Accton Technology 3C16593A Ethernet/Fast Ethernet Hub User Manual 8
Accton Technology Corp Ethernet/Fast Ethernet Hub 8
EXHIBIT 7 USER’S MANUAL OF EUT Su erStack II User Guide The Superstack0 ll Baseline Dual Speed Hub us an easy-lo-use‘ 10/100 autosensing Class ll hub (repeater), It IS ideal for users who wam to conned bolh [themet and Fast Ethemet devlces (workslanons and other equipment) to the same hub All pons on the Baseline Dual Speed Hub are half duplex, autosensing 10Mbps and |00Mbps Each port senses the speed of the connected equipment and operales at the appropnate speed The Baseline Dual Speed Hub comes Wlth' - One power mm for use wwh The Baseline Dual Speed Hub l Fuur full hElghl and two reduced height, sell-adhesive vubber pads - One moumlng kn - A Registrauon Card fol you to lill m and return The Baseline Dual Speed Hub ls Sunable fol office use where u (an be free standmg or rackrmoumed («n a wmng (Iosel or equipmem room) The hub (an be powered ellher lrom me AC mams Supply, or through an omlonal 3Com® SuperSlack n Advanced Redundanl Puwer Syslem (305071) Eontacl your Suppller lor details SuperStack‘D II Baseline Dual Speed Hub 12-Port TP (3C16592A) and 24-POI1 TP (3C16593A) I NTRODU ION Network Connections The Baseline Dual Speed Hub has 12 or 24 shielded lU-45, 10/100 autosensing pons on the from panel, Each port can be connected to enher a loBASE-T (Ethernet) or a looBASEJX (Fast Elhernet) devlce Internally, the hub has two repealer segments (loMbps and lOOMbps) which are linked by a swath, allowing connecxed lOMbps and 100Mbps devnces to communlcate You (an (Onnen a lflBASE'T or |OUEASE-TX hub or swnch to (he Baseline Dual Speed Hub => GRAPHIC TO COME FROM MARKETlNG DUA1659-2AAA02 [7:1 1:0 : Heme/é r? 5, 5:7] 'OW TO USE THE 'ASELINE 'UAL PEED 'UB Paganini" ”‘mfliii . ==Efi€1m la! ' rm 5? s.:.3..1.:;:.;.:::: ‘AJLlIll' r~ . l li' -5_ ‘ r ‘ um Numbered elements in this diagram refer to numbered sections in the teat! A 24130" hub is shown font Panel Fast Ethernet Network Ctmfiguratinn Rules I To lEmatn wrthln lEEE 802.3 100Mbps Fast Ethernet rules, the 12 or 24 Ill-45 10/100 Fons maximum length 01 cable between the Baseline Dual speed Hub and w or mouse-v °9MH we devices (workstations and other equipment) to the Baseline Dual y Speed Hub AS the ports m autosensing (he speed of the ports 5 your networtt, and that the total cable distance (Add) between determined automatically when you (onMcl your equipment me “No dev'ces d“; not “we“ 205m (672.411). as Shaw" below A a c sockets. They cannot be used as telephone sockets. Only connect fill—45 data connectors to these sockets, AVERTISSEMENT: Les pars R145. Ceux-d sent [as prises b 2 WARNING: R145 poms 777958 are shielded R145 data if you connect two Baseline Dual Speed Hubs together, the de tau/ant de données MAS protégées. lIs ne peuvent pas link between zhgm operates at JUUMbps étre utr/r'ses comma prises de courant telephoniques. Brancher seulement les connectqu RJ-AS de données a ces 2 MDI Switch prrses de courarrt. - h WARNUNG: R145 Pans. Hierbei handelt ES 5k” um This swltt attects port 12 (3C16592A) or port Z4l3C16593A) “were w .. Telefonbuchsen verwendbar sind. Nur M45 ' > ,, ., Datensteckverbmder an diese Euchsen anschll'eBeri most workstations) using a normal straight through TP cable. Port 12 or 24 is “swrtch selectable“ using the MM switch: Connect one end of the TP (twrsted pair) cable to the R145 port on the Baseline Dual speed Hut: and the other end to the appropriate Out in this Position, port l2 or 24 is an MDIX port. RJ-45 port on the device. Use either shielded or unshielded data _D_ It tan be connected to a device with an MDI ‘1oles (wrth shielded or unshelded lacks) to connect to the devices MDIX port (such as most workstations) using a normal _ “straight through“ TP cable . The equipment that is connected to the Easel/he Dual I h . 