Allflex USA 930042 RFID COMPACT READER User Manual Allflex ISO Compatible RF ID Portable Reader

Allflex SA/Boulder RFID COMPACT READER Allflex ISO Compatible RF ID Portable Reader


Allflex ISO Compatible RF/ID Compact Reader Model No. RS200-V2 User Manual (Rev C   June 2006 / Software V2.06)  These instructions guide the user through the basic setup, configuration, and operation of the Allflex Compact Reader, Model RS200-V2, an RF/ID scanner capable of reading and displaying ISO HDX and FDX-B type transponder identification codes.  Unpacking  The Compact Reader is shipped in a box with this instruction guide, one 9 volt alkaline battery, and a protective carrying case.  Remove the reader and battery from the box, and follow the directions contained in this guide for battery installation, setup, and operating instructions.  Transponders (not supplied with Reader) are helpful in verifying the configuration and operation procedures described in this guide.  Compact Reader User Interface The figure below illustrates the Compact Reader’s features that are instructive to its operation and use.  Each feature and its corresponding function are described in the accompanying Table 1 on the following page.  Figure 1  -  Compact Reader Features and User Interface   Table 1  -  Compact Reader Features and Descriptions of Use Feature/Item  Description of Use READ Button  Turns Reader ON from OFF state Activates transponder reading from ON state Selects certain option alternatives in Options Menu MENU Button  Activates Options Menu / Selects Options Menu Category SCROLL UP/SCROLL DOWN Buttons  Navigates Options Menu (Press both buttons simultaneously to turn off unit) 2x8 Character LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)  Displays transponder ID Code information, Reader status, and Options Menu selections Red LED Indicator (Light Emitting Diode)  Lights when valid transponder ID Codes are detected (optionally lights with Options Menu selections) Antenna Coil   Transponder coil axis should be coaxial or parallel to Reader antenna axis for maximum reading distance (mounted inside enclosure – see Figure 3) Battery Compartment  Accepts single 9 volt alkaline or nickel-cadmium battery (bottom) Equipment Label  Provides model, serial number, and agency certification notices (bottom) Enclosure  Compact ergonomic case  Setup The Compact Reader requires only installation of the 9 volt battery in order to begin reading transponders.  The Reader also permits the user to configure several options that control its functions and ID code presentation format.  Battery Installation Instructions The Compact Reader is supplied with one 9 volt alkaline type disposable battery.  A variety of battery technologies, both disposable and rechargeable types, can be used.  Table 2 lists one manufacturer’s compatible battery types, and the estimated service life each type will provide in use with the Compact Reader. ANTENNA  To install or replace the battery (ensure Reader is turned off before proceeding): 2x8 LCD   Red LED •  Turn the Reader over so that the equipment label is visible.  Push down gently on the small ribbed spot just beneath the label and push laterally away from the label.  READ•  When the battery compartment cover has slid open approximately 10mm, it can be removed from the channel in which it fits to expose the battery compartment.  MENU •  Install the 9 volt battery observing the polarity orientation etching which appears in the bottom of the enclosure.  ENCLOSURE Note:  Incorrect installation of the battery will not damage the reader.  However, the Reader will fail to operate unless the battery polarity is correctly oriented.   Reposition the battery compartment cover and snap it into the channel approximately 10mm from the closed position.  Once in the channel, press down gently on the ribbed spot and slide the cover back into the fully closed position.  SCROLL UP SCROLL DNBATTERY COMPARTMENT   2 1
Note:  FDX-B reading distance performance may be slightly less when a nickel cadmium type battery is installed in the reader.  Both HDX and FDX-B reading distance will gradually deteriorate as any type battery is discharged through normal use.  The Compact Reader provides a Low Battery indication on its LCD display when the battery requires charging or replacement.  Note:  Rechargeable batteries must be charged in compatible external charging apparatus.  Note:  Actual number of transponder reads per battery life will vary with the pattern of use of the Reader.  Numbers shown in Table 2 are based on 1 second scan intervals to level at which HDX transponder read distance is diminished to approximately 1/2 initial distance.  Note:  When battery life has been exhausted to a point at which battery replacement is required, the LCD readout will indicate “LOW BATTERY / POWERING DOWN” and will automatically turn off.  