Alcohol Monitoring Systems AMSCGJMW1 GSM/GPRS/UMTS/HSPA Module User Manual RB UG v1 1 indd

Alcohol Monitoring Systems Inc. GSM/GPRS/UMTS/HSPA Module RB UG v1 1 indd

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SCRAM Remote Breath Quick Reference GuideMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing!Version: 1.1
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing! i©2014 Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.  Information in this document is confi dential and proprietary to Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc. Such information is subject to change without notice and does not represent any com-mitment or promise on the part of Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc.  Any software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purposes without the express written permission of Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc.patents www.scrampatents.comFCC Regulatory Compliance This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:This device may not cause harmful interference.1.  This device must accept any interference received, including interference 2.  that may cause undesired operation.No changes shall be made to the equipment without the manufacturer’s permission as this may void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.This device is a low power radio transmitter and receiver. When it is ON, it receives and also sends out radio frequency (RF) signals. In August 1996, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted RF exposure guidelines with safety levels for mobile devices. Those guidelines are consistent with safety standards previously set by both U.S. and international standards bodies: American National Standard Institute (ANSI), National Council of Radiation Protection and Measure-ments (NCRP), and International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNRP). Those standards were based on comprehensive and periodic evaluations of the relevant scientifi c literature. The design of this device complies with the FCC guidelines and applicable standards.WARNING: Unauthorized antennas, modifi cations, or attachments could impair call quality, damage the device, or result in violation of FCC regulations. IMPORTANT! Read these safety guidelines prior to using your device. Failure to follow these rules and guidelines may be dangerous and/or illegal. FCC RF Exposure Information This device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emissions limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the U.S. Government. These limits are part of comprehensive guidelines and es-tablish permitted levels of RF energy for the general population. These guidelines are based on the safety standards previously set by the U.S. and international standards bodies. The standards include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.The exposure standard for wireless RF devices employs a unit of measurement known as the Specifi c Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 4 W/kg. SAR values at or below that limit are considered safe for the general public.  The maximum SAR value when operated in as a hand held device in accordance with this manual is 1.31 W/kg, which is below the limit set by the FCC. Refer to the Assign SCRAM Remote Breath Device, Replace SCRAM Remote Breath Device, and Check In SCRAM Remote Breath Device sections for more information on when the device is transmitting.
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing!iiIndustry Canada Regulatory Compliance This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:This device may not cause interference.1.  This device must accept any interference, including interference that may 2.  cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux ap-pareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage.1.  l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, 2. même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.”WARNING: Unauthorized antennas, modifi cations, or attachments could impair call quality, damage the device, or result in violation of Industry Canada regula-tions. AVERTISSEMENT: Antennes sans autorisation, des modifi cations ou des pièces jointes, pourraient nuire à la qualité des appels, d’endommager l’appareil ou résulter en violation des règlements d’Industrie Canada.IMPORTANT! Read these safety guidelines prior to using your device. Failure to follow these rules and guidelines may be dangerous and/or illegal.IMPORTANT! Lire ces consignes de sécurité avant d’utiliser votre appareil. Non-respect de ces règles et lignes directrices peut-être être dangereuses ou illégales.RF EXPOSURE This device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emissions limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by Industry Canada (IC). These limits are part of comprehensive guidelines and establish permitted levels of RF energy for the general population. These guidelines are based on the safety standards previously set by Industry Canada and international standards bodies. The standards include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.The exposure standard for wireless RF devices employs a unit of measurement known as the Specifi c Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the IC is 4 W/kg. SAR values at or below that limit are considered safe for the general public.  The maximum SAR value when operated in as a hand held device in accordance with this manual is 1.31 W/kg, which is below the limit set by IC. Exposition aux RF cet appareil est un émetteur et un récepteur. Il est conçu et fab-riqué pour ne pas dépasser les limites d’émissions pour l’exposition à l’énergie de radiofréquence (RF) défi nie par Industrie Canada (IC). Ces limites font partie des lignes directrices exhaustives et établissent les niveaux maximaux d’énergie RF pour la population générale. Ces lignes directrices reposent sur la sécurité normes précédemment établies par Industrie Canada et les organismes internationaux de normalisation. Les normes comprennent une marge de sécurité importante desti-née à assurer la sécurité de toutes les personnes, quel que soit l’âge et la santé.L’exposition standard pour les appareils RF sans fi l utilise une unité de mesure appelée débit d’Absorption spécifi que ou SAR. La limite SAR de l’IC est 4 W/kg. Les valeurs SAR égale ou inférieure à cette limite sont considérés comme sans danger pour le public en général.  La valeur das maximale lorsqu’il est utilisé en tant qu’une main tenue dispositif conformément à ce manuel est de 1,31 W/kg, ce qui est en dessous de la limite fi xée par l’IC.24/7 Technical SupportPhone - 303.785.7879•  E-mail -•
