings > Preferences > General.
2. The Call Hold Reminder During Active Calls field is disabled by default. To enabled this field, check the box.
When this feature is enabled, a reminder tone is heard on the active call when another call is on hold. When
disabled, a ring splash is heard when the active call hangs up and there is still a call on hold.
3. Click Save Settings.
Additional Features
144 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Call Hold Reminder (on single hold)
On the 6865i IP phone, you can enable or disable a feature that will start the reminder ring splash timer as soon as you
put a call on hold (even when no other calls are active on the phone). When enabled, the phone initiates a reminder ring
splash periodically for the single call on hold. When disabled, no reminder ring splash is audible.
You can enable or disable this feature using the Call Hold Reminder parameter in the Aastra Web UI.
Configuring Call Hold Reminder
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Basic Settings > Preferences > General.
2. The Call Hold Reminder field is disabled by default. To enabled this field, check the box.
When this feature is enabled, the reminder ring splash timer starts as soon as you put a call on hold (even when
no other calls are active on the phone). The phone initiates a reminder ring splash periodically for the single call
on hold. When disabled, no reminder ring splash is audible.
3. Click Save Settings.
Additional Features
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 145
Call Waiting Tone Period
You can specify a specific time period (in seconds) for the call waiting tone to play at regular intervals on an active call
using the parameter Call Waiting Tone Period. A value of 0 is the default and plays the call waiting tone only once on the
active call. When the incoming caller hangs up, the call waiting tone stops on the existing active call.
You can enable or disable this feature in the Aastra Web UI.
Configuring Call Waiting Tone Period
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Basic Settings > Preferences > General.
2. In the Call Waiting Tone Period field, enter a time period, in seconds, that the call waiting tone will be audible
on an active call when another call comes in. Default is 0 seconds.
When enabled, the call waiting tone plays at regular intervals for the amount of time set for this parameter. For
example, if set to 30 the call waiting tone plays every 30 seconds. When set to 0, the call waiting tone is audible
only once on the active call.
3. Click Save Settings.
Additional Features
146 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Preferred Line and Preferred Line Timeout
The 6865i has a feature called preferred line and preferred line timeout. If you enable the preferred line parameter on
your phone, after a call ends (incoming or outgoing), the display switches back to the preferred line. Next time you go
off-hook to make another call, you pickup on the preferred line. You can enable the Preferred Line parameter using the
Aastra Web UI at the location, Basic Settings > Preferences > General. You can also set a Preferred Line Timeout parame-
ter that specifies the number of seconds it takes for the phone to switch back to the preferred line.
The following table provides the behavior of the preferred line focus feature with other features on the phone:
Phone Feature Preferred Line Behavior
Last Call Return The phone switches back to the focused line immediately after the call ends.
Speeddial The line is already specified when the speed dial is created. The phone switches back immediately after the call
Conference For incoming calls, the phone switches back immediately after the call ends.
Transfer For incoming or outgoing calls, the current behavior is that the same line used to transfer the call does not
change. For incoming calls, the phone switches back immediately after the call transfers.
Park The phone switches back immediately after the call ends.
Voicemail The phone switches back immediately after the call ends.
Redial The phone switches back immediately after the call ends.
Dialing For incomplete dialing on a non-preferred line, the focus does not change if some digits are entered.
If no digits are entered or digits were cleared, the focus changes to preferred line after the time out has passed
without activities.
Caller ID If the Switch UI Focus To Ringing Line parameter is disabled, the User is able to see the Caller ID when the phone
switches the focus to the ringing line.
Factory Default Factory default and recovery mode clears the preferred line and preferred line timeout parameters, and the
phone operates in a non-preferred line mode.
If you specify a value of 0 for the Preferred Line parameter, it disables the preferred line focus feature.
If you specify a value of 0 for the Preferred Line Timeout parameter, the phone returns the line to the preferred line
Additional Features
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 147
Configuring Preferred Line and Preferred Line Timeout Using the Aastra Web UI
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Basic Settings > Preferences > General.
2. In the Preferred Line field, select a preferred line to switch focus to after incoming or outgoing calls end on the phone.
Default is 1. Valid values are:
None (disables the preferred line focus feature)
1 through 9
For example, if you set the preferred line to 1, when a call (incoming or outgoing) ends on the phone (on any line),
the phone switches focus back to Line 1.
3. In the Preferred Line Timeout field, enter the amount of time, in seconds, that the phone switches back to the
preferred line after a call (incoming or outgoing) ends on the phone, or after a duration of inactivity on an active line.
