Advantech Co WISE4220 IoT Wireless Sensor Node User Manual V4 12 EA User Manual

Advantech Co Ltd IoT Wireless Sensor Node V4 12 EA User Manual

Users Manual.pdf

User ManualWISE-4220 SeriesModel on: WISE4220
WISE-4220 Series User Manual iiCopyrightThe documentation and the software included with this product are copyrighted 2017by Advantech Co., Ltd. All rights are reserved. Advantech Co., Ltd. reserves the rightto make improvements in the products described in this manual at any time withoutnotice. No part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, translated or transmittedin any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Advantech Co.,Ltd. Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. How-ever, Advantech Co., Ltd. assumes no responsibility for its use, nor for any infringe-ments of the rights of third parties, which may result from its use.AcknowledgementsIntel and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation.Microsoft Windows and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp.All other product names or trademarks are properties of their respective owners.Product Warranty (2 years)Advantech warrants to you, the original purchaser, that each of its products will befree from defects in materials and workmanship for two years from the date of pur-chase. This warranty does not apply to any products which have been repaired or altered bypersons other than repair personnel authorized by Advantech, or which have beensubject to misuse, abuse, accident or improper installation. Advantech assumes noliability under the terms of this warranty as a consequence of such events.Because of Advantech’s high quality-control standards and rigorous testing, most ofour customers never need to use our repair service. If an Advantech product is defec-tive, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge during the warranty period. For out-of-warranty repairs, you will be billed according to the cost of replacement materials,service time and freight. Please consult your dealer for more details.If you think you have a defective product, follow these steps:1. Collect all the information about the problem encountered. (For example, CPU speed, Advantech products used, other hardware and software used, etc.) Note anything abnormal and list any onscreen messages you get when the problem occurs.2. Call your dealer and describe the problem. Please have your manual, product, and any helpful information readily available.3. If your product is diagnosed as defective, obtain an RMA (return merchandize authorization) number from your dealer. This allows us to process your return more quickly.4. Carefully pack the defective product, a fully-completed Repair and Replacement Order Card and a photocopy proof of purchase date (such as your sales receipt) in a shippable container. A product returned without proof of the purchase date is not eligible for warranty service.5. Write the RMA number visibly on the outside of the package and ship it prepaid to your dealer.Part No. 2003422021 Edition 2Printed in Taiwan September 2017
iii WISE-4220 Series User Manual Declaration of ConformityCEThis product has passed the CE test for environmental specifications. Test conditionsfor passing included the equipment being operated within an industrial enclosure. Inorder to protect the product from being damaged by ESD (Electrostatic Discharge)and EMI leakage, we strongly recommend the use of CE-compliant industrial enclo-sure products.FCC Class ANote: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a ClassA digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment isoperated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Opera-tion of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference inwhich case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.Technical Support and Assistance1. Visit the Advantech web site at where you can find the latest information about the product.2. Contact your distributor, sales representative, or Advantech's customer service center for technical support if you need additional assistance. Please have the following information ready before you call:–Product name and serial number–Description of your peripheral attachments–Description of your software (operating system, version, application software, etc.)–A complete description of the problem–The exact wording of any error messages
WISE-4220 Series User Manual ivWarnings, Cautions and NotesDocument FeedbackTo assist us in making improvements to this manual, we would welcome commentsand constructive criticism. Please send all such - in writing to: support@advan-tech.comPackage ListBefore setting up the system, check that the items listed below are included and ingood condition. If any item does not accord with the table, please contact your dealerimmediately. Please go to Section 1.6 for package list.Warning! Warnings indicate conditions, which if not observed, can cause personal injury!Caution! Cautions are included to help you avoid damaging hardware or losing data. e.g.There is a danger of a new battery exploding if it is incorrectly installed. Do not attempt to recharge, force open, or heat the battery. Replace the battery only with the same or equivalent type recom-mended by the manufacturer. Discard used batteries according to the manufacturer's instructions.Note! Notes provide optional additional information.
v WISE-4220 Series User Manual Safety Instructions1. Read these safety instructions carefully.2. Keep this User Manual for later reference.3. Disconnect this equipment from any AC outlet before cleaning. Use a damp cloth. Do not use liquid or spray detergents for cleaning.4. For plug-in equipment, the power outlet socket must be located near the equip-ment and must be easily accessible.5. Keep this equipment away from humidity.6. Put this equipment on a reliable surface during installation. Dropping it or letting it fall may cause damage.7. The openings on the enclosure are for air convection. Protect the equipment from overheating. DO NOT COVER THE OPENINGS.8. Make sure the voltage of the power source is correct before connecting the equipment to the power outlet.9. Position the power cord so that people cannot step on it. Do not place anything over the power cord.10. All cautions and warnings on the equipment should be noted.11. If the equipment is not used for a long time, disconnect it from the power source to avoid damage by transient overvoltage.12. Never pour any liquid into an opening. This may cause fire or electrical shock.13. Never open the equipment. For safety reasons, the equipment should be opened only by qualified service personnel.14. If one of the following situations arises, get the equipment checked by service personnel:15. The power cord or plug is damaged.16. Liquid has penetrated into the equipment.17. The equipment has been exposed to moisture.18. The equipment does not work well, or you cannot get it to work according to the user's manual.19. The equipment has been dropped and damaged.20. The equipment has obvious signs of breakage.21. DO NOT LEAVE THIS EQUIPMENT IN AN ENVIRONMENT WHERE THE STORAGE TEMPERATURE MAY GO BELOW -20° C (-4° F) OR ABOVE 60° C (140° F). THIS COULD DAMAGE THE EQUIPMENT. THE EQUIPMENT SHOULD BE IN A CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT.22. CAUTION: DANGER OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERY IS INCORRECTLY REPLACED. REPLACE ONLY WITH THE SAME OR EQUIVALENT TYPE RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER, DISCARD USED BATTERIES ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS.23. The sound pressure level at the operator's position according to IEC 704-1:1982 is no more than 70 dB (A).DISCLAIMER: This set of instructions is given according to IEC 704-1. Advantechdisclaims all responsibility for the accuracy of any statements contained herein.
