Anchor Audio BPW-300 2.4GHz Wireless Intercom User Manual

Anchor Audio Inc 2.4GHz Wireless Intercom

user manual

7WWHHAATT  IISS  PPOORRTTAACCOOMM  PPRROO??    PortaCom PRO is a wireless full duplex intercom system that's easy to set up and easy to use.  The belt packscommunicate directly to each other via a wireless signal that can travel up to 700 feet.  If there are solid obsta-cles between two belt pack users, such as a concrete wall, the range will be diminished.  Two people can talk atonce into their microphones which are connected to the headsets.  An unlimited number of people on 15 differ-ent channels can listen via their headsets.  If a third person attempts to talk over the other two, their conversa-tion will be locked out until one of the other two stops talking.2AA  MMEESSSSAAGGEE  FFRROOMM  TTHHEE  OOWWNNEERRThank you for choosing an Anchor Audio wireless intercom system.  Our products incorporate state-of-the-art designand the finest quality of materials and workmanship.  We’re proud of our products and appreciate the confidencewhich you have shown by selecting an Anchor system.I hope you’ll take a few minutes to review this manual.  We’ve incorporated several unique features into our prod-ucts, and your knowledge of how to use them will enhance the performance and your enjoyment of the system.David Jacobs, Presidenton behalf of all Anchor EmployeesHHEEAADDSSEETT  OOPPEERRAATTIIOONNPortaCom PRO noise canceling headsets feature a dual ear piece design for maxi-mum comfort.  Our headsets also include 6 pin mini-XLR gold tipped connectors,adjustable microphones and electret condenser type microphone elements.OPERATION1. Plug the headset connector into the belt pack headset jack2. Turn on power & adjust volume on each belt pack in use3. Select a transmission channel for the group, 1 thru 16 (9 is reserved for All Call)4. Set each belt pack in the group to the same channel5. Adjust headset boom so the microphone is located near the mouth6. Depress the PTT button to start talking, the system is voice activatedGGEETTTTIINNGG  SSTTAARRTTEEDDPlease check your new unit carefully for any damage which may have occurred during shipment.  Each Anchor prod-uct is carefully inspected at the factory and packed in specially designed boxes for safe transport.Notify the freight carrier immediately of any damage to the shipping box or product.  Repack the unit in the origi-nal box and wait for inspection by the carrier’s claim agent.  Notify your dealer of the pending freight claim.NOTE:  All damage claims must be made with freight carrier!RETURNING SYSTEMS FOR SERVICE OR REPAIRFor service or repair, please contact the dealer where system was purchased or Anchor Audio Customer Service(800/262-4671 or 310/784-2300) to obtain a RA (Return Authorization) number.  All shipments to Anchor Audiomust include RA number and be shipped prepaid.  C.O.D. shipments will be refused and returned at your expense.Customers outside the USA must contact dealer where system was purchased for service or repair instructions.IMPORTANT:  Save the shipping box & packing materials, they were specially designed to ship your unit!WARRANTY REGISTRATION & INFORMATIONPlease go to our website ( and select “Warranty Registration”.  Completing this online regis-tration form will activate your limited two-year warranty.Warranty is void if the belt pack case or headset has been opened, screws have been removed or there is evidenceof tampering.  The case screws are tamper proof and will be damaged if you attempt to remove them.TTRROOUUBBLLEESSHHOOOOTTIINNGG  PPOORRTTAACCOOMM  PPRROO  CAN'T HEAR PERSON SPEAKING?  Turn up the listen volume control using the thumbwheel on the sideof the belt pack.  If you are in an extremely loud environment, you will need to use the dual muff headsetwith noise canceling properties.  If you still can't hear the person speaking, you must be out of range andneed to move closer.  Check USE switches/use PTT to ensure that unit is transmitting.MICROPHONE NOT PICKING UP YOUR VOICE?  First, check that you have pushed down the PTT but-ton one click and you are in active mode, note the fast flashing light.  Move the mic closer to your mouthand speak up clearly.  You can also adjust the VOX by turning up the mic gain knob.BACKGROUND NOISE TRANSMITTING ACROSS SYSTEM?  Stay in listen mode until you are readyto speak.  Then, push and hold the PTT button to ensure your system is activated only when you speak.TRANSMISSION IS WEAK?  Make certain the batteries are charged by checking for the green batterylight.  If batteries are weak, and you need to keep going, either plug the unit into the charger and a walloutlet, or replace the rechargeable batteries with disposable alkaline batteries.PROPER INTERCOM ETIQUETTE!  The PortaCom PRO is designed to handle two people speaking atonce.  Use proper intercom etiquette and wait to break into the conversation when the two people havestopped talking.  If multiple users want to jump into and out of the conversation, use PTT (push to talk).HW-300Dual-Earpiece HeadsetFor a video demonstration of how to use your PortaCom PRO wireless intercom system, go on “SETUP VIDEOS” to see step-by-step instruction.