Default is 0.
Valid values are: 0 to 999
4. Click Save Settings.
Additional Features
148 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Goodbye Key Cancels Incoming Calls
The 6865i has a feature that allows you to configure the Goodbye key to drop a second incoming call or ignore incoming
calls presented to the phone when you are on an active call. The parameter is called Goodbye Key Cancels Incoming
Call and is configurable via the Aastra Web UI.
If you enable this parameter, which is the default, pressing the key rejects calls coming into the phone while you
are on an active call. When you disable this parameter, pressing the key hangs up the active call.
If you disable this feature, and the phone receives another call when an active call is already present, the 6865i displays
2Ignore on the LCD. For the 6865i, you must use the 2 navigation key to ignore the call.
Configuring Goodbye Key to Cancel Incoming Calls
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Basic Settings > Preferences > General.
2. The Goodbye Key Cancels Incoming Call field is enabled by default. If required, disable this field by unchecking the
check box.
3. Click Save Settings.
Additional Features
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 149
Message Waiting Indicator
You can configure the Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) to illuminate for a specific line or for all lines. For example, if you
configure the MWI LED on Line 2 only, the LED illuminates if a voicemail is pending on Line 2. If you configure the MWI LED
for all lines, the LED illuminates if a voicemail is pending on any line on the phone (lines 1 through 9).
You configure the MWI using the Aastra Web UI.
Configuring Message Waiting Indicator
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Basic Settings > Preferences > General.
2. The Message Waiting Indicator Line field is set to all lines by default. If required, change the setting to a specific line
by selecting a line from the list. Valid values are All and lines 1 through 9.
3. Click Save Settings.
Additional Features
150 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Incoming Intercom Call Features
By default, the IP phone allows incoming intercom calls to be automatically answered without having to set up an Icom
key on your phone. The phone automatically plays a warning tone when it receives an incoming intercom call. It also
mutes the microphone. If the intercom call comes into the phone while an active call is already present, the phone puts
the active call on hold and answers the intercom call.
You can change the behavior of how the phone handles incoming intercom calls by enabling/disabling specific parame-
ters using the Aastra Web UI.
Auto Answer
Microphone Mute
Play Warning Tone
Allow Barge In
Auto-Answer/Play Warning Tone
The auto-answer feature on the IP phone allows you to enable or disable automatic answering for an Intercom call. If
Auto-Answer is enabled, the phone automatically answers an incoming intercom call. If Play Warning Tone is also ena-
bled, the phone plays a tone to alert you before answering the intercom call. If Auto-Answer is disabled, the phone
treats the incoming intercom call as a normal call. Auto-Answer and Play Warning Tone are enabled by default.
Microphone Mute
You can mute or unmute the microphone on the IP phone for intercom calls made by the originating caller. If you want
to mute the intercom call, you enable this feature. If you want to unmute (or hear the intercom call), you disable this fea-
ture. Microphone Mute is enabled by default.
Allow Barge In
You can configure whether or not the IP phone allows an incoming intercom call to interrupt an active call. The Allow
Barge In parameter controls this feature. When you enable the this parameter, which is the default value, an incoming
intercom call takes precedence over any active call, by placing the active call on hold and automatically answering the
intercom call. When you disable this parameter, and there is an active call, the phone treats an incoming intercom call
like a normal call and plays the call warning tone. Allow Barge In is enabled by default.
Your Administrator can set a time period delay before the phone automatically answers. Contact your System Admin-
istrator for more information.
Additional Features
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 151
Configuring Incoming Intercom Settings
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Basic Settings > Preferences > Incoming Intercom Settings.
2. The Auto-Answer field is enabled by default. The automatic answering feature is turned on for the IP phone for
answering Intercom calls. To disable this field, uncheck the box.
If the Auto-Answer field is not checked (disabled), the phone treats the incoming intercom call as a normal call.
3. The Microphone Mute field is enabled by default. The microphone is muted on the IP phone for Intercom calls made
by the originating caller. To disable this field, uncheck the box.
4. The Play Warning Tone field is enabled by default. If Auto-Answer is enabled, the phone plays a warning tone when
it receives in incoming intercom call. To disable this field, uncheck the box.
5. The Allow Barge In field is enabled by default. If Allow Barge In is enabled, the phone puts an active call on hold and
answers the incoming Intercom call. To disable this field, uncheck the box.
