Aeon Labs SH001 Power Supply for SONTE Film User Manual XBASH001
Aeon Labs LLC. Power Supply for SONTE Film XBASH001
® FA!“ al ENTE WIrFI conrrol lor SONTE Film SONTE Hub Including FowerSupplyand SONTE Film wieFiConlroIlorsoNTE Film PowerSupplyvorsomE Film some Hub is ihe inielligeni power supply that lal's you conlrnl SONTE Fllm, our reyoluiionary. DIV lrienoly digiial shade. SONTE Huh allows you [0 connect two separaie some Films and once connecred io you! Wl-FI network you can wllalessly conllol your digiial shades iogelher lor individually) Via ourApp hyoursoNTE Hub eyuurxull isoi enmeii Dmpm i ouipui 2 Chunnell Sluul lED lEDZ Syllem euiion Euzkle emisy sisiu. LED puniinpui linen-c. - ANixlng youi some Hub Your SONTE Huo can be alliiied lo a surlece. such as a wall or ceiling ~ To mix your SONTE Hub lo a surleoe 1 Remove lhe hacking plale lroiri lhe rear 0! yoursoNTE Huh 2. Place lhe peeking plale agalml your selected survaoe 3. Allix lhe plere lo lhe surlaee using lhe provided sorews, 4. Reauach SONTE Huh lo ils hacking plale by pushing rhe two pieces rogeiher. . Installation is complete SONTE Film 50M: nuo ll wuerprool ierminals conneeisd ie each D‘her Selling your SONTE Huh up and running is as simple as plugging ii inio a wall ouilezand linking it to your exisling wi»Fi nelwork, Eelore you pogln lhe selupi please be sure ihal you have inslelled SONTE Film as per our seperele SONTE Film lnslallaiion lnsrruciions The lollowing lrislruohons will help you llnk your SONTE Huh lo oorh your some Film and your WI-Fi neiwork ‘ Connecl SONTE Fllm lo you! SONTE Huh wlih ihe ceoles provided Yhera ere iwo isngins oi cables lo choose lrom , a moires (9 am) end 5 meires (19 sell) ll you are only using one digital shade, you can plug lhe eeole ro eiiher cuipui 1 or Ouipui 2 ll you are connecllng lwo dig-lei shades. please use oolh culpui l and z 2. once your some Hub is connecleo io your SONTE Film. plug SONTE Hub inio an electrical oulleland lurn u on The Sialus LED on SONTE Hub will blink slowly, 3 Al lhie siege you can lesl lhe selup by pressing lhe conlrol bullons Each bullun le reepeoliyely oonlrol e oorresponding Installation or some Film, wilh each press and release oi lhe hunori il lurns lhe digilal shade on or of! You can also press and hold each oullon lo brighten or dim lhe corresponding SONTE Film 4. New rhal you lie ehle ro conlrol SONTE Film olieeily mini ymii sums Huh ii is iime (n connocl yoursomEHuo lo yourwi-Fi nelworli A Tum on your sman phone's WI'Fl and connect II to (he same Wl-FI network |ha| you will [)8 conlelng your some Hub through, This mosl lihely will be your home‘s orouice's delauliwi-Finerwork a. lnsrell me SONTE Digiiel shede Conlrol EDD 07‘ your phone Von can download ll lrom Appla‘s epp srore and Samsung marketUorlOSandAndrom) (2. Once lhe app is insialleo. click inlo il. You will he presenled wiih [he selup soreen. Tap 'Nexl‘ to begin lhe conneciion process oerween your SONTE Hub and Wi-Fl network. is.“ .u m em you‘re, a in: n,ln lhe Connecrion screen, enier your Wl-Fi nelwork-s password This password should be the same one used lor your home or onice In lhe supeegueni lield eeleoi your lime zone lroni lhe corresponding drop down lisl EV Tap 'Begm Falrlng' Am mm“ Mmemem layman F your smari phone will iry lo esiaolish e oonneolion hsiwesn your SONTE Hub and yourWl-Finalwurk ”low-mim (3 immediately alter pressing Begln Pairing'. on your SONTE Hub immediately press and release the System Eullon. This process tetts SONTE Huti to look tor and connect to your existing Wl-Fi network, it the pairing is successlul. the Status LED will remain III II the pairing tails (with pop up screen below). (ll please ensure that SONTE l-luh rs powered on and repeat step C or m it the some Hub rs powered. lap'Reiry'. Mull: W. I'm MIMI mnembemre WWW vmrvun-mbenm newer—Wm, imam "mar-em $0me nit-e so llukltm'ltihvtcm’v H. Once step G is complete. some Hub will now he oonneeted to your Wi-Ft nalwnlk. SONTE Film can now