Asian Express PL-1710L Sky Rider with camera/air pressure sensor/Wifi, Cloud Rider 2.0 /Graviton+Streaming User Manual
Asian Express Holdings Limited Sky Rider with camera/air pressure sensor/Wifi, Cloud Rider 2.0 /Graviton+Streaming
User Manual
FCC Part 15 C Notice OUTTON: Changes or modifications not apretslyapproved bythepany responsiblefor compliance could vaidthe user's authorityto operatethe equipment. NOTEThis qunIent hasbeen tested and found to comply with the limitsforaClassB digital device epursuanttn Part 15 ofthe FEE Rules. Theselimits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference In a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and (an radiate rad In fi'equency energy and, ifnot Insta lied and used In accordance with the Instructions, may cause ham'Iful interference to rad In to mmunications. However, there Is no guarantee that interferente will not occur in a particular I nstallation lfthis equipment does cause harinfiJl interferenreuo radio orteievisiun reception, whichcan be determined byturning the equipment odf and on the useris encouraged to trrto (onect the interference by one or more of the following measures: ~ Recrient orre otatethereceiving antenna ~ lnrreate the separation between the equipment and receiver. e (onnettthe equipment into an outlet ona drcuit diFierent from thattiowhich the receiverisconnetoed. e Consult the dealeroremerienced radinfT‘li' technician forhelp This devicecomplieswith Pan ‘IS ofthe FEC Rulesflperation is subjecttothe followingtwo conditions: (”This device may not auseharmful inperference,and (2] this device must accept anyintterference received,including interferenre that magiI cause undesired operation. INDUSTRY CANADA NOflCE: CANADA ONLY. tmmtmmprtsmimmcammmresmammogramismyammeuhmqmwmmmmsdmmm maeintxirunetmdtfldisihvicemmamtamimmeindidllgimmmthatmciuaeurvies'ledoperathndfltedeite Le prémtappnel a «Informant Elli d'lIdIatIie(Inada applinltlsau: appends ndhmnptsde lioemelwloimbnestamnse'e linden combinations :tl] hppare’i ne doit pasprodt‘le de brou'llageu DJ Itnfl‘tsaueu de l‘appadidoitactepoerdmn lmu'lhge raroeiietnique sIlIi, manesi le ltrotiilage ertsusteptthieden unproInetoe Ieiom'mtmman. CAN ICES-3 (ByNMB-3(B) This product meetsthe applicable |nnovation,Science and Economic Developmenflanada technical specifications. (e produit re'pond aux spécificationstechniques pertinentes d'ln novation_Science et De'veloppement écon omique applicables. IMPORTANT! REGISTER YOU DRONE The US. Department ofTransportation’s Fedetal Aviation Administration (FMJ anmunoeda streamlined and user-friendlywebbased airaaii registration process for owners ofsmall unmanned airaaftiUAS-J weighing mommanotsi pounds [250 gIarnsiand lessthan 55 poundstapprcoc 25 kilogra Ins) inrJuding paybads such as art-board Gm. Owners an get more info and may regisoerthrough a «abused sfstem at mlaagcumaslregistmion NEE Elective 8: Product lisposal At Iheend oriits serviceable iiethis peodrtmodd mm tented asde urgenenl Insult should he landed over oothe applicable collation pointforthe reqd'ng oidectrial and electronics equmenLoI returned to the supplier for dispoai. - ImernairSuppliedBatIIeIis This s/mhoi ontltehatoery 'rIdatIes ihatlhe hams-y is mite mikudsepataoelflhishatoery is designed for Swim wiieetion ataII appropriate mlleoinn po'nt. — "IS? mas© H I: & WARNI HG I — CNmHIZIl'lfl-Sllllpmx. RaquimSpnodOuflI-xhigharmicmsflor Mmhmmfim niacnSWE uni (not 'ntlnebdi mamsouctqau-m-n-Imazm LLC. Conforms to safety requirements