Table 2  -  Recommended Battery Types (all Eveready/Energizer®) Type Number  Chemistry  Capacity mAH  Est. No. of Reads 1222 (Heavy Duty)  Zinc-Manganese  < 50  300 522 Alkaline  600 10,000 L522 Lithium  1200 20,000 CH22 *  Nickel-Cadmium  120  3,000 Note:  Nickel Cadmium is rechargeable battery type.  Operating and Using the Compact Reader  Activating the Compact Reader After installing the battery, the Compact Reader is ready for use.  The Reader is activated from its normally OFF state by pressing the READ button for about 1 second.  Upon depression of this button, the Reader is turned ON, and an indication of this state is enunciated by momentary flashing of the red LED visual indicator, beeping of the audible indicator, and displaying of READER READY on its LCD indicator.  Note:  If the LAST TAG option in the Options Menu has been set ON, and a transponder has been previously read, the LCD indicator will show the ID code number of the last transponder tag that was read.  Reading a Transponder Tag The Reader is immediately ready for use once it is turned on.  Transponder scanning is performed by pressing the READ button.  If the READ button is pressed momentarily, scanning will be active for a default interval of 3 seconds.  If a transponder is detected during this time, its ID code will be displayed on the LCD, and the LED indicator will flash once, and the audible beeper will beep once.  If the same ID code is read repetitively, the LED and beeper will flash and beep twice.  If no transponder is detected after 3 seconds of scanning, the LCD will indicate NO TAG FOUND, and scanning will cease.  Pressing READ again initiates the scanning sequence.  Alternately, the READ button may be pressed continuously until the tag is read.  Scanning automatically stops upon ID code acquisition, and the READ button must be released and pressed again to perform a subsequent reading operation.  See Figure 2 for a graphical illustration of the Compact Reader’s operating sequence.  Note:  The battery is checked each time the reader is powered on.  If the battery life is nearing its end, a LOW BATTERY indication will automatically appear on the LCD indicator.  If the battery has become severely discharged, the Reader will fail to power up altogether.  Note:  The Compact Reader turns itself off automatically after 30 seconds (or the user selected Options Menu alternative time).  The Reader can be turned off manually by simultaneously pressing the SCROLL UP and SCROLL DOWN keys.  Figure 2  -  Compact Reader Functional Sequence      READERREADYOPTIONSMENU982  000000031277NO TAGFOUNDREADING(   ( )  )POWER ON(RESET)READEROFFREADMENUREADREADREAD READREAD READMENUMENUREAD(LAST TAG = ON)(LAST TAG = OFF)TAG IDNOT FOUNDTAG IDFOUND 30 SECTIMEOUT30 SECTIMEOUT(3 SECTIMEOUT)(5 SEC TIMEOUT)(5 SEC TIMEOUT)30 SECTIMEOUT    Compact Reader State Diagram  3  4
Reading Transponders  Prior to reading transponders in situ, it is recommended that the Reader be checked with test transponders to ensure satisfactory performance. The user should have available spare transponders of the types that the Allflex Compact Reader is capable of reading for this purpose.  The chart below provides nominal read distance performance that can be expected when the transponder is optimally oriented to the Reader.  Table 3  -  Nominal Read Range Performances (with new 9V alkaline battery) Manufacturer  Transponder Description  Read Range (cm) Allflex  FDX-B (ISO) 12mm Glass Implantable  6 Allflex  FDX-B Plastic Eartag  10 Allflex  HDX Plastic Eartag – High Performance  15 Allflex  HDX Plastic Eartag – Light Weight  12 Allflex  HDX 23mm Glass Implantable  9 Allflex  HDX 31mm Glass Implantable  11  Note:  In order to read a transponder, position the transponder as shown in Figure 3 below within the read range specified in Table 3.  Press and release  the READ button.  The Reader will search for a transponder for 3 seconds (the factory set default value).  If the transponder is detected during this interval, the Red LED will flash, the audible beeper will sound, and the ID Code will be displayed on the LCD readout.  If no transponder is detected during this search interval, there will be no audible/visual indication, and the LCD will display NO TAG FOUND.  When any tag is read repeatedly, the LED and beeper flash and sound a double indication.  Holding the READ button down permits scanning until a tag is read.  Note:  When reading installed transponders whose orientation cannot be ascertained, the reading distance may be less than those listed in Table 3.  The Reader may need to be moved and its orientation may need to be changed in order to obtain a reading.  