Airspan Communications 495AS Airsynergy Compact Outdoor Pico Base Station User Manual Installation Guide

Airspan Communications Limited Airsynergy Compact Outdoor Pico Base Station Installation Guide


Installation Guide

          SYN-UG-007  Revision  A0.41  AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 2  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   Copyright © Copyright by Airspan Networks Inc., 2012. All rights reserved worldwide. The information contained within this document is proprietary and is subject to all relevant copyright, patent and other laws protecting intellectual property, as well as any specific agreements protecting Airspan Networks Inc. rights in the aforesaid information. Neither this document nor the information contained herein may be published, reproduced or disclosed to third parties, in whole or in part, without the express, prior, written permission of Airspan Networks Inc. In addition, any use of this document or the information contained herein for the purposes other than those for which it is disclosed is strictly forbidden. Airspan Networks Inc. reserves the right, without prior notice or liability, to make changes in equipment design or specifications. Information supplied by Airspan Networks Inc. is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Airspan Networks Inc. for the use thereof nor for the rights of third parties which may be effected in any way by the use of thereof. Any representation(s) in this document concerning performance of Airspan Networks Inc. product(s) are for informational purposes only and are not warranties of future performance, either expressed or implied. Airspan Networks Inc. standard limited warranty, stated in its sales contract or order confirmation form, is the only warranty offered by Airspan Networks Inc. in relation thereto. This document may contain flaws, omissions or typesetting errors; no warranty is granted nor liability assumed in relation thereto unless specifically undertaken in Airspan Networks Inc. sales contract or order confirmation. Information contained herein is periodically updated and changes will be incorporated into subsequent editions. If you have encountered an error, please notify Airspan Networks Inc. All specifications are subject to change without prior notice. Product performance figures quoted within this document are indicative and for information purposes only. UK WEE Registration number: WEE/AB0207WZ
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 3  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   Table of Contents Copyright ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... 3 Summary of Figures ................................................................................................................................ 5 Summary of Tables ................................................................................................................................. 8 1 About this Guide .............................................................................................................................. 9 1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 9 1.2 Intended Audience .................................................................................................................. 9 1.3 Conventions ............................................................................................................................ 9 1.4 Referenced Documentation .................................................................................................. 10 1.5 Organisation of this Guide ..................................................................................................... 10 2 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 11 2.1 General Overview for use with External Antenna ................................................................. 11 2.1.1 Front Mounted Sector Antenna Arrangement ............................................................... 11 2.1.2 Switched Beam Antenna Arrangement ......................................................................... 12 2.1.3 Dual unit arrangement ................................................................................................... 12 3 Get Started .................................................................................................................................... 13 3.1 Workflow of Installation ......................................................................................................... 13 3.2 Installation Checklist ............................................................................................................. 14 3.3 Verify Site Requirements ...................................................................................................... 14 3.4 Verify Safety Requirements .................................................................................................. 14 3.4.1 Warning of Hazardous Voltages ................................................................................... 14 3.4.2 Adhere to European Directive 1999/519/EC ................................................................. 15 3.5 Verify Installation Requirements ........................................................................................... 15 3.5.1 Verify the Tools ............................................................................................................. 15 3.5.2 Verify the Parts and Kits ................................................................................................ 16 3.5.3 Verify Components ........................................................................................................ 19
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 4  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   4 Installing AirSynergy ..................................................................................................................... 22 4.1 Mount the AirSynergy Universal Mounting Plate .................................................................. 22 4.2 Fit Front Sector Antenna to AirSynergy ................................................................................ 24 4.3 Fit GPS Antenna to AirSynergy............................................................................................. 25 4.4 Secure AirSynergy and Antenna to pole mount plate ........................................................... 26 5 Connect and Manage cables ........................................................................................................ 29 5.1 Fitting the Protection earth cable .......................................................................................... 29 5.2 Connecting RF Jumper cables to External Antenna ............................................................. 31 5.3 Connect PoE drop cable to the AirSynergy .......................................................................... 32 6 Connect to Power System ............................................................................................................. 33 6.1 Run cables from the PoE injector to the AirSynergy ............................................................. 33 6.2 Wiring of the Drop cable and Network cables to the PoE injector ........................................ 35 6.3 Connecting the d.c. PSU ....................................................................................................... 41 6.4 Physical fixing of the PoE injector box and PSU modules .................................................... 42 7 Set BS Management IP & BSID via Web Page ............................................................................ 45 7.1 Automatic Discovery via Netspan ......................................................................................... 47 8 Appendix A .................................................................................................................................... 50 8.1 Review Job Sheet ................................................................................................................. 50 9 Appendix B – Field assembly of Back to back AirSynergy units ................................................... 52 10 Appendix C  – Glossary of Terms ............................................................................................. 56 11 Appendix D – Checklist ............................................................................................................. 57 12 Appendix E – PSU for USA ....................................................................................................... 58 13 Appendix F – FCC Requirements ............................................................................................. 60 14 Appendix G – Declaration of Conformance (CE) for Airsynergy ............................................... 64 15 Appendix H - Document Status ................................................................................................. 66 15.1 Revision History .................................................................................................................... 66
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 5  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   Summary of Figures Figure 1 – Typical  AirSynergy with sun shield ..................................................................................... 11 Figure 2 – AirSynergy with front sector antenna fitted .......................................................................... 11 Figure 3– AirSynergy with Switched Beam Antenna ............................................................................ 12 Figure 4 – AirSynergy dual unit “back to back” configuration (External GPS antenna fitted) ............... 12 Figure 5  – Workflow of AirSynergy Installation .................................................................................... 13 Figure 6 – AirSynergy unit in typical packing box as supplied .............................................................. 19 Figure 7 – AirSynergy unit  (connectorised) .......................................................................................... 19 Figure 8 – AirSynergy unit with Switched Beam Antenna (factory fitted) ............................................. 19 Figure 9  – Universal Mounting Plate and pole straps .......................................................................... 20 Figure 10 – Sun Shield with fixings ....................................................................................................... 20 Figure 11 – Sector Antenna Mounting plate and fixings ....................................................................... 20 Figure 12 – Sector Antenna (Check frequency variants) ...................................................................... 20 Figure 13 – GPS antenna ..................................................................................................................... 21 Figure 14 – GPS antenna mounting kit ................................................................................................. 21 Figure 15  – AirSynergy mounting  plate and fixings ............................................................................ 22 Figure 16  – Feed clamp bands through the quick release locking mechanisms ................................. 22 Figure 17 – Press down the locking mechanism with the  slack band fed through .............................. 22 Figure 18 – Tighten clamps with large flat blade screwdriver ............................................................... 23 Figure 19 – AirSynergy mounting plate installed (large diameter concrete pole) ................................. 23 Figure 20 – Fixing the front mount antenna to the mounting plate ....................................................... 24 Figure 21 –Fitting the Front mount antenna assembly to AirSynergy .................................................. 24 Figure 22 –Fitting the GPS antenna to the mounting bracket ............................................................... 25 Figure 23 –GPS antenna cable connected ........................................................................................... 25 Figure 24 – Assembling the GPS antenna and bracket assembly to AirSynergy ................................. 26 Figure 25 – Lift AirSynergy to top  of pole-mount plate ........................................................................ 26 Figure 26 – AirSynergy  drops down into slots at the top  of pole-mount plate .................................... 27
