Apple IPodshuffle(第二代) IPod Shuffle 功能指南 使用手册 I Podshuffle(第2代) Pod Features Guide CH
Apple Corporation iPod Shuffle (2nd generation) Features Guide - Chinese (Simplified) iPod_shuffle_Features_Guide_CH Apple Corporation - iPod Shuffle (2nd generation) - Features Guide - Chinese (Simplified)
使用手册: Apple iPodshuffle(第二代) iPodshuffle(第2代)-功能指南
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iPod shuffle 1 2 ૅ iPod shuffle ࡰ҉ݡ iPod shuffle ܢ ᄊ iPod shuffle েሧை आߦٰঙ iPod shuffle تݕ՟իت ታሙභ؉ 1 3 4 4 5 6 7 2 9 9 10 12 13 16 ᅽനߦӎۄოਣ ޓᄡ iTunes ࣞოਣෝന iTunes ᇾி؇ოਣ ࣞოਣᅽന iPod shuffle ӎۄოਣ 3 19 19 ᅿ iPod shuffle ൪և༵࣓ ࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊӨ֪௯ 4 21 21 22 22 22 iPod shuffle ఇ࣓ Apple Earphones ࡱڛ iPod shuffle Dock iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸ সᄊఇ࣓ 5 23 26 ᄊನߦႲकו ݙߦࡍܑ iPod shuffle പ࣓ 6 27 27 29 П೨රߦԂཱ ሹ႓П೨ཱ ሹ႓Ԃཱ 7 30 ੶कځݙཱc۽རࢅለ՝ 1 iPod shuffle ࡰ҉ݡ iPod shuffle 1 iPod shuffle ႓ᄊ iPod shuffleĩிပ႓ྗࣞ݅ߦ๒ოశ༵࣓ۄᅿتங൪ĩࠌࣞ๓ମᅽ ന iPod shuffled ᄊ iPod shuffle ਁķ  ᅽന݅Ⴝඪ؛᱁າ  າ podcastĩႤሷົ Internet ฤ؇সྑᅽޞӎබऍ  າָ iTunes Store ࡩ ૻݵ؇ᄗඔ٢འ  ևࡩ༵࣓҃ۜߦ๒८ĩࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊӨ֪௯ 3 iPod shuffle OFF iPod shuffle ࣇჀ؇েሧைிݶೀภ؛ӎ ۄiPod shuffle ൪؇݅cᄗඔ٢འߦ podcastd 4 ঙࡩޓҠ iPod shuffle ِࠣتᅙঙ ޓĥെҸභ iPod shuffle ႺחঙĦd ӎۄ Сྑӎ ۄ/ ᆂຶ (’)d ᆂຶ Сྑӎ ۄ/ ᆂຶ (’)d ܡүო੪ Сྑܼغო੪ (∂ ) ࡩؐغო੪ (D)d ඃىӎۄชဟ ࣞࡱӎۄঙ ޓĥ¡ ࠣሢࡱӎ݅ۄĩ ⁄ ࡩᇢСชဟ ӎ݅ۄĦd ອቩྑႤާݓ СྑྑႤ ݓ/ फ (‘)d ָ໊ঙඵӎާۄ Сྑ൪Ⴄ ݓ/ )]( ࡏd ӎۄ൪Ⴄާݓ С੨ྑ൪Ⴄ ݓ/ )]( ࡏd ອ؝Ⴄާݓ ะСഺྑӎ ۄ/ ᆂຶ (’)d फࡩࡏ СበྑႤ ݓ/ फ (‘) ࡩ൪Ⴄ ݓ/ )]( ࡏd ຶᄊ iPod shuffle Сை ĥ״СྑඪĩӤࡘ ഋߧԂĦ Сበӎ ۄ/ ᆂຶ (’) טᅡഺሴĩሒሢታሙභ؉Ցᤴ࠽െ ൜ฏഺྑd ሹܑܠԂႽሹᄊᇥ࿖Сை ĥታሙභ؉Ցെ൜ฏഺྑĦd ࣞ iPod shuffle ܑ༬ ĥത iPod shuffle ཏྻჭĦ ࣞ iPod shuffle ָ Dock ೞսd طޓiPod shuffleĩ؋ ע5 ሴĩ ࠌᅾֳחঙ๓d Ԓᇕ iPod shuffle ဟߞ ᅿ iPod shuffle ؇ࢥኒྑ୍؇ൻభ൪Ԓণdࡩᇢĩᅿ iTunes ሱ ĥᅿࣞ iPod shuffle आتங؇ೈྑĦ ĩೊᅿ qਁᅙr୍ ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffle ӋئС qඃሤrҵಈd ؝1ᇅ iPod shuffle iPod shuffle ࣞ iPod shuffle आሢتஙႽᅽന݅ࢅ๒ოశ༵࣓ĩӋتݕ՟իتd״ிՐ ࠌೊٰঙ iPod shuffled iPod shuffle ႓ࣞ iPod shuffle आሢتஙķ m ࣞ iPod shuffle םܚ؇ Dock आتங൪؇ USB ٬dࠌࣞ iPod shuffle ۄന Dock ሱd ቡࢀ Dock ৹ࢨ֢၆۵۞ ੵ܃USB ؎५ၟ۷ԁԍdࡽၴൔႬ USB 2.0 ؎५d ҆ဵൔႬࡳഌ֩ USB ؎५d ״ிැֳࣞ iPod shuffle आتஙඪĩqiPod ඃሤቛrࡘќቛிఇሤ iPod shuffle Ӌ๓ᄲ iTunes Ӧd ൔ iPod shuffle ეഌ֩ iTunes ራਜॳ҈ᆱޮĩᆾဵୡࢀ iPod shuffle ৹ࢨ֢၆ĩऀߺԟཇ၆ᄹྔ༓ĩໝୡൢڒཛྷဵეྑഌ֩ iTunes ራਜॳ҈dೆݘୡཛྷဵАੁ iPod shuffle ഌ֖ఱ֩ၿୁ಼ĩ౬σ qಀ ཬr dࠋᆄĩσ qԲൿܗઝ֩ۧ౻rၟࢀୁ಼խԩ֢ iPod shuffle ഌĩѭࢀܗઝ ֩ۧ౻ॎС֢ྑ ֩iTunes ራਜॳᇓdႹܵྔأۻ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋ qiTunes Ͼᇽrd iPod shuffle ሀᅿᅽ നოశ༵࣓ࡩࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊӨ֪௯ඪĩಯཡٰঙ iPod shuffledிস ႽԒণqiTunesr֕نӨ؇ཱࡩࣁԒ iPod shuffle ታሙභ؉Ⴝىව۰সႽٰ ঙ iPod shuffled ೆݘୡᄡ iTunes ᇓॅ֢ q҆ဵؒऻrྔ༓ĩࠋᆄ iPod shuffle ഌ֩ᆻ ൙֫ӳᣖ ߟ೨නĩᄹୡхྺ༹ԟ iPod shuffle ಚޮҐग़ၟؒऻdڒᄹĩୡग़ ୃߺ෩ߎ iPod shuffle ഌ֩໗ࡵd തிࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊ֪௯ ĥೊӷᅩ ؝19 ႜĦĩᆗଦֳٝңဘྗ໙ս iPod shuffle ࠌᅾٰঙ๓d ؝1ᇅ iPod shuffle 5 ႓໙ս iPod shuffleķ m ᅿ iTunes ሱĩئС qਁᅙr୍ђሱ؇ iPod shuffle ௷Ҫ؇໙սСை (C)d തிᄊ؇ව MacĩᆗႛসႽົࣞቿ୍൪؇ iPod shuffle ҵሢێሞਁ໙ ս iPod shuffled തிᄊ؇ව Windows PCĩᆗႛসႽئС྄ໆ௯ሱ؇П೨൙քჹ࣓ҵӋာ ᆖ iPod shuffleĩႽְ໙ս iPod shuffled ႓ٰঙ iPod shuffleķ m ࣞ iPod shuffle ָ Dock ೞսd iPod shuffle םᄗႤடሤ؇সիتت՟d ༛੶ࡨ؆ክࢦ࿔ĩැֳᄊ iPod shuffle ඪೊتݕ՟իଃتdߝल؇ت՟সᅿ טᅡ੨࿎ඪࠌի ت80Ģĩטڙᅡป࿎ඪࠌᆗࡘիଃتd തிᄗႤٯඪࢹଢᄗᄊ iPod shuffle ੶ĩᆗসပ႓تݕ՟իتd ႓ᄊتஙتݕ՟իتķ m