Arcadyan Technology WG4005F BARRICADETM 54Mbps g WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER User Manual 00

Arcadyan Technology Corporation BARRICADETM 54Mbps g WIRELESS BROADBAND ROUTER 00

users manual 4

CONFIGURING THE BARRICADE4-38Stateful Packet InspectionEnabled This option allows you to select different application types that are using dynamic port numbers. If you wish to use Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) for blocking packets, click on the Yes radio button in the “Enable SPI and Anti-DoS firewall protection” field and then check the inspection type that you need, such as Packet Fragmentation, TCP Connection, UDP Session, FTP Service and TFTP Service.It is called a “stateful” packet inspection because it examines the contents of the packet to determine the state of the communication; i.e., it ensures that the stated destination computer has previously requested the current communication. This is a way of ensuring that all communications are initiated by the recipient computer and are taking place only with sources that are known and trusted from previous interactions. In addition to being more rigorous in their inspection of packets, stateful inspection firewalls also close off ports until a connection to the specific port is requested.When particular types of traffic are checked, only the particular type of traffic initiated from the internal LAN will be allowed. For example, if the user only checks FTP Service in the Stateful Packet Inspection section, all incoming traffic will be blocked except for FTP connections initiated from the local LAN.When hackers attempt to enter your network, we can alert you by emailYour E-mail Address Enter your email address.SMTP Server Address Enter your SMTP server address (usually the part of the email address following the “@” sign).POP3 Server Address Enter your POP3 server address (usually the part of the email address following the “@” sign).User Name Enter your email account user name.Parameter Defaults Description
SECURITY4-39Password Enter your email account password.Connection PolicyFragmentation half-open wait 10 secs Configures the number of seconds that a packet state structure remains active. When the timeout value expires, the router drops the unassembled packet, freeing that structure for use by another packet. TCP SYN wait 30 secs Defines how long the software will wait for a TCP session to reach an established state before dropping the session. TCP FIN wait 5 secs Specifies how long a TCP session will be managed after the firewall detects a FIN-exchange. TCP connection idle timeout 3600 secs (1 hour) The length of time for which a TCP session will be managed if there is no activity. UDP session idle timeout 30 secs The length of time for which a UDP session will be managed if there is no activity.DoS Detect CriteriaTotal incomplete TCP/UDP sessions HIGH300 sessionsDefines the rate of new unestablished sessions that will cause the software to start deleting half-open sessions.Total incomplete TCP/UDP sessions LOW250 sessions Defines the rate of new unestablished sessions that will cause the software to stop deleting half-open sessions.Incomplete TCP/UDP sessions (per min.) HIGH250 sessions Maximum number of allowed incomplete TCP/UDP sessions per minute.Incomplete TCP/UDP sessions (per min.) LOW200 sessions Minimum number of allowed incomplete TCP/UDP sessions per minute.Maximum incomplete TCP/UDP sessions number from same host10 sessions Maximum number of incomplete TCP/UDP sessions from the same host. Parameter Defaults Description
CONFIGURING THE BARRICADE4-40Note: We do not recommend modifying the default parameters shown above.Click Save Settings to proceed, or Cancel to change your settings.Incomplete TCP/UDP sessions detect sensitive time period300 msecs Length of time before an incomplete TCP/UDP session is detected as incomplete.Maximum half-open fragmentation packet number from same host30 sessions Maximum number of half-open fragmentation packets from the same host.Half-open fragmentation detect sensitive time period1 sec Length of time before a half-open fragmentation session is detected as half-open.Flooding cracker block time 300 secs Length of time from detecting a flood attack to blocking the attack.Parameter Defaults Description
SECURITY4-41DMZIf you have a client PC that cannot run an Internet application properly from behind the firewall, you can open the client up to unrestricted two-way Internet access. Enter the IP address of a DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) host on this screen. Adding a client to the DMZ may expose your local network to a variety of security risks, so only use this option as a last resort.