6. Click Save Settings.
Additional Features
152 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Group RTP Paging
You can configure the phone to allow it to receive a Real Time Transport Protocol (RTP) stream from pre-configured mul-
ticast address(es) without involving SIP signalling. This is called Group Paging on the IP phones. You can specify up to 5
multicast addresses that the phone listens for on the network. This feature is configurable using the Aastra Web UI only.
The 6865i in the local network listens for RTP on the pre-configured multicast address. The phone displays the Paging
message to the phone’s LCD. It uses the G711 uLaw CODEC for multicast RTP.
The recipient can drop the incoming page if required. The recipient can also set DND to ignore any incoming pages.
For incoming RTP multicasts, the ringing display is dependant on the setting for the Allow Barge In parameter (see
Allow Barge In on page 150) If this parameter is disabled, and there is no other call on the phone, then the paging is
automatically played via the default audio device.
If there is an existing call on the phone, the call initially displays in the ringing state. The user has the option to
accept/ignore the call. If the Allow Barge In parameter is enabled, the RTP multicast call barges in, and any existing calls
are put on hold.
If an RTP multicast session already exists on the phone, and the phone receives another incoming RTP multicast session,
the priority is given to the first multicast session and the second multicast session is ignored. The behavior for the incom-
ing calls in this case is also based on the setting for the Allow Barge In parameter. The incoming call is handled as if there
were an existing call already on the phone.
Configuring Group RTP Paging
Aastra Web UI
1. Click on Basic Settings > Preferences > Group Paging RTP Settings.
2. In the Paging Listen Addresses text box, enter the multicast IP address(es) and port number on which the phone
listens for incoming multicast RTP packets.
Enter the IP address in dotted decimal format.
(for example,,
You can enter up to 5 listening multicast addresses.
If this field is blank, the paging listening capability is disabled on the phone.
Recipient of a paging call can set a global DND to ignore any incoming pages.
For incoming paging, the phone uses the Intercom configuration settings. The incoming page is dependant on
the Allow Barge In parameter setting and the idling/on call state.
3. Click Save Settings.
Additional Features
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 153
Shared Call Appearance (SCA) Call Bridging
Shared Call Appearance (SCA) is when incoming calls are presented to multiple phones simultaneously. For example, it is
the ability to assign the boss' extension to a key on the secretary's phone. Calls can be transferred between two phones
with the same extension key by simply putting the call on hold at one phone and picking it up on the other. Status LEDs
light and flash in unison, allowing all people sharing the extension to see the status at a glance.
The phones include an enhanced SCA for the servers that support call bridging and allows two or more SCA users to be
connected in a call with a third party. Refer to the following example:
Using the example above, when a call comes into Phone 1, Phone 2 and Phone 3 can pickup the same call by pressing the
SCA line key. Phone 2 and 3 display the call they are bridging into on the LCD of the phones. Existing SCA parties in a
bridge or one-to-one call hear an audible beep when another party has joined the call.
If a phone is configured for SCA bridging and it attempts to join a call, but the account on the server does not have this
functionality enabled, an error message displays to the LCD on the phone.
The SCA call bridging feature is disabled by default on all phones. Your Administrator can enable/disable this feature if
required. Contact your System Administrator for more information.
Keys States and LED Behavior
There are two call states on the phones that support SCA bridging:
Bridge-active - A bridged call is in progress
Bridge-held - The 3rd-party (i.e., non-SCA party) in the bridge is on hold.
The following tables provide the key states and LED behavior in an SCA bridge call for users involved in an SCA call and
users not involved in the SCA call.
Your Administrator must enable/disable the beep on the server-side.
SCA phone 1 answers.
SCA phone 2 joins by
pressing SCA line. When
When 2 and 3 pickup,
1 can hangup.
phone 1 hangs up, 2 is still
connected. Phone 2 can
press the line key to
put SCA call on hold
leaving 3 still connected
to 1.
SCA phone 3 joins by
pressing SCA line. When
phone 1 hangs up, 3 is still
connected. Phone 3 can
press the line key to
put SCA call on hold
leaving 2 still connected
to 1.
Phone A calls the SCA number and
all the phones in the SCA environment
Note: A user can place a call on hold while in an SCA bridged call, by pressing the SCA line key.
Additional Features
154 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Line Keys and Idle Screens
Line Key Phone Behavior
Star Codes
All of the main call handling and extension management features using star codes can be set on your phone by your
Administrator. Contact your System Administrator for more information.