WISE-4220 Series User Manual viSafety Precaution - Static ElectricityFollow these simple precautions to protect yourself from harm and the products fromdamage.To avoid electrical shock, always disconnect the power from your PC chassis before you work on it. Don't touch any components on the CPU card or other cards while the PC is on.Disconnect power before making any configuration changes. The sudden rush of power as you connect a jumper or install a card may damage sensitive elec-tronic components.NCC 警語第十二條 經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許可,公司、商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率或變更原設計之特性及功能。第十四條 低功率射頻電機之使用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信;經發現有干擾現象時,應立即停用,並改善至無干擾時方得繼續使用。前項合法通信,指依電信法規定作業之無線電通信。低功率射頻電機須忍受合法通信或工業、科學及醫療用電波輻射性電機設備之干擾。Federal Communication Commission Interference StatementThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the fol-lowing two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)this device must accept any interference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B dig-ital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to pro-vide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interfer-ence to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference willnot occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interfer-ence to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equip-ment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one ofthe following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any otherantenna or transmitter.
vii WISE-4220 Series User Manual FOR PORTABLE DEVICE USAGE (<20m from body/SAR needed)Radiation Exposure Statement:The product comply with the FCC portable RF exposure limit set forth for an uncon-trolled environment and are safe for intended operation as described in this manual.The further RF exposure reduction can be achieved if the product can be kept as faras possible from the user body or set the device to lower output power if such func-tion is available.FOR MOBILE DEVICE USAGE (>20cm/low power)Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncon-trolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimumdistance 20cm between the radiator & your body.FOR COUNTRY CODE SELECTION USAGE (WLAN DEVICES)Note: The country code selection is for non-US model only and is not available to allUS model. Per FCC regulation, all WiFi product marketed in US must fixed to USoperation channels only.Industry Canada statement:This device complies with ISED’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)this device must accept any interference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’ ISED applicables aux appareils radioexempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) ledispositif ne doit pas produire de brouillage préjudiciable, et (2) ce dispositif doitaccepter tout brouillage reçu, y compris un brouillage susceptible de provoquer unfonctionnement indésirable. FOR PORTABLE DEVICE USAGE (<20m from body/SAR needed)Radiation Exposure Statement:The product comply with the Canada portable RF exposure limit set forth for anuncontrolled environment and are safe for intended operation as described in thismanual. The further RF exposure reduction can be achieved if the product can bekept as far as possible from the user body or set the device to lower output power ifsuch function is available.Déclaration d'exposition aux radiations:Le produit est conforme aux limites d'exposition pour les appareils portables RF pourles Etats-Unis et le Canada établies pour un environnement non contrôlé. Le produitest sûr pour un fonctionnement tel que décrit dans ce manuel. La réduction auxexpositions RF peut être augmentée si l'appareil peut être conservé aussi loin quepossible du corps de l'utilisateur ou que le dispositif est réglé sur la puissance de sor-tie la plus faible si une telle fonction est disponible.
WISE-4220 Series User Manual viiiFOR MOBILE DEVICE USAGE (>20cm/low power)Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with ISED radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncon-trolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimumdistance 20cm between the radiator & your body.Déclaration d'exposition aux radiations:Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux rayonnements ISEDétablies pour un environnement non contrôlé. Cet équipement doit être installé etutilisé avec un minimum de 20 cm de distance entre la source de rayonnement etvotre corps.Dipole
ix WISE-4220 Series User Manual ContentsChapter 1 Product Overview................................11.1 Series Family and Specifications .............................................................. 21.2 Mechanical Design and Dimensions ......................................................... 21.2.1 WISE-4220 Series Dimension ...................................................... 2Figure 1.1 ME Dimension Front & Side ....................................... 21.3 Switch........................................................................................................ 31.4 LED Definition ........................................................................................... 41.5 Certification and Safety Standard ............................................................. 41.6 Package Information ................................................................................. 5Chapter 2 General Specification..........................72.1 General Specification ................................................................................ 82.1.1 WLAN Interface............................................................................. 82.1.2 General ......................................................................................... 82.1.3 Power............................................................................................ 92.1.4 Software........................................................................................ 92.2 WISE-4220-S231 ...................................................................................... 92.2.1 I/O Specification............................................................................ 92.2.2 Pin Assignment ........................................................................... 10Figure 2.1 Pin Assignment......................................................... 102.2.3 Block Diagram............................................................................. 10Figure 2.2 Block Diagram .......................................................... 10Chapter 3 Hardware Installations ......................113.1 Interface Introduction .............................................................................. 