Anker Technology T9170 BodySense Ear Thermometer User Manual

Anker Technology Co., Limited BodySense Ear Thermometer

User Manual

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Document ID3231565
Application IDeGy4KUlT4kOCCrq/enzeUw==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize104.66kB (1308190 bits)
Date Submitted2016-12-16 00:00:00
Date Available2016-12-16 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-12-19 18:34:38
Producing SoftwareGPL Ghostscript 9.18
Document Lastmod2017-12-19 18:34:38
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorAdobe InDesign CC 2014 (Windows)

Health &Wellness
Owner's Manual
BodySense Eur Thermometer
for FAQs and more rntormatron, please yrsrt
Imp 3 Safety Instruct ns
Read thrs rnstructron manual thoroughly before uslng the
device and keep for future felerence For speclllc Information
fegardlng your body temperature, consult a physrcran
WARNING: lhdrcates a potentlally hazardous
srtuatron whrch, rl not ayorded, could result in
senous rnrury or death.
- Do not use thrs deyrce rl sultermg from ear diseases such as
otllls externa or Dtltls medla
- Do not use thrs deurce when the external audrtory canal rs
wet, such as alter 5ernrnlng or takrng a bath.
- Do not touch the lens wrth a lrnger or breathe on rt
- Do not use In a hurnld envlronrnent or a locatron where water
may splash onto the devlce Dolng so may damage the deyrce
- Do not take any measurements immediately alter physrcal
actrvrty, as thrs can alfect body temperature. Wart thrrty
rnrnutes lor the body to return to normal temperature.
- Do not seryrce or do any marntenance work whrle the deyrce
rs ln use
- Always consult wrth your physrcran Sellrdlagncsls ol
measurement results and self-treatment are dangerous
- lf you feel drscomfort such as a parn dunng the measurement,
stop uslng the devrce Immediately
- Allow thrrty mrnutes for the deyrce to reach room
temperature rl rt rs stored rn an area wrth a drllerent
temperature than the room rn which rt wrll be used.
- Thls deyrce contarrts small parts that may present a choklng
hazard to children Keep the deyrce and all parts out of the
reach of chlldren Never leave chlldren or those who requlre
close Supervlstan unattended Wlth thls devlce
- The patrent can be the rntended operator.
- Thls devlce ls equrpped wrth a data transmrssron functron
that emits electromagnetic energy Portable Radro Frequency
(RF) communicatrons eourpment (including perrpherals such
as antenna cables and external antennas) should not be used
wrthrn lz rrt (30 cm) of the deyrce, otherwrse, performance
may be altected
- Tnls devlce should not be used when lt ls adjacent to or
stacked on top ol another devlce because rt could cause the
deyrce to operate rmproperly lf such use rs necessary, thrs
deyrce and the other deyrce should be obseryed to yenfy that
they are operatrng normally
- Thls deVlce ls powered by two AAA batterres Do not attempt
to recharge non—rechargeable batterres as thrs can cause the
batterres to leak or explode
- Tnls devlce can be powered by rechargeable battevles
- Do not mix and use drtlerent types clbatlerles together
e.g. lrthrum-ron (Ll-lon) and nlckel-metal hydrrde (NlMH)
- Do not mix new and used batterres
- Used batteries should be placed rn a sealed plastrc bag
and dlsposed or salely accordrng to local enyrronmental
- lf the device wrll not be used lor an extended penod oltrme,
remoye batterres before stonng the devlce m a cool and dry
What’s In he Box
Owner's Manual
BodySense Ear Thermometer AAA Battery (x2)
Ata GI ce
at 0
0 On / on button
0 Temperature probe 9 Scan and Memory button
9 LCD drsplay 0 Battery door
Inse lngthe Batte es
Open the battery door and rnsert two AAA batterres Make
sure the posrtrye and negatlve ends are laclng the correct
polarrty drrectrons as rndrcated tn the battery compartment
CI wrll keep flashing on the LCD drsplay when the
o Prolectlve cap
hatterles are low. Replace both hatterles at the same
tlrne. Do not rnlx new and used batteries.
Select rlg the Measur ng
When the thermometer rs turned off, press and hold the @
button tor five seconds untrl the default measurlng unrt ‘F
appears on the LCD dlsplay. Release and then press the @
button agaln to SWltch to 1:
Instal ng the App 3 Palrlng
0 Download the Eufytrte app from the App Store 
' For chtldren over 12 months and adults
5trarghten the ear canal by pulllng the ear back and up
gently as shown
9 Press the ® button and do not move untrt you hear a long
6 Remove the ear thermometer carefully lrom your ear canal
The temperature readrng wrtt appear on the drsptay and be
transmrtted to the app vra Btuetooth automatrcatty
0 Replace the protectrve cap,
— tt‘s recommended that you measure three trmes
wrth the same ear, at ts-second rntervals, and selec
the hrghest temperature readmg
- To avord the rrsx ol cross contamrnatron, clean the
the probe accordrng to the "Marntenance and
Storage” sectron atter each use.
Fever Alarm
lt the ear thermometer detects a body temperature above