CONFIGURING THE BARRICADE4-42WirelessThe Barricade can be quickly configured for roaming clients by setting the Service Set Identifier (SSID) and channel number. It supports data encryption and client filtering.To use the wireless feature, check the Enable check box and click Save Settings.To begin configuring your wireless security settings, click Wireless Encryption.
SECURITY4-43Wireless EncryptionThe Barricade can transmit your data securely over a wireless network. Matching security mechanisms must be set up on your Barricade and your wireless client devices. Select the most suitable security mechanism from the drop-down list on this screen.Click Save Settings to proceed, or Cancel to change your settings.Parameter DescriptionNo WEP, No WPA/WPA2 Disables all wireless security. To make it easier to set up your wireless network, we recommend enabling this setting initially. By default, wireless security is disabled.WEP Only Once you have your wireless network in place, the minimum security we recommend is to enable the legacy security standard, Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP). See “WEP” on page 4-45.WPA/WPA2 Only For maximum wireless security, you should enable the WPA/WPA2 option. See “WPA/WPA2” on page 4-47.
CONFIGURING THE BARRICADE4-44Access ControlFor a more secure wireless network you can specify that only certain wireless clients can connect to the Barricade. Up to 32 MAC addresses can be added to the MAC Filtering Table. When enabled, all registered MAC addresses are controlled by the Access Rule.By default, this MAC filtering feature is disabled.
SECURITY4-45WEPWEP is the basic mechanism to transmit your data securely over a wireless network. Matching encryption keys must be set up on your Barricade and and each of your wireless client devices.Parameter DescriptionWEP Mode Select 64-bit or 128-bit key to use for encryption.Key Entry Method Select hexadecimal (Hex) or ASCII for the key entry method.Key Provisioning Select Static if there is only one fixed key for encryption. If you want to select Dynamic, you need to enable 802.1X function first.Default Key ID Choose which key to use as default.Passphrase Check the Passphrase check box to generate a key automatically.Key 1~4 The Barricade supports up to 4 keys. You select the default key.
CONFIGURING THE BARRICADE4-46You may automatically generate encryption keys or manually enter the keys. To generate the key automatically with passphrase, check the Passphrase box, and enter a string of characters. Select the default key from the drop-down menu. Click APPLY.Note: The passphrase can consist of up to 63 alphanumeric characters.Hexadecimal KeysA hexadecimal key is a mixture of numbers and letters from A-F and 0-9. 64-bit keys are 10 digits long and can be divided into five two-digit numbers. 128-bit keys are 26 digits long and can be divided into 13 two-digit numbers.ASCII KeysThere are 95 printable ASCII characters:!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Having selected and recorded your key, click Save Settings to proceed, or Cancel to go back.
SECURITY4-47WPA/WPA2WPA/WPA2 is a security enhancement that strongly increases the level of data protection and access control for existing wireless LAN. Matching authentication and encryption methods must be set up on your Barricade and wireless client devices to use WPA/WPA2. To use WPA, your wireless network cards must be equipped with software that supports WPA. A security patch from Microsoft is available for free download (for XP only).Parameter DescriptionCipher Suite The security mechanism used in WPA for encryption. Select TKIP+AES (WPA/WPA2) or AES WPA2 Only.Authentication Select 802.1X or Pre-shared Key for the authentication method.- 802.1X: for the enterprise network with a RADIUS server.- Pre-shared key: for the SOHO network environment without an authentication server.Pre-shared key type Select the key type to be used in the Pre-shared Key.Pre-shared Key Type the key here.Group Key Re_Keying The period of renewing the broadcast/multicast key.
