Agfa Gevaert N V 5364A Drystar550X/xxx Medical tabletop printer User Manual Drystar 5500 5503

Agfa Gevaert N V Drystar550X/xxx Medical tabletop printer Drystar 5500 5503


Drystar 5500/5503Reference manual2900H EN 20071108
22900H EN 20071108DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALFigure 1: CE-LabelFor more information on Agfa products and Agfa HealthCare products, please visit Agfa and the Agfa rhombus are trademarks of Agfa-Gevaert N.V., Belgium or its affiliates. Drystar 5500-5503is a trademark of Agfa HealthCare N.V., Belgium or one of its affiliates. All other trademarks are held by theirrespective owners and are used in an editorial fashion with no intention of infringement.Agfa HealthCareN.V. makes no warranties or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu-racy, completeness or usefulness of the information contained in this document and specifically disclaims war-ranties of suitability for any particular purpose. Products and services may not be available for your local area.Please contact your local sales representative for availability information. Agfa HealthCare N.V. diligentlystrives to provide as accurate information as possible, but shall not be responsible for any typographical error.Agfa HealthCare N.V. shall under no circumstances be liable for any damage arising from the use or inability touse any information, apparatus, method or process disclosed in this document. Agfa HealthCare N.V. reservesthe right to make changes to this document without prior notice.Copyright 2007 Agfa HealthCare N.V.All rights reserved.Published by Agfa HealthCare N.V.B-2640 Mortsel - Belgium.No part of this document may be reproduced, copied, adapted or transmitted in any form or by any meanswithout the written permission of Agfa HealthCare N.V.0413
32900H EN 20071108DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALTable of contentsAbout this manual ..........................................................................................7Chapter 1: Introducing the Drystar 5500 ..................................................9Drystar 5500 features...................................................................................10Safety precautions ........................................................................................13Security precautions.....................................................................................17Safety compliance.........................................................................................18Privacy and security .....................................................................................22Operating modes ..........................................................................................24Control modes (local and remote) ...............................................................26The local user interface ................................................................................27Switching on the Drystar 5500.....................................................................34Cooling down the Drystar 5500 ...................................................................36Switching off the Drystar 5500 ....................................................................36Chapter 2: Basic operation (operator mode)...........................................37Overview of operator functions ...................................................................38Managing the print queue ............................................................................39Assigning emergency priority ......................................................................41Deleting print jobs ........................................................................................42About Drystar 5500 consumables ................................................................44Loading films ................................................................................................46Chapter 3: Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)..........................55Overview of Key-operator functions ............................................................56Stopping the printing process ......................................................................59Viewing printer information ........................................................................60Changing the configuration settings ............................................................69Printing images...........................................................................................100Saving the configuration settings...............................................................105Restoring the configuration settings..........................................................107Performing the calibration procedures...................................................... 111Installation .................................................................................................121Quality control for general radiography applications (DT 2 B & DT 2 C).......... 141Quality control for mammography application (DT 2 Mammo) (optional)....153
42900H EN 20071108DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChapter 4: Controlling the Drystar 5500 via a remote PC (withbrowser)......................................................................................................... 165Features ......................................................................................................166Setup........................................................................................................... 167Setting up the connection .......................................................................... 168Starting the remote session........................................................................ 173Chapter 5: System description.................................................................. 177Main components ....................................................................................... 178Functional description ............................................................................... 179Changing the film format of the trays........................................................180Drystar 5500 network configuration .........................................................183Transport after installation ........................................................................184Chapter 6: Preventive maintenance and replacements.......................185Preventive maintenance schedule..............................................................186Cleaning the exterior.................................................................................. 187Cleaning the dust rollers ............................................................................188Cleaning the cooling air flow holes............................................................192Chapter 7: Troubleshooting....................................................................... 193Troubleshooting checklist .......................................................................... 194The Drystar 5500 does not print ................................................................ 196Clearing of film jams .................................................................................. 199Film identification problems ...................................................................... 214Start-up errors............................................................................................ 218Maintaining image quality and resolving Image quality problems ...........220Warning messages......................................................................................225Appendix A: Equipment information sheet............................................227Specifications .............................................................................................228Viewing the System info area on a film......................................................233Options and accessories .............................................................................235Connectivity................................................................................................236
52900H EN 20071108DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALAppendix B: Drystar media density response data ...............................237DRYSTAR DT 2 B .........................................................................................238DRYSTAR DT 2 C .........................................................................................239DRYSTAR DT 2 Mammo (optional) ............................................................240Appendix C: Quality Control Charts ........................................................ 241Charts for general radiography QC ............................................................242Charts for mammography QC (optional) ...................................................247Appendix D: Remarks for HF-emission and immunity.........................253Appendix E: Index........................................................................................259
62900H EN 20071108DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL
72900H EN 20071108DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALAbout this manualScopeThe Drystar 5500/5503 Reference manual is intended for both theDrystar 5500 and the Drystar 5503 printers.The only difference between both printers is the number of input trays:•The Drystar 5500 is fitted with two input trays,named Upper input tray and Lower input tray.•The Drystar 5503 is fitted with three input trays,named Upper input tray, Middle input tray and Lower input tray.The operation is identical for each input tray.This manual only deals with the Drystar 5500 printer, equipped with two trays. As the operation of the Middle input tray is identical to the Upper and Lower input tray, this manual is also applicable for the Drystar 5503 printer equipped with three trays.UpperLowerUpperMiddleLower
82900H EN 20071108DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALABC ordering codesThe table below lists the ordering codes for the Drystar 5500, Drystar 5503and possible options.Available Software versionsThe table below lists the available software versions and the type of printerthey require:Description ABC code RemarkDrystar 5500 EJ7SX •standard two trays • A#sharp technology is includedDrystar 5503 ESKZV •standard three trays • A#sharp technology is includedMammo option for Drystar 5500 ER3N3 • applicable for Drystar 5500• A#sharp technology is includedMammo option for Drystar 5503 ER3O5 • applicable for Drystar 5503• A#sharp technology is includedA#sharp kit for Drystar 5500 ERA2O applicable for Drystar 5500 with a software version lower then 3.00Cleaning roller tissue EQU6YSoftware version (SW) Printer3.x supports Drystar 55004.0.x supports Drystar 55004.2.x supports Drystar 5500 (RoHs compliant)5.0.x supports Drystar 55035.2.x supports Drystar 5503 (RoHs compliant)6.x supports Drystar 5500 and 5503 (RoHs compliant)
Introducing theDrystar 5500This chapter introduces the Drystar 5500 to the user and draws attention to important safety precautions.TDrystar 5500 featuresTSafety precautionsTSecurity precautionsTSafety complianceTPrivacy and securityTOperating modesTControl modes (local and remote)TThe local user interfaceTSwitching on the Drystar 5500TCooling down the Drystar 5500TSwitching off the Drystar 5500Chapter 1
10 2900H EN 20071108Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALDrystar 5500 featuresThe Drystar 5500 is a dry digital printer for producing diagnostic images. Itcan print multiple formats (8x10”, 10x12”, 11x14”, 14x14”, and 14x17”) ofblue-based and clear-based film and offers crisp, dense grayscale images. TheDrystar 5500 can be used for general radiography and optionally for themammography application. It is designed for high-throughput and for use as acentral printer.The Drystar 5500 offers the following features:QDry technology for printing diagnostic quality hard copies in full daylight offersimportant advantages: no chemistry, no wet processing, simple cleaning proce-dures, no time-consuming adjustments, no darkroom and no chemical disposalcosts. The consumables can be loaded in full daylight.QWith its compact design, the Drystar 5500 needs little work space and allowseasy customer access. Maintenance and service activities are reduced to theminimum.QThe direct thermal printing system provides grayscale images with laser-likequality: 508 dots per inch resolution, each pixel with a 14 bit contrast resolutionand an average optical density of 3.0 (DT 2 C) and 3.2 (DT 2 B) for general radi-ography applications and 3.8 for the optional mammography application (if anX-Rite 310 densitometer is used).QThe built-in image spooling on hard disk assures a high throughput. Printingtime is kept to a minimum.QMultiple film formats (8x10”, 10x12”, 11x14”, 14x14”, and 14x17”) can be used.Any combination of two film formats can be used “on line”. Both input trays canbe adjusted for all film formats.QThe input trays of the Drystar 5500 are equipped with an RF-tag reader, whichautomatically traces the films used in the printer and protects the printer whendetecting non-identified media.QNumber of input trays.The Drystar 5500 is delivered with 2 input trays. Both input trays can usemultiple format (8x10” up to 14x17”) films.The Drystar 5500 is a DICOM-only network printer.
112900H EN 20071108 Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALQNumber of output traysThe Drystar 5500 is delivered with 4 output trays, which can be assigned tomodalities in any combination.QA Quality Control software module is available for the Key-operator. The QCprocedure for general radiography applications has been designed to complywith the grayscale reproduction constancy test, according to the internationalstandard IEC 1223-2-4. For more information, refer to ‘Quality control for gen-eral radiography applications (DT 2 B & DT 2 C)’ on page 141. The QC proce-dure for the optional mammography application has been designed to complywith the Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) of the FDA. For moreinformation, refer to ‘Quality control for mammography application(DT 2 Mammo) (optional)’ on page 153. QIntegrated A#sharp technologyA#sharp is a technology that enhances image sharpness for the Drystar 5500.An A#sharp label on the upper tray shows that the imager has been upgradedwith this technology.The A#sharp technology is present in Software version 3.00 and higher.1A#Sharp label1
12 2900H EN 20071108Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALNetwork featuresQThe modular design offers optimal application to your specific networkingrequirements.In a network configuration, the Drystar 5500 is fully compatible with Agfa’sdiagnostic imaging systems, including the ADC Compact and ADC QualitySystem software, the Paxport and the entire line of Impax Review Systems,Storage Stations and Transmitting Stations.QThe functionality of the Drystar 5500 is completely controlled via the network.QYou can control the working of the Drystar 5500 via the local keypad or via aremote PC featuring a browser functionality.Customizable featuresQNumber of output trays.The Drystar 5500 is delivered with 4 output trays and a sorter.QConsumables.The Drystar 5500 can handle DRYSTAR DT 2 B and DRYSTAR DT 2 Cconsumables (both are general radiography film types) in multiple formats(8x10” up to 14x17”) and optionally DRYSTAR DT 2 Mammo (mammograpyfilm type) consumables, available in the formats 8x10”, 10x12” and 11x14”.Software license informationQThe Drystar 5500 printer uses software developed by the Apache SoftwareFoundation (
132900H EN 20071108 Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALSafety precautionsWhen operating or maintaining the Drystar 5500, always observe thefollowing safety guidelines:•Have electrical or mechanical defects repaired by skilled personnel only!•Do not override or disconnect the integrated safety features.•Ventilation openings may not be covered.•Always switch off the Drystar 5500 and disconnect the power cord from the outlet before carrying out any maintenance work.Always take into account the markings provided on the inside and outside ofthe printer. A brief overview of these markings and their meaning is givenbelow.The Drystar 5500 must only be operated according to its specifications and its intended use. Any operation not corresponding to the specifications or intended use may result in hazards, which in turn may lead to serious injuries or fatal accidents (for example electric shocks). AGFA positively will not assume any liability in these cases.All images created using any image technology can show artifacts which could be mixed up with diagnostic relevant information. If there is any doubt that the diagnostic information could not be absolutely true, additional investigations must be performed to get a clear diagnostic.Film jam removal or Cleaning the printer thermal head can be done without switching the power off. Nevertheless, care should be taken and the following instructions should be respected:Safety warning, indicating that the Drystar 5500 manuals should be consulted before making any connections to other equipment. The use of accessory equipment not complying with the equivalent safety requirements of this printer may lead to a reduced level of safety of the resulting system. Consideration relating to the choice of accessory equipment shall include:• Use of the accessory equipment in the patient vicinity,• Evidence that the safety certification of the accessory equipment has been performed in accordance with the appropriate IEC 601-1 and IEC 601-1-2 harmonized national standard.In addition all configurations must comply with the medical electrical systems standard IEC 601-1-2. The party that makes the connections acts as system configurator and is responsible for complying with the systems standard.If required contact your local service organization.
14 2900H EN 20071108Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALCaution hot:Keep hands clear from the thermal print head.In order to reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove any covers.Type B equipment:Indicates that the Drystar 5500 complies with the limits for type B equipment.Supplementary protective earth connector:Provides a connection between the Drystar 5500 and the potential equalization busbar of the electrical system as found in medical environments. This plug should never be unplugged before the power is turned off and the power plug has been removed.Intergrounding connector:Provides a connection between the printer and other equipment which might exhibit minor ground potential differences. These differences may degrade the quality of communication between different equipment. Never remove connections to this terminal.Protective earth (ground):Provides a connection between the printer and the protective earth of the mains. Do not remove this connection, because this will have a negative influence on the leakage current.Power button:Note that the power cord has to be disconnected from the wall outlet in order to disconnect the unit entirely from the mains.Precautions for use in USA only:Make sure that the circuit is single-phase center-tapped, if the printer is connected to a 240 V/60 Hz source instead of a 120 V/60 Hz source.
152900H EN 20071108 Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALTransport after installationBefore moving the printer, always switch off the machine. The user has to bevery cautious concerning stability, when moving the printer. When doing this,he has to take into account the condition and the structure of the subsoil,obstructions and slopes. Also the user has to make sure that the brakes areloose. The appliance can only be transported with all covers closed. Theappliance may not be transported continuously from one location to the other.Waste disposal and environmental regulationsTo prevent injuries, lock the brakes when the Drystar 5500 is in place at the right location.This symbol on the product, or in the manual and in the warranty, and/or on its packaging indicates that this product shall not be treated as household waste.Instead it shall be handled over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. For more detailed information about take-back and recycling of this product, please contact your local Agfa service organization.By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product. The recycling of materials will help to conserve natural resources. If your equipment contains easy removable batteries or accumulators please dispose these separately according to your local requirements.
16 2900H EN 20071108Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALRestriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances (RoHS)The RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) Directive No 2002/95/EC of the European Union focuses on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment. Member States of the European Union (EU) shall ensure that, from 1 July 2006, new electrical and electronic equipment put on the market (EU countries), does not contain the following substances above specified concentrations at the homogeneous material level:• Cadmium (0.01%) •Hexavalent chromium (0.1%) •Lead (0.1%) •Mercury (0.1%) • Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) (0.1%) • Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) (0.1%) At the date of preparation of this manual, Medical Devices are exempted of the RoHS Directive.However Agfa HealthCare is committed to meet the requirements of the European RoHS Directive in case the exemption is cancelled.If there is a RoHS label at the rear of the printer it means that the printer is RoHS compliant and does not contain the above listed substances above the mentioned concentrations at the homogeneous material level.In case of questions or more detailed information do not hesitate to contact your local sales organization.
172900H EN 20071108 Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALSecurity precautionsCAUTION (U.S.A. only): In accordance with U.S. Law, this device can only be sold to or ordered by a licensed physician.Printed images should be treated as patient records and should only be viewed by authorized personnel.It is good practice not to delete images from the modality, until they are correctly printed.It is advisable to do a reprint when film artifacts are present in the image.In case of general image quality degradation, please refer to ‘Maintaining image quality and resolving Image quality problems’ on page 220.
18 2900H EN 20071108Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALSafety complianceEMC issues•USA: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the Reference manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at its own expense.•If required, contact your local service organization.•Canada: This class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.•EC: This is a class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.CompliancesThe Drystar 5500 has been tested and found to comply with the followinginternational standards and regulations:•The Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC•CFR Part 21•FDA 510K, FDA Part 820 Good manufacturing Practice for Medical devices•The Quality Control test procedure for general radiography applications (refer to ‘Quality control for general radiography applications (DT 2 B & DT 2 C)’ on page 141 complies with the grayscale reproduction constancy test, according to the international standard IEC 1223-2-4.•The Quality Control test procedure for the optional mammography application (refer to ‘Quality control for mammography application (DT 2 Mammo) (optional)’ on page 153) complies with the Mammography Quality Standard Act (MQSA) of the FDA.
192900H EN 20071108 Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALSafety standards•IEC 60601-1•EN 60601-1•UL 2601-1•CSA 22.2 No. 601.1-M90•GB4943Radio-interference regulations (interference suppression)•FCC Rules 47 CFR part 15 subpart B•FCC Rules 47 CFR part 15 subpart C•IEC 60601-1-2•CISPR 11, class A•CISPR 22, class A•IEC 61000-4-3•IEC 61000-4-4•IEC 61000-4-5•IEC 61000-4-6•IEC 61000-3-2•IEC 61000-3-3•IEC 61000-4-11•ETSI 300330•GB9254, Class A•GB17625.1LabelsThe Drystar 5500/5503 carries the CE, TÜV, cULus and CCC labels.
20 2900H EN 20071108Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALLabels Drystar 5500:The following labels are located behind the front door:•Open the front door.•The labels are visible inside the printer.1CCC label2CE, TÜV and cULus labelsType5364/100Date:MM.JJJJF-Nr.xxxxx MFRI.D.:P100-120/220-240V6/3A50-60HzAGFAGEVAERTN.V.MadeinGermanyMEDICALELECTRICEQUIPMENT WITHRESPECTTOELECTRICSHOCK,FIRE,ANDMECHANICALHAZARDSONLYINACCORDANCEWITHUL2601-1/CAN/CSAC22.2NO.601.19F031 2
212900H EN 20071108 Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALLabels Drystar 5503:The following labels are located behind the drum compartment door:•Open the drum compartment door by pulling its handle.•The labels are visible inside the printer.Power cord regulations•Use attached power cord set to the product.•Do not use attached power cord set for other electric equipment.1CCC label2CE, TÜV and cULus labelsType 5364/100                  Date: MM.JJJJ F-Nr. xxxxx                MFR I.D.: P100-120/220-240V  6 / 3A  50-60Hz AGFA GEVAERT N.V.Made in Germany  MEDICAL ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT  WITH RESPECT TO ELECTRIC SHOCK, FIRE, AND MECHANICAL HAZARDS ONLY INACCORDANCE WITH UL2601-1 / CAN/CSA C22.2 NO.601.1 9F03 12
22 2900H EN 20071108Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALPrivacy and securityWithin the healthcare industry, several standardization efforts are ongoing asa response to Privacy and Security legislation and regulations. The purpose ofthis standardization for hospitals and vendors is to enable informationsharing, interoperability and to support the workflow of hospitals in amultiple vendor environment.In order to allow hospitals to comply with HIPAA regulations (HealthInsurance Portability and Accountability Act) and to meet the IHE standards(Integrated Healthcare Enterprise) some security features are included in theuser interface of the Drystar 5500 (available via the web pages only: under‘Security tools’. Refer to Chapter 4, ‘Controlling the Drystar 5500 via a remotePC (with browser)’):•Product Authentication: HIPAA supported products that communicate with DICOM use the Transport Layer   Security   (TLS)   protocol. The TLS protocol uses public key certificates for client and server authentication (X.509).•Product Accountability: HIPAA supported products require some level of user and system activity to be recorded. As a consequence of these actions, audit records are to be sent to and observed at an Audit Record Repository (ARR).•Product User Authentication: 'User Authentication' of HIPAA products involves password protection for access to User, Key operator, Service Security/ Administrator and other user interfaces that allow access to protected health information (PHI). These interfaces include all user keypads, front panels displays and network connections.The last two functions are available when access to the Administrator isgranted (i.e. when the Administrator password has been entered correctly).
232900H EN 20071108 Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALNode authentication, certificates and Certification AuthorityEach device - connected to a network - will receive a unique identifier: theX.509 certificate, a digital passport. Any device on the network is onlyallowed to communicate with another node of which it is holding thecertificate in a ‘communication allowed’ table.A Certification Authority (CA) is responsible for creating a certificate. The CAcan be the hospital, Agfa or a third party.This CA distributes the certificate to the hospital security responsible orservice technician, who for his part:•Imports the device certificate, created by the CA.•Imports the certificates of all peer devices with which communication is authorized, i.e. creates the list of ‘communication allowed’ device certificates.
24 2900H EN 20071108Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALOperating modesThe Drystar 5500 can be operated in five modes: operator mode, Key-operator mode, service mode, specialist mode, and administrator mode.Operator modeThe operator mode groups all basic functions which are aimed atradiographers without special technical skills:•Producing diagnostic usable hardcopies;•Loading consumables;•Ensuring normal operation of the printer.All functions of the operator mode are described in both User and Referencemanuals. Refer to Chapter 2, ‘Basic operation (operator mode)’.Acces is possible via the local keypad and via a connected remote PC(password protected).Key-operator modeThe Key-operator mode groups advanced functions which are aimed attechnically skilled operators such as X-ray operators, network managers andservice and hospital technicians.The Key-operator mode is menu-driven. The Key-operator functions aredescribed in the Reference manual only. Refer to Chapter 3, ‘Advancedoperation (Key-operator mode)’.Acces is possible via the local keypad and via a connected remote PC(password protected).Service modeThe service mode functions are reserved for trained service personnel. Theservice mode is password protected.Acces is possible via the local keypad and via a connected remote PC. In bothcases the service personnel needs a password.
252900H EN 20071108 Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALSpecialist modeThe specialist mode functions are reserved for trained service personnel ofthe Agfa Customer Support Center. The specialist mode is password protectedand is only accessible by browser via a remote PC.Administrator modeThe Administrator mode functions are reserved for the System Administrator.The Administrator mode is password protected and is only accessible bybrowser via a remote PC. Refer to ‘Privacy and security’ on page 22.
26 2900H EN 20071108Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALControl modes (local and remote)You can control the working of the Drystar 5500 via the local keypad or via anetwork browser based remote PC.The table below gives an overview of the operating modes you can accesslocally or via the remote PC.The manual describes the controlling of the Drystar 5500 via the keypad.When controlling the Drystar 5500 via a remote PC, the menus are structuredin the same way. Refer to Chapter 4, ‘Controlling the Drystar 5500 via a remotePC (with browser)’.Local Password protected Remote Password protectedOperator mode No Operator mode YesKey-operator mode No Key-operator mode YesService mode Yes Service mode YesSpecialist mode No access Specialist mode YesAdministrator mode No access Administrator mode Yes
272900H EN 20071108 Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALThe local user interfaceThe Drystar 5500 interfaces with the user via the following controls:•Power button;•Unlock button;•a keypad and a display;•a status indicator LED;•audio signals.Overview of user interface controls:1Unlock button2Power button3Display4Keypad cover5 Status indicator LED6Film input tray (Upper input tray)7Film input tray (Lower input tray)Never try to open the printer when the Drystar 5500 is busy printing a film. Always follow the instructions on the display!1234567
28 2900H EN 20071108Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALThe status indicator LEDAt the right side of the display, a LED indicates the status of the Drystar 5500:The control buttonsTwo control buttons have been provided:Audio signalsThe Drystar 5500 gives status information via beeps. The length of the beepindicates the response of the system to a key command.•A short beep means that Drystar 5500 has accepted the key command and is starting the operation.•A long beep means that you have pressed a non-active key or that the Drystar 5500 has rejected the key command.Color / Light Status ActionGreenConstant Ready (stand-by) Proceed.Blinking Busy or in Key-operator mode Wait.RedBlinking Warning status Check the display for messages. Refer to ‘Checking the status indicator LED’ on page 195.Constant Error statusUnlock button • To safely unlock the printer for accessing the input trays or opening the covers.Power button • To power on or off the printer.Do NOT press the Power button without first following the procedure to stop printing when the Drystar 5500 is busy printing a film. Refer to ‘Switching off the Drystar 5500’ on page 36.Certain conditions can cause an interval beep. An interval beep accompanies an error or warning message. Refer to ‘Troubleshooting checklist’ on page 194.
