Aiphone IX 1AS, 10AS Instructions 1AS / 2 Wire Network Adaptor
User Manual: Aiphone IX-1AS / IX-10AS 2-Wire Network Adaptor Instructions Instructions
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1015 IX SERIES IX-1AS / IX-10AS 2-Wire Network Adaptor Installation & Programming Guide IX-1AS 1 2 3 ABC DEF PRIVACY TRANSFER 4 GHI 7 PQRS 5 LIST SETTING 6 JKL MNO 8 9 TUV WXYZ 0 # IX-MV IX-10AS ,;6\VWHP ,;6\VWHP IX System ,3QHWZRUNFRPSDWLEOHLQWHUFRP ,3QHWZRUNFRPSDWLEOHLQWHUFRP IP network-compatible intercom 0DVWHU6WDWLRQ ,;09 Video Door Station (IX-DA) Audio Only Door Station (IX-BA) ,;6XSSRUW7RRO 6HWWLQJ0DQXDO :HE6HWWLQJ0DQXDO 6RIWZDUHYHUVLRQRUODWHU 6RIWZDUHYHUVLRQRUODWHU %HIRUHFRQILJXULQJDQGXVLQJWKHV\VWHPUHDG6HWWLQJ0DQXDODQG2SHUDWLRQ0DQXDO 3') FDUHIXOO\ )RUWKHLQVWDOODWLRQDQGFRQQHFWLRQRIHDFKGHYLFHUHIHUWR,QVWDOODWLRQ0DQXDO %HIRUHFRQILJXULQJDQGXVLQJWKHV\VWHPUHDG6HWWLQJ0DQXDODQG2SHUDWLRQ0DQXDO 3') FDUHIXOO\ )RUWKHLQVWDOODWLRQDQGFRQQHFWLRQRIHDFKGHYLFHUHIHUWR,QVWDOODWLRQ0DQXDO Important Important Web Setting Manual Software version 2.00 or later %HIRUHFRQILJXULQJDQGXVLQJWKHV\VWHPUHDG6HWWLQJ0DQXDODQG2SHUDWLRQ0DQXDO 3') FDUHIXOO\ )RUWKHLQVWDOODWLRQDQGFRQQHFWLRQRIHDFKGHYLFHUHIHUWR,QVWDOODWLRQ0DQXDO Important y %HJLQLQVWDOODWLRQDIWHUUHDGLQJDQGXQGHUVWDQGLQJWKHSURFHGXUHVIRUV\VWHP FRQILJXUDWLRQ y %HJLQLQVWDOODWLRQDIWHUUHDGLQJDQGXQGHUVWDQGLQJWKHSURFHGXUHVIRUV\VWHP FRQILJXUDWLRQ y 7KHVHWWLQJGDWDVKRXOGEHEDFNHGXSDQGVWRUHGLQDVDIHORFDWLRQDIWHUFRQILJXUDWLRQLV FRPSOHWH y 7KHVHWWLQJGDWDVKRXOGEHEDFNHGXSDQGVWRUHGLQDVDIHORFDWLRQDIWHUFRQILJXUDWLRQLV FRPSOHWH y The setting data should be backed up and stored in a safe location after configuration is complete. 7KHLOOXVWUDWLRQVDQGLPDJHVLQWKLVPDQXDOPD\YDU\IURPWKHDFWXDORQHV 7KHLOOXVWUDWLRQVDQGLPDJHVLQWKLVPDQXDOPD\YDU\IURPWKHDFWXDORQHV 7KHLOOXVWUDWLRQVDQGLPDJHVLQWKLVPDQXDOPD\YDU\IURPWKHDFWXDORQHV y Begin installation after reading and understanding the procedures for system configuration. ATTENTION: This is an installation and programming manual addressing wiring and programming for the IX-1AS / IX-10AS adaptor. For general IX Series programming, a complete set of instructions (IX Web Setting Manual / IX Operation Manual / IX Support Tool Setting Manual) can be found on the DVD-ROM provided with the IX-MV Master Station. WIRING: The IX-1AS / IX-10AS adaptor is designed for use with Aiphone’s 2 wire LE and NE Series sub stations. This adaptor will allow these subs to be used with the IX-MV network master station. First, connect the door station to the adaptor as shown in the table below, then connect the adaptor to the network. The door station will announce its IP address once the network connection is made. LEF Sub Stations IX-1AS / 10AS + H LE-x 1 *E, N/A NEM Sub Stations LE-SS/A, LE-SSR, LS-NVP/C NE-SS/A, NE-SSR, NE-NVP/C Red Red *Black/Blue Black N/A N/A NE-NVP-2DC/A Red Black White * Terminals / wire leads are jumped. PoE Switch CAT5e / CAT6 IX-1AS IX-MV 1 2 ABC 3 DEF PRIVACY TRANSFER 4 5 GHI JKL 7 8 PQRS LIST SETTING 6 LE-SS/A MNO 9 TUV WXYZ 0 # Red *Black/Blue To Strike & Power NOTE: The IX-10AS contains ten adaptors in a rack mountable unit. Plug each adaptor into its own port on a switch, then program each one individually. Refer to the chart on page 8 of this manual to document station information for each adaptor. Step 1: Logging into the IX-1AS adaptor IMPORTANT: The IX Series equipment must be programmed and operational prior to programming the IX-1AS adaptor. 7KH,;$6DGDSWRULVGHIDXOWHGWR'+&32QFHFRQQHFWHGWRWKHQHWZRUNLWZLOODXWRVHQVHQHWZRUNWUDI¿FDQGSLFNDQXQXVHG IP address. The assigned IP address will be announced through the attached door station. Enter the announced IP address into a web browser address bar to access the IX-1AS. Step 2: Assigning Station Information 2QFHORJJHGLQWRWKHDGDSWRUWKH¿UVWVFUHHQVKRZQLVIRUDVVLJQLQJD6WDWLRQ1XPEHU6WDWLRQ1DPHDQG/RFDWLRQ$Q optional Web Password can also be assigned to the adaptor from this screen to prevent unauthorized access to this page. After entering a unique Station Number and Station Name, click the 2 | IX-1AS Installation & Programming Guide button to update and restart the adaptor. Step 3: Network Settings Select