Aeon Labs DSC25 SMART DIMMER User Manual Smart Dimmer 2nd Edition
Aeon Labs LLC. SMART DIMMER Smart Dimmer 2nd Edition
User Manual
AEOTEC Smart Dimmer & D'mmer (2nd Edition) yrewlne expanded manual nllp llaeoleclsppn/armrner (D Ammo byAeon Labs Smart Dlrrrmor a. Dimmer There are applranceslnalwe lurn on and ollin our homes eacn day Anal oesplte lne lact llral ll‘d save us money lnere are lnose lrral we could lurn oll rl only rl was easrer Aeolec oy Aeon Labs' smarl Drmmer (2no Edrlronl and Drmmer lznd Edrtronl package conve nce‘ conlrol and money savrng consigerolrons rnto one small plugern lool A tool lnat can oo programmed senedulod. controlled and communrcated wiln lrom anywnere rn tne world smorl Drmmer con aolusl orrgnlness or your eleclrrcelrgnl, rt makes a nome or ollrce more cornlorlaole and rnlellrgenl Produols lnat are zeWave cerlrrred can be used and communrcate wiln olner zeWave certrlred devrces ® Pamlllarlsa yoursellwltlr your Dimmer Tnere are 2 plug-rn Drmmers llral lnrs gurde irelps you wiln me Drnrnrerand lrre Smarl D mer On lne oulsrde, lrrey ooln look me same , and you can drslrngursn wnren yours rs vra lne paokagrng or lne lapel on me oaok ol your Drmmer wnrle exlernal omerences are mlnor‘ rnsrde lne lecnnologres we‘ve used navo one crucral drllercnce. lne Smarl Drmmer wrll reporl lne emounl oi eleclricrly lrre devrces Plugged ln to rlsre usrng wlrlletire Dlmmerwrll nol NOTE l rnrs product rs only used as a lamp road, you can adlusl tne orrgnlness ol the lrgnl, long press “Acliun Buuml“ lrgnl lrorn dark to lrgnl or lionl to dark 2 Sollware rnterlece descrrptron please refer lo lne relevant sorlware manual 3 proteelron rmparrrnent rl used rn a manner not specrlred oytne manuraclurer Quick start Geltrng your smart Drmrner or Drmmer up and runnrng rs as simple as pluggrno rl rnto a wall oullet and lrnkrng rt lo your ekrstrng z.Wove nelwork rne rollowrng rnstruclrons tell you now to lrnk your mer lo your zeWave nelwork usrng Aeolec by Aeon Lahs‘ z-strck or Mrnrmole controllers ll you are usrng olner producls as your marn ZrWzve centraller‘ please relerlo tne partoltlrerr respeclrve manuals mal tells you now lo add new devrces to yournetwork llyou‘re usrng aZeSllck l Decroe on where you warrl your Drrnrner lo oe placed and plug rl rn lls marn LED wrll oegrn lo olrnk ll your ZrSchk rs plugged rnlo a gateway or a Domvulen unplug rl Take yourzeStrcklo your Drmmer Press lne Act' n Buncn on yourzesuck Press lrre Action Dullon on your Drmmer ll your Drmmer nas oeen successlully lrnked lo your network rls LED wrll no longer olrnk. ll me lrnkrng was unsuccesslul lne LED will conlrnue to olrnk 7 Press lne Aclron Bullon on lne z-srrek |o lake rt oul olrnslallatron mode Anlcm outlon \\ : lfyou‘ra uslng a Mrnrmole. I Dccrdc on More you wanl your Drmmer to go placed and plug rl rn lts marn LED wrll oegrn to olrnk Take youernimole lo your Drmmer Press lne lnelude aullon on youernrmole Press lneAclron Buuan on your Drrnmer lr your Drrnrner has been successrully lrnkeo ro your nelwcrkl rls LED wrll no longer olrnk lllne lrnkrng was unsuccessrul inc LED wrll conlrnuo to olrnk. o Press any bumm on your Mrnrmole lo take rt our olrnslallalron mode lnclude Now ltral your Drmmer rs up and runnrng, you'll oe aole lo conlrol i| drrectly and also conlrol rt rrom competrole conlrollers rn your zeWaue nelwork M lne Drmmer rlsell you can lurn tne power on and oil or adyusl orrgnlness oi your electrlollgm oy pressing lne Acrron Dullon For eonlrol lrom ollrer :- wave oevroes. please reler lo lne relevanl parl ol lnorrrospeclrvc manuals @Advenced Functlnns . Monrlorrno ymlrenergy usage lr your Drrnrner rs a Smarl Dlmmer‘ u ll report lne energy use olwnalever rs plugged rnto rt hack to a comoalrolo ZrWavD gateway or conlrollor. your Dimmer can reporl wallage usage or krlowallenour (kwnlusage ll your marn conlroller supporls rl. lne energy consumplron wrll oe drsplayed wilnin rls correspondrno rnterlace Please reler lo lne manual ol your main conlroller lor specrlic rnlormalron and rnstruolrons on rnonrlorrng, accessrng and rnlerpretrng lne data collected by your smarl Drmmer. e Removrng yourDrmmerrromazeWavenetwork your Drrnrner can oe rernoved lrorn your zeWeve network al any irrne You‘ll need to use your zeWave network‘s morn conlrorler lo oo lnrs rne rollowrng rnslructrons lell you now |o do lnrs usrng Aeoleo by Aeon Labs’ ZrS|lck and Mrnrmole conlrollers. lr you are usrng olrror producls as your marn ZrWave coMmHen please rerer lo lne parl ol lne respeclrve manuals irral lells you now remove dev es lrorn yournelwork : lryou're usrng az-snck l ll your Z-Sllck rs plugged rnto a gateway or a compularl unplug rl 2 Take ymerr lrcklo your Drmmer. 