Generally, reading such non-visible (implanted) transponders will require such Reader movement.  Figure 3  -  Optimal Read Range Transponder Orientation  Interpreting the Visual ID Codes  The Compact Reader is capable of reading the ISO HDX and FDX-B transponder technologies, and it can be configured via the Options Menu to display the corresponding tag information in various ways.  Table 4 lists the available options, and provides illustrations of the corresponding display formats.  Factory set default option settings are shown in bold type.  Table 4  -  Display Setup Options Option Setting  Display Format # Format  Hex          Dec 3D6H  000               982  0000 0C45AE9H                     12868329 Lead 0’s  Yes           No  982  0000                982 12868329                12868329 Cty Code  Alpha       Numeric  USA 0001               840  0001 23456800                23456800 F / H  Yes          No 982F0000                982  0000 12868329                12868329   Note:  The Manufacturer’s Code is displayed for ISO compliant HDX and FDX-B transponders that contain a decimal value in the range of 900 to 999, per ISO 11784 requirements, and per ICAR assignment.  When a value less than 900 is detected, it represents a three letter Country Code per ISO 3166.  Alternately, the three digit (decimal or hexadecimal) ISO 3166 alpha country code can be displayed by changing the Menu option (for example, “USA” would be displayed as “840” (decimal) or “348” (hexadecimal)).  Table 5  -  Manufacturer and Country Code Designations Manufacturer/ Country Code  Interpretation 900 > 999 (384 > 3E7 Hex)  ISO Compatible HDX or FDX-B type transponder Manufacturer Code per ISO 11784 and ICAR assignment ( Note:  999 is reserved for universal use to designate a prototype transponder). 001 > 899 (001 > 383 Hex)  ISO Compatible HDX or FDX-B type transponder Country Code per ISO 11784 and ISO 3166 or Country Alpha Glass ImplantTransponderFerrite AntennaEartag/DiscTransponder Note:  The Manufacturer or Country Code information appears on the LCD as the left-most 3 digits or  characters on the top line of the display.  When the LCD format has been set for hexadecimal representation, a subscript “H” character follows the last character of the numeric Manufacturer or Country Code and the Identification Code (see Table 4).     6 5
Reading Performance  RFID Readers are most frequently assessed with respect to performance by reading distance.  The reading distance performance of a Reader is principally affected by the following effects:  Transponder Orientation  -  For maximum reading distance, the axes of the transponder and reader antenna coils must be oriented coaxially.  Transponder Quality  -  Each manufacturer’s transponder differs in (a) the amount of exciter signal energy necessary to sufficiently operate the transponder’s internal circuitry, and (b) the signal level of the ID Code information that is returned to the reader.  Consequently, it is normal for transponders of a common type (FDX-B, for example) made by different manufacturers to exhibit different read range performance characteristics.  Transponder Motion  -  Most portable readers have small antenna geometries, and consequently small effective “reading zones”.  Portable readers are generally designed for reading transponders under quasi-static conditions.  Transponders that are moving quickly past the reader may not be present within the reader’s read zone sufficiently long for all the ID Code information to be obtained.  Transponder Size  - Physically larger transponders generally contain larger receiving coils which produce longer reading distances than smaller transponders.  Transponder Type  -  HDX transponders generally exhibit greater reading distances than FDX-B transponders of comparable size.  Proximal Metallic Objects  -  Metal objects located near the transponder or Reader can attenuate and distort the electromagnetic fields generated in RFID systems, and thus diminish read distance performance.  Electrical Noise Interference  -  RFID transponders and readers use electromagnetic signals as a premise of operation.  Other electromagnetic phenomena – radiated electrical noise from computer displays, for example – can interfere with the transmission and reception of RFID signals, and consequently reduce reading distance.  Transponder/Reader Interference  -  Multiple transponders within the sensing range of the reader, or other readers emitting excitation energy in the immediate vicinity will adversely affect the reading performance or prevent operation of the Compact Reader.             Figure 5  -  Options Menu Navigation   READERREADY#FORMAT:HEX  *DECMDISPLAYSETUPM  INFOHW V2.00M  INFOSW V2.06MREADERSETTINGS MREADERINFOSCR DN MENU SCR DNSCR DN MENUMENUMENUREADREADSCROLLUPSCROLLDOWNMENU MENUMENU MENUNOTES:1.  All option menu screens time-out to "READER READY" mode if no keysare pressed for 5 seconds.2.  The small "M" designates Options MenuREADREADLAST TAG*YES  NOCTY CODE*ALPHA(*NUMERIC)F / H ?YES  *NOLEAD 0's*YES   NOMENUBEEP*ON  OFFTIME ON:0:30 MINREADTIME3 SECWRLSSYNCON  *OFF           7  8