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 6  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   Figure 27  – Gently lift the AirSynergy body until the bottom studs engage in the bottom slots .......... 27 Figure 28 – AirSynergy body engaged in the bottom slots ................................................................... 27 Figure 29 – AirSynergy downtilt adjustment ......................................................................................... 28 Figure 30 – Tighten flange nuts (4 positions) once the required mounting angle is set ....................... 28 Figure 31– AirSynergy attachment of  earthing cable ........................................................................... 29 Figure 32– Attach earth cable to pole ................................................................................................... 29 Figure 33 – Connecting the  antenna RF cables .................................................................................. 31 Figure 34 – AirSynergy Front mount antenna connections – applying self -amalgamating tape ......... 31 Figure 35 – AirSynergy  antenna connections – applying PVC tape .................................................... 32 Figure 36 – Attach PoE drop cable to the AirSynergy .......................................................................... 32 Figure 37 – Tools required to connect the PoE injector and PSU ........................................................ 33 Figure 38 – AirSynergy power and network cable overview diagram ................................................... 35 Figure 39 – Preparing the drop cable/network cable wire ends for connection into the PoE injector .. 35 Figure 40 – Twist the individual drain wire strands  together ................................................................ 36 Figure 41 – Pass the network cable /drop cable end through the  end cap of a  PoE gland ................ 36 Figure 42 – Pass the cable through the gland and tighten the end cap ............................................... 36 Figure 43 – View of the PoE injector lid indicating the 4 cable gland positions .................................... 37 Figure 44 – Position the individual pairs in the punch down strip ......................................................... 38 Figure 45 – The punch down orientation .............................................................................................. 39 Figure 46 – Continue dressing and punching down each coloured pair ............................................... 39 Figure 47 – Push green/yellow plastic sleeves over the drain wire ...................................................... 40 Figure 48 – Connect the drain wires to the earth terminal .................................................................... 40 Figure 49 – Pass the d.c. power cable end through the  end cap of a PoE gland................................ 41 Figure 50 – Pass the d.c. power cable through the gland and tighten the end cap.............................. 41 Figure 51 – Connect the red and black d.c. power wires into the terminal strip ................................... 42 Figure 52 – The wired PoE injector box can be screwed into position ................................................. 42 Figure 53 –  Fit the top cover to the PoE injector box ........................................................................... 43
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 7  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   Figure 54 –  Fix the PSU into position using self tapping screws ......................................................... 43 Figure 55- BS Config ............................................................................................................................. 45 Figure 56- Mgmt IP Config .................................................................................................................... 46 Figure 57- Reboot Confirmation ............................................................................................................ 47 Figure 58- Discovery Tasks .................................................................................................................. 47 Figure 59- Edit Discovery tasks parameters ......................................................................................... 48 Figure 60 - Discovery Target................................................................................................................. 49 Figure 61 - Discovery Test .................................................................................................................... 49 Figure 62 - Removing the existing stud mounting plates ...................................................................... 52 Figure 63 - Fitting the stud joining plates .............................................................................................. 52 Figure 64 -  Position back to back assembly on side to tighten all joining plate screws....................... 53 Figure 65 - Mounting method with pole clamps recommended for back to back installations ............. 53 Figure 66 -  Flatten straps against the mounting plate for back to back installations ........................... 54 Figure 67 - Back to Back AirSynergy mounted on pole with 4 mounting straps ................................... 54 Figure 68 – M6 Screw fixing point as safety line anchor point.............................................................. 55 Figure 69 – AirSynergy Mains PSU and enclosure for USA deployments ........................................... 58 Figure 70 – 48V DC cable attached ready for connection to the PoE injector ..................................... 58 Figure 71 – Internal PSU and and cable terminations .......................................................................... 59
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 8  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   Summary of Tables Table 1 - AirSynergy installation tools ................................................................................................... 15 Table 2 – AirSynergy installation parts and kits .................................................................................... 16 Table 3  – External Antenna and feeder kits (OPTION) ....................................................................... 18 Table 4  - AirSynergy additional (consumable)  items .......................................................................... 18
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 9  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   1  About this Guide This section discusses the purpose, intended audience, conventions, referenced documentation and organisation for this guide. 1.1 Purpose This guide provides the workflow and step-by-step procedures for Installation of the AirSynergy equipment.  These procedures include:   Verify Prerequisites   Install the AirSynergy Radio equipment   Install the PSU equipment   Connect and manage cables   Commission and discover via Netspan, to be ready for full configuration  1.2 Intended Audience This guide is intended for persons who are responsible for installing the AirSynergy equipment.  These persons should have a working knowledge of the equipment. 1.3  Conventions This document uses the following informational conventions. Icon Description    Checkpoint:  Marks a point in the workflow where there may be an exit or branch to some other procedure.  At each Checkpoint the reason for an exit or branch is given along with specific directions to locate the entry point in the other procedure.   Reference:  Gives a resource in the workflow that may be needed to complete a procedure along with specific directions to use the resource.   Caution:  Describes a possible risk and how to lessen or avoid the risk.   Advice:  Provides a recommendation based on best practice.    Note:  Provides useful information.
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 10  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   1.4  Referenced Documentation Place holder for Product Bulletins and other related documents 1.5  Organisation of this Guide This guide is organised into the following Sections:   About this Guide   Introduction   Get Started   Verify Prerequisites   Install the AirSynergy Radio equipment   Install the PSU equipment   Connect and manage cables   Set BS Management IP & BSID via Web Page   Connect and manage cables   Appendixes
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 11  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   2  Introduction This section provides a descriptive overview of the product. 2.1  General Overview for use with External Antenna AirSynergy equipment comes in a range of frequency variants that can be mounted with different antenna options and formats.  Figure 1 – Typical  AirSynergy with sun shield  2.1.1  Front Mounted Sector Antenna Arrangement A typical sector installation will have a cross-polar sector antenna fitted directly to the front of the AirSynergy main unit. (This is fitted instead of the sun-shield).   Figure 2 – AirSynergy with front sector antenna fitted
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 12  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   2.1.2  Switched Beam Antenna Arrangement A switched beam antenna version (factory built option) with built in GPS antenna allows for flexible iBridge backhaul functionality where the strongest signal from any direction is automatically selected. The same antenna can also be configured in omni mode for the support of access.  Figure 3– AirSynergy with Switched Beam Antenna 2.1.3  Dual unit arrangement AirSynergy units may be mounted together in a dual arrangement on the same mounting plate utilising a special joining kit (supplied as a separate accessory).  Note: Various antenna options can be selected for each AirSynergy to perform the required combination of backhaul and access functionality. An extended sun-shield is also available for this format.  Figure 4 – AirSynergy dual unit “back to back” configuration (External GPS antenna fitted)
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 13  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   3  Get Started 3.1  Workflow of Installation The workflow required to install the AirSynergy equipment is shown in the following diagram:   Figure 5  – Workflow of AirSynergy Installation
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 14  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41    3.2 Installation Checklist Plan the installation of the AirSynergy Unit by using the Installation Checklist in Appendix A  3.3  Verify Site Requirements To set up the AirSynergy a connection to a Netspan server PC will be required.  3.4  Verify Safety Requirements Read and follow all warning notices and instructions marked on the product or included in this manual. When installed in the final configuration, the product must comply with the applicable Safety Standards and regulatory requirements of the country in which it is installed. If necessary, consult with the appropriate regulatory agencies and inspection authorities to ensure compliance. Ascertain the radiation hazards when working in an environment close to other antennas and Electromagnetic fields, e.g. working on towers with other microwave transmitters etc. and act accordingly.  3.4.1  Warning of Hazardous Voltages On AC installations, hazardous voltages exist.  Use caution when verifying or working with AC power. Remove metal jewellery that could come into contact with AC power. On DC sections, short circuiting the low voltage, low impedance circuits can cause arcing that may result in burns or eye damage.  Remove rings, watches etc. to avoid shorting DC circuits.    Note: Airspan products do not contain hazardous substances (as defined in UK Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1989 and the Dangerous Substances Regulations 1990).  At the end of any Airspan products life cycle, the customer should consult with Airspan to ensure that the product is disposed of in conformance with the relevant regulatory requirements.      Caution: Any modifications to this device not expressly authorised by the manufacturer could void the users’ authority to operate this device.
