Andrew Wireless Innovations Group 803D15 Transmitter Non-Broadcast Booster User Manual User s Guide for MR803D MR853D MR903D MR1903D

Andrew Wireless Innovations Group Transmitter Non-Broadcast Booster User s Guide for MR803D MR853D MR903D MR1903D


M0041AMB.doc ID No 7164468
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User's Guide for MR803D, MR853D, MR903D and MR1903D miniRepeaters
1. Safety and Environmental................................... 1
2. Quick-Start Checklist........................................... 1
3. RF and Power Connectors.................................. 1
4. Functional Description........................................ 2
5. Cabinet Drawing................................................... 2
6. Wall Mounting....................................................... 2
7. Mechanical Specification .................................... 2
8. Environmental and Safety Specifications ......... 2
9. 20 dB Bandwidth.................................................. 2
10. Start-Frequency Switch Settings ....................... 3
11. Standard Frequency Band Settings................... 5
12. Attenuation Setting.............................................. 7
13. Alarming and Supervision .................................. 7
13.1. Functional Description of the Alarming-Interface 7
13.2. Output-Contact Configuration 7
13.3. Output-Contact Descriptions 8
14. Heartbeat Setting ................................................. 8
15. List of Changes.................................................... 8
1. Safety and Environmental
The electrical installation has to be performed in
accordance with the safety regulations of the local
authorities. Due to safety reasons, the electrical
installation must be performed by qualified
personnel only. The repeater must not be opened.
The antennas of the repeater (integrated and / or
external) have to be installed in a way that the
regional and national RF exposure compliance
requirements are met.
To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance
requirements, the following antenna installation
and device operating configurations must be
satisfied: A separation distance of at least 20 cm
must be maintained between the antenna of this
device and all persons. RF exposure compliance
may need to be addressed at the time of licensing,
as required by the responsible FCC Bureau(s),
including antenna co-location requirements of
1.1307(b)(3). Maximum permissible antenna gain
is 12 dBi.
The miniRepeaters must only be used for
indoor applications!
2. Quick-Start Checklist
Adjust channel(s); see chapter 10.
Mount the repeater; see chapter 6.
Install donor and coverage antennas.
Provide the repeater with power; see chapter 3.
Adjust the attenuation; see chapter 12.
Start the adjustment with the maximum attenuation
and decrease attenuation until the ALC becomes
active and the ALC alarm LED lights up. Then
increase attenuation until the ALC alarm is inactive
Select auto-setup; see chapter 12.
Check for alarms; see chapter 13.
3. RF and Power Connectors
The miniRepeaters are equipped with two RF antenna
ports: one antenna port that provides RF signals
to/from mobile(s) and another antenna port on the
opposite side of the miniRepeater that provides RF
signals side to/from the BTS. Both of these
connectors are SMA-Female. Two coaxial jumper
cables are included with the miniRepeaters to provide
N-female connection ports.
The socket for the DC supply is situated to the right of
the “to/from BTS” RF connector. The power supply
voltage for this connection point is 6.7 to 7.5 VDC,
with a typical current draw of 1.7 amps. Only the
Power Supply Unit (PSU) supplied with the
MiniRepeater must be used.
An alternative method to provide power to the
MiniRepeater is through the “to/from BTS” RF
connector via the coaxial cable and a bias-T at the
source. The DC socket of the repeater must not be
connected if the unit is biased via the RF port.
User's Guide for
MR803D, MR853D, MR903D and MR1903D
Andrew Wireless Systems GmbH * Industriering 10 * 86675 Buchdorf * Germany *
Phone: +49 9099 69-0 * Fax: +49 9099 69-930 *
email: *
Page 2
4. Functional Description
The operation principle of the miniRepeaters is given
with regard to the following block diagram.
manual Attenuation
Downlink signals from the BTS reach the internal
duplexer through the “to/from BTS” RF port. Following
the DL path from the duplexer, the RF signals are
amplified by an LNA, which feeds the amplified
signals to a mixer. The mixer converts the signals
down to an intermediate frequency (IF), where a high
rejection IF filter provides excellent selectivity to allow
only the user’s frequency band to be repeated. After
the IF filter, the signals are re-converted to the original
frequency by means of another mixer. A final amplifier
boosts the RF signals to the required output power.