of FCC. ©2017 Rooftop Brands“ All rights reserved Made in China Te|:+ (11949-5fi-9573- wwwpmpelrccom 'I'Io SKY RlDERm+WiFi 2.4C5Hz Guadrocopter with Live Video Streaming and Altitude Stabilization Technology INSTRUCTION BOOKLET WARNING: Never leave product charging unattended for extended periods of time. Always disconnect SKY RIDER” battery from charger immediately after it is fully charged. Please refer to enclosed safety instructions. PACKAGE CONTAINS: :v )2: 3% ill I33 I SWEDEN mmmommm Villiox SpareParts llSiiQ'arger USBOIdReada Instructionhhnual LI-de Rednrguhle Battery Colors and styles may vary slightly. TABLE OF CONTENTS Product Features ........................................................ 2 Remote Control Battery Installation ......... (barging Your SKY RIDER“ Battery ......... SKY RIDER‘" Quadrocopter Diagram ........ SKY RIDER‘" Remote Diagram ............. Flight Preparation ........................ . . . Syncing Your SKY RIDERT" ................................................ 4 Flying lips ............................................................. 4 Starting/Stopping The Rotors ...................... .. . . . .. . . .. Manual Start/Stop ............................... Auto Stan/land .................................. Speed Select Button .................................. Recognizing The Front 8. Rear Of The SKY RIDERTM ......... .. . . . .. . . .. Understanding The Altitude Lock Sensor .................................... 5 3 (han nel Flight Control .................................................. 6 4 Ehan nel Flight Control ................... . .. 7 Adjusting Trim ......................................................... B Propel SKY RIDERW' Wili App Installation ................................... 9 Pairing SKY RIDER“ To YourCorn pati hle Device .......... . 9 Quick Start .......................................... . 9 Detailed App Overview ............................ . 9 Using YR Goggles ................................ . 10 Level Surface (alihration .......................... . . . 11 Flight Environment ..................................................... 11 Flight Practice .......................................................... 11 Performing A 360° Hip ................... . 11 Trouble Shooting Your SKY RIDERT" ......... . 12 Operating The Camera .................... . 13 Replacing The Propeller Blades ............. . 13 SKY RIDER‘" Warnings .................... . .. 14 Battery Warnings ....................................................... 14 (are And Maintenance ................................................... 14 FCC Information ........................................................ 15 Thank you for purchasing the SKY RIDER“ 2.4 Ghzfiladrompter. Please read this inmction hootletas it contains valuable informtim on homo properlyfiy and care bryoer SKY RIJERW Drone. PRODUCT FEATURES ' Air pressure sensor locks flight altitude for ttaltle video footage. 'Dn board Imera records video ard captures stfll pictures ' Streams lire video to your mobilederioe ' 3 speed settingsfor beginnerto rno re amianoed pilot; '6 axis gyro formremely stable flight and manetneraltil'rty. -Wide range digital radio allows flight range up to 400 feetl '360degree push button stunt rolls ' 1.4 ghzcontrolle; 2pc: li-polybatteries," goggles and additional replacenent parts included. REMOTE CONTROL BATTERY INSTALLA'HON 1. Remove the batteryooverhom the bad ofthe controllerasshown in diagamA. 