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing! iiiTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction .................................................................1Log On To SCRAMNET ....................................................2Initial Client Setup .......................................................3Add New Client in SCRAMNET .................................................3Assign SCRAM Remote Breath Device ......................................4Establish Test Schedule .........................................................6Set Courtesy Reminder .......................................................10Ongoing Client Management .......................................11Process Events/Alerts ..........................................................11Replace SCRAM Remote Breath Device ..................................12Initiate On-Demand Test .....................................................14Move From CAM To Remote Breath Monitoring ........................15Move From Remote Breath To CAM Monitoring ........................15Closing Tasks .............................................................16Check In SCRAM Remote Breath Device .................................16Device Maintenance ...................................................17Replace/Charge Battery in SCRAM Remote Breath Device ........17Clean SCRAM Remote Breath Device .....................................17Alerts and Events .......................................................18Assignment Alerts ..............................................................18Test Results Events/Alerts ....................................................19Communication Alert ..........................................................19Scheduled Alerts ................................................................20Equipment Alerts ................................................................20Product Specifi cations ................................................21
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing! 1SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing! 1INTRODUCTIONThe SCRAM Remote Breath device is the fi rst and only handheld, wireless, portable breath alcohol device with automated facial recognition and GPS with every single test. The device is ideal for your lower-risk offenders or those who have earned less intensive testing and monitoring. Features include:One-piece, handheld, cellular »Drager »® fuel cellClient text message reminders and notifi - »cationsRandom, scheduled, and on-demand test- »ing
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing!2LOG ON TO SCRAMNETTo access and log into SCRAMNET:Open Internet Explorer (v.8.0 and above) on your 1.  desktop.Enter the SCRAM2.  NET Internet address in the Ad-dress fi eld.Press the 3.  Enter key.Enter your username and password (case sensi-4.  tive).Click the 5.  Log on button.The site appears in the browser.
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing! 3INITIAL CLIENT SETUPADD NEW CLIENT IN SCRAMNETTo add a new SCRAM Remote Breath client in SCRAM-NET:Access the agency in SCRAM1.  NET.Click the 2.  Add Client button to access the Add New Client page.Enter personal information.3.  First Name•  Last Name•  Date of Birth• Enter general information.4.  Case Number•  Date on Program•  Time Zone• Enter as much address information as possible.5.  Enter as much contact information as possible.6.  Enter employment information.7.  Occupation•  Necessary work environment notes•  Work hours• Enter jurisdiction information.8.  Region (if being used)•  Location (if being used)•  Agency•  Agent•  Court•  Judge• Select client type options.9.  Client Type•  Client Offense•
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing!4Select monitoring type.10.  SCRAM Remote Breath•   radio button.Priority Notifi cation•   check box (optional).Grace Period• Click the 11.  Save Client and Assign Equipment button.The Assign Remote Breath page appears.ASSIGN SCRAM REMOTE BREATH DEVICEPrior to assigning the device:Plug the power cord into the SCRAM Remote 1.  Breath device and into an electrical outlet.The green battery light will blink when the device is fully charged. This may take several minutes to several hours, depending on how much the battery is currently charged. Fully charging a dead battery takes six hours.To assign a device:In SCRAM1.  NET, locate the client’s Equipment page.Click the Assign Equipment button to access the 2.  Equipment Setup Wizard.Enter the device being assigned in the 3. Serial Num-ber fi eld.Click the 4.  Assign button.Click the 5.  Finish button to exit the wizard.The client’s Equipment page appears with the SCRAM Remote Breath status set to “Pending As-signment”.Instruct the client  to perform an initial breath test.6.  Press and hold the a.  Power button on the device for approximately fi ve seconds until the battery light turns green.The device will power up and display PLEASE WAIT.In approximately one minute, the device dis-plays READY TO ENROLL.