After the final amplifier, a power detection circuit
measures the output power and controls the gain
through a closed loop feedback circuit. This feature is
the automatic level control (ALC), which prevents the
repeater from being overdriven and maintains
intermodulation products and spectrum emissions
below the regulation limits. Finally, the RF signals are
fed to the external antenna through the duplexer and
“to/from Mobile” RF port.
The uplink signals are received by the external
antenna through the “to/from Mobile” RF port and are
then fed to the duplexer. After the duplexer the RF
circuitry and functionality is identical to the downlink
path, which provides high rejection filtering for the
desired operation frequency band and ALC
5. Cabinet Drawing
6. Wall Mounting
The miniRepeater may only be mounted
horizontally to a wall according to the above
drawing to ensure the natural convection
cooling. Do not mount the miniRepeater to the
Always choose a mounting location that
avoids condensation!
7. Mechanical Specification
Size H x W x D 114 x 154 x 51.5 mm
(4.5 x 6.1 x 2.0 inch)
Weight 0.7 kg
Sealing Class IP30
8. Environmental and Safety Specifications
The environmental specifications are according
to ETS 300 019 (European Telecommunication
Standard) and the safety specifications are
according to UL Std No 1950 and CAN/CSA-
C22.2 No. 60950. For further details please ask
your supplier.
9. 20 dB Bandwidth
MR803D, 18 MHz Filter 18.7 MHz
MR853D, 1.5 MHz Filter 2.1 MHz
MR853D, 10 MHz Filter 10.7 MHz
MR853D, 12.5 MHz Filter 13.2 MHz
MR853D, 25 MHz Filter 24.7 MHz
MR903D, 6 MHz Filter 6.6 MHz
MR1903D, 5 MHz Filter 7.0 MHz
MR1903D, 10 MHz Filter 11.0 MHz
MR1903D, 15 MHz Filter 16.0 MHz
20 dB bandwidth
M0041AMB.doc ID No 7164468
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10. Start-Frequency Switch Settings
As described in chapter 4 Functional Description, the
miniRepeaters utilise a high rejection filter to allow
only the desired frequency band to be repeated. The
miniRepeaters are available in different bandwidths
with field adjustable start frequencies to support the
desired frequency band of the user.
Two rotary switches, located on the side of the
miniRepeater, are provided for setting the start
frequency (SF) of the high rejection filter. The SF of
the high rejection filter may be adjusted in either 200
or 250 kHz steps, dependent upon the miniRepeater
Following are tables that show the filter band-pass
start frequencies corresponding to the switch settings.
The following section will show tables of standard
user settings.