123.2 Mounting ................................................................................................. 123.2.1 DIN-Rail Mounting....................................................................... 12Figure 3.1 DIN Mounting Kit ...................................................... 13Figure 3.2 DIN Mounting Install ................................................. 13Figure 3.3 DIN Mounting Front .................................................. 14Figure 3.4 DIN Mounting Back................................................... 143.2.2 Wall Mounting ............................................................................. 15Figure 3.5 Wall Mounting Kit Dimension.................................... 15Figure 3.6 Wall Mounting Install 1 ............................................. 15Figure 3.7 Wall Mounting Install 2 ............................................. 163.2.3 Pole Mounting ............................................................................. 17Figure 3.8 Polar Mounting Front ................................................ 17Figure 3.9 Polar Mounting Back ................................................ 173.3 Wiring & Connections.............................................................................. 183.3.1 Power Supply Wiring................................................................... 18Figure 3.10Power Wiring ............................................................ 183.3.2 I/O Units ...................................................................................... 18Chapter 4 System Configuration .......................194.1 Connection .............................................................................................. 204.2 Configure WISE Using Web Interface..................................................... 204.2.1 System Requirements................................................................. 204.2.2 Factory Default Settings.............................................................. 214.2.3 Module Authorization .................................................................. 21
WISE-4220 Series User Manual x4.2.4 Operation Mode .......................................................................... 224.2.5 Using Web Browser to Configure the Module............................. 224.2.6 Configuring Cloud Server ........................................................... 39Appendix A Modbus Mapping Table.................... 43A.1 Modbus Function Code Introduction ....................................................... 44A.2 WISE-4220-S231 Modbus Mapping Table ............................................. 44Appendix B REST for WISE-4220 Series ............. 47B.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 48B.2 REST Resources for WISE-4220 Series ................................................ 48B.2.1 Sensor Input ............................................................................... 48
Chapter 11Product Overview
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 21.1 Series Family and Specifications1.2 Mechanical Design and Dimensions1.2.1 WISE-4220 Series DimensionFigure 1.1 ME Dimension Front & SideFunction Model DescriptionWireless Sensor Node WISE-4220-S231 IoT Wireless Sensor Node with Temperature/Humidity Sensors
3 WISE-4220 Series User ManualChapter 1 Product Overview1.3 SwitchOpen the housing behide the WISE-4220 module, you can see a switch inside. Thebattery socket is no function for WISE-4220 series. It is reserved for WISE-4220series.Switch Description Position ON (Default) OFFSW1 Operation Mode P1 Normal Mode Initial ModeP2 N/A N/ANote! After the position 1 of SW1 been changed, users need to power on the module again to apply the operation mode..
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 41.4 LED Definition1.5 Certification and Safety StandardElectromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)CE–EN 55011:2009 +A1:2010 (Group I, Class B)–EN 55024:2010 +A1:2015–EN 55032:2015 +AC:2016, Class B–EN 61000-4-2:2009–EN 61000-4-3:2006 +A1:2008 +A2:2010–EN 61000-4-4:2012–EN 61000-4-5:2014–EN 61000-4-6:2014–EN 61000-4-8:2010–EN 61000-6-1:2017–EN 61000-6-2:2017–EN 61000-6-3:2007 +A1:2011 +AC:2012–EN 61000-6-4:2007 +A1:2011–EN 301 489-1 V2.1.1 (2017-02)–EN 301 489-17 V3.1.1 (2017-02)LED Color Indication BehaviorStatus Green Blink 2Hz: Wait for connection0.5Hz: Network ConnectedON 30 Sec When enable LOCATE functionCom Yellow Blink When TX/RX data in transmissionAP/Infra Green ON Limited AP ModeOFF Station ModeSignal Strength YellowON *4 Full SignalON *3 Good SignalON *2 Okay SignalON *1 Poor SignalAll OFF No Signal / AP Module
5 WISE-4220 Series User ManualChapter 1 Product OverviewFCC–47 CFR FCC Part 15, Subpart B, Class B–ICES-003:2016 Issue 6, Class B–ANSI C63.4:2014CISPR–CISPR 32:2015 +COR1:2016, Class B–AS/NZS CISPR 32:2015, Class BVCCI–-VCCI-CISPR 32:2016, Class BWireless CertificationFCC ID: M82-WISE4220–47 CFR FCC Part 15, Subpart C (Section 15.247)–ANSI C63.10:2013IC: 9404A-WISE-4220–Canada RSS-247 Issue 2 (2017-02)–Canada RSS-Gen Issue 4 (2014-11)–ANSI C63.10:2013NCC–LP0002–ANSIC63.10:2013TELEC: 001-A08148RED: Processing–EN 300 328 V2.2.2 (2016-11)–EN 63211:2008RCM:–AS/NZS 2772.2:2011–AS/NZS 4268:2017SRRC: Processing1.6 Package InformationWISE-4220-S231WISE-4220 module with bundle antenna and terminal connector x1Mounting bracket x1Quick startup manual with China RoHS declareWISE4220
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 6
Chapter 22General Specification
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 82.1 General Specification2.1.1 WLAN InterfaceNetwork Modes–Infrastructure/Station (Wireless Client)–Limited AP (Wireless Server)Standard Conformance–Infrastructure/Station802.11b802.11g802.11n (2.4GHz only)–Limited AP802.11b802.11g2.1.2 GeneralI/O Connector: 3.5mm spacing plug-in screw terminal blockPower Connector: 3.5mm spacing plug-in screw terminal blockWatchdog Timer–System: 1.6 second–Communication–Programmable (FSV)RTC Accuracy: ±1 min/monthEnclosure: PCMounting: DIN 35 rail, wall, and stackDimensions (W x H x D): 69 x 38 x 102 mmOperation Temperature: -25~70°C (-13~158°F)Storage Temperature: -40~85°C (-40~185°F)Operating Humidity: 10~ 95% RH (non-condensing)Storage Humidity: 0~95% RH (non-condensing)Note! Equipment will operate below 30% humidity. However, static electricity problems occur much more frequently at lower humidity levels. Make sure you take adequate precautions when you touch the equipment. Consider using ground straps, anti-static floor coverings, etc. if you use the equipment in low humidity environments.Note! Measuring temperature and humidity will depend on sensor type.Whether the device is measuring temperature or humidity depends on the settings of the sensors.