292900H EN 20071108 Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALThe keypadTo access the keypad, push the keypad cover backward.The keypad is located under the keypad cover.The Drystar 5500 keypad features the following keys:Emergency keyTo rearrange the print queue: emergency jobs can be placed at the top of the queue to be printed with priority. Refer to ‘Assigning emergency priority’ on page 41.Delete key To delete print jobs. Jobs that are deleted will not be printed. Refer to ‘Deleting print jobs’ on page 42.Key-operator keyTo access the advanced functions of the Key-operator mode. Refer to Chapter 3, ‘Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)’.Service key To access service-level functions. Reserved for trained service personnel.Escape key To quit the current function or exit a menu without saving modifications.Confirm key(In Key-operator mode)• To select a menu.• To accept an entry in a menu.
30 2900H EN 20071108Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALUp key• To move the cursor to the previous entry field.• To scroll upwards.• To increment the number in a(n) (alpha)numerical entry field.Down key• To move the cursor to the next entry field.• To scroll downwards.• To decrement the number in a(n) (alpha)numerical entry field. Left key• To scroll backwards through multiple choices within a field.• To move the entry position in a(n) (alpha)numerical entry field from right to left.• To toggle between values in a field.Right key• To scroll forwards through multiple choices within a field.• To move the entry position in a(n) (alpha)numerical entry field from left to right.• To toggle between values in a field.You can press and hold down an arrow key to scroll quickly through a list or a menu.
312900H EN 20071108 Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALThe displayThe Drystar 5500 control panel has a backlit LCD display. We distinguish twopanel types depending on the selected language:•a backlit LCD display with 8 lines for Western languages (e.g. Dutch, French, Portuguese, Swedisch, ...).•a backlit LCD display with 4 lines for all other languages (e.g. Greek, Chinese, Korean, Polish,...).Whether a display is translated or not depends on the operating mode. Operator modeIn operator mode, appropriate information is displayed, in accordance withthe status of the printer.The operator basic screen looks as follows, indicating that the Drystar 5500 isready for operation and that no job is currently being executed.Contact Agfa for the latest Drystar 5500 language availability status.
32 2900H EN 20071108Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALDuring printing, calculation and other processes, as the printer is busy with atleast one job, the Print queue screen is displayed:•The progress indicator keeps the user informed of the progress of a process (e.g., calculation of a bitmap, printing of a film, copying files). The line is gradually filled from left to right, from 0% to 100% as the process proceeds.Refer to ‘Managing the print queue’ on page 39.Key-operator modeIn Key-operator mode, operation is menu driven. The menu displays the Key-operator functions and the active keys.On the print queue screen the modality name defined during installation (nickname) will be used to refer to the corresponding modality. In case no nickname has been defined during installation, this AE-title will be used.1Key-operator main menu functions2Active keys<Modality name> 10:21:34 PRINTING1 2<Modality name> 10:21:34 CALCULATING<Modality name> 11:35:27 WAITING<Modality name> 11:54:02 WAITING8 Installation9 Quality Control21
332900H EN 20071108 Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALData entryWhen entering numerical or alphanumerical data, always adhere to thefollowing principles:•Only (alpha)numerical data can be entered.•During the data entry, the field is displayed in reverse mode.•Increment the number in a(n) (alpha)numerical entry field by pressing the Up key. Transition from 9 to 0 of one figure will also increment the next figure to the left, respecting the valid limits of the range.•Decrement the number in a(n) (alpha)numerical entry field by pressing the Down key. Transition from 0 to 9 of one figure will also decrement the next figure to the left, respecting the valid limits of the range.•Move the entry position in a(n) (alpha)numerical entry field from right to left by pressing the Left key.•Move the entry position in a(n) (alpha)numerical entry field from left to right by pressing the Right key.•Press and hold down a key to repeat arrow key actions.•To accept an entry in a menu, press the Confirm key.•A short beep acknowledges and terminates the entry.•The Drystar 5500 will sound a long beep if you press a key that is not to be used at that moment.
34 2900H EN 20071108Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALSwitching on the Drystar 5500Follow the procedure below to ensure proper start-up of the Drystar 5500 andto check that everything is working correctly.1Check that the power cord is plugged in and then switch on the printer by pressing the Power button.On the display, the following message is displayed. After a short while, a progress indicator will show the proceeding of the self test.Before switching on the Drystar 5500, read the safety instructions. Refer to ‘Security precautions’ on page 17.
352900H EN 20071108 Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL2The printer is ready for operation:•If, on the front panel display, the READY message is shown, the status indicator LED is constant green.•If, on the front panel display, the Print queue screen is shown, the status indicator LED is green and blinking.3Make sure that the printer is loaded with appropriate consumables.It takes 11 minutes before the Drystar 5500 can start printing. After 6 minutes the READY message appears and from then on you can send print jobs to the printer, but it will take another five minutes for the printer head to heat up. When you send print jobs to the Drystar 5500 during this five minutes, the printer will use that time to calculate the print job and the display will inform you that the printer is warming up.Refer to page 46 for detailed information on loading films.If the job status holds a warning or error indication. Refer to ‘Troubleshooting checklist’ on page 194.<Modality name> 10:21:34 PRINTING1 2<Modality name> 10:21:34 CALCULATING<Modality name> 11:35:27 WAITING<Modality name> 11:54:02 WAITING
36 2900H EN 20071108Introducing the Drystar 5500DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALCooling down the Drystar 5500If owing to certain circumstances (e.g. extensive printing), the temperaturerises too much, the Drystar 5500 will cool down automatically. The coolingdown message will appaear on the display during the cooling down process.Switching off the Drystar 5500When you want to switch off the printer, it is recommended to follow theprocedure as described below, to make sure that any pending jobs arecorrectly finished.1Make sure that the pending jobs are correctly finished. If necessary, follow the procedure to stop printing. Refer to ‘Stopping the printing process’ on page 59.2Press the Power button to switch off the Drystar 5500.In case the printer is ready, it shuts down immediately. Otherwise it can take up to 10 seconds to power down.
Basic operation(operator mode)This chapter will inform on how to manage the print queue, how to print films with priority and how to load new films.TOverview of operator functionsTManaging the print queueTAssigning emergency priorityTDeleting print jobsTAbout Drystar 5500 consumablesTLoading filmsChapter 2
38 2900H EN 20071108Basic operation (operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALOverview of operator functionsThis section focuses on the basic operating principles of the Drystar 5500.After reading this chapter, the operator should be able to produce diagnosticusable hardcopies. No special technical skills are required.All basic operator functions can be activated directly by pressing a single keyon the keypad.Function / Task Description Page‘Managing the print queue’Jobs that have been received are put in a print queue, waiting to be printed.39‘Assigning emergency priority’To rearrange the order in which jobs are waiting to be printed. Jobs that have emergency priority are placed on top of the print queue.41‘Deleting print jobs’To remove print jobs from the print queue. Print jobs that are deleted will not be printed.42‘Loading films’ Instructions for loading new films on the printer. 46
392900H EN 20071108 Basic operation (operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALManaging the print queueYou can always check the status of the print jobs.As long as the jobs are not yet submitted for printing (i.e. they are still in the‘waiting’ status), you can assign emergency priority and delete individualprint jobs.Checking the print queueIf jobs have been transmitted from the network to the Drystar 5500, they areput in the print queue on a first in, first out schedule. New jobs that are addedto the queue get the ‘waiting’ status.As soon as the last film of a job is ejected in the output tray, the next job thathas been calculated will be put in printing status.Example of the Print queue screen:•The first line shows information on the job that is currently being printed: modality name, a nickname (if defined), time of receipt of the job and the job status.•The second line shows how many films are to be printed for the current job, and also what film from that total is currently being printed.•On the third line you can watch the progress of the printing process. The progress indicator is gradually filled from left to right, from 0% to 100% as the process is completed. If no job is being printed, the progress indicator will show the proceeding of the calculation process of the next job.Keep in mind that one print job can hold several films to be printed. In accordance with the acquisition modality used, and the actual settings, films can be grouped in a folder to be submitted as one print job for the Drystar 5500. Refer to the User manual of the acquisition modality for more information.<Modality name> 10:21:34 PRINTING1 2<Modality name> 10:21:34 CALCULATING<Modality name> 11:35:27 WAITING<Modality name> 11:54:02 WAITING
40 2900H EN 20071108Basic operation (operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALThe other lines give information on the jobs that are still waiting in the printqueue. A description of the possible status of each job is listed in the tablebelow:Status Description ActionPrinting Printing of this job is in progress.Wait.CalculatingThe necessary calculations are being made before printing of the job can be started.WaitingThe job has been put in the print queue, but no processing is yet being done. Wait. • To put emergency jobs on top of the queue, refer to ‘Assigning emergency priority’ on page 41.• To remove jobs from the queue, refer to ‘Deleting print jobs’ on page 42.Media size indicationNo compatible media are loaded for the print job.Make sure the correct media are loaded.On the print queue screen the modality name defined during installation (nickname) will be used to refer to the corresponding modality. In case no nickname has been defined during installation, this AE-title will be used.If the job status holds a warning or error indication, refer to ‘Error messages while the printer starts up’ on page 218.
412900H EN 20071108 Basic operation (operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALAssigning emergency priorityYou can assign emergency priority to jobs that need to be printed withurgency. Jobs that are marked for priority handling are placed at the top ofthe print queue for immediate processing. Emergency jobs will be printedbefore other jobs that were received previously. However, any pending jobsthat are already being calculated or scheduled for printing will be finishedfirst.1On the keypad, press the Emergency key.The Emergency printing screen is displayed:You can press the Escape key to return to the previous menu without making changes in the job order (‘Quit’).2Press the Down and Up keys to scroll through the jobs and press the Confirm key to select the job that must be printed with emergency priority.Printing will be resumed in accordance with the changed queue order.Only the jobs that have the ‘waiting’ status are displayed. Print jobs which already have an emergency status are blinking.<Modality name>18-01-200511:07:18<Modality name>18-01-200511:07:36
42 2900H EN 20071108Basic operation (operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALDeleting print jobsYou can remove jobs from the print queue if they are in the ‘waiting status’.Any pending jobs that are already being calculated or scheduled for printingwill be finished. Such jobs can not be deleted.1On the keypad, press the Delete key.The Delete print job screen is displayed:You can press the Escape key to return to the previous menu without deleting print jobs (‘Quit’).2Press the Down and Up keys to scroll through the jobs and press the Confirm key to select the job that must be deleted.The Confirm delete screen is displayed.You can press the Escape key to return to the previous menu without deleting print jobs (‘Cancel’).Only the jobs that have the ‘waiting’ status are displayed.On the print queue screen the modality name defined during installation (nickname) will be used to refer to the corresponding modality. In case no nickname has been defined during installation, this AE-title will be used.If you want to delete all jobs at once, press the up/down arrow keys to select ‘All jobs’, followed by the Confirm key. Proceed with the next step.<Modality name>18-01-200511:07:18<Modality name>18-01-200511:07:36<Modality name>18-01-200511:07:18
432900H EN 20071108 Basic operation (operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL3Press the Confirm key to delete the print job.Printing will be resumed. The job that has been deleted will not be printed.
44 2900H EN 20071108Basic operation (operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALAbout Drystar 5500 consumablesThe Drystar 5500 can handle blue-transparent DT 2 B, clear-transparentDT 2 C (both for general radiography) and optionally (refer to ‘Options andaccessories’ on page 235) the blue-transparent DT 2 Mammo (for themammography application) films.Available film formats for general radiography applications are 8x10”,10x12”, 11x14”, 14x14”, and 14x17”. Available film formats for themammography application are 8x10”, 10x12” and 11x14”.Both input trays can use all film formats.The Key-operator can adjust the film size setting for both input trays. For more information about adjusting film size setting, refer to ‘Changing the film format of the trays’ on page 180.Labeling the input traysThe following film types can be used:The different formats are configurated in following way in a tray:DRYSTAR DT 2 B 8x10”, 10x12”, 11x14”, 14x14”, and 14x17”DRYSTAR DT 2 C 8x10”, 10x12”, 11x14”, 14x14”, and 14x17”DRYSTAR DT 2 Mammo (optional) 8x10”, 10x12” and 11x14”
452900H EN 20071108 Basic operation (operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALAppropriate labels have been applied on the input tray(s) by the servicepersonnel at installation of the printer, indicating the type of new film to beloaded when the tray is empty.
46 2900H EN 20071108Basic operation (operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALLoading filmsIntroductionThis section describes how to load the Drystar 5500 with appropriate films.The Drystar 5500 can be loaded with 8x10”, 10x12”, 11x14”, 14x14” and14x17” films.The Drystar 5500 will inform you in several ways that an input tray is empty:•An audible signal,•the Status indicator LED is flashing (red color),•the Unlock button LED is flashing,•the display screen shows a message informing you that either the upper or lower input tray is empty.The film loading procedure is identical for both input trays. In the examplesbelow, we will assume that the lower input tray is to be loaded.The Drystar 5500 can be loaded with new films in full daylight. Loading films is easy and can be done in no time. Follow the procedures as described in this section.The procedure is slightly different, depending on the fact wether the Drystar 5500 is printing/calculating or in the ready state.When the printer is in the ready state, go to ‘When the Drystar 5500 is in the ready state:’ on page 49.Never load an additional film sheet or film sheets to a film pack in use.Only load a new film pack when the current input tray is empty.
472900H EN 20071108 Basic operation (operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALWhen the Drystar 5500 is printing or calculating:1The display shows the following message:2Press the Unlock button to initiate the loading sequence.3Wait while the printer is finishing calculating/printing any current jobs.When the film path is cleared, the following message is displayed: 4Press the Unlock button.The printer is ready to receive a new film pack when the following message appears:<Modality name> 10:21:34 PRINTING1 2BlinkingBlinking
48 2900H EN 20071108Basic operation (operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL5Open the lower input tray.6Load a new film pack. Refer to ‘Film loading procedure’ on page 50.You have 5 seconds to open the input tray. If you do not open the tray within that time, the first screen (step 1 or 5 respectively) is presented again, or printing is resumed when a job is received for which media is available.
492900H EN 20071108 Basic operation (operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALWhen the Drystar 5500 is in the ready state:1The display shows the following message:2Press the Unlock button to initiate the loading sequence.The printer is ready to receive a new film pack when the following message appears:3Open the lower input tray.4Load a new film pack. Refer to ‘Film loading procedure’ on page 50.You have 5 seconds to open the input tray. If you do not open the tray within that time, the first screen (step 1 or 5 respectively) is presented again, or printing is resumed when a job is received for which media is available.Blinking
50 2900H EN 20071108Basic operation (operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALFilm loading procedure1Open the empty input tray.The display shows the following message:2Remove the white cover sheet.
512900H EN 20071108 Basic operation (operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL3Take film pack, and open it.4Remove the sticker from the film pack.Verify that the film type on the film pack corresponds with the sticker on the tray! If you do use an other film type, you are advised to change the label on the tray.You can put the film pack onto a table to make manipulation easier. Before you do this, make sure that the table is dust-free!
52 2900H EN 20071108Basic operation (operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL5Remove the plastic film bag partially.6Slide the film pack into the input tray, and remove the plastic film bag completely.
532900H EN 20071108 Basic operation (operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL7Tear and remove the plastic tape from around the film pack.8Close the input tray.The Drystar 5500 resumes printing as soon as the tray is closed.Loading instructions are also available on the input tray cover.Never load another film format when the input tray is not empty. Intermediate changing of film formats increases the risk for dust, which can damage the thermal print head (TPH).The system performs an automatic calibration when the film format has been changed.Never reuse a jammed film. Refer to ‘Clearing of film jams’ on page 199.Only the Drystar 5503 is equipped with a “back side printing” detection mechanism.. This mechanism is acvtivated only when the software 6.x is installed and a wrongly inserted film sheet in the input tray is used for printing. In this case the user receives a warning. The Drystar 5500 does not have this feature.
54 2900H EN 20071108Basic operation (operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChecking the correct position of a film in the input trayYou can verify that the film is properly loaded by watching the lower right corner of the films in the input tray. The rounding of this corner should be smaller than the other three corners. This is also indicated on the sticker at the right side of the input tray cover.When closing the input tray, the Film Identification tag is read and the printer settings are automatically adjusted. The Film Identification tag is located on the protective sheet on the backside of the film pack. The figure below shows the film pack upside down.For some new film types, the Film Identification tag will be covered by a sticker and therefore will not be visible.
Advanced operation(Key-operator mode)This chapter gives an overview of functions for the advanced user:TOverview of Key-operator functionsTStopping the printing processTViewing printer informationTChanging the configuration settingsTPrinting imagesTSaving the configuration settingsTRestoring the configuration settingsTPerforming the calibration proceduresTInstallationTQuality control for general radiography applications (DT 2 B & DT 2 C)TQuality control for mammography application (DT 2 Mammo) (optional)Chapter 3
56 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALOverview of Key-operator functionsThe Key-operator menus make it possible to use the Drystar 5500 advancedfunctions. If not specified otherwise, the functions are described in detail inthis chapter.For general information on the functions of the Drystar 5500 keys, refer to‘The local user interface’ on page 27.OverviewThe Drystar 5500 features the following functions on the main menu level ofthe Key-operator mode:Refer to the indicated page for an explanation of the function and theappropriate procedures.Menu item Function PageStop printing To halt the printing procedure 59Show settings To consult the current settings of the printer. 60Change settings To change the current settings of the printer. 69Print ImageTo print one of the standard Drystar 5500 test images. To load and print images from a floppy disk.100Save configuration To make a back-up of the printer settings. 105Restore configuration To restore the back-up of the printer settings. 107Calibration To calibrate the printer. 111Installation To install the software with the installation wizard. 121Quality controlTo control with a daily procedure the image quality respectively of general radiography & mammography (optional) applications.141 & 153
572900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALThe menu structureGeneralUpper input trayLower input trayNetwork DicomImage qualityGeneralInput trayNetwork DicomImage qualitySorter configurationTest imageFrom printer floppyimage 1.tifimage 2.tifGeneralSorter configurationCalled AE-titleHostnameDomain namePrinter IP-addressNetmaskRouter IP-addressRemove modalityAdd modalityGeneralPer modalityFrom floppy (recommended)Settings 10/09/04  10:55FilmPrinthead profile Upper input trayInstall data-setsSettings 08/12/04  08:05TPH cleaningAssignment modal./trayBeep on empty trayDate and timeLanguageFilm viewPer modalityInstallationPrinter Installation wizardUpper input trayQuality controlLower input trayCalibrationRestore configurationSave configurationChange settingsFilm viewLower input trayUpper input trayLower input tray==Show settingsStop printingPrint imageLogical printers
58 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALAccessing the Key-operator menus•The Key-operator mode functions (i.e. the main menu level) can be accessed by pressing the Key-operator key on the front panel.After pressing the Key-operator key the Main menu is displayed:•You can scroll through the menu items by pressing the Down and Up keys and select a menu item by pressing the Confirm key.•At any moment, you can press the Escape key on the main menu level to exit the Key-operator mode. If you press this key on a lower level menu you are returned to the higher level menu. If you press this key on a data screen after entering information, all changes on that screen are lost.•A time-out function (default set to ten minutes) is foreseen. When this time-out is about to expire, the following screen is displayed:Press the Confirm key to return to the Key-operator menu. Otherwise, the Key-operator menu will be closed.The Drystar 5500 will sound a long beep if you press a key that is not to be used at that moment.7 Installation8 Quality control
592900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALStopping the printing processTo stop the printing process on an adequate way, it is recommended to use theStop printing menu.Accessing the Stop printing menu1Press the Key-operator key to enter the Key-operator mode.2On the Key-operator main menu, press the Confirm key to select ‘Stop printing’.While the current print job is finished, the Stop Printing screen is displayed:After the current print job is completed, the following screen is displayed:3Press the Confirm key to resume printing or press the Escape key to return to the Key-operator main menu.The modality name defined during installation will be used to refer to the corresponding modality. In case there is also a nickname (daily used name) defined during installation, the nickname is used.<Modality name>> 10:21:34 PRINTING1 2BlinkingBlinking
60 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALViewing printer informationA number of data and parameter settings of the printer can be viewed by usingthe ‘Show settings’ function:Show settings PageGeneral‘Viewing general information’ 62Input tray‘Viewing input tray information’ 62Network (DICOM)‘Viewing network (DICOM) information’ 64Sorter configuration‘Viewing the sorter configuration’ 65Image quality‘Viewing general Image quality information’ 66‘Viewing Image quality information for a modality’ 67Logical printers‘Viewing the logical printers configuration’ 68
612900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALAccessing the Show settings menu1Press the Key-operator key to enter the Key-operator mode.2On the Key-operator main menu, press the Down key once, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Show settings’.The Show settings menu is displayed:3Press the Escape key to return to the Key-operator main menu.4Press the Escape key to quit the Key-operator mode.This menu is the starting point for viewing printer information.