ᄊםܚ؇ iPod shuffle Dock ࣞ iPod shuffle आتங൪؇ܼݡ USB ٬dت ஙңဘחঙಱ༥फനฆ୨බӮتݕ՟իتĥ࿖ߞ؇ Macintosh ᅿฆ୨බ ሱসႽ ݕiPod shuffle իتĦd ت՟ሀᅿիتඪĩiPod shuffle ൪؇ታሙභ؉ࣞՑᤴ࠽െdت՟իଃتඪĩታሙ භ؉ࣞүՐെd ቡೆݘᆢᄡࢀ iPod shuffle ႬቘՌ ĥ౬ҙᄋֿ 19 ှĦĩࠋᆄ iTunes ᆢᄡᄟೊ ۧ౻ࠋഥ ᇆ֢ iPod shuffle ഌ૯ĩሕฃᆻ൙֫ࢀӳᣖߟ೨නĩᆇњ൙ୡхྺ༹ ԟ iPod shuffle ಚޮҐୃؒऻd തிታ ሙභ؉Ӥ੬ĩᆗ iPod shuffle স ༥आሢܼݡ USB ٬dೊԩت ங൪؇๒ USB ٬d ቡ۷ԁԍൌĩୡग़ၟᄟೊၿd തி႓ᅿଢᄗआتங؇ೈྑ ݕiPod shuffle իتĩிসႽࣞ iPod shuffle आ iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸ ĥসָ ݵ؆Ħd 6 ؝1ᇅ iPod shuffle ႓ᄊ iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸تݕ՟իتķ 1 ࣮ࣞઢԎ໊සఇ౸आሢتᅙසఇ౸ ĥ๓ମসႺआߜĦd 2 ೊࣞ iPod shuffle Dock ؇ USB आ໊आتᅙසఇ౸d 3 ࣞتᅙසఇ౸ԎനႺົت؇تᅙԎኸd 4 ࣞ iPod shuffle ۄന Dock ሱd ൔႬఱ౬ ᄋֿ 28 ှഌܵჃൔႬ iPod USB Power Adapter னచ֩ෲႹ ρಊථd ᅿիଃتሏಏĩிႛসႽٰঙ iPod shuffle Ӌᄊ๓d ቡग़ԍԁ֩ԍՕൢႹཏ֩dԁ൴ଅވԍՕෟൔႬٞވىഥᇆػ ё߈dႹܵྔ༓ĩ౬٤ໝ ״ிঙ iPod shuffle ࡩᇢָࣞتஙࡩتᅙසఇ౸ٰঙඪĩታሙභ؉ࡘ݃ላி ت՟ טᅡ ࠰ගྑ ځ൴ت੪dೊӷᅩྑऍሱ؇Ҹݎdത iPod shuffle Ⴚा වחঙ ؇ĩிসႽะޓҠ iPod shuffle ࠌᅾሹחঙ๓ĩႽְࣁԒت՟ታڙӤሱٰ ࡏۄd iPod shuffle ᄗ੨ݓሙභ؉ĩႤݓᅿنӨĩႤݓᅿؚӨd״ிСྑႤݓСைඪĩᇥ੨ ݓሙභ؉ݶሙභت՟؇ታcව۰ࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊ֪௯ĩࡩᇢව۰ڡඕגཤ ؋ೈd ؝1ᇅ iPod shuffle 7 ঙࡩٰঙ െ ت՟ت੪իኢ (30% – 100%) ᤴ࠽െ ت՟ت੪ؐ (10% – 30%) ࠅെ ت՟ت੪ۆԪؐ (< 10%) ሙභ؉Ӥ੬ ࣮ປ൜ฏĩെႤྑߦ ᤴ࠽െ੨ྑ ĥ ݔ10 ሴĦ ଢᄗت੪ սגķңဘࡍܑ iPod shuffle Ⴚआ൪ ᤴ࠽െ ĥ՝ဥĦ ሀᅿիت െ ĥ՝ဥĦ Ⴚիଃت Ցᤴ࠽െ൜ ĥ՝ဥĦ Ӥ႓ٰঙ ĥiTunes ሀᅿӦĩࡩႺࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊ֪௯Ħ СྑСை െ ӎ)’( ۄ െ ĥ1 ەሴĦ ᆂຶ (’) Сበķ െĩࠌՑᤴ࠽െ ൜ฏഺྑ ຶᄊСை ᤴ࠽െĩࠌՑെ ൜ฏഺྑ ᄊСை െ ܼغო੪ (∂ ) ࡩؐغო੪ (D) Ցᤴ࠽െ൜ฏഺྑ Ⴚהᄊࠞඃى؇ო੪ྭሧ Сበ : െ ሙභ؉Ӥ੬ Ցᤴ࠽െ൜ฏഺྑ െ Ⴚהᄊࠞඃى؇ო੪ྭሧ ൪Ⴄ)]( ާݓ Сበķ െ )]( ࡏ െ ྑႤ)‘( ާݓ Сበķ െ ഋߧСை ܼغო੪ (∂ ) ࡩؐغო੪ (D) Ⴚהክܼࡩክؐ؇ო੪ྭሧ फ (‘) ᤴ࠽െ ཏԂ ĥСை҆ຶᄊĦ Ցെߦᤴ࠽െ࣮ປ սגķଢᄗᅽനოਣ ൜ฏ ĥ ݔ2 ሴĦ ״iPod shuffle ሀᅿӎ݅ۄඪ Ցࠅെ൜ฏ ĥ՝ဥĦ 8 ؝1ᇅ iPod shuffle ت՟؇ت੪ࢍࠎ҆ߝल 2 ᅽനߦӎۄოਣ 2 iPod shuffle iPod shuffle ႓ᄊ iPod shuffleĩೊྗࣞ݅cᄗඔ٢འߦ podcast ĥޞӎබ؇ოశऍĦෝന تங൪ĩࠌᅾࣞ๓ମᅽന iPod shuffledೊࢡဥᅩ٢Ⴝ੶कְՓሱྯޓӦ ؇ځݙཱĩሱѩ৵ķ  ָி؇ CD ԁcჹ௯ࡩ iTunes StoreĥiTunes ຖݤ؇Ⴄ۽རĩऩᅿ࿖ࢧࡩ ؛সᄊĦࡨ؆ოਣሢتங൪؇ iTunes ჭᄊՓဟሱ  ࣞ݅ߦ๒ოశᇾӎۄҸሱ  ࣞ݅cᄗඔ٢འߦ podcast ᅽന iPod shuffle  ඪ؛᱁າოਣࡩ๒ოశ iTunes iTunes වႤঢ়പ࣓ĩிসႽᄊ๓ࣞოਣcᄗඔ٢འc podcast ؋Ӧ iPod shuffled״ிࣞ iPod shuffle आሢتஙඪĩ iTunes ࡘናِחঙd ҉ාԊฌതߧᄊ iTunes ࣞ݅ߦ๒ოశෝനتஙcࣞክཱྀЛ؇݅֙ ࣛՐݓഈာࢄĥՍ༛ӎۄҸĦcࣞ๓ମᅽന iPod shuffle Ⴝࢅغᇾ iPod shuffle ඃሤd iTunes ࠰ᄗ๒ယݡځdᄗޓཱĩೊחঙ iTunes Ӌာೞ qќቛr > q iTunes ќቛrd 9 iTunes ႓ᅿ iPod shuffle ൪᱁າოਣĩැྗிပ႓ࣞოਣෝനتங൪؇ iTunes ሱd ࣞოਣෝሢ iTunes ؇ڧڼᄗഺሷķ  ૻݵოਣߦᄗඔ٢འĩࡩָ iTunes Store ᅿྮྑᅽ podcastd  ָოਣޝ௯ෝനოਣd  ຢࢨოਣࢅ๒Ⴚևᅿتங൪؇ოశd iTunes Store Podcast ത ி؇ تஙႺआሢ Internetĩி फ़সႽೀภ؛ᄊ iTunes Store ᅿྮૻݵӋྑ ᅽ݅cቧࢂߦᄗඔ٢འdிႛসႽݵيӋྑᅽ podcast ĥޞӎබ؇ოశऍĦd ႓ᄊ iTunes Store ᅿྮૻݵოਣĩிңဘᅿ iTunes ሱ ඃ੍ Apple ᇍࠞĩࠌԒᇕ Ӌૻݵ๐ပ݅dതிႺाᄗ Apple ᇍࠞĩࡩᇢව America Online (AOL) ᇍࠞĥऩ සᄊᄡ࿖ࢧߦ؛ĦĩᆗসႽᄊ൪෯ᇍࠞਁ؊ૅ iTunes Store Ӌ݅ૻݵd ႓؊ૅ iTunes Storeķ m חঙ iTunesĩࠌķ  തிႺाჼᄗ iTunes ᇍࠞĩೊာೞ qStorer > q؊ૅrd  തி࠰ଢᄗ iTunes ᇍࠞĩೊာೞqStorer >q֙ࣛᇍࠞrĩࠌСᇘూሙභ ඃ੍ Apple ᇍࠞĩࡩᇢෝനྥᄗ؇ Apple ᇍࠞࡩ AOL ᇍཱࠞd ႓Ԓᇕ݅cᄗඔ٢འߦ podcastķ ிস Ⴝ᜴ࡩ ศ๎ iTunes Storeĩᇕ႓Ԓᇕ؇ቧࢂc݅ࡩҸၨᇢdחঙ iTunes ӋئС qਁᅙr୍ђሱ؇ qiTunes Storerd  ႓᜴ iTunes Storeĩೊᅿ iTunes Store ቘ֕ሱĩָ qChoose Genrerĥာೞਭ ĦײսබӴרሱာೞႤሷოਣਭĩئС๐ྣභ؇ڡའࡩ݅ሏႤĩࡩᇢئ С q᜴rСைd  ႓᜴ podcastĩೊئС iTunes Store ቘ֕ሱ؇ Podcasts आd  ႓ศ๎ iTunes Storeĩೊᅿ qศ๎ iTunes Storerਅሱ࣑നቧࢂc݅cҸၨᇢࡩ ࢧ؇ୢՍd 10 ؝2ᇅ  ႓์࿎ศ๎༘ڵĩೊᅿ qศ๎ iTunes Storerਅሱ࣑നศ๎டചĩСྑ࣑௯൪؇ Return ࣑ࡩ Enter ࣑ĩࠌئСศ๎ਅሱ؇dതĩ႓ࣞ์༘ڵ࿎༛݅ୢՍ ߦቧࢂĩᆗೊئС qMUSICrd  ႓ศ๎؇ከߨĩೊئС qiTunes Storer֕ሱ؇ qPower Searchrd  ႓ ࡏڴiTunes Store ቘႜĩೊئС iTunes Store ቘ֕ኲ൪ࣺ؇ቘႜСைd ႓݅ૻݵcቧࢂࡩᄗඔ٢འķ 