If these have not been set up, you can dial any star code commands on the 6865i phone the same way you would on a
regular telephone.
Other Features
A multitude of other features are available depending on whether or not your System Administrator has configured
them for use. Contact your System Administrator for feature availability and usage information.
State Line LED for Local Caller ID for Remote Line LED for Remote Caller ID for Remote
Idle Off N/A Off N/A
Seized Solid Green None Solid Red None
Progressing (outgoing call) Solid Green Called Party Solid Red None
Alerting (incoming call) Flashing Red N/A N/A N/A
Active Solid Green Far-end Solid Red Far-end
Held Slow Flashing Green Far-end Slow Flashing Red Far-end
Hold private Slow Flashing Green Far-end Solid Red Far-end
Bridge-active Solid Green Far-end Solid Red Far-end
Bridge-held Slow Flashing Green Far-end Solid Red Far-end
State Local Line Key Pressed Remote Line Key Pressed
Idle N/A Attempt to seize the line
Seized Hang up Ignore
Progressing Hang up Ignore
Alerting Answer N/A
Active Hold Bridge
Held Retrieve Bridge
Hold private Retrieve Ignore
Bridge-active Hold Bridge
Bridge-held Retrieve Bridge
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 155
Model M680i Expansion Module
The 6865i IP phone offers an optional M680i Expansion Module that attaches to the right side of the phone to provide
additional programmable keys.
The M680i provides 16 keys on the dialpad. Each key provides an LED for indicating call status. The M680i provides a paper
label for convenient key labelling.
The M680i Expansion Module keys support the following functions:
You can configure the keys using the Aastra Web UI at the path, Operation > Expansion Module <N> when an Expansion
Module is attached to the 6865i IP phone.
None BLF/Xfer
Line Speeddial/Xfer
Speeddial Speeddial/Conf
Do Not Disturb (DND) Directory
BLF (Busy Lamp Field) Callers List
BLF/List Redial
Auto Call Distribution (ACD) Conference
XML (Extensible Markup Language) Transfer
Flash Icom (Intercom)
Sprecode Services
Park Phone Lock
Pickup Paging
Last Call Return (LCR) Save
Call Fwd (Call Forward) Delete
For more information about configuring the expansion module keys with these functions, see the “Programmable Keys
on page 43.
Model M680i Expansion Module
156 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Using the Expansion Modules
M680i Expansion Module
After configuring the keys on the M680i Expansion Module, you can record the name of the key on the paper labels pro-
vided with the Expansion Module. Press the key you want to use when applicable.
Press-and-Hold to Create a Speed Dial Key
You can press and hold an expansion module key to create a speed dial key and configure it the same way you configure
a speed dial key on the phone. For details on creating a speed dial key, see “Creating a Speed Dial Key on page 46.
For more information about installing the M680i Expansion Modules on your phone, see the Aastra M680i Expansion
Module Quick Start Guide and Aastra M680i Expansion Module Installation Guide.
Mary (Speeddial)
Home (Speeddial)
John (Speeddial)
Press to
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 157
Troubleshooting Solutions
Why is my display blank?
Ensure that power is being provided to your phone. See the Connecting to the Network and to Power section in the
Aastra 6865i Installation Guide for details.
Why can’t I get a dial tone?
Check for any loose connections and that the phone has been installed properly. For installation instructions, please refer
to the Installation and Setup section in the Aastra 6865i Installation Guide provided with your phone.
Why doesn’t my phone ring?
Check the ring volume on your phone. It may be turned down or turned off. To adjust the ringer volume setting, press the
volume button when the phone is on-hook and idle.
Why is the light not coming on with a new voicemail message?
Your phone system or service provider must provide the visual message waiting service for this function to work. Check
with your System Administrator for more information.
Why is my handset not working?
Check to ensure that the handset cord is fully connected to both the phone and handset. See the section Connecting a
Handset in the Aastra 6865i Installation Guide for information.
How do I find the IP address of my phone?
Instructions on where to find the IP address of your phone can be found in this guide in the section, “Finding Your Phone’s
IP Address” on page 16.
Why does my phone display the No Service message?
The phone displays the No Service message if the SIP settings have not been set up correctly. Contact your System
Administrator for more information.
How do I change my user password?
You can change the user password from the IP phone UI or the Aastra Web UI. See “User Password” on page 37 for more
Why does my phone display Bad Encrypted Config?