62 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALViewing general information1Perform steps 1 and 2 of the ‘Accessing the Show settings menu’ procedure, on page 61.2On the Show settings menu, press the Confirm key to select ‘General’.The ‘General’ info screen is displayed:Use the Up and Down keys to scroll through the following items:•the serial number of the printer,•the language,•the current time and date, •the next preventive maintenance (PM) date,•the install date,•the last repair date,•the total number of films printed,•the currently installed software version,•the beep on empty tray setting (No beep, 5 times, many).3Press the Escape key to return to the Show settings menu.Viewing input tray information1Perform steps 1 and 2 of the ‘Accessing the Show settings menu’ procedure, on page 61.2On the Show settings menu, press the Down key once, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Input tray’.The ‘Input tray’ screen is displayed:1024English12.3012 Sep 200517 Mar 200617 Mar 200520 Jun 200521330SW-release: R4.0.0 B2Beep on empty tray:5
632900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL3Press the Up and Down keys followed by the Confirm key to select the desired input tray.In case you have selected Upper input tray, the Upper input tray screen is displayed:For both input trays, the following information is displayed on the currently loaded film:•the status (OK / disabled/overruled),•the film type read from the Film Identification tag,•the film format read from Film Identification tag,•the film view,•the total number of prints for the input tray,•the number of prints for this film pack,•the brand (ABC Code),•the order number,•the pack number.4Press the Confirm key to return to the Show settings menu.If you have selected lower input tray, a screen with similar information about the lower tray is shown.OKDT 2 B14X17"Normal11673Prints current pack:6EKL3820245826983
64 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALViewing network (DICOM) information1Perform steps 1 and 2 of the ‘Accessing the Show settings menu’ procedure, on page 61.2On the Show settings menu, press the Down key twice, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Network (DICOM)’.The ‘Network (DICOM)’ screen is displayed:The following network (DICOM) parameters are displayed:•AE-title,•Host name,•Domain,•Printer IP-address,•Netmask,•Router,•MAC address.3Press the Confirm key to return to the Show settings menu.DS5500ds5500xxxxxx08:00:66:80:e.g.Prt IP-ad:
652900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALViewing the sorter configuration1Perform steps 1 and 2 of the ‘Accessing the Show settings menu’ procedure, on page 61.2On the Show settings menu, press the Down key three times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Sorter Configuration’.The ‘Sorter Configuration’ screen is displayed:This screen gives an overview of:•the installed trays and their positions (the upper tray has position one, the lower tray position 4).•the assignment of the installed modalities and corresponding tray(s).3Press the Up and Down keys to select the modality of your choice. 4Press the Confirm key to return to the Show settings menu.The previous screen is an example of a situation where only tray 1, 3 and 4 are installed and the second modality is a fast modality. 1 2 3 41 <Modality name>  12 <Modality name>  3  43 <Modality name>  4
66 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALViewing general Image quality information1Perform steps 1 and 2 of the ‘Accessing the Show settings menu’ procedure, on page 61.2On the Show settings menu, press the Down key four times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Image quality’.The following screen will appear:3Press the Confirm key to select ‘General’.The general Image quality settings are displayed:The following info is displayed:•Film calibration setting: OFF/ON with the number of film packs determining the calibration interval (if ON).•Dmax upper tray: the maximum density for the upper input tray resulting from the automatic film calibration.•Dmax lower tray: the maximum density for the lower input tray resulting from the automatic film calibration.•TPH cleaning: the number of prints after the last thermal head cleaning, and the number of prints to go before a new cleaning session is necessary.•TPH profile: the number of prints after the last thermal head profile calibration and the number of prints to go before a new thermal head profile calibration is necessary.•Def. densitometer: shows the default densitometer that is used for the calibrations.4Press the Confirm key to return to the Image quality menu.5In the Image quality menu, press the Escape key to return to the Show settings menu.2 <Modality name>3 <Modality name>4 <Modality name>5 <Modality name>6 <Modality name>7 <Modality name>OFF3.123.11OFFOFFMacbet
672900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALViewing Image quality information for a modality1Perform steps 1 and 2 of the ‘Accessing the Show settings menu’ procedure, on page 61.2On the Show settings menu, press the Down key four times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Image quality’.The following screen will appear:3Press the Up/Down arrow keys, followed by the Confirm key to select the desired modality.4Press the Confirm key to display the Image quality settings for the selected modality, or the Escape key to quit.5Press the Confirm key to return to the Image quality menu.6In the Image quality menu, press the Escape key to return to the Show settings menu.2 <Modality name>3 <Modality name>4 <Modality name>5 <Modality name>6 <Modality name>7 <Modality name><Modality name>DS5500_1PhilipsMXVIEWLook-up table:LinearInterpolation:Cubic HighResMaximum density:3.00
68 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALViewing the logical printers configuration1Perform steps 1 and 2 of the ‘Accessing the Show settings menu’ procedure, on page 61.2On the Show settings menu, press the Down key five times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Logical printers’.The ‘Logical printers’ screen is displayed:This screen gives an overview of the logical printers defined in the Drystar 5500.3Press the Confirm key to return to the Show settings menu.The Logical printers information can be helpful when assigning a modality output to a particular Drystar 5500 profile. Configuring logical printers can only be done via a connected remote pc. Contact your local service organization for more information.1 other logical printer e.g. DS_5500_2
692900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChanging the configuration settingsA number of data and parameters settings of the printer can be viewed andchanged by using the ‘change settings’ function.Each time the settings have been changed, the new configuration is automatically stored on the hard disk of the printer. You will be asked to create a back-up floppy with the new settings.Change settings PageGeneral‘Changing the date and time’ 72‘Changing the language’ 73‘Changing the sorter configuration’ 74‘Changing the assignment modality - output tray’ 75‘Changing the beep on empty tray settings’ 76Input tray (Upper or Lower)‘Changing the film view’ 77Network (DICOM)‘Changing the Printer AE-title (Called AE-title)’ 78‘Changing the Hostname’ 79‘Changing the Domain name’ 80‘Changing the Printer IP-address’ 81‘Changing the Netmask’ 83‘Changing the Router IP-address’ 84‘Removing a modality’ 86‘Adding a modality’ 87
70 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALAccessing the Change settings menuProceed as follows to access the ‘Change settings’ menu:1Press the Key-operator key to enter the Key-operator mode.2On the Key-operator main menu, press the Down key twice, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Change settings’.The ‘Change settings’ screen is displayed:3Press the Escape key to return to the Key-operator main menu.Image quality‘Changing general image quality settings - Film calibration’ 91‘Changing general image quality settings - Default densitometer’ 93‘Changing Image quality setting for a modality - Selecting a lookup table’ 94‘Changing Image quality setting for a modality - Changing the Interpolation’ 96‘Changing Image quality setting for a modality - Changing the maximum density (Dmax)’ 98If the printer has not yet been installed, the ‘printer installation wizard’ should be executed first. In this case, the following screen is displayed:
712900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL4Press the Escape key to quit the Key-operator mode.When the settings have been changed, the ‘accept modifications’ window is displayed:Each time the settings have been changed and confirmed, an automatic back-up of the new configuration is made on the hard disk. You will also be asked to create a back-up floppy.Select ‘yes’ if you wish to accept the changed settings. Press the Confirm key.Select ‘no’ if you do not wish to accept the changed settings. Press the Confirm key. You will return to the Main menu.After selecting ’yes’, the ‘Update back-up’ screen is displayed:If you want to save the configuration on the back-up floppy, select ‘yes’ and press the Confirm key. The printer will now enter the ‘Saving the current configuration’ (refer to page 105).If you only want to save the configuration on the printer hard disk, select ‘no’ and press the Confirm key.Next, the following screen is displayed:Press the Confirm key to reset. After the reset, the new settings will be active.Press the Escape key to quit the application. The old settings will remain active until the next reset.
72 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChanging the General settingsChanging the date and time1Perform steps 1 to 2 of the ‘Accessing the Change settings menu’ procedure on page 70.2On the ‘Change setting’ screen, press the Confirm key to select ‘General’.The ‘General’ screen is displayed:3Press the Confirm key to select ‘Date and time’.The ‘Date and time’ screen is displayed:4Press the Up/Down arrow keys to increment/decrement the numbers. Press the Left/Right arrow keys to move through the digits.5Press the Confirm key to store the data, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.For more info, refer to ‘Data entry’ on page 33.
732900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChanging the language1Perform steps 1 to 2 of the ‘Accessing the Change settings menu’ procedure on page 70 to select the ‘General’ screen.2On the ‘Change setting’ screen, press the Confirm key to select ‘General’.The ‘General’ screen is displayed:3On the ‘General’ screen, press the Down key once, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Language’.The ‘Language’ screen is displayed with the available languages. For example:The current language is marked with an asterisk (*).4Press the Up/Down arrow keys, followed by the Confirm key to select the desired language.5Press the Confirm key to store the data, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.The number of displayed languages depends on the installed dataset. Contact your local Agfa service organization for the latest Drystar 5500 language availability status.1*English2 Nederlands3 Francais4 Deutsch
74 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChanging the sorter configuration 1Perform steps 1 to 2 of the ‘Accessing the Change settings menu’ procedure on page 70 to select the ‘General’ screen.2On the ‘Change setting’ screen, press the Confirm key to select ‘General’.The ‘General’ screen is displayed:3On the ‘General’ screen, press the Down key twice, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Sorter Configuration’.The ‘Sorter Configuration’ screen is displayed:4Use the Up and Down keys to select the output tray you wish to configure and press the Left/Right arrow keys to install/uninstall the output tray.5Click OK to install the indicated output tray.An asterix left from an output tray indicates that the respective output tray is installed.*position 1 (upper)*position 2position 3*position 4 (lower)
752900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChanging the assignment modality - output tray1Perform steps 1 to 2 of the ‘Accessing the Change settings menu’ procedure on page 70 to select the ‘General’ screen.2On the ‘Change setting’ screen, press the Confirm key to select ‘General’.The ‘General’ screen is displayed:3On the ‘General’ screen, press the Down key three times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Assignment modal./tray’.The ‘Assignment modal./tray’ screen is displayed:4Select a modality by using the select key and pressing Confirm.The following window is displayed:5Use the Up/Down arrow keys to select the output trays for the particular modality and press the Left/Right arrow keys to install button to uninstall/install the output tray.If you have selected more than one input tray, you must consecutively assign the output trays.The number of selections depends on the number of modalities defined.An asterix left from an output tray indicates that the respective output tray is installed.1 <Modality name>2 <Modality name>3 <Modality name>4 <Modality name>5 <Modality name>6 <Modality name>7 <Modality name><Modality name>*position 1 (upper)position 2position 3position 4 (lower)
76 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChanging the beep on empty tray settings1Perform steps 1 to 2 of the ‘Accessing the Change settings menu’ procedure on page 70 to select the ‘General’ screen.2On the ‘Change setting’ screen, press the Confirm key to select ‘General’.The ‘General’ screen is displayed:3On the ‘General’ screen, press the Down key four times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Beep on empty tray’.The ‘Audible alarm on empty tray’ screen is displayed:4Use the Up/Down arrow keys to select the desired setting:•Select ‘No alarm’ if you do not want an audible signal to warn you that a tray is empty. •Select 5 times to hear 5 consecutive beeps at the moment a tray gets empty.•Select ‘While tray is empty’ to hear a beep the whole time a tray is empty.5Press the Confirm key to store the data, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.No alarm*5 timesWhile tray is empty
772900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChanging the input tray settings (upper / lower)Changing the film view1Perform steps 1 and 2 of the ‘Accessing the Change settings menu’ procedure on page 70 to select the ‘Upper input tray’ screen.2In the ‘Upper input tray’ screen, press the Down key twice, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Film view’.The ‘Film view’ screen is displayed:The current film view is indicated with an *.3Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the desired film view.4Press the Confirm key to store the data, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.In the procedure, we will assume that the film view for the upper input tray is to be changed. The procedure for the lower input tray is identical.1* Normal2Back
78 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChanging Network (DICOM) configurationChanging the Printer AE-title (Called AE-title)1Perform steps 1 to 2 of the ‘Accessing the Change settings menu’ procedure on page 70.2On the ‘Change setting’ screen, press the Down key three times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Network Dicom’.The ‘Network Dicom’ screen is displayed:3Press the Confirm key to select ‘Called AE-title’.The ‘Called AE-title’ screen is displayed:If the printer AE-Title has already been assigned, it will be shown on the display.4Change the printer AE-title by means of the arrow keys. Refer to ‘Data entry’ on page 33. Make sure not to enter more than 16 characters.5Press the Confirm key to store the data, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.Entries are case sensitive.e.g. DS5500e.g. DS5500
792900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChanging the Hostname1Perform steps 1 to 2 of the ‘Accessing the Change settings menu’ procedure on page 70.2On the ‘Change setting’ screen, press the Down key three times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Network Dicom’.The ‘Network Dicom’ screen is displayed:3In the ‘Network-Dicom’ screen, press the Down key once, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Hostname’.The ‘Hostname’ screen is displayed:If the Host name has already been assigned, it will be shown on the display.4Change the hostname by means of the arrow keys. Refer to ‘Data entry’ on page 33. Make sure not to enter more than 16 characters.5Press the Confirm key to store the data, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.Entries are case sensitive.e.g. ds5500
80 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChanging the Domain name1Perform steps 1 to 2 of the ‘Accessing the Change settings menu’ procedure on page 70.2On the ‘Change setting’ screen, press the Down key three times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Network Dicom’.The ‘Network Dicom’ screen is displayed:3On the ‘Network-Dicom’ screen, press the Down key twice, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Domain name’.The ‘Domain name’ screen is displayed:If the domain name has already been assigned, it will be shown on the display.4Enter the domain name by means of the arrow keys. Refer to ‘Data entry’ on page 33.5Press the Confirm key to store the data, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.Entries are case sensitive.
812900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChanging the Printer IP-address1Perform steps 1 to 2 of the ‘Accessing the Change settings menu’ procedure on page 70.2On the ‘Change setting’ screen, press the Down key three times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Network Dicom’.The ‘Network Dicom’ screen is displayed:3On the ‘Network-Dicom’ screen, press the Down key three times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Printer IP-address’.The ‘Printer IP-address’ screen is displayed:If the IP-address has already been assigned, it will be shown on the display.4Press the Up/Down arrow keys to increment/decrement the numbers. Press the Left/Right arrow keys to move through the fields. Press the Confirm key to store the data.When no DHCP server is available and when the IP address of the printer has never been set, the printer IP address will be set to the address to ‘Data entry’ on page 33.Note that blank spaces will not be filled in (see examples on the next page).e.g. 10.233. 93. 46
82 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALExample: If the IP-address is, then the data entry should be as follows:Example: If the IP-address is, then the data entry should be as follows:5Press the Confirm key to store the data, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.12 .00 .12 .1212 .  .12 .12
832900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChanging the Netmask1Perform steps 1 to 2 of the ‘Accessing the Change settings menu’ procedure on page 70.2On the ‘Change setting’ screen, press the Down key three times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Network Dicom’.The ‘Network Dicom’ screen is displayed:3On the ‘Network-Dicom’ screen, press the Down key four times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Netmask’.The ‘Netmask’ screen is displayed:If the Netmask has already been assigned, it will be shown on the display.4Enter the Netmask by means of the arrow keys. Refer to ‘Data entry’ on page 33.When no DHCP server is available and when the subnet mask of the printer has never been set, the subnet mask will be set to the APIPA address that blank spaces will not be filled in (see examples on the next page).e.g. 255.255.252. 0
84 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALExample: If the Netmask is 250.760.560. 0, then the data entry should be as follows:5Press the Confirm key to store the data, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.Changing the Router IP-address1Perform steps 1 to 2 of the ‘Accessing the Change settings menu’ procedure on page 70.2On the ‘Change setting’ screen, press the Down key three times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Network Dicom’.The ‘Network Dicom’ screen is displayed:3On the ‘Network-Dicom’ screen, press the Down key five times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Router IP-address’.The ‘Router IP-address’ screen is displayed:If the Router IP-address has already been assigned, it will be shown on the display.4Enter the Router IP-address by means of the arrow keys. Refer to ‘Data entry’ on page 33.Note that blank spaces will not be filled in (see examples on the next page).25 .76 . 56  .e.g. 10.233. 92. 1
852900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALExample: If the Router IP-address is 450.000.210.120, then the data entry should be as follows:Example: If the Router IP-address is 450.0.210.120, then the data entry should be as follows:5Press the Confirm key to store the data, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.45 . 00 .21 .12 45 .  . 21  .12
86 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALRemoving a modality1Perform steps 1 to 2 of the ‘Accessing the Change settings menu’ procedure on page 70.2On the ‘Change setting’ screen, press the Down key three times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Network Dicom’.The ‘Network Dicom’ screen is displayed:3On the ‘Network-Dicom’ screen, press the Down key six times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Remove modality’.The ‘Remove modality’ screen is displayed:The modality names, entered during installation of the printer, are shown in the list. If no names have been entered, the Called AE-titles are shown instead. In case there is also a nickname (daily used name) defined during installation, the nickname is used.4Select the modality which you wish to remove by means of the arrow keys.5Press the Confirm key to remove the modality name from the list, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.7 Remove modality8 Add modality1 <Modality name>2 <Modality name>3 <Modality name>4 <Modality name>5 <Modality name>
872900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALAdding a modality1Perform steps 1 to 2 of the ‘Accessing the Change settings menu’ procedure on page 70.2On the ‘Change setting’ screen, press the Down key three times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Network Dicom’.The ‘Network Dicom’ screen is displayed:3On the ‘Network-Dicom’ screen, press the Down key seven times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Add modality’.4The ‘Add Modality’ screen is displayed, asking you to collect the appropriate info on the new modality (see your System Administrator if necessary):5Press the Confirm key to continue, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.7 Remove modality8 Add modality
88 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALThe ‘Enter modality daily used name’ screen is displayed:6Enter the modality daily used name (nickname) by means of the arrow keys. Refer to ‘Data entry’ on page 33. Make sure not to enter more than 8 characters.7Press the Confirm key to store the data, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.The ‘Select modality brand’ screen is displayed:8Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the appropriate modality brand name. •In case you have selected ‘Other’, the Modality AE-title will be linked with the default settings. Proceed with step 10.9Press the Confirm key to store the data, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.The ‘Select modality type’ screen is displayed:10 The ‘select modality AE-title’ screen is displayed:A blank daily used modality name is not allowed.2 Philips3 Fuji4 Siemens1 MXVIEW2 MX80002 <Modality name>3 <Modality name>4 <Modality name>
892900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL11 Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the appropriate modality AE-title. •In case you have selected ‘1 Enter via keypad (manual)’, the ‘Enter modality AE-title’ screen is displayed:Enter the Modality AE-title by means of the arrow keys. Refer to ‘Data entry’ on page 33. Make sure not to enter more than 16 characters.12 Press the Confirm key to store the data, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.The ‘Select output tray for <daily name or AE-title>’ screen will appear:Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the output tray. You can (de)activate the selected output tray with the Left/Right arrow keys.13 Press the Confirm key to store the data, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.The ‘Select preferred film type for <daily name or AE-title>’ screen will appear:Activated output trays are marked with an *. ‘DRYSTAR DT 2 Mammo’ is only shown in the list when the option for the mammography application is activated. Refer to ‘Options and accessories’ on page 235.You can find the film type on the film packaging, e.g. ‘DRYSTAR DT 2 C’.<daily name or AE-title>*position 1 (upper)position 2posiiton 3*position 4 (lower)<daily name or AE-title>1*DRYSTAR DT 2 B2 DRYSTAR DT 2 C3 DRYSTAR DT 2 Mammo
90 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL14 Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the preferred film type for this modality.In case the current film type in the trays does not match the selected film type the following message is displayed:15 Press the Confirm key to store the data, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.The data entry for the new modality is finished now. The printer will ask you if you want to add another modality:16 If you wish to add another modality, select Yes and press the Confirm key. You will be taken back to step 4 to repeat the procedure.17 If you do not wish to add another modality, select No and press the Confirm key, or press the Escape key. The printer will return to the Network-Dicom menu.<Modality name>
912900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChanging the image quality settingsChanging general image quality settings - Film calibration1Perform steps 1 and 2 of the ‘Accessing the Change settings menu’ procedure on page 70.2On the ‘Change setting’ screen, press the Down key four times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Image quality’.The following screen will appear:3Press the Confirm key to select ‘General’.The ‘General settings’ screen will appear:4Press the Confirm key to select ‘Film calibration’.The ‘Select default for film calibration’ screen is displayed:This setting is by default set to ON and will apply to every modality.The current setting is marked with an *.2 <Modality name>3 <Modality name>4 <Modality name>5 <Modality name>6 <Modality name>7 <Modality name>*ONOFF
92 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL5Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the preferred film calibration default.When the setting is ON, the Drystar 5500 will ask you to enter the calibration frequency:Enter the calibration frequency by means of the Up/Down arrow keys. Refer to ‘Data entry’ on page 33.6Press the Confirm key to store the data, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.1 pack = 100 sheetsE.g., if the frequency is set to 5, this means that a film calibration is executed automatically every 5 packs or every 500 sheets.You can specify to perform an automatic film calibration after loading every “n“ film packs.For more information on film calibration settings: refer to ‘Understanding the calibration policy and the calibration initiation’ on page 221. 5
932900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChanging general image quality settings - Default densitometer1Perform steps 1 and 2 of the ‘Accessing the Change settings menu’ procedure on page 70.2On the ‘Change setting’ screen, press the Down key four times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Image quality’.The following screen will appear:3Press the Confirm key to select ‘General’.The ‘General settings’ screen will appear:4Press the Down key once, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Default densitometer’.The ‘Default densitometer’ screen is displayed:The current default densitometer is marked with an *.5Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the default densitometer.6Press the Confirm key to store the data, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.All shown densities will vary slightly according to the densitometer selection. Refer to ‘Drystar media density response data’ on page 237.2 <Modality name>3 <Modality name>4 <Modality name>5 <Modality name>6 <Modality name>7 <Modality name>* Macbeth TR924 Gretag X-Rite 301 X-Rite 310 X-Rite 331 X-Rite 341
94 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChanging Image quality setting for a modality - Selecting a lookup table1Perform steps 1 and 2 of the ‘Accessing the Change settings menu’ procedure on page 70.2On the ‘Change settings’ screen, press the Down key four times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Image quality’.The following screen will appear:3Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the modality for which you want to change the image quality settings.The ‘Image quality’ screen for the selected modality is displayed:4Do one of the following:•If you want to attribute the default profile, select ‘Profile default’ and press the Confirm key.You return to the screen of step 2.•If you want to add a custom profile, select ‘Select other’ and press the Confirm key.Proceed with step 5.5The ‘Image quality’ screen for the selected modality is displayed:2 <Modality name>3 <Modality name>4 <Modality name>5 <Modality name>6 <Modality name>7 <Modality name><Modality name><Modality name>
952900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL6Press the Confirm key to select ‘Look-up table’.The ‘Look-up table’ screen for the selected modality is displayed:7Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the desired lookup table.8Press the Confirm key to store the data, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.•In case Kanamori-like is selected, change the Kanamori-value.An additional screen for the Kanamori-like value is displayed:All Kanamori-like curves are selectable starting from 75 until 220 in steps of 1 unit. The activated setting is marked with an *.In case a number of settings for a modality were set via a remote computer, you will not be able to change the image quality information for this modality manually. If this is the case, the following screen will appear:In case the image quality parameters need to be changed for this modality, please use the DICOM Configuration tool, in the Specialist or Service mode (specialist mode available only via remote network PC). You can also delete this modality (refer to ‘Removing a modality’ on page 86) and create a new modality with the same name. For this new modality new parameters can be assigned via the local keypad.<Modality name>1 Kanamori2 Linear3 Kanamor-like (100)<Modality name>100<Modality name>
96 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChanging Image quality setting for a modality - Changing the Interpola-tion1Perform steps 1 and 2 of the ‘Accessing the Change settings menu’ procedure on page 70.2On the ‘Change setting’ screen, press the Down key four times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Image quality’.The following screen will appear:3Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the modality for which you want to change the image quality settings.The ‘Image quality’ screen for the selected modality is displayed:4Do one of the following:•If you want to attribute the default profile, select ‘Profile default’ and press the Confirm key.You will return to the screen of step 2.•If you want to add a custom profile, select ‘Select other’ and press the Confirm key.Proceed with step 5.5The ‘Image quality’ screen for the selected modality is displayed:2 <Modality name>3 <Modality name>4 <Modality name>5 <Modality name>6 <Modality name>7 <Modality name><Modality name><Modality name>