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 15  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41    3.4.2  Adhere to European Directive 1999/519/EC European Council Recommendation1999/519/EC details basic restrictions and reference levels on human exposure to electromagnetic fields as advised by the ICNIRP.   Adherence to these recommended restrictions and reference levels should provide a high level of protection as regards the established health effects that may result from exposure to electromagnetic fields. 3.5  Verify Installation Requirements 3.5.1  Verify the Tools Table 1 - AirSynergy installation tools Tools Small flat blade Screwdriver (For screw terminals inside PoE injector) Large Flat Bladed Screwdriver (Securing of the pole straps) Medium Cross-head Screwdriver (PoE injector lid and mounting screws) 13mm wrench x 2  (Heavy-duty pole clamp option only) 10mm wrench (AirSynergy securing flange nuts) Large pliers (Tightening cable glands on the PoE injector - To fit 15mm across flats) Knife (for stripping back insulation) Tweezers (or fine tipped long nose pliers) Wire cutters Wire strippers (Cutting insulation) Ring terminals crimp tool
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 16  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   Tools Tilt-meter  (If accurate downtilt of antenna needs to be set)  Krone punch-down  tool (Termination of Ethernet cables in PoE injector)  3.5.2  Verify the Parts and Kits Table 2 – AirSynergy installation parts and kits Installation Kit / Part: Installation Kit details Note: Main AirSynergy parts 1 x AirSynergy Universal Mounting Plate and pole strap kit (Includes 2 pole straps for poles up to 200mm diameter) AirSynergy unit(s) Frequency band specific and available with and without integral switched beam antenna. Check against order and requirement to ensure the correct unit type to be installed  Either of the following:  1 x Sun Shield (for single unit installation where a separately mounted external antenna is deployed) Sun shield 6 Countersunk head fixing screws  OR  (for front mount antenna option)  1 x Sector Antenna mounting plate with fixing kit 4 M4 nuts 4 M4 flat washers 4 M4 spring washers 4 Cable ties 4 M5 SEM
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 17  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41      1 x Sector Antenna (front mounting)   Additionally required for any non-switched beam antenna versions of AirSynergy  GPS Antenna   GPS Antenna mounting kit Bracket M6 screw M6 plain washer M6 spring washer TNC to TNC cable (25cm) Additionally required for back to back unit installations   1 x back to back joining kit 4 joining straps with mounting studs and flange nuts pre-fitted. 16 M5 countersink scres 1 x Extended sun shield ( If no front mount antenna is to be fitted to the front face of the back to back AirSynergy units)  OPTIONAL Heavy-duty mounting (for specific mounting locations) 1 heavy-duty pole clamp mounting kit 4 clamps 4 M8x150 bolts 4 M8 plain washer 4 M8 spring washer   Connecting cables CAT5e  External grade 25m with weather hood pre-fitted. One for each AirSynergy unit  Earthing cable  M6 Lug at each end  Power Supply and PoE 48V PSU module 1 per AirSynergy unit  PoE injector 1 per AirSynergy unit  48V PSU in weatherproof enclosure (NEMA 4X) Alternative to the standard 48V PSU and is required for all North American  installations
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 18  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41      Table 3  – External Antenna and feeder kits (OPTION) Installation Kit / Part Note External Antenna Many variants - Check against order and requirement to ensure the correct type is installed Typically a 2 port cross-polar antenna Pole mounting kits (supplied with antenna) Short Feeder cable 0.5M feeder tails x 2 (Suitable for mounting antenna directly above the AirSynergy unit) Long Feeder tail  1.5M feeder tails x2 (Suitable for mounting antenna on the same pole immediately behind the AirSynergy unit or where the Antenna needs to be spaced away from the AirSynergy unit)      Table 4  - AirSynergy additional (consumable)  items Additional items (not provided by Airspan) Cable ties Self-amalgamating tape Black PVC tape Ring terminal for earth strap,  M6 Earth strap cable (4mm), yellow and green cable
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 19  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   3.5.3  Verify Components The following figures show and describe the AirSynergy components and accessory kits  Figure 6 – AirSynergy unit in typical packing box as supplied   Figure 7 – AirSynergy unit  (connectorised)    Figure 8 – AirSynergy unit with Switched Beam Antenna (factory fitted)
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 20  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41    Figure 9  – Universal Mounting Plate and pole straps   Figure 10 – Sun Shield with fixings  Figure 11 – Sector Antenna Mounting plate and fixings   Figure 12 – Sector Antenna (Check frequency variants)
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 21  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41    Figure 13 – GPS antenna   Figure 14 – GPS antenna mounting kit
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 22  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   4  Installing AirSynergy 4.1  Mount the AirSynergy Universal Mounting Plate The AirSynergy is normally mounted on a pole (in close proximity to its external antenna if not using the AirSynergy front mounted Antenna. Take care to install the mounting plate the correct way up so that the AirSynergy unit will fit with the PoE connector pointing downwards. This is with the slot openings in the bracket at the top edges as shown.  Figure 15  – AirSynergy mounting  plate and fixings  Figure 16  – Feed clamp bands through the quick release locking mechanisms  Figure 17 – Press down the locking mechanism with the  slack band fed through
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 23  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41     Figure 18 – Tighten clamps with large flat blade screwdriver   Figure 19 – AirSynergy mounting plate installed (large diameter concrete pole)
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 24  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   4.2 Fit Front Sector Antenna to AirSynergy The AirSynergy unit can be used either with a sector antenna mounted directly on the front or with a remotely attached RF antenna. This document describes the installation procedure for the front mount antenna. For the installation of a separate antenna follow the antenna manufacturer’s instructions and connect to the AirSynergy using suitable feeder cable tails. (N-Type RF connections should all be weather-proofed).   In all cases where a front mount antenna is not fitted a sun shield should be fitted. To mount the front antenna, perform the following steps: 4.2.1   Fit the antenna to the mounting plate. The 4 studs on the back of the antenna pass through the holes on the front face of the mounting plate and secure into position with the 4 sets of M4 nuts and washers (plain + spring) provided in the kit. Carefully position the flying lead RF cables as shown in Figure 20 and secure in place to the eyelets in the back of the mounting plate with cable ties (provided). The cables are formed  with a cross-over at the bottom   Note:  It is recommended to place some cardboard or paper under the unit to protect it from scratching.   Figure 20 – Fixing the front mount antenna to the mounting plate 4.2.2   Fit the assembled antenna and mounting plate to the AirSynergy unit using the M5 SEMs (2 each side) and connect the RF cables to the N type RF ports at the top of the AirSynergy. Note: the plate is mounted with the side slots to the top so that the required down-tilt can be set.  Figure 21 –Fitting the Front mount antenna assembly to AirSynergy
