Advanced Card Systems ACR330 ACR330 Validator with QR Code Scanner User Manual ACR330 V1 00

Advanced Card Systems Limited ACR330 Validator with QR Code Scanner ACR330 V1 00

User Manual

 Subject to change without prior notice   User Manual V1.00  ACR330  Bus Validator II    Limited
 ACR330 User Manual Version 1.00 Page 2 of 16   Table of Contents 1.0. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 3 2.0. ACR330 Overview ..................................................................................................... 4 2.1. Parts Description ................................................................................................................... 4 2.2. Connection Ports ................................................................................................................... 5 2.3. Input Power, RS232, RS485 Pin Assignment ....................................................................... 6 2.4. SAM Slot Arrangement .......................................................................................................... 7 2.5. LTE Board Description ........................................................................................................... 8 2.6. Replace Real Time Clock Battery .......................................................................................... 9 3.0. ACR330 Device Setup ............................................................................................. 11 3.1. Turn device on/off ................................................................................................................ 11 3.2. Upgrade the firmware .......................................................................................................... 11 3.3. Access ACR330 through PC using LAN .............................................................................. 14  List of Figures Figure 1 : ACR330 Parts ........................................................................................................................ 4 Figure 2 : ACR330 Connection Ports ..................................................................................................... 5 Figure 3 : ACR330 Input Power ............................................................................................................. 6 Figure 4 : SAM Slot Arrangement .......................................................................................................... 7  List of Tables Table 1 : ACR330 Parts Description ....................................................................................................... 4 Table 2 : ACR330 Connection Ports Description ................................................................................... 5 Table 3 : ACR330 Input Power Pins Description .................................................................................... 6 Table 4 : ACR330 LTE Board Description .............................................................................................. 8  Limited
 ACR330 User Manual Version 1.00 Page 3 of 16   1.0. Introduction The ACR330 Bus Validator is designed specifically for the Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) system, to offer the convenience of cashless payment in buses, ferries, trams, railways and other transportation modes. ACR330 enables high-speed transaction processing and transaction records collection through 13.56 MHz contactless (RFID) technology. It supports all smart cards/tags compliant to ISO 14443 Type A & B, Felica and MIFARE®. Through GPS, it enables to locate vehicles, manage fleets and set flexible distance-based fares. An embedded barcode scanner allows transaction through print out or mobile barcodes. It supported various advanced connection modes for data transfer which includes Wi-Fi, 3G/4G and GSM/GPRS.  The mobile validator supported  multiple payment transactions as a means of propriertary  use that consists of four payment system certifications that caters to both Visa PayWave and MasterCard. The purpose of this document is to provide a detailed guide on how to use the ACR330.    Limited
 ACR330 User Manual Version 1.00 Page 4 of 16   2.0. ACR330 Overview 2.1. Parts Description Figure 1: ACR330 Parts  Part Number Part Name 1a, 1b, 1c,1d Programmable Button with Backlight (Blue) 2  Blue LED Indicator (For passenger) 3  Yellow LED Indicator (For passenger) 4  Green LED Indicator (For passenger) 5  Red LED Indicator (For passenger) 6  LCD Display with Touch Panel 7  Tapping Area 8  1D/2D Barcode Scanning Area 9  Speaker 10 Green LED Indicator (For Driver) 11  Red LED Indicator (For Driver) 12 Buzzer 13 Power Button 14 SIM and SD Card Cover 15 Back Cover Table 1: ACR330 Parts Description Limited
 ACR330 User Manual Version 1.00 Page 5 of 16   2.2. Connection Ports  Figure 2: ACR330 Connection Ports Port Number  Port Name 1  Power Socket 2  RJ11 Serial Port (RS232, RS485) 3  USB Host 4  Ethernet 5  USB Client (for internal debugging) 6  Socket for External GPS Antenna 7  SAM Cover with 4 ISO7816 SAM Socket inside Table 2: ACR330 Connection Ports Description Limited
 ACR330 User Manual Version 1.00 Page 6 of 16   2.3. Input Power, RS232, RS485 Pin Assignment Power Socket Type: Molex 43045-0400, Micro-Fit 3.0 Right Angle Header, 3.00mm Pitch, Dual Row, 4 Circuits  RS232, RS485 Socket type: RJ11  Pin Assignment is shown as below:    Figure 3: ACR330 Input Power  Pin Number  Pin Name 1  NC 2  RS232-TX 3  RS232-RX 4  RS485-A 5  RS485-B 6  GND Table 3: ACR330 Input Power Pins Description  Note: Below is the application direct access device paths list: • RS232 - /dev/ttyO0 • RS485 - /dev/ttyO1 • USB disk - /media/udiskp1 Limited
 ACR330 User Manual Version 1.00 Page 7 of 16   2.4. SAM Slot Arrangement  The SAM Slot Arrangement is shown in the image below.   Figure 4: SAM Slot Arrangement Limited
 ACR330 User Manual Version 1.00 Page 8 of 16   2.5. LTE Board Description       Part Number Part Name 1  4G Antenna Socket  2  GPS Socket  3  SD Card Slot 4  SIM Card Slot 5 Console Jumper Port (Console mode will be enable when jumper is plugged in.) Note: Jumper is not included in standard product. Table 4: ACR330 LTE Board Description  Note: Below is the application direct access device paths list: • MicroSD - /media/sdcardp1  Limited