1 Install 6'M'lresh akaline batteries into the controler as shown in ciagram Eu “doe sure to instdl battens to their correct polarityfio not mix old and new batteries or hotterytypes. 3‘ Replace the battery cover. — _; — — _ + CHARGING YOUR SKY RIDER‘" BATTERY 1. Slide the batteryintothe USE charger and then connect the tattoo USli dale tothe charger lsee diagram 0 .Connect the large end of the USB cable to your computer’s USI port gAllTlDlhDo notforce hatteryinto charger, improuer connection may darnagethe SKY RlllEllT" artery 2. Theincficaoor ligtt wi‘ turn red when connected. flash red while charging andwhen the RED Led light turns GREEN your battery has a complete charge. 3. herage charging tirneis around 50 minutes. 4. Aful charge mil alovr forabout 7-10 minutes oflighttitne depending onthe environment and use: input. llniversal USB (barging Cable IMPOR'IINTMLWH'S REMEMBERTO UNPLUG YOUR CHARGING CORDWHEN NOT Ill USE! SKY RIDER” QUADROCOPTER DIAGRAM morn Prupelerlllade SKY RIDERTM REMOTE DIAGRAM U-Polyfiat‘neryfmnnamlem Power lndatur Camera/“den 360" Stunt Bum Firewall/Backward Bank Left/Right wardllackward trim Adjustment Bank Riflleltlrim ”munch! WARNING DO NOT FLY YOUR SKY RIDERT" IN FOUL WEATHER! @®@¢ FLIGHT PREPARATION - Verllythatthexe are 6"M'batteuiesinside the minute (antral unit and the SKY RIDER” battery has been lulycharged. - Make sure your SKY llllflim's and comraler battery is inserted turned on. - Male suretu be ina large soacewitll anopen radius ufatleast zoofea. - fimmthe ernatyspatehas nu dasmdes, Setyuur SKVMDEIIT" una dean flat level surlate helm: no Illlll'lEllFl Ill lelll S“ IIIIIIT' IF "III! IS IIIIII,SIW,IIEHYHIIIIS,THIIIDBI 0R lIG-ll'lllfl ournoansn CHILD mamunmnun llDPOSSIlY EVEII (All! BOIIL'I lllllll. SYNCING YOUR SKY RIDERTIM Important! When syncing II'SKYIIIDEII'" wadmmpterwith the (ontloleralways make sure that the quaehcopter is on a level surfate and your dig'tal trim sett'llgs are in tlle (alter position. lhese will 'lIsule tlle 6 axis gyrnis propelly prog'arnmedtn mimic ynlr tliln settilgs. YourSI‘l' RIDER” utilizes an atnnrlatie 2.46 channelseieetion system that alawsuptn it people toly side bysidein the same wireless range with no interferente. Syndng your aircraft: 1. Before starting, rmke sure that the nmr switch on your mntmller is in the OFF position a nd the SKY NIH“ battery knmilsemmhhlne surethatthere are no otherufihzdetkesindie «ea aswdl. 2. lnsertthe bane inmthe rampartrnentinthe correct Onentatian and set itdawnon alatlevel surface (see {‘1ng Bit LEDintiamrlights IIIlerfltereararnls ufthe SKYRIJERT" should begin-tn film 3. Next turn (IN the remote (orfldlenAIter hearing a seriesdbeeosthe Sll'l' RIDEIW's flashing la) lignswil start flaming at a slower rate All the throttle {left control stick) al the wayw and then aI thew downJhe lED lights will lash rapidy for a few seconds and then stay solidYou are now readyto the SKYRIIEIWfithis dues not happen,reoeat allstepsabwe. FLYIN G TIP 5 - ltis remrlrnended that you operate the SKY IlllllillTM outdoors in awide spacel'he ideal spaee should have atleam aloolnut radius - Parental guidance or athlt stipenisicn issuggested at al times. - fyuu are flying the SKYRIJEIIT" with Others, mate sure aI soectatnrsale behind you - For hat uerfmnance, it is recommended that yen operate the SKY “DER“ in zero wind mnrlitiansWind can greatly affect the perfmnance ufthe aimaft or muse injury. STARTIN GlSTOPPING THE ROTORS Note:You can start/stop your SKY li'lDEli'TM manually or automatically. Please follow one of the steps below