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 25  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   4.3   Fit GPS Antenna to AirSynergy    Note: AirSynergy units without a factory fitted Switched Beam Antenna all require a GPS antenna which comes in a kit with a mounting bracket and a 25cm cable. A prime consideration for a GPS antenna is a clear view of the sky, preferably 360 degrees  4.3.1  Fit the GPS antenna to the mounting bracket supplied in the GPS antenna mounting kit. The large back nut should be tightened with a pipe wrench. Take care not to over tighten on the plastic threads.  Figure 22 –Fitting the GPS antenna to the mounting bracket  4.3.2  Fit the short TNC to TNC cable from the GPS antenna to the TNC connector on the top of the AirSynergy  Note: For extreme weather conditions weather-proofing of the TNC connections is recommended. This is done with a layer of self-amalgamating tape followed by an over layer of PVC tape. The weather-proofing is best done at this stage to give easier access to the connections  Figure 23 –GPS antenna cable connected
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 26  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   4.3.3  Fit the GPS antenna assembly to the body of the AirSynergy using the single M6 screw and lock washer provided in the kit. There is a threaded hole at the top corner of the AirSynergy unit for this purpose. The TNC to TNC cable loop can be gently positioned behind the front mount antenna (or sunshield) as shown in Figure 24. Weather-proofing tapes   (self -amalgamating followed by a layer of black PVC tape) should be applied to the TNC connections.  Figure 24 – Assembling the GPS antenna and bracket assembly to AirSynergy  4.4  Secure AirSynergy and Antenna to pole mount plate To mount AirSynergy to the universal mounting plate, perform the following steps:  NOTE:  If the installation is for a back to back arrangement with 2 AirSynergy units sharing the same mounting bracket refer to additional step in APPENDIX B.  4.4.1  Hook the studs into the top slots of the mounting plate. With the studs engaged in the top slots raise the unit slightly until the bottom studs also drop into their respective slots. Secure the flange nuts (4 positions) with the require degree of down-tilt.  4.4.2  Follow the Figure sequence from Figure 25 to Figure 28 for the positioning of the AirSynergy into the mounting bracket slots.   Figure 25 – Lift AirSynergy to top  of pole-mount plate
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 27  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41     Figure 26 – AirSynergy  drops down into slots at the top  of pole-mount plate    Figure 27  – Gently lift the AirSynergy body until the bottom studs engage in the bottom slots   Figure 28 – AirSynergy body engaged in the bottom slots
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 28  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41    4.4.3  The slot arrangement at the top of the mounting bracket allows the AirSynergy and front mounted antenna to be down-tilted by a few degrees or can be used to compensate for the taper angle or tilt of the actual mounting pole. With the flange nuts gently hand tightened, the position can be accurately set with tilt-meter on the front face of the AirSynergy unit.  Figure 29 – AirSynergy downtilt adjustment  4.4.4  The down-tilt angles are not marked by the adjustment slots so a tilt-meter is required to set a specific angle, the flange nuts can then be tightened  with a 10mm wrench on each stud (4 positions)  Figure 30 – Tighten flange nuts (4 positions) once the required mounting angle is set
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 29  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   5  Connect and Manage cables 5.1 Fitting the Protection earth cable  5.1.1  There is an option to connect an earthing cable to the M6 screw fixing point at the bottom of the main body casting. This should be connected to a protection ground bar or clamped directly to the steel structure of the power or pole. This is required in areas of high lightning activity or when the AirSynergy unit is mounted on high exposed roofs or tower structures. A direct earth connection is required  for  the surge protection devices inside the AirSynergy to be effective.   Figure 31– AirSynergy attachment of  earthing cable  5.1.2  Connect the earth cable to the protection earth bar using suitable crimp lugs. Alternatively  use a clamp to join the earth cable to the steel structure of the mounting pole or tower structure.  Figure 32– Attach earth cable to pole
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 30  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41       Note:  When installing a protection earth take care to use suitable metal combinations to avoid or minimize galvanic corrosion. Combinations above the line in the table below should be avoided
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 31  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   5.2 Connecting RF Jumper cables to External Antenna    Figure 33 – Connecting the  antenna RF cables    Caution:  Do not over-tighten the RF connector.  RF failures can result when the RF connector is over-tightened.  Weather-proofing of the RF N type connectors  with weather-proofing tapes. (self -amalgamating followed by a layer of black PVC tape.  Figure 34 – AirSynergy Front mount antenna connections – applying self -amalgamating tape  Apply a layer of self-amalgamating tape and a layer of black electrical tape to the weather-exposed RF connector.
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 32  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41    Figure 35 – AirSynergy  antenna connections – applying PVC tape Ensure the RF connector is completely sealed from the weather.    5.3 Connect PoE drop cable to the AirSynergy 5.3.1 Plan the position of the drop cable run from the AirSynergy unit to the PoE (Power over Ethernet) injector. The recommended maximum run length is 20m. Uncoil the cable and secure with the metal connector hood just below the AirSynergy unit. Pull back the hinged protective dust cover and insert the PoE connector so that the RJ45 connector engages and the Amphenol hood locks into place with the hinged dust cover. When securing the cable, make sure that there is no tension on the connector so that it is easy to disconnect and re-connect for maintenance activities in the future. Take care not to displace the square section sealing grommet from its channel at the end of the connector since this is a vital to provide adequate water sealing.  Figure 36 – Attach PoE drop cable to the AirSynergy
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 33  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   6  Connect to Power System  Caution: Hazardous voltage!  Before working, ensure that the power is removed from the power connection cables.  When the system is powered on, do not touch the power terminals.  Tools Required: The tools required for the connection of the PSU and PoE injector are:  knife, small flat blade screw driver, medium cross-head screw driver, pliers, small side cutters, tweezers (or fine blade long nose pliers) and punch down tool (Krone or similar)  Figure 37 – Tools required to connect the PoE injector and PSU  6.1 Run cables from the PoE injector to the AirSynergy   6.1.1 The drop cable installation. If the drop cable is to be passed through glands and/or down the centre of a lamp post or other structure, the drop cable can be cut leaving sufficient length for ease of termination. (The cable length from the AirSynergy should be 20m max.) With the PoE injector placed at the selected installation location, trim the cable length so that it will fit neatly to the box while allowing sufficient length to strip and prepare the cable ends.     Note:  It is good practice to label both ends of the drop cable to identify which AirSynergy unit it is connected to. This is especially important where multiple AirSynergy units are installed on the same pole/tower.