Rotary switches for start-frequency setting
miniRepeater Model: MR803D Frequency Step Size: 200 kHz
Start Frequency
Setting 1 Start Frequency
Setting 2 Start Frequency
UL (MHz) Start Frequency
DL (MHz)
0 0 796.00 841.00
0 1 796.20 841.20
0 2 796.40 841.40
… … …
0 F 799.00 844.00
1 0 799.20 844.20
1 1 799.40 844.40
… …
1 F 802.20 847.20
… …
… …
F 0 844.00 889.00
F 1 844.20 889.20
… … …
847.00 892.00
Start-frequency setting MR803D
miniRepeater Model: MR853D Frequency Step Size: 200 kHz
Start Frequency
Setting 1 Start Frequency
Setting 2 Start Frequency
UL (MHz) Start Frequency
DL (MHz)
0 0 814.00 859.00
0 1 814.20 859.20
0 2 814.40 859.40
… … …
0 F 817.00 862.00
1 0 817.20 862.20
1 1 817.40 862.40
… … …
1 F 820.20 865.20
… … …
F 0 862.00 907.00
F 1 862.20 907.20
… …
… …
865.00 910.00
Start-frequency setting MR853D
SF setting 1
ositions 0 - F
SF setting 2
ositions 0 - F
User's Guide for
MR803D, MR853D, MR903D and MR1903D
Andrew Wireless Systems GmbH * Industriering 10 * 86675 Buchdorf * Germany *
Phone: +49 9099 69-0 * Fax: +49 9099 69-930 *
email: *
Page 4
miniRepeater Model: MR903D Frequency Step Size: 200 kHz
Start Frequency
Setting 1 Start Frequency
Setting 2 Start Frequency
UL (MHz) Start Frequency
DL (MHz)
0 0 870.00 909.00
0 1 870.20 909.20
0 2 870.40 909.40
… … …
0 F 873.00 912.00
1 0 873.20 912.20
1 1 873.40 912.40
… … …
1 F 876.20 915.20
… …
F 0 918.00 957.00
F 1 918.20 957.20
… … …
F F 921.00 960.00
Start-frequency setting MR903D
miniRepeater Model: MR1903D Frequency Step Size: 250 kHz
Setting 1
Start Frequency
Setting 2
UL (MHz)
Start Frequency
DL (MHz)
0 0 1848.00 1928.00
0 1 1848.25 1928.25
0 2 1848.50 1928.50
… …
0 F 1851.75 1931.75
1 0 1852.00 1932.00
1 1 1852.25 1932.25
… …
1 F 1855.75 1935.75
… …
F 0 1908.00 1988.00
F 1 1908.25 1988.25
… …
1911.75 1991.75
Start-frequency setting MR1903D
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11. Standard Frequency Band Settings
The following tables show SF switch settings that would provide the appropriate passband frequency response
required for specific SF bands. Note that the passband response may be different than the filter bandwidth of the
miniRepeater. In these instances, the miniRepeater high rejection filter is used in conjunction with the duplexer
response to narrow the actual band-pass response.
MR803D Available IF Filters: 18 MHz
IF Filter
Bandwidth UL Start
Frequency UL Stop
Frequency DL Start
Frequency DL Stop
Frequency Passband
Bandwidth SF 1
Setting SF 2
18 MHz 806 MHz 817 MHz 851 MHz 862 MHz 11 MHz 0 F
18 MHz 817 MHz 824 MHz 862 MHz 869 MHz 7 MHz 6 9
18 MHz 806 MHz 821 MHz 851 MHz 866 MHz 15 MHz 2 3
18 MHz 821 MHz 824 MHz 866 MHz 869 MHz 3 MHz 7 D
18 MHz 806 MHz 824 MHz 851 MHz 869 MHz 18 MHz 3 2
Standard frequency band setting MR803D
MR853D Available IF Filters: 1.5, 10, 12.5, and 25 MHz
IF Filter
Bandwidth UL Start
Frequency UL Stop
Frequency DL Start
