Arcadyan Technology WG4005F BARRICADETM 54Mbps g WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER User Manual 00

Arcadyan Technology Corporation BARRICADETM 54Mbps g WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER 00

users manual 5

CONFIGURING THE BARRICADE4-54Virtual ServerUsing this feature, you can put PCs with public IPs and PCs with private IPs in the same LAN area.If you configure the Barricade as a virtual server, remote users accessing services such as web or FTP at your local site via public IP addresses can be automatically redirected to local servers configured with private IP addresses. In other words, depending on the requested service (TCP/UDP port number), the Barricade redirects the external service request to the appropriate server (located at another internal IP address).For example, if you set Type/Public Port to TCP/80 (HTTP or web) and the Private IP/Port to, then all HTTP requests from outside users will be transferred to on port 80. Therefore, by just entering the IP address provided by the ISP, Internet users can access the service they need at the local address to which you redirect them. The more common TCP service ports include: HTTP: 80, FTP: 21, Telnet: 23, and POP3: 110. Click All known port number for more information about public service ports.
ADVANCED SETTINGS4-55Special ApplicationsSome applications, such as Internet gaming, videoconferencing, Internet telephony and others, require multiple connections. These applications cannot work with Network Address Translation (NAT) enabled. If you need to run applications that require multiple connections, use the following screen to specify the additional public ports to be opened for each application.Click the List of well known special applications link for more information.Specify the public port number normally associated with an application in the Trigger Port field. Set the protocol type to TCP or UDP, then enter the ports that the application requires. The ports may be in the format of a single port, or in a range, e.g., 72-96, or a combination of both.
CONFIGURING THE BARRICADE4-56Popular applications requiring multiple ports are listed in the Popular Applications field. From the drop-down list, choose the application and then choose a row number to copy this data into.Note: Choosing a row that already contains data will overwrite the current settings.For a full list of ports and the services that run on them, see
ADVANCED SETTINGS4-57NAT Mapping TableThis page displays the current NAPT (Network Address Port Translation) address mappings.The NAT address mappings are listed 20 lines per page, click the control buttons to move forwards and backwards. As the NAT mapping is dynamic, a Refresh button is provided to refresh the NAT Mapping Table with the most updated values.The content of the NAT Mapping Table is described as follows:• Protocol - protocol of the flow.• Local IP - local (LAN) host’s IP address for the flow.• Local Port - local (LAN) host’s port number for the flow.• Pseudo IP - translated IP address for the flow.• Pseudo Port - translated port number for the flow.• Peer IP - remote (WAN) host’s IP address for the flow.• Peer Port - remote (WAN) host’s port number for the flow.
CONFIGURING THE BARRICADE4-58MaintenanceUse the Maintenance menu to back up the current settings, to restore previously saved settings, or to restore the factory default settings.Configuration ToolsCheck Backup Wireless Router Configuration and click NEXT to save your Barricade’s configuration to a file named config.bin on your PC.You can then check the Restore from saved Configuration file (SMCWBR14-G2_backup.bin) radio button and click NEXT to restore the saved backup configuration file.To restore the factory settings, check Restore Wireless Router to Factory Defaults and click NEXT. You will be asked to confirm your decision.
MAINTENANCE4-59Firmware UpgradeUse this screen to update the firmware to the latest version.Go to to find the latest firmware. Download the firmware to your hard drive first. Click Browse... to locate the saved file. After locating the new firmware file, click BEGIN UPGRADE. Follow the instructions to complete the upgrade. After restarting, check the Status page to make sure the device is running the new code.
CONFIGURING THE BARRICADE4-60ResetPerform a reset from this screen. To perform a system reset, click the Reboot Wireless Router button in the screen above. The configurations that you have set previously will not be changed back to the factory default settings.Note: You may also use the blue Reset button on the rear panel of the Barricade to perform a reset. Push for one second to perform a reboot. All of your settings will remain upon restarting. Push for six seconds to return the Barricade to factory default settings.
SYSTEM4-61SystemThis section includes all the basic configuration tools for the Barricade, such as time settings, password settings, and remote management.Time SettingsSet the time zone and time server for the Barricade. This information is used for log entries and client access control.• Set Time ZoneSelect your time zone from the drop-down list• Enable Daylight SavingsCheck Enable Daylight Savings, and set the start and end dates if your area requires daylight savings.• Set Date and Time ManuallyFor manually setting the date and time, configure the date and time by selecting the options from the drop-down list.
