Aeon Labs DSC14104 DSC17103-ZWUS,DSC14104-ZWUS User Manual Part 1
Aeon Labs LLC. DSC17103-ZWUS,DSC14104-ZWUS Users Manual Part 1
- 1. Users Manual Part 1
- 2. Users Manual Part 2
Users Manual Part 1
AEOTEC Micro Motor Controller tlrlrWall ZsWal/e Appliance Module w/ Energy Monitor) Introd no on The Aeotec Micro Double Smart Energy Switch is a lowsoost ZsWave appliance module specineelly used to enable ZsWave command and control (onl art) or existing insmll switches lt can control 2 loads independently it can also report immediate wattage consumption or kWh energy usage overa period or time The wireless module is powered from the mains supply and is a threeswlre design which requires a neutral connection. ln the event or power failure. nonvolatile memory retains all programmed inrormation relating to the units operating status IM PORTANT: A licensed electrician with knowledge and understanding or electrical systems and electrical sarety should complete the electrical installation inside the main circuit box [usually located outside or your house). ln-Wall Elecirical Installation lnstruciions: m IMPORIAMY: rhe eleotriary to the clrwfl must be shut or during lrleiHatan ror serety end to ansura mat wires are not short arcuried during instelleoon thus causing damage to the Micro Module Dismountlng In Wall Box. t Remove the two screws sewnrig the cover plate 2 Remove the wall switch cover plate 3 Remove the two screws sawnrlg the wall swrtctr to the wall box Dlwvnrled both wires tram the well switch m Frlplrlng and connecting eru the Angus uiem Duuhll smart Enargy Swllm niuetrnr be powered by a Lwlre syst-m in ord.r to nperma the wiring diagram is as rollows Note, the "av out- tennrnel should be used only wittr the Aenrl Mroro Touch 7 27" outwlre rt trmm, Strip Gageb neeeessery ,, :msure are Llu 96) 44 r trvei notvnrs (BlunkvrtNY coreiecto leu ienriinai at More people snien Energy switch 2 Neutral twtttmny tron irthnwira is not Deli-m in in. box,:rlntlr:lwm must be pulled lnto the box a Lm wlre conneam teed tanninai ulMltxD Daublz sman Enzlw swrtai t signal wlll-dim udno mm it two copper wlres, :Drmecl the tunnels ot the well svviteh to Mrero uoupie srnan Energy SwllLlr as mown 5. Side wire opreieeiron . tnakeevrethettheendentthewirestromihe wail port are strergnt let ri neroeserryi . empire llsulatnrl Iran um wire and the wall port as shiwrn m Mounting In Wall Box. t Pailllnrl all win: to provide roan tor in. device Vim mom Dmblb Smart Equy switch inside the wall box ton-ids the oeckorthe box 2 Pailmm the anranrra rewards he pack or its lat-X, my team all other wit-w 3 a retail the wall switch to the wall pox @ Reno" Power Restore power attire c urt breaker or ruse lnatelletlonlecomple . Z-Wave Network Instructions: The Aeotec Micro Double Smart Energy Snitch must be mi d lincludedi into e z-Weve network betore it can waive z-Weve commands to tum onion and rsvort it: ennuy uses. The Micro Double smart En rgy Switch can only oommunicuto to device: within its own z-Weve network note: The LED on the Micro Double Smlrt Energy Switch nill blink it it ix cumrlw not FllM into e z-Weve rmrrork o Press the btrtton labeled 'lnclude‘ on the Aeulec Minimote to begin the ZrWave inclusion process lnclude Note: To include the Aeotec Micro Double Smart Energy Switch with other controllers, please consult the operation manual tor these controllers on how to include ZsWave products into an existing network While the Micro Double Sman Energy Swrtch is powered in a lwira system. each extemal swim/baton can be toggled to initiate pairing into the ZrWavs network. or the internal button can be pushed to inmate pairing into the ZrWave network it the Micro Double Smart Energy Switch was not put into mswall box Troubleshooting: ll itte Aeot-c Micro Double Smart Energy S‘NlMI was not wooeselully included into any z-wave network, the LED will blink pontinuouxly slowly ll the Aeotec Micro Double Smut Energy mm was rueoeesrully lmlud-fl to a z-Weve network the Stem: lrrdicatron LED will either be solid on or on (depending on r the swrtdr rs on or or) Removing/Resetting the Micro Double smart Energy Press the button labeled ‘Remave' on the Moles Minimete to begin the [Wave removal prooess Note: rc remove the Aectec Double Micrc Srltarl Energy Switch trom other controllers, please consult the operation manual tor these controllers oh how to remove Z-Wave producls lrom an exlsllng network While the Micro Douole Sman Energy Dutch is powered in a 1W!!! system. each external swnchlbutton can be toggled 10 times in quick succession to initiate removing irom the ZrWaye network Or the rmernal human can be pushed to inmate removing rmo the ZsWava network rt Micro Double Smart Energy Switch was not put rmo lrlswall box. Trouble-liming: ll the testes Mlcro Double Smart Energy switch wns removed rrom the ZsWave network, the Sreurs lndleeuon LED wlll be blinking lltne Aeolec Micro Double Smart Energy switch was not successrully removed rrom the LWeve network, the status lndlcetlon LED will ettneroe solld on or or tdependlnp on rl the switch ls on or on) Mote it the Micro Double Sman Energy wnch was not put into an inrwall box, another way to reset Aeotec Mlcm Dottble Smart Energy Switch is to press and hold the button which is on Mirao Dottble Smart Energy SWM tor 20 seconds. AEOTEC
Source Exif Data:
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