1 ᅿ qਁᅙr୍ђሱئС qiTunes StorerĩࠌԒᇕ႓ૻݵ؇d ிসႽСႤැ݅ࡩ๒Ⴝາ๓؇ӨەடചĩႽى๓වிྺ႓ૻݵ؇d 2 ئС qBuy Songrĥ݅ૻݵĦcqBuy AlbumrĥૻݵቧࢂĦࡩ qBuy Bookrĥݵ ૻᄗඔ٢འĦd ܠࡘྑᅽሢتஙĩېڙᄊࡘָி؇ Apple ᇍࠞࡩᇢ AOL ᇍࠞሱս؇ᄊগ൪ քd ႓ྑᅽࡩ ݵيpodcastķ 1 ᅿ qਁᅙr୍ђሱئС qiTunes Storerd 2 ئС iTunes Store ቘႜኲԉ൪؇ Podcasts आd 3 ᜴ிྺ႓ྑᅽ؇ podcastd  ႓ྑᅽ ݓרpodcast ቧທऍĩೊئСܠቧທऍ௷Ҫ؇qࡨ؆ቧທऍrСைd  ႓ ݵيpodcastĩೊئС ܠpodcast ௷Ҫ؇qSubscriberĥݵيĦСைdiTunes ࡘྑᅽ ክ ؇ቧທऍd״؇ቧທऍসᄊඪĩതி؇تஙႺआሢ Internetĩᆗ๓ମࡘናِྑᅽሢ iTunesd iTunes ೊСᇘႽྑฌࣞოਣָ CD ෝനሢ iTunesd ႓ࣞოਣָოਣޝ௯ෝനሢ iTunesķ 1 ࣞ CD ԎനتஙሱӋחঙ iTunesd ത ி؇تங Ⴚआሢ Internetĩ iTunes फ़সႽָ Internet ൪ࡨ ؆ CD ݅؇ୢՍ ĥതᄗĦĩӋᅿ֕ܠሱսᇥ࿖ୢՍd തி؇تஙଢᄗ Internet आĩᆗসႽྗෝന CDĩᅿ൯ࠌआ Internet ඪĩာ ೞ qܼࢋr > qࡨೞ CD ާୢՍrd iTunes फ़ࡘࡨೞ๐ෝന؇ CD ؇ާୢՍd ത་൪ଢᄗ ܠCD ާ؇ୢՍĩᆗসႽාِෝന݅؇ୢՍdೊӷᅩ ؝12 ႜqෝ ന݅؇ୢՍࢅ๒྇ऍrd ົෝനཱ݅ĩிসႽႩᇘ݅ୢՍcҸၨᇢcቧࢂࢅڼځݙබਁ᜴ iTunes ሱ؇݅d ؝2ᇅ 11 2 തிӤྺෝന CD ൪؇࿖݅ĩೊئСႽೢ݅ط௷Ҫ؇ቡ࢜ߞd 3 ئС qෝന CDrСைd iTunes ֕نӨ؇ྣභᄹྣභෝനଦැ݅႓ࠟځԫ ඪࢹd ᅉඃೈྑĩሜ႓Ⴄෝന݅ĩ iTunes फ़ࡘӎۄ๓ମdത႓ෝനߵ݅ځĩᆗস ပ႓ຶሚӎ݅ۄႽຖܼခd 4 ႓໙ս CDĩೊئС໙սСை (C)d 5 ሹܑᇥ࿖Ӧĩָ๒ CD ሱෝനிྺ႓؇݅d ிস Ⴝාِ ༛ iTunes ሱ؇݅ߦ๒ ෝന݅ୢ Սࢅ๒ཱ ĥѩ৵ ቡෆĦd ႓ාِෝന CD ݅ୢՍߦ๒ཱķ 1 ာᆖ CD ൪؇؝Ⴄާݓĩࠌာೞ q༵࣓r > qྣභࣇजrd 2 ئС qࣇजrd 3 ෝനཱ݅d 4 ئС qྑႤݓrႽෝനྑႤާݓ؇ཱd iTunes തி؇تங൪Ⴚाᄗოਣ༵࣓ĥത MP3ĦĩᆗসႽೀภࣞ؛๓ମຢࢨ iTunes d ႓ ࣞتங൪؇݅ຢࢨሢ iTunes ķ m ࣞѩ߅ოశ༵࣓؇༵࣓ࢥࡩ֪௯ሢᅿ iTunes qਁᅙr୍ђሱ௨ᅿክಏ؇ ĥࡩᇢာೞ q༵࣓r > qຢࢨrĩࠌာᆖ༵࣓ࢥࡩ֪௯Ħdത iTunes ለ՝݅؇༵࣓ݎබĩ݅फ़ࡘናِຢࢨሢ iTunes d ிႛসႽࣞݓһ༵࣓݅ሢ iTunesd ቡൔႬ Windows ϵ֩ iTunesĩୡग़ၟࢀႲ Windows Media Player Իࡽ֩൷А ֩ખၿ ໗ࡵላߔຽ iTunes ಼֩໗ࡵ۰൘ĩ৬ೆ AAC ࠋ MP3dೆݘୡ֩ၿ ൢൔႬ WMA ۰൘эખĩᄹၟഌୃ܃٨ӌႹႬdႹܵྔأۻ༓ĩ౬չऻ iTunes ѭ ࿎ಀ qϾᇽr > q iTunes Ͼᇽrd ᄊ iTunesĩிসႽСഋߧڼබࣞ݅ߦ๒ᇾҸሱ ĥՍ༛ӎۄҸĦd തĩிসႽ֙ࣛٮඪາ؇݅ӎۄҸĩࡩᇢ֙ࣛසߨӤೈ؇݅ӎۄ Ҹd ி ႛস Ⴝ֙ ࣛ ݖ८ி ๐ာ ؇ޡᆗና ِݙ؇ረ ӎۄҸd״ிࣞ݅ຢࢨ ሢ iTunes ඪĩത݅ߨۺ࿖ޡᆗĩ๓ମफ़ࡘናِ҆ຢࢨሢܠረӎۄҸሱd 12 ؝2ᇅ ிসႽᄊ iTunes ሱഋ੪؇݅ਁ֙ࣛलসځ؇ӎۄҸdࣞ݅ຢ ࢨሢӎۄҸࡩ൯ࠌָࣞӎۄҸሱႯኞӋӤࡘࣞ๓ָ iTunes ሱႯኞd ႓ᅿ iTunes ሱ֙ࣛӎۄҸķ 1 ئСຢࢨСை (∂ ) ࡩာೞ q༵࣓r > qࣛӎۄҸrd 2 ༛ӎۄҸ࣑നႤݓୢՍd 3 ᅿ qrҸሱئС qოਣrĩࠌࣞ݅ࡩ๒ሢӎۄҸሱd ႓ာᆖځැ݅ĩೊСበ Mac ࣑௯൪؇ Shift ࣑ࡩ Command (x) ࣑ࡩᇢ Windows PC ࣑௯൪؇ Shift ࣑ࡩ Control ࣑ĩᄲְඪೊئСଦැ݅d ႓֙ࣛረӎۄҸķ m ာೞ q༵࣓r > qࣛረӎۄҸrĩࠌىӎۄҸ؇ޡᆗd iPod shuffle ᅿ iTunes ሱෝനӋᇾოਣࠌĩிफ़সႽೀภࣞ؛ოਣᅽന iPod shuffled ிসႽඃ ىതߧࣞოਣָ iTunes ᅽ ന iPod shuffleĩڧڼවࣞ iPod shuffle आ تஙĩᅿ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffleĩӋఇሤ qடചr୍ђؚӨ൪؇ာd ᅽനოਣࢅᄊ iPod shuffle ؇ࢨܚာࣞսྥᅿ qඃሤr୍ђሱd iPod shuffle ሜပئСႤྑСைĩiTunes फ़ݶናِࣞ๐ာ؇݅ᅽന iPod shuffledிসႽာ ೞָᇾݓ ࡩݓຍى؇ӎۄҸࡨೞ݅ĩႽࢅඃ ىqናِ ຣիr؇๒ ာd ႓ࣞოਣናِຣի iPod shuffleķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle आሢتஙd 2 ೊָ qਁᅙr୍ђ؇ඃ҃Ҹሱာᆖ iPod shuffled 3 ئС qடചrҵಈd ؝2ᇅ 13 4 ᄊײսබӴਁרာೞிྺ႓ָሱናِຣի݅؇ӎۄҸd ႓ָᇾݓናِຣիოਣĩೊာೞ qოਣrd 5 ာᆖႽྑிྺ႓؇ာķ ࡱာೞķ ״iTunes ࣞ݅ᅽന iPod shuffle ඪĩ๓ࣞࡱ௨ᇥ࿖݅dത ଢᄗာሱְာĩᆗ iTunes ࡘСᇘ݅ᅿࡩ๐ာӎۄҸሱսྥ؇ชဟ ਁྑᅽd ඵሶာೞుࢰܼݙ؇݅ķiTunes ࡘናِຣիிክԪາ؇݅d ናِຣիඪປ࠲๐ᄗķiTunes ࣞо iPod shuffle ൪؇݅ປ࠲༛ிႺाာೞ؇ ݅dത༥ာሱְာĩᆗႺाᅽന iPod shuffle ؇݅ࡘ༝՝Ӥүĩڙಱ iTunes ࡘာᆖ݅ځݙႽຣիসᄊ؇ৄࢹd 6 ئС qናِຣիrd ״ოਣָ iTunes ᅽന iPod shuffle ඪĩqiTunes ታr֕ࣞྣභफ٩dናِຣ իՐඪĩ iTunes ሱࡘսྥႤᆗཱĩຖභ q iPod ݙႺՐrd iTunes ிসႽඃ ىiTunes ሜናِຣիᅿ iTunes ሱာሱ؇dிႺाೞ࿊ာ ᆖ؇ ࣞ҆ࠏd ႓ࣞናِຣի؇ྭ༘ڵሧ༛ာሱ؇ķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle आሢتஙd 2 ״iPod shuffle սྥᅿ iTunes ֕ሱඪĩೊာᆖ๓d 3 ئС qඃሤrҵಈd 4 ာᆖ qሜݙာሱ؇݅rd 5 ئС qჭᄊrd Podcast ிসႽාِࣞ݅ߦӎۄҸᅽന iPod shuffledതிྺ႓ࣞᄗඔ٢འߦ podcast ᅽന iPod shuffleĩᆗңဘාِᅽന๓ମd ႓ࣞ݅ࡩ๒ᅽന iPod shuffleķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle आሢتஙd 2 ᅿ iTunes ሱĩᅿ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖி؇ࡩӎۄҸd 3 ָ qਁᅙr୍ђሱࣞ݅ࡩ๒ሢ iPod shuffle ሱd ிႛসႽႯᇾݓӎۄҸႽࣞ๓ମᅽന iPod shuffled 