972900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL6On the ‘Image quality’ screen press the Down key once, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Interpolation’.The ‘Interpolation’ screen for the selected modality is displayed:The current interpolation setting for the selected modality is marked with an *.7Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the desired Interpolation setting for this modality.•If you select “Cubic Hi-Res” the following screen will appear, allowing you to adjust the smoothing factor:•If you select “CubicBell” the following screen will appear, allowing you to adjust the smoothing factor:8Press the Confirm key to store the data, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.The user should be aware that the interpolation values differ when the A#Sharp feature is deactivated. The A#Sharp feature, which is a technology that enhances the image sharpness, is active by default. For more information about (de)activating the A#Sharp feature, refer to the Drystar 5500/5503 Service manual.<Modality name>1 CubicBell2*Cubic Hi-Res3 Linear4 Replication5 None<Modality name>Default 0.70<Modality name>Default 0.90
98 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChanging Image quality setting for a modality - Changing the maximumdensity (Dmax)1Perform steps 1 and 2 of the ‘Accessing the Change settings menu’ procedure on page 70.2On the ‘Change setting’ screen, press the Down key four times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Image quality’.The following screen will appear:3Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the modality for which you want to change the image quality settings.The ‘Image quality’ screen for the selected modality is displayed:4Do one of the following:•If you want to attribute the default profile, select ‘Profile default’ and press the Confirm key.You will return to the screen of step 2.•If you want to add a custom profile, select ‘Select other’ and press the Confirm key.Proceed with step 5.5The ‘Image quality’ screen for the selected modality is displayed:2 <Modality name>3 <Modality name>4 <Modality name>5 <Modality name>6 <Modality name>7 <Modality name><Modality name><Modality name>
992900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL6On the ‘Image quality’ screen press the Down key twice, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Dmax’.The ‘Dmax (maximum density)’ screen for the selected modality is displayed:All maximum densities are selectable starting from 2.75 until 3.20 in steps of 0.05 units. The current setting for the selected modality is marked with an *.7Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the desired Maximum Density setting for this modality.8Press the Confirm key to store the data, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.The maximum density will be limited to the maximum density of the media.<Modality name>*2.802.852.902.95
100 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALPrinting imagesA number of ‘test’ images can be printed, either from floppy disk or from thehard disk:Accessing the Print images menu1Press the Key-operator key to enter the Key-operator mode.2On the Key-operator main menu, press the Down key three times followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Print image’.The Print image menu is displayed:3Press the Escape key to return to the Key-operator main menu.4Press the Escape key to quit the Key-operator mode.Show settings PageTest image‘Printing test images from the hard disk’ 101Floppy disk‘Printing files from printer floppy’ 102
1012900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALPrinting test images from the hard diskTest images are useful for checking the print quality. The Drystar 5500 offersa number of built-in test images stored on the hard disk.1Perform steps 1 to 2 of the ‘Accessing the Print images menu’ procedure on page 100 to select the ‘Print image’ screen.2On the ‘Print image’ menu, press the Confirm key to select ‘Test image’.The ‘Select test image’ screen is displayed:3Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the desired test image, followed by the Confirm key.4Define the input tray for printing.The ‘Select input tray’ screen is displayed:5Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the desired input tray, followed by the Confirm key.The ‘Number of copies’ screen is displayed:6Press the arrow keys to increment/decrement the number. Press the Left/Right arrow keys to move through the field.For more info, refer to ‘Data entry’ on page 33.1 smpte_lin.tif2 smpte_1300.tif3 smpte_kan.tif4 Artefac_5500.tif5 TG18QC.tif
102 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL7Press the Confirm key to confirm the number of copies.The ‘Queuing file’ screen will be shown to indicate to the operator that the printing action from floppy is accepted and in process:After about five seconds this screen will disappear.Printing files from printer floppyTIFF images stored on a floppy disk can be printed using the ‘Print fromfloppy’ function.1Perform steps 1 to 2 of the ‘Accessing the Print images menu’ procedure on page 100 to select the ‘Print image’ screen.2On the Print image menu, press the Down key once, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘From floppy’.The ‘Print from floppy’ screen is displayed:3Insert the floppy disk containing the TIFF file(s) you want to be printed.The drive is located at the rear of the printer.<filename>
1032900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL4Press the Confirm key to continue, or the Escape key to quit.The ‘Select image-file’ screen is displayed:5Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the desired .tif-file, followed by the Confirm key.6Define the input tray for printing.The ‘Select input tray’ screen is displayed:7Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the desired input tray, followed by the Confirm key.The ‘Number of copies’ screen is displayed:8Press the arrow keys to increment/decrement the number. Press the Left/Right arrow keys to move through the field. For more info, refer to ‘Data entry’ on page 33.1 User image1.tif2 User image1.tif3 User image1.tif
104 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL9Press the Confirm key to confirm the number of copies.The ‘Copying and Queuing file’ screen will be shown to indicate to the operator that the (printing) action is accepted and in progress: After about 20 seconds the following screen appears:10 Remove the floppy disk from the drive and press the Confirm key to continue.The print job is stored in the print queue.Alternatively, you can print images directly from a connected Remote PC to the printer. Refer to ‘Starting the remote session’ on page 173.<filename>
1052900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALSaving the configuration settingsEach time the settings have been changed and confirmed, an automatic back-up of the new configuration is made on the hard disk. You will also be asked tocreate a back-up floppy.It is also possible (and recommended) to regularly make a back-up of theprinter settings to ensure safe restoring of the values when required.Saving the current configuration1Press the Key-operator key to enter the Key-operator mode.2On the Key-operator main menu, press the Down key four times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Save configuration’.The following screen appears:When 100% is reached, the following the ‘Save configuration’ screen is displayed:
106 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL3Insert an empty floppy disk.The drive is located at the rear of the printer.4Press the Confirm key to continue.A second ‘Save configuration’ screen is displayed.The printer saves the configuration on the floppy disk.The following screen is displayed:5Remove the floppy disk and press the Confirm key.The following screen is displayed:6Press the Confirm key. The program will return to the main Key-operator menu.For the back-up, an empty floppy disk is required (formatted, IBM-compatible, 2HD).D:/<path><filename>A:/<path><filename>e.g.102418-AUG-2005 11:07:18
1072900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALRestoring the configuration settingsWhen necessary, you can restore the configuration settings of the printer froma previously made back-up copy.The following functions are provided for restoring a back-up copy of theconfiguration files:•‘Restoring printer settings from the back-up floppy disk’ (page 108).•‘Restoring printer settings from the hard disk’ (page 110).Accessing the restore configuration menu1Press the Key-operator key to enter the Key-operator mode.2On the Key-operator main menu, press the Down key five times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Restore configuration’.The ‘Restore configuration’ screen is displayed:3Press the Escape key to return to the Key-operator main menu.4Press the Escape key to quit the Key-operator mode.This menu is the starting point for restoring printer settings (see below).2 Settings 10/05/04 10:553 Settings 08/05/04 08:054 Settings 08/05/04 07:455 Settings 08/05/04 07:31
108 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALRestoring printer settings from the back-up floppy disk1Perform steps 1 to 2 of the ‘Accessing the restore configuration menu’ procedure on page 107 to select the ‘Restore Configuration’ screen.2Press the Confirm key in the ‘Restore configuration’ screen to select ‘From floppy (recommend)’.The following screen is displayed:3Insert the floppy disk which contains a back-up of the printer settings.The drive is located at the rear of the printer.Make sure that you insert the correct floppy disk, containing the printer settings you want to restore.
1092900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL4Press the Confirm key to continue.The following screens appear successively:The printer restores the configuration on the hard disk.The following screen is displayed.5Remove the floppy disk.6Press the Confirm key to continue.The following screen is displayed. Press the Confirm key to reset the printer. After the reset, the new settings will be active.Press the Escape key to quit the application. The old settings will remain active until the next reset. <type of information>A:/<path><filename>D:/<path><filename>
110 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALRestoring printer settings from the hard disk1Perform steps 1 to 2 of the ‘Accessing the restore configuration menu’ procedure on page 107 to select the ‘Restore Configuration’ screen:2Press the Up/Down arrow keys in the ‘Restore configuration’ screen to select the required printer settings from the hard disk, followed by the Confirm key.The following screen is displayed.If you want to restore the configuration on the back-up floppy, select ‘yes’ and press the Confirm key. The printer will now enter the ‘Saving the current configuration’ (refer to page 105).If you only want to restore the configuration on the printer hard disk, select ‘no’ and press the Confirm key.After the restore operation, the following screen is displayed.Press the Confirm key to reset the printer. After the reset, the new settings will be active.Press the Escape key to quit the application. The old settings will remain active until the next reset.2 Settings 10/05/04 10:553 Settings 08/05/04 08:054 Settings 08/05/04 07:455 Settings 08/05/04 07:31
1112900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALPerforming the calibration proceduresAccessing the calibration menu1Press the Key-operator key to enter the Key-operator mode.2Press the Down key six times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Calibration’.The ‘Select Calibration’ screen appears:3Press the Escape key to return to the Key-operator main menu.4Press the Escape key to quit the Key-operator mode.In case the printer is in printing mode, a screen will be presented that the calibration cannot be done now, but has to be reactivated later.
112 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALFilm calibrationThe film calibration combines Dmax and sensitometry calibration, and isactivated as one single procedure. Separate Dmax and sensitometrycalibration steps are not required.For more general information on maintaining image quality, refer to‘Maintaining image quality and resolving Image quality problems’ on page 220.To start the film calibration:1Perform step 1 to 2 of the ‘Accessing the calibration menu’ procedure on page 111 to select the ‘Calibration’ screen.2Press the Confirm key to select ‘Film’.The ‘Select input tray’ screen appears:3Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select an input tray, followed by the Confirm key (e.g. choose upper input tray).The ‘Film calibration in progress’ screen appears:The counter indicates the progress of the calibration process. The calibration film is measured automatically by the built-in MDM (Macro DensitoMeter). The Drystar 5500 is being calibrated during the printing process.In the procedure, we will assume a film calibration on the upper input tray. The procedure for the lower input tray is identical.
1132900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL4In case the film calibration has failed, the following message will appear.Press the Confirm key to retry the calibration.5When the film calibration has completed succesfully, this indicates that the calibration procedure has been executed succesfully. This does not always mean that the result of the calibration is succesful.Three cases are possible:•Calibration successful, results OK.The obtained Dmax (x.xx) after calibration is displayed:•Calibration successful, but Dmax differs more than 2% from the target value.The obtained Dmax (x.xx) after calibration is displayed:•Calibration procedure succesful, but limited by film-Dmax. The obtained Dmax does not meet  the required system Dmax and is limited by the film sensitometry.The obtained Dmax (x.xx) after calibration is displayed:6Press the Confirm key to return to the Calibration menu.When the calibration process is interrupted, you will have to start the calibration procedure again. Otherwise, the old calibration parameters will be used.BlinkingBlinkingX.XXBlinkingDefault Densitometer e.g. Macbeth TR924X.XXBlinkingDefault Densitometer e.g. Macbeth TR924X.XXBlinkingDefault Densitometer e.g. Macbeth TR924
114 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL7Check the printed test film.The test film must be similar to the image below.Density response of Drystar mediaDifferent densitometers can give different results when measuring the samedensity area. This is due to spectral differences between the densitometers.The density values used in this manual are based on the X_Rite 310densitometer. Values measured with another densitometer can vary fromthese values.It’s possible to change the default densitometer. Refer to Changing generalimage quality settings - Default densitometer on page 93. You can alsocompare the density values from different densitometers with each other.Refer to ‘Drystar media density response data’ on page 237.Non-calibrated or badly calibrated densitometers can result in even largerdifferences.To give the user an idea of the differences given by the most frequently useddensitometers, you can find the measurements for an SMPTE pattern on theDRYSTAR DT 2 B, DRYSTAR DT 2 C and DRYSTAR DT 2 Mammo films inAppendix B on page 237.The calibration film must be free of dust particles or any other artifacts. If this is not the case, clean the print head and restart the calibration procedure.
1152900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALPrint head cleaningTo clean the print head:1Perform step 1 to 2 of the ‘Accessing the calibration menu’ procedure on page 111 to select the ‘Calibration’ screen.2Press the Down key twice to select ‘TPH cleaning’ and press the Confirm key. The printer will automatically shut down.3The ‘print head cleaning’ screen will give instructions on what to do:4Open the drum compartment door by pulling its handle.Print head cleaning must be done when image quality problems occur. For more information on maintaining image quality, refer to ‘Maintaining image quality and resolving Image quality problems’ on page 220.
116 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL5Locate and check on sight the print head resistor line.6Clean the print head resistor line.Gently pass over the resistor line a few times with a lint free cloth, slightly moistened with Isopropyl alcohol or Ethanol. Do this in only one direction, i.e. from left to right, without lifting the cloth.Be careful not to touch the print head resistor line.Do not apply any pressure on the print head because this pressure may cause damage on the interconnections underneath the print head.
1172900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL7Close the drum compartment door.After you have cleaned the print head resistor line and closed the drum compartment door, the printer will restart automatically.If residue dust is present as part of the cleaning procedure it will disappear after a few prints. However, if dust lines persist even after a few prints, the dust rollers need to be cleaned. Proceed with ‘Cleaning the dust rollers’ on page 188.
118 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALPrint head profile calibrationTo start the manual print head profile calibration:1Perform step 1 to 2 of the ‘Accessing the calibration menu’ procedure on page 111 to select the ‘Calibration’ screen.2Press the Down key once to select ‘Printhead profile’, and press the Confirm key.The ‘Select input tray’ screen appears:3Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select an input tray, followed by the Confirm key (e.g. choose upper input tray).The system will start with Phase 1 of the calibration: Registration:As a result, the ‘Registration’ print out appears.Print head profile calibration must be done whenever the profile of the print head needs to be improved (manual print head profile calibration). For more information on maintaining image quality, refer to ‘Maintaining image quality and resolving Image quality problems’ on page 220.In the procedure, we will assume a print head profile calibration on the upper input tray. The procedure for the lower input tray is identical.
1192900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL4After registration, the system will continue with Phase 2 of the calibration: the print head profile calibration:As a result, the ‘TPH profile’ print out appears.5In case the print head profile calibration has failed, the following message appears:Press the Confirm key to retry the calibration, or the Escape key to quit.6In case the film calibration has completed successfully, the following message appears:•The percentage for the ‘Registration compensation’ reflects the degree to which the system had to compensate for incorrect horizontal positioning of the built-in densitometer (100% compensation = maximal correction).•The percentage for the ‘print head profile compensation’ reflects the degree to which the system had to compensate for density variations in the print head profile(100% compensation = maximal correction).Both values are important for the service technician.When the calibration process is interrupted, you will have to start the calibration procedure again. Otherwise, the old calibration parameters will be used.BlinkingBlinking
120 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL7Check the printed test films.The test films must be similar to the images below.Remark: the calibration film must be free of dust particles or any other artifacts. If this is not the case, you must restart the calibration procedure.If the printed test film does not look similar to the image above, repeat the print head profile calibration until the result is satisfactory.TPH profileRegistration
1212900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALInstallationUpgrading the softwareIt is possible to install new software or new software components from afloppy disk onto the hard disk.Different software (components) can be installed:•language files,•modality specific files,•calibration files,•...The new software will be activated after the Installation procedure. Thepreviously installed software components will be automatically removedwhen installing new software or new data.1Press the Key-operator key to enter the Key-operator mode.2On the Key-operator main menu, press the Down key seven times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Installation’.The ‘Installation’ screen will be displayed:3Press the Confirm key to select ‘Install data-sets’.The following screen is displayed:Before the procedure starts, the system suggests you to update your back-up copy of the current configuration. It is highly recommended to do this, so you can always restore it in case something should go wrong.If you do not wish to update your back-up copy, press the Escape key and go to step 10.
122 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL4Press the Confirm key to confirm the back-up.The following screens appears successively:5After saving, the printer asks you to insert the back-up floppy.6Insert the back-up floppy disk.The drive is located at the rear of the printer.7Press the Confirm key to continue.The following screen is displayed:The printer saves the configuration on the back-up floppy disk.D:/<path><filename>A:/<path><filename>
1232900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALWhen the writing process has finished, the following screen is displayed:8Remove the floppy disk and press the Confirm key.The following screen is displayed:9Press the Confirm key. The back-up is finished and the system will now proceed with the actual upgrade.10 The ‘Install data-sets’ screen is displayed:11 Insert the (first) floppy disk.The drive is located at the rear of the printer.e.g.102418-AUG-2005 11:07:18
124 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL12 Press the Confirm key to continue.The following screens appear successively:13 Press the Confirm key to continue, or the Escape key to quit.The printer will copy the new software data onto the hard disk.In case a wrong disk has been inserted, the following message is displayed:In case no floppy has been inserted, the following message is displayed:Print head dataNo floppy detectedA:/<path><filename>D:/<path><filename>
1252900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL14 When the contents of the floppy is copied onto the hard disk, the following message asks you to insert the next floppy (if a next one is required):15 Remove the floppy disk and insert the next floppy disk (‘disk x/y’) when necessary. Press the Confirm key to continue.The printer will copy the new software data onto the hard disk. 16 Repeat steps 14 and 15 until all floppy disks have been copied onto the hard disk.When all the files have been copied from the last floppy disk, the following screen is displayed:17 Remove the last floppy disk and press the Confirm key.In case the software requires a reset, the following screen will be displayed:18 Press the Confirm key to reset the printer.In case the software requires no reset, the following screen will be displayed:Disk x/yPrint head dataA:/<path><filename>D:/<path><filename>
126 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL19 Press the Confirm key to continue. You will return to the ‘Installation’ screen.
1272900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALUsing the installation wizardWhen you install the Drystar 5500, the installation wizard will guide youthrough the complete installation procedure.The Installation wizard consists of three steps:•‘Entering the printer network settings’ (page 130),•‘Entering modality-specific settings’ (page 135),•‘Saving the configuration’ (page 139).When you have entered the required data, the installation is complete.In case the display software has been updated (e.g. when installing language files), the ‘Updating display software’ screen is displayed during the downloading of the display software:Although the Installation wizard consists of three separate steps, these steps cannot be performed separately.To change the settings once the installation has completed, refer to ‘Changing the configuration settings’ on page 69.
128 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALStarting the Installation wizard1Press the Key-operator key to enter the Key-operator mode.2On the Key-operator main menu, press the Down key seven times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Installation’.The ‘Installation’ screen will be displayed:3Press the Down key once, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Printer instal. wizard’.The ‘Select language’ screen is displayed:4Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the desired language, followed by the Confirm key.The ‘Set date and time’ screen is displayed:The number of displayed languages depends on the installed dataset. Contact your local Agfa service organization for the latest Drystar 5500 language availability status.7 Installation8 Quality control1*English2 Nederlands3 Francais4 Deutsch
1292900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL5Press the Up/Down arrow keys to increment/decrement the numbers. Press the Left/Right arrow keys to move through the fields. Press the Confirm key to store the data.The ‘Printer installation wizard’ screen will appear:6Press the Confirm key to continue.A screen with information on the sequence of the steps will appear:7Press the Confirm key to start with the first step or press the Escape key to quit the procedure.Refer to ‘Data entry’ on page 33.Blinking
130 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALEntering the printer network settingsThe following introduction screen will appear:1Press the Confirm key to continue.An instruction screen will show the information you need to complete thispart of the installation:2Press the Confirm key to continue.The ‘Enter printer IP-address’ screen is displayed:If the IP-address has already been assigned, it will be shown on the display.3Press the Up/Down arrow keys to increment/decrement the numbers. Press the Left/Right arrow keys to move through the fields.When no DHCP server is available and when the IP address of the printer has never been set, the printer IP address will be set to the APIPA address to ‘Data entry’ on page 33.Note that blank spaces will not be filled in.e.g. 10.233. 93. 46
1312900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALExample: If the IP-address is, then the data entry should be as follows:Example: If the IP-address is, then the data entry should be as follows:4Press the Confirm key to continue, or the Escape key to return to the previous step.The ‘Enter Netmask’ screen is displayed: If the net mask has already been assigned, it will be shown on the display.5Press the Up/Down arrow keys to increment/decrement the numbers. Press the Left/Right arrow keys to move through the fields.Example: If the netmask is, then the data entry should be as follows:When no DHCP server is available and when the subnet mask of the printer has never been set, the subnet mask will be set to the APIPA address to ‘Data entry’ on page 33.Note that blank spaces will not be filled in. 12 .00 .12 .12 12 . .12 .12Blinkinge.g. 255.255.252. 0 12  00  12  12
132 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALExample: If the netmask is, then the data entry should be as follows:6Press the Confirm key to continue, or the Escape key to return to the previous step.The ‘Enter Router IP-address’ screen is displayed: If the Router IP-address has already been assigned, it will be shown on the display.7Press the Up/Down arrow keys to increment/decrement the numbers. Press the Left/Right arrow keys to move through the fields.Example: If the Router IP-address is, then the data entry should be as follows:Example: If the Router IP-address is, then the data entry should be as follows:Refer to ‘Data entry’ on page 33.Note that blank spaces will not be filled in. 12  12  12Blinkinge.g. 10.233. 92. 1 12  00  12  12 12  12  12
1332900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL8Press the Confirm key to continue, or the Escape key to return to the previous step.The ‘Enter Called AE-title’ screen is displayed:9Enter the Called AE-title by means of the arrow keys. 10 Press the Confirm key to continue, or the Escape key to return to the previous step.The ‘Hostname’ screen is displayed:11 Enter the Hostname by means of the arrow keys. Refer to ‘Data entry’ on page 33.Make sure not to enter more than 16 characters.Refer to ‘Data entry’ on page 33.Make sure not to enter more than 16 characters.Note that blank spaces will not be filled in.e.g. DS5500e.g. ds5500
134 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL12 Press the Confirm key to continue, or the Escape key to return to the previous step.The ‘Enter Domain Name’ screen is displayed:13 Enter the Domain name by means of the arrow keys. 14 Press the Confirm key to continue, or the Escape key to return to the previous step.15 Press the Confirm key to continue, or the Escape key to return to the previous step.A screen will appear summarizing the information you have entered:16 Press the Confirm key to go to step 2 of the installation wizard or press the Escape key to repeat step 1.•When you have pressed the Confirm key, the following screen will appear:17 Press the Confirm key to continue.Refer to ‘Data entry’ on page 33.Make sure not to enter more than 255 characters.Note that blank spaces will not be filled in.DS5500ds5500Domain : xxxxxxxe.g.Prt IP-ad:
1352900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALEntering modality-specific settingsAn instruction screen shows the information you need to complete this part ofthe installation:1Press the Confirm key to continue or press the Escape key to skip this step.•When you have pressed the Confirm key, the ‘Enter daily modality name’ screen will appear:2Enter the modality nickname by means of the arrow keys. Refer to ‘Data entry’ on page 33. Make sure not to enter more than 8 characters. 3Press the Confirm key to continue, or the Escape key to return to the previous step.The ‘Select modality brand name’ screen is displayed:4Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the appropriate modality brand name.5Press the Confirm key to continue, or the Escape key to return to the previous step.The ‘Select modality type’ screen will be displayed:2 Acuson2 Philips3 Trex4 GE1 MXVIEW2 MX8000
136 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL6Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the appropriate modality type.7Press the Confirm key to continue, or the Escape key to return to the previous step.The ‘Enter Called AE-title’ screen is displayed:8Enter the Called AE-title by means of the arrow keys. Refer to ‘Data entry’ on page 33. Make sure not to enter more than 16 characters.The ‘Select output tray for <daily name or AE-title>’ screen will appear:Press the Up/Down arrow keys to navigate and (de-)install output trays with the Left/Right arrow keys. You can install several output trays. 9Press the Confirm key to install the chosen output trays, or the Escape key to quit the procedure without any changes.10 Press the Confirm key to continue, or the Escape key to return to the previous step.The ‘Select preferred film type for modality’ screen will appear:Each installed output tray are marked with an *. ‘DRYSTAR DT 2 Mammo’ is only shown in the list when the option for the mammography application is activated. Refer to ‘Options and accessories’ on page 235.You can find the film type on the film packaging, e.g. ‘DRYSTAR DT 2 C’.<daily name or AE-title>* position 1 (upper) position 2* position 3 position 4 (lower)<daily name or AE-title>DRYSTAR DT 2 BDRYSTAR DT 2 CDRYSTAR DT 2 Mammo
1372900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALIn case the current film type in the trays does not cover the selected film type of the selection a message is displayed:11 Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the appropriate film type.12 Press the Confirm key to continue, or the Escape key to return to the previous step.A screen will appear summarizing the entered information:The following appear in the list:•Daily modality name•Brand•Modality type•Calling AE-title•Preferred film type13 Press the Confirm key to accept the settings, or the Escape key to redo the settings for the current modality.The following screen will appear, asking if you want to enter another modality:<daily name or AE-title>xxxxxPhilipsMXVIEWxxxxxDRYSTAR DT 2 B
138 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL14 Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select your choice, followed by the Confirm key.•If you select Yes, step 2 of the Setup wizard will be repeated for the next modality. Go back to ‘Entering modality-specific settings’ on page 135.•If you select No, the second step of the installation is finished. The following screen will appear:15 Press the Confirm key to continue.
