Airspan Networks MARCONI4 Wireless IP-Based Local Loop System User Manual Revised Manual
Airspan Networks Inc Wireless IP-Based Local Loop System Revised Manual
Revised Manual

Wireless IP-Based Local Loop System
Release 2.0.1
WipLL System Description
Issue 03
4 Mbit - Draft 05

This product is marked with a CE Mark. This mark has been affixed to demonstrate full product compliance with the following
European directives:
a) Directive 73/23/EEC - Council Directive of 19/02/1973 on the harmonization of the laws of Member States relating to electrical
equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits.
b) Directive 89/336/EEC - Council Directive of 3/05/1989 on the approximation of laws of the Member States relating to Electro-
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This product has been tested and found to comply with the requirements listed in FCC Regulations Part 15 for Class “B” digital
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This equipment generates/uses radio frequencies and if not installed and used according to the instructions found in the manuals,
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This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC
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equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
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following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
• Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
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Issue Date: 6-Feb-02
Revision Record: WipLL System Description
Pub. Rev. Date Update Description
1.2 Nov-00 First edition and printing. Author: MCIL
1.4 Mar-01 WipLL Release 1.4 Issue 03
2.0 Apr-01 WipLL Release 2.0 Issue 01
Issue Date: 6-Feb-02
Publication No. 1QDF10134AAP-SYD-FCC
Copyright by MARCONI COMMUNICATIONS LTD, 2001. All rights reserved worldwide.

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1QDF10134AAP-SYD-FCC Issue 03
4 Mbit - Draft 05
1 GENERAL OVERVIEW ............................................................................. 1-1
1.1. Components of the System................................................................. 1-4
1.1.1. The Subscriber Site .............................................................. 1-5
1.1.2. Base Station Components.................................................... 1-6
1.1.3. Coverage .............................................................................. 1-7
1.2. Management, and Commissioning...................................................... 1-9
1.2.1. WipManage ........................................................................ 1-10
1.2.2. WipConfig ........................................................................... 1-10
2 MAIN FEATURES, PROTOCOL AND QoS .............................................. 2-1
2.1. Features .............................................................................................. 2-1
2.1.1. User Perspective .................................................................. 2-1
2.1.2. Operator Perspective............................................................ 2-2
2.1.3. Capacity................................................................................ 2-2
2.1.4. QoS ...................................................................................... 2-2
2.1.5. Configuration ........................................................................ 2-3
2.1.6. Installation and Commissioning............................................ 2-3
2.1.7. Security................................................................................. 2-4
2.1.8. MAC Protocol ....................................................................... 2-4
2.1.9. Radio Communications ........................................................ 2-5
2.1.10. Management....................................................................... 2-5 Network Management Systems (NMS)................ 2-5
2.1.11. System Parameters ............................................................ 2-6
2.1.12. RF....................................................................................... 2-6
2.1.13. Network .............................................................................. 2-6
2.1.14. Application .......................................................................... 2-6
2.2. PPMA Protocol.................................................................................... 2-7

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2.2.1. What is PPMA? .................................................................... 2-7 Concept.................................................................. 2-7 Slotted Aloha Process............................................ 2-7 Packet Transmission.............................................. 2-8 Polling Sequence................................................... 2-8
2.3. Security ............................................................................................... 2-9
2.3.1. Login Mechanism ................................................................. 2-9
2.4. QoS ................................................................................................... 2-10
2.5. Echo Management ............................................................................ 2-11
3 APPLICATIONS AND SERVICES............................................................. 3-1
3.1. Applications......................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1. Fixed Cellular Access System .............................................. 3-1
3.1.2. Connecting the Base Station to the Network Backbone....... 3-3
3.1.3. Remote Base Station Backhaul............................................ 3-4 Indoor Coverage (Not for use in North America) ... 3-6
3.2. Services .............................................................................................. 3-7
3.2.1. Broadband Data Access....................................................... 3-7
3.2.2. High Speed Internet Access ................................................. 3-7
3.2.3. Private Networks .................................................................. 3-8
3.2.4. Remote Access .................................................................... 3-9
3.2.5. Video Over IP ....................................................................... 3-9
4 BSR............................................................................................................ 4-1
4.1. Base Station Radio ............................................................................. 4-1
4.1.1. BSR Default Accessories ..................................................... 4-2
4.2. Network Management ......................................................................... 4-3
4.2.1. Capabilities ........................................................................... 4-3
4.2.2. Physical Interfaces ............................................................... 4-4
4.2.3. Communication Interfaces.................................................... 4-5

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4 Mbit - Draft 05
4.2.4. Features and Protocols ........................................................ 4-6 Features................................................................. 4-6 Protocols................................................................ 4-6
5 BSDU ......................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1. Base Station Distribution Unit ............................................................. 5-1
5.2. Network Management ......................................................................... 5-2
5.2.1. Management Information Base ............................................ 5-2
5.2.2. Capabilities ........................................................................... 5-2
5.3. Physical Interfaces .............................................................................. 5-2
5.3.1. Connectors ........................................................................... 5-2
5.3.2. Communication Interfaces.................................................... 5-3
5.4. Features and Protocols ....................................................................... 5-3
5.4.1. Features ............................................................................... 5-3
5.4.2. Protocols............................................................................... 5-3
5.5. Table of Specifications - BSDU........................................................... 5-3
5.5.1. Network Specifications ......................................................... 5-3
5.5.2. Power Requirements ............................................................ 5-4
5.5.3. Environmental Conditions..................................................... 5-4
5.5.4. Network Interface ................................................................. 5-4
5.5.5. Standards Compliance ......................................................... 5-4
5.5.6. Physical Dimensions ............................................................ 5-4
6 SPR............................................................................................................ 6-1
6.1. Subscriber Premises Radio................................................................. 6-1
6.2. SPR/BSR Communications................................................................. 6-2
6.2.1. SPR Configurations .............................................................. 6-3
6.2.2. SPR Standard Accessories .................................................. 6-3
6.2.3. Network Management .......................................................... 6-3
6.2.4. Capabilities ........................................................................... 6-4

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4 Mbit - Draft 05
6.2.5. Physical Interfaces ............................................................... 6-4 Connectors:............................................................ 6-4 Communication Interfaces: .................................... 6-4
6.2.6. Features and Protocols ........................................................ 6-4 Features................................................................. 6-4 Protocols................................................................ 6-5
6.3. Interface Connectors......................................................................... 6-10
7 Customer Interface Adaptors.................................................................. 7-1
7.1. General ............................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.1. Configurations ...................................................................... 7-1
7.2. SDA..................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2.1. SDA Specifications ............................................................... 7-2
8 BSPS.......................................................................................................... 8-1
8.1. General........................................................................................... 8-2
8.2. Main Rack....................................................................................... 8-3
8.2.1. Main Rack ........................................................................... 8-3
8.2.2. Front Panel ......................................................................... 8-4
8.2.3. Rear Panel .......................................................................... 8-4
8.3. Extension Rack (optional)............................................................... 8-5
8.3.1. Overview ............................................................................. 8-5
8.3.2. Front Panel ......................................................................... 8-6
8.3.3. Rear Panel .......................................................................... 8-7
8.4. DC Distribution Rack (optional) ...................................................... 8-7
8.4.1. Overview ............................................................................. 8-7
8.4.2. Front Panel ......................................................................... 8-8
8.4.3. Rear Panel .......................................................................... 8-8
8.5. Basic Rectifier Module.................................................................... 8-9
8.5.1. Block Diagram................................................................... 8-10

1QDF10134AAP-SYD-FCC Issue 03
4 Mbit - Draft 05
8.5.2. Front Panel ....................................................................... 8-11
8.6. System Controller Module ............................................................ 8-12
8.6.1. Front Panel ....................................................................... 8-12
8.6.2. Main Functions.................................................................. 8-13
8.6.3. Host Communication......................................................... 8-14
8.7. Communication Protocol & Data .................................................. 8-14
8.7.1. Master 8-15
8.7.2. Slave 8-15
Appendix............................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1. New Features – Release 2.0.1............................................................ 9-1
9.2. New Features – Release 1.4............................................................... 9-1
9.3. BSPS................................................................................................... 9-1
9.4. Improved Quality of Service (QoS)...................................................... 9-2
9.5. Bandwidth limitations .......................................................................... 9-2
9.6. SNMP support for BSDU..................................................................... 9-3
9.7. IntraCom.............................................................................................. 9-3
9.8. Configuring IP on the air ..................................................................... 9-3
9.9. Default configurations via WipConfig & WipManage........................... 9-4
9.10. RSSI analysis in WipConfig............................................................... 9-4
9.11. What is RFC 1918?........................................................................... 9-4

WipLL System Description
vi Issue 03
4 Mbit - Draft 05
Figure 1-1: Typical Wipll System Partitioning ....................................................... 1-2
Figure 1-2: Typical WipLL System ........................................................................ 1-3
Figure 1-3: Typical Subscriber Configuration........................................................ 1-5
Figure 1-4: Base Station Units .............................................................................. 1-6
Figure 1-5: Base Station Covering 360° ............................................................... 1-7
Figure 1-6: Base Station Giving Partial Cover ...................................................... 1-8
Figure 1-7: Base Station with Complete BSR Redundancy.................................. 1-8
Figure 1-8: Base Station Sector............................................................................ 1-9
Figure 2-1: WipLL QoS Mechanism.................................................................... 2-10
2-2: Echo Control..................................................................................... 2-11
3-1: WipLL Cell .......................................................................................... 3-2
Figure 3-2: WipLL Coverage Planning.................................................................. 3-4
3-4: WipLL Backhauling............................................................................. 3-5
3-6: WipLL Indoor Coverage...................................................................... 3-6
Figure 3-7: WipLL Private Networking .................................................................. 3-8
Figure 4-1: Typical BSR Installation...................................................................... 4-2
4-2: BSR Assembly.................................................................................... 4-4
Figure 5-1: The WipLL BSDU ............................................................................... 5-1
Figure 6-1: Typical SPR Installation...................................................................... 6-1
6-2: Typical Subscriber Site....................................................................... 6-2
Figure 6-3: SPR Assembly.................................................................................. 6-10
Figure 7-1: Subscriber Data Adapter (SDA) ......................................................... 7-3
Figure 8-1: BSPS Block Diagram.......................................................................... 8-2
Figure 8-2: BSPS Main Rack - Front Panel .......................................................... 8-4
Figure 8-3: BSPS Main Rack - Rear Panel........................................................... 8-5
Figure 8-4: BSPS Extension Rack - Front Panel ................................................... 8-6
Figure 8-5: BSPS Extension Rack - Rear Panel.................................................... 8-7