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing! 5After 3 to 5 seconds, BLOW is displayed.Firmly insert the breath tube into the breath b.  tube port.Before blowing into the tube, have the client:c.  Be in a well-lit area away from direct sun- »light.Remove hats, sunglasses, and any hair  »hanging over the face.Stand with the back to a wall, hold the  »head upright, and look directly forward.Hold the device up to the mouth with the  »breath tube level with the fl oor.When the device displays d.  BLOW, have the cli-ent:Take a deep breath.1.  Blow into the breath tube at a consistent 2.  air volume.Continue to blow until 3.  STOP is displayed.At this time:The device displays  »ANALYZING DATA, communicates with SCRAMNET, then transmits the data.Once analysis is complete, the device  »displays TEST COMPLETE.After a few moments, the device dis- »plays BEGIN PRACTICE TEST.7.  Verify the enrollment photograph in SCRAMNET.The quality of the client’s enrollment (fi rst) photo-graph is extremely important since all subsequent client photographs taken will be compared to this photograph. Photograph quality means:Balanced lighting with NO background glare•  NO blinking or squinting•  Head NOT tilted forward, backward, or side-•  ways
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing!6If you determine that the enrollment photograph is NOT satisfactory, check in the device and restart the assignment process.8.  Have the client perform as many practice tests as needed to feel comfortable with taking a valid test each time. AMS recommends at least three prac-tice tests.9.  To complete the enrollment process, you can ei-ther:Press and hold the •  Power button for approxi-mately fi ve seconds until SHUTTING DOWN is displayed, orWait for fi ve minutes of inactivity, when the •  device will shut down by itself.ESTABLISH TEST SCHEDULENavigate to the client’s RB Schedule page to establish a testing schedule. To access this page:Access the agency.1.  Click the client name on the 2.  Caseload page.Click the 3.  RB Schedule tab.Once you have accessed the RB Schedule page, add all necessary single-occurence and random fi xed tests, and random tests using one of the options listed.Add single-occurence fi xed testOption 1: Drag and drop to add a single-occurence fi xed test:If necessary, navigate to a future week.1.  Place the cursor over the 2.  Fixed button.Click and hold the left mouse button and 3.  drag and drop the fi xed test item to the desired location on the schedule.A blue fi xed test appears on the schedule.
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing! 7Option 2: Use pop-up window to add single-oc-curence fi xed test:If necessary, navigate to a future week.1.  Click the 2.  Fixed button.The Add New Fixed Schedule pop-up win-dow appears.Enter the hour and minute in the respec-3.  tive fi eld, select the AM or PM button, and select the button for each day of the week that SCRAM Remote Breath testing is required.With the 4.  Single-Occurence radio button selected, click the Add New Fixed Test button.A blue fi xed test appears on the schedule for each selected day.Add recurring fi xed testOption 1: Add recurring fi xed test for consecutive days: If necessary, navigate to a future week.1.  Place the cursor over the 2.  Fixed button.Click and hold the left mouse button and 3.  drag and drop the fi xed test item to the desired location on the schedule.A blue fi xed test appears on the schedule.With the cursor over the right border of 4.  the fi xed test item, click and hold the left mouse button.Drag to the right to extend the fi xed test to 5.  the desired number of days.A blue fi xed test appears on the schedule for each selected day. Click the infi nity symbol   in the lower-left corner of a test if that test should be repeated at the same time each week.