The IP phone displays Bad Encrypted Config because encrypted configuration files are enabled but the decryption proc-
ess has failed. Report this error to your System Administrator.
How do I restart the IP phone?
You can restart the phone from the IP phone UI or through the Aastra Web UI. See “Restarting Your Phone” on page 39 for
more information.
How do I lock my phone?
You can lock your phone to prevent the phone from being used or configured. You can lock the phone using any of the fol-
In the IP phone UI at the path Options > Phone Lock. See “Phone Lock” on page 37 for more information.
In the Aastra Web UI at the path Operations > Phone Lock. See “Phone Lock on page 37 for more information.
At a configured Phone Lock key on the phone. For more information about configuring a Lock/Unlock key on your
phone, see “Phone Lock Key” on page 89.
Warranty-1 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Limited Warranty
(Not applicable in Australia – see below for Limited Warranty in Australia)
Aastra warrants this product against defects and malfunctions in accordance with Aastra's authorized, written functional
specification relating to such products during a one (1) year period from the date of original purchase (“Warranty
Period”). If there is a defect or malfunction, Aastra shall, at its option, and as the exclusive remedy, either repair or replace
the product at no charge, if returned within the Warranty Period. If replacement parts are used in making repairs, these
parts may be refurbished, or may contain refurbished materials. If it is necessary to replace the product, it may be
replaced with a refurbished product of the same design and color. If it should become necessary to repair or replace a
defective or malfunctioning product under this warranty, the provisions of this warranty shall apply to the repaired or
replaced product until the expiration of ninety (90) days from the date of pick up, or the date of shipment to you, of the
repaired or replacement product, or until the end of the original Warranty Period, whichever is later. Proof of the original
purchase date is to be provided with all products returned for warranty repairs.
Aastra does not warrant its products to be compatible with the equipment of any particular telephone company. This
warranty does not extend to damage to products resulting from improper installation or operation, alteration, accident,
neglect, abuse, misuse, fire or natural causes such as storms or floods, after the product is in your possession. Aastra will
not accept liability for any damages and/or long distance charges, which result from unauthorized and/or unlawful use.
Aastra shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, loss, damage or
expense directly or indirectly arising from the customers use of or inability to use this product, either separately or in
combination with other equipment. This paragraph, however, shall not apply to consequential damages for injury to the
person in the case of products used or bought for use primarily for personal, family or household purposes.
This warranty sets forth the entire liability and obligations of Aastra with respect to breach of warranty, and the warran-
ties set forth or limited herein are the sole warranties and are in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, includ-
ing warranties or fitness for particular purpose and merchantability.
Warranty Repair Services
Should the product fail during the Warranty Period;
In North America, please call 1-800-574-1611 for further information.
Outside North America, contact your sales representative for return instructions.
You will be responsible for shipping charges, if any. When you return this product for warranty service, you must present
proof of purchase.
After Warranty Service
Aastra offers ongoing repair and support for this product. This service provides repair or replacement of your Aastra
product, at Aastra's option, for a fixed charge. You are responsible for all shipping charges. For further information and
shipping instructions:
In North America, contact our service information number: 1-800-574-1611.
Outside North America, contact your sales representative.
Repairs to this product may be made only by the manufacturer and its authorized agents, or by others who are legally
authorized. This restriction applies during and after the Warranty Period. Unauthorized repair will void the warranty.
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 Warranty-2
Limited Warranty (Australia Only)
The benefits under the Aastra Limited Warranty below are in addition to other rights and remedies to which you may be
entitled under a law in relation to the products.
In addition to all rights and remedies to which you may be entitled under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Com-
monwealth) and any other relevant legislation, Aastra warrants this product against defects and malfunctions in accord-
ance with Aastra's authorized, written functional specification relating to such products during a one (1) year period from
the date of original purchase (“Warranty Period”). If there is a defect or malfunction, Aastra shall, at its option, and as the
exclusive remedy under this limited warranty, either repair or replace the product at no charge, if returned within the War-
ranty Period.
Repair Notice
To the extent that the product contains user-generated data, you should be aware that repair of the goods may result in
loss of the data. Goods presented for repair may be replaced by refurbished goods of the same type rather than being
repaired. Refurbished parts may be used to repair the goods. If it is necessary to replace the product under this limited
warranty, it may be replaced with a refurbished product of the same design and color.