1QDF10134AAP-SYD-FCC Issue 03
4 Mbit - Draft 05
Figure 8-6: BSPS DC Distribution Rack - Front Panel........................................... 8-8
Figure 8-7: BSPS DC Distribution Rack - Rear Panel ........................................... 8-8
Figure 8-8: BSPS Rectifier - Simplified Block Diagram....................................... 8-10
Figure 8-9: BSPS Rectifier Module - Front Panel ............................................... 8-11
Figure 8-10: BSPS System Controller - Front Panel........................................... 8-12
Figure 8-11: DB9 Connector ............................................................................... 8-14

WipLL System Description
viii Issue 03
4 Mbit - Draft 05
4-1: Antenna Unit Connectors..................................................................... 4-5
Table 4-2: BSR and MAC Specifications .............................................................. 4-7
4-3: BSR Agency Certification .................................................................... 4-8
4-4: BSR Network Specifications ................................................................ 4-8
Table 4-5: BSR Power Requirements................................................................... 4-8
Table 4-6: BSR Environmental Conditions ........................................................... 4-8
4-7: BSR Network Interface ........................................................................ 4-9
Table 4-8: BSR Physical Dimensions ................................................................... 4-9
Table 5-1: BSDU Physical Dimensions................................................................. 5-4
6-1: Radio and MAC Specifications ............................................................ 6-6
Table 6-2: Agency Certification............................................................................. 6-6
Table 6-3: Network Specifications ........................................................................ 6-8
6-4: Power Requirements ........................................................................... 6-8
6-5: Environmental Considerations............................................................. 6-8
Table 6-6: Network Interface................................................................................. 6-8
6-7: SPR Physical Dimensions (w/o High Gain Antenna)........................... 6-9
6-8: SPR Physical Dimensions (with High Gain Antenna) .......................... 6-9
Table 6-9: SPR Connectors ................................................................................ 6-11
Table 7-1: Data Connections ................................................................................ 7-3
Table 8-1: Rectifier Specifications ...................................................................... 8-11

1QDF10134AAP-SYD-FCC Issue 03
4 Mbit - Draft 05
ACK ................................ Acknowledge
API .................................. Application Program Interface
BER ................................ Bit Error Rate
BSDU .............................. Base Station Distribution Unit
BSPS .............................. Base Station Power System
BSR ................................ Base Station Radio
CLI .................................. Call Level Interface
CRC ................................ Cyclic Redundancy Check
CROL .............................. Call Rollout
CTS ................................. Clear to Send
DHCP ............................... Dynamic Host Configuration Protcol
DNS ................................ Domain Name System
ELCB .............................. Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
FTP ................................. File Transfer Protocol
ICMP ............................... Internet Control Message Protocol
IDC .................................. Insulation Displacement Connector
IP .................................... Internet Protocol
LVD ................................. Low Voltage Disconnect
MAC ................................ Media Access Control
MCB ................................ Main Circuit Breaker
MIB ................................. Management Information Base
NMS ................................ Network Management System

WipLL System Description
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4 Mbit - Draft 05
NOC ................................ Network Operations Centre
ODBC ............................. Open Database Connectivity
PING ............................... Package Internet Groper
PMPT .............................. Point-to-Multi-Point
PPMA ............................. Pre-emptive Polling Multiple Access
PPP ................................. Point to Point Protocol
QoS ................................ Quality of Service
RCCB ............................. Residual Current Circuit Breaker
RCD ................................ Residual Current Device
RSSI ............................... Received Signal Strength Indicator
RTS ................................. Request to Send
SDA ................................ Subscriber Data Adapter
SNMP ............................. Simple Network Management Protocol
SPE ................................. Subscriber Premises Equipment
SPR ................................ Subscriber Premises Radio
TCP ................................. Transmission Control Protocol
TDMA ............................. Time Division Multiple Access
TFTP ............................... Trivial File Transfer Protocol
TTL ................................. Time to Live
UDP ................................ User Datagram Protocol
URL ................................ Uniform Resource Locator
VoIP ................................ Voice over Internet Protocol

1QDF10134AAP-SYD-FCC Issue 03
4Mbit - Draft 05
1-1 of 1-12
WipLL is a broadband fixed cellular Wireless Access system. It provides an "all-in-
one" broadband access solution for operators and network service providers
supporting data applications including "toll quality" telephony service1 over a single
integrated platform. WipLL utilizes air protocol that enables one of WipLL's unique
features - the ability to recognize the type of the transmission and assign bandwidth
and other resources accordingly.
As an integrated broadband cellular wireless system WipLL is a complete system
solution for carriers and providers of multiple fixed access services to the SME
(small to medium enterprises), SOHO (small office / home office) and residential
marketplace demanding video, voice and data access.
The WipLL system can be considered as functionally divided between three sites as
described in Figure 1-1:
Subscriber Premises Sites
Base Station Sites
A Network Operations Center (NOC) and planning site
The Base Station Site and the Subscriber Premises site each contain WipLL
hardware whilst the NOC uses software and associated hardware platforms to plan,
configure and manage the WipLL system.
1 From WipLL Release 1.4.

WipLL System Description
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4Mbit - Draft 05
Base Station
Base Station
Base Station
Base Station
Non WLL Users Non IP Systems
Figure 1-1: Typical Wipll System Partitioning
WipLL provides a radio link between the end-user of the telecom network (the subscriber)
and the network itself to give high-speed data access. WipLL uses Internet Protocol (IP) to
communicate between subscribers.
WipLL comprises radio transceivers installed at subscriber premises and further
transceivers at local base stations. A transceiver at a subscriber premises links

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4Mbit - Draft 05
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through radio to its local base station. The base station then links through an
Ethernet connection to datacom or IP network.
Each local base station serves numerous subscribers in its vicinity. The WipLL
components at the subscribers' premises and at the base stations can be remotely
controlled and configured by a management system using Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP).
Figure 1-2 shows a diagram of a Typical WipLL installation.
Figure 1-2: Typical WipLL System
WipLL supports multiple applications integrated on a single platform, such as:
High-rate data transfer
Video conferencing
Internet access

WipLL System Description
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4Mbit - Draft 05
Voice over IP
1.1. Components of the System
The WipLL system comprises three main components as indicated in Figure 1-1:
1) Subscriber site
2) Base station
3) Coverage
1.1.1. The Subscriber Site
Each subscriber site contains Subscriber Premises Equipment (SPE) that links the
subscriber to the WipLL system.
The SPE consists of:
A Subscriber Premises Radio (SPR)
A subscriber adapter or one of a set selected per application
The SPE performs routing functions between the customer site and the base station.
The SPE also performs local Quality of Service (QoS) functions, such as re-ordering
packets and assigning Time-to-Live (TTL).

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4Mbit - Draft 05
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The following drawing shows a current typical subscriber site installation:
SPR Subscriber
Figure 1-3: Typical Subscriber Configuration
1.1.2. Base Station Components
Each base station site contains several components that enable:
Connection to telecom system
Internal switching of traffic
Power supply
Radio communications.
Some of these components are mandatory and others optional depending on the
configuration of the site and the particular type of network backbone
Each Base Station Radio (BSR) is optionally physically connected to a Base Station
Distribution Unit (BSDU), which provides data connectivity, power, and local
switching functionality. A BSDU can serve up to six BSRs, and up to four BSDUs
can be chained in a single base station to support up to 24 BSRs.

WipLL System Description
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4Mbit - Draft 05
48 VDC
10 base-T
Wide Area Network
100 base-T
DS1 DS3 ATM Other
Figure 1-4: Base Station Units
A BSR can maintain a 4 Mbit air link with customers in its sector (net throughput of
3.2 Mb/s). A single base station has a capacity of up to 96 Mb/s and can support up
to 3024 customer sites. The area covered by a single base station is called a cell and
can extend to a radius of up to 25 km in ideal locations, about 6 km in suburban
locations and about 2 km in urban locations dependent on locally permitted RF
transmission power.
1.1.3. Coverage
Each base station provides a wireless link to all subscribers in the base station's area
or domain. For full coverage several base stations can be set up over an extended
WipLL works in accordance with the operator's backbone and uses the backbone to
connect between base stations, the central management station, and other resources
on the network. WipLL assumes a network backbone that uses IP. The area covered
by a base station is divided into sectors. Each sector is built around a Base Station
Radio (BSR) unit which is the central coordinator of the sector.

