Archos 42618 Portable Media Player with WiFi User Manual Users manual 3

Archos SA Portable Media Player with WiFi Users manual 3


Users manual 3

Please visit to download the latest version of this manual.WIFI & INTERNET FUNCTIONS 604  wifiVersion 1.0This manual contains information about the WiFi and Internet functions of your ARCHOS 604 WiFi device. You can nd instructions on how to use all other functions of this device in the ARCHOS 504/604 user manual.All the information contained in this manual was correct at the time of publication. However, as our engineers are always updating and improving our products, your device’s software may have a slightly different appearance or modied functionality than presented in this manual.SUPPLEMENT TO THE ARCHOS 504/604 USER MANUAL
604MANUAL V1.0 wifi TABLE OF CONTENTS   >   p. 2Table Of COnTenTsinTrOduCTiOn ....................................................................................................................................3ARCHOS 604 WIFI INTERFACE DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3USING THE TOUCH SCREEN ....................................................31.  COnneCTing TO a wifi neTwOrk ...................................................................................51.1 WIFI CONNECTION PROCEDURE .............................................51.2 WIFI NETWORK CONFIGURATION ............................................61.3  BROWSING OTHER COMPUTERS ON THE NETWORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82.  brOwsing The web wiTh Opera .................................................................................102.1 LAUNCHING OPERA .....................................................102.2 USING OPERA ..........................................................103.  wireless file server .........................................................................................................133.1 FILE SERVER SETTINGS ..................................................13TeChniCal speCifiCaTiOns .....................................................................................................14
604MANUAL V1.0 wifi INTRODUCTION   >   p. 3inTrOduCTiOnarChOs 604 wifi inTerfaCe desCripTiOnThe Home Screen of the ARCHOS 604 WiFi has one more icon than that of the ARCHOS 604: the Opera™ Web Browser. See: Browsing the Web with Opera.There is also an extra menu item: Enable WiFi  . See: Connecting to a WiFi Network.using The TOuCh sCreenYour ARCHOS 604 WIFI device is equipped with a touch screen.Most screen areas will react when you tap on them using the includ-ed stylus or your nger.Below is a description of the main tactile screen areas and a few tips on how to use the touch screen.TACTILE SCREEN AREASStatus BarWhen a cross appears at the right end of the status bar, you can tap on it to exit the current screen.This is equivalent to pressing the   button.TabsYou can tap on the tab icon ( ) to switch between the available screens. This is equivalent to pressing the   button.You can also tap directly on one of the tabs to access the corre-sponding screen.••••
604MANUAL V1.0 wifi INTRODUCTION   >   p. 4MenuYou can tap on the MENU word at the bottom right of the screen or directly on one of the icons. The available menu items will appear.This is equivalent to pressing the Menu button.You can then tap on an item or on its icon to select it.Selecting Icons, Launching Files, etc.In the Home Screen or in the Setup Screen, you can tap directly on an icon to select it. Tap a second time to launch the application. This is equivalent to highlighting the icon with the navigation pad and then pressing Ok.In a browser window, in the ARCLibrary, in the photo wall etc., you can tap twice on a le, song or video to launch it.Other Touch Screen ActionsWhen watching a video or listening to music, you can tap on the progression bar to go directly to a differ-ent location in the video or song. You can also drag the cursor in the progression bar to another location in the video or song.In the screens where it ap-pears, the volume bar can be dragged in the same way.In the Archos le browser, you can drag the scroll bar up and down.In the PDF viewer and in the Opera™ Web browser, you can scroll up and down by tapping on the page and dragging it up or down (be careful not to tap on a link!).PRECAUTIONSIn order to keep your touch screen in good condition, and to avoid damaging the screen surface, you should use only the included stylus or your nger.•••••••••
604MANUAL V1.0 wifi CONNECTING TO A WIFI NETWORK   >   p. 51.  COnneCTing TO a wifi neTwOrkYour ARCHOS 604 WIFI can connect to a variety of wireless networks, thus enabling you to browse the Internet or share les with other ARCHOS de-vices or computers, for example.1.1  wifi COnneCTiOn prOCedureENABLING WIFIFrom the Home Screen, press Menu and select the Enable WiFi   menu item. Your device will scan for available WiFi networks.The rst time you use your device, you may get a message “No congured net-works found”. Highlight ‘View available networks’ and press Ok. The list of avail-able networks will be displayed.If your ARCHOS device nds networks that you have previously used and cong-ured, it will connect automatically to one of them.If you get the message “Could not connect to any network”, highlight ‘View avail-able networks’ and press Ok. The list of available networks will be displayed.Once you are connected to a WiFi network, the status bar icon   (WiFi not con-nected) will become   (WiFi connected). There is no status bar icon at all when WiFi is not enabled.THE LIST OF AVAILABLE NETWORKSThe list of available networks shows all the wireless net-works in range of your device.To refresh the list, select the ‘Scan for networks’ menu item.•••