9 WISE-4220 Series User ManualChapter 2 General Specification2.1.3 PowerPower Input Voltage: External Power: 10 ~ 50 VDCPower Consumption–WISE-4220-S231: 1.2 W @ 24 VDC2.1.4 SoftwareConfiguration Interface: Web Interface, Windows UtilityUtility: Adam/Apax .NET UtilityDriver: ADAM .NET Class LibraryIndustrial Protocol: Modbus/TCPSupported Protocols: TCP/IP, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, DHCP, ARP, SNTPSupports RESTful Web API in JSON formatSupports Web Server in HTML5 with JavaScript & CSS32.2 WISE-4220-S2312.2.1 I/O Specification2.2.1.1 Temperature Sensor InputOperating Range: -25°C ~ 70°C (-4°F ~ 157.9°F) Data Resolution: 0.1 (°C/°F/K)Accuracy: ±1.0°C (Vertical Installation)Update Rate: Minimum 1 secondsResponse Time: 15 seconds (Achieving 63% of a step function)Long Term Drift: 0.05°C/Year (0.09°F/Year) Humidity Sensor InputOperating Range: 10~90% RHResolution: 0.1% RHAccuracy: ±4% for 0%~50% RH±6% for 50%~60% RH±10% for 60%~90% RHUpdate Rate: Minimum 1 secondsResponse Time: 10 seconds (Achieving 63% of a step function)Long Term Drift: 0.5% RH/Year
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 102.2.2 Pin AssignmentFigure 2.1 Pin Assignment2.2.3 Block DiagramFigure 2.2 Block Diagram
Chapter 33Hardware Installations
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 123.1 Interface IntroductionDetailed description of the WISE-4220 interface is shown below.3.2 MountingWISE-4220 modules are designed as compact units and are allowed to be installedin the field site under the following methods.3.2.1 DIN-Rail MountingThe WISE-4220 module can also be fixed to the cabinet by using mounting rails. Youneed to assemble the DIN rail adapter to WISE-4220 module with flathead screwdriver as below. When the module is mounted on a rail, you may also consider usingend brackets at each end of the rail to keep the module from sliding horizontally alongthe rail.
13 WISE-4220 Series User ManualChapter 3 Hardware InstallationsFigure 3.1 DIN Mounting KitFigure 3.2 DIN Mounting Install
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 14Figure 3.3 DIN Mounting FrontFigure 3.4 DIN Mounting Back
15 WISE-4220 Series User ManualChapter 3 Hardware Installations3.2.2 Wall MountingEach WISE-4220 module is packed with a plastic wall mounting bracket. Users canrefer to the bracket dimensions and assembly steps to configure an optimal place-ment in a wall, panel, or cabinet.Figure 3.5 Wall Mounting Kit DimensionFigure 3.6 Wall Mounting Install 1
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 16Figure 3.7 Wall Mounting Install 2
17 WISE-4220 Series User ManualChapter 3 Hardware Installations3.2.3 Pole MountingPut the pole mounting ring through the middle hole of it. Note that you should unlock thepole mounting ring with a screw driver before putting it through the device. Then mountthe WISE-4220 module steadily to the pole by locking the pole mounting ring tightly.Figure 3.8 Polar Mounting FrontFigure 3.9 Polar Mounting Back
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 183.3 Wiring & ConnectionsThis section introduces basic information on wiring the power supply and I/O units.3.3.1 Power Supply Wiring The system of WISE-4220 is designed for a standard industrial unregulated 24 VDCpower supply. For further application, it can also accept +10 to +50 VDC of powerinput, 200mV peak to peak of power ripple, and the immediate ripple voltage shouldbe maintained between +10 and +50 VDC. Screw terminals +Vs and -Vs are forpower supply wiring.Figure 3.10 Power Wiring3.3.2 I/O UnitsThe system uses a plug-in screw terminal block for the interface between I/O mod-ules and field devices. The following information must be considered when connect-ing electrical devices to I/O modules.The terminal block accepts wires from 0.5 mm to 2.5 mm.Always use a continuous length of wire. Do not combine wires.Use the shortest possible wire length.Use wire trays for routing where possible.Avoid running wires near high-energy wiring.Avoid running input wiring in close proximity to output wiring.Avoid creating sharp bends in the wires.
