Airspan Communications AS4000CT-PCS Central Terminal PCS Base Station User Manual manuals

Airspan Communications Limited Central Terminal PCS Base Station manuals


605-0000-455Issue 2.0 21/03/00 © Copyright Airspan 2000AS4000Wireless Local Loop SystemDA Central TerminalCommissioning UnitOperators Manual
AS4000 DA CT Commissioning UnitOperators Manual Preface605-0000-455Issue 2.0  Date 21/03/00Page 2 of 28This Page Intentionally Blank
AS4000 DA CT Commissioning UnitOperators Manual Preface605-0000-455Issue 2.0  Date 21/03/00Page 3 of 28Notice1. This manual is subject to revision.2. All rights reserved.3. Right of modification reserved.4. This manual is supplied without liability for errors or omissions.5. No part of this manual may be reproduced or used except as authorised by contract orother written permission.6. This equipment is conditioned by the requirement that no modifications are made to theequipment unless the changes or modifications are expressly approved by the AirspanCommunications Corporation7. Prerequisite skills:  Personnel installing, commissioning, and maintaining the Airspanproducts must have a basic knowledge of telephony and radio communications, and haveexperience in installing, commissioning and maintaining telecommunications products.Airspan provides a range of comprehensive training courses specifically aimed atproviding operators/users of Airspan products with the prerequisite skills to install,commission and or maintain the product. The courses are tailored to provide the level oftraining required by the operator/user.8. AS4000 and AS8100 are brands of Airspan Networks IncFor additional information on Airspan Systems, please call your Airspan Representative, orcontact Airspan at: Cambridge HouseOxford RoadUxbridgeMiddlesexUB8 1UNCall (44) 895 4677100Fax (44) 895 4677101email  sales@
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AS4000 DA CT Commissioning UnitOperators Manual Preface605-0000-455Issue 2.0  Date 21/03/00Page 5 of 28Safety Instructions - Warnings and CautionsSAFETY1. Read and follow all warning notices and instructions marked on the product or included inthis manual2. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord and do not locate the product wherepersons could step or walk on the power cord.3. When installed in the final configuration, the product must comply with the applicableSafety Standards and regulatory requirements of the country in which it is installed. Ifnecessary, consult with the appropriate regulatory agencies and inspection authorities toensure compliance.4. No hazardous RF radiation is emitted from the equipment.WARNING - HAZARDOUS VOLTAGESOn AC installations, hazardous voltages exist.  Use caution when verifying or working withAC power.  Remove metal jewellery that could come into contact with AC power.On DC sections, short circuiting the low voltage, low impedance circuits can cause severearcing that may result in burns or eye damage.  Remove rings, watches etc. to avoid shortingDC circuits.Electro-Static Discharge ESDElectro-Static Discharge.  Many circuits contain devices which are susceptible to damagefrom high impedance voltage sources.  To avoid such risks always follow anti-staticprocedures where marked.
AS4000 DA CT Commissioning UnitOperators Manual Preface605-0000-455Issue 2.0  Date 21/03/00Page 6 of 28NOTEAirspan products do not contain hazardous substances  (as defined in UK ‘Control ofSubstances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1989’, and the ‘Dangerous SubstancesRegulations 1990’). At the end of any Airspan product’s life cycle, the customer shouldconsult with Airspan to ensure that the product is disposed of in conformance with therelevant regulatory requirementsThe   Symbol on an Airspan product signifies that it has been certified according to theEMC directive 89/336/EEC. The product fulfils the requirements according to the followingstandards:EN50082-1 for Immunity.EN55022  Group 1 Class A for the Central Terminal Emissions.EN55022  Group 1 Class B for the Subscriber Terminal Emissions.NOTEThe Subscriber Terminal equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for aClass B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.
