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Document ID | 75333 |
Application ID | IML/4GCSDDNteMCncvH24w== |
Document Description | 8 |
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Document Type | User Manual |
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Date Submitted | 1999-12-10 00:00:00 |
Date Available | 1998-09-29 00:00:00 |
Creation Date | 2001-05-12 00:37:22 |
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Document Lastmod | 2001-05-12 00:37:24 |
Document Title | 8 |
SuperStack‘” ll Baseline Switch
, . zs-Port TP (3016462) -
User Guide — BETA DRAFT r- - v ‘
' l Baseline Switch is a yersatiie, msyrtchuse
swiICh K is ideal for users who Wafll to build a small
network cl around a larger, more established nelwurk. but do not
need SDpl‘iin’Z ed management capablllues. The Baseline Swmch IS
snipped ready if use Nu configuration is necessary,
The Basra-lino ‘ "T has 24 R145 loflASErT ports on (he (ran! panel
and [we RA) or rDDMbps ports on the rear panei. Ali ports have
full duplex aute negatiatidn; each port automaticaliy determines me
duplex mace inriir cupiex or full dupiex) or the connected equipment
and provides a iUilaDle connection. in additidn, eacri iolioombps
port automancaiiy determines the speed or the cannected
equipmeril Arid cravings either a ‘lOBASET flr 100EASE-TX
The flash nu
fl is suited For office use where it can be free
standing w minted or rack muunted [in a Wiring closet or
equipment ii
The Easeli u rm comes with:
. one , mid For use with (he Baseline Switm
I Fuur ,: “MTV”. ieight and [W0 reduced height Self-adhesive
ruanir l‘)
I One ii,i ,i7ii\iil kl!
I A wiir iii»; ’i'qi5(ralinn card rar you to fill in and return
The Baseline Swlmh can be powered either ll'om (he AC mains
supply, or through in cpfl'nnal 3Cul‘n SuperStack' ll Advanced
Redundant Power System (305071). Contact your supplier for
details '
When a network of repeater hubs is in operation any information
that is sent by the workstations is passed around (re whole network
(regardless of the destination Of the infarman‘un). This result: in a lo!
of unnecessary traffic that can slow down the network, The Baseline
Switch selves this prublsm because It 'iistens' to (he netwark and
autumaticaliy learns which werksratruns and network equipment can
be reached mmugn its poi-ls it can men selectively pass on any
information by imnsrrim'lg me lrarru: m the relevant part only
(instead or all parts like a repeater hub) Thls operation is called
switching. ,
The Baseline SWitch eaecn'vely segments your network iocalmng me
network traffic and passlng dn traffic as necessary. if you have
workstatiaris (rut communime frequermy in the same part of The
network, traffic between them is not passed in the remainder ar the
network reduclng me lam '
Nomoereo elements lfl tnls diagram refer to numoered settlons in the mt
Front Panel
1 24 R145 wonsm Ports < -
WARNING: R145 ports. These are shleloed ms data
A suckers niey cannot be used as telephone sockets, Only
connect P145 data connectors to these sockets Either
shielded or unshielded data cable; wrtn shlelded or
unsnlelded jacks can be connected to these data sockets,
AVERTISSEMENT: Les pans R145. ll s‘agl'r de prises
fernelles ollndees de' donnees R145 Vuus ne Dowel pas les
l/ll/iser comma pnse de telephone Branchez unlquemelll
des connecteurs de donnees m5 sur ces prises lemelles
Les cables de donnees ollndes W non blindes avec lesjaclr's
olrndes cu non olrndes, l‘un cu l'aull'e, pcuvent eve
branches a ces prises de courant de donnees
WAkNUNG: R145 Pan’s. nus-Ansohmsse, Dies slnd
abgescnl‘rmte R145»Detenbuchsen Sie konnen nlcllt als
Telefonanschlu/Jburhsell verwendet'werden. An diesen
‘Eucflsen dulfell nor mas-Datensteclrer angescnlossen
werden Drese Datensteclrer lronnen Enlwsdet mrt
aogescnrrmten oder oncogescnirmten Datenkabeln ml!