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The BSR can transmit and receive through a 60 degree sector. To cover a full 360
degree sweep, requires six BSRs at the base station which will comprise six sectors
each covered by a BSR.
= Base Station Radio (BSR)
60 sector
Area covered by
the base station
Figure 1-5: Base Station Covering 360°
Not all six sectors need be equipped. For example at a housing development that
faces open farmland, one could site a base station that only covers 180 degrees to
provide facilities only to the housing development.
= Base Station Radio (BSR)
60 sector
Figure 1-6: Base Station Giving Partial Cover

WipLL System Description
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4Mbit - Draft 05
= Base Station Radio (BSR)
60 sector
Figure 1-7: Base Station with Complete BSR Redundancy
Alternatively, the base station can have up to twenty-four BSRs, each covering 60
degrees. This allows either:
Complete BSR redundancy with two or more BSRs covering each sector - see
Figure 1-7
Partial sector overlap with each layer of BSRs offset to the one above it - see
Figure 1-8. This gives more capacity in areas where high demand requires more

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Figure 1-8: Base Station Sector
1.2. Management, and Commissioning
WipLL uses two tools for management and commissioning both implemented as
software programs:
The WipLL network management tool - WipManage
Further information on the use of these tools can be found in the Operations and
Maintenance Manual.

WipLL System Description
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4Mbit - Draft 05
1.2.1. WipManage
WipManage™ is the primary WipLL network management tool for every WipLL
unit. It enables:
Fault isolation
Performance monitoring
Software upgrade
WipManage can access each unit in the system and manage it remotely using
standard SNMP protocols for communicating with the WipLL unit, private and
standard MIBs for setting and retrieving parameters from the units.
The top hierarchy of WipManage™ is a base-station site view from which one can
zoom into every Subscriber Premises Radio (SPR).
WipManage™ can also be run as a stand-alone program running on Microsoft
Windows NT.
Inputs to WipManage™ include the manual entry of parameters and retrieval of
parameters directly from the WipLL units. WipManage™ outputs are sent either to
the WipLL units or saved to the database as required.
1.2.2. WipConfig
WipConfig is a configuration tool for the WipLL units. It provides the flexibility to
configure the units before leaving the shop or after the actual installation at the
customer site.
WipConfig enables:
Technicians to configure and monitor parameters at the WipLL units.

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Use of inputs from either a .CFG file that is produced by a database application
or manually by typing the parameters into the appropriate fields of the program.
Configuration and monitoring of the WipLL units via a serial or Ethernet port. It
supports Microsoft Windows 9x and Windows 2000 platforms.

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1QDF10134AAP-SYD-FCC Issue 03
4Mbit - Draft 05
2-1 of 2-12
The WipLL system is designed to provide internet access and telephony service
using spread spectrum frequency hopping technology to minimize interference in the
2.4 GHz ISM, 3.5 GHz band, and 4GHz bands
Data is transmitted as Internet Protocol (IP) packets. Each packet is divided into
fragments, and fragments can be repeated several times to ensure Quality of Service
(QoS). Other techniques such as CRC and space diversity further enhance the
system performance.
WipLL is an IP based platform that enables multiple applications over a single
platform utilizing a quality of service mechanism that ensures the transmission of
packets according to a pre-defined policy.
This chapter lists the most significant features and advantages of the WipLL system,
including its protocol and Quality of Service (QoS) mechanism.
2.1. Features
WipLL was designed with the future in mind. Users, operators, service providers
and installers can benefit from WipLL's unique features.
2.1.1. User Perspective
Always connected.
Standard 10Base-T connection.
High throughput.

WipLL System Description
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Leverages new technologies and applications.
Built-in security features.
2.1.2. Operator Perspective
Very efficient network due to:
Single access platform for multiple applications.
Bandwidth used only when there is real data to transmit.
Shared bandwidth between users.
No dedicated bandwidth to customer but capabilities to ensure throughput to the
Uncommitted direction of transmission, no need to commit to full duplex.
Control of bandwidth and delay according to pre-defined policy.
2.1.3. Capacity
High bit rate – up to 4Mbps per channel (using 1MHz of bandwidth at 1, 2, and
3Mb/s and 2MHz at 4Mb/s).
Synchronization between BSRs to enable wide area coverage (Not in North
2.1.4. QoS
Recognition of packet and session type and assignment of resources accordingly.
Multiple applications over the same connection.
Bandwidth on demand.
Service on demand.

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2.1.5. Configuration
Integrated IP router.
Single outdoor box solution, i.e. no external SPR antennas or RF cables.
Up to 100 meters of standard category 5 cable from the radio unit to the indoor
Standard 10Base-T interface to the subscriber site and 100Base-T interface to the
network backbone.
2.1.6. Installation and Commissioning
Easy installation and commissioning – using the WipConfig tool.
Real time signal strength indication.
No RF cables involved.
All parameters can be configured locally or remotely.
• BSR-2.4 and SPR-2.4 outdoor units with internal antennas should be
installed ONLY by experienced installation professionals who are
familiar with local building and safety codes and, wherever
applicable, are licensed by the appropriate government regulatory
authorities. Failure to do so may void the MARCONI product
warranty and may expose the end user or the service provider to legal
and financial liabilities. MARCONI and its resellers or distributors
are not liable for violation of regulations associated with the
installation of outdoor units.

WipLL System Description
2-4 of 2-12 Issue 03
4Mbit - Draft 05
• All installed units are installed with a separation distance of at least 2
meters from all person during normal operation.
• Both the BSR and SPR (as well as antenna) must be mechanically
and electronically isolated from and not co-located with any other
antenna or transmitter.
2.1.7. Security
Login process with authentication mechanism.
Data scrambling using public and private keys.
2.1.8. MAC Protocol
Supports up to 126 subscriber sites per BSR, up to 3024 subscriber sites per base
High efficiency – 80% of the bit rate.
Automatic rate control to maximize throughput under high Bit Error Rate (BER).
Re-transmission of lost packets – reliable operation in a high BER environment
Centrally coordinated air protocol – designed for point to multipoint
No transmission collisions.
Real-time assessments on required and available bandwidth resources to control
data flow.
Intelligent polling of SPRs.

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4Mbit - Draft 05
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2.1.9. Radio Communications
Frequency hopping spread spectrum system (FH-CDMA).
Integrated antenna diversity in a single box.
The BSR also has an N-Type connector for attaching an optional 3rd-party
external antenna i.e. omni-antenna for 360º coverage by a single BSR.1
Variety of antenna types, internal and external.
Configurable maximum output power – up to 27dBm.
Automatic power control to minimize interference between cells and to reduce
transmission power where possible.
Configurable frequency tables for efficient re-use of available bandwidth.
2.1.10. Management Network Management Systems (NMS)
SNMP agent at each WipLL unit.
Comprehensive network management system based on SNMP for local and
remote management.
Standard and proprietary Management Information Bases (MIB).
Configuration management.
Fault isolation.
Performance monitoring.
1 For 2.4GHz application only, an external antenna may have a gain of 11dbi.
Responsibly of compliance is left to the customer.

WipLL System Description
2-6 of 2-12 Issue 03
4Mbit - Draft 05
Software upgrade of every WipLL unit using TFTP.
Support for standard IP protocols – ARP, DHCP relay, TFTP, ICMP, and
2.1.11. System Parameters
Temperature range of –30ºC to +60ºC.
Compliance with ETSI and FCC Regulations.
2.1.12. RF
This environment consists of point to multi-point directional antennas pointing
towards the base station. Distances between stations and the base station may differ.
Some may be near while others may be far away.
Additional features include:
Multi-site – mutual interference.
Frequency hopping.
Multi-rate: Sensitivity of the receiver changes and is dependent on the bit rate.
2.1.13. Network
Ethernet packets – between 64 and 1518 bytes.
Burst of packets or constant flow to/from users – depending on the application.
2.1.14. Application
Data – different types of applications generate requirements for:
Assignment of delays.

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Allowed packet loss rate that applications can sustain.
Bandwidth for the application - video requires constant signal flow:
Packets are generated usually every 30ms. (depending on the Residential
Access Gateway (RAG) and sampling rate)
Requires minimal delay.
Silence suppression – no packets
2.2. PPMA Protocol
This section describes the Pre-emptive Polling Multiple Access (PPMA) protocol. It
discusses the environment in which this protocol operates, its task and description of
the PPMA protocol as used by WipLL.
To support the above environment the main task of the PPMA protocol is to
combine all these requirements in the most efficient manner.
2.2.1. What is PPMA? Concept
PPMA is a centrally coordinated protocol. The BSR performs the task of
coordination over the air. It constantly gathers information from the Subscriber
Premises Radio (SPR) regarding their requirements for resources. These are rated
according to the combination of parameters such as the number of packets in the
SPR queues and the maximum allowed delay for the first packet in the queue.
Once the BSR has determined the requirements of resources for the next few
milliseconds it starts to poll the SPRs accordingly. SPRs that receive the highest
score are polled first and the others follow in order. Slotted Aloha Process
The constant gathering of information regarding the required resources from the
SPRs is performed by using a mechanism called "Slotted Aloha".

WipLL System Description
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From time to time (and not exceeding every 100mS) the BSR sends a "Channel
Clear" message which is an invitation for SPRs to send the score of their
requirements. It then waits for a while and receives these requirements from the
SPRs. The waiting time is called Slotted Aloha due to the fact that the BSR waits
for a time that is equivalent to 16 messages of "Request to Send" (RTS). The
messages are synchronized so that an SPR does not transmit a message before the
previous message is ended. The timing of each RTS message is represented as a
SPRs are independent to choose which slots to use for sending their requirements.
Occasionally a collision between SPRs can occur on a slot and then the probability
is that the request is lost. Each SPR can use more than one slot to send its request.
An SPR that was not allowed to transmit might try again during the next Slotted
Aloha process.
This system ensures that all SPRs eventually get a fair chance to transmit their
requests. Packet Transmission
After the BSR has gathered the requests from the SPRs and decided on the priorities,
it sends a "Clear to Send" (CTS) message to the first SPR. The packet is then
transmitted from the SPR.
In the header of each packet more information about the status of the queues is
included thus avoiding the need for the SPR to participate in the next Slotted Aloha
The data packet is divided into fragments and each fragment is added with CRC
(Cyclic Redundancy Check). After the packet is complete, an "Acknowledge"
(ACK) message is sent by the BSR that includes information about all fragments
that were reported as errors. These fragments can be repeated several times until the
entire message is successfully transmitted. Polling Sequence
Each time the BSR sends a CTS (Clear to Send) message to one of the SPRs it is
considered as if the SPR is being polled.