2 24 | Speed Hub must not be set up to operate in full duplex. _I:|_ '" lyc‘afg’i’sfléxg {lo armor; 32:45" 2°“ Set it up to operate as auto-negotiate or half duplex. MD' “ME (such as another hub) using a “an“, 1OBASE—T “Straight through“ TP cable To connect lDBASE-T equtpment, use lOBASE-T Category 3 or To connecta a seline 0 al 5 ed H bto lOMb sor lOOMb 5 Category 5 unshielded Ell shielded (screened) 100 Ohm TV cable. 3 ” pg ” a p p unit (such as another nub or switch), connect an MDIX port on the Category 5 cable should be used With this product in unit to port 12 or 24 on the Baseline Dual Speed Hub, as shown strucn/[ed WWig enwronrnents This W,” ensure correct below Ensure that the MDI sWitch on the Basellne Dual Speed Hub operation of all ports at lUMbps or loan/tops is in (MDl) If an MDI/MDIX port is used on the other unit, ensure that the MDI switch lot that port is out tMDlx) Ethernet Network Configuration Rules To remaln wlthin IEEE 802.3 10Mbps Ethemel rules, the maximum length at cable between the Baseline Dual Speed Hub and an attached devl(e must not exceed lODm 43251!) it you are connecting multiple huhs in series, ensure that there are no more than four 10Mhps hubs between any two devices on your network, as shown below. Set swlloh to lflEASE—T or ‘x 1 i. romme-rxgl! Dewces _r Simian or rculsr Workstation 1OOBASE-TX To Connect lOUBASEcTX equipment, use ‘IODBASBTX Category 5 unshielded or shielded (screenedl lDO Ohm TP (able The Status LEDs show the state of a port and whether or not the Link Pulse signal is present on the segment connected to a port Green A TOOMbps Link Pulse Signal lS being received and the 1005ASE-TX segment attached to the port lS functional Yellow A 10Mbps Link Pulse Signal is being received and the 105A5E»T segment attached to the port is functional. Flashing The port has partitioned. due to an excesswe number of collisions, excessively long collisions, or a network loop To remove a network loop, examine your connections and ensure that each piece of equipment rs connected to your network by only one connection Off The Link Pulse Signal is not being received Either nothing is connected to the port, or there is a problem: - Check that the attached device is powered on. . check that the cable is the correct type and is not faulty, if the LED is off for port 12 or 24, check the setting of the MDI swrtch. Refer to 2. Try toggling the MDl switch. if you have connected different types of unit together, check that your configuration conforms to the network configuration rules for iDEASEvT and WOBASEJX, If the port is connected to another unit‘s MDl/MDlx port, check the other unit's MDl switch position. If these checks do not identify the cause of a problem, it may be that the unit or the dam connected to the port is faulty Contact your supplier ior further advice. 