Frequency DL Stop
Frequency Passband
Bandwidth SF 1
Setting SF 2
12.5 MHz 824 MHz 835 MHz 869 MHz 880 MHz A: 11 MHz 2 B
1.5 MHz 845 MHz 846.5 MHz 890 MHz 891.5 MHz AE: 1.5 MHz A 0
10 MHz 835 MHz 845 MHz 880 MHz 890 MHz B: 10 MHz 6 9
10 MHz 846.5 MHz 849 MHz 891.5 MHz 894 MHz BE: 2.5 MHz A 2
25 MHz 824 MHz 849 MHz 869 MHz 894 MHz 25 MHz 3 2
Standard frequency band setting MR853D
MR903D Available IF Filters: 6 MHz
IF Filter
Bandwidth UL Start
Frequency UL Stop
Frequency DL Start
Frequency DL Stop
Frequency Passband
Bandwidth SF 1
Setting SF 2
6 MHz 896 MHz 901 MHz 935 MHz 940 MHz 5 MHz 7 D
6 MHz 901 MHz 902 MHz 940 MHz 941 MHz 1 MHz 9 B
6 MHz 896 MHz 902 MHz 935 MHz 941 MHz 6 MHz 8 2
Standard frequency band setting MR903D
User's Guide for
MR803D, MR853D, MR903D and MR1903D
Andrew Wireless Systems GmbH * Industriering 10 * 86675 Buchdorf * Germany *
Phone: +49 9099 69-0 * Fax: +49 9099 69-930 *
email: *
Page 6
MR1903D Available IF Filters: 5, 10, and 15 MHz
IF Filter
Bandwidth UL Start
Frequency UL Stop
Frequency DL Start
Frequency DL Stop
Frequency PCS
Block SF 1
Setting SF 2
5 MHz 1850 MHz 1855 MHz 1930 MHz 1935 MHz A1 0 8
5 MHz 1855 MHz 1860 MHz 1935 MHz 1940 MHz A2 1 C
5 MHz 1860 MHz 1865 MHz 1940 MHz 1945 MHz A3 3 0
5 MHz 1865 MHz 1870 MHz 1945 MHz 1950 MHz D 4 4
5 MHz 1870 MHz 1875 MHz 1950 MHz 1955 MHz B1 5 8
5 MHz 1875 MHz 1880 MHz 1955 MHz 1960 MHz B2 6 C
5 MHz 1880 MHz 1885 MHz 1960 MHz 1965 MHz B3 8 0
5 MHz 1885 MHz 1890 MHz 1965 MHz 1970 MHz E 9 4
5 MHz 1890 MHz 1895 MHz 1970 MHz 1975 MHz F A 8
5 MHz 1895 MHz 1900 MHz 1975 MHz 1980 MHz C1 B C
5 MHz 1900 MHz 1905 MHz 1980 MHz 1985 MHz C2 D 0
5 MHz 1905 MHz 1910 MHz 1985 MHz 1990 MHz C3 E 4
10 MHz 1850 MHz 1860 MHz 1930 MHz 1940 MHz A1 + A2 0 8
10 MHz 1855 MHz 1865 MHz 1935 MHz 1945 MHz A2+ A3 1 C
10 MHz 1860 MHz 1870 MHz 1940 MHz 1950 MHz A3 + D 3 0
10 MHz 1865 MHz 1875 MHz 1945 MHz 1955 MHz D+ B1 4 4
10 MHz 1870 MHz 1880 MHz 1950 MHz 1960 MHz B1 + B2 5 8
10 MHz 1875 MHz 1885 MHz 1955 MHz 1965 MHz B2+ B3 6 C
10 MHz 1880 MHz 1890 MHz 1960 MHz 1970 MHz B3 + E 8 0
10 MHz 1885 MHz 1895 MHz 1965 MHz 1975 MHz E+ F 9 4
10 MHz 1890 MHz 1900 MHz 1970 MHz 1980 MHz F + C1 A 8
10 MHz 1895 MHz 1905 MHz 1975 MHz 1985 MHz C1+ C2 B C
10 MHz 1900 MHz 1910 MHz 1980 MHz 1990 MHz C2 + C3 D 0
15 MHz 1850 MHz 1865 MHz 1930 MHz 1945 MHz A 0 8
15 MHz 1870 MHz 1885 MHz 1950 MHz 1965 MHz B 5 8
15 MHz 1895 MHz 1910 MHz 1975 MHz 1990 MHz C B C
Standard frequency band setting MR1903D
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12. Attenuation Setting
The attenuation of the miniRepeater can be set by
means of a rotary switch. There is a label on the
miniRepeater that shows the possible positions of the
rotary switch and the corresponding values of the
attenuation. The attenuation can be set, using a small
screwdriver, in the range from 0 dB to 20 dB in steps
of 2 dB or “auto setup” may be selected.
When auto setup is selected, the miniRepeater will
automatically set its gain to maximize RF
performance. The downlink gain will be automatically
set to operate the repeater at its maximum output
power, while not exceeding the ALC limit. The uplink
gain will be set to the value of the downlink path.
If the level of the BTS signal increases, the
miniRepeater will decrease the gain in the downlink
and uplink paths automatically. However, the
miniRepeater will increase the gain again in timely
intervals of 24 hours if the level of the BTS signal
Rotary switch for attenuation setting
13. Alarming and Supervision
13.1. Functional Description of the Alarming-
For alarming and supervision, the miniRepeater is
provided with an alarming interface represented by
two LEDs and output contacts:
LEDs and output contacts
LED1: This three-colour LED provides visual
equipment status information:
off no power feed
green normal operation condition
orange hardware alarm (out of defined power-
window) or LO (Local Oscillator) does
not lock
red temperature of repeater too high
LED2: This one-colour LED provides visual
information about the ALC-status (Automatic
Level Control):
off normal operation condition
red ALC-Alarm, ALC active
13.2. Output-Contact Configuration
a3 GND
(TTL level) b3 Heartbeat
b1 Hardware-
Alarm – C
output) b2 Hardware-
Alarm – E
a1 ALC-Alarm – C
output) a2 ALC-Alarm – E
Output-contact configuration
User's Guide for
MR803D, MR853D, MR903D and MR1903D
Andrew Wireless Systems GmbH * Industriering 10 * 86675 Buchdorf * Germany *
Phone: +49 9099 69-0 * Fax: +49 9099 69-930 *
email: *
Page 8
13.3. Output-Contact Descriptions
Output1: This is a transistor output for heartbeat
signalling. The heartbeat interval can be
set in the 1-to-72-hours range.
Output2: This optocoupler output, which is signalling
the operating condition, represents the same
functionality as LED1.
open power feed out of defined window
or LO-Alarm
or temperature-alarm
close normal operation condition
Output3: This optocoupler output, which is signalling
the ALC condition, represents the same
functionality as LED2.
open ALC-Alarm, ALC active
close normal operation condition
14. Heartbeat Setting
In a remote monitoring system, heartbeat signalling is
a very useful method to monitor whether the
supervision connection to a device is still operational.
Without heartbeat signalling, there would be no
indication if the supervision connection failed.
The heartbeat interval can be set by means of a rotary
switch, which is accessible on the top of the
miniRepeater. Use a small screwdriver to turn the
switch carefully to the position for the required interval
(1 to 72 hours) according to the label in the cover.
0 not allowed 2 1 h A 24 h
1 not allowed 3 2 h B 30 h
4 3 h C 36 h
5 4 h D 48 h
6 5 h E 60 h
7 6 h F 72 h
8 12 h
9 18 h
Heartbeat-switch settings
miniRepeater with cover
15. List of Changes
Version Changes Release
M0041AMA 07-Feb.-06
M0041AMB - Mikom GmbH
changed its name
into Andrew Wireless
Systems GmbH
- Chapter 1 changed
- Chapter 5 changed
- Chapter 7 changed
Collector-emitter voltage......50 V max
Collector current..................20 mA max
Collector-emitter voltage......50 V max
Collector current..................20 mA max
output volta
e.......4.75 to 5.25
output current.......20 mA
Position of the rotary
switch for setting of
heartbeat interval
M0041AMB.doc ID No 7164468
Page 9
© Copyright 2006 Andrew Wireless Systems GmbH
All rights reserved.
All information contained in this manual has been revised
thoroughly. Yet Andrew Wireless Systems accepts no liability for
any omissions or faults.
Andrew Wireless Systems reserves the right to change all hard- and
software characteristics without notice.
Names of products mentioned herein are used for identification
purposes only and may be trademarks and / or registered
trademarks of their respective companies.
No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronical,
mechanical photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior
written permission of the publisher.
Andrew Wireless Systems GmbH, 21-November-2006

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