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Polling of SPRs can happen according to the information gathered during the Slotted
Aloha process or in a periodic manner – every few milliseconds – regardless of the
Slotted Aloha process depending on the application transmitting data at the time.
The polling sequence of data applications is managed by the BSR based on the
information gathered during the Slotted Aloha process. Data applications can sustain
relatively long delays before expecting a response and therefore their packets can be
delayed within the SPRs before being sent to the BSR and on to the network. Other
applications which require a smaller delay for their packets are polled first.
Some applications are configured to transmit a burst of several packets in a row
before expecting any response from the other party. In such a case the polling
mechanism is able to support several polls of an SPR one after the other.
This mode is called "PPMA" (Preemptive Polling Multiple Access).
Real-time applications such as video often sends a constant flow of packets. In this
case the BSR polls the SPR that is related to such an application in accordance with
the flow of the packets. IP Telephony systems send packets about every 30ms and
require a very small delay. Therefore, an SPR that was recognized as sending
packets is polled usually every 30ms (see 2.1.14) without having to go through the
Slotted Aloha process to inform the BSR about each packet.
This mode is called "Adaptive TDMA" (Time Division Multiple Access).
2.3. Security
Being a centrally coordinated protocol gives PPMA several options of security that
are independent of other layers.
2.3.1. Login Mechanism
In order to be served by a BSR an SPR must be registered to it. This registration
process is based on the SPR's MAC address and the BSR address that is configured
by the network management.
When a new SPR tries to register to the BSR it sends a "Request to Send" message
during the "Slotted Aloha" time. The BSR then checks if the SPR MAC address is
listed as an "Allowed SPR" list. This list is maintained by the network management
system. If it is listed as such then an "Association" message is sent to the SPR that
includes information about the cell such as the public key for the encoding, number

WipLL System Description
2-10 of 2-12 Issue 03
4Mbit - Draft 05
of users, etc. The SPR then sends its own information to the BSR. It is then
considered as being "associated" with the BSR and can start sending and receiving
messages from it.
In case the SPR is not included in the "Allowed SPR" list or the address it provides
for the BSR is incorrect no message will be sent to it and the association process will
be terminated.
2.4. QoS
Quality of Service (QoS) is the ability to recognize the type of the transmission and
assign bandwidth and other resources accordingly.
Resources are not necessarily only in terms of bandwidth but also in terms of delays,
packet loss rate and whether or not data needs to be retransmitted in case it is lost.
Figure 2-1 represents the idea behind the QoS. Some applications require more
network resources than others.
WEB Browsin
File Transfer
Voice over IP
Video Conference
Figure 2-1: WipLL QoS Mechanism
QoS measurements are based on 2 factors, assigned traffic priority (0 through 7) and
Time-To-Live (TTL) factor (1 through 5):
1) Network protocol - IP
2) Transport protocol – TCP, UDP, ICMP
3) Transport protocol and port number (based on application type)
4) IP address

1QDF10134AAP-SYD-FCC Issue 03
4Mbit - Draft 05
2-11 of 2-14
5) Session type - VoIP
2.5. Echo Management
Packet based systems are likely to introduce more delay (and variable) than circuit
switched systems. Increased delay could present quality problems with time
bounded services such as voice communication.
IP Network
Base Station Site
Figure 2-2: Echo Control
As can be seen from Figure 2-2, echo becomes an issue when a voice call is
established between a customer connected to an SDA and a PSTN customer. Echo is
generated at the 2 wire-4 wire hybrid in the PSTN customer’s line card and has to be

WipLL System Description
2-12 of 2-12 Issue 03
4Mbit - Draft 05
PSTN has traditionally been a low delay network and has not bothered with echo
cancellation, at least in smaller countries, if the round trip delay is below 50ms.
Echo cancellers are used in international calls between different PSTNs.
The key principle is that the network that causes the echo should cancel it. Applying
this principle to the introduction of IP based WLL systems means that echo should
be handled in the access system. To this end, in Marconi Communications’ WipLL
system echo cancellation has been implemented in both the SDA (up to 8ms) and the
head-end gateways (up to 64ms).

1QDF10134AAP-SYD-FCC Issue 03
Draft 05
WipLL can be installed in several configurations to support different required
applications. The following paragraphs discuss some of the applications and services
that can be provided with WipLL.
3.1. Applications
3.1.1. Fixed Cellular Access System
Typically WipLL is used as a broadband fixed wireless access system. It is installed
in a cellular structure where many base station sites are installed in a way that
provides full coverage of an area for enabling access for all potential customers in
the area.
Each cell consists of sectors that are determined by base station radios (BSRs).
The following figure shows the structure of a typical WipLL cell.

WipLL System Description
3-2 of 3-10 Issue 03
Draft 05
Figure 3-1: WipLL Cell
Subscriber Premises Radios (SPRs) are normally installed on a rooftop or a wall
which has a direct line of sight to the base station radio (BSR) and are pointed
towards the nearest base station or the base station that was assigned according to
the pre-planning of the site.
Base stations typically contain several BSRs for providing a full (360º) coverage as
well as enough capacity to accommodate the requirements of subscribers.
When a full area is covered, WipLL can provide services to tens of thousands of
users. The backbone must be able to carry the required capacity, delays and
connectivity in order to support the services and requirements of all users.
Prior to installation, a full site planning is required. Such planning normally includes
forecasts of the required capacity based on the number of users, typical subscription
contract, types of srevice, required bit rate per subscriber, etc.
It also includes radio planning for determining the best locations for BSRs – to
ensure full coverage, frequency allocation – to minimize mutual interference and
tilting options to determine the covered area for each sector of a base station.

3-3 of 3-10 Issue 03
Draft 05
o BSR-2.4 and SPR-2.4 outdoor units with internal antennas should be
installedONLY by experienced installation professionals who are
familiar with localbuilding and safety codes and, wherever
applicable, are licensed by the appropriate government regulatory
authorities. Failure to do so may void theMARCONI product
warranty and may expose the end user or the service providerto legal
and financial liabilities. MARCONI and its resellers ordistributors are
not liable for violation of regulations associated with theinstallation
of outddor units.
o All installed units are installed with a seperation distance of at least 2
meters from all person during normal operation.
3.1.2. Connecting the Base Station to the Network
The base station connects to the network backbone via 2 × RJ45 100Base-T
Figure 3-2 shows planning of a few base stations that cover an area.

WipLL System Description
3-4 of 3-10 Issue 03
Draft 05
Figure 3-2: WipLL Coverage Planning
3.1.3. Remote Base Station Backhaul
Occasionally, when base stations are providing services to a small number of
subscribers or when large capacity is not required, WipLL SPRs and BSRs can be
used for backhauling.
Such configurations can be considered in most cases as a point-to-point (PTP)
Each PTP connection can provide up to 4Mbps of bandwidth and is equivalent or
better than a typical point-to-multi-point (PMP) connection that is used in a typical
base station installation.

3-5 of 3-10 Issue 03
Draft 05
Figure 3-3 shows a typical backhauling of a base station using WipLL.
3-3: WipLL Backhauling
Remote base stations are typically required when the main base station sites cannot
cover an area due to lack of line-of-sight or when the distance exceeds the capability
of the radios to provide services.
It is recommended that a maximum of two hops be used between a main base station
and a subscriber site.
Note: Each such connection adds about 15 to 25ms delay to each packet.

WipLL System Description
3-6 of 3-10 Issue 03
Draft 05
1QDF10134AAP-SYD-FCC Indoor Coverage (Not for use in North America)
In many applications there is a need to provide access to users located in the lower
floors of a building. These users usually do not have a direct line-of-sight with a
base station. WipLL can be used for indoor coverage for apartment buildings and
office areas.
There are ways to achieve such a configuration either by placing the BSR in a an
adjacent building and covering one or two sides of the building or placing a BSR on
the roof pointed towards the adjacent building to receive the reflections of the RF
signals, or by placing the BSR inside the building and transmitting sufficient power
to penetrate walls.
The following figures show some ways of providing indoor coverage.
Figure 3-4: WipLL Indoor Coverage

3-7 of 3-10 Issue 03
Draft 05
3.2. Services
3.2.1. Broadband Data Access
Using a standard PSTN modem in circuit-switched networks customers are limited
to 56Kbps of throughput and in most cases to 28.8Kbps.
From the operator's perspective once a customer has dialed with a PSTN modem a
full 128Kbps channel is occupied for as long as the session lasts.
With WipLL customers are limited only by configuration, with a maximum of
4Mbps, 50 times faster than the fastest PSTN modem.
However, they do not necessarily consume more bandwidth from the operator since
bandwidth is used only when there is an actual data packet to transmit. This happens
about 10% of the time.
As a result, assuming the same bandwidth utilization of 128Kbps per customer an
operator may actually commit 128Kbps to each customer, thus over-selling
bandwidth without having any effect on the performance of the connection.
These characteristics of WipLL make it suitable for providing data access to users
while maintaining best usage of bandwidth and capacity.
The following paragraphs discuss some of the services available with the broadband
access that WipLL can offer.
3.2.2. High Speed Internet Access
One of the advantages of WipLL is the fact that users are "always on". This means
that there is no dialing process and no need for the hassle involved with dialup
access. You need only open your web browser or email program to be instantly

WipLL System Description
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Draft 05
WipLL can also distinguish between applications and users, thus enabling the
operator to provide different class of service to users. For example, it can provide
different services to web browsing and email, prioritizing web browsing for ensuring
best "Internet experience".
3.2.3. Private Networks
WipLL allows the configuration for providing connectivity to branch offices. In this
configuration the branch office can be connected to a central office or any other
destination without allowing access from any other source.
Figure 3-5 illustrates two customers, A and B, with private networks to branch
Figure 3-5: WipLL Private Networking

3-9 of 3-10 Issue 03
Draft 05
3.2.4. Remote Access
WipLL is very suitable for tele-workers who require high speed access combined
with private network and flexible configuration.
The interface to the system is 10Base-T and enables seamless configuration between
office and remote location.
3.2.5. Video Over IP
The fact that WipLL can provide Mbps of throughput to the user, together with its
ability to set different delays and priorities to different applications and provide
QoS, makes it a good solution for enabling applications like video over IP.
This means that customers can do high quality video conferencing.
The system can prioritize video packets in such a way that delays and jitter are
minimized and the video packets pass smoothly through the system.