Network Settings from the menu on the left. Enter a unique IP Address*, Subnet Mask, and Gateway IP Address for the adaptor. Consult with your IT department for the appropriate addresses to be assigned. There are additional settings on the Network Settings page that can be adjusted: SIP Settings, Audio Settings, and Packet Priority. The default settings will work in most cases. Adjust as necessary. Click the button to update any Network Setting changes and restart the adaptor. * If changes are made to the IP address, the web browser will need to be redirected to the new IP address after updating. Step 4: Contact Output Settings (optional) The IX-1AS has two built-in contact outputs: one for Door Release and one for Camera Call-Up. Select Contact Output Settings from the menu on the left. From this screen, adjust the door release output time (1-300 seconds). When using the Camera CallUp relay, select the appropriate radio button for when the relay is to trigger: Calling and Communication or Communication Only. Click the button to update any Contact Output Setting changes and restart the adaptor. 3 Step 5: Call Settings Select Call Settings from the menu on the left. From this screen, enter the station number and IP address of the master(s) that this door station needs to call. A maximum of 20 master stations can be entered (example: 101@ These station numbers and IP Addresses must match what is assigned to the IX-MV master(s) in IX Support Tool. The adaptor will work with the following settings left at default. Adjust as neccessary. From the Call Settings screen, select the call priority (Normal, Priority, Urgent) for this door station. (QWHUWKH&DOO7LPHRXWYDOXHWKHOHQJWKRIWLPHWKDWWKHGRRUZLOOFDOOLQIRU VHFRQGV LQ¿QLWH Select the Ringback Tone heard at the door from the appropriate drop down menu. Click on the preferred Ringback Count radio button (until answered, only once). Select the Busy Tone from the drop down menu that will be heard when calling a master that is currently in use. Select the Error tone from the drop down menu that will be heard when an error occurs during calling. Click the button to update the Call Setting changes and restart the adaptor. Step 6: Function Settings (optional) Select Function Settings from the menu on the left. From the Door Release Tone drop down menu, select the tone that will be heard at the door station when the door release contact is activated. From the Paging Pretone drop down menu, select the pretone that will be heard at the door prior to any paging announcement. 4 | IX-1AS Installation & Programming Guide Step 6: Function Settings (continued) SIF Reporting and SIF Events can be enabled from the same Function Settings screen. This is used when integrating with access control platforms (i.e. RY-IP44). Enter the IP address (of 3rd party device), Port (of 3rd party device), and Program number for each destination under SIF Reporting. Under SIF Events, use the appropriate radio buttons to enable events to be sent to the destination addresses. When enabling Periodical Transmission, select the transmission interval from the drop down menu. Click the button to update the Function Settings changes and restart the adaptor. Step 7: Station Hardware Settings (optional) Select Station Hardware Settings from the menu on the left. From this screen, the Volume Settings, Communication Settings, and VOX Settings can be adjusted. In most environments, the default settings will work, but should the environment warrant a change, make it here. The Communication and Paging Volumes are set to the max level. Should they need to be lowered, use the appropriate drop down to select the desired volume level. Adjust the Microphone Sensitivity to lower or increase the sub station's sensitivity when speaking to the master station. Select which tone will be heard upon receiving a call from a master station from the Call Answer Tone drop down. Select the Communication Timeout for this station (0-600 seconds, 0 = no timeout) Change the VOX Sensitivity to adjust for background noise at the master station. Change the VOX Delay to adjust how long it takes the unit to switch to talk from listen mode. If any changes are made, click the button to update the Station Hardware Settings changes and restart the adaptor. 