604MANUAL V1.0 wifi CONNECTING TO A WIFI NETWORK   >   p. 6In the list of available networks, for each network you will see the following infor-mation:To select a network and start the connection process, simply tap on the one that you want to connect to (your home wireless network or a free hotspot), or select it using /  and pressing Ok.You will be taken to the conguration screen for this network, where you will have to enter some information to set up your access to this network.1.2  wifi neTwOrk COnfiguraTiOnIn order to connect to a wireless network, the ARCHOS 604 WIFI will need some spe-cic information about the network. Your device will automatically pick up certain pieces of information that it needs. You can enter the rest of the information manu-ally in the network’s conguration screen, as shown in the following sections.Note that your device will remember the network connection information that you enter, in order to re-use it and connect automatically to the network when it is in range.the strength of the signalthe name of the network (SSID), if it is broadcasted (if the SSID is not broadcasted, you will be prompted to enter it in the next conguration screen)the channel used by the networkthe type of network (Infrastructure or Ad-Hoc) (Ad-Hoc networks are not supported at this time)the type of authentication key that is requiredOpen network    WPA keyWEP key      WPA2 keythis icon will appear if you are currently con-nected to this networkconguration status:congured networkuncongured network
604MANUAL V1.0 wifi CONNECTING TO A WIFI NETWORK   >   p. 7OPEN NETWORKSOpen networks do not require an authentication key.If the network has auto-matic conguration turned on (DHCP), simply tap on the ‘Connect’ button, and your ARCHOS 604 WiFi will connect to this network, provided the signal is strong enough.If the network needs to be congured manually, press the   button to select the ‘Manual’ setting on the ‘Conguration’ parameter.Other parameters will appear: the required information can be obtained from the person who manages the network. When you have nished entering all the information, tap on the ‘Connect’ but-ton, and your ARCHOS 604 WiFi will connect to this network, provided the signal is strong enough.PROTECTED NETWORKS (WEP, WPA OR WPA2 KEY)Encrypted networks require an authentication key to connect.The type of key (WEP, WPA or WPA2) will be detected auto-matically by your device.The rest of the required infor-mation can be obtained from the person who manages the network.
604MANUAL V1.0 wifi CONNECTING TO A WIFI NETWORK   >   p. 8You will have to specify the following settings:Authentication: (for WEP networks only) the network’s authentication method can be based on an ‘Open system (default)’ or a ‘Shared key’.Key length: (for WEP networks only) the authentication key can be 10 characters long (64bit) or 26 characters long (128bit) (hexadecimal characters).Key: type in the authentication key. You will be taken to a virtual keyboard: type in the key and tap on OK when you have nished.Conguration: it can be ‘Automatic (DHCP)’ or ‘Manual’.If it is ‘Automatic (DHCP)’, then you do not have to enter any more information. Simply tap on the ‘Connect’ button, and your ARCHOS 604 WiFi will connect to this network, provided the signal is strong enough.If you must congure the network manually, select the ‘Manual’ setting. Other parameters will appear: the required information can be obtained from the per-son who manages the network.When you have nished entering all the information, tap on the ‘Connect’ but-ton, and your ARCHOS 604 WiFi will connect to this network, provided the signal is strong enough.1.3  brOwsing OTher COMpuTers On The neTwOrkWhen you are connected to a Windows® network, you can browse the shared fold-ers of other computers in the network, using the Archos File Browser.From the Home Screen, select the Browser icon. Once in the browser, select ‘Network’. Your device will search for other computers in the Windows® network and you can start browsing their shared contents.If WiFi is not enabled or if you are not connected to a network, the device will scan for available networks and connect to a known network or display the list of avail-able networks so that you can connect to one of them.••••--
604MANUAL V1.0 wifi CONNECTING TO A WIFI NETWORK   >   p. 9Using the Archos double browser, you will be able to transfer les from a computer onto your device, or transfer les from your device onto a computer’s write-enable shared folder (see Copying les and folders in the ARCHOS 604 user manual).