14 ؝2ᇅ iPod shuffle ݅҆ᅽന iPod shuffle ሏࠌĩிসႽᄊᄲ iTunes ሱഋߧӎۄҸྯ؇ ਁڧڼ௨݅؇ชဟd ႓௨ iPod shuffle ൪؇݅؇ชဟķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle आሢتஙd 2 ᅿ iTunes ؇ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffled 3 ئС qடചrҵಈd 4 ئС؝Ⴄਅ൪؇߳െҵ໊ႽСҫߞਁ௨݅؇ชဟd 5 Ⴏ݅Ⴝ௨Րிྺ႓؇ชဟd iPod shuffle തி Ⴝܼ༬ะ ݎබ ĥത AIFFĦࣞ݅ෝന iTunesĩᆗসႽඃ ىiTunes ᅿ ݅҆ᅽന iPod shuffle ඪናِࣞ๓ମቩ࠲༛ 128 kbps ؇ AAC ༵࣓dᇥӤࡘჷྻ iTunes ሱ؇݅؇ოራࡩט࿎d ቡೆۧݘ౻֩۰൘҆Ш iPod shuffle ᆪӿĥ৬ೆ Apple LosslessĦĩᄹୡңဘላߔ ఇ۰ ൘Ґୃࢀ ૐᄟೊ֢ iPod shuffledႹܵ iPod shuffle ᆪӿ֩۰൘֩ྔأۻ༓ĩ ౬ҙᄋֿ 24 ှ qೆݘୡ҆ୃࢀۧ౻ࠋఇ෴ཟᄟೊ֢ iPod shufflerd ႓ࣞ༬ะܼݙ؇݅ቩ࠲༛ AAC ༵࣓ķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle आሢتஙd 2 ᅿ iTunes ؇ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffled 3 ئС qඃሤrҵಈd 4 ာᆖ qࣞ༬ะܼݙ؇݅ቩ࠲༛ 128 kbps AACrd 5 ئС qჭᄊrd iPod shuffle ிসႽഀ iTunes ᅿிᄊ qናِຣիrᅽനඪናِປ࠲ iPod shuffle ൪؇dி ႛসႽාָِࣞ iPod shuffle Ⴏኞd ႓ᅿናِຣիඪናِປ࠲ iPod shuffle ൪؇ķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle आሢتஙd 2 ᅿ iTunes ؇ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffled 3 ೊာᆖ qடചrҵಈd 4 ೊىႺာᆖ qናِຣիඪປ࠲๐ᄗrd ႓Ⴏኞ iPod shuffle ൪؇݅ࡩ๒ķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle आሢتஙd 2 ᅿ iTunes ؇ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffled ؝2ᇅ 15 3 ာᆖ iPod shuffle ൪؇Ⴄැ݅ࡩᇢ๒ĩࠌСྑ࣑௯൪؇ Delete ࣑ࡩᇢ Backspace ࣑d ාָِ iPod shuffle Ⴏኞ݅ࡩ๒Ӥࡘָ iTunes ൙ք݅d ࣞოਣߦ๒ოశᅽന iPod shuffle ሏࠌĩிҮসႽ൨๓੶d ႓൨ iPod shuffle ൪؇݅ࢅ๒ķ 1 ೊࣞࡱڛԎന iPod shuffle Ӌࣞڛസۄനڅڛሱd 2 Сྑӎ ۄ/ ᆂຶ (’)d Сྑܼغო੪ (∂ ) ࡩؐغო੪ (D) Ⴝغᇾო੪dपڿоო੪غ؆ܼdೊӷᅩ ؝17 ႜ qඃىო੪ྭሧrd ൔႬఱ౬ᄋֿ 28 ှ ഌႹܵщ૫๔৳෩ഈ֩ෲႹρಊථd ᄗ ޓiPod shuffle েሧை؇ᆭ႓ĩೊӷᅩ ؝4 ႜ qᄊ iPod shuffle েሧைrd ቡೆݘୡᆢᄡ൰๔Ⴙശ༂ĩ౬ࢀqෟࠓѰ٦rऻܵഥຽᇛ( ڳ⁄)ĩ՚ୃػ ܘσඬ࿁Ѱ٦۶۵ᅧࢯd iPod shuffle ிসႽඃ ىiPod shuffle ࡱӎ݅ۄࡩСชဟӎ݅ۄd ႓ඃ ىiPod shuffle ࡱӎ݅ۄķ m ࣞ qࡱӎۄrঙࠣޓሢࡱӎ݅ۄ (¡)d ႓ሹࡱӎ݅ۄĩೊะСഺྑӎ ۄ/ ᆂຶ (’)d ႓ඃ ىiPod shuffle Сชဟӎ݅ۄķ m ࣞ qࡱӎۄrঙࠣޓሢሹܑӎ݅ۄ (⁄)d ႓ࡏڴሢ؝Ⴄැ݅ĩೊะСഺྑӎ ۄ/ ᆂຶ (’)d ݖ८ოశ؇ૅሧࡩҫڼබĩ݅ࢅ๒ოశ؇ྻ٩সࡘᄗ๐ӤdiTunes ݶ ናِ غᇾ݅؇ ო੪ĩָڙႽ ྯ؇ྯ ٵო੪ӎۄ๓ମdிসႽඃ ىiPod shuffle Ӳᄊ iTunes ؇ო੪ඃሤd 16 ؝2ᇅ ႓ࣞ iTunes ඃى༛Ⴝྯო੪ӎ݅ۄķ 1 ᅿ iTunes ሱĩာೞ qiTunesr > qᅉሤrĥതிᄊ؇ව MacĦĩࡩာೞ qҫࢂr > qబߜඃሤrĥതிᄊ؇ව Windows PCĦd 2 ئС qࡏۄrӋာᆖ qო੪ాrd ႓ඃ ىiPod shuffle Ӳᄊ iTunes ؇ო੪ඃሤķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle आሢتஙd 2 ᅿ iTunes ؇ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffled 3 ئС qඃሤrҵಈd 4 ာᆖ qᄊო੪ాrd 5 ئС qჭᄊrd ೆݘᄡ iTunes ᇓగႬ qၿޝr ĩࠫൔᄡ iPod shuffle ഌ࣍ྟഥ ĩွ҆ߺఓቘႬd ிসႽᅿ iPod shuffle ൪༛ო੪ඃሤႤྭݓሧdிႛসႽᅿ iTunes ඃୃ ىႽڿሚ ܠඃሤ҆๒ഈܡݙd തிႺ ाᅿ iPod shuffle ൪ඃ੶ ىო੪ྭሧĩᆗ״ி ԩࣞო੪ܼغԳսྭܠ ሧඪĩታሙභ؉ࡘՑᤴ࠽െ൜ฏഺྑd ႓༛ iPod shuffle ඃىო੪ྭሧķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle ؇ო੪ඃى༛๐ပ؇ክטო੪d 2 ࣞ iPod shuffle आሢتஙd 3 ᅿ iTunes ؇ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffled 4 ئС qඃሤrҵಈd 5 ာᆖ qྭሧክטო੪rd 6 ࣞࠣሢ๐ပ؇ክטო੪d ״ிာሱ qྭሧክטო੪rቡ࢜ݎඪĩռඵࠣඃሤࣞྣභ iPod shuffle ҆ඃى؇ ო੪d 7 ႓ඃְܡݙىඃሤඪ႓ຖୃݤĩೊئС๏ҵӋෝനୃd തிඃୃ੶ىĩᆗңဘෝന๓Ӯࡩܡݙೞ࿊ო੪ྭሧd ቡೆݘୡൔႬ҆֩ؽࠋࠓؽĩᄹၿग़ୃߺႹෲ҆d ؝2ᇅ 17 ႓ೢطო੪ྭሧķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle आሢتஙd 2 ᅿ iTunes ؇ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffled 3 ئС qඃሤrҵಈd 4 ೞ࿊ာᆖ qྭሧክטო੪rd ത႓؇ࠧĩೊෝനୃd ቡೆݘୡັ࠾ਘખĩᄹग़ၟ߯ ڳiPod shuffled౬ҙᄋֿ 26 ှ qڳ߯ވྑۻ iPod shuffle ೌࡵrၟਘࢷྔأۻ༓d iPod shuffle ிসႽຶᄊ iPod shuffle ൪؇Сைĩָ״ڙСྑ๓ମඪӤࡘഋߧԂd ႓ຶᄊ iPod shuffle Сைķ m Сበӎ ۄ/ ᆂຶ (’) ഺሴd ታሙභ؉ࡘՑെ൜ฏĩࠌՑᤴ࠽െ൜ฏഺྑĩᇥඪСைफ़ࡘ҆ຶᄊdСை҆ ຶᄊඪĩതிСྑݓСைĩታሙභ؉ࡘՑᤴ࠽െ൜ฏႤྑd ႓ሹᄊСைķ m ᅾֳСበӎ ۄ/ ᆂຶ (’) ഺሴd ታሙභ؉ࡘՑᤴ࠽െ൜ฏĩࠌՑെ൜ฏഺྑĩᇥඪСைफ़ࡘ҆ᄊd 