CONFIGURING THE BARRICADE4-48WPAWPA addresses all known vulnerabilities in WEP, the original, less secure 40 or 104-bit encryption scheme in the IEEE 802.11 standard. WPA also provides user authentication, since WEP lacks any means of authentication. Designed to secure present and future versions of IEEE 802.11 devices, WPA is a subset of the IEEE 802.11i specification.WPA replaces WEP with a strong new encryption technology called Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) with Message Integrity Check (MIC). It also provides a scheme of mutual authentication using either IEEE 802.1X/Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) authentication or pre-shared key (PSK) technology. The passphrase can consist of up to 32 alphanumeric characters.WPA2Launched in September 2004 by the Wi-Fi Alliance, WPA2 is the certified interoperable version of the full IEEE 802.11i specification which was ratified in June 2004. Like WPA, WPA2 supports IEEE 802.1X/EAP authentication or PSK technology. It also includes a new advanced encryption mechanism using the Counter-Mode/CBC-MAC Protocol (CCMP) called the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).WPA and WPA2 Mode TypesClick Save Settings to proceed, or Cancel to change your settings.WPA WPA2Enterprise Mode Authentication: IEEE 802.1X/EAPEncryption: TKIP/MICAuthentication: IEEE 802.1X/EAPEncryption: AES-CCMPSOHO Mode Authentication: PSKEncryption: TKIP/MICAuthentication: PSKEncryption: AES-CCMP
SECURITY4-49802.1XIf 802.1X is used in your network, then you should enable this function for the Barricade. This screen allows you to set the 802.1X parameters. 802.1X is a method of authenticating a client wireless connection. Enter the parameters below to connect the Barricade to the Authentication Server.Parameter Description802.1X Authentication Enable or disable the authentication function.Session Idle Timeout This is the time (in seconds) that a session will sit inactive before terminating. Set to 0 if you do not want the session to timeout. (Default: 300 seconds)Re-Authentication PeriodThe interval time (in seconds) after which the client will be asked to re-authenticate. For example, if you set this to 30 seconds, the client will have to re-authenticate every 30 seconds. Set to 0 for no re-authentication. (Default: 3600 seconds)Quiet Period This is the interval time (in seconds) for which the Barricade will wait between failed authentications. (Default: 60 seconds)Server Type Sets the authentication server type.Server IP Set the IP address of your RADIUS server.
CONFIGURING THE BARRICADE4-50The use of IEEE 802.1X offers an effective framework for authenticating and controlling user traffic to a protected network, as well as dynamically varying encryption keys. 802.1X ties EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol) to both the wired and wireless LAN media and supports multiple authentication methods, such as token cards, Kerberos, one-time passwords, certificates, and public key authentication.Click Save Settings to proceed, or Cancel to change your settings.Server Port Set the connection port that is configured on the radius server.Secret Key The 802.1X secret key used to configure the Barricade.NAS-ID Defines the request identifier of the Network Access Server.Parameter Description
ADVANCED SETTINGS4-51Advanced SettingsTo configure the advanced settings such as NAT, Maintenance, System settings and UPnP, click Advanced Settings.Note: Changing some of the device settings in the Advanced Settings mode may cause the Barricade to become unresponsive.The Barricade’s advanced management interface contains 6 main menu items as described in the following table.Menu DescriptionNAT Shares a single ISP account with multiple users, sets up virtual servers.Maintenance Allows you to backup, restore, reset, and upgrade the Barricade’s firmware.System Sets the local time zone, the password for administrator access, the IP address of a PC that will be allowed to manage the Barricade remotely, and the IP address of a Syslog Server.UPnP Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) allows for simple and robust connectivity between external devices and your PC.DNS Sets the IP address of a Domain Name Server. DDNS Dynamic DNS provides users on the Internet with a method to tie their domain name to a computer or server.Routing Sets routing parameters and displays the current routing table.
CONFIGURING THE BARRICADE4-52NATThe first menu item in the Advanced Settings section is Network Address Translation (NAT). This process allows all of the computers on your home network to use one IP address. Using the NAT capability of the Barricade, you can access the Internet from any computer on your home network without having to purchase more IP addresses from your ISP.To use the NAT feature, check the Enable radio button and click Save Settings.
ADVANCED SETTINGS4-53Address MappingNetwork Address Translation (NAT) allows IP addresses used in a private local network to be mapped to one or more addresses used in the public, global Internet. This feature limits the number of public IP addresses required from the ISP and also maintains the privacy and security of the local network. We allow one public IP address to be mapped to a pool of local addresses.Click Save Settings to proceed, or Cancel to change your settings.

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