Audio HXIR Hand Held Radio Microphone User Manual User Guide

Audio Limited Hand Held Radio Microphone User Guide

User Guide

1Operating InstructionsHXiR Hand Held Radio Microphone TransmitterThe HXiR is the latest innovative microprocessor controlled hand held transmitter fromAudio Limited.  The transmitter utilises inter-changeable, high quality condenser capsulesfrom the Schoeps ™ Colette range, Thereby allowing a variety of applications wherebroadcast quality audio is required.The transmitter incorporates a microphone suspension specially designed by Rycote ™,for Audio Limited, to minimize the handling noise.The HxiR can have up to 32 switchable frequencies over a 24MHz bandwidth.The transmitter antenna has been integrated into the design of the battery compartment toenhance the elegant appearance.  The TX is powered from a single “AA” type 1.5 Vbattery, allowing the transmitter to be used for up to two and a half hours continuouslyfrom a good quality alkaline battery.  A lithium “AA” type battery is available allowingseven hours continuous use.As with all previous products from Audio Limited, the transmitter has been designed forease of use, with all user settable functions being controlled by the unique SwitchiR.
2Microphone Windshield
3Microphone Capsule+Transmitter BodyON / Overload IndicatorMicrophone WindshieldIdentifierInfra-red PortON ButtonBattery Compartment CoverAABattery Compartment
4Microphone CapsuleIdentification RingTransmitter BodyInfra red PortOn ButtonOn/Overload IndicatorBattery CompartmentBattery Cover
51) Battery AccessThe HXiR uses a single AA 1.5V (LR6, MN1500) type alkaline batterywhich is universally available.Grip the battery compartment cover and slide it away from the body of theHXiR to expose the battery compartment.  Fit the AA battery with thePositive terminal uppermost and the negative terminal at the sprung end.Close the battery cover.Do not twist the cover.2) Switching the transmitter ONPress and hold the grey “ON” button found below the infra red port, for onesecond. A red LED will illuminate the translucent ring above the batterycompartment.There is no “OFF” switch on the transmitter preventing the transmitter from beingturned off accidentally.  The transmitter can only be turned off via the SwitchiR, orby disconnecting the battery.To turn the transmitter off via the SwitchiR [Subsequent or continuous pressingof the “ON” switch will not have any effect on the transmitter function]:  Press MENU followed by down arrow. Align the front of the SwitchiR with theiR port on the transmitter and press OK   OFF        TX3) Selecting the operating frequencyThe SwitchiR enables the user to check, and change the frequency settingof the transmitter being addressed.To check frequencyStep 1. Press MENU     - display shows    FREQUENCY   FrMHZAlign front of SwitchiR with infra red port of TXStep 2. Press OK           - displays the set frequency of TX / RXe.g.  857.950 MHZ           ( Pressing the OK button downloads the         32 frequencies from the unit into SwitchiR)
6To Change Frequencyi ) Follow Steps 1 & 2.ii ) Press OK - display will alternatively flash between     frequency and channel number  e.g. ''''857.95'''' ''''21'''' MHZ CHANNELiii ) Press  up/     to scroll through any of the 32 frequenciesdown arrows           pre-programmed into the receiver or    transmitter until desired frequency is displayed  iv ) Point the SwitchiR - directly at the infra red port of the transmitter.v ) Press OK - to change the frequency.  Display will show the new frequency  of the transmitter.4) Setting the Gain To Check gain setting:       AF LEVELi )  Press MENU followed - display will indicate:           AF     by the up arrow once TXAlign front of SwitchiR with infra red port of TXii)  Press OK                       - to view gain setting  AF LEVEL                       on transmitter, e.g.:            8 TXTo Change gain setting:i )  Follow the above steps 1 & 2ii ) Press OK - the display will flash the ''''AF LEVEL'''' iconiii) Press up / down arrows - to select any one of ten gain settings  once the desired gain setting is selected,     Align front of SwitchiR with infra red port of TXiv) Press OK - to set the new gain setting.Note:  Steps between gain settings are approximately 3 to 4 dB.The “ON” indicator has a dual function.The translucent ring above the battery compartment is normally illuminated while thetransmitter is switched on.  This red light will turn off indicating an overload if themicrophone experiences a loud signal.