CONFIGURING THE BARRICADE4-62• Enable Automatic Time Server MaintenanceCheck Enable Automatic Time Server Maintenance to automatically maintain the Barricade’s system time by synchronizing with a public time server over the Internet. • Configure Time Server (NTP):Configure two different time servers by selecting the options in the Primary Server and Secondary Server fields.
SYSTEM4-63Password SettingsUse this page to restrict access based on a password. For security you should assign one before exposing the Barricade to the Internet.Passwords can contain from 3 to12 alphanumeric characters and are case sensitive.Note: If your password is lost, or you cannot gain access to the user interface, press the Reset button (colored blue) on the rear panel (holding it down for at least six seconds) to restore the factory defaults. The default password is “smcadmin”.Enter a maximum Idle Time Out (in minutes) to define a maximum period of time an inactive login session will be maintained. If the connection is inactive for longer than the maximum idle time, it will be logged out, and you will have to log in to the web management system again. Setting the idle time to 0, will mean the connection never times out.(Default: 10 minutes)
CONFIGURING THE BARRICADE4-64Remote ManagementBy default, management access is only available to users on your local network. However, you can also manage the Barricade from a remote host by entering the IP address of a remote computer on this screen. Check the Enabled check box, and enter the IP address of the remote host and click Save Settings.Note: If you check Enabled and specify an IP address of, any host can manage the Barricade.For remote management via WAN IP address you need to connect using port 8080. Simply enter WAN IP address followed by :8080 in the address field of your web browser, for example,
SYSTEM4-65Syslog ServerThe Syslog Server downloads the Barricade log file to the server with the IP address specified on this screen. Syslog servers offer the possibility to capture the live logs of the router on a PC. There are many shareware syslogs servers available on the web. (Default: Disabled)
CONFIGURING THE BARRICADE4-66UPnPUniversal Plug and Play technology makes home networking simple and affordable. This architecture offers pervasive peer-to-peer network connectivity of PCs of all form factors, intelligent appliances, and wireless devices. UPnP architecture leverages TCP/IP and the web to enable seamless proximity networking in addition to control and data transfer among networked devices in the home, office, and everywhere in between.Click Enable to turn on the Universal Plug and Play function of the Barricade. This function allows the device to automatically and dynamically join a network. Click Save Settings to proceed, or Cancel to change your settings.
DNS (DOMAIN NAME SERVER)4-67DNS (Domain Name Server)Domain Name Servers are used to map a domain name (e.g., to the equivalent numerical IP address (e.g., Your ISP should provide the IP address of one or more Domain Name Servers. Enter those addresses on this page.
CONFIGURING THE BARRICADE4-68DDNS (Dynamic DNS)Dynamic DNS (DDNS) provides users on the Internet with a method to tie their domain name to the router or server. DDNS allows your domain name to follow your IP address automatically by having your DNS records changed when your IP address changes. (Default: Disabled)The DDNS service dynamically updates DNS information to a static hostname, provided by the DDNS service provider, as clients’ IP addresses change.Note: Please visit the web sites of the DDNS providers for details.For using DDNS, click on the enable radio button, select the DDNS Service type, and then enter the Domain Name, Account/E-mail address, and Password/Key. DDNS Service Provider Web
ROUTING4-69RoutingThis section defines routing related parameters, including static routes and RIP (Routing Information Protocol) parameters.Static RouteClick Add to add a new static route to the list.Click Save Settings to save the configuration.Parameter DescriptionIndex Index number of the route.Network Address Enter the IP address of the remote computer for which to set a static route.Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask of the remote network for which to set a static route.Gateway Enter the WAN IP address of the gateway to the remote network.Configure Allows you to edit existing routes.
CONFIGURING THE BARRICADE4-70RIPRIP sends routing-update messages at regular intervals and when the network topology changes.Parameter DescriptionGeneral RIP ParametersRIP mode Globally enables or disables RIP.Auto summary If Auto summary is disabled, then RIP packets will include sub-network information from all subnetworks connected to the router. If enabled, this sub-network information will be summarized to one piece of information covering all subnetworks.Table of current Interface RIP parameterInterface The WAN interface to be configured.Operation Mode Disable: RIP disabled on this interface.Enable: RIP enabled on this interface.Silent: Listens for route broadcasts and updates its route table. It does not participate in sending route broadcasts.

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