 ACR330 User Manual Version 1.00 Page 9 of 16   2.6. Replace Real Time Clock Battery CR2032 coin cell is used for Real Time Clock backup power. The lifetime of the coin cell is around 5 years. If time cannot be stored, it may be caused by low battery.  To replace coin cell:  1. Unscrew two pieces screws and take them out. The exact locations are shown in the image below. Note: Be careful in handling the screws so they will not drop inside the bus validator.                                                    2.  Using a screw driver, take out the LTE board.                 Limited
 ACR330 User Manual Version 1.00 Page 10 of 16   3. The coin cell may now be accessed. Replace the old coin cell with a new one.     4. Return the LTE board. Ensure that the two screws and IPEX connectors are located correctly. The exact locations are shown in the image below.                                  Limited
 ACR330 User Manual Version 1.00 Page 11 of 16   3.0. ACR330 Device Setup The following sections detail the procedure in setting up the firmware and application to the ACR330. 3.1. Turn device on/off To turn device on/off, press power button. To hard power off the device, press and hold power button for around 8 seconds. The location of the power button is shown in the image below.  3.2. Upgrade the firmware  It is important to upgrade the firmware of the ACR330 first  before loading the library and the application into the device. Below are the components needed and instructions for firmware upgrade. Some reminders need to be taken note off as well.   Notes:  1. Only use firmware files officially provided by Advanced Card Systems Ltd. 2. Do NOT load the ACR330 firmware file into other ACS readers. Failure to follow the above reminders may cause damage to the smart card reader.  Components needed: • ACR330 • SD cards (4GB or above) • Desktop PC (Windows 7 or above) • Win32 Disk Imager application  Limited
 ACR330 User Manual Version 1.00 Page 12 of 16   To upgrade the firmware of the ACR330: 1. Plug in an SD card (4GB or above) to the PC.  2. Open Win32 Disk Imager application. Note: The Win32 Disk Imager application may be downloaded online for free.    3. Select the image file and device.    4. Click Write and wait for the progress bar to be complete. Limited
 ACR330 User Manual Version 1.00 Page 13 of 16   5. Plug in the SD card into the LTE board of the ACR330. The exact location is shown in the image below.   6. Turn on the ACR330 by plugging in the power cable.  Note:  If the LCD does not turn on, press the power button on the top right corner of the bottom casing.    7. The ACR330 will be upgraded automatically. The LED will keep blinking.    8. After around 8 minutes, the LED will turn off. The upgrade is completed.  9.  Remove the SD card.  10. Reboot the device for the changes to take effect.  Limited
 ACR330 User Manual Version 1.00 Page 14 of 16   3.3. Access ACR330 through PC using LAN You may access ACR330 through the PC to enable functions which may be needed for operations (e.g. file transfer). Below are the components needed and instructions for accessing ACR330 through PC. Components needed: • Jumper (to enable the console mode)  Note: Jumper is not included in standard product. • RS232 debug console cable  • Bitvise SSH Client (Tunnelier) SFTP Application • Note: The Bitvise SSH Client (Tunnelier) SFTP Software may be downloaded from • LAN cable  Limited
 ACR330 User Manual Version 1.00 Page 15 of 16   To access ACR330 using LAN: 1.  On the LTE board, plug in jumper to enable console mode.  Note: Jumper is not included in standard product.  2. Connect ACR330 to the Ethernet using a LAN cable. The exact location of the Ethernet port at the back of the ACR330 is shown in the image below.  3. Connect ACR330 to the PC using the RS232 debug console cable. The exact location of the RJ11 serial port at the back of the ACR330 is shown in the image below. Note: Connect the other end of the cable to the PC serial port or USB-RS232 converter. Limited
 ACR330 User Manual Version 1.00 Page 16 of 16    4. Turn on the ACR330. 5. Login in to the console. a. Login name: root b. Password: root Note: If [root@Linux/root] # is shown, it means login is successful 6. Type “ifconfig eth0” to get IP address. 7. Open the Bitvise SSH Client (Tunnelier) SFTP Application on the PC. 8.  Login with the IP address in step 5. a.  Login name: machinekit b. Password: machinekit 9.  The ACR330 may now be accessed on the PC.  Note: For more details, please refer to ACR330 API.chm.   Limited
FCCCaution.Thisdevicecomplieswithpart15oftheFCCRules.Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwoconditions:(1)Thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference,and(2)thisdevicemustacceptanyinterferencereceived,includinginterferencethatmaycauseundesiredoperation.AnyChangesormodificationsnotexpresslyapprovedbythepartyresponsibleforcompliancecouldvoidtheuser'sauthoritytooperatetheequipment.Note:ThisequipmenthasbeentestedandfoundtocomplywiththelimitsforaClassBdigitaldevice,pursuanttopart15oftheFCCRules.Theselimitsaredesignedtoprovidereasonableprotectionagainstharmfulinterferenceinaresidentialinstallation.Thisequipmentgeneratesusesandcanradiateradiofrequencyenergyand,ifnotinstalledandusedinaccordancewiththeinstructions,maycauseharmfulinterferencetoradiocommunications.However,thereisnoguaranteethatinterferencewillnotoccurinaparticularinstallation.Ifthisequipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferencetoradioortelevisionreception,whichcanbedeterminedbyturningtheequipmentoffandon,theuserisencouragedtotrytocorrecttheinterferencebyoneormoreofthefollowingmeasures:‐Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna.‐Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver.‐Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdifferentfromthattowhichthereceiverisconnected.‐Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnicianforhelp. FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:      This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment .This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator& your body.

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