Advanced Card Systems AET62 Contactless Smart Card Reader with Fingerprint Scanner User Manual AET62 V1 0

Advanced Card Systems Limited Contactless Smart Card Reader with Fingerprint Scanner AET62 V1 0

Users Manual

  Advanced Card Systems Ltd.  Website:  Email:   AET62 User Manual
AET62 Design Specification Version 1.0   8-DEC-09 Page 2 of 18   AET62 Revision History  Version  Date  Prepared By  Description 1.00   28 Mar 2008  Jason Ngan  Initial release 1.10  24 Aug 2009  Jason Ngan  Updated Features
AET62 Design Specification Version 1.0   8-DEC-09 Page 3 of 18   AET62 Table of Contents 1.0. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 4 2.0. FEATURES................................................................................................................... 5 3.0. SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM....................................................................................... 6 4.0. HARDWARE INTERFACES ........................................................................................ 7 4.1. Power Supply.........................................................................................................................7 4.2. USB Interface ........................................................................................................................7 4.2.1. Endpoints ......................................................................................................................7 4.3. Bi-Color LED ..........................................................................................................................8 4.4. Buzzer (optional)....................................................................................................................8 4.5. SAM Interface (optional) ........................................................................................................8 4.6. Built-in Antenna .....................................................................................................................8 4.7. FINGERPRINT SCANNNER .................................................................................................8 5.0. Commands for Contact and Contactless Interfaces Handling............................ 10 5.1. PSEUDO APDUS IN CONTACTLESS READER................................................................11 5.1.1. Direct Transmit............................................................................................................11 6.0. APIs for Fingerprint Sensor..................................................................................... 12 6.1. PTOpen................................................................................................................................12 6.2. PTClsoe ...............................................................................................................................12 6.3. PTGrab ................................................................................................................................13 6.4. Get Response......................................................................................................................14 6.5. Bi-Color LED and Buzzer Control ........................................................................................15 6.6. Get the Firmware Version of the reader ..............................................................................17 7.0. Technical Specification............................................................................................ 18
AET62 Design Specification Version 1.0   8-DEC-09 Page 4 of 18   AET62 1.0. Introduction  AET62 is a USB 2.0 full speed Contactless card reader, which is the interface for the communication between a computer and a smart card reader. Simultaneously, it is also a fingerprint reader using strip sensor.
AET62 Design Specification Version 1.0   8-DEC-09 Page 5 of 18   AET62 2.0. FEATURES    Slope casing for strip sensor for easy finger snapping - as small as possible   Horizontal card placement   The card should not cover the strip sensor.   Add weight to prevent swinging   Un-detachable USB wire of length same as ACR122   USB version 1.1 full speed   A bi-colour LED shows the statues of device power supply and smart card reader   ISO14443 Parts 1-4 Type A & B, Mifare, Desfire, Topaz, ISO/IEC18092 (NFC) compliant – all 3 modes   Maxmium smart card operation speed: 424 kbps   CCID standard,    PC/SC compliant   Support anti-collision. Even in the presence of multiple cards, at least 1 tag can be correctly identified.    (By PC/SC Escape Commands) Allow manual card polling option   Operating Distance for different Tags ~ 40mm   Optional: 1 SAM slot (Not changing often)   Match-on-device   BioAPI 1.1, Windows Biometric Framework (WBF)   CE & FCC, RoHS compliant, REACH compliant   (Optional) VCCI   OS supported: Windows 2000, 2003, XP 32, XP 64, Vista 32 and Vista 64, Linux, Mac
