Applied Wireless Identifications Group HB2000 UHF RFID Handheld Reader/Writer User Manual MPR Serial Communication Protocol

Applied Wireless Identifications Group Inc. UHF RFID Handheld Reader/Writer MPR Serial Communication Protocol

User Manual.pdf

AWID PROPRIETARYHB-2000 Handheld RFID ReaderHB-2000User Operation Manual - 041478
AWID PROPRIETARYCOPYRIGHT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe contents of this document are the property of Applied Wireless  Identifications  Group, Inc.(AWID) and  are copyrighted.  All  rights  reserved.  Any  reproduction, in  whole  or  in  part,  isstrictly prohibited. For additional copies of this document please contact:AWID18300 Sutter BlvdMorgan Hill, CA 95037http://www.AWID.comThe information contained herein has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate,no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. AWID reserves the right to make changeswithout prior notice. This document is not covered by any warranty either expressed orimplied. Any comments, corrections or additions to the contents of this document should bedirected to AWID at the above address.Copyright 2013 AWID, Printed in USA.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.FCC COMPLI AN C EThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installedand used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, theuser is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiveris connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.CAU TIONAny changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible forcompliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the followingtwo conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2 ) this device
AWID PROPRIETARYmust accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesiredoperation.Radiation Exposure Statement:The product complies with the FCC portable RF exposure limit set forth for anuncontrolled environment and is safe for intended operation as described in this manual.Further RF exposure reduction can be achieved if the product can be kept as far aspossible from the user body or set the device to lower output power if such function isavailable.
AWID PROPRIETARYTable of ContentsREVISION HISTORY................................................................................................................... 51 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................61.1 SPECIAL FEATURES ............................................................................................................. 62 SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................73 SETTING UP HB-2000 ............................................................................................... 8Parts List.................................................................................................................................... 83.1 HB-2000 TERMINAL ........................................................................................................... 83.2 SCANNER TRIGGERS ........................................................................................................... 93.3 CIRCULAR COVER ............................................................................................................. 103.4 INSTALLING BATTERY ...................................................................................................... 113.5 POWER CHARGING ............................................................................................................ 12Use Power Supply for Terminal with Battery .......................................................................... 123.6 LED INDICATORS ON TERMINAL ....................................................................................... 133.7 BUZZER............................................................................................................................. 134 HB-2000 SYSTEM RESET ....................................................................................... 145 BLUETOOTH MODULE AND CONNECTIVITY ....................................................... 156 PAIRING HB-2000 WITH A PC ................................................................................ 166.1 ADD BLUETOOTH DEVICE HB-2000 ................................................................................. 166.2 SEARCHING HB-2000 ....................................................................................................... 166.3 PAIRING ............................................................................................................................ 176.4 BLUETOOTH SETUP CONFIRMATION ................................................................................. 197 RFID READER AND DEMO SW ..............................................................................21Figure 1 Initial Bluetooth Devices Window .......................................................................16Figure 2 Bluetooth device candidates ..............................................................................17Figure 3 Pairing option selection window .........................................................................18Figure 4 Pairing code entry .............................................................................................. 18Figure 5 Pairing completed .............................................................................................. 19Figure 6 Resulting Bluetooth Devices window .................................................................19Figure 7 HB-2000 Properties Window ..............................................................................20
AWID PROPRIETARYREVISION HISTORYVersionNo.DateSectionsAffectedRemarks1.09/2013-Initial version
AWID PROPRIETARY1 IntroductionAWID's HB-2000 is a handheld terminal supporting multi-protocol operations. Designedfor convenience, mobility and greater flexibility, the HB-2000, via Bluetooth connection,can be operated with a PDA, a Smartphone or a PC/Notebook, to receive and transmitdata of RFID labels.Equipped  with  a  circular polarized  antenna,  the  HB2000  is  optimized  to  deliver  up  to 5feet  RFID  tag  read  distance  with  only  ½  Watt  RF  output  power.  With  communicationoptions  include  Bluetooth  Class2,  LED  and  Trigger  it  provides  flexibility  for  transmittingdata to enterprise data management systems.1.1 Special FeaturesMulti-Protocol: EPC C1 Gen 2, ISO Type B/CThin passive tags with long-range performanceHigh performance circular polarized antennaOperated with a PDA or a Smart Phone or a PC/Notebook