604MANUAL V1.0 wifi BROWSING THE WEB WITH OPERA™   >   p. 102. brOwsing The web wiTh OperaYour ARCHOS 604 WIFI features an Opera™ Web browser that was designed especially for this ARCHOS device. Opera™ allows you to browse Websites, read your e-mails, download content, etc.2.1  launChing OperaFrom the Home Screen, highlight the Opera™ Icon and press Ok, or tap directly on the icon.If you are already connected to a network, the Opera™ browser will simply open and you can start browsing the Web.If WiFi is not enabled or if you are not connected to a network, the device will scan for available networks and connect to a known network or display the list of available networks so that you can connect to one of them.Please note: not all wireless networks offer access to the Internet. Some WiFi networks only link several computers together, without any Internet connection.2.2  using OperaYou can use the Opera™ Web browser to read your Web-based e-mail, view Web sites, download documents from the Internet, etc.The Opera™ Web browser features “tabbed browsing”. You can open several pages at the same time: they will appear in the tabs area, in the upper left corner of the screen. When several pages are open, simply tap on a tab to access the page that you want. See Opera™ Browser Menu Items.•••
604MANUAL V1.0 wifi BROWSING THE WEB WITH OPERA™   >   p. 11OPERA™ BROWSER BUTTON CONTROLSIn the Opera™ browser, the buttons of your ARCHOS device will act as follows:scroll upscroll rightscroll downvalidate (Enter button)display the menu itemsnext pagescroll leftprevious pageclose Opera™go from tab to tabOPERA™ BROWSER MENU ITEMSZoomZoom In: magnies the current Web page.Zoom Out: unmagnies the current Web page.Set zoom: allows you to set the zoom level directly by dragging a cursor.Render modeChanges the way the Web page is displayed.Auto: will reformat the Web page to t the width of your screen, so that no hori-zontal scrolling is necessary.Desktop: will display the Web page as on a large display. Vertical and Horizontal scrolling is necessary to view all parts of the page.NavigationBack: will go back to the previous page that you browsed.Forward: will go to the next page in your browsing history, if you used ‘Back’ before.--------
604MANUAL V1.0 wifi BROWSING THE WEB WITH OPERA™   >   p. 12Stop: will stop loading the Web page.Reload: will refresh the current Web page.TabAdd: will open a new, empty tab in the tab area (top left of the screen).Close: will close the current tab.Go toEnter URL...: allows you to enter the address of a Web site you’d like to visit. Tap on the letters of the virtual keyboard to enter the address.Search...: allows you to search directly in one of the congured search engines. Tap on the letters of the virtual keyboard to enter your keywords.Home: will go to the Home page.Bookmarkswill open the Bookmark manager. Here you can sort your bookmarks, delete them, etc.Select a bookmark and press Ok to open this Web address in a new tab.You can also set your Home page: highlight a bookmarked Website and select the ‘Set as Home Page’ menu item.To go back to the Opera™ browser from the Bookmarks screen, press  .Settingswill open the Opera™ settings screen. Here you can decide whether to block popup windows or not, and you can also delete your Internet history and cook-ies.To go back to the Opera™ browser from the Opera™ settings screen, press  .Please note that some Web features requiring special plug-in software or Active X controls may not work in this special version of the Opera™ Web Browser.-------------
604MANUAL V1.0 wifi WIRELESS FILE SERVER   >   p. 133. wireless file serverYour ARCHOS 604 WiFi allows you to share les with other computers or 604 WiFi devices on a network.Important: please check the applicable laws in your country or jurisdiction to know what media les you are allowed to share or copy.3.1  file server seTTingsFirst, you need to enable WiFi as shown in section 1.1, and connect to a network.You can then enable the le server directly by selecting the WiFi status   menu item from the Home Screen, and pressing the ‘Enable le server’ button. While the le server is turned on, other functions of your device are disabledYour ARCHOS 604 WiFi’s hard drive will then be accessible from your computer’s network neighborhood.If you want to set up your ARCHOS device to appear with a particular name in a particular workgroup on the network, press   to go to the setup screen, then select ‘File server’ and press Ok. You will see the following parameters:Workgroup: enter the name of the workgroup, using the virtual keyboard. Computer name: enter the name for the ARCHOS 604 WiFi device in the network, using the virtual keyboard. Normally, you do not need to change this parameter unless more than one ARCHOS 604 WiFi device is in the workgroup.Write access: ‘On’ will allow other computers to write to your ARCHOS 604 WiFi’s hard drive. ‘Off’ will prevent other computers from writing to your disk.Password: only appears if the ‘Write access’ parameter is set to ‘On’. Type in the password for other computers to be able to write to your hard drive.Enable le server: press this button to turn on the le server.Note: some networks lter MAC addresses. You can nd your device’s MAC address in the System Settings screen.••••••••
604MANUAL V1.0 wifi TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS   >   p. 14All brands and product names are registered trademarks and the property of their respective owners.Specications are subject to change without notice. Errors or omissions excepted. Images and illustrations may not always match contents.All the information contained in this guide was correct at the time of publication.COPYRIGHT ARCHOS © 2006. All rights reserved.TeChniCal speCifiCaTiOnsThese are specications for the WiFi functions only. For general specications of the ARCHOS 604 series, please see the ARCHOS 504/604 user manual.DISPLAY: Tactile screen, 4.3’’ TFT  (480x272 pixels) 16/9, over 16 millions colors.WIRELESS CONNECTIVITY: WiFi 802.11b/g. WEB BROWSEROpera™ Web Browser. Version specic to the ARCHOS 604 WiFi.INDUSTRY CANADA STATMENTOperation is subject to the following two conditions (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.OPERATING IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAThis equipment marketed in USA is restricted by rmware to only operate on 2.4GHz channel 1 - 11.•••••

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