1392900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALSaving the configurationA screen will ask you to insert the back-up floppy:1Insert the floppy disk.The drive is located at the rear of the printer.2Press the Confirm key to continue.The ‘Saving configuration’ screen is displayed.The printer saves the configuration on the floppy disk.When the writing process has finished, the following screen is displayed:For the back-up, a blank floppy disk is required (formatted, IBM-compatible, 2HD).D:/<path><filename>A:/<path><filename>
140 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL3Remove the floppy disk and press the Confirm key.The following screen is displayed:4Press the Confirm key.The installation is now finished.The following screen is displayed:5Press the Confirm key.The following screen is displayed:6Press the Escape key if you want to reboot the printer later. Press Confirm key to reboot the printer.The Drystar 5500 will now restart, and the new settings will be active.e.g. 1024
1412900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALQuality control for general radiography applications (DT 2 B & DT 2 C)In order to establish and maintain consistent image quality, a regularevaluation of the image quality is advised.The Drystar 5500 contains an automatic QC procedure for generalradiography applications and has been designed to comply with the grayscalereproduction constancy test, according to the international standard IEC1223-2-4. If the option for the mammography application is activated,another QC procedure is available for the mammography application (refer to‘Quality control for mammography application (DT 2 Mammo) (optional)’ onpage 153). This QC procedure has been designed to comply with theMammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) of the FDA (refer to ‘Safetycompliance’ on page 18). In this chapter we will discuss how to control thequality of general radiography applications.Local Regulations may require other procedures.The Drystar 5500 Hard Copy quality control procedures consist of two mainsteps:•Before initial use, establishing a number of reference values that will be used for further follow-up and verifying initial image quality. •After establishing these values, performing regular daily, weekly and annual quality tests.The results of these tests are recorded on Quality Control Charts.The QC image (Refer to the ‘QC general radiography test image’ on page 146)has several additional fields where the QC data can be filled in. This imageshould be filed as part of the QC procedure.For more information, please refer to ‘Quality Control Charts’ on page 241.Repeat the two main steps of the Hard Copy quality procedures for each input tray loaded with DT 2 B and/or DT 2 C films.
142 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALEstablishing the reference values and verifying image quality for general radiography applications (DT 2 B and DT 2 C)After installation of a new Drystar 5500 and before initial use you mustestablish Quality Control aim values. These values will be used as the baseline for comparison when daily Quality Control is done. These values shouldbe determined again after major service, repair or software update.The following Quality Control aim values must be determined:•The daily operating density levels. Refer to ‘Establishing the daily operating reference density levels for general radiography applications (DT 2 B and DT 2 C)’ on page 143.•Drystar 5500 image geometry. Refer to ‘Establishing the image geometry reference values for general radiography applications (DT 2 B and DT 2 C)’ on page 146.Once Quality Control aim values are established you must evaluate theSpatial Resolution, the Artifact Levels and the Low Contrast Visibility todetermine if the image quality is acceptable. Refer to ‘Verifying AcceptableSpatial Resolution, Artifact Levels and Low Contrast Visibility for generalradiography applications (DT 2 B and DT 2 C)’ on page 148.The Quality Control aim values, the Spatial Resolution and Artifact Levels andthe Image Geometry values are all recorded on the Quality Control charts.Refer to ‘Charts for general radiography QC’ on page 242.On these charts, the following test conditions are also recorded:•The type and serial number of the Drystar 5500.•The type and emulsion number of the film used to determine the reference values.•The type of densitometer used.•The time (day, month, year) that the values were established.Before you can establish the daily operating levels, the Drystar 5500 must be switched on for at least 15 minutes and it must be calibrated as well. Refer to ‘Switching on the Drystar 5500’ on page 34 and ‘Performing the calibration procedures’ on page 111.
1432900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALEstablishing the daily operating reference density levels for general radiog-raphy applications (DT 2 B and DT 2 C)This procedure enables you to establish the base line values for:•Low density•Mid density•High densityTo establish the daily operating levels, proceed as follows:1Press the Key-operator key to enter the Key-operator mode.The ‘Key-operator main menu’ screen appears:2Press the Down key eight times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Quality Control’The ‘Select input tray’ screen appears:3Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the proper input tray, followed by the Confirm key.The Drystar 5500 will automatically print the QC general radiography test image.The densitometer of the Drystar 5500 is calibrated at installation. Authorized service personnel should recalibrate the densitometer annually or after major service or repair.When controlling the Drystar 5500 via a remote PC, The ‘Select input tray’ screen is preceded by a screen, which allows you to:• Start the quality control procedure immediately,• Edit additional data for the last quality control measuring.
144 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL4After the image is printed, the system will display all measured optical density values:The displayed values (that have to be monitored) represent the following steps on the test film:5Record the density levels on Chart 1 (‘Drystar 5500/5503: Determination of Operating Levels’). Refer to ‘Charts for general radiography QC’ on page 242.6Press the Confirm key to return to the main menu.7Repeat steps 1 through 6 once a day for five consecutive days, as indicated on the Drystar 5500 Chart 1.8Calculate the average value of the densities from the five images. These values represent operating levels or aim values, for each density.Operating LevelValue (Macbeth units)(according IEC 1223-2-4or better)Low density the density value of the Low density step 0.4 ± 0.05Mid density the density value of the Mid density step 1.2 ± 0.15High density the density value of the High density step 2.0 ± 0.20If the mid density value does not meet or exceeds the recommended values, the cause must be found and the problem solved before any further clinical films can be printed.Refer to ‘Maintaining image quality and resolving Image quality problems’ on page 220 and ‘Preventive maintenance schedule’ on page 186, or call your local Agfa service organization.Default densitometere.g. Macbeth TR9240.19 0.361.141.923.601.56
1452900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL9Record the respective aim (average) values as the ‘Operating levels’ on Charts 2a and 2b (‘Drystar 5500/5503 Daily Density Control Chart’). Refer to ‘Charts for general radiography QC’ on page 242.The calculated ‘Operating levels’ should be as follows:10 These charts will be used for the daily quality test. For more information, refer to ‘Performing the daily QC test for general radiography applications (DT 2 B and DT 2 C)’ on page 149.Operating Level Value (Macbeth units)(according IEC 1223-2-4 or better)Low density 0.4 ± 0.05Mid density 1.2 ± 0.15High density 2.0 ± 0.20
146 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALEstablishing the image geometry reference values for general radiographyapplications (DT 2 B and DT 2 C)To establish the image geometry reference values, proceed as follows:1Print the QC general radiography test image or use the previously printed test image.You should obtain an image looking like this (without the dimensions A and B):QC general radiography test image LowLow Base + FogBase + FogMax (100%)Max (100%)HighHigh MidMidIdentificationIdentificationIdentificationIdentificationInitials: __________Initials: __________Initials: __________Initials: __________Base + Fog: ______________Base + Fog: ______________Base + Fog: ______________Base + Fog: ______________Low Density: _____________Low Density: _____________Low Density: _____________Low Density: _____________Mid Density: _____________Mid Density: _____________Mid Density: _____________Mid Density: _____________High Density: ____________High Density: ____________High Density: ____________High Density: ____________Max Density: _____________Max Density: _____________Max Density: _____________Max Density: _____________Density Difference (High - Low): ___________Density Difference (High - Low): ___________Density Difference (High - Low): ___________Density Difference (High - Low): ___________Date: __________Date: __________Date: __________Date: __________Time: __________Time: __________Time: __________Time: __________Daily density testsDaily density testsDaily density testsDaily density testsWeekly spatial resolution testWeekly spatial resolution testWeekly spatial resolution testWeekly spatial resolution testQuality Control Test ImageQuality Control Test Image (Version 3)Sets of dots visible?      Yes         NoSets of dots visible?      Yes         NoSets of dots visible?      Yes         NoSets of dots visible?      Yes         NoDimension BDimension A1 2
1472900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL2To determine the reference values for geometry, measure the distances A and B of the geometric square on the test image.3Record these values as reference dimensions Aref and Bref on Chart 4 (‘Drystar 5500/5503 Geometric Consistency Control Chart’). Refer to ‘Charts for general radiography QC’ on page 242.These charts will be used for the annual quality test. For more information, refer to ‘Performing the Annual QC tests for general radiography applications (DT 2 B and DT 2 C)’ on page 152.4Save this film for future reference.Make sure to measure distance A from the left edge of the left line to the right edge of the right line and distance B from the upper edge of the upper line to the lower edge of the lower line.We strongly recommend using a 30 cm (12 inch) machinist scale with 0.5 mm divisions (1/64 inch).
148 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALVerifying Acceptable Spatial Resolution, Artifact Levels and Low ContrastVisibility for general radiography applications (DT 2 B and DT 2 C)To verify acceptable spatial resolution, artifact levels and low contrast visibility, proceed as follows:1Print the QC general radiography test image or use the previously printed QC general radiography test image used to establish the daily operating density levels.2Visually check the QC general radiography test image for artifacts: no significant disturbing artifacts should be visible.3Check the spatial resolution in each of the three ovals. Within each oval there are three groups, each having five dots. All five dots of each group must be visible with a magnifying glass. The smallest cluster of 5 dots is only visible if the viewing conditions are good.4Check the Low Contrast Visibility at both the high (100 / 95%) and low end (0 / 5%) of the density scale. You should be able to see the circle in the square (refer to item 1 on the ‘QC general radiography test image’ on page 146) and the upper circle (refer to item 2 on the ‘QC general radiography test image’ on page 146).5Record these values at the top of Chart 3 (‘Drystar 5500/5503 Artifacts and Spatial Resolution Control Chart’). Refer to ‘Charts for general radiography QC’ on page 242.6These charts will be used for the weekly quality test. For more information, refer to ‘Performing the Weekly QC tests for general radiography applications (DT 2 B and DT 2 C)’ on page 151.Good viewing conditions are important for the correct interpretation of both diagnostic and test images. Make sure that the light box intensity (luminance) is between 2000 and 4000 cd/m² (4500 and 6500 °K) for general radiography. Use a magnifying glass and use shutters to collimate. Make sure the ambient light is low.In case of significant artifacts or insufficient spatial resolution, the cause must be found and the problem solved before any further clinical films can be printed.Refer to ‘Maintaining image quality and resolving Image quality problems’ on page 220 and ‘Preventive maintenance schedule’ on page 186, or call your local Agfa service organization.
1492900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALPerforming quality control (QC) tests for general radiography applications (DT 2 B and DT 2 C)The following procedures must be performed daily, weekly or annually asindicated. When used in a mobile application it is required to perform QCafter every move.The reason for performing quality control tests is to determine if anysignificant image quality variation or deterioration has occurred which mayrequire corrective action. Comparing the results of the tests with the referencevalues previously established does this.This procedure allows the operator to take the necessary preventive actionsbefore any image quality loss can take place.Performing the daily QC test for general radiography applications (DT 2 Band DT 2 C)1Turn on the Drystar 5500 and wait at least for 15 minutes. Refer to ‘Switching on the Drystar 5500’ on page 34.2Press the Key-operator key to enter the Key-operator mode.3Press the Down key eight times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Quality Control’.The ‘Select input tray’ screen appears:This test must be performed every day before any clinical film can be processed.When controlling the Drystar 5500 via a remote PC, The ‘Select input tray’ screen is preceded by a screen, which allows you to:• Start the quality control procedure immediately,• Edit additional data for the last quality control measuring.
150 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL4Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the proper input tray, followed by the Confirm key.The Drystar 5500 will automatically print the QC general radiography test image.5After the image is printed, the system will display all measured optical density values:6Record the low, mid and high density values on Charts 2A and 2B (‘Drystar 5500/5503 Daily Density Control Chart’). Also record the date and time of the test on the charts and on the QC general radiography test images. Refer to ‘Charts for general radiography QC’ on page 242.7Press the Confirm key to return to the main menu.In case the measure results are not within the aim values, the reason for the unacceptable density variations must be identified and resolved before any further clinical films can be processed. This may include repeating the film calibration procedure.For possible causes of non-compliance and the respective actions, refer to ‘Maintaining image quality and resolving Image quality problems’ on page 220 and ‘Preventive maintenance schedule’ on page 186.Default densitometere.g. Macbeth TR9240.19 0.361.141.923.601.56
1512900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALPerforming the Weekly QC tests for general radiography applications(DT 2 B and DT 2 C)Spatial Resolution, Artifact Test and Low Contrast VisibilityTo identify artifacts and verify spatial resolution you must perform thefollowing test weekly or as needed for troubleshooting image qualityproblems.1First, print out the QC general radiography test image. Refer to ‘Performing the daily QC test for general radiography applications (DT 2 B and DT 2 C)’ on page 149.2Check the QC general radiography test image visually for artifacts: no significant disturbing artifacts should be visible.3Check the spatial resolution.The test film also shows three squares which each contains an oval. These 3 ovals contain 3 groups, each having 5 dots. All five dots of each group must be visible with a magnifying glass. The smallest cluster of 5 dots is only visible if the viewing conditions are good.4Check the Low Contrast Visibility at both the high (100 / 95%) and low end (0 / 5%) of the density scale. You should be able to see the circle in the square (refer to item 1 on the ‘QC general radiography test image’ on page 146) and the upper circle (refer to item 2 on the ‘QC general radiography test image’ on page 146).5Record these values on Chart 3 (‘Drystar 5500/5503 Artifacts and Spatial Resolution Control Chart’). Refer to ‘Charts for general radiography QC’ on page 242.Good viewing conditions are important for the correct interpretation of both diagnostic and test images. Make sure that the light box intensity (luminance) is between 2000 and 4000 cd/m² (4500 and 6500 °K) for general radiography. Use a magnifying glass and use shutters to collimate. Make sure the ambient light is low.In case of significant artifacts, insufficient spatial resolution or failure of any other recommended QC tests, the cause of the problem must be identified, and corrective action must be taken before the Drystar 5500 can be used for any further clinical imaging.Refer to ‘Maintaining image quality and resolving Image quality problems’ on page 220 and ‘Preventive maintenance schedule’ on page 186, or call your local Agfa service organization for assistance.
152 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALPerforming the Annual QC tests for general radiography applications(DT 2 B and DT 2 C)Geometric Consistency Test To be able to notice fluctuations in image size and aspect ratio, you mustperform this procedure once a year.1First, perform the daily test.2Measure the distances A and B of the geometric square on the QC general radiography test image. Refer to ‘Establishing the image geometry reference values for general radiography applications (DT 2 B and DT 2 C)’ on page 146.3Record these values as measured distances A and B on Chart 4 (‘Drystar 5500/5503 Geometric Consistency Control Chart’). Refer to ‘Charts for general radiography QC’ on page 242.4Compare the measured A and B dimensions with the reference dimension values, Aref and Bref on Chart 4 (‘Drystar 5500/5503 Geometric Consistency Control Chart’). Refer to ‘Charts for general radiography QC’ on page 242.The differences between the measured dimensions of A and B and the reference values Aref and Bref should be less than or equal to 1.0%.5Check for image distortion.6Calculate the aspect ratio by dividing A by B.The result must be 1 +/- 0.01Make sure to measure distance A from the left edge of the left line to the right edge of the right line and distance B from the upper edge of the upper line to the lower edge of the lower line.We strongly recommend using a 30 cm (12 inch) machinist scale with 0.5 mm divisions (1/64 inch).If the image size or distortion values exceed the limits, contact Agfa service to resolve the problem.
1532900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALQuality control for mammography application (DT 2 Mammo) (optional)In order to establish and maintain consistent image quality, a regularevaluation of the image quality is advised.The Drystar 5500 contains an automatic QC procedure for generalradiography applications (refer to ‘Quality control for general radiographyapplications (DT 2 B & DT 2 C)’ on page 141) and has been designed to complywith the grayscale reproduction constancy test, according to the internationalstandard IEC 1223-2-4. If the option for the mammography application isactivated, another QC procedure is available for the mammographyapplication. This QC procedure has been designed to comply with theMammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) of the FDA (refer to ‘Safetycompliance’ on page 18). In this chapter we will discuss how to control thequality of general radiography applications.Local Regulations may require other procedures.The Drystar 5500 Hard Copy quality control procedures consist of two mainsteps:•Before initial use, establishing a number of reference values that will be used for further follow-up and verifying initial image quality. •After establishing these values, performing regular daily, weekly and annual quality tests.The results of these tests are recorded on Quality Control Charts.The QC image (Refer to the ‘QC mammography test image’ on page 158) hasseveral additional fields where the QC data can be filled in. This image shouldbe filed as part of the QC procedure.For more information, please refer to ‘Quality Control Charts’ on page 241.Repeat the two main steps of the Hard Copy quality procedures for each input tray loaded with DT 2 Mammo films.
154 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALEstablishing the reference values and verifying image quality for mammography application (DT 2 Mammo) (optional)After installation of a new Drystar 5500 and before initial use you mustestablish Quality Control aim values. These values will be used as the baseline for comparison when daily Quality Control is done. These values shouldbe determined again after major service, repair or software update.The following Quality Control aim values must be determined:•The daily operating density levels. Refer to ‘Establishing the daily operating reference density levels for mammography application (DT 2 Mammo) (optional)’ on page 155.•Drystar 5500 image geometry. Refer to ‘Establishing the image geometry reference values for mammography application (DT 2 Mammo) (optional)’ on page 158.Once Quality Control aim values are established you must evaluate theSpatial Resolution, the Artifact Levels and the Low Contrast Visibility todetermine if the image quality is acceptable. Refer to ‘Verifying AcceptableSpatial Resolution and Artifact Levels and Low Contrast Visibility for mammographyapplication (DT 2 Mammo) (optional)’ on page 160.The Quality Control aim values, the Spatial Resolution and Artifact Levels andthe Image Geometry values are all recorded on the Quality Control charts.Refer to ‘Charts for mammography QC (optional)’ on page 247.On these charts, the following test conditions are also recorded:•The type and serial number of the Drystar 5500.•The type and emulsion number of the film used to determine the reference values.•The type of densitometer used.•The time (day, month, year) that the values were established.Before you can establish the daily operating levels, the Drystar 5500 must be switched on for at least 15 minutes and it must be calibrated as well. Refer to ‘Switching on the Drystar 5500’ on page 34 and ‘Performing the calibration procedures’ on page 111.
1552900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALEstablishing the daily operating reference density levels for mammographyapplication (DT 2 Mammo) (optional)This procedure enables you to establish the base line values for:•Base + Fog density•Low density•Mid density•High densityTo establish the daily operating levels, proceed as follows:1Press the Key-operator key  to enter the Key-operator mode.The ‘Key-operator main menu’ screen appears:2Press the Down key eight times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Quality Control’.The ‘Select input tray’ screen appears:3Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the proper input tray, followed by the Confirm key.The Drystar 5500 will automatically print the QC mammography test image.The densitometer of the Drystar 5500 is calibrated at installation. Authorized service personnel should recalibrate the internal densitometer annually or after major service or repair.When controlling the Drystar 5500 via a remote PC, The ‘Select input tray’ screen is preceded by a screen, which allows you to:• Start the quality control procedure immediately,• Edit additional data for the last quality control measuring.