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing!8Option 2: Add recurring fi xed test with no end date: If necessary, navigate to a future week.1.  Place the cursor over the 2.  Fixed button.Click and hold the left mouse button and 3.  drag and drop the fi xed test item to the desired location on the schedule.A blue fi xed test appears on the schedule.Click the small, white infi nity symbol in the 4.  lower-left corner of the test.A fi xed test appears at the same time on the schedule for all future weeks.Option 3: Use pop-up window to add recurring fi xed test:If necessary, navigate to a future week.1.  Click the 2.  Fixed button.The Add New Fixed Schedule window ap-pears.Enter the hour and minute in the respec-3.  tive fi eld, select the AM or PM button, and select the button for each day of the week that remote breath testing is required.Select one of the 4.  Range of Recurrence radio buttons.Recurring with no end date » - Sets a fi xed test for the same time on the schedule for all future weeks.End after » - Sets a fi xed test for the same time on the schedule for the specifi ed number of future weeks.End of week of » - Sets a fi xed test for the same time on the schedule until the selected week.Click the 5.  Add New Fixed Test button.
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing! 9A blue fi xed test appears on the schedule 6.  for each selected day.Add random testOption 1: Drag and drop to add a random test:If necessary, navigate to a future week.1.  Place the cursor over the 2.  Random button.Click and hold the left mouse button and 3.  drag and drop the random test item to the desired location on the schedule.A purple random test appears on the schedule at the same time each week. The time that the device will give an audio in-dication to the client to take a test appears in the dark purple area. You can move that area up and down inside the window to change the test time.Option 2: Add random test for consecutive days:If necessary, navigate to a future week.1.  Place the cursor over the 2.  Random button.Click and hold the left mouse button and 3.  drag and drop the random test item to the desired location on the schedule.A purple random test appears on the schedule.With the cursor over the right border of the 4.  random test item, click and hold the left mouse button.Drag to the right to extend the random test 5.  to the desired number of days.A purple random test appears on the schedule for each selected day of the cur-rent and all future weeks. The test notifi ca-tion time inside each test is staggered and can be changed.Option 3: Use pop-up window to add random test:If necessary, navigate to a future week.1.
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing!10Click the 2.  Random button.The Add New Random Window Schedule window appears.Enter the hour and minute in the respec-3.  tive fi eld, select the AM or PM button, and select the button for each day of the week that remote breath testing is required.Select one of the 4.  Range of Recurrence radio buttons.Recurring with no end date » - Sets a random test for the same time on the schedule for all future weeks.End after » - Sets a random test for the same time on the schedule for the specifi ed number of future weeks.End of week of » - Sets a random test for the same time on the schedule until the selected week.Click the 5.  Add New Random Window button.A purple random test appears on the schedule for each selected day of the cur-rent and all future weeks. The test time inside each test is staggered and can be changed.SET COURTESY REMINDERThe client can elect to receive text-message courtesy reminders on their cell phone. To activate courtesy reminders for a client:Click the 1.  Courtesy Reminder link on the client’s RB Schedule page.Enter the client’s cell phone number and select 2.  when the client will receive a text message.Click the 3.  Save button.