Chapter 44System Configuration
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 204.1 Connection1. Plug a DC power source into the +Vs, -Vs pin of your module to turn on the power.2. When users set the switch to “ON” as Section 1.3 shows, the module will be set to normal mode and the default setting for this operation mode is AP mode. If you want to set the module to Initial Mode (i.e. factory default mode), you can change position 1 of SW1 to “OFF”.  The module will only work in AP Mode when the module is in Initial Mode.4.2 Configure WISE Using Web Interface4.2.1 System RequirementsThe web utility of WISE-4220 module is developed with public HTML 5, but fordetailed indication and data transmission modes, the type of web utility will dependon web page of the operating system. For mobile devices, the minimum systemrequirements of web browsers are as below:Safari 6 in Apple iOSWeb Browser in Google Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich)Chrome in Google Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich)For PC platforms, the minimum requirements of web browsers are as below:Internet Explorer (version 11)Google Chrome (version 30)Mozilla Firefox (version 25)Mobile Browser Chrome Android SafariConfiguration Y Y YFile Upload N N NData Log Chart Y Y YData Log Export N N NMobile Browser Chrome Firefox Safari IE11 IE10Configuration Y Y Y Y YFile Upload Y Y N Y NData Log Chart Y Y Y Y YData Log Export Y Y N N N
21 WISE-4220 Series User ManualChapter 4 System Configuration4.2.2 Factory Default SettingsWISE-4220 SeriesOperation Mode: Normal ModeWireless Mode: AP ModeIP Mode: Static IP AddressDefault IP:Subnet Mask:Default Gateway:DHCP Server: EnabledDefault Connection Timeout: 720 secondsHTTP Port: 804.2.3 Module AuthorizationAccount Default Password Access Abilityroot 00000000 All privilegesadmin 00000000 All privileges except access control configurationuser 00000000 View module status only. Not allow to change configurationsFunctions Accountroot admin userDevice information View View ViewDevice setting Edit Edit DenySystem Restart Edit Edit EditModule Locate Edit Edit EditChange passwords Edit Deny DenyReset Password Edit Deny DenyReset to default Edit Deny DenyAccess control configurations Edit Edit DenyGroup configurations Edit Edit DenyDownload/upload processes Edit Edit DenyNetwork configurations Edit Edit ViewI/O configurations Edit Edit ViewI/O statuses monitor View View ViewReset AI calibration to default Edit Deny DenyMODBUS addresses Edit Edit ViewData log configuration and query Edit Edit ViewClear data log Edit Edit Deny
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 224.2.4 Operation ModeThe operation mode can be configured by switch SW1 on the back of module. Pleaserefer to previous chapter for the detail of configuring SW1.4.2.5 Using Web Browser to Configure the ModuleConfigure URL: http://IP_address/configDefault URL:Configuration Steps4.2.5.1 Login Web Configuration PageMode WISE-4220 SeriesInitial Mode Fixed IP address: Wi-Fi Mode: AP ModeNormal Mode Default IP address: Wi-Fi Mode: AP ModeLogin1. Connect your smartphone to your local Ethernet network and open the browser of your smartphone.2. Enter IP address of module with "/con-fig", for example, the default URL is Enter the account and password. Then click Login button.Information4. After login, you will see the configuration web page.
23 WISE-4220 Series User ManualChapter 4 System Configuration4.2.5.2 System InformationIn the information page, you can see the dashboard: module detail, network setting,and module information, including the firmware version.Change User5. Scroll down the tab, and you can change the login user here.Menu6. Click the button on the top, and you can switch to other pages.
WISE-4220 Series User Manual ModuleYou can see the naming of the module and related information. Click “Go to Configu-ration” to view or change the configurations:Model Name: Model name of the WISE moduleCustomized Name / UUID: Refer to Model name and UUID of the module. The default UUID is the combination of model name and the MAC address. This can be modified.Location Information: The location of the module can be stated here.Description: Any comments about this module can be stated here.Working Mode: Refer to 4.2.4 for Operation Mode4.2.5.4 Wireless StatusFor WISE-4220 series, users can refer to the WLAN RSSI indicators for the signalquality in Wireless Status section. It also shows the MAC ID of the client device. If themodule is in AP Mode, the WLAN RSSI Level and Refresh button will not be shown. Network InformationFor WISE-4220 series, WLAN Mode (AP Mode / Infrastructure) will be shown in Net-work Information section. Here is an overview of the entire network configuration. Toconfigure the network configuration, click “Go to Configuration.”
25 WISE-4220 Series User ManualChapter 4 System Configuration4.2.5.6 Module InformationHere you can check the model name and the module description. The firmware ver-sion will also been shown here. At the end of the configuration web page, you cansee the version. For the normal release module, the version on the configuration webpage will increase with the firmware version. These versions have to be updatedsimultaneously. To update the firmware version, go the “Firmware Version” section. Network ConfigurationAP ModeWhen setting the module to AP mode, users can configure the SSID and also decide how the WISE module works, including security. The “AP Mode IP Set-tings” are fixed and do not allow users to make changes. Infrastructure ModeWhen using the module in “Infrastructure Mode”, users need to enter the SSID of the Access Point (AP) that the WISE module is going to connect, and config-ure the security type here. WISE-4220 series modules provide a “Second AP Setting” section, an optional setting for the WISE module to connect to another AP automatically. If you do not have a second AP, just leave the SSID blank. After configuring the AP that the WISE module wants to access, the IP address also needs to be defined in the Infrastructure-Network.
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 26 IO StatusThe IO family of WISE-4220 series is composed of various types of IO, including tem-perature and humidity sensors, DI, DO and AI. You can select the models which meetyour requirements based on the applications. WISE-4220-S231:–Temperature and Humidity SensorsWISE-4220-S231 is equipped with built-in temperature and humidity sensors. As youcan see, the IO status section shows measured results. Channel 0 and 1 present themeasured temperatures and humidity from the sensors, respectively.
27 WISE-4220 Series User ManualChapter 4 System Configuration You can also view the maximal and minimal measured results from the historicalrecord by selecting “Max” and “Min” tabs. By clicking “Reset,” you can reset the max-imal and minimal records in the module.  You can also change the settings of channel 0 and 1 in the “configuration” tab. Thefields that can be changed are shown as follows:
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 28Tag Name: The name of the nodeRange: The unit used by each measured factorOne Measurement Interval: The time interval between two measurement eventsEnable Low Alarm: If you enable this option, the module will send out an alarm signal when the measured results are below than the lower limit.Enable High Alarm: If you enable this option, the module will send out alarm signal when the measured results are higher than the lower limit.Sensor Deviation Value: The difference of measured results of two consecu-tive events. If the measured difference is higher than the deviation value you set, it will trigger an event.Sensor Offset Range: The unit used to offset the measured number.Sensor Offset Value: The delta value used to offset the measured number dis-played in the “Status” section. System ConfigurationNetwork ApplicationYou can configure the Web Server Port, Host Idle (timeout), and decide whether toenable Communication WDT or not in the section. The “Web Server Port” field deter-mines which Ethernet port will be used for the web service, such as the web configu-ration and RESTful Web API. The default port is 80, but if you change the portnumber to 8080, you will have to access the module through in AP mode.The Host Idle (Timeout) field dictates the availability of the TCP connection betweenthe host controller and WISE. Each MCU-based WISE module supports four TCPconnections from visitors simultaneously. In this case, if one of the hosts stops com-municating with the WISE module for a time period longer than the configured hostidle time (for example, the default 720 seconds), the WISE module will terminate theTCP connection with the host.The Communication WDT has a Host Idle time, and will be triggered when all TCPconnections are closed. This includes all hosts which visit WISE and the communica-tion between remote servers like Dropbox or private servers. Once the Communica-
29 WISE-4220 Series User ManualChapter 4 System Configurationtion WDT mode is enabled, it will trigger system events, such as FSV of outputchannel and system log.Time & Date / SNTPYou can see the current time, select the time zone you want to use, and calibrate thetime by clicking “Click Me” to inquire time from host devices. You can enable SNTP, so that the module can act as an SNTP client to perform timesynchronization from an assigned SNTP server.