156 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL4After the image is printed, the system will display all measured optical density values:The displayed values (that have to be monitored) represent the following steps on the test film:5Record the density levels on Chart 1 (‘Drystar 5500/5503: Determination of Operating Levels’). Refer to ‘Charts for mammography QC (optional)’ on page 247.6Press the Confirm key to return to the main menu.7Repeat steps 1 through 6 once a day for five consecutive days, as indicated on the Drystar 5500 Chart 1.8Calculate the average value of the densities from the five images. These values represent operating levels or aim values, for each density.Operating LevelValue (Macbeth units)(according to NEMA standards XR 23-2006)Base + Fog the density value of the Base + Fog step 0.22 ± 0.03Low density the density value of the low density step 0.52 ± 0.07Mid density the density value of the mid density step 1.35 ± 0.15High density the density value of the high density step 2.35 ± 0.15If the mid density value does not meet or exceeds the recommended values, the cause must be found and the problem solved before any further clinical films can be printed.Refer to ‘Maintaining image quality and resolving Image quality problems’ on page 220 and ‘Preventive maintenance schedule’ on page 186, or call your local Agfa service organization.Default densitometere.g. Macbeth TR9240.19 0.501.302.233.601.73
1572900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL9Record the respective aim (average) values as the ‘Operating levels’ on Charts 2a and 2b (‘Drystar 5500/5503 Daily Density Control Chart’). Refer to ‘Charts for mammography QC (optional)’ on page 247.The calculated ‘Operating levels’ should be as follows:10 These charts will be used for the daily quality test. For more information, refer to ‘Performing the daily QC test for mammography application (DT 2 Mammo) (optional)’ on page 161.Operating Level Value (Macbeth units)(according to NEMA standards XR 23-2006)Base + Fog 0.22 ± 0.03Low density 0.52 ± 0.07Mid density 1.35 ± 0.15High density 2.35 ± 0.15
158 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALEstablishing the image geometry reference values for mammography appli-cation (DT 2 Mammo) (optional)To establish the image geometry reference values, proceed as follows:1Print the QC mammography test image or use the previously printed test image.You should obtain an image looking like this (without the dimensions A and B):QC mammography test image2To determine the reference values for geometry, measure the distances A and B of the geometric square on the test image.Make sure to measure distance A from the left edge of the left line to the right edge of the right line and distance B from the upper edge of the upper line to the lower edge of the lower line.We strongly recommend using a 30 cm (12-inch) machinist scale with 0.5 mm divisions (1/64 inch).LowLow Base + FogBase + FogMax (100%)Max (100%)HighHigh MidMidIdentificationIdentificationIdentificationIdentificationInitials: __________Initials: __________Initials: __________Initials: __________Base + Fog: ______________Base + Fog: ______________Base + Fog: ______________Base + Fog: ______________Low Density: _____________Low Density: _____________Low Density: _____________Low Density: _____________Mid Density: _____________Mid Density: _____________Mid Density: _____________Mid Density: _____________High Density: ____________High Density: ____________High Density: ____________High Density: ____________Max Density: _____________Max Density: _____________Max Density: _____________Max Density: _____________Density Difference (High - Low): ___________Density Difference (High - Low): ___________Density Difference (High - Low): ___________Density Difference (High - Low): ___________Date: __________Date: __________Date: __________Date: __________Time: __________Time: __________Time: __________Time: __________Daily density testsDaily density testsDaily density testsDaily density testsWeekly spatial resolution testWeekly spatial resolution testWeekly spatial resolution testWeekly spatial resolution testQuality Control Test Image - Mammo version  (Version 4 )Sets of dots visible?      Yes         NoSets of dots visible?      Yes         NoSets of dots visible?      Yes         NoSets of dots visible?      Yes         NoDimension BDimension A12
1592900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL3Record these values as reference dimensions Aref and Bref on Chart 4 (‘Drystar 5500/5503 Geometric Consistency Control Chart’). Refer to ‘Charts for mammography QC (optional)’ on page 247.These charts will be used for the annual quality test. For more information, refer to ‘Performing the Annual QC tests for mammography application (DT 2 Mammo) (optional)’ on page 164.4Save this film for future reference.
160 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALVerifying Acceptable Spatial Resolution and Artifact Levels and Low Con-trast Visibility for mammography application (DT 2 Mammo) (optional)To verify acceptable spatial resolution, artifact levels and low contrast visibility, proceed as follows:1Print the QC mammography test image or use the previously printed QC mammography test image used to establish the daily operating density levels.2Visually check the test image for artifacts: no significant disturbing artifacts should be visible.3Check the spatial resolution in each of the three ovals. Within each oval there are three groups, each having five dots. All five dots of each group must be visible with a magnifying glass. The smallest cluster of 5 dots is only visible if the viewing conditions are good.4Check the Low Contrast Visibility at both the high (100 / 95%) and low end (0 / 5%) of the density scale. You should be able to see the circle in the square (refer to item 1 on the ‘QC mammography test image’ on page 158) and the upper circle (refer to item 2 on the ‘QC mammography test image’ on page 158).5Record these values at the top of Chart 3 (‘Drystar 5500/5503 Artifacts and Spatial Resolution Control Chart’). Refer to ‘Charts for mammography QC (optional)’ on page 247.6These charts will be used for the weekly quality test. For more information, refer to ‘Performing the Weekly QC tests for mammography application (DT 2 Mammo) (optional)’ on page 163.Good viewing conditions are important for the correct interpretation of both diagnostic and test images. Make sure that the light box intensity (luminance) is between 3000 and 6000 cd/m² (4500 and 6500 °K) for mammography. Use a magnifying glass and use shutters to collimate. Make sure the ambient light is low.In case of significant artifacts or insufficient spatial resolution, the cause must be found and the problem solved before any further clinical films can be printed.Refer to ‘Maintaining image quality and resolving Image quality problems’ on page 220 and ‘Preventive maintenance schedule’ on page 186, or call your local Agfa service organization.
1612900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALPerforming quality control (QC) tests for mammography application (DT 2 Mammo) (optional)The following procedures must be performed daily, weekly or annually asindicated. When used in a mobile application it is required to perform QCafter every move.The reason for performing quality control tests is to determine if anysignificant image quality variation or deterioration has occurred which mayrequire corrective action. Comparing the results of the tests with the referencevalues previously established does this.This procedure allows the operator to take the necessary preventive actionsbefore any image quality loss can take place.Performing the daily QC test for mammography application(DT 2 Mammo) (optional)1Turn on the Drystar 5500 and wait at least for 15 minutes. Refer to ‘Switching on the Drystar 5500’ on page 34.2Press the Key-operator key to enter the Key-operator mode.The ‘Key-operator main menu’ screen appears:3Press the Down key eight times, followed by the Confirm key to select ‘Quality Control’.The ‘Select input tray’ screen appears:This test must be performed every day before any clinical film can be processed.When controlling the Drystar 5500 via a remote PC, The ‘Select input tray’ screen is preceded by a screen, which allows you to:• Start the quality control procedure immediately,• Edit additional data for the last quality control measuring.
162 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL4Press the Up/Down arrow keys to select the proper input tray, followed by the Confirm key.The Drystar 5500 will automatically print the QC mammography test image.5After the image is printed, the system will display all measured optical density values:6Record the Base + Fog, the Mid density, the Maximum density and the Density Difference values on Charts 2A and 2B (‘Drystar 5500/5503 Daily Density Control Chart’). Also record the date and time of the test on the charts and on the QC mammography test images. Refer to ‘Charts for mammography QC (optional)’ on page 247.7Press the Confirm key to return to the main menu.8Press the ok key to return to the main menu.In case the measure results are not within the aim values, the reason for the unacceptable density variations must be identified and resolved before any further clinical films can be processed. This may include repeating the film calibration procedure.For possible causes of non-compliance and the respective actions, refer to ‘Maintaining image quality and resolving Image quality problems’ on page 220 and ‘Preventive maintenance schedule’ on page 186.Default densitometere.g. Macbeth TR9240.19 0.301.302.123.601.82
1632900H EN 20071108 Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALPerforming the Weekly QC tests for mammography application(DT 2 Mammo) (optional)Spatial Resolution, Artifact Test and Low Contrast VisibilityTo identify artifacts and verify spatial resolution you must perform thefollowing test weekly or as needed for troubleshooting image qualityproblems.1First, print out the QC mammography test image. Refer to ‘Performing the daily QC test for mammography application (DT 2 Mammo) (optional)’ on page 161.2Check the test image visually for artifacts: no significant disturbing artifacts should be visible.3Check the spatial resolution.The test film also shows three squares which each contains an oval. These 3 ovals contain 3 groups, each having 5 dots. All five dots of each group must be visible with a magnifying glass. The smallest cluster of 5 dots is only visible if the viewing conditions are good.4Check the Low Contrast Visibility at both the high (100 / 95%) and low end (0 / 5%) of the density scale. You should be able to see the circle in the square (refer to item 1 on the ‘QC mammography test image’ on page 158) and the upper circle (refer to item 2 on the ‘QC mammography test image’ on page 158).5Record these values on Chart 3 (‘Drystar 5500/5503 Artifacts and Spatial Resolution Control Chart’). Refer to ‘Charts for mammography QC (optional)’ on page 247.Good viewing conditions are important for the correct interpretation of both diagnostic and test images. Make sure that the light box intensity (luminance) is 3000 and 6000 cd/m² (4500 and 6500 °K) for mammography. Use a magnifying glass and use shutters to collimate. Make sure the ambient light is low.In case of significant artifacts, insufficient spatial resolution or failure of any other recommended QC tests, the cause of the problem must be identified, and corrective action must be taken before the Drystar 5500 can be used for any further clinical imaging.Refer to ‘Maintaining image quality and resolving Image quality problems’ on page 220 and ‘Preventive maintenance schedule’ on page 186 or call your local Agfa service organization for assistance.
164 2900H EN 20071108Advanced operation (Key-operator mode)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALPerforming the Annual QC tests for mammography application(DT 2 Mammo) (optional)Geometric Consistency Test To be able to notice fluctuations in image size and aspect ratio, you mustperform this procedure once a year.1First, perform the daily test.2Measure the distances A and B of the geometric square on the QC mammography test image. Refer to ‘Establishing the image geometry reference values for mammography application (DT 2 Mammo) (optional)’ on page 158.3Record these values as measured distances A and B on Chart 4 (‘Drystar 5500/5503 Geometric Consistency Control Chart’). Refer to ‘Charts for mammography QC (optional)’ on page 247.4Compare the measured A and B dimensions with the reference dimension values, Aref and Bref on Chart 4 (‘Drystar 5500/5503 Geometric Consistency Control Chart’). Refer to ‘Charts for mammography QC (optional)’ on page 247.The differences between the measured dimensions of A and B and the reference values A ref and B ref should be less than or equal to 1.0%.5Check for image distortion.6Calculate the aspect ratio by dividing A by B.The result must be 1 +/- 0.01Make sure to measure distance A from the left edge of the left line to the right edge of the right line and distance B from the upper edge of the upper line to the lower edge of the lower line.We strongly recommend using a 30 cm (12-inch) machinist scale with 0.5 mm divisions (1/64 inch).If the image size or distortion values are outside of limits, contact Agfa service to resolve the problem.
Controlling theDrystar 5500 via a remotePC(with browser)This chapter will inform on how to control the functions of the Drystar 5500 via the browser on a remote PC.TFeaturesTSetupTSetting up the connectionTStarting the remote sessionChapter 4
166 2900H EN 20071108Controlling the Drystar 5500 via a remote PC (with browser)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALFeaturesQAll functions that can be accessed via the local keypad and display can also beaccessed via a remote PC via the network.Brief: LOCAL corresponds with MAIN features.QAll functions that can be accessed via a remote connection are not necessarilyavailable via the local keypad.Brief: REMOTE corresponds with ALL features.QThis remote access allows controlling multiple printers from a networked cen-tral PC.QThe prerequisites for remote access are:•A PC (Windows 2000 is advised),•Browser software (preferably Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0),•A network adapter,•A cross-link Ethernet cable (for a direct link between PC and Drystar 5500) or a straight Ethernet cable (for a connection via an existing network).QUsing the remote PC, you have access to five operating modes of theDrystar 5500: Operator mode, Key-operator mode, Service mode, Specialistmode, and Administrator (Security) mode.Depending on the operating mode, you will need a password to have access:Need password Local RemoteOperator No YesKey-operator No Yes Service Yes YesSpecialist No access YesAdministrator No access Yes
1672900H EN 20071108 Controlling the Drystar 5500 via a remote PC (with browser)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALSetupThe Drystar 5500 and the remote PC can be set up in two ways:•using a crossed network cable, or•using a straight network cable.Configuration with crossed network cableIn this configuration, a crossed network UTP cable is used to connect the PCdirectly to the printer.Configuration with straight network cableIn this configuration, the PC is connected to the network with a straightnetwork cable.
168 2900H EN 20071108Controlling the Drystar 5500 via a remote PC (with browser)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALSetting up the connectionSetting up a direct link (configuration with crossed network cable)To set up a direct link, you have to follow two procedures:•Attribute a fixed IP address to the PC,•Switch off all proxy setting in the browser.When setting up a link, bare in mind the following important hints:•Always make the physical connection first,•Depending on the PC and/or Operating System, a reboot may be necessary in order to make the new configuration work.Attributing a fixed IP address to the PC1Go to Settings via the Start menu of Windows and click Control Panel.The Control Panel menu will appear.
1692900H EN 20071108 Controlling the Drystar 5500 via a remote PC (with browser)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL2In the Control Panel menu, click Network.3In the Network window, select TCP/IP protocol, select the Protocols tab, and click Properties.
170 2900H EN 20071108Controlling the Drystar 5500 via a remote PC (with browser)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL4Specify IP address and subnet mask and click OK.Switching off the proxy settings of the browser1Open the browser.2In the Tools menu, click Internet options.The Internet Options window will appear.In case of APIPA assigned addresses, set the printer IP address to and the printer subnet mask to
1712900H EN 20071108 Controlling the Drystar 5500 via a remote PC (with browser)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL3In the Internet Options window, go to the connection tab and click LAN settings.The Local Area Network (LAN) Settings window will appear.4Switch off all proxy settings of the browser and click OK.The PC is ready to make a connection. Refer to ‘Starting the remote session’ on page 173 for more information.
172 2900H EN 20071108Controlling the Drystar 5500 via a remote PC (with browser)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALSetting up a link through a network (configuration with straight network cable)Attribute a fixed and available IP-address on the network to your PC. Refer to‘Attributing a fixed IP address to the PC’ on page 168.The PC is ready to make a connection. Refer to ‘Starting the remote session’ on page 173 for more information.
1732900H EN 20071108 Controlling the Drystar 5500 via a remote PC (with browser)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALStarting the remote sessionStarting the remote sessionTo start the remote session, enter the IP address of the printer in the Addressbar of the browser.The Browser welcome page appears:There are five access levels: operator, Key-operator, service engineer, specialist and security administrator. Each level, except the operator level, has its own user name and password.When starting the remote session, make sure the printer is in ‘Ready’ mode. A remote session disables the local keypad and display. While you work remotely, the following screen is displayed:Blinking
174 2900H EN 20071108Controlling the Drystar 5500 via a remote PC (with browser)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALEntering the operator levelTo enter the operator level, enter the following user name and password:•User name: Operator•Password: OperatorThis level enables the operator to follow print jobs and perform commontasks.Entering the Key-operator levelTo enter the Key-operator level, enter the following user name and password:•User name: Drystar•Password: 5500You now have access to the functions in the Key-operator mode.Only one session is active at one time on one printer.Mostly, the menu structure and the browser screens are structured in the same way as the local display of the printer. Sometimes they differ slightly as in following example:
1752900H EN 20071108 Controlling the Drystar 5500 via a remote PC (with browser)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALThe screens are in English only.The functionality of some features is extended via Remote access. For example, you can also print TIF-images which are “residing” on the Remote PC.Do not use the Back and Forward buttons of your browser. Use the different links on the pages instead.
176 2900H EN 20071108Controlling the Drystar 5500 via a remote PC (with browser)DRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL
System descriptionIn this informative chapter you will find mechanical and functional descriptions.TMain componentsTFunctional descriptionTChanging the film format of the traysTDrystar 5500 network configurationTTransport after installationChapter 5
178 2900H EN 20071108System descriptionDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALMain components1Output tray2User interface3Upper input tray4Lower input tray5Front door6Top door7Drum compartment door8Wheels with brakes3612458879101219Network connector10 PC connector11 Power connector12 Floppy disk drive11
1792900H EN 20071108 System descriptionDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALFunctional descriptionThe Drystar 5500 consists of two functional blocks: a controller and a printengine. The controller•captures the incoming digital data via the network and stores the data on a hard disk,•composes the different images, and•generates the appropriate print engine control signals.The print engine receives the image data from the controller, drives the filmthrough the device and makes grayscale prints.The diagram below shows how the film is transported through the printer(gray section in the drawing below).
180 2900H EN 20071108System descriptionDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChanging the film format of the traysThe Key-operator can adjust the film size setting of both the input trays andthe output tray (8x10” up to 14x17” film sizes).First, the Key-operator has to perform a mechanical modification. After thismodification, the ‘film format’ parameter is automatically read from the FilmIdentification tag when the new film pack is loaded.Proceed as follows to perform the mechanical modification:1Make sure that the printer is in ‘Ready’ mode.2Press the Unlock button to unlock the trays.3Open the input tray you want to adapt.Never load another film format when the input tray is not empty. Intermediate changing of film formats increases the risk for dust, which can damage the thermal print head (TPH).The system performs an automatic calibration when the film format has been changed.You have 5 seconds to open the input tray. If you do not open the tray within that time, the first screen (step 1 or 5 respectively) is presented again, or printing is resumed when a job is received for which media is available.
1812900H EN 20071108 System descriptionDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL4Remove the film position tab.5Locate the correct tab position for the desired film format.8"11"12"14"10"14"17"
182 2900H EN 20071108System descriptionDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL6Put the film position tab in place and push it down until it locks.7Load a new film pack. Refer to ‘Loading films’ on page 46.Click!
1832900H EN 20071108 System descriptionDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALDrystar 5500 network configurationIn a network configuration, the Drystar 5500 is fully compatible with Agfa’sdiagnostic imaging systems, including the ADC Compact and ADC QualitySystem software, the Paxport and the entire line of Impax Review Systems,Storage Stations and Transmitting Stations.The Drystar 5500 serves as a standard network printer. Acquisition, storage,transmission and printing are completely controlled by network modalities.As network protocols the standard Agfa protocol or the optional DICOMprotocol can be used.* Paxport is required if the modality is not a DICOM modality.PaxportModalityDrystar 5500 Storage deviceADC QS on PCNetworkImagesExample of the Drystar 5500 in a network configuration*PaxportExample of a Drystar 5500 in a point-to-point configurationModality Drystar 5500*
184 2900H EN 20071108System descriptionDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALTransport after installationThe Drystar 5500 is equipped with wheels so that moving the printer over ashort distance - if required - can be done in a convenient way.•During movement of the Drystar 5500 take care that stability is always ensured. Special attention should be paid to possible obstructions, and to uneven or slant surfaces.•Never transport the Drystar 5500 with open doors.•Make sure that both front wheel brakes are unlocked.1Unlock both wheel brakes on the right and left hand sides.2Move the Drystar 5500 to its destination.3Relock the wheels by pressing the brakes down.Refer to ‘Safety precautions’ on page 13.Always keep in mind the following safety guidelines:
Preventive maintenanceand replacementsThis chapter guides the user through maintenance and cleaning tasks which require no special skills, tools nor training:TPreventive maintenance scheduleTCleaning the exteriorTCleaning the dust rollersTCleaning the cooling air flow holesChapter 6
186 2900H EN 20071108Preventive maintenance and replacementsDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALPreventive maintenance scheduleThe Drystar 5500 is designed for trouble-free operation. Maintenance andcleaning involve only some minor user tasks. Refer to the following pages forthe appropriate cleaning procedure.Safety guidelines•Do not lubricate the printer.•Do not attempt to disassemble the printer.•Do not touch the resistor line of the print head.•Always switch off the Drystar 5500 and disconnect the power cord from the outlet before carrying out any maintenance work.Interval What to do? PageAd hoc ‘Cleaning the exterior’ 187Ad hoc ‘Print head cleaning’ 115Ad hoc ‘Cleaning the dust rollers’ 188Each 6 months (or more if required).‘Cleaning the cooling air flow holes’ 192When image quality tends to degrade. ‘Print head profile calibration’ 118To prevent damage to the printer while performing maintenance, observe the following safety precautions:Film jam removal or cleaning the printer head can be done without switching the power off.
1872900H EN 20071108 Preventive maintenance and replacementsDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALCleaning the exterior1Switch off the Drystar 5500 by following the procedure as described in ‘Switching off the Drystar 5500’ on page 36. 2Remove the power plug from the socket.3Remove the network cable.4Wipe the exterior of the printer with a clean, soft, damp cloth.Use a mild soap or detergent if required but never use an ammonia-based cleaner. Be careful not to get any liquid in the power cord port.5Plug in the printer and switch it on by following the procedure as described in ‘Switching on the Drystar 5500’ on page 34.
188 2900H EN 20071108Preventive maintenance and replacementsDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALCleaning the dust rollersTo clean the dust rollers, proceed as follows:1Open the drum compartment door by pulling its handle.2Open the sheet metal cover of the dust rollers.Cleaning the dust rollers must be done when white lines appear on the prints. For more information on maintaining image quality, refer to ‘Maintaining image quality and resolving Image quality problems’ on page 220.Grab the cover at left side to avoid pinching of fingers.
1892900H EN 20071108 Preventive maintenance and replacementsDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL3Clean the upper rollerUse a dust roller cleaning tissue to clean the roller. Turn the roller at its axle during cleaning and rub in the length direction of the roller.Do not touch the discharge brushes!Keep all the other covers closed as much as possible to avoid extra dust into the printer.Refer to ‘ABC ordering codes’ for the ABC code of the dust roller cleaning tissue.As the rollers are sticky it’s very important to use a lint free cloth!Never clean the roller with water or soap.
190 2900H EN 20071108Preventive maintenance and replacementsDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL4Clean the lower rollerUse a dust roller cleaning tissue to clean the roller. Turn the roller at its axle during cleaning and rub in the length direction of the roller.5Close the sheet metal cover of the dust rollers.Refer to ‘ABC ordering codes’ for the ABC code of the dust roller cleaning tissue.As the rollers are sticky it’s very important to use a lint free cloth!Never clean the roller with water or soap.Grab the cover at left side to avoid oppressing of hands.
1912900H EN 20071108 Preventive maintenance and replacementsDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL6Close the drum compartment door.After you have cleaned the dust rollers and you have closed the drum compartment door, the printer will restart automatically. After the cleaning the level of dust stripes can be slightly increased depending on the amount of dust coming into the printer during the repair work. The level of dust stripes usually improves after several prints (max. 1 film pack).
192 2900H EN 20071108Preventive maintenance and replacementsDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALCleaning the cooling air flow holes1Switch off the Drystar 5500 by following the procedure as described in ‘Switching off the Drystar 5500’ on page 36. 2Remove the power plug from the socket.3Remove the network cable.4With a vacuum cleaner, clean the cooling air flow holes (item 1 and 2 on the drawing below) , especially the CPU/power supply area (item 1).5Plug in the printer and switch it on by following the procedure as described in ‘Switching off the Drystar 5500’ on page 36.12
TroubleshootingThis chapter serves as a guide to identify and solve possible problems you may encounter.TTroubleshooting checklistTThe Drystar 5500 does not printTClearing of film jamsTFilm identification problemsTStart-up errorsTMaintaining image quality and resolving Image qual-ity problemsTWarning messagesChapter 7
194 2900H EN 20071108TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALTroubleshooting checklistGeneral problemsThe table below lists some general problems which can occur when workingwith the Drystar 5500.•The Drystar 5500 does not print.•The quality of the printed images is bad (printing remains possible).Action Refer to PageCheck the Drystar 5500  ‘The Drystar 5500 does not print’ 196Remove a jammed film‘Film input tray feed jams’ 200‘Film transport jams in the front section’ 203‘Film transport jams in the print section’ 205‘Film transport jams in output section’ 209‘Unauthorized opening of the printer’ 213Resolve error messages ‘Checking error messages’ 196Handle floppy disk error ‘Checking floppy disk error messages’ 198Action Refer to PageResolve film quality problems‘Maintaining optimal Image Quality’ 220‘White dots or lines appear in the transport direction’ 223‘Low frequency banding’ 223‘Scratches appear on film’ 224Resolve warning messages ‘Warning messages’ 225Have electrical or mechanical defects repaired by skilled personnel only!