If it should become necessary to repair or replace a defective or malfunctioning product under this warranty, the provi-
sions of this warranty shall apply to the repaired or replaced product until the expiration of ninety (90) days from the date
of pick up, or the date of shipment to you, of the repaired or replacement product, or until the end of the original Warranty
Period, whichever is later. Proof of the original purchase date is to be provided with all products returned for warranty
Aastra does not warrant its products to be compatible with the equipment of any particular telephone company. This war-
ranty does not extend to damage to products resulting from improper installation or operation, alteration, accident,
neglect, abuse, misuse, fire or natural causes such as storms or floods, after the product is in your possession. Aastra will
not accept liability for any damages and/or long distance charges, which result from unauthorized and/or unlawful use.
To the extent permitted by law, Aastra shall not be liable for any incidental damages, including, but not limited to, loss,
damage or expense directly or indirectly arising from your use of or inability to use this product, either separately or in
combination with other equipment. This paragraph, however, is not intended to have the effect of excluding, restricting or
modifying the application of all or any of the provisions of Part 5-4 of Schedule 2 to the Competition and Consumer Act
2010 (the ACL), the exercise of a right conferred by such a provision or any liability of Aastra in relation to a failure to com-
ply with a guarantee that applies under Division 1 of Part 3-2 of the ACL to a supply of goods or services.
This express warranty sets forth the entire liability and obligations of Aastra with respect to breach of this express war-
ranty and is in lieu of all other express or implied warranties other than those conferred by a law whose application cannot
be excluded, restricted or modified. Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Con-
sumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably
foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of accepta-
ble quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.
Limited Warranty (Australia Only)
Warranty-3 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
Warranty Repair Services
Procedure: Should the product fail during the Warranty Period and you wish to make a claim under this express
warranty, please contact the Aastra authorized reseller who sold you this product (details as per the invoice) and
present proof of purchase. You will be responsible for shipping charges, if any.
Manufacturer: Aastra Telecom Australia Pty Ltd
745 Springvale Road
Mulgrave VIC 3170
ABN 16 140 787 195
Phone: +61 3 8562 2700
Limitation of Liability for Products not of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or household use or
consumption (e.g. goods/services ordinarily supplied for business-use)
1.1 To the extent permitted by law and subject to clause 1.2 below, the liability of Aastra to you for any non-compliance
with a statutory guarantee or loss or damage arising out of or in connection with the supply of goods or services
(whether for tort (including negligence), statute, custom, law or on any other basis) is limited to:
a) in the case of services:
i) the resupply of the services; or
ii) the payment of the cost of resupply; and
b) in the case of goods:
i) the replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods; or
ii) the repair of the goods; or
iii) the payment of the cost of replacing the goods or of acquiring equivalent goods; or
iv) the payment of the cost of having the goods repaired.
1.2 Clause 1.1 is not intended to have the effect of excluding, restricting or modifying:
a) the application of all or any of the provisions of Part 5-4 of Schedule 2 to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010
(the ACL); or
b) the exercise of a right conferred by such a provision; or
c) any liability of Aastra in relation to a failure to comply with a guarantee that applies under Division 1 of Part 3-2
of the ACL to a supply of goods or services.
After Warranty Service
Aastra offers ongoing repair and support for this product. If you are not otherwise entitled to a remedy for a failure to
comply with a guarantee that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law, this service provides repair or
replacement of your Aastra product, at Aastra's option, for a fixed charge. You are responsible for all shipping charges.
For further information and shipping instructions contact:
Aastra Telecom Australia Pty Ltd
745 Springvale Road
Mulgrave VIC 3170
ABN 16 140 787 195
Phone: +61 3 8562 2700
Repairs to this product may be made only by the manufacturer and its authorized agents, or by others who are legally
authorized. Unauthorized repair will void this express warranty.
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 A-1
Appendix A - Time Zone Codes
The following table identifies the time zone name and time zone code to use on the IP phone.