5 Step 8: Maintenance (optional) Select Maintenance from the menu on the left. If a Syslog server is being used on the network, the IP address for the server can be entered here. If Syslog Address is left to the address, the log will be broadcast. Enable debug mode for additional syslog messages to aid in troubleshooting. 7KHDGDSWRUFDQDOVREHUHVWRUHGWRIDFWRU\GHIDXOWVWKH¿UPZDUHFDQEHXSGDWHGRUFDQEHUHERRWHGIURPWKHPDLQWHQDQFHVFUHHQ Click the button to save Syslog Address / Debug Mode settings and restart the adaptor. Step 9: Adding the IX-1AS to the IX-MV 1RZWKDWWKH,;$6KDVEHHQSURJUDPPHGWKH,;09PDVWHU V DGGUHVVERRNZLOOQHHGWREHXSGDWHGWRUHÀHFWWKHQHZO\ added sub station. Open IX Support Tool and select the system to be updated. Select ,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ from the Station Information tree on the left. On the next available line, enter the number and the name of the sub assigned in Step 2. Select Audio Only Door Station from the Type drop down. Click the button to save the changes. Step 10: Assigning IP Address Now that the station has been added, the IP address will need to be assigned. From the menu on the left, select IP Address from the Network Settings tree. The newly added station will be in the list of stations but the IP address and Subnet Mask will be blank. Enter the IP address and subnet mask, making sure it matches what was set to the IX-1AS during its initial programming (Step 3). Click the button to save the changes. 6 | IX-1AS Installation & Programming Guide Step 11: Removing the IX-1AS from the IX-MV Address Book (optional) Select Address Book from the System Information tree on the left. Each master station in the system will be listed on the left and all devices in the system will be listed across the top. By default, the newly added station will be listed in each master station's address book. If a station is not to appear in a master station's address book, uncheck the appropriate box. Click the button to save the changes. Step 12: Door Release Settings Select Door Release Settings from the Function Settings tree on the left. The newly added station will not have an $XWKHQWLFDWLRQ.H\DVVLJQHG(QWHUDQ\GLJLWQXPEHU LH LQWRWKH$XWKHQWLFDWLRQ.H\¿HOGIRUWKHQHZVWDWLRQ7KH¿HOG ZLOOWXUQSLQNZKHQPRGL¿HG 6FUROOWRWKHULJKWDQG¿QGWKHQHZO\DGGHGVWDWLRQIURPWKHVWDWLRQVOLVWHGDFURVVWKHWRS7KHPDVWHUVWDWLRQVLQ the system will also not have an Authentication Key entered. Enter the same key that was entered for the door station here. This will allow the master station to open the door when communicating with the station. If door UHOHDVHLVQRWGHVLUHGIRUDVSHFL¿FPDVWHUVWDWLRQOHDYHWKH$XWKHQWLFDWLRQ.H\¿HOGEODQN Click the button to save the changes. 7 Step 13: Uploading Settings The IX Series master stations will now need to be updated with the saved changes. Select Upload Settings To Station from the File menu. Select the master stations from the list and click Start Upload. The master stations will update and the Status column will show if the update was successful. IX-10AS Chart The IX-10AS is 10 IX-1AS adaptors in a rack mount enclosure. Each adaptor will need to be programmed individually. Use the chart below to enter the station information for each adaptor. Adaptor Number Station Number Station Name IP Address 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV Power: Current Consumption: Door Release Relay: Camera Call Up Relay: Communication: LAN: Audio Codec: Protocol: Operating Temperature: Material: Color: Dimensions: Power-over-Ethernet (IEEE 802.3af, class 0) Maximum 250mA per IX-1AS 24V DC, 500mA 24V DC, 500mA Hands-free Half duplex, VOX Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX) G.711 IPv4, TCP, UDP, SIP, HTTP, RTP, RTCP, IGMP, DHCP 32°F ~ 122°F (0°C ~ 50°C) Aluminum (IX-1AS) Steel (IX-10AS) Silver (IX-1AS) Black (IX-10AS) 1-½” H x 4-¼” W x 4-15»16” D (IX-1AS) 5-¼” H x 16-¾” W x 4-15»16” D (IX-10AS) Aiphone Corporation | | | P: 800.692.0200 8 | IX-1AS Installation & Programming Guide
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