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing! 11ONGOING CLIENT MANAGEMENTSeveral equipment-maintenance remote breath alerts may appear on the Daily Action Plan (DAP) that you re-ceive each morning. Address these alerts in the same way that you address any other type of alert.Events and alerts that are generated while a client is being monitored using the SCRAM Remote Breath device are shown on that agency’s RB Results page. To access this page:Access the agency.1.  Click the 2.  Workload tab.Click the 3.  RB Results sub-tab.All “New” and “In Progress” events/alerts are listed on the page.PROCESS EVENTS/ALERTSTo process an event or alert from the RB Results page:Click the result link.1. The Remote Breath Result Details page appears.Using the 2.  Action History section of the page, take necessary action to address the alert.You also have the option to view a map with the approximate location of the client when the test was performed.Resolve the event/alert.3.  Select the a.  Resolved option in the Status drop-down list.Click the b.  Save button.Click the c.  Exit Console button.The RB Results page reappears with the resolved event/alert no longer present.
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing!12REPLACE SCRAM REMOTE BREATH DEVICEComplete the steps below when the client arrives with the old device. If the device is NOT on hand, click the Stop Monitoring button, select the Stop monitoring now and check in equipment later option, and com-plete the Stop Monitoring wizard to set the status to “Awaiting Return”. The device will stay in this status until: The device communicates with SCRAM•  NET and is checked in by clicking the Move to Inven-tory link on the client’s Equipment pageYou manually set the device to the Lost status•  30 days elapses• Prior to replacing the device:Plug the power cord into the SCRAM Remote 1.  Breath device being assigned and into an electrical outlet.The green battery light will blink when the device is fully charged. This may take several minutes to several hours depending on how much the battery is currently charged. Fully charging a dead battery takes six hours.To remove the old device:Access the client’s 1.  Equipment page.Click the 2.  Stop Monitoring button to access the Stop Monitoring Wizard page.Select the 3.  Check in Equipment now option and click the Next button.Click the 4.  Finish button to close the wizard and return to the client’s Equipment page.Press and hold the 5.  Power button on the device for approximately fi ve seconds until the battery light turns green.The device transmits remaining data to SCRAMNET.The device status is set to “In Inventory” in SCRAMNET.
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing! 13To assign the new device:Click the 1.  Assign Equipment button to access the Assign Remote Breath wizard page.Enter the device being assigned in the 2. Serial Num-ber fi eld.Click the 3.  Assign button.Click the 4.  Finish button to close the wizard.The client’s Equipment page appears with the new SCRAM Remote Breath status set to “Pending As-signment”.Print the Participant Agreement Addendum.5.  Instruct the client to perform an initial SCRAM Re-6.  mote Breath test.Press and hold the a.  Power button on the device for approximately fi ve seconds until the battery light turns green.The device displays PLEASE WAIT.In approximately one minute, the device dis-plays READY FOR ENROLL.After 3 to 5 seconds, BLOW is displayed.Firmly insert the breath tube into the breath b.  tube port.Before blowing in the tube, have the client:c.  Be in a well-lit area away from direct sun- »light.Removes hats, sunglasses, and any hair  »hanging over the face.Stand with the back to a wall, hold the  »head upright, and look directly forward.Hold the device up to the mouth with the  »breath tube level with the fl oor.When the device displays d.  BLOW, have the cli-ent:Take a deep breath.1.
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing!14Blow into the breath tube at a consistent 2.  air volume.Continue to blow until 3.  STOP is displayed.At this time:The device displays  »ANALYZING DATA, communicates with SCRAMNET, then transmits the data.Once analysis is complete, the device  »displays TEST COMPLETE.After a few moments, the device dis- »plays BEGIN PRACTICE TEST.7.  Verify the quality of the enrollment photograph in SCRAMNET.8.  To complete the enrollment process, you can ei-ther:Press and hold the •  Power button for approxi-mately fi ve seconds until SHUTTING DOWN is displayed.Wait for fi ve minutes of inactivity, when the •  device will shut down by itself.INITIATE ON-DEMAND TESTTo start an on-demand test from the client’s RB Sched-ule page:Click the 1.  On Demand button.The Initiate On Demand Test pop-up window ap-pears.After reading the information, click the 2.  Continue button.The 3.  On Demand button disappears and the words “On Demand Pending” appear. Within 20 minutes, the device gives the client an audio indication to take a test and the message “On Demand - Pend-ing” changes to “On Demand - Awaiting Results”.