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 30Modbus AddressIn order to provide flexibility and scalability for module deployment, we release theModbus address setting table, so that you can configure based on your needs. Thereare two Modbus address sections (0X and 4X). General Configuration“Scan Interval” determines the I/O polling interval in the “I/O Status” section. Thechanged values will not be saved into the module. The change is only valid until themodule is powered off. The “FSV by Communication WDT” determines whether toenable the FSV function triggered by communication with WDT. You can enable theFSV function for all the output channels of the module here.
31 WISE-4220 Series User ManualChapter 4 System ConfigurationAccount ManagementChange the password for each account here. System Configuration FileThis section demonstrates how to update or download the configuration file fromWISE modules. The following items will be saved in the configuration file:Download Configuration File from ModuleGo to the “Firmware” page in system configuration and click the “Download Configuration File” button. The configurations will be saved as a file.Update Configuration File to ModuleGo to the “Firmware” page in system configuration and click the icon to select the configuration file you want to upload from the local folder. Before uploading the configuration file to the module, select whether or not to apply the IP settings to the WISE module.Configuration Information, Wireless, Network App, Time & Data, SNTP, Modbus, General Cloud, and AccountI/O Status I/O ConfigurationAdvanced Access Control, Data Logger (Data log and Cloud upload)
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 324.2.5.11 Firmware VersionCheck VersionThe firmware version is shown in the "System Information" page. At the end of theconfiguration web page, check the version. For normal release module, the versionon the configuration web page will increase with the firmware version, as these haveto been updated at the same time.Here is the table list the versions in following figure:Update FirmwareGo to the “Firmware” page in system configuration and click the icon to select theconfiguration file you want to upload from the local folder. You can find the latest offi-cial release firmware file at the Advantech support site ( Type VersionFirmware A1.00 B03Bootloader A1.00 B00Web Page A0.00 B06
33 WISE-4220 Series User ManualChapter 4 System Configuration4.2.5.12 Access Control for SecurityTo avoid unauthorized access, you can manage the list of devices that can accessthe WISE-4220 module by using the “Access Control” section. Please enable one ofthe rows and enter the IP address or MAC address of the devices that are allowed toaccess the WISE-4220 module. Data LoggerThe WISE-4220 series supports data log functions. I/O status can be logged in themodule and queried from the module.Time & Date / SNTPBefore you start the log function, please make sure that the RTC time inside theWISE module is correct. Standard WISE modules, excluding WISE-4012E, comewith an RTC battery. Once the RTC time has been configured, you don't need to syn-chronize the time with SNTP server. The time will be kept in the RTC with a battery.For the WISE-4012E without an RTC battery, you need to synchronize the time withSNTP server.Data Configuration–I/O DataYou can use the “Log Conditions” section in “Data Configuration” to choose themethod that will be used to log data. If you check “By Period” box, it will enable peri-odic logging, and the log period can be assigned in the following field. Note that theunit of this field is 0.1 second, meaning that the status of I/O will be logged every min-ute if you enter “600” here. If you check the box “By Communication WDT”, once thecondition of the WDT is met, the status of the I/O will be logged.For the analog input channel, data can be logged by the AI Deviation Rate (Dividingdifference between present sample value and previous sample value by the totalrange value). Here you can enter the percentage of the deviation rate to be the crite-ria for triggering the logger.All the data can be kept even if the module is powered off; however, you can clear alldata in the logger when powering up WISE module by checking the “Clear Log whenPower Up” box. When maximum memory capacity is achieved, the logger will stoplogging by default. You can check the “Circular Log when Memory Full” box to over-write the memory.Note! For WISE-4220 wireless modules, users can only configure access con-trol by the IP address, not the MAC address.
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 34The “By Channel” tab is used to determine which kind of status will be logged andwhether the change of the status will be logged or not. Note that the log memory willbe cleared if any parameter is changed in the “By Channel” and “By Sensor.”For S231 sensor channel, check the “Log Enabled” box to log the status of checkedchannel periodically. After you check "Log Enabled" box, you can check the "Deviation Enabled" box if you want to log data when the deviation matches the crite-ria set in "Sensor Deviation Value" field of the "IO Status" section. You can alsochoose to log the events that trigger high and low alarms by checking “High Alarm”and “Low Alarm” boxes.The “By Sensor” tab is used to decide what kinds of data will be logged. Note that thelog memory will be cleared once any parameter changed in the “By Channel” and “BySensor” tabs.