4 Segment LED; The Segment LEDs indicate activity on the 10Mbps and TGOMbps segments Flashing Packets are being received or transmitted. green Flashing Collisions are occuring on the segment. A low level of yellow collisions IS a part of normal Ethernet and Fast Ethernet operation. Excessive collisions may indicate a network problem. off No packets are being received or transmitted on the segment 5 Power LED The Power LED Indicates a number of conditions. Green The unit is powered on and ready for use, mi The unit is powered off If the power cable is connected correctlyfthere may be a problem with the fuse within the power cord's plug If the unit appears to be operating and the LED is 0", contact your supplier Rear Panel Connections 6 Power Supply The Baseline Dual Speed Hub automatically adjusts to the supply voltage, Only use the power cord that is supplied with the Baseline Dual Speed Hub, or a power cord of the same type 7 Socket for Redundant Power System Vnu can connect a Scorn Superstack ll Advanced Redundant Power System (3C1607l) to the Hub This unit, which is also known as an RPS, is designed to maintain the power to your Hub it a power supply failure occurs For normal redundancy the unit requires one Type i Power Module (part number 306072] The full redundancy. the unrl requires two Type 2 Power Modules combined uslng a Type i V~Cable tpart number 3C16079l 5 Self-adhesive Pads The hub is supplied with six self»adhesive rubber pads rwo reduced herghl and tour full height b You do not need ro apply the pads if you intend to rack Mminf rho rmrr on top of the lower unrt, ensuring that the pads locate with the recesses of the lower unit Use the two thinner pads when stacking the unit With a narrower one above Posi “oning the Baseline Dual Speed Hub CAUTION: When installing the Baseline Dual Speed Hub In A a stack of different size unis, the Baseline Dual Speed Hub must be installed above any larger units. Do not have a free standing stack of more than six units. When deciding where to position the Baseline Dual Speed Hub ensure - it is accessible and cables can be connected easily. I Cabling is away from- . sources of electrical noise such as radios, transmitters and broadband amplifiers, - power lines and fluorescent lighting fixtures Water or moisture cannot enter the case of the unit. Airflow around the unit and through the vents in the side of the case is not restricted (3Com recommend that you provide a minimum of 25 mm (1 in.) clearance). To prolong the operational life of your units - Never stack units more than six high if free standing, and ensure that cables are supported so that they do not cause the stack to fall over a Do not place obiects on top of any unit or stack. Do not obstruct any vents at the sides of the case Rack Mounting The Baseline Dual Speed Hub can be mounted in a 19-inch equipment rack Refer to the "Mounting Kit instructions" section in this guide. Power Up Use the following sequence to power up the Baseline Dual Speed Hub: l Check the network connections and cables. - Connect the power supply cable to the appropriate power socket on the rear panel of the unit; refer to 6 or 7 - Connect the plug to the power supply outlet socket and switch on the power supply at the socket. if you are using the Advanced Redundant Power System, ensure it is powered on. When the Baseline Dual Speed Hub is powered on, the Power LED should be lit if it is not, refer to 5, "Power LED". Spot Checks At frequent intervals you should visually check the Baseline Dual Speed Hub. Regular checks can give you an early warning of a possible failure, any problems can then be attended to when there will be least effect on users Check the followrng: Cabling Check that all external cabling connections are secure and that no cables are pulled taut Check that the cooling fan is operating by listening to the unit. The fan is fitted near to the from right hand side of the unit (when viewed from the fronil Cooling fans Problem Solving Refer to the information about LEDs given earlier in this guide to see if the