WipLL System Description
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Draft 05
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1QDF10134AAP-SYD-FCC Issue 03
4Mbit - Draft 05
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4.1. Base Station Radio
A BSR is the centre of a WipLL sector. It has several roles in both the MAC layer as
well as in the networking and transport layers. In the MAC layer the BSR is
responsible for synchronizing the SPRs in terms of frequency hopping sequence.
At the network layer the BSR performs routing functions between the base station's
Ethernet network and the wireless stations, containing a routing table that can
support up to 126 stations addresses. The transport layer at a BSR makes decisions
on how to support an application in terms of bandwidth, delays and mode of
There are two modes of operation - Pre-emptive Polling (PPMA) and Time Division
Multiple Access (TDMA). Although the WipLL BSR employs PPMA, it also
recognizes the traffic type and emulates TDMA where necessary.
The BSRs are connected to the wired backbone through a BSDU with a 10Base-T
Ethernet connection which allows a cable length of up to 100 meters.
Each of the BSRs contains two internal high gain, flat plate antennas, to support
functionality of antenna diversity which helps to overcome multi-path effects.
There are typically several BSRs at each base station site. Each BSR can cover an
azimuth angle (yaw) of 60 degrees and therefore 6 BSRs can provide a full 360
degrees coverage of the entire cell if needed. The antenna may also be tilted
vertically (pitch) to reduce interference between adjacent BSRs. The maximum
number of radios that can be connected depends mainly on the radio bandwidth
allocated to the system. 6 radios can coexist at the base-station providing as much
as 24 Mbit/s per base station to be shared among the remote users. Each individual
BSR delivers up to 4Mbps using only a minimal 2MHz of radio bandwidth. As
capacity demand grows, more BSR's can be added to a total of 24 per cell and

WipLL System Description
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4Mbit - Draft 05
connection to up to 3,024 discrete subscriber sites, however such a configuration
would require a bandwidth allocation of at least 75 MHz.
4-1: Typical BSR Installation
4.1.1. BSR Default Accessories
Mechanical mounting kit. Each BSR comes with a kit for mounting the unit on a
pole with means for tilting.
Data connector. A DB15 connector with waterproof cover included with the

Chapter 4 - BSR
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4.2. Network Management
The BSR is managed using SNMP and standard proprietary MIBs for the specific
configurations of the BSR
4.2.1. Capabilities
Configuration - network parameters (IP address, ports, routing tables, etc.), RF
parameters (frequency tables, allowed CS, etc.)
Traps - sends traps as per configuration.
Fault management - debugging options.
Counters - for statistics on packet loss.

WipLL System Description
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4.2.2. Physical Interfaces
DB15 connector - power, Ethernet, sync and serial.
DB9 connector - for serial interface.
4-2: BSR Assembly

Chapter 4 - BSR
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Table 4-1: Antenna Unit Connectors
9 Pin Communications Connector 15 Pin Data/Power Connector
1 nc 1 + VIN F
2 Rx 2 - VIN F
3 Tx 3 Ethernet Tx +
4 nc 4 Ethernet Tx -
5 Ground 5 Ethernet Rx +
6 nc 6 Ethernet Rx -
7 Ground 7 nc
8 nc 8 nc
9 +5vDC 9 +VIN F
10 - VIN F
11 VCC
12 GND
13 nc
14 232 Rx
15 232 Tx
4.2.3. Communication Interfaces
Ethernet, 10Mbps.
Serial, RS-232.

WipLL System Description
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4Mbit - Draft 05
4.2.4. Features and Protocols Features
Synchronization of hops between BSRs.
Software upgrade - with TFTP.
Static routing tables - 16 entries per each SPR plus 32 entries for the Ethernet
side, total 256 x 16 entries - 4096 routing entries.
QoS - proprietary.
Network management - SNMPv2
Multiple concurrent open sessions - up to 50 Protocols
DHCP / BOOTP relay

Chapter 4 - BSR
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Table 4-2: BSR and MAC Specifications
Parameter Value Comment
Operating frequency range
Rel 1.2
Rel 1.4
2.4 – 2.5GHz
3.4 – 3.6GHz
Spectrum spreading method Frequency hopping CDMA
Per ETSI EN300 328
ETS 300 328
EN 301 253
Duplex method Time division (TDD) - 2.4GHz
Transmit bit rates Up to 4Mbps BER and distance dependent.
Channel spacing at 1, 2 and
Channel spacing at 4Mb/s
Will be configured at the
Output power from the radio at
1, 2 and 3Mb/s
Output power from the radio at
Up to 23dBm, configurable
Depending on local regulations
maximum output power will be
set at factory
Effective Isotropic Radiated
Power (EIRP) at 1, 2 and 3Mb/s
Effective Isotropic Radiated
Power (EIRP) at 4Mb/s
Up to 34dBm, configurable
Depending on local regulations
maximum output power will be
set at factory
Modulation method 8 level CPFSK
Channel access method PPMA / Adaptive TDMA
Protocol efficiency Up to 80% At BER = 10-5 , depending on
the application
Number of SPR per BSR Up to 126 62 concurrently

WipLL System Description
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Table 4-3: BSR Agency Certification
Parameter Value Comment
Emissions / Immunity EN 300 339 EN 300 386-2
ETS300 328
Safety EN / IEC 60950
Environmental ETS 300 019-2-x
4-4: BSR Network Specifications
Parameter Value Comment
Filtering Rate 10500 Frames / sec
Forwarding Rate 1400 Frames / sec
Routing table length 64 x 16
Data open-sessions per BSR 50
Table 4-5: BSR Power Requirements
Parameter Value Comment
48Vdc nominal
Fed from the BSDU
Table 4-6: BSR Environmental Conditions
Parameter Value Comment
Operating Temperature
Outdoor units
-30ºC to +60ºC Optional range of -40ºC to
Storage Temperature -40ºC to +80ºC

Chapter 4 - BSR
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Table 4-7: BSR Network Interface
Parameter Value Comment
Ethernet Network UTP EIA/TIA Category 5
Standards Compliance ANSI/IEEE 802.3 and ISO/IEC
8802-3 10 Base-T compliant
Serial Port RS-232
Table 4-8: BSR Physical Dimensions
Parameter Value Comment
Height 400mm
Width 317mm
Depth 65.5mm
Weight 4.7kg
Excluding mounting kit

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1QDF10134AAP-SYD-FCC Issue 03
Draft 05
5-1 of 5-4
5.1. Base Station Distribution Unit
The Base Station Distribution Unit (BSDU) is a major building block of the base
station. It performs the main indoor functions of the WipLL base-station. This
mainly refers to the interfacing function between the Base Station Radios (BSRs),
the Wide Area Network (WAN) and the DC power system.
Figure 5-1: The WipLL BSDU
The functions implemented by the BSDU in the WipLL system's base station are:
Data switching. - between 6 BSRs to a fast Ethernet 100Base-T port.
Power distribution - DC power from a single -48Vdc connection to six BSRs.
Domestic functions - focusing on local functions of the base station such as
frequency hopping, power alarms, etc.
The BSDU is a 19" rack mount device. The front fascia has 2 × 100Base-T RJ45
sockets, 2 × 10Base-T RJ45 sockets, Sync in and Sync out RJ45 sockets, a DB9
socket for a monitor and a DB9 socket for management. The rear of the device has 6

WipLL System Description
5-2 of 5-4 Issue 03
Draft 05
× DB15 connectors for connecting to each of the BSRs, cables and connectors for
connecting to other BSDUs plus mechanical brackets for mounting the BSDU unit
in a 19" rack
5.2. Network Management
5.2.1. Management Information Base
Standard Management Information Base (MIB) - Ethernet, switch. From WipLL
Release 1.4, WipManage also controls the BSDU using SNMP.
Marconi proprietary MIBS for managing the frequency hopping
5.2.2. Capabilities
Configuration - network parameters
Traps - sends traps as per configuration.
Fault management - debugging options.
Statistical counters - packet loss, etc.
5.3. Physical Interfaces
5.3.1. Connectors
6 × DB15 connectors for power, Ethernet, sync and connection to the BSRs.
2 × DB9 connectors for monitor and management.
2 × RJ45 for 100Base-T.
2 × RJ45 for 10Base-T.

Chapter 5 - BSDU
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Draft 05
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5.3.2. Communication Interfaces
Fast Ethernet, 100Base-T
Ethernet, 10Mbps.
Serial, RS-232.
5.4. Features and Protocols
5.4.1. Features
Software upgrade - with TFTP.
Network management - SNMPv2
5.4.2. Protocols
5.5. Table of Specifications - BSDU
5.5.1. Network Specifications
Filtering rate - 105 000 frames / sec.
Forwarding rate - 62 500 frames / sec.