1952900H EN 20071108 TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChecking the status indicator LEDThe LED on the front panel indicates the Drystar 5500 operating status. Usethe following table to determine the status of your printer.Color Light Status Receive jobs?Printing OK? ActionGreenConstant Ready (standby) Yes Yes Proceed.BlinkingStart-up sequence No NoWait.Receiving jobs Yes YesCalculating Yes YesPrinting Yes YesCalibrating Yes NoInstallation No NoProceed with the activity.Key-operator Yes/No Yes/NoRedBlinkingService mode No NoUpper/Lower Input tray empty Yes Yes/NoRefer to ‘Loading films’ on page 46.Film jam Yes NoRefer to ‘Clearing of film jams’ on page 199.Warning Yes YesRefer to ‘Warning messages’ on page 225Constant Error status No NoRefer to ‘Checking error messages’ on page 196.
196 2900H EN 20071108TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALThe Drystar 5500 does not printProceed as follows when the Drystar 5500 does not print:Checking error messages1Check the display messagesIf the Drystar 5500 is not printing your job, you should check the front panel display to see if the Drystar 5500 is indicating an error status.The operator is notified of the situation by means of an Error screen and a beep: 2Acknowledge the new error condition.A new Ready screen will appear, holding all error messages. With the Up and Down keys you can scroll through the error messages: 3Call the service operator. An error message is different from a warning message. A warning means that an event occurred which might result in a decreased image quality. Printing is still possible, which is not the case when an error message appears.ERROR CODEERROR CODEERROR CODEERROR CODEBlinkingERROR CODEERROR CODEERROR CODEERROR CODEBlinking
1972900H EN 20071108 TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChecking the connectionsIf no error messages are displayed and you are unable to get the printer torespond, the problem may be caused by a fault in the connections. In thiscase, check that all connectors and cables are firmly attached to the printer.•If the connections are OK, reset the Drystar 5500.•If the Drystar 5500 still does not print, consult your local service organization.Checking the print queueIf no error message is displayed, you should check the print queue:For each line of the queue, the status can be: •printing,•calculating,•waiting,•warning,•error.A warning or error status indicates that there is a print queue problem.Regularly check all electrical connections. When interference occurs with other devices, consult your local service organization.Call your local service organization in case cables are disconnected. The user is not allowed to add or remove any connectors.For more information, refer to ‘Warning messages’ on page 225 and ‘Start-up errors’ on page 218.For more information about the print queue status, refer to ‘Managing the print queue’ on page 39.<Modality name> 10:21:34 PRINTING1 2<Modality name> 10:21:34 CALCULATING<Modality name> 11:35:27 WAITING<Modality name> 11:54:02 WAITING
198 2900H EN 20071108TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALChecking floppy disk error messagesIf the Drystar 5500 is not printing your job, you should check the front paneldisplay to see if the Drystar 5500 is indicating an error status. A floppy disk error can occur when the inserted floppy disk is full, writeprotected or when no floppy disk is inserted. 1Correct the error following the error message on the screen:After you have corrected the action the screen will disappear.<error message> Blinking
1992900H EN 20071108 TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALClearing of film jamsA film jam can be situated either:•In the input tray section. Refer to ‘Film input tray feed jams’ on page 200.•In the alignment section. Refer to ‘Film transport jams in the front section’ on page 203.•In the drum and print head section. Refer to ‘Film transport jams in the print section’ on page 205.•In the sorter/exit section. Refer to ‘Film transport jams in output section’ on page 209.Jams can be caused by:•Loading consumables in a wrong way, e.g. loading film upside down.•Opening the printer door(s) or input tray(s) while a film is actually being printed. Refer to ‘Unauthorized opening of the printer’ on page 213.Overview of sections:A pictogram on the display depicts where the film jam is situated in the printer.Film feed jams (clearing from the input trays)Film transport jams (clearing from the alignment section)Film transport jams (clearing from the sorter/exit section)Film transport jams (clearing from the drum and print head section)
200 2900H EN 20071108TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALFilm input tray feed jamsThe following screen indicates that a jam occurred in the feed section of theinput tray(s):A message will inform you if either the upper or lower input tray is jammed.To remove a jammed film in the input tray (e.g. upper input tray):1Start the procedure to stop printing as described in ‘Stopping the printing process’ on page 59.2Wait while the printer is finishing printing any current jobs.The printer is ready when the following message appears:In the procedure, we will assume that the upper input tray is to be cleared. The procedure for the lower input tray is identical.<Modality name> 10:21:34 PRINTING1 2BlinkingBlinking
2012900H EN 20071108 TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL3Open the film input tray.4To get a clear view, remove any remaining film sheets.
202 2900H EN 20071108TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL5Check the film feed section of the input tray.If a film is jammed, gently remove the sheet. Reposition the film stack in the input tray, making sure that all the sheets are kept correctly in place (refer to ‘Loading films’ on page 46).Never use force to clear the jammed film. If it is not possible to gently remove the jammed film, call your local service organization.Never reuse a jammed film. This may cause damage to the thermal head and/or dust problems.
2032900H EN 20071108 TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALFilm transport jams in the front sectionThe following screen indicates that a jam occurred in the front section of thefilm transport system.To remove a jammed film in the front section of the transport system:1Pull the front door open.
204 2900H EN 20071108TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL2Check the interior for film sheets.3Remove the film sheet.4Close the front door and continue.In many cases, the film will fall out of this section after you have opened the front door.NEVER reuse a film that you got back from a jamming situation, it may damage the print unit.
2052900H EN 20071108 TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALFilm transport jams in the print sectionThe following screen indicates that a jam occurred in the print section of thefilm transport system.To remove a jammed film in the print section of the transport system:1Open the drum compartment door by pulling its handle.
206 2900H EN 20071108TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL2Check if you can locate a film visually between the vertical lift and the print head.•If the film is visible, proceed with step 3.•If the film is not visible, it has fallen behind the vertical lift.Proceed with step 4.3carefully remove the film and proceed with step 8.
2072900H EN 20071108 TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL4Locate the film through the holes of the vertical lift and move it to the right.5Open the front door and check the area behind the vertical lift.
208 2900H EN 20071108TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL6Remove the film via the front compartment, as indicated below.7Close the front door.8Close the drum compartment door and continue.NEVER reuse a film that you got back from a jamming situation, it may damage the print unit.
2092900H EN 20071108 TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALFilm transport jams in output sectionThe following screen indicates that a jam occurred in the output section of thefilm transport system.To remove a jammed film in the output section of the transport system:1Open the top door.2Visually check where the film is jammed.•If the film is jammed in the canting guide plate section, proceed with step 3•If the film is stuck in the sorter section, proceed with step 7.Mind your head when the top door is open.
210 2900H EN 20071108TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL3Locate the film. First try to use the transport buttons to help clearing the jammed film.4If the transport buttons do not clear the film, lift the guide plate as shown below:5Remove the film.6Close the guide plate.Go to step 11.
2112900H EN 20071108 TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL7Locate the film. First try to use the transport buttons to help clearing the jammed film.8Open this sorter unit as follows:
212 2900H EN 20071108TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL9Remove the jammed film.10 Close the section.11 If the film jam has been cleared, close the printer.You can resume work.If the jam is not cleared at this moment, call you local service organization.NEVER reuse a film that you got back from a jamming situation, it may damage the print unit.
2132900H EN 20071108 TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALUnauthorized opening of the printerA jam can be caused by opening the printer doors while a film is actually beingprinted.The following screen indicates that a jam has occurred.Proceed as follows:1Remove the jammed sheet.Refer to ‘Clearing of film jams’ on page 199.After removal of the jammed film, the user is informed that he caused the film jam by opening the printer without using the appropriate procedure to stop printing.2Make sure to follow carefully the procedures as described in this manual before attempting to open the printer.Refer to ‘Switching off the Drystar 5500’ on page 36.Refer to ‘Loading films’ on page 46.
214 2900H EN 20071108TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALFilm identification problemsWhen you load a new film pack, the new Film Identification tag is read andthe tray film format and type are set based upon the info in the FilmIdentification tag (RF-tag).This tag is only readable when the film pack is inserted in the correct way.There are four possible error messages regarding film identification:•No identification code detected•Identification code error for upper/lower input tray•Identical identification code detected in upper/lower input tray•Film overrun from current packThe following sections descibe the solution for each of these problems in moredetail.No identification code detectedThis error message appears when the Film Identification tag is not readable.There are two possible solutions for this problem:•Reload the current film pack or load another film pack•Overrule the Film Identification tag of the film packTo reload the current or another film pack1In case the Drystar 5500 does not start printing after re-inserting a film pack, first check if this film pack is inserted correctly.If the Drystar 5500 still does not resume printing, the following message will appear:Blinking
2152900H EN 20071108 TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL2Press the Unlock button to initiate the loading sequence and check again if the film pack is inserted correctly. If you re-insert the film pack, the Drystar 5500 will perform the same check-sequence until printing is resumed.To overrrule the Film Identification tag of the film packIf the “Overrule RF-tag Reading” setting is active, you can overrule the FilmIdentification tag setting of the current film pack. In this case you cancontinue printing using a limited Maximum Density.1In case the Drystar 5500 does not start printing after inserting a new film pack, check if this film pack is inserted correctly.If the film pack is inserted correctly and the Drystar 5500 does not resume printing, the following message will appear:2To continue with the current (not identified) film pack, press the Confirm button.The following message is displayed:3Press the Confirm button.If the “Overrule RF-tag Reading” Setting is active, the following message is displayed:Only your local service organization has the possibility to enable the “Overrule RF-tag Reading” setting!If you wish, you can try again to re-insert the current or an other film pack. Press the Unlock button to initiate the loading sequence. If you re-insert a film pack, the Drystar 5500 will perform the check-sequence.Blinking
216 2900H EN 20071108TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL4Press the Confirm key again to resume printing using a limited Maximum Density.Identification code error for upper/lower input trayThis identification code error appears in the following cases:•you insert a new film pack with a encryption error in the Film Identification tag, •you have loaded a Mammo film pack or a Mammo film, whereas the Mammo license is not activated.Call your local service organization to resolve this problem. You can unlockthe tray to insert another film pack.Identical identification code detected in upper/lower input trayIn case you have loaded a film pack with a non-unique Film Identification tag(meaning that the current tag has been used with a previous film pack), thefollowing message is displayed:Proceed as follows:If the “Overrule RF-tag Reading” Setting is not activated, the following message will be displayed:In this case, press the Confirm key to initiate the loading procedure again or call your local service organization to enable the “Overrule RF-tag Reading” Setting.
2172900H EN 20071108 TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL1Press the Unlock button to initiate the loading sequence.2Reload a new film pack.The Drystar 5500 will resume printing.Film overrun from current packThe following message is presented when more than 100 copies have beenprinted from the current film pack:Proceed as follows:1Press the Unlock button to initiate the loading sequence.2Reload a new film pack.The Drystar 5500 will resume printing.
218 2900H EN 20071108TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALStart-up errorsError messages while the printer starts upThe table below lists the possible error messages which can appear on thedisplay of the control panel while the printer starts up. After starting up the Drystar 5500, the printer performs a selftest. A progressindicator will show the proceeding of this self test. During the self test, anumber of messages can appear, meaning that the selftest has failed. Key selftest failedIn case the Key selftest has failed, following message appears:Error message Cause of errorError display failure (Firmware) ‘Key selftest failed’Error system failure ‘Key selftest failed due to no communication between Key and CPU’Error self test failure (Firmware) ‘Software selftest failed’Contact your local service organization in case the selftest fails. Error messages can also appear when the printer has already started up. Refer to ‘Checking error messages’ on page 196.ERRORDisplay failure
2192900H EN 20071108 TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALKey selftest failed due to no communication between Key and CPUIn case the Key selftest has failed due to no communication between Key andCPU, following message appears:Software selftest failedIn case the software selftest has failed, following message appears: ERRORSelf test failed
220 2900H EN 20071108TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALMaintaining image quality and resolving Image quality problemsIn general, when you follow the procedure ‘Maintaining optimal ImageQuality’ below, you should rarely encounter quality problems on printedfilms.However, should any problems occur, the paragraphs ‘White dots or linesappear in the transport direction’ on page 223,  ‘Low frequency banding’ onpage 223 and ‘Scratches appear on film’ on page 224 provide some specificremedies.Maintaining optimal Image QualityCalibration is necessary to maintain optimal Image Quality. This is required inthe following situations:•Before initial use of a film,•When loading new films into the input trays,•After a certain number of copies have been printed,•After the replacement of the thermal head.
2212900H EN 20071108 TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALOverview of calibration functionsThree calibration functions are provided for the Drystar 5500.Understanding the calibration policy and the calibration initiationYou should regularly perform a film calibration to assure that the imagequality remains optimal.Film calibration can be initiated in 2 ways:•Automatically, i.e. after loading every ‘x’ new film packs (automatic initiation),•Manually, i.e. you decide for yourself when to perform a film calibration, e.g. daily, once a week, or only when the image quality tends to degrade.For setting automatic or manual film calibration initiation, refer to ‘Changinggeneral image quality settings - Film calibration’ on page 91.Calibration Purpose When?1‘Film calibration’• To measure and set the system density of the printer.• To measure and set the film sensitometry values.•Automatic.• After an explicit action of the operator.2‘Print head cleaning’ To eliminate white dots or lines in transport direction.•When image quality problems occur.3‘Print head profile calibration’To reduce vertical density irregularities on the film.• After an explicit action of the operator.Some calibration functions are interrelated, so do not perform any of the above calibration functions as an isolated procedure.Before performing a calibration, read the general guidelines as described in ‘Understanding the calibration policy and the calibration initiation’ on page 221.
222 2900H EN 20071108TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALThe following flowchart will assist you in determining the correct operationin order to maintain the optimal image quality from your printer:ImageQuality OK?NOYESPersistent White Dots or  Lines?StartCall ServiceDoneClean Dust RollersYESNOClean Print HeadImageQuality OK?ImageQuality OK?NOYES DoneYES DonePerform Film CalibrationPerform Print Head Profile CalibrationPerform Film CalibrationNO
2232900H EN 20071108 TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALWhite dots or lines appear in the transport directionIf fine white dots and one or more fine white lines appear in the transportdirection (mostly due to dust infiltration), try the following remedies:1Clean the print head resistor line. Refer to ‘Print head cleaning’ on page 115.2If dust stripes remains visible, clean the dust roller.Refer to ‘Cleaning the dust rollers’ on page 188.3Print a few test sheets using the ‘Print test image’ function.Refer to ‘Printing test images from the hard disk’ on page 101.4If the white lines are still visible, contact your local service organization.Low frequency bandingIf you notice density non uniformity (low frequency banding) in the printhead direction, perform print head profile calibration.Refer to ‘Print head profile calibration’ on page 118.Use a lint free cloth, slightly moistened with Isopropyl alcohol or Ethanol.As the rollers are sticky it’s very important to use a lint free cloth!Never clean the roller with water or soap.
224 2900H EN 20071108TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALScratches appear on filmIf you notice scratches on the film in the print head direction, this may be dueto the fact that a film sheet has been placed upside-down in the input tray.Refer to ‘Checking the correct position of a film in the input tray’ on page 54.Verify the correct position of the films in the input trays.
2252900H EN 20071108 TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALWarning messagesThis section will inform you what to do when warning messages appear. Awarning message is displayed when an event has occurred that mightdecrease image quality. The Warning screen is displayed:1Press the Confirm key to acknowledge the new warning condition.The Ready screen will appear, holding all warning conditions: 2Contact your local service organization.A warning message is different from an error message. A warning means that an event occurred which might result in a decreased image quality. Printing is still possible. warning-message + codewarning-message + codewarning-message + codeBlinkingwarning-message + codewarning-message + codeBlinking
226 2900H EN 20071108TroubleshootingDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL
Equipment informationsheetAppendix A
228 2900H EN 20071108Equipment information sheetDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALSpecificationsProduct descriptionType of product  PrinterCommercial name Drystar 5500, Drystar 5503Original seller/manufacturer Agfa HealthCare N.V.LabellingTÜV-, cULus-Certification Mark, CE-markingCCC MarkA#Sharp MarkDimensionsDimensions (approx. values in cm)• Unpacked: width 74, length 72, height 142• Packed: width 90, length 83, height 160Weight Drystar 5500/5503•Unpacked: approx. 189.4kg / 192.4kg• Packed: approx. 239 kg / 242 kgHard disk capacity 18 GByte or higherFloppy disk capacity 2HD 1.44 Mbyte floppy disksRAM memory 2x256 MBFloppy disk container Four 2HD 1.44 Mbyte floppy disks
2292900H EN 20071108 Equipment information sheetDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALElectrical connectionOperating voltage 100-120 V; 220-240 V ACRated current 4/2 AMains fuse protection220-240 V operation 16/15 A slow blow, max.100-120 V operation 16/15 A slow blow, max.Mains frequency 50/60 HzNetwork connectivityEthernet / connectors RJ45 twisted pair for 10/100Base-TX; Serial RS232 connectionNetwork protocols (TCP/IP services) FTP, Telnet, HTTP, SNMP, LPDImage formats DICOM (Default)TIFFPower consumption - heat dissipationDuring operation 450 W - 1620 kJ/hIn standby 200 W - 720 kJ/hPeak power (absolute max. rating) 700 W - 2520 kJ/hProtection againstElectrical shocks Class 1 (grounded)Ingress of water IPXØEnvironmental conditions (operation)Room temperature Between +15°C and +30°CRelative humidity Between 20% and 75%Note: Films may not become wet!Atmospheric pressure 70 kPa - 106 kPa
230 2900H EN 20071108Equipment information sheetDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALEnvironmental storage conditionsClimate conditions for storage are in accordance with EN60721-3-1-class 1K4.Room temperature Between -25°C and 55°C (storage) Relative humidity Between 10% and 100%Absolute humidity Between 0.1 g/m3 and 35 g/m3Rate of change of temperature 1°C/minAtmospheric pressure 70 kPa - 106 kPaEnvironmental transport conditionsClimate conditions for transport are in accordance with EN60721-3-2-class 2K4.Temperature Between -40°C and 70°C (transport)Relative humidity not combined with rapid temperature changes 95% at +45°CTotal acoustic A-weighted noise power (method of measurement in accordance with ISO 3746:1995)During operation 67 dB (=6.7B) During stand-by 57 dB (=5.7B)ConsumablesDRYSTAR DT 2 B and DRYSTAR DT 2 C 8x10” up to 14x17” film sizesDRYSTAR DT 2 Mammo (optional) 8x10”, 10x12” and 11x14” film sizesFilm throughput14x17” > 100/hAccess time1 film 14x17” Max. 90 sec.4 films 14x17” Max. 200 sec.Print technologyDirect thermal printing
2312900H EN 20071108 Equipment information sheetDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALReliabilityEstimated product life(if regularly serviced and maintained according to Agfa instructions)> 5 years and > 150,000 filmsService interventions Max. 2 interventions / 3 yearsEarthquake (standard) Meets the CA requirements
232 2900H EN 20071108Equipment information sheetDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALImaging Array - Diagnostic area - General radiography8x10” 8” dimensions 10” dimensionspixels mm pixels mm3852 192,6 4880 24410x12” 10” dimensions 12” dimensionspixels mm pixels mm4880 244 5860 29311x14” 11” dimensions 14” dimensionspixels mm pixels mm5376 268,8 6922 346,114x14” 14” dimensions 14” dimensionspixels mm pixels mm6882 344,1 6882 344,114x17” 14” dimensions 17” dimensionspixels mm pixels mm6922 346,1 8368 418,4Imaging Array - Diagnostic area - Mammography (optional)8x10” 8” dimensions 10” dimensionspixels mm pixels mm3828 191,4 4958 247,910x12” 10” dimensions 12” dimensionspixels mm pixels mm4892 244,6 5810 290,511x14” 11” dimensions 14” dimensionspixels mm pixels mm5376 268,8 6922 346,1
2332900H EN 20071108 Equipment information sheetDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALViewing the System info area on a filmGeneral radiography applicationsOn the top right corner of each film, a “System info” area will be printed.This info can only be read using a magnifying glass.The System info area contains info about:•The printer: (serial number, densitometer info, film counts, software version, etc.),•The controller (image source, date, time, etc.).For more detailed information, refer to the Drystar 5500 Servicedocumentation.FilmDiagnostic areaClear borderBlack borderSystem info areaTransport direction
234 2900H EN 20071108Equipment information sheetDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALMammography application (optional)On the bottom left corner of each film, a “System info” area will be printed.This info can only be read using a magnifying glass.The System info area contains info about:•The printer: (serial number, densitometer info, film counts, software version, etc.),•The controller (image source, date, time, etc.).For more detailed information, refer to the Drystar 5500 Servicedocumentation.Clear borderDiagnostic areaFilmBlack borderSystem info areaTransport direction
2352900H EN 20071108 Equipment information sheetDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALOptions and accessoriesMobile installation kitThe default installation kit allows you to use the Drystar 5500 (Mammoinclusive) in mobile applications (e.g. a van), or in unstable environments.Safe transportation is ensured by two fixation bars that lock the Drystar 5500to its location (see illustration below). The fixation bars are included in thedefault installation kit.Mammography applicationThe Drystar 5500 can be used for printing mammography application films.For this option, a license has to be activated by an Agfa service technician.The feature comes with a QC procedure that complies with theMammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) of the FDA. For moreinformation, refer to ‘Quality control for mammography application(DT 2 Mammo) (optional)’ on page 153. Contact your local service organization for more information.For more information, refer to the “Remove Drystar 5500 from pallet” instructions of the Drystar 5500 Plug & Play Installation manual (document 2903I or 2903J).1212
236 2900H EN 20071108Equipment information sheetDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALConnectivityDrystar 5500-5503 must only be used in combination with other equipment orcomponents if these are expressly recognized by Agfa as compatible. A list ofsuch equipment and components is available from Agfa service on request.Changes or additions to the equipment must only be carried out by personsauthorized to do so by Agfa. Such changes must comply with best engineeringpractice and all applicable laws and regulations that have the force of lawwithin the jurisdiction of the hospital.Drystar 5500-5503 is a Dicom printer and can therefore be connected to Agfaequipment and all modalities supporting Dicom. Although, to ensure optimaloperation and image quality, Agfa has made the effort to test and release theDrystar 5500-5503 with most of modalities on the market. For the complete listor if you want to check on a specific modality, contact your Agfa representative.