99.5vr (375°C), rt wrtt emrt a serres or beeps to warn you ol a
potentrat fever
V ew ng Measurement Records
when the thermometer rs turned olt, press the ("5 button and
release The drsplay wrtt lrght up. Press the Scan/M button
agarn repeatedly to cycle through the recent measurement
records. tt wrtt store the last twelve temperature readrngs.
You can also vrew and manage measurement records by gorng
to the Htstory page tn the Eulytrte app.
Ma te nce and Sto age
10 obtatn the best perlormance, please observe the followlng
- Regularly clean the body ot the devrce wrth a dry or strghtty
dampened solt cloth
~ The probe rs the most delrcate part of the ear thermometer,
Extra care rs needed when cleanrng the lens (on the rnsrde or
the probe)
Use an alcohol swab or cotton swab morstened wrth alcohol to
clean the lens Allow the tens to lully dry tor at least 1 mrnute
belore reptacrng the protectrve cap.
- Do not wash the devrce wrth water or rmmerse rt rn water
~ Do not use detergents to clean the devrce
~ Do not shake, strtke or drop the devrce
- Do not drsassembte or attempt to reparr the devrce
- Do not store the devrce rn locatrons exposed to extreme
temperatures, humrdrty, drrect suntrght, dust or corrosrve
vapours such as bleach
~ Store the devtce and the components tn 3 clean,sale10catlon
T bleshoot
Error Message
Error Display Descr'tpticn Solution
I taken rs tower Make sure the probe rs clean
L than 961°F and tat
Temperature 60 8“F - 95 ODF
Operatrng EnVlrortrnent (16°C , 35°C)
Humtdtty 20 am RH
Temperature WF -122 wt
(40°C - 50°C)
t—tumrdrty: 10 - 55% RH
Storage Envttortment
Dlmertstort 59x23x17tn/150x58x42mm
Net Werght
Normal Body Temperature Ranges
Normal human body temperature varres dependrng on a varrety
ol lactors such as age, gender, trme at day, or rt you havelust
Thrs table shows the normal body temperatures of varrous
tocatrons Therelore, readrngs trurn drrterent locatrons, even rt
taken at the same trme, should not be drrectty compared ror
specrtrc rntormatron regardrng your body temperature, consult
a physrcran.
“F O — 2 Vears 3 — 10 Vears 11 — 65 Vears > 65 Years
Oral — 95.9 — 99.5 976 — 99,6 96 4 — 98.5
Rectal 97,9—1004 979—1004 986—1006 971—992
Axtllary 945—991 966—980 953—984 960—974
Ear 975—1004 970—1000 956—997 964—995
Core 975—1000 975—1000 982—1002 966—988
- Make sure the
batterres are
property rnstatted.
- Batterles are
N [h h notrnstatted
o rng appens m err
whenthe@ p p y
button rs pushed - Replace both
- Worn batterles batterles at the
same tlrne.
SpeCl lca tons
«Specrtrcatrons are subject to change wrthout notrce
Product Model T9170
1rtput 3 V (Z X AAA battertes)
Measurement Methude IR sensor
Thrs symbol means the product must not be drscarded
E: as household waste, and should be delrvered to an
_ approprrate cottectron taclllty tor recyclrng Proper
drsposal and recyclrng helps protect natural resources,
human health and the envrronment. For more
rntormatron on drsposal and recycllng of thrs product,
contact your local muntclpaltty, drsposat servrce, or the
shop where you bought thrs product
Thrs symbol means "Refer to rnstructron manual or
FCC Statement
Thts devlce complles wtth Part 15 01 the FCC Rules. Operation
rs sublect to the followrng two condrttcrrs  Thrs devrce may
not cause harmtut rnterterence, and (2) thrs deylce must accept
any rnterterence recerved, rnctudrng lnterterence that may
cause undesrred operatron
Warning: Changes or modrtrcatrons not expressly approved
by the party responsrbte tor comptrance could vord the user's
authorrty to operate the equrpmerrt.
Note: Thrs equtprnent has been tested and round to comply
wrth the trmrts tor a Class B dtgttat devrce, pursuant to Part15 or
the FCC Rules These trmrts are destgned to provrde reasonable
protectron agarnst harmful rnterterence tn a resrdentrat
Thrs eourpment generates, uses and can radrate radro
treouerrcy energy and, rt not rnstalled and used rn accordance
wrth the rnstructrons, may cause harmful rnterterence to
radro comrnumcatrons However, there rs no guarantee
that rnterterence wrll not occur to a partrcular rnstattatron ll
thrs eourpment does cause harmtut rnterterence to radro or
tetevrsrorr receptron, whrch can be determrned by turnlng the
equtprnent olt and on, the user rs encouraged to try to correct
the rnterterence by one or more at the tottowrng measures (1)
Reorrent or relocate the recervrng antenna <2) tncrease the
separatron between the eourpment and recerver. <3> Connect
the equrpment Into an outlet on a crrcurt dltterent lrom that to
whrch the receryer rs connected (4) Consult the dealer or an
experrenced radro/ Tv technrcran lor help
RF Warning Statement
The devtce has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure
reourrements The devrce can be used rn portable exposure
candtttons wtthout restrictlurt
stomer Serv ce
15—month1tmlted Warranty
trretrme technrcat support
support@eutylrte com
1-800-988-7973 (US) Man-Frt 9am-5pm (PST)
@Euty0tttctal °
@ @Euly01ttctat

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