AWID PROPRIETARY2 SpecificationsCommon RF Specifications (North America Versions only)Transmit frequency................................................. 902-928 MHz (ASK)Receiver frequency................................................. 902-928 MHz (ASK)Hopping channels................................................... 50 ChannelsChannel spacing..................................................... 200kHzHopping sequence.................................................. Pseudo RandomProtocol language................................................... EPC C1 Gen 1 & 2, ISO Type B, CRead range............................................................. Depends on type & size of labels usedOutput power...........................................................26.82 dBmHandheld Reader (HB-2000)Operating temperature range…………………….......-20 C to +50 C (-4 F to 122 F)Color…………………….............................................White (front) Grey (back)Link interface……………………................................Bluetooth Class 2Dimension.................................................................8 x 3 x 2.2 inches (203 x 75.5 x 57 mm)Weight....................................................................... 250 g (8.8 oz battery included)Battery .................................................................... .7.4 V / 1300mAh
AWID PROPRIETARY3 Setting Up HB-2000This section describes the main components constituting HB-2000 and their functionality.Parts ListVerify that all items listed below are present:HB-2000 TerminalPower SupplyBattery3.1 HB-2000 TerminalThe HB-2000 terminal is embedded with an UHF RFID module, UHF antenna, batteryand external (left and right) triggers, buzzer sound outlet and LED status indicators.
AWID PROPRIETARY3.2 Scanner TriggersLocated on left and right sides of the terminal for user to press for reading RFID tags,release to stop reading.1) Press either the left or right trigger to send command reading RFID tags, release the(depressed) trigger to send the stop command.2) Simultaneously press both left and right triggers for more than 2 seconds puts HB -2000 in sleep mode.3) With HB-2000 in sleep mode, simultaneously press both left and right triggers for morethan 2 seconds places HB-2000 in stand-by mode: both RFID module and Bluetoothstay off.
AWID PROPRIETARY4) To conserve energy, with Bluetooth connected, hold either the left or right trigger foran extended time period will shut off RFID, the green LED goes off (Bluetoothconnection still intact).5) With Bluetooth connected, if RFID is off (dimmed green LED), pressing either triggeronce will turn on RFID (green LED lights up).3.3 Circular Cover- Turn the circular cover left (counterclockwise) to open, right (clockwise) to close.
AWID PROPRIETARY3.4 Installing Batterydepress the battery compartment open/close latch (orange)at same time pull back battery compartment cover until released from latch, pull up.insert battery into compartment, be sure the blue triangle points upwardpress the cover toward orange latch until snapped in place
AWID PROPRIETARY3.5 Power ChargingUse Power Supply for Terminal with Battery1) Power Supply SpecificationsInput: 100-240 VAC 0.55 A, 50-60HzOutput: 12 VDC 2A / Plug2) Use Manufacturer Supplied Power Supply3) Must first have battery in compartment4) Refer to 3.6 for LED info.
- 13 - 9/16/20133.6 LED indicators on terminalSystem LED1) Steady Green - Stand-by2) Blinking Orange - Data3) Dimmed - HB-2000 in SleepBluetooth LED1) Blinking Blue - Bluetooth Disconnected2) Steady Blue - Bluetooth Connected3) Dimmed - HB-2000 in SleepPower LEDBattery Only1) Steady Green - Sufficient (battery)power for normal tag operations2) Steady Red - Warning of insufficientpower (either recharge or replacebattery)3) Dimmed - (a) Battery Power used upand (b) HB-2000 in SleepPower Supply Plugged Ina. With Battery1) Steady Orange - Battery Charging2) Steady Green - Battery fully charged, 5 minutes after Bluetoothdisconnect the unit goes into sleep mode, all LED's go offb. Without Battery - Steady Green indicating full power3.7 BuzzerA longish sound is made to alert user when either of the following occurs:1. from sleep to ready2. from ready to sleepA shorter sound is made when an RFID tag is read. It can be muted byadministering the setting through the connecting PC, tablet or Smartphone bysending a command to HB-2000.
9/16/2013 Confidential Page 14 of 21 9/16/20134 HB-2000 System ResetWhen a system reset is called for, remove the battery, wait until HB-2000 iscompletely powered off then replace the battery.
9/16/2013 Confidential Page 15 of 21 9/16/20135 Bluetooth Module and ConnectivityConnection Settings: 57600,8,N,1Version: Bluetooth Class 2 or betterBluetooth Module Function: Data exchange with PC, tablet or Smartphone viaBluetooth after are successful pairing.Pairing Success: Once paired successfully, the Bluetooth Module shuts downits search mode. In other words, it no longer broadcasts and looks for ot herdevices, even after disconnect it won't resume in search mode. The BluetoothModule remembers the connected device from the most recent successfulpairing.Unless the HB-2000 is reset resulting in a re-paring, the Bluetooth Module willnot accept a pairing request from another device. Even after a power reset(e.g., due to battery replacement), the module still remembers the most recentsuccessfully paired-up device.Bluetooth Module provides a "connected/disconnected" status indicator.Bluetooth Module provides a "successful pairing" status indicator.
9/16/2013 Confidential Page 16 of 21 9/16/20136 Pairing HB-2000 with a PC6.1 Add Bluetooth Device HB-2000Clicking the Bluetooth icon on PC1, without any Bluetooth device paired an emptywindow2 is displayed as shown below.Figure 1 Initial Bluetooth Devices Window6.2 Searching HB-2000Click the "Add a device" button launches a search to identify Bluetooth devicecandidates. An example result window is shown in Figure 2 where an HB-2000 islisted.1 Either with built-in Bluetooth functionality or through use of a Bluetooth Dongle.2 Depending on Bluetooth utilities in use, the interface (windows) may look quite different.
9/16/2013 Confidential Page 17 of 21 9/16/2013Figure 2 Bluetooth device candidates6.3 PairingSelect HB-20003 and click "Next" brings up a window shown in Figure 3 forselecting a pairing option. Click on "Enter the device's pairing code" brings upwindow shown in Figure 4. Type in an HB-2000 preset pairing code value of"0000".3 Be sure HB-2000 is not in sleep mode during the pairing process.
9/16/2013 Confidential Page 18 of 21 9/16/2013Figure 3 Pairing option selection windowFigure 4 Pairing code entry
9/16/2013 Confidential Page 19 of 21 9/16/20136.4 Bluetooth Setup ConfirmationFigure 5 Pairing completedFigure 6 Resulting Bluetooth Devices window
9/16/2013 Confidential Page 20 of 21 9/16/2013Right (to select "Properties" from dropdown) or twice clicking the Bluetoothdevice HB-2000 for more information:Figure 7 HB-2000 Properties WindowA serial communication between computer and HB-2000 can then be establishedthrough the displayed COM port at 57600 bps, the HB-2000 then basicallyfunctions like a fixed-location RFID reader.
9/16/2013 Confidential Page 21 of 21 9/16/20137 RFID Reader and Demo SWDemo SW applications for testing HB-2000's RFID Tag operations are availablefor download from

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