Attenti PC-840 Pull Cord Station User Manual Pull Cord V00x

3M Residential Monitoring, Inc. Pull Cord Station Pull Cord V00x

Users Manual

3M Resident Monitoring 7170 W. Donges Bay Road Toll Free: 800-606-0661
Mequon, WI 35092 Office: 414-358-8200
Fax: 414-358-8100
Copyright 2012 all rights reserved
This document contains information that is proprietary to Attenti Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any
form whatsoever without prior written approval by Attenti.
Pull Cord
3M Resident Monitoring Pull Cord User Manual
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1 Foreword............................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Pull Cord with RFID Device - State machine Drawing: ........................................................................... 4
1.2 Pull Cord with RFID Device - Indications: ............................................................................................... 5
1.3 Pull Cord without RFID Device (emulating PC 830) - State machine Drawing: ...................................... 6
1.4 Pull Cord without RFID Device (emulating PC 830) - Indications: .......................................................... 7
1.5 Activating the Pull Cord: .......................................................................................................................... 8
1.6 Activating a Panic Alert: .......................................................................................................................... 8
1.7 Deactivating a Panic Alert: ...................................................................................................................... 8
1.8 Deactivating the Pull Cord: ...................................................................................................................... 8
1.9 Cleaning Instructions ............................................................................................................................... 8
2 FCC Notices ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
3M Resident Monitoring Pull Cord User Manual
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The Pull Cord is a small wall-mounted device, to be installed at bedside and in the bathroom of nursing homes
and assisted living homes. Once pulled, the Pull Cord Device shall transmit panic messages once every 20
seconds until it is reset by a nurse using NTT device with RFID tag. The Pull cord shall include RFID reader
circuit to support handshake with the Nurse Tag Transmitter (NTT). When the staff members present/taps the
NTT on the pull cord, the Pull cord will detect the tag and will send NTT ID to the system. The first time that the
PC-GHWHFWVWKH177LWVKDOOVHQGD³Staff assistance enters´PHVVDJHWRWKHV\VWHP,IWKHVDPH177LV
detected a second time, the PC-VKDOOVHQGD³Staff assistance left´PHVVDJH to the system. In case the nurse
did not tap the NTT on leave, the PC-ZLOOVHQG³$XWR-OHIW´PHVVDJHDIWHUPLQThe PC-840 save up to 10
NTT ID, for each NTT the PC-VHQG³Staff assistance enters´DQG³Staff assistance left´PHVVDJHDQGKDYH
sepDUDWHWLPHUIRU³DXWR-OHIW´PHVVDJH Once pulled, the PC-840 shall close a Normally Open (N/O) output or
open a Normally Closed (N/C) output that will used to turn on/off a corridor indication light. While the Pull Cord is
ON, it shall transmit a status message, once every hour, to indicate that it is still functioning and to report its
power supply state. A button, on the PC-840, shall be used for perform resident wellness check-in, while an
The pull cord has three main variants:
1. With RFID reader- Pull Cord 840
2. Without RFID reader (emulating PC 830)
3. Without RFID with external power option (emulating PC 830)
3M Resident Monitoring Pull Cord User Manual
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1.1 Pull Cord with RFID Device - State machine Drawing:
3M Resident Monitoring Pull Cord User Manual
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1.2 Pull Cord with RFID Device - Indications:
LED Indication External
Battery Alarm Nurse present Swipe
Steady Green OK OK No « «
(flash every 2
Missing OK No « «
(flash every 10
'RQ¶W&DUH Low No « «
Steady Red OK OK Yes « «
(flash every 10
Missing 'RQ¶W&DUH Yes « «
(flash 3 times
'RQ¶W&DUH 'RQ¶WCare No « Yes
Red (flash 3
times fast)
'RQ¶W&DUH 'RQ¶W&DUH Yes « Yes
Green (slow
'RQ¶W&DUH 'RQ¶W&DUH No Yes «
Red (slow
'RQ¶W&DUH 'RQ¶W&DUH Yes Yes «
x Steady Green = OK
x Orange = Power Trouble
x Red = Alarm
x Fast flashing = Swipe confirmation
x Slow flashing = Nurse present
Activity Button and Nurse Presence LED Functionality