to operate accordingly. Make sure you have properly synced the SKY RIDER“ and the powerstays on. MANUAL STARTlSTOP /_ ; L a“ "lo stan the rotors simply movethetwo control sticks both down and _/' 7—.Il "5‘ out (see diag ram), hold until the rotors stanspinning. New release both sticks to the neutral position and push the throttle up to talte off. -To stop the rotors, afterstarting them you can simplywait about 10 seconds, and theyvrill stop autornatically.0r mote both sticlct down and autagainto stop immediately. liter takeoff you can simply pullthethrottle alltheway down and land A AUTO START/LAND n __ The so mount has an auto startlland featurewhich allows uto If .‘ T \‘x start:I land automatically. Simply pretsthellllfl S'I'IRT/ Ll D ,l button on the top ofthe controller and yourSKY RIDER” will begin # . fl '4’ taking off/landinglseediagram belowlt . ° 7" O IUTE:You can still control the directio n whileauto starti ngi landing ‘ to avoid obstacles, '- SPEED SELECT BUTTON The SKY MIXER” has Sspeed settings;Sl.DW,MED!llll and lIElthe default setting when ulirst turn onyourSKY RIJERTM is the SlD'Nspeed modeJoincrmse the speed simply push the Spee setting button.(see remote tiagram on pg 3! You willheartvro beeps indicating yourSK‘f lilllERTM has changed to MEDlllll speed modeJo increase the speed again sire push the Speed settingbutoon one more time and uwill hearthree beeps incicatingymr SKY R 1" has changed to HEM speed mode. Push the Spee setting button again andyou vril hearone beep indicating ymr SKY RIDERTM speed changed baclm SLOW speed mode. RECOGNIZING THE FRONT & REAR OF THE SKY RIDERTM Eventhough the SKYRIJERT" hasfourrotnrsthere is f _ fiilafromor'forward"facingtirecticx1andrearor Q, ‘tadrward'facing drectionJhefrontofdre v nm Quadrocopter displays WI'ITE LEDligtts andthe rearof “w the Quachcxopterdisp RED LI lights when __ . activated [see diagram I. 9 run UNDERSTANDING THE ALTITUDE LOCK SENSOR E The SKY RIIIR'" hasa unique Altitude Lott, air ptesure sensor that alovrs for easierlight control and stability A beginner's friend,it allows the user to ease into piloting the (opterJhe sensor locks in the gum? of the copterwhile alovring the user to adjust the directional controls without having to hold the After startingthe copterjlyit upwardstoas‘leheiytt using the leftioystidconce an safe heigltLletting go olthe throttle should lodtin the altitude and alow the user tofocus on getting used tothe directional ccxmols ofthe SKY RIIERTMJYvdten flyingthe copter dways tends to self correct and go bachtothe last locked heigtt after moved up or dovrn by outside forces Note:The altitude sensor does have some tolerance based on atmospheric conditions and could have a slight variation in altitude. 3 CHANNEL VS 4 CHANNEL FLYING Propels unigue'srritch-Hade' technology dlows you to choose between 3d! or 4th light aunml mods. Most steeple with no eacperience inlhrittg rntdti copters maylind 3dt easierto learn atlirstas controls are set upto simplyrnove forward, back, turnlelt and turn rigltt.4chamel living gives the operator ultimate control byaddrng two more tintensions o‘llight banking left and banking right. - NOTE: The SKYRDERW'S default setting is 4 Channel mode. To dtangeto 3 Channel mode: PRES and holdthe3l4 [H button (meremote diagram on pg 3],youwill heara long been sound indicating the SKY RIDER” now is setto 3 CH mode To dlange badc to 4(hannel mode: PRESS and holdtheil-l (H button (seeremote diagram on pg SlJouvrill hearanotherlong beep round