AS4000 DA CT Commissioning UnitOperators Manual IXL 001605-0000-455Issue 2.0  Date 21/03/00Page 7 of 28 © Copyright Airspan 2000INDEX TASK LISTPREFACE:Safety Instructions Warnings and CautionsIndex  Task List....................................................................................................IXL-001GENERAL SYSTEM INFORMATION: GSIIntroduction.......................................................................................................... GSI-0011. Purpose of Document..............................................................................................92. Prerequisite skills....................................................................................................9DA Commissioning Unit. ..................................................................................... GSI-0021. Introduction ..........................................................................................................112. DACU Components..............................................................................................113. Architecture Overview.......................................................................................... 114. Principles of Operation .........................................................................................115. DA Commissioning Unit.......................................................................................135.1. Mechanical........................................................................................................135.2. RF Interconnect ................................................................................................145.3. Power Meter Connections .................................................................................145.4. Shelf Controller Communications .....................................................................155.5. DC Connections................................................................................................155.6. Connect LAT Terminal ..................................................................................... 16Central terminal Commissioning Using the DACU .......................................... DLP-0011. Preparation for Commissioning at the Central Terminal........................................172. Power Cycle the Rack........................................................................................... 193. Check DACU Calibration .....................................................................................194. Set Rx Sensitivity..................................................................................................195. Restoring shelf connections...................................................................................21Issue Control List  ................................................................................................ICL-001Abbreviations  ......................................................................................................ICL-001User Response Form
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AS4000 DA CT Commissioning UnitOperators Manual GSI 001605-0000-455Issue 2.0  Date 21/03/00Page 9 of 28 © Copyright Airspan 2000INTRODUCTION1. Purpose of DocumentThis document describes the operation of the Airspan AS4000 DA Central TerminalCommissioning Unit2. Prerequisite skillsThis manual is intended for use by persons familiar with the Airspan product havingattended the Airspan CT training course prior to performing the procedures in thispractice.
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AS4000 DA CT Commissioning UnitOperators Manual GSI 002605-0000-455Issue 2.0  Date 21/03/00Page 11 of 28 © Copyright Airspan 2000DA COMMISSIONING UNIT1. IntroductionThe DA Commissioning Unit (DACU) is used during system commissioningand routine maintenance. The Unit can be used to commission the AS4000DACentral Terminal.2. DACU ComponentsComponentDACURF Coupler50 Ohm TerminationRF Connecting LeadPower Connecting LeadRS232 Modem Shelf Interface CableRJ11 to 9 way Connection AdapterPC Interface Cable 9way-25wayPC Interface Cable 9way-9way3. Architecture OverviewThe Commissioning Unit architecture as depicted in Figure 1.  