problem can be identrfied and rectified If the problem persists and the Baseline Dual Speed Hub still does not operate successfully, contact your supplier with the followmg information before returning the unri- - product number and serial number (printed on a label on the rear of the unit) a a brief description of the fault \!l/l'tnr\ rfltllrninn am. omiirtmnnt m umnchduc10r . The card set must have a rated current capaclty ml at least TDA . The attachment plug must be an earthegroundlng type wrth a NEMA 545? (lSA, lzsvl dr NEMA m5? (15A. 250V) configuration Denmark - The supply plug must comply wlm semen 107-2-Dl. standard DKIsla or DK2~5a Swluerland . lhe supply plug must comply wrth SEWASE IDll 'lmpedance a la terre ES DE SECURlTE Veuillez lire a fond I'll-formation de la sézwité suivante want d'installer Ie Baseline Dual Speed Hub. AVERYISSEMENT: L’mflallalioll et la depase [19 (B group? doll/en: erre cdnrres a un personnel qualllle - Si vous entassez l'unlte aver: les unltes SupeTSIaKk ll Hub, l‘unlle Easellne Dual Speed Hub dolt Eire lnstallée en dessous fies tunnels Hub plus etlnrrtes - Ne hranchez pas vtme appawll sul une prlse secteur (alrmentatiml electrloue) ldrsau'll my a pas de cunnexlnn de mlse a la rerre (mlse a la may) - Vdus devez racccrder (e gloupe a une some rnlse a la terre (mm a la massel alln de respeuer Ies ndrmes eurppeennes de securlte - l.e (aupleur d'appalell (le cannecteul du groupe et non pas la prise murale) don lespmer une (unfiguration null pelme’t un blanchemem sul une entree d'appareil ENSOSZO/CEl 320 _ La pnse secteur den se lmuvel a prdxlmite de l‘appavell el son accés doll 9119 ladle, Vous ne puuvez meme l'appavell hOVS (iriull qu‘en débrancham sun cordon éleclrlque au nlyeau de cene prlse - l‘apparell foncnonne a une tension extremernent basse de setunte nut 85! conforms a la norme (El 950 (es mndlllorls he 50m malmenues que 5. l‘équlpemenl auquel Il est ratcdlee Tennlanne dans les memes condltlnns l Branchez unlquement ul'l Advanted Redundant Power System (3Cl 507i) sul la prlse lemelle du Redundant Power System 5 WICHTIGE SICHERHEITSINFORMATIONEN Bine unbedingt vor dem Einbauen des Baseline Dual Speed Hub Einheil WARNUNG: Dre lnsral/allon und der Ausbau def Gavan dad nur durcn Facnpenanal end/gen - Wenn are easelme Dual Speed Hub Elnheu ln elner srapel rnlt anderen SuDHSlack ll Hub [lrlhellen engepaut werden sell, mull ule Basellne Dual Speed Hub Elnhel: unter dle sthmaleren Hub tmlrelren elngeuaut wade" l Das Gerat nltht an errle Wethselslrnrnsletkdose amthlleflell, die nlcht geerdet Isl l Das Gelal mufi an em deeraele Stetltddse angeschlossen werden, dle dle eulopalsthen slcnerheltsnurnlen emlllt le folgenden Sichevheitsanweisungen duuhlesen. France et verou uniqumentz Ce groupe ne peut pas éue allmeme par un dlsposml a lmpedanze a la terre. Sl vns allmanlmns som du type lmpedance a la terre, ce gtaupe do“ ewe allmemé par une (ensmn de 230 V (Z P+T1 par Ie bials d‘un vanslormaleur d'isolemenl a rappurt l l. avec un pclrlt secondalre de cannexlnn pcrtant l‘appellatlon Name et ave: vatmrdsmenl dlrecl a la lure (masse), Cordon électrique ll dun etre agree dans le pays d‘ullllsallurl EtalsUrlls et I Le cordon dcllt avolr recu I‘hornologatlcn des UL et un Canada: tenilkal de la CSA . Le cerddn souple don respecter. a mre minimum, les specilicatluns suivantes: - calibre ls AWG , type sv ou sl , a 3 tonducteurs - Le (mdorl doll ene en mesure d’azhemlner un muram nominal d'au moms W A , . La prise femelle de blamhems’ht dart ene lsu type a rnlse a la lene (me a la massel et respener la tempuranon NEMA S—WSP [15 A, 125 V) ou NEMA 5-| SP (15 A‘ 250 Vl Danemark . La pnse male d‘allmematldn ddll respener Ia section lO7-2 Dl de la nonne DKZ la ou l:ll<2 Sa. Sulsse . La pnse male d allrnenlauon aan respecrer Ia norrne SEWASE lO‘l l - Der Germesleckel (der Anschlufi an daS Geral. mm der Wandstetkdosensletkerl muB ElhE passende Kohllgurallon lur elnen Gelaleemgang gemafl ENEDEZO/lECEZD haberl - Dle Nezzstecxdase rTlufi ln der Nahe des Gelals und lelchr zugangllch seln Dle Sllomversolgung des GEials kanrl nu. durrh l-lerauszlenen des Gerateneukabels aus der Netzsteckdose unrerurochen werden - Del Betlleb disses Gerals eflnlgt unter den SELV—Bedlngungen (51cherheusklelllslspanflungl qernall IEC also Dlese Bedlngungen 5an mil gegeben, wenn auth die an das Gevat angeschlassenen Gerate unter SELV-Bedlnquhgerl hEUlEDEn werden - Nor ern Advanted Redundant Power System (Balsam) an den Redundant Power System AnschluB anscnllelsen H. The Baseline Dual Speed Hub ls supplied Wlill \wo mounimg brackets and four screws These are used lor rack mourning the unit, When muunnng ihE unit, you should rake note cl (he guidelines given in “Positioning (he Baseline Dual Speed Hub"o'n {age 3. The Baseline Dual Speed Hub |s lU high and will iii a siandard 194ml“ rack. uunom: Drstonnecr all tables from the III“! before tontinurng. Remove the self—adhesive pads from the underside of unit, if already filled To rack moum the unit: 1 Place the mm the right way up on a hard, llai surlace wrrh the from facing {awards you. 1 Locate a mourning bratkei over (he mounting holes on une side of the unit, as shown in the diagram 3 Insert the two screws supplied m the mounting kit and lully irgmen wirh a surrable screwdriver. 4 Repeat the (we prevluus slaps lor the oiher side ol the unit, insert the unit min the 19-inch rack and secure wuh Sui‘EblE ‘“ screws (not pruvrded). a Reconnecl all cables, in 5 TECHNICAL lNFORMATION Related Standards The SupersrackU n Baseline Dual Speed Hub has been designed and certified to (he folluwing siandards. lSO/IEC 8802-3, IEEE 802.3, lEEE 802 Bu, lEEE 802.10 Safely UL l950, EN 50950, CAN/(SA 22.2, TUV/GS, IEC 950 EMC EN 55022 Class B', VCCl Class B‘, ASINZSBSIIB Class B', ENSSOZZ Class A“, FCC Part is Class A", ICES-003 Class A", VCCI Class A" - m: w." only be «(heaved as a sum-am 9mm using mmfmaiiy available caregmy s srp (ables—N11 as pm of a , 5m -- This wil be achieved as a Hand—alone product using mmmerzlnlly available Citegbfl/ 3 UV” tables, or 03mg comma-any awl-hie Cmegmy 5 ST? ables as pan vi a A mam Category 5 weer-an cables mm be rm w emuve : lei: (Milena with me Class E Munmtms Di llm slimy . The use or unslmned (311125 (c Dry 3 or 5 la! loEASE-T port: (1 Caregory 5 lo! romsa mm) complies wnh Class A requllernenls EN 50082-1 (lECBOl Pans 2—5) Functional Immunity Environmental aperifing Temperature mso‘t (zz—um Humidity 0—95‘7/a (non-condensing] Physital Width 440mm (17.3ln,) Depth 173mm (6.8in.) Height Mmm (1 7m.) or 'lU Weight 3C16592A. 2,1kg (5.61b) 3616593A' 2.2kg (5.8Ib) Mounting Free standing. or 19in, rad: mounted using the mounting kit supplied Electrical Powlr Inlet IEC 320 AC Line Frquenzy Power Consumption 50/60 Hz 3C16592A: ZSVA 3C16593A: 42VA 3C|6592A SGBTU/hl BC|5593A. 142 BTU/hr ' 100—240 VAC Power Dissipation Input Voltage Current Rating Far first five years the SuperStacIt II Bamllrre Dual Speed I-luh Izc |6592A and ECTGSQSAI penerrts horn SCDm‘s enhanced +5 Lrtetrrne trrnrted Warranty thrs provrdes a tull Syears or advanced hardware exchange Ircrln your date oI purthase In accordance wrth acorns standard terms and condttrans ro