indicating the SKY RIDER“ is novrsetto 4 GI mode 3 CHANNEL FLIGHT CONTROL Below is a list ofbasicflight fu nctions foryour long-range remote to control the SKY RI DERMlllltile looming to fly gourSlf‘l lllDERmitis bestto start in a large space untilyou get used tothe basiccontrolshs you master Hg? your KY RIDERmyou can move to me readvanced maneuvering techniqual’ractice makes perfectl When you e thsebasic steps down you can move to the next level MotetheThrottle stick up to increase the propeller speed and the SKY RIDEII‘“ till I accelerate and atcend. MotetheThrottle stickdown to decrease the propeller speed and the SIP! RIDEII‘“ till I deoelerate and descend [see diagram F). While in the ainmove the Direction Stick up and the SKY RDEIITM will move forward. Move the Direction (camel down and the SKY team wil move backwatdlsee diagram 6). While inthe aicmuve the Direction Contml left andthe SKY IIJDIERTM willspin tothe left. Ilotrethe Direction Control rid'lt and the SKY RIDER” wil spinto the rightlsee diagram H). 4 CHANNEL FLIGHT CONTROL Beluwis a list ofbasicfligtt Mfliflfls forganrlong-range remote control SKY RIDERTM Whileleaming to «your SKY RIDFRT" itis besttn startwvt large space until you getusedtn fliebasitmmls As yan masterlying your SKY RIDER“ you (an move to more advanced maneuvering ted‘mimes. Pradke makes perleetIOnce you havethese basic steps downymr an meta the next level More the We stickup In increase the speed andthe SKY RIBEW“ wiilawelerate and amend. Movethe Ieftihnmle stick dawn tndetreasethe speedandthe SKY RIDE!” wildeceleme and danentl (see diagram I). Move the Throttle stidtlel’t and the SKY llllfli'" wilmtmleft. Move the leftThrottle stick right and the SKY “DER“ willrutalerigltt (See chagrin Jlt Move the Dilution Stidtuvwhile inflight and the SKY RIJEIT" wiI nwve forward. love the Direction (moi dawn wltie in fligtt andthe SKY “DEW"l wilmave backwatd lsee diagram l0. love the Direction Comm! lek and the SKY RIIlEllTM wiI banhothe left. Have the Direction (mural right and the SKY “Mm“ harm!) the riw (seminar! Ill. ADJUSTING TRIM Fruntimetntimeyoumaylwe to adjusttheTRN btmnnnn ensurethe SKYRIJERWwiI l‘merinntid-air and respond ammly to yuwmrlands [mite aI uirn adjustments while the dime is in air). ktrtvard/Batkward Trim ~lfywrSKY RIDER” driftsfumarcl, pudt and rel-sethellllll btmnn backward repeatedly until the motion stuns and pmoerligbt is maintained lsee diagram NI. - If your SKY RIDE!" drifts backwards, mm and releasetllellllll button brwanl repeatedy until the problem isresulved. flight/left Yrim -lfymrSl(YRlDElYmdriftsleft, push and releasethe'lllill button rightward repeatedyuntil the motion stops and pruoerlight is maintained lsee diagram 0)‘ ~lfywrSKY IUDER'" drifts right, push and release the TRIM bmnrt leftward lepeatetfl uni the ambient is resolved flight/[Mt Spit Trim 1' - Kymr SKY mm spins mutter dodwise, push and release the W latttnn rightward rwmdyumithe nation maps and pmperffltt is maintained [see flagrant Pl. - KywSKY mam spits clockwise, push and rdeasethei'llll button leftwaid lepmdyuntii the problem is resolved [see dagarnm. PROPEL SKY RIDERT'“ APP INSTALLATION 1. Maine sure you are using a compatible Android” orAppIe®iOS device. 2. Maine sure yourdevice has acce§ to the Internet. 3.For Apple®i0$ devic5,within the App Store,seardr and select "Propel Sky Ridefl'f Hittite Install button and the "Propel Sky Rider'VApp should download and install automatically. 