1) When switch pressed Once± Long Red LED blink (1 Second)
2) When switch pressed twice ± Logs Red LED blink (1 Second)
The buzzer shall beep shortly one-time when RFID reader successful read NTT RFID tag and send
³1XUVH3UHVHQFH´PHVVDJH. The buzzer shall beep shortly two time when read NTT RFID tag and send
3M Resident Monitoring Pull Cord User Manual
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1.3 Pull Cord without RFID Device (emulating PC 830) - State machine Drawing:
3M Resident Monitoring Pull Cord User Manual
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1.4 Pull Cord without RFID Device (emulating PC 830) - Indications:
AC Power Battery Alarm Code Blue LED Indication
Missing OK No No LED Off
OK OK Yes No Steady Red
Missing OK Yes No Flashing Red (every 20 sec.)
OK OK No Yes Steady Red
Missing OK No Yes Flashing Red (every 20 sec.)
OK OK Yes Yes Steady Red
Missing OK Yes Yes Flashing Red (every 20 sec.)
OK Low No No On startup 5 Red Flashes of 100 mSec
Missing Low No No On startup 5 Red Flashes of 100 mSec
OK Low Yes No Alarm Start with 5 Red Flashed of 100
mSec and then Steady Red
Missing Low Yes No 5 Red Flashes of 100 mSec (every 20
OK Low No Yes Alarm Start with 5 Red Flashed of 100
mSec and then Steady Red
Missing Low No Yes 5 Red Flashes of 100 mSec (every 20
OK Low Yes Yes Alarm Start with 5 Red Flashed of 100
mSec and then Steady Red
Missing Low Yes Yes 5 Red Flashes of 100 mSec (every 20
Activity Button and Nurse Presence LED Functionality
3) When switch pressed Once± Long Red LED blink (1 Second)
4) When switch pressed twice ± Logs Red LED blink (1 Second)
1) In Power operated Mode ± The Red LED will light constantly during alarm.
2) In Battery operated mode ± Same as 830 ± Battery consumption led blinking
3) Orange and Green Colors are not in use in this mode.
4) Alarm = Pull Cord or Push Cord or Zettler (or any combination)
5) Activity button LED work the same regardless the battery and power status
x Red = Alarm
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1.5 Activating the Pull Cord:
The Pull Cord have an on/off function, to enable battery life saving while not in use, and aviation safety while
being shipped.
The Pull Cord is turned off by the manufacturer before shipment and must be activated before use. To activate,
hold the Pull Cord insert the battery into the PCB.
Once the Pull Cord is working, it sends a status message every 60sec to the monitoring station. The monitoring
station then indicates the current battery status. This status message is sent until the Pull Cord is deactivated.
1.6 Activating a Panic Alert:
To move from an ACTIVE ± NO ALARM mode to an ACTIVE ± PANIC ALARM mode ± the user will have to
pull the PCD cord.
Once in panic alert mode, the Pull Cord sends a panic alert message to the monitoring station. This message is
sent until the panic alert is deactivated.
1.7 Deactivating a Panic Alert:
To move back from an ACTIVE ± PANIC ALARM mode to an ACTIVE ± NO ALARM mode (= Reset operation)
± the user will have to move the pulled down knob to its original upper position.
Even though the panic alert has been deactivated, the Pull Cord is still working. Therefore, the Pull Cord still
sends a status message to the monitoring station. This status message is sent until the Pull Cord is
1.8 Deactivating the Pull Cord:
Holding the Pull Cord and take off the Battery. The Pull Cord is now in deactivated mode (turned off).
1.9 Cleaning Instructions
A soft brush and any cleaning solution are all that is needed to clean the Pull Cord.
Alcohol based solutions; Soapy water or Lysol can be used to clean the Pull Cord.
3M Resident Monitoring Pull Cord User Manual
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This note is applicable to the American Pull Cord
The Pull Cord complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits of the Class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This device generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if installed and used in accordance with the instruction, may
cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this device does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment
off and on, the user is encouraged to correct the interference by one or more of the following
x Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
x Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
x Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the grantee of this device could void
For Customer Support contact:
3M Resident Monitoring.
Toll Free 1-800-606-0661
Fax +1-414-358-8100

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