AET62 Design Specification Version 1.0   8-DEC-09 Page 6 of 18   AET62 3.0. SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM  AET62 is a merge version with ACR122 and finger print sensor.  ACR122 is a contactless reader. The system block of AET62 is shown as follow:                     The USB Hub Controller is the communication interface between the PC and the host controller and fingerprint sensor via USB port connection.   The companion chip get the fingerprint image form the Strip sensor  and contains the fingerprint template extraction  and matching algorithms. The template matching can be performed in device. The AET62 is powered from USB port without external power supply.  NFC Card      USB  Hub Controller   PN532 NFC Interface Chip Computer AET62 SAM slot     USB Interface  Companion Chip and Fingerprint Sensor (Strip Sensor) Built-In Antenna Host controller ACR122  Contactless Interface Carrier = 13.56MHz
AET62 Design Specification Version 1.0   8-DEC-09 Page 7 of 18   AET62 4.0. HARDWARE INTERFACES 4.1. Power Supply The AET62 requires a voltage of 5V DC, 150mA regulated power supply, and gets the power supply from PC.  4.2. USB Interface The AET62 is connected to a computer through USB as specified in the USB Specification 1.1.  The AET62 is working in Full speed mode, i.e. 12 Mbps.        4.2.1.  Endpoints The AET62  uses the following endpoints to communicate with the host computer:  Smart Card Reader  Control Endpoint  For setup and control purpose Bulk OUT  For command to sent from host to AET62 (data packet size is 64 bytes) Bulk IN  For response to sent from AET62 to host (data packet size is 64 bytes) Interrupt IN  For card status message to sent from AET62 to host (data packet size is 8 bytes)  Finger Print Device Control Endpoint  For setup and control purpose Bulk OUT  For command to sent from host to Device (data packet size is 64 bytes) Bulk IN  For response to sent from Device to host (data packet size is 64 bytes)  Pin  Signal  Function 1  VBUS +5V power supply for the reader (Max 200mA, Normal 100mA) 2  D-  Differential signal transmits data between AET62 and PC. 3  D+  Differential signal transmits data between AET62 and PC. 4  GND  Reference voltage level for power supply
AET62 Design Specification Version 1.0   8-DEC-09 Page 8 of 18   AET62 4.3. Bi-Color LED •  User-controllable Bi-color LED. Red and Green Color. •  The Green Color LED will be blinking if the “Card Interface” is not connected. •  The Green Color LED will be turned on if the “Card Interface” is connected. •  The Green Color LED will be flashing if the “Card Interface” is operating. •  The Red Color LED is controlled by the application only.  4.4. Buzzer (optional) •  User-controllable buzzer. •  The default Buzzer State is OFF  4.5.  SAM Interface (optional) •  One SAM socket is provided.  4.6.  Built-in Antenna •  6 turns symmetric loop antenna. Center tapped. •  The estimated size = 50mm x 40mm.  •  The loop inductance should be around ~ 1.6uH to 2.5uH •  Operating Distance for different Tags ~ 40mm to 50mm •  No anti-collision. Only one Tag can be accessed at any one time. •  Contactless Interface Carrier = 13.56MHz  4.7. FINGERPRINT SCANNNER  AET62 is built around the companion chip and fingerprint sensor.  Fingerprint sensor active capacitive sensing provides a much higher immunity to parasitic effects leading to a higher signal-to-noise ratio and the ability to capture a wider range of fingerprints than  competing  technologies,  such  as  passive  capacitive  sensing.  The  matching  algorithm  will  be stored  in  the  Companion  chip.  The  fingerprint  matching  will  be  performed  on  the  device.  It  can provides “Match on device” feature.  Typically there are two processes involved in a biometric application: Enrollment: Before the identity of an individual can be verified via his/her fingerprints, it is necessary to capture one or several fingerprint samples. This process is called enrollment. The samples
AET62 Design Specification Version 1.0   8-DEC-09 Page 9 of 18   AET62 are referred to as fingerprint templates and can be stored on a broad range of media such as computer storage devices or smartcards.  Verification: The verification process requires a user to verify his identity by placing his finger on the fingerprint scanner sensor. The live fingerprint is compared with a stored template using a matching algorithm in order to determine whether they represent the same set of fingerprint. The matching result is then made available to the computer. When using the fingerprint device, the security level is mainly governed by two parameters:  False Acceptance Rate (FAR): FAR is the probability that a false sample matches with the original template previously extracted from the subject’s fingerprint images during enrollment.  False Rejection Rate (FRR): FRR is the rate at which the system incorrectly rejects a legitimate attempt to verify.