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 34  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41      Note:  It is good practice to leave a spare loop of drop cable  (approximately 0.5m of cable). This will allow for ease of wiring to the PoE and will allow the cable to be re-terminated if necessary in the future.   6.1.2  The Network cable. The remaining section of cable with the RJ45 connector pre-fitted should also be positioned to form the connection to a local network switch. (The length of this run should be limited in length to 5m max.)      Note:  It is good practice to leave a spare loop of network cable  (approximately 0.5m of cable). This will allow for ease of wiring to the PoE and will allow the cable to be re-terminated if necessary in the future.    6.1.3  If there is no planned Network connection at the installation site. It is recommended that a 1m cable tail is connected to the PoE injector so that lap top computer or other test equipment can be attached when required. When the installation is complete, the connector at the end of the tail should be taped up with weather-proof tape and the wire neatly coiled and secured in a suitable space next to the PoE injector. Add a label to identify which AirSynergy this network connection belongs to, especially important where multiple AirSynergy units are installed on the same pole/tower.      Note:  It is good practice to label the network connection cable to identify which AirSynergy unit/PoE injector it is connected to. This is especially important where multiple AirSynergy units are installed on the same pole/tower and the network connection all converge on one Ethernet switch.
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 35  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41            Figure 38 – AirSynergy power and network cable overview diagram 6.2 Wiring of the Drop cable and Network cables to the PoE injector  Figure 39 – Preparing the drop cable/network cable wire ends for connection into the PoE injector
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 36  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   6.2.1  With the drop cable from the AirSynergy cut to the required length strip back and remove the outer sheath, foil shield and wrapping layer to a length of 6cm. Take care not to cut the insulation on the inner twisted pairs or any strands of the drain wire. Repeat for the network connection cable.  Figure 40 – Twist the individual drain wire strands  together   Figure 41 – Pass the network cable /drop cable end through the  end cap of a  PoE gland    Figure 42 – Pass the cable through the gland and tighten the end cap
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 37  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41    6.2.2  The drop cable and network cables must be passed through the correct cable glands in the PoE until 5mm of black outer sheath protrudes into the box. Tighten the gland end caps securely with pliers taking care not to over tighten or damage the plastic. The drop cable from the AirSynergy enters through the gland labelled on the box lid as “POE OUT” and the network connection enters through the gland labelled “Network IN”. The correct orientation of the lid can be checked by lining up the pre-attached earth wire with the gland labelled “Earth”.   Figure 43 – View of the PoE injector lid indicating the 4 cable gland positions   6.2.3  Preparing the twisted pairs for punch down. Untwist enough of each colour coded twisted pair of wire so that the individual wires can be laid into the punch down strips.  The colour code must be strictly followed and is marked on the PCB legend next to each punch down “slot”. Gently pushing the wires into the slots with a small flat blade screwdriver will help to keep them in the correct position before they are punched down with the punch down tool. The wires must be positions so that the “flying “ end is towards the centre of the PoE box.
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 38  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41      Figure 44 – Position the individual pairs in the punch down strip   The wire installation order (starting from the end nearest to the entry gland) is: BROWN  BROWN-WHITE BLUE BLUE-WHITE GREEN GREEN-WHITE ORANGE ORANGE-WHITE
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 39  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41      Note:  The Punchdown tool will only fit one way round with the cutter blades towards the centre of the box  Figure 45 – The punch down orientation    Figure 46 – Continue dressing and punching down each coloured pair 6.2.4  Continue dressing in and punching down the coloured pairs for the network and drop cables. Take care to remove all cut-off wire ends from the box and trim off any ends that are not cleanly cut by the punch down tool cutter.  Note: :  If the protection earth wire (green/yellow stripe) obstructs the punch down tool, then slacken the earth wire gland and pull it through into the box so that a small loop is formed that can be moved away from the punchdown block. When the punchdown work is completed then restore the earth wire to its original position and re-tighten the gland.
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 40  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41    Figure 47 – Push green/yellow plastic sleeves over the drain wire  6.2.5  Fit pre-cut green/yellow plastic sleeves approximately 3.5cm long over each of the drain wires.   Figure 48 – Connect the drain wires to the earth terminal   6.2.6  Twist the bare ends of the drain wires together and insert into the 3 way terminal strip in line with the pre-fitted green and yellow earth wire. Use a small blade screw driver to tighten the connection.
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 41  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   6.3 Connecting the d.c. PSU  NOTE: For USA deployments and alternative PSU and enclosure arrangement is required – Refer to Appendix E   Figure 49 – Pass the d.c. power cable end through the  end cap of a PoE gland   Figure 50 – Pass the d.c. power cable through the gland and tighten the end cap  6.3.1  The d.c. power cable (with red and black wire ends) must be passed through the correct cable gland into the PoE until at least 5mm of black outer sheath protrudes into the box. Tighten the gland end caps securely with pliers taking care not to over tighten or damage the plastic.
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 42  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41    Figure 51 – Connect the red and black d.c. power wires into the terminal strip  6.3.2  Connect the red and black d.c. power wires to the correct positions in the 3-way terminal strip. (In the positions where the colour line up with the pre-fitted red and black wires. Use a small blade screw driver to tighten the connections. Re-check that all other screw terminals connections on the 3-way terminal strip are tight.  6.4  Physical fixing of the PoE injector box and PSU modules 6.4.1  With the internal wiring complete the PoE box can be screwed into final position using the 2 self tapping screws provided into a suitable wooden or insulated backing board. The fixing screws go into the 2 holes within the body of the PoE injector box and must be fitted before assembling the top cover.  Figure 52 – The wired PoE injector box can be screwed into position
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 43  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41      Figure 53 –  Fit the top cover to the PoE injector box  6.4.2  Fit the top cover of the PoE injector box taking care to match the orientation of the label  to the assembled wiring.   Figure 54 –  Fix the PSU into position using self tapping screws  6.4.3  The PSU module can be screwed into final position using the self-tapping screws provided into a suitable wooden or insulated backing board (4 positions)
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 44  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41      Safety - Disconnection of AC supply  Where Airsynergy is connected directly to building or lamp post wiring a suitably rated and  readily accessible disconnect device shall be incorporated external to the equipment;    Where Airsynergy is connected to the ac mains supply using a plug and socket, the socket-outlet shall be installed near the equipment and shall be easily accessible.
