Alcatel Lucent Deutschland CMROB66AC2X5 9768 Compact Metro Radio Outdoor B66 2x5W V2 User Manual Hardware Installation Manual
Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG 9768 Compact Metro Radio Outdoor B66 2x5W V2 Hardware Installation Manual
- 1. Hardware Installation Manual
- 2. Site Preparation Manual
Hardware Installation Manual

![Appearance Descriptionsystem output Text that a system displays or printsvariablesA value or command-line parameter that theuser provides[ ] Text or a value that is optional{value1 |value2}{variable1|variable2}A choice of values or variables from whichone value or variable is used<delimited text> Specifies:•Text that is time-dependent (such asrelease, version, date, or time stamp)displayed in file and directory names•A value that the user suppliesExamples:“The ATM and IP rules files are stored in the<User-home-directory>\<WPS-version>\data\user\ samples\rules directory.”“The list of parameters you must fill in isprovided in a template zip file:wps-lte-templates-<version>.zip ”>Indicates access to a function through a menusequence. The “ >” (greater than) symbol isused to represent the succession of menus orcommands selected from the graphical userinterface (GUI) or a PC or Citrix server menuor task bar item.1Example:“Select the Import command of the Templatemenu (submenu of Interfaces)…” is indicatedby:“Select Interfaces > Template > Import…”+The +(plus) symbol is used to form keycombinations that are pressed simultaneously,such as SHIFT+ALT+L.>Use the “ >” (greater than) symbol to formkey combinations that are pressed and thenreleased in sequence, such as ESC>ALT>A.2About this document........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Alcatel-Lucent 9768 Compact MRO3MN-CMRO-B66-IMOPIssue 1 December 2015Alcatel-Lucent – ProprietaryUse pursuant to applicable agreements xvFCC FILING FCC FILING](

![Structure of safety statementsOverviewThis topic describes the components of safety statements that appear in this document.General structureSafety statements include the following structural elements:Item Structure element Purpose1 Safety alert symbol Indicates the potential for personal injury(optional)2 Safety symbol Indicates hazard type (optional)3 Signal word Indicates the severity of the hazard4 Hazard type Describes the source of the risk of damage orinjury5 Safety message Consequences if protective measures fail6 Avoidance message Protective measures to take to avoid the hazard7 Identifier The reference ID of the safety statement(optional)SAMPLELifting this equipment by yourself can result in injurydue to the size and weight of the equipment.Always use three people or a lifting device to transportand position this equipment. [ABC123]CAUTIONLifting hazardSafety statements Structure of safety statements........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1-2 Alcatel-Lucent – ProprietaryUse pursuant to applicable agreementsAlcatel-Lucent 9768 Compact MRO3MN-CMRO-B66-IMOPIssue 1 December 2015FCC FILING FCC FILING](

![...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................C Cable runReferring to cable routing.Cable sweep(See Sweep)CAN/CSACanadian Standards Association. See ( for Devices and Radiological HealthCEConformité EuropéeneA CE Marking on a product is a declaration from the manufacturer that the product complies withthe essential requirements of the relevant European health, safety, and environmental protectionlegislation.Cell siteAn installation located within a cell that houses the equipment needed to set up and complete callson a cellular telephone.CFRCode of Federal Regulations.Among these regulations, Title 47, “Telecommunication,” conveys the rules of the FCCcompanies operating networks in the USA. See also FCC.CIC (Customer Information Center)Source for locating and obtaining delivery of Alcatel-Lucent customer documents.Circuit1. The complete path between two terminals over which one-way or two-way communicationsmay be provided. 2. An electronic path between two or more points, capable of providing anumber of channels. 3. A number of conductors connected together for the purpose of carrying anelectrical current. 4. An electronic closed-loop path among two or more points used for signaltransfer. 5. A number of electrical components, such as resistors, inductances, capacitors,transistors, and power sources connected together in one or more closed loops.CISPRThe [special] international committee on radio interference. Its publication CISPR 22, InformationTechnology Equipment—Radio Disturbance Characteristics—Limits and Methods ofMeasurement addresses any device that emits RF outside the scope of its intended purpose.CLICommand Line InterfaceGlossary........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................GL-4 Alcatel-Lucent – ProprietaryUse pursuant to applicable agreementsAlcatel-Lucent 9768 Compact MRO3MN-CMRO-B66-IMOPIssue 1 December 2015FCC FILING FCC FILING](