4. For AndroidTM 05 devices, visit the Google Play score and search for’Propel Sky Rider"? Selecting the "Propel 3&2?er will download the App and automatically install it on your device. S.Afterthe el Sky Rider" ”App is installed,it should create an icon on yourscreen.(lick the'Propel Sky Rider‘ioon to run the App to make sure that it has installed correctly on your device lfnot, please delete and repeat the process again. PAIRING SKY RIDERTM TO YOUR COMPATIBLE DEVICE LAftercompletely charging your SKY RIDERTM battery, install the battery myour SKY RIDER“. Ereferoothe user manual). 2.lrr the Settings menu ofyouc dariceJucate the WI—Fi option. 3.Turn ON the Wi—Fi option. 4\ Select'Propel Sky Rider'hom the Wi-Fi lisLWaitforyour SKY IIIIJIERIM to be (mnected. Return to the Main Menu. iii-ups. ‘7 v u - {hi-TI mun mimic a.“ a on - , .n, I r'voalavreau- u 2' MW! 9 uurectr .~ 0 r I‘.wlrar I n Y Note:AppIe®devicesjequire the use of iOS 10 or-higier. ANOROIDT" devices require the use ofOS 4.1.2 orhigher. QUICK START ‘I.Afteryou install the App correctly and have paired In the drone suocsshslly, u can open the 'Propel Slcy Rider " App ianap'STAllT'on the bottom right ha nd side ofthe screen.\'ou sho ill see thereal-time video from your SKY RIDEchamera. lil'ris App also allows you to control yourSKY RIDERmvia your mobile devioe.To activate the co ntrol stidcs, ta p the'ON'butto n at theoop right hand side oithe screen.This will switchthe control from your traditional controller to you mm patible device liow cliclf 'to start the motors.The control sticks will show up in the screen foryourfl mmruland you can now use yourdevree as atrad itioral controller. Oryou can cliclc' 'I' "to auto launch your SKY IDEIIT" in the air and then use your device as a trad itional controller. (lickthis button aga in,your SKY RIDER“ will automatically land onthe lloor. DETAILED APP OVERVIEW 3.Pleasesee images below fora detailed App overvievLThis overview is also available underthe’HElP'icon inthe home screen ofthe App. HOME PAGE CONTROL STICKS PRII'EL 4. lfyou're still encountering dilficulties please mntact our customer service department at 1-949-566-9573IUSAI. USING VR GOGGLES I. PHONE INSTALLATION Open thefront covered theVR Goggles and place yourco mpatible mobile device firrnh ontothe suction cups, maloesure your mobile device is positioned in the center of the VII Giggles, start the App and selecttheVR option ’~ LWEARIIIGVII GMES Pbce the goggls on your head usingthe elastic straps, and securethe fit Igadjusting velcro onthe top middle strap,and sliding e plasticbuclde onthe side strap. Make surethe fit lssnug but nottoo tight asto become WidthTrIm WIdthTrim uncomfortable F aITn Ad te 4mm Note: Please do notvreartheVlI glassesforerctended 0;", I: I“ I “lung“ periodsoftime. nt over _ 3.ADJ|IS‘I'INGVII GOGGLES __ __ Adjustthe width trim I‘ ‘—’L' ‘3' [usingthe slides) and focal trim | [usingthe wheels] onthetop I ofthe goggles until you can see || U.__I_..U_IL__I_‘JI‘ the image clearly without .7 J I NI forcing youreyes. / ,1 ,/ (2i Fadal Flt Silicone ID ‘lI LEVEL SURFACE CALIBRATION n If’lhe aircraft bemrriu unstable during “my!" may need’m resmbilize the internal gyros. To tlo tliisTum can: controler and disconnect the Drone battery Place the SKY RIDER” on allot level surfau’. Folow the steps to s your SKY llIIlIEli'"l (page 4LNrrw, pul both thejaystids downwards and awards thenglrtatthe same timelsee diagmn NIAThe lights an the drone will Ilaslr a bit and then renlain solidJliis indiarles that pur drone has been alibmetl. FLYING