angeschlrmten oder unapgeschlrmten Kllnkensleckeln
verounden werden
The Baseline Switch has 24 10Mbps auto—negotiating ports on the
front panel Each ports duplex mode (halt duplex or full duplex) is
automanmlly determined by the capaoilltles of the connected dewce
CAUTION: The Baseline Swlrch supports full duplex
A auto-negozl'al'lon it the connected device does not Suppul't
auto~negotlntlon tlle Baseline Smtcn operates in half
duplex mode (even lf the connected deln'ee is operating in
full duplex mode) ln mm a configuration. you may nonce
some degradation of network performance JCom
recommends that you use dewces that are capable of
aulo~negoharlan (and that you ensure that auto-negotiation
ls enabled lf it is a configurable option)
Ports l-23 are MDlX ports. Each can be connected to a device With
an MDI port (such as a workstation) uSlrlg a normal "straight
through‘ TP (twisted pair] cable. Alternatively, you can connect to a
delllce wrtn MDlx ports (such as a hub) usng ‘uuss-uller TP cable
P011 24 ls "swllch selectablé' MDI/MDIX ustng the MDI swrtcn as
desaltled in 2 Using this port yuu can connect to a deuce wrth
MDIX ports Without the need for cross—over' cable
To connect a dome to porn l-2a 01mg saselrne Swntn use
Category 1 s or 5 unshielded loo Ohm m or snleldea (screened)
lso Ohm TP, mule lhe maxlmum length or cable for each
connection is loom (328m connect one end of the cable to the
chosen ms port on the Baseline 3mm and the other end to the
appropriate M5 port on the connecting dEVlcel
To connect the Baseline Swrtch to a SupelStack u hub uslllg a normal
‘svalghl lhrougll‘ cable. connect a port on the Basellne swrtm to
the MDI/MDIX port on the hue as shown below Ensure that the
Mnl switch on the hub is In (MDl)
Nam- ‘thqm
An alternative method of connecting the Baseline Switch to a llub
using a normal ‘slmlghl through’ coole it to connect any Mnlx pen
on the hub to port 24 on the Baseline Swlwh, ensuring that its MDl
sw-tch is set to in (Mal).
Ycu can use ’cruss-Ovef' TP cable to cannect any MDIX pm on (he
Baselln! Switch to any MDIX pofl an a hub.
2 MDI Switch (for pon 24)
fl Out Fort 24 ls an MDIX port K can be connected to
a deoce wltn an MOI port (such as a
mix workstation) usmg a nclrlnal "might througn’
TP cable.
D In Pm 24 is an MDI port lt can be connected Lo
MD, an MDIX port on a dewce (such as a hub) using
a normal 'sl.ralgnt througn‘ T? cable
3 Display Function Switch 7
This swttcn affecu the Status LEDs described in 4 and s» "
M out Thls ls the normal position of the swltch
a“ "‘ The Status LEDs show the Activity and Llnk
Status of each port
WM In When the swimh is pressed in, the Status LEDs
EL show the Duplex and Speed Status of each pan,
The swnch returns to me out position when
4 Activity / Duplex Status LEDs
The first (top) and lhiid row of LEDs which are colored yellow show
the actiinty or duplex status or the related ports
. When the Display Function watch is out [llS normal position),
these LEDs show the actiwty or each port The LED llashes
when packets are received or transmitted on the port,
. When the Display Function watch is piessed in these LEDS
show the duplex statu's ol each port-
On The part is operating ln full duplex mode.
Off lf (he llhk is esmbllshem the pm is cpetailhg lh half
duplex mode
5 Link / Speed Status LEDs
The second and Fourth (balmml row Of Status lEDs. whim are
EOIOIEU green Show the link of Speed status 01 the related per“:
I When the Display Function swttch is out (its normal msluonl.
these LEDs show the linlt status of each port
On The link has been estaolished and the segment attached
to the port is Functluhal
a" The link has not oeen established Eithe nothlng is
connected to the port or there is a problem:
. Check that the attached device is powered on.
I Check that the canle is the correct type and is not
ll the LED is of! Tor port 24 or zsi check the setting of
its MDI Swltchv Refer to 2 or m respectively. Try toggnng
the MDl sWitch .
ii the port is connected to anomer unit‘s MDI/MDIX
ports check the other unit's MDl sWitch position.
if these checks do not identify the cause or a problem
it may be that the unit or the demo connected to the
port I5 faulty Contact your supplier for lurther advice.
" I When the Display Function switch is pressed in, these lEDs
show the speed status of each port
On The link is operating at lmMops (ports 25 and 26
0" lithe link is present it is operating at Touops
6 Power LED
The Power LED shows a number of conditions
Green The unit is powered on and ready (or use
flashing The unit is performing its self test after being powered
green on If the LED ls still hashing green 1 minute arter
power up. there is a fault Contact your supplier
Yellow The unit has failed its self test Power oil me unit, wart
five seconds and power on the uni. Contact your
supplier ir the [ED continues to light yellow
on The unit is not receiving power
. Check the power cord is connected correctly.
- There may he a prublem With the fuse Within the
power cords plug Try replacing the power corn
with another of the same type
. it the unit still does not operate contact your
Rear Panel Connections
7 Power Supply
The Baseline SWitch automatically adjusts to the supply voltage Only
use the power cord that is supplied With the Baseline switch. or a
power cord or the same type.
8 Socket for Redundant Power System
0th connect a mom SuperStaclt ll Advanced Redundant Power
System (Jolson) to this socket, An appropriate power module and
cable is required The connector on the Baseline Switch is a Type 2
socket For details roiiow the iiictallatlon instructions in the guide;
that accompany the Advanced Redundant PquT System and the
power module.
9 Two RJdS 10/100 Ports
sockets They cannot be used is telephone sockets Only
connect RIM data connectors to these sockets Either
shielded or unshielded data coo/es wllh shielded or
unshielded yacks can be connected to these data sockets.