7The gain control should be adjusted to suit the application.  Set the gain position such thatthe overload indicator remains illuminated during normal speech.The HxiR transmitter uses the same ultra low distortion, fast attack, fast decayoverload compressor as found in the  TX2020 pocket transmitter.  In normal use,the gain should be set so that this compressor does not operate. Should an overloadoccur then the red LED will flash momentarily and the gain switch should be setlower.  In the event that overloads occur, however, the only result will becompression rather than distortion.  This means that if an interview is disturbed byunexpected aircraft or vehicles passing for example, an otherwise useless recordingis rendered useable. The fast recovery of the compressor means that one does nothave the problems of feedback associated with automatic gain controls in hand heldradio microphone transmitters which are constantly varying their own gain.With the wide dynamic range of the system, however, it is always possible toset the gain control so that the compressor never operates. It is present only for theunexpected.5) Setting the Low Frequency Cut FilterThe LF cut filter gives approximately 10dB cut at 50Hz to reduce handling and wind n ToCheck status of low frequency filter:i )  Press MENUii ) Press Up arrow twice - display will indicate  LF Cut   TXAlign front of SwitchiR with infra red port of TXiv) Press OK  - to view the present status of the LF cut filter   e.g.:  OnTo Change the filter setting:i ) Follow the above stepsii )  Press OK - the display will flash ''''On''''iii ) Press  Up/down       arrows - to toggle between the On / Off settings.  Once desired setting is reached.Align front of SwitchiR with infra red port of TXiv ) Press OK - to set the new LF Cut status.6) Battery StatusThe battery status of the transmitter is checked via the SwitchiR
8Battery Level TransmitterTo Check status of battery in transmitter:i )  Press MENUii ) Press  Up arrow three times  - display will indicate   BAttTX RXAlign front of SwitchiR with infra red port of TX   iii )Press OK - display will show the battery status voltsThe transmitter battery status is also conveyed to the receiver.  When checkingThe battery status via the receiver, the SwitchiR  display will alternate between theReceiver voltage and the received transmitter battery status.The display will indicate:-HH – High / Good battery         TXLL – Low battery        TXFF – Fail / Replace battery        TXBattery life - 2.5 hours typical with a good alkaline battery / - 7 hours lithium battery.7) Infra red DisableFor live performances or situations requiring a higher degree of protection from anaccidental change of settings, the infra red port on the transmitter can be disabled.This action will prevent all communication to the transmitterThe only way to re-activate the infra red port is by disconnection of the battery, therebyperforming a hard reset.To disable the infra red port:i)  Press MENUii) Press Down arrow twice display will indicate ‘diSABLE “ Ir ? ‘
98) AntennaThe transmitter antenna is integrated into the battery compartment and therefore noexternal antenna is required.9) Microphone CapsuleThe HXiR transmitter utilises the high quality inter-changeable condenser capsules fromthe Schoeps ™ Colette range.  The HxiR is compatible with the full range of capsulesand accessories in the range.10) Fitting capsuleUnscrew the metal windscreen (1)  from the top of the transmitter.  Fit the appropriatecapsule taking care not to over tighten the capsule (2).  Replace the windscreen.Setting up the HXiR∙Fit the battery∙Press “on” switch till indicator illuminates∙Check transmitter frequency corresponds to that of the receiver.∙Set gain∙Set LF Cut if required∙Check that the receiver’s ‘No signal’ indicator is not illuminated.Holding the HXiRThe HXiR  should be held above the illuminated ‘on’ indicator ring (6).  This willEnable the maximum power radiation from the integrated antenna in the transmittercompartment (7).  Holding of the HXiR over the battery compartment (7) will impair therange of the transmitter, and should be avoided.Note: The HXiR transmitter will retain the last settings of frequency, gain, LF status even ifthe battery is removed from the transmitter. The information is stored in the non-volatileMemory of the HXiRThe capsule mounting has been specially designed by Rycote™, to minimize thehandling noise.The transmitter is supplied with six coloured identifying rings to aid recognition inmulti-channel use.The ring also prevents the transmitter from rolling when placed on a table or other suchsurface, due to the specially designed flat areas on the ring.Infra red DisableFor live performances or situations requiring a high degree of protection from an
10Accidental change of settings, the infra red port on the transmitter can be disabled.The only way to re-activate the infra red port is by disconnection of the battery therebyperforming a hard reset.

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