Drystar mediadensity response dataAppendix B
238 2900H EN 20071108Drystar media density response dataDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALDRYSTAR DT 2 Bdens. MacBeth TR-924Gretag D200-2X-rite 301X-rite 310X-rite 331X-rite 3410% 0.22 0,18 0.18 0,24 0.19 0.1910% 0,51 0,48 0,48 0,54 0,49 0,4920% 0,80 0,76 0,76 0,83 0,78 0,7730% 1,09 1,05 1,06 1,13 1,08 1,0740% 1,37 1,32 1,33 1,42 1,36 1,3550% 1,67 1,62 1,62 1,72 1,65 1,6460% 1,96 1,92 1,91 2,02 1,95 1,9470% 2,25 2,20 2,19 2,31 2,23 2,2380% 2,55 2,50 2,48 2,61 2,53 2,5390% 2,83 2,79 2,76 2,90 2,81 2,81100% 3,11 3,08 3,05 3,20 3,11 3,10
2392900H EN 20071108 Drystar media density response dataDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALDRYSTAR DT 2 Cdens. MacBeth TR-924Gretag D200-2X-rite 301X-rite 310X-rite 331X-rite 3410% 0,11 0,09 0,08 0,10 0,08 0,0810% 0,39 0,38 0,36 0,39 0,38 0,3720% 0,68 0,66 0,65 0,68 0,67 0,6630% 0,96 0,94 0,93 0,97 0,95 0,9440% 1,25 1,21 1,20 1,26 1,22 1,2250% 1,52 1,49 1,47 1,55 1,50 1,5060% 1,81 1,78 1,75 1,84 1,79 1,7870% 2,09 2,06 2,03 2,13 2,07 2,0780% 2,37 2,33 2,31 2,42 2,35 2,3590% 2,65 2,62 2,59 2,71 2,63 2,63100% 2,94 2,91 2,88 3,00 2,92 2,92
240 2900H EN 20071108Drystar media density response dataDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALDRYSTAR DT 2 Mammo (optional)dens. MacBeth TR-924Gretag D200-2X-rite 301X-rite 310X-rite 331X-rite 3410% 0,22 0,18 0,20 0,22 0,18 0,1910% 0,57 0,52 0,54 0,58 0,52 0,5420% 0,91 0,86 0,88 0,94 0,86 0,8830% 1,25 1,19 1,20 1,29 1,19 1,2140% 1,60 1,54 1,54 1,65 1,54 1,5550% 1,94 1,88 1,88 2,01 1,88 1,8960% 2,28 2,21 2,20 2,36 2,21 2,2270% 2,62 2,56 2,54 2,72 2,55 2,5680% 2,97 2,90 2,88 3,08 2,89 2,9090% 3,32 3,24 3,21 3,44 3,23 3,25100% 3,66 3,59 3,55 3,80 3,58 3,59
Quality Control ChartsAppendix C
242 2900H EN 20071108Quality Control ChartsDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALCharts for general radiography QCDrystar 5500/5503: Determination of Operating Levels Imager Type: __________ Serial #: _________________ Date ____________________Film Type: ____________ Emulsion #: ______________Densitometer: ________________  (default selection)Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5MonthDayInitialsLow DensityAverage of 5 Values = calculated reference ìLow Densityî levelMid Density  Average of 5 Values = calculated reference "Mid Density" level High DensityAverage of 5 Values = calculated reference  ìHigh Densityî levelStep 1: Print QC Test images on five consecutive days. Record the optical densities measurements in the tables below. After five days, average the values to determine the reference levels for each of the parameters.  Step 2: Copy the calculated reference levels to Charts 2A/B ('Daily Density Control Chart')  General radiography applicationsInput Tray: _______________Quality Control for    Chart 1
2432900H EN 20071108 Quality Control ChartsDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALDrystar 5500/5503 Daily Density   Control Chart  Imager Type: __________ Serial #: _____________ Film Type:____________ Emul #:___________ Densitometer  Internal: ____________   (default selection)   Date:Initials:Low DensityMid DensityUpper Control limit =+0.05Calculated Reference Low Density LevelLower Control Limit =-0.05Upper Control limit =+0.15Calculated Reference Mid Density LevelLower Control Limit =-0.15General radiography applicationsInput Tray: ________Quality Control forChart 2A
244 2900H EN 20071108Quality Control ChartsDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALDrystar 5500/5503 Daily Density   Control Chart  Imager Type: __________ Serial #: _____________ Film Type:____________ Emul #:___________           Densitometer Internal: _____________ (default selection)High Density Upper Control limit =+0.20 Lower Control Limit =-0.20Calculated Reference High Density LevelGeneral radiography applicationsInput Tray: ________Quality Control for    Chart 2B
2452900H EN 20071108 Quality Control ChartsDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALDrystar 5500/5503 Artifacts and Spatial ResolutionControl Chart Test Frequency:     Weekly Drystar 5500/5503 Serial # _____________Initial Reference Test DateInitial Reference ArtifactsInitial Reference Dot Visibility Initial Reference Low Contrast Month Day Artifacts Visibility of all DotsMonth Day Artifacts Visibility of all DotsMonth Day Artifacts Visibility of all DotsMonth Day Artifacts Visibility of all DotsMonth Day Artifacts Visibility of all DotsLow Contrast VisibilityLow Contrast VisibilityLow Contrast VisibilityLow Contrast VisibilityLow Contrast VisibilityGeneral radiography applicationsInput Tray: ____________Quality Control for   Chart 3
246 2900H EN 20071108Quality Control ChartsDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALDrystar 5500/5503 Geometric ConsistencyControl ChartTest Frequency: Annually or as required  Drystar 5500/5503 Serial # ______________Reference DimensionsDate:Measured DimensionsDate:Consistency Aspect Ratio Aref A: A/Aref A/BBref B: B/BrefReference DimensionsDate:Measured DimensionsDate:Consistency Aspect Ratio Aref A: A/Aref A/BBref B: B/BrefGeneral radiography applicationsInput Tray: _______________________Quality Control for    Chart 4
2472900H EN 20071108 Quality Control ChartsDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALCharts for mammography QC (optional)Drystar 5500/5503 : Determination of Operating Levels Imager Type: __________ Serial #: _________________ Date ____________________Film Type: ____________ Emulsion #: ______________Densitometer: _________________ (default selection)Step 1: Print QC Test images on five consecutive days. Record the optical densities measurements in the tables below. After five days, average the values to determine the reference levels for each of the parameters.  Mammography applicationsMonthDay 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5DateInitialsAverage of 5 values = calculated reference "Base + Fog" levelBase + FogAverage of 5 values = calculated reference "Low Density" levelLow DensityAverage of 5 values = calculated reference "Mid Density" levelMid DensityAverage of 5 values = calculated reference "High Density" levelHigh DensityStep 2: Copy the calculated reference levels to Charts 2A/B ('Daily Density Control Chart') Input Tray: _______________Quality Control for    Chart 1
248 2900H EN 20071108Quality Control ChartsDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALDrystar 5500/5503 Daily Density  Control Chart  Imager Type: __________ Serial #: _____________ Film Type:____________ Emul #:___________  Densitometer: _________________ (default selection)     Mammography applicationsInput Tray: ________Quality Control for     Chart 2ADate:Initials:Upper Control limit =+0.03Calculated Reference Base + Fog LevelBase + FogLow DensityLower Control limit =-0.03Date:Initials:Upper Control limit =+0.07Calculated Reference Low Density LevelLower Control Limit =-0.07
2492900H EN 20071108 Quality Control ChartsDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALDrystar 5500/5503 Daily Density  Control Chart  Imager Type: __________ Serial #: _____________ Film Type:____________ Emul #:___________           Densitometer: _________________ (default selection)Mammography applicationsInput Tray: ________Quality Control for Chart 2BDate:Initials:Upper Control limit =+0.15Lower Control limit =-0.15Calculated Reference Mid Density LevelMid DensityHigh Density Upper Control limit =+0.15Lower Control Limit =-0.15Calculated Reference High Density Level
250 2900H EN 20071108Quality Control ChartsDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALDrystar 5500/5503 Artifacts and Spatial ResolutionControl Chart Test Frequency:     Weekly Drystar 5500/5503 Serial # _____________Initial Reference Test DateInitial Reference ArtifactsInitial Reference Dot Visibility Initial Reference Low Contrast Month Day Artifacts Visibility of all DotsMonth Day Artifacts Visibility of all DotsMonth Day Artifacts Visibility of all DotsMonth Day Artifacts Visibility of all DotsMonth Day Artifacts Visibility of all DotsLow Contrast VisibilityLow Contrast VisibilityLow Contrast VisibilityLow Contrast VisibilityLow Contrast VisibilityMammography applicationsInput Tray: ____________Quality Control for  Chart 3
2512900H EN 20071108 Quality Control ChartsDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALDrystar 5500/5503 Geometric ConsistencyControl ChartTest Frequency: Annually or as required  Drystar 5500/5503 Serial # ___________Reference DimensionsDate:Measured DimensionsDate:Consistency Aspect Ratio ArefA: A/ArefA/BBrefB: B/BrefReference DimensionsDate:Measured DimensionsDate:Consistency Aspect Ratio ArefA: A/ArefA/BBrefB: B/BrefMammography applicationsInput Tray: ______________________Quality Control for    Chart 4
252 2900H EN 20071108Quality Control ChartsDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL
Remarks for HF-emissionand immunityAppendix D
254 2900H EN 20071108Remarks for HF-emission and immunityDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALRemarks for HF-emission and immunityThis device is intended for operation in the electromagnetic environment given below. The user of the device should ensure that it is used in such an environment.This device was tested for a normal hospital environment as described above.Nevertheless the HF-emission and immunity can be influenced by connecteddata cables depending on length and the manner of installation.Transmission Measurements Agreement Electromagnetic Environment GuidelinesHigh frequency transmissions in accordance with CISPR 11 Group 1The device uses high frequency energy exclusively for its internal functions. For this reason, its high frequency transmission is very low and it is improbable that neighboring electronic equipment will be disrupted. High frequency transmissions in accordance with CISPR 11 Class A The device is intended for use in an environment that do not include living areas and in areas directly connected to a public supply network that also supplies buildings that are used for domestic purposesExcess oscillations in accordance with IEC 61000-3-2 Class AVoltage fluctuations / flickering in accordance with IEC 61000-3-3 Fulfilled
2552900H EN 20071108 Remarks for HF-emission and immunityDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALThis device is intended for operation in the electromagnetic environment given below. The user of the device should ensure that it is used in such an environment. Resistance to Jamming TestIEC 60601 Test LevelLevel of AgreementElectromagnetic Environment GuidelinesDischarge of static electricity in accordance with IEC 61000-4-2+ 4 kV contact discharge+ 8 kV air discharge+ 6 kV contact discharge+ 8 kV air dischargeFloors should consist of wood, concrete or ceramic tiles. The relative humidity must be at least 30%, if the floor is made of synthetic material.Fast transient electrical disturbance variables / bursts in accordance with IEC 61000-4-4+ 1 kV mains+ 0,5 kV data lines+ 1 kV mains+ 0,5 kV data linesThe quality of the voltage supplied should correspond to a typical commercial or clinical environment.Impulse voltages (surges) in accordance with IEC 61000-4-5+ 1 kV push-pull voltage+ 2 kV common mode voltage+ 1 kV push-pull voltage+ 2 kV common mode voltageThe quality of the voltage supplied should correspond to that of a typical commercial or clinical environment.Voltage breakthroughs, short term interruptions and variations in the voltage supplied in accordance with IEC 61000-4-11•< 5% Ur (> 95% breakthrough of Ur) for ½ period•40% Ur (> 60% breakthrough of Ur) for 5 periods•70% Ur (30% breakthrough of Ur) for 25 periods•< 5% Ur (95% breakthrough of Ur) for 5 s•< 5% Ur (> 95% breakthrough of Ur) for ½ period•40% Ur (> 60% breakthrough of Ur) for 5 periods•70% Ur (30% breakthrough of Ur) for 25 periods•< 5% Ur (95% breakthrough of Ur) for 5 sThe quality of the voltage supply should correspond to that of a typical commercial or clinical environment.If the user wants the device to work continuously, even when the energy supply is interrupted, it is recommended to use an energy supply free of interruptions or a battery.Magnetic field at the supply frequency (50/60 Hz) in accordance with IEC 61000-4-83 A/m 10 A/mMagnetic field at the network frequency should correspond to the typical values as they are in a commercial and clinical environment.•REMARK : Ur is the alternating current in the network before the application of the test level.
256 2900H EN 20071108Remarks for HF-emission and immunityDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALThis device is intended for operation in the electromagnetic environment given below. The user of the device should ensure that it is used in such an environment.Tests of Resistance to DisruptionIEC 60601 Test LevelLevel of Agreement  Electromagnetic EnvironmentUse portable and mobile radio sets at a safe distance from the device (including the leads) not closer than the recommended protective distance, which is calculated according to the equation suitable for the transmission frequency.Recommended protective distance:Conducted high frequency disturbance variables in accordance with IEC 61000-4-63 Veff150 kHz to 80 MHz10 Veff d = 1.2   Radiated high frequency disturbance variables in accordance with IEC 61000-4-33 V/m80 MHz to 2.5 GHz10 V/m d = 1.2   80 MHz to 800 MHzd = 2.3   800 MHz to 2.5 GHzWith P as the rated power of the transmitter in watts (W) in accordance with the manufacturer information on the transmitter and d as the recommended protective distance in metres (m).The field strength of stationary radio transmitters is lower than the level of the agreementa at all frequencies in accordance with an on-site investigationb.Disruptions are possible near devices that carry the following symbol:• REMARK 1: The higher value will apply at 80 MHz and 800 MHz.• REMARK 2: These Guidelines may not apply to all situations. The dispersion ofelectromagnetic waves is influenced by absorption and reflections from buildings,objects and people.PPP
2572900H EN 20071108 Remarks for HF-emission and immunityDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALa. The field strength of stationary transmitters, such as base stations of radio telephones, mobilebroadcasts for rural areas, amateur stations, and AM and FM radio transmitters, cannot beprecisely predetermined theoretically. An investigation of the location is recommended, toascertain the electromagnetic environment as a result of stationary high frequency transmitters. Ifthe field strength of the device exceeds the level of agreement given above, the device must beobserved with regard to its normal operation at each place of use. In case of unusual performancecharacteristics, it can be necessary to take additional measures, such as the re-orientation of thedevice, for example.b. The field strength will be lower than 3 V/m above the frequency range from 150 kHz to 80 MHz.
258 2900H EN 20071108Remarks for HF-emission and immunityDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALThis device is intended for operation in an electromagnetic environment in which the radiated high frequency disturbance variables are monitored. The user of the device can help to prevent electromagnetic disruptions by maintaining the minimum distances between portable and mobile high frequency communication equipment (transmitters) and the device as recommended below, in accordance with the maximum output power of the communications equipment. Recommended Protective Distances between Portable and MobileHigh Frequency Communication Equipment and the DeviceRated Power of the TransmitterWProtective Distance in accordance with Transmission Frequencym150 kHz to 80 MHzd = 1.2 80 MHz to 800 MHzd = 1.2 800 MHz to 2.5 GHzd = 2.3 0.01 0.12 0.12 1.2 2.310 3.8 3.8 7.3100121223The distance can be determined through the equation for each respective column.P is the rated power of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the manufacturer information on the transmitter, only for transmitters where the rated power is not mentioned in the above table.• REMARK 1 : An additional factor of 10/3 has been used to calculate the recommended protective distance of transmitters in the frequency range from 80 MHz to 2.5 GHz, to reduce the probability that mobile portable communication equipment unintentionally brought into the area of the patients will lead to a disruption.• REMARK 2 : These Guidelines may not be relevant in all situations. The dispersion of electromagnetic waves is influenced by absorption and reflections from buildings, objects and people.P P P
IndexChapter E
260 2900H EN 20071108IndexDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALIndexAA#Sharp label. See LabelsA#sharp technology ..........................11Administrator mode...........................25Attributing fixed IP address to remote PC168Audio signals ....................................28BBack-up of settingshow to make a back-up of the printersettings on a floppy disk?...........105Beeps. See Audio signalsBrowser modeconfiguration with crossed networkcable.........................................167configuration with straight networkcable.........................................167entering key-operator level.........174entering operator level...............174how to control the Drystar 5500 viathe browser? .............................165how to set up a direct link?.........168how to set up a link through anetwork? ...................................172how to start a remote session? ..173CCalibrationaccessing..................................111film calibration...........................112overview of calibration functions.221print head cleaning ....................115print head profile calibration.......118CCC. See LabelsCE. See LabelsChange settings menuaccessing....................................70overview .....................................69Components Drystar 5500...............178Configuration network .....................183Connections, checking.................... 197Control charts.................................241Control modes, local and remote .......26Cooling.............................................36Cooling down....................................36cULus. See LabelsDDefault densitometer.........................93Delete print job .................................42Diagnostic area...............................232Dimensions DS5500 .......................228Displaydata entry ...................................33key-operator mode ...................... 32messages ...................................31operator mode ............................31Domain namehow to change?...........................80DRYSTAR......................................240DT 2 B............................................238DT 2 C............................................239DT 2 Mammo..................................240EElectrical connection .......................229Emergency priority............................41Environmental conditionsoperation ..................................229storage ..................................... 230transport ...................................230Error messageschecking error messages...........196checking floppy disk error messages198while printer starts up ................218FFilmDT2 B /DT2 C /DT 2 M ..........12, 44formats ................................. 10, 44how to change the film view?.......77
261 2900H EN 20071108IndexDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALhow to clear film jams? ..............199identification problems...............214quality problems........................220Film calibration..................................91Film formatchanging film format of the tray ..180Film jamin the front section .....................203in the input tray..........................200in the output section ..................209in the print section .....................205possible locations ......................199Floppy diskback-up procedure ....................106checking floppy disk error messages198printing files from a printer floppy102restore procedure......................108upgrading the software ..............121Functional description Drysatr 5500.179GGeneral image quality settingsactivating the film calibration ........91selecting the default densitometer 93General settingsassignment modality - output tray.75beep on empty tray......................76date and time ..............................72language.....................................73sorter configuration......................74HHF-emission and immunity remarks.254Hostnamehow to change?...........................79IIcons ................................................29Identification problems ....................214Image qualityflowchart ...................................222maintaining image quality ..........220resolving image quality problems220Image quality for general radiographyapplicationscalculated operating levels.144, 145how to perform the quality controlprocedures?..............................149how to set the default values?....142performing the Annual QC tests. 152performing the daily QC test ......149performing the Weekly QC tests 151Image quality for the mammographyapplicationcalculated operating levels.........157how to establish the reference valuesand verifying image quality ........154Performing the Annual QC tests.164Performing the daily QC test......161Performing the Weekly QC tests 163Spatial Resolution and Artifact Levelsand Low Contrast Visibility.........160Image quality problemlow frequency banding...............223sratches on film.........................224white dots or lines in transportdirection....................................223Image quality settings .................91, 94Image quality settings for a modalitychanging the interpolation............96changing the maximum density....98selecting a lookup table ...............94Imaging array .................................232Indicator LEDsmeaning of the LED signals.......195Input tray settingsfilm view......................................77Installationusing the install data-sets ..........121using the installation wizard.......127Interpolationhow to change the interpolation? .96IP-addresshow to attribute fixed IP-address toremote PC? ..............................168how to change the Printer IP-address?.....................................81how to change the Router IP-address?.....................................84
262 2900H EN 20071108IndexDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALJJams (how to solve?) ......................199KKey-operator functionscalibration .................................111change settings ...........................69installation.................................121menu structure ............................57overview .....................................56print image................................100restore configuration..................107save configuration .....................105show settings ..............................60stop printing ................................59Key-operator menu ...........................32accessing....................................58menu structure ............................57Key-operator mode ...........................24Keypad.............................................29Keysconfirm key .................................29delete key ...................................29emergency key............................29escape key..................................29key-operator key .........................29service key..................................29LLabelsA#Sharp......................................11CCC ...........................................19CE/TÜV/cULus............................19RoHS..........................................16LEDsmeaning of the LED signals .......195Link between PC and Drystar 5500direct link ..................................168through a network......................172Loading films ....................................46checking the correct position........54loading procedure........................50when in ready state .....................49when printing or calculating..........47Lookup tablehow to select another? ................94MMammographyhow to set the default values?....154Maximum densityhow to change?...........................98Media density respons data....238, 239, 240Modalityhow to add? ................................87how to remove? ..........................86NNet maskhow to change?...........................83Network (DICOM)adding a modality........................87domain name ..............................80hostname....................................79netmask......................................83printer AE-title .............................78printer IP-address........................81removing a modality .................... 86router IP-address ........................84Network connectivity .......................229OOperating modesadministrator mode .....................25key-operator mode ...................... 24operator mode ............................24service mode .............................. 24specialist mode ...........................25Operator functionsassigning emergency priority .......41deleting print jobs........................ 42loading films................................46managing the print queue ............39overview .....................................38
263 2900H EN 20071108IndexDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALOperator mode..................................24PPowerbutton location.............................27switching off ................................36switching on ................................34Power consumption.........................229Print headhow to clean?............................115Print head profile calibrationregistration........................118, 120starting......................................118TPH profile........................119, 120Print image,accessing .....................100Print job, delete.................................42Print queue.......................................39Print queue, checking......................197Printer AE-titlehow to change?...........................78Printer informationhow to view? ...............................60Printing filesfrom a printer floppy...................102from hard disk ...........................101how to stop?................................59viewing system area..................233Proxy settingshow to switch off?......................170QQuality controlcharts........................................241Quality control for general radiographyapplications (DT 1 B & DT 1 C)calculated operating levels.144, 145how to perform the quality controlprocedures?..............................149how to set the default values?....142performing the Annual QC tests .152performing the daily QC test ......149performing the Weekly QC tests.151Quality control for general radiographyapplications (DT 2 B & DT 2 C)........141Quality control for the mammographyapplicationcalculated operating levels.........157how to establish the reference valuesand verifying image quality ........154Performing the Annual QC tests.164Performing the daily QC test......161Performing the Weekly QC tests 163Spatial Resolution and Artifact Levelsand Low Contrast Visibility.........160Quality control for the mammographyapplication (DT 2 Mammo) ..............153Quality problems.............................220RRemote PCconfiguration with crossed networkcable ........................................167configuration with straight networkcable ........................................167Restoring settingshow to restore settings from adiskette?...................................107how to restore settings from a floppydisk?.........................................107RoHS label. See LabelsSSafetycompliance .................................18precautions .................................13transport after installation ..........184Security precautions .........................17Service mode ...................................24Specialist mode ................................25Start-up errors ................................218Status indicatorLED status..................................28location.......................................27
264 2900H EN 20071108IndexDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUALStop printing .....................................59Switching off .....................................36Switching off proxy settings of thebrowser ..........................................170Switching on .....................................34TTest filmsregistration................................120TPH profile................................120Transport. See SafetyTray, changing film format ...............180Troubleshooting checklist ................194TÜV. See LabelsUUpgrading the software ...................121User interface ...................................27audio signals...............................28control buttons ............................28control panel ...............................29display ........................................31keypad........................................29overview .....................................27status indicator LED ....................28WWarning messages .........................225
2652900H EN 20071108 IndexDRYSTAR 5500/5503 REFERENCE MANUAL
0413Printed in BelgiumPublished by Agfa HealthCare N.V., B-2640 Mortsel-Belgium2900H EN 20071108

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