AVERHSSEMENY: Les ports R145. ll T'aglt E15 pines
ferric/let blll'lqées de donnees R145 Vous ne pouvez pas les
utiliser comme prise de telephone Branchet uniquenient
ds connecteurs de donnees R145 sur ces prises feme/Ies
Les cables de donnees clndes on non oli'ndes avec lesjacks
Divides ou nan nlindes. l'un ou l'autre, peuvent eve
branches 3 cc: prises de couront de dam-lees
WARNUNG: R115 Pam. M45-Anrchlusse. Dies Sllld
abgeschlrrnle R145-Dalenl7uzhsent Si! kcnhen mrht als
Telefonanschlu/Jbuchsen verwendet Walden. An diesen
Buchserr when our Rusoatensieclrer angeschlosseri
werden. Diese Darensteckev kunnen entwedei i-nlt
apgeschirmtan odor unaogescnirmren Datenlrapelri mit
abgescnirmten pder unapgeschirmren Klinlrensteclrem
vybunden Worden
a WARNING: 1/45 pom, These are vile/dad R145 data
The Baseline switch has two lcliooulhps autonegotiating ports on
the rear panel Each can be connected to either a TDBASE-T or a
looaASE-Tx device The port’s speed and duplor mode lhalr duplex
or full duplex) are automatically determined oy the capaailiiics or the
connected 69/152
CAUTIGM' The Baseline Switch supports full duplex
A autnrneguusl’ron. l! the connected device does not support
autonegotianon, the Baseline SWlIdl meres in hell“
duplex mode (even if the connected device is operating in
lull duplex model in such a configuration, you may notice
some degradation of network performance 35pm
recommends that you use devices that are capable of
al-Ituflegflllanbfl {and that you ensure that autonegatl‘atlan
ls enabled, ifit is a configurable option}.
Port 25 is an MDIX part. It can be connected [u a device with an
MDl port (such as a workstation) using a normal "straight through'
TP table Alternatively, you can connect it to a device With MDlx
ports using ‘cioss-over‘ TP cable.
Fort 25 is ‘swttch selectable‘ MDllMDlx using the MDI svvitch, as
described in in Using this port, you can connect to a device with
MDlX ports without the need for "ucssrover’ cable.
To connect a device to port 25 ml 25 of (he Baseline Swllch, use
Category 5 unshielded or shielded (screened) 100 Ohm TP cable (or
Category 3 cable for a ioMbps-only connection) The maximum
length cf cable fur each cunnectlcrl ls 100m (325i!)
10 MDI Switch (for port 28)
Out Purl: 26 is an MDlx pon it can be connected to
a device with an MDl port (such as a
MDIX workstation) using a normal straight through'
TP cable. 4
CI in Fun 25 is an MDl port it can he connected to
MDI an MDlX port on a device (such as a hub) using
a a normal straight through TP caole
11 Self-adhesive Pads
The Baseline Swrtch is supplied With Four standard height and two
reduced height sell-adhesive nihoer pads Usage of the pads
depends on where the Baseline Swttch is placed ,.
I Use the lour standard height pads ii the unit is to be placed
on a flat surface or stacked With another SupetStack ll product
or the same dimensions,
. Lise the two reduced height pads and two or the standard
heigit pads ii the unit is to be stacked on a SuperStack ll unit,
of dlffelent dlmensluhs ~ Line up (he front of the Llrllls. and
use the two standard height pads at the front (to lit the recs;
of (he um! beneath) and use lhe two reduced height pads at
me back
Do nu! apply the pads if you intend to rock or wall mount
the unit
lF the unit ls to pe part or rs rree Slflfldlflg srtrcx upuly the pads to
each marked comer area on the underside of the Uni! Place the unit
on rop or the lower unit ensurlng rhol the pads of the upper unlt
locate With the recesses of the lower unrr
Positioning the Baseline Switch
CAUWON: lflnn’alllng [he Easel/Ne Swll’th ln a stack Of
A nrrrerent size SuperStack ll unrrs, the smaller unrn must be
lrlslal/ed above the larger ones. Do not have a free standing
ifick gimme [ha/1 SIX unlls
when declning wnere tp DDSlllorl the Baseline SWltch arsure
- lt ls accessible and cables can be cunflectea easlly
. Eabllng ls away from sources of elEcUICaI nolse such as radius
[ransmlltefs and broadband amplifiers and may from power
lines and fluorescent llghtlflg fixtures
Water or rnulsrure cannot enter the case ol the um
I Alr Flaw around the unlt and through the vents ln [he Slde of
the case 15 not restricted lBCcm recommend that you provide
a mlnlmum or 25mm ll ln ) clearance).
Tu prolong the apefatlurlal lle of your units:
- Never stack unrrs more than slx high if rree Standlrlg‘ and
ensure that cables are supported so that they do not cause the
stack to fall over
I Do rial place objects on top or any unit or stack,
I Do not Obstrutt any vents at the sides of rhecase -
Related Standards
The SuperStack ll Basellrle Switch has been dESlgl’lEd (a the following
Functional lSO 8802-3, lEEE 302 3 (Ethernet) YEEE 802 in
(Fast Ememel)‘ lEEE 802 EX (Flow Control]
Sale!) UL 1950, EN 509504 CSA 22 2 5950. EC 950
Elm Emissions EN 55022 class E', FCC Part is Suppart E
Class A. lCESrDDE Class A‘ VCCI Class B'.