Componentscomprise:i. Commissioning Unitii. Cables and couplers to allow the Commissioning Unit to be connected tothe RF sub-system.iii. Cables to allow the Commissioning Unit to be connected to each ModemShelf (to support communications to each Shelf Controller).iv. Associated system firmware upgrades required to support AGC operationin cards such as the Shelf Controller.4. Principles of OperationThe Commissioning Unit acquires a full low rate RF downlink / uplink throughRF cabling coupled into the CT transmit / receive antenna ports. Knowledge ofthe path loss between the Commissioning Unit and RF antenna port allows theCommissioning Engineer to adjust RF receive level as required using AS8100Sitespan.The Commissioning Unit scans and acquires a CDMA link to allow a specificRF channel to be quickly adjusted during commissioning (or re-checked by avisiting maintenance engineer)
AS4000 DA CT Commissioning UnitOperators Manual GSI 002605-0000-455Issue 2.0.  Date 21/03/00Page 12 of 28CT Rack Expansion RackModemShelf 1RFCombinerShelfModemShelf2ModemShelf 3ModemShelf 4CommissioningUnitTX/RX Shelves 1&2 TX/RX Shelves 3&4PC with Sitespanand LAT terminalsoftwarePower MeterDCSupplyFigure 1. DACU Connections to AS4000 DA CT Rack
AS4000 DA CT Commissioning UnitOperators Manual GSI 002605-0000-455Issue 2.0.  Date 21/03/00Page 13 of 285. DA Commissioning Unit5.1. MechanicalThe Commissioning Unit measures 600mm wide, 300mm deep. 100mm highand can be rack mounted if required.Power from FANConnection2 3 7Not Used Pots Line 1OKLAT Terminal To modem shelvesCalibration TableLAT Terminal/Null modem AGCMON/PCMON
AS4000 DA CT Commissioning UnitOperators Manual GSI 002605-0000-455Issue 2.0.  Date 21/03/00Page 14 of 285.2. RF InterconnectThe Commissioning Unit has two RF ports (SMA connectors 50 Ohmimpedance) the RF lead is connected to port A and to the RF antenna portusing one length of RF cable and one coupler per antenna port. Unused portsare terminated using 50 ohm RF loads.  All couplers and cables are marked toshow insertion loss.DIP/LNAJ1J2J3Antenna Feed80 dB CouplerSMA connectorN type connector5.3. Power Meter ConnectionsThe Power meter is connected to the transmit port (B) on the DACUDip/LNATX FilterLeft SideAB
AS4000 DA CT Commissioning UnitOperators Manual GSI 002605-0000-455Issue 2.0.  Date 21/03/00Page 15 of 285.4. Shelf Controller Communications Connect to the management system port of the modem shelf to theCommissioning Unit D-type labelled AGC/PC MON.A female 25 pin D type connection is presented on the adapter for connectionto the LAT Terminal.SITESPAN 2 SITESPAN 1SLOT 5 SLOT 9E1INE1INE1OUT E1OUTCABINET RACK CONTROL 55B ALARMCOMBINERBASEBANDDOOR LEDRF CAL-48V FAN AUX5 AUX9SCAUXSCLATJTAG-48VB-48VABATTPOSCOMBINER BASEBANDE5 E55.5. DC ConnectionsThe DC Supply is connected to a 15 way D-type connector on the right side ofthe unit. The Battery return is connected to pin 4 and duplicated supplies toBatt-ve(0) to pin 8  and Batt-ve(1) to pin 7 . The DC supply can be obtainedfrom the FAN D-Type connector (P17) on the Modem Shelf connector panel.15 Way FemaleCommissioning Unit9 Way FemaleFan Connection on Modem Shelf2347 84
AS4000 DA CT Commissioning UnitOperators Manual GSI 002605-0000-455Issue 2.0.  Date 21/03/00Page 16 of 285.6. Connect LAT TerminalConnect LAT terminal to the terminal Port on the DACU1 111237LAT Terminal(null modem) AGCMON and PCMONNot Used POTS Line 1LAT TerminalOKThe connecting lead details are shown below9 FemalePC23 5235DACU23725 Male2 3 7The following Terminal Settings are used when connecting a PC LAT terminalto a DACU:CommunicationsBaud rate = 9600Data bits = 8Stop Bits =1Parity = NoneFlow Control = NoneText TransfersFlow Control = Line at a timeDelay between Lines = 1 sec (10/10)Block Cursor Word Wrap at Column = 79Terminal PreferencesColumns = 80Cursor =Block with BlinkBuffer Lines = 100
AS4000 DA CT Commissioning UnitOperators Manual DLP 001605-0000-455Issue 2.0  Date 21/03/00Page 17 of 28 © Copyright Airspan 2000CENTRAL TERMINAL COMMISSIONING USING THEDACU1. Preparation for Commissioning at the Central TerminalTo make it possible for the test DACU to acquire a link the RW Management and Net Entryhas to be set via the AS8100 Sitespan as follows:1. From the Object List Shelf view select the modem shelf, click right mouse button andselect the ‘element view’2. Select the DTU on the modem shelf and  click right mouse button, select Airspan DTUproperties3. In the Edit card state window set max net entry channels to 1, set the number of Freelist entries at 160K 80K and 40K to 0.