18 ؝2ᇅ 3 ᅿ iPod shuffle ൪և༵࣓ 3 iPod shuffle ೊᅩ٢҉ऍႽ੶कതߧࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊӨ֪௯d iPod shuffle ிসႽࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊӨ֪௯ĩႽև८༵࣓d ቡဵᄟೊୡཛྷဵྏഊ֩ၿࠧఇ෴ၿ֢ iPod shuffleĩୡхྺൔႬ iTunesdୡ ҆ୃ Ѱ٦ൔ Ⴌ Macintosh Finder ࠋ Windows ራ჻ܹড়చॎС֢ iPod shuffle ֩ ၿ ໗ࡵd ႓ࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊӨ֪௯ķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle आሢتஙd 2 ᅿ iTunes ؇ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffled 3 ئС qඃሤrҵಈd 4 ᅿ qာrӨەĩာᆖ qᄊ֪௯rd ቡୡ҆٢ལ༳ײݓၟҴॅՌഥᇆd 5 غᇾࠣႽඃٵྯىᄡ८ڙ༛݅ᅉટ؇ৄࢹd 6 ئС qჭᄊrd ״ி ࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊӨ֪௯ඪĩ iPod shuffle ֪௯ҵࡘսྥ ᅿ Mac تங؇ ቿ୍ ൪ĩࡩᇢᅿ Windows PC ؇ Windows ᅙ ޗ౸ሱྣභ ༛ྑႤݓসᄊ؇ِ ౸௯ۺd ״ிࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊ֪௯ඪĩிসႽָႤتங༵࣓ࣞෝઘႤتஙd iPod shuffle ҆ݎබࠦ༛ FAT-32 ኙॾĩ Mac ߦ PC ٝለ՝ᇥሷݎබdᇥᅯယிᄊ iPod shuffle ᅿԂ྄ໆӤྯ؇تஙሏࢹෝ༵࣓d 19 ႓ᅿځتஙሏࢹෝ༵࣓ķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊ֪௯ሏࠌĩೊࣞ๓आி႓ָሱࡨೞ༵࣓؇تஙd ֖ୡࢀ iPod shuffle ৹ࢨ֢ఇ෴ĥࠋഌ֩҆Ⴌ߀ᅯ߀Ħĩࢀ ԟཇ၆ᄹྔ ༓ĩໝୡൢڒཛྷဵଏ יiPod shuffle ѭე ྑ֩ۂiTunes ራਜॳ ҈dೆݘୡ҆ཛྷԦ iPod shuffle ഌ֖ఱ֩ၿୁ಼ĩ౬σ qಀཬrd 2 ᄊتங؇྄༵࣓ໆ ĥMac ൪؇ Finderc PC ൪؇ Windows ᅙޗ౸Ħĩࣞிྺ ႓؇༵࣓ iPod shuffled 3 ٰঙ iPod shuffleĩࠌࣞ๓आઘႤتஙd ႄ؇ೈĩതிӤྺ൙ք iPod shuffle ൪״ಏ؇ოਣடചĩೊئС qೞ࿊rd 4 ָ༵࣓ࣞ iPod shuffle تங؇֪௯ሱd iTunes ிসႽኧሚ iTunes ᅿிࣞ iPod shuffle आتஙඪናِחঙd ႓ኧሚ iTunes ናِחঙķ 1 ࣞ iPod shuffle आሢتஙd 2 ᅿ iTunes ؇ qਁᅙr୍ђሱĩာᆖ iPod shuffled 3 ئС qඃሤrҵಈd 4 ᅿ qာrӨەĩೞ࿊ာᆖ qआְ iPod ඪחঙ iTunesrd 5 ئС qჭᄊrd 20 ؝3ᇅ iPod shuffle 4 iPod shuffle ఇ࣓ iPod shuffle 4 iPod shuffle Dock ੶क Apple Earphones ࡱڛc iPod shuffle Dock ࢅ iPod shuffle ؇๒সᄊఇ࣓d Apple Earphones iPod shuffle םܚႤܼٵራ੪؇ࡱڛd ႓ᄊڛസබࡱڛķ m ࣞࡱڛԎനࡱڛ٬dࠌത๐භĩࣞڛസබۄനڅڛሱd ൔႬఱ౬ᄋֿ 28 ှഌႹܵщ૫๔৳෩ഈ֩ෲႹρಊථd 21 iPod shuffle Dock iPod shuffle םܚႤ ݓiPod shuffle ĥןڟ؝Ħ DockĩிসႽᄊ๓ࣞ iPod shuffle आتஙࢅ๒ USB ඃ҃dೊӷᅩ ؝5 ႜ qआߦٰঙ iPod shufflerd iPod USB Power Adapter iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸වসာݵ؇ఇ࣓ĩ๓ிݶᅿଢᄗआتங؇ ೈྑ ݕiPod shuffle իتd ႓ ૻݵiPod shuffle ఇ࣓ĩೊ ༻ۂ সᄊఇ࣓ѩ৵ķ  Apple iPod In-Ear Headphones ࡱڛ  iPod shuffle ĥןڟ؝Ħ Dock  iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸ 22 ؝4ᇅ iPod shuffle 5 ᄊನߦႲकו 5 iPod shuffle 5 R തிᄊ iPod shuffle ඪᄽ༻ທĩೊ࢜በᇥབ҉ࡰݓ؇ࣛგdೊቑႤԩᇥ࿖ Ӧሒ༻ທ؆कইdതྑሱႤࣛݓგӤኟ࿔ĩೊࢡဥᅩ٢Ⴝျᇕຍى ༻ທ؇कইڼХd  ࣞ iPod shuffle ܑ༬ĩڧڼවطޓ๓ĩ؋עབሴĩࠌሹঙ๓d  തிᅿ iTunes ሱণӤ iPod shuffleĩೊሹ๒ USB ٬d  ሹِி؇تஙĩӋىிႺПቯክ؇പ࣓ݙd  ᄊ་૰൪؇ክѓ҉ਁሹПቯ iTunes പ࣓d  ࡍܑ iPod shuffledೊӷᅩ ؝26 ႜ qݙߦࡍܑ iPod shuffle പ࣓rd ത iPod shuffle חӤঙࡩཏྻჭ  തிСྑݓСைඪታሙභ؉Ցᤴ࠽െ൜ฏĩᆗฌ iPod shuffle Сை҆ຶ ᄊ੶dСበӎ ۄ/ ᆂຶ (’) טᅡഺሴĩሒሢታሙභ؉Ցെ൜ฏd  ࣞ iPod shuffle आت ங൪؇ܼݡ USB ٬dி؇ iPod shuffle ت՟সပ႓ ሹիتd  طޓiPod shuffleĩ؋עབሴĩࠌᅾֳחঙ๓d  ிပ႓ࡍܑ iPod shuffle പ࣓dೊӷᅩ ؝26 ႜ qݙߦࡍܑ iPod shuffle പ࣓rd 23 ത iPod shuffle Ӥӎۄოਣ  ڛىസࡩࡱڛԎ໊ႺԎؚd  ىო੪Ⴚසغ״ᇾdসႺඃ੶ىო੪ྭሧdೊӷᅩ ؝17 ႜqඃىო੪ྭሧrd  iPod shuffle সႺᆂຶӎۄdԩСྑӎ ۄ/ ᆂຶ (’)d ത iPod shuffle ᅿआሢتஙࠌଢᄗྻჭ  ࣞ iPod shuffle आت ங൪؇ܼݡ USB ٬diPod shuffle সပ႓ሹիتd  ىிႺाПቯ੶ָ ྑᅽ؇ክ iTunes പ࣓d  ԩआሢتங൪؇๒ USB ٬dೊ ىiPod shuffle Ⴚਛ؛އԎᅿ Dock ሱd ىUSB आ໊؇ڼ࿁ሀd๓ሜָႤڼݓ࿁Ԏനd  সပ႓ࣞ iPod shuffle ܑ༬d طޓiPod shuffleĩ؋עབሴĩࠌᅾֳחঙ๓d  തሙභ؉Ӥ੬ĥࡩሙභ؉ߵТĦĩӋಱ iPod shuffle ଢᄗսྥᅿ iTunes ࡩ Finder ሱĩᆗت՟؇ت੪সႺߝलd ݕiPod shuffle ؇ت՟իەࢍتሴĩႽҮԒণ๓ ව۰ႺाࡍܑሀԪd  ىி؇تஙߦപ࣓ߨۺ႓dೊӷᅩ ؝25 ႜqതிྺ྇ࣁԒ྄ໆ႓rd  ԩሹِتஙd  ത൪෯ࣛგ༥कই༻ທĩᆗসပ႓ࡍܑ iPod പ࣓dೊӷᅩ ؝26 ႜqݙ ߦࡍܑ iPod shuffle പ࣓rd  തࡍܑ iPod shuffle ཏڧकই༻ທĩᆗসပ႓ဋ iPod shuffledிসႽᅿ ؇༝ဋߦለ՝་ᇁ൪П௨ iPod shuffle ؇༝ဋරႴd ത݅ᅽനะ٩ߵଆ ೊࣞ iPod shuffle आሢتங൪؇ USB 2.0 ٬Ⴝࡨ؆ݙ؇ᅽനะ٩d USB 2.0 ᅽ ന݅ߦ८؇ะ٩ғ USB 1.1 ؆ځd തிӤࣞ݅ࡩ๒ᅽന iPod shuffle ݅؇ҫݎබসව iPod shuffle Ӥለ՝؇ݎබd iPod shuffle ለ՝Ⴝྑოశ༵࣓ ݎබdѩ৵ᄗඔ٢འߦ podcast ؇ݎබķ  AAC ĥM4Ac M4B ߦ M4PĦĥክܼস ה320 KbpsĦ  MP3 ĥክܼস ה320 KbpsĦ  MP3 সү༬ะ (VBR)  WAV  AA ĥ ᄶო༵ንĩݎබ 2c 3 ߦ 4Ħ  AIFF 24 ؝5ᇅ ᄊ Apple Lossless ݎබҫ؇݅॰ ᄗᇾ CD ራ੪؇ඔოĩᄲᄊ AIFF ࡩ WAV ݎබҫ؇݅ྯғĩಏᇢ๐ᆿᄊ؇ৄࢹטᅡሜᄗࠌᇢ؇ႤјdႤැ݅ĩ തႽ AAC ࡩ MP3 ݎබҫĩᆗᆿᄊ؇ৄࢹࣞݙ൴dᄊ iTunes ָ CD ൪ෝനო ਣඪĩᅉඃೈྑĩოਣࡘ҆ቩ࠲༛ AAC ݎබd ிসႽඃ ىiPod shuffle ᅿ݅҆ᅽന iPod shuffle ඪናِࣞႽܼݙ༬ะफҫ ؇༵࣓ĥത Apple LosslessĦቩ࠲༛ 128 kbps AAC ༵࣓dೊӷᅩ ؝15 ႜqࣞݙ ݅ځᅽന iPod shufflerd ᄊ Windows ѓ؇ iTunesĩிসႽࣞ༥Ѯࠛ؇ WMA ༵࣓ቩ࠲༛ AAC ࡩ MP3 ݎ බdതி؇ԁሱ؇ოਣවᄊ WMA ݎබफҫ؇ĩᆗႽ൪ݡۆԪᄗᄊd iPod shuffle Ӥለ՝ Apple Losslessc WMAc MPEG Layer 1c MPEG Layer 2 ოశ༵࣓c ࡩ ݎබ 1d ത iTunes ሱᄗႤැ݅؇ݎබӤ҆ iPod shuffle ለ՝ĩிসႽࣞቩ࠲༛ iPod shuffle ለ՝؇ݎබdᄗځݙޓཱĩೊӷᅩ qiTunes ќቛrd തᄗඔ٢འሱ؇ᇅऍଢᄗСᇘชဟӎۄ  ೊ ࣞىiPod shuffle ൪؇ qࡱӎۄrঙޓඃى༛ሹܑӎ݅ۄ (⁄)ĩָڙ ݶСชဟӎۄᄗඔ٢འ؇ݓݔᇅऍd  തཏဟࣞ؛ᇅऍຢࢨ iPod shuffleĩᆗೊࣞ iPod shuffle आتஙӋᄊ iTunes ሹᇾާdೊӷᅩ ؝15 ႜ q௨ iPod shuffle ൪؇݅؇ชဟrd തிྺ྇ࣁԒ྄ໆ႓ ႓ᄊ iPod shuffleĩிңဘ॰҃Ⴝྑສ࣓ķ  ႽྑتஙఇሤሏႤķ  ఇ҃ USB ٬ ĥࣛგᄊ USB 2.0Ħ؇ Macintosh  ఇ҃ USB ٬ࡩПቯ੶ USB গ ĥࣛგᄊ USB 2.0Ħ؇ Windows PC  ႽྑԂ྄ໆሏႤķMac OS X v10.3.9 ࡩܼݙѓ҉c Windows 2000 ĥቯᄗ Service Pack 4 ࡩܼݙѓ҉Ħĩࡩᇢ Windows XP Home ࡩ Professional ĥቯᄗ Service Pack 2 ࡩܼݙѓ҉Ħ  Internet आന ĥࣛგᄊড়םआĦ  iTunes 7.0.2 ࡩܼݙѓ҉ ĥiTunes সָ ྑᅽĦ തி؇ Windows PC ༥ఇܼ҃ݡ؇ USB ٬ĩᆗসႽૻݵӋПቯ USB 2.0 গd ᄗޓཱĩೊ ༻ۂ ؝5ᇅ 25 തிྺ႓ఇߨ Mac ߦ Windows PC ᄊ iPod shuffle ሜ႓ிࣞ iPod shuffle ᄲ๒ iTunes Ӧĩཏᄊණଛ྄ໆĩிٝңဘ୭ طႺևᅿ iPod shuffle ൪؇ოਣd״ிࣞ iPod shuffle आ๒تஙࡩᄊࠞᇍ ࠞඪĩࡘսྥႤᆗཱĩ်༻ிව۰ྺ႓୭ طiPod shuffle ӋӦ؇ iTunes d වĩᅿ Macintosh تஙߦ PC تங൪ĩிٝসႽࣞ iPod shuffle ᄊӨ֪௯ĩᇥ ிָ࣓༵ࣞݶႤݓԂ྄ໆෝઘႤݓԂ྄ໆdೊӷᅩ ؝19 ႜ ؝3 ᇅ qᅿ iPod shuffle ൪և༵࣓rd iPod shuffle ிসႽ ᄊ iTunes ਁݙࡩࡍܑ iPod shuffle പ࣓dࣛგ ிݙ iPod shuffleĩႽҮ ᄊክ؇പ࣓dிႛসႽࡍܑപ࣓ĩᇥࡘࣞ iPod shuffle ࡍܑ༛ռඵታd  തிာೞݙĩᆗࡘݙപ࣓ĩி؇ඃሤߦ݅Ӥჷྻd  തிာೞࡍܑĩᆗࡘ୭ طiPod shuffle ൪؇๐ᄗ८ĩѩ৵݅ࢅ๒๐ᄗ ८d iPod shuffle ؇๐ᄗඃሤٝࡘࡍܑ༛ռඵታd ႓ݙࡩࡍܑ iPod shuffleķ 1 ೊىி؇تஙႺाआሢ Internet Ӌָ Пቯ੶ክ ѓ҉؇ iTunesd 2 ࣞ iPod shuffle आሢتஙd 3 ᅿ iTunes ؇ qਁᅙr୍ђሱာᆖ iPod shuffleĩӋئС qඃሤrҵಈd qѓ҉rӨึ݃ࣞەி iPod shuffle ව۰Пቯ੶ክѓ҉؇പ࣓ĩࡩᇢပ႓Пቯܼݙ ѓ҉؇പ࣓d 4 ሕႽྑӦሏႤķ  ႓Пቯപ࣓؇ክѓ҉ĩೊئС qݙrd  ႓ࣞ iPod shuffle ࡍܑ༛ᅒඵඃሤĩೊئС qࡍܑrdᇥࡘ୭ طiPod shuffle ൪؇ ๐ᄗ८dೊСᇘూሙභਁՐࡍܑफՓd 26 ؝5ᇅ 6 П೨රߦԂཱ 6 iPod shuffle ± ຽਘщ૫෩ߎ iPod shuffleĩൔႬᆱఱ౬༹ᄋၟ༳ෲႹρಊྔ༓ވҤቘ ථd ೊൡѮ ޗiPod shuffle ؇ݡሙஔႽਁࣞݤӷফd ҆ቒ൳ᆇླྀρಊථग़ୃߺ֡ᇅࠉᄝcࠐcఇ෴ഈࠋݡ෩ߎd ᄊ iPod shuffle ೊཡc້ሡcࢌ၄cֱ֎cۘ൰ࡩחঙ iPod shuffled ҧ ۄᅿ ᄗฅࡩ Ը ඣ؇ ڼ ؛ಯ ཡ ᅿᄱ ሱcྃ ਫ਼ ఋ ܚय ࡩ๒ Ըඣ ؇ ڼ ؛ᄊ iPod shuffledೊቡӤ႓ࣞഋߧඬའࡩႣບഴ૭ᅿ iPod shuffle ൪dႤо iPod shuffle ்ඣ੶ĩೊлྑ๐ᄗྮਏĩӋᅿೄሏಏ طޓiPod shuffleĩ๓Հؚү ܦሏࠌӮᅾֳחঙd ༝ဋ iPod shuffle ಯཡԩና༝ဋ iPod shufflediPod shuffle Ӥ߅ᄊࠞসናဋ ؇࣓dᄗޓ༝ဋཱĩೊָ iTunes qќቛrӴרሱာೞ qiPod ќቛrĩࡩ༻ۂᄊࠞӤসና ࠲ݙiPod shuffle ؇ت՟dᄗޓ ت՟؇ځݙཱĩೊ ༻ۂ 27 ᄊ iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸ ĥەঙ࿉ුĦ തிᄊ iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸ ĥᅿ ەঙ࿉ුĦ ݕiPod shuffle իتĩೊ تىᅙසఇ౸Ⴚ೨ቯఇߜᅾԎനتᅙԎኸdࠌࣞ iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ ౸ਛ؛އԎനتᅙසఇ౸dขා்ඣඪೊཡԎл iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸d ೊཡᄊ Apple iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸ሏ؇تᅙසఇ౸ਁݕி؇ iPod shuffle իتd ሀԪᄊೈྑ iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸সࡘڡഅdೊ iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸ሽ༘؇ॄඵሶѮ՝ົۦĩӋपඒԂd ࢮതսྥႽྑഋߧೈሏႤĩೊлྑ iPod USB Power