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 45  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   7  Set BS Management IP & BSID via Web Page The following are the steps to the BS via its WEB interface. Ensure that your Web browser with which you want to access the Web-based Management is active. To connect to AirSynergy via the WEB interface: 1. Open web browser ant type the BS address. IP address – (  User name – synergy Password – synergy  2. Click Submit  3. For WiMAX 16e applications Navigate to “General” menu to specify the BS ID. (Format xxxxxx:yyyyyy)  Where xxxxxx is reserved for the Operator ID and yyyyyy is a unique Hexadecimal reference number within the network. The commissioning details vary for  iBridge and LTE applications and these are covered in separate commission documents  Figure 55- BS Config  4. Click Save.  Note:  iBridge Term menu item is not applicable to 16e BS and must not be used. Configuration of “RF Channels” may lead to failed installation (failed commissioning and no discovery). Configuartion details for iBridge is covered in a separate document   Write the BS ID
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 46  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   5. Navigate to “Management” and modify the IP address according to your network.   Figure 56- Mgmt IP Config   6. Click Submit   Note: Dynamic” IP Allocation is not supported in the current release. Please select Static Note: Internal Port configuration is not applicable to 16e BS and must not be used.  Configuration of the internal port may lead to management comms failure.  Note: Clicking the “Submit” your configuration is NOT implemented immediately in the BS. The BS needs to be rebooted for the new configuration to be applied.      Choose Untagged or Modify the BS Management VLAN when applicable  (Take care when changing to a management VLAN since communication from a Laptop or PC without the relevant 802.1Q NIC capability and configuration will be lost) Modify the BS IP IPIP
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 47  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   7. Navigate to “Reboot” and click on “Yes” to reboot the BS   Figure 57- Reboot Confirmation  7.1  Automatic Discovery via Netspan Set BS discovery profile in Netspan. The following section explains the steps to take for the automatic discovery of AirSynergy via Netspan. To connect to AirSynergy BS via Netspan 1. Login to Netspan 2. Navigate to Server > Discovery Parameters The following is displayed:  Figure 58- Discovery Tasks  3. Click Add
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 48  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   4. Define: a.  Name. b.  Write Community. c.  Read Community  Note: This should be same as was configured before on the BS.   5. Define the discovery Target IP Address Range.  For example – Start address = and End Address= 6. Port – enter 161 7. Click OK, as shown below: 8.    Figure 59- Edit Discovery tasks parameters  9. Click OK and wait till you see the new BS in the “ configuration management > BS > BS TRx, as shown below:
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 49  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41      Figure 60 - Discovery Target   Your AirSynergy BS is now “discovered” by Netspan and is ready for additional configuration, provisioning and adaptations.  Note: In case of discovery failure (BS not present on the list) Discovery Test can be used to diagnose the problem. Select Discovery Task created and Click Edit. Select the discovery parameters and press Test. The report appears. Correct the problem and try again.     Figure 61 - Discovery Test
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 50  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   8  Appendix A 8.1  Review Job Sheet The Job Sheet should include the following information:  Pole for installation identified  Position on pole identified  Pole access restrictions (highway regulations, other services on pole, power pole)  Method of reaching pole positions (ladders, Elevated work platform)  AC main fuseway available for PSU  Configuration programming details known  Point of connection for Ethernet (if applicable)  All equipment items available at the installation site o Main AirSynergy unit o Mounting bracket and pole clamps o PSU o PoE injector (with fixing kit) o Ethernet cable assembly o GPS Antenna o GPS antenna installation kit o Front sector Antenna (if applicable) o Front sector Antenna mounting bracket ad fixing kit (if applicable) o External panel antenna (if applicable) o RF feeder cable tails (if applicable)  Required tools o Large flat screw driver for pole clamps o Small flat screwdriver for PoE power terminations o Small cross-head screwdriver for PoE box lid and fixings for PoE injector and PSU o 20mm wrench or small pipe wrench for RF connections o 10mm wrench for main unit mounting flange nuts o Side cutters o Wire strippers o Krone punch down tool o Tilt meter to set antenna downtilts o Ring terminals crimp tool  Required ancilliary equipment o Lap top PC for initial configuration o Ethernet cable for temporary connection of the lap top  Other install materials o Self amalgamating o Black PVC tape o Cable ties o Labels
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 51  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41    Whether the system is required to be locked to a GPS timing reference.  A BSID is required for each AirSynergy.  This should be in a format xxxxxx:xxxxxx where x is a decimal digit.  Network configuration information for the SDR blade.  This shall include the following information for the front panel and the backplane. o IP Address:  Should only be set if Management IP Mode is set to Static IP Address.  See below for Management IP Mode parameter. o Netmask:  Should only be set if Management IP Mode is set to Static IP Address.  See below for Management IP Mode parameter. o Default Gateway:  Should only be set if Management IP Mode is set to Static IP Address.  See below for Management IP Mode parameter. o Management VLAN:  Specified as either Untagged or Tagged o Management VLAN Tag:  Should only be set if Management VLAN is set to Tagged o Management IP Mode:  Specified as Static IP Address or Obtain IP Address via DHCP o Ethernet Mode:  Specified as Auto-negotiate or Fixed o Ethernet Rate:  Need only be configured if Ethernet Mode is set to Fixed, specified as 10M or 100M. o Ethernet Duplex:  Need only be configured if Ethernet Mode is set to Fixed, specified as Full or Half.  SNMP configuration information.  This will allow events from the BS to arrive at the specified Netspan server.  This will include the following information: o Read Only Community:  This should be specified to the same value as in Netspan Discovery Parameters (found under Server on Netspan’s left hand panel). o Read Write Community:  This should be specified to the same value as in Netspan Discovery Parameters (found under "Server" on Netspan’s left hand panel). o Community:  Normally specified to the same value as for Read Only Community.