oualrty. you MUST suornrt your warranty reglsrrillon card to acorn, Aher the rnrtral 5 year period, the warranty revens to stunts standard Inetrrrre lrrrtrted warranty The +5 LrIETIme lelked Warranty IS nm MEMO or IS Void where rammed OT prohrhrted by law. .s Lnettrrte Llrnited Warranty After first five years Lifetime Limited Warranty The duratlan of the atom standard Itfetrrne Ilrrllted warranty ls erelIme, orcludrng the power SUDDIy and lens see pelow for terms and condrtrons or this warranty HARDWARE: scam warrants rts hardware products to be tree Iwm defects in wortrnanshtp and rnaterals. under normal use and servlce, lor the lollowtng Iengtto or time horn the date of purchase Imm atom or rts Authgnted Reseller Network adapters LIIe'Tlme other hardware products One year (unless otherwise specrfled above) spare parts and spam kits 90 days r product does not operate as warranted above during the appllcable drrarlTy perlod, 3Cdm shall, at rIs Opllon and expense, reparr the delectrve product Dr pan, deliver to customer an equwalertl product Dr pan to replace the delectrye rtern, or relund to Customer the purchase prrce paid tor the delectrve product All products that are replaced erI become the property or scorn Replacement products may be new or remndlilcrted Any replaced or reparred product Dr part has a ninety (90) day warranty or the remainder or the irlmal warranty penod, whEheuer Is Icnget 3CDm shall "at be respurtstDIe Tor any scirware, firmware, lniormabrm, Or memory data or Cuslamer (untamed rn, stored on, or integrated With any products returned to stem ror reparr. whether under warranty or not SOFTWARE: 3Carrl warrants that the software programs lrtensed rrprn rt wtll perform rn substantial wniorrrlance to the program speclrlcatrdns therelpr rat a perIOd or nrrtety (90) days Irom the date or purchase horn Scam or rts Autharued Reseller 3Corn warrants the medra conttrnrng sorrware agalnst failure dunng the warranty perrod. ND updates are provided acorns sole dblrgatrpn wrth respect (a this express warranty shall be (at itcm's drstretiorrl Ln refund Ihe purchase prlce paid by Custnmer for any derenrve Sahware produc‘s, or in (saline any deremye medra with Saflware thEh Subslamlilly «Norms lD 3C0m‘s applicable published spediications Customer assumes responslpihty lot the selechon or the appropnate app rcatr'pns program and asstxlaled relerence matenals. s( cm makes no warranty or represerrtatlon that its wfiwale prnduns'wlll work in comblnatian wrrh any hardware Dr applicatlorrs sortware products prwlded by third Dames, that the aperatron oi the software products thI be unrnterrupted or error tree, or that all dererts in the software products erI he corrected. For any thud party products Irsted ln * 3(Om soITWare product ducumenlarlon Dr Spesflkallbrrs as bemg ,rnpatrale, acorn wiII rnalre reasonable eflpns to provrde tompatrhrlrty, except where the noninmpatlbillty rs caused by a "Dug' or detect In the thrrd party‘s product WANDAID WARRANTY SEIVKE: Standard warranty SENIEe inr hardware products may he ohtarned by delrrerrng the dereclrue product, accompanred by a copy of the dated order of purchase, lo acorns corporate Serer center or to an Authorrzed acorn Senrrce Center durmg the appltcahle warranty perrod, Standard warranty servlce Ior sohware products may he ohtarned by telephoning scom‘s Corporate Sen/Ice Center or an Authorized scorn Servrce (enter, wrthrrr the warranty perrod Products returned to 3Com‘s Corporate Servtce center must be pre-authorrzed by 3Corrt wrth a Return Matellii Authorrzatron lRMA) numher marked on the