Adapter සఇ౸ķ  تᅙྮࡩԎ໊Ⴚ୪็ࡩ็ࠬd  සఇ౸ѴિᅿᄱฅሱࡩەԸඣd  සఇ౸শႺ็ࠬd  ிআ؆සఇ౸ပ႓फ༝ဋd  ிྺೄසఇ౸d ڿሚາੑ็൦ ᄊڛസࡩࡱڛඪоო੪غ؆ߵܼসࡘሣᄇ॔ခາੑ็൦dೊ ࣞო੪غП೨ฅాdາႤٯඪࢹოਣࠌĩிࡘཿܼޚႤ࿖؇ო੪ĩসາ ਁߵሀԪĩࠬ็ࡘி؇າੑdതிܭআڛୠࡩᇢາ؇ඔო୨ࠖӤೄĩೊຶ ሚ൨ოਣӋࣁԒி؇າੑdო੪ᅢטĩາੑफ़ࡘᅢჷྻdາআቧࢧࣛგி ӲᄊྑਁڧڼѮࠛາੑķ  ྭሧᅿܼო੪ྑᄊڛസࡩ໊לබࡱڛ؇ඪࢹd  ҧົܼغო੪ਁݑਸᗝᅸ؇ॄd  തிཏڧາ௷ഈ؇ฌࠧඔĩೊࣞო੪ؐغd ᄗޓതߧᅿ iPod shuffle ൪ඃىო੪ྭሧ؇ཱĩೊӷᅩ ؝17 ႜqඃىო੪ྭሧrd П೨ᄊࣛ ࡱ ڛგிӤ႓ᅿࢲԼඪᄊࡱڛĩڙಱ ᅿႤ࿖؛ĩᇥවӤߨڧ؇d ೊࢄሱ ቡੑ࿎ࢲ පdᅿࢲපഋߧ ਭ؇Լ੩ ࡩफഋߧပ႓೨ඌޜቡ ؇ࡥِ ඪĩതྥڡາოਣሣቡੑەഽĩೊຶሚᄊ iPod shuffled 28 ؝6ᇅ ҆ቒ՚ᆇླྀҤቘථग़ୃߺ֡ᇅ෩ߎ iPod shuffle ࠋఇ෴ґ༂d םiPod shuffle iPod shuffle ѩ߅ܭခከ࣓dೊཡc້ሡࡩࢌ၄ iPod shuffled ᄊआ໊ߦ٬ ೊཡಞሧоआ໊Ԏന٬dೊࣁԒ٬ව۰٣സdതआ໊Ӥ ೀჀ؛Ԏനሢ٬ሱĩᆗฌ๓ମসӤదఇdೊىԎ໊ᄲ٬దఇĩӋಱԎ໊ ߦ٬؇ڼ࿁ྯٵჭd iPod shuffle Ѯ ՝ ᅿস ؇༳٩ ༘ ڵட ೊ ᅿ༳٩ ඵሶ जᄡ 0º ߦ 35º C ሏࢹ ĥ32º 95º FĦ؇ڼ؛ᄊ iPod shuffledᅿؐ༳ສ࣓ྑĩ iPod ؇ӎۄඪࢹসࡘᆂ ඪ์٭d ೊࣞ iPod shuffle ۄᄡ ༳٩Ѯ ՝ᅿ -20º ߦ 45º C ሏࢹ ĥ-4º 113º FĦ؇ڼ ؛dӤ႓ ࣞ iPod shuffle ႮટᅿԼடĩმ༛ຶۄ؇Լ੩ட؇༳٩ࡘԳܠ༳٩༘ڵd ״ிᄊ iPod shuffle ࡩتݕ՟իتඪĩ iPod shuffle үഅ෭ᄡሀԪೈd iPod shuffle ؇ শࣞඃ҃ டӨ؇അ੪ ሢ୍ ं؇ৄ ౹ሱĩָڙ ഽഅ؇ ᄊd Ѯ՝ iPod shuffle Ҹ୍ೄओ ႓ೄओ iPod shuffleĩೊࣞ๓ָ Dock ೞսӋطޓ iPod shuffledࠌᄊഞപcඣരcӤഛ؇ӥӪdҧঙԸdೊཡ ᄊӪ֕౸cࢧᄊೄओ౸cఊཞcങcॗ़cОฅࡩၛ୪ਁೄ iPod shuffled ሀ ؛iPod shuffle ᄗޓതߧሀ iPod shuffle ؇ཱĩѩ ৵๒ሹ႓؇ ߨۺޡڧཱĩೊӷᅩ ؝31 ႜ qRegulatory Compliance Informationrd ؝6ᇅ 29 7 ੶कځݙཱc۽རࢅለ՝ iPod shuffle 7 Web ྑҸज൷ָߧসႽࡨ؆ᄲ iPod ྯޓ؇പ࣓ߦ۽རཱd 30 ۽རᄲለ՝ccࣿՓ ࢅ Apple പ࣓ྑᅽ ೊ༻ۂķ ᄊ iTunes חঙ iTunes Ӌာೞqќቛr >qiTunes ќቛrd႓ࡨೞ iTunes ་ ൪ࣿՓ ĥऩᅿ࿖؛ຖݤĦĩೊ༻ۂķ ᄗ ޓiPod shuffle ؇ክཱ ೊ༻ۂķ ቡԊ iPod shuffle ႓ቡԊ iPod shuffleĩೊᅿتங൪Пቯ iTunes Ӌआ iPod shuffled Ԓᇕ iPod shuffle ဟߞ ᅿ iPod shuffle ؇ ࢥኒྑ୍ ؇ൻభ൪ Ԓণdࡩ ᇢĩᅿ iTunes ሱ ĥᅿࣞ iPod shuffle आتங؇ೈྑĦ ĩೊᅿ qਁᅙr୍ђ ሱာᆖ iPod shuffle ӋئС qඃሤrҵಈd ࡨೞѮဋ۽ར ැྗӷᇘ҉ාԊcూќቛߦ་൪ᅙ؇ࣛგĩࠌ༻ۂķ Regulatory Compliance Information FCC Compliance Statement This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. See instructions if interference to radio or television reception is suspected. Radio and Television Interference This computer equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio-frequency energy. If it is not installed and used properly—that is, in strict accordance with Apple’s instructions—it may cause interference with radio and television reception. If necessary, consult an Apple-authorized service provider or Apple. See the service and support information that came with your Apple product. Or, consult an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. Important: Changes or modifications to this product not authorized by Apple Inc. could void the EMC compliance and negate your authority to operate the product. This product was tested for EMC compliance under conditions that included the use of Apple peripheral devices and Apple shielded cables and connectors between system components. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device in accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of FCC rules. These specifications are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. It is important that you use Apple peripheral devices and shielded cables and connectors between system components to reduce the possibility of causing interference to radios, television sets, and other electronic devices. You can obtain Apple peripheral devices and the proper shielded cables and connectors through an Apple Authorized Reseller. For non-Apple peripheral devices, contact the manufacturer or dealer for