AS/NZS 3545 Class E'
‘Qategpry 5 screeneu‘lshreloedl taples musx be used lo
ensure compliance with the Class B requiremenrs or
lhlS standaro The use olunseroened cables (Caregory 3
or s for lusAsw parts or Category 5 for looaASE-TX
ports] complies leh the class A requirements
Immunity an 500324
Operating Temperatur. 07501: lzz-lzzrl f
Humidity masses (non—condenslng)
standard EN 60068 UK ea]
Rack or Wall Mounting
the Basellrle Swrlch can be mounreu ln 3 |9~lncn edurpmeni rack, or
wall mounted usrng the MOuntlng mt Nefel to "Mountlrlg Kll'
lnStrucilorlS' on page 5
Power Up
Use the followrng sequence to power up the Baseline Seron»
I Check the netwurk connectlufls and cables.
. Connect the power supply cable to me approphore power
socket on the rear panel of the unrt, reler to 7 or s
. Connect the plug (a the power supply outlet sucker and
Mitch on the power supply at the sacket if you are using the
Advanced Redundant Power System. ensure rt lS powered on,
when the Baselrne SWltth lS powered on the Power [ED should first
nasn green. men stay lltv lf it does nor. refer to 5
Spot Checks
A! frequent intervals you should yrsually check the Baseline Switch,
Regular chem can give you an early warning of a possible fallure:
any proplerns can then be attended to when there wlll be least
errect on users Check the rollowmg
Cabling Check that all external capllhg mnrlectlcrls are
secure an that no cables are pulled taut.
Cooling fans Where possuble, check that the cooling fans are
operating oy lleenlng tn the unrt. The fans are
fitted near to the rront rrgnt hand Slde of me unlt
(when Vlewed rrorn me from],
if you experlsnte any problems cperzillng the Baseline Switch. refer
to "Pmblem Solvlng" on page 6.
Width 431mml17171n)
Depth 169mm 15 6m)
Height “mm (171ml or ill
Weight 2.5kg (s alp)
Mounting Free Standing. or 7an rack or wall mounted
using the muunrlng klt supplied
Power Inlet IEC 320
AC Line Frequency 50150 Hz
input Voltage 1007240 VAC
current Rating 0 4 Amps (maximum)
Maximum Power 60 VA
Consumption ‘
Maximum insr 205 BTU/hr
Please read me fellewrng safety inlorma on camiully leader:
lnstallrng utu Easellrle Swluh.
WARNING: lnsrallurren and removal Dime unrt mutt be named eur
Dy qua/med pertennel pnly
li tntrellrnq tne swlttn um! tn 3 suck w-tn Sunelsmck ll Hun unlts me
antenna SWltch ul‘ll must be lflxlnllfid below me nerrpwer Huh unlts
The um! sneulp new pt» calleclEd m an A 0 outlet lppwer supply)
Wlmoul an penn lglmmfl) curlrecllml
The unrt must act (unnamed to an Emmet! lgmurlaed] uutlel re ton-ply
Wlth European salary steneeret
The ppplrence coupler (rm. Evrr‘ectclr te me unlt tnp nol rne wall plug)
must have a tennguratlen ler mallng wlln an ENWJZUAECIZD
appltence lnlet
lne suckel eutlpt must be mr in me mm and easlly atLESSlhle You
can only lemme ppwpr nern tne lmlt ey dlsflmnefllnq the pewer cum
rrprn [he euxlet,
I tnls unlt eperms uneer SELV lSplety Exm lpw Voltage] tenpltrens
accclclng to EC 9le the tenemens an: pnly malntalned l the
equlpmefl! re wnlcn ll ls wnnecled else eperptet uneer sew cor‘flllmns
I Only connect in Advanced Femmddnl Puwzr Syslem nelsmul thn
rype 2 Fewer Modules ar‘d Type 2 cables to the Redundant Pawer
System socks!
Veuillex lire 2 1mm l'infurmaticln we I: sémrlle suivanm avant
d stalls Ie Baseline Switch.
AVERTISSEMENT: L‘lrlslallarlan er la newse pp ce graupe doll/en!
all! cunr’l'ES a urr personnel qualms
I sl rpus enrasser l‘unlte Swtrn am les unlles SuperSIack ll Hue lunllé
Baselrne SWltrn dad elm lnsmllee En pesseus pet ur‘lles Hub plus
I lunrte ne eevrelt pas sue [38th z une prise de cmrant c A
lsource ue couranl) suus auclm pretlee sans un blanchemenl mlse a
la [ewe (me a la masse)
I Veus Bevel racecreer ce gmupe a urle Same mlse a la terre (mlse a la
Hesse) alln de lespecter les Harms eumpeerlnes de secmlle
l Le cuuplew p zppaml (Ia tennecteur au greupe 21 non pas la pnse
muralel apt respecter une terrlguramn per game! un prancnernent
sur urle entree a apparenl ENEGZZMZEI am
I la prlse secteur dull sp lmuver a pmxlmlle de l sppererl 9! see was
doll élle fame Vuus He peuvez meme I‘Appalell nets clrclrll qu'en
debrarlchant sen comm elecmque au nueeu de cell! pllse
I Lapparell lenttrpnne a are tenslen exumement basse pe securlte eul
est confurme e ls npnne CEI 950 Cs tenertlens He sent malntenuzs
eue $4 l'epurpement auquel ll est ratccrdé fcncllcnrle dams les rnernes
I Branchzz unlquement un Aflvancen Redundant Fewer system
(30150707 Mt Typez Vowel Mudules er Type 2 cables sur la prlse
Femelle pu wepunaent Power System 4
Ema unbe gt var em Elnhzuen des Baseline Swiuh sinn-
die (nlganden Sicherheitsarlwelsungen durvhlesen.