3 Hold lne Ac on Bullon on your zeSlrck lor 3 seconds 4 Press lne Acllon autlon on your Drmmer 5 ll your Drrnrner has been successrully removed lrom your ne|worky rls LED wrll olrnk lr lne removal was unsuccesslul rts LED wrll not olrnk. o Press inc Aclron auuon on lrro zesuck lo lake rt rtcutor removal mode uclron aullon e ”you‘re using a Minimole. l Take your Mrnrmole lo your Drmmer 2 Pressure Remove oulton on youernrmole 3 PresslneAclron aulton on yourDrmrner 4 ll your Drmmer nas oeen successmlly removed lrorn your nelwork‘ rls LED wrll olrnk ll lne removal was unsuccessrul rls LEDwrll nol olrnk a Press any pulton on your Mrnrmole lo take ll oul orrcmoval modc Remove ® Technical Speclilcatlons Model number DSC251WUSIDSC521WUS DSC25-2WXX/DSC52-ZWXXtXX IndIcate area) Operating Temperature 0 “C to «to °c Verston Input Worktng band US 120V eon, Max 3A 90B 42MHz EU 230V 50Hz, Max 3A 368 42MHz ire 230V50H1,Max 3A ass 42qu UK 230V 5on, Max 3A 358 42MHL IN 230v 5on Max 3A 365 22MHz ER zzuv squ, Max 3A 921AZMH1 IL 230V 5on, Max 3A lass 42MHz AU 230V 5on, Max 3A 921,42MHz 2 Plug Specinca ns USA Europe France UR Indta Evzzll IsrssI AustraIa ® Warranty Aeon Labs warrants to the ortgtnaI purchaser at Products that tor the Warranty Penod (as dettned below), the Products wtiI be tree trom mater-at dolocts In matorIaIs and workmanshln Tho toregotng warranty Is subtect to the proper InstaiIatIon, operahon and matntenance oi the Products In accordance wtih Installatton Insiruottons and the operating manual supphed to Customer Warranty cIaIms must be made by Customer In wrthng wtihtn ihtrty (30) days oithe mantlestatton ot a problem Aeon Lahs‘ soIe obIIgatIon under the toregotng warranty Is, at Aeon LBDS' optton, to repatr, repIace or correct any such detect that was present at the tune ot deIIvery, or to remove the Products and to retund the purchase once to Customer The ”Warranty Pertod“ begins on the date the ProductsrsdeIIvereoandconiInuosrort2 months Any repatrs under thts warranty must be conducted by an authonzed Aeon Labs serytce representattye and under Aeon LBDS‘ RMA pchcy Any repatrs conducted by unauthortzed persons shall yotd thts warranty Excluded trom the warranty are problems due to acctdents, acts otGod, ctvtI or mthtaryauthoniy ctvti dtsturoance, war, stnxes, hres, other catastrophes, mtsuse, mtsoppI-cotton, stovage damage, heeIIeence, eIeotr-oaI power problems, or modthoatton to the Products or us components Aeon Labs does not authortze any person or party to assume or create tor it any other obligation or IIabIIiiy in chneCtIDn wtth the Products except as setiorth heretn Aeon Labs thI pass on to Customer aII manutacturers' Material warranties to the extent that they are translerabIe, but wtlI not Independently warrant any MaiertaI Customer must prepay shtpptng and transportattoh charges tor returned Products, and Insure the shlpmemDraCCBpllherlskoHossOrdamage dunno sueh shtpment and transportatton Aeon Labs thl shtp the repaired or replacement products to Customertretghtprepatd Customer shall Indemmty, detend, and hold Aeon Labs and Aeon LabS' attIIIates, sharehoIders, dtrectors, othcers, employees, contractors, agents and other representattyes harmless Irom aIi demands cIaIms, actions, causes oi action, proceedtngs, suits, assessments, tosses, damages, IIabIItiIes, settlements, Iudgmenis, hnes penaIiIes, Interest, costs and expenses (tncIudtng tees and dtsbursements oi counsel) ol eyery klnd (I) based upon personal Intury ordeath or Intury to property to the extent any oi the toregotng Is proxtmately caused etther by a