assistance. You can determine whether your computer system is causing interference by turning it off. If the interference stops, it was probably caused by the computer or one of the peripheral devices. Responsible party (contact for FCC matters only): Apple Inc. Product Compliance, 1 Infinite Loop M/S 26-A, Cupertino, CA 95014-2084, 408-974-2000. If your computer system does cause interference to radio or television reception, try to correct the interference by using one or more of the following measures:  Turn the television or radio antenna until the interference stops.  Move the computer to one side or the other of the television or radio.  Move the computer farther away from the television or radio.  Plug the computer into an outlet that is on a different circuit from the television or radio. (That is, make certain the computer and the television or radio are on circuits controlled by different circuit breakers or fuses.) This Class B device meets all requirements of the Canadian interference-causing equipment regulations. Industry Canada Statement Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada. VCCI Class B Statement Korea Class B Statement 31 Russia European Community Complies with European Directives 2006/95/EEC and 89/336/EEC. ߦࡏཱ iPod ߅ᄗت՟dೊݖ८؛״؇Ѯڧߦਁޡڧ iPodd ᄗ ޓApple ࡏ࢛ࠥ؇ཱĩೊ༻ۂķ Deutschland: Dieses Gerät enthält Batterien. Bitte nicht in den Hausmüll werfen. Entsorgen Sie dieses Gerätes am Ende seines Lebenszyklus entsprechend der maßgeblichen gesetzlichen Regelungen. China: Nederlands: Gebruikte batterijen kunnen worden ingeleverd bij de chemokar of in een speciale batterijcontainer voor klein chemisch afval (kca) worden gedeponeerd. European Union—Disposal Information: This symbol means that according to local laws and regulations your product should be disposed of separately from household waste. When this product reaches its end of life, take it to a collection point designated by local authorities. Some collection points accept products for free. The separate collection and recycling of your product at the time of disposal will help conserve natural resources and ensure that it is recycled in a manner that protects human health and the environment. Apple ߦॄ Apple ݦตႺाදᄗᆕഋࣞԂߦԣసٵ ॄᆑՐ؇ჷྻࣨክ࿎d ᄗځݙޓཱĩೊ༻ۂķ © 2007 Apple Inc. ѮટႤಯੈd Applec఼c Apple ҵሟc FireWirec iPodc iTunesc Macc Macintosh ߦ Mac OS ව Apple Inc. ᅿଧࢅ๒ࢧߦ؛ቡԊ؇൧ҵd Finder ߦ Shuffle ව Apple Inc. ؇൧ҵd Apple Store ව Apple Inc. ᅿଧࢅ๒ࢧߦ ؛ቡԊ؇۽རҵ࢜dᇥ਼ຖࢅ؇๒ݦตߦԣస؇ୢՍসව ྯჭݦต؇൧ҵd ຖࢅ؇؝ഺڼԣసऩӷফĩӋӤןҸ Apple ሏഌসࡩ໙࣋d Apple ٵᇥ࿖ԣస؇ခࡩᄊܢӤܗᆕd๐ᄗস؇੭कc࿚ გࡩѮဋٝሒआڡඕᅿݤჭ൧ߦಐᅿᄊࠞሏࢹdགྷମႺलੑѮ ҉ාԊ൪؇ཱቻd Apple ٵშࡩ༵ንגཤܢӤܗᆕd CH019-0996/2007-6 Taiwan: 32
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Page Count : 32 Page Mode : UseOutlines Page Layout : SinglePage XMP Toolkit : XMP toolkit 2.9.1-13, framework 1.6 About : uuid:e901bd7c-260b-11dc-b515-0003937b3278 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 6.0 for Macintosh Modify Date : 2007:06:29 14:42:30+08:00 Creator Tool : FrameMaker 6.0 Create Date : 2007:06:29 14:18:21Z Metadata Date : 2007:06:29 14:42:30+08:00 Document ID : uuid:65b8b36c-260b-11dc-b515-0003937b3278 Format : application/pdf Creator : Title : iPod shuffle 功能指南 Author : Keywords : kmanual, kshuffle2EXIF Metadata provided by