WARNUN Dle lnttallztren und per Auspau pes Germ dan‘ nur
purer: ramperxpnal enelgpn
I Wenn dle patellne Swllcl’l [lrlhell ln elnel' Supel mrt andarerl
SupelSlack ll Hup Elnhellen emgebt'lul warden mll mufi up Baseline
Swrrcn Emhell unrer cue scnmzlelen Hub Elnrlellen elngzzuaul wemen
I Das Germ Isl unwr Kelnen umslmdefl rm amen thselsncm (A C)
Netzsrecker nnzutcnllelsen ohm-3 uuungsleflung
I Das amt mull an amp quemcle Steckduse znqeschlassefl wereen ale
dlk! europalschm Slchelhflltsnurmen mullt
I Der Allschluflkxhelsnlz mull rmt den Besumrnunqzn m5 lelldns
umrelnstrmmen In pem er velwenflel wemen sell
mm and Pi": only
lnn unrt Carma! er pew-rep lrprn ll’ supplles ll you! tupelres sr. er ll’ lypq
(hls unll rnust pp pawl-it'd by zaov lZPrfl we en lsalallun translerrne-
rerlel l wtn [HP szconflaly cennectlpn pelnt labullm Neulml Eflflflecmd
mtettly re zzml lgreunpl
rpmr Dani Sll
rlrrs must be epprnuea ler me country whne l! wlll be used
u s A and I we mm $21 must be UL spanned and CSA cstrfiee.
C‘W“ I he rnmrrnunr spmfltetrens lot the flaw wtu aw
Np lfi ch
Yype sv of SI
1 tpneucter
I ma mm set must have a raled tune"! rapacrty el at least
I The aflnchmeflt plug must he an earm-grpuneing type
wlth a NEMA 5—159 (tsA. |25V) nr usurp 5-15? “5A
zsovl cenrlguretren
Denmark I The supply plug must comply wrtrl Sectlen l07—2—D‘1.
Samara DKZ la or one 5.1
Swltzellarld I The supply plug must comply wllh SEVIASE lOH
'ltnpmancp a la term
frat-n n Puma unlquernerrc
CE greupe ne peut pas em alimenze par un elsppsltll a Impedance a la {me
9 vus allrnentatlens sent eu type lmpepencp a la rm. as gmupe dim etre
rllmerm pal una tenslpn a: 230 v (2 ml per le eials n‘un Hansfoml‘leur
p'lsolement a rappelt l l am up pelnt secenpprre ue connexlcrl pmal’ll
l'zppellzllun Menu-e E! ave: laccamemen: erect a la [Ewe lmassel
Coma" clutrlem
II doll we agree dam le pays d‘ullllsauo"
stem/ms e: I Le comm pert awnlr [ecu l namalogallon ees UL er un
Canada nellfica! de la CSA
I Le Eamon seuple doll respects, a we mmlmum le:
specmcauons sulvantes
mllbre lll AWG
type sv nu 5:
a 3 mnl‘lucneurs
I Le Gordan Dull ewe erl mesure p‘ecnernrrrer un caumnl
nemrnal a'eu mplns m A
I La prlse Iemelle dz prancngrnent dmt elm au type a mlse
a la tens (mlse a la matte} et Fesucter lz mnfiguratlen
NEMA 545? [15 A. 125 v1 pu NEMA E-lSP us A. 250
Danematk‘ I La prrse male d‘alimenm‘len pert reeptctsr Ia sectmrl
“37-2 m as la norme DKZ la pu OK? 53
Sulsse; I La prlse male d‘allmerllaucn dull respectu la name
I Dev GMaleslsckP-r lda inschlufl an das Gelal. Nth: d!
Wanflslsckflnsenslecker] rntrrl elne pamee Korlfiguramn fur elm
Gelaleeingarlg gemafl ENWJZU/IECJZU hahen,
I Dle Nelmukuese mufl m Ger Mane das Gaels unp lath! Zugangllw
sew Dle suemvetsetgung we: Gar-er; kann nur aural Hauusxleherl
lies Geramneukamls nus GE! Nslzsteckuose unlabvomen warden.