ENVIRONMENT The SKVIIIElimis designed harmonise only, Rdra dqofwann sum!I weadlerwilhno wind main MINING: Do not fly in extreme hemporamres or windy (andhions as this may alien! the performance of yourSKl’ “BERT" and muse damageor injury, FLIGHT PRACTICE To «remedying: aircraft trypram'cing the exercises shown below. Start with simple vertical takeoff; landings, and l riglitmrning and matingmue those are mastered more ontosquare and cross manemersGaod luck andhavefun! :\ filed-Poimlarld'llg SquarePatIiem Maneuver CrossPanem Maneuver PERFORMING 360° FLIPS Afterynu bare masseredflyingthe SKYRIEEIIW you are readymt IipsOnce the SKVIIDERW is fuming atleasti meters (about 10 feet) u‘ftlre grmnd,triggerthe 360“ Elmisee diagram 51 and prrsirtlre riglitleverfmrrard sligrzly and let gaJhe SKY RIDER” will instant perbm aforward flinTo performa backwardsuside flimriggertlre 360nm: Button and push the ’ Ieverintlre direction you wish tollip just as you did fortlre forward lip (see diagram Hail). NOTE: At speed rnode‘l or when the drone bamery running low, the 360“ Hip fundinn is disabled. WEBER" I.Paiverslirdrednff 2.Pahrityisrerersed 1mm naylndmd LRernime is summon 2.5KI’IIDE"l bamismoarlneched Fina windy 4.The remote is not synted LRutnrspeed ton slam I‘Mmafl nothrlly charged I‘Moringthethmletnoquiddy 1.6;"):an natiunttinning LAiruaft ‘Eurtofrangeofre'nute ISNIIIII the ONIOFF ”Mm 0N ZMake sure all battens are installed mnemy (seeaagnm a: lflephce hanEies LSlrihrh the ONNFF “Mm 0N 110nm“ lama SKVIIIIIK" JMindy conditions severely impairthe npelation ofthe SKY RIDER" ”quan the remote LHEII thmttlelererfurvrard lhhargeynrrr SKY RIDER" IIamroIthethmnleslnwerand smoother IJ'irrn ON the SKY RIDER" and Metthe Gyro bed'aglarn m LKeeptheairuaft within 390 feet radius of the remote 12 13 OPERATING THE CAMERA You can tatein-llight photos or video with ttr SKY RtlIlERTM on board camera. 1.Ensurethat the camera moduleis securely attadied and lodoed onto the coplecfarefully inserta micro SDlK cardwithaspeed das d6 orhigherinot included) into the slot on the rearoithe camera motile Push inge uritilyotiheararldfeel a clichllowyou arere tousethecamera. lTo talcestil pictures, short pras the camera bilitton‘The indicating LED lightwil flash 3 rims 3.To talce video footage, hold down the camera button onthe remoteiorafew semndstsee tiagramlfl). Yatt will hear a long beep and the camera inlicating [ED Iijt’s wil start IashingTo stop video footage simply short pres the button again‘ 4Merturning the Power Ofion the corner, It mayI now remove the rnircoSDlK'. aid from the SKY RIDERTM by gentiypushing ontheb ofthe card with )mrthunibuntil you hearandfed a slight dick.You niayusethe included USR card readertio connectitm a computer and retrieveymr pictures and videofootager REPLACING THE PROPELLER BLADES MUTE: Always dsconnectthe batterybefore replacing the propeller blades. Your SKY RIDERTM propeler system is a precision instrument that rriayneed repair or replacement from time to time for ootitnd flight functionrfrash landing from high-speed aerial digits may cause damage to )ourSKY RIIIR'" propelets. The SKY RIDER“ has fourpropeler blades, two onthe front arldtwo on the bactEach one ofthese nopellets is marked with eitherA orS on the underside. LWhen rqilacing the propdler blades, weirdly unscrew the broken propelleriom the rotor shaft. lReplate the damaged blade withthe ma new blade. Ensure that the identificatim letter onthe broken blade and on the new blade are the same be‘lore