WipLL System Description
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Draft 05
5.5.2. Power Requirements
Voltage- 48v DC nominal
Power consumption - Maximum 300W (including the feeding of 6 × BSRs)
5.5.3. Environmental Conditions
Operating temperature 0ºC to +50ºC
Storage temperature -40ºC to +80ºC
5.5.4. Network Interface
Ethernet Network - RJ45: UTP EIA/TIA - Category 5
5.5.5. Standards Compliance
ANSI/IEEE 802.3, ISO/IEC 8802-3 10/100 Base-T compliant
Serial port - RS-232
5.5.6. Physical Dimensions
Table 5-1: BSDU Physical Dimensions
Parameter Value
Height 4.32 cm
Width 48.26 cm
Depth 22.86 cm
Weight 2.9 kg

1QDF10134AAP-SYD-FCC Issue 03
4Mbit - Draft 05
6-1 of 6-12
6.1. Subscriber Premises Radio
The subscriber site typically includes a Subscriber Premises Radio (SPR) and a
Subscriber Data Adapter (SDA).
Figure 6-1 shows a typical SPR installation.
Figure 6-1: Typical SPR Installation

WipLL System Description
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4Mbit - Draft 05
SPR Subscriber
Figure 6-2: Typical Subscriber Site
6.2. SPR/BSR Communications
The SPR transmits and receives data to and from the base station. It is typically
located on the roof or external wall of the subscriber premises. The SPR has the
reference number of the Base Station Radio (BSR) coded into it. This prevents the
SPR from being removed and placed at a different location without authorisation.
The SPR contains a high-gain directional antenna. The standard 2.4Ghz model
covers an area of 23 degrees with a gain of 15dBi
At the network layer, the SPR performs routing functions between the subscriber's
Ethernet network and the wireless network and contains a routing table that can
support up to 16 entries.
The transport layer of the SPR makes decisions on how to support an application in
terms of bandwidth, delays and mode of operation. There are two modes of
operation - pre-emptive polling and Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA). The
BSR's admission control makes the decision on which mode each unit of the cell
will operate at a given moment.

Chapter 6 - SPR
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The SPR is connected to the wired network through an SDA supplied with WipLL
Release 1.4, with a 10Base-T Ethernet connection which allows a cable length of up
to 100 meters. The capacity of each SPR is up to 4Mbps.
6.2.1. SPR Configurations
Different versions of the SPR are available. Options include different mechanical,
memory and antenna beam span configurations.
6.2.2. SPR Standard Accessories
Mechanical mounting brackets - for mounting the units on a wall.
DB15 connector for the data port with waterproof cover.
6.2.3. Network Management
MIB - standard MIBs - Ethernet, router
Marconi proprietary

WipLL System Description
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4Mbit - Draft 05
6.2.4. Capabilities
Configuration - network parameters (IP address, ports, routing tables, etc.), RF
parameters (frequency tables, allowed BSRs, etc.).
Traps - send traps as per configuration.
Fault management - debugging options.
Statistical counters - for packet loss, etc.
6.2.5. Physical Interfaces Connectors:
DB15 - power, Ethernet and serial.
DB9 - serial interface. Communication Interfaces:
Ethernet - 10 Mbps.
Serial - RS-232.
6.2.6. Features and Protocols Features
Software upgrade - with TFTP.
Static routing tables - 16 entries per Ethernet port.

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QoS - Proprietary.
Network management - SNMPv2
Concurrent open sessions - 50 Protocols
- DHCP / BOOTP relay (server located on the BSR’s LAN)

WipLL System Description
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4Mbit - Draft 05
Table 6-1: Radio and MAC Specifications
Parameter Value Comment
Operating frequency
Release 1.2
Release 1.4
2.4 GHz
2.4 GHz
Spectrum spreading method Frequency hopping CDMA Per ETSI EN300 328
Duplexing Method Time Div. Duplex (TDD) 2.4GHz
Transmit Bit Rates Up to 4Mbps BER and distance dependent
Channel spacing at 1, 2 and
Channel spacing at 4Mb/s
Will be configured at the
Output power from the radio
at 1, 2 and 3Mb/s
Output power from the radio
at 4Mb/s
Up to 19dBm
Will be configured at the
Effective Isotropic Radiated
Power (EIRP) at 1, 2 and
Effective Isotropic Radiated
Power (EIRP) at 4Mb/s
Up to 34dBm
Depending on local
regulations maximum output
power can be set at factory
Modulation method 8 level CPFSK
Channel access method PPMA / Adaptive TDMA
Protocol efficiency Up to 80% At BER = 10-5 , depending on
the application
Table 6-2: Agency Certification
Parameter Value Comment
Emissions / Immunity EN 300 339 EN 300 386-2 ETS
300 328
Safety EN/IEC 60950

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Environmental ETS 300 019-2-x

WipLL System Description
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4Mbit - Draft 05
Table 6-3: Network Specifications
Parameter Value Comment
Filtering rate 10500 frames / sec
Forwarding rate 1300 frames / sec
Routing table length 16
Table 6-4: Power Requirements
Parameter Value Comment
48Vdc nominal
Fed from either the SDA
Consumption Maximum 500mA
Table 6-5: Environmental Considerations
Parameter Value Comment
Operating temperature
Outdoor units
-30ºC to +60ºC Optional range of -40ºC to
Storage temperature -40ºC to +80ºC
Table 6-6: Network Interface
Parameter Value Comment
Ethernet Network UTP EIA / TIA Category 5
Standards Compliance ANSI/IEEE 802.3 and ISO/IEC
8802-3 10 Base-T compliant
Serial Port RS-232

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Table 6-7: SPR Physical Dimensions (w/o High Gain Antenna)
Parameter Value Comment
Height 311mm
Width 244mm
Depth 65.5mm
Weight 2.5kg
Excluding mounting kit
Table 6-8: SPR Physical Dimensions (with High Gain Antenna)
Parameter Value Comment
Height 400mm
Width 317mm
Depth 65.5mm
Weight 4.7kg
Excluding mounting kit
Note: The cable and connector are the same as for the base station.

WipLL System Description
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6.3. Interface Connectors
Figure 6-3 and Table 6-9 detail the pin configuration for the SPR interfaces.
Figure 6-3: SPR Assembly

Chapter 6 - SPR
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Table 6-9: SPR Connectors
9 Pin Communications Connector 15 Pin Data/Power Connector
1 nc 1 + VIN F
2 Rx 2 - VIN F
3 Tx 3 Ethernet Tx +
4 nc 4 Ethernet Tx -
5 Ground 5 Ethernet Rx +
6 nc 6 Ethernet Rx -
7 Ground 7 nc
8 nc 8 nc
9 +5vDC 9 +VIN F
10 - VIN F
11 VCC
12 GND
13 nc
14 232 Rx
15 232 Tx
The cable run must be mechanically protected and supported at maximum 1 meter
intervals in a 20mm galvanised steel flexible conduit for external runs and in 20mm
PVC conduit for internal runs. Communications output must be in 50mm x 20mm
PVC trunking.

WipLL System Description
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4Mbit - Draft 05
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1QDF10134AAP-SYD-FCC Issue 03
Draft 02
7-1 of 7-4
Customer Interface
7.1. General
WipLL uses Internet Protocol (IP) to communicate between subscribers. Analog
telephony signals are also converted to IP packets at the subscriber’s side, and back
to PSTN signaling by IP Telephony Gateways. WipLL subscriber units contain the
client-side IP Telephony gateway. The PSTN gateway can be located anywhere
within the network.
7.1.1. Configurations
WipLL's subscriber data and telephony adapter is located at the subscriber premises.
The subscriber adapters' job is to interface the WipLL system with the subscriber
premises equipment. It also provides power to the subscriber premises radio (SPR),
which is located outdoors and performs IP routing and transmits and receive data
from the base station, using radio frequencies (RF). Lightning protection is also
done at the subscriber adapter.
There are several configurations for the subscriber adapters that are related mainly to
the interface required by the subscriber and to the configuration of the system.
7.2. SDA
The Subscriber Data Adapter (SDA) is an Ethernet HUB that provides 2 10-BaseT
connections to host computers or a network. It also provides power, lightning

WipLL System Description
7-2 of 7-4 Issue 03
Draft 02
protection and data connection to the SPR. It connects to the main power and
includes LEDs for display of network connection and data traffic.
The SDA box can be wall mounted, in a communications closet or sited on a desk.
7.2.1. SDA Specifications
Dimensions: 150mm Height x 150mm width x 58.5mm depth
Weight: .65kg
Power Consimption: 6 watts (AC)
Input Voltage: 117-230 Vac 50/60Hz
Output Voltage: 48Vdc
Power Capacity: 50 watts (DC)
Environmental Conditions
Temperature: -25ºC to +55ºC
Humidity: 90% at 30ºC.
8-pin connector to SPR or BSR (See Table 7-1, page 7-3)
RJ45 socket for Ethernet LAN
RJ45 socket for a PC interface
Optional accessories
Wall mounting kit.

