Amazon com Services 4612 Wireless push button device User Manual 53 006839 PROJECT2 US QSG R12 OL
Amazon Fulfillment Services Wireless push button device 53 006839 PROJECT2 US QSG R12 OL
Safety and Compliance Information Use Responslhly Read all lnsmmlons and Safety Informanon before use FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE SAFEW INSTRLKTIONS (OULD RESULT IN FIRE ELEURIC SHOO< OR OTHER INJURV OR DAMAGE servlclng Vnur nevlee: lfyour delee needs servlse olesse cantaclAmzmn cusromer suooors as mos //www amazon zom/deersuDWvl casserlear your Esno oussons reuuna oassanes for use only use l 5v alkallne or l 2 NIMH rezhafgeable AAA slzed hanerles Meyer mlx old and new oassenes seen all of me oassenes ous of use reaen of Ehlldfen Do nos puncture or neas sne oasanes and do nos allow mesal oblecu to [cum sne oassery sarmmals on she Eeno dussons as sney can oesome for and cause bums Remove all oassenes .fsney are worn ous or oelore ssonno your acne oussons «or an exrended oanod ol nme ulsoose ofall oassanes ln accordance vvnn applltahle laws and regulaslons and do nor dlsoose of bananas by snrowlnd snem lnro a nre lf any oaslenes oeoln so leak, take sseosso orevenssne fluld from Eomlng .mo dlveu Eonmclwllh sxln or slosnes as me fluld muld oe (offaswe and may oe soxls Remm/e sne oassenes and clean me oassery somoarsrnens In aseordanee wlsh sne oassery manufacturer‘s resommendauons othersalzty consideraslons: A small oersensaoe of people may be susseos-ole so blackuul: or selzures seven lf sney nave never nao one deforel wnan exooseu so fusnmg ham; or llght osssarns sum as wnen playlng games orwassnmo vldeo lf you nave exoeneneed se-zures or olaslsouss or nave a famlly nlssory of susn oeeurrenees you snould eonsuls a phylelan oefore playng games Engaglng m reoannva monons susn as orassmo oussons or vlaymo some games may cause you so ewenence occaslonal dlsmmfim In your hands arms, snoulders, neEk, or osner aans of your body Small aans aonramed ln your (lame and lss ascessones may orasens a shaking nazard so small snlldran necyellng :eno nussons: ln some areas sne dlsoosal ol aaroaln alessromc devlses Is regulased Maxe sure you dlSWSe ofor recycle rne Pfoduzls m aseordanee wlsh your loeal laws and regulallons Fur mformaslon aoous leEyEllng, go so nssos //wwwamazon rom/devlsasuooors Eu consonn . ereoy, Amazon Fulfillmenl Servlses. lne declares snassne eoulomam syoa Ecno oussons .s n somollanse vvnn lalresnve ZOIA/SZ/EU sne full sexs of she Eu deslaras-on of conform-(y IS ayallaole as she followlrld lnsernes address wwwamazon som/dew:e,eu,eomollanse sAvs compliance: ln order so morass numan nealsn. sn-s dewze meers sne snresnoldssor exposure of me oeneral publll: so elecsromaonesls fields accordan to counnl Recommendanon IQQQ/SIQ/K BACK Radio Frequency Exposnu: fne ousous onne radlo sesnnolody used m sne Esno aussons l5 oelow sne fadla lreouanry exposure Ilmltsset oy sne Federal CommunIEallons Comfwsslon of sne Unlted 5sasas (FCC) lnformaslon on sne devlce IS on file wlth sne FCC and can he found under sne Dlspliy orans secslon ol nsso/rsransluon lee gov oes ea afser Searchan one on me Ecc lu for your deuce, wnlsn (an be sound on sne oase nadlo Ereouency lntormaslon; Thls devlLegal & camel-anse Echo Blllmns are covered by a lelted Warransy, detalled as wwwamazon som/devlcesuooon WARNING. CHOKING HAZARD 7 Small parts Not suitable for children under 3yrs PROJECT 2 USIUK/DE QSG OUTSIDE _ UNCOATED MATCH PMS 3272 _ BLACK 2. Palrlng Echo Buttons Place your Ecno Bussorrs Wlsn-n l5 fees of your Echo devlce Say 'Ahxa, m up my Echo 314mm” and follow sne lnslruttlons for connasslng INSIDE _ BLACK 3. Getting started with Echo Buttons Discover Echo Button games Try saylng,Al(xl. whntganm mnlplay mhmtcha 314nm! Alexa app The Alexa aoo nelos you gas more our of your Eeno dussons It‘s wnere you can find compaslole slsllls learn abous new furlss-onellzy, and manage sassmgs owe us your feedback Eeno Butluns vnll lmpmve over srma, wlsn new feasures and funsslonal-sy so gas snmgs done We wans so near aoous your expenences Use sne Alexa app so send us feedoacls or emall alexagadgessefeedoass@amazon corn Maintalning your EEho Buttons Do nos drop, snrow dlsassemblel crusn, bend. punssure or oams your Esno Bussons lf your Eeslo laussons gas was, use ruooar gloves so remove sne oassenas and was for sne Eeslo dussons so dry complesely before reelnserslng sne oassenes Do nos assemos so dry your Echo dussons wlsls an exsernal neas source, such as a rnlsrowave oven or nan dryer Clean sne Esno aussons wlsn a sofs slosn and avold uslng lloulds or narsn EhemlEalS snas may damage sne Esno Buttons, oe caresul nos so wlpe ls w-sn anysfung aoraslve ssore your Echo Bullons m cool duss free areas ous cl dlrecs sunllgns Please reraln sne oaelsaolng lnfonnaslon for fusure reference Al FILE 53-0068397PFI0JECT27USJISGJ1LOL DATE 10.03.17 OUTSIDE INSIDE
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