Default Option Settings  The Options Menu (see Figure 5) provides the user with means to configure the Compact Reader in a manner that best suits the user and the Reader’s intended application. •  Press the MENU button until the desired Option Category listed in Table 5 appears on the LCD.  •  Press SCROLL UP or SCROLL DOWN until the Option Item appears on the LCD •  Press the READ button to select the desired option setting  The Compact Reader is shipped from the factory with these options set in the default state.  An abbreviated listing of the principal options is provided in Table 5.  Table 5  -  Option Menu Categories, Items, and Default Settings Option Category  Option / Possible Settings  Default Setting DISPLAY SETUP  #FORMAT:     DEC(imal) or HEX(adecimal) LEAD 0’s:       YES or NO LAST TAG      ON or OFF CTY CODE     ALPHA or NUMERIC F / H ?             YES or NO DEC(imal) YES ON ALPHA NO  READER SETTINGS MENUBEEP   ON or OFF WRLSSYNC   ON or OFF TIME ON        20, 30, 40, 50 seconds                         1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4 minutes                         TIMEOFF (i.e., no automatic shutoff) READTIME     1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 seconds ON OFF 30 Seconds   3 seconds VERSION INFO  None – information only  SW V2.06 HW V2.00  Allflex Worldwide Sales Offices Allflex Europe  Allflex USA, Inc.  Allflex Australasia ZI. de Plagué  P.O. Box 612266  Private Bag 11003 Route des Eaux, B.P. 90219  Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport  Palmerston North 35502 Vitre Cedex, France  Texas  75261-2266  New Zealand Tel   33 (0)  Tel   (972) 456-3686  Tel   64 (06) 356-7199 Fax   33 (0)  Fax   (972) 456-3882  Fax   64 (06) 358-5982 FCC ID:   NQY-930042 Note:  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.  This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. NOTE:   THE MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RADIO OR TV INTERFERENCE CAUSED BY UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS TO THIS EQUIPMENT. SUCH MODIFICATIONS COULD VOID THE USER'S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT.  This device has been tested and meets the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements of EN50082-1, EN50022, and ETSI 300 330-1 for the CE Declaration of Conformity (DoC), and with Industry Canada RSS-210.  Compact Reader Technical Specifications  GENERAL  RFID Compatibility:  ISO 11784 & 11785 HDX and FDX-B and Industrial HDX Form Factor:  Portable Handheld ABS Plastic Enclosure  User Interface:  Single “On/Press to Read” Activation Button Menu & Scroll Up/Down Option Select Buttons 16 character (2x8) LCD display Audible Beeper and Red LED “Read” Indicators ID Code Display Format  Decimal or Hexadecimal Memory:  Holds last ID Code in memory and on display indefinitely until next read Battery Power:  1  9V Alkaline Battery (disposable), or  1  9V Ni-Cad Battery (externally recharged) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Certifications  FCC Part 15 Class A CISPR 22 (EN55022), and EN50082-1 ETSI 300 330-1 Industry Canada RSS-210 PHYSICAL/ENVIRONMENTAL Dimensions:  125.5mm L x 70mm W  x 24mm H    (4.9” L x 2.75” W x 0.94” H) Weight:  0.18 kg.   (6.5 oz.) with alkaline battery installed Material:  ABS UL94 HB Plastic Color: Black Operate Temperature  +5ºC to +40ºC (IEC68.2.1/.2) Storage Temperature  -10ºC to +55ºC  (IEC68.2.1/.2) Humidity:  0 to 95% (IEC68.2.56) Altitude:  -100 to +3,000 meters Mechanical Shock:  Per IEC 68-2-27 Vibration:  Per IEC 68-2-6 Hermeticity:  IP-50 (dust resistant / no protection against water) per IEC 529 RELIABILITY   MTBF: 50,000 hours MTTR: 0.5 hours Expected Life:  5 years, minimum PERFORMANCE   Read Distance:  6cm (typical - Allflex 11.5mm FDX-B transponder) 15cm (typical – Allflex HDX eartag) Reading Orientation:  0º to 45º with less than 10% range decrease Read Error Rate:  Less than 1 in 106Read Cycles/Battery:  10,000 - Alkaline (disposable)  (based on 2 second read intervals) 3,000 - Ni-Cad (rechargeable)  Battery Disposal Information The disposal of exhausted rechargeable and non-rechargeable batteries is regulated by local laws, and such laws vary significantly among countries worldwide.  All batteries must be disposed of in a manner compliant with the local requirements, and proper compliance is entirely the responsibility of the owner and/or user of the Compact Reader.    10 9

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