AS4000 DA CT Commissioning UnitOperators Manual DLP 001605-0000-455Issue 2.0  Date 21/03/00Page 18 of 284. In order to acquire a test radio link using an ST, Sitespan must be used to place RWcodes ‘Out of Service’ (OOS) for either 10k or 160k bandwidths. These can be selectedfrom the DTU card properties. The options for each RW code are:• IS - The RW is in service• OOS - This takes the RW out of service.• OOS(10k) - This puts the RW in Test Mode, allocating a 10kbit/sbandwidth.• OOS(160k) - This puts the RW in Test Mode, allocating a 160kbit/sbandwidth.The DTU card view shows all of the RW codes, and their current state within thesystem (i.e. OOS or IS). IMPORTANT NOTE: An RW code can only be placed Out of Service if it is currentlynot in use by the system. Before proceeding, it is important that the DTU card view ischecked, to ensure that the RW code is in the desired state.5. In the RW management window place the mouse pointer over the IS for RW 1 clickleft mouse button until OOS is selected. Repeat for RW2 and RW3 to prepare forcommissioning.  Once RW codes have been reserved for Test links, the ST can beprogrammed in the usual method, although the RW channels that the 10kbit/s and160kbit/s links are acquired on, must be the same as the ones set-up in the DTU cardproperties (i.e. NOT RW 15!).
AS4000 DA CT Commissioning UnitOperators Manual DLP 001605-0000-455Issue 2.0  Date 21/03/00Page 19 of 282. Power Cycle the RackThe rack should be power cycled.3. Check DACU Calibration Each DACU is provided with a calibration table on the cover unit a typical table isshown below. The path loss is equal to the sum of the unit losses and external losses.CableLoss dB CouplerLoss Unit loss RXsensitivity Power meterReading1 80 17 -98 -3.682 80 17 -99 -2.683 80 17 -100 -1.684 80 17 -101 -0.685 80 17 -102 +0.32Table 1.  DACU Calibration Table4. Set Rx Sensitivity1. Type:Acc> TE 0Acc> WU C 1 4000d 0 0 0 (where 4000d indicates version 4.13)Acc> WU F A2. Program the DACU via the LAT port to the correct frequency, PN code and IDnumber.3. Set RW.WU I 1 1 1 1WU WWU I <stid> <pn> 0 1Where <Stid> is in HEX, 17 dec = 11 hex, and pn is 1 in most cases.4. Write data into ST:- WU W5. Once the DACU has booted-up, put it into test mode by typing: TE 0.6. Note: A configured DACU cannot maintain its uplink without being registered by themanagement system. The DACU becomes registered when its ESN is entered into themanagement system database. A registered ST can acquire the uplink and maintainperiodic information exchange with the shelf’s SC.The ‘LK’ command forces the DACU to acquire a link as follows:RWCode PNCode Up LinkRate * Down LinkRate* Overlaycode Frequency channel numberwithin channel planLK 8 1 4 4 0 9
AS4000 DA CT Commissioning UnitOperators Manual DLP 001605-0000-455Issue 2.0  Date 21/03/00Page 20 of 28* The rate at which the link will acquire is defined as follows:1: 10kbit/s240kbit/s380kbit/s4: 160kbit/s7. For testing type in the code relating to the system as set up i.e. LK 7 1 4 4 0 9.  In theexample above the DACU is forced to acquire on RW 7, PN 1, with Uplink andDownlink of 160kbit/s, using RF channel 9 within the RF band.With the LAT connected to the DACU, ensure that it has booted-up.Type: LK F 1 1 1 0 1 to set channel 15 and LK 1 1 1 1 0 1 to set channel 1 or LK 2 11 1 0 1 to set channel 2.8. Type W 426 to monitor link state.9. The DACU will return with:Display InterpretationD: 0426 0000 No LinkD: 0426 0101 Downlink AcquiredD: 0426 0303 Uplink Acquired (transitory state)D: 0426 0B0B Uplink AcquiredD: 0426 0808  * Downlink has failedD: 0426 0909  * Uplink has failed*Note: relate to a link failureTable 2  Link States10. Once the DACU acquires the link, the RX gain can be commissioned. If the link doesnot acquire, then it will be necessary to change the RX gain through Sitespan. Tocheck if the Link has acquired check the Green LED is illuminated on the ModemCard. The top 4 LEDs show the first modem at the different acquisition rates and thenext 4 LEDs show modem 2.11. Using Sitespan highlight the shelf, and edit ‘parent properties’.12. Select ‘Airspan DA CT modem shelf’.13. Adjust the ‘Rx Gain’ by increasing and decreasing the values. Note: To start with, setthe RX gain to around 2200. ( if value is reduced power goes UP). Check the outputpower of the DACU, and repeat until the output power matches that in the DACUCalibration Table.14. Record the result. The values of the TX and RX gain must be set into the Sitespan atthe AC before the backhaul is connected to the CT, failure to do this results in the TXpower and RX sensitvity values being overwritten by the value stored in the SitespanServer.