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing! 15MOVE FROM CAM TO REMOTE BREATH MONI-TORINGTo change the client from SCRAM CAM to SCRAM Re-mote Breath monitoring:Access the client’s 1.  Equipment page.Check in the assigned SCRAM CAM equipment.2.  Click the 3.  Client tab to access the client’s General page.Click the 4.  Change Monitoring button.The 5.  Monitoring Types pop-up window appears. Select the Remote Breath radio button to estab-lish that this client will now use the SCRAM Remote Breath device for alcohol monitoring. The remote breath parameters appear at this time.You can use the default Grace Period setting or customize the setting for this client.Click the 6.  Save button to close the pop-up window.MOVE FROM REMOTE BREATH TO CAM MONI-TORINGTo change the client from SCRAM Remote Breath to SCRAM CAM monitoring:Access the client’s 1.  Equipment page.Check in the assigned SCRAM Remote Breath de-2.  vice.Click the 3.  Client tab to access the client’s General page.Click the 4.  Change Monitoring button.The 5.  Monitoring Types pop-up window appears.Select the 6.  CAM radio button to establish that SCRAM CAM equipment will now be used to moni-tor this client.Click the 7.  Save button to close the pop-up window.
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing!16CLOSING TASKSCHECK IN SCRAM REMOTE BREATH DEVICEComplete the steps below when the client arrives with the device. If the device is NOT on hand, click the Stop Monitoring button, select the Stop monitoring now and check in equipment later option, and complete the Stop Monitoring wizard to set the status to “Awaiting Return”. The device will stay in this status until:The device communicates with SCRAM•  NET and is checked in by clicking the Move to Inven-tory link on the client’s Equipment pageYou manually set to the device to the Lost •  status30 days elapses• Access the client’s 1.  Equipment page.Click the 2.  Stop Monitoring button to access the Stop Monitoring Wizard page.Select the 3.  Check in Equipment now option and click the Next button.Press and hold the 4.  Power button on the device for approximately fi ve seconds until the battery light turns green.The device displays PLEASE WAIT, communicates with SCRAMNET, and transmits any remaining data. The device then changes to SHUTTING OFF and turns off.Click the 5.  Finish button to close the wizard and return to the client’s Equipment page.The checked-in device is no longer displayed.
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing! 17DEVICE MAINTENANCEREPLACE/CHARGE BATTERY IN SCRAM RE-MOTE BREATH DEVICETo replace and charge the battery in the device:Using the T10 torx screwdriver, remove the two 1.  screws on the battery cover and remove the cover.Unplug and remove the old battery.2.  Plug the new battery in and place the battery in 3.  the compartment with the wires positioned as shown.Put the battery cover back in place and tighten the 4.  two screws.Charge the battery for at least six hours prior to 5.  fi rst use.CLEAN SCRAM REMOTE BREATH DEVICETo clean the device, use a mild, non-alcohol based dis-infectant cleaner and a soft cloth on the outside of the case. The breath tube can be cleaned in an automatic dishwasher or with warm water and dish soap.WARNING: The use of an alcohol-based cleaner or disinfectant could damage the SCRAM Remote Breath device.
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing!18ALERTS AND EVENTSASSIGNMENT ALERTSThe fi rst four assignment alerts will appear on the Workload page and may be added to your Daily Action Plan if some action on your part is required. The last two alerts will appear on the client’s RB Results page.Assignment Alert DescriptionEquipment Awaiting Return Generated when a device is in the “Await-ing Return” status for at least three days.Extended Pending As-signment Generated when a device remains in the “Pending Assignment” status for more than 24 hours.Pending Removal - Remote Breath Generated when a device remains in the “Pending Removal” status for more than 24 hours.Enrollment Incom-plete Generated when one or more of the fol-lowing criteria are not met within four hours of an assignment.Client-specifi c settings sent•  Cell unit has been activated•  Baseline client photo received•  SCRAM•  NET receives fi rst BrAC readingDevice Enrollment Started Generated when SCRAMNET sends a com-mand to the device to begin enrollment.Device Enrollment Completed Generated when SCRAMNET receives a valid breath sample and reference image, and the device being assigned is turned off or fi ve minutes elapses.