Time Zone Name/Time Zone Code Table
Time Zone Name Time Zone Code
AR-Buenos Aires
AS-Pago Pago
AU-Lord Howe
AU-Broken Hill
BO-La Paz
BR-Sao Paulo
BR-Porto Velho
BR-Boa Vista
BR-Rio Branco
Appendix A - Time Zone Codes
A-2 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
CR-Costa Rica
DO-Santo Domingo
GS-South Georgia
HK-Hong Kong
KY-Cayman EST
Time Zone Name Time Zone Code
Appendix A - Time Zone Codes
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 A-3
LC-St Lucia
LT-Vi ln iu s
MX-Mexico City
OM-Muscat GST
PR-Puerto Rico
SM-San Marino
SV-El Salvador
Time Zone Name Time Zone Code
Appendix A - Time Zone Codes
A-4 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
TT-Port of Spain
VA-Vatican CET
YU-Belgrade CET
Time Zone Name Time Zone Code
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 Index-1
customizing ................................................................................................11, 19
feature ....................................................................................................................1
incomplete configuration message .......................................................... 10
keys and key descriptions ...............................................................................3
no service message ......................................................................................... 10
requirements ........................................................................................................2
Aastra Web UI
Operaton parameters .................................................................................... 14
phone status ..................................................................................................... 14
about this guide ..........................................................................................................1
account configuration .........................................................................................119
ACD key ....................................................................................................................... 58
allow barge-in, for intercom ..............................................................................150
audio, setting ............................................................................................................ 24
auto-answer, for intercom .................................................................................150
backlight, setting ..................................................................................................... 22
BLF key ........................................................................................................................ 55
BLF List, setting key for .......................................................................................... 56
BLF, setting key for .................................................................................................. 55
BLF/Xfer ...................................................................................................................... 69
BLF/Xfer key .............................................................................................................. 69
BLF/Xfer, keys for ..................................................................................................... 70
Call Forward key ...................................................................................................... 68
call forwarding, keys for ........................................................................................ 68
call hold reminder .................................................................................................144
call hold reminder during active calls ............................................................143
call waiting tone ....................................................................................................138
call waiting tone period ......................................................................................145
callers list ..................................................................................................................115
callers list key ...............................................................................................................4
callers list, downloading to phone ..................................................................118
calls, ending ............................................................................................................108
calls, handling .........................................................................................................102
calls, making .............................................................................................................. 97
calls, managing ......................................................................................................109
calls, placing on hold ...........................................................................................102
calls, receiving ........................................................................................................101
calls, transferring ...................................................................................................103
conference calls .....................................................................................................105
conference key ............................................................................................................4
centralized .......................................................................................................106
ending ...............................................................................................................108
local ....................................................................................................................105
transfer remaining parties ..........................................................................108
deleting a key ........................................................................................................... 96
dial plan, emergency .............................................................................................. 41
dial tones, stuttered .............................................................................................139
dialing a number ..................................................................................................... 97
dialpad, live ................................................................................................................23
directory key ................................................................................ 76, 78, 80, 82, 84
directory, downloading to PC ...........................................................................113
directory, downloading to phone ...................................................................114
DND key ......................................................................................................................54
DND, enabling/disabling ..........................................................................119, 124
documentation ...........................................................................................................1
empty key .................................................................................................... 93, 95, 96
expansion module, M680i ..................................................................................155
Flash key .....................................................................................................................63
getting started .............................................................................................................7
goodbye key .................................................................................................................4
Goodbye key cancels incoming call ...............................................................148
configuring ......................................................................................................148
group RTP paging ..................................................................................................152
headset mic ...............................................................................................................98
headset mode ...........................................................................................................24
headset, using ...........................................................................................................98
headset/speaker mode .........................................................................................24
hold key ..........................................................................................................................4
idle screens ...................................................................................................................9
incomplete configuration ....................................................................................10
Indication of transferred calls ...........................................................................104
installation and setup ...............................................................................................2
intercom calls, incoming call features ...........................................................150
Intercom key .............................................................................................................85
IP address of the phone ........................................................................................16
IP address, finding ...................................................................................................16
key panel .......................................................................................................................4
Keypad Keys .................................................................................................................6
ACD key ............................................................................................................... 58
BLF key ................................................................................................................. 55
BLF List key ......................................................................................................... 56
BLF/Xfer key ....................................................................................................... 69
Call Forward key ............................................................................................... 68
callers list ...............................................................................................................4
conference ............................................................................................................4
descriptions of .....................................................................................................3
Directory key ....................................................................... 75, 77, 79, 81, 83
DND key .............................................................................................................. 54
Flash key .............................................................................................................. 63
goodbye .................................................................................................................4
hold ..........................................................................................................................4
Intercom key ...................................................................................................... 85
line ............................................................................................................................4
Line key ............................................................................................................... 45
navigation .............................................................................................................4
Index-2 41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014
None key .............................................................................................. 92, 94, 96
options ...................................................................................................................4