35 WISE-4220 Series User ManualChapter 4 System Configuration4.2.5.14 System DataThe WISE data logger function not only logs the I/O status, but also logs systemevents for module diagnostics or troubleshooting. You can choose what kind of sys-tem events you would like to log here.Logger ConfigurationIn the previous page, you can configure which data is logged. In this page you canenable the local memory storage function. There are separate switches to enable thefunction of logging I/O data and system data. You can turn ON the switches to enablethe function.Local Data QueryThe logged data can be queried from the WISE module. Due to the limitation of MCU-based WISE modules, the file will be saved in a *.json file. You can visit to convert the data from *.json to *.csv.Before querying the logged data, you can configure the format of the file. You candetermine whether the data comes with a UUID or MAC ID, and choose the type oftime stamp. For the latest version of WISE module, which supports Local Date andTime (GMT), the time stamp will be reported in the format like this: "2015-08-27T15:20:29+08:00", whereas the time stamp will look like: “1440660089,” if it sup-ports Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).After selecting the data format, you can query the amount of data or data within a cer-tain period by selecting “Amount of Latest Data” or “Time Filter” modes, respectively.However, if the amount of data is not too large, you can also choose “No FilterEnabled” to query all the data.Now you can click Query to query the data from local memory. Then the data will beshown in a chart and table. Click “Save” to save data from the WISE module into a*.json file, or you can click “Clear” to clear all data in local memory.
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 36
37 WISE-4220 Series User ManualChapter 4 System Configuration4.2.5.15 Cloud LoggerDropboxRefer to section 4.2.6 Configuring Cloud Server for Dropbox cloud logger.Private ServerIf you don't want to push the data to a public file-based cloud like Dropbox, WISEalso supports a “Private Server” function which pushes data to a private web serverdirectly. You can setup your own web service to retrieve data from the WISE module,or use the example agent on your own server to retrieve the files pushed from theWISE module.Go to “Cloud Configuration” page and select “Private Server.” Then configure the Pri-vate Server Setting. If you would like to use the example agent provided by WISE,you need to confirm the Server IP and Server Port, and make sure the server portyou configure is not occupied by another application on your private server. To setupyour own application to retrieve files from WISE, you need to configure the URL. Wealso support SSL security with Dropbox, in order to provide you a safe private cloudsolution. Once SSL security is enabled, you need to setup the SSL service on yourprivate server.If you are not able to setup the SSL service, there is another option for internet secu-rity. You can use “Authentication” section for the private server with a User Name andPassword provided by our example agent.After “Cloud Configuration” is configured as a private server, you can go back to theLogger Configuration page in Data Logger. Before switching Cloud Upload to ON,
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 38you can configure the data upload criteria for I/O signal and system diagnosis individ-ually. You can choose to push a certain amount of data by using Item Periodic Intervalmode, or push data within a certain period of time (Unit: 0.1 sec) by using Time Peri-odic Interval mode. If you don't want to upload I/O or system data, choose “Disable”.After configuring the upload criteria, you can switch Cloud Upload ON and startuploading. The data will be pushed to the cloud in the format of *.csv.Push NotificationFor Cloud Logger functions including Dropbox Cloud Logger and other private serv-ers, data comes from the local memory of WISE. You can pack data from the WISEdata logger into a file, and then push it to the web server. Then you can push the lat-est data when the log condition is triggered with the events such as changes of DIstatus.The WISE module will push a notification in JSON format to the private server. Youcan switch the I/O Log or System Log ON, and then the WISE module will start push-ing the latest logged data to the private server.
39 WISE-4220 Series User ManualChapter 4 System Configuration4.2.6 Configuring Cloud Server1. Make sure the WISE-4220 module is able to access the Internet, and the device that’s going to configure the WISE-4220 module is in the same IP domain as the WISE-4220 module2. Go to the Cloud tab of Configuration.3. Select Dropbox as the cloud server. 4. The browser will open a new window for Dropbox. Enter your Dropbox account information including E-mail and Password, then click “Sign in.”Note! The following instructions use Dropbox. Make sure Dropbox provide their service in your region or find an alternative public cloud service.Note! Before start to configure cloud sever, please make sure WISE module is working in "Infrastructure Mode", and the connected AP is able to access internet
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 405. After logging in, click "Allow" to allow WISE Cloud Logger Apps to access your Dropbox account to store the data log file. 6. Dropbox will then provide a code. Copy this code and return to the configuration web page of the WISE module. 7. Click "Next" to enter the code. 8. Paste the code provided by WISE Cloud Logger, then click "Submit."
41 WISE-4220 Series User ManualChapter 4 System Configuration9. If your WISE-4220 module is correctly connected to the Internet, you will be able to set the functions successfully. Click "Close" to return to Configuration. 10. You will then see the “Link Status” shows “Ready.”