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing! 19TEST RESULTS EVENTS/ALERTSThe following test results events/alerts will appear on the RB Results page.Test Results Event/Alert DescriptionMissed Test Generated when a client does not take a scheduled or on-demand test within the allowed grace period.Incomplete Test Generated when a client attempts to pro-vide a valid sample but is not successful.Failed Test - Missed Confi rmation Generated when a client provides a positive test then does NOT provide a confi rmation test.Failed Test - Incom-plete Confi rmation Generated when a client provides a positive test then provides an incomplete confi rmation test.Failed Test - Abnor-mal Confi rmation Generated when a confi rmation test is NOT within +/- .020 of a fi rst positive test.Failed Test Generated when a client provides an initial test and confi rmation test that are above the acceptable threshold.Pending Review Generated when SCRAMNET receives a test with a passed BrAC level but the facial recognition does not match.Schedule Test Not Received Generated when SCRAMNET does NOT receive a test result within 90 minutes of the scheduled test time.Passed Test Generated when a client provides a valid sample that is below the acceptable threshold.COMMUNICATION ALERTThe following communication alert will appear on the RB Results page.Communication Alert DescriptionExtended Missed Communication Generated when a device does not com-municate with SCRAMNET for 24 hours.
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing!20SCHEDULED ALERTSThe following scheduled alerts will appear on the Work-load page and may be added to the Daily Action Plan if some action on your part is required.Scheduled Mainte-nance Alert DescriptionReplace Battery Generated when the rechargeable battery is no longer able to hold a charge.Calibration Required Generated when a device requires calibra-tion.Device Calibration Past Due Generated for every test that is com-pleted after a calibration required alert has generated.EQUIPMENT ALERTSThe Replace Device Alert appears on the Workload page. The remaining equipment alerts appear on the RB Results page.Equipment Alert DescriptionReplace Device Generated when a device fails a diagnos-tic test or an RMA number is generated for a device.Device Battery Low Generated when the battery in a device is at a level that requires it to be charged.Device Battery Criti-cally Low Generated when the battery in a device falls below a critical charge level.Device Housing Breach Generated when the battery door on a device is opened and a battery is installed or removed.
SCRAM Remote BreathMost fl exible option in breath alcohol testing! 21PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSOperating temperature range: 0-55C (32-130F)•  Measurement range: 0.000 – 0.400 BrAC•  Breath Sample Volume: 1.5L•  Accuracy:•  +/-0.005 up to 0.100 BrAC+/-5% from 0.100 to 0.400 BrACAlcohol Sensor: Electrochemical Fuel Cell•  *Note that cigarette smoke can damage or destroy the •  alcohol sensor*Calibrate using 0.100 BrAC Dry Gas (device automatically •  compensates for altitude when using dry gas; no compensa-tion needed for wet bath.)Calibrate at least once every 12 months; or at intervals •  specifi ed by your internal policies; quality assurance plan; or your state, court, or agency regulations.Automated Facial Intelligence (AFI): Proprietary 1-to-1 facial •  template matchingBest results are obtained with no more than +/- 15 degrees •  head roll, pitch, or yaw; neutral face expression; no sun-glasses or heavy-framed glasses; and no hair in the face.Recommended Storage Temperature Range: 0-55C (32-•  130F)Battery: Rechargeable Lithium Ion•  Input Power: 10VDC @ 720 mA (7.2 W max)•
Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Incorporated1241 W. Mineral Avenue, Suite 200Littleton, ColoradoTel: 303.785.7879 FAX: 303.791.4262E-mail: support@alcoholmonitoring.com22337B

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