detecttye product ttncIudtng strict IIabIItty .n tort) or by the negItgeni or thIiuI acts or omtsstons ot customer or Its othoers, emponees, subcontractors or agents, ahdIor tn) artstno irom or reiattng to any actual or alleged Inirtnoemeni or mtsabproprtaiton ol any patent, trademark mask walk, copynghi iradesecretorany actuanraiIeged vtoiatton or any other tnteIIectuaI property rtghts anstng trcrn or In connectton wtth the products except to the extent that such Intnngement extsts as a result oIAeon Labs' manuIactuthg processes IN NO EVENT SHALLAEON LABS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUE, OR USE INCURRED Bv CUSTOMER OR ANv THIRD PARTY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION IN CONTRACT, OR TORT, OR OTHERWISE EVEN IFADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES AEON LABS' LIABILITY AND CUSTOMER‘S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR ANY CAUSE OF ACTION ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT OR THE SALE OR USE OF THE PRODUCTS, WHETHER BASED ON NEGLIGENCE STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF WARRANTY, BREACH OF AGREEMENT, OR EOUITABLE PRINCIPLES. IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO AT AEON LABS' OPTION REPLACEMENT OF, OR REPAVMENT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE FOR THAT PORTION OF PRODUCTS WITH RESPECT TO WHICH DAMAGES ARE CLAIMED ALL CLAIMS OF ANv KIND ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT OR THE SALE OR USE OF PRODUCTS SHALLBE DEEMEDWAIVED UNLESS MADE IN WRITING WITHIN THIRTv (3m DAYS FROM AEON LABS‘S DELIVERY, OR THE DATE FIXED FOR DELIVERY IN THE EVENT OF NONDELIVERY THE INDEMNITY AND WARRANTv IN ABOVE ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER INDEMNITIES OR WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSORIMPLIED,iNCLUDINGTHEIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESSFORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE FCCNOTICE (for USA) THE MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FORANvRADIOORTVINTERFERENCECAUSED Bv UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS TO THIS EQUIPMENT SUCH MODIFICATIONS COULD VOID THE USER‘SAuTHORITYTO OPERATETHE EQUIPMENT Thts deytoe compltes wtth Pants oithe FCC Rules Operatton Is SUDICCHD the IoIIowtng two condthons I Thts devtce may not cause harquI Inteflerenceanfl 2 Thts deutce must accept any Imelfelerice recetyed, Inciudtng tnterterence that may cause undestreo operotton ThIs edutpment has been tested and Iound to oompIy wtth the Itmtts tor a Class B dtottaI deytoe, pursuant to part I5 ot the FCC Rules These Itmtts are destgned to proytde reasonabIe protectton agatnst harmiuI Interterence in a restdentIaI Installation Thts equipment generates, uses and can radtate radto trequency energyand, It not .nstaIied and used In accordance wtth the Instructtons, may cause harmluI tnterterenoe to redo oommuntcattons Howeyer, there Is no guarantee that tnterterenoe thI not occur In a parttcuIar Installation It thts equlpmem does cause narmiuI Inierierence to radto or teIeyIsIon receptton, whtch can be determtned by turntng the equtpment oti and on, the user Is encouraged to try to correct the tnterterence by one or more ol the toiIowtng measures - Reortentorrelocateiherecetytngantenna . Increase the separation between the ecutpment and recetuer . Connect the equtpment tnto an outIet on a ctrcutt dttterent Irom that to whtch the recewer Iseonncotod - ConsuI the dealer or an expenenced radIoITV iechntctantorheip : Warning Do not dtsoosc oi oIcctr-oaI abphancos as unsorted muntctpaI waste, use separate coIlectIon taeIIItIes Contact your IocaI government tor Inlormatton regardtngthecoIIectIonsystemsayaIIabIe Certifications (regional) C€O® Verston soloozsoooolrxol www aeotec com AEOTEC nuormxt-r Iw t- Yy’xIIItliflIwH‘vd awnrt 7m :m-rhsnm, a Box rt . mm on 1 mm m a
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No Page Count : 2 Create Date : D:20130821074236 Modify Date : D:20130821074236 Producer : Corel PDF Engine Version Author : Administrator Creator : CorelDRAW Title : Smart Dimmer (2nd Edition).cdrEXIF Metadata provided by