CAUTION:  WHEN STORING YOUR SYSTEM IN THE PORTACOM PRO HARD CASE, PLACE EACH BELT PACK INTO ITS STORAGE SLOT CAREFULLY.  TURNING THE THUMB WHEEL DURING INSERTION WILL TURN THE POWER ON AND DRAIN THE BATTERY.RREECCHHAARRGGEEAABBLLEE  BBAATTTTEERRIIEESSEach PortaCom PRO belt pack comes with two rechargeable AA NiMH batteries installed in the battery compartmentlocated on the back of the belt pack.  If the LED Indicator light turns red or your transmission is becoming weak, thebatteries are low and need charging.  You may continue using the belt pack while it is charging.CHARGING THE BATTERIES1. Turn the belt pack off (you may leave system on during charging if you wish to continue use)2. Plug the included AC-300 power adapter into the jack on the side of belt pack and an AC outlet - Amber light indicates the batteries are charging3. Allow belt pack to charge for 7 hours to reach full capacity (charge time will increase if system is in use)- Green light indicates the batteries are fully chargedNOTE:  Battery Life When Fully Charged - 7 to 8 Hours Normal Use.Users who must leave their charger plugged in (emergency preparedness crews, etc.) are advised to replace therechargeable batteries once every 12 months.AA alkaline batteries can be substituted for the rechargeable batteries.  However, connecting the charger whenalkaline batteries are installed could seriously damage your belt pack!  CAUTION:  DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CHARGE ALKALINE BATTERIES.  36BBEELLTT  PPAACCKK  OOPPEERRAATTIIOONNThe BPW-300 belt pack has a 6 pin mini-XLR headset jack, channel selector, universal LED indicator light and thePTT (Push To Talk) button.  Located on the side is the POWER/VOLUME CONTROL thumb wheel, the battery com-partment is on the back.CHANNEL SELECTORTo create a belt pack group, each group member must set their Channel Selector to the same number.  ThePortaCom PRO has 15 available channels to choose from, so you can set up 15 separate groups.1. Select an available transmission channel for the group - 1 thru 16 NOTE:  Channel 9 is not available for a group, it is reserved as the All Call channel.2. Set each belt pack in a group to the same channelEXAMPLE:  Athletic DepartmentThe head coach assigns the offense channel 6, defense channel 11 & special teams channel 8.  You now havethe ability to speak to one group at a time by selecting their channel.  If you need to speak to all groups atonce select channel 9, the All Call channel.LISTEN ONLY, ACTIVE & PUSH TO TALK MODE• Listen Only Mode:  When the belt pack is powered on the LED Indicator light will show a slow flashing light,you are in Listen Only Mode.  Use this setting when you don't wish to talk on the system, but merely listen. • Active Mode:  Press the PTT button once for Active Mode, the LED Indicator light will flash quickly.  ActiveMode is voice activated, simply speak into your mic to be heard by all of the other users in your group.  Press the PTT button again to return to Listen Only Mode.CAUTION:  Excessive background noise can broadcast into mic & trigger voice activation.• Push To Talk Mode:  Press & hold the PTT button for Push To Talk Mode, like a walkie talkie, the mic willonly pick up your voice when the button is held down.  Release the button to return to Listen Only Mode.  Use when in loud environments so background noise won’t continually broadcast over your mic. NOTE:  Push To Talk Mode is preferred if many users are jumping in & out of the conversation.ALL CALL CHANNELThe All Call feature allows one user to speak to everyone in every group on the system simultaneously regardless oftheir channel selection.  When All Call is engaged the belt pack LED Indicator light will turn amber, this alerts allusers that All Call is in use. 1. Select channel 9 to engage the All Call feature 2. When the All Call operator stops speaking, all other users revert to their original channel selection3. Select a different channel (other then 9) to disengage All Call