I Der semen meses carats slulgt unter den sElv-aearnpungén
lSlchuneluklelnslspannungl gemzfl IEC 950. nusse neelngungen pnp
nut gegeben. wenn push me an 025 Gad! angeschlmsenefl Game
unter SELV Eedlnqungen nemeberl wane"
I Nut em Aeuancm amuneant Fewer System lJClscwl mll lype z
Paws Modules und lype 2 mm an dell Redundant Puwer Small
Anschlll! anschlleflEfl
The Baseline SWltch is supplied Will’l two mouhtlng brackets and rum
screws These are users for rack mounting and wall mounting the
unit. When mounting the unit. you should take note or the
guloellnes glven lri ~ Positlohlng the Baseline Swtch" on page 4.
Wall Mounting the Units
CAUTVON: ulstannecr all cables from the unrr/sl before
carirlnulrlg Remove the selfladhesire pads from the
undersioe of me unirrs) if already fitted
rhe mavlmum number or units that you can wall mount
together is two
Fitting the brakes to wall mount one unit
1 Place the unit the rlgnt way up on a hard. flat surface erh are
front facing towards you.
2 Locate a mounting bracket Ever The mounting holes on one
slab of the unlt. as shown in rlgiire 1 below
1 insert the two screws supplied in the mounting kfl and fully
tighten With a Screwdriver
Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the other slde or the unlt
Fitting the brackets to wall mount two units
1 Stack the uhlts the right way up on a hard, flat surface With
the front raorig towards you.
2 Locate two mounting Brackets ever the mounting holes on
one side or the unlrs. as shown in Figure 2 below.
3 insert the three screws supplled lo the mounting klt and fully
lighten Wlth a screwdrlver.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the other slde of the units.
To w-li mum (ht uhitls):
1 Ensure that the wall you are 90mg to users smboth. Hal.
and stumy Attach a piece or plywood, about 30m x 50cm x
i Strn mm. x 20m x 0 5m.) in Size. securely to the wall ri
necessary. and mount the unll(s) as follows:
2 Pusltloh the unltls) agalnst the wall (or plywood) ensurlhg that
the ventllatioh noles race sldeways. (The unit ran be mounted
wlth the Fran! panel lacing upwards or domrwards.) Mark on
the wall the positron of the screws holes for bom well
brackets Drlll the four holes
3 USlng sulraole (bangs and screws (not pruvrdeul. attach the
unit(sJ securely to the wall (or plywood).
I Reconnect all tables
Rack Mounting the Units .
The Baseline SWltch ls lu mph and will rlt a standard 19-inch rack.
CAUTIDN.‘ Disconnect all cables from the unit before
aonrlrrulrrg Remove me self—adhesive pads from the
underside of unit, if already fitted.
1 Place the unlt the fight Way up on a hard, flal surface with (he
front reelng towards you.
2 Locate a mounting bracket over the mounting holes on one
Side of the unit, as shown In Flgure 3 below
3 insert the two screws supplied ln the mounting kit and fully
lighten wrth a sutlable screwd'lver.
4 Repeat the two prewous steps for the other Side of the unit
5 insert the unit into the winch rack and secure wrth suitable
screws (not provided].
5 Reconnect all cables
figure 1 Well Mounting One unlt
Refer to the lnrurrnatlon about LEDs given earlier in this guide to see
if the problem can be identified and rectified Here are some
common problems that can occur:
Link Status LED not lit for a port that has a connection. There
ls a problem Wllh this connection Check that.
n The device helng connected to is powered on and operotlng
I The cable is connected at bum ends
I That you are using a TP table that is:
. Srrarght through'. to connect an MDIX port to an MOI port.
- ‘Crorssover‘. to connect an MDIX poll to an Mnix port, or
an MDI pm to an MDI port.
- The cable ls not damaged,
1 IF the connection ls to a warkslallm. that the wolksutldh‘s
network lnteriace ls installed and configured correctly
Figum 1 Wall Mountlng Two Unlis
Figure 3 Rack Mounting
All Activity Lens appear to be lit continually. There may be
broadcast storms on the network. Remove port oonnectlbns one at a
time, waiting a row seconds between each port. If the LEDs go on
errer removlng a port connection, the device that was nonneded to
that port ls Introducing an elcessive amount or broadcast names to
the network [some pieces of network equlpment operate by sending
out broadcast frames regularly). Refer to the documentatlon that
accompanies the Gel/Ice for information on disabling the blowfly
operation ~'
it me problem persists and the unit still does not operate
successfully, contact your supplier Wlth the Tollowing information
before returnlng the unlt:
. Product number and serial number (printed on a label supplied
with ("E um!)