be controlled directly irorn your smart phone. Vnu should now see 'Device Llsl‘ menu on your screen. Underthis menu. you oan see a list ot all your some Films connected to a SONTE Hub (if more than one is installed) - they will be labelled with a detautt name, To change the detault name. press and hold your linger on the name section until a name change sub-menu pops up Vnu can now change the name. You can also allocate your individual dlgttal shades by zone » suoh as. trying room, or bedroom simply tap 'Add Zone‘ and lollow the on aoreeninatructions. mew ® Advann 5 shoe SONTE Hub is set up and you have customized the names. you control some Film trom the 'Devioa Ltsl‘ menu. Simply slide yourllnger telt to right. right to lelt change the opaeity ot tn digital shade it you have grouped the dr tat shades irito zones. you oen use the -Master ConilnIISl‘ to control and adiust the digital shadesall at once Iuit lOlVS e Tlmels Ior youlSONTE Film One at the Joys at using some Film is that you do not have In pertarm [he iedtaus lask DI opening and closmg your shades everyday as you do with manual shades. tlyou want to put all your digital shades on a timer to them turn on or O" at particular hours. SONTE Hub can automate lhisIovyou. : TO set up a timer: 1. Open the some Digitet Shade Control app, 2. Tap'Tlmers' In the main menu 3. Tap -. Add Timer to enter the-Edit Tlmelable' menu. From here you can add or remove some Film ltmels Tu add them. simplytap the -. Tinte' tiutton. During this stage, you can also set the transparency the SONTE Film should change to using the Events menu. 6. Finally, to seteot whioh SON ilm you want the Timerto conllol. lick or unltck any some Hubsthatare listed underthe Events menu are any. Juan new . ReseningyourSONTE Hub Should you wish to restore your some Hub to its laetory settings. simply press and hold the System Bullan (Or 20 Seconds To Cenflrm Ihal your some l-lup has been restored to its iactory settings. its Status LED will blink slowly. o Removing a SONTE Hub Ilom yourrletwolk To remove your SONTE Hub. along with the SONTE Fllm Slallatmns lhal II Canlmls. Imm the SONTE D ital Shade Control app 1. Open the SONTE Digital Shade Control app. 2. Tap‘DevICas'. 3. Press and hold your linger on the name of the Digital Shade you wish to remove- a delete button will appearon the rtghtolthe screen. 4. Tapthe delele button 5. Tap 'Ves' in the eonltrmation wtndow to conltrm the Hub‘s remnval. teem team 9 0 MW 0 ”its, e We” e Model number.SH001 input Power: AC loov—ztnvsolsmtz, Output Voltage AC 0 - 7uv tor PWM control Ou|puiCurranI. tumor 2 Output Power 7w - 2 Maximum input power: 35w NSC NO’I'E: Thil device :Dmplt’swilh Pen 15 Offlu PU: Rules. Openlinn it when to the folowiegtwc condition (llthis devicemlynol camellmfd inmfmnoe. and (Dd-til devicemm mpteuyieieitereooe resolved, instudiog ioterlereoee the: my eeuee unlimited cpsnlion. THE MANUFACI'URER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RADIO OR TV INTERFERENCE QUSED BY UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS OR U-IANGE TOTHIS EQUIPMENT. SUU'I MODIFICATIONS 0R CHANGE COULD vou) THE USER' s ALTI‘HORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT. To maintain compliance willt FCC' RF “pain! guidelines this equipment elm-Id be irluled and operated with a minimum dinmu otzoari between the radiator and ywr body. FNTE Wi-Fi Control tarsoNiE Film
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.4-c005 78.147326, 2012/08/23-13:03:03 Producer : Acrobat Elements 7.0.5 (Windows) Create Date : 2014:04:30 18:11:33+08:00 Creator Tool : PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 Modify Date : 2014:04:30 18:11:52+08:00 Metadata Date : 2014:04:30 18:11:52+08:00 Format : application/pdf Title : XBASH001_User Manual.pdf Creator : Administrator Document ID : uuid:be248a70-733f-45fb-baf9-ab040223c4ef Instance ID : uuid:61e000ba-5069-484d-a75a-63acc7fda43d Page Count : 2 Author : AdministratorEXIF Metadata provided by