Chapter 7 - Customer Interface Adaptors
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Figure 7-1: Subscriber Data Adapter (SDA)
The SDA includes lightning arrestors to protect the customer's local network from
lightning. The SDA is connected to a standard power outlet (110-240vAC). The
units are generally installed indoors in a communications cabinet or mounted on a
wall. An SDA can also be placed on a table or shelf next to the customer's
communications equipment.
Table 7-1 illustrates the data connector pinouts.
Table 7-1: Data Connections
8-way Connector J3 J2
1 nc 1 +Tx2 1 +Rx3
2 nc 2 -Tx2 2 -Rx3
3 -48v 3 +Rx2 3 +Tx3
4 +48v 4 nc 4 nc
5 -Tx 5 nc 5 nc
6 +Tx 6 -Rx2 6 -Tx3
7 -Rx 7 nc 7 nc
8 +RX 8 nc 8 nc

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1QDF10134AAP-SYD-FCC Issue 03
Draft 02
The Marconi Base Station Power System (BSPS) supplies the following:
• Provides off-line power to sensitive equipment
• Charges the battery bank that provides backup power during a mains failure.
Thus, this system is essentially a DC-UPS with a battery connected to it. The
size of the battery determines the backup and charging time. Since the system is
current limited, the maximum battery size is based on that limit.
• Monitors the operation and communicates with a PC or a host to provide full
(remote) control and indication.

WipLL System Description
8-2 of 8-16 Issue 03
Draft 02
8.1. General
8-1: BSPS Block Diagram
As shown in Figure 8-1, 3 rectifiers (or more) are chained in parallel to provide the
current capacity needed. The output voltage of the rectifiers feeds the load and
charges the batteries through the dual LVD.
A dedicated bus that connects all rectifier modules does current sharing.
This is done autonomously and not related to the system controller.
All rectifiers are sharing a voltage control bus (V-CONTROL) by which it is
possible to change the output DC voltage of the system, around the default value of
the modules.
This bus is controlled by the system controller in order to change the output.

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Another bus (ALARM) sends the information of a faulty rectifier module to the
system controller.
Two accurate shunt-resistors are contained in the system to monitor the load and the
total current.
The battery current is then calculated by the controller to be the difference between
the two.
Two temperature sensors are connected to measure the battery temperature. The
average temperature is calculated and demonstrated.
The status of the various circuit breakers (CB's) is monitored constantly by using
their auxiliary switches. The opening of a CB will result in an audio/visual alarm.
When the reason for alarm is removed, the alarm clears and stops.
8.2. Main Rack
8.2.1. Main Rack
The main rack is the core of the Full-Redundancy 48VDC-power system. It can
contain between one to three rectifiers and a system controller. Listed below are the
components that are housed in the main rack (see Figure 8-2).
• Rectifier modules
• System controller
• LVLD contactors (commanded by the system controller)
• Load and battery circuit breakers for DC protection and distribution

WipLL System Description
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Draft 02
8.2.2. Front Panel
8-2: BSPS Main Rack - Front Panel
The following components are illustrated in Figure 8-3:
1) Adjustable 19”mounting flange
2) Rectifier module
3) System controller module
4) Line breaker
5) Battery breaker
6) Load breakers
8.2.3. Rear Panel
The following components are shown in Figure 8-4:
1) LINE IN - AC line input terminations
2) LINE OUT - connection for the extension rack (when exists)

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3) COMM - data and communication connection for extension rack
4) P.S. EXT - DC connection to the extension rack
5) LVD BYPASS - connection for the DC distribution rack
6) TEMP SENSOR - temperature sensor terminals (four wires)
7) GND - Ground terminal
Figure 8-3: BSPS Main Rack - Rear Panel
8.3. Extension Rack (optional)
8.3.1. Overview
The extension rack is optional and is used only for getting more power from the
system. It can house up to 6 rectifiers. A fully equipped system with the extension
contains 9 rectifiers with a total capability of 54A output current.

WipLL System Description
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Draft 02
8.3.2. Front Panel
Figure 8-4: BSPS Extension Rack - Front Panel
The following are the components illustrated in Figure 8-4:
1) Rectifier module
2) Rectifier load bar graph
3) Rectifier status green LED
4) Rectifier module fasteners

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8.3.3. Rear Panel
Figure 8-5: BSPS Extension Rack - Rear Panel
The following are the components specified in Figure 8-5:
1) LINE IN - AC line input terminations
2) COMM - data and communication connection to the main rack
3) P.S. EXT - DC connection to the main rack
4) GND - Ground terminal
8.4. DC Distribution Rack (optional)
8.4.1. Overview
This section is optional and provides more circuit-breakers (CB's) for the sake of
distributing the output current to more separate consumers.
This rack contains as well a bypass switch to bypass the LVD.
When this switch is activated the battery is no longer protected against deep
discharge and the system controller alarm will be thus activated.

WipLL System Description
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Draft 02
The distribution rack also contains the terminations for connecting to other parts of
the system (main and extension racks).
8.4.2. Front Panel
Figure 8-6: BSPS DC Distribution Rack - Front Panel
8.4.3. Rear Panel
Figure 8-7: BSPS DC Distribution Rack - Rear Panel

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8.5. Basic Rectifier Module
The PFC50-6 rectifier module is the heart of the Full-Redundancy 48VDC power
system. It is a plugged-in module designed specifically for modular systems. The
power factor correction (PFC) device at the input enables clean, stable, sinusoidal
current consumption from the mains. This converter produces a 382VDC output,
which is then converted to the 50V output.
A current sharing circuit is responsible for current sharing among the rectifiers. This
enables each one of the rectifiers to slightly increase its output voltage.
The rectifiers follow the highest output voltage of the rectifiers that are used.
For example:
There are 2 rectifiers in the system, one of the rectifiers has an output voltage that is
greater than that of the other rectifier. The rectifier with the higher output voltage
will become the master and dictate the output voltage of the total system. The
second rectifier raises its voltage slightly until its output current equals the output
current of the master rectifier. Hence, one rectifier in the system is the master and
the other rectifiers are slaves.
When the master rectifier fails to operate, the rectifier with the next highest initial
output automatically becomes the new master of the system.
Note: The sharing mechanism tends to raise the system’s output voltage. A limit of
approximately one-volt of correction is applied to the system.
The output current indication is indicated by the LED bar graph shown on the front
panel (see Figure 8-8). This bar graph is used to verify current sharing operation,
and to indicate the percentage of the full load.
An RFI input filter built into the input stage suppresses the generated noise
travelling to the line.

WipLL System Description
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Draft 02
8.5.1. Block Diagram
Figure 8-8: BSPS Rectifier - Simplified Block Diagram

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8.5.2. Front Panel
8-9: BSPS Rectifier Module - Front Panel
Table 8-1: Rectifier Specifications
Voltage 90VAC to 270VAC
Current (nominal) 1.6A @ 230V / 3.2A @ 115V
Frequency 47Hz to 63Hz
Power factor (nominal line/load) ≥ 0.993
Inrush current (at 25°C ambient) < 65A@230V / 33A@115V
Voltage (default) 53.5VDC
Regulation (line & load) (1) ± 0.4%
Adjustable range 47 to 58 VDC
Current 6A @ 54V

WipLL System Description
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Draft 02
Ripple & noise 50mVp-p
8.6. System Controller Module
8.6.1. Front Panel
Figure 8-10: BSPS System Controller - Front Panel
AC - Input AC voltage is normal (green)
DC - Output DC voltage is normal (green)

Chapter 8 - BSPS
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LVD - Low Voltage Disconnect circuit is open (battery is disconnected, red)
BATT - Battery test passed (green)
FAULT - General alarm fault (red-continuous), Faulty rectifier (red-blinks)
BATT TEST - Manual battery test, use a pencil tip to initiate
ALARM OFF - Silences the internal buzzer, use a pencil tip
RESET - Resetting the controller, use a pencil tip
RS232 - Connector for the host
8.6.2. Main Functions
The 1004 system controller supports these functions:
1) RS232 communication with a host
2) Controlling dual-LVD for managing two branches of batteries. LVD voltages are
settable and nonvolatile
3) Boost/Float charging, voltages are settable and nonvolatile
4) Battery test for two branches
5) Three dry-contacts for alarm, user-defined
6) Audio-visual alarm
7) LED's indicators for AC, DC, LVD, battery and general fault
8) Optional: 2x3 digits display for system voltage/current metering
9) Faulty rectifier detection
10) Open breakers detection (any of them)
11) LVD bypass activation alarm

WipLL System Description
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Draft 02
12) Abnormal condition detection (AC, DC, battery, over-temperature etc.)
8.6.3. Host Communication
The detailed protocol of communication is described in section 8.7 Communication
Protocol & Data, page 8-14.
The RS232 plug, located at the front panel is used for the connection with the host.
pin assignment for the DB9 connector is as follows:
Figure 8-11: DB9 Connector
8.7. Communication Protocol & Data
1) The host and the controller communicate in Half-Duplex RS232 9600.N.1 RX,
TX, COM lines, no flow control (neither h/w nor s/w).
2) The HOST is always the MASTER, and the controller is always a slave.
3) Data is binary with no dedicated control chars.
4) Data transmitted by each end has a constant length.
5) There are 3 elements for data reliability: 3 bytes - header.
6) 1 byte - checksum.
7) 3 bytes - termination.
8) Upon reception of a valid packet, the controller will respond in 50mSec as of the
end of the received packet.

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9) Upon a reception of a header start (0xAC) there will be a start of a reception
window 500mSec long. In case that a valid packet has been received it will be
processed. Otherwise, the controller will initialize the reception counter.
This protocol provides the user with the ability of controlling the power system
parameters as well as retrieving data and status from the system.
8.7.1. Master
The master sends its packet including header, opcode, data, checksum and
termination. The 4-byte opcode bit-combination gives the user the ability to
perform one or more functions at the same time.
The 32-byte data to be sent should include relevant data according to the operation,
set as an opcode by the user.
8.7.2. Slave
The slave responds as soon as a valid packet is received including header, received
opcode, received_checksum, id, data, checksum and termination.
The received_opcode is the last received opcode from the master.
The received_checksum is the last received checksum from the master.
The 4-byte id consists of 3 pre-programmed bytes and an additional byte that can be
programmed by the master.
The 32-byte data always include all the data/status that the user may request,
meaning that every transaction from the master to the slave will always result with
retrieving all possible data that the slave is able to provide.
NOTE: The data retrieved in a transaction does not include the changes made by the
host in its command (if any). Another retrieval should take place in order to get the
values that were affected in the previous command.