screwing bad on (see diagram WI. NUTE:The (olorofthe blade does not matter.What matters isthe identification letter on the bottom ofblade..lll'A"blades would perform the same irrespective ofcolor and the sine would apply for“B". SKY RIDER“ WARNING: The SKY RDER‘" isdesignedferUTDOOR use only. The SKY RIDERTM blades revolve at high speed and can (arise damage oothe use: spectators and animalsStand art from the SKY RM” to reduce therifi of getting into dlefightpathWarn spectators that willie ' g yourSKYI RIDERWl so thattheyare aware ofit's‘epggignbe‘iorefight, inspectthe rotor bla esto make cemin thatthe blades are securelyfastened tot ”Eli ”. WARlIllG! - Chokingi'Cutting Hazard.SmaI Parts/Sharp Rotor Blades. - fies) hands, hair and loose dothing away from the propeler when the power switch is turned to the posmori. -Turn ofl’the transmitter and talte otittheba‘lte fromthe SKY RIDER1M when notin use. -The induded charger is bolt specificalyforthe RIDER”I Li-Poly batteryflo notuse ittio diarge other battery. - New ah rie batteries are recomnlended formattimurn perkrmanee. d’arentd supervision recommended when flying SKY RIJBU". BATTERY WARNINGS REGIARGEABLE BATTERY: This SKY RIDER”l ussa U-Fo rechargeable battery. lfbattery can no longerbe charged, dispose itbattery property according to the loca law. (WMER BATTERIES: hReinote contrd requires 6'M'batteries (not inchidedl. Please read the impmant battery safety warning e ow. ' Do not mix aiming standard (tarball—zinc) and rechargeable batteries (Nickel Metal Hydride). 'Donot mix old and new batteries ' Hon-rechargeable batteriesare not to be recharged: ' Rechargeable batteries are to be removed Rom the item before being charged Iifrelnovable). 'Rechargeable batteriesare onlytio be charged under adtdt supervision. 'Eldlausted battens diould be removed immediately and mustbe recycledortisposed o‘lproperly according to state or local government orthnarioes and regulations. 'The supplyterminals are notto be short-circuited. '9rdy batteries oithe same or equivdent type as remnvnended areto be used. -Batteries aretn be inserted with the correct polarity [see inside bootletfordiagram). -Donot dispose batteries in aire - batteries may leakoratplode. CARE AND MAINTENANCE °Always removethe batteriesfrom the wirelefiremote control when itisnotbeingusediorari extended period of time. 010 clean,geritly wipe the remote control and SKY RDERT" with a clean damp cloth. ' Keep front cirec't heat or sttnRght. ' Do not merge into water.Tltis can damage the unit beyorld repair. ' Parenti guidance recommended when iristaling orreplacing the batteries. FCC RF exposure statements This Traisnim must not be no , hmted oropemlino in coniundton will unit other antenna ortrrinsrn'rttor This eduonierit oornplies witl FCC RF litdlflllflll exposure liirts 5a toitti for an uncontrolled ormronrrieiit This equipment should be iiistnled iind operated with a niiniinirn dislumle 0120 ceinrrieters between the radiator and your body or neafI’IY persons It: Padlstmn Esture Statement This swipinem mnplles wiin IC rodlmmn exposure iiiriiis sorrorm tor an unmnlroled erwlrorlnenl ms equpmenr should be mstnled md operated with minimum dlstance 2mm bsiweemne raidlatorli your body Décbration d'sxvnsiion aux masters Cs. “omens... 95. moms u “mass “was" an momma; ic établles pour un snvlmnnsmsrlr nun controls CM Wulpemem don are [Stalls st uneg m: ... mm...“ a. m m. Meme am in 5mm a. mammal a. value cows 14
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