. A finer desalptlnn oi the fault
The mum on or {my Mummy ‘D’ (M SunflSlatk VI szma 3144314305452)“
llama acme-m] m» puwer may Jflfhns wmm have a an. lll yea! warranty
Advance nzrflwxe erananga ls auallaala aurlng the first year lram yuur dale al
purcnaaa n accovflznce wrrl lCcms aanaara Yen“; ana mmmnns lar mm
mm: mm lne llrsl ynar (he wuvanly rayarla la 35mm x Sim-luau lrfmme Hmlled
In gualrly lar lna Ylleume rlmlleu warranly unu me savanna Hardware Elrhilnge
you must sunmll lna apprnarlala product walranly reglilrahun mm lo mum.
amzrwfi! lrlls viaduct WlH ne warranted for n panog ar um lll yaar wumuul
mvnncz hardware exchange
NAADWAAE: ZL‘am warrann [S Aarawale pmflucls la be he ram calms ln
workmansmn and malulals uncle! normal use ana same lor rna lallawmg
langma cf llrne rram (He aala al pumha! 1mm JCam ar ll; Aulrlgrlleu mallar
Nelwurk adiplm LlYAllme
Other namwara pmduzu One year (unless umefwvse mecvfled myal
Spar! pans ana la“, KILE 90 days
ll a plouual does nnl Operate as warranted game aurlng ula apollaaala warrnnly
perm. 35am shall al la ophon ana unease rem {he wecuve product or pm
calmer m Cusmmef an aaulyalanl pvodufl ar part to replace the aalacnya ltam Ly
lelund (a Customer we purchase prlaa paid rar ma defacing unaduzL All pruuum
lllal are feplacefl yrlll become (he Drapery m‘ JCam Replacemenl woducvs may
be new ar funnflmwvm Any replaced ar raualraa pmflufl or part rm a "may
(9m uay walrnnly ar lna vemalnflev ar rna lnlual wuvanly aenm wnlwayar ls
lungs ‘
35am Shall nal be rEsaOnyNn For any sullwave firmware, lnlormauarr ar mernuy
am cl cusmmer Ennulneu m. stared an. ur lnlegmttfl wrm any pmucls lemma
Kn 360m Fur rapall wmner uncer warramy all Ml.
SOFTWARE: 360m warranu lnar lna mitmre pmgrums Ilcenwd frum ll wlII
perrwm rn subslamlsi conformance la the program spgmcallons rneralar For a
Dance at nlnely (90) days from the gala Df pumas. From scam of la Aulrlgnlea
Mellzr lCam warranu lrla maaa mfllamlng mnwara agam lallura uurlng (he
warranty penufl Na updates are praylaea JCam's sola aallgaxlgn wlln mam In
mIX exams; warranry shall he lal Earn 5 almanon) la lemma ma purchase prlca
pare uy Cuswmet far any gamma sarlware annuals. or la replace any scream
meala wlm sun-Am wnlan Nbimllally aanrarms la Jean 3 aualaaula published
Speclficallum Cuslamar assumaa reswnslhlllly for me xelarllan uf lna appruprlala
appllaallana program ana aaaclalaa refevénte rnaunals JCum makes no warranly
or realesenmllun mm A; soflwam araaucls WlH work lrl comhlnazmn Wllh any
namara ar apmlcallnns software pmucu pmvlded by me games mu m;
aperallan nf (he scllwave products Wlll he unlnlerruulag ar errar flaa ar mar all
mm; ln lna suftvmre gradual; Wlll be currefled Ear my lnlrg pany gmucls
llszaa y. me JCam aalwre pruum aoaumenlauan cw spacmcallana as Dang
cmpflllble, mam Wlll make remnaula alfarls la pray-as campallarury, Excspl
wheve we ran mmanllulllly ls caused by a bug or defect .n ma ma party‘s
STANDARD WAmAurv smiles. Samara wmnly may lar harawam
products may he nbmmee ay aelyarlng ma deVEche praaucl, aammuaryan ny a
copy or we ualaa pmaf al purcnaaa la Jam 5 Carpuau Sama- Center or m an
Aulhunxed 350m Seance Cenlzr aurlng me applmlflz warranty perm slanaam
rue Stalemenl
nus bqulpmefll nas been mama unn found la comply wlm ma lllmls var a
Class A alglzal device pulsularll [a part ls oflrra FCC lulas, The“ "mils are
aeslgnau [D pmylaa masnnnble prmectlcm agalnsr nurmlul mederemte when
lrla anulpmem ls aperalaa ln a nummercul emnfanmenk "us equipmenl
generates, uses and can ladlaw rad!) Frequency Enevgy ana. ll rm lnszaHed
and user] ln accumanEs with the msuulmuns may cause nalmlul lnlarlararlce
m ragro cummumcanon: Operanon al lrrls equipment ln a mammal area A
llllaly la cause narrnrul lnlarlararlaa m raala cammunicawns. ln wrllcn case ma
usev wlll ua required {a mrrm me lnleeverunca al malr lawn expense
CSA Slilamvfll
This Class A alglml apparalus meals all ragu-emenls or we Curraalan
Intuverenm Causing Equlpmanr Regulalluns
Cal flupavell numenque aa la classa A raspeala mules la; ulgences du
Reglement sur la materiel hmuleur du canaaa
VCCI sum-mm
wmlu. Nflflflfilstfifllfiiflflflflfi LVCC I) WI!