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1QDF10134AAP-SYD-FCC Issue 03
Draft 02
9-1 of 9-6
9.1. New Features – Release 2.0.1
S/N Feature Remarks
9.2. New Features – Release 1.4
S/N Feature Remarks
2 BSPS Provides power to the Base Station
3 Improved QoS Eight (8) priorities
4 Bandwidth limitations Each SPR may have a max. bit rate
5 SNMP support for BSDU MIB-II and private MIB
Via WipManage
6 IntraCom Traffic among SPRs can be centrally
monitored or not
7 Configuring IP on the air More IP addressing related flexibility of the
8 Default configurations via WipConfig &
9 RSSI analysis in WipConfig
9.3. BSPS
• Base Station Power System (BSPS) is released as part of a cabinet, to
provide power to the BSDUs at the base station.

WipLL System Description
9-2 of 9-6 Issue 03
Draft 02
9.4. Improved Quality of Service (QoS)
QoS is the ability to recognize the type of transmission and assign optimal
resources accordingly. This is especially important for VoIP applications,
that are sensitive to delay and jitter and should therefore be prioritized over
other applications.
QoS is used for packets leaving the SPRs towards the BSR as well as among
SPRs making sure that the BSR assigns the correct priority to the correct
WipLL 1.4 now provides eight (8) levels of priority: 0 through 7. Priorities
are based on source IP address or ranges of addresses, destination IP address
or ranges of addresses, protocol type (UDP, TCP, ICMP) and TCP/UDP
ports which actually define the applications, such as a WEB application on
port 80).
When a packet arrives from the Ethernet network to an SPR, the system
recognizes the type of the packet and assigns it with a Time-To-Live (TTL)
TTL determines which packets go first, where packets share the same
Each packet is marked whether critical or not, to determine if it should be
sent when TTL expires or it should be dropped.
Higher priority packets always go first regardless of the TTL of lower
priority packets.
9.5. Bandwidth limitations
The BSR receives and transmits data to multiple SPRs. Using WipManage the user
can set the maximum bandwidth values for different SPRs.
With good planning and minimal system congestion, each SPR can use the
maximum defined bandwidth, so long as does not exceed the maximum overall
In a congested network, the real maximum bandwidth for an SPR cannot reach the
defined value, but is still in proportion to the value configured. For example, an SPR

Chapter 9 - Appendix
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Draft 02
9-3 of 9-6
that is set to a maximum of 256Kbps can reach a maximum bandwidth significantly
larger than the maximum standard bandwidth of an SPR set to a 64Kbps.
9.6. SNMP support for BSDU
The BSDU is a major building block in a base station site. As such it is required to
be remotely managed by WipManage. As part of release 1.4, WipManage now
supports the BSDU that has an SNMP agent and supports Management Information
Base II (MIB-II) and private MIB.
9.7. IntraCom
The enabling/disabling IntraCom feature provides an option of controlling the
packets transferred among SPRs with the help of a router or a firewall connected to
the BSR in the base station:
If IntraCom is allowed, traffic can be routed among the SPRs (via the BSR)
without the involvement of any external router or firewall.
If IntraCom is not allowed, then traffic among SPRs is routed via the BSR to a
central router or firewall. The central router or firewall controls the traffic. This
capability is often requested by users interested in central control of the traffic
among sites, for reasons such as security.
9.8. Configuring IP on the air
The IP addresses of the air ports of BSRs and SPRs can be configured by the user
Previous releases do not allow this configuration. The IP addresses of the air ports
were fixed IP addresses from the range of .
This feature now increases the flexibility of WipLL, permits more efficient use of IP
addresses in the user’s network and often avoids a need of changing IP addresses in
pre-existing networks. For example a user that uses private IP addresses from the

WipLL System Description
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Draft 02
range of does not have to change IP addresses in the network when
installing WipLL.
9.9. Default configurations via WipConfig &
In order to simplify WipLL’s configuration and installation, release 1.4 provides 2
layers of default configurations for SPRs:
1. Customer defaults – located in ROM and loaded during manufacturing. These
parameters are customer specific.
2. Protected parameters – basic parameters that enable connectivity of the SPR
such as its IP address, subnet mask and community strings.
Undo operation enables restoring to the previous parameter settings.
9.10. RSSI analysis in WipConfig
WipConfig shows the RSSI value of each SPR. The RSSI value provides important
RF-related information when installing WipLL.
9.11. What is RFC 1918?
Address allocation permits full network layer connectivity among all hosts inside an
enterprise as well as among all public hosts of different enterprises. The cost of
using private internet address space is the potentially costly effort to renumber hosts
and networks between public and private.
The industry standard is that whenever possible, users of unregistered (or "dirty")
networks use the reserved addresses in RFC 1918 on any networks inside the
The RFC 1918 addresses that can be used are:
Class A: 10.x.x.x

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Class B range:
Class C range: 192.168.1.x-192.168.254.x
The advantages of using these numbers on the inside of the firewall are twofold:
Internal IP networks can now be “grown” without fear of running out of
There is no longer a risk of inadvertantly using other networks’ legitimate
For example, if arbitrarily using the Class C range of for network
addresses on the inside of your firewall, you will find that your computers will never
be able to connect to another machine having a legitimate IP address such as, because the hosts will forever be trying to reach a machine on the
inside of your firewall that does not exist.

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1QDF10134AAP-SYD-FCC Issue 03
Draft 05
Audio/visual alarm, 8-3
Base Station, 9-1
Distribution Unit, 1-6, 5-1
Giving Partial Cover, 1-8
Power System, 9-1
Radio, 1-6, 1-7, 5-1, 6-2
Sector, 1-9
Site, 1-1
Units, 1-6
Basic Rectifier
Front panel of, 8-11
Batteries, 8-2
Battery, 8-1, 8-3, 8-7, 8-13
bank, 8-1
circuit breakers, 8-3
size, 8-1
temperature, 8-3
test, 8-13
manual, 8-13
Block Diagram, 8-2
DC Distribution Rack, 8-8
Extension Rack, 8-6, 8-7
Main Rack, 8-4, 8-5
Rectifier, 8-10, 8-11
System Controller, 8-12
BSR Redundancy, 1-8
IP addresses of air ports of, 9-3
Communication Protocol
8 .8, 8-14
Communications equipment
customer's, 7-3
DB15 connector, 4-2, 4-4, 5-2, 6-3, 6-
DB9 connector, 4-4, 5-2, 6-4, 8-14
DC Distribution Rack, 8-7
connection, 1-3
hub, 7-1
network, 9-2
port, 1-10
Firewall, 9-3, 9-4, 9-5
Front Panel, 8-4, 8-6, 8-8, 8-11, 8-12

WipLL System Description
2 of 4 Issue 03
Draft 05
Housing development, 1-8
Internet address space, 9-4
Internet Protocol, 1-2, 7-1
packets, 2-1
IntraCom feature, 9-3
IP Telephony gateway, 7-1
LED bar graph, 8-9
Low Voltage Disconnect circuit, 8-13
Maintenance Manual, 1-9
Management Information Base II, 9-3
Management Information Bases
proprietary, 2-5
Marconi Base Station Power System,
Mbytes/s air link, 1-7
Network Operations Center, 1-1
Opcode, 8-15
P.S. EXT, 8-7
Permits full network layer
Address allocation, 9-4
PFC50-6 rectifier, 8-9
connector, 7-3
Preemptive Polling Multiple Access
protocol, 2-7
Quality of Service functions, 1-5
Radio, 1-2, 1-5, 3-2
bandwidth, 4-1
communications, 1-6
frequencies, 7-1
link, 1-2
transceivers, 1-2
Rear Panel, 8-5, 8-7, 8-8
Received_checksum, 8-15
Received_opcode, 8-15
Rectifier, 8-9
Faulty, 8-13
Rectifier load bar graph, 8-6
Rectifier module, 8-3
PFC50-6, 8-9
Rectifier module fasteners, 8-6
Rectifier modules, 8-2
Rectifier Specifications, 8-11

1QDF10134AAP-SYD-FCC Issue 03
Draft 05
3 of 4
Rectifier status, 8-6
Rectifiers, 8-2, 8-5, 8-9
Release 1.4, 1-1
RFC 1918, 9-4
RFI input filter, 8-9
RS232 communication, 8-13
RSSI value of each SPR, 9-4
Settable, 8-13
Simple Network Management
Protocol, 1-3
Simplified Block Diagram, 8-10
Slotted Aloha process, 2-9
connectivity of, 9-4
SPR set, 9-3
Steel flexible conduit, 6-11
Subscriber Data Adapter, 6-1, 7-1, 7-3
Subscriber Premises, 1-1
Subscriber Premises Equipment, 1-5
Subscriber Premises Radio, 1-10, 2-7,
TCP/UDP ports, 9-2
backbone, 1-6
network, 1-2
adapter, 7-1
service, 2-1
signals, 7-1
Telephony service
toll quality, 1-1
Time Division Multiple Access, 4-1,
Transceiver, 1-2
Transceivers, 1-2
radio, 1-2
TTL of lower priority packets, 9-2
Windows 95, 1-10
Windows NT, 1-10
WipConfig, 9-1
WipConfig & WipManage, 9-4
broadband cellular wireless system,
hardware, 1-1
network management tool, 1-10
system, 1-1, 1-4, 1-5
unit, 1-10
WipManage \i, 9-1
Wireless Access system
broadband fixed cellular, 1-1

WipLL System Description
4 of 4 Issue 03
Draft 05
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