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 52  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   9  Appendix B – Field assembly of Back to back AirSynergy units In cases where 2 AirSynergy radios are to be installed on the same mounting bracket some additional installation steps are required as follows:  Removal of the existing stud mounting plates (4 positions)  from  each  AirSynergy unit.  Each plate is secured with 2 countersunk head screws.   Figure 62 - Removing the existing stud mounting plates   Note: The screws should be replaced with a new set of 16 pieces with fresh locking patches on the threads when re-assembling with the joining plates. A new set of screws is supplied with the back to back joining kit.  Re-assembly with the joining plates. The studs with flange nuts must all be at the same end. A typical arrangement will be with the AirSynergy with connectorised RF ports to be mounted at the back. The mounting studs will then all be on the sides of the connectorised unit as shown in the figure.  Fit all 4 plates to one of the AirSynergy units then slide the 2nd Synergy unit into place between the brackets.    Figure 63 - Fitting the stud joining plates
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 53  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41      Figure 64 -  Position back to back assembly on side to tighten all joining plate screws    Note: To fully tighten all of the screws it is recommended to place the cardboard packaging or other soft material  under the units  to protect the painted surfaces    Figure 65 - Mounting method with pole clamps recommended for back to back installations
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 54  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41      Note: To support the additional weight of a back to back system on a single universal mounting plate it is recommended that a pole clamp kit is used (see figure 58)  This provides a very strong mounting from a standard telecom tower equipment pole. For larger diameter poles where pole straps are required due to the larger diameter of the pole, it is recommended that 4 straps are used. It is important that pole straps sit  flat against the mounting plate as shown in figure 59   Figure 66 -  Flatten straps against the mounting plate for back to back installations  Figure 67 - Back to Back AirSynergy mounted on pole with 4 mounting straps
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 55  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41     Mount the assembly on the universal mounting bracket and secure the flange nuts. The GPS antenna and front mount antenna if used can be fitted before or after mounting to the pole depending on ease of access.  In cases where no front mount antenna is fitted, an extended sun shield is available  as an accessory item and should be fitted. The fitting method is the same as the standard sun shield with 3 fixings on each side of the front AirSynergy unit.  Follow the normal procedures for the connection of power supply units and drop cabling to each of the back to back mounted AirSynergy units.    Note: When securing back to back assembly to the mounting plate a safety line or rope should be secured to the units. The 6mm tapped holes used for the protection ground at the bottom or the GPS mountings at the top of each Synergy unit provide strong anchor points for a safety line.  (This is the same point used for protection ground connection in exposed areas or high lightening risk areas)   Figure 68 – M6 Screw fixing point as safety line anchor point
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 56  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   10 Appendix C  – Glossary of Terms AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting  ARQ  Automatic Repeat Request ASN Access Service Network ASN GW ASN Gateway BS Base Station BWA Broadband Wireless Access CPE Customer Premises Equipment FDD Frequency Division Duplex GUI Graphical User Interface HO Handover/Handoff IP Internet Protocol NEMA MAC National Electrical Manufacturers Association Media Access Control MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output MS Mobile Station  NLOS Non Line of Sight NSP Network Service Provider OFDMA Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (Multiple Access) PHY PHYsical Layer SDR Software Defined Radio TDD Time Division Duplex VoIP Voice over IP
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 57  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   11 Appendix D – Checklist The Checklist below gives the high-level steps in the Workflow for this procedure.  Detach or print this page to use as a job-aid for completing the actions this procedure requires. Table 3 - Checklist for Procedure Procedure Actions Outcome   1.  Verify Prerequisites Verify site requirements Verify safety requirements Verify installation requirements All requirements are in place for a successful installation 2.  Install AirSynergy universal mounting  plate  Install the universal mounting plate Verify connection torque settings  3.  Install AirSynergy on the mounting plate   4.  Connect and manage cables Connect AirSynergy PoE cable Connect GPS   5.  Connect power system Connect PSU to PoE injector Connect Power Connect the protection earth to the PoE injector box Connect Ethernet backhaul
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 58  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   12 Appendix E – PSU for USA To comply with US regulations that apply to outdoor deployments of mains power supplies, a special US version of the AirSynergy power supply has been produced with the PSU module and the mains connecting blocks enclosed in a small NEMA approved enclosure. The mains cable and 48V power cables are brought through the weatherproof glands provided. This type of power supply (SYN-PSU-ODUL-AC-1)  must  be used for all deployments in the USA.  Figure 69 – AirSynergy Mains PSU and enclosure for USA deployments  Figure 70 – 48V DC cable attached ready for connection to the PoE injector
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 59  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   Remove the top cover of the PSU enclosure. Choose suitable positions for the PSU enclosure within 1m of the PoE injector. The PSU enclosure should be screwed to a firm surface with screws in 4 positions which are only accessible with the top cover removed.  A 1metre length of 2 core connecting cable should come pre-attached to the 48V output terminals as shown in Figure 68. This cable may be cut to shorter length, depending on the position of the PoE injector.  Terminated the DC cable in the PoE injector as described in section 6.3.1    Figure 71 – Internal PSU and and cable terminations  Isolate the mains supply and pass the mains cable through the input gland and terminate on the connection blocks provided. The termination blocks are clearly labelled as  Live, Neutral and Earth. Once the enclosure top cover has been re-fitted (4 screw positions) and the PoE wiring completed the mains power can be applied.    Safety - Disconnection of AC supply  Where Airsynergy is connected directly to building wiring a suitably rated and  readily accessible disconnect device shall be incorporated external to the equipment;    Where Airsynergy is connected to the ac mains supply using a plug and socket, the socket-outlet shall be installed near the equipment and shall be easily accessible.
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 60  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   13 Appendix F – FCC Requirements Airsynergy basestation, FCC ID: O2J-235AS, operating in the 2305-2320 and 2345-2360 MHz WCS Bands.  Federal Communications Rules for operation in USA The  correct  setting  of  the  following  Base  Station parameters  in  Netspan,  are  critical  to  the correct operation of equipment in compliance with the rules detailed in 47CFR27subpart C:  Transmit Power  Transmit Frequency  Channel Bandwidth Any attempt to alter these parameters outside those permitted by the Netspan software or the operator license could be a violation of that license  Transmit Power / Tune-up Transmit power is set using the Netspan management software during install /commissioning. The unit may transmit with a power of up to 30dBm at each antenna port when connected to cross polarised antenna with maximum gain of 18dBi  Airsynergy basestation, FCC ID: O2J-265AS, operating in the 2572-2614 MHz band.  Federal Communications Rules for operation in USA The  correct  setting  of  the  following  Base  Station parameters  in  Netspan,  are  critical  to  the correct operation of equipment in compliance with the rules detailed in 47CFR27subpart C:  Transmit Power  Transmit Frequency  Channel Bandwidth Any attempt to alter these parameters outside those permitted by the Netspan software or the operator license could be a violation of that license Transmit Power / Tune-up Transmit power is set using the Netspan management software during install /commissioning.