AS4000 DA CT Commissioning UnitOperators Manual DLP 001605-0000-455Issue 2.0  Date 21/03/00Page 21 of 2815. When the Sitespan connects it configures the OOS and Net Entries but as a precautionit may be prudent to set all lists in the DTU properties to OOS.16. Power off the DACU.17. With the LAT connected to the DTU, restore the DTU from test mode by typing TE 1.18. Disconnect the RF cables from the rack and connect the Antenna. The rack is nowfully commissioned.5. Restoring shelf connections1. Remove the test equipment and connecting cables.2. Replace the Shelf covers and the protective cap on the coupler.
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AS4000 DA CT Commissioning UnitOperators Manual ICL-001605-0000-455Issue 2.0  Date 21/03/00Page 23 of 28 © Copyright Airspan 2000 ISSUE CONTROL LISTTitle Issue Date Issue DetailsTitle Page 2.0 March 2000 UpdateICL-001 2.0 March 2000 UpdateIXL-001 2.0 March 2000 UpdateGSI-001 2.0 March 2000 UpdateDLP-001 2.0 March 2000 UpdateCHANGE TYPE/DATE PURPOSE PAGES AFFECTEDDraft Issue #, MonthYearRelated DocumentationDemand Assignment605-0000-450 System Overview605-0000-451 System Operations and Maintenance Manual605-0000-452 DA Central Terminal - Equipment Rack Installation & Commissioning605-0000-453 Access Concentrator - Equipment Rack Installation & Commissioning605-0000-454 Subscriber Terminal Installation & Commissioning605-0000-427 AS8100 Sitespan User Guide
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AS4000 DA CT CommissioningUnitOperators Manual Abbreviations605-0000-455Issue 2.0  Date 21/03/00Page 25 of 28 © Copyright Airspan 2000 AbbreviationsAC Access ConcentratorAGC Automatic Gain ControlCPE Customer Premises EquipmentCRU Customer Radio UnitCT Central TerminalDA  Demand AssignedDACU Demand Assignment Commissioning UnitDTU Demand Assign Tributary UnitDC Direct CurrentDMM Digital Multi MeterISDN Integrated Services Digital NetworkLAT Local Access TerminalLD Loop DisconnectLED Light Emitting DiodeMF Multi-FrequencyNTU Network Termination UnitPC Power ControlPN Psuedo Random NoisePSU Power Supply UnitRF Radio FrequencySC Shelf ControllerST Subscriber TerminalRx ReceiveTx TransmitVF Voice Frequency
DA Central Terminal CommissioningUnitOperators Manual Abbreviations605-0000-455Issue 2.0  Date 21/03/00Page 26 of 28This Page Intentionally Blank
AS4000 DA CT Commissioning UnitOperators Manual User605-0000-455 ResponseIssue 2.0  Date 21/03/00Page 27 of 28 © Copyright Airspan 2000User Response FormMail: Airspan Communications Limited                         Fax: (44) 895 4677182Cambridge HouseOxford RoadUxbridgeMiddlesexUB8 1UNDocument Rating Excellent Good Average Below Average PoorAccuracy / Completeness qqqqqClarity / Organisation qqqqqFigures qqqqqTable of Contents/Index qqqqqThe nature of this response is Addition qDeletion qCorrection qPlease enter details of response below (include precise reference to Section, Page,Paragraph)Please Complete the following for acknowledgement/response:Name: ........................................ Address ..........................................Company ........................................ ..........................................Job Title ........................................ ..........................................Department ........................................ ..........................................Telephone ........................................ ..........................................Thank you for your co-operation and assistance.
AS4000 DA CT Commissioning UnitOperators Manual User605-0000-455 ResponseIssue 2.0  Date 21/03/00Page 28 of 28This Page Intentionally Blank

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