BBAASSIICC  SSYYSSTTEEMM  OOPPEERRAATTIIOONNIMPORTANT:  Batteries Are Shipped Fully Charged!1. Charge installed NiMH batteries w/ included charger2. Select a transmission channel on the belt pack (1 thru 16, 9 is reserved for All Call channel)3. Plug headset connector into jack on belt pack4. Turn on power & adjust volume w/ thumbwheel on sideSlow flashing light indicates power on / Listen Only Mode5. Press PTT button once for Active Mode6. Press & hold PTT button for Push To Talk Mode4. Set each belt pack in a group to the same channelNOTE:  Repeat the steps above for each belt pack/user.AADDJJUUSSTTIINNGG  MMIICCRROOPPHHOONNEE  GGAAIINNAdjust the microphone sensitivity (gain level) to compensate forindividual users voice levels and surroundings.  For soft voices orwhen whispering raise sensitivity, lower it if you need to shout.1. Remove rubber plug on back of belt pack to access dial2. Using a small screwdriver turn the VOX dial clockwise toraise mic sensitivity, counterclockwise to lower3. Replace plug to keep dirt & debris out of unitNOTE:  Lower gain level if your voice sounds distorted.SSYYSSTTEEMM  RRAANNGGEEUnder ideal conditions the distance between belt packs can be up to700’ line of sight.  However, system performance can be affected bymany external sources.  To minimize the effects of interference:• Keep the distance between belt packs as short as possible• Make sure that there are no obstructions between belt packs• Maintain visual contact with all users in the groupCAUTION:  Attempting to operate the PortaCom PRO through or around walls, through ceilings and/or around metal objects will reduce system range and clarity.PORTACOM PRO BELT PACK TOP & BACK VIEWModel Shown:  BPW-300Belt Pack Shown w/ BatteryCompartment Cover Removed4ENCRYPTION SELECTION SWITCHES“ON” POSITIONGAIN ADJUSTMENTHEADSET JACK(plug in headset) ALL CALL CHANNEL(set to channel 9 for All Call)LED INDICATOR - OPERATING STATUSSlow Flash: Listen Only ModeFast Flash: Active Mic Mode (talk or listen)Solid On: Transmitting/ReceivingLED INDICATOR - BATTERY STATUSGreen: Battery GoodRed: Battery Low/Charging ErrorAmber: Charging Battery/All Call ModePUSH TO TALK BUTTONTurn Unit On w/ Thumbwheel: Listen Only modeSingle-Click: Lock In Active Mic (talk or listen)Single-Click Again: Switch to Listen Only ModePush & Hold: Push to Talk ModeUU..SS..EE..  ((UUSSEERR  SSEELLEECCTTAABBLLEE  EENNCCRRYYPPTTIIOONN))PortaCom PRO comes with a simple, easy to use encryption method to make certain no one can listen in on your conversations.  All belt packs are shipped with theencryption settings in the OFF position, this allows all your belt packs to operate together out of the box.  Follow the instructions below to enable encryption.SETTING USER ENCRYPTIONNOTE:  Belt packs must be powered off and on every time encryption settings are changed for proper operation.1. Remove the battery compartment cover by sliding the door down2. Locate the opening that houses eight small selection switches (see above)3. With a small screwdriver (included) set the ON/OFF settings of the eightswitches to any pattern you desire4. Set the same ON/OFF pattern to the switches on each belt pack in thegroup so they can communicate with each other5. Turn power for each belt pack off and back on the engage encryption6. Test all of the units to verify that the code has been set correctlyFACTORY USE ONLYREMOVE RUBBER PLUGTO ACCESSCHANNEL SELECTOR(set to match other belt packs)

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