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 61  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   The unit may transmit with a power of up to 30dBm at each antenna port when connected to cross polarised antenna with maximum gain of 18dBi  Airsynergy Basestation, FCC ID: O2J-365AS, operating in the 3650-3700 MHz Band.   Federal Communications Rules for operation in USA To ensure compliance FCC rules and regulations, the following should be observed:   The 3650-3700 MHz frequency range is a licensed band in the USA and operators must have a valid spectrum license to operate Airsynergy equipment using this band.   The Airsynergy base station requires operation using an Airspan FCC-specific version of Netspan supporting Listen Before Transmit. This management software only permits operation in the 3650-3700 MHz band.  Note: Netspan, the Airspan management system enforces FCC compliance  in the upper 25MHz  extension of this band above 3675 MHz  The unit and must be professionally installed.   Any attempt to alter these parameters outside those permitted by the Netspan software or the operator license could be a violation of that license  The  correct  setting  of  the  following  Base  Station parameters  in  Netspan,  are  critical  to  the correct operation of equipment in compliance with the rules detailed in 47CFR90 subpart Z (Wireless Broadband Services in the 3650–3700 MHz Band): o Transmit Power o Transmit Frequency o Channel Bandwidth o Carrier Sense Threshold o Carrier Sense Backoff Frames  Transmit Power Transmit power is set using the Netspan management software during install /commissioning. For 5MHz channel operation, the maximum permitted EIRP is 5 W. Due to the additive effect of the MIMO antenna, the power setting in Netspan must be set such that:  TX power (dBm) + Antenna gain (dBi) ≤ 36.5 For 10 MHz channel operation, the maximum permitted EIRP is 10 W. Due to the additive effect of the MIMO antenna, the power setting in Netspan must be set such that:
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 62  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41    TX power (dBm) + Antenna gain (dBi) ≤ 39.5 Airsynergy Basestation, IC:4548B - 90203300, operating in the 3650-3700 MHz Band. Industry Canada Rules for operation in Canada To ensure compliance with relevant rules and regulations, the following should be observed:   The 3650-3700 MHz frequency range is a licensed band in Canada and operators must have a valid spectrum license to operate Airsynergy equipment using this band.   The Airsynergy base station requires operation using an Airspan FCC-specific version of Netspan supporting Listen Before Transmit1. This management software only permits operation in the 3650-3700 MHz band.   Note: Netspan, the Airspan management system enforces FCC compliance  in the upper 25MHz  extension of this band above 3675 MHz  The unit must be professionally installed.   Any attempt to alter these parameters outside those permitted by the Netspan software or the operator license could be a violation of that license  The  correct  setting  of  the  following  Base  Station parameters  in  Netspan,  are  critical  to  the correct operation of equipment in compliance with the rules detailed in RSS-197 (Wireless Broadband Access Equipment Operating in the 3650–3700 MHz Band): o Transmit Power o Transmit Frequency o Channel Bandwidth o Carrier Sense Threshold o Carrier Sense Backoff Frames Transmit Power Transmit power is set using the Netspan management software during install /commissioning. The Maximum permitted total power density allowed in RSS-197 is 1W/MHz  Certification testing was performed with an antenna gain of 11dBi and the following transmit powers in Netspan software and these must not be exceeded during commissioning or use:  5 MHz channels:  23.5dBm  10 MHz Channels:  25.5 dBm                                                       1 This software version is generically called the “Airspan FCC-specific version” as the software was historically written to comply with 47CFR90Z which imposes a similar Contention Based Protocol Requirement
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 63  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   RF Exposure The RF exposure requirements are detailed in RSS-210. The safe distances from the AirSynergy Antenna unit is 25 cm under all operating conditions.  FCC and Industry Canada RF Exposure Requirements FCC Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits for equipment operating in the frequency range 1500 – 100,000 MHz is 1.0 mW/cm2. Following installation and commissioning, the safe distance from the antenna is the greater of: 20cm Or r cm, where r = √ (PG/4πS) P: power input to antenna(s) in mW  G: numeric gain of antenna relative to isotropic radiator S: power density in mW/cm2 = 1 mW/cm2 The device has two antenna ports, so safe distance from the antenna shall be the greater of: 20 cm or √ (2*PG/4πS) Which gives 20 cm or √ (0.16*P*G) cm.
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 64  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   14 Appendix G – Declaration of Conformance (CE) for Airsynergy  Following European guidance to include the Decalaration of Conformance into the user manual, the Declaration of Conformance for AirSynergy is included here in the 11 languages of the Community relating to the 2.3GHz and 3.6GHz variants of the AirSynergy product. These equipments must only be operated under licence  Note: A copy of full declaration of conformity may be obtained from Airspan Communication Ltd, Capital Point,  33 Bath Road, Slough Berkshire SL1 3UF  UK  English Hereby, Airspan Communications Ltd., declares that this AirSynergy (2.3 and 3.6GHz variants) is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. Finnish Airspan Communications Ltd. vakuuttaa täten että AirSynergy (2.3 and 3.6GHz) tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen. Dutch Hierbij verklaart Airspan Communications Ltd. dat het toestel AirSynergy (2.3 and 3.6GHz) in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG Bij deze verklaart Airspan Communications Ltd. dat deze AirSynergy (2.3 and 3.6GHz) voldoet aan de essentiële eisen en aan de overige relevante bepalingen van Richtlijn 1999/5/EC. French Par la présente Airspan Communications Ltd. déclare que l'appareil AirSynergy (2.3 and 3.6GHz) est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE Par la présente, Airspan Communications Ltd. déclare que ce AirSynergy (2.3 and 3.6GHz) est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions de la directive 1999/5/CE qui lui sont applicables Swedish Härmed intygar Airspan Communications Ltd. att denna AirSynergy (2.3 and 3.6GHz) står I överensstämmelse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EG. Danish Undertegnede Airspan Communications Ltd. erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr AirSynergy (2.3 and 3.6GHz) overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF German Hiermit erklärt Airspan Communications Ltd., dass sich dieser/diese/dieses AirSynergy (2.3 and 3.6GHz) in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den anderen relevanten Vorschriften der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet". (BMWi) Hiermit erklärt Airspan Communications Ltd. die Übereinstimmung des Gerätes AirSynergy (2.3 and 3.6GHz) mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den anderen relevanten Festlegungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG. (Wien)
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 65  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   Greek ΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΡΟΥΣΑ Airspan Communications Ltd. ΔΗΛΩΝΕΙ ΟΤΙ AirSynergy (2.3 and 3.6GHz) ΣΥΜΜΟΡΦΩΝΕΤΑΙ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΙΣ ΟΥΣΙΩΔΕΙΣ ΑΠΑΙΤΗΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΙΣ ΛΟΙΠΕΣ ΣΧΕΤΙΚΕΣ ΔΙΑΤΑΞΕΙΣ ΤΗΣ ΟΔΗΓΙΑΣ 1999/5/ΕΚ Italian Con la presente Airspan Communications Ltd. dichiara che questo AirSynergy (2.3 and 3.6GHz) è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE. Spanish Por medio de la presente Airspan Communications Ltd. declara que el AirSynergy (2.3 and 3.6GHz) cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE Portuguese Airspan Communications Ltd. declara que este AirSynergy (2.3 and 3.6GHz) está conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva 1999/5/CE.
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 66  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   15 Appendix H - Document Status 15.1 Revision History Revision Originator Date Description Draft 1 J. Forrester 07-2011 Initial document  Draft 2 J. Forrester 10-2011 Revised document  Draft 3 J. Forrester 10-2011 Revised document with PoE injector install details Revision  A0 J. Forrester 11-2011 Edited with review comments and added new Appendix B Revision  A0.1 J. Forrester 11-2011 Typo corrections and replaced copy of galvanic corrosion table Revision  A0.2 J. Forrester 12-2011 New Appendices for USA  PSU and  FCC rules Revision  A0.3 Y. Jarrar 09-2012  Added Initial BS Commissioning and Discovery in Netspan Revision  A0.41 J. Forrester 11-2012  New Appendices for CE Declaration of Conformance and updated FCC rules and other Minor corrections for figure numbering
 AirSynergy Equipment Installation Guide     Page 67  Commercial in Confidence  SYN-UG-007 Rev A0.41   Revision Originator Date Description    Customer Service Help-Desk for customer service emergency Airspan Networks have introduced the Airspan Tracker application to enable prompt and efficient Customer Support services. If you do not have an Airspan Tracker account, please obtain login credentials by filling-in the form in the main page at Register New Account.   Worldwide Headquarters: Airspan Networks Inc. 777, Yamato Road, Suite 310, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA Tel: +1 561 893 8670   Feedback:  To provide feedback on this document, please send comments to the following email address:

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