AET62 Design Specification Version 1.0   8-DEC-09 Page 10 of 18   AET62 5.0. Commands  for  Contact  and  Contactless  Interfaces Handling  The  contactless  interface  is  operating  on  the  top  of  contact  interface.  Some  Pseudo  APDUs  are defined for contactless interface. If the reader finds that the APDUs are for contactless interface, the APDUs  will  be  routed  to  the  contactless  interface,  otherwise,  the  APDUs  will  be  routed  to  contact interface. The Contact and Contactless Interfaces are able to be operating at the same time.    •  The  Pseudo  APDU  “Direct  Transmit”  is  used  for  sending  commands  to  the contactless interface  Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc  Data In Direct Transmit 0xFF  0x00  0x00  0x00  Number of Bytes to send PN532_Contactless Command   2.  The  Pseudo  APDU  “Get  Response”  is  used  for  retrieving  the  responses  from  the  contactless interface. Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Le Get Response  0xFF  0xC0  0x00  0x00  Number of Bytes to retrieve  If the reader finds that the APDU is in the form of “FF 00 00 00 Lc XX XX ..” or “FF C0 00 00 Le”, the APDU will be routed to the contactless interface.  Also,  one  Pseudo  APDU  “Bi-Color  LED  and  Buzzer  Control”  is  defined  for  controlling  the  LED  and Buzzer.  Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc  Data In (4 Bytes) Bi-Color and Buzzer LED Control 0xFF  0x00  0x40  LED State Control 0x04  Blinking Duration Control Similarly,  if  the  reader  finds  that  the  APDU  is  in the  form  of  “FF  00  40  XX  04  XX  XX  XX  XX”,  the APDU will be used for setting the LED and Buzzer State.  The  contact  interface  must  be  activated  in  order  to  send  commands  to  the  contactless  or  LED interface.
AET62 Design Specification Version 1.0   8-DEC-09 Page 11 of 18   AET62 5.1. PSEUDO APDUS IN CONTACTLESS READER  PCSC interface is used for exchanging APDUs and Responses between the PC and Tag. The AET62 will  handle  the  required  protocol  internally.  AET62  comes  with  two  primitive  commands  for  this purpose.  5.1.1.  Direct Transmit  To send an APDU (PN532 and Contactless Commands), and the length of the Response Data will be returned.   Table  1.0A:  Direct  Transmit  Command  Format  (Length  of  the  PN532_Contactless  Command  +  5 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc  Data In Direct Transmit 0xFF  0x00  0x00  0x00  Number of Bytes to send PN532_Contactless Command Lc: Number of Bytes to Send (1 Byte) Maximum 255 bytes    Data In: PN532_Contactless Command The data to be sent to the PN532 and Contactless Tag.  Table 1.0B: Direct Transmit Response Format (2 Bytes) Response  Data Out Result  SW1  SW2 Data Out: SW1 SW2 Status Code returned by the reader.
AET62 Design Specification Version 1.0   8-DEC-09 Page 12 of 18   AET62 6.0. APIs for Fingerprint Sensor  6.1. PTOpen PT_STATUS PTOpen( IN PT_CHAR *pszDsn OUT PT_CONNECTION *phConnection ) Description: Open a new fingerprint module connection    Parameters : pszDsn :  ASCII string describing the FM connection parameters. Examples: “USB” phConnection:  Connection handle result. Return value: PT_STATUS: Return value.   6.2. PTClsoe PT_STATUS PTClose( IN PT_CONNECTION hConnection ) Description: Close a fingerprint module connection  Parameters : hConnection:  Connection handle to be closed. Return value: PT_STATUS: Return value.