outsrde or the package, and sent prepard, rnsured, and packaged appropnatety for sale shrprnent the repaired or replaced Item thI be shipped to Custclmer, at iCnm’s expense, not later than thrny (30) days after reterpt or the detectrve product by acorn. WARRAN‘HES EXCLUSIVE: IF A SCOM PRODUCT DOES NOT OPERATE AS WARRANTED ABOVE, CUSTOMER S SOLE REMEDY FOR BREACH OF THAT WARRANW SHALL BE REPAIR, REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID, AT scams OPTION To THE FULL EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES ARE ExcLuslvE AND ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, TERMS, OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, EITHER IN FACT OFI BV OPERATION OF LAW. STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE. INCLUDING WARRANDES, TERMS, OR (ONDITIONS or MEREHANTABIerY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND sATlSEAcTon QUALITY zEOM NErTHER ASSUMES NOR AUTHORIZES ANY OTHER PERSON To ASSUME FOR IT ANY OTHER LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE, INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE OR USE OF ITS PRODUCTS. BCOM SHALL NOT BE LIABLE UNDER THIS WARRANTY IF ITS TESTING AND EXAMINATION DISCLOSE THAT THE ALLEGED DEFECT IN THE PRODUCT DOES NOT EXIST OR WAS CAUSED BY CUSTOMER'S oR ANr THIRD PERSON'S MISUSE, NEGLECT, IMPROPER INSTALLATION OR TESTING, UNAUTHORIZED ATTEMPTS TO REPAIR OR MODIFY, OR ANY OTHER CAUSE BEYOND THE RANGE OF THE INTENDED USE, OR BY ACCIDENT FIRE, LIGHTNrNG, OR OTHER HAZARD. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: TO THE FULL EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW BCOM ALSO EXELUDES FOR ITSELE AND ITS SUPPLIERS ANY LIABIerv, WHETHER BASED IN CONTRACT OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCEI, FOR INCIDENTAL, (ONSEQUENTIAL, INDIREET, SPECIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, OR FOR Loss OF REVENUE oR PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF INFORMATION OR DATA, OR OTHER FINANCIAL LOSS ARISING OUT or OR IN CONNKTION WITH THE SALE, INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, USE, PERFORMANC E, FAILURE. OR INTERRUPTION OF ITS PRODUCTS, EVEN IF 3: OM OR ITS AUTHORIZED RESELLER NAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE PosslnlLrIv OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND LIMITS lTs LIABILITY TO REPAIR, REPLAEEMENT, OR REFUND OF THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID, AT SCOM'S OPTION. THIS DISCLAIMER or LIAsrerY FOR DAMAGES WILL NOT IIE AFFECTED IF ANv REMEDY PROVIDED HEREIN sHALL FAIL or ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE Some countrres, slates, Dr proytnces do not allow the Excluslurr or Irrnitatron oi i pied warrantres or the Iimrtatrcn or Irtcrdental or consequentral damages Ior certain products supplled to consumers Or the limitation of liability for personal Inpury, so the above Irmrlarttorrs and EREIUSIONS may he ltmrted rn their applrcatron to you, Thrs warranty gwes you specrlrc legal rights whrch may vary depending orr local law GOVERNING LAW: This Limired Warranty ShiII be governed by The laws OI (be flue Oi Calircrnla. - scum Cmponflon, 5400 Bayrrcnt Plaza, Santa Clara, cA QSDSZ-BMS LI.S,A, Tel: (408) SZE~5CIDO 9/1/95 Kl: statement Thls equlpmenl has been rested and round (a comply wrrh rhe Ilmlls lay a Class A dlgnal dame pursuant to part |S pl the Fcc rules These |rmlls are deslgned to prwrde reasonable pmlemon agalnst harmlul rnterlerence when the equrprrrenr lS operaled ln a mmmevcla! enurmrrmenr ms mulpmem generates, uses and can radrate rad» lrequeflcy