Efimtbrhzfm. zmfilmivrfi?wfiys>imm:fiflbr
magnet. {unfliilafll‘rltn‘lflliVfi
warrrmry awe rnr zahwal‘a araaum may aa nalalnaa uy lelwhumng mm s
eurparnlu sum-ca Clmltrl ar rm Aulnarrm mum sauna Germ-l wlmm (HQ
warruruy p—rm Pmaum fawn-G (0 160m 5 Cuba-Ila Sen/Ace Canlar mu“ n.
we rumorllaa ny IO)!“ M“! a lawn Malarlal Ammnmllon r’RMA) numhw
walked an we Games at me package. am: an! pupalfl. lnsurm ma aaauagag
aunmpmmy lar sale lnlurnanl rna lapalrau ar rammed llam A.» be maven la
Cusmme! J: lCom 5 mama nul ‘aler man rnlrry [30] days dnev recalal of me
aalauya aruauL-l Dy ICnm
WAnnAerEs ExcluslvE- lr A 1mm Pmoucr DOES NOT OPERATE As
lN mm on sv OPERArluN or LAW Smumav cu OYHER’WISE, lNCLuolNc
IN coNNEclloN wrrrl rNs SALE. lelALLAlloN MAlNrENANcE on usE of ll‘s
EXI51 on wAs CAUSED av cusrcMEn‘s an my YNIRD PERSON s MlsusE.
REK’MR an Alonlrv an my OTHER cAusE BEVONI) THE RANGE or “16
WYENDED usE. on av Acmnsm. nae. LlGNerNG GR only: HAZARD
uerAncN or LlAnlerv. re THE Fl/LL EerNr ALLOWED av LAW JCOM
FOR Loss ur REVENuE ou PROFIYS Loss or BuslNEss, Lass or lNromAfloN
GR nArA. ma OTHER rlNANClAL LOSS AmslNG our of or! W coNNEcnoN WWH
NAs BEEN AuvlsED ur THE posslsluw or SUCH DAMAGES AND LIMITS lls
Ar mom 3 END“, 1le mscwmm OF Lmalurv ml: DAMAGES WI NOT BE
some aaunlrles states. ar plumage-s aa nal allw we auclunan ar llmlrauan ar
lmpNEd walmnlm or ma lunllauan of lnauarlal gr ansEquenlm manages lar
canal" prndufls supplied [0 nunsumers ar ma lllrlllallcrl a» llaalluy far personal
lruury su me wave llmllauana and mlusam may be llmlleg lr. lneu zpplmal‘mn us
you rnls ~nrrnrl|y glvgs yau Spawn: legal ngnls whlch may vary depending on
local law
novErwlNc LAW: ml; Llrnllea Warranty snall Be gauernnd by (he laws uf ma
stale af Calllarnla »
scum corgmtnln smn Baylranz Plaza. Santa Clam. CA, 95052 al A5. u s A
rel Ame] 766-5000
9A lss
lnfnmuuun To n.- User
lf |hlS equlpment mes cause lrllanellsnca m raalc o! lelevlsmn rxepllun, Mum
can be galamlnaa uy (urmng ma EquimeN all and on Ihe user ls -
anmulagea la (ry rg correct me lnlarrarence by ana or more of mu rollawmg
_ Pewter“ me recalylng antenna
_ Relocate ma equipment wlm respeu la (he rareuar
A Move the lqulpmenl away from me renews!
— Plug (he agulpmanr mm a alrlerenl aullzl m (an Equipment ana racar-rar
are an allfaranl mam News
N necessary. me use! Shauld consul! me deem cr an expenenced
raalrulaleunlar. raannlmn 1m adalucml suggaauana. lna user may rlna ma
fallowlng Booklet prefialed by the Federal Commumczllmns Commlxslon
How to lgarln/y and Amlw Rama rv lrllerlarenaa Promerrly
lrlls uualrlel ls auullaulz rruln w. u s cayernmml Prlnllng Olfice. wasnlrlgmn,
an 20:02 Slack Nu ammo-003454
lrl elder lo rnaar rcc emlmens mnlli [NS equipment must be usen only Mm
camps wrrun Eamply wllh lEEE 302 J
World Wide Web Site
Access the latest networtttng tnrormarton on 3Com Corporottons
World wtoe Wen stre oy e‘
nteflng our URL tnto your lntemet
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access up to 56 Kbps to access aeomaas ustng ISDN, use the
rollovvthg numoer-
(1) 408 654 2703
The superStack ll Bosertne Swvtch ts part [if the extenstve
Superstoclt ll range or 3Com pruducrj, rhts range tnelooes hubs,
swtrohes, power systems, and other networktng eoutpment and ts
e acorn raennoragt'es, 1993. Art ngnts reserveo up pan or tnts
datumematlnn may be reprooueea tn any lorm or py any neon: or used to
mate any rtenvatrve work rsuth as translatton lmrlsfurmanum or aoapratton)
wttnout permrsston frum 360m Yethnclnglzs
zoom technologtes reserves the rtgnt to revrse tnts oocumentatton ano to
make changes tn content tron nme to ttrne wtthout ooltgatton an the pan or
JCom lecnnotogtes to provtoe northtanan or such lawman or mange
team tachnatogtas pruwdex tnts documentamn vvttnaut warranty or any klnd,
etther rmpheo or espresso tnrtuotng, out not ltrntteo to the tmptteo
warranttes or mtronantaptttty ano llrness tor a partrturar purpose morn may
make trnprovcments or changes tn tne ptoourtrs) and/or the programJ
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