AET62 Design Specification Version 1.0   8-DEC-09 Page 13 of 18   AET62 6.3. PTGrab PT_STATUS PTGrab( IN PT_CONNECTION hConnection IN PT_BYTE byType IN PT_LONG lTimeout IN PT_BOOL boWaitForAcceptableFinger OUT PT_DATA **ppGrabbedData IN PT_DATA *pSignData OUT PT_DATA **ppSignature ) Description: Scan the finger and return the scanned finger image  hConnection:  FM Handle byType:  The returned data type   lTimeout:   Timeout value in milliseconds. boWaitForAcceptableFinger:    Value:  Description  True   Return the finger image if the finger quality would be acceptable False  Always returns the finger image after a single swipe  ppGrabbedData: Address of the data pointer,  pSignData:   Reserved, Null value   ppSignature: Reserved, Null value For the detail, please you can refer UPEK ESS&TFM Application Communication Layer document.
AET62 Design Specification Version 1.0   8-DEC-09 Page 14 of 18   AET62  Table 1.0C: Status Code Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  61  LEN  The operation is completed successfully. The response data has a length of LEN bytes.   The  APDU  “Get  Response”  should  be used to retrieve the response data. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.  Time Out Error  63  01  The PN532 does not response. Checksum Error 63  27  The  checksum  of  the  Contactless Response is wrong. Parameter Error  63  7F  The  PN532_Contactless  Command  is wrong.  6.4. Get Response  To retrieve the response data after the “Direct Command” is issued.   Table 2.0A: Get Response Command Format (5 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Le Get Response  0xFF  0xC0  0x00  0x00  Number of Bytes to retrieve  Le: Number of Bytes to Retrieve (1 Byte) Maximum 255 bytes  Table 2.0B: Get Response Format (Le bytes, Length of the Response Data) Response  Data Out Result  Response Data  Data Out: Response Data, or Error Code “63 00” will be given if no response data is available.
AET62 Design Specification Version 1.0   8-DEC-09 Page 15 of 18   AET62 Remark: In  general,  the  Pseudo  APDUs  “Direct  Transmit”  and  “Get  Response”  are  used  in  pairs.  Once  the APDU  “Direct  Transmit”  is  sent,  the  reader  will  return  the  length  of  the  response  data.  Then,  the APDU “Get Response” is immediately used to retrieve the actual response data.  6.5. Bi-Color LED and Buzzer Control  This APDU is used to control the states of the Bi-Color LED and Buzzer.   Table 3.0A: Bi-Color LED and Buzzer Control Command Format (9 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Lc  Data In (4 Bytes) Bi-Color and Buzzer LED Control 0xFF  0x00  0x40  LED State Control 0x04  Blinking Duration Control  P2: LED State Control Table 3.0B: Bi-Color LED and Buzzer Control Format (1 Byte) CMD  Item  Description Bit 0  Final Red LED State  1 = On; 0 = Off Bit 1  Final Green LED State  1 = On; 0 = Off Bit 2  Red LED State Mask  1 = Update the State 0 = No change Bit 3  Green LED State Mask  1 = Update the State 0 = No change  Bit 4  Initial Red LED Blinking State  1 = On; 0 = Off Bit 5  Initial Green LED Blinking State  1 = On; 0 = Off Bit 6  Red LED Blinking Mask  1 = Blink 0 = Not Blink Bit 7  Green LED Blinking Mask  1 = Blink 0 = Not Blink
AET62 Design Specification Version 1.0   8-DEC-09 Page 16 of 18   AET62  Data In: Blinking Duration Control Table 3.0C: Bi-Color LED Blinking Duration Control Format (4 Bytes) Byte 0  Byte 1  Byte 2  Byte 3 T1 Duration Initial Blinking State (Unit = 100ms) T2 Duration Toggle Blinking State (Unit = 100ms) Number of repetition Link to Buzzer   Byte 3: Link to Buzzer. Control the buzzer state during the LED Blinking. 0x00: The buzzer will not turn on 0x01: The buzzer will turn on during the T1 Duration 0x02: The buzzer will turn on during the T2 Duration 0x03: The buzzer will turn on during the T1 and T2 Duration.  