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 42
Appendix AAModbus Mapping Table
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 44A.1 Modbus Function Code IntroductionA.2 WISE-4220-S231 Modbus Mapping TableCode (Hex) Name Usage01 Read Coil Status Read Discrete Output Bit02 Read Input Status Read Discrete Input Bit03 Read Holding Registers Read 16-bit register. Used to read integer or floating point process data.04 Read Input Registers05 Force Single Coil Write data to force coil ON/OFF06 Preset Single Register Write data in 16-bit integer format08 Loopback Diagnosis Diagnostic testing of the communication port0F Force Multiple Coils Write multiple data to force coil ON/OFF10 Preset Multiple Registers Write multiple data in 16-bit integer formatAddress (0X) Channel Description Attribute00101 Temperature Reset Historical Max. Sensor ValueWrite00102 Humidity Write00111 Temperature Reset Historical Min. Sensor ValueWrite00112 Humidity Write00131 Temperature High Alarm Flag Read00132 Humidity Read00141 Temperature Low Alarm Flag Read00142 Humidity Read05001 RTC Battery Low ReadAddress (4X) Channel Description Attribute40001 Temperature Sensor Value Read40002 Humidity Read40101~40102 Temperature Sensor Status* Read40103~40104 Humidity Read40021 Temperature Historical Max. Sensor Value Read40022 Humidity Read40041 Temperature Historical Min. Sensor Value Read40042 Humidity Read40201 Temperature Type Code** Read40202 Humidity Read
45 WISE-4220 Series User ManualAppendix A Modbus Mapping Table* Sensor Status:** Type Code*** Data Logger Status40211 Module Name 1 Read40212 Module Name 2 Read45101 Data Logger Status*** ReadBit Order Description0 Fail to provide sensor value (sensor not ready)1~31 ReservedType Code Sensor type Sensor type and unit4096 (0x1000)TemperatureTemperature (°C)4097 (0x1001) Temperature (°F)4098 (0x1002) Temperature (K)4128 (0x1020) Humidity Humidity (%)Bit Order Description0 Built-in logging is out of memory for IO log. (No space left)1 Built-in memory errors.2 Built-in logging is out of memory for System log. (No space left)3 Cloud upload fail4 Cloud push fail5-15 Reserved
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 46
Appendix BBREST for WISE-4220 Series
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 48B.1 IntroductionRepresentational State Transfer (REST) is a software architecture for how web appli-cations and services interact encompassing every thing or entity that can be identi-fied, named, addressed or handled, in any way whatsoever, on the Web. It can bedeveloped with compatible popular protocols or standards like HTTP, URI, JSON,HTML. With the advantage of scalability, simplicity and performance, it's alreadyadopted by Amazon and Yahoo web services. The web service is developed basedon HTML5 language, if a user need to integrate this into other web services, the fol-lowing information/command list can be referenced.B.2 REST Resources for WISE-4220 SeriesB.2.1 Sensor Input/sensor_value/slot_0/ch_numDescription Retrieves information about the sensor input value resource on specific slot.URL Structurehttp://  num = 0 ~ : the channel numberHTTP MethodGET: Returns the representation of all of analog input value resource.PUT: NonePATCH: Apply partial modifications to analog input value resource.GET      Multi Channel Request:     GET /sensor_value/slot_0Single Channel Request:     GET /sensor_value/slot_0/ch_num[Example]Request: GET /sensor_value/slot_0Content-type: application/jsonResponse: 200 OK{  "SVal": [    {      "Ch":0,      "Rng":4096,      "EgF":0.650,      "HEgF":1.250,      "LEgF":0.500,      "Evt":0,      “LoA”: 0,      “HiA”: 0      "ClrH": 0,      "ClrL": 0,    },    {      "Ch":1,      "Rng":4128,      "EgF":0.000,      "HEgF":0.000,      "LEgF":0.000,      "Evt":0,
49 WISE-4220 Series User ManualAppendix B REST for WISE-4220 Series                  “LoA”: 0,      “HiA”: 0      "ClrH": 0,      "ClrL": 0    }  ]}Request: GET /sensor_value/slot_0/ch_1Content-type: application/jsonResponse: 200 OK{      "Ch":1,      "Rng":4128,      "Evt":0,      "EgF":0.000,      "HEgF":0.000,      "LEgF":0.000,      “LoA”: 0,      “HiA”: 0      "ClrH": 0,      "ClrL": 0}PUT NonePATCHSingle/Multi Channel Request:     PATCH /sensor_value/slot_0Single Channel Request:     PATCH /sensor_value/slot_0/ch_num[Example]Request: PATCH /sensor_value/slot_0Content-type: application/json{" SVal": [    {      "Ch":0,      "ClrH": 0    },    {      "Ch":1,      "ClrL":0    }  ]}Response: 200 OKRequest: PATCH /sensor_value/slot_0/ch_1Content-type: application/json{      "ClrL":0}Response: 200 OK
WISE-4220 Series User Manual 50JSON array name definition:Resource value definitions (Total channels = AI channel number):Field Abbreviation Data TypeArray of Sensor value SVal ArrayField Abbreviation Data Type Property DescriptionChannel Number Ch Number R 0, 1, …: Sensor input channel number.Input Range Rng Number R Sensor input range.Refer to Sensor type code table*Channel Event StatusEvt Number RSensor statusBit Order Description0Fail to provide Sensor value (UART timeout)1~31 ReservedClear Maximum Sensor ValueClrH Number W 1 : Clear the Maximum Sensor valueClear Minimum Sensor ValueClrL Number W 1 : Clear the Minimum Sensor valueChannel Engineering data (floating type)EgF Number RSensor engineering data, the value is floating type. Unit: According sensor type codeFor example, 999.120 → 999.12 °C-3.220 → -3.22 °CMaximum Sensor Engineering data (floating type)HEgF Number RSensor max. engineering data, the value is floating type. Unit: According sensor type codeFor example, 10.200 → 10.2 °C-5.120 → -5.12 °CMinimum Sensor Engineering data (floating type)LEgF Number RSensor min. engineering data, the value is floating type. Unit: According sensor type codeFor example, 250.350 → 250.35 °C-0.120 → -0.12 °CLow Alarm Status LoA Number RWLow alarm statusRead  1 : low alarm occurred.          0 : not occurred Write  0 : clear the low alarm statusHigh Alarm Status HiA Number RWHigh alarm statusRead  1 : high alarm occurred.          0 : not occurred Write  0 : clear the high alarm status
51 WISE-4220 Series User ManualAppendix B REST for WISE-4220 Series* Sensor type code tableType Code Sensor type Sensor type and unit4096 (0x1000)TemperatureTemperature (°C)4097 (0x1001) Temperature (°F)4098 (0x1002) Temperature (K)4128 (0x1020) Humidity Humidity (%)
www.advantech.comPlease verify specifications before quoting. This guide is intended for referencepurposes only.All product specifications are subject to change without notice.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means,electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permis-sion of the publisher.All brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of theirrespective companies.© Advantech Co., Ltd. 2017

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