energy and, ll nol lnslalled and used m azmrdance WKh lhe msfludlons, may cause harmful lnlerfereflm (D radlo (ommunlcalluns Operathm or (his equlpmem m a lestdennal area is likely (o muse harmfu| l'rllerlererlce ln ridln (ammumcmmns. ln whlth use the user M“ be requrrea to correct the lnrerlerente at therr awn expense. csA Smemenl This (less A dlgltal apparatus meets all regullemerlls oi (he (anadlan lnmr'erence—Causing [Onlpmem Regulations (er appareil numer‘rrrue ue la class A respecle mules les argenres du Regrement sur le marenel prwrlleur du Canada, ViCI Sum!“ lfliflii- M'flgfiflifififllfl Fifllfinfi (V C C I) VJGH lzxfl a $7. nfimfllt‘t. cruxllli. infinrllmté: t §Efltbrlfl£ffl Zflfiifi‘i a>iflflkfifiLT fifimiflék. lflliEEIQE-‘L‘lemtoi’h ‘ lifilflflimt—J TEL“!!! have L‘E'Fz H. B00 Shiemenl ‘i‘f-"ll‘" uumr ‘Hl'fli ‘ ' IQiH-r‘éi‘t‘fii‘“ J. r—ifi-jlflfiT-Hr - twififiumefi |nlormatlun To The User lf lhls equrpmem does cause rmenerenee to vadlo M lelevlsmn receptrpn whlch (an be determmed by turnrng the equipment on and on the user ls Enmuraged to W to mnect the rmerlerence by one or more of the following measures — Reurlenl Ihe recemng antenna — Relocate the equrpmenr wrlh respect to the recerver. — Move the equipment way lrom rhe renewer A Plug the squpmnl rrllo a drlfereht outlel sa that equlpmem and recervar are on dlflerem brand! (nuns. ll necessary, the user shculd conmh the dealer ar an erperlenced radrcurelevlmn technmrr lor auunkmal suggesuons The M1 may find the follwrng booklet prepared by the Federal Cnmmunlauons Commission helplul How m identify and Resolve Ream-TV Interference Problems Thls bouklfl ‘rs avallahle irom the U 5 Government Prlmmg Office Washlnqmn, Di 20402, stock No 004000003454 ln order to meet FCC emisslpns Ilmlrs. mrs equlpmerlt must be used only wrth tables which comply wrrh IEEE 302 3. Your suggzfllans are very rmportanr lp us They wlll help make our dowmerllallnn more usdul to you Please e-marl (ommem abwl this dumment to 3Cam at panama-Juneau“. am: Please Include the follwvlng mlormahun when (ommemmg the human: true (Superstadr ll saselrne Dual speed Hub User Gurde), put number (Dumsss-ZAAAOZL and page number (fl npprowlalel Va" 2000 Complllllzz For rrrlorrnarron an veal 2000 mmplrance and atom mnduns. vrsrr the Scam Veal 2000 Web page bu»: Hm. 3ca-.==-/woaucn1yz:oen.nm product leglstvifiow voo an new regrster your aayelme Dual Speed Hub anlrne, Dvoducrs' httpx Illcwanw/Mttmlml or use rhe Regmvatmn (arc! and «me posmge envelope mended. to recave up—loedate mfvrmallcn on Etcm The Superstack ll Baseline Dual Speed Hub is part oi the large SuperStadt ll range of scum products. This range includes hubs, swnchest power systems and either networking equiuiment, and is World Wide Web Site Access the latest networking intwmatrorr on Name world Wide Web site by entering nur URL into yuur lnterrret browser: new : Hm. BCO‘m-cefl/ This sewice features news and intormat‘iun about atom products. customer service and support, 3Com Corporations latest news releases, NetAge" Magazme, technical documentation and more, 3Com Bulletin Board Service Acomsas contains patches, software, and drivers ior all scorn oducts, as well as technical articles. This service is available via modem or lSDN 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. Access by Digital Modem lSDN users can dial in to ZcomBBS using a digital modem lor fast access up to SGKbps. To access 3ComBBS usrng iSDN, use the following number: (1) 50! 65h 2703 a scam mirnologles, 199!. All rights reserved. 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