Data Out: SW1 SW2. Status Code returned by the reader. Table 3.0D: Status Code Results  SW1  SW2  Meaning Success  90  Current LED State  The operation is completed successfully. Error  63  00  The operation is failed.   Table 3.0E: Current LED State (1 Byte) Status  Item  Description Bit 0  Current Red LED  1 = On; 0 = Off Bit 1  Current Green LED  1 = On; 0 = Off Bits 2 – 7  Reserved    Remark:  1.  The LED State operation will be performed after the LED Blinking operation is completed. 2.  The LED will not be changed if the corresponding LED Mask is not enabled. 3.  The LED will not be blinking if the corresponding LED Blinking Mask is not enabled. Also, the number of repetition must be greater than zero. 4.  T1 and T2 duration parameters are used for controlling the duty cycle of LED blinking and Buzzer Turn-On duration. For example, if T1=1 and T2=1, the duty cycle = 50%. #Duty Cycle = T1 / (T1 + T2). 5.  To control the buzzer only, just set the P2 “LED State Control” to zero. 6.  The make the buzzer operating, the “number of repetition” must greater than zero. 7.  To control the LED only, just set the parameter “Link to Buzzer” to zero.
AET62 Design Specification Version 1.0   8-DEC-09 Page 17 of 18   AET62     6.6. Get the Firmware Version of the reader  To retrieve the firmware version of the reader.   Table 4.0A: Get Firmware Version Command Format (5 Bytes) Command  Class  INS  P1  P2  Le Get Response  0xFF  0x00  0x48  0x00  0x00  Table 4.0B: Get Firmware Version Response Format (10 bytes) Response  Data Out Result  Firmware Version  E.g. Response = 41 43 52 31 32 32 55 31 30 31 (Hex) = ACR122U101 (ASCII)
AET62 Design Specification Version 1.0   8-DEC-09 Page 18 of 18   AET62 7.0.  Technical Specification   Universal Serial Bus Interface Power source ....................................... From USB Speed................................................... 12 Mbps (Full Speed) Supply Voltage ..................................... Regulated 5V DC Supply Current ..................................... 300mA (maximum); 100mA (standby); 150mA (normal) Contactless Smart Card Interface Standard............................................... MIFARE Classic, ISO14443-4 Type A & B, FeliCa, ISO/IEC 18092 NFC Operating Frequency ............................ 13.56 MHz Smart card read / write speed............... 106, 212, 424 kbps SAM Interface (optional SAM Socket) Standard............................................... ISO 7816 Protocol................................................ T=0 protocol Operating Frequency............................ 4 MHz Smart card read / write speed............... 9600 - 115200 bps Fingerprint Sensor Interface    Sensor Type ......................................... Swipe  Image resolution................................... 508 DPI Case Dimensions........................................... 98 mm (L) x 65 mm (W) x 12.8 mm (H) Material ................................................ Polycarbonate (PC) Color..................................................... Pearl White Antenna Size ........................................ 50mm x 40mm Operating distance ............................... up to 30 mm (depended on tag type) Built-in peripherals Bi-Color LED ........................................ Bi-Color LED, Red and Green Buzzer .................................................. Monotone (optional) Operating Conditions Temperature......................................... 0 - 50° C Humidity ............................................... 10% - 80% Cable Connector Length .................................................. 1.5 M (USB) Standard/Certifications  CE, FCC OS Windows 2K, XP, Vista OEM OEM-Logo possible, customer-specific colors, casing, and card connector   Warning:This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

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