Paging key .......................................................................................................... 90
Park and Pickup keys ...................................................................................... 65
Phone Lock key ................................................................................................ 89
programmable .....................................................................................................5
redial ........................................................................................................................4
Services key ........................................................................................................ 87
speaker ...................................................................................................................5
Speeddial key .................................................................................................... 46
Speeddial/Conf key ......................................................................................... 73
Speeddial/Xfer key .......................................................................................... 71
Sprecode key ..................................................................................................... 64
transfer ...................................................................................................................4
volume control ....................................................................................................4
XML key ............................................................................................................... 60
latin 2 character set ......................................................................................... 36
overview ............................................................................................................. 30
specifying on IP phone .................................................................................. 30
last call return key ................................................................................................... 67
Line key ....................................................................................................................... 45
line keys .........................................................................................................................4
line, setting a key for .............................................................................................. 45
lines settings .............................................................................................................42
lock/unlock the phone ........................................................................................157
locking/unlocking the phone ............................................................................. 39
message waiting indicator, configuring .......................................................149
microphone mute, for intercom ......................................................................150
microphone volume, headset ............................................................................. 26
missed calls indicator
accessing and clearing ................................................................................117
overview ...........................................................................................................117
navigation keys ...........................................................................................................4
no service ......................................................................................................... 10, 157
Aastra Web UI .................................................................................................... 13
IP Phone UI ......................................................................................................... 11
simplified menu ............................................................................................... 12
options key ...................................................................................................................4
Paging key .................................................................................................................. 90
paging, keys for ........................................................................................................ 90
park/pickup, using on the IP phone ................................................................. 66
password, resetting user’s .................................................................................... 38
Phone Lock key ........................................................................................................ 89
phone status .............................................................................................................37
phone status, displaying ....................................................................................... 15
plugging in the phone .............................................................................................7
preferred line ..........................................................................................................146
preferred line timeout .........................................................................................146
programmable keys
about .......................................................................................................................5
description ......................................................................................................... 43
redial .............................................................................................................................99
redial key .......................................................................................................................4
restarting the phone ...............................................................................................39
ring tone sets .............................................................................................................20
ring tones ....................................................................................................................19
RTP paging, group ................................................................................................ 152
Russian character set ..............................................................................................34
s ........................................................................................................................................4
Services key ................................................................................................................87
speaker key ...................................................................................................................5
speaker mode ............................................................................................................24
speaker/headset mode ..........................................................................................24
configuring key for ..........................................................................................46
configuring prefix for ......................................................................................46
creating from Keypad Speeddial in Web UI ...........................................50
creating from phone keypad .......................................................................47
creating from programmable key in Web UI .........................................49
creating from Speeddial Edit Option ........................................................48
editing ..................................................................................................................51
speeddial/Xfer ...........................................................................................................71
Speeddial/Xfer key ..................................................................................................71
Sprecode key .............................................................................................................64
star codes ................................................................................................................. 154
starting up the phone ..............................................................................................7
status scroll delay .................................................................................................. 141
switch UI focus to ringing line .......................................................................... 142
The .................................................................................................................................75
transfer key ...................................................................................................................4
transferring calls
blind ................................................................................................................... 103
blind transfer to contact in directory ..................................................... 104
consultive ......................................................................................................... 103
indication of .................................................................................................... 104
troubleshooting solutions ................................................................................. 157
changing password ...................................................................................... 157
display blank ................................................................................................... 157
finding IP address .......................................................................................... 157
handset not working ................................................................................... 157
locking/unlocking phone ........................................................................... 157
no dial tone ..................................................................................................... 157
no light for VM message ............................................................................. 157
no ring ............................................................................................................... 157
phone displays "Bad Encrypted Config"? ............................................. 157
phone displays "No Service" ..................................................................... 157
restarting phone ............................................................................................ 157
VM message light not working ................................................................ 157
user password ...........................................................................................................37
voicemail .................................................................................................................. 101
volume, control keys .................................................................................................4
warning tone, for Intercom ............................................................................... 150
warranty exclusions ..................................................................................................1
41-001523-00 REV00 – 04.2014 Index-3
XML application title .............................................................................................. 60
XML application URI ............................................................................................... 60
XML beep support ................................................................................................ 140
XML key .......................................................................................................................60
Aastra will not accept liability for any damages and/or long
distance charges, which result from unauthorized and/or unlawful
use. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, Aastra
will not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions
contained within this documentation. The information contained